Phleb Pricing Policy

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ASCP BOC Scholarship Funding for Resource Limited Countries

Protection of the safety and welfare of the public is a global concern. As such, one initiative of the ASCP
is to increase accessibility of BOC international certification examinations to medical laboratory
professionals from all regions of the globe, particularly those in resource-limited areas.

The selection criteria for scholarship funding are determined by the ASCP BOC International Certification
Committee. The following aspects are taken into account when deciding which countries are eligible for
reduced international certification application fees: ƒ

• Wages of practicing Medical Technologists ƒ

• Gross Domestic Product (PPP) ƒ
• Market demand

The Scholarship Program of ASCP will empower those in need to obtain international ASCPi credentials
and improve clinical laboratory practice worldwide.

Applicants who both (a) obtained medical laboratory education in, AND (b) currently reside
in the following nations will receive discounted pricing of $95 for all international
certification examination categories:

Afghanistan Cape Verde

Albania Central African Republic
Algeria Chad
American Samoa Chile
Angola China
Anguilla Colombia
Armenia Comoros
Azerbaijan Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Bangladesh Congo, Republic of the
Barbados Cook Islands
Belarus Costa Rica
Belize Cote d'Ivoire
Benin Croatia
Bhutan Cuba
Bolivia Djibouti
Bosnia Dominica
Botswana Dominican Republic
Brazil Ecuador
Bulgaria Egypt
Burkina Faso El Salvador
Burma Eritrea
Burundi Ethiopia
Cambodia Fiji
Cameroon Gambia, The

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Georgia Panama
Ghana Papua New Guinea
Grenada Paraguay
Guatemala Peru
Guinea Romania
Guinea-Bissau Rwanda
Guyana Saint Helena
Haiti Saint Kitts and Nevis
Honduras Saint Lucia
India Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Indonesia Samoa
Iran Sao Tome and Principe
Iraq Senegal
Jamaica Serbia
Jordan Seychelles
Kenya Sierra Leone
Kiribati Solomon Islands
Kosovo Somalia
Kyrgyzstan South Africa
Laos Sri Lanka
Lebanon Sudan
Lesotho Suriname
Liberia Swaziland
Libya Syria
Macedonia Tajikistan
Madagascar Tanzania
Malawi Thailand
Malaysia Timor-Leste
Maldives Togo
Mali Tokelau
Marshall Islands Tonga
Mauritania Tunisia
Mauritius Turkey
Mexico Turkmenistan
Micronesia Tuvalu
Moldova Uganda
Mongolia Ukraine
Montenegro Uruguay
Montserrat Uzbekistan
Morocco Vanuatu
Mozambique Venezuela
Namibia Vietnam
Nauru U.S. Virgin Islands
Nepal Wallis and Futuna
Netherlands Antilles Western Sahara
Nicaragua Yemen
Niger Zambia
Nigeria Zimbabwe
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territory, Occupied

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Applicants who received their education in one of the countries listed and who have
immigrated to a country which is not on this list must pay the full examination application

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