Fire Storm DAO

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

CodeFutures FireStorm/DAO™
Technical Overview

Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd.

Code Generator for Java Persistence

CodeFutures™ FireStorm/DAO™ Technical Overview (July 2005)

Copyright © 2005 Code Futures Software Ltd., including this documentation, all
demonstrations, and all software. All rights reserved. The document is not intended for
production and is furnished as is without warranty of any kind. All warranties on this
document are hereby disclaimed including the warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose.



Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd. ii

Code Generator for Java Persistence

1 FireStorm/DAO Introduction .................................................................. 1
1.1 FireStorm/DAO Overview ................................................................ 1
2 Data Access Object Overview ................................................................. 3
2.1 Data Access Object Design Pattern................................................... 3
2.2 The Benefits of Data Access Objects ................................................. 3
2.3 Minimizing the Impact of Moving to DAO........................................... 4
2.4 DAO Code Generation..................................................................... 4
2.5 DAO Types Supported by FireStorm/DAO.......................................... 4
3 FireStorm/DAO Technical Architecture..................................................... 6
3.1 Schema Import Framework ............................................................. 6
3.2 FireStorm/DAO Project & Configuration Meta-Data ............................. 6
3.3 Code Generation Framework ........................................................... 7
3.4 FireStorm/DAO Ant Tasks ............................................................... 8
3.5 FireStorm/DAO™ Command Line ..................................................... 8
3.6 FireStorm/DAO Studio .................................................................... 8
4 FireStorm/DAO Product Editions ............................................................. 9
4.1 FireStorm/DAO Enterprise Edition .................................................... 9
4.2 FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition .................................................... 10
4.3 FireStorm/DAO OEM Edition .......................................................... 11
5 Appendix A: FireStorm/DAO Features.................................................... 12
5.1 Database Support ........................................................................ 12
5.2 DAO Code Generation................................................................... 13
5.3 JDBC Code Generation.................................................................. 13
5.4 J2EE Code Generation .................................................................. 14
5.5 JDO Code Generation ................................................................... 14
5.6 Web Application Generation .......................................................... 15
5.7 Custom Code Generation .............................................................. 15
6 Appendix B: Technical Specifications ..................................................... 16
6.1 Supported Databases ................................................................... 16
6.2 Supported J2EE Platforms ............................................................. 17
6.3 Supported JDO Platforms .............................................................. 17
6.4 Supported Operating Systems ....................................................... 17
7 Appendix C: Useful Reference Information ............................................. 18
7.1 CodeFutures WebLogs .................................................................. 18
7.2 CodeFutures Technical Support...................................................... 18
7.3 Further Reading........................................................................... 18

Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd. iii

Code Generator for Java Persistence


1.1 FireStorm/DAO Overview

FireStorm/DAO makes Java software developers more productive by

automatically generating Java source code for accessing relational databases. The
benefits provided by CodeFutures Java code generation approach are higher
developer productivity, better software quality, reduced complexity, and lower
maintenance costs.

DAO and ORM Code Generation

FireStorm/DAO is a Java Code Generator that can import existing database

schemas (from a SQL script or from a live JDBC connection) and can then
generate a complete persistence tier based on any of the following Java
persistence technologies:

• Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

• Java Data Objects (JDO)
• Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
• Hibernate

FireStorm/DAO generates Java source code and configuration files that

developers would otherwise have to write by hand. FireStorm/DAO generates
code that is compliant with the Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern (DAO is
a core J2EE design pattern). FireStorm/DAO can also generate native persistence
code for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) products (such as Hibernate or JDO-
based products).

FireStorm/DAO adopts a pragmatic approach of generating Java source code for

data persistence that is a direct mapping of a particular relational database
schema. It is also possible to define complex multi-table queries and to leverage
existing database logic contained within stored procedures.

FireStorm/DAO can generate code for standalone Java as well as for leading J2EE
application servers, such as JBoss, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and Apache
Tomcat. The generated source code is well-written, consistent and contains
documentation. Most importantly, the generated code is production quality and
has been tested in literally hundreds of deployments world-wide.

FireStorm/DAO imports database schema definitions from SQL scripts or from live
databases via JDBC and then generates a complete data-access tier based on the
Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern. FireStorm/DAO is a powerful yet
simple alternative to traditional object-relational mapping products. Rather than
attempting to map arbitrary Java code to a database schema using complex
rules, FireStorm/DAO adopts a more pragmatic approach of generating Java
source code that is a one-to-one representation of a relational database schema
as well as allowing Custom DAO objects to be defined to reflect complex queries
and calls to existing stored procedure logic.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

FireStorm/DAO generates a high-performance DAO tier based on JDBC and SQL

calls. The generated code can be called from standalone Java applications as well
as enterprise J2EE applications. All common JDBC data types are supported
including BLOB and CLOB types. Auto-increment columns and auto-generated
sequences are also supported.
FireStorm/DAO generates a complete Web application for interacting with the
generated DAO tier. The generated application is based on the Apache Struts
framework or plain JSPs and contains full functionality for inserting, updating,
deleting, and searching records using the DAO tier. FireStorm/DAO can generate
DAOs for partial database schemas by selecting the required views and tables.

FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition offers all of the features of the Enterprise Edition
but also allows new custom code generation templates to be developed and
integrated with the FireStorm/DAO Studio environment.

Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd. 2

Code Generator for Java Persistence


2.1 Data Access Object Design Pattern
Business applications almost always need access to data from relational or object
databases and the Java platform offers many techniques for accessing this data.
The oldest technique is to use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API, which
provides the capability to execute SQL queries against a database and then fetch
the results, one column at a time. Although this API provides everything a
developer needs to access data and to persist application state, it is a
cumbersome API to develop against and does not fit well within an object-
oriented design.
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) offers a newer persistence framework in the form
of Entity Beans, a subset of the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) framework. Many
developers are now looking to alternative persistence frameworks, such as Java
Data Objects (JDO) and Hibernate. CodeFutures is committed to providing
support for all the major DAO design options.

2.2 The Benefits of Data Access Objects

The Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern provides a technique for separating
object persistence and data access logic from any particular persistence
mechanism or API. There are clear benefits to this approach from an architectural
perspective. The DAO approach provides flexibility to change an application's
persistence mechanism over time without the need to re-engineer application
logic that interacts with the DAO tier. For example, there may be performance
benefits in changing an application’s performance mechanism from using Entity
Beans to using direct JDBC calls from a session bean, or even a move to an
alternative persistence framework, such as JDO. Without a DAO tier in place, this
sort of transition would require extensive re-engineering of existing code.
The DAO design pattern also provides a simple, consistent API for data access
that does not require knowledge of JDBC, EJB, or JDO interfaces. A typical DAO
interface is shown below.

public interface CustomerDAO

public void insert(Customer customer)
throws CustomerDAOException;
public void update(CustomerPK pk, Customer customer)
throws CustomerDAOException;
public void delete(CustomerPK pk)
throws CustomerDAOException;
public Customer[] findAll()
throws CustomerDAOException;
public Customer findByPrimaryKey(String email)
throws CustomerDAOException;
public Customer[] findByCompany(int companyId)
throws CustomerDAOException;

It is important to note that DAO does not just apply to simple mappings of one
object to one relational table, but also allows complex queries to be performed

Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd. 3

Code Generator for Java Persistence

and allows for stored procedures and database views to be mapped into Java data

2.3 Minimizing the Impact of Moving to DAO

Moving to the DAO design pattern using manual line-by-line coding requires a
significant amount of repetitive source code to be produced for no immediate
advantage over using JDBC, EJB, or JDO directly. For many developers, this
disadvantage is good enough reason to ignore the long-term benefits of using a
architecturally superior approach, especially where there are strict project
deadlines. Without the code generation advantages of FireStorm/DAO, it is not
easy to justify to a project manager or project sponsor the extra time and cost of
manually writing DAO code, regardless of any future benefits.

FireStorm/DAO makes it the transition to the DAO design pattern easy to justify.

2.4 DAO Code Generation

CodeFutures' solution to the manual coding problem is to automate the
production of a DAO tier, as well as automating the actual implementation logic
for whichever persistence framework is deemed appropriate for an application.
This approach is easy to adopt because almost all databases use a standard
language for defining their structure (SQL).

2.5 DAO Types Supported by FireStorm/DAO

FireStorm/DAO supports three types of Data Access Object (DAO): Table, View,
and Custom.

2.5.1 Table DAOs

The Table DAO is the most widely used Data Access Object. Each Table DAO
represents a single table and contains methods to insert, update, and delete
single rows using the following signatures (using as an example a Customer

public void insert(Customer customer) throws CustomerDaoException;

public void update(CustomerPk pk, Customer customer) throws


public void delete(CustomerPk pk) throws CustomerDaoException;

In addition to this, there are also numerous 'finder' methods generated.

FireStorm creates default finders when you first import a schema but these are
fully customizable. Some examples of finder methods:

public Customer findByPrimaryKey(CustomerPk pk) throws


public Customer[] findWhereLastNameEquals(String lastName) throws


Copyright © 2003-2005 Code Futures Software, Ltd. 4

Code Generator for Java Persistence

public Customer[] findByCountry(int countryId) throws


2.5.2 View DAOs

The View DAO is generated for each view in the database. This DAO offers the
same finder methods as the Table DAO but obviously does not provide the insert,
update, and delete operations because views are read-only.

2.5.3 Custom DAOs

Custom DAOs are used when you have a complex SQL query that goes beyond
the simple CRUD (create, update, delete) operations on a single table. Examples
include SQL queries that perform a join between several tables, queries that
perform aggregation using the GROUP BY operator, and bulk update or delete
Example queries that the Custom DAO feature can support:

SELECT a.*, b.* FROM a, b WHERE = AND b.install_date

between ? and ?

DELETE customer WHERE status = ? AND create_date = ?

SELECT product, count(*) FROM product WHERE download_date > ? GROUP

BY product

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Code Generator for Java Persistence


3.1 Schema Import Framework

FireStorm/DAO can import relational database schemas from Database Definition
Language (DDL) scripts and can also import schemas from a JDBC connection to
a live database.

3.1.1 Importing from supported databases

FireStorm/DAO contains specific support for the DDL syntax and data types used
by Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, MySQL, InnoDB,
PostgreSQL. FireStorm/DAO also has intelligent support for auto-increment
columns and sequences used by MySQL, Oracle, and DB2.

3.1.2 Importing with generic databases

FireStorm/DAO can import schemas from any relational database that supports
ANSI-SQL or has a JDBC driver available.

3.2 FireStorm/DAO Project & Configuration Meta-


3.2.1 Project Meta-Data

FireStorm/DAO projects are stored in an easy-to-understand XML format making
it easy to share projects with other developers and store them in source control

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

systems such as CVS. FireStorm/DAO ships with an XML Schema Definition (XSD)
file making it easy to manipulate the project meta-data using external tools.

3.2.2 Configuration Meta-Data

FireStorm/DAO stores all of its configuration data in XML format.

3.3 Code Generation Framework

FireStorm/DAO has a powerful code generation framework allowing custom code
generation modules to be developed (Architect Edition only). The API provides
access to all of FireStorm/DAO's configuration and project meta-data in a simple
Java object-model removing the need to parse the underlying XML files.
FireStorm/DAO's code generation framework also provides a highly object-
oriented approach to creating Java source files.

3.3.1 Custom Code Generation Module

This Architect Edition-only module allows the DAO code generation templates to
be customized to:
• Optimize performance based on specific project requirements
• Integrate more closely with existing build environments, such as internal
coding standards
• Add environment-specific extra custom features such as caching, security,
auditing, and clustering

The code generation templates are written in standard Java so there is no need to
learn a proprietary code generation template language as with other solutions.
There is no limit on the number custom of DAO design templates that can be
developed – possibly using different DAO templates for different parts of the
same application. Additional non-DAO custom code generation templates can
also be developed and used with FireStorm/DAO. The custom code generation
templates can be used with the Enterprise Edition.

3.3.2 J2EE Code Generation Module

The J2EE Code Generation Module creates JSP pages for each DAO allowing them
to be tested very easily. Each DAO is also wrapped in a Stateless Session Bean
façade making it easy to publish the DAO objects as transactional components as
part of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). J2EE deployment descriptors are
also generated for the target platform (JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere).
When generating code for J2EE it is possible to choose between JDBC, CMP EJB,
or JDO for the DAO implementation code.

3.3.3 Apache Struts JSP Code Generation Module

Generates a complete Web application for interacting with the generated DAO
tier. The generated application is based on the Apache Struts framework and
contains full functionality for inserting, updating, deleting, and searching records
using the DAO tier. There is also the option for generating plain JSPs without
using the Struts framework.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

3.3.4 CMP EJB Code Generation Module

Generates Entity Bean source code for each table as well as CMP deployment
descriptors for the target platform.

3.3.5 JDO Code Generation Module

Generates JDO classes and DAO implementation based on JDO. Generates JDO
deployment descriptors.

3.3.6 JDBC Code Generation Module

Generates DAO implementation using plain JDBC/SQL calls.

3.3.7 DAO Code Generation Module

Generates Data Access Object (DAO) interfaces, Data Transfer Object (DTO)
classes, and DAO exception classes. The JDBC, EJB CMP, and JDO code
generation modules generates concrete implementations of the DAO interfaces.

3.4 FireStorm/DAO Ant Tasks

FireStorm/DAO contains Ant tasks for importing schemas and generating code,
making it easy to incorporate FireStorm/DAO into automated build systems.

3.5 FireStorm/DAO Command Line

The command line interface is ideal when running FireStorm/DAO on remote Unix
servers where only a console interface is available.

3.6 FireStorm/DAO Studio

FireStorm/DAO Studio is an easy-to-use graphical user interface for importing
schemas, manipulating meta-data, and generating code.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence


4.1 FireStorm/DAO Enterprise Edition

FireStorm/DAO Enterprise Edition offers the choice of

generating a DAO tier using either JDBC, Java Data Objects
(JDO), or Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). The Enterprise Edition
generates a complete Apache Struts JSP Web application for
interacting with the generated DAO tier.

4.1.1 Enterprise Edition Features

• Import database schemas from a JDBC connection
• Import database schemas from SQL/DDL scripts
• Reverse-engineer stored procedures
• Round-trip engineering (import modifications made to a schema)
• Create new schemas using a simple user interface
• Imported schemas can be modified using a simple user interface
• Generates Data Access Object (DAO) interfaces
• Generates Data Access Object (DAO) exception classes
• Generates Data Transfer Object (DTO) classes
• Generates Data Access Object (DAO) classes for JDBC
• Generates Data Access Object (DAO) classes for Java Data Objects (JDO)
• Generates Data Access Object (DAO) classes for Enterprise JavaBeans
• Generates Session Bean facade for each DAO interface
• Generates Web pages based on Apache Struts framework
• Generates Web pages based on plain Java Server Pages
• Dynamic Update Method
• Interactive SQL Tool
• Database Schema Migration
• Optimized JDBC Code
• Import Generation for Partial Schema
• Generates JDO meta-data and JDO properties file
• Generates CMP deployment descriptors
• Generates J2EE deployment descriptors
• Generates ANT build scripts

The FireStorm/DAO Enterprise Edition generates a complete JSP Web application

for interacting with the generated DAO tier. The generated application is based on
plan JSPs or the Apache Struts framework and contains full functionality for
inserting, updating, deleting, and searching records using the DAO tier. For each
table, view, and custom DAO, the following artifacts are generated:
• Struts Actions for insert, update, and delete operations
• Struts Actions for each defined finder method
• ActionForm bean to represent DTO
• Relevant entries in struts-config.xml and tiles-defs.xml
• JSP pages for viewing and editing each DAO
• JSP pages for displaying input form and results page for each finder

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

4.2 FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition

FireStorm/DAO 2 Architect Edition builds on the power of the
Enterprise Edition by allowing custom code generation modules to
be built to meet any bespoke requirements. The Architect Edition
also ships with full source code for the JDBC, JDO, and EJB code
generators from the Enterprise Edition.

FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition offers all of the features of the Enterprise Edition
but also allows new custom code generation templates to be developed and
integrated with the FireStorm/DAO Studio environment.

The code generation templates are written in standard Java so there is no need to
learn a proprietary code generation template language as with other solutions.
There is no limit on the number custom DAO design templates can be developed
– possibly using different DAO templates for different parts of the same
application. Additional non-DAO custom code generation templates can also be
developed and used with FireStorm/DAO. The custom code generation templates
can be used with the Enterprise Edition.

FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition includes the source code for the each of the
DAOs (JDBC, EJB CMP, and JDO). This allows FireStorm/DAO to be customized:
• Optimize performance based on specific project requirements
• Integrate more closely with existing development procedures and build
environments, such as internal coding standards
• Add environment-specific extra custom features such as caching, security,
auditing, and clustering

The maximum benefits of FireStorm/DAO are usually derived by a software

development group using the Architect Edition to customize the DAO design
template for its environment.

An experienced software developer within a software development

team customizes the DAO template. Then any other programmers
that want to develop a database persistence tier use the Enterprise
Edition and the custom DAO template provided by the DAO

4.2.1 Architect Edition Features

• Contains all functionality of Enterprise Edition

• Provides API allowing custom code generation modules to be developed
• FireStorm API provides access to FireStorm project file meta-data
• Contains full source code for JDBC, JDO, Hibernate and J2EE code
generation modules
• Contains sample source code for code generation customization
• Contains previews of new features not generally available

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

4.3 FireStorm/DAO OEM Edition

FireStorm/DAO OEM Edition is specifically aimed at software
product vendors. The functionality is the same as
FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition, with additional, normally
unavailable, internal technical documentation and optionally
access to all source code. CodeFutures’ commitment to
flexible licensing arrangement and product packages ensures
that ISVs of any size can be accommodated. FireStorm/DAO
is highly portable and easy to integrate with third-party

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Code Generator for Java Persistence


5.1 Database Support

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Import relational database schemas via JDBC.
Any database with a standard-compliant JDBC Yes Yes
driver can be supported.
• Import relational database schemas from any
ANSI-SQL compliant Database Definition Yes Yes
Language (DDL) script.
• In addition to exposing tables, views, and
custom SQL statements as Data Access
Objects, FireStorm/DAO exposes Stored Yes Yes
Procedures as DAOs. Available for Sybase,
Oracle, and SQL Server.
• Round trip engineering: A synchronization
wizard makes it easy to import new versions of
a database (JDBC or SQL) schema without
losing modifications made to a FireStorm/DAO Yes Yes
project file. Database synchronization works by
automatically importing new tables, views, and
columns, without losing modifications made to
existing objects.
• Automatically recognizes MySQL auto- Yes Yes
increment columns on import.
• Support for DB2 and Oracle sequence types for Yes Yes
auto-generated primary-keys.
• Support for all standard JDBC data types Yes Yes
including BLOB and CLOB.
• Dynamic Update Method: Firestorm/DAO users
can choose to generate static update methods
that update every column every time, or a new Yes Yes
dynamic update method that only updates
columns that have been modified.
• By default, BLOB types are automatically
mapped to byte arrays and CLOB types are
mapped to Strings. The implementation code Yes Yes
for reading BLOB and CLOB columns is
contained in a generated base class that can
be customised if required.
• Exposes all DAO types as Stateless Session
Beans making it easier to integrate databases
with SOA environments. If the JDBC DAO Yes Yes
implementation strategy is chosen then the
dynamic finder methods are also exposed for
maximum flexibility.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

• Partial schema support: specify a list of tables

and views to import from the database where
DAOs are only required for a subset of the
database. FireStorm/DAO Studio provides a Yes Yes
graphical user interface for selecting the
database elements for which a DAO tier is
generated. The developer specifies a list of
tables and views to import from the database.
• Custom Data Access Objects with dynamic
SQL. Effectively this means that the same DTO
and DAO mapping can now be used with
multiple SQL statements. A typical use-case Yes Yes
for using Dynamic SQL statements with a
Custom DAO is where a multi-table SELECT is
implemented as a Custom DAO but there is a
need for multiple "finder" methods.
• Interactive SQL Tool allows queries to be Yes Yes
tested directly from FireStorm/DAO
• Database Schema Migration Too makes it
possible to change the target database in a
FireStorm/DAO project file and any SQL data
types not supported by the new target Yes Yes
database is automatically change to supported
types, making it easy to migrate a schema to a
new database platform.

5.2 DAO Code Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Generate Data Access Object (DAO) interfaces,
Data Transfer Object (DTO) classes, and Data Yes Yes
Access Object (DAO) exception classes for
each DAO defined in the project file.
• Option to generate logging calls based on Yes Yes
System.out.println() or log4j.
• Generates complete Ant build script to compile Yes Yes
and package the generated code.

5.3 JDBC Code Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Generate Data Access Object (DAO)
implementation that uses plain JDBC calls and Yes Yes
SQL statements.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

• Support for custom SQL statements, including

joins, bulk updates and deletes when Yes Yes
generating DAO implementation based on
• Generates JDBC DAO code that is concise and
is closer to human-authored code. Variable
names are only prefixed with underscores if
there is the possibility of a name clash with
method parameters, making the code more Yes Yes
readable. Generated finder methods contain a
single line of code that delegates to a dynamic
finder method rather than containing dozens of
lines of repetitive code.

5.4 J2EE Code Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Generate Container-Managed Persistence

(CMP) Entity Beans and CMP deployment Yes Yes
descriptors for each Table DAO that has a
• Generate fully working Web application, based
on Struts and Tiles, for immediate testing of Yes Yes
the generated DAO persistence and query
• Generate Stateless Session Bean facade to
enable Data Access Object (DAO) classes to be Yes Yes
published as transactional services as part of a
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
• Generate J2EE deployment descriptors for IBM
WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, and JBoss, and Yes Yes
any standards-based J2EE application Server.

5.5 JDO Code Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Generate Java Data Object (JDO) classes and
DAO implementation for each Table and View Yes Yes
• Generate Java Data Object (JDO) meta-data Yes Yes
files for the JDO reference implementation.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

5.6 Web Application Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Generate Web applications for deployment
onto standalone web containers (for
example, Tomcat 4.x) or to full J2EE Yes Yes
platforms. The generated Web application
contains JSP pages, Struts Actions, and a
DOA tier based on JDBC or CMP.
• Generate a complete JSP Struts Web
application for interacting with the
generated DAO tier. The generated
application is based on the Apache Struts
framework and contains full functionality
for inserting, updating, deleting, and
searching records using the DAO tier. For
each table, view and custom DAO, the
following artifacts are generated:
- Struts Actions for insert, update, and Yes Yes
delete operations
- Struts Actions for each defined finder
- ActionForm bean to represent DTO
- Relevant entries in struts-config.xml and
- JSP pages for viewing and editing each
DAO JSP pages for displaying input form
and results page for each finder method
• Generate plain JSP Web application (not Yes Yes
using the Struts framework).

5.7 Custom Code Generation

Feature Enterprise Architect

• Write custom code generators in Java with
full access to the FireStorm/DAO code
generation API and project meta-data. No No Yes
proprietary scripting or template language
to learn. The code generation templates
are Java code.
• Full access to the source code for the JSP,
Struts JSP, JDBC DAO, JDO DAO, Hibernate
DAO and EJB CMP DAO code generation No Yes
modules allowing them to be completely
• Preview source code for new features in No Yes
upcoming product releases.
• Source code samples for customization and No Yes
optimization of code generation templates.

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Code Generator for Java Persistence


6.1 Supported Databases
FireStorm/DAO should work with any JDBC-compliant database. The database
that CodeFutures or CodeFutures' customer have used FireStorm/DAO with
• DB2 7.1, 7.2, 8.1
• MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1
• PostgreSQL 7.1.2, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
• Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g
• Sybase 12.5 (JConnect 5.5)
• HypersonicSQL 1.61, 1.7.0, 1.7.2, 1.8
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000
• SAP DB 7.3
• Max DB
• Informix
• Ingres
• FrontBase
• Mckoi SQL
• Firebird
• DBMaker
• Interbase
• Progress 9
• Pointbase Embedded 4.3
• HP NonStop SQL/MX 2.0
• IBM Cloudscape
• Microsoft Accesss
• Apache Derby
• InnoDB
• Adabase D
• MimerSQL
• seeMore
• Hypersonic Database Engine
• Axion
• DaffodilDB

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Code Generator for Java Persistence

6.2 Supported J2EE Platforms

FireStorm/DAO generates code for the following J2EE platforms:
• BEA WebLogic 6.1
• BEA WebLogic 7
• BEA WebLogic 8.1
• IBM WebSphere 4
• IBM WebSphere 5
• JBoss 3.2
• Tomcat
• Sun Java System Application Server
• Any standards-compliant J2EE Application Server

6.3 Supported JDO Platforms

FireStorm/DAO generates code for the following JDO platforms:

• JDO Reference Implementation 1.0.1

6.4 Supported Operating Systems

All editions of FireStorm/DAO run on the following operating systems:
• Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4, Windows XP
• Solaris
• Linux
• Mac OS X
• Any OS supporting Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4 or greater

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Code Generator for Java Persistence



7.1 CodeFutures WebLogs

Corproate WebLog:

Andy Grove’s (CodeFutures CTO) WebLog:

7.2 CodeFutures Technical Support

CodeFutures offers Premium Support: includes 12 months of email support and
all available upgrades, including all new major and minor product releases, during
the support period. Premium Support is 20% of the software license price.

For support on FireStorm/DAO, please email:

7.3 Further Reading

Product material on the Document Library on the CodeFutures Web site:
• CodeFutures Corporate Overview
• FireStorm/DAO Product Overview
• FireStorm/DAO Architect Edition Overview
• FireStorm/DAO Product Pricing Sheet
• DSNet Technical Case Study
• Trend S.p.a. Customer Profile

Additional documents are available on request from

• CodeFutures Customer Testimonials
• FireStorm/DAO Product Roadmap
• CodeFutures Manager’s Guide
• CodeFutures Unique Product Offering
• CodeFutures Corporate Overview (PowerPoint Presentation)
• CodeFutures Technology Vision (PowerPoint Presentation)

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