RMA Grade-1 Teacher S-Booklet 17-June-2023

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Dear teacher,

In any assessment, it is important that you have read the general instructions and have
studied the assessment tasks carefully before you administer them.

This Rapid Mathematics Assessment toolkit consists of the following:

• Teacher’s Booklet
This is your guide in administering the assessment. It consists of the tasks, the time
allotted for each task, the answers, and the instructions that you will give to the
learner. You will also see some icons which are described below.
• Assessment Materials
It contains the materials needed in performing the tasks. These materials may be
reproduced as needed and pasted on cardboard for facility of use.
• Learner’s Score Sheet
This is where you indicate the score of the learner for each item. You will also see a
column for Remarks where you write incorrect answers, strategy used, and other
important information regarding the learner’s responses.

Tells you to read orally to the learner

Instructions for you to do before and during the assessment

Allotted time for each task

Allotted time for each subtask

Be sure that you have the complete kit before starting the assessment.
General Instructions

Remember to establish a relaxed rapport and comfortable environment with the learner. You
may start some simple conversations about topics that you think may interest him/her. You
have about one to two minutes to do this. It will be good that the learner perceives this
assessment as something like a game or an activity to be enjoyed rather than as a test that
learners dread.

Tell the learner the following:

This is NOT a test and your score will not affect your grade in mathematics. You will
give your answers orally to all the tasks. You need to do each task within a given
time. I will use a timer to know when the time is up.

When the child is ready, start the assessment.

Task A: Number Identification and Discrimination 19 points 90 seconds

Make sure you have the following materials prepared. These 30 seconds
number cards are found on page 1 of the Assessment Materials.
8 4
10 1 9

3 5 12
Place the number cards face down on the table and in random order. Answers: A1a-
A1h. In any order:
Here are eight cards. A number is written on each card. One, three, four,
1. You will select one card at a time. Read the number written on it. five, eight, nine, ten,
After reading the number, place the card face up on the table. twelve

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Choose the card with the number 9. Show it to the learner. 30 seconds

2. This is the number 9. I will ask some questions about it. Answers:
a) Which among these numbers are greater than 9? A2a1-A2a2. 10, 12
b) Which among these numbers are less than 9? A2b1-A2b5. 1, 3, 4,
5, 8
c) Which among these number is one more than 9? A2c.10
d) Which among these number is one less than 9? A2d. 8
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Put the number 9 card back on the table. 20 seconds

3. Arrange all the numbers from least to greatest. Answer:

A3. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,
10, 12
Scoring Guide

1 correct response
0 incorrect or no response

Make sure that the numbers are arranged correctly. If not, re- 10 seconds
arrange the numbers. Answer:
A4. 8
4. Look at the arrangement. Tell the 5th number from the left.

Scoring Guide

1 correct response
0 incorrect or no response

Task B: Fractions 4 points 60 seconds

Make sure you have the materials prepared for this task. These
materials are found on page 2 of the Assessment Materials.

Show the learner the B1 triangular cutout. Cut it into two equal

1. Here is a triangular cutout. I will cut this into two equal


Get one part of the cutout and show it to the learner.

a) What do you call each part of the whole? 5 seconds Answer:
B1a. One-half

b) How many one-halves form a whole? 5 seconds Answer:

Scoring Guide B1b. Two
1 for each correct response
0 incorrect or no response
Get the rectangular cutout found on page 2 of the Assessment 30 seconds
Materials. Show it to the learner.

2. This is one-half of a whole.

Place these cutouts, found on page 2 of the Assessment Materials,

on top of the table.

From these cutouts, pick all possible whole from which this one-half B2.
may have come from.

Scoring Guide

1 correct response
0 incorrect or no response
Show the learner the following picture found on page 3 of the 20 seconds
Assessment Materials.

3. Each plate must contain one-fourth of the number of breads in the
B3. 6
pack. Two breads have been placed on one of the plates. Tell me
the number of breads left in the pack.

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Task C: Addition 9 points 100 seconds
This task makes use of popsicle sticks. It would be better if you can 15 seconds
secure sufficient number of popsicle sticks. If not, you can cut the
drawings of popsicle sticks provided on page 4 of the Assessment

Put four and three popsicle sticks in front of the learner. Point to
the three popsicle sticks first. Then, to the four popsicle sticks.

1. Look at the two sets of popsicle sticks. Answers:

a) How many popsicle sticks are in this set? C1a. 3
b) How many popsicle sticks are in the other set? C1b. 4
c) How many popsicle sticks will there be if all the popsicle sticks C1c. 7
are put together?

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Put 15 and 16 popsicle sticks in front of the leaner, with ten sticks 40 seconds
bundled. Point to the 15 popsicle sticks first. Then, to the 16 sticks.

2. Here are two sets of popsicle sticks with some sticks bundled.
Each bundle has 10 sticks.
C2a. 15
a) How many popsicle sticks are in the first set?
C2b. 16
b) How many popsicle sticks are in the other set?
C2c. 31
c) How many popsicle sticks will there be if all the popsicle sticks
are put together?
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response

The number cards to be used for this task can be found on page 5 of 45 seconds
the Assessment Materials. Show the learner one card at a time
following the given sequence. Provide the learner with a pencil and a sheet
of paper where she can do the computation.
3. Answer the following.
C3a. 11
C3b. 36
8+3 15 + 21 36 + 18
C3c. 54
(a) (b) (c)

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Task D: Subtraction 6 points 80 seconds
For items X and Y, you will show to the learner a number of counters 40 seconds
indicated in the table below.

1. Item Number of Number of Counters to be

Counters Covered
X 5 counters 3 counters
Y 15 counters 7 counters Answers:
a. How
D1a. 5
many counters are there?

Cover the number of counters indicated in the table for item X. D1b. 3

D1c. 15
b. How many counters are covered? D1d. 7
Repeat the process for item
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
The subtraction number cards to be used for this task can be found 40 seconds
on page 6 of the Assessment Materials. Show each subtraction
number cards to the learner.

2. Answer the following.

a. 9 – 2 = _____
D2a. 7
b. 47 – 8 = _____
D2b. 39
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
3. I will group the cutouts this time. Then, I will ask you some 10 seconds
questions about it.
Group the cutouts according to color.

a. How did I group the cutouts?

Show again the right triangle cutout to the learner. E3a. According to
b. I have this cutout. In which group should I place it?

E3b. Set of white or

Scoring Guide unshaded shapes

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response

Task F: Missing Shapes in Patterns 4 points 120 seconds

Make sure you have the materials for this task prepared. These are 60 seconds
found on page 12 of the Assessment Materials.

Show the first arrangement of shapes.

Here is an arrangement of shapes. Study how the shapes are


Give the learner 30 seconds to study it. Be sure that the cutouts of
the four basic shapes are on the table.

1. What shape should be placed in each blank? Choose from the Answers:
shapes on the table and place them on the blanks. F1a. 1st blank:

F1b. 2nd
Scoring Guide blank:
1 for each correct response
0 incorrect or no response

60 seconds

Show the second arrangement of shapes.

Here is another arrangement of shapes. Study how the shapes are

Give the learner
30 secondsto study it.
F2a. 1st blank:
2. What shape should be placed in each blank? Choose from the
shapes on the table and place them on the blanks.
F2b. 2nd
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Task G: Time Measurement 6 points 60 seconds
The answers for Task G1 will depend on the day the assessment is 10 seconds

What day is it today? (Note: response is not to be scored).

1. Today is ____(e.g. Monday). Answers: (e.g. if the

a) What will be the day tomorrow? day is Monday):
b) What was the day yesterday? G1a. Tuesday
G1b. Sunday
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Show the learner the December 2023 calendar. Refer to the 30 seconds
December calendar provided on page 14 of the Assessment

2. Do you know when Christmas Day is? (Note: response is not to

be scored). Christmas Day is on December 25. This is the calendar for
December 2023.
a) Point to December 25 on the calendar. G2a. Points to 25 on
the calendar
G2b. Monday
b) What day will December 25, 2023 fall?

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response

Show the drawing of the clock one at a time. Refer to the drawing of 20 seconds
the clocks on page 13 of the Assessment Materials. Answers:
G3a. 5:00
3. Read the time
G3b. 4:30
shown on the face of
the clock.

(a) (b)

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
Task H: Linear Measurement 3 points 30 seconds
Make sure you have two sticks (other objects may be used like 5 seconds
strips of paper, walis tingting, or rod), one measures 3 popsicle
sticks long and the other 5 popsicle sticks long. Several popsicle
sticks to be used as non-standard unit for measuring lengths should
also be available. If not, cutouts used in Task C (Addition) may be

Here are two sticks.

Place the two sticks, not aligned, in front of the learner.
1. Which of the two sticks is longer? Answers:
H1. stick with length
Scoring Guide of 5 popsicle sticks

1 for the correct response

0 incorrect or no response

2. Use the popsicle sticks to measure the length of each stick. 25 seconds
a) What is the length of the longer stick?
H2a. 5 or 5 popsicle
b) What is the length of the shorter stick?
H2b. 3 or 3 popsicle
Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response

Task I: Mass Measurement 5 points 60 seconds

Provide the learner with a plastic ball and a stone. Make sure that 15 seconds
the plastic ball is bigger but lighter than the stone. Answer:
I1. stone
1. Which is heavier,
the ball or the

plastic ball Stone

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response

10 seconds

Show the picture found on pages 15 of the Assessment Materials to

the learner.

2. A mango and a guava are placed on a balance as shown in the Answer:

picture. Which is lighter, the mango or the guava? I2. guava
Show the picture to the learner found on page 16. Give the 25 seconds
learner 10 seconds to study the picture.

3. Bag A and Bag B are weighed using cubes of the same size
and weight.

a. What is the weight of Bag A using the cubes as the unit of Answers:
I3a. 7 or 7 cubes
b. What is the weight of Bag B using the cubes as the unit of
c. Which bag is heavier, Bag A or Bag B? I3b. 6 or 6 cubes

I3c. Bag A

Scoring Guide

1 for each correct response

0 incorrect or no response
UP NISMED Writing Team
Grade 1 RMA Tool Kit

Edna G. Callanta
Aldrin O. Nazareno
Dana M. Ong
Aida I. Yap

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