Training and Development - Reviewer

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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT thinking or feeling and find new pattern useful and

REVIEWER integrates it into the collections of behaviors. When

behavior has been learned, it can be considered
Organization Learning and Organizational already as skill.
Understanding Learning And Organizational
• Understand the nature of learning and
organizational learning. 1. Verbal information - facts, knowledge,
principles of information; known also as declarative
• Recognize the preconditions for learning for both knowledge.
trainers and trainees.
2. Intellectual skill - concepts, rules and
• Determine the issues that must addressed to best procedures that govern may activities in people's
arrange the training environment. daily lives like driving a car or shopping in the
supermarket; known also as procedural knowledge.
• Distinguish the factors that influence motivation to
learn. 3. Cognitive skills - application I information and
techniques and understanding how and when to
• Correlate the social learning theory to training. use knowledge and information.

• Value the important implications for training of the 4. Motor skills - synchronization and carrying out
Adult learning theory. the physical movements that entail the use of
muscles like learning how to swim.
A learning organization is not just a management
fad. It signifies a strategic move and orientation on 5. Attitudes preferences and internal states - link
how organizations learn that can make organization with one's belief and feelings; attitudes are learned
competitive and effective. In order to survive and and can be changed; they are regard as the most
develop, organizations must have the capacity to complicated to win over through training.
learn and change, willfully, constantly and speedily.
Understanding Learning And Organizational
An organization's knowledge is a basis of Learning
competitive and advantage. The talent to learn
faster than competitors is a source of sustainable Organizational learning is the process of creating,
competitive advantage. Therefore organizations sharing, diffusing, and applying knowledge.
must transform themselves into learning Organizational learning however is not limited to
organization. the sum of individual learning, or to the training
system that enables employees to learn and apply
Understanding Learning And Organizational the learning in their performance. The focus of
Learning organizational learning is on the systems that used
to create and distribute new knowledge on a
Learning is a process of obtaining knowledge and organization wide basis. Therefore, it is a dynamic
skills that engage in ones change behavior. It is the process of creating and sharing knowledge.
outcomes of experiences that allow an individual to
show newly obtain behaviors. It happens when a
person experiences a new manner of acting,
Learning Cycle trainees, trainers should emphasize the important
intrinsic and extrinsic benefits of the participating in
1. Identification of Learning Needs - The process the program. Trainers too can acquire more support
by which organizations and individual of other through soliciting their opinion on the
systematically investigate current and future substance of training, the location and the times.
learning requirements in relation to the operating
environment. The Conditions of the Learning Environment

2. Learning Design - the development of the • Whole vs. part learning - trainees must learn
intervention (training, job relation, etc.) to address each part separately from the simplest to the most
the identified learning needs. difficult but they must be shown the whole
performance so that they know their final goal is.
3. Delivery of Learning Program - The
implementation of the learning intervention at • Massed vs. spaced practice - spaced practice
individual, group or organizational levels. (practicing the new behavior and taking rest periods
in between)is more effective than massed practice
4. Learning Evaluation - Without evaluation (practicing new behavior without reaks)especially
organizations would not know if the investment in for motor skill, spaced practice is also more
learning had has the desired results. productive for long-term retention and for transfer of
learning to work setting than massed practice.
• Overlearning - overlearning is practicing far
Prior to placement on any training programs beyond the point of performing the task
learners must be ready to learn. Trainees must be successfully which is vital in both acquisition and
trainable, that is they have the ability to learn and transfer of knowledge and skills; however it
are motivated to learn. To have the ability to learn increase retention, makes the behavior more
trainees must acquire the knowledge and skills automatic and helps trainees what they have
prerequisite to mastering the materials. A way to learned back to the job setting; overlearning is
assess motivation to learn is into inspects involved important for driving or flying skills so that in time of
trainees are in their own jobs and career planning. crisis the individual can remember quickly what
actions should be taken.
It is assumed that highly involved individuals will
have higher motivation to learn. Trainees must The Conditions of the Learning Environment
know beforehand the value of the training program
they will participate in to guarantee of new behavior • Goal setting - this can aid employees improve
and use them on their jobs. The benefits from the their performance by directing their attention to a
training must also be articulated in advance to particular behavior that require to be changed;
trainees. Incentives could strengthen their specific and challenging goals challenge individuals
motivation to learn the behavior, practice them and to reach higher levels of performance.
remember them.
• Knowledge of results - in order for trainees to
PRECONDITIONS OF LEARNING improve their performance, they need timely and
specific knowledge of results (feedback) which
Trainees, on the other hand, must endeavor to get serves both informational and motivational
the support of trainees and supervisors before purposes.
actually implementing the program specifically in
sensitive topics of diversity, gender and race • Attention - training programs and materials must
discrimination. In order to gain the support of be designed by trainers to make certain that
trainers will focus their attention to them; to seek 4. comprehending working environment
attention training environment must be comfortable characteristic
to trainees with good temperature, lighting, seats,
plenty of rooms, snacks)and free from distractions 5. ensuring employees' basic skill levels
(phone calls, interactions from colleagues); it will
difficult for trainees to learn if the environment is not IV. Social Learning Theory And Training
comfortable even if the trainees are highly
motivated; trainers can also translate learning Albert Bandura and his associates developed the
objectives into related job issues to catch more social learning theory, a model of learning. One of
attention trainees. the theory's very essential contributions to the
science of learning is revealing that earning could
The Conditions of the Learning Environment happen exclusive of any obvious behavior by the
learner. That is, the learner does not have to do
• Retention - the retention ability is relevant to the anything but observe what I going on around him.
effectiveness of the training program; if materials No behavior pattern to produce and no
presented is easy to understand and remember reinforcement given.
there will be more retention on the part of the
trainees; methods to ensure retention includes: V. Adult Learning Theory

 presenting the overall picture of what is to Throughout their lives people experience different
be learned Pusing examples, concepts and learning environment. As toddler learning consist of
terms familiar to trainees what, when, and how to learn. In the future this
learning is expected to be utilized. However, the
 organize materials from simple to difficult problem is the appropriateness of educating and
training adults which differ in a lot of ways
 periodically make recall through tests compared to that of children.
 Ensuring Employees Motivation For
Learning Dissimilarities between a child and an adult in
terms of learning paved the way to the
Motivation to learn is the aspiration to learn the development of andragogy. Coined by Malcolm
content of the training program. The desires consist Knowles andragogy is an adult-oriented approach
of having the vigor to learn, directing the vigor to learning that considers the differences between
toward learning and exerting effort to learn even adult and child learners. Andragogy engages in
when challenged with difficulties. Several factors making the learning experiences of adults who are
influence motivation to learn which places pressure self-directed and problem- centered and considers
on the mastery of all types training content like the learner's existing knowledge and experiences.
knowledge, behavior and skill. On the contrary, pedagogy refers to the traditional
Managers need certain that employees' motivation approach of learning used to educate children and
to learn is always at peak. They can do this by: youth.

1. making sure employees' self-efficiency Adult Learning Theory

2. considering the benefits of training 1. Adults need to know rationale for training.

3. being aware of training needs, career interests 2. Adults must have some contributions into the
and goals planning and instruction of training programs.
3. Adults should participate in the needs analysis
and have contributions like training content and

4. The designers of the training programs must

reflect on needs and interest of the trainees.

5. The training content must be meaningful and

useful to trainers' work-related needs

and problems.

6. Trainers must be conscious of trainees'

experiences and utilize them as examples.

7. Adults can learn independently and may desire

to do so.

8. Adults are motivated by both intrinsic and

extrinsic rewards.

9. Adults must be given safe practice opportunities.

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