Janet Thompson Affidavit
Janet Thompson Affidavit
Janet Thompson Affidavit
) ss:
I, Janet M Thompson, being duly sworn, do hereby state upon penalty of perjury that:
address is Boone County Government Center, 801 East Walnut, Room 333, in Columbia,
Missouri. I was elected to that position in November 2012 and sworn into office on January 1,
the Office of the State Public Defender, Woodrail Centre, 1000 West Nifong, Building 7, Suite
100, in Columbia, Missouri. In that capacity, I specialized in direct appeals in capital cases, and
4. I represented Brian J. Dorsey on his direct appeal from his convictions and death
5. In the early fall of 2007, prior to my direct involvement in Brian's case, I received a
telephone call from Chris Slusher, who was Brian's trial attorney. Mr. Slusher told me that he
was considering pleading Brian guilty to two counts of first degree murder without any
negotiated agreement with the State to waive the death penalty, and he wanted to know my
opinion. I do not recall that Mr. Slusher articulated any strategy or rationale for this proposed
course of action.· I recollect that Mr. Slusher only told me that "they" - Mr. Slusher and Scott
McBride - were representing Brian, and that this was what they were thinking about doing. I told
Mr. Slusher that I thought it was a very bad idea to plead guilty without a waiver of the death
penalty, and that he should read the Worthington case as an example of why it was a bad idea.
6. I met Brian Dorsey for the first time on December 18, 2008, after being assigned as his
direct appeal attorney following the imposition of a death sentence. I became very concerned
after learning from Brian that Mr. Slusher had sprung the plea idea on him as they were going
into the courthouse for the hearing at which Brian subsequently entered a guilty plea, and that
Brian had little time to consider things but instead relied on Mr. SI usher's judgment as to the best
course of action. I was also concerned that, according to Brian, Mr. Slusher had told him that Mr.
Slusher had consulted with other attorneys who concurred that pleading Brian open was a valid
course of action.
conversation with Mr. Slusher, in an email to my supervisor, Greg Mermelstein, who was the
Director of the Appellate/Post-Conviction Division of the Office of the State Public Defender. I
also expressed these concerns to several office colleagues, including transfer attorney Barbara
Hoppe, and told them there was no reason to waive guilt with no guarantee of waiving the death
penalty. I further opined that the System should not hire Mr. Slusher nor Mr. McBride for death
Notary Public - Notary Seal
State of Missouri
County of Boone
My Ccmmission Expires August 10, 2016
Ccmmlssion #12379046