Excia T
Excia T
Excia T
Aesculap Orthopaedics
Aesculap® Excia® T
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Excia® T Concept 4
Preoperative Planning 10
Surgical Technique 12
Article Overview 18
Plasmafit® Acetabular Cup System 22
Aesculap® Excia® T Concept
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Excia® T Cementless Design OrthoPilot® Navigation
The universal and distally slim implant design and the Excia® T can be implanted using the OrthoPilot® navigation
standardized implantation technique allow the implant to system. Stem navigation tools allow intra-operative con-
be used in different femoral anatomies. Excia® T implants trol and documentation of leg length and offset changes.
are also suitable for narrow femur canals. OrthoPilot® navigation also supports minimally invasive
surgical techniques.
Essential design characteristics of the proximally fixating
implant are the trochanter-preserving rounded shoulder
and the modern stem length.
These features support minimally invasive surgical tech-
niques, especially the direct anterior approach. Excia® T Geometry
The Excia® T double taper design as well as the proximal
bilateral flanges provide a high primary stability.
Size Length Standard Lateralized
The 12 / 14 taper with a distally reduced neck diameter CCD Offset CCD Offset
increases the range of motion.
8 131.4 mm 135° 37.7 mm 128° 43.7 mm
Excia T is available as standard as well as a high-offset
implant, which supports an individual offset reconstruction. 9 135.9 mm 135° 38.9 mm 128° 44.9 mm
During the Plasmapore® coating process, pure titanium 16 167.4 mm 135° 47.3 mm 128° 53.3 mm
powder, with a thickness of 0.35 mm and a microporosity
up to 40 % is sprayed on the proximal anchoring area of 17 171.9 mm 135° 48.5 mm 128° 54.5 mm
the implant. The very rough Plasmapore® structure also
supports the implant’s primary stability. 18 176.4 mm 135° 49.7 mm 128° 55.7 mm
Aesculap® Excia® T Concept
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Excia® T Cemented Design CoCr Material
The universal implant design with the trochanter-preserving The cemented Excia® T differs from the cementless version
shoulder geometry and the modern stem length has also in implant material that is used, the ISODUR®F cobalt chrome
been adopted for the cemented Excia® T stem. alloy. The implant surface is not coated.
Aesculap® Excia® T Concept
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Excia® T Profiler – Design Excia® T System Approach
The design of the profilers allows for a smooth preparation The essential benefit of the Excia® T instruments can be
of the implant bed. Proximal compression planes of the found in the system approach. Excia® T supports the im-
profilers support a compaction of the cancellous bone in plantation with or without bone cement for all surgical
anterior and posterior direction and herewith the preservation approaches with one single set of instruments. Excia® T
of bone material. herewith provides a great intraoperative flexibility.
An effective rasping is supported by chip flutes in the distal The Excia® T approach of using one instrument system for
part of the broaches. The flutes also facilitate the cleaning cementless and cemented implantations furthermore sig-
of the broaches from blood and bone material. nificantly reduces the intra-operatively necessary number
of instruments. The combination of a reduced number of
The asymmetrical tip of the implant and the profiler prevent instruments and an intelligent OrthoTray storage enables
a distal-lateral load transmission and provide a safe intra- that all Excia® T instruments fit into one single tray. Hence
medullary guidance of the profiler during the implantation. the OrthoTray needs low storage capacity and reduces the
costs for instrument processing and sterilization.
The Excia® T profiler are thus manufactured, that a trial
reposition with trial neck and trial head allow for a precise
evaluation of the joint function. Standard as well as later-
alized modular trial necks are available to check the offset
situation and simulate the expectable joint stability. Aesculap Instrument Platform
Aesculap® Excia® T Preoperative Planning
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Aims of Preoperative Planning Excia® T Stem Implants
Based on the indication preoperative planning considers The broad size range as well as a precisely adjusted size
the position and size selection of the implant components. growth for Excia® T cementless and cemented implants
Anatomical circumstances are evaluated with an AP view allow for an individual selection of the implant size.
of the complete pelvis as well as the view of the contralateral
side to the indicated hip joint. Offset versions of the standard stem with 135° CCD angle
and the lateralized stem with 128° CCD angle and 6 mm
On the basis of the preoperative planning it is possible to offset increase support the reconstruction of the femoral
already identify intraoperative challenges in the forefront offset.
of the surgery. According to bone quality and shape preop-
erative planning indicates the possible fixation of the stem
component, position of the rotation center, offset and leg
length circumstances as well as the position of the femoral
osteotomy. Possibilities of Preoperative
Procedure of Preoperative Planning Excia® T X-ray templates with a scale of 1.15:1 are available
for manual planning. Furthermore Excia® T is integrated into
several digital planning systems.
1. Drawing in of the pelvis base line and the reference
to the trochanter minor
2. Determination of the femoral hip center
3. Position of the cup component, which indicates the
rotation center X-Ray Images
4. Selection of the appropriate stem implant after the
following requirements:
�Proximal medial fit of the stem For the planning of Excia® T a deeply regulated pelvis over-
�Distal axial stem position view and an image of the lateral view of the indicated hip
�Without oversizing of the distal part of the implant should be available.
5. Adjustment of offset and leg length via the rotation
center of the stem component in relation to the cup
6. Marking of the 45° osteotomy line for the intraoperative
orientation with 10 -15 mm reference to the trochanter
Aesculap® Excia® T Surgical Technique
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Patient Position Landmark Determination
Depending on the surgical technique and approach the Bony landmarks at the trochanter need to be defined before
patient is positioned either in supine or in lateral position. luxation and resection of the femoral head. According to
preoperative and intraoperative measurements of these
The following images underlining the explanation of the landmarks leg length changes can be followed. The aim is
surgical technique are related to a lateral patient position to achieve the leg length situation that has been determined
and the utilization of a posterior approach. during the preoperative planning.
Aesculap® Excia® T Surgical Technique
Hip Endoprosthesis System
1. Osteotomy
3. Profiler
4. Trial Reposition
standard lateral
Aesculap® Excia® T Surgical Technique
Hip Endoprosthesis System
5.b Excia® T Cemented –
For the implantation with bone cement the implant size is In case of distally widened femoral canals and after mea-
selected in relation to the last utilized profiler as well as suring the canal width it is also possible to use a bigger
the desired nominal thickness of the cement mantle. On centralizer in order to achieve a distal canal fitting.
the packaging of each Excia® T cemented implant the size
of the corresponding centralizer is stated.
Profiler size 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Excia® T cemented 10 12 14 16 18 20
Centralizer Ø mm 8 9 10 11 12 13
Aesculap® Excia® T Article Overview
Hip Endoprosthesis System
ISODUR®F Composition:
14 NU214T NU234T 14 NK094
50 % Gelatine (from pigs)
30 % Glycerine
15 NU215T NU235T 15 NK095 20 % Water
2% Methylparahydroxy-
16 NU216T NU236T 16 NK096
20 NU220T NU240T
Implant materials:
Ceramic Heads Metal Heads
12 / 14 12 / 14
Size 28 mm 32 mm 36 mm 40 mm Size 28 mm 32 mm 36 mm 40 mm
Excia® T Cementless
Excia® T Cemented
Implant materials:
Biolox® delta Aluminium oxide matrix ceramic (Al2O3 / ZiO2 / ISO 6474-2)
ISODUR®F Cobalt-chromium forged alloy (CoCrMo / ISO 5832-12)
Aesculap® Excia® T Article Overview
Hip Endoprosthesis System
Consisting of:
Cross bar for profiler handles ND017R Trial prosthesis head, L, 36 mm NT378
Trial prosthesis head, L, 28 mm NT358 Note: The recommended container for Excia® T Basic Set NT900 is
Aesculap basic container 592 x 285 x 153 mm.
Excia® T Small Tray
Form profiler size 10 NT910R Profiler handle lateral approach, straight * NT001R
Form profiler size 11 NT911R Profiler handle posterior approach, straight * NT002R
Form profiler size 12 NT912R Profiler handle anterior approach, straight * NT003R
Form profiler size 13 NT913R Profiler handle lateral approach, offset left * NT004R
Form profiler size 14 NT914R Profiler handle lateral approach, offset right * NT005R
Form profiler size 15 NT915R Profiler handle anterior approach, offset left * NT006R
Form profiler size 16 NT916R Profiler handle anterior approach, offset right * NT007R
Form profiler size 17 NT917R Profiler handle lateral approach, straight * NT008R
Form profiler size 18 NT918R Profiler handle lateral approach, offset left * NT009R
Form profiler size 19 NT919R Profiler handle lateral approach, offset right * NT010R
Form profiler size 20 NT920R Femoral head saw guide 45° ND054R
Excia® T Modular box osteotome NT903R * three profiler handles can be stored in the tray
Aesculap® Plasmafit®
Cementless Acetabular Cup System
Acetabular Cup System Plasmafit® Poly
In addition to the Excia® T stem components the Plasmafit® Plasmafit® Poly is a dedicated cup implant line exclusively
cementless acetabular cup system is available. for the use with polyethylene liners and allows the optional
use of correction liners.
Plasmafit® Surface
Plasmafit® Plus
The precise profile structure of the Plasmafit® surface en-
ables the surgeon to skip the step of trial cup implantation Plasmafit® Plus designed for combined treatments with
in most cases. ceramic or polyethylene articulation materials. The increased
wall thickness compared to Plasmafit® Poly allows additional
The high intraoperative primary stability of Plasmafit® re- screw holes for an optional use of cancellous fixation screws.
duces the need for additional screw fixation to only a few
cases and allows implantations under difficult conditions All Plasmafit® Plus cup implants can be combined with
and easy revision treatments. modular Vitelene® polyethylene liners made of vitamin E
stabilized highly cross-linked polyethylene.
Insert Selection
The wall thickness of both Plasmafit® implant lines offers For further information about the Plasmafit® acetabular
an improved articulation choice for highly crosslinked poly- cup system please refer to the Aesculap brochure O45502.
ethylene and ceramic cup liners.
The main product trademark “Aesculap” and
the product trademarks “Excia”, “ISODUR”,
“ISOTAN”, “OrthoPilot”, “Plasmafit”,
“Plasmapore” and “Vitelene” are registered
trademarks of Aesculap AG.
“Biolox” is a registered trademark of CeramTec
GmbH, Plochingen.