Non-Chronological Report
Non-Chronological Report
Non-Chronological Report
Energy Drinks
What are the effects of caffeine?
Lots of children, young
Within around 10 minutes of drinking an energy drink, the caffeine
people and adults enjoy within will begin to enter your bloodstream, raising your heart rate and
energy drinks These your blood pressure. As more caffeine enters your blood, you will begin
fruity, fizzy drinks are to feel more alert and focused, as the caffeine blocks the chemical in
available in an your brain that sends messages from our body that we are tired.
astounding range of weird
and wonderful flavours
and they promise to After this initial period of caffeine in your bloodstream, the effects will
deliver that extra energy begin to wear off, usually after around an hour. You will begin to
boost to help you get experience a caffeine crash, which means you will start feeling tired
Caffeine: 80mg to 300mg There’s a reason why energy drinks are only allowed to be
sold to people aged sixteen or over in the UK. Did you know
Sugar: up to 50g
that around 12 hours after consuming an energy drink, your
Age: over-16s only brain actually starts to have withdrawal symptoms? You
might get headaches and feel more irritable than usual.
Having too many energy drinks can also lead to increased
risk of problems such as anxiety, dehydration and increased
heart rate.
Quality Standard
Aspire International School
Quality Standard
Aspire International School
1. In the introduction, what phrase does the writer use to make energy drinks sound desirable?
6. How much sugar does an energy drink contain compared to a soft drink?
8. What do you think people could do to feel alert, instead of having an energy drink?