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Third Year of Geomatics Engineering


This Industry Job Practice Report is Submit to Fulfill the Report Writing
Given by Ibu Siti Solehatun, M.Pd.


This report is the result of the Field Work Practice (PKL) conducted at the

PT. ITCHI HUTANI MANUNGGAL, The purpose of this PKL is to gain a

deeper understanding of the Land Surveyor system, Tools and uses of the Gadgets

on survey, and the role of the PT.ITCHI as a Company development.

During the PKL, we engaged in various activities such as processing land

registration data, using the application for digitazition processing, and directly

observing the land measurement process.

The observations and active participation in PT.ITCHI daily activities provided a

more profound understanding of the crucial role of this agency in ensuring land

ownership clarity and supporting sustainable development. Furthermore, this PKL

expanded the author's insights into the challenges and changes faced by the

national land sector.

Thus, this report includes a summary of the PKL experience, discussions on

significant findings, and recommendations to enhance the efficiency and

effectiveness of the National Land Agency's services. Hopefully, this report can

contribute positively to the understanding and development of the company in


This field work practice report was prepared as one of the requirements for

completing studies at SMKN 1 BALIKPAPAN. Field work practice is a very

important activity in understanding and applying the theory that has been obtained

during learning at school into the real world of work.

The author would like to express his highest appreciation to PT. ITCI HATANI

MANUNGGAL for giving us the opportunity to carry out practical field work at

that place. Collaboration and guidance provided by all parties at PT. ITCI

HATANI MANUNGGAL is very meaningful for the author in developing

understanding and skills in the field of Geomatics. And we say a big thank you to

1. Mr. Juni Hermanto Pasaribu

2. Mr. Dwiyanto Joko Santoso

3. Bagoes Siswoyo Putro

We hope to share this valuable experience with readers, as well as provide a

comprehensive picture of the contribution of fieldwork practice to personal and

professional development.

Balikpapan, 20 Desember 2023

Syahdan and Vin


TITLE PAGE..........................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................iv

BAB I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................v
1. Company Description................................................................................v
2. Background.................................................................................................v
3. Company Objective.................................................................................vii


1. GIS (Geogrphic Information System).....................................................ix
2. UAV & REMOTE SENSING.................................................................xv
3. GPS..........................................................................................................xxiii

BAB III CLOSING..........................................................................................xxvii

1. CONCLUSION....................................................................................xxvii
2. SUGGESTIONS...................................................................................xxvii


1. Company Description

PT. ITCI HATANI MANUNGGAL (IHM) is a company operating in the

Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) sector with Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus
sp. as the main plantation which has a concession area of ±161,127 Ha located
in East Kalimantan Province which has obtained forest management legality
(SK IUPHHK-HTI) through Minister of Forestry Decree No. 184/Kpts-II/1996
dated 23 April 1996. PT. IHM was previously known for continuously trying to
improve its Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health (K3) performance
by avoiding environmental pollution and work accidents and complying with
applicable laws and regulations. As well as managing environmental and social
issues both internal and external. In managing its business, it is committed to
gaining national and international recognition for sustainable forest
management systems, both production quality, social, environmental
management, and occupational health and safety management.

Increasing attention to the preservation of the diversity of biological

natural resources and ecosystems has encouraged several parties to develop
guidelines for identifying High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF). Forests
with high conservation value are very important and critical because of the
high environmental, socio-economic, socio-cultural, biodiversity and natural
landscape values attached to them, both on a national, regional and global
scale. The policy in developing HTI by PT ITCI Hutani Manunggal (PT IHM)
seeks to emphasize the importance of environmental protection, improving
conditions and preventing environmental pollution, being responsible for
environmental management (including biodiversity management). The
company is aware of this to support the sustainability of forest exploitation
activities in the long term. In connection with the above, inventory,
identification of areas that have high conservation value are carried out as an
effort to minimize environmental impacts while maintaining biodiversity,
ecological and environmental and social functions in forest ecosystems in the
work area, Implementation of HCV Assessment activities in the PT work area
IHM collaborates with the Tropenbos International Indonesia Program through


To become the best producer of plant wood fiber in the world and provide
high quality fiber to customers by paying attention to contributions to the wider
community as well as implementing environmental standards and work safety.

 Carry out sustainable plantation forest development at operational
locations by implementing a Sustainable Forest Management Policy that
consistently considers environmental, production and social aspects.
 Realizing community prosperity and providing sustainable raw materials
on concession land designated by the Government for the development of
plantation forests
 Support government goals related to climate change, conservation
management to achieve and maintain conservation status in the company's
operational areas.
 Guarantee that only legal fiberwood is shipped and enters the company's
production lines, and supports Government action in combating illegal
logging.Mengelola konsesi secara lestari dengan menerapkan konsep
plantation forest mosaics to produce fiberwood to preserve and enhance
biodiversity and representative natural ecosystems in accordance with the
High Conservation Value approach framework.

 Promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of employees,

contractor workers and communities around PT's operational areas. ITCI
HOTANI MANUNGGAL; improving environmental, social, health and
safety performance in a sustainable manner, and sustainable plantation
forest management.
 Protect the environment to prevent detrimental negative impacts through
preventing environmental pollution.Objektif Perusahaan

In carrying out its business, PT. ITCI HUANI MANUNGGAL is

committed to:

• Comply with applicable laws and regulations, especially regarding forest and
environmental management and other requirements that the Company follows;
Implement and maintain an environmental, health and safety management
system throughout the company's operations:

• Implement best forest management practices to ensure protection and prevent

water, land and air pollution due to company operations.
• Establish measurable goals and targets, and make strategic efforts to prevent
environmental pollution, work-related accidents and illnesses for employees
and interested parties, and carry out regular reviews of goals and targets to
obtain continuous performance improvements;

• Integrate social, environmental, occupational health and safety issues into

operational planning activities, and adapt plantation forest management
practices to responsible and certified national and international standards.

• Strictly practicing a no-burn policy, in conjunction with planting site

preparation and supporting active efforts to prevent and control forest fires and

• Manage biodiversity areas within the concession area with the aim of
maximizing its conservation and biodiversity value as well as maximizing its
ecological and social benefits

• Protect biodiversity areas and other protected areas from illegal logging and
collaborate with other interested parties to protect other conservation areas
outside the concession; Implementing the Reuse, Reduce and Recycle (3R)
program as an effort to control pollution and manage Natural Resources

• Provide interested parties with information that can be understood, is

appropriate to the issue, and presents the environmental, health and safety
management and performance system in the Company accurately and can be

• Ensure that contractors and employees at all levels and functions of the
organization are aware of the environmental impacts and health and safety
risks resulting from their activities and that each individual is obliged to carry
out PT procedures. ITCI HATANI MANUNGGAL in accordance with its

1. GIS (Geogrphic Information System)

 Geographic

For the where

Spatial reference data, acquisition, process, manipulation, analysis

 Information

Data attached to the where

Table, attribute, characyeristics data, edits, analysis

 System

Many components

Hardware, software, networks, data, operational procedures

Geographic Information System is also known as Geographic Information

System (GIS) in Indonesia. GIS is a component consisting of hardware,
software, geographic data and human resources that work together effectively
to enter, store, correct, update, manage, manipulate, integrate, analyze and
display data in geographic-based information.
GIS according to several experts:
- ITC 2001
GIS is computerized system that facilitates Phases of data entry, data
analysis and data presentation especially in cases when are dealing with
georeferenced data.
- P.A.Burrough, 1996
GIS is a computer software system (of ten including hardware) with wich
spatial information maybe captured. Stored, analyzed, displayed, and
- Purwadhi, 1994
GIS is a system that organizes hardware, software and data. As well as
being able to use data storage, processing and analysis systems
simultaneously so that information related to spatial aspects can be obtained.
These are activities involving temporary work (projects), also
known as tactical teams. The GIS project activities include:
- Image Mosaic Mapping

- Kompartmenisasi

- Thematic data processing Dept. Planning and Dept. Other

- Data processing for Government Agencies, dll.

B. GIS Controller
Is a GIS activity that involves updates on daily operational
activities sent from the sector. The GIS Controller activities are as follows:
- Update data landuse based on the results of GPS measurements in the
- Update data Featreg
- Compreg di PIMS, dll.


Is a GIS activity that involves the production of routine maps or

maps requested by users.

Map production is divided into 2, namely Routine and Non-Routine Maps

- Routine Maps are maps that are always produced periodically and sent to

- Non-Routine Maps are maps produced based on requests from other

Every printed map must have a "Print Date" and specifically Routine maps
must also have a "Valid Date". This is intended so that users always use
"Up To Date" maps. So that every time a new routine map is distributed,
the old map must be withdrawn and destroyed

D. Microplanning

- Microplanning for Harvesting

- Microplanning for MSC (Mechanical Soil Cultivation)

- Microplanning for Water Management

- Microplanning for Plantation


1. Deliniasi Road, river, creek dll

2. Classification landuse

3. Estate

4. Compartment

5. Feature ID

 Compartment

Sistem COMPARTMENT as a smallest management unit :

"Have uniformity"

a. Age(waktu tanam)

b. Spacing/jarak tanam

c. Species/clone

d. Soil(Growth potential and fertilizer application)

e. Land Type(LL,ML)

1. Road Deliniasi

Tahapan :

a. Boundary

b. Digitasi

c. Klasifikasi kelas jalan (Acces, Main, Branch & Spurr)

Acces = 12m Main = 9m Branch = 6m Spur = 4m

2. Landuse Klasifikasi

- Conservation - Remaining Area

- Traditional/cultural - Plantation Area

- Infrastructure - Need Dispute Resolution

- KKPN - Current Unstocked

- Livelyhood / KKPA - Inoperable Area

3. Division of Estate
4. Divison of Compartment

 Road (attribute table)

1. OBJECTID = Automatic

2. Shape = Automatic

3. RD_CLASS\Text\1

4. RD_NO\Text\8

5. Shape_Length = Automatic
6. Shape_Area = Automatic

 ALAT :

1. GPS Navigasi Garmin

2. GPS Mapping Trimble

3. GPS Geodetic Hi-Target

4. Drone

5. Vikswing

6. Vtol

 The Flow

1. Survey – Collecting 5. Query & Geoprocessing Analyze

2. Input data 6. Cartography

3. Data management 7. Visualization

4. Data manipulation

E. Software ArcMap
ArcMap is the main application where the editing, analysis and
cartography processes are included.
- Arcmap offers two types of map views:
a. Data views
- In this view we display geographic data, analysis and editing processes.
- Organize and control geographic data, start displaying selection in the
editing process, symbology, create layers, etc.

b. Layout views
It is a layout that is used to carry out the design or map creation process,
such as scale, legend, cardinal directions and reference maps. In this latest
version, file location, user, print date, etc. can also be displayed.

- GIS Functions
a. Capture - Street
b. Store - Landuse
c. Query - Administration Areas
d. Analyze - Hydrography
e. Display - Elevation
f. Output – Imagery
F. Data
A collection of information or facts
- Data Base (Database)
A collection of information stored in a computer systematically so that it
can be checked using a computer program to obtain information from the

- Benefit
a. As the main or important component in an information system because
it is the basis for providing information.
b. Determine the quality of information, namely fast, accurate and relevant
so that the information presented is not stale. Information can be said to be
valuable if the benefits are more effective than the costs of obtaining it.
c. Overcoming data redundancy.
d. Avoid data inconsistencies.
e. overcome difficulties in dealing with data.
f. Develop a standard format for data.


Vehicle (UAV), is an unmanned vehicle in the air
1. Unmanned Aerial can fly using aerodynamic forces to produce lift, and
can fly automatically or be operated with radio control, which is the
definition of unmanned.
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or better known as drone is an effective
tool for conducting aerial photo mapping. Currently, the use of UAVs is
increasing due to the advantage of relatively low costs. UAVs can be used
for inspection, surveillance, reconnaissance and mapping activities.
Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are unmanned aircraft that
are controlled by a computer or remote control (RC). This tool has a
camera that can be used to take pictures remotely. Apart from that, drones
can also function to carry cargo such as weapons, and so on.

2. Drones
In mapping, drones are used to take aerial photos, before starting the
mission there are several preparations:
1. Preparation includes battery availability, batteries are divided into 3
-drone battery
-remote battery (RC)
-cellphone used to manage missions (for drones that use cellphones)
2. Make sure there are 2 empty memory cards, internal and external
3. Make sure the safety gimbal is installed when stored and removed
before installing the battery.
4. Don't forget to clean the camera lens and clean the sensors, there is 1
camera and 8 sensors
5. Clean the dynamo from dust

• Its function is to take aerial photos

1. Open area or called Handing Over Area (HOA).
2. HIP Harvesting In Progress functions to determine the direction of the
contour flow.
3. Plants that are 3 months old.
4. Plants 6 months old.
5. Plants 18 months old.

• The application for setting up the drone before flying is the DJI GO 4
application on your cellphone
• There are 2 applications for creating missions, namely:
-ctrl+dji function to check whether GPS is on or not
-pix4d capture

• Example of Mavic 2 pro Drone Operational practice:

Before flying
- Starting 08.14 - Drone battery 92 - Overlap 70
- Height 150 - Remote battery 90 - Initial memory 8 GB
After Flying
- Finished 08.59 - Remaining memory 5,597 GB - Remaining remote
battery 68
- Remaining drone battery 32 - Flying time 17 minutes 33 seconds
One mission using a quadcopter drone can capture approximately 36.6
• Notes:
- When you have finished using the drone, let it sit until the drone motor
has cooled down, don't use it immediately after completing the mission.
- If the battery has been used, wait until it cools down before charging.
- Maximum drone battery usage of 6 months.
- Maximum use of the drone is 1 year.
- If you want to fly a drone, make sure you turn on the remote first and
then the drone.
- If you want to turn it off, turn off the drone first and then the remote.
3. How to copy aerial photography data from drones to a computer for
1. Install the battery into the drone and connect the USB cable to the drone
and computer
2. Move to a new folder, select the storage file on your computer
3. Then go to agisoft metashape right click on chunk then add then add
4. After that, click workflow then select bath process.
5. Then check align photos (can be set to high-low as needed) and
optimize align.
6. Once finished, continue building the mesh (dense cloud for contour but
takes a long time, spare cloud is faster), build texture, build orthomosaic,
then OK.
7. If there is an NA (Not Available) then block the NA then right click
click align selected cameras.
8. When finished i click file then export then generate report.
9. Then go to global mapper to calculate the land area.
10. Enter the data in the form of tiff then wait.
11. Then look for the tool that makes markings in each corner, after that
the area will appear.
12. To see what the area is, right click then analyst/measurement then
13. To find the accuracy of the drone and the real world, zoom in until you
see a box/pixel then press the same tool then click side to side then look at
the accuracy in the bottom left corner.
14. If you have clicked file then export then export raster/image format if
the box above appears look at 3 options select the third then check the
bottom one (if it doesn't work it means you have to block it first) then
press ok and you're done.

4. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging

UAV operations for area mapping use the LiDAR alpha 550 aircraft
- Controlling the lidar aircraft using a laptop
- Using GPS Geodetic p330 pro is useful for sending GPS to the plane -
useful for sending signals from the plane to the laptop
- LiDAR can record a maximum of 700 hectares in one operation
- Maximum flying height 190 meters
- The longest estimated flight time for data collection is 100 minutes

National DEM data (DEMNAS) is DEM data created by the Geospatial
Information Agency (BIG). DEMNAS is useful for digital models of
national elevation for coastal applications.
The Geospatial Information Agency or abbreviated to BIG is an agency
that operates in the Geospatial field.
BIG has the task of carrying out government duties in the field of
geospatial information, formulation, preparation of plans and
implementation of functional supervision. In carrying out its duties and
functions, BIG is coordinated by the Minister responsible for research and
The Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) (formerly known as the
National Survey and Mapping Coordinating Agency (Bakosurtanal)) is an
Indonesian non-ministerial government agency tasked with carrying out
government duties in the field of geospatial information.
• BIG assignments
- Develop national policies in the field of geospatial information.
- Establish national standards in the field of geospatial information.
- Organizing the procurement of national geospatial basic data.
- Organizing national geospatial basic data storage.
- Organizing the provision of national geospatial basic data services.
6. FARM-Mapper VTOL
(FARM = Forest and Agricultural Resources Management)
It is an unmanned aircraft (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or UAV) developed
by PT. Doro's motto Technology for photogrammetric mapping, which
enables geospatial practitioners and surveyors to collect data in a
sophisticated and cost effective manner, can operate along a pre-
programmable path from takeoff, flight and landing with minimal operator
This device can be operated by one person to collect large amounts of data
(up to several square kilometers) in less than 1 hour for various purposes,
which can be applied to various areas such as managing oil palm
plantations, surveys of mining areas, planning and monitoring of sites.
rubbish removal, topographic survey, site and route planning. In summary,
this device can be applied to any activity that requires us to take photos or
monitor from the air.
7. Mission Planner
UAV Workflow / GCS Workflow (Ground control station)
1. SHP AOI (Area Of Interest) data, export to KML or KMZ
2. Mission plan
3. Mission Planner
• Notice To Airmen or NOTAM
Is a notification disseminated via telecommunications equipment
containing information regarding the establishment, condition or change in
any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or dangerous condition, short
term and important for flight operations personnel to know. The purpose
of issuing NOTAMs is to achieve aviation information objectives in an
effort to ensure smooth operations, security, flight safety and other related
• Telemetry
Is a technology that allows measuring the parameters of an object whose
measurement results are sent to another place via cable or without cable.
8. Terms in UAV & Remote Pilot
- Overlap is an overlap of photos taken in the direction of the flight path
usually set by the pilot
- Sidelap is an overlap between one aerial photo and another aerial photo
above or below the area being recorded
- Shutterspeed is the length of time the shutter in front of the image sensor
is open
- Turbulence is the movement of air masses that move irregularly in all
directions and often cause shaking
- Stall is the position when the aircraft loses lift
- Loiter is a method for unmanned aircraft to fly around a point with a
predetermined radius and height
- Geotaging is a mating process photo data with coordinates
- BIN File is a file that contains recorded coordinate data (Unmanned
- GSD (Ground Sample Distance).
- PIXHAWK / Autopilot.
- Roll is the tilt of the plane.
- Pitch is the movement of the drone to move forward and backward. This
movement can be done by moving the stick forward and backward
according to the Remote Control settings that we do.
- Crosswind is wind from the side.
- Headwind is the wind from the front.
- Tailwind is wind from behind.
- The center of gravity is the center of balance on the plane.
- Altitude is height
- Throttle is the controller of the motor or rotor of the drone. It can also be
called a stick. We usually call it Throttle down, meaning the drone is
directed downwards. Ride using Throttle up (point the stick up)
- Airspeed is the speed of the aircraft in the air
- DisToMAV is the distance from the plane to home
- DistToWP is the distance between mission line meeting points8. Parts of
- Arm/disarm (safety remote) = to connect the remote or disconnect the
- Rudder drive pushrod
- Servo drive
- Vtouch functions to adjust airspeed
- The joiner functions to connect the wings to the aircraft body
- CGO Process of searching for base offices and UAV bases
- COPRE Process lidar data for Las Geotaging and photo formats
- TOL (Take Of Landing)
- ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast)
9. 12 Aeronautical Knowledge
a. Applicable regulations relating to privileges, limitations and flight
operations of small unmanned aircraft systems;
b. Airspace classification and operating requirements, obstacle clearance
requirements, and flight restrictions affecting the operation of small
unmanned aircraft;
c. Official weather sources and the influence of weather on small
unmanned aircraft performance;
d. Loading and performance of small unmanned aircraft systems;
e. Emergency procedures;
f. Crew resource management;
g. Radio communication procedures;
h. Determining the performance of small unmanned aircraft;
i. Physiological effects of drugs and alcohol;
j. Aviation decision making and assessment
k. Airport operations.
l. Pre-flight maintenance and inspection procedures

3. GPS
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a system for determining location on
the earth's surface with the help of satellite signal alignment. The system,
whose original name is NAVSTAR GPS (Navigation Satellite Timing and
Ranging Global Positioning System), has three segments, namely:
- Satellite
- Controllers
- Receivers

1. Satellites function for:

- receive and store data transmitted by controlling stations.
- store and maintain high-precision time information determined by atomic
clocks on satellites.
- transmit signals and information continuously to the user's receiver.

2. The controller functions to:

- checking satellite health.
- determination and prediction of orbit and time.
- time synchronization between satellites.
- send data to satellites.
- control and control satellites from the earth.

3. The receiver functions to:

- receive data from satellites.
- processing data to determine the three-dimensional position in the form
of coordinates on the earth and the height, direction, distance and time
required by the user.

• How to determine position with GPS

Determining position with GPS is done by measuring the distance together
to several satellites at once, whose coordinates are known. The receiver or
user needs at least 4 satellites whose signals are captured well, in order to
determine the coordinates of a point on earth. By default, the position or
coordinates obtained are referenced to the global datum, namely the World
Geodetic System 1984 or WGS 84. In general, determining position using
GPS is divided into two methods, namely the absolute method and the
relative method.
• Absolute method
The absolute method or point positioning is to determine the position
based on only one receiver. Position accuracy is within a few meters (not
high accuracy). So, in general, this absolute method is only intended for
navigation purposes.
• Relative method
This method is often called differential positioning. Namely determining
the position using more than one receiver. The method is that a GPS is
installed at a certain location on the earth's surface and continuously
receives signals from satellites for a certain period of time, to be used as a
reference for others. This method produces high-accuracy positions
(generally less than 1 meter) and is usually applied for geodetic surveys or
mapping purposes that require high accuracy.
• GPS for surveying and mapping
The previous equipment used by surveyors in surveying and mapping
activities was theodolite, total station, spirit level, and EDM. Subsequent
technological developments made surveyors switch to the latest
technology, namely, Geodetic GPS or Mapping GPS. Geodetic GPS or
GPS PeMetaan is a measuring tool that uses satellites. This tool is capable
of capturing signals from L1, L2 or GNSS. Apart from that, this GPS is
also capable of recording raw data in general and has Rinex format.
• Excess
The advantage of Geodetic GPS is the level of accuracy and authenticity
of the data it produces. The GPS used for surveying and mapping produces
data with higher accuracy and authenticity, when compared to GPS
navigation. This tool can be used to measure plantation, forestry and
agricultural land

With this, we conclude the report on the results of my Field Work Practice
(PKL) which was carried out at PT. ITCI HATANI MANUNGGAL, a company
dedicated to managing Industrial Plantation Forests (HTI). During the period of
PKL, I have gained valuable insight and experience in this industry, as well as
deepening my understanding of various related aspects.
Through this PKL activity, we have the opportunity to be directly involved in
various company operational activities, starting from taking aerial photos,
identifying land cover, and measuring using GPS. I can also interact with a team
consisting of experts and professionals who are committed to maintaining
environmental sustainability and business sustainability.
In addition, we gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities
faced by the HTI industry in the context of sustainable natural resource
management. This experience opened my eyes to the importance of striking a
balance between industrial needs and environmental conservation.
we would like to express my gratitude to the entire team at PT. ITCI HUANI
MANUNGGAL for providing support and guidance during this PKL period. This
experience not only broadened my professional insight but also enriched my
educational journey.

2. Suggestions
Open an Open Mind, Don't be afraid to learn new things and try different things.
Field work practice is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. Ask
Questions, If you are unsure about something, don't hesitate to ask. This is your
opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. Listen and Observe, Pay
close attention to how daily work is carried out by professionals in the field. This
can give you valuable insight into the tasks you need to do.

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