Tinywow Communicable-Diseases 48897647 12

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Communicable Diseases

o No diet restriction
 Dx Exam: Same as measles o Permanent immunity
 Med Mgt: Same as measles o Communicable: Until all the rashes dry
 Nrsg Care: Same as measles o Not Communicable: all rashes are dry; not
 Prevention: Same as measles necessarily fall or peel off
o Communicable during the entire course of the  Prevention:
disease – includes incubation period o Immunization:
o Permanent immunity  Varivax
o Fatal – Pregnancy during the 1st to 2nd trimester o 12 to 18 months
(acquired or exposure) o 0.5 mL/ SC
 Even exposure could cause defect o Deltoid
 If exposed, needs gammaglobulin within 72 o  13 y/o – single dose
hours o  13 y/o – 2 doses with 1 month interval
 Congenital defects o May have rash or fever
o Microcephaly o Same as measles
o Congenital Heart Defect o Proper disposal of nasopharyngeal secretions
o Congenital Cataract  Blindness o Covering of mouth and nose when coughing and
o Deafness and Mutism sneezing
 Dormant type/ Inactive type
4. CHICKEN POX  Cannot have herpes zoster without chicken pox first
 AKA Varicella  Adults
 CA: Varicella-zoster virus  AKA Shingles, Zona, Acute Posterior Ganglionitis –
o Nasopharyngeal secretions ganglion of the posterior nerve roots
o Secretions of rashes  CA: Varicella-zoster virus
 Can cause disease if the virus entered  MOT: Direct (droplet)
the nasopharynx  S/sx: Same as chicken pox
 MOT: Airborne o Vesiculo-pustular rashes
 S/sx:  Painful – up to 2 months
o Pre-eruptive Stage – 24 to 48 hours  Unilateral distribution – follows the nerve
 Presence of absence of low grade fever pathway
 Headache, body malaise, muscle pain o Vertical
 Appears in cluster
o Eruptive Stage  Dx Exam: Clinical observation
 Vesiculo-papular/ pustular rashes  Med Mgt: Symptomatic
o Macule  Papule  Vesicle   Nrsg Care: Supportive
Vesiculopapular o NO permanent immunity
o Common: Vesiculo-pustular  Prevention:
o Itchy – Pock Marks o Chicken pox and herpes zoster can appear
 Take a bath everyday simultaneously
o Generalized distribution
o Covered part of the body first –
trunk and scalp RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
o Abundantly found on the  Bacteria
covered parts o Diptheria
o Unifocular appearance – one at o Pertussis
a time and never fuses together o Pneumonia
o Different sizes o Tuberculosis
 Virus
o Post-eruptive Stage o Colds
 Rashes start to dry o Influenza
 Crusts (dry), falls off (peels off)
o DO NOT peel it off by yourself 1. DIPTHERIA
o Let it fall of by itself  Contagious disease
 Leave pock marks  All ages
 On the road to recovery  Generalized toxemia – causes systemic infection and
signs and symptoms
 Dx Exam: Clinical Observation  CA: Corynebacterium Diphteriae (Klebs-Loeffler
 Med Mgt: Symptomatic  MOT: Direct (droplet)
o Acyclovir (Zovirax)  S/sx:
o Antipruritic Agents o Irritating nasal discharge – sero-sanguinous; foul
 Temporary relief of itchiness mousy odor
o Permanent relief: take a bath daily o Sore throat
 Tepid water o Dysphagia
o Neck edema – bullneck appearance
 Nrsg Care: Supportive o Hoarseness of voice, aphonia
o Increase body resistance  Temporary, larynx is affected

University of Santo Tomas – College of Nursing / JSV

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