19F 21 SDS
19F 21 SDS
19F 21 SDS
Razwan Ali
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1.0 Introduction of Design Document 3
2.0 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 3
3.0 Sequence Diagrams 4
4.0 Architecture Design Diagram 6
5.0 Class Diagram 7
6.0 Activity Diagram
7.0 Test Cases 8
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1.0 Introduction of Design Document
This document provides entity relationship diagram, sequence of the application (sequence
diagram), class diagram, architecture design and database design for our system. In essence, this
document provides a visual depiction of the system design as it is being created. This document
is intended to help the development team understand.
Figure 1: This figure shows entity relationship between entities of the system. Users have to
register in order to get access to the application. All the User data will be stored on the database.
Appointments can be booked of three types. Payment can also be made via jazz cash or e-wallet
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3.0 Sequence Diagrams
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Figure Sequence Diagram of Users
Figure 2: This figure shows communication and flow of the system. According to the diagram
above, the user will have to create the account according to its type. Patients then will be able to
book search doctors by different attributes and then book appointments. The doctor then chooses
to accept or decline the booking. If the payment done by the patient is successful then reserve the
doctor slot and send notification to the patient and make a call. Else the patient can cancel the
appointment before the reserved time. Patients can also ask for the chat permission from the
doctor. Both doctor and patients will be able to see their activities through the history section of
the application.
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4.0 Architecture Design Diagram
Figure 4: This is a 3 tier architecture. Both patient and doctor can access mobile app though
logging in . The mobile app will be connected to the database which will allow it to keep records
and history of patients which the doctors can see.
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5.0 Class Diagram
Figure 5: This figure shows the classes of the system. All the classes that will be used in the
system are shown in figure. There will be two super classes. Some of the classes will extend
them. The relationship between them is also mentioned clearly.
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6.0 Activity Diagram
Figure 6: This figure shows the flow of activities in the system. This is exactly how the
application will work when a user interacts with it.
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7.0 Test Cases
4 Show clinic location User will click on the The application will
button to get to see the open the google maps
directions of the clinic. and give directions.
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