Classroom Materials 6e
Classroom Materials 6e
Classroom Materials 6e
A student pic
He is a ____________?
Where is he going?
Look at the picture and tell which objects you daily use in your classroom.
I use ________________________________________________________
A. The
We use the definite article « the » before a noun that the speaker is supposed to know. It is a
determiner we put before the noun. We use it for both singular and plural nouns.
B. A/ an
The indefinite article a/an is a determiner for singular noun. We use «a » before nouns started with
consonant. We use « an » before nouns started with vowel
Text :
Good morning ! My name is Sidi. I am 11 years old. I am a first form student at Babacar Cobar Ndao1
middle school. I have a nice school bag, six copybooks, seven exercises books, four blue pens and
three red pens, five pencils, rulers, erasers and many colour pencils. In our classroom, we all sit in
school banks in front of the black board. Teachers write lessons and exercises on this board with
chalks. I love going to school !
Activity1 : MCQ read the text and circle the right answer
Objects definitions
pencil L’object que l’eleve utilise pour ecrire les lecons
eraser Le bureau du professeur
duster L’outil que l’eleve utilize pouer dessiner
pen L’outil que l’on utilise pour effacer le tableau
desk L’outil que l’eleve pour effacer le crayon
Activity3 : answer these following questions with there is/ there are
Activity 4: complete the picture
Things to review
- Language level of the text (they are beginners). You can use a student talking about what is in his/her bag using there is or there are+ classroom
- Explanations (use tables, students observe to see the differences)
- Picture clarity if they are printed black and white