Floods and Health Fact Sheets For Health Professionals
Floods and Health Fact Sheets For Health Professionals
Floods and Health Fact Sheets For Health Professionals
Over recent decades an increasing trend in frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events has been observed
across the WHO European Region. High precipitation extremes can result in flash floods, river floods, drinking-
water supply and sewage system failure, landslides and mudslides. They can initiate devastating floods, which
affect large areas and are of long duration. Floods affect human health through many pathways, and health
professionals can take numerous measures to protect the health of affected populations.
A series of fact sheets has been developed, targeted at ministries of health; national, regional and local health
authorities; and medical and public health professionals. These fact sheets describe in short what to do in case of a
flood, in the absence of a fully functional flood health preparedness and response plan.
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Floods and health: fact sheets for health professionals
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The health impacts of floods vary between affected populations (related to their vulnerability). They also
differ according to the type of flood event (slow onset or fast onset floods, for example) and the
background health situation of the population.
Source: adapted from Menne B, Murray V, editors (2013). Floods in the WHO European Region: health effects and
their prevention. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/floods-in-the-who-
european-region, accessed 5 June 2014).
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When preparing plans for dealing with vulnerable population groups in cases of flooding it is important to
accommodation of people with medical needs in temporary shelter;
ensuring that chronically sick people have a list of medications required at hand;
availability of short and clear instructions on what to do – for example, in text suitable for children;
training of first aid workers to work with vulnerable groups;
business continuity plans for primary health care;
integration of factors related to race, culture and language in communication strategies;
integration of specific needs of ethnic and racial groups in programmes for health sector surge
capacity, emergency shelter and quarantine.
Family emergency plans have been shown to be useful in planning for emergencies; these should include
information on details such as how and when to turn off the gas, electricity and water; how and when to
call the police and fire departments; and how to find emergency information on the radio.
adapted from Menne B, Murray V, editors (2013). Floods in the WHO European Region: health effects and their
prevention. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/floods-in-the-who-
european-region, accessed 5 June 2014).
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3. Hospital preparedness
During floods, hospitals and other health care services can face damage to infrastructure (for example,
power and water supply interruptions, damage to vital equipment, disruption of internal and external
communication systems, blocked transport systems and flooded ambulance stations) that disrupts normal
activities. They may also experience an increased influx of patients; this may include patients that require
particular specialized care. Flooding may require health care services to expand beyond normal capacity
to meet community demand.
A checklist and further details of the nine key components of emergency preparedness and response is
WHO (2011). Hospital emergency response checklist: an all-hazards tool for hospital administrators and
emergency managers. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/
emergency-response-checklist, accessed 5 June 2014).
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4. Dead bodies
Dead or decayed human bodies originating from natural disasters and accidents do not generally represent
a health hazard. Only when communicable disease has been the cause of the fatalities does the situation
present a health risk. The following tasks should be undertaken when handling dead bodies.
Protect the handlers of dead bodies. Basic hygiene is essential:
o use of gloves, personal protective clothes and equipment;
o washing of hands with a disinfectant soap and water after handling dead bodies, and avoiding
wiping face or mouth with hands;
o regularly cleaning and disinfecting of all equipment, clothes and vehicles used in transportation
and storage of dead bodies;
o ensuring availability of first aid and provision of medical services in case of injury, and taking
necessary preventive measures to address exposure to environmental hazards (for example,
vaccinating workers against tetanus).
Collect dead bodies as soon as possible, but it is not necessary or advisable to hurry their disposal
because the bodies are required for identification purposes.
Support body identification to reduce the psychological effects on survivors. Bodies should be placed
in body bags or, if these are not available, in other locally available materials. Waterproof labels with
unique reference numbers should be used. The WHO publication Management of dead bodies after
disasters (Morgan, Tidball-Binz & van Alphen, 2009) provides detailed information on procedures
for body recovery.
Identify the bodies quickly. Personal belongings should be kept with bodies for identification
purposes, as well as in consideration of legal and psychological implications for survivors. Forensic
procedures (autopsies, fingerprints, DNA and dental records) can be used in case visual identification
of bodies or photographs becomes impossible. A dead body should only be released when formal
identification has been made. Identified bodies should be released to relatives or their communities to
take part in local custom and practice.
Ensure temporary storage of dead bodies. In warm climates a body will begin to decompose within
12–48 hours. Keep the body refrigerated between 2 °C and 4 °C; where possible, a refrigerated
container should be used for transportation of bodies. Temporary burial is an alternative option in
case of a lack of electricity and/or lack of refrigerated storage facilities, or where no other method is
available. The site for temporary burial should be selected taking the hydrogeological and cultural
conditions of the area into consideration, and in consultation with local authorities.
Organize long-term storage for unidentified bodies. Burial in individual graves is a means for long-
term storage of dead bodies. In situations where a local cemetery is not accessible, liaise with the
local authority to ensure adequate siting (for example, away from drinking-water sources) of the
burial place.
Provide mental health support. The psychological trauma of losing loved ones and witnessing death
on a large scale is the greatest concern. Anyone involved in handling dead bodies should be aware of
the stress and trauma of family members, and should provide support to the greatest extent possible.
Morgan O, Tidball-Binz M, van Alphen D, editors (2009). Management of dead bodies after disasters: a field
manual for first responders. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization (https://www.paho.org/
disasters/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=673&Itemid=904, accessed 5 June 2014);
WHO (2011). Technical notes on drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies: disposal of dead bodies in
emergency conditions. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/
water_sanitation_health/hygiene/envsan/technotes/en/, accessed 5 June 2014);
Wisner B, Adams J, editors (2002). Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/emergencies/
emergencies2002/en/, accessed 5 June 2014).
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Warrell DA (2010). Guidelines for management of snake bites. New Delhi: WHO Regional Office for South-East
Asia (http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js17111e/, accessed 5 June 2014).
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Flood victims
Hepatitis A vaccine is generally not recommended to prevent outbreaks in the disaster area, although
in certain circumstances it can be used to control outbreaks (for example, in small self-contained
communities, when vaccination is started early in the course of the outbreak, and when high coverage
of multiple-age cohorts is achieved). Vaccination efforts should always be supplemented by health
education and improved sanitation. Hepatitis A is not routinely recommended after disasters.
As with rescuers and relief workers, tetanus toxoid with or without tetanus immunoglobulin, as
appropriate, is recommended for those whose vaccinations are not up to date, and should accompany
wound treatment. Tetanus boosters may be indicated for previously vaccinated people who sustain
open wounds or for other injured people, depending on their tetanus immunization history (if
available). Mass tetanus vaccination programmes to prevent disease are not indicated.
Current typhoid vaccines are not recommended for mass campaigns to prevent typhoid disease.
Typhoid vaccination in conjunction with other preventive measures may be useful to control typhoid
outbreaks, depending on local circumstances.
Crowded circumstances
Unimmunized or underimmunized individuals are at risk of acquiring vaccine-preventable diseases,
particularly in crowded circumstances.
Attention should be given to ensure high coverage against measles and poliomyelitis. If countries
report measles outbreaks, outbreak management needs to be accelerated and broadened in the context
of the environmental emergency. Inclusion of age groups depends on vaccination coverage, available
resources (vaccine availability, funding and human resources) and local measles epidemiology.
Connolly MA, editor (2005). Communicable disease control in emergencies: a field manual. Geneva: World Health
Organization (http://www.who.int/diseasecontrol_emergencies/publications/9241546166/en/, accessed 5 June
WHO (2012). Vaccination in humanitarian emergencies: literature review and case studies. Geneva: World Health
Organization (http://www.who.int/immunization/sage/meetings/2012/april/presentations_background_docs/en/,
accessed 5 June 2014).
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Avoid communicable disease outbreaks by advising people to follow the five keys to safer food:
keep hands and utensils clean
separate raw and cooked food
cook food thoroughly
keep food at a safe temperature
choose to use safe water and raw materials.
Key behaviours surrounding safe food handling, preparation, hygiene and sanitation are the most
important measures to protect individuals and families.
Source: WHO (2014). Five keys to safer food. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/foodsafety/
publications/consumer/5keys/en/, accessed 5 June 2014).
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8. Water and hygiene in health care facilities during and after flood events
Needs assessment
Consult with local authorities on whether tap water is safe to use. Agree a procedure to receive
warnings and an emergency water supply if the tap water becomes unfit for human consumption.
With the help of the relevant authority, establish mechanisms to monitor water quality at the health
care facility.
Should the tap water be unsafe, assess needs using the following recommended minimum quantities
of water per person in each setting type:
o outpatients: 5 litres/consultation
o inpatients: 40–60 litres/patient/day
o operating theatre or maternity unit: 100 litres/intervention
o viral haemorrhagic fever isolation centre 300–400 litres/patient/day.
Water storage
During an emergency, health care facilities may experience intermittent breaks in water supply or the
need to store water after emergency treatment.
Store water safely in order to prevent it becoming (re-)contaminated or a breeding place for
Containers for transportation and storage of drinking-water should be cleaned and preferably
disinfected before they are put into operation.
Water quality
During an emergency, water quality may be compromised and emergency treatment may not achieve the
usual levels of quality.
In an emergency situation, microbial drinking-water quality is the first concern. Water of insufficient
or uncertain microbial quality must be boiled if it is intended for drinking or food preparation. Water
can be made safe by bringing it to a rolling boil (for example, in a kettle or pot on a cooker). After
boiling, the water should be allowed to cool down on its own without the addition of ice. If water
cannot be boiled for all patients, give priority to boiling drinking-water for formula-fed infants,
immunocompromized and other vulnerable patients.
If it is not possible to boil water, chemical disinfection of clear, non-turbid water is effective for
killing bacteria and most viruses, but not for protozoa like Cryptosporidium. Options for chemical
disinfection include chlorine compounds or iodine; further information is available in Table 1.
Encourage women to breastfeed their babies, especially when the water quality at the health care
setting is uncertain or insufficient.
Ensure that water that is below drinking-water quality is used only for cleaning, laundry and
sanitation, and that it is labelled as such. Water below drinking-water quality should be used for
cleaning and laundry only in combination with detergent.
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Ensure hygiene when you have limited or no water in your health care facility
Use waterless alcohol-based hand rubs for rapid, repeated decontamination of clean hands.
Hand rub dispensers can be installed at convenient points, and can also be carried by staff as they
move between patients (note: hand rubs do not replace soap and water for cleaning soiled hands).
Where the piped water supply system is dysfunctional or unsafe for use, a basin, soap and a jug of
water can be placed on trolleys to encourage hand washing by patients and staff. Similarly, such a
trolley can be used on ward rounds to encourage hand washing by staff as often as needed and
between patient contacts.
Wet mopping is recommended for routine floor cleaning. Water for cleaning does not need to be of
drinking-water quality, but it should be hot and must be used with detergent. If hot water is not
available a 0.2% chlorine solution or other suitable disinfectant in cold water can be used. Routine
cleaning procedures should also be applied in emergencies.
Adams J, Bartram J, Chartier Y, editors (2008). Essential environmental health standards in health care. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/settings/ehs_hc/en/, accessed 5
June 2014);
Chartier Y, et al., editors (2013). Safe management of wastes from health-care activities, second edition. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/85349, accessed 5 June 2014);
WHO (2005). Management of solid health-care waste at primary health-care centres: a decision-making guide.
Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/
hcwdmguide/en/, accessed 5 June 2014);
WHO (2011). Guidelines for drinking-water quality, fourth edition. Geneva: World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/2011/dwq_guidelines/en/, accessed 5 June 2014);
Wisner B, Adams J, editors (2002). Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/emergencies/
emergencies2002/en/, accessed 5 June 2014).
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9. Sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities during and after flood
Needs assessment (toilets)
For non-emergency circumstances, WHO recommends one toilet per 20 users for inpatient settings
(including patients who use bedpans instead of toilets) and at least four toilets for small outpatient
settings (one for staff; one for females and one that is appropriate for use by children for patients).
The number should be increased for larger outpatient settings.
women, people with physical disabilities and elderly people) should be given priority access to the
functioning indoor toilets.
Where additional or alternative sanitation facilities are built or used, the same considerations
regarding functioning toilets for patients with restricted mobility apply.
Safe management of health care waste in the absence of routine collection and
treatment services
Provide sufficient numbers of containers, safety boxes and waste bags for collection and storage of
waste generated in the health care facility. These should be properly labelled to indicate the type of
waste (for example, pathological, infectious, chemical and sharps).
If the waste is not collected frequently, make local storage available inside or near the facility.
Use a dedicated vehicle for offsite transportation of the waste to treatment and/or disposal facilities;
where this is not available use a bulk container that can be lifted onto a vehicle chassis.
Waste containers and vehicles used for the transportation of waste should be cleaned and disinfected
regularly after use.
Disinfectant solution is recommended to disinfect sharps and other health care waste products prior to
disposal. This type of disinfection is not at all suitable for making medical devices reusable – it
should be used solely to decrease the risk of accidental exposure to hazardous materials during
transport and storage prior to treatment or final disposal.
If routine collection and treatment services cannot be re-established in due course and the space in the
protected waste storage area reaches its limit, on an exceptional basis the disinfected health care
waste should be safely buried or disposed of on site. The site for disposal should be selected in close
consultation with relevant local authorities.
Detailed information on selecting appropriate waste treatment and disposal technologies can be found
on pages 105–138 of Safe management of wastes from health-care activities (Chartier et al., 2013).
Adams J, Bartram J, Chartier Y, editors (2008). Essential environmental health standards in health care. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/settings/ehs_hc/en/, accessed 5
June 2014);
Chartier Y, et al., editors (2013). Safe management of wastes from health-care activities, second edition. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/85349, accessed 5 June 2014);
WHO (2005). Management of solid health-care waste at primary health-care centres: a decision-making guide.
Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/
hcwdmguide/en/, accessed 5 June 2014);
Wisner B, Adams J, editors (2002). Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/emergencies/
emergencies2002/en/, accessed 5 June 2014).
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ECDC (2012). Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe. Stockholm: European Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control (http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/healthtopics/vectors/mosquito-
guidelines/Pages/mosquito-guidelines.aspx, accessed 5 June 2014);
van den Berg H, Velayudhan R, Ejov M (2013). Regional framework for surveillance and control of invasive
mosquito vectors and re-emerging vector-borne diseases 2014–2020. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for
Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/communicable-diseases/vector-borne-and-parasitic-
re-emerging-vector-borne-diseases,-20142020, accessed 5 June 2014).
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The following advice should be given to people during floods and when returning home.
Keep food in sealed cupboards and/or containers out of the reach of rodents.
Do not leave pet food out in the open.
Keep waste sealed in rubbish bins.
Ensure that all entrances and windows are suitably sealed to prevent entry of rodents into the
Most importantly, during periods of flooding, people should be encouraged to seek professional medical
help if they fall ill.
In general, the control of commensal rodents prior to any event is very important.
Source: Bonnefoy X, Kampen H, Sweeney K (2008). Public health significance of urban pests. Copenhagen: WHO
Regional Office for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/en/publications/abstracts/public-health-significance-of-
urban-pests, accessed 5 June 2014).
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Surveillance is the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information for
public health. As floods significantly affect public health, robust surveillance is important during and
after flooding to identify and control infectious disease outbreaks and other health issues rapidly (see
Table 2); to guide local and regional health service delivery; and to add information about possible
associations between floods and ill health.
Source: adapted from Menne B, Murray V, editors (2013). Floods in the WHO European Region: health effects and
their prevention. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/floods-in-the-who-
european-region, accessed 5 June 2014).
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Certain diseases must be considered priorities and monitored systematically. Ideally, a maximum of 8–12
diseases or syndromes should be prioritized (see Table 3) in the emergency outbreak surveillance, ranked
epidemic potential;
ability to cause severe morbidity or death;
international surveillance requirements (International Health Regulations/public health emergency of
international concern);
availability of prevention and control measures;
availability of reliable and meaningful case definitions and simple laboratory tests, where appropriate.
The WHO publication How to organize outbreak surveillance and response in emergencies provides
detailed advice and recommendations.
Table 3. Infectious diseases that may be encountered during floods in the WHO European
Diseases linked to poor Diseases associated Vector-borne diseases Rodent-borne diseases Other
water, sanitation and with overcrowding
food safety
Diarrhoeal diseasesa Diarrhoeal diseasesa Dengue Leptospirosis Tetanus
Acute respiratory Acute respiratory Malaria Hantavirus Rabies
infections infections
Legionnellosis Influenza West Nile virus Tularaemia
Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Tahyna virus Louse-borne typhus
Hepatitis E Hepatitis E
Meningitis Other mosquito-borne
Scabies and head lice
Diarrhoeal diseases, potentially sensitive to flooding include:
bacterial diseases: Campylobacter enteritis, cholera, Escherichia coli enteritis, paratyphoid, salmonellosis
enteritis, shigellosis, typhoid, yersiniosis;
viral diseases: rotavirus diarrhoea, norovirus diarrhoea;
parasitic diseases: amoebic dysentery, ancylostomiasis (hookworm), ascariasis (roundworm), balantidiasis,
Cryptosporidium enteritis, diphyllobothriasis, giardiasis, strongyloidasis, trichuarisis (whipworm).
Brown L, Murray V (2013). Examining the relationship between infectious diseases and flooding in Europe: a
systematic literature review and summary of possible public health interventions. Disaster Health.1(2):117–127;
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WHO (2012). Outbreak surveillance and response in humanitarian emergencies. Geneva: World Health
Organization (http://www.who.int/diseasecontrol_emergencies/publications/who_hse_epr_dce_2012.1/en/,
accessed 6 June 2014).
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Chemical spills resulting from environmental disasters can cause acute and long-term risks for and effects
in humans.
During a flood
The main chemical health hazards during a flood include:
injuries from chemical explosions;
burning or blistering and severe damage to skin, eyes or respiratory tract from release of corrosive
intoxication and acute poisoning, mostly from inhalation of evaporated highly toxic chemicals such as
fuel compounds, solvents, burning products, and so on.
The measures taken to prevent transmission of communicable diseases are also effective for prevention of
exposure to chemicals during a flood.
Health care and public health professionals should undertake a number of specific activities:
ensure decontamination of people who have been in contact with hazardous chemicals;
provide health care services to all affected people, taking into account the possibility of acute
poisoning by hazardous chemicals, and bearing in mind that the most vulnerable population groups
for chemical hazards are children, the elderly, hospital patients and rescue workers, who may be
exposed to high levels of chemicals (note: greater attention should be paid during the acute phase of a
register all cases of contact with hazardous chemicals and acute poisoning to ensure long-term
assessment and prevention of effects – sampling and storage of biological samples is recommended
for future analysis and assessment;
conduct a rapid risk assessment of the event and assist in identification of places where hazardous
chemicals are stored to facilitate implementation of measures to prevent releases and spills;
communicate information about chemical hazards to the public.
Clean-up workers and people returning to their houses after a flood should be made aware of chemical
hazards and provided with clear instructions to protect them from chemical exposure, including exposure
to chemical waste.
Several core characteristics of chemical contamination after a flood should be kept in mind for effective
protection of the population.
The concentration of chemicals is usually higher in places where chemicals are stored or used, such
as industrial facilities, garages, cellars, farms, and so on – these should be ventilated before entering.
While some signs of possible chemical contamination are usually present – such as water colour,
smell/odour, oil films, empty or damaged containers – many hazardous chemicals are colour and
odourless. Nevertheless, the presence of damaged, unlabelled chemical containers can be an indicator
of potential chemical pollution.
Chemical waste should be collected separately and disposed of in specially designated places.
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Permission to return home should be given only after all possible sources of chemical spills are
eliminated and there are no visible signs of chemical contamination.
Floods often result in the need for emergency renovations to damaged homes and other structures;
when common renovation activities like sanding, cutting and demolition occur in structures that
contain lead-based paint and asbestos, these can increase exposure to such hazards.
Recovery stage
Measures taken during the recovery stage are designed to prevent indirect chemical effects and long-term
Priority should be given to areas where contamination would have significant effects, such as farmland
(prevention of chemical contamination of food), water bodies used for water supplies and leisure
activities, kindergartens and school yards, as well as other places for children.
Public health can play an important role in four of the many activities that need to be undertaken in the
recovery phase:
organization of health care and provision of access to information and assistance;
risk and health outcome assessment, including exposure and environmental and human health
implementation of remediation and restoration activities;
evaluation, including root cause analysis, response and lessons learnt.
WHO (2006). Elimination of asbestos-related diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/occupational_health/publications/asbestosrelateddisease/en/, accessed 6 June 2014);
WHO (2009). Manual for the public health management of chemical incidents. Geneva: World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/environmental_health_emergencies/publications/Manual_Chemical_Incidents/en/, accessed
6 June 2014);
WHO (2010). Childhood lead poisoning. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/ceh/publications/
childhoodpoisoning/en/, accessed 6 June 2014);
Wisner B, Adams J, editors (2002). Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva:
World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/emergencies/
emergencies2002/en/, accessed 6 June 2014).
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As flood water recedes, health professionals should undertake the following tasks.
Communicate with emergency services to ensure that people do not return home before it is safe.
Highlight and raise awareness of likely carbon monoxide poisoning cases to all health services.
Release warnings and information to the general public about risks and having proper ventilation
when using generators and dryers.
Raise awareness of remaining threats to food and water safety from contamination of supplies and
surfaces by flood waters – encourage people to maintain hygienic and sanitary precautions until the
clean-up is complete.
Re-emphasize health messages after a flood event, especially:
o good hand hygiene practices
o boiling or chlorination of drinking-water
o safe food preparation techniques
o early treatment-seeking behaviour in case of fever
o personal protection against vectors and zoonoses
o vector control interventions, adapted to the local context and disease epidemiology.
Floods can have a strong effect on people’s mental health. Mental distress is the commonest issue – this is
usually temporary, with most people overcoming it by themselves in a reasonable time. Post-flood
psychological assistance should in general be provided by psychologists and/or trained personnel. Several
specific issues should be kept in mind.
People should be encouraged to seek assistance if psychological symptoms aggravate or persist.
The mental health of responders and health care personnel should be considered, and may be
addressed through the appropriate course determined by field psychologists.
If considered necessary, field workers could receive training in psychological first aid (not
administered by professionals).
Long-term mental health issues (such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder) should be
monitored in affected communities.
Prompt restoration of communities and social cohesion is important in the context of prevention of
long-term mental health outcomes of disasters.
WHO (2005). Food safety in natural disasters. Geneva, World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/foodsafety/fs_management/infosan_archives/en/index5.html, accessed 6 June 2014);
WHO (2011). Psychological first aid: guide for field workers. Geneva, World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/guide_field_workers/en/, accessed 6 June 2014);
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WHO (2014). Flooding and communicable diseases fact sheet. Geneva, World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/ems/flood_cds/en/index.html, accessed 20 May 2014).
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In the case that flooding has triggered mould damage, remedial work is a necessary measure. The
government can help to assure that remediation of mould is adequately undertaken. If existing
environmental or sanitary inspectors are available, they should be called upon to support this effort.
Remove building materials containing cellulose or processed wooden fibres (gypsum board coated
with cellulose, cardboard, wood fibreboard, oriented strand board and medium-density fibreboard),
unless it is naturally grown solid wood. Material containing cellulose has a high risk for growth of
Stachybotrys (toxic mould). In particular, cellulose and wood fibre materials used in hidden spaces,
where mould growth is not visible, should be removed first.
Place waste in hard bins or rubbish bags.
Clean all hard surfaces (such as walls and floors) with hot water and detergent. If the surface is rough,
scrub it with a stiff brush.
Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after each clean-up. Keep open cuts or sores clean and use
waterproof plasters to prevent exposure to flood water.
Drying out
Heating, dehumidifiers and good ventilation can help to dry out your home.
If using indoor heating appliances to dry out an indoor space, ensure that there is adequate ventilation.
Do not use petrol or diesel generators or other fuel-driven equipment indoors as exhaust gases contain
carbon monoxide, which can be harmful.
If you have gas or oil central heating and it has been checked by an engineer, turn it on. Keep the
thermostat between 20 °C and 22 °C for steady drying.
If you have air vents to under floor spaces, ensure that they are unblocked to provide cross-ventilation
in these areas. As floorboards and walls dry out, loose material and resulting dust should be
vacuumed on a regular basis.
When possible, remove dirty water and silt from the property. Rooms below ground level may need
pumping out, especially if you have wooden flooring. Mould should disappear as your home dries
out. If it persists, contact a specialist cleaner and local public health authority for help.
CDC (2005). Population-specific recommendations for protection from exposure to mold in buildings flooded after
hurricanes Katrina and Rita, by specific activity and risk factor. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/mold/related.htm, accessed 6 June 2014);
CDC (2010). Get rid of mold. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(http://www.cdc.gov/mold/cleanup.htm, accessed 6 June 2014);
PHE (2014). Floods – how to clean up your home safely. London: Public Health England
ding/, accessed 6 June 2014);
PHE (2014). Guidance on recovery from flooding: essential information for frontline responders. London: Public
Health England (http://www.hpa.org.uk/Topics/EmergencyResponse/
ExtremeWeatherEventsAndNaturalDisasters/EffectsOfFlooding/, accessed 6 June 2014);
WHO (2009). Damp and mould: health risks, prevention and remedial actions. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office
for Europe (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/environment-and-health/air-
quality/publications/2009/damp-and-mould-health-risks,-prevention-and-remedial-actions2, accessed 6 June
WHO (2009). WHO guidelines for indoor air quality : dampness and mould. (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-
remedial-actions2/who-guidelines-for-indoor-air-quality-dampness-and-mould, accessed 6 June 2014);
WHO (2010). Technical and policy recommendations on dam and mould interventions.
policy-options/protecting-health-from-home-damp-and-mould, accessed 6 June 2014).
The WHO Regional Floods and health - Fact sheets for health professionals
Office for Europe