10 1103@PhysRevLett 123 254101
10 1103@PhysRevLett 123 254101
10 1103@PhysRevLett 123 254101
Adam Mielke‡
Faculty of Physics, Bielefeld University, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Tomaž Prosen§
Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
(Received 15 October 2019; published 18 December 2019)
We study the transition between integrable and chaotic behavior in dissipative open quantum systems,
exemplified by a boundary driven quantum spin chain. The repulsion between the complex eigenvalues of the
corresponding Liouville operator in radial distance s is used as a universal measure. The corresponding level
spacing distribution is well fitted by that of a static two-dimensional Coulomb gas with harmonic potential at
inverse temperature β ∈ ½0; 2. Here, β ¼ 0 yields the two-dimensional Poisson distribution, matching the
integrable limit of the system, and β ¼ 2 equals the distribution obtained from the complex Ginibre
ensemble, describing the fully chaotic limit. Our findings generalize the results of Grobe, Haake, and
Sommers, who derived a universal cubic level repulsion for small spacings s. We collect mathematical
evidence for the universality of the full level spacing distribution in the fully chaotic limit at β ¼ 2. It holds for
all three Ginibre ensembles of random matrices with independent real, complex, or quaternion matrix
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.254101
Introduction.—It has been a long discussed question Non-Hermitian operators play an equally important role in
how classically integrable and chaotic behavior carries physics, e.g., in disordered systems [12] or quantum chromo-
over to the quantized world. A simple spectral measure dynamics (QCD) with chemical potential [13]. Shortly after
was found in the spacing between neighboring eigenvalues of BGS, the above spectral distinction between integrable and
the corresponding Hamiltonian H. For closed systems it is chaotic was extended by Grobe, Haake, and Sommers (GHS)
Hermitian, H ¼ H† , with real eigenvalues. Berry and Tabor [14] to Markovian dissipative open quantum systems. These
conjectured [1] for quantum integrable systems to generi- follow a Lindblad master equation,
cally follow the one-dimensional (1D) Poisson distribution
pP ðsÞ ¼ e−s . In contrast, Bohigas, Giannoni, and Schmit dρ
ðtÞ ¼ LρðtÞ; ð1Þ
(BGS) conjectured [2] (see Ref. [3]) chaotic systems [4] to dt
follow random matrix theory (RMT) statistics in the corre-
sponding symmetry class. Initially Dyson [5] had offered a with L being the Liouville and ρ the density operator; see
first classification within RMT, distinguishing systems with- Ref. [15]. Postponing a detailed discussion for our example of
out or with time reversal at (half-)integer spin which is the a quantum XXZ spin chain—see Refs. [16,17]—the eigen-
celebrated “threefold way.” Much evidence has been given to values of L are real or come in complex conjugate pairs and
support this spectral classification in quantum systems, can be used to characterize integrable or chaotic behavior; see
including neutron scattering, quantum billiards [2], and below. Indeed this has been observed in many examples: for
the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field [6], to name a few; dissipative chaotic systems [18], the QCD Dirac operator
see Refs. [7,8] for standard references. Starting from Berry’s [19], the adjacency matrix of directed graphs [20], and hard-
diagonal approximation [9] the BGS conjecture is now well core bosons with asymmetric hopping on a one-dimensional
understood from a semiclassical expansion [10,11]. lattice at weak disorder [21]. In Ref. [14] GHS studied
periodically kicked tops with damping and the corresponding critical points (here, the real line) of the spectrum. This
discrete quantum map. In the integrable limit they found universality holds for the complex, real [31], and quatern-
agreement between the nearest neighbor spacing in radial ion Ginibre ensemble—to be presented here—and for non-
distance s of its complex bulk eigenvalues and the two- Gaussian extensions [32] of the two former ones. This is in
dimensional (2D) Poisson distribution contrast to random matrices with real spectra, where
quantum chaotic behavior is distinct for the three Dyson
ð2DÞ π 2
pP ðsÞ ¼ se−πs =4 ; ð2Þ classes, corresponding to a 1D log gas at different values
2 β ¼ 1, 2, 4. For complex bulk eigenvalues of chaotic
systems, the possibility of distinguishing their global
which are local quantities. In the fully chaotic limit the spacing
symmetry is thus lost. To prepare our 2D data from the
distribution agrees with the corresponding distribution of the
Liouville operator L for a comparison, we need to unfold
Ginibre ensemble [22] of complex Gaussian non-Hermitian
the complex spectrum. While this is straightforward for real
random matrices (GinUE), given by Ref. [14],
spectra [8], we discuss the literature [19] and present our
Y ∞ method below.
Γð1 þ k; s2 Þ X
2s2jþ1 e−s Integrable and nonintegrable quantum spin chains.—
pGinUE ðsÞ ¼ ; ð3Þ
k! j¼1
Γð1 þ j; s2 Þ The system we consider is a Heisenberg XXZ Hamiltonian
H of N spins 1=2, comprising nearest and next-to-nearest
with Γð1 þ k; s2 Þ ¼ s∞2 tk e−t dt being the incomplete Γ neighbor interactions,
function. GHS conjectured that the local spectrum of a
generic chaotic dissipative open quantum system in the bulk X
N −1
H¼J ðσ xl σ xlþ1 þ σ yl σ ylþ1 þ Δσ zl σ zlþ1 Þ
should follow the same statistics. This was somewhat l¼1
surprising, as they showed that the complex Ginibre ensemble
leading to Eq. (3) does not satisfy the global symmetries of X
N −2
þ J0 ðσ xl σ xlþ2 þ σ yl σ ylþ2 þ Δ0 σ zl σ zlþ2 Þ; ð5Þ
dissipative open quantum systems [14], unlike its real l¼1
counterpart. Grobe and Haake showed in Ref. [23] that,
based on these symmetries, using perturbative arguments for with J, J0 , Δ, Δ0 ∈ R. We denote the three Pauli matrices by
small distance s, the repulsion is universally cubic. This σ αl , α ¼ x, y, z, for each single spin l ¼ 1; …; N. With each
repulsion is shared by the complex Ginibre ensemble (3), as spin a dephasing operator
well as by a larger class of complex normal random matrices
[24]. The global statistics of Lindblad operators has also been pffiffiffi z
Ll ¼ γσl ; l ¼ 1; …; N and γ > 0 ð6Þ
compared to random matrices; see Refs. [25–28].
Our goals are, first, to provide a further example for the
GHS conjecture for complex spectra of integrable or is associated. Additionally, we introduce dissipation of
quantum chaotic systems to be true, given by boundary polarization at the two ends of the spin chain via the
driven quantum spin chains. These are many-body systems Lindblad operators
with no meaningful semiclassical limit, so the term quan- qffiffiffiffiffi
tum chaos is understood as the absence of integrability or L−1 ¼ γþ þ
L σ1 ; L0 ¼ γ −L σ −1 ;
weak coupling thereof, while its rigorous definition is qffiffiffiffiffi
still lacking. Second, we will show that in the intermediate LNþ1 ¼ γþ þ
R σN ; LNþ2 ¼ γ −R σ −N ; ð7Þ
regime the full spacing distribution is very well described
by a static 2D Coulomb gas at inverse temperature where γ y
L , γ R > 0 and σ l ¼ σ l iσ l . The Liouville
β ∈ ð0; 2 in a harmonic potential. Its joint distribution operator L acting on a density operator ρ in the master
of theffi set z of N point charges at rescaled positions
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi equation (1) is given by [16,17]
2=βzi¼1;…;N ∈ C [29] reads [30]
N þ2
X Lρ ¼ −i½H; ρ þ ð2Ll ρL†l − fL†l Ll ; ρgÞ: ð8Þ
2 βX N
P β ðzÞ ∝ exp − jzi j þ ln jzi − zj j : ð4Þ l¼−1
2 i≠j
The commutator and anticommutator are denoted by ½·; ·
For β ¼ 0 this leads to the Poisson distribution (2) [18], and f·; ·g, respectively; see Ref. [15].
whereas β ¼ 2 corresponds to the level spacing distribution What we are interested in is the spectral statistics of the
(3) [14]. Third, we collect mathematical evidence for the Liouville operator L considered as a ð4N − 1Þ × ð4N − 1Þ
fully chaotic case (3) at β ¼ 2 to be universal in the bulk of real matrix, acting on the vector space of density operators.
the spectrum, regardless of the constraints [14]. With bulk The reduction in dimension by 1 results from the fixed trace
we mean to stay macroscopically away from any edge or condition on ρ and is represented by the identity matrix.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 254101 (2019)
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 254101 (2019)
All four datasets are depicted in Fig. 1, illustrating the symmetry of their data, Markum et al. [19] proposed
integrable [Fig. 1(a)], intermediate [Fig. 1(b)], and appa- unfolding in strips parallel
Rx to the x axis, in choosing
rently fully chaotic cases [Figs. 1(c) and 1(d)]. Note that the y0 ¼ y and thus x0 ¼ −∞ ρav ðt;yÞdt ¼ uðx;yÞ. Apparently
intermediate case [Fig. 1(b)] flows closer (and is expected for more general datasets this choice is not ideal, e.g.,
to converge) to fully chaotic statistics by increasing the for products of M Ginibre matrices where the density at the
dimension κ. We compare this with the 2D Poisson origin is singular [37]. Its local statistics is known to still
distribution (2), the distribution of the numerically gen- follow the complex Ginibre ensemble [38], making proper
erated Coulomb gas (4) with the best fit for β, and the level unfolding crucial.
spacing distribution (3) of the complex Ginibre ensemble. In fact we found a much simpler method following
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov distances [35] between the Eq. (11) by approximating ρav ðx; yÞ by a sum of Gaussian
empirical distributions of the spectrum of L, and each of distributions around each eigenvalue zj ,
these curves (after fitting β) are listed in Table I. The
spacings for the Coulomb gas are obtained by generating
1 X N
1 2
points with the distribution (4) by using the Metropolis ρav ðx; yÞ ≈ exp − 2 jz − zj j : ð13Þ
algorithm, following Ref. [36], and then determining the 2πσ 2 N j¼1 2σ
spacing numerically. Figure 1 confirms our expectations of
an extended GHS conjecture [14,23] for dissipative open The measured p spacing at ffi a point z0 is then simply
quantum systems to hold, even without classically chaotic multiplied by ρav ðx0 ; y0 Þ. Testing this on spectra of
correspondents. the products of random matrices, the choice σ ¼ 4.5s̄ in
Unfolding of complex spectra.—In order to compare the terms of the global mean spacing s̄ leads to very good
spectrum of L with the spectral statistics of the 2D results; see Ref. [39]. This method is applied to our datasets
Coulomb gas (2)–(4), we need to unfold the spectrum. in Figs. 1(a)–(d).
This means that we have to separate the fluctuations (fl), Random matrix universality.—The question raised by the
which are supposedly universal, from the global, averaged conjecture of GHS was why the fully chaotic case should
(av) spectral density, which is system specific: be compared with the predictions of the complex Ginibre
ensemble. Grobe et al. [14] showed that, due to Hermiticity
ρðx; yÞ ¼ δð2Þ ðz − zi Þ ¼ ρav ðx; yÞ þ ρfl ðx; yÞ; ð11Þ constraints, generic dissipative open quantum systems lead
i¼1 to a spectrum of real and complex conjugate eigenvalue
pairs. Thus, one would expect the real or quaternion
where z ¼ x þ iy. For real spectra unfolding is achieved by Ginibre ensemble (GinOE or GinSE) sharing this property
introducing the cumulative
Rx spectral function and fitting the to apply, and not the GinUE. However, Grobe et al. found
smooth part ηðxÞ ¼ −∞ ρav ðtÞdt [8]. For complex spectra an agreement of their data from periodically kicked tops
this is more involved. Following Ref. [19], unfolding is a with damping with the GinUE—results for the GinOE or
map GinSE were not available at the time.
While the results for the GinSE became available soon
z → z0 ¼ x0 þ iy0 ¼ uðx; yÞ þ ivðx; yÞ; ð12Þ after the publication of Ref. [42], including the spacing
distribution at the origin [which is different from the
to be found, that satisfies certain conditions. First, after GinUE (3)], the GinOE was independently solved much
unfolding the density has to be unity (or constant), later by three groups [31,43,44]. They are given by so-
ρav ðx0 ; y0 Þ ¼ 1, or in other words the Jacobian of the called Pfaffian point processes, with matrix valued kernels
transformation (12) has to cancel the density before as the main building block.
unfolding, dx0 dy0 ¼ ρav ðx; yÞdxdy. This is certainly not Once all density correlation functions are known, all
unique, and we believe that, second, local isotropy has to be spectral information is given, including the spacing. While
achieved, e.g., using conformal maps [19]. Following the close to the real line all three ensembles differ, it was shown
that at the edge of the spectrum the GinSE [45] and GinOE
TABLE I. The Kolmogorov distance between the empirical [31] agree with the GinUE [46]. It is therefore natural to ask
data shown in Fig. 1, the Poisson distribution (2), the fitted value whether or not this agreement continues to hold in the bulk.
for β (specified in the inset) of the Coulomb gas, and the Ginibre For the GinOE this was answered affirmatively in Ref. [31],
spacing distribution (3). and in the Supplemental Material [39] we show that this
also holds for the GinSE. Below we give a heuristic
System Poisson Fitted Coulomb β Ginibre
argument (see also Ref. [11]) for why all three symmetry
(a) 0.015 0.15 classes yield the same spacing distribution in the bulk, and
(b) 0.10 0.0092 (β ¼ 1Þ 0.058 it is thus universal.
(c) 0.15 0.012
The joint probability density function (jpdf) of eigen-
(d) 0.16 0.0094 (β ¼ 1.9) 0.012
values for all three Ginibre ensembles read [22,47]
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