Anatomy Lecture 8 Quiz

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Anatomy Lec 8

1-What is the muscle that is responsible rising the eyebrows?

A- Occipito-frontalis
B- Orbicularis oculi
C- Orbicularis oris
D- Muscles of the orbit

2- Which of the following statements is FALSE about the muscles of masication?

A- Masseter elevates mandible
B- Temporalis elevates mandible
C- Medial pterygoid moves mandible from side to side
D- Lateral pterygoid protracts mandible

3- Which of the following is an example of the suprahyoid muscles?

A- Sternohyoid
B- Thyrohyoid
C- Mylohyoid
D- Omohyoid

4- What is the neck muscle that divides the side of neck into two triangles?
A- Sternocleidomastoid
B- Semispinalis capitis
C- Splenius capitis
D- Digastric
1- A
2- D
3- C
4- A
5- The muscle that laterally flex and rotate the vertebral column and it can be
found on T5 is:
A- External oblique
B- Internal oblique
C- Rectus abdominus
D- None of the above is correct

6- What is the action of external intercostal muscles?

A- They are prime movers of inspiration
B- They elevate the ribs during inspiration
C- They depress the ribs during expiration
D- They retract the ribs during expiration

7- What is the muscle that its action is flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of
the humerus?
A- Pectoralis major
B- Serratus anterior
C- Trapezius
D- Latissimus dorsi

8- Which part of the trapezius adduct scapula?

A- Superior fibres
B- Middle fibres
C- Inferior fibres
D- None of the above

5- D
6- B
7- A
8- B
9- Which of the following muscles can flex the arm and forearm?
A- Coracobrachialis
B- Biceps brachii
C- Brachialis
D- Triceps brachii

10- What if the action of lumbricals?

A- Flex metacarpophalangeal joints
B- Extend interphalangeal joints
C- Adduct the fingers
D- A and B are correct

11- What is the muscle that flexes the thigh and trunk?
A- Gluteus maximus muscle
B- Gluteus medius muscle
C- Gluteus minimus muscle
D- Psoas major

12- Which of the following thigh compartments adducts the thigh?

A- Medial compartment
B- Anterior compartment
C- Posterior compartment
D- B and C are correct

9- B
10- D
11- D
12- A
13- W hich of the following muscles is NOT located in the anterior compartment of
the leg?
A- Extensor hallucis longus
B- Extensor digitorum longus
C- Fibularis tertius
D- Fibularis longus

14- Which of the following muscles is responsible for unhappy expression?

A- Zygomaticus
B- Depressor anguli oris
C- orbicularis oris
D- masseter

15- If someone wants to move his eyeballs to look left, what are the muscles
involved in moving each eye right and left respectively
A- lateral rectus-medial rectus
B- lateral rectus-lateral rectus
C- medial rectus-medial rectus
D- medial rectus-lateral rectus

16- Muscles of facial expression are supplied by the

A- cranial nerve VII
B- cranial nerve VI
C- cranial nerve V
D- cranial nerve IV

13- D
14- B
15- D
16- A
17- Which of he follo ing i called he bo er m cle
A- pectoralis major
B- serratus anterior
C- serratos posterior
D- pectoralis minor

18- Which of the following is the nerve that supplies the serratus anterior
A- long thoracic nerve
B- accessory nerve
C- pectoral nerves
D- intercostal nerves

19- In lower limbs, which of the following is true ?

A- [thigh], has anterior, posterior, and medial compartments while, [leg] has
anterior, posterior and lateral compartments.
B- [thigh], has anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments while, [leg] has
anterior, posterior and medial compartments.
C- [thigh], has anterior, lateral, and medial compartments while, [leg] has anterior,
medial and lateral compartments.
D- none of the above

20- What are the prime supination muscles?

A- Pronator quadratus and pronator teres
B- supinator quadratus and biceps brachii
C- supinator and triceps brachii
D- supinator and biceps brachii

17- B
18- A
19- A
20- D
21- Which of the following is the innervation of rectus abdominis?
A- lower six thoracic spine
B- upper seven thoracic spine
C- lower eight thoracic spine
D- none of the above

22- Which of the following is the nerve supply for serratus anterior which is a
muscle that connects the upper limb to the thoracic wall?
A- pectoralis major
B- long thoracic nerve
C- thoracodorsal nerve
D- accessory nerve

23- Which of the following muscles flex the trunk on the hip joint as in sitting up
from the supine position?
A- gluteus maximus muscle
B- gluteus medius muscle
C- psoas major
D- extensor halicus longus

24- It is prime mover of fingers extension:

A- extensor digitorum
B- extensor halicus longus
C- extensor pollicus brevis
D- flexor ulnaris longus
21- D
22- B
23- C
24- A

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