Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Problem No-2 Perform the subtraction A-B on the following signed binary numbers using 2’s
complement method. Indicate if an overflow occurs. Verify your result through
decimal arithmetic.
A=11101000.112; B=100000002
Express the answer in 12-bit sign-magnitude, sign-1’s complement and sign-
2’s complement form.
Problem No-3 Prove the identity of the following Boolean equation, using algebraic
Problem No-4 Prove the identity of the following Boolean equations, using algebraic
(A+B΄)(B+C΄)(C+D΄)(D+A΄)= (A΄+B)(B΄+C)(C΄+D)(D΄+A)
(Use Consensus theorem only)
Problem No-5 Write the simplified output Boolean expression X for the circuit of Figure P5
and use it to determine the complete truth table. Then apply the waveform
sketched below to the circuit inputs, and draw the resulting output waveform
without gate delays. Express the function in sum-of-minterms (SSOP) and
product-of-maxterms (SPOS) in both short notation and algebraic forms.