3.21 The Home of ELLLO (Views 1420)
3.21 The Home of ELLLO (Views 1420)
3.21 The Home of ELLLO (Views 1420)
Todd talks about his house in Japan which is also the headquarters of elllo.org.
Todd: I do. I live in an older house. But it's a big house, and it's really ____________. It's a nice
place to live.
Todd: My house is pretty big. It's four rooms. It has a big ____________ room. It's a Japanese
house. So it's not really a bedroom because you sleep on the ________.
Meg: Oh.
Todd: But it also has a living ________. It has, like, an office room and it has a ____________
Todd: No, it's a pretty ________ kitchen and it's a very old kitchen. I have a small ________. So
it's very difficult to cook. But, you know, I have a refrigerator. I have a microwave. I have a
nice kitchen ________ to eat at. So it's a pretty decent kitchen.
Meg: It sounds okay. What about your __________ room? What do you have in the living room?
Todd: My living room, it's pretty cool for a guy because it's a good place to ________ sports. I
have a really big TV, and I have ________ TV, so I get all the football channels.
Meg: Nice.
Todd: And I have a really big sofa, so I can ________ on my sofa and watch sports and ________
beer. It's great.
Todd: It's kind of crazy, yes. So in English, we say bathroom, but I have two rooms ________
are for the toilet, and I have one room or the bathroom with the toilet for the __________. And
then I have a bathroom that I use. And then also I have a ___________ hot spring bath outside
Todd: It kind of has a yard. So outside my house, there's an area for ___________ and bushes.
And it's like a yard or a garden __________ the house, but it's not a place you can play
__________. There's no grass or anything. So it's a very, very small yard. But, you know, it's a
nice ________.
Meg: You said you have a sleeping room, not a bedroom. What does that ________?
Todd: Yeah. I live at a Japanese style house. So it's __________ the tatami room. And you sleep
in the tatami room and you ________ on the floor on a futon. So I don't have a bed. So it's not a
bedroom. It's a room that you sit in during the ________ and you can eat and ________ with
guests. But it's also a room that you sleep in at ________. So yeah, I call it my sleeping room.
But I think in Japan, they just ________ it the tatami room.
Todd: Yeah, it's really comfortable. Now I love it. So before, I slept on a ________. But now I
sleep on the futon on the ________ and I really like it. Actually, I prefer to sleep on the ________
on the floor.