Chronic Motor Axonal Neuropathy
Chronic Motor Axonal Neuropathy
Chronic Motor Axonal Neuropathy
Chronic motor axonal neuropathy
Nilo Riva1 , Francesca Gallia2 , Sandro Iannaccone3 , Massimo Corbo4 , Fabrizia Terenghi2 ,
Alberto Lazzerini5 , Federica Cerri1 , Giancarlo Comi1,6 , Angelo Quattrini1 ,
and Eduardo Nobile-Orazio2
1 Departmentof Neurology, INSPE and Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy; 2 2nd
Neurology, Department of Translational Medicine, Milan University IRCCS Humanitas Clinical Institute, Milan, Italy;
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, San Raffaele Turro Hospital, Milan, Italy; 4 NEuroMuscular Omnicentre (NEMO),
Niguarda Ca Granda Hospital, Milan, Italy; 5 Hand Surgery and Microsurgery Unit, IRCCS Humanitas Clinical Institute, Milan,
Italy; and 6 Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele Milan, Italy
Key words: acute motor axonal neuropathy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anti-GM1
antibodies, lower motor neuron disease, neuropathology, nerve biopsy, peripheral
courses of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (2 g/kg unit potentials in all limb muscles tested but not in
body weight) had been administered, with subjective, paraspinal muscles and tongue.
partial benefit after the first course. However, weak- Motor biopsy of the obturator nerve was per-
ness progressed. Examination showed widespread formed, as described, after informed consent (Sup-
asymmetric muscular atrophy and weakness in the porting Information) (Corbo et al., 1997). Semithin
upper limbs, predominantly affecting shoulder and plastic sections showed moderate reduction of the
hand muscles and mild muscular atrophy and weak- myelinated fibers (fiber density: 4400/mm2 ), axonal
ness distally in the lower limbs. The patient was unable degeneration and endoneurial edema (Figs. 1A and
to walk on his heels and toes. Tendon reflexes were 1B). A moderate number of clusters of small myeli-
reduced or absent. There were no upper motor neuron nated fibers, indicating axonal regeneration (Figs. 1B
signs or fasciculations. Sensation and cranial nerves and 1C), was observed (cluster density: 28.3/mm2 ).
were normal. Routine laboratory investigations were Isolated thinly myelinated fibers (Figs. 1B and 1C)
unremarkable. High titers of IgM anti-GM1 antibodies and onion-bulb formations, suggesting recurrent de-
(1:5120) were detected (normal <1:640). CSF showed and re-myelination, were identified and subsequently
pleocytosis (9 cells/mm2 ) and a mild protein increase confirmed by electron microscope analysis (Fig. 1D).
(69.9 mg/dl). Spine MRI showed widespread enhance- The g -ratio was 0.65. Electron microscopy showed
ment of anterior leptomeninges and anterior roots up macrophages located in the periaxonal space, between
to the intervertebral foramina and spinal nerves, with- the adaxonal Schwann cell plasmalemma and the axon,
out volumetric increase. A full-body CT scan showed often appearing with a condensed axolemma (Figs. 1E
normal results. and 1F), consistent with a neuropathological diagnosis
Electroneurography was consistent with an axonal of definite MN (Riva et al., 2011).
motor neuropathy/neuronopathy, with slightly asym- Immunocytochemistry showed macrophage in-
metric reduction of compound motor action potential flammatory infiltrates (CD68+), predominantly in strict
(CMAP) amplitudes without conduction blocks or signs contact with axonal fibers (Fig. 1G). Some nerve fibers
of demyelination/temporal dispersion. Sensory con- were positive for immunofluorescence staining for
ductions were normal (Table 1). Electromyography the complement activation product C3i (Figs. 1H–1K)
revealed active denervation and neurogenic motor and for human-IgM, more prominently at nodes
of Ranvier (Figs. 1L–1N); control nerves from ALS
Table 1. Motor nerve conduction studies. patients resulted negative for the same reactions
Latency (data not shown). Indirect immunofluorescence on
Amplitude (ms)∗ or rat sciatic nerve sections with the patient’s serum
Stimulation Recording (mV) CV (m/s) showed immunostaining located at nodes of Ranvier,
Nerve site site (R/L) (R/L) as demonstrated by co-localization with contactin-
associated protein (Caspr), a paranodal marker
Median Wrist ADM 0.78/1.1 6.2/6.7 (Figs. 2A–2E) (Peles et al., 1997).
Elbow 0.59/1.1 51.9/52.0
A 3-day course of intravenous methylprednisolone
Axilla 0.32 47.2
ERB 0.23 44.1 (1 g/d) was interrupted because of worsening of
Ulnar Wrist APB 1.8/2.9 4.3/3.7 weakness. Four monthly additional courses of intra-
Below EL 1.3/2.4 52.4/54.5 venous immunoglobulin therapy were administered
Above EL 1.1 46.1 with only a minimal, subjective transitory response, fol-
Axilla 0.9 46.2 lowed by further disease progression to severe tetra-
Radial Forearm EIP 3.2 3.3
paresis. Nine months after onset, plasma-exchange
Below SG 2.8 50.2
Above SG 2.5 49.1 was tried, without any benefits. Cyclophosphamide
Musculo- Axilla BB 8.6 3.2 (100 mg/m2 monthly) was started, but progression
cutaneous ERB 7.3 52 continued. Repeated neurophysiologic examination
Tibial Ankle AH 3.3/1.5 5.6/7.1 confirmed preserved normal sensory conductions and
PF 1.9/0.85 45.2/53.8 widespread muscle denervation, including paraspinal
Peroneal Ankle EDB 1.3/1.6 10.3/5.9 muscles. Respiratory failure developed 10 months
Below FH 1.2/1.6 44.0/42.5
after onset. The patients died 15 months after onset.
Above FH 1.2/1.4 50.0/42.0
Riva et al. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16:341–346 (2011)
Figure 1. Motor nerve biopsy findings. (A–C) Transverse semithin sections: focal reduction of myelinated nerve fibers and
endoneurial edema (A*); clusters of small myelinated fibers (arrows, B and C) indicating axonal regeneration and thinly
myelinated nerve fibers (arrowheads, B and C), indicating re-myelination. (D–F) Electron microscopy analysis showing onion-
bulb formation (D, ax = axon) and macrophages (mf, E and F) into the periaxonal space (E, ax = axon). Immunohistochemistry
studies on transverse (G–K) and longitudinal (L–N) motor nerve biopsy sections: (G) paraffin section immunostained with the
macrophage marker CD68 showing a positive cell in the axon of a large motor nerve fiber (arrow); (H–K) Immunohistochemistry
using anti-C3i (H–K green, to recognize complement activation), anti-NF antibody (K, red, to recognize axons), anti-IgM antibody
(L, green) to detect human auto-antibodies. Motor nerve fibers are positive for C3i (H and I, arrow) but some large fibers had
no detectable staining (I); higher magnification (J) shows signal co-localization (arrow) within the myelin sheath of a large fiber
(arrowhead). C3i signal (K, green, arrow) is in contact with the axon (K, red, arrowhead), suggesting complement activation
at the node of Ranvier. In longitudinal sections, positive staining for anti-human IgM (L, green, arrow) localized on large
myelinated fibers (M, arrow) and IgM localized at the node (N, arrow). Bars: (A) 70 mm; (B) 25 mm; (C, G–H, L and M) 10 mm;
(D and E, J and K, N) 5 mm; (F) 2 mm.
Riva et al. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16:341–346 (2011)
Figure 2. Double labeling of longitudinal sections of rat nerve with patient’s serum (anti-IgM, green) and anti-Caspr (red),
which identifies paranodal domains in longitudinal section. IgM binds the nodal gap (arrow, A) and is distributed along the outer
surface of paranodal myelin; Caspr is seen in the paranodes (arrowhead, B). Merge (in D–E) confirms the IgM localization at
the node of Ranvier (arrows). Bars: (A–D) 3 mm; (E) 1 mm.
led to a diagnosis of immune-mediated MN. The MMN or MAMA, unlike our patient, typically presents
patient, however, did not respond to intravenous with a relatively indolent disease progression (Nobile-
immunoglobulin therapy, which is typically effective Orazio et al., 2005; Cats et al., 2010). The alternative
in MMN (van Schaik et al., 2010), but also in some diagnosis of lower MND was therefore considered.
patients with a similar clinical presentation associated Anti-IgM antibodies are not only important for the
with pure axonal electrophysiological findings, referred diagnosis of MMN, but are also believed to play a rel-
to as multifocal acquired motor axonopathy (MAMA) evant role in the disease pathogenesis (Nobile-Orazio
(Katz et al., 2002; Delmont et al., 2006). Moreover, et al., 2002; Taylor and Willison, 2005). The pathologic
Riva et al. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 16:341–346 (2011)
basis of MMN is not fully characterized, therefore The association between lower MND and anti-
a direct comparison with the present case is not GM1 IgM antibodies is well known, but the patho-
possible. Previous pathological reports of two single genetic role of this finding is poorly understood
cases have shown segmental demyelination and re- (Sanders et al., 1993; Tan et al., 1994; Van den Berg
myelination of motor axons (Auer et al., 1989; Kaji et al., 1997). In this case, the morphologic character-
et al., 1993). A subsequent study, performed in more istics of motor nerve biopsy were consistent with a
chronic MMN cases, showed focal reduction of myeli- diagnosis of chronic motor axonal neuropathy, prob-
nated nerve fibers, involving primarily large fibers, ably immune-mediated. The alternative diagnosis of
signs of re-myelination and axonal regeneration (Tay- MND is not completely excluded, as autopsy was
lor et al., 2004). Similar findings were observed in our not performed. This hypothesis would imply a promi-
patient’s motor biopsy, supporting a diagnosis of MN, nent involvement of the inflammatory response in
predominant axonal. The density of clusters of small MND pathogenesis, or at least in a subgroup of MND
myelinated fibers, indicating axonal regeneration after patients, which, if recently conjectured, has however
axonal injury (28.3/mm2 ) was at the lower half of the not yet been clearly demonstrated (Lincecum et al.,
MN range (a value >22.4/mm2 supports a diagnosis of 2010; Devigili et al., 2011).
MN), which was consistent with the poor prognosis of Our patient only marginally and transiently
the patient (Riva et al., 2011). Therefore our patient’s responded to intravenous immunoglobulin but not
neuropathy could also be interpreted as previously not to cyclophosphamide while steroids were associated
with clinical worsening, as reported in MMN patients
identified extreme within the spectrum of MMN. How-
(Van Asseldonk et al., 2005). In spite of that, this form
ever, in the present case, nerve conduction studies
of neuropathy could theoretically explain at least part of
could not demonstrate conduction blocks, while elec-
the patients presenting with the unusual association
tron microscopy studies demonstrated macrophages
between lower MND and anti-GM1 IgM antibodies.
located within the periaxonal space, between the adax-
This case supports the need for a better clinical and
onal Schwann cell plasmalemma and a condensed-
pathological distinction between lower MND and MN
appearing axon. These pathological features resemble
in order to identify patients that might respond to more
the pattern described for acute motor axonal neu- effective and earlier instituted therapies.
ropathy (AMAN), the axonal variant of Guillain-Barré
syndrome (McKhann et al., 1993; Griffin et al., 1995).
Such distribution has never been observed in ALS Acknowledgements
motor nerves, in which, instead, some macrophages
can be detected in the endoneurial space, similar to the The authors thank E. Peles (Weizman Institute,
physiological response following Wallerian degenera- Rehovot, Israel) for anti-Caspr antibody.
tion (Stoll and Muller, 1999). Moreover, differentiating
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Supporting Information
Plowman GD, Schlessinger J (1997). Identification of a novel Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
contactin-associated transmembrane receptor with multiple version of this article:
domains implicated in protein-protein interaction. EMBO J Appendix S1. Morphological and Electrophysiological Studies.
16:978–988. Table S1. Neurophysiological evaluation results.
Quattrini A, Previtali SC, Kieseier BC, Comi GC, Hartung HP
(2003). Autoimmunity in peripheral nervous system. Crit Rev Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the content
Neurobiol 15:1–39 or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the
Riva N, Iannaccone S, Corbo M, Casellato C, Sferrazza B, authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
Lazzerini A, Scarlato M, Cerri F, Previtali SC, Nobile-Orazio E, directed to the corresponding author for the article.