Algebra 2

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Take AIM and Succeed!

Aufmann Interactive Method AIM

The Aufmann Interactive Method (AIM) is a proven learning system that
has helped thousands of students master concepts and achieve results.

To follow the AIM, step through the HOW TO

examples that are provided and then work through
the matched EXAMPLE / YOU TRY IT pairs. _

Factor. 4.v2 —81y2

Write the binomial as the difference

of two perfect squares.
4x2 — 8 l_v2 = (2*)2 — (9>)2
The factors are the sum and difference = (2a + 9y) (2x - 9v)
of the square roots of the perfect squares.


Factor: a2 36/
Solution Your solution
25a-2 - I= (5a)2 - (l)2 • Difference of
= (5a + l)(5a - l) Iwo squares

For extra support, you can find the complete solutions to

the YOU TRY IT problems in the back of the text.

You Try It 1
x2 - 36/ = x2 -(6V2)2 • Difference of
= (x 6V2)
+ U - 6/) «wo squares

Carotiglt :p|1CmMc Itimnf *11 "V" Mq iwihe c<i<ot «am«. ir Aelieaal n »hik it it put. I>« Hi clccium rutu. unc llinl run. cinlcuto, h: uRicuci few* &< iB-si irJmK"tuun«|.
mic* hvJcoiciiiuiie) ainrcacJcuucriAxi rannaicnalb ifixt Ac mcnil Isitu/ cwtcrt. I timnf rc<n;< ix njÿil lo act»ct« iÿlntnil ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«cqiKni nxk* rotnefwmrojiirv a.
Ask the Authors!

We have taught math for many years. During that time, we have
had students ask us a number of questions about mathematics
and this course. Here you find some of the questions we have
been asked most often, starting with the big one. Dick Aufmann Joanne Lockwood

Why do I have to tfllee this course? You may have heard that "Math is everywhere. " Thai
is prowbly a slight exaggeration, but math does find its way into many disciplines. There are obvious places
like engineering, science, and medicine. There are other disciplines such as business, social science, and
political science where math may be less obvious but still essential. It you are going to be an artist, writer.
or musician, the direct connection to math may be even less obvious. Even so. as art historians who have
studied the Mona Lisa have shown, there is a connection to math. But, suppose you find these reasons not
all that compelling. There is still a reason to learn basic math skills: You will be a better consumer and
be able to make better linancial choices tor you and your tamily. For instance, is it better to buy a car or
lease a car? Math can provide an answer.

I ftvvd d'lfftcul
t. Why Is that? It is true that some people, even very smart people,
tind math difticult. Some ot this can be traced to previous math experiences. It your basic skills are lacking.
it is more difficult to understand the math in a new math course. Some of the difficulty can be attributed to
the ideas and concepts in math. They can be quite challenging to learn. Nonetheless, most of us can learn
and understand the ideas in the math courses that are required tor graduation. It you want math to be less
difficult practice. When you have finished practicing, practice some more. Ask an athlete, actor, singer,
dancer, artist, doctor, skateboarder, or (name a profession) what it takes to become successful and the one
common characteristic they all share is that they practiced—a lot.

Winy ts ncAth Lwcportflwt? As we mentioned earlier, math is found in many fields of study. There
are. however, other reasons to take a math course. Primary among these reasons is to become a better
problem solver. Math can help you leam critical thinking skills. It can help you develop a logical plan to solve
a problem. Math can help you see relationships between ideas and to identity patterns. V/hen employers are
asked what they look tor in a new employee, being a problem solver is one olthe highest ranked criteria.

What do t Kveed to do to pass this course? The most important thing you must do is to
know and understand the requirements outlined by your instructor. These requirements are usually given to
you in a syllabus. Once you know what is required, you can chart a course of action. Set time aside to study
and do homework. If possible, choose your classes so that you have a free hour after your math class. Use
this time to review your lecture notes, rework examples given by the instructor, and begin your homework.
All of us eventually need help, so know where you can get assistance with this class. This means know¬
ing your instructors office hours, the hours ot the math help center, and how to access available online
resources. And finally, do not get behind Try to do some math EVERY day. even if it is for only 20 minutes.

CiPirljhi ) CcrfXc Itannic til Ktftli KtuitcJ. Mi) imhe «fml onac cr tucl-crlJ. 1-hilc <r ipan. Ikituitkount r«lu. amc UirJ |un« onmlna, h: unvote birr tic elvx* jnlov cilumli.
rdiirtÿ mir» hvJccneÿÿw a) unrcocc tvrijrt nn tuicnilb 6c noill Inmn/njenenv. CaMC Iamn{ (ootc< lirfilio »cm»K iÿliiinilctmniiivQ line if rottKtwitt rcÿarc t
lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: «un«. ir ticlicrai. Ii»Kik m it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt n*h» mm <hnl ttnj iramirta, K: ointc—cÿ fwp Be ilv-4 inlor cliamn "I
f *Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj «nrt«cc couchJcci r«>: riaicm!)? >fixl tic mcnll kimn; cxxntru. CnM: I tzmng rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc cmxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt*n; n/k«rMnctwm retire <-

Richard N. Aufmann
Palomar College

Joanne S. Lockwood
Nashua Community College

•* CtNGAGE Learning-

Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix ami tr anlKml. It »hik cr it pvt. I>.i Ui ilaivnin(hv mm tknl |tnjiuuhirtn, K: ointc—cÿ fecai at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
riiiralmin iw JccncJ ihr. coucnJc<« r»»: rtuniill) xffcvt iu mcnll kinut; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Itimn/ rc*mc< ix ndii lo «c(Nÿc tÿluiml ccnxni 11 iny line i! n/k*rrdnctwm rorsirc
This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions,
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valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate
formats, please visit rom/hM-heivi! 10 search by ISBN#, author, title, or keyword for
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uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil M«j ml K,unil n dnluaol. » *t»W i « is un. I>« la clccn-»t rtf tu. o> llinl tun) hdhiian) K: anniacÿ feoa Mc ilv-vi itilor n'Miuia.
re* io» hs«Jccntjihn azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nuctulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if 4iV«cqmti njforoiixtwnt rotiirc t
1% CENGAGE Learning

IntermediateAlgebra: £> 2014, 2009 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning

An AppliedApproach,
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein
Ninth Edition
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Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne S. Lockwood
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uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 K«t.« Kociri. Uo ml K,cc(<nlrami, n Animal n "luk i« n wn. I>j» la clccn-w ruW. «>m llinl cumcl no, K: wnaci feon Mc ili*linla.Olaium<(.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut azy oi,t»ikv coclcrt dc<« r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I timng rc«f>c< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it inj line if 4iV«cq«ni ng\t* roiixtwrnrotiirc t
Brief Contents

A AIM for Success AIM-1

1 Review of Real Numbers 1
2 First-Degree Equations and Inequalities 67
3 Linear Functions and Inequalities in Two Variables 127
4 Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities 215
5 Polynomials 271
6 Rational Expressions 355
7 Exponents and Radicals 409
8 Quadratic Equations 457
9 Functions and Relations 505
10 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 559
11 Conic Sections 607
12 Sequences and Series 651

Final Exam 691

Appendixes 697
Solutions to "You Try It" S1
Answers to Selected Exercises A1
Glossary G1
Index 11

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil Ug ml K.unil n darluaoi. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl tun? nuKclnu) K: (**n u> itiw* itilor ct'fapxn 4 1

rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njtorolixlwnt rojurc
uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil Ug ml K,unil«mti n darluaoi. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ <*" u> itv-vi inlor rt'fcaiuit<l.
hdur»rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rolixlwnt ro|iirc t


AIM for Success AIM-1

This important chapter outlines some study skills that are used by students who
have been successful in this course. Topics include how to stay motivated, making
a commitment to succeed, how to manage your time, and preparing for and taking
tests. There is a complete guide to the textbook and how to use its features to
become a successful student.

1 Review of Real Numbers 1

SECTION 1.1 A To use inequality and absolute value symbols with real numbers 2
B To write and graph sets 6

C To find the union and intersection of sets 10

SECTION 1.2 A To add. subtract, multiply, and divide integers 18
B To evaluate exponential expressions and use the Order of
Operations Agreement 21

SECTION 1.3 A To find the least common multiple (LCM) and greatest common
factor (GCF) 27
B To add. subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers 29
C To perform operations using decimal notation 32
D To use the Order of Operations Ageement and simplify complex
fractions 33


SECTION 1.4 A To use and identify the properties of the real numbers 42
B To evaluate a variable expression 45
C To simplify a variable expression 46

SECTION 1.5 A To translate a verbal expression into a variable expression 51

B To solve application problems 54





(Ipinlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.(T\<J Ug ml K,moil n Atrluml n»!»ik I « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> tlinl tun? ohkcino, K: airticucÿ u> inlor cV'fapxr «l.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxnl at utj line if 4iV«cqiOTi roirxlwnt ro|iirc t


2 First-Degree Equations
and inequalities 67
SECTION 2.1 A To solve an equation using the Addition or Multiplication Property of
Equations 68
B To solve an equation using tx*h the Addition and the Multiplication
Properties of Equations 71
C To solve an equation containing parentheses 72

D To solve a literal equation for one of the variables 74

SECTION 2.2 A To solve value mixture problems 80
B To solve percent mixture problems 83
C To solve uniform motion problems 85


SECTION 2.3 A To solve an inequality in one variable 95
B To solve a compound inequality 98
C To solve application problems 100

SECTION 2.4 A To solve an absolute value equation 107

B To solve an absolute value inequality 109

C To solve application problems 111




3 Linear Functions and Inequalities

in Two Variables 127


SECTION 3.1 A To find the length and midpoint of a line segment 128
B To graph an equation in two variables 131
SECTION 3.2 A To evaluate a function 138
B To graph a function 144
C To apply the vertical line test 146

SECTION 3.3 A To graph a linear function 155

B To graph an equation of the form Ax + By C 157
C To find thex- and y-intercepts of a straight line 159
D To solve applicat ion problems 162


Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi ItimO(. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« InclccVont mm tlini |tnj oatctirtn, K: wircutj 6coi lit itv-i ir.1jt lOtomil
fiiira!micn JcokJihr. «urfrvc«co couch Jc<« r»»: numill) iffcci iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Itimn/ rc*mc< he lo crnxni ii my line if «iV*cqtxn: r/k*rr4nctwm rcqurc L

SECTION 3.4 A To find the slope of a line given two points 170
B To find average rate of change 173

C To graph a line given a point and the slope 176

SECTION 3.5 A To find the equation of a line given a point and the slope 184
B To find the equation of a line given two points 186
C To solve application problems 187
SECTION 3.6 A To find parallel and perpendicular lines 193
SECTION 3.7 A To graph the solution set of an inequality in two variables 199




4 Systems of Linear Equations

and Inequalities 215
SECTION 4.1 A To solve a system of linear equations by graphing 216
B To solve a system of linear equations by the substitution
method 219
C To solve investment problems 222
SECTION 4.2 A To solve a system of two Inear equations in two variables by the
addition method 228
B To solve a system of three linear equations in three variables by the
addition method 231
SECTION 4.3 A To evaluate a determinant 240
B To solve a system of equations by using Cramer's Rule 243


SECTION 4.4 A To solve rate-of-wind or rate-of- current problems 249
B To solve application problems 251
SECTION 4.5 A To graph the solution set of a system of linear inequalities 257





5 Polynomials 271


SECTION 5.1 A To multiply monomials 272
To divide monomials and simplify expressions with negative
exponents 274

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« In clccivtat n(hv mm tknl |tnjnuloi rtn, K: winvcj 6coi lit itv-i ir.1 lOiomil

CiiiraSmicn tkaxJihr. «urfrvc«co couch Jc<« r»»: numill) iffcci iu mcnll kinuv cxjcncru
Ccb£m£c lumnf rc*mc< he niÿii lo actKÿc crnxni ii my line if «iV*cqtxn: n/k*rr4nctwm rcqurc L

C To write a number using scientific notation 278

D To solve application problems 279
SECTION 5.2 A To evaluate polynomial functions 284
B To add or subtract polynomials 287
SECTION 5.3 A To multiply a polynomial by a monomial 293
B To multiply polynomials 294
C To multiply polynomials that have special products 296
D To solve application problems 297
SECTION 5.4 A To divide a polynomial by a monomial 303
B To divide polynomials 304
C To divide polynomials by using synthetic division 306
D To evaluate a polynomial function using synthetic division 308


SECTION 5.5 A To factor a monomial from a polynomial 315
B To factor by grouping 316
SECTION 5.6 A To factor a trinomial of the form Xr -t bx f C 320
B To factor ax: bx + C 322
SECTION 5.7 A To factor the difference of two perfect squares a a perfect-square
trinomial 329
B To factor the sum or dfference of two perfect cubes 331
C To factor a trinomial that is quadratic in form 333
D To factor completely 334
SECTION 5.8 A To solve an equation by factoring 339
B To solve application problems 341






6 Rational Expressions 355


SECTION 6.1 A To find the domain of a rational function 356
B To simplify a rational expression 357
SECTION 6.2 A To multiply rational expressions 362
B To divide rational expressions 363
SECTION 6.3 A To rewrite rational expressions in terms of acommon
denominator 367
B To add or subtract rational expressions 368


l.mndi. -Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n in tlcrn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: airficocÿ ittxi inlor cVfapxn «i-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwniroiiirt L

SECTION 6.4 A To simplify a complex fraction 376

SECTION 6.5 A To sotve a proportion 380
B To sotve application problems 381
SECTION 6.6 A To solve a rational equation 384
B To sotve work problems 386
C To solve uniform motion problems 388
SECTION 6.7 A To solve variation problems 394




7 Exponents and Radicals 409

SECTION 7.1 A To simplify expressions with rational exponents 410
B To write exponential expressions as radical expressions and to write
radical expressions as exponential expressions 412
C To simplify radical expressions that are roots of perfect powers 414
SECTION 7.2 A To simplify radical expressions 420
B To add or subtract radical expressions 422
SECTION 7.3 A To multiply radical expressions 425
B To divide radical expressions 426


SECTION 7.4 A To solve a radical equation 433
B To sotve application problems 435
SECTION 7.5 A To simplify a complex number 439
B To add or subtract complex numbers 440
C To multiply complex numbers 441
D To divide complex numbers 443




8 Quadratic Equations 457

SECTION 8.1 A To solve a quadratic equation by factoring 458
B To solve a quadratic equation by taking square roots 460

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KacnoL »lf i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: ufpcuci irjor cVfapxn «»-
hÿiira! hnJccnciifuttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc crnxni it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni njhx rotiKtwmrenilrt L

SECTION 8.2 A To solve a quadratic equation by completing the square 466

B To solve a quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula 470
SECTION 8.3 A To solve an equation that is quadratic in form 478
B To solve a radical equation that is reducible to a quadratic
equation 479
C To solve a rational equation that is reducible to a quadratic
equation 481


SECTION 8.4 A To solve application problems 485
SECTION 8.5 A To solve a nonlinear inequality 491




9 Functions and Relations 505


SECTION 9.1 A To graph a quadratic function 506
B To find the X-intercepts of a parabola 509
C To find the minimum or maximum of a quadratic function 512
D To solve application problems 513
SECTION 9.2 A To graph by using translations 522
B To graph by using reflections 524


SECTION 9.3 A To perform operations on functions 531
B To find the composition of two functions 533
SECTION 9.4 A To determine whether a function is one-to-one 540
B To find the inverse of a function 541




Exponential and Logarithmic

Functions 559


SECTION 10.1 A To evaluate an exponential function 560
B To graph an exponential function 562

uqiith 301)Ca&fc Iamnl. *11 Htftu KocmiI Ug ml K,unil adarluaoL n»!»ik i« I!tun. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikci(toj K: airficocÿ u> .
inlor ct'fapxn t
hs«Jccikc iho szy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n minulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni mjJo rolrxlwnt reqaire c

SECTION 10.2 A To find the logarithm of a number 568

B To use the Properties of Logarithms to simplify expressions
containing logarithms 571

C To use the Change-of-Base Formula 574

SECTION 10.3 A To graph a logarithmic fiBTCtion 579


SECTION 10.4 A To solve an exponential equation 584
B To solve a logarithmic equation 586
SECTION 10.5 A To solve application problems 590



r -

1ni Conic Sections 607


SECTION 11.1 A To graph a parabola 608
SECTION 11.2 A To find the equation of a circle and then graph the circle 614
B To write the equation of a circle in standard form 616
SECTION 11.3 A To graph an ellipse with center at the origin 620
B To graph a hyperbola with center at the origin 622


SECTION 11.4 A To solve a nonlinear system of equations 627
SECTION 11.5 A To graph the solution set of a quadratic inequality in two variables
B To graph the solution set of a nonlinear system of inequalities 635






12 Sequences and Series 651

SECTION 12.1 A To write the terms of a sequence 652
B To find the sum of a series 653

SECTION 12.2 A To find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence 657

B To find the sum of an arithmetic series 659
C To solve application problems 660

linrilh. :ol) Ccr Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n In tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci irjor cV'fapxr «l.
hÿirra! hnJccnciifuttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc crnxni it inj Imc «1 «jV«ajucni rotiKtwm roiiirt L


SECTION 12.3 A To find the nth term of a geometric sequence 664
B To find the sum of a finite geometric series 666
C To find the sum of an infinite geometric series 668
D To solve application problems 671
SECTION 12.4 A To expand (a -f 0)" 675






APPENDIX A: Keystroke Guide for the TI-84 Plus 697

APPENDIX B: Proofs and Tables 707





Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K,moil n darluaol. n »tuk I« n UK. I>* In clccn-mruW. o> tlinl |KH> cuikcino, K: airticucÿ (**n u> inlor n'Mtuio.
hdkr» hoJccikc iha azy ainvcocÿ cockrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrsll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani nt\t* rolrxlwot ro|urt t

Among the many questions we ask when we begin the process of revising a text¬
book. the most important is, "How can we improve the learning experience for
the student?" We find answers to this question in a variety of ways, but most
commonly by talking to students and instructors and by evaluating the written feedback
we receive from instructors. Bearing this feedback in mind, our ultimate goal as we
set out to create the ninth edition of Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach was
to provide students with more materials to help them better understand the underlying
concepts presented in this course. As a result, we have made the following changes to
the new edition.
New to this edition is the Focus on Success vignette that appears at the beginning
of each chapter. Focus on Success offers practical tips for improving study habits and
performance on tests and exams.
We now include an Apply the Concept box in many objectives in which a new-
concept is introduced. This feature gives an immediate real-world example of how that
concept is applied. For instance, after linear functions are defined, there is an Apply
the Concept example of using the linear function that converts Celsius temperatures to
Fahrenheit temperatures.
The definition and key concept boxes have been enhanced in this edition; they now
include examples to show how the general case translates to specific cases.
In each exercise set, the first group of exercises is now tilled Concept Check. The
Concept Check exercises focus on the concepts that lie behind the skills developed in
the section. We consider an understanding of these concepts essential to a student's suc¬
cess in mastering the skills required to complete the exercises that follow.
Ever)' chapter contains Check Your Progress exercises. This feature appears
approximately mid-chapter and tests students' understanding of the concepts presented
to that point in the chapter.
Critical Thinking exercises are included at the end of ever)' exercise set. They may
involve further exploration or analysis of the topic at hand. They may also integrate con¬
cepts introduced earlier in the text.
We trust that the new and enhanced features of the ninth edition will help students
more successfully engage with the content. By narrowing the gap between the concrete
and the abstract, between the real world and the theoretical, students should more plainly
see that mastering the skills and topics presented is well within their reachand well worth
the effort.

New to This Edition

• Apply the Concept boxes show how a just introduced concept can be applied
to real-world problems.
• Concept Check exercises appear at the beginning of each exercise set.
• Enhanced definition/key concept boxes now provide examples that illustrate
how the general case applies to specific cases.
• The Focus on Success feature at the beginning of each chapter offers prac¬
tical guidance to help students develop positive study habits.
• Check Your Progress exercises appear approximately mid-chapter and test
students' understanding of the concepts presented thus far in the chapter.

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK II1~CIAll ",m> KimimJ. Mij K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt raW, thnl |tii) fataltray K: wiicutj fccm at tlixk irj

roic»» 1» ikaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaicmlb ttttxt Ctc at cnll tcimn/ exxnera. Ccanfc I urnng rcnnc< ix njÿii lo
pcyk'vc tÿlucml ccnxni il inj line if «t n/k«rMnctwm rojurc

• In the News articles within the exercise sets have been updated, as have ap¬
plication problems throughout the text.
• Critical Thinking exercises appear at the end of each exercise set.
Projects or Group Activities are now included at the end of each exercise
• Chapter A, AIM for Success, now appears as the first chapter of the text.
This chapter describes skil Is used by students who have been successful in th is
course. Topics include how to stay motivated, making a commitment to suc¬
cess. time management, and how to prepare for and take tests. A guide to the
textbook is included to help students use its features effectively.
• More annotations have been added to the worked Examples, to more effectively
explain the steps of the solutions.
• Many of the Chapter Summaries have been expanded to include more en¬
tries and more descriptive explanations.

Organizational Changes
We have made the following changes in order to improve the effectiveness of the textbook
and enhance the student's learning experience.
• In Chapter I. Section 1.2 was divided into two sections: Section 1.2 Operations
on Integers and Section 1 .3 Operations on Rational Numbers. New examples
have been added to demonstrate key concepts. The Order of Operations Agree¬
ment is now presented for both integers and rational numbers. New exercise
sets were created to give the student more practice with rational numbers.
• In Chapter 2, new examples showing solutions of equations containing fractions
were added. The feature "Applying the Basic Concepts" was added for value
mixture problems, percent mixture problems, and uniform motion problems,
providing students practice in the fundamental concepts behind these problems
before attempting the more demanding exercises. Solution sets to inequalities
involving "or" are now shown as the union of sets.
• In Chapter 3. Section 3.1 was reorganized so that distance and midpoint for¬
mulas are followed by graphing an equation in two variables. Section 3.2 was
expanded to include graphing a function and applying the vertical line test. Es¬
timating the domain and range was added to the material on functions. Section
3.4 was expanded to include average rate of change as an application of slope.
• In Chapter 4, Section 4. 1 was revised; the concepts of independent, dependent,
and inconsistent systems of equations are more clearly suited.
• Section 5.2 in Chapter 5 was expanded to place more emphasis on graphi ng
polynomial functions. A table of the basic shapes of quadratic and cubic func¬
tions was added to give students an aid when graphing those functions. Section
5.5 was divided into two sections: Section 5.5 Introduction to Factoring and
Section 5.6 Factoring Trinomials.
• In Chapter 6. Section 6.1 was split into two sections: Section 6. 1 Simplify Ra¬
tional Expressions and Section 6.2 Multiplication and Division of Rational Ex¬
pressions. Besides slowing the pace of these topics, we were able to expand
the coverage of the domain of a rational function. Section 6.3 was revised to
provide a more thorough treatment of LCM.

uqiilh :miCitOK Iiinmr *11 Uq ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) ..amiitq, K: mafOKi km Be etv-4 in!or e<"kiiun«-
f *Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJcci hk riaimilb aftxl Ctc at cral! Icamn/ exxneru. Ccanfc I camng rcnnc< he njÿii lo pcyk'vc aAJmnal ccnxni al anj line it* «jV«cjtami n/k«rMnctum refute *-

• In Chapler 7, Section 7.2 was separated into two sections: Section 7.2 Addition
and Subtraction of Radical Expressions and Section 7.3 Multiplication and Di¬
vision of Radical Expressions.
• Section 8.1 in Chapter 8 was consolidated into two objectives. Section 8.2 was
expanded to include solving a quadratic equation by using the quadratic formu¬
la. The section on solving nonlinear inequalities was moved to the last section
of the chapter. Consequently, applications of quadratic equations immediately
follow the discussion on solving quadratic equations.
• Section 9.2 in Chapter 9 was rewritten to include graphing a function by using
translations and graphing a function by using reflections.
• In Chapter 10, important concepts have been set off and highlighted. Now stu¬
dents can find these concepts easily and see basic examples of how the concepts
are applied.
• New examples were added to Section 12.1 in Chapter 12. In Section 12.4. the
binomial theorem has been highlighted, and basic examples of expanding a
binomial have been added.

Uqiith 301)CcW Iiinmi. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Uo ml K,ccirolrami, u darlund. n »hik i« n tun. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> tlinl tun, cumuno, K: wnoi fee nilor n'utui.i.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri tk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t
Take AIM and Succeed!

An Objective-Based Approach
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach is organized around a carefully
constructed hierarchy of objectives. This "objective-based" approach provides an
integrated learning path that enables you to find resources such as assessment tools
(both within the text and online), videos, tutorials, and additional exercises for each
objective in the text.

Focus on Success

o Each Chapter Opener outlines the learning

OBJECTIVES that appear in each section
of the chapter. The list of objectives serves
to »ra ariftc jsrq
as a resource to guide you in your study and
review of the topics.

a pvraru tv

© Taking the PREP TEST for each chapter will

help you determine which topics you need to
study more carefully and which topics you need
tdt to iKcsod h tK* ctaptsr? Ta<« tta Prep Ton sotow to
r»»sy tg i
mtrr nvwitf.

only review. The ANSWERS to the PREP TEST t x rMm* I

provide references to the OBJECTIVES on
which the exercises are based. 4. it - J'f r 1)ÿ J'

24 -*,-i|' VA .ff I IM ksM :-Y. TbaotftenviillSnt

31 iticMfl VaoMi) i X r*b
Att'MUHrr«:VX)lvM(iÿ< |U*J

Answers to Qiapter 3 SelectedExercises

i :?> i -« zq \ X* u c . - r* : s. <«t puj

*.22 21 [JI) K |IJBJ « II |l«| « -J ;ilj

© In every section, an OBJECTIVE

STATEMENT introduces each new
topic of discussion. Videos are
available for each objective. 5.1 Exponential Expressions

Idof Inlaraaf

Iifi. tl • HKinbl .
iutjIe h Im tl/E IE tiaajlt lk<
t> on .<1 Ja oro

onjcciivc a

o Section exercises are keyed to


11 »w
II (-1-V

u. :»*»ÿ?






< *TO>irt>. IDI1mmIomnt All Htflla "ib-oI Vti> iwihb enrol ranc*. It akclieical n »hik i» i» m.I>« In ckamrat rutu. am llanl t »crl [tuj K; «irrrcA*ci {y.rr &c itS.xi inlor ty Jajtxn «i
ho Jcatcÿihon) «in*cocÿ oxkm«Lxt r»n nutnilb bÿctftc tncnll kamxxi cÿcncnr. CaMC lnmn( rc<n:« « Iuo line if ajVacqtcni rotrKtwrnroiurc i
An Objective-Based Review
This "objective-based" approach continues through the end-of-chapter review and addresses a broad
range of study styles by offering a wide variety of review tools.

9 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS exercises appear

approximately mid-chapter and test your

that point in the chapter. _

understanding of the concepts presented up to
IW [u™iItel. mpN).

li-iiA)bwV> t X feTOO 4. IV* "U. V

At the end of each chapter, you will find _

PROCEDURES presented in the chapter. Each ÿ
entry includes an objective reference and a
page reference that show where in the chapter 5 Summary
the concept was introduced. An example dem¬
onstrating the concept is also included. Keywords Examples

monomial „ ,„,mtw. • vmUiM. <• a pmliKi .1nmW> ii»J
By completing the CHAPTER REVIEW *
vanahlx. |).l*.p. JU]
5. v. and ir» siimkoiijI*

EXERCISES, you can practice working on fleoree (X a monomial u

-.Ui >um m ih»•>iutnii>oa ;t» l<u iVifnM illHiVf B la
problems in an order that is different from
the order in which they were presented in
the chapter. The ANSWER to each Chapter
Review exercise includes a reference to the Review Exercises
objective on which the exercise is based. This
reference will help you quickly identify where
to go if you need further practice with a par¬ ÿ lldV - l3uV - W*

ticular concept.
X MriU*>- (I. '*•>*<-»'« 't1 4. in
- *bi W, 4*i

Each CHAPTER TEST is designed to simu¬

late a typical test of the concepts covered
in the chapter. Each ANSWER includes an TEST
objective reference as well as a reference to
a numbered Example, You Try It, or HOW I. Paclur Iftl Y 241 ÿ 9 2. .M-altpiy: -fll/tV - 2a - 3>
TO in the text that is similar to the given test


appear at the end of each chapter (beginning Cumulative Review Exercises
with Chapter 2), help you maintain previously
learned skills. The ANSWERS include refer¬
ences to the section objectives on which the
exercises are based.

A FINAL EXAM is provided following the

last chapter of the text. The Final Exam is
- ;-
mmmm --
It ÿ (~2«J

i- --
- 0.

designed to simulate a comprehensive exam

covering all the concepts presented in the text.
The ANSWERS to the Final Exam questions
are provided in the appendix at the back of
1. Swpuly 1! - H[S - (-?)" J - 5 X IiiIiHi
-hn I-1MI--4
- tr •-

the text and include references to the section

objectives on which the questions are based.

C«ronfht :i>l1CmMc Iiimn|. *11 Ktftu "iimiJ Vtij iwihe cemJ <r liiilKMd. n»tuk I r is wit. I>u m iloriunt ryVs. unc llinl w*> cinltHmm h: «inmc4 fcwn &c ili.-i ItilOt It JJXI' 11
I'dRra?nit* tkoxiJut <ey oinrcocÿ cucicri ilxi ran rutnalh xf&vt Ac »»» cuil Lam nj exxne ru. CaMc Icsmnf rc<n:<Jk njÿii lo «ctmc xUutnal ccoxnl at anj lane if «iV«cqimi njh# rotrktwrnroiairc t
Understanding the Concepts
Each of the following features is designed to give you a fuller understanding of the key concepts.

0 CONCEPT CHECK exercises promote

conceptual understanding. Completing
these exercises will deepen your V Concept Check
understanding of the concepts you are I. Uaalll) #ach ill iw a. a mcomal. a tti«*Uai. a tnnoittl it t»tw itDana.

'• -
learning and provide the foundation you
need to successfully complete the
a. -.1.'

V1 - !;• - 4 *t I— *>' •'



remaining exercises in the exercise set. 2. n'luiaih inljumla a iliKiiunf tNit.
a. li 7«' 3 » h. it' - T - Iir «ÿ
.1. nhallalfw UtaiamnlapMruiKallutituo'

4. *rti llai aiielu V# imwrw ill4* "- »

Definition/key concept boxes

contain examples to illustrate how
each definition or key concept is Rulefa Mimplying Exponent* Expression:,
applied in practice. M /iartn ox &a>.* rroers Jer r- t~ - r- -.
1. »*•.'- «
—• «' - *—iroi
J. «"•••- ,«
4. UWWi- J'-f J-I- . (Ill

rv ii. .am. a.II- mil ill. a I .«mHW n»i. i
lb# .«iulIB# itadanl lama av/aii<v. (!•cmiim arm.ct u* haimlal. »lll Saw

2. K Iftw ureti of the frtMUl do mlhaw ictmiw# factor. IMn It* kntn ui r.Ourc<w
tfw hiumlk fMlim will nsl haw acc«nnoa (actor.
TAKE NOTE boxes alert you
to concepts that require special
:3x* - Ix • 4
LI Xcto Tm uct» haw r»c««nnoi (actor.
n># CUMMl llf* UJOOStl.
Iha !utaoi of U M/ativ a
ha Mncratal c»a»ianu will Sa

»> *>»
«lr IS Wrtla (rial factor*. Uaa sw OtU
<> - i)m « 11 -4.-V-
ar»J Imac [tndu-h of to
<1 - 4Kb - II -i

-- 111- - tJa
ftl • - Ir
at ta factored itrrt. \x - Ix r 4 -


which relate to the topic under
discussion, may be historical
5.1 Exponential Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To multiply monomioli
in nature or of general interest.
A imiiwlili.iBiBlHr. j vjrubti. iv a lnOmtl a iuiiImijvI vjiuAIii.

Point oiInternal
Arcirt ift 250. tm
wcnal V *ovn at «
V* a*atk
*a ti r Kz 753
lb# mamr*«» al M K(U ar. I
litre# i.r a aiiiiioilnl a na >i la'
(. - «')

ml. ib Ibi vanatiM.. 4.'.
M 111 aiVe

In IBbiraapMi.Ua> NKlihW n »cutpldaml a pp..

III ! Ililill il 1 .•ÿ.1111 IWiil II


(trail(hi :nl1Caof IIimni. All Ktftu Komtii Vtaj iwiK:enrol ami. ir dclieral n >hik f ib pan. I>ae in ckiriurat rutia. .rx ilirj [ »cet nay Ik «inro»c4 fee** &c »r*lor c<fef«xT a i.
rÿUralmic* ho Jcotcÿiluxt) oxicrt «Lxt r»n nutnilb to era! Ika mn/ cÿcncnr. CaMC I cimnf rc<n:« «njÿiHo#ctiw< 1 any line if ajVocqtcni nfk*roirktwRiroiairc i
Application of the Concepts
The section exercises offer many opportunities to put the concepts you are learning into practice.
*. armakaata

Ail a'»ttaa I - \ rapbcv t bj
- aid aftnptlty.


illustrate how an arithmetic Yhd rtakaruf liMUn la 16»Mt i - *. ,»n fiaHtttlMtaiaallmla • in!.

operation is applied to a real-

world situation so that you APPLY THE CONCEPT
Ihf MllHl a(l).In Ml. Ill a lull ahma J»/nurd IwioOa alia. IIt. llnwn
understand how the operation alitMacllyidMfVa t«(Vran t-f 1(1)
- -
64. • 4. Hod na taa«Mo! lha hall

is used in everyday life.

InlinBiM hH(Uivila>iiumui»liin i
- I.'
ÿ(/) -- - -
1Id" o4f 4

•< I •» —- -
-16(1.5)' 64(15) »
* •IraMBBi

-_ w- - -
16 on 4

IhiUluHnaMnaOiaircuiil 1 5a an— II
* talaan

THINK ABOUT IT exercises promote

deeper conceptual understanding. Completing 15. J DuMllrgnphafotT; ilfdirtv. lin- hr.; iy-inatcp'E«pUir
these exercises will expand your understanding
of the concepts being addressed. 46. 91 Wh)
oflh th:
i*ii nrtf«KiNfU>gn|(>ui ojuiioi cflhf <ra i.
- -rlnvf (!»'.'
- "- - 0 bs uinr

CRITICAL THINKING exercises may involve

Critical Thinking
further exploration or analysis of the topic
72. Maun «utw*ujiun villi it* pjjv1.
at hand. They may also integrate concepts R
L f- -2* •4 C- ÿ

introduced earlier in the text.
ii- r-li-4 /


D. r. F.

Working through the application exercises a. > V*4


that contain REAL DATA J will prepare you \

to answer questions and solve problems that
you encounter outside of class, using facts
and information that you gather on your own.
lb) ÿ-/(ÿ)- O.OI'i- lv» III»ill 1car UlC
trlUfcri>«aaraiTftia<l.f lli>tra.«UU»160n5t'
IN THE NEWS exercises help you understand New Tires on a wi
the importance of mathematics in our 47. w Automodar Technology luiM > in lion)u r«n Lower Costs
everyday world. These application exercises
drill 1 0 J>» m pur
ani l»a ||> !• 54(11 mlaUia IWIMadb
doom. Inridri )nocm' Ml dltiri) by p rat-tat; car t-iu tirirmul

are based on information taken from popular

cud avll/i. it drlLat. t«f
- -
f/M ÿÿ11)i<l lUUM It.lira. ><tr CI?
m>U1nullM]«r allmart anuluK aiOI'f
media sources such as newspapers,
magazines, and the Internet.

By completing the WRITING iJI exercises,

you will improve your communication skills Projects or Group Activities
while increasing your understanding of 4X is lliKr» IM (raph <4 no onlaral pair X. M >Ua ar» 5 uUla "in aid rci|in

mathematical concepts. 44- is Comidar i«o dmiKi ilaaal pt>n> m a giant. l>av.:ir» nt (rapt of all |uia,
(K thai art 4411ill.lit. fritn th/aa Dud Italian

CHijairl -I" 1C'criwi 11antral. All Ktftu Kilned Via, rtalhe atpolmaicd. ir darltaaol. n dtaik ir t! pan. I>u lit iloravrairvtl. tataac llanl pan) ctnleta mm It: dinroacd heart M iH.-4 artlar ctYaitaT <1
I'diira?nit* ikoxiJut <ey oinrcacÿ cucicri ilxi ran rutnalN xf&vt Ac »»» criil Inmnj exxntut. CaMc Icsmnf rc<n:<Ac njÿii lo x?kÿc idlutiul ccoxnl it uq lioc if «jY«cquTk njh# rotrKtwrnro|«irc t
Focus on Study Skills
An emphasis on setting a foundation of good study habits is woven into the text.



outlines study skills that are used
by students who have been
successful in this course. By
making Chapter A the first chapter
of the text, the stage is set for a
successful beginning to the course.


9 FOCUS ON SUCCESS appears at the

start of each Chapter Opener. These tips
are designed to help you make the most
of the text and your time as you progress
through the course and prepare for tests
and exams.

52 Introduction to Polynomial Functions

TIPS FOR SUCCESS boxes outline good

study habits and function as reminders
throughout the text.


Ccroiiihi :i>l1CneaK Ianal. All Kikh«i1. Uq i>»K: >ÿ dduml. n»Me« n

inn !)•« m ilauuniryH» mlhij wo Kamitnt, he <mi™< Be ilv-4 irljr cCtvuit<i
I'UJirs*.ro»c*» hv Jcc3tc4 thr. Aey «inrcocdojMcm Mriunull} iftc.6cir»cnll Icintn/cÿcncnc. Ccagxfr I tim ng rc*mc< Jk njÿii lo tÿlinntl cccixni il my lint if n/h*rvunciwnrorart A
Focus on Skills and Problem Solving
The following features exemplify the emphasis on skills and the problem-solving process.

*' - Hi' Ji'-lb'-W'-W"
HOW TO examples provide solutions NmUK nailana

with detailed explanations for selected

topics in each section.
u> Ttw VUN i< ft hanJ ft

ÿrfKt«{iiri Irmribi. Iter

offer optional instruction in the use of a
scientific calculator. «* -jr
11- i-v- X-#** -* -i


_ *
BBBBBEBfc1 - _
pairs are designed to actively involve you
2Sxs -I 1 mur.'- V

. ..
Solution Your solution
in the learning process. The You Try Its 2St' - I• - (l)S • Qinmm ii

are based on the Examples. These •'M t |)(v " 0 I'mi«un*

nrÿhlnmc oro
UfUUItrlMo die nsirQH oU thot
UalifcJU qc\ ran
yUUi Odil
UlcU \/oi
-, Ijill|:iTiTifth

easily refer to the steps in the Example 4*S - 3>x ÿ 29 1 rxicrfli5 t I2» 14

• •
as you work through the accompanying Solution

__ _
Your solution

You Try It. I' I

(« ÿ yf'~ 4 fftcK*: (i ÿ kf - {a - fc)*

Solution Your solution

IBioUUinin -llH]

You Try II?
to the You Try Its are included in an V - lev? » r>»» ÿ Batfan. 1»II
appendix at the back of the text. Compare You Try It 2 M|»lidIM trixvM.
your solution to the solution given in the
appendix to obtain immediate feedback
»r! - --
l!r 4 (it
* if " > l»Uw mull M Ub
You Try It 3 Solution I -J n«
and reinforcement of the concept you are <« + *?- (a -b)> • iffimm rfra.
-He-rt.fu-Milu. «-<--«
studying. -(»»*-» a - A)W
-IjuKjAI- 4<t>
- 6 - « • ft)
-- xti*• j)
o «' - lie
- U- -
You Try ltd
uV - J? - (oM' - >'
'li" I


used throughout the text emphasizes the I# IUta
1 tu
tzMi; nU% iW% itfji tnvrf ®i of» ii*j
<*! lij'tt *« IAft I1CO ml.'* Writ# eft# ' r >uÿr;i«n;u*T froo BM cn
jxdccm mm ftrUt*n#3c caJmJ ft M.OI*

importance of problem-solving strategies. arnw«rit»&tealincai»Ullm. * ifhu.nMvlti fMVnlkni. I* 9.T4

Kim mmty ariantik
X lO*'* ».
c>~ M tvoiki;nl
Model strategies are presented as guides In I ran' W'TtB lt«unaIn «ÿ!.' raUHn.

for you to follow as you attempt the

You Try Its that accompany the numbered To md tho dl<aiK» inlW
• wn> ÿ> «Ma qhi vi «nn,euiin.
Examples. • Wrta* sn* mmttf or oainU in (IMcxj re
i;<o is« aju

it mil .a

PROJECTS OR GROUP ACTIVITIES Projects or Group Activities
appear at the end of each exercise set.
Your instructor may assign these
M- i'.jW
43. Or.*
mim tlx
- 1."M Mr)-
mila i inwiinaMiu i!»
- '- on in. uiu cconlliau Ira.
> id kKMkaor J{it
- r' -1
T»i >mr oxorain r» fiac»u« t

individually, or you may be asked to

work through the activities in groups.
.44. (Iron Xrl - i'.jW- U - (r
- 4)'«i« .CKinlimind.
-u - ir

<<P,njlii :iil1la&It Iama[ All HvVl. VUj rat h:<i<ml aimed, n ikdimol. n »hilt n it put. Die lo ilomimr«tu on itinl pnj nnmi nay he • fcem lie civ.4 irlor dtirunu
I'jiiraroicr «if(TcocdojMcm J«i Mriunullj ftftc.6cir»cnll Icinuvcvcncrcc. CeagMfc I umnng rwnc< Jk lo pewit tÿlinntl ccaxnl il my lit* if «iV«cniwt n/h*tvunciwn roiart t
Additional Resources
Get More from Your Textbook!

Instructor Resources_ Student Resources_
Annotated Instructor's Edition (AIE) Student Solutions Manual
(ISBN 978-1-1 33-36565-5) (ISBN 978-1-285-41 745-5)
The Annotated Instructor's Edition features answers Author: Ellena Reda. Dutchess Community College
to all of the problems in the text, as well as an appen¬ Go beyond answers and improve your grade! This
dix denoting those problems that can be found in manual provides worked-out. step-by-step solu¬
Enhanced WebAssign. tions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. The
Student Solutions Manual gives you the information
PowerLecture with Diploma®
(ISBN 978- 1 -285- 16776-31 you need to truly understand how the problems are
This DVD provides the instructor with dynamic media
tools for teaching. Create, deliver, and customize Student Workbook (ISBN 978- 1 -285-4 1747-9)
tests (both print and online) in minutes with Diploma's Author: Maria H. Andersen. Muskegon Community
Computerized Testing featuring algorithmic equations. College
Easily build solution sets for homework or exams using Get a head start. The Student Workbook contains
Solution Builder's online solutions manual. Quickly and assessments, activities, and worksheets for class¬
easily update your syllabus with the Syllabus Creator, room discussions, in-class activities, and group
which was created by the authors and contains the work.
new edition's table of contents.
AIM for Success Student Practice Sheets
Complete Solutions Manual (ISBN 978-1-285-41753-0) (ISBN 978-1-285-42024-0)
Author: Ellena Reda. Dutchess Community College Author: Christine S. Verity
The Complete Solutions Manual provides worked-out AIM for Success Student Practice Sheets provide
solutions to all of the problems in the text. additional problems to help you learn the material.
Instructor's Resource Binder with Appendix Enhanced WebAssign
(ISBN 978-1-285-41749-3) Printed Access Card: 978-0-538-73810-1
Author: Maria H. Andersen. Muskegon Community College: Online Access Code: 978- 1-285- 1 8 1 8 1-3
Appendices by Richard N. Aufmann. Palomar College, and Enhanced WebAssign (assigned by the instructor)
Joanne S. Lockwood. Nashua Community College provides you with instant feedback on homework
Each section of the main text is discussed in uniquely assignments. This online homework system is
designed Teaching Guides that contain tips, examples. easy to use and includes helpful links to textbook
activities, worksheets, overheads, assessments, and sections, video examples, and problem-specific
solutions to all worksheets and activities. tutorials.
Solution Builder
This online instructor database offers complete, worked-
out solutions to all exercises in the text, allowing you to
create customized, secure solutions printouts On PDF for¬
mat) matched exactly to the problems you assign in class.
For more information, visit
Enhanced WebAssign®
Printed Access Card: 978-0-538-73810-1
Online Access Code: 978- 1 -285- 18 1 8 1 -3
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:d|1CmMc Itimn(. *11 "V" Kumed. Ma, iwihe enrol reiroii ir durlieaol n »hik ir re put. I>« to t kciureirutu. ore llinl run? cinlcuto, Ik ejRreuci here tre mlncx'raftn «i
hvJcoiciiiuiie) •inrcacJcuucriAxi rannaicnalb xffcet Ae mcnil kamnl cwtcm. I iimn; rc*crx«i>c niJuioxfKÿt ccoxnl at anj line if nxk*rotrktwmrojiirv a.
The authors would like to thank the people who have reviewed the ninth edition and
provided many valuable suggestions.
Becky Bradshaw, Lake Superior College
Harvey Cartine. Warren County Community College
Jim Dawson. College of Southern Idaho
Cindy Dickson. College of Southern Idaho
Estella G. Elliott. College of Southern Idaho
Stephen Ester, Saint Petersburg College
Cassie Firth. Northern Oklahoma College
Lori L. Grady, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Nicholas Grener, California State University, Past Bay
Ryan Grossman. Ivy Tech Community College-Indiana
Autumn Hoover, Angelo State University
Pal Horacek. Pensacola State College
Kelly Jackson. Camden County College
Thomas Judge. California Slate University Past Bay
Katy Koe. Lincoln College
William Lind. Bryant and Stratum College
Renee Lustig, LeCordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts
David Maina. Columbia College, Chicago
Connie Meade. College of Southern Idaho
Eugenia M. Moreno. Butte Community College
Dan Quynh Nguyen, California State University-, Past Bay
Rod Oberdick. Delaware Technical Community College
Scott Phelps. University of La Verne
David Poock. Davenport University
Nolan Thomas Rice, College of Southern Idaho
DariaSanterre. Norwalk Community College
PatriciaShepherd. Ivy Tech Community College
Dai lyn Thomas, Hennepin Technical College
Sherri Urcavich, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Dr. Pamela D. Walker, Northwestern College
Donna M. Weglarz, Westwood College-DuPage
Lisa Williams, College of the Abermarle
Solomon Lee Willis, Cleveland Community College
Jerry Jacob Woods, Westwood College
Chen Zhixiong. New Jersey City University

Special thanks go to Jean Bermingham for copyediting the manuscript and proofreading
pages, to Ellena Reda for preparing the solutions manuals, and to Lauri Semarne for her
work in ensuring the accuracy of the text. We would also like to thank the many people
at Cengage Learning who worked to guide the manuscript for the ninth edition from
development through production.


C.mritb. 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunnl. M«j ml K,unil adarlund. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» inclwtoruruW. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: airficucÿ fc" Mc itilor c*~fapxn.1
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Index of Applications

Advertising, 105 Compound interest. 561. 590, 594. 595 Fuel consumption. 179. 191
Aeronautics. 266. 268. 270 Computers. 279. 382. 500. 690 Fuel economy. 255
Air Force One. 489 Computer science. 398 Fundraising. 383
Airports. 150 Conservation. 382
Animal science. 167 Construction. 179. 210. 343. 397. 438. 490. Geography, 25
Apartment rents. 490. 521 521 Geology. 283
Aquariums. 105 Consumerism. 105, 124. 381 Geometry. 54. 57. 64. 100. 104. 256.
Aquatic environments. 1 16 Contests. 660 297. 298. 30 1 , 302, 328. 34 1 , 344.
Architecture. 383. 399 Continuous compounding, 598 350. 352. 395. 435. 438. 452, 487.
Art. 256. 674 Currency exchange. 548 490. 500. 504. 554. 556. 619, 663.
The arts. 650. 662. 690 Cycling, 54 695
Astronomy, 25. 56. 282. 283, 350. Grading scale. 549
354. 456. 582. 626. 632 Data messaging service. 548
Athletes. 548 Deep-sea diving. 554 Health science. 255
Athletics. 154 Delivery service. 556 Heart rate. 1 62
Atomic physics, 167 Demography, 180 Hiking, 25
Automobile rebates. 539 Depreciation, 173,212, 214.504 Home maintenance. 1 79. 435. 452
Automobiles. 1 16. 122. 172 Doubling time. 598 The hospitality industry, 210
Automotive technology. 150. 436. Hybrid vehicle. 106
452 Earth science. 597
Aviation. 190. 256 Ecology, 191 Ice cream. 490
Education. 100. 105. 106. 122. 138.404. Integers. 64. 79. 350
Ball flight. 5 14. 521.598 695 Interior decorating. 383
Banking. 606 Elections. 408 Interior design. 406
Baseball, 175 Electric cars. 538 The Internet, 175
Big screens. 344 Electricity. 397 Inventory. 688
Biology, 166. 383. 568-569. 578. Electronics. 1 16. 270. 399. 404. 406 Investments, Objective 4. IC: see also
590 Elevation. 19 54. 56. 248. 252. 256. 266. 268. 456.
Boating. 266 Energy. 1 50. 453 567, 602. 606. 671.695. 696
Boiling points. 191 Employment statistics. 56
Business. 106. 150. 187. 191.254, Environmental science. 383 Knitting. 662
255. 397. 398. 520. 554. 556 Epidemiology. 656
Exercise, 383. 662. 686 Labor charges. 162
Calories. 64. 190. 191 Landscaping. 489
Carbon dating. 592. 604 Failure rate. 597 Light. 279. 399. 594. 696
Car loans. 379 The federal government. 283 Loans. 138
Carpentry. 56. 513. 606 Fencing. 490. 5 1 5. 52 1 Lotteries. 383
Cartography. 404 Finance. 181.383.674
Cellular phones. 100 Finances. 255 Magnetism, 399
Chain letter. 671 Fire science. 533 Manufacturing. 167. 210, 255. 538
Chemistry. 54. 209, 254. 255. 593, Flooring. 489 Mathematics. 350,515, 520. 556
594. 596. 597 Food safety. 1 8 1 Measurement. 544. 548
Clean energy. 154 Football manufacturing. 116 Mechanics, 1 15. 122. 124. 126. 399.
Cocoa production. 66 Foot races, 172 504. 650
Compensation. 105. 122. 167. 191. Forestry. 283 Media. 178
270. 398. 686 Fountains. 520 Medicine. 181.383.396

Uqiilh "Oil Ccr&jc Itiron). *11 K«l.< Kiunnl. Mo in K,unil«mii n darlmol. n »hik c is pen. I>ic ucktstorMrtftu o> llinl pert) cuikcirmj K: cimc-ml fens 6c ctv-vi inlor n'Mtrciri.
I'ditra! tkcncdihu tzy coWcrt Jc<« r«n nunulb »»» craJI Itarm/ npcncnx. CaMc I timrx rc*ns< ic njÿil u> pctkac iÿIumil ccoxnl at any line »1 oJVwajucni rotixtwmreqaire t

Memory, 582 Radioactivity, 591. 594. 595. 602. 604, 673. Tablet computers. 56
Meteorology. 25, 179. 438 686. 688. 690 Tanks. 489. 558
Mining. 514 Ranching, 52 1 Taxes. 173
Mixtures. Objectives 2.2A. 2.2B: see Rate-of-current problems. Objective 4.4A; Telecommunications, 126. 166. 191
also 67.94. 122, 124, 126.214. .vcc also 266. 392. 393. 487. 489. 500. Television. 438
252, 254, 270, 354, 408. 558. 606, 502. 650. 696 Temperature. 104. 105. 155. 179. 180.
690 Rate-of-wind problems. Objective 4.4A; 187. 543,686
Motocross, 520 .vce also 266. 268. 270. 389. 393. 408. Ticket sales. 266
Moving boxes. 438 482, 489 Tolerance. 1 1 1, 1 12. 1 15. 1 16. 122,
Music. 558 Real estate. 57. 150 124, 126
Recreation. 57, 398. 52 1 Training. 100
Norman window, 52 1 Rockets. 488 Travel. 64. 178. 210
Nutrition. 382 Tunnels, 56
Safety, 398. 404. 488
Oceanography. 163. 167, 456 Sailing, 398. 437 Uniform motion problems. Objectives
Oil spills. 399. 538 Science. 613 2.2C. 6.6C: see also 94. 12 1 1 22. .
Seismology, 592. 593, 596. 602 1 24, 1 26. 2 14, 354. 355. 404. 406.
Paint. 54 Shipping. 149 408. 456. 487. 489. 500, 502, 606.
Parachuting. 154 Ships. 54 650. 690. 695. 696
Parallel processing, 489 Solar roof. 180 Uranium dating. 598
Payroll. 489 Sound. 163. 544. 597. 602. 604
Pendulums. 436. 438. 67 1 . 673 Sound intensity, 395. 406 Water tanks. 438
Physics, 141, 198,282,343,350, Sports. 179. 292. 352. 477. 484. 485. 488. Weightlessness. 520
396. 397. 398, 436. 437, 454. 485. 490. 500, 502. 650, 663, 673. 690. 696 Whirlpools. 398
488. 520. 530. 558. 567, 589, 606. Steroid use. 598 Woodworking. 502
660. 696 The stock market. 381. 695 Work problems. Objective 6.6B: see
Political polling. 1 16 Stride length. 162 also 404. 406. 408. 486. 488. 489.
Populations. 174 Submarine periscopes. 436 500
Postage rates. 149. 549 Summer camp. 212
Power supply. 1 8 1 Super Bowl. 138
Product displays, 662 Surveying, 247
Purchasing, 25*4. 256. 268. 270 Swimming pools, 54

(linnlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu KocmiI Uo ml K,unil n darluaoL n»!»ik I « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llinl |KH> cuikcino, K: airticocÿ u> (tV-vi inlor cV'fapxr < t
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• Get Ready This important chapter describes study
• Motivate Yourself
skills that are used by students who have
• Develop a "Can Do" Attitude
been successful in this course. Chapter
Toward Math
• Strategies for Success A covers a wide range of topics that focus
• Time Management on what you need to do to succeed in this
• Habits of Successful Students class. It includes a complete guide to the
SECTION A.2 textbook and how to use its features to
jful student.
• Get the Big Picture
• Understand the Organization
• Use the Interactive Method
• Use a Strategy to Solve Word
• Ace the Test
• Ready. Set. Succeed!
Prep Test

Are you ready to succeed in this course?

1. Read this chapter. Answer all of the questions.
Write down your answers on paper.

2. Write down your instructor s name.

3. Write down the classroom number.

4. Write down the days and times the class meets.

5. Bring your textbook, a notebook, and a pen or pencil to every class.

6. Be an active participant, not a passive observer.


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cunj iutlnlituj

iÿluimi cimri jl uq litx if siVtcÿHtr. ri/h*rotnciwnrojurt 1


How to Succeed in This Course

Get Ready
We are committed to your success in learning mathematics and have developed many
tools and resources to support you along the way.


Read on to learn about the skills you'll need and how best to use this book to get the
results you want.
We have written this text in an interactive style. More about this later but. in short, this
means that you are supposed to interact with the text. Do not just read the text! Work
along with it. Ready? Let's begin!


Did you interact with the text, or did you just read the last question? Get some paper and
a pencil or pen and answer the question. Really—you will have more success in math and
other courses you take if you actively participate. Now, interact Write down one reason
you are taking this course.

Of course, we have no idea what you just wrote, but experience has shown us that many
of you wrote something along the lines of "I have to take it to graduate" or "It is a pre¬
requisite to another course 1 have to take" or "It is required for my major." Those reasons
are perfectly fine. Every teacher has had to take courses that were not directly related to
his or her major.


Think about why you want to succeed in this course. List the reasons here (not in your
head ... on the paper!):

One reason you may have listed is that math skills are important in order to be successful
in your chosen career. That is certainly an important reason. Here are some other reasons.
• Math is a skill that applies across careers, which is certainly a benefit in our world of
changing job requirements. A good foundation in math may enable you to more easily
make a career change.
• Math can help you learn critical thinking skills, an attribute all employers want.
• Math can help you see relationships between ideas and identify patterns.

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. lotnol Mq ix< Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik clccVsnt nlHt.
it put. I>« ui : ihnJ oalcti rcuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac ctVxL ir«lora'VapxT «i
tiliraimicn thr. m/y coucnJc<« r»»: rmniilb tOoei iu incnll kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix njÿii I cmxni il anj line if «t n/k«rMnctwm rojurc 4.

Motivate Yourself
LlTake Note
Motivation alone won't lead You'll find many real-life problems in this book, relating to sports, money, cars, music.
to success. For example, and more. We hope that these topics will help you understand how mathematics is used
suppose a person who in everyday life. To learn all of the necessary skills and to understand how you can apply
cannot swim is rowed out
to the middle ot a lake and
them to your life outside of this course, motivate yourself to learn.
thrown overboard. That One of the reasons we asked you why you are tak ing this course was to provide motivation
person has a lot ot motivation
for you to succeed. When there is a reason to do something, that task is easier to accom¬
to swim, but most likely v/ill
drown without some help. plish. We understand that you may not want to be taking this course but. to achieve your
You'll need motivation and career goal, this is a necessary step. Let your career goal be your motivation for success.
learning in order to succeed.
With practice, you will improve your math skills. Skeptical? Think about when you first
learned to drive a car. ride a skateboard, dance, paint, surf, or any other talent that you
now have. You may have felt self-conscious or concerned that you might fail. But with
time and practice, you learned the skill.
List a situation in which you accomplished your goal by spending time practicing and
perfecting your skills (such as learning to play the piano or to play basketball):

You do not get "good" at something by doing it once a week. Practice is the backbone of
any successful endeavor— including math!

Develop a "Can Do"Attitude Toward Math

You can do math! When you first learned the skills you just listed above, you may not
have done them well. With practice, you got better. With practice, you will get better at
math. Stay focused, motivated, and committed to success.
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to overcome the "1 Can't Do Math"
syndrome. If you listen to interviews of very successful athletes after a particularly bad
performance, you will note that they focus on the positive aspects of what they did. not the
negative. Sports psychologists encourage athletes always to be positive— to have a "can
do" attitude. Develop this attitude toward math and you will succeed.
Change your conversation about mathematics. Do not say "Ican't do math." "I hate math."
or "Math is too hard." These comments just give you an excuse to fail. You don't want to
fail, and we don't want you to fail. Write it down now: Ican do math!

Strategies for Success

There are a number of things that may be worrisome to you as you begin a new semester.
List some of those things now.

Uqiith :ol> Ccr&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr AkIuhJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci itixk mior cV'fapxn «»-
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Here are some of the concerns expressed by our students.

• Tuition
Will I be able to afford school?
• Job
I must work. Will my employer give me a schedule that will allow me to go to school?
• Anxiety
Will 1 succeed?
• Child care
What will I do with my kids while I'min class or when Ineed to study?
• Time
Will I be able to find the time to attend class and study?
• Degree goals
How long will it take me to finish school and earn my degree?
These are all important and valid concerns. Whatever your concerns, acknowledge them.
Choose an education path that allows you to accommodate your concerns. Make sure they
don't prevent you from succeeding.

Many schools offer math assessment tests. These tests evaluate your present math skills.
They don't evaluate how smart you are. so don't worry about your score on the test. If you
are unsure about where you should start in the math curriculum, these tests can show you
where to begin. You are better off starting at a level that is appropriate for you than start¬
ing with a more advanced class and then dropping it because you can't keep up. Dropping
a class is a waste of time and money.
If you have difficulty with math, avoid short courses that compress the class into a few-
weeks. If you have struggled with math in the past, this environment does not give you the
time to process math concepts. Similarly, avoid classes that meet once a week. The time
delay between classes makes it difficult to make connections between concepts.
Some career goals require a number of math courses. If that is true of your major, try to take
a math course every semester until you complete the requirements. Think about it this way.
If you take, say, French I.and then wait two semesters before tak ing French II. you may for¬
get a lot of material. Math is much the same. You must keep the concepts fresh in your mind.

Time Management
One of the most important requirements in completing any task is to acknowledge the
amount of time it will take to finish the job successfully. Before a construction company
starts to build a skyscraper, the company spends months looking at how much time each
of the phases of construction will take. This is done so that resources can be allocated
w hen appropriate. For instance, it would not make sense to schedule the electricians to
run w iring until the walls are up.


We know how busy you are outside of school. Do you have a full-time or a part-time
job? Do you have children? Do you visit your family often? Do you play school sports or
participate in the school orchestra or theater company? It can be stressful to balance all of
the important activities and responsibilities in your life. Creating a time management plan
will help you schedule enough time to do every thing you need to do. Let's get started.

Cvmndi. "Oil > Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi, ml h,imil 11 Al?l>cn>l. n *l»iW at: pin. I>li In tlarow rtfhi 01tlinl run, cullctl(To, K: nrpcmi ton ilV-vi irjor p'biuin.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

First, you need a calendar. You can use a daily planner, a calendar for a smartphone. or an
online calendar, such as the ones offered by Google. MSN. or Yahoo. It is best to have a
calendar on which you can fill in daily activities and be able to see a weekly or monthly
view as well.
Start filling in your calendar now, even if it means stopping right here and finding a
calendar. Some of the things you might include are:
The hours each class meets Time to eat
Time for driving to and from work Your work schedule
or school Time for extracurricular activities such
Leisure time, an important aspect of as sports, music lessons, or volunteer work
a healthy lifestyle Time for family and friends
Take Note
Time for study. Plan at least one hour Time for sleep
Be realistic about how much
time you have. One gauge of study for each hour in class. Time for exercise
Is that working 10 hours This is a minimum!
per week is approximately
equivalent to taking one We really hope you did this. If not. please reconsider. One of the best pathways to suc¬
three-unit course. II your cess is understanding how much time it takes to succeed. When you finish your cal¬
college considers 15 units a endar. if it does not allow you enough time to stay physically and emotionally healthy,
full load and you are working rethink some of your school or work activities. We don't want you to lose your job
10 hours per week, you
should consider taking 12
because you have to study math. On the other hand, we don't want you to fail in math
units. The more you work, the because of your job.
fewer units you should take.
If math is particularly difficult for you. consider taking fewer course units during the
semesters you take math.This applies equally to any other subject that you may find diffi¬
cult. There is no rule that you must finish college in four years. It is a myth discard it now. —
Now extend your calendar for the entire semester. Many of the entries will repeat, such
as the time a class meets. In your extended calendar, include significant events that may
disrupt your normal routine. These might include holidays, family outings, birthdays,
anniversaries, or special events such as a concert or a football game. In addition to these
events, be sure to include the dates of tests, the date of the final exam, and dates that
projects or papers are due. These are all important semester events. Having them on your
calendar will remind you that you need to make time for them.


* To be successful, attend class. You should consider your commitment to attend class as seri¬
ous as your commitment to your job or to keeping an appointment with a dear friend. It is
difficult to overstate the importance of attending class. If you miss work, you don't get paid. If
you miss class, you are not getting the full benefit ofyour tuition dollar. You are losing money.
If. by some unavoidable situation, you cannot attend class, find out as soon as possible
what was covered in class. You might:
• Ask a friend for notes and the assignment.
• Contact your instructor and get the assignment. Missing class is no excuse for not being
prepared for the next class.
• Determine whether there are online resources that you can use to help you with the
topics and concepts that were discussed in the class you missed.
Going to class is important. Once you are there, participate in class. Stay involved and
active. When your instructor asks a question, try to at least mentally answer the question.
If you have a question, ask. Your instructor expects questions and wants you to understand
the concept being discussed.

In addition to attending class, you must do homework. Homework is the best way to
reinforce the ideas presented in class. You should plan on at least one to two hours of

CCrorllbt :ol> <:a«*« IUinnl. All Hiltu Konil.Vta, ml h,unilrami, cr italtcKd. n -Hik « i:pnt. I>n m tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> on«nno, K: airficuci &«•» ittx* irJor n'muin.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry Imc «l «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

homework and study for each hour you are in class. We've had many students tell us that
one to two hours seems like a lot of time. That may be true, but if you want to attain your
goals, you must be willing to devote the time to being successful in this math course.
You should schedule study time just as if it were class time. To do this, write down where
and when you study best. For instance, do you study best at home, in the library, at the math
center, under a tree, or somewhere else? Some psychologists who research successful study
strategies suggest that just by varying where you study, you can increase the effectiveness of a
study session. While you are considering where you prefer to study, also think about the time
of day during which your study period will be most productive. Write down your thoughts.

Look at what you have w ritten, and be sure that you can consistently be in your favorite
study environment at the time you have selected. Studying and homework are extremely
important. Just as you should not miss class, do not miss study time.
Before we leave this important topic, we have a few suggestions. If at all possible, create
a study hour right after class. The material will be fresh in your mind, and the immedi¬
ate review, along with your homework, will help reinforce the concepts you are learning.

If you can't study right after class, make sure that you set aside some time on the day of the
class to review notes and begin the homework. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will
be to recall some of the important points covered during class. Study math insmall chunks—
one hour a day (perhaps not enough for most of us), every day. is better than seven hours in
one sitting. If you are studying for an extended period of time, break up your study session by
studying one subject for a while and then moving on to another subject. Try to alternate be¬
tween similar or related courses. For instance, study math for a w hile, then science, and then
back to math. Or study history for a while, then political science, and then back to history.
Meet some of the people in your class and try to put together a study group. The group
could meet two or three times a week. During those meetings, you could qui/ each other,
prepare for a test, try to explain a concept to someone else in the group, or get help on a
topic that is difficult for you.
After reading these suggestions, you may want to rethink where and when you study best.
If so. do that now. Remember, however, that it is your individual style that is important.
Choose what works for you, and stick to it.

Habits of Successful Students

There are a number of habits that successful students use. Think about what these might
be. and write them down.

What you have written is very important. The habits you have listed are probably the
things you know you must do to succeed. Here is a list of some responses from successful
students we have known.
• Set priorities. You will encounter many distractions during the semester. Do not al¬
low' them to prevent you from reaching your goal.

Uqiith :ol> <:cr«swc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,Moil cr dijlKMtJ. n -Hik i» i!pm. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird imp. omenno, K: airticucÿ ton itix* inter cVfapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<ic ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

• Take responsibility. Your instructor, this textbook, tutors, math centers, and other
resources are there to help you succeed. Ultimately, however, you must choose to learn.
You must choose success.
• Hang out with successful students. Success breeds success. When you work and
study with successful students, you are in an environment that will help you succeed.
Seek out people who are comm itted to their goals.
• Study regularly. We have mentioned this before, but it is too important not to be repeated.
• Self test. Once every few days, select homework exercises from previous assignments
and use them to test your understanding. Try to do these exercises w ithout getting help
from examples in the text. These self tests will help you gain confidence that you can
do these types of problems on a test given in class.
• Try different strategies. If you read the text and are still having difficulty under¬
standing a concept, consider going a step fu rther. Contact the instructor or find a tutor.
Many campuses have some free tutorial services. Go to the math or learning center.
Consult another textbook. Be active and get the help you need.
• Make flash cards. This is one of the strategies that some math students do not think
to try. Flash cards are a very important part of learning math. For instance, your in¬
structor may use words or phrases such as linear, quadratic, exponent, base, rational,
and many others. If you don't know the meanings of these words, you will not know
what is being discussed.
• Plod along. Your education is not a race. The primary goal is to finish. Taking too
many classes and then dropping some does not get you to the end any faster. Take only
as many classes as you can successfully manage.

How to Use This Text

to Succeed in This Course

Get the BigPicture

One of the major resources that you will have access to the entire semester is this text¬
book. We have written this text with you and your success in mind. The following is a
guide to the features of this text that will help you succeed.
Actually, we want you to get the really big picture. Take a few minutes to read the table
of contents. You may feel some anxiety about all the new concepts you will be learning.
Try to think of this as an exciting opportunity to learn math. Now look through the entire
book. Move quickly. Don't spend more than a few seconds on each page. Scan titles, look
at pictures, and notice diagrams.

Getting this "big picture" view will help you see where this course is going. To reach your
goal, it's important to get an idea of the steps you will need to take along the way.
As you look through the book, find topics that interest you. What's your preference? Rac¬
ing? Sailing? TV? Amusement parks? Find the Index of Applications at the front of the
book, and pul 1 out three subjects that interest you. Write those topics here.

(linnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Ktftu Kc«t\<J Uo ml K,unil n darlund. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> ohkcino, K: u> cli—i itilor c*~fapxn < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Understandthe Organization
Look again at the Table of Contents. There are 12 chapters in this book. You'll see that
every chapter is divided into sections, and each section contains a number of learning
objectives. Each learning objective is labeled with a letter from A to D. Knowing how
this book is organized will help you locate important topics and concepts as you're
Before you start a new objective, take a few minutes to read the Objective Statement for
that objective. Then, browse through the objective material. Especially note the words or
phrases in bold type— these are important concepts that you'll need to know as you mo\e
along in the course. These words are good candidates for flash cards. If possible, include
an example of the concept on the flash card, as shown at the left.
Flash Card
You will also see important concepts and rules set off in boxes. Here is one about multi¬
Ride-for Muttiptyuig- plication. These rules are also good candidates for flash cards.
Expo»\et\fi«i ExpretHorut

If»v a*\xt »v cu-e>pojitlve- Rule for Multiplying Exponential Expressions

t"1 xA =

It m and n are positive integers, then x"1 ÿ
n _
x-4 • x7 = yA'7 = EXAMPLES
1. J x7 = S+7 = x"
2. zz6 = z1"6 = z7 • Recall that -= z1.
3. v2 v3 vs=
v2"3*5 = v10
4. (a5 b')(a4b7) = *7 =
a7b' • Add exponents on like bases.

Leaf through Section 5.2 of Chapter 5. Write down words in bold and any concepts or
rules that are displayed in boxes.

Use the InteractiveMethod

As we mentioned earlier, this textbook is based on an interactive approach. We want you
involved in learning mathematics, and have given you many suggestions for
to be actively
getting "hands-on" with this book.
HOW TO Look on page 303. See the HOW TO I? A HOW TO introduces a concept (in
this case, dividing a polynomial by a monomial) and includes a step-by-step solution of
the type of exercise you will find in the homework.

Krjnrfii roll 1'W«11ainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mi) m Ix a dclxnil. rt hilc ,c if iun. I>« InclccVont mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix wtrcuij ton lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOtomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr.
couch ik<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it n/h*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

16v5 - 8v3 + 4v
Divide and check:

1 6v5 - 8.v3 + 4.v 16\ 5 8a , 4a

2x 2x 2v
+ 2r • Divide each term in the
numerator by the denominator.
= 8a-4 - 4a:2 + 2
• Simplify each quotient.
2v(8a j - 4v: + 2) = 16a-5 - 8aj + 4a • The quotient checks,

Grab paper and a pencil and work along as you're reading through a HOW TO. When
you're done, get a clean sheet of paper. Write down the problem and try to complete the
solution without looking at your notes or at the book. When you're done, check your
answer. If you got it right, you're ready to move on.
Look through the text and find three instances of a HOW TO. Write the concept illus¬
trated in each HOW TO here.

Example/You Try It Pair You'll need hands-on practice to succeed in mathematics.

When we show you an example, work it out yourself, right beside the solution. Use the
Example/You Try It pairs to get the practice you need.
Take a look at page 303. Example 1 and You Try It 1 are shown here.


and check:
,, .-
to3 3a-2 +

Divide and check:
4a'>- + 8aV
- 4.YY3

Solution Your solution

6a3 - 3a2 + 9a
_ 6aÿ 3a2 9a Divide each term in the
3a 3a 3a numerator bv the denominator.
= 2v" — A +3 * Simplify each quotient.
Check: 3a(2y2 -a + 3) = 6a3 - 3a2 + 9a
Solution on p. SI6

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix ir dirlicnU. It »Kilt it it put. I>« Ui cktivtat raHi mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

filingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtrc«cc cuucnJc<« r»»: numill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii to sewve ccnxnt ii iny line it r/k*mmciwiw rcÿurc l

You'll see that each Example is fully worked out. Study the Example by carefully work¬
ing through each step. Then, try to complete the You Try It. Use the solution to the Ex¬
ample as a model for solving the You Try It. If you get stuck, the solutions to the You Try
Its are prov ided in the back of the book. There is a page number directly following the
You Try It that shows you where you can find the completely-worked-out solution. Use the
solution to get a hint for the step on which you are stuck. Then, try again!
When you've arriv ed at your solution, check your work against the solution in the back of
the book. Turn to page S 16 to see the solution for You Try It 1.
Remember that sometimes there is more than one way to solve a problem. But your
answer should always match the answer we've given in the back of the book. If you
have any questions about whether your method will always work, check with your

Use a Strategy to Solve Word Problems

Learning to solve word problems is one of the reasons you are studying math. This is
where you combine all of the critical thinking skills you have learned to solve practical
Try not to be intimidated by word problems. Basically, what you need is a strategy that
will help you come up with the equation you will need to solve the problem. When you
are looking at a word problem, try the following:

• Read the problem. This may seem pretty obvious, but we mean really read it. Don't
just scan it. Read the problem slowly and carefully.
• Write down what is known and what is unknown. Now that you have read the
problem, go back and write down everything that is known. Next, write down what
it is you are trying to find. Write this— don't just think it! Be as specific as you can.
For instance, if you are asked to find a distance, don't just w rite "I need to find the
distance." Be specific and write "I need to find the distance between Earth and the
• Think of a method to find the unknown. For instance, is there a formula that
relates the known and unknown quantities? This is certainly the most difficult step.
Eventually, you must write an equation to be solved.
• Solve the equation. Be careful as you solve the equation. There is no sense in get¬
ting to this point and then making a careless mistake. The unknown in most word
problems will include a unit such as feet, dollars, or miles per hour. When you write
your answer, include the unit. An answer such as 20 doesn't mean much. Is it 20 feet,
20 dollars. 20 miles per hour, or something else?
• Check your solution. Now that you have an answer, go back to the problem and ask
yourself whether it makes sense. This is an important step. For instance, if. according
to your answer, the cost of a car is $2.51. you know that something w ent wrong.

In this text, the solution of every word problem is broken down into two steps. Strategy
and Solution. The Strategy consists of the first three steps discussed above. The Solution
is the last two steps. Here is an Example from page 396 of the text. Because you have not
yet studied the concepts inv olved in the problem, you may not be able to solve it. However.
note the detail in the Strategy. When you do the You Try It following an Example, be sure
to include your own Strategy.

When you have finished studying a section, do the exercises your instructor has se¬
lected. Math is not a spectator sport. You must practice every day. Do the homew ork and
do not get behind.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Vb, ml h,unilrami, cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:pnt. I>n m tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> on«nno, K: airmwi ton itix* >0101n'Miuiii.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

The amount A of medication prescribed for a The distance .v a body falls from rest varies
person is directly related to the person's weight W. directly as the square of the time t of the fall. An
For a 50-kilogram person. 2 ml of medication are object falls 64 ft in 2 s. How far will it fall in 5 s?
prescribed. How many milliliters of medication
are requi red for a person who weighs 75 kg?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the required amount of medication:
• Write the basic direct variation equation.
replace the variables by the given values, and
solve for k.
• Write the direct variation equation, replacing k
by its value. Substitute 75 for W and solve for

Solution Your solution

A = kW • Direct variation equation
2 = k- 50 • Replace .4 by 2 and W by 50.
=k • Solve for k.
A--W • Write the direct variation equation.

4= --
75 =3 • Find .4 when IV = 75.
The required amount of medication is 3 ml.
Solution on p. S2I

Ace the Test

There are a number of features in this text that will help you prepare for a test. These fea¬
tures will help you even more if you do just one simple thing: When you are doing your
homework, go back to each previous homework assignment for the current chapter and
rework two exercises. That's right—just two exercises. You will be surprised at how much
better prepared you will be for a test by doing this.
Here are some additional aids to help you ace the test.
Chapter Summary Once you've completed a chapter, look at the Chapter Summary.
The Chapter Summary is d ivided into two sections: Key Words and Essential Rules and
Procedures. Flip to page 400 to see the Chapter Summary for Chapter 6. The summary
shows all of the important topics covered in the chapter. Do you see the reference follow¬
ing each topic? This reference shows you the objective and page in the text where you can
find more information on the concept.
Write down one Key Word and one Essential Rule or Procedure. Explain the meaning of
the reference "6. 1A. page 356."

Uqiith 301) Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. Mq oil K,moiI n Animal, n »!»ik i« I!wn. I>J» la clarn-niruh. o> llinl cuikci(Taj K: ainiaxl femr Mc nilor cVfapar < t
rcvio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« ran nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rc*r>c< Kc njÿil U> ictmc idlumil ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni nt\t* rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

Chapter Review Exercises Turn to page 402 to see the Chapter Review Exercises
for Chapter 6. When you do the review exercises, you're giving yourself an important op¬
portunity to test your understanding of the chapter. The answer to each review exercise
is given at the back of the book, along with the objective the question relates to. When
you're done with the Chapter Review Exercises, check your answers. If you had trouble
with any of the questions, you can restudy the objectives and retry some of the exercises
in those objectives for extra help.
Go to the Answer Section at the back of the text. Find the answers for the Chapter Review-
Exercises for Chapter 6. Write down the answer to Exercise 4. Explain the meaning of the
reference "6.5A."

Chapter Test The Chapter Test for each chapter can be found after the Chapter Review
Exercises and can be used to help you prepare for your exam. The answer to each question
is given at the back of the book, along with both an objective reference and a reference
to a HOW TO. Example, or You Try It that the question relates to. Think of these tests
as "practice runs" for your in-class tests. Take the test in a quiet place, and try to work
through it in the same amount of time that will be allowed for your actual exam.
The aids we have mentioned above will help you prepare for a test. You should begin
your review at lecisl two days before the test— three days is better. These aids w ill get you
ready for the test.
Here are some suggestions to try while you are actually taking the test.

• Try to relax. We know that test situations make some students quite nervous or anx¬
ious. These feelings are normal. Try to stay calm and focused on w hat you know. If you
have prepared as we have suggested, the answers will begin to come to you.
• Scan the test. Get a feeling for the big picture.
• Read the directions carefully. Make sure you answer each question fully.
• Work the problems that are easiest for you first. This will help you with your
confidence and help reduce any nervous feelings you may have.

Ready, Set, Succeedl

It takes hard work and commitment to succeed, but we know you can do it! Doing well
in mathematics is just one step you'll take on your path to success. Good luck. We wish
you success.

Uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kodnl. M«j oil K,unil n Animal, n »!»ik i« I!wn. I>J» la clccn-w ruh. o> llinl cuikci(Taj K: ainiaxl femr Mc lalor c\ jjjTtr <t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy aimvacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« un nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt ra|iirc t
Review of
Real Numbers
Focus on Success
A To use Inequality and Have you read Chapter A, AIM for
absolute value symbols with
real numbers Success? It describes study skills used
B To write and graph sets by students who have been successful
C To find the union and in their math courses. It gives you tips on
intersection of sets how to stay motivated, how to manage
SECTION 1.2 your time, and how to prepare for exams.
A To add. subtract, multiply. Chapter A also includes a complete guide
and divide integers
to the textbook and how to use its features
B To evaluate exponential
expressions and use to be successful in this course. It starts
the Order of Operations on 1.

A To find the least common
multiple (LCM) and greatest
common factor (GCF)
B To add, subtract, multiply,
and divide rational numbers
r Prep Test

C To perform operations using Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
decimal notation find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
D To use the Order of
Operations Agreement and For Exercises I lo 8. add. subtract, multiply, or divide.
simplify complex fractions

A To use and identify the
. "
15 20
properties of the real
To evaluate a variable
3. ——
6 15

4 ±+!
15 5
To simplify a variable
5. 8 + 29.34 + 7.065 6. 92 - 18.37
A To translate a verbal
expression into a variable 7. 2.19(3.4) 8. 32.436 4- 0.6
B To solve application
problems 9. State whether the given number is greater than -8.
a. -6 b. -10 c. 0 d.
10. Match the fraction with its decimal equivalent.
A. 0.75
b. B. 0.89
4 — C. 0.5
d. D. 0.7

hnrilhl :i'lI<1WI Itimnl All Ktftai Ki«r .VU; ikI I*ccpdcuncJ. « Avl>c*xii. n *lwle tr it pvt. I)k w c : llird tan. tinier!mo la. «inrcoci ixn\ £k ctfe.4. aalor ct'Sajwi .t
Iiii.ra!tr>li»la.JccncJJul ay
V micnilb tsfccl 6c trvcrsll ksmrt/ nÿcncm. Com Acnifilt it line il «jV*ajucn> n(lorolnctunrcqxirt 1

1.1 Introduction to Real Numbers

OBJECTIVE A To use inequality and absolute value symbols with realnumbers

The desire to group similar items seems to be a human characteristic. For instance, an
if Point of Interest
The Big Dipper, known
astronomer places stars in constellations, and a geologist divides the history of Earth
into eras.
to the Greeks as Ursa
Major, the great bear, Is a
Mathematicians likewise place objects with similar properties in sets. A set is a collec¬
constellation that can be
seen from northern latitudes.
tion of objects. The objects are called the elements of the set. A set is denoted by placing
The stars of the Big Dipper braces around the elements in the set.
are Alkaid. Mizar. Alioth.
Megrez. Phecda. Merak. The numbers that we use to count things, such as the number of books in a library or the
and Dubhe. The star at the number of CDs sold by a record store, have similar characteristics. These numbers are
bend of the handle. Mizar. is
actually two stars. Mizar and called the naturalnumbers.
Alcor. An imaginary line from
Merak through Dubhe passes Natural numbers = { 1 . 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11,...}
through Polaris, the north star.

Each natural number greater than I is a prime number or a composite number. A prime
number is a natural number greater than 1 that is evenly divisible only by itself and I.
For example. 2. 3. 5, 7, II.and 13 are the First six prime numbers. A natural number that
Point of Interest
is not a prime number is a composite number. The numbers 4, 6. 8. and 9 are the First
The concept of zero
developed very gradually
four composite numbers.
over many centuries. Zero
has been variously denoted The natural numbers do not have a symbol to denote the concept of "none"— for instance.
by leaving a blank space. the number of trees taller than 1 000 feet. The wholenumbers include zero and the natural
by a dot. and finally by the numbers.
symbol 0. Negative numbers.
although evident in Chinese
manuscripts dating from Whole numbers = {0. I, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8. ...}
200 B.C.. were not fully
integrated into mathematics

until late in the 14th century.
The whole numbers alone do not provide all the numbers that are useful in applications.
For instance, a meteorologist needs numbers both below and above zero.

Integers = {. .. -5, -4. -3, -2, - 1 ,0. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5,. .

The integers
-5, -4. -3, -2, - 1 are negative integers. The integers 1. 2, 3, 4.
are positive integers. Note that the natural numbers and the positive integers are
the same set of numbers. The integer zero is neither positive nor negative.

Still other numbers are necessary to solve the variety of application problems that arise.
For instance, a landscape architect may need to purchase irrigation pipe that has a
diameter of ? in. The numbers that include fractions are called the rationalnumbers.

Rationalnumbers ~

\ ÿ where p and q are integers and q t 0

« s
— o
The numbers ÿ*. % and j are examples of rational numbers. Note that j - 5. Because
any integer can be written with a denominator of 1, all integers are rational numbers. The
number z is not a rational number because tt is not an integer.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htflu Kninol lb,i>» h,unilamii. cr rtalrcnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w rah. o> llird run, ca«a no, K: ufpcuci &mti itix* mlor c<1aiu>,i.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb Ac mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «iV«n«ni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Any number that can be written as a terminating or repeating decimal is a rational num¬
ber. A repeating decimal can be written using ellipses ... or by placing a bar over the
repeating digits. For example. 0.333... - 0.3 and l.2676767... = 1.267.
Some numbers cannot be written as terminating or repeating decimals— for example,
0.0 100I00010000 1..., VI--** 2.64575 13. and tt ** 3.1415927. Numbers with decimal
representations that neither terminate nor repeat are called irrational numbers. The
rational numbers and the irrational numbers taken together are the real numbers.

Positive Integers
(Natural Numbers)
7 I 103
Take Note
The rational numbers and the X Rational Numbers
Irrational numbers form the Zero Integers
set of real numbers. The 0 -201 7 0 -5
relationships among the
various sets of numbers are
shown in the figure at the Negative Integers
Irrational Numbers 103 -201
right, along with examples of -0.101 101 1 10...
-0.101 101 1 10...
elements in each set.

Determine which of the numbers below are elements of the given set.

-1. -3.347. 0.5. 6. 1 OL 18. \/48. 2. 2020020002..., 63.-ÿ.-ÿ:. 79

a. Integers b. Rational numbers c. Irrational numbers
d. Real numbers e. Prime numbers f. Composite numbers
Integers: - 1 . 0, 5. IS. 63, 79
b. Rational numbers: - 1. -3.347. 18.63. 79 —
r- 70

c. Irrational numbers: V48. 2.2020020002....
d. Real numbers: _ m ™

-I. -3.347.0.5,6.101. 18. Vÿ8. 2.2020020002.... 63, — 79

e. Prime numbers: 5, 79 - v7
f. Composite numbers: 18.63

The graph of a real number is made by placing a heavy dot directly above the number
on a number line. The graphs of some real numbers follow.

-+- t-
5 4 32 1 0 I 2 34 5

Consider the following sentences:

A restaurant's chef prepared a d inner and served it to the customers.
A maple tree was planted and it grew two feet in one year.
In the first sentence, "it" means dinner; in the second sentence, "it" means tree. In lan¬
guage, the word it can stand for many different objects. Similarly, in mathe matics, a letter
of the alphabet can be used to stand for some number. A letter used in this way is called
a variable.
It is convenient to use a variable to represent any one of the elements of a set. For instance,
the statement "x is an element of the set {0, 2. 4. 6}" means that x can be replaced by 0.
2. 4, or 6. The set {0. 2. 4. 6} is called the domain of the variable.
Uiessc(ter«se rclMall coxematis peji Is © LKirirÿ.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOf All k./m. KimtoJ. Mi) w Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>« ui tkoiv'it mm tknl wo oatctirm, Ix mafOKi frcn lit tlv-i ir.1jr lOtom"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch tk<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs ix mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rv*mc< ix niÿn lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line if «iV«c4ini: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

The symbol for "is an element of' is G: the symbol for "is not an element of" is G. For
2 G {0. 2, 4, 6} 6 G {0. 2, 4. 6} 7 G {0. 2, 4. 6}
Variables are used in the next definition.

Definition of Inequality

If a and b are two real numbers and a Is to the left of b on the number line, then a is
less than b. This is written a < b.
If a and b are two real numbers and a is to the hght of b on the number line, then a is
greater than b. This is written a > b.
1. -2 <8 2. -1 > -5 3. 0 > --2
4. tt < V 17

The inequality symbols ÿ (islessthanorequalto)and s: (is greater than or equal to) are
also important. Note the following examples.
4 ÿ 5 is a true statement because 4 < 5.
5 ÿ 5 is a true statement because 5 - 5.

Let y G {-5. -3, —I, 1}. For which values of y is the inequality
Replace y by each element of the set and determine whether the statement is true.
y> -1
-5 2: -I A false statement
-3 2: -I A false statement
-1 a
1 2:
true statement
true statement

The inequality is true for - 1 and 1.

The numbers 5 and -5 are the same distance from zero on the number line but on op¬
posite sides of zero. The numbers 5 and -5 are called additive inverses or opposites.

The additive inverse (or opposite) of 5 h -5--h-5-h

is -5. The additive inverse of -5 is 5.
The symbol for additive inverse is - .
s 1! 2 1 0 1
' .' 4 5

-(2) means the additive inverse of positive 2. -(2) = -2

-(-5) means the additive inverse of negatives. ~(~5) = 5

The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. The symbol
for absolute value is |.

Note from the figure above that the distance from 0 to 5 is 5. Therefore,
5 1 =5. The figure also shows that the distance from 0 to -5 is 5. Therefore,

IHessotenweratal al coitincnthis (tge a £ Cagags taimrg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KiMnnl. VU, K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt rÿHi thnl |tii) „dkiiho, K: wircvta bar at tliak 10Ijr
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj eerier* Jcci r«>: riucnilb afixl Ctc at crall kimn; exxntru. Ccanfc I umnf rcnnc< ix njÿu 10 ecwvc iÿlutml cmxni il anj line if «jV«c4t*ni n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

The symbol for "is an element of' is G: the symbol for "is not an element of" is G. For
2 G {0. 2, 4, 6} 6 G {0. 2, 4. 6} 7 G {0. 2, 4. 6}
Variables are used in the next definition.

Definition of Inequality

If a and b are two real numbers and a Is to the left of b on the number line, then a is
less than b. This is written a < b.
If a and b are two real numbers and a is to the hght of b on the number line, then a is
greater than b. This is written a > b.
1. -2 <8 2. -1 > -5 3. 0 > --2
4. tt < V 17

The inequality symbols ÿ (islessthanorequalto)and s: (is greater than or equal to) are
also important. Note the following examples.
4 ÿ 5 is a true statement because 4 < 5.
5 ÿ 5 is a true statement because 5 - 5.

Let y G {-5. -3, —I, 1}. For which values of y is the inequality
Replace y by each element of the set and determine whether the statement is true.
y> -1
-5 2: -I A false statement
-3 2: -I A false statement
-1 a
1 2:
true statement
true statement

The inequality is true for - 1 and 1.

The numbers 5 and -5 are the same distance from zero on the number line but on op¬
posite sides of zero. The numbers 5 and -5 are called additive inverses or opposites.

The additive inverse (or opposite) of 5 h -5--h-5-h

is -5. The additive inverse of -5 is 5.
The symbol for additive inverse is - .
s 1! 2 1 0 1
' .' 4 5

-(2) means the additive inverse of positive 2. -(2) = -2

-(-5) means the additive inverse of negatives. ~(~5) = 5

The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. The symbol
for absolute value is |.

Note from the figure above that the distance from 0 to 5 is 5. Therefore,
5 1 =5. The figure also shows that the distance from 0 to -5 is 5. Therefore,

IHessotenweratal al coitincnthis (tge a £ Cagags taimrg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KiMnnl. VU, K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt rÿHi thnl |tii) „dkiiho, K: wircvta bar at tliak 10Ijr
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj eerier* Jcci r«>: riucnilb afixl Ctc at crall kimn; exxntru. Ccanfc I umnf rcnnc< ix njÿu 10 ecwvc iÿlutml cmxni il anj line if «jV«c4t*ni n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

Absolute Value

The absolute value of a positive number is the number. The absolute value of zero is
zero. The absolute value of a negative number is the opposite of the number. This can
be written as follows: If a is a real number, then

a| fa, a sr 0
„ -a.. a < o
1. 7 7. Because 7 s 0. the absolute value of 7 is the number 7 itself.
2. 0 0. The absolute value of 0 is 0. One way to think of this is that the distance
from 0 to 0 on the number line is 0.
Integrating 3. 8 8. Because 8 < 0. the absolute value of -8 is the opposite of 8. The
Technology opposite of 8 is 8.
See the Keystroke Guide:
Matt) tor instructions on
using a graphing calculator Evaluate: — | — 12|
to evaluate absolute value
expressions. From the definition of absolute value, -12 - 12. Therefore. - -12| - -12.

Let y G {-7, 0. 6}. For which values of y is the Let z G { - 10, -5. 6}. For which values of Z is the
inequality y < 4 a true statement? inequality z > -5 a true statement?

Solution Your Solution

Replace y by each of the elements of the set and
determine whether the inequality is true.
y <4
-7 < 4 True
0 <4 True
6 <4 False
The inequality is true for -7 and 0.

Ezuzak msnnE
Let y G { - 12. 0. 4}. For each element of the set: Let d G {- 11, 0. 8}. For each element of the set:
a. Determine —
y. the additive inverse of y.
b. Evaluate y | .
a. Determine - d. the additive inverse of d.
b. Evaluate d .

Solution Your solution

a. Replace y in —
y by each element of the set and
determine the value of the expression.

-(-12) = 12
-(0) = 0 • 0 is neither positive nor negative.
-(4) = -4
b. Replace y in | y | by each element of the set and
determine the value of the expressioa
1-121 = 12
I0| =0
I4| =4
Solutions on p. SI

Uqiith :ol> Ccr&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mq i>» h,iiloJ.ranci. cr ilijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird imp. cmctino, K: ufpcuci ton ji itix* mlor n'upxi.i.
hÿnra!rcvio* hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

objective b To write and graph sets

The roster method of writing a set encloses a list of the elements of the set in braces.
The set of even natural numbers less than 10 is written {2, 4. 6. 8 }. This is an example
of a finite set: all the elements of the set can be listed.The set of whole numbers, written
{0. 1, 2,3. 4. .. .}, and the set of natural numbers, written {1,2,3,4, .. .}, are infinite
sets. The pattern of numbers continues without end. It is impossible to list all the elements
of an infinite set.

The set that contains no elements is called the empty set. or null set. and is symbolized
by 0 or { }.

The set of trees over 1000 feet tall is the empty set.

Use the roster method to write the set of whole numbers less than 5.
{0. 1 , 2. 3. 4 } • Recall that the whole numbers include 0.

A second method of representing a set is set-builder notation. Set-builder no¬

tation can be used to describe almost any set. but it is especially useful when writing
infinite sets.

In set-builder notation, the set of integers greater than - 3 is written

{.v|.t > -3. .t E integers}

The set of all .t such that .r > -3 and x is an element of the integers

This is an infinite set. It is impossible to list all the elements of the set. but the set can be
described using set-builder notation.

The set of real numbers less than 5 is written

{.r|.v < 5. x E real numbers}
and is read "the set of all x such that .v is less than 5 and x is an element of the real numbers."

tiliflfil Use set-builder notation to write the set of integers greater

than 20.
{.v x > 20. a- G integers}

Set-builder notationand the inequality symbols >, <, >, and ÿ are used to describe infi¬
nite sets of real numbers. These sets can also be graphed on the real number line.

The graph of {x x> -2, x E real numbers } is shown below. The set is the real numbers
greater than -2. The parenthesis at -2 indicates that -2 is not included in the set.

i i l ( l i i i l l i ÿ

-5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5

LHe>5 otto»v»ise re,®, al centalcnthis page 5 ffi Cargage laemrg

CfTjrijbi "I'l1 < rantnr. *11 Ktftu Vb, ml K,ccirolrami, ndarlund. n»t»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» in(tornruh. o> itinl iun> mmciiraj K: airmoci u> inlo> okium«i
pc*io» hs«tkcncJ ihn azy ainwocÿ cucKrt Jc<« r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>c< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotixlwut roiiirc c

The graph of {x\ x s: -2. x E real numbers} is shown below. The set is the real numbers
greater than or equal to -2. The bracket at -2 indicates that -2 is included in the set.

- I I I I I I I I
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Usually, we will assume that real numbers are being used and omit "x E real numbers"
from set-builder notation. For instance, we will write the above set as {x x > 2}. —
Graph {x\x s 3}.

——— — — ——— —
HI I I I I I I | I—I—
54321012 3 45
• Draw a bracket at 3 to indicate
that 3 is in the set. Draw a solid
line to the left of 3.

{.v -2 < .V < 4} is read "the set of all .v such that .r is greater than or equal to -2 and .v
is less than 4."

Graph {x\ -2 <x < 4}.

—— H — — —— — — — —
I— I I ! I I I I I—
54 321 0 1 2345
• This is the set of real numbers between -2
and 4, including -2 but not including 4. Draw
— a bracket at —2 and a parenthesis at 4.

Some sets can also be expressed using interval notation. For example, the interval nota¬
tion (-3, 2] indicates the interval of all real numbers greater than -3 and less than or
equal to 2. As with the graph of a set. the left parenthesis indicates that -3 is not included
in the set. The right bracket indicates that 2 is included in the set.

An interval is said to be a closed interval if it includes both endpoints; it is an open

interval if it does not include either endpoint. An interval is a half-open interval if one
endpoint is included and the other is not. In each example given below. -3 and 2 are the
endpoints of the interval. In each case, the set-builder notation, the interval notation,
and the graph of the set are shown.

{-** J — 3 < a* < 2} (-3,2)

Open interval
-5-4-3-2-. 0 . 2 3 4 5

{-V 1 — 3 < x ÿ 2} [-3,2] 11(11111111

Closed interval 543-21012345

{x-3ÿx<2} [-3,2) 11(11111111

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Half-open interval

{.v i 3 < A' ÿ 2} (-3,2]
Half-open interval
5 4 3 2 1 0 12 3 4 5

Unessctba"*iss rctedalIctriOT.on tis at?. 'T Caripÿ layrirg.

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunri. Uo ml K,cc(<nl.jnxca dnluKd. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: aiRmcd fen, Mc inlo.n'utui.i.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ cudcrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc**r>e« ix ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixtwnt roiiirc t

To indicate an interval that extends forever in one or both directions using interval nota¬
tion, we use the infinity symbol * or the negative infinity symbol o°. The infinity
symbol is not a number; it is simply a notation to indicate that the interval is unlimited. In

interval notation, a parenthesis is always used to the right of an infinity symbol or to the
left of a negative infinity symbol, as shown in the following examples.

Set-builder notation Interval notation Graph

{.v|.r > I} (l.«) • i i i i i i ( i i i i

54321012 34 S

Wxfcl} [i,«0 ÿ I : !12 -t—»-

5 4 3 2 1 0 3 4 5

{x\x< 1} (-co, 1)
-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

{x\x* 1} (-co, 1] I I I ]I I I
5 4 3 2 1 0 12 3 4 5

{x\-cc < X < *} (-00, x)

— — ——-— —--——
H I I i
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5
1 I i 1 I f—

Use the roster method to write the set of positive Use the roster method to write the set of negative
integers less than or equal to 7. integers greater than -6.

Solution Your solution


Use set-builder notation to write the set of real Use set-buikler notation to write the set of whole
numbers between -4 and 5. inclusive. numbers greater than or equal to 15.

Solution Your solution

{jc | -4 ÿ X ÿ 5} • Inclusive means to
include the endpoints.

Graph {x\x ÿ 3). Graph {x\x < 0).

Solution Your solution

Draw a bracket at 3 to indicate that 3 is in the set.
Draw a solid line to the right of 3.
H b

5 4 3 2
4 I
10 1 2 3 4 5

h— i-
3 2
i I l I I
10 12 3 4 5

Solillions on p. SI
LHessoBnwise re,®, alccrletcrthis page 5 fi Cargage Laam'rg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K,Moil adirluKd. n»l»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llinl |un> ohkciiraj K: u> itilor Okium<(.
rcvio* hs«Jccntjihn azy ainvcacÿ cuctcrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvnxm at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt rotiirc c

Write each set in interval notation. Write each set in interval notation.
a. \x\x > 3} a. {x\x< -1}
b. {.r| -2 < v ÿ 4} b. {x\ -2 < v < 4}

Solution Your solution

a. The set {x x > 3} is the numbers greater than
3. In interval notation, this is written (3. *).
b. The set ].v -2 < x ÿ 4} is the numbers
greater than -2 and less than or equal to 4. In
interval notation, this is written (- 2. 4].

Write each interval in set-builder notation. Write each interval in set-builder notation.
a. (-*,4] a. (3, <*)
b. [-3,0] b. (-4,1]

Solution Your solution

a. The interval (—<*, 4] is the numbers less than
or equal to 4. In set-builder notatioa this is
written {x x < 4}.
b. The interval -3. 0 is the numbers greater
than or equal to -3 and less than or equal to 0.
In set-builder notation, this is written
{*|-3 0}.

Graph (-2.2]. Graph [—2,

Solution Your solution

Draw a parenthesis at -2 to show that it is not in -t- l l i

the set. Draw a bracket at 2 to show that it is in the 5 4 3 2 I 0 1 2 3 4 S

set. Draw a solid line between -2 and 2.

H-h-H -t—»-
S 4 3 2 I 0 I 2 3 4 S

Solutions on p. SI
Ufessothswssreact allnried.onfispeÿ is 'CCe'gaÿlayrirc.

Ctfiyrighl -01J Ca&it Iiininf til Htftu Kntnol VU; h,cc(< Aolicifcil. n•* hiW it is p«n. I>it ui(tamrah. o> llird |tn> cancel no, K: eirficueÿ 6«ti at itv-ci Hilar cVfapcii « t
hÿura!pc*io» (wJccnciduitt) «jnrvo(ÿ cocicrt ikci rannaicnilb **c mcnll leant u/ npcncnc. CaMc I cam/if rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj li*»c if «jY«ajucni rotiKtwfDreqsrt t-

objective c Tofind the union andintersection of sets

Jusl as operations such as addition and multiplication are performed on real numbers,
operations are performed on sets. Two operations performed on sets are union and

Union of Two Sets

The union of two sets, written A U B. is the set of all elements that belong to either set
A or set B. In set-builder notation, this is written
AuB = {x\x E.A or xe6|
1. Given A (2. 3, 4. 5. 6| and B {4, 5. 6. 7. 8}, A U B {2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . Note
that the elements 4, 5. and 6. which belong to both sets, are listed only once.
2. Given C = {-3. -1, 1, 3} and D = {-2, 0.2}, C'J D ( -3, 2, 1.0,1,2,3}.
3. Given X = (0, 2. 4. 6. 8} and Y = {4. 8|,XU/ (0. 2. 4. 6, 8|.

Intersection of Two Sets

The intersection of two sets, written A H S. is the set of all elements that are com¬
mon to both set A and set B. In set-builder notation, this is written

AC\B = {X\X&A and XE.B)

1. Given A (2. 3. 4, 5. 6} and B {}, Aÿ B 4.5.6}.
2. Given C = {-3, - 1, 1.3} and D = {- 2. 0. 2}, Cn D 0. There are no elements
common to both C and D.
3. Given X (0. 2, 4. 6. 8} and Y = {4, 8}, X n Y {4.8}.

Given A - {2. 3, 5, 7} and B = {0. 1. 2, 3, 4}, find -4 U B and

Point of Interest
The symbols e. U, and n
were first used by Giuseppe
Peano in Arlthmetlces
Principia. Nova Exposlta (The
A U B = {0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 } • List the elements of each set. The
Principle of Mathematics, a elements that belong to both sets
New Method of Exposition), are listed only once.
published in 1 889. The
purpose of this book was
to deduce the principles of
mathematics from pure logic.
ACB= {2.3} List the elements that are common
to both A and B.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 KocnoL Mi) ix< Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik it put. I>« Ui clccVont nlHt. : thnJ jtany oaten nuy he nrfTcwcd frcw be ctVxL aitlur ctlafunn
ritiraimin JccncJ thr. Mzy «rtrc«cc coucnikci r»»: numilb tOoei incnll kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Iumn/ rc*mc< ix niÿit I tÿludul crnxni at any line it* «r; n/k«rainctwm roj*uc 4.
UVessctterwse "clej all coxeman ns

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m.

Is I
I ) I—I—I—I—( I I I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5



than or equal to - 1 or greater than 3.

The set is written {.v! x ÿ


- I or x

Graph {x x> I} U {x x < -4}.

than or equal to 5. This is shown graphically below.

-- 5]

5432 10 1234.5
— '

The union of two sets is the set of all elements belonging to either one or the other of the
two sets. The set {x x < - I} u {y|jy > 3} is the set of real numbers that are either less

i i i i i i i i i i
5432 10 I 2345

> 3}.

The set {y|.y > 2} U {.y x > 4} is the set of real numbers that are either greater than 2
or greater than 4. Because any number greater than 4 is also greater than 2. this is the set
{.v y > 2}.
' I I I I
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0

Note that although -2 is an element of {y| x ÿ 5}, -2 is not an element of {.y|.y > -2},
1 I I

and therefore -2 is not an element of the intersection of the two sets. Indicate this with
a parenthesis at -2. However. 5 is an element of {x\x s=* 5} and 5 is an element of
{.y .y > -2}. Therefore. 5 is an element of the intersection of the two sets. Indicate this
with a bracket at 5.


{A-I.V <01

Csrgaÿ Lrarirg.

Mij ik. K:
{x\x < J 4}




. .
The set {.y .y < 4} D {a|.y < 5} is the set of real numbers that are less than 4 and less
than 5. This is the set of real numbers that are less than 4. as shown in the graphs below.


It II-
5 4321012345


1 i I ) I I I 1 I
4 3 21012345

JjH Graph {y|jy > -3} D {.yI.y < 0}.

" '


I 2 3 4 5
l I

• The graph includes all the numbers that

The intersection of two sets is the set that contains the elements common to both sets. The
set{.Y|.Y> -2}D{y!.y£ 5} is the set of real numbers that are greater than 2and\ess
are either greater than 1 or less than -4.

{*|* > -21

{*1* > -2} n {x \x

-- 5} = {x |-2 < .V

{*1* < 4J n {x\x < 5} = {*|* < 41

> -3}

{jrlx > -3} n {x\x < 01 = 1*1 -3 <* < 0}

«un«. ir aclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl wo innm«| K: mafOKi bar ac itv-4 inlor c<"kiiun«-
t*Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchtk<i r«>: numilb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxncra. I tames/ rotnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'vc iÿluuul cmxni ii iny lint it* n/k«rrunctwm rojurc A


Given A = {0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10} and B = {0. 3. 6. 9}, Given C = {1.5,9. 13. 17} and
find AuB. D = { II}. find CuD.

Solution Your solution

AUB ~ {0.2, 3,4.6. 8,9, 10}

Given A {.v a E natural numbers} and
- Given E = {a x E odd integers} and
B = {.v .v G negative integers}, find AC\B. F - {x | x E even integers}, find EOF.

Solution Your solution

AD B = 0 There are no natural numbers
that are also negative integers.

Graph {.v| a* > - 1 } U {a| a < 2}. Graph {a|a < -2} u {a|a > - 1}.

Solution Your solution

This is the set of real numbers greater than - 1 or ÿ
I I I I I I I I : I I ÿ

less than 2. Any real number satisfies this condition. -5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

The graph is the entire real number line.

I I l 1 I I I l
-5 —4 - J -2 - 1 O I 2 J 4 5

Graph {a|a< 3}H{a|a> - I}. Graph {a|a < 1} fl {a|a > -3}.
Solution Your solution
The graph is the set of real numbers that are
common to the two intervals. -5-4-3-2-1 0
H | I-
12 3 4 5

{x\x < 3}
ÿ I t I 1 I I I I 1 I I ÿ

5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Graph (-3. 2) fl [0, 4) . Graph [-4. 0)u[l.3].

Solution Your solution

The graph is the set of real numbers that are -t- I I i
common to the two interv als. 5 4321012 345

(-3.2) [0. 4)
( I I 1 ÿ ) I )

-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Solut ions on p. SI
IHess othawise i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 3 £ Cargage laemrg

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All tu Kninol Ug f>il K.iiroJrani,cr Avlva-al. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lovmrah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci ton ji ill--.4 irjor okiurTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicn Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l


Concept Check
For Exercises I and 2, determine which of the numbers are a. integers, b. rational
numbers, c. irrational numbers, and d. real numbers. List all that apply.

1. —7-.0, -3, 77. 2.33, 4.232232223..., V7

2. -17,0.3412,-, -1.01001000 1...,77,6. 12

77 91

For Exercises 3 to 6. Find the additive inverse of the number.

3. 4. 77 5. 1.45 6. 0

For Exercises 7 to 9. evaluate the expression.

7. |-5.6| 8. — 1 61 9. |0|

For Exercises 10 to 12, determine which number has the larger absolute value.
10. 29,-41 11. -31,-54 12. -42,-27

objective A To use inequality andabsolute value symbols with realnumbers

For Exercises 13 to 20. solve.

13. Let y E {-6. -4,7}. For which values of y is 14. Let x E {-6, -3, 3}. For which values of x is
> -4 true? x < -3 true?

15. Let w G (-2, - 1, 0. I}. For which values of w is 16. Let p G {- 10, -5. 0. 5}. For which values of p is
w < - 1 true? p > 0 true?

17. Let b G {-9,0.9}. Evaluate -b for each element 18. Let a G {-3, -2,0}. Evaluate -a for each ele-
of the set. ment of the set.

19. Let c G {-4, 0, 4}. Evaluate \c\ for each element 20. Let q G {-3. 0. 7}. Evaluate q for each element
of the set. of the set.

21. ''3 Are there any real numbers .v for which -.v > 0? 22. ÿ Are there any real numbers y for which
If so, describe them. - |y| > 0? If so, describe them.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Itimn/. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,Moil <• AvIkmL n -Hik « n «n. IXc m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> imnno, K: uinuiÿ ton ji mlor cV'fapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c nj6liÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

objective b To write and graph sets

For Exercises 23 to 28. use the roster method to write the set.
23. the integers between -3 and 5 24. the integers between -4and0

25. the even natural numbers less than 14 26. the odd natural numbers less than 14

27. the positive-integer multiples of 3 that are less 28. the negative-integer multiples of 4 that are greater
than or equal to 30 than or equal to -20

For Exercises 29 to 36. use set-builder notation to write the set.

29. the integers greater than 4 30. the integers less than -2

31. the real numbers greater than or equal to —! 32. the real numbers less than or equal to 2

33. the real numbers between 0 and I 34. the real numbers between -2 and 5

35. the real numbers between I and 4. inclusive 36. the real numbers between 0 and 2. inclusive

For Exercises 37 to 42, let A = {.r x S: — 3, v e integers}. State whether the given
number is an element of A .
37. -3 38. 3.5 39. Z 40. 1 41. -5 42. 5

For Exercises 43 to 50. graph.

43. {.* x< 2} 44. {x\x < -1}
i I I l I I I I t I I I I I I
5432101234 5 -5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

45. {.V X> 1} 46. {x\xÿ -2}

I I I t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I•
5 4321012 3 45 54321012345

47. {x ~ 1 < .V < 5} 48. {.r| I < .r < 3}

• I I I I I I I I I I I • I I 1 I I I I I I I I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

49. {x 0 < x < 3} 50. {x\ - 1 <.rsl}

I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I-
5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5 54321012 3 45

LHess otavaise rffiffi. alccrletcnttss page s 2i Cargage Laemrg

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu IdbioIVtaj i>» h,iiloJ.rami. cr AvIkmL n -Hik it n p«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: *Hfromcd itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn «»-
hÿiara! hoJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamii( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try Imc «i «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

For Exercises 5 1 to 58. write each set of real numbers in interval notation.
51. {x\ -2<x< 4} 52. {a*|0 < a < 3} 53. {.t| - I sxs5} 54. {a|0 3}

55. {a|a < 1} 56. {a|.v < 6} 57. {.r|.v > -2} 58. {a-|.v > 3}

For Exercises 59 to 68, write each interval in set-builder notation.

59. (0.8) 60. (-2,4) 61. [-5.7] 62. [3.4] 63. [-3.6)

64. (4.5] 65. (-00,4] 66. (-oo, -2) 67.(5. 68. [

For Exercises 69 to 76. graph.

69. (-2,5) 70. (0.3)
I I I I I I ! I I I I
-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 -5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5

71. - 72. [-3,2]

I I I I ! I I
3 2 10 12 3 5 4 3 2
-+- H h
10 12 3 4 5 —
73. (- 3] 74. (—oo, — I)
I !
3 2 — —-—
I 0 I 2 .3
I I I I I I I I : I I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

75. [3 76. [-2,

I I I I I I I I i i i I I i
3 2 I 0 I 2 3 5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5

objective c To find the union andintersection of sets

For Exercises 77 to 84. find A U B.
77. A = {1,4.9},/? = {2,4,6} 78. A = {-1,0, 1},# = {0, 1,2}

79. A = ]2, 3, 5, 8}. B = ]9. 10} 80. A = {1,3,5,7}, Z? = {2,4,6,8}

81. A = {-4. -2, 0. 2. 4}, B = {0.4.8} 82. A = {-3. -2,-1}, B ={-2, -1,0.1}

83. A = {1,2, 3,4,5},# = {3,4,5} 84. A = {2,4}.#= {0,1,2,3,4.5}

Un'essctterw se rctedaiIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CCffgÿe laari13.

CfTjrijbl "I'l1 < rantnr. *11 Ktftu\<J Ug ml K,iiraJ.rami. n dirlunJ. a »l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llinl |un> oa«uiraj K: airficucÿ Mc itv-,4 inla> c*~fapxn<(.

rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut ujainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tdfoeI »»» crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rcoc< ix njÿil U> tctmc idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixtwnt rotiirc t

For Exercises 85 to 92. Find A n B.

85. A = {6. I2, 18},fi = {3,6.9} 86. A = {-4. 0. 4}. fi = {-2. 0. 2}

87. 4 = {I. 5, 10. 20}, fi = {5. 10, 15. 20} 88. 4 = {I. 3, 5. 7, 9}, B = {I, 9}

89. 4 = {1, 2,4, 8}, B = {3, 5, 6, 7} 90. 4 = {-3, -2, = {1.2,3.4}

91. 4 = {2. 4, 6. 8, 10}. fi — {4. 6} 92. 4 = {-9. -5, 0. 7}. fi = {-7, -5. 0. 5, 7}

93. 3 Which set is the empty set?

(i) {.v|.v E integers} n {.v].r E rational numbers}
(ii) {-4, -2,0. 2, 4} u {-3, I, 1,3}
(Hi) [5, *0 n (0, 5)

94. Which set is not equivalent to the interval [-1.6)?

(i) W-Ut<6}
(ii) {x\xÿ -l}u{r|*<6}
(iii) \x\x< 6}n{.vU> -1}

For Exercises 95 to 106. graph.

95. {x\x> I} U {.v *< -1} 96. {»| a* s 2} U {.r | a* > 4}
i l l I i l l i i l l
-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

I I 1 I I I i
5 4321012345

97. {x|j< 2}n{.vU > 0} 98. {x\x> -l}n{x|x<4}

I l
I I l
5 4 3-21012 3 4 5 —— — —— —
I I I I 1—1 I I i 1 I-
5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5

99. {x\x> \}D{x\xÿ -2} 100. {x\x < 4} U {x\x < 0}

I I I I I ; I I I I I I i
5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

101. {x\x> -3}u{x|.r< 1} 102. {x\x> -2}n{.Yi.v< -4}

I I I I HH i
5 4321012345
—- ÿ4—
—I I
5 4 3 2
10 12 3 4
— I I

103. [—5, 0) U (1,4] 104. (-<*, —2] U [3, <»)

H 1
5432101234 5
* —
I h I I I I
5 4 3 2
1 I I I
10 12 3 4 5

LHessoBhwj;roiffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

c<nniht :oi) low Iiinini. All Htftu Knmol Vb, ml K.mml <• AvIkmL n -Hik « n tun. I»
I'iural»\ic la.Jonca ihn «t> oumJx. r.n nucnilb "S.-. &c incull himiu IanU

105. [-3, 3] fl [0,5] 106. (-Cc, l)D(-4,x)

5 4 3 2 I 0 I 2 .1 4 5 -5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 107- 1 14. write the set of numbers using the absolute value symbol and an
inequality symbol.
107. All numbers whose distance from 0 is 1(18. All numbers whose distance from 0 is greater
less than 4 than or equal to 5

109. All numbers whose distance from I is 110. All numbers whose distance from 7 is greater
less or equal to 5 than 6

111. All numbers whose distance from -2 is 112. All numbers whose distance from -3 is greater
less than 2 than 2

113. All numbers whose distance from a is 114. All numbers whose distance from a is less
greater than b than b

Projects or Group Activities

Let R = {real numbers}, A = {.r -I < x < I}, B = {.r|0 < .r < I}, and
C = {.r| - 1 s .t < 0} . Answer Exercises 1 15 to 123 using A. A. B, C or 0.
115. AuA 116. AuA 117. BC\B

118. AuC 119. ADA' 120. CCR

121. BuR 122. AUA 123. AD0

124. The set B fl C cannot be expressed using A. A. B. C. or 0. What real number is

represented by ARC?

Ulessctterwse tiej all coxeman ns Is © Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

uqiilh :miCROK Iiinmr *11 ».,m. VUj ix. lx miiir aclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it in". I>« ui ckcivnt raH. mm <hnl Itii) outfti nn| K: «urirc— bar ac ilv-4 irjar illuun .1
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch tk<« r«>: nuniilb afixl 6c mcnll kimn; cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'vc >6lu<ml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire A

1.2 Operations on Integers

OBJECTIVE A To add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

An understanding of the operations on integers is necessary to succeed in algebra. Let's

Point of Interest review those operations, beginning with the sign rules for addition.
Rules for operaling with
positive and negative
numbers have existed for Addition of Real Numbers
a long time. Although there
are even older records of Numbers that have the same sign
these rules (from the third To add two numbers with the same sign, add the absolute values of the numbers;
century a.d.), one of the
then attach the sign of the addends.
most complete records is
contained in The Correct Numbers that have different signs
Astronomical System of To add two numbers with different signs, find the absolute value of each number.
Brahma, written by the Indian Subtract the smaller of these absolute values from the larger. Then attach the sign of
mathematician Brahmagupta the number with the larger absolute value
around a.d. 600.
1. Add: -8 + (-9)
The signs are the same. Add the absolute values of the numbers.
I — 8i + |-9 = 8 + 9 = 17.
Attach the sign of the addends.
-8 + (-9) = 17
2. Add: 5 + (-12)
The numbers have different signs. Find the absolute value of each number.
|5| = 5; — 12 1 = 12.
Subtract the smaller of these absolute values from the larger.
12 - 5 = 7.
Attach the sign of the number with larger absolute value. Because 12! > |5|,
attach the sign of 12.
5 + (-12)= 7
3. Add: -9 + 17
The numbers have different signs. Find the absolute value of each number.
I — 9| = 9; 1 17| = 17.
Subtract the smaller of these absolute values from the larger.
17 - 9 = 8.
Attach the sign of the number with larger absolute value. Because 17 > | 9 ;
attach the sign of 17.
-9 + 17 = 8

Add. a. -65 + (-48) b. 27 + (-53)

a. -65 (-48) = —113 The signs are the same. Add the
absolute values of the numbers.
Then attach the sign of the addends.
b. 27 +- (-53) The signs are different. Find the
1 27 1 = 27 -531 = 53 absolute value of each number.
53 - 27 = 26 Subtract the smaller absolute value
from the larger.
27 [-53) = -26 Because 53 > 27 attach the sign
of -53.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it put. I>« In ikoiv'i. rtftu. : ihnJ jtany oaicri ray he «irfTO»ed fcem lie ctVxi. ir«lora'VapxT «i
tiliraimicn JccncJ thr. Mzy curtcn ikci r»»: nunulb affcvx incraJI kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix njÿii I tÿluiml crtixni n any tine it* «t n/k«rMnctwm ro*«irc 4.

Subtraction is defined as addition of the opposite of the second number. Recall that the
opposite of a number is also called the additive inverse.

Subtraction of Real Numbers

To subtract two real numbers, add the opposite of the second number to the first.

1. Subtract: -6 (-9) 2. Subtract: 8 15
Add the Add the

| TTff J W"|
-6 - (-9) = -6 + 9 =3 8-15 = 8 + (-15) = 7

ESEZEISfe Subtract, a. 48 - (-22) b. —31 — IS

Chance to
Change to
-- 1
a. 48 - (-22) = 48
_+ J22 = 70
b. -31 - 18 = -31
I - 1
+ (-18) = -49

Opposite of -22 of 18 Opposite

It is often necessary to write a mathematical expression from a verbal one. Here are some
words and phrases that are used to indicate addition and subtraction.

Words or phrases for addition

more than -3 more than 8 8 + (-3) = 5

the sum of the sum of 5 and - 9 -5 + (-9) = -14
increased by 7 increased by 10 -7 + 10 =3
the total of the total of 23 and 14 -23 + 14 = -9
plus -15 plus -19 15 + (-19) = - 34

Words or phrases for subtraction

minus 12 minus 20 12 - 20 = 12 + (-20) : -8

less than 5 less than 9 9 5 9 • 5 -14
less 8 less -9 8 - (-9) =8 + 9 = 17
the difference between the difference between 3 - (-8) = 3 + 8 = 11
3 and -8

decreased by 7 decreased by 5 -7 - 5
- -7 + (-5) - -12


The elevation of Desert Shores, California, is -200 ft. and the elevation of New Or¬
leans, Louisiana, is -7 ft. What is the difference in elevation between Desert Shores
and New Orleans?
To find the difference, subtract -7 from -200.
-200 - (-7) = -200 + 7 = -193
The difference in elevation between Desert Shores and New Orleans is - 193 ft.

uqiith 301)Carafe I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu «c.(n<d. M«j ml K,moil adarluaol. n»l»ik i« n UK. I>* m clccn-w ruW. o> (tin) |MH> cuikciiraj K: airticucÿ u> (tV-,4 ml01cV'fanxn « t

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt rotiirc c

The sign rules for multiplying and dividing real numbers are given below.

Multiplication or Division of Real Numbers

Numbers that have the same sign

The product or quotient of two numbers with the same sign is positive.
Numbers that have different signs
The product or quotient of two numbers with different signs is negative.
1. — 12(— 15) = 180 2. -21(14)= 294
Take Note
Nole in example (4) at the
3. (-65) + (-5)= 13 4. = 3
right that we used a fraction
bar to denote division, is
read "-75 divided by 25." Here are some words and phrases that indicate multiplication and division.
The fraction bar can be read
as "divided by."
Words or phrases for multiplication

times 5 times -6 5(-6) = -30

the product of the product of -5 and -9 — 5(—9) = 45
twice twice 5 2(-5) = -10

Words or phrases for division

the quotient of the quotient of 15 and -3 15 4- (-3) = — Ej

divided by -28 divided by -7 (-28)+ (-7) = 4

a. Find the product of -5 and 12.

b. What is -48 divided by -8?
a. The signs are different. The product is negative. "5(12) = •-60
b. The signs are the same. The quotient is positive. (-48) + (--8) = 6

1 .
a. Add: -56 + 29 a. Add: !9 + (-22)
b. Subtract: 26 - 47 b. Subtract: -17 - (-24)

Solution Your solution

a. -56 + 29 = -27
b. 26 - 47 = 26 + (-47) Write subtraction as
= -21 addition of the

Solution on p. SI

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol »lf i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: tmniKi &M* itl-wi lakVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

a. Find the sum of -34 and -53. a. What is the total of -35 and -28?
b. What is 7 less than - 19? b. Find the difference between - 19 and -36.

Solution Your solution

a. -34 + (-53) = -87
b. -19 - 7 = -19 + (-7) = -26

a. Multiply: -15(17) a. Multiply: -3(-22)

-96 b. Divide: (-28) h- (—7)
b. Divide: -

Solution Your solution

a. -15(17) = -255 • The signs are different
The product is negative.
• The sigas are the same.
The quotient Is positive.

a. Find the quotient of -60 and 12. a. Find - 14 times -5.

b. What is the product of - 15 and -5? b. What is -36 divided by 9?

Solution Your solution

a. -60 -s- 12 = -5
b. — 15(—5) = 75
Solutions on pp. SI-S2

objective b To evaluate exponential expressions and use the Order of

Operations Agreement

Repeated multiplication of the same factor can be written using an exponent.

2-2-2-2-2-2 = 2**-Exponent b- b- b- b- b = b -Exponent
!in Integrating
m Technology
The caret key KL; on a
L Base — *-Base
graphing calculator is used
The exponent indicates how many times the factor, called the base, occurs in the multiplica¬
to enter an exponent. For
example, to evaluate the tion. The multiplication 2 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 is in factored form. The exponential expression 2*

expression at the right, press is in exponential form. The exponent is also said to indicate the power of the base.
2®fcj 6r-ÿ .The display
reads 64.
21 is read "the first power of two" or just "two." • Usually the exponent
1 is not written.
22 is read "the second power of two" or "two squared."
23 is read "the third power of two" or "two cubed."
2i is read "the fourth power of two."
2- is read "the fifth power of two."
b' is read "the fifth power of b"

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Vtaj ml h,ccpnlrami, cr AvIkmL n (.Ink i» i:«n. IXc m ilccnmrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: wnoi &«•» ittxi irJor cV'fanm <i.
hÿUra!rcvio* haJccnciduury oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccnxnl it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni njbx rotn<twnireniirt 1

nth Power of a

If a Is a real number and n is a positive integer, the nth power of a is the product of n
factors of a.
an = a -a -a a
a as a factor n times
1. 53 = 5-5-5 = 125
2. (-3)4 = (— 3)( 3)( 3)(— 3) = 81
3. -34 = -(3-3-3-3) = 81

Note the difference between examples (2) and (3) above. For (— 3)4 - 8 1, the base of the
exponential expression is -3. For -34 = -81, the base of the exponential expression is
3. Here are a few more examples.
(— 6)3 = (-6) • (-6) • (-6) = -216 • Three factors of 6
-6 ' = - (6 6 6) = -21 6
• •
• The opposite of three factors of 6
(-5)4 = (-5) • (-5) • (-5) • (-5) = 625 • Four factors of 5

-54 = (5-5-5-5) = -625 • The opposite offour factors of 5
Equate, a. (-7)3 b. -44 c. (— 2)4 - (— 3)3
a. (-7)3 = (—7)(—7)(—7) = -343
b. -44 = -(4- 4-4-4) = -256
c. (-2)4- (-3)3 = ( 2)( 2)( 2)( 2)( 3)( 3)( 3) = -432

The Order of Operations Agreement is used to simplify an expression that contains sev¬
eral operations.

Order of Operations Agreement

Step 1. Perform operations inside grouping symbols. Grouping symbols include

parentheses ( ), brackets [ J. braces { }, the absolute value symbol, and
the fraction bar.
Step 2. Simplify exponential expressions.
Step 3. Do multiplication and division as they occur from left to right.
Step 4. Do addition and subtraction as they occur from left to right.
1. 3(4 - 9) = 3(-5) • Perform operations inside grouping symbols. [Step 1]
= -15 • Multiply. [Step 3J
Integrating 2. 3 -24 = 3 - 16 • Simplify exponential expressions. [Step 2]
IT® Technology = 48 • Multiply. [Step 3J
A graphing calculator uses 3. 12 6-3 = 2-3
• Do multiplication and division from left to right. [Step3J
the Order of Operations =6
Agreement. Press 5
2 t. 4 .The display
- 4. 5-2-4=5-8 * Do multiplication and division from left to right. [Step 31
reads -3.
= -3 • Do addition and subtraction from left to right. [Step 4]

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K,unil n « n UK. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |Ktl» cuikcino, K:
n»l»ik I Mc ctiw* itilor cV'fanxi ,(

rcxio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ cuctcrt ik<i r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>c< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvn-xm at atry line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwut roiairc t

Simplify: 9-5- (6 - 3) - 3(8 - 10)3

Tips for Success
The HOW TO feature Perform operations inside 9 -e- <6 - 3) - 3(8 - 10)3 = 9 -r 3 — 3(-2)3
Indicates an example with groupingsymbols.
explanatory remarks. Using Simplify exponential =9 -5- 3 - 3 -(-8)
paper and pencil, you should
work through the example.
See AIM lor Success in the Do multiplication and = 3 - (-24)
Preface. division from left to right.
Do addition and subtraction = 27
from left to right.

Simplify: a. -24 b. (-3)5 Simplify: a. (-2)6 b. —6"

Solution Your solution

a. -24 = - (2 • 2 • 2 2) = - 1 6 ÿ

b. (— 3)5 = ( — 3)( — 3) ( — 3) ( — 3)( — 3) = -243

Simplify: — rr— — f——r~~ I-32
Simplify: 24 - 18 -e- 2(6 — 3)2

Solution Your solution

14-22 (9 - 21
2; 6
-)2 32 Perform operations
inside grouping symbols.
Recall that fraction bars
are grouping symbols.
ÿ8 -12
Simplify exponential
= -2 - (—2) - 9 Multiply and divide
from left to right.
= -2 -(-18)

= 16 Add and subtract

from left to right.

Solutions on p. 52

llTOTilh'. 3DIICct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Kunitl. VUf im h,icmdami IT distend. n »Hik i» i;«rt. I>lc m tkcn-w rah. o> llird r K«mxj k 4inrcucÿ fwr tx ctV-si. ir*l<»r a»
hÿUra! hs«Jccnci ilw *ty ainvcocÿ cuctcrt Jcci r«n nunulb .'x mcrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c cvoxni it »njline »1 aiVwajucni n(h>rotrxtwmrojurc t


Concept Check

1. hJ Explain how to add a. two integers with the same sign and b. two integers with
different signs.

2. |]Explain how to rewrite 8 - (- 12) as addition of the opposite.

3. When adding two numbers, is the sum always greater than either of the two numbers
being added? If not. give an example.

4. If the product of two numbers is positive, what can be said about the numbers?

5. If the quotient of two numbers is negative, what can be said about the numbers?

6. Is it possible to subtract two negative numbers and get a positive result? If so. give an

7. If the product of two numbers is zero, what can be said about the numbers?

8. Write the seventh power of 3 in exponential form.

9. Write the sixth power of -5 in exponential fcrm.

10. Fill in the blank with =, <, or > to make a true statement.
8-2-5 _ (8 - 2) • 5

OBJECTIVE A To add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

For Exercises II to 14. without doing the calculation, state whether the sum. differ¬
ence. product, or quotient is positive or negative.
11. 567 + (-812) 12. -259 - (-327)

13. (— 1 S9)(— 76) 14. 696 -5- (-58)

For Exercises 15 to 38. perform the indicated operation.

15. — 15(— 1 1) 16. 135 -s- (-5) 17. -39-5 18. -16 + (-6)

19. 87 -r (-3) 20. -400 -r (-16) 21. 39 - (-6) 22. 2 + (-18)

23. -12(15) 24. 9 - (-29) 25. 238 t 17 26. 19 - (-13)

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw ItimOt. *11 KimimJ. Mi) ixi Ix mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it pin. I>« ui cla-ixnt mm iknl Itiijoatctirm, Ix mafOKi fee* lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. Jc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< «»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo
couch ccotni 11 iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/h*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

27. -5 + 19 28. -9 + (-11) 29. 44 + (-4) 30. 20(- 13)

31. -14-8 32. — 24(— 4) 33. 9 - (-9) 34. 7(— 13)

35. 27 + (-8) 36. 15 + (-16) 37. 2(— 26) 38. 399 + (—21)

39. What is the total of -6 and 24? 40. What is 363 divided by 363?

41. What is 80 divided by 80? 42. Find 5 less -27.

43. Find the quotient of -56 and -7. 44. What is -39 times -5?

45. Find the sum of -18 and -10. 46. Find the quotient of 9 and -3.

47. What is -17 times -12? 48. What is -720 divided by -18?

49. What is the total of 26 and -6? 50. Find the product of -3 and 15.

51. Find 24 decreased by -2. 52. What is 39 less than -4?

53. What is -10 less than -21? 54. Find 8 less -9.

55. Astronomy The a\erage surface temperature on the moon during the day is
I07CC. At night, the average surface temperature is - I53CC. What is the difference
between the average surface temperatures during the day and at night on the moon?

56. Meteorology At 7:00 a.m., the temperature at a weather station was - 12°F. Three
hours later, the temperature had increased by 9°F. What was the temperature at the
weather station at 10:00 a.m.?

57. Hiking A hiker starts on a trail at the bottom of Death Valley, which has an
elevation of -282 ft. Four hours later, the hiker has climbed 223 ft. What is the new
elevation of the hiker?

58. Geography The elevation of Coachella. Califomia. is - 72 ft. and the elevation of
Salton Sea. California, is -220 ft. What is the difference in elevation between Salton
Sea and Coachella?

objective To evaluate exponential expressions and use the Order of

Operations Agreement
59. a! Without doing the computation, state whether the expression -78 simplifies to a
positive or a negative number.

60. A Which of the following is a positive number?

-45, (-4)5, -46. (-4)6

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. Mi) w Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik ,r it put. I>« uiclccVont mm tknl wo oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fcwo lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiom"
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix njÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line i! r/k*rrtnciwiw rcÿurc l

For Exercises 6 1 to 68. evaluate the exponential expression.

61. -24 62. -34 63. (-5)3 64. (-7)4

65. (-2)10 66. (-4)5 67. (-I)50 68. -I50

For Exercises 69 to 83, use the Order Agreement to simplify the expression.
69.5 - 8 -12 +3 70.48-6 + 3 71.24 + 2-6

72. 14 - 4-9 73. -28 - 12 + 4 74. -30 + (2 5) ÿ

75. -9 + 4(8 - 15) 76. 2(5 - 7) - 6(18 - 4) 77. 27 + (-3) + 5(2 - 8)2

13 -9
79. 3. 8-6(4-9)+ÿ

80. 63 + (2 - 5):- 16 - 4-8 - 15 81. -3(5 - 8)3 + (19 - 7) + (1 - 3)

82. 28,(7- 9)M. - 3)4 ,,4 83.

Critical Thinking
84. What is the tens digit of 1 1"?

85. What is the ones digit of 725?

86. What are the last three digits of 5202?

87. Place the correct symbol. <, -. or >, between the two expressions to make a true
statement: (23)4 -2ÿ

Projects or Group Activities

88. Research the mathematical operation called factorial. Then simplify the following

a. 7! b. 8! - 6! c. 0! d.

10! , 7! 12! , II
e. —
f.' T~7~
2- — T-
4!( 12 4)! -
8!(II - 8)!

CCrorltbt :ol> Ca&it Iomit/. All Htftu Kninol lb,f>il K.unil cr cIi;Ik«U. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird run, unimno, K: ittxi inlUr n'rrprrri.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Operations on Rational Numbers

objective A Tofind the least common multiple (LCM) and greatest
commonfactor (GCF)

Working with fractions frequently requires finding either the least common multiple or
the greatest commonfactor of two or more numbers. The least common multiple is used
when adding or subtracting fractions. It is frequently called the lowest common denomi¬
nator. The greatest common factor is used to write a fraction in simplest form.

The least common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the smallest number that is a
multiple of all the numbers. For instance, consider the numbers 12 and 18 and their multiples.
Multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36,48. 60, 72, .. .
Multiples of 18: 18, 36, 54. 72, 90. 108, ...
For the two lists. 36 and 72 are common multiples. The least (smallest) common multiple
is 36.
We can also find the LCM of two or more numbers by finding the prime factorization of
each number.

Find the LCM of 12 and 14.

Determine the prime factorization 12 = 2-2-3
of each number. 14 = 2-7
The LCM is the product of the prime Factors of 14
factors of each number.
The LCM of 12 and 14 is 84.
LCM = 2 2- 3 • 7 = 84-
Factors of 12

The greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more numbers is the greatest number that
divides evenly into all the numbers. For instance, consider the numbers 12 and 18 and
their factors.
Factors of 12: 1.2,3,4, 6, 12
Factors of 18:. 1,2,3, 6,9. 18
From the lists. 1 . 2. 3. and 6 are common factors. The greatest (largest) commonfactor is 6.
The GCF also can be found by first writing each number as a product of prime factors.
The GCF contains the prime factors common to both numbers.

Find the GCF of 36 and 90.

Determine the prime factorization of 36 = 2 2 • 3 • 3

each number. The common factors are 90 = 2 • 3 • 3 • 5

shown in blue.
The GCF is the product of the common GCF = 2-3-3 = 18
prime factors of both numbers.
The GCF of 36 and 90 is 18.

The GCF of two numbers that have no common prime factors is 1 . For instance, the num¬
bers 8 and 15 have no common prime factors. The GCF of 8 and 15 is I.

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Uo oil K,cc(<alrami, n Animal, n »!»ik i« n wn. I>j» la clarn-niruW. «>m llinl cumcl (Taj K: wnol u> inla.cVfapar < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwnt rotiirc t

a. Find the LCM of 8. 18. and 20. a. Find the LCM of 10. 12, and 20.
h. Find the LCM of 6 and 35. b. Find the LCM of 4 and 9.

Solution Your solution

a. Find the prime factorization of each number.
8 = 2-2-2
I8 = 2-3-3
20 = 2 2 5• •

The LCM must contain the prime factors of

each number.
LCM = 2 • 2 2 3 3 5 = 360
• • • •

The LCM of 8. 18. and 20 is 360.

b. Find the prime factorization of each number.
6 = 2-3
35 = 5-7
The LCM must contain the prime factors of
each number.
LCM = 2-3-5-7 = 210
The LCM of 6 and 35 is 2I0.

a. Find the GCF of 12. 16. and 20. a. Find the GCF of 16. 24. and 60.
b. Find the GCF of 4 and 9. b. Find the GCF of 7 and 32.

Solution Your solution

a. Find the prime factorization of each number.
12 = 2-2-3
16 = 2-2-2-2
20 = 2 2 5• •

The GCF must contain the common prime

GCF =2-2 = 4
The GCF of 12, 1 6, and 20 is 4.
b. Find the prime factorization of each number.
9 = 3-3
The GCF must contain the common prime
factors. There are no common prime factors.
The GCF is I.

Solutions on p. S2

Uqiith 301)Ctr&tt I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu (toenol Ug ml K,moil n darluaoL » »hik I « n UK. I>K m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> omenno, K: «ln>coci (**n u> (IV-vi itilor arijur .t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

OBJECTIVE B To add, subtract, multiply, and divide rationalnumbers

Recall that a rational number is one that can be written in the form , where p and q are
integers and q 0. Examples of rational numbers are —95 and 12 5 . Because any integer c
can be written as c = j (for instance. 3 |),all integers are rational numbers.

When working with fractions, we normally write the answer in simplest form. A rational
number is in simplest form when the numerator and denominator contain no common
factors greater than I.

Simplify: tt

Factor the (ICF from the numerator and denominator.
45 The GCF of 30 and 45 is 15.


You can simplify a fraction in steps by dividing the numerator and denominator by a com¬
mon factor until the fraction is in simplest form.
10 2
30 40 2
~ ~ ~ • Divide the numerator and denominator by 3.
15 3 Then divide the resulting numerator and
denominator by 5.
A good understanding of the operations on rational numbers is necessary to succeed in
this course. The sign rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of real
numbers are used when performing operations on rational numbers.

Addition or Subtraction of Fractions

The sum or difterence ot two fractions with the same denominator is the sum or differ¬
ence of the numerators over the common denominator.
3 1 3+1 4 1
|\]Take Note 8 8 8 8 2
The tractions — ,— , 3
+2 -1
5 5
and are all equal. For
4 6 4 6 -2 2
consistency, we will always ~

write a negative traction with 7 7 7 7 7

the negative sign in tront ot (-5)
the traction, as in examples 4
4- 1 {(1)
1 " 6 3
8 8 8 4
(2) and (3) at the right.

To add or subtract fractions with different denominators, first rewrite the fractions as
equivalent fractions with a common denominator. One common denominator is the prod¬
uct of the denominators of the fractions. The lowest common denominator ( LCD) is the
LCM of the denominators.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Itun). *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K,unil n Animal, n »tuk I « n UK. I>J» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: umucl feon Mc inla.cV'fapar < t
rcvio* hoJccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvcvxm it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt require t

I+ H
Hie LCM of 6 and 8 is 24. Therefore, the lowest common denominator (LCD) is 24.
4 (
V -8 -1
3J * Write each fraction in terms of the LCM. 24.

' 24J
- +
24 v
20 + -21)
( -1 • Add the numerators. Place the sum over the
24 24 common denominator.


Multiplication of Fractions

The product of two fractions is the product of the numerators over the product of the
a c ac
b d —
----- bd.where b * 0 and 0*0
2 5 2_5 20 31 5) 15 25
"3 7 3*7 21
2. - — f
4\ 7 4-7 28 28

ES3SQIm Multiply: 45
_28\ _ 5 28
45 J 8-45
• The signs are the same. The product is positive.
I 7
_ 1_
-8 -45 18
• Write the answer in simplest form.
2 9

ÿ :«•is h where a ÿ* 0 and b 0. That is. the reciprocal is

The reciprocal of the fraction n
formed by interchanging the numerator and denominator of the fraction. For an integer
such as 4. think of 4 as . Then the reciprocal of 4 is

Division of Fractions

To divide two fractions, multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor.

—ba +• —dc —ba —cd —be

. where 0
* 0. * 0. and d * 0

Divide: — +
• Multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. The
16 -1-5) signs are different. The quotient is negative.
1 2
3 46
"ÿ8-0 • Write the answer in simplest form.
I 3

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Uo ml K.unil

n Animal, n »tuk i « n pal. I>j» la clccn-mruh. o> llinl cuikcino, K: ainiiwl fc" Mc

l»ikciKCiho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« ran nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rc**r>e« &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni n
itilor ct'fapoi t
rolixtwnt reqaire

Find the sum of —7 and -7.

4 6
Add: t +(
Solution Your solution
The LCD is 12. Write each fraction in terms of the
LCD. Then add.
3 5_ _3 3 5 2
6 4*3 + 6*2
_9_ 10 -9 10
12 12 12


Subtract: ~ Find the difference between -h and -7.

I- O

Solution Your solution

The LCD is 1 8. Write each fraction in terms of the
LCD. Then subtract.
_7_5__7 2_5 3
9 6 9*2 6*3
14 I5> -14 - 15
18 18 18
-29 29
18 18

4 21 5 / 18
Find the product of 7 and ~~y Multiply: -ÿ(

Solution Your solution

2 7
11 42i 14
50 3-50 25
I 25

2 3 25
Find the quotient of -7 and Divide: I -— I + 12

Solution Your solution

_3_ 20
20 2-3

Solutions on p. S2

linn1(1. :iil1CRW 1amBc All k./m. Mq ox Ivenrolami. tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik it pvt. I>« uiclcc*«U ryh> mm iHrd itnj .muchrm, K: w|n>Kd fccm m ilv-i anlto iClinm"
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cc coritn«k<i ok riaimillj x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra Ccanfc Iumnf rc*mc< ix njÿii lo xtKAC tÿlucml {foxniiiinj line if n/h*mnciwiv rofsirc

Find the sum of —7 and -7.

4 6
Add: t +(
Solution Your solution
The LCD is 12. Write each fraction in terms of the
LCD. Then add.
3 5_ _3 3 5 2
6 4*3 + 6*2
_9_ 10 -9 10
12 12 12


Subtract: ~ Find the difference between -h and -7.

I- O

Solution Your solution

The LCD is 1 8. Write each fraction in terms of the
LCD. Then subtract.
_7_5__7 2_5 3
9 6 9*2 6*3
14 I5> -14 - 15
18 18 18
-29 29
18 18

4 21 5 / 18
Find the product of 7 and ~~y Multiply: -ÿ(

Solution Your solution

2 7
11 42i 14
50 3-50 25
I 25

2 3 25
Find the quotient of -7 and Divide: I -— I + 12

Solution Your solution

_3_ 20
20 2-3

Solutions on p. S2

linn1(1. :iil1CRW 1amBc All k./m. Mq ox Ivenrolami. tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik it pvt. I>« uiclcc*«U ryh> mm iHrd itnj .muchrm, K: w|n>Kd fccm m ilv-i anlto iClinm"
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cc coritn«k<i ok riaimillj x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra Ccanfc Iumnf rc*mc< ix njÿii lo xtKAC tÿlucml {foxniiiinj line if n/h*mnciwiv rofsirc

OBJECTIVE C To perform operations using decimalnotation

As mentioned in Section 1. 1, terminating and repeating decimals represent rational num¬

bers. We can find the decimal representation of a rational number written as a fraction by
dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Write - as a decimal. Write — as a decimal.

8 55

Divide 3 by 8. Divide 8 by 55.

0.375 • This is a terminating 0.14545 « This is a repeating decimal.
8} 3.000 decimal. 55) 8.00000 Note that the remainders
shown in red and blue are
-24 -5 5
repeating. When a remain¬
60 2 50 der repeats, the repeating
-56 -2 20 digits have been found.
40 300
-40 -275
0 The remainder is zero. 250

I 0.375

— = 0.I45 A bar is placed over the

repeating digits.

Find the decimal representation of Place a bar over any


220j 27.000000
-22 0
-4 40
1 600 • The remainders shown in
-1540 red and blue are repeating.
600 The repeating digits have
-440 been found.

- 0.12*57

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 Ki.mcJ. Mt- fxl Ix ortxi ir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik it put. I>« Ui clccVont nlHt. : ihnJ oaten nxry he nrfTcwed frcw be cftxl. sitlur ctÿfunu
tiliraimicn JccncJ thr. m/y «rtrc«cc coucnikci r»»: numilb tOoei incnll kitnn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix I tÿludul crtiOTi ii iny lineit* «ri n/k«rainctwm rojurc t

Find the decimal representation of 37"

Find the decimal representation of

Solution Your solution

37) 33.0000
-29 6
3 40 The remainders shown in blue
-3 33 are repealing. The repealing
70 digits have been found.

§ " as91
Add: -15.23 + (-18.1) Subtract: - 18.42 - (-9.354)
Solution Your solution
-15.23 + (-18.1) = -33.33

Multiply: (-0.23) (0.04)

Divide: (-2.835)
Your solution
- (-1.35)

(-0.23) (0.04) - -0.0092

Solutions on p. S2

OBJECTIVE D To use the Order of Operations Agreement and simplify

The Order of Operations Agreement is used to simplify rational number expressions.

"4 J

7[ 20

f+H)] 71-80
5! 28
+ 28
• Add the fractions in the
brackets. The LCD Ls 28.
1_ 71-115
"4 5[ 28
• Multiply.
• Add.
• Write insimplest form.

uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,cc(<nlrami. IT cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿara! haJccnciduitt) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c wtcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it 1 lirx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

A complex fraction is a fraction in which the numerator or denominator contains a frac¬

tion. Here are some examples of complex fractions.

Main fraction bar

5 4
The main fraction bar separates the numerator and denominator of a complex fraction.
The main fraction bar is a grouping symbol and can be read as "divided by." For instance.
the first complex fraction shown above can be thought of as

2 1
= (1.1) +(2 I
V6 4 \5 + 4 >
5 4
Looking at the complex fraction in this form gives us a method for simplifying it. Sim¬
plify the numerator; simplify the denominator; then divide the two results.

HOWTO L9k Simplify: —


3 J_ • Simplify the numerator and denominator.
6 _4 12
12 ~

2 6 4 12 12
+4 11 2 _1 _ _8_ J_ 15
5 20 + 20 = 20
5 4 20
_(JL\ 11 • Rewrite the complex fraction.
V 12/ 20

-[ '
20 _ 35
12 13 39

Simplify: M)~+ g - f) + -J Simplify: y- -


Solution Your solution

HTi 1_
Perform operations
inside parentheses.

2 3 ~6 6 "
Simplify exponential
16 V 6/ 16 expressions.
_27 _7_ 1
Multiply and divide
8 16 from left to right.
_ _47
Add andsubtract
from left to right.
Solution on p. S2

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il h.ccpnt IT ilijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itV-vi lakVx cV'fapxn <».

hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<hc ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

IfflTlllMi 1
Simplify: 5.4 - 2.71-6 - (-1-7)J3 Simplify: 6.4 + (-0.8) + 1.2(0.3* - 0.2)
Solution Your solution
5.4 - 2.7[-6 (—1.7) J2-
= 5.4 - 2.7[ -4.3]2 Perform operations
within groupingsymbols.
= 5.4 - 2.7(18.49) Simplify exponential
= 5.4 - 49.923 Multiply and divide from
left to right.
= -44.523 Add and subtract from
left to right.

Simplify: —

2 _ 3
Solution Your solution
Simplify the numerator
3 . —1 _I3 and denominator of
4 3 1
~ J2 the complex fraction.
1 2 _n 3 J =_9
+ ~ +
J_ = _13
8 6 24 4 3 12 12 12
5 __1 _\5 _± _n
~ "

8 6 24 24 24
1-11 "~ _n Rewrite the complex fraction.
2 12 24
I_ ±2 24 Perform multiplication and division from
2 12 11 left to right.
1_ 26 Perform addition and subtraction from
2 11 left to right.
11 52
22 22

Solutions on p. 52

Conritf*201) Cct&jc Iiininf til Htftu Ktunol VU- im<nt rarcj. cr Animal. n »!»iW it is Bin. I>ic uitlccn-m rah. o> llirJ i Ktt raj k 4inrcucÿ fec*r Vtc cIVxl aralor ci'safixr 4i.
h4l<ra!rcvio* IwJccnciihiitt) coclcrt ikci rannaicnalb **c w» cr»l 1 Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cam/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ(ctiw< cvnxn: at anj line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>roltxtwn* rojairc t


Concept Check

1. J What is the LCM of two numbers? How can the LCM be used when adding

2. a What is the GCF of two numbers? How can the GCF be used when simplifying

3. Are all integers rational numbers?

4. Give two examples of rational numbers that are not integers.

5. Is there a smallest positive integer? Is there a smallest positive rational number?

6. a. What is the LCM of the denominators of the fractions and ÿ?

b. Write each fraction in part (a) using the LCM as the denominator.

7. a. What is the reciprocal of —ÿ?

b. Write the quotient t t (-ÿ ) as a product, and then simplify.

8. Write the complex fraction as a division expression.

Objective A Tofind the least common multiple (LCM) and greatest

commonfactor (GCF)
For Exercises 9 to 28. find the LCM and the GCF of the numbers.

9. 83. 2 10. 57.9 11. 15.75 12. 26.2

13. 6. 2 14. 110,5 15. 10,55 16. II. 10

17. 34. 85 18. 96.8 19. 140,7 20. 18,6

21. 14.42. 18 22. 30.5.6 23. 30,5, 10 24. 4.27.6

25. 15,45,10 26. 16,3, 12 27. 12.42, 14 28. 12,2, 14

CCrorltbt :ol> (IrtW Iturn). All Htftu IdbioIMi. ml h,imil 11 Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it n pin. I>n in tlccn-ni rtfhi 01llird pm> omen no, K: ton ill--.4 irjor n'Mpun.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective b To add, subtract, multiply, anddivide rationalnumbers

For Exercises 29 to 60. perform the indicated operation.

» "If * -Itt - -"l"2

- "I - (4
» -1(-T

"4 + 22



19/ 7

-V P- 20

"37 n_ 2
/ 5


- VP

+ II

47. -
V 16

24V 9

2 V 13

+ I-

— —
49- II ÿ ( 3 ÿ
— 13
V 9
/ 29
( 37

T +
("15 ÿH-H 55.
5\ 7
T "T

5 f 40 -—(— |6
V *13
9 -im-f
61. Find the sum of — |and |. 62. What number is 3 more than —11.p?
63. What is the difference between — p and -}|? 64. What is the product of —j| and |?
65. What number is % less than
—4ÿ? 66. Find ÿ decreased by 2.

9 39
67. What is the quotient of |and -5? 68. Find —3 increased by -j].

69. Find more than 70. Find the difference between —ÿ and

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All ha Kntnol Vbj f>il h.im4 cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n m(lovmn/Vi» .milird tun, omenno, K: ainiiw2 &«n ittx* inlUr n'upxi.i.
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c nj6liÿ«tiw< try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

71. ÿ Given any two integers, is it possible to find an integer between the given

72. ÿ31 Given any two rational numbers, is it possible to find a rational number between
the given rational numbers?

objective c To perform operations using decimal notation

For Exercises 73 to 80, write the fraction as a terminating or repeating decimal.

»5 15-i
78-l -1
For Exercises 81 to 98. perform the indicated operation.

81. 0.0986 + 0.29 82. -0.252 + (-2.1) 83. 3.4 + (-0.09)

84. 0.19 - (-20) 85. 0.08 + (-3.6) 86. 0.05 (- 1.6)

87. -60 - (-1.3) 88. -0.05 - (-0.027) 89. -1.8 + (-3.4)

90. -1.5(0.03) 91. 0.2 + (-90) 92. -0.000035 + (-0.001)

93. -2.7(-0.28) 94. -0.37 + (-0.03) 95. -0.033 - (-3.6)

96. -0.00033 + (-0.15) 97. 0.13 - (-0.017) 98. 13.2 + 3300

objective d To use the Order of Operations Agreement and simplify complex

For Exercises 99 to 128, simplify.

-H-U-! " (HH

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 Krfil. KocnoL Mi) m Ix ami. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i uiclccVont nfl» mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «nw«cc couchJco r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix lo tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line i! n/k*

-HHH 106. -
4 - _5_

111. 0.4(1.2 - 2.3)2 + 5.8 112. 5.4 - (0.3)2
- 0.09

113. 1.75 0.25 - (1.25)2 114. (3.5 - 4.2)2 - 3.50

* 2.5

115. 25.76 -r (6.54 -r 3.27)2 116. (3.09 - 4.77)2 - 4.07 3.66•

_5_ 7

123. | 124. - + il _92

9 3

_Z 1-2-3 3(2 ~ 5)

126. 44 + —5ÿ-13 127.4ÿ4

- 3 5-2
1 - 3(2 - 5)
3-5-1 2-3-1

uqiilh :ii|iCROC' Iiinmr *11 VUj ik. K: miiir liclicnJ. Ii»Kik m it in". I>« ui ck.-iv.ii raHi mm <hnl itiij outfti no, K: fecm Hi ilv-4 inlor c< ' "I
ftLiiralroic" ku tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r»>: riaicm!)? tdSx16c mcnll tcimn/ cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'vc tÿlucml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/l«*rMnctwm retire <-

Critical Thinking
129. kiS Is the decimal representation of ÿ a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal?
130. A student entered the expression at the right into a calculator to find the value of Rns* Frac
3 -r Are the keystrokes correct? If not, why not?


131. 2 4 - 132. 1 +
2-Tÿ- 3 +- 6 ——
5 +

133. 3 - - 134. ---

3-4 2' 1


Projects or Group Activities

135. By experimenting with different fractions, can you find a way to determine whether
a particular fraction can be represented by a terminating decimal?


1. Write the interval (-4, 5] in set-builder notation. 2. Write the interval (2, *) in set-builder notation.

3. Write the set {v 4 ÿ x ÿ 8} in interval notation. 4. Write the set {.v x < -3} in interval notation.

5. Graph: {jc|.v < -2} U {x\3 ÿ x < 5} 6. Graph: {x\x < 0} D {x\x > -3}
•l l l l I i l l i I l • ÿ
i i I I i i i I I I i •
5-432 1 0 1 234.5 5432 1 0 1 2345

LHe>5 olhawise roiffl. alcoils* cnHis pÿge 3 ® Csrgsge Isamrg.

uqiilh 'Oil Ccr&jc Ioni£i(. *11 K«t.. Kamal vtc, rvi K.unil <r Aaluial n -Hik ™ is pen. I>ic in clccn-m ni>i» o> ilinl i
isij msiraj K: <im«ÿ fens 6c ctv-*4 mlor cC'fapcn <i.

rdlira!rttic* hatkcnciiuttt) ainTCacioMKK«k<i nnnucnilb xffcv. C%c utcrmll Icamn/ twttux. CaMc lamn( reserve « ix aÿlumil cvoxni it »nj line if «jV«ajucni njlt>rDtiKtwfDroiiirt t

For Exercises 7 to 22. perform the indicated operation.

7. -495 t (-33) 8.-13-6 9. 9(— 15) 10. -6 + (-30)

11. -28 +(-10) 12. 31 + (-7) 13. -13 - (-17) 14. -18 + (-4)

17 V 39
-5"! ,7-
w+ H 18. —18 + \( —18

... T + Hi
35 ( 35
* -T-T
9 9 2i-H4
23. Find the difference between -5 and -32. 24. What is 3 less than -2?

25. Find -4 increased by 28. 26. Find the quotient of -84 and -4.

27. Find the quotient of 8

and -7.
28. What is the sum of — and -ÿ?

29. Write -j7 as a decimal. 30. Write — as a decimal.


For Exercises 31 to 34. use the Order of Operations Agreement to ev aluate the expression.
31. 48 - 36 -r 22 32. 3(4 — 7)2 — 6 -e- 2 - 3

i- 1 _ IVÿ4
33. 34'
3 2/ 9 6 3 6V5 15

3_ 5

35. - - J1 _3ÿ2
2 4.

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Iomit/. All Htflu Kninol Vtaj f>il K.unil cr rtaltcnd. n -Kik it n p«n. I>n inclraorurr/Vi» .mitird |un> imn(TO! K: unol&«•* ittxi inlUr n'rrprrri.
hÿura! (uaJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwmrotiirt l


Variable Expressions
objective A To use and. identify the properties of the realnumbers
The properties of the real numbers describe the ways in which operations on numbers
can be performed. Following is a list of some of these properties and an example of each

Properties of the RealNumbers

Commutative Property Commutative Property

of Addition of Multiplication

For all real numbers a and b. For all real numbers a and b,
a 4b =b +a ab = ba
3+2 2+3 (3)(—2) = (—2) (3)
5 =5 -6 = -6

Associative Property Associative Property

of Addition of Multiplication

For all real numbers a, b, and C, For all real numbers a,b, and C,

(a + b) + c = a + {b + c) (ab)c a(bc)
(3 + 4) + 5 = 3 + (4 + 5) (3-4) -5 = 3.(4-5)
7+5=3+9 12-5 = 3-20
12 = 12 60 = 60

Addition Property of Zero Multiplication Property of One

For all real numbers a, For all real numbers a,

a + 0 = 0 + a= a a 1 = 1 a =a
1. -4 + 0 = -4 1. 7-1=7
2. 0 + (-6) = -6 -
2. 1 (-5) = -5

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu KncrMil M«j ml K,moil n darluaoL n »hik I « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llinl |KH> cuikcino, K: aiRmcd fen* Mc ctiw* itilor cV'fanxi 4(
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Inverse Property Inverse Property

of Addition of Multiplication

For all real numbers a, For all real numbers a, a A 0,

a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0 a -a1 -a1 • a=1
a Is called the additive inverse or
opposite ot a.

Is called the multiplicative inverse

or reciprocal of a.
1. 7 + (-7) = 0 1. 3 -3 - 1
(4)(-6) = ,
2. (-9) +9=0

Distributive Property
lJTake Note
The Distributive Property is If a, b, and C are real numbers, then
used primarily when variables
are involved as shown in the a(b + c) = ab + ac
examples at the right. When
just numbers are involved.
the Distributive Property is 1. 5(x + 7) = 5 X + 5 7 5X + 35
• •

an alternative to the Order 2. 4(2X + 5y) 4(2X) + 4(5/) = 8X + 20y

of Operations Agreement.
Here we use both methods to
evaluate 3(4 + 5).
Using the Order of Identify the property that justifies the statement: 8(5v) = (8 5) v •

Operations Agreement:
The statement 8 (5y) - (8 5)y shows that the factors of a product can be regrouped.

3(4 + 5) = 3(9) = 27
This is justified by the Associative Property of Multiplication.
Using the Distributive
3(4 + 5) = 3 4 + 3 - 5

= 12 + 15 = 27
Complete the statement by using the Inverse Property of
Multiplication: — 7(?) = I
The Inverse Property of Multiplication states that the product of a nonzero number
and its reciprocal is I. To complete the statement, replace the question mark by the
reciprocal of -7. or

Additional properties involving multiplication and division are reviewed below.

Multiplication Property of Zero

For all real numbers a,

a 0•
0 a•
1. -5-0=0 2. 0 -2 = 0

(linnih*. 301)Ccf«*« Iiinml. *11 Htftu KrcrMil Uo ml K,unil ii<• A*bafcil. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: feon Mc itl-wi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro)iirc t

Properties of Zero and One in Division

1. Any number divided by 1 Is the number.

2. Zero divided by any number other than zero is zero.

-a0 = o, a * o
Division by zero is undefined.
3. Any number other than zero divided by itself is 1.


= 12
1 7
= 1

2. -07 = 0 -15
is undefined

12 -27 0
3. 77 = 1 —— = 1 - is undefined
12 -27 0

To understand why division by zero is not defined, consider the equation q = n. where n
is some number. Because every division statement has a related multiplication statement.
if ÿ = /?, then n 0 = 7. But n 0 = 7 has no solution because any number times 0 is 0.
• •

Therefore, division by zero is undefined.

Similarly, suppose - n. The related multiplication statement is 0 = n 0. The diffi¬ •

culty here is that any number n would make the equation true, and so there is no unique
answer. Thus q is undefined.

Complete the statement by using the Commutative Complete the statement by using the Inverse
Property of Multiplication. Property of Addition.
3.r + ? = 0
W(|) = (?)M

Solution Your solution

(xY (x)

Identify the property that justifies the statement Identify the property that justifies the statement:
3(.r + 4) = 3x + 12 (a + 3/?) + c = a + (3 b + c)

Solution Your solution

The Distributive Property

Solutions on p. S3

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Ut Kninol Mq i>» h,iiroJrani,cr ilijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lovmrah. o> ll.rd imp. no, K: &«* ji tlixk idIVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

OBJECTIVE B To evaluate a variable expression

An expression that contains one or more variables is a variable expression. The vari¬
— —
able expression 6ry 7.r z + 2 contains four terms: 6x~y\ —7x, ~z, and 2. The first
three terms are variable terms. The 2 is a constant term.
Each variable term is composed of a numerical coefficient and a variable part.

6rv 6 xy
-lx -7 X

-1 • When the coefficient is 1 or -1,

the 1 is usually not written.
Integrating Replacing the variables in a variable expression by numerical values and then simplifying
m Technology
the resulting expression is called evaluating the variable expression.
See the Keystroke Guide:
Evaluating Variable
Expressions for Instructions Evaluate a2 - {a - Ire) when a = —2,b = 3. and c = -4.
on using a graphing
calculator to evaluate a2 - {a - Ire)
variable expressions. (_2)2 - [(-2) 32(— 4)] = (-2)2 - [(-2) 9(— 4)]
- - • Replace each variable
with its value: a = — 2.
= (-2)2 - [(-2) - (-36)]
b = i.c= -4. Use the
= (~2)2 - [34] Order of Operations
Agreement to simplify
= 4-34
the resulting numerical
= -30 expression.

Evaluate 2vs - 4(2y - 3z) when .v = 2,y = 3, Evaluate -2r + 3(4.ry - -) when .v = "3.
and z = ~2. ~ 1 , and
y= ÿ = 2.

Solution Your solution

2.x3 - 4(2y 3z) -
2(2)J - 4[2(3) - 3(— 2) ] = 2(2)3 4[6 - (-6)]
= 2(2)3-4[l2]
= 2(8) - 4[I2]
= 16 - 48 = -32

Evaluate 3-2 3.v - 2y2 when x = -1 Evaluate 2x - y 4v2 — y2 when .r = -2

and y = -2. and y = -6.

Solution Your solution

3 - 2 1 3.v - 2f
3 - 2 1 3(— I) — 2(— 2)2| = 3 — 2 1 3(— 1) - 2(4)|
= 3 2 1( 3) 8| — — —
= 3 2|-11| = 3 2(11)
= 3 - 22 = -19
— —
Solutions on p. S3
UfessOhowseicIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Lsirirÿ.

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All Ktf Si. Mi) m Ix a

.vncc. tr dirlicnU. »hik tr it pvt. I)« Ui ilmviain(hv mm tknl |tnjiuuhirm, K: wiicuta frcm at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
filingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<« r»»: numill) x'tc; iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncru Cca I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii to ccnxni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/h*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

OBJECTIVE C To simplify a variable expression

Like terms of a variable expression are like terms

terms with the same variable part.

Constant terms are like terms.

1 - 5
i + 7a2
3a . - 9

'-[jUcetermT - '
To simplify a variable expression, combine the like terms by using the Distributive
Property. For instance.
7a + 4a = (7 + 4)a = I 1a
Adding the coefficients of like terms is called combining like terms.
The Distributive Property is also used to remove parentheses from a variable expression
so that like terms can be combined.

Simplify: 3 (a + 2y) + 2(4.v - 3y)

Tips for Success 3(a + 2>) + 2 (4a - 3y)
One of the key Instructional = 3a + 6y + 8* - 6y • Use the Distributive Property.
features of this text Is the = (3a + 8a) + (6y - 6y) • Use the Commutative and Associative Properties
Example/You Try It pairs. of Addition to rearrange and group like terms.
Each Example is completely
worked. You are to solve the
= 11a • Combine like terms.
You Try It problems. When
you are ready, check your
solution against the one given
Simplify: 2 - 4[3a - 2(5a - 3)1
in the Solutions section. The 2 - 4[3a - 2(5a — 3)] = 2 — 4[3a - \0x + 6] • Use the Distributive Property to
solutions for You Try Its 5 and
remove the inner parentheses.
6 below are given on page
S3 (see the reference at the = 2- 4[-7a + 6] • Combine like terms.
bottom right of the You Try It = 2 + 28a - 24 • Use the Distributive Property
box). See AIM lor Success in to remove the brackets.
the Preface. = 28a - 22 • Combine like terms.

Simplify: 7 + 3(4.r - 7) Simplify: 9 - 2(3y - 4) + 5y

Solution Your solution
7 + 3 (4a - 7)
= 7 + 12a- 21 • The Order of Operations
= 12a- 14 Agreement requires
multiplication before addition.

Simplify: 5 - 2(3a + y) - (a - 4) Simplify: 6- - 3(5 - 3;) + 5(2ÿ - 3)

Solution Your solution
5 - 2 (3a + y) - (a - 4)
= 5 — 6a - 2y - a + 4 • Distributive Property
= -7a - 2y + 9 • Combine like terms.
Solutions on p. S3
Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a £ Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Itun of. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« ui ikoiv'ii mm tknl |tnj ..amirm, Ix wittvcÿ frcm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
roim Ism JcokJihr. otrrvwee cuucnJc<« r»»: numill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccanfc Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii to sewve tÿlucml ccnxni ii my line it «jV*cqtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


%/ Concept Check
1. Which of the four operations addition, subtraction 2. Which of the four operations addition, subtraction.
multiplication, and division have a commutative multiplication, and division have an associative
property? property?

3. What is the additive inverse of -a? 4. If c is a nonzero number, what is the multiplicative
inverse of c?

5. What property of real numbers is illustrated by 6. Which of the following expressions are undefined?
the statement 2{x + y) = Ix + 2y? 0 1 0
w— <«>- <n-

1• -Jv!
7. Are 2- and 2r like terms? Why or why not? 8. Are -4a2b3c and ~Ll[ ' like terms? Why or
why not?

OBJECTIVE A To use and identify the properties of the realnumbers

For Exercises 9 to 22, use the given property of the real numbers to complete the statement.
9. Commutative Property of Multiplication 10. Commutative Property of Addition
3-4 = 4-? 7 + 15 = ? + 7

11. Associative Property of Addition 12. Associative Property of Multiplication

(3 + 4) + 5 = ? + (4 + 5) (3 • 4) 5 = 3 (? 5)
• • •

13. Division Property of Zero 14. Multiplication Property of Zero

5? = 0
- is undefined.

15. Distributive Property 16. Distributive Property

3(.v + 2) = 3.r + ? 5(y + 4) = ?-y + 20

17. Division Property of Zero 18. Inverse Property of Addition

t {x + y) + ? = 0

19. Inv erse Property of Multiplication 20. Multiplication Property of One

(mn) = ?
? • I = .v

21. Associative Propertv of Multiplication 22. Commutative Property of Addition

2(3.v) = ?-.r ab + be = be + ?

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi, ml h,imil 11 Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm> cuncti no, K: ton ji ill--,4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c try litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

For Exercises 23 to 34, identify the property that justifies the statement.
=0 24. -8 +8=0

25. (-12)1 —ÿ1=1 26. (3 4) - 2 = 2 * (3 4)

• •


27. y + 0=y 28. 2a + (5y + 8) = (2a + 5y) + 8

29. — is undefined. 30. (v + y)z = xz + yz

31. 6(a' + >') = 6a + 6>• 32. (- 12y)(0) = 0

33. {ab)c = a{bc) 34. (a + y) + z = (y + x) + z

35. The sum of a positive number n and its additive inverse is multiplied by the recip¬
rocal of the number n. What is the result?

36. 9 The product of a negative number n and its reciprocal is multiplied by the number
n. What is the result?

o bJective b To evaluate a variable expression

For Exercises 37 to 66, evaluate the variable expression when a - 2, b

and d = -4.
- 3. c - -1 .
37. ab + dc 38. lab - 3dc 39. 4cd ,a2

40. b2- (d- c)2 41. (b - la)2 + c 42. (b - d)2 ,(b - d)

43. (Ik + a)2 ,(d - b) 44. -;//

- -d'
45. \aA
- 7 be

46. lb2, ÿ2 47. -ÿ-7

— c2 48.ÿ

„ 36 - 5c Id a - a-d
49. 7 -
3a - c
50. -- -
6 - 2c
51. -

52. |a2 + d| 53. -a\a + 2d\ 54. d\b - 2d\

llTOTiih'. :ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj f>il K.iiroJranci. cr AkIuhJ. n -Hik « n «n. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> ca«ano, K: uinuiÿ &«* ill--,4 irjor i(k|ii"ii
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

2a - Ad 3d- b ab - 4c
55. 56-~ 57. -3d -s-
3b - c 2b + c

be + cI
58. -2hc 59. 2(d - b) -i- (3a - c) 60. {d ~ 4a)2 -5- c3
Iab - c

61. -d: - c-a 62. a:c - d3 63. -d3 + 4ac

64. If 65. 4'<-1 66. a

For Exercises 67 and 68. determine whether the expression -p— is positive or nega¬
tive for the given conditions on a, k and c.
67. a = -38, b = -52, c > 0 68. a >20.b= 18. c< 0

objective c To simplify a variable expression

For Exercises 69 to 106. simplify.

69. 5.v + Ix 70. 3.r + IO.y 71. 3x - 5x + 9x

72. -lx + 5x ~
Ix 73. 5b - 8a - 12b 74. -2a + 7b + 9a

3 (3>) 76. I2| ±x -7-7
5\ 2Z

78. 5{x + 2) 79. 3(a - 5) 80. — 3(v - 2)

81. -5(x - 9) 82. -{-x -y) 83. -(x + y)

84. 3(x - 2y) - 5 85. 4.v - 3(2y - 5) 86. 3.Y + 8(3.v + 5)

87. 25.Y + 10(9 - x) 88. 2v - 3(.y - 2y) 89. 3[.y - 2{x + 2y)l

90. 5 + 2(3.v - 7) 91. 7 - 3 (4a - 5) 92. 5v - 3(2 - 4v)

93. -3m - 2(4m + 3) 94. -3 + 4(2r - 9) 95. -5 - 6(2y - 3)

96. 5 (—2 - 6(a - 5)1 97. 3[a - 5(5 - 3a)] 98. 5[>' - 3(y - 2y)]

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Uo f>il h,unil cr AkIuhJ. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tken-w rah. o> llird |un> ca«a (raj K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--,4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! (uaJccnciihittt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it itry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

99. -2(* - 3v) + 2(3y - 5x) 1(K). 4(-a - 2b) - 2(3a - 5b)

101. 5(3a - 2b) - 3(-6a + 5b) 102. -7(2a - b) + 2(-3b + a)

103. 3* -2[y- 2(* + 3[2* + 3>-])] 104. 2x - 4[x - 4(y - 2[5y + 3])]

105. 4 - 2(7* - 2y) - 3(-2v + 3y) 106. 3* + 8(v - 4) - 3(2* - y)

107. SI State whether the given coefficient or constant will be positive, negative, or zero
after the expression 3 la + 102/? + 73 - 88a + 256b - 73 is simplified.
a. The coefficient of a b. The coefficient of b c. The constant term

108. J State whether the given expression is equivalent to 3 ; 5 - 2(y - 6)].

a. 3[3(y - 6)] b. 15 - 6(y - 6)

Critical Thinking
Exercises 109 to 1 12 show some expressions that you will encounter in subsequent chap¬
ters of the text. Simplify each expression.

109. 0.052* + 0.072 (* + 1000) 110. 0.07* + 0.08(10.000 - *)

111. —20 + —30 112. -4 + -5

Projects or Group Activities

For Exercises 113 to 1 17, let A - { 1 , 2, 3, 4. 5. 6 }. Suppose and y are two numbers in
A. Define a new type of product operation for and y, denoted by 0y, as the remain¬ *
der when *y is divided by 7. For instance 2 0 5 - 3 because 2 5 - 10 and. when 10 •
is divided by 7, the remainder is 3. Although this may seem like a strange way to define
an operation, a variation of this operation is used for sending credit card information over
the Internet.
113. For the product operation 0, find:
a. 4 0 5 b. 6 0 3 c. 3:

114. Is the operation 0 commutative?

115. Is the following equation true? 2 0 (3 ® 5) = (2 ® 3) ® 5

116. Try a few more products similar to Exercise 1 15. Based on your examples, does it
appear that the operation 0 is associative?
117. Recall that a and b are multiplicative inverses if ab = I. Find the multiplicative
inverse of 5 for the 0 operation.

Uqiilh 'Oil Ccr&jc I *11 ««».< Kamal Mi, tut K,iiraJrami. 11 darluacJ n »t»ik c is pin. I>k in slccn-w ni>i» 01llinl pm, cumeliraj K: urficuci fens 6t itv-,4 mlor p'bpn ,t.
t'ditpk' rtoci JtciKC iho azy ainwocio>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb aficct ,'x mcraJI !c arm/ twrtux. CcijXV I t»mn< rc<n;< ix nÿil U> xtk'.c idluiml ccnunl at urj line if 4iV«cqiCTi njlorolnctxrorojairc t


Verbal Expressions
ÿ3 and Variable Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To translate a verbal expression into a variable expression

One of the major skills required in applied mathematics is the ability to translate a verbal
($ Point of Interest expression into a mathematical expression. As discussed in Section 1.2, doing so requires
Mathematical symbolism. recognizing the verbal phrases that translate into mathematical operations. Following is
as shown on this page. a partial list of the verbal phrases used to indicate the different mathematical operations.
has advanced through
various stages: rhetorical.
syncoptical. and modem.
In the rhetorical stage, all Addition more than 8 more than W W +8
mathematical description
was through words. In added to X added to 9 9 +X
the syncoptical stage.
mathematicians used a
combination of words and
the sum of the sum of Z and 9 Z +9
symbols. For instance, "x the total of the total of r and S r+s
piano 4 in y" meant 4xy. The
modern stage, which is used increased by X increased by 7 X +7
today, began in the 17th
century. Modern symbolism
is still changing. For example. Subtraction less than 12 less than b b - 12
there are advocates of a
system of symbolism that the difference between the difference between X - 1
would place all operations X and 1
last. Using this notation,
4 plus 7 would be written minus Z minus 7 Z 7
4 7 ;6 divided by 4 would
be written 6 4 . decreased by 17 decreased by a 17 - a

Multiplication times negative 2 times C -2C

the product of the product of X and y xy

multiplied by 3 multiplied by n 3n

of three-fourths of m m
twice twice d 2d

Division divided by V divided by 15

the quotient of the quotient of y and 3 L


the ratio of the ratio of X to 7

Power "the square of" or "the the square of X X2

second power or

'the cube of" or "the the cube of r r3

third power or

the fifth power of the fifth power of a a5

Ufessothowsarc(Bct aiIrated,on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB Iflaritij

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,iiroJrani,cr italtcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. IXc m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: ufpcuci Son ji idIVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccnxnl it inj Imc «l «jV«ajucni rotiKtwni roiiirt 1

Translating a phrase that contains

the word sum, difference, product, the sum of x and y x+y
or quotient can be challenging. In
the examples at the right, note the dif ference between .v and y x -y
where the operation symbol is
placed. the product of x and y x y

the quotient of .r and v

Translate "three times the sum of c and five" into a variable


Identify the words that indicate the mathe- 3 times the sum of cand 5
matical operations.
Use the identified words to write the 3(c + 5)
variable expression. Note that the phrase
times the sum of requires parentheses.

The sum of two numbers is thirty-seven. If x represents the smaller

number, translate "twice the larger number" into a variable expression.

Write an expression for the larger number by larger number: 37 - x

subtracting the smaller number, x,from 37.
Identify the words that indicate the mathemat¬ twice the larger number
ical operations.
Use the identified words to write a variable 2(37 - x)

Translate "five less than twice the difference between a number and
seven" into a variable expression. Then simplify.

Identify the unknown number. the unknown number: A'

Identify the words that indicate the 5 less than twice the
mathematical operations. difference between x and 7
Use the identified words to write the variable 2(x - 7) - 5
Simplify the expression. Iv - 14 - 5 = 2x - 19

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ix. lx mimi ir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) .ramirta, K: bar ac itv-4 inlor c<"kiiun<-
f *Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaicmlb tdSxICtc at cnll kimn; cxxntru. Ccanfc I urnng rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'vc cmxni il inj line if «ri n/k«rMnctwm retire A

Translate "the quotient of rand the sum of rand Translate "twice x divided by the difference
four" into a variable expression. between x and seven" into a variable expression.

Solution Your solution

the quotient of rand the sum of rand four


Translate "the sum of the square of y and six" into Translate "the product of negative three and the
a variable expression. square of d' into a variable expression.

Solution Your solution

the sum of the square of y and six
y2 + 6

The sum of two numbers is twenty-eight. Using x The sum of two numbers is sixteen. Using x to
to represent the smaller number, translate "the represent the smaller number, translate "the
sum of three times the larger number and the difference between twice the smaller number and
smaller number" into a variable expression. Then the larger number" into a variable expression.
simplify. Then simplify.

Solution Your solution

The smaller number is x.
The larger number is 28 - x.
the sum of three times the larger number
and the smaller number
3(28 — x) + X • This is the variable expression.
= 84 3.v + x - • Simplify.
= 84 - 2x

Translate "eight more than the product of four and Translate "the difference between fourteen and
the total of a number and twelve" into a variable the sum of a number and seven" into a variable
expression. Then simplify. expression. Then simplify.

Solution Your solution

Let the unknown number be x.
8 more than the product of 4 and the total of
.vand 12
4{.r + 1 2) + 8 • This is the variable expression.
= 4.r + 48 + 8 • Simplify.
= 4.r + 56
Solutions on p. S3

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 k.,m. Mij ix. lx miiir <u?l>cnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivni mm <hnl |tii) .ramino, K: winvtj km Be elv-4 in!or e<"kii«n<-
ritira!roitn hv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc cortcnJcci i»k numilb aftxl Ctc at cnll kimn; exxntru. CnM: I timnt rcnnc< ix niÿit 10pcwvc tÿludul crnxni 11 iny line it* «jV*cjt«ri n/k«rMnctwm rcÿsirc

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

Many applications in mathematics require that you identify the unknown quantity,assign
a variable to that quantity, and then attempt to express other unknowns in terms of that

Ten gallons of paint were poured into two containers of different

sizes. Express the amount of paint poured into the smaller container in terms of the
amount poured into the larger container.

Assign a variable to the amount of The number of gallons of

paint poured into the larger container. paint poured into the larger
container: g
Express the amount of paint in the The number of gallons of
smaller container in terms of g. paint poured into the smaller
Gallon* (g gallons of paint were poured into container: 10 - g
the larger container.)

A cyclist is riding at a rate that is twice the speed The length of the Carnival cruise ship Destiny is
of a runner. Express the speed of the cyclist in 56 ft more than the height of the Empire State
terms of the speed of the runner. Building. Express the length of the Destiny in
terms of the height of the Empire State Building.

Solution Your solution

The speed of the runner: r
The speed of the cyclist is twice r. 2r

The length of a rectangle is 2 ft more than The depth of the deep end of a swimming pool is
three times the width. Express the length of 2 ft more than twice the depth of the shallow end.
the rectangle in terms of the width. Express the depth of the deep end in terms of the
depth of the shallow end.

Solution Your solution

The width of the rectangle: w
The length is 2 ft more than 3 times w. 3w + 2

A chemist combined a 5# acid solution with a A financial advisor suggested that a client split a
7% acid solution to create 12 L of solution. If x S5000 savings account between a mutual fund and a
represents the number of liters of the 5 c/c solution. certificate of deposit. If x represents the amount the
write an expression for the number of liters of the client placed in the mutual fund, write an expression
lck solution. for the amount placed in the certificate of deposit.

Solution Your solution

Liters of 5c/c solution: x
Liters of 1% solution 12 -

Solutions on p. S3
LHessothawise roiffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leaning.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird tun, omenno, K: ittx* uiVx cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

V Concept Check
1. Complete each sentence with the correct operation.
a. "The sum of a and b" means to a and b.
b. "The product of a and b" means to - — a and b.
c. "The quotient of a and b" means to - — a by b.
d. "The d ifference between a and b " means to I:from a.

2. Do the phrases "the difference between x and 2" and "x less than 2" translate into the
same variable expression? Explain.

3. Do the phrases "ten less than m" and "ten less m" translate into the same variable
expression? Explain.

4. If the sum of two numbers is 14 and one number is x, express the second number in
terms of a:

o bJective A To translate a verbal expression into a variable expression

For Exercises 5 to 10. translate into a variable expression.

5. eight less than a number 6. the product of negati\e six and a number

7. four-fifths of a number 8. the difference between a number and twenty

9. the quotient of a number and fourteen 10. a number increased by two hundred

ÿ For Exercises 1 1 and 12, state whether the given phrase translates into the given variable

11. five subtracted from the product of the cube of eight and a number: 8 n3 - 5

12. fifteen more than the sum of five times a number and two: (5/2 + 2) + 15

For Exercises 13 to 22, translate into a variable expression. Then simplify.

13. a number minus the sum of the number and two 14. a number decreased by the difference between five
and the number

15. five times the product of eight and a number 16. a number increased by two-thirds of the number

17. the difference between seventeen times a number 18. one-half of the total of six times a number and
and twice the number twenty-two

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Mq ml K,cc(<nlrami, n n»hik I« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> cumclno, K: airficoci Mc itilor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

19. the difference between the square of a number and 20. eleven more than the square of a number added to
the total of twelve and the square of the number the difference between the number and seventeen

21. the sum of five times a number and twelve added to 22. four less than twice the sum of a number and
the product of fifteen and the number eleven

23. The sum of two numbers is fifteen. Using .v to repre¬ 24. The sum of two numbers is twenty. Using x to rep¬
sent the smaller of the two numbers, translate "the resent the smaller of the two numbers, translate
sum of two more than the larger number and twice "the difference between two more than the larger
the smaller number" into a variable expression. number and twice the smaller number" into a vari¬
Then simplify. able expression. Then simplify.

25. The sum of two numbers is thirty-four. Using x 26. The sum of two numbers is thirty-three. Using x to
to represent the larger of the two numbers, trans¬ represent the larger of the two numbers, translate
late "the quotient of five times the smaller number "the difference between six more than twice the
and the difference between the larger number and larger number and the sum of the smaller number
three" into a variable expression. and three" into a variable expression. Then simplify.

objective b To solve applicationproblems

27. ÿ Employment Statistics Use the news clipping at the right.

a. Express the number of jobs in December in terms of the number of jobs in
November. in Hie NEWS!
b. Express the unemployment rate in December in terms of the unemployment
rate in November.
Increase in Jobs Brings
Lower Unemployment
28. £ Tablet Computers eMarketer. a website that publishes research on The month of December
digital products and markets, predicts that in 2014, one-third of all Internet saw an increase of
20(X000 jobs, bringing
users will use a tablet computer at least once a month. Express the number of
tablet computer users in 2014 in terms of the number of Internet users in 2014. the unemployment rate
(Source: among Americans down by
0.2 percent

29. £ Astronomy The distance from Earth to the sun is approximately

390 times the distance from Earth to the moon. Express the distance from
- Source. The Boston Globe

Earth to the sun in terms of the distance from Earth to the moon.

30. J Tunnels The longest rail tunnel, from Hanshu to Hokkaido. Japan, is 18.2 mi
longer than the longest road tunnel, from Laerdal to Aurland. Norway. Express the
length of the longest rail tunnel in terms of the length of the longest road tunnel.

31. Investments A financial advisor has invested SIO.(XX) in two accounts. If one
account contains .v dollars, express the amount in the second account in terms of x.

32. Carpentry A 12-foot board is cut into two pieces of different lengths. Express the
length of the longer piece in terms of the length of the shorter piece.

IHass ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci ton tlixk inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

33. Geometry The measure of angle A of a triangle is twice the measure of angle B.
The measure of angle C is twice the measure of angle A. Write expressions for angle
A and angle C in terms of angle B.

34. Recreation A fishing line 3 ft bng is cut into two pieces, one shcrter than
the other. Express the length of the shorter piece in terms of the length of the
longer piece.

aS For Exercises 35 and 36. use the following statement: In 2013, a house sold for
$30,000 less than the same house sold for in 2010.
35. If s and s + 30,000 represent the quantities in this statement, what is s?

36. If p and p - 30.000 represent the quantities in this statement, what is /??

Critical Thinking
37. Translate each of the follow ing into a variable expression. Each expression is part of
a formula from the sciences or mathematics.
a. the product of mass (m) and acceleration (a)
b. the product of the area (A) and the square of the velocity (v)
c. the sum of the principal (P) and the interest (/)
d. the sum of twice the length (L) and twice the width (W)
e. the product of 16 and the time (/) squared
f. the product of four-thirds -n and the radius (r) cubed
g. the quotient of the product of mass 1 (m) and mass 2 (A/) and the distance (r)

Projects or Group Activities

38. Write two verbal phrases that translate to 5.r.

39. Write two verbal phrases that translate to j.

For Exercises 40 to 43. w rite a verbal phrase that translates into the given expression.
40. 5y - 4 41. 2x +3 42. 5 (y - 4) 43. 2(.v + 3)

Unessctba"*iss rctedalIctriOT.on tis is 'C layrirg.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kacnol. vu. >i h,cc(<nlrami, adnluaol. n»!»ik i« u p»l. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llirj |un> cumuiraj K: Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt regain t


"| Summary

Key Words Examples

A set is a collection of objects. The objects are called the
elements of the set. 11. 1 A. p. 2]

The integers are ..., -4, -3, -2, -1,0, 1,2,3.4, ....
The negative integers are the integers . .., -4.-3,-2,-1.
The positive integers, or natural numbers, are the integers
1 , 2, 3. 4, The positi\e integers and zero are called the
whole numbers. [I.IA.p.2]
The set of natural numbers is
{1,2,3,4, 5,6....}

-58, - 12. 0. 7, and 46 are integers.

-58 and - 12 are negative integers.
7 and 46 are positive integers.

A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that is evenly 2, 3. 5, 7, 1 1, and 13 are prime numbers.
divisible only by itself and 1 . A natural number that is not a prime 4, 6. 8. 9. 10, and 12 are composite
number is a composite number. 1 1.1 A. p. 2 j numbers.

A rational number can be written in the form £, where p and q - 1, and 4 are rational numbers.
0 8
are integers and q 0. Every rational number can be written as
either a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal. A number
is not a rational number because v'2 is
not an integer, v 2 is an irrational number.
that cannot be written as a terminating or a repeating decimal is
an irrational number. The rational numbers and the irrational 1
- - -0.375, a terminating decimal.

numbers taken together are the real numbers. ( 1.1 A. pp. 2-3 1 £ = 0.83. a repeating decimal.
The graph of a real number is made by placing a heavy dot The graph of 3 is shown below.
directly above the number on a number line. [ 1.1 A, p. 3]

l i i I I i 1 i I i « ÿ

5432 1 012345

Numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number 8 and -8 are additive inverses.
line but are on opposite sides of zero are additive inverses, or
opposites. [I.IA. p. 4)

The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the The absolute value of 7 is 7.
number line. ( 1. 1A. p. 4] The absolute value of -7 is 7.

The roster method of writing a set encloses a list of the elements { 2, 4, 6, 8 } is an infinite set.
of the set in braces. In an infinite set the pattern of numbers { 2, 4, 6. 8 } is a finite set.
continues without end. In a finite set all the elements of the set
can be listed. The set that contains no elements is the empty set or
null set. and is symbolized by 0 or { }. [ 1.1B. p. 6]

Another method of representing a set is set-builder notation. {.v | x < 7, x e integers} is read "the set of
which makes use of a variable and a certain property that only all x such that x is less than 7 and x is an
elements of that set possess. ( 1.1 B. p. 6| element of the integers."
LHsss otfienme rc.ffi. alcaitataiths page 3 fi Cergage laemrg

l.mndi. "Oil Ccr&ec 1turn). All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,i.tuJ.rani.aitalicnd. n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llinl cuilctiiraj K: ton ill--.4 irjor cVfapxr <».
hÿixral IwJccnciduttf) omkn «kxi r»n nutnill xi'ic. .x utcriil Icimn/ nÿcncnc. CaMc 1 camnf rc<n;<nc ccoxni at anj line it «jY«ajucni rDttKtwmreÿiirt 1

Sets can also be expressed using interval notation. A parenthesis The interval notation [-4. 2) indicates the
is used to indicate that a number is not included in the set. A bracket interval of all real numbers greater than or
is used to indicate that a number is included in the set. An interval equal to -4 and less than 2.
is said to be closed if it includes both endpoints. It is open if it The interval -4, 2) has endpoints -4 and
does not include either endpoint. An interval is half-open if one 2. It is an example of a half-open interval.
endpoint is included and the other is not. To indicate an interval that The interval notation (-*>, 5] indicates
extends forever in one or both directions using interval notation, use the interval of all real numbers less than or
the infinity symbol » or the negative infinity symbol equal to 5.
(I.IB. pp. 7-8 1

The expression cC is in exponential form, where a is the base In the exponential expression 5 \ 5 is the
and n is the exponent, if is the nth power of a and represents the base and 3 is the exponent.
product of n factors of a. 11 .2B. pp. 21-22] 53 = 5.5.5 = 125

The least common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is The LCM of 6 and 8 is 24.
the smallest number that is a multiple of the numbers. The greatest The GCF of 6 and 8 is 2.
common factor (GCF) of two or more numbers is the largest
integer that divides evenly into all of the numbers. |I.3A, p. 27 1

ÿ 8
The reciprocal of the fraction 7. where a r- 0 and b
t 0. is -.
The reciprocal of ÿ is-».
[1.3B, p. 30] The reciprocal of -6 is -3.

A complex fraction is a fraction in which the numerator or

-+ -
denominator contains one or more fractions. ( I.3D. p. 34]
-—ÿ is a complex fraction.

A variable is a letter of the alphabet that is used to stand for a The variable expression -4.r + 3* — 5
number. [I.IA, p. 3] An expression that contains one or more
variables is a variable expression. The terms of a variable

has three terms: 4.r, 3.r, and -5.
-4.v2 and 3.vare variable terms.
expression are the addends of the expression. A variable term is -5 is a constant term.
composed of a numerical coefficient and a variable part. A For the term -4.V2, the coefficient is -4
constant term has no variable part. ] I.4B. p. 45] and the variable part is .v2.

Replacing the variable or variables in a variable expression and then Evaluate 5.r3 + |6 2y| when x = - 1 -
simplifying the resulting numerical expression is called evaluating and y = 4.
the variable expression. 11.4B. p. 45] 5.V3 + |6 - 2y\
5(- 1)3 + |6 - 2(4)| = 5(- 1)3 + |6-
= 5(— I)3 + |-2|
= 5(- 1)3 + 2
= 5(— 1) + 2
= -5 + 2 = -3

Like terms of a variable expression have the same variable part. -6a'tr and 4a'lr are like terms.
Constant terms are also like terms. Adding the coefficients of like -ba'hr + 4a'b2 - -Ixt'lr
terms is called combining like terms. |I.4C, p. 46|

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr All ».,m. Mij ix. lx auika ir oclicra!. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt «r : ihnJ iwkti rcuy he «irfTO»cd be ctVxL ar«lortC'VapxTi <i
tiiinÿmicn 1» tKr. *tj coricit Jc<« r«>: riaicmlb be «»cnll kimn; cxxntru. Ccaotfc I eemng rcnnc< ix niÿii I cmxni il anj line if n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Definition of Inequality [I.IA. p. 4)
If a and b are two real numbers and a is to the left of b on the -19 < 36
number line, then a is less than b. This is written a < b.
If a and b are two real numbers and a is to the right of b on the -I > -20
number line, then a is greater than b. This is written a > b.

Absolute Value |I.IA. p. 4]

The absolute value of a positive number is the number itself. The 1 18 = 18
absolute value of zero is zero. I0| =0
The absolute value of a negative number is the opposite of the
negative number.

| 18| = 18

Graphing Intervals on the Number Line [LIB, pp. 6-8| The graph of {.v I a ÿ -2} is shown below.
A parenthesis on a graph indicates that the number is not included
in a set. A bracket indicates that the number is included in the set. I I I i i i i : i i

Union of Two Sets [1.IC, p. I0|

The union of two sets, written A u B. is the set of all elements that Given A = {0.}
belong to either set A or set B. In set-builder notation, this is written and B = {2, 4, 6. 8},
AUB= {0.1.2,3.4.6,8}.
A U B — {.v x E A or a* E B }
Intersection of Two Sets [1.1C, p. 10]
The intersection of two sets, written ADB. is the set of all Given A = {0. 1. 2, 3. 4} and
elements that are common to both set A and set B. In set-builder B= {2,4,6,8}, ADB = {2,4}.
notation, this is written
AH/?= (a: | a E A and x E B\
Rules for Addition of Real Numbers [1.2A. p. 18]
To add numbers with the same sign, add the absolute values -12 + (-18) = -30
of the numbers. Then attach the sign of the addends.
To add numbers with different signs, find the absolute value 12 + (-18) = -6
of each number. Subtract the lesser of the two absolute values from
the greater. Then attach the sign of the number with the greater
absolute value.

Rule for Subtraction of Real Numbers [1.2A. p 19]

To subtract two real numbers, add the opposite of the second 6-9 = 6+ (-9) = -3
number to the first.

Rules for Multiplication or Division of

Real Numbers [I.2A. p. 20]
The product or quotient of two numbers with the same sign
is positive.
— 5 ( — 9) = 45

-5(9) = -45
- (-4) = 9

The product or quotient of two numbers with different signs -36 + 4 = -9

is negative.

Order of Operations Agreement ( 1 .2B, p. 22]

Step 1: Perform operations inside grouping symbols. 62 - 3(-2 + 4) = -62 - 3(2)
Step 2: Simplify exponential expressions. = -36 - 3(2)
= -36 - 6
Step 3: Do multiplication and division as they occur from left to right. -36 + (-6)
Step 4: Do addition and subtraction as they occur from left to right. = -42

IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mq ix< Ix mxiir onlKrcJ. a »hik tr it part. I>« uiclccVont rtftu. : ihrd iwkti nuy he +trtTcwci feetn be ctVxi. ar»iurc<ÿ«xn«t.
riliraimicn thr. m/y oin*v<*cc coucnJc<« r»»: riaimilb affcci itc incnll kimv cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix I cmxni n iny line it* «jV*c4t«r; n/k«rMnctwm rojurc A

Addition or Subtraction of Fractions (I.3B. p. 29]

The sum or difference of two fractions with the same denominator _7_ 1-7 -6
is the sum or difference of the numerators over the common 10 10 10 10

Multiplication of Fractions (I.3B. p. 30] 2(-3)

The product of two fractions is the product of the numerators over 1.1 _6_
the product of the denominators. 5\ 7 5(7) 35

.= bd where b
* 0 and d ¥ÿ 0

b a 77.

Division of Fractions [I.3B. p. 30]

To divide two fractions, multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. _2 ,1- _2 J£ - _?

a c
- a d ad ,
- -
. where b — . ,.
0. and </ # 0
5 10 5 3
7 -5- ; =7
* 0. c *

b d b c be

Properties of Real Numbers [1.4A, pp. 42-43]

Commutative Property of Addition a + b = b + a 3+8=8+3

Commutative Property of Multiplication a - b = b a 4-9 = 9-4

Associative Property of Addition {a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (-2 + 4) + 6 = -2 + (4 + 6)

Associative Property of Multiplication (a -b) • c = a-(b c) ÿ

(—5 • 3) • 6 = -5 • (3 6) •

Addition Property of Zero r/ + 0 = 0 + a = fl -9 + 0 = -9

Multiplication Property of One a - I = 1 a -a -12(1) = -12

Inverse Property of Addition a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0 -7 + 7 = 0

Inverse Property of Multiplication a'~=~'cl= Uo* 0 8-1=1

Distributive Property a{b + c) = ab + ac — 2(4v + 5) = — 8v - 10

Multiplication Property of Zero a • 0 = 0 a = 0 ÿ

-6(0) = 0

Properties of Zero and One in Division

Any number divided by 1 is the number. I=4
Zero divided by any number other than zero is zero. 4=0
Division by zero is not defined. 0 is undefined.
Any number other than zero d ivided by itself is I. 4= 1

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu KocmiI Ug ml K.unil n darluaoi. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m eken-w ruh. o> llird cuikcino, K: feon Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnunl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


1 Review Exercises

1. Use the roster method to write the set of integers 2. Find AC\B given A = {0. 1,2,3} and
between -3 and 4. f} = {2, 3, 4, 5}.

3. Graph (-2.4]. 4. Identify the property that justifies the statement.

l I i I I I I I i l l 2(3x) = (2 3).v •

5432 1 0 1 2345

5. Simplify: -4.07 + 2.3 6. Evaluate (a - 2b~) + (ab) when a - 4 and

b= -3.

7. Simplify: -2 • (4ÿ • (-3)2 8. Simplify: 4y - 3[.r - 2(3 - 2x) - 4y]

9. Find the additive inverse of - -. 10. Use set-builder notation to write the set of real num¬
bers less than -3.

11. Graph \x\x < I}. 12. Simplify: -10 - (-3)

I I i I l l I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

2 3
13. Simplify: -- + - 14. Use the Associative Property of Addition to com¬
plete the statement.
3 + (4 + y) = (3 + ?) + y

15. Simplify: -5- | 16. Let x G {-4, -2.0. 2}. For what values of x is
x > 1 true?—

17. Evaluate 2a2 - — when a = -3 and b = 2. 18. What is the quotient of -56 and -4?

LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq f>il K.unil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccninrah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: airmwa &«* itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu.'v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i»c try Imc it «jV«ajucni
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

32 - 22
19. Simplify: 20 + 20. Graph f-3.*).
32 + 22
-t-H h
5 432I01234S —
21. Find A U B given A = { 1 , 3. 5. 7 } and 22. Simplify: -204 + (-17)
B = {2,4.6,8}.

2 _ 5

23. Write -2, 3] in set-builder notation. 24. Simplify:

3 6_ _ 2 4
I_ 3 3 9
2 4

25. Use the Distributive Property to complete the

6v - 2 1y = ?(2v - 7y)
, , , . .....
26. Graph {x|x

< -3} U{x\x > 0}.

27. Simplify: -2(x - 3) + 4(2 - x) 28. Let p E { -4, 0. 7 }. Evaluate —\p\ for each
element of the set.

29. Identify the property that justilies the statement. 30. Simplify: -3.286 + (- 1.06)
-4 + 4 = 0

31. Write ~ as a decimal. 32. Let y G{—4,

y > -2 true?
— 1,4}. For which values of y is

33. Use the roster method to write the set of integers 34. Use set-builder notation to write the set of real
between -4 and 2. numbers less than 7.

35. Given 4 = {-4. -2,0,2,4} and B = {0,5. 10}, 36. Given 4 = {-9, -6, -3} and B = {3,6.9}, find
find AU B. AC\B.

37. Graph {x\x s3}H {x\x > -2}. 38. Graph (-3,4) U [- I.5].

5 4 3
1 l 1
i 1 1
10 12 3 4 5
5 43 2
-l—l- i 1 1
10 1 2345


CafQritf* SOU I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Ksunol vt*. mi h,iilaJ.rani,n dtrluaal. n »hik i « is nm. I>« m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl i IB) k 4inrcucÿ fwr &€ cttxl aralor ci'safixr 4i.
hs«Jccikc (lut azy aimcacÿ o»rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ccykac uq line il «jV«ajucni n(h>rotixtwn* rojairc t
Cfftxnl at

39. Simplify: 2 - (-3) 40. What is increased by i?

41. Simplify: (~3)4 - 3(20 - I) 42. Simplify: (— 3)3 — (2 — 6)2-5

43. Evaluate -8ac

c = -3.
t b~ when a = — 1, b = 2. and 44. Simplify: -(3a + b) ~
2(— 4a - 5b)

45. Translate "four times the sum of a number and four" into a variable expression. Then

46. Travel The total flying time for a round trip between New York and San Diego
is 13 h. Because of the jet stream, the time going is not equal to the time returning.
Express the flying time between New York and San Diego in terms of the flying time
between San Diego and New York.

47. ÿ Calories For a 140-pound person, the number of calories burned by cross¬
country skiing for I h is 396 more than the number of calories burned by walking at
4 mph for 1 h. (Source: Express the number of calories burned by
cross-country skiing for I h in terms of the number of calories burned by walking at
4 mph for 1 h.

48. Translate "eight more than twice the difference between a number and two" into a
variable expression. Then simplify.

49. A second integer is 5 more than four times the first integer. Express the second inte¬
ger in terms of the first integer.

50. Translate "twelve minus the quotient of three more than a number and four" into a
variable expression. Then simplify.

51. The sum of two numbers is forty. Using x to represent the smaller of the two num¬
bers. translate "the sum of twice the smaller number and five more than the larger
number" into a variable expression. Then simplify.

52. Geometry The length of a rectangle is 3 ft less than three times the width. Express
the length of the rectangle in terms of the width.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htflu Kninol »lj i>» h,iiloJ.ranci. cr Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci mlor PkiuTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt tkci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

1. Simplify: -52(4) 2. Find A C\B given A = {1.3.5. 7} and

B = {5,7,9,11}.

3. Simplify: (— 2)3(— 3)2 4. Graph (-<», I].

1 1 I
5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5

5. Find ACB given A = {-3, -2, -1,0, 1,2.3} 6. Evaluate (a - b): 4- (2b + 1) when a = 2 and
and B = {-1,0. 1}. b = -3.

7. What is the difference between -3 and -5? 8. Simplify: 2x - 4[2 - 3(.t + 4y) - 2]

9. Find the additive inverse of - 12. 10. Simplify: -5:-4

11. Graph {x x < 3} fl {x\x > -2}. 12. Simplify: 8 - 5(3 - 5)3 4- 10 - 2
I I I 1 I I 1 1
-5-4-3-2-1 012345

13. Simplify: -- 14. Use the Commutative Property of Addition to com¬
plete the statement.
(3 4- 4) + 2 = (? 4- 3) 4- 2

Irtsssothawsetied.allcaten!onPlspeÿ is Iflaritij

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiininl. All Hiltu Ktunol VUf im h.icmd cr ttalfol. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m .milinl j Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fec*T »C cttxl ir*lof 4»

hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c anj line »l «iV*ÿi*ni n(h>rcrirxlsÿnrctjurc t

2/ 9
15. Simplify: 16. Let x E {-5, 3. 7}. For what values of x is x < -I

ÿ c?
17. Evaluate
a — 2c
when a = 2, b = 3, and c = - 1. 18. Simplify: - 180 -e- 12

19. Simplify: 12 - 41 - . - I -f 16 20. Graph (3, *).


i » i i i i I I i I l
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

21. Find AuB given A = {1,3,5,7} and 22. Simplify: 3.v - 2(v - >•) - 3(y - Ax)
B= {2,3,4.5}.

3/ 10
23. Simplify: 8 - 4(2 - 3)2 + 2 24. Simplify: -(

25. Identify the property that justifies the statement. 26. Graph {.v x < 3} U {x\x < -2}.
-2{x + y) = -2a- - 2y • l i i l l l l i l l l •
54-32 10 I 2345

27. Write
as a decimal.
28. Find AuB given A
- {-2, -1.0. 1,2.3} and

29. The sum of two numbers is ni ne. Using x to represent the larger of the two numbers,
translate "the difference between one more than the larger number and twice the
smaller number" into a variable expression. Then simplify.

30. ÿ Cocoa Production The two countries with the highest cocoa production are
the Ivor)1 Coast and Ghana. The Ivory Coast produces three times the amount of B
cocoa produced in Ghana. (Source: International Cocoa Organization) Express the a
amount of cocoa produced in the Ivory Coast in terms of the amount of cocoa pro¬
duced in Ghana.

Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjnrfi. roll C'WXI I<OTiO(. All k./m. Uq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ,» if iun. I>.i ui tkoiv'it mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix wimKÿ frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «urfrvc«co couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) iffcci IK mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line i! «iV«c4isn: n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l
First-Degree Equations
and Inequalities

Focus on Success
A To solve an equation using Do you have trouble with word problems?
the Addition or Multiplication
Property ot Equations Word problems show the variety of
B To solve an equation using ways in which math can be used. The
both the Addition and the solution of every word problem can be
Multiplication Properties of
Equations broken down into two steps: Strategy and
C To solve an equation Solution. The Strategy consists of reading
containing parentheses the problem, writing down what is known
D To solve a literal equation for and unknown, and devisina a Dlan to find
one of the variables
the unknown. The
A To solve value mixture
B To solve percent mixture iAIM-10.)
C To solve uniform motion Prep Test Aratea/sttjiteniaduom
A To solve an inequality in one Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
B To solve a compound
find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
inequality For Exercises I to 5. add. subtract, multiply, or divide.
C To solve application
1. 8 - 12 2. -9 +3
A To solve an absolute value
B To solve an absolute value
C To solve application
-6 < +1

For Exercises 6 to 9. simplify.

6. 3.r — 5 + Ix 7. 6(x - 2) +3

8. n + (/? + 2) + (n + 4) 9. O.O&v + 0.05(400 - .v)

10. A 20-ounce snack mixture contains nuts and pretzels. Let n represent the
number of ounces of nuts in the mixture. Express the number of ounces of
pretzels in the mixture in terms of n.


Cep/nttr :ul1(Inwi Inranc *11 tltfku Hoc™

lw JcctkJihii mi.y <jffrc<cc cutlcit
Hi) »t(c nmci ddicroL n utulc <« n run. I>» Unkviuoir/H. vn lhnl iuni .iuktitth) Ik «oi»— ton ntiHx* » t.i r f

inxnuniilb aftc mcnJI kimn/ c\9cnchc. CnMc I arnn/ rc«nc« Ik njju ip >ÿiu<(ul «nxni iny lint tf «uV«cqixn.
j) —
rv»>nct>.-ru rcqurc t

2.1 Solving First-Degree Equations

OBJECTIVE A To solve an equation using theAddition
or Multiplication Property ofEquations

An equation expresses the equality of two 2 + 8 = 10

* ++ 2y =II7
Tips for Success mathematical expressions. The expres¬ 8« Equations
Before you begin a new sions can be either numerical or variable r
chapter, you should take expressions.
some time to review
previously learned skills. The equation at the right is a conditional a+2 = 5 A conditional
One way to do this is to
complete the Prep Test.
equation. The equation is true if the vari¬ equation
See page 67. This test able is replaced by 3. The equation is false if 2 = 5 A true equation
focuses on the particular the variable is replaced by 4. A conditional 2 = 5 A false equation
skills that will be required equation is tine for at least one value of the
for the new chapter. variable.

The replacement value(s) of the variable that will make an equation true is (are) called the
root(s) of the equation or the solutionis) of the equation. The solution of the equation
a* + 2 - 5 is 3 because 3 + 2 - 5 is a true equation.

The equation at the right is an identity. Any replacement for x x + 2 =x + 2

will result in a true equation.

The equation at the right has no solution because there is x =x + l

no number that equals itself plus I. Any replacement value for
A' will result in a false equation. This equation is a contradiction.

Each of the equations at the right is a first-degree equation in a + 2 = 12

one variable. All variables have an exponent of I. 3v — 2 = 5y
3 [a + 2) = I4«

Solving an equation means finding a root or solution of the equation. The simplest equa¬
tion to solve is an equation of the form variable = constant, because the constant is the
solution. If.v = 3, then 3 is the solution of the equation, because 3 = 3 is a true equation.

Equivalent equations are equations that have the same solution. For instance, a" + 4 = 6
and x - 2 are equivalent equations because the solution of each equation is 2. In solv¬
ing an equation, the goal is to produce simpler but equivalent equations until you reach
the goal of variable - constant. The Addition Property of Equations can be used to
rewrite an equation in this form.

Addition Property of Equations

The same term can be added to each side of an equation without changing the solution
of the equation. Symbolically, this is written

if a = b. then a +c =b + c.

The Addition Property of Equations is used to remove a term from one side of an equation
by adding the opposite of that term to each side of the equation.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik i» I!pm. l>n til tlcrn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: airticucÿ ittxi inter n'Miuio.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j codcrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni nffo rulrKlnv rtqirc 1

2.1 Solving First-Degree Equations

OBJECTIVE A To solve an equation using theAddition
or Multiplication Property ofEquations

An equation expresses the equality of two 2 + 8 = 10

* ++ 2y =II7
Tips for Success mathematical expressions. The expres¬ 8« Equations
Before you begin a new sions can be either numerical or variable r
chapter, you should take expressions.
some time to review
previously learned skills. The equation at the right is a conditional a+2 = 5 A conditional
One way to do this is to
complete the Prep Test.
equation. The equation is true if the vari¬ equation
See page 67. This test able is replaced by 3. The equation is false if 2 = 5 A true equation
focuses on the particular the variable is replaced by 4. A conditional 2 = 5 A false equation
skills that will be required equation is tine for at least one value of the
for the new chapter. variable.

The replacement value(s) of the variable that will make an equation true is (are) called the
root(s) of the equation or the solutionis) of the equation. The solution of the equation
a* + 2 - 5 is 3 because 3 + 2 - 5 is a true equation.

The equation at the right is an identity. Any replacement for x x + 2 =x + 2

will result in a true equation.

The equation at the right has no solution because there is x =x + l

no number that equals itself plus I. Any replacement value for
A' will result in a false equation. This equation is a contradiction.

Each of the equations at the right is a first-degree equation in a + 2 = 12

one variable. All variables have an exponent of I. 3v — 2 = 5y
3 [a + 2) = I4«

Solving an equation means finding a root or solution of the equation. The simplest equa¬
tion to solve is an equation of the form variable = constant, because the constant is the
solution. If.v = 3, then 3 is the solution of the equation, because 3 = 3 is a true equation.

Equivalent equations are equations that have the same solution. For instance, a" + 4 = 6
and x - 2 are equivalent equations because the solution of each equation is 2. In solv¬
ing an equation, the goal is to produce simpler but equivalent equations until you reach
the goal of variable - constant. The Addition Property of Equations can be used to
rewrite an equation in this form.

Addition Property of Equations

The same term can be added to each side of an equation without changing the solution
of the equation. Symbolically, this is written

if a = b. then a +c =b + c.

The Addition Property of Equations is used to remove a term from one side of an equation
by adding the opposite of that term to each side of the equation.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik i» I!pm. l>n til tlcrn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: airticucÿ ittxi inter n'Miuio.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j codcrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni nffo rulrKlnv rtqirc 1

Solve: x - 3 = 7
Take Note
The model of an equation as x-3 7 =
a balance scale applies. x -3+3 7+3 = Add 3 to each side of the equation.
x+0 = 10 Simplify.
x = 10 The equation is in the form variable = constant.
~ 3 = 7
Check: x
I() — 3 I 7 Check the solution. Replace x with 10.
7 =7 When simplified, the left side of the equation equals the right
The solution is 10. side. Therefore. 10 is the correct solution of the equation.

Because subtraction is defined in terms of addition, the Addition Property of Equations

Adding a weight to one
enables us to subtract the same number from each side of an equation.
side of the scale (equation)
requires adding the same 7_
weight to the other side of the Solve: x +—
= -
scale (equation) so that the
pans remain in balance.
r _L _Z _1_
12 2
7 7 2 1_
v. 4
|1 1
II Subtract — from each side of the equation.
to to 2 12
TJ Take Note
Remember to check the
x +0=
X =
*+ =
2 12
__L .
12 + 12
The solution is -_i_
_6_ 2
12 2
The Multiplication Property of Equations is also used to produce equivalent equations.
2 2 :
2 2
Multiplication Property of Equations

Multiplying each side of an equation by the same nonzero number does not change the
solution of the equation. Symbolically, this is written

If a = b and c
* 0. then ac = be.
Recall that the goal of solving an equation is to rewrite the equation in the form
variable - constant. The Multiplication Property of Equations is used to rewrite an
equation in this form by multiplying each side by the reciprocal of the coefficient.

Solve: -~x = 12

"fcj Take Note -x-12

Remember to check the
solution. "T \X= "T 12 Multiplv each side of the equation

12 \x = -16
by —- .
4 .

• Simplify.
. .3
the reciprocal of

.r = -16
12 = 12
The solution is — 16.
IrtsssothawserclBct aiIorient on Pis is CCeuÿB Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu >Ocnol Mq i>» h,unil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tken-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctino, K: Son ji mlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnireqiirt l

Because division is defined in terms of multiplication, the Multiplication Property of

Equations enables us to divide each side of an equation by the same nonzero quantity.

FTWyTTBTEifci Solve: -5.t = 9

Multiplying each side of the equation by the reciprocal of —5 is equivalent to dividing
each side of the equation by —5.
-5.v =9
— 5.V 9
. = . • Divide each side of the equation by 5.
l.r = —~ • Simplify.
X = ~
The solution is — 5
. You should check the solution.

When using the Multiplication Property of Equations, it is usually easier to multiply each
side of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient when the coefficient is a fraction.
Divide each side of the equation by the coefficient when the coefficient is an integer or a

Solve: .v - 7 = -12 Solve: x + 4 = -3
Solution Your solution
x- 7 -12
A"— 7 + 7 = — 12 + 7 • Add 7 to each side.
v = -5
The solution is —5.

2x _4 Solve: -3a- = 18

Solution Your solution

IX _4
• Multiply each
+)-H side by —

The solution is
Solutions on p. S3

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi, ml h,unit 11 italiaol. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» cuilctino, K: nnmÿ ton ji ill--.4 irjor Pk|H".i

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coctcrt iko rmnucnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnireqiirt l
ccoxnl it i

objective b To solve an equation using boththeAddition
andthe MultiplicationProperties ofEquations
In solving an equation, it is often necessary to apply boththe Addition and the Multiplica¬
tion Properties of Equations.

Solve: -8 - 5.v = 4r - 11
-8 - 5.v = 4.r — II
-8 - 5x - 4.x = 4x - 4.x - 1 1 • Subtract Ax from each side of the equation.
-8 - 9.v = - 11
• Simplify.
-8 + 8 - 9.v = - 1 1 +8 • Add 8 to each side of the equation.
— 9x = -3 • Simplify.
— 9.y -3 • Divide each side of the equation by —9. the
-9 -9 coefficient of the variable.

-8 - 5.r = 4.v — II

CO i

—77 4g)-"
5 4

3 3
n| "T| «n| 4 _ 33
3 3 3 3
29 29
3 3
The solution is

ÿ rri'iniÿ ÿ(in mc
Solve: 3x — 5 = 7x — \ Solve: 4.v - 9 = 5 - 3.v

Solution Your solution

3a- -5 7.x- II
3.y - 7.v - 5 7.Y - 7.y - 1 1
= Subtract Ix from
— — II 5
—4x 5 = 11 each side.
— 4y — 5 + 5 = -6
— +
-4.y =
Add 5 to each
-4.Y -6
Divide each side
-4 -4 bv -4.
The solution is ÿ .

Solution on p. S3

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol »lj i>» K.ciraJ.ranii. i* AvIkmL n -Hik « i:put. I>n m ilccnw rtftu. «>nc llird mjor mi no, K: ufpiuii &«ti ji ill--.4 irjor iCfipnn
hdl<ra!rcvio* hnJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< tdlnmil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotn<twnirotiirt 1

OBJECTIVE C To solve an equation containing parentheses

When an equation contains parentheses, one of the steps required to solve the equation
involves using the Distributive Property.

Take Note Solve: 6 - 4(2r + 5) =2 - 3.v

Note that the first step Is 6 - 4(2v + 5) = 2 - 3.r
not to subtract 4 from 6.
By the Order of Operations
6 - 8.v - 20 = 2 - 3.v • I'se the Distributive Property to remove
Agreement, multiplication parentheses.
is done before subtraction. — 8.v -14 = 2- 3.v • Simplify.
-8.v + 3.v -14 = 2- 3.r 3.V • Add ix to each side of the equation.
— 5.v -14 = 2 • Simplify.
-5.Y - 14 + 14 = 2 + 14 • Add 14 to each side of the equation.
— 5.v = 16 • Simplify.
— 5.y 16
-5 -5
• Divide each side of the equation by —5.
The solution is

To solve an equation containing fractions, first clear the denominators by multiplying

each side of the equation by the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

6 +3
Find the LCM of the denominators. The LCM of 2. 9. 6. and 3 is 18.

x 2

• Multiply each side of the equation by

the LCM of the denominators.

9.Y - 14 = 3.v 12
"! •• Use the Distributive Property.
6v - 14 = 12 • Subtract ix from each side of the
equation. Then simplify.
6.v = 26 • Add 14 to each side of the equation.
Then simplify'.
6x 26
• Divide each side of the equation by 6.
6 6 the coefficient of x. Then simplify.
x =

The solution is -y .

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu >Ocnol »lj i>» K.unil cr Avlva-al. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tlccn-w .milird |un> cuilctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--,4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotrKtwrnreqiirt l

Solve: 5(2* - 7) + 2 = 3(4 - .*) - 12 Solve: 6(5 - *) - 12 = 2* - 3(4 + *)
Solution Your solution
5(2* 7) + 2 = 3(4 x) 12 - -
10* - 35 + 2 = 12 - 3* - 12
10* - 33 = -3*
-33 = -13*
-33 -13*
-13 -13
13 *
The solution is —J .


2x + 3
j I
x- I
- —— 3x

The LCM of 4, 3, 2, and 6 is 12.

x +4
- Solve: ———

Your solution

2* + 3
- +* 3
- I 3*
*- 1\ t>/ '3.x
= ) I2(,2

L* + 3 x \\
+ 12 ——
- = 12\
4 J \ 3 ) V 2
\2) \ 6
3(2* + 3) + 4(* I) - = 6(3*) - 2(* + 4)

6* + 9 + 4* - 4 = 18* - 2* - 8
10* + 5 = 16* - 8
-6* + 5 = -8
-6* = -13

The solution is — .

Solutions on pp. S3-S4

Krjnrfi. rill1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Mt- m Ixenrolami tr oi.-IkmJ. It »tuk u pert. I>« ui ekv/cni n(h> mm iknl puj .\dkiiitq, K: urfTtÿKC bm m ilv-l anlto ilium"
hiiira!roitn> ain*v<*cd coutn«k<i ok riuWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra CcatM#e I itmng rv*mc< ix niÿii iokckÿc tÿluiml {foxniiiin; line if n/lorrinciwiv rotwrc *.

OBJECTIVE D To solve a literalequationfor one of the variables

A literal equation is an equation that contains more than one variable. Two examples are
shown below.
3A- - 2v = 4 v2 = vo2 - UlS

Formulas are used to express relationships s = vl — 16/2 (Physics)

among physical quantities. A formula is a literal <f = cr + Ir (Geometry)
equation that states rules about measurement. I= P{\ + r)n (Business)
Examples are shown at the right.

The Addition and Multiplication Properties of Equations can be used to solve a literal
equation for one of the variables. The goal is to rewrite the equation so that the variable
being solved for is alone on one side of the equation and all the other numbers and vari¬
ables are on the other side.

Solve A = P + Prt for I.

A = P + Prt
A — P = Prt • Subtract P from each side of the equation.
——— =
-p- • Divide each side of the equation by Pr.
A- P

Solve C - |
(F — 32) for F. Solve S = C — rC for r.
Solution Your solution

C=-(F- 32)
-C = F- 32 Multiply eachside by t.

-C + 32 = F Add 32 to each side.

Solution on p. S4

Kpjnrii. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix timci ir ai;l>o<U. It »Kilt it it put. I>« UiclccVont nthx mm tknl |tnjoatctirtn, Ix urfTtÿc frcm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
filingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<f r»»: riaicriall} iffcci ix mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I iann; rc*mc< ix njÿii to sewve tÿlucml ccnxnt ii my line it «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


Concept Check
1. bJ How does an equation differ from an expression? 2. hJ What is a solution of an equation?

3. iJI What is the Addition Property of Equations, and 4. hJ What is the Multiplication Property of
how is it used? Equations, and how is it used?

5. Is I a solution of 7 - 3m - 4? 6. Is 4 a solution of 4y — 5 = 3y?

7. Is 0 a solution of 6x - I = 7.r + I? 8. Is 0 a solution of 4.r +5 = -2(.r + 3) + 11?

OBJECTIVE A To solve ail equation using theAddition or

MultiplicationProperty ofEquations
For Exercises 9 to 39. solve and check.
9. x -2 = 1 10. x -8 =4 11. —7 =x 12. - 12 = a- —3

13. 3a* = 12 14. 8.v = 4 15. — 3.v = 2 16. -5a =1

n-4+H 19.X +
21. -y = 5 22. -y= 12
— 12 = _5y _I0 M=i
*•->=75 27. 28.
7 21 9 3

33. 1.5.V = 27
; ™

34. —2.25v


— 0.015.V = -12
- 4* =4
36. -0.0 12v = -6

37. 3a- + 5a- = 12 38. lx-lx=\5 39. 3y - 5y = 0

CtCjrijhl :ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il K.unil cr Avlkml. n -Hik it n p«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

40. ÿ3 Lei r be a positive number less than 1. Is the solution of the equation ip + a = r
positive or negative?

41. 31 Let a be a negative number less than —5. Is the solution of the equation a = —5b
less than or greater than 1?

objective b To solve an equation using both the Addition and

the MidtipHcationProperties ofEquations
For Exercises 42 to 62, solve and check.
42. 5a + 9 = 6 43. 2v - 4 = 12 44. 2y - 9 = -9

45. 4a — 6 = 3a* 46. 2a - 1= 5a 47. 7x +12 = 9x

48. 3a - 12 = 5a 49. 4a + 2 = 4a 50. 3m - 7 = 3m

51. 2a + 2 = 3a + 5 52. 7a -9 = 3- 4a 53. 2 - 3/ = 3/ - 4

54. 7 - 5/ = 2/ - 9 55. 3b - 2b = 4 - 2b 56. 3a - 5 = 6 - 9a

57. 3a + 7 = 3 + 7a 58. 3 + 7a = 4a + 3 59. 5a - 3 = -3 + 8a

60. 2.65 = 2.4a + 0.37 61. 5.3? + 0.35 = 3.02y - 2.5 62. 3.24a + 7.14 = 5.34a

63. 31 If A is a negative number, is the solution of the 64. 31 It 4 is a positive number, is the solution of the
equation Ax — 2 = — 5 positive or negative? equation Av + 8 = — 3 positive or negative?

object I ve c To solve an equation containing parentheses

For Exercises 65 to 82. solve and check.

65. 2a + 3(a - 5) = 15 66. 2a + 2(.v + 1) = 10

67. 3 (? - 5) - 5? = 2? + 9 68. 3 - 2(? - 3) = 4? - 7

69. 4 - 3a = 7a - 2(3 - a) 70. 2(3a - 2) - 5a = 3 - 2a

71. -3a - 2(4 + 5a) = 14 - 3(2a - 3) 72. 8 - 5(4 - 3a) = 2(4 - a) - 8a

CCrorltbt :ol> (IrtW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» h,unil <r italicnd. n -Hik it n «n. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llirJ |un> ca«a no, K: uinuiÿ &«* ji itixk mlor cV'fapxn «»-
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni "(to rcrinAÿ rÿure 1

73. 3y = 2[5 - 3(2 - y)] 74. 3[2 - 3(v - 2)] = 12

75. 2|3 - 2(z + 4) J = 3(4 - :) 76. 3 [4 - 2 (a - 2) ] = 3(2 - 4a)

1_ iav = _i
2 9 6 78-f+l=4
2.V ~ 5 _ 3 ~.v JJ nn
5 - Zx x-4 3
79. 12 6
12 80-ÿ+— -15

2v ~ 1 3.v +4 I - 4.v x -2 x +5 5.v - 2

+ 8

83. If 5 — 2(4.r — 1) = 3a* + 7. evaluate .v4 — .r. 84. If 4 — 3(2* + 3) = 5 — 4.r, evaluate xr — 2x.

85. How many times is the Distributive Property used to remove grouping symbols in
solving the equation -3 [5 - 4(.v - 2)] = 5 (x - 5)?

86. ' 3 Which equation is equivalent to the equation in Exercise 85?

(i) -15 + I2(a' 2) = 5.v - 25 - (ii) -3[* - 2] = 5(x - 5) (iii) — 3[5 - 4.v - 8] = 5.v - 25

objective d To solve a literalequationfor one ofthe variables

For Exercises 87 to 102. solve the formula for the given variable.
87. C = 2ttt: r (Geometry) 88. I= Prl; r (Business)

89. A = — bh; h (Geometry) 90. PV = iiRT: R (Chemistry)

(Intelligence 92. V = ÿTrrh:h (Geometry)


93. A = P + Prl: r (Business) 94. P = 2L + 2W;W (Geometry)

95. s = — (a + b + c); c (Geometry) 96. = V0I - 16/2; V0 (Physics)

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil IT cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird (MP) omen no, K: mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6liÿ«tiw< try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

97. 5 - lirr + 2irrh\ h (Geometry) 98. F = - C + 32: C (Temperature

Conversion )

99. P = ~—~ :R (Business) 100. A =-h{b} + b2):b2 (Geometry)


101. A = P{\ + i):P (Business) 102. an = ax + (n - \)d:d (Mathematics)

103. \ To solve the formula P = 2L + 21V for L do you divide each side of the
equation by 21V or subtract 2 IV from each side of the equation?

104. "J To solve the formula I= Pit for P, do you divide each side of the equation by rl
or subtract i1from each side of the equation?

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 105 and 1 06. solve and check.
105. 0.05(300 - .v) + 0.07.V = 45 106. 0.08x + 0.06(200 - x) = 30

107. If 3(2.v + I) = 5 - 2(.v - 2). evaluate 2.x" + 1. 108. If 2x - 5(x + 1) = 7, evaluate x2 - I.

109. The following is offered as the solution of the equation

5x + 15 = 2v + 3(2x + 5).
5x + 15 = 2v + 3(2x + 5)
5.T + 1 5 = 2x + 6x + 15 • Use the Distributee Property.
5x + 15 = Sx + 15 • Combine like terms.
5.Y + 15 — 15 = 8.V + 15 — 15 • Subtract 15 from each side.
5.v = 8.v
5x 8x
Divide eachside by x.
x x
Because 5 = 8 is not a true equation, the equation has no solution.
If this result is correct, so state. If not. explain why it is not correct and supply the
correct answer.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All ha Kntnol »lf i>» h,iiroJrani.IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <»-
hÿUra! (wJccnciibittt) oinrcu£v coeicri ik<« rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac >61uinil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt 1

Projects or Group Activities

Some puzzle problems involve consecutive integers. Consecutive 8. 9. 10
integers are integers that follow one another in order. Examples of -3. -2, -I
consecutive integers are shown at the right. (Assume that the vari¬ n. 11 + 1 . 11 + 2
able 11 represents an integer.)
Examples of consecutive even integers are shown at the right. 16. 18.20
(Assume that the variable n represents an even integer.) -6. -4, -2
11. n + 2, n + 4
Examples of consecutive odd integers are shown at the right. II. 13, 15
(Assume that the variable n represents an odd integer.) -23. -21, -19
11. n + 2, n + 4
Strategy for Solving a Consecutive-Integer Problem

Here Is a strategy for solving problems that involve consecutive integers.

1. Let a variable represent one of the integers. Express each of the other integers
in terms of that variable. Remember that consecutive integers differ by 1.
Consecutive even or consecutive odd integers differ by 2.
2. Write an equation that expresses the relationship among the integers.

Find three consecutive odd integers such that seven times the sum of the first two integers
is three more than nine times the third integer.
• First odd integer: n
Second odd integer: n + 2
Third odd integer: /? + 4
• Seven times the sum of the first two integers is three more than nine times the third
integer: In + (n + 2)] = 9{n + 4) + 3
Tn + (n + 2) I= 9(/2 + 4) + 3
7[2,i + 2)] = 9n + 36 + 3
14/2 + 14 = 9n + 39
5/2 + 14 = 39
5n = 25
11 = 5

The three consecutive odd integers are 5. 7. and 9.

Try Exercises 1 10 to 1 13.

110. The sum of three consecutive integers is one hundred twenty-nine. Find the
111. Find three consecutive integers such that the first integer is forty-four less than three
times the sum of the second and third integers.
112. Find three consecutive odd integers such that three times the middle integer is seven
more than the sum of the first and third integers.
113. Find three consecutive even integers such that three times the sum of the first and
third integers is twenty more than four ti mes the middle integer.

(Ipinih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu,<J Uo ml K,unil ii<• Aarliaal. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ Mc itilor cV'fapxr < t
review 1»tkciKC iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccnxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt reqaire t

Applications: Mixture and

Uniform Motion Problems
objective A To solve value mixtureproblems

A value mixture problem involves combining two ingredients that have different prices
into a single blend. For example, a coffee manufacturer may blend two types of coffee
into a single blend.

The solution of a value mixture problem is based on the equation AC = V, where A is

the amount of the ingredient, C is the cost per unit of the ingredient, and V is the value
of the ingredient.

Applying the Basic Concepts of Value Mixture Problems

EXAMPLE A Find the value of 12 lb of coffee that costs S5.25 per pound.
SOLUTION The amount A of coffee is 12 lb. The cost per unit Cof the coffee is S5.25
per pound. The value is the unknown.
AC = V • Use the value mixture equation.
12(5.25) = V M I2-.C-5.25
63 = V • Multiply.
The value of 12 lb of the coffee is S63.
EXAMPLE B An alloy of gold costs $650 per ounce. How many ounces of this alloy
can you purchase for $ 1625?
SOLUTION The cost per unit C is S650 per ounce. The value V is S 1 625. The amount
A of gold alloy that can be purchased is unknown.
AC — V • Use the value mixture equation.
A (650) = 1625 • A 650; V = 1625

650A 1625

650 — " Solve for A.
A = 2.5
You can purchase 2.5 oz of the gold alloy.
EXAMPLE C A tea blend is made by mixing 50 g of Sichuan Gonfu tea that costs $.25
per gram with 25 g of Keemum Xian tea that costs S.46 per gram.
a. How many grams of tea are in the blend?
b. What is the value of the tea blend?
c. What is the cost per gram of the tea blend?
a. The number of grams in the blend is the sum of the amounts of the two teas:
50 g + 25 g = 75 g.
b. To find the value of the tea blend, use the value mixture equation to find the value of
each tea in the blend. Then add the values.
Sichuan Gonfu Keemum Xian
AC = V AC = V
50(0.25) = V 25(0.46) = V
12.50 = V 11.50 = V

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivni mm <hnl |tii) rtn, K: mafOKi km Be etv-4 in!or e<"kiiun«-

f «Ltira! to ic»» 1» JccncJ ihr.*tj «rtrv«cc eerier* tk<i r«>: riaicmlb aficci Ctc at cnll tcimn/ exxntru. Ccanfc I tim ng rcnnc< ix njÿii lo pcyk'vc iÿludul crnxnt ii iny iir*< it* «J$«cqtxn: n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

The value of ihe Sichuan Gonfu is SI2.50. The value of the Keemum Xian is SI 1.50.
The value of the tea blend is SI2.50 + SI 1.50 = $24.00.
c. To find the cost per gram of the blend, use the value mixture equation. From part (a),
the amount A is 75 g. From part (b). the value Vis S24.
AC = V Use (he value mixture equation.
75C = 24 4 = 75; V = 24
75 C _ 24
75 75 —— • Solve for C.
C = 0.32
The blend costs $.32 per gram.
Note from Example C. part (c), that the cost per gram of the blend. $.32. is between the
costs per gram of the two teas that make up the blend. This will always be the case: The
cost per unit of a blend is between the costs per unit of the two ingredients that make up
the blend.
Try Concept Check Exercises 1-4onpage 89.

How many pounds of peanuts that cost S3.60 per pound must be
mixed with 40 lb of cashews that cost S9.00 per pound to make a m ixture that costs
$6.00 per pound?

Strategy for Solving a Value Mixture Problem

1. For each Ingredient in the mixture, write a numerical or variable expression tor
the amount of the ingredient used, the unit cost of the ingredient, and the value of
the amount used. For the mixture, write a numerical or variable expression for the
amount, the unit cost of the mixture, and the value of the amount. The results can
be recorded in a table.

Pounds of peanuts: jv

Pounds of cashews: 40
Pounds of mixture: .v + 40

rn X


Unit Cos! (C)

Mixture x+ 40 • 6.00 = 6.00 U + 40)

2. Determine how the values of the ingredients are related. Use the fact that the
sum of the values of all the ingredients is equal to the value of the mixture.

The sum of the values of the peanuts and the cashews is the value of the mixture.
3.60.V + 9.00(40) = 6.00(.v + 40) • Value of peanuts plus value of
3.60.Y + 360 = 6.v + 240 cashews equals value of mixture.
-2.4.r + 360 = 240
— 2.4.Y = - 1 20
.v = 50
The mixture must contain 50 lb of peanuts.
lllesscths'Mse tclMall coxemon fis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;.

linnill. :iil1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Uq m Ivcc|icil «vncc. ir oi.-IkmJ. It »hik u part. I>« ui cla-iuinrjlumm iknl |tii) .muchitq, K: mmtcacj bcm m ilv-i anlto c<"kaiun«-
filiralmicn laiikaxJihr.uÿ curitn«k<i t»r. numilb x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra Ccanfc Iumnf rc*mc< he njÿii iopcyk'yc tÿiumil {foxniiiin; line if n/h*rrinciwiv rotwrc *.

A butcher combined hamburger that cost How many ounces of a gold alloy that costs
$3.30 per pound with hamburger that cost $320 per ounce must be mixed with 100 oz of an
$4.50 per pound. How many pounds of each alloy that costs S 100 per ounce to make a mixture
were used to make a 30-pound mixture costing that costs $ 1 60 per ounce?
$3.70 per pound?

Strategy Your strategy

• Pounds of $3.30 hamburger: .v
Pounds of S4.50 hamburger: 30 - a
Pounds of S3.70 mixture: 30

S3.30 hamburger
S4.M) hamburger 4.:0;30 - .<
Mixture 3.70(30)

The sum of the values before mixing equals

the value after mixing.
3.30a* + 4.50(30 - x) = 3.70(30)

Solution Your solution

3.30a + 4.50(30 - x) = 3.70(30)
3.30a + 135 - 4.50a =111
-1.20a + 135 = III
- 1.20a = -24
a = 20
The number of pounds of the $4.50 hamburger
is 30 — a. Replace a by 20 and evaluate.
30 - a
30 - 20 = 10
The butcher used 20 lb of the $3.30 hamburger
and 10 lb of the $4.50 hamburger.

Solution on p. S4
LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: &«* ji irjor cVfapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

objective b To solve percent mixture problems

The amount of a particular substance in a solution or alloy can be given as a percent of

the total solution or alloy. For example, in a 10# hydrogen peroxide solution. 10# of the
total solution is hydrogen peroxide. The remaining 90# is water.

The solution of a percent mixture problem is based on the equation Ar Q. where A is

the amount of solution or alloy, r is the percent of concentration, and Q is the quantity of
a substance in the solution or alloy.

Applying the Basic Concepts of Percent Mixture Problems

EXAMPLE A A 50-gram al loy is 32# gold. How many grams of gold are in the alloy?
SOLUTION The amount A of alloy is 50 g. The percent concentration r of the gold is
32#. or 0.32 as a decimal. The unknown is the quantity Q of gold.
Ar = Q • Use the percent mixture equation.
50(0.32) = Q • A ~ 50; r - 0J2
lb = Q • Multiply.
The quantity of gold in the alloy is 16 g.

EXAMPLE B A 200-gram solution contains 25 g of salt. What is the percent concen¬

tration of salt in the solution?
SOLUTION The amount A of solution is 200 g. The quantity Q of salt is 25 g. The
unknown is the percent concentration r.
Ar = Q • Use the percent mixture equation.
200r =25 • A = 200: 0 = 25
200r 25
Solve for r.
200 200
r = 0.125
The percent concentration of salt is 12.5#.
EXAMPLE C A mixture is made by mixing 25 L of a 12# acid solution with 15 L of
an 8# acid solution.
a. How many liters of solution are in the mixture?
b. What is the total amount of acid in the mixture?
c. What is the percent concentration of the mixture?
a. The number of liters in the mixture is the sum of the amounts of the two solutions
25 L + 15 Z. = 40 L
b. To find the number of liters of acid in the mixture, use the percent mixture equation
to find the quantity of acid in each solution. Then add the quantities.

12# acid solution 8# acid solution

Ar = Q Ar = Q
25(0.12) = Q 15(0.08) = Q
3 = £ 1.2 = 0
There are 3 L of acid in the 12# acid solution and 1.2 L of acid in the 8# acid solu¬
tion. The total quantity of acid in the mixture is 3 L + 1.2 L = 4.2 L

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi. i>» h,unil 11 Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tkcn-w rtfhi 01llird pm» omen raj K: airficucÿ ton ill--.4 irjor n'Mpun.
hÿura! haJccnciduiiry «jnrca(j codcrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it inj Imc «i «iV«n«ni rcrinclÿ rcqure 1

c. To find the percent concentration cf the mixture, use the percent mixture equation. From
part (a) the amount A of solution is 40 L. From part (b) the quantity Q of acid is 4.2 L.
Ar = Q • I'sethe percent mixture equation.
40r = 4.2 • A = 40; 0 = 4.2
• „Solve „ r.
, for
40r 4.2

r = 0.105
The percent concentration of the mixture is 10.5%.
Note from Example C. part (c). that the percent concentration of the mixture. 10.5%, is
between 15% and 8%. the percent concentrations of the solutions that make up the mix¬
ture. This will always be the case: The percent concentration of a mixture is between
the percent concentrations of the two solutions or alloys that make up the mixture.
Try Concept CheckExercises 5-10 on page 89.

Clt} A chemist mixes an 1 1% acid solution with a 4% acid solution. How

many milliliters of each solution should the chemist use to make a 700-miIliliter solu¬
tion that is 6% acid?

Strategy for Solving a Percent Mixture Problem

1. For each solution, use the equation Ar ~

Q. Write a numerical or variable expres¬
sion for the amount of solution, the percent of concentration, and the quantity of
the substance In the solution.The results can be recorded In a table.

Amount of 1 1% solution: a
Amount of 4% solution: 700 - x
Amount of 6% mixture: 700

11% solution
4%' solution
Solution (A)
700 - x

HI- 0.11
0.04 =
0.1 1*
0.04(700 - x)
6% solution 700 • 0.06 = 0.06(700)

2. Determine how the quantities of the substance In each solution are related. Use
the fact that the sum of the quantities of the substances being mixed Is equal to
the quantity of the substance after mixing.

The sum of the quantities of the substance in the 1 1% solution and the 4% solution is
equal to the quantity of the substance in the 6% solution.
0.1 1a + 0.04(700 - .v) = 0.06(700) Quantity in 11% solution plus quantity
0.11a + 28 — 0.04.V = 42 in 4% solution equals quantity in
0.07a- + 28 = 42 6% solution.
0.07.t = 14
a = 200
The amount of 4% solution is 700 — a. Replace a by 200 and evaluate.
700 - a = 700 - 200 = 500 • x = 200
The chemist should use 200 ml of the 11% solution and 500 ml of the 4% solution.
IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cargage laemrg

CtCjrijbl -Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: oprcuci ton tlixk inlor c<S«u>,i.
hÿiara! hnJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccnxni it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njltx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

How many milliliters of pure acid must be added A butcher has some hamburger that is 22# fat
to 60ml of an 8% acid solution to make a and some that is 12# fat. How many pounds of
20# acid solution? each should be mixed to make 80 lb of hamburger
that is 1 8# fat?

Strategy Your strategy

• Milliliters of pure acid: r

60 ml of a ml of = (60+ x) ml
8% acid lOOÿi acid of 20"; acid

Pure Acid (100#)

eammm 1.00 X

8% 60 0.08 0.08(60)
20% 60 •
0.20 0.20(60 + x)
The sum of the quantities before mixing
equals the quantity after mixing.
0 08(6(1) - 0 90(60

Solution Your solution

.v + 0.08(60) = 0.20(60 + x)
x + 4.8 = 12 + 0.20a
0.8a + 4.8=12 • Subtract 0.20a from each side.
0-8* = 7.2 • Subtract 4.8 from each side.
X =9 • Divide each side by 0.8.
To make the 20# acid solution, 9 ml of pure
acid must be used.

Solution on p. S4

o bJective c To solve uniform motion problems

A car that travels constantly in a straight line at 55 mph is in uniform motion. Uniform
motion means that the speed and direction of an object do not change.

The solution of a uniform motion problem is based on the equation rl - </. where r
is the rate of travel (the speed of the object), t is the time spent traveling, and d is the
distance traveled.
Un'essctterw se rctedaiIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CZerqxp Iran13.

"I'l1 < rantnr. *11 K«t.. Kiunnl. Mi, ml K,cc(<nlrami. 11dtrlurol. a »t»ik i« u pin. I>n hi ilccn-w ruW. 01(tin) pm, cumcliraj K: igpiaci fcon Mt itl-ii inla> p'bpn « t
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x at crxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnf rcn*r>c« &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl it utj line if wVxqimi njlorotixlwrnro)iirc c

How many milliliters of pure acid must be added A butcher has some hamburger that is 22# fat
to 60ml of an 8% acid solution to make a and some that is 12# fat. How many pounds of
20# acid solution? each should be mixed to make 80 lb of hamburger
that is 1 8# fat?

Strategy Your strategy

• Milliliters of pure acid: r

60 ml of a ml of = (60+ x) ml
8% acid lOOÿi acid of 20"; acid

Pure Acid (100#)

eammm 1.00 X

8% 60 0.08 0.08(60)
20% 60 •
0.20 0.20(60 + x)
The sum of the quantities before mixing
equals the quantity after mixing.
0 08(6(1) - 0 90(60

Solution Your solution

.v + 0.08(60) = 0.20(60 + x)
x + 4.8 = 12 + 0.20a
0.8a + 4.8=12 • Subtract 0.20a from each side.
0-8* = 7.2 • Subtract 4.8 from each side.
X =9 • Divide each side by 0.8.
To make the 20# acid solution, 9 ml of pure
acid must be used.

Solution on p. S4

o bJective c To solve uniform motion problems

A car that travels constantly in a straight line at 55 mph is in uniform motion. Uniform
motion means that the speed and direction of an object do not change.

The solution of a uniform motion problem is based on the equation rl - </. where r
is the rate of travel (the speed of the object), t is the time spent traveling, and d is the
distance traveled.
Un'essctterw se rctedaiIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CZerqxp Iran13.

"I'l1 < rantnr. *11 K«t.. Kiunnl. Mi, ml K,cc(<nlrami. 11dtrlurol. a »t»ik i« u pin. I>n hi ilccn-w ruW. 01(tin) pm, cumcliraj K: igpiaci fcon Mt itl-ii inla> p'bpn « t
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x at crxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnf rcn*r>c« &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl it utj line if wVxqimi njlorotixlwrnro)iirc c

Applying the Basic Concepts ofUniformMotionProblems

EXAMPLE A A jogger runs at a rate of 8.5 mph for 2 h. Find the distance traveled by
the jogger.
SOLUTION The speed rof the jogger is 8.5 mph. The time / spent running is 2 h. The
distance d is unknown.
rt = d • Use the uniform motion equation.
8.5(2) = d • r = 8.5; 1=2
17 = d • Multiply.
The distance traveled by the jogger is 17 mi.

EXAMPLE B A small plane flew 150 mi in 1 h 20 min. Find the speed of the plane.
SOLUTION The distance d is 150 mi. The time Iis 1 h 20 min. Time must be changed
to a single unit. Because20 min is equal to 4 h. / is equal to I h + 4h = -*h. The
speed r is unknown.
rt = d • Use the uniform motion equation.
= 150 • t= 43'-d = 150

3J 4 4
4- 150-4 • Solve for r.
r = 112.5
The speed of the plane is 1 12.5 mph.

Two cyclists. Abbey and Fala. start at the same time from opposite ends of a course that
is 63 mi long and ride toward one another. Abbey is riding at a rate of 17 mph. Fala is
riding at a rate of 19 mph.
a. After 1.5 h. will the cyclists have passed each other?
b. After 2 h. will the cyclists have passed each other ?
a. Distance traveled by Distance traveled by
Abbey in 1.5 h: Fala in 1.5 h:
d = rt d = rt
d = 17(1.5) • r = /7; f = 1.5 d= 19(1.5) •r = /9;f = 1.5
d = 25.5 d = 28.5
Abbey has traveled 25.5 mi. Fala has traveled 28.5 mi.
The total distance covered by Abbey and Fala in 1.5 h Is 25.5 mi + 28.5 mi = 54 mi.
Because 54 mi is less than the length of the course (63 mi), the cyclists have not
passed each other.
b. Distance traveled by Distance traveled by
Abbey in 2 h: Fala in 2 h:
d = it d = rt
d = 17(2) • r = ll\t = 2 d = 19(2) •r = 19;/ = 2
d = 34 d = 38
Abbey has traveled 34 mi. Fala has traveled 38 mi.
The total distance covered by Abbey and Fala in 2 h is 34 mi + 38 mi = 72 mi.
Because 72 mi is greater than the length of the course (63 mi), the cyclists have
passed each other.
C.-1qriiht "I'l1'cr&jc Iiinml. *11 K«t.«,<J lb) ml K,unil adarlund. rt »hik i« I!Bin. Ilie inikmncrub. o> (tin) inn> odkiinay K: fern Mt inlo.pluurii.
pc*io» hs« JtciKC iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri ik*<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incr*ll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«*r» ;* &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt rcqiirc c

EXAMPLE D Two joggers start from the same point on a beach and begin running in

% A opposite directions. Sidney is running at 7 mph, and Peyton is running at 9 mph. Write
an expression for the distance between the joggers after / hours.
Distance traveled by Distance traveled by
Sidney in / hours: Peyton in / hours:
d- rt d = rt
d =lt • r =7 d = 9t • r=9
Sidney has traveled 7/ miles. Peyton has traveled 9/ miles.
The distance between the two joggers after / hours is the sum of the distances traveled
by each jogger: 7/ + 9/ = 16/. The joggers will be 16/ miles apart after / hours.
Try Concept Check Exercises 11-14 on page 90.

An executive has an appointment 785 mi from the office. The

executive takes a helicopter from the office to the airport and a plane from the
airport to the business appointment. The helicopter averages 70 mph and the plane
averages 500 mph. The total time spent traveling is 2 h. Find the distance from the
executive's office to the airport.

Strategy for Solving a Uniform Motion Problem

1. For each ob)eci. write a numerical or variable expression for the distance, rate, and
time.The results can be recorded in a table. It may be helpful to draw a diagram.

Unknown time in the helicopter: /

Time in the plane: 2 — /

Rate (r) Time (!) = Distance (d)

Helicopter 70 1
70 ,
Plane 500 1 2"' 500(2 - i)

2. Determine how the distances traveled by each object are related. For example.
the total distance traveled by both objects may be known, or it may be known that
the two objects traveled the same distance.

The total distance traveled is 785 mi.

I— 7Q |
Offxrc Airport

785 mi •
1 70/ + 500(2 - /)
70/ + 1 000 - 500/
= 785

Distance by helicopter plus
distance by plane equals 785.
-430/ + 1000 = 785
-430/ = -21 5
/ = 0.5
The time spent traveling from the office to the airport is 0.5 h. To find the distance
between these two points, substitute the values of ;• and / into the equation rt = d.
rt = d
70 0.5 = d

• r = 70; / = 0.5
35 = d
The distance from the office to the airport is 35 mi.
l»lessclterAise tclMall nremoifispejf is i£Drfÿa* Lsariri;.

(irinlh. :ii|1CRW IamBc IWSl« KimimJ. Mij ixi lx ccficJ.«unci. n aiidicrai. a »Kik a it pm. I>« Ui decimal »r : ihnJ fTjnj oaten nuy he +trttcwc£ few be ctVxL irJar «»
tiiiRkmici hv ilccisddu*. *ty «rtrc«cc curler* Jc<« r*K riumill) Aci be »r» craJI kimn; exxneru Ccanfc I camnf ic«nc« Jk njÿil I tÿluiiul cmxni n any line if «aV*c4t«r; n/k«rrunctwm retire *-

A long-distance runner started a course running Two small planes start from the same point and
at an average speed of 6 mph. Twenty minutes fly in opposite directions. The first plane is
later, a cyclist began traveling the same course flying 30 mph faster than the second plane, in 4 h.
at an average speed of 10 mph. How long, in the planes are 1 160 mi apart. Find the rate
minutes, after the runner started did the cyclist of each plane.
overtake the runner?

Strategy Your strategy

Because the rates are gi\en in miles per hour,

let / be the time, in hours, for the cyclist.
Time for the runner: / + 20 min =
J h

I ÿ I—
Runner 6 ,+ 31 <K)
Cyclist 10 101
The runner and the cyclist travel the same distance.
61 / +- ) = 10/

Your solution
= 10/
61 I
6/+2 = 10/ • Distributive Property
2 = 4/ • Subtract 6/ from each side.
1' = • Divide each side bv 4.
The cyclist traveled for - h.

To find the time for the cyclist to overtake the

runner, evaluate / + 3 when / = %
I I 13 2 5
Because the problem asks for the answer in
minutes. convert h to minutes: ÿ h = 50 min.
The cyclist overtook the runner 50 min after the
runner started.
Solution on p. S4
IHess oBhw»rota:, al caila-f <r His page a Z Cagags Uam'rg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. lotnol Mi) w Ix mxiir anIKrcJ. a »Kik it part. I>« uidaVont mm iknl wo oatctitray Ix mafOKi at ilv-i ir.1 iO»m«

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. iu mcnll kinur/ cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc
«rtrc«cc couchtk<« r»»: numill) xffcvs ccnxnt 11 iny line it «jV«cÿtxn: n/k*rrunctwm rcÿurc l


Concept Check
1. A 10-pound bag of coffee costs S83.60. What is the cost per pound of the coffee?

2. A gardener made a soil supplement by mixing 4 ft* of peat moss that costs $2.34 per
cubic foot with 2 ft3 of mushroom compost that costs S3.66 per cubic foot.
a. How many cubic feet of soil supplement did the gardener make?
b. What is the value of the soil supplement?
c. What is the cost per cubic foot of the soil supplement?

3. ÿ3 A coffee merchant mixes a dark roast coffee that costs S 10 per pound with a light
roast coffee that costs $7 per pound. Assuming the merchant wants to make a profit.
which of the following are noIpossible answers for the cost per pound of the mixture?
There may be more than one correct answer.
(i) $9.40 (ii) $7.60 (iii) $11.00 (iv) S6.50 (v) $8.50

4. *3 A snack mix is made from peanuts that cost $3 per pound and caramel popcorn
that costs S2.20 per pound. If the mixture costs $2.50 per pound, does the mixture
contain more peanuts or more popcorn?

5. A 100-gram mixture is 15% sugar. How many grams of sugar are in the mixture?

6. A 100-pound bag of wheat and oat grain is 40% wheat. How many pounds of oat
grain are in the bag?

7. A 200-liter solution of fruit juice and water contains 10% fruit juice. How many liters
of water are in the solution?

8. A 75-gram saltwater solution is 20% salt.

a. How many grams of salt are in the solution?
b. How many grams of water are in the solution?
c. Twenty grams of pure water are added to the solution. How many grams of salt
are now in the solution? How many grams of water are now in the solution?

9.g A 30% salt solution is mixed with a 50% salt solution. Which of the following are
not possible answers for the percent concentration of the resulting solution? There
may be more than one correct answer.
(i) 38.7% (ii) 30% (iii) 25.8% (iv) 80% (v) 50%

10. ÿ A 20% acid solution is mixed with a 60% acid solution. If the resulting solution is
a 42% acid solution, which of the following statements is true?
(i) More 20% acid solution was used than 60% acid solution.
(ii) More 60% acid solution was used than 20% acid solution.
(iii) The same amount of each acid solution was used.
(iv) There is not enaigh information to determine the relationship between the
amounts of each solution used.

(linnlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.(T\<J Uo ml K,unil n darluaoL n»!»ik I « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> tlinl tun> HDHIIno, K: airficucÿ fco* Mc cli—i itilor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

11. Keith rode his bicycle 24 mi in 1 h 30 min. What was Keith's average speed in miles
per hour?

12. Two cyclists start at the same time from opposite ends of a course that is 75 mi long
and ride toward one another. One cyclist is riding at a rate of 20 mph. The second
cyclist is riding at a rate of 16 mph.
a. Write an expression for the distance traveled by each cyclist in / hours.
b. Write an expression for the sum of the distances traveled by the two cyclists in
/ hours.

13. ">J! Lois and Michael begin walking at the same time and head toward each other on
a straight road that is 2 mi long. Lois walks at a greater rate than Michael.
a. When they meet, is the distance walked by Lois less than, equal to. or greater
than the distance walked by Michael?
b. When they meet, is the time walked by Lois less than, equal to. or greater than the
time walked by Michael?
c. When they meet, what is the total distance traveled by Lois and Michael?

14. ÿ Morgan and Emma ride their bikes from Emma's house to the store using the
same route. Emma bikes faster than Morgan. Morgan begins biking 5 min before
Emma begins.
a. If they reach the store at the same time, is the distance biked by Emma less than.
equal to. or greater than the distance biked by Morgan?
b. If they reach the store at the same time, is the time spent biking by Emma less
than, equal to. or greater than the time spent biking by Morgan?

objective A To solvevalue mixtureproblems

15. Forty pounds of cashews that cost S9.20 per pound were mixed with 100 lb of pea¬
nuts that cost S3. 32 per pound. Find the cost of the resulting mixture.

16. A coffee merchant combines coffee that costs S6 per pound with coffee that costs
S3.50 per pound. How many pounds of each should be used to make 25 lb of a blend
costing S5.25 per pound?

17. Adult tickets for a play cost SI 0.00. and children's tickets cost $4.00. For one perfor¬
mance. 460 tickets were sold. Receipts for the performance totaled S3760. Find the
number of adult tickets sold.

18. Tickets for a school play sold for S7.50 for each adult and $3.00 for each child. The
total receipts for 113 tickets totaled $663. Find the number of adult tickets sold.

19. A restaurant manager mixes 5 L of pure maple syrup that costs $9.50 per liter with
imitation maple syrup that costs $4.00 per liter. How much imitation maple syrup is
needed to make a mixture that costs $5.00 per liter?

20. Succotash is made by combining corn with lima beans and costs $1.00 per pound. If
lima beans cost SI .10 per pound and corn costs S.60 per pound, how many pounds of
each should be used to make 5 lb of succotash?
LHe>5 otto»\*ise raffi. alccnlBlerthis page a £ Csrgage Laemrg

Ilnnih'.'Oil Ccr&jc Iturn). *11 K«l.<\<J Vbj tut K,unil«miin darlulcd. n »hik r< is nm. I>k mclwtorMrtftu o> llinl m*. cuiKtlrraj K: &> itixi inlor rtS«u> ,i.
rdiira!rtsit* JccnciJut itj oiUcrt ik<i r«n nucnilb xf&o. »»» craJI Ic imn/ npcncnx. CaMc I timrx reserve « ic njÿil U>
pctkac ccoxnl at anj line »l aJVwajucni njlorotixlwmrojurc t

21. A goldsmith combined pure gold that cost S 1475 per ounce with an alloy of gold that
cost S625 per ounce. How many ounces of each were used to make 50 oz of gold alloy
costing S880 per ounce?

22. A silversmith combined pure silver that cost S3 1 .48 per ounce with 50 oz of a silver
alloy that cost S22.35 per ounce. How many ounces of pure silver were used to make
an alloy of silver costing S25.98 per ounce?

23. A tea mixture was made from 40 lb of tea that cost S5.40 per pound and 60 lb of tea
that cost S3.25 per pound. Find the cost of the tea mixture.

24. Find the cost per ounce of a sunscreen made from 100 oz of lotion that cost $3.46 per
ounce and 60 oz of lotion that cost $12.50 per ounce.

25. The owner of a fruit stand combined cranberry juice that cost $28.50 per gallon with
20 gal of apple juice that cost SI 1.25 per gallon. How much cranberry juice was used
to make the cranapple juice if the mixture cost $17.00 per gallon?

26. Pecans that cost S28.50 per ki logram were mixed with almonds that cost $22.25 per
kilogram. How many kilograms of each were used to make a 25-kilogram mixture
costing $24.25 per kilogram?

objective b To solve percent mixture problems

27. How many pounds of a 15% aluminum alloy must be mixed with 500 lb of a 22%
aluminum alloy to make a 20% aluminum alloy?

28. A hospital staff mixed a 75% disinfectant solution with a 25% disinfectant solution.
How many liters of each were used to make 20 L of a 40% disinfectant solution?

29. Rubbing alcohol is typically diluted with water to 70% strength. If you need 3.5 oz of
45% rubbing alcohol, how many ounces of 70% rubbing alcohol and how much water
should you combine?

30. A silversmith mixed 25 g of a 70% silver alloy with 50 g of a 15% silver alloy. What
is the percent concentration of the resulting alloy?

31. How many ounces of pure water must be added to 75 oz of an 8% salt solution to
make a 5% salt solution?

32. How many quarts of water must be added to 5 qt of an 80% antifreeze solution to
make a 50% antifreeze solution?

(linnlh*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.iT\<J Uo ml K,unil n dnluaoL n»hik i« n wn. I>J» M clccn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> HDHIIno, K: airficocÿ Mc itilor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

33. How many milliliters of alcohol must be added to 200 ml of a 25# iodine solution to
make a 10# iodine solution?

34. A butcher has some hamburger that is 21# fat and some that is 15# fat. How many-
pounds of each should be mixed to make 84 lb of hamburger that is 1 7# fat?

35. Many fruit drinks contain only 5# real fruit juice. If you let 2 oz of water evaporate
from 12 oz of a drink that is 5# fruit juice, what is the percent concentration of the
remaining fruit drink?

36. How much water must be evaporated from 6 qt of a 50# antifreeze solution to pro¬
duce a 75# antifreeze solution?

37. A car radiator contains 12 qt of a 40# antifreeze solution. How many quarts will
have to be replaced with pure antifreeze if the resulting solution is to be 60# anti¬

objective c To solve uniform motionproblems

38. Angela leaves Jocelyn's house on her bicycle traveling at 12 mph. Ten minutes later.
Jocelyn leaves her house on her bicycle traveling at 15 mph to catch up with Angela.
How long, in minutes, does it take for Jocelyn to reach Angela?

12 mph

39. A speeding car traveling at 80 mph passes a police officer. Ten seconds later, the
police officer gives chase at a speed of 100 mph. How long, in minutes, does it take
for the police officer to catch up with the car?

40. Two planes are 1620 mi apait and are traveling toward each other. One plane is trav¬
eling 120 mph faster than the other plane. The planes pass each other in 1 .5 h. Find
the speed of each plane.

41. Two cars are 310 mi apart and are traveling toward each other. One car travels
8 mph faster than the other car. The cars meet in 2.5 h. Find the speed of each car.

42. A ferry leaves a harbor and travels to a resort island at an average speed of 20 mph.
On the return trip, because of fog. the ferry travels at an average speed of 12 mph.
The total time for the trip is 5 h. How tar is the island from the harbor?

43. A commuter plane provides transportation from an international airport to the

surrounding cities. One commuter plane averaged 250 mph flying to a city and
1 50 mph returning to the international airport. The total flying time was 4 h. Find the
distance between the two airports.
LHe>5 otto»Wse alccnlBlerthis p=ge a S Crrgsge laam'rg.

Cmndi. "Oil Ccr&jc Iturn). *11 K«l.<,<J Mq tut K,unil«miin Animal. n »hik c is nm. I>k mcktstorMrtftu o> llinl run, omeniraj K: &c 11ÿ,4 mlor akim <i.
rdiira!rtsit* JccnciJut itjoj.trcocÿ oiUcrt Jc<« r«n nucnilb xf&o. »»» craJI Itarm/ npenenx. CaMc I timrx reserve « Jc njÿil U> pctkac ccoxnl at anj line »l aJVwajucni njlorotixlwmrojurc t

44. Hana walked from her home to a bicycle repair shop at a rate of 3.5 mph and then Hike ShorJÿÿr
rode her bicycle back home at a rate of 14 mph. If the total time spent traveling was

I h. how far from Hana's home is the repair shop?

3.5 mph
45. A passenger train leaves a depot 1 .5 h after a freight train leaves the same depot. The
passenger train is traveling 18 mph faster than the freight train. Find the rate of each
train if the passenger train overtakes the freight train in 2.5 h.

46. A plane leaves an airport at 3 p.m. At 4 p.m. another plane leaves the same airport 14 mph
traveling in the same direction at a speed that is 150 mph faster than that of the first
plane. Four hours after the first plane takes off, the second plane is 250 mi ahead of
the first plane. How far does the second plane travel by 7 p.m.?

47. A jogger and a cyclist set out at 9 a.m. from the same point headed in the same direc¬
tion. The average speed of the cyclist is four times the average speed of the jogger. In
2 h. the cyclist is 33 mi ahead of the jogger. How far did the cyclist ride?

Critical Thinking
48. Uniform Motion
a. If a parade 2 mi long is proceeding at 3 mph, how long will it take a runner
jogging at 6 mph to travel from the front of the parade to the end of the parade?

b. If a parade 2 mi long is proceeding at 3 mph. how long will it take a runner

jogging at 6 mph to travel from the end of the parade to the start of the parade?

49. Uniform Motion Two cars are headed directly toward each other at rates of
40 mph and 60 mph. How many miles apart are they 2 min before impact?

50. Mixtures
a. A radiator contains 6 qt of a 25% antifreeze solution. How much should be
removed and replaced with pure antifreeze to yield a 33% solution?

b. A radiator contains 6 qt of a 25% antifreeze solution. How much should be

removed and replaced with pure antifreeze to yield a 60% solution?

51. Mixtures The concentration of gold in an alloy is measured in karats, which

indicate how many parts out of 24 are pure gold. For example, 1 karat is pure 4\
gold. What amount of 12-karat gold should be mixed with 3 oz of 24-karat gold to
create 14-karat gold, the most commonly used gold alloy?
Un'essctterw se readaiIeaten!an Pis is CCe-gae laari15.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunnl. VU. >i h,cc(<nlrami, aibrlunJ. a »!»ik i« u wn. I>j» m(tornruW. o> llinl |un> odkuiraj K: Mc itl-wi inlor c*~fapxn < t

pc*io» hs«tkcnc4ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« un nucnilb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccoxnl it utj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ra|iirc t

Projects or Group Activities

52. Uniform Motion A student jogs I mi at a rate of 8 mph and then jogs back along
the same route at a rate of 6 mph. What is the average speed of the student for the
whole trip? Hint: Average speed equals total distance divided by total time.

53. Uniform Motion Bianca walks from her house to her friend Nadia's apartment
and returns home by the same route. She walks at constant speeds of 4 mph on level
ground, 3 mph when walking uphill, and 6 mph when walking downhill. The round
trip takes Bianca 1 h. How far from Bianca's house is Nadia's apartment?

54. Mixtures How many liters of water should be evaporated from 160 L of a 12# salt
water solution so that the remaining solution is 20# salt?


* 1. Solve: 3 - 2x = 9 2. Solve: 4x +7 = 9.v - 3

3. Solve: 6 - 2(3.v + 4) = 5(2* - 1) 4. Solve: 3(2r - 5) - 5(4.v + 2) = 25

5.Solve:±i_li_i±i=il±J._LLi 6. Solve for L:P = 2L + 2W

7. Mixtures How many pounds of coffee that costs S7 per pound should be mixed
with 10 lb of coffee that costs $5 per pound to make a blend that costs S5.75 per

8. Mixtures A chemist mixes an 1 1# acetic acid solution with a 6# acetic acid solu¬
tion. How many milliliters of each should the chemist use to make 600 ml of a solu¬
tion that is 8# acetic acid?

9. Uniform Motion A jogger runs a course at a constant speed of 8 mph. Thirty

minutes after the jogger begins, a cyclist begins traveling the same course at a con¬
stant speed of 1 8 mph. How long, in minutes, after the jogger starts does the cyclist
overtake the jogger?

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Uq ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) .vdkiirta, K: mafOKi km Be etv-4 iijor e<"kiiun«-
('•iiiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaJcmll? tdSxt Ctc at cnll kimn; exxneru. Cca 0&c I cimnf rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'yc tÿlutml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire A

Projects or Group Activities

52. Uniform Motion A student jogs I mi at a rate of 8 mph and then jogs back along
the same route at a rate of 6 mph. What is the average speed of the student for the
whole trip? Hint: Average speed equals total distance divided by total time.

53. Uniform Motion Bianca walks from her house to her friend Nadia's apartment
and returns home by the same route. She walks at constant speeds of 4 mph on level
ground, 3 mph when walking uphill, and 6 mph when walking downhill. The round
trip takes Bianca 1 h. How far from Bianca's house is Nadia's apartment?

54. Mixtures How many liters of water should be evaporated from 160 L of a 12# salt
water solution so that the remaining solution is 20# salt?


* 1. Solve: 3 - 2x = 9 2. Solve: 4x +7 = 9.v - 3

3. Solve: 6 - 2(3.v + 4) = 5(2* - 1) 4. Solve: 3(2r - 5) - 5(4.v + 2) = 25

5.Solve:±i_li_i±i=il±J._LLi 6. Solve for L:P = 2L + 2W

7. Mixtures How many pounds of coffee that costs S7 per pound should be mixed
with 10 lb of coffee that costs $5 per pound to make a blend that costs S5.75 per

8. Mixtures A chemist mixes an 1 1# acetic acid solution with a 6# acetic acid solu¬
tion. How many milliliters of each should the chemist use to make 600 ml of a solu¬
tion that is 8# acetic acid?

9. Uniform Motion A jogger runs a course at a constant speed of 8 mph. Thirty

minutes after the jogger begins, a cyclist begins traveling the same course at a con¬
stant speed of 1 8 mph. How long, in minutes, after the jogger starts does the cyclist
overtake the jogger?

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Uq ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) .vdkiirta, K: mafOKi km Be etv-4 iijor e<"kiiun«-
('•iiiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaJcmll? tdSxt Ctc at cnll kimn; exxneru. Cca 0&c I cimnf rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'yc tÿlutml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire A

2.3 First-Degree Inequalities

OBJECTIVE A To solve an inequality inone variable

The solution set of an inequality is a set of numbers each element of which, when sub¬
stituted for the variable, results in a true inequality.

The inequality at the right is true if the variable is replaced x - I< 4

3 - I< 4
by (for instance) 3, - 1 .9S, or
.98 - I < 4
t - I<4

® Integrating There are many values of the variable x that will make the inequality .v — I < 4 true.
Jgi Technology The solution set of the inequality is any number less than 5. The solution set can be writ¬
See the Keystroke Guide: ten in set-builder notation as {.r x < 5}.
Test for instructions on
using a graphing calculator
to graph the solution set of The graph of the solution set of 4-4-4- I I I I I
an inequality. .v — I < 4 is shown at the right. 5 4 3 2 1 0 I 2 3

When solving an inequality, we use the Addition and Multiplication Properties of

Inequalities to rewrite the inequality in the form variable < constant or in the form
variable > constant.

Addition Property of Inequalities

The same term can be added to each side of an inequality without changing the solu¬
tion set of the inequality. Symbolically, this is written

If a < b. then a + c < b 4 c.

if a > b , then a tc>0 4c.

This property is also true for an inequality that contains or

The Addition Property of Inequalities is used to remove a term from one side of an in¬
equality by adding the additive inverse of that term to each side of the inequality. Because
subtraction is defined in terms of addition, the same number can be subtracted from each
side of an inequality without changing the solution set of the inequality.

Take Note Solve and graph the solution set: .v + 2 £ 4

The solution set of an
Inequality can be written x 4- 2 > 4
in set-builder notation or
in interval notation.
.r-42 — 2>4
.v > 2
—2 • Subtract 2 from each side of the inequality.
• Simplify.
The solution set is \x\x ÿ 2} or. in interval notation. [2, »).
H h

5 4 3 2 10 12 3

lilesscths'Mse tclMall coxemanfis pejf Is CCe-gaÿ Isarirg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. latnal Mi) w Ix mxiir anlKrcJ. It »hilc tr it part. I>« uidccVont mm iknl wo oatctirtn, Ix wtrcuia frcn lit tlv-i ir.1jr lOtom"
filingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrc«cc couchtk<« r»»: naimill} iffcci ix mcnll kinut; cxjtncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii to sewve tÿlucml ccosni ii my line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcqurc l

Solve: 3.v - 4 < 2r - 1

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
3.r — 4 < 2x — 1
3x — x — 4 < -I— 1— 2v
4 -2t < 2x • Subtract Ir from each side of the inequality.
X— 4+4<—
x< 3
1+4 • Add 4 to each side of the inequality.
! The solution set is {.v|.v < 3}.

Care must be taken when multiplying each side of an inequality by a nonzero constant.
The rule for multiplying each side by a positive number is di fferent from the rule for mul¬
tiplying each side by a negative number.

Multiplication Property of Inequalities

Take Note
c > 0 means c is a positive Rule 1 Each side of an inequality can be multiplied by the same positive constant
number. Note that the without changing the solution set of the inequality. Symbolically, this is written
inequality symbol does not
If a < b and c > 0. then ac < be.
c < 0 means c is a negative
If a> b and c > 0, then ac > be.
number. Note that the Rule 2 If each side of an inequality is multiplied by the same negative constant and
inequality symbol is reversed. the inequality symbol is reversed, then the solution set of the inequality is not
changed. Symbolically, this is written

If a< b and c < 0. then ac > be.

If a> b and c < 0, then ac < be.

This property Is also true for an inequality that contains ÿ or

Here are examples of this property.

Rule 1: Multiply by a positive number. Rule 2: Multiply by a negative number.

2 <5 3 >2 2 <5 3 >2
2(4) < 5(4) 3(4) > 2(4) 2 (—4) > 5 (—4) 3 (—4) < 2( 4) —
8 <20 12 >8 —
8 > —20 -12 <-8

The Multiplication Property of Inequalities is used to remove a coefficient from one

side of an inequality by multiplying each side of the inequality by the reciprocal of the

Take Note Solve: -3a > 9

Each side of the inequality Write the solution set in interval notation.
is divided by a negative
number, the inequality — 3.v > 9
symbol must be reversed.
3.v 9
ÿ Divide each side of the inequality by the coefficient —3. Because —3
is a negative number, the inequality symbol must be reversed.
x < -3
The solution set is (— », —3).

Uqiith :ol> Iiininl- All Htftu >Ocnol »lj i>» h,moiI ir rtaltcnd. n -Hik it it pin. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird pm/ cunctr tray K: airficucÿ ittxi inlUr n'rrtmri.
hÿura! haJccnciihntt)' «jnrca(j cocicn rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Solve: 3.v + 2 < -4

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
3a + 2 < —4
3a* < -6 • Subtract 2 from each side of the inequality.
3.v -6
— <
3 3
— • Divide each side of the inequality by the coefficient 3.
X < —2 • Because 3 is a positive number, the inequality symbol remains the same.
The solution set is {a]a < -2}.

Solve: 2.r - 9 > 4a + 5

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
2a — 9 > 4.r + 5
-2a - 9 > 5 Subtract Ax from each side of the inequality.
—2a > 14 Add 9 to each side of the inequality.
—2a 14
< Divide each side of the inequality by the coefficient —2.
-2 -2 Becaase —2 is a negative number, reverse the inequality symbol.
a < -7
The solution set is {a a < —7}.

HOW TO | Solve: 5 (a - 2) > 9a - 3(2r - 4)

Write the solution set in interval notation.
5(a - 2) > 9a - 3(2v - 4)
5a - 10 > 9a - 6a + 12 • Use the Distributive Property to remove parentheses.
5a - 10 > 3a + 12
2* — 10 > 12 • Subtract 3a from each side of the inequality.
2v > 22 • Add 10 to each side of the inequality.
2v ÿ22
• Divide each side of the inequality by the coefficient 2.
The solution set is [II, oo).

Solve and graph the solution set: 7

— ~x
Solve and graph the solution set: 2a I < 6a + 7 —
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
Solution Your solution
13 II
- — -A >—
6 4 12 1 l I 1 •

ÿo-e-Hg • Clear fractions by

multiplying each side
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3

2 - 9.r > 1 1 of the inequality by 12.

-9a > 9 • Subtract 2 from each side.
-9a <_9_
-9 -9
• Divide each side bv ~~9.
a< - I
The solution set is {a a < — I}.
I 1 i +ÿ l l
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5
Solution on p. S5
Ufessothawssreact allnrled.onPlspeÿ is CCause Iffinir?.

C«fiyrighl -01J Ca&it Iiininf til Htftu >Ocnol VU; r>:i h,cconlrami. cr Animal, nmIuW it is p«n. I>n to clccn-w rah. on tltrJ tun> cam
no, K: onrcuti fen* He itv-*i inlor n'Miuio.
hÿura!rc*io» haJccnciihntt) «jnrco(ÿ cocicrt ikci rannaicnilb **c »»» cr»l IIcimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj li*»c if uVtcqiKni n|h>rotiKtwrnreqiirt t-

Solve: 3.v — 5 < 3 — 2(3* + 1) -
Solve: 6 3(2* + 1) < 8 Ax -
Write the solution set in interval notation. Write the solution set in interval notation.

Solution Your solution

3* - 5 < 3 - 2(3* + I)
3* - 5 < 3 - 6* - 2

3* 5 s I 6*

9* < 6
9* 6
9 9

Solution on p. S5

objective b To solve a compound inequality

A compound inequality is formed by joining two 2* < 4 and 3* — 2 > — 8

inequalities with a connective word such as and or or.
2* + 3 > 5 or
The inequalities at the right are compound inequalities.
The solution set of a compound inequality with the connective word and is the set of all
elements that are common to the solution sets of both inequalities. Therefore, it is the
intersection of the solution sets of the two inequalities.

Solve: 2* < 6 and 3* + 2 > -4

2* < 6 and 3* + 2 > -4
*<3 3* > — 6 • Solve each inequality.
{*|* <3} > -2
* -2}
{x\x >
The solution set of a compound inequal ity with the word and is the intersection of the
solution sets of the two inequalities.
{*|* < 3} f~l {*|* > -2} = (*| -2 < < 3} or, in interval notation, (-2, 3).
ESZZEEfe Solve: -3 < 2* + 1 < 5
This inequality is equivalent to the compound inequality — 3 < 2v + I and
2* + I < 5.
-3 < 2* + 1 and 2* + I < 5
-4 < 2* 2* <4 • Solve each inequality.
-2 < <2
{*|* > -2} * {*|* <* 2}
The solution set of a compound inequal ity with the word and is the intersection of the
solution sets of the two inequalities.
{*|* > -2} n {*|* < 2} = (*| -2 < < 2} or, in interval notation, (-2, 2).
Ctftyrighl -01J Ccr&j: Iiininf til Htftu Kntnol VU; h,cc(<nlranci. ex n»HiW a is p«n. I>it to clmontrah. on tlirJ tun> emeutroj K: airficucÿ at t tl-ti inlo> n'utttio.

pc*io» (wJccnciduitt) «jnrco(ÿ cocicrt ikci rannaicnilb **c »»» cr»l 1 Icirnn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj li*»c if 4iV«cqiOTi rotiKtwnireq»rt t-

There is an alternative method of solv ing the inequality in HOW TO 8.

Solve: —3 < 2v + 1 <5

— 3 < 2r + 1 < 5
— 3— I < 2r + 1 — 1 < 5 — I • Subtract 1 from each of the three
— 4 < 2t < 4 parts of the inequality.
—4 2v 4
< ——2 <—2 * Divide each of the three parts of
the inequality by the coefficient 2.
-2 < .v < 2
The solution set is {a| — 2 < a < 2} or. in interval notation. (—2. 2).

The solution set of a compound inequality with the connective word oris the union of the
solution sets of the two inequalities.

Solve: 2a + 3 > 7 or4.v - I < 3

2v + 3 >7 or 4a — 1 < 3
2v > 4 4a < 4 • Solve each inequality.
A" > 2 x< I
{a|a > 2} {a|a < 1}
The solution set of a compound inequality with the word oris the union of the solution
sets of the two inequalities.

{a|a > 2} U {a|a < I or. in interval notation. (-<», 1) U (2. «>).

emm E7TO7T
Solve: I < 3a - 5 < 4 Solve: -2 s 5a + 3 < 13
Write the solution set in interval notation. Write the solution set in interval notation.

Solution Your solution

I < 3a - 5 < 4
I + 5 < 3a — 5 + 5
6 < 3a < 9
3a -
_ <4 +5 Add 5 to each of
the three parts.
Divide each of
the three parts
2 <a < 3 bv 3.
(2. 3)

Solve: II - 2r > -3 and 7 3a < 4 - Solve: 2 - 3a > 1 1 or 5 + 2v > 7

Write the solution set in set-builder notation. Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

Solution Your solution

II - 2v > -3 and 7 - 3a < 4
—2a > -14 -3a < -3
A <7 A > 1

Mr <7} Wa> 1}
{a A < 7} n {a I A s 1} = {A I 1 < A < 7}
Solutions on p. S5

Ctfiyrighl -01J Ca&it Iiininf til Htftu >Ocnol VU; r>.i h,cc(<nlranci. cr n•* hiW it is p«n. I>it ui(tamrah. o> llird |tn> cancel no, K: 6«ti at t (l-ti Hilar n'Miuio.
hÿara!rc*io» (wJccnciihntt) irr«cc»£<2 o>rt;ri ik<« unnunulb iftn **c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njÿil ukcykac ccoxnl it inj ti*»c if 4iV«cqimi njlorotiKtwnireqirt t-

OBJECTIVE C To solve applicationproblems

A U.S. cellular phone company offers a golfer The base of a triangle is 12 in., and the height is
traveling to Ireland two plans. The first plan costs (x + 2) in. Express as an integer the maximum
$5.99 per month with roaming rates of $.99 per height of the triangle when the area is less than
minute.The second package has no monthly fee 50 in2.
and roaming rates of SI.39 per minute. What
minimum number of minutes must the golfer use
in one month to make the first plan more eco¬
nomical than the second?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the number of minutes, write and solve
an inequality using x to represent the number of
minutes of roaming time used by the golfer. Then
the cost of the first plan is 5.99 + 0.99.Y, and the
cost of the second plan is 1.39.v.

Solution Your solution

Cost of plan I < Cost of plan 2
5.99 + 0.99.Y < 1 .39a
5.99 < 0.4Qv
14.975 < x
The golfer must use at least 15 min of roaming

Angeline is training for a triathlon. She wants to An average score of 80 to 89 in a history course
increase her training distance by 1 km each day receives a B. Luisa Monte/, has grades of 72. 94.
and run a total of at least 50 km over the next five 83, and 70 on four exams. Find the range of scores
days. What is the minimum number of kilometers on the fifth exam that will give Luisa a B for the
she must run on the first day to achieve her goal? course.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the minimum number of kilometers to be
run on the first day, write and solve an inequality
using .r to represent the number of k ilometers run
on the first day. Then the numbers of kilometers
run in the next 4 days are x + I,.v + 2. x + 3,
and .v + 4.

Solution Your solution

Angeline must run at least 50 km over the
five days.
x + (x + I) + (x + 2) + (x + 3) + (.v + 4) > 50
5.v + 10 2: 50
5.r > 40
Angeline must run at least 8 km on the first day.
Solutions on p. S5

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. lb,i>» h,unil«msi. <r AkIiOcI n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlc:n-»t rtftu. o> llird run, on«nno, K: airficocA ton tlixk inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. kJ State the Addition Property of Inequalities, and 2. hi State the Multiplication Property of Inequalities.
give numerical examples of its use. and give numerical examples of its use.
3. Which numbers are solutions of the inequality 4. Which numbers are solutions of the inequality
x + 7 < -3? 2v — I > 5?
(i) -17 (u) 8 (iii) -10 (iv) 0 (i) 6 (ii) -4 (iii) 3 (iv) 5

5. Fill in the blank with <, >. or >.

If - v > 0. then x _ 0.
6. Q a. Which set operation is used when a compound inequality is combined with or?
b. Which set operation is used when a compound inequality is combined with and?

OBJECTIVE A To solve an inequality inone variable

For Exercises 7 to 33. solve. Write the solution set in set-builder notation. For Exercises
7 to 12. graph the solution set.

7. .r - 3 < 2
i i i
5 4 3 2 0 12 3
i i i i
8. x
+4 s 2
—- I
5 4 3 2
10 12 3 4 5
— h

9. 4x ÿ 8 10. 6.V> 12
— h
5 4 3 2
10 12 3 4 5
• • I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I
ÿ5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

11. —2x >8 12. -3.v < -9

i 4—H I I I I I i I I
5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 10 12 3 4 5

13. 3t - 1 > 2x + 2 14. 5.v + 2 > 4,r - I 15. 2r - 1 >7

16. 3a + 2 < 8 17. 5.v - 2 < 18. 4.v +3 <—I

19. 6v + 3 > 4.v - 1 20. 7.v + 4 < 2r — 6 21. 8.v + I > 2r + 13

22. 5x - 4 < 2x + 5 23. 4 — 3.v < 10 24. 2 — 5.t > 7

lllesscths'Mse tclMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;.

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 KnnaL Mq m Iv .vncc. tr airlKml. It »hik cr it wrt. I>.i UiclaVonc raH. mm iknl pr- oatctirtn, Iv <» irJor c«4«un>t-
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch tk<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii lo ccosni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/h*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

25. 7 - 2v > I 26. 3 — 5*< 18 27. -3 — 4v > — 11

28. -2 - x < 7 29. 4.x - 2 < x - 1 1 30. 6* + 5

* - 10

* + 7 > 4* - 32. 3* + I < 7.v — 15 33. 3.v + 2 < 7* + 4

ÿ For Exercises 34 to 37. state whether the solution set of an inequality of the given
form contains only negative numbers, only positive numbers, or both positive and negative
34. x + n > a where both n and a are positive, and n < a
35. ilx > a. where both n and a are negative
36. ilx > a. where ii is negative and a is positive
37. x — n > —a, where both n and a are positive, and n < a

For Exercises 38 to 53. solve. Write the solution set in interval notation.
38. 3* - 5 > — 2v + 5 39. Ix + 3 < 4.v + I 40. 5.v - 7 <
- 9

2 3 7 ., 7 3 2 5

42-T2X"2<3'+6 43.1,-ÿ1,-2
2 4 4

44. 6 - 2 (a* - 4) < 2r + 10 45. 4(2v - I) > 3* - 2(3a* - 5)

46. 2(1 - 3a) - 4 > 10 + 3(1 - .v) 47. 2 - 5(v + 1) > 3(at - 1) - 8

48. 2 - 2(7 - 2v) < 3(3 - A") 49. 3 + 2(.v + 5) >a: + 5(x + 1) + 1

50. 10 — 13(2 — .v) < 5(3* - 2) 51. 3 - 4(v + 2) <6 + 4(2v + 1)

52. 3.r - 2(3* - 5) <2 - 5(* - 4) 53. 12 - 2(3* - 2) > 5* - 2(5 - *)

Krjrirfi. 701iCrw Iam'aC *11 Krfil. KimimJ. Mi) m Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« Ui ila-ivmn(hv mm tknl |tnj.\amirm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii lo scwvc tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*
«rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvs rorsirc

o bJective b To solve a compound inequality

For Exercises 54 to 67. solve. Write the solution set in interval notation.
54. 3a < 6 and a + 2 >I 55. x - 3 < 1 and 2a > -4

56. x + 2 > 5 or 3.v < 3 57. 2v < 6 or a - 4 > I

58. — 2v > -8 and -3a < 6 59. a > -2 and 5a < 10

60. |a < -1 orlr > 0 61.
a > 4 or 2r < -8

62. a + 4 -- 5 and 2a s6 63. 3a < -9 and a - 2 < 2

64. -5a > 10 and a + I >6 65. 2v - 3 > I and 3a - I < 2

66. 7a < 14 and I -a <4 67. 4a 4- I < 5 and 4a + 7 > - 1

iS For Exercises 68 to 71. state whether the inequality describes the empty set. all real
numbers, two intervals of real numbers, or one interval of real numbers.
68. a > -3 and a > 2 69. a > -3 or a < 2

70. a < -3 and a > 2 71. a < -3 or a > 2

For Exercises 72 to 91. solve. Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
72. 3a + 7 < 10 or 2a - I > 5 73. 6a - 2 < - 14 or 5a + I > 1 1

74. -5 < 3a + 4 < 16 75. 5 < 4a - 3 < 21

76. 0 < 2a - 6 <4 77. -2 < 3a + 7 < 1

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» h,unil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik « n «n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> imnno, K: uinuiÿ &«* ji itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn «»-
hÿura! (ttaJccnciduitt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6liÿ«tiw< try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

78. 4a- I > II or 4a- I < —II 79. 3a - 5 > 1 0 or 3a - 5 < -10

80. 9a — 2 < 7 and 3a - 5 > 10 81. 8* + 2 < -14 and 4a - 2 > 10

82. 3.r - II < 4 or 4.r +9>I 83. 5.T+ 12 > 2 or 7a — I < 13

84. -6 < 5x + 14 < 24 85. 3 < 7a ~ 14 < 31

86. 3 - 2v > 7 and 5.v + 2 > - 18 87. 1 - 3.v < 16 and I - 3a > -16

88. 5 - 4a* > 21 or 7a - 2 > 19 89. 6v + 5 < - 1 or I - 2x < 7

90. 3 — 7a < 31 and 5 - 4a >I 91. 9 —a > 7 and 9 - 2v < 3

objective c To solve applicationproblems

iS Exercises 92 lo 95 make statements about temperatures / on a particular day. Match

each statement with one of the following inequalities. Some inequalities may be used
more than once.
/> 21 / <21 / >21 /< 21 21 </<42
I< 42 I>42 /< 42 />42 21 < / < 42

92. The low temperature was 21°F. 93. The temperature did not go above 42°F.

94. The temperature ranged from 2ICF to 42°F. 95. The high temperature was 42CF.

96. Geometry The length of a rectangle is 2 ft more than four times the width.
Express as an integer the maximum width of the rectangle when the perimeter is less
than 34 ft.

97. Geometry The length of a rectangle is 5 cm less than twice the width. Express
as an integer the maximum width of the rectangle when the perimeter is less than
60 cm.
LHs>5 ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccniK rah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: &«* ji inlor n'kpxi.i.
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

98. ÿ Aquariums The following is a rule-of-thumb for making sure fish kept
in an aquarium are not too crowded: The surface area of the water should be at
least 12 times the total combined length of the fish kept in the aquarium. ( Source: Your I0-gallon aquarium has a water surface area of 288 in 2
and houses the following fish: one 2-inch Odessa barb, three 1-inch gold tetra. three
1.75-inch cobra guppies. and five 1-inch neon tetra.
a. Find the total combined length of all the fish in your aquarium.
b. Write and solve an inequality to find the greatest number n of 2-inch black
hatchetfish that you can safely add to your aquarium without overcrowding
the fish.

99. Advertising To run an advertisement on a certain website, the website owner

charges a setup fee of S250 and SI2 per day to display the advertisement. If a mar¬
keting group has a budget of SI 500 for an advertisement, what is the maximum
number of days the advertisement can run on the site?

UK). Consumerism The entry- fee to a state fair is S25 and includes five tickets for
carnival rides at the fair. Additional tickets for carnival rides cost SI.50 each. If
Alisha wants to spend a maximum of S45 for the entry fee and rides, how many
additional carnival ride tickets can she purchase?

101. Consumerism A homeowner has a budget of SI00 paint a room that has to
320 ft' of wall space. Drop cloths, masking tape, and paint brushes cost S24. If
1 gal of paint will cover 100 ft" of wall space, what is the maximum cost per gallon
of paint that the homeowner can pay?

102. Temperature The temperature range for a week was between 14°F and 77°F.
Find the temperature range in degrees Celsius. Use the equation F - -C + 32.

103. Temperature The temperature range for a week in a mountain town was
between 0CC and 30°C. Find the temperature range in degrees Fahrenheit. Use
the equation C = — . — —
104. Compensation You are a sales account executive earning SI 200 per month plus
6% commission on the amount of sales. Your goal is to earn a minimum of S6000
per month. What amount of sales will enable you to earn S6000 or more per month?

105. Compensation George Stoia earns SI000 per month plus 5cfc commission on
the amount of sales. George s goal is to earn a mini mum of S3200 per month. What
amount of sales w ill enable George to earn $3200 or more per month?

106. Education Some Chinese language students and their professors are planning a
trip to China. Their goal is to practice their language skills and learn more about
Chinese culture. In China, the group will be transported by small buses that can
hold a maximum of 12 people. If 70 students and 10 professors are going on the trip,
what is the minimum number of buses needed?

Cvfjnjht -I"1 < rantnr. *11 Ktffcu Kiunri. lb) ml K,cc(<nlami <r dtrluaal. a »t»ik i« n p«n. IIk m clccn-w rub. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: Mc i inlor nknin.l
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho azy aimvacÿ o>rt;ri ik*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x at ctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt ra|iirc t

107. Business An organic juice company would like to increase its production
of juice. The company's plan for the next five months is to increase the num¬
ber of gallons of juice it produces each month by 400 gal. For the five-month
period, the company wants to produce at least 8500 gal of juice. What is the
in me news!
minimum number of gallons of juice the company can produce in the first
month if it is to achieve its goal? Cities Introducing
Hybrid Buses
More and more cities
108. Education An average score of 90 or above in a history class receives an around the country are
Introducing diesel-electric
A grade. You have scores of 95, 89. and 81 on three exams. Find the range of
hybrid buses to their public
scores on the fourth exam that will give you an A grade for the course. transportation bus fleets.
achieving significant
improvement in miles
109. Education An average of 70 to 79 in a mathematics class receives a C traveled on a single tank
grade. A student has scores of 56. 91. 83. and 62 on four tests. Find the range of fuel. While a city's
of scores on the fifth test that will give the student a C for the course. conventional diesel buses
may average as few as
3.5 mpg. the hybrids can
average up to 5 mpg.
110. Hybrid Vehicles See the news clipping at the right. If a typical city bus has Sources:
a fuel tank that holds 1 12 gal of diesel fuel, find the range of miles the buses
in a city's fleet can travel on a full tank of fuel. www.naptesnews com.

Critical Thinking
111. Let -2 < x < 3 and a < 2v 4- I < b.
a. Find the largest possible value of a.
b. Find the smallest possible value of b.

For Exercises 112 to 115, determine whether the statement is true or false.
112. If a < b and b > c, then c < a.

113. If a < b and c > b. then a < b < c.

114. If a > b.c > d. and c < b, then the smallest number is d.

115. If a < b and b < a. then a = b.

Projects or Group Activities

116. Determine whether the following statements are always true, sometimes true, or
never true.
a. If a > b. then —a < —b.

b. If a < b and a 0, b 0. then ~a<\>

c. When dividing both sides of an inequality by an integer, we must reverse the
inequality symbol.

d. If a < 1, then a2 < a.

e. If a < b < 0 and c < d < 0. then ac > bd.

(linnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Ktftu,<J Uo i>i( K,unil n darlund. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-mruh. o> llinl |un> ohkcino, K: u> inlo.cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut Mty ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incr*ll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

2.4 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

objective A To solve an absolute value equation

Recall that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line.
Tips for Success Distance is always a positive number or zero. Therefore, the absolute value of a number is
Before the class meeting in always a positive number or zero.
which your professor begins a
new section, you should read
each objective statement for The distance from 0 to 3
that section. Next, browse or from 0 to —3 is 3 units.
through the objective 5 432101234 5
material. The purpose of |3|=3 |-3=3
browsing through the material
is to set the stage for your
brain to accept and organize Absolute value can be used to represent the distance between any two points on the num¬
new information when it is ber line.The distance between two points on the number line is the absolute value of the
presented to you. See AIM tor difference between the coordinates of the two points.
Success in the Preface.

The distance between point a and point b is given by \b — a | .

The distance between 4 and l-

—3 on the number line is 7 4—t- I I I I I '
5-4 3210 1 2345
units. Note that the order in
which the coordinates are
subtracted does not affect the Distance = -3-4 Distance = |4 - (-3)
distance. = l"7| = |7|
=7 =7

For any two numbers a and b. \b — a = \a — b\ .

An equation containing a variable within an absolute value symbol is called an absolute
value equation. Here are three examples.
*|=3 |.r + 21 = 8 |3* — 4| = 5* — 9

'LI Take Note

You should always check Solutions of an Absolute Value Equation
your answers. Here Is the
check for examples (1), (2),
and (3) at the right. If a > 0 and X = a. then X = a or X = a. If x| = 0, then X = 0. If a < 0. then
x =3 x =3 x| ~
a has no solution.
-3| | 3 |3| | 3 EXAMPLES
3=3 3 =3
-x =8
1. If |x = 3. then X = -3 or X = 3.
-X =8
I—(-8)1 1 8 1-81 81 2. If | -X| - 8. then X = -8 or X = 8.
8 81 8 =8 3. If jx + 3 - 4. then X 4 3 - 4 or X 4 3 - -4. The solution of X 4 3 - 4 is 1. The

- = -4 is -7.
solution of X 4 3
x 3! = 4 -
x - 3 = 4 4. If |z = 0. then z = 0.
43 1 4
4 |4
|-7 3 1 4
-4 | 4
5. If |y ~~ -2. then the equation has no solution The absolute value of any number is
4 =4 4 =4 greater than or equal to zero.

Ufessothowsarc(Bct aiIorient on Pispeÿ is CCffgae LflanitQ.

Canritfl2011(.trftl: Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol lb) im h,icmdrani.IT dnltcnl n »!»iW it i:«rt. I>lc m tlccn-w rah. o> llinl I nu) k 4inrvucÿ fwr Vtc ctVxk »r*lor ct'sai«£T
hdbra!review l»Jccnci ilw *ty «inrc<acicoclcrt Jcci r«n nunulb »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c uq line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>rotrxtun* ro|iirc t
c<ftxnl at

E2Z3EEBI1 Sclive: |* + 2| = 8

i* + 2 = 8
*+2 = 8
* + 2 = -8 • Remove the absolute value
rewrite as two equations.

* =6
* = -10 • Solve each equation.
* 44- 2\2| = 88
|* 4 2 = 8
1-104ÿ2| 1 8

|8| 8 |--8 1 8

The solutions are 6 and —10.

i-' -\*i

|5 - 3*| - 8 = -4 ÿ

15 •-3* =4 • Solve for the absolute value.

"/"I 1

a ii = 4 5 - 3* = —4 • Remove the absolute value sign

and rewrite as two equations.

z ii = -1 —3* = ~9 • Solve each equation.


Check: |5 - 3* — 8 -= -4 |5 - 3*| - 8 = -4 -
— 8 -4 |5-3(3)| -8 -4
\ /

15 - 1 -8 -4 |5-9|-8 -4
-8 -4 4-8 -4
-4 = -4 - -4 = -4 -
The solutions are \ and 3.
gg I
Solve: 2 -*1 = 12 Solve: |2* — 3| =5
Solution Your solution
12— *| = 12
2 — v = 12 2 -*=-12
-*=10 -* = -14 Subtract 2.
*=-10 *=14 Multiply
The solutions are —10 and 14. by -1.

Solve: 2*| = -4 Solve: |* - 31 = -2

Solution Your solution

1 2*1 = -4
There is no solution to this equation because the
absolute value of a number must be nonnegative.
Solutions on p. S5

Krjririi. roll C'WXI IainOl. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ix< Ix iimci tr ai;l>cnU. It »Kile ir it pin. I>.i Ui ikoiv'.i .mi iknl |tnjiimnrm, Ix ointc—iÿ hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<f r»»: nunull) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I iann; rc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccosni ii my line it «jV«cqixn: n/h*rrunctwm rcÿurc l

Solve: 3 — |2r — 4| = —5 Solve: 5 - |3.v + 51=3

Solution Your solution

3 — |2.v — 4 -5 =
j 2v — 4
|2v-4 =8
—-8 = Subtract 3.
Multiply by -1.
2v - 4 = 8 2t - 4 = -8
2r =12 2r = -4
.r = 6 x = -2
The solutions are 6 and —2.

Solution on p. S5

objective b To solve an absolute value inequality

Recall that absolute value represents the distance between two points. For example, the
solutions of the absolute value equation \x — I ÿ3 are the numbers whose distance
from I is 3. Therefore, the solutions are —2 and 4. An absolute value inequality is an
inequality that contains a variable within an absolute value symbol.

The solutions of the absolute value inequality Distance Distance

v — 1 1 < 3 are the numbers whose distance less than 3 less than 3

from I is less than 3. Therefore, the solutions

are the numbers greater than —2 and less than -5-4-3-2 -1 0 12 3 4 5

4. The solution set is {.r| -2 < .v < 4}.

To solve an absolute value inequality of the form iriv + b < c. solve the equivalent
compound inequality — c < ax + b < c.

Solve: 3* — 1 <5
|3.v - I| <5
-5 < 3.v — I <5 • Solve the equivalent compound inequality.
-5 + 1 < 3.v - 1 + I < 5 + I
-4 < 3.v < 6
-4 3.v 6

TJ Take Note T<T<3

In this objective, we will write
all solution sets in set-builder
The solution set is {x \ -3 < < 2}.
The solutions of the absolute value inequality Distance Distance
greater than 2 greater than 2
Lv + I > 2 are the numbers whose distance n
from — I is greater than 2. Therefore, the I I I I ' + +
I 4—t-
solutions are the numbers that are less than 5 4 3 2 0 1 2 34 5

—3 or greater than 1. The solution set of

|.v + 1 1 > 2 is {x\x < -3} u {x\x > 1 }.
lllesscths'Aise iclstall coxemonfis peÿ Is CCe-gaÿ Lrarirg.

lirinlS. :i>liCrw Ilunof All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ix< Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »hik ir it put. I>.i ui ikoiv'i, ryh> Mr :thrd oaten nuy he nrfTcwed frcw be cftxl. ir«lora'VapxTi «i
tiliraimicn JccncJ thr. Mzy «rtrc«cc curtcnikci r»»: rtunulb affcvx mcnll Icitrut; cxjcncru Iturn; rc*mc< ix niÿit I tÿlutml trtiOTi ii iny line
it* «iV*c4t*n; n/k«rainctwm rojurc 4_

To solve an absolute value inequality of the form ax + b > c. solve the equivalent
Take Note
Carefully observe Ihe
compound inequality ax + b < —c or ax + b > c.
difference between the
method used to solve Solve: 1 3 - 2x\ >I
ax b > c shown here
and that used to solve 3 - 2x < -1 or 3 — 2x > 1
ax b I < c shown on the —2.x < -4 —2.x > -2 • Solve eadi inequality.
preceding page. .r > 2 .x < 1
Mr >2} {*|.r < 1}
The solution set of a compound inequality with the word or is the union of the solution
sets of the two inequalities.

i Mr > 2} U {x\x < 1 }

The rules for solving absolute value inequalities are summarized below.

Solutions of Absolute Value Inequalities

To solve an absolute value inequality of the form ax + b\ < C, C > 0. solve the
equivalent compound inequality ~C < ax + b < C.
To solve an absolute value inequality of the form ax + b | > c. solve the equivalent
compound inequality ax + b < -C or ax + b > C.

EE E2E33
Solve: 4r — 3 1 <5 Solve: 3.V +2 <8

Solution Your solution

Solve the equivalent compound inequality.
-5 < 4.r - 3 < 5
-5 + 3 < 4.v -3 +3 <5 +3
-2 < 4.Y < 8
-2 4x 8
' ' '

4 4 4
< A" < 2

Solve: a* — 31 < 0 Solve: |3.r —7 <0

Solution Your solution

The absolute value of a number is greater than
or equal to zero, since it measures the number's
distance from zero on the number line. Therefore.
the solution set of Lr — 3 < 0 is the empty set.
Solutions on p. S6

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lf i>» K.moilami£ lr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lafimrah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji lakVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnireniirt 1

Solve: \x + 4 > -2 Solve: |2v+ 7 1 > -I

Solution Your solution

The absolute value of a number is greater than
or equal to zero. Therefore, the solution set of
x + 41 > — 2 is the set of real numbers.

Solve: 1 2v- I >7 Solve: |5.v + 3; >8

Solution Your solution

Solve the equivalent compound inequality.
2r - I < -7 or 2x - I > 7
Ix < -6 2x > 8
x < -3 x >4
[x\x < -3} {x x > 4}

Solutions on p. S6

objective c To solve applicationproblems

The tolerance of a component, or part, is the amount by which it is acceptable for the
component to vary from a given measurement. For example, the diameter of a piston may
vary from the given measurement of 9 cm by 0.001 cm. This is written 9 cm ± 0.001 cm
and is read "9 centimeters plus or minus 0.001 centimeter." The maximum diameter, or
upper limit, of the piston is 9 cm + 0.001 cm — 9.001 cm. The minimum diameter, or
lower limit, is 9 cm - 0.001 cm 8.999 cm.

The lower and upper limits of the diameter of the piston could also be found by solving
the absolute value inequality d — 9 ÿ 0.00 1 , where d is the diameter of the piston.

\d -9 <0.001
-0.001 <</- 9 <0.001
-0.001 + 9<r/-9 + 9< 0.001 +9
8.999 < d < 9.001

The lower and upper limits of the diameter of the piston are 8.999 cm and
9.001 cm.
Un'essclterMse rctedaiIeaten!an PIs [Bÿ is © Cffgÿe laari13.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iamnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal vu. >i h,cc(<alrami, aAnimal, n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» mikirncruW. o> llirj | cumcl iraj K: um-cl Mc itilor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwnt rotiirc c

The diameter of a piston for an automobile is A machinist must make a bushing that has a
3-jÿ in., with a tolerance of in. Find the lower tolerance of 0.003 in. The diameter of the bushing
is 2.55 in. Find the lower and upper limits of the
and upper limits of the diameter of the piston. diameter of the bushing.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the lower and upper limits of the diameter
of the piston, let d represent the diameter of the
piston. T the tolerance, and L the lower and upper
limits of the diameter. Solve the absolute value
inequality L — d < T for L.

Solution Your solution

r_>l "

16 64

< L - 3—
5 15

19 21

The lower and upper limits of the diameter of the

piston are 3ÿj in. and 3sJin.

Solution on p. S6
LHess oBmvise rotffl. alccnlelcrthis page a $ Csrgage Laemrg

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Ug ml K.iiloJ.rami. n darlund. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: fc" Mc itilor n'utui.i.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t


Concept Check
1. Is 2 a solution of
* - 81 = 6? 2. Is -2 a solution of 2x -5 =9?

3. Is - 1 a solution of I 3a* - 4 1 =7? 4. Is 1 a solution of |6v - 1 = -5?

For Exercises 5 to 12, solve the absolute value equation.

5. |*| =7 6. |a| = 2 7. |-y| =6 8. -/ =3

9. |*| = -4 10. y\ = -3 11. |-/| = -3 12. -y\ = -2

13. Find the solution set of l.vl > 3. 14. Find the solution set of |.v ÿ5.

15. Write an absolute value inequality to represent 16. Write an absolute value inequality to represent
all real numbers whose distance from 2 is less all real numbers whose distance from 4 is greater
than 5. than 3.

objective A To solve an absolute value equation

For Exercises 17 to 64. solve.

17. |* + 2| =3 18. |* + 5! =2 19. \y-5\ =3 20. !>' - 8| =4

21. a — 2 1 = 0 22. fl +7 =0 23. I* — 21 = -4 24. x + 8| = -2

25. |3- 4*1=9 26. 2 - 5*1= 3 27. |2r — 3 1 = 0 28. 5* + 51=0

29. |3* - 21 = -4 30. 2* + 5 1 = 2 — 31. |*- 2| -2 = 3

32. |* - 9 -3 = 2 33. 3fl +2 -4 = 4 34. |2fl + 9 +4 = 5

35. 12 —y +3 = 4 36. 8 — y\ — 3 = I 37. 12* — 3| +3 =3

38. 14* - 71 - 5 = -5 39. 2* — 3 1 + 4 = —4 40. 13* — 21 + I = — I

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu IdbioIVtaj f>il h,iiroJrani,cr AvIkmL n -Kik « n p«n. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird |un> imnnm (« &«* ji mlor n'rrprr.r
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c nj6liÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

41. \6x -5|- 2 = 4 42. \4b + 3| —2 = 7 43. |3/ + 2| +3 =4

44. |5.v -2|+ 5 = 7 45. 3 — |.r — 4| =5 46. 2 - \x - 5| = 4

47. 8 — 1 2v — 3 1 = 5 48. 8 - |3* + 2| = 3 49. |2 - 3x\ + 7 =2

50. 1 - 5a +2 = 3 51. |8 - 3.v| - 3 =2 52. |6 - 5b\ -4 = 3

53. |2v - 81 + 12 = 2 54. |3.v — 4| +8=3 55. 2 + |3.v - 4| = 5

56. 5 + |2v + I =8 57. 5 - 2* + 1 1 = 5 58. 3 - 5.v + 3| =3

59. 6 — |2v + 4| = 3 60. 8 - |3r - 2| = 5 61. 8 — |1 — 3.v| = -1

62. 3 - |3 - 5.t| = -2 63. 5 + |2 - x\ =3 64. 6 + |3 - 2v| =2

i«jl For Exercises 65 lo 68. assume that a and b are positive numbers such that a < b.
State whether the given equation has no solution, two negative solutions, two positive
solutions, or one positive and one negative solution.
65. |x —b =a 66. \x — b = —a 67. |.r + b =a 68. |.r + a = b

objective b To solve an absolute value inequality

For Exercises 69 to 96. solve.

69. \x + 1 1 > 2 70. |jr — 2| > I 71. \x — 5| < I

72. |x:-4|<3 73. |2-*| >3 74. |3-.v|>2

:ol) Ccrcxc Irainnj. All Htftu<J Uq i>» K.unil cr cIi;Ik«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n mclpv-nraW.mllird imp. imnno, K: ill--.4 irjor cVfapxr <»-
hÿUra! (ttaJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿxtiwc ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnfcÿiirt 1

75. 2X + Ii < 5 76. 3.v — 2 1 <4 77. 5.v + 2 > 12

78. 7x - 1 1 > 13 79. 4v — 3|<—2 80. 5.v +I ÿ -4

81. :2v+ 7| > -5 82. 3.Y - 1 1 > -4 83. |4 - 3a | > 5

84. 7 — 2v| >9 85. 5 - 4.v| < 13 86. |3 - 7a < 17

87. 6 - 3.v| ÿ 0 88. 10 - 5a | > 0 89. 1 2 — 9.v >20

90. 5a — 1 1 < 16 91. 2v — 3 1 +2 <8 92. |3a - 5 + I<7

93. 2 - 5x\ -4 > -2 94. 4 - 2v| - 9 > -3 95. 8 - 12* —5 <3

96. 12 - 3a — 4 >7

ÿ For Exercises 97 and 98. assume that a and b are positive numbers such that a < b.
State whether the given inequality has no solution, all negative solutions, all positive
solutions, or both positive and negative solutions.
97. |a + b\ <a 98. \x + a\ < b

objective c To solve applicationproblems

99. A dosage of medicine may safely range from 2.8 ml to 3.2 ml. What is the
desired dosage of the medicine? What is the tolerance?

100. The tolerance, in inches, for the diameter of a piston is described by the absolute
value inequality d — 5| ÿ 0.0 1. What is the desired diameter of the piston? By
how much can the actual diameter of the piston vary from the desired diameter?

101. Mechanics The diameter of a bushing is 1.75 in. The bushing has a tolerance of
0.008 in. Find the lower and upper limits of the d iameter of the bushing.

102. Mechanics A machinist must make a bushing that has a tolerance of 0.004 in.
The diameter of the bushing is 3.48 in. Findthe lower and upper limits of the diam¬
eter of the bushing.

Inessclterwse rcIMall cotemafi's Is I

Csgap Lrarirg.

Cereiilhl 3011CR0CH II1~CIAll K tfVi. KturaJ. VUj K:

hv ikaxJihr.*tj
f *Liiral roic»»
ami. ir anIKnJ. a hilt c« it l«" I>« la ckciunirtftu.
couch Jc<i ok riucmlb tdSxICtc at cnll tcimn/ cxxntra. CaM: I tames/ rotnc< ix
lo pcyk'vc
imud"ay K: wiicuta fecm Ac ilv-4 irJjr tOciun
it* «iV«c4txn; n/k«rMnctwm retire
iÿlutml cmxni ii iny lint

103. Automobiles The length of a piston rod for an automobile is in. with a toler- 9| Circumferencesÿ m.

ance p in. Find the lower and upper limits of the length of the piston rod. \ /Girth: 21 in

104. ÿ Football Manufacturing An NCAA football must conform to the measure¬

ments shown in the diagraniat the right, with tolerances of 3 in. for the girth. 5 in.
for the circumference, and in. for the length. Find the lower and upper limits for

a. the girth, b. the circumference, and c. the length of an NCAA football. (Source:
I* Icnvlh: 11
32 — 111.-

105. & Political Polling

in me news!
In a poll, the margin of error is a measure of the poll¬
sters' confidence in their results. If the pollsters conduct the same poll many
times, they expect that 95% of the time they will get results that fall within the
margin of error of the reported results. Read the article at the right. For the poll
described, the pollsters are 95% sure that the percent of American voters who Economy Is Number-
One Issue
felt the economy was the most important election issue lies between what lower
A Washington Post/ABC
and upper limits?
News poll showed that 41%
of American voters felt the
economy was the most
106. £ Aquatic Environments Different species dt fish have different require¬ important election issue.
ments for the temperature and pH of the water in which they live. The gold sword- The results of the poll had
tail requires a temperature of 73°F plus or minus 9°F and a pH level of 7.65 plus a margin of error of plus or
or minus 0.65. Find the lower and upper limits of a. the temperature and b. the pH minus 3 percentage points.
level of the water in which a gold swordtail lives. ( rtww.wastirgtwipoEl.axn

Electronics The tolerance of the resistors used in electronics is given as a percent.

Use your calculator for Exercises 107 and 108.
107. ÿ Find the lower and upper limits of a 29.000-ohm resistor with a 2% tolerance.

108. *,& Find the lower and upper limits of a 15.000-ohm resistor with a 10% tolerance.

Critical Thinking
109. For what values of the variable is the equation true? Write the solution set in
set-builder notation.
a. |* + 3 = x + 3 b. a 4| = 4 a — —
110. Replace the question mark with ÿ , s , or =.
a. |* + y\ ? |*| + \y\ -
b. |* y\ ? |* - \y\
c. 11*1 - |yl| ? |*| - >1 d. \xy\ ? |*| |y|
111. Let I* ÿ 2 and 1 3* — 2i ÿ a. Find the smallest possible value of a.

Projects or Group Activities

For Exercises 1 12 to 115. solve the absolute value equations. Recall that if |*| ~ a, then
x = -ti or .v = a. For the equations below, a is an algebraic expression, so be careful with
the negative sign. Remember to check your answers.
112. 1 4* + 3! = 2* + 10 113. 13* - 4| = 2x + 10

114. I* + 3 i = 2* — I 115. 13* +1 = 2x - 5

Ittess oteW.9? roiai. al ccntmcnthis psge is S Cagsgs lasmrg.

Cereiilhl :i>l!Cmeat Iamni All ",m. latnal Mo w l«ii|xc«launcc. tr anlKnJ. a *Kik a it in". I>« ui cla-iunirtftu. .rt ihnl wo outfti "ay be aintcnci km lie ilv-4 irjor elJim" .1
fiiira!micn hv JcaxJihr.ity couch Jc<i r»>*. rumilb xffcvi Ctc incnll Icinur; c\?<ncra. CcaMC Itirn/ iomc< ix lo cfnxni ii any line if «rt'. n/hjrMnctwm rojurc i

2 Summary

Key Words Examples

An equation expresses the equal ity of two mathematical 3 +2=5

expressions. [2. 1A. p. 68] 2x - 5 = 4

A conditional equation is one that is true for at least one value of .v + 3 - 7 is a conditional equation.
the variable but not for all values of the variable. An identity is an x + 4 = -v + 4 is an identity.
equation that is true for all values of the variable. A contradiction .v = .v + 2 is a contradiction.
is an equation for which no value of the variable produces a true
equation. [2. 1A. p. 68]

An equation in which all variables have an exponent of 1 is called a 6v +5 = —7 is a first-degree equation.

first-degree equatioa |2. 1A, p. 68]

The solution, or root, of an equation is a replacement value for The solution, or root, of the equation
the variable that will make the equation true. [2.1A. p. 68] a* + 3 = 7 is 4 because 4 + 3 = 7.

To solve an equation means to find its solutions. The goal is to The equation x = 12 is in the form
rewrite the equation in the form variable = constant because the variable = constant. The constant 12 is the
constant is the solution. [2.1A, p. 68] solution of the equation.

Equivalent equations are equations that have the same x + 3 = 7 and x = 4 are equivalent
solution. [2.1A. p. 68] equations because the solution of each
equation is 4.

A literal equation is an equation that contains more than one 4v — 5y = 20 is a literal equation.
variable. A formula is a literal equation that states a rule about A = 77r 2 is the formula for the area of a
measurement. [2. ID. p. 74] circle. It is also a literal equation.

The solution set of an inequality is a set of numbers each Any number greater than 4 is a solution of
element of which, when substituted in the inequality, results in a the inequality x > 4.
true inequality. [2.3A. p. 95]

A compound inequality is formed by joining two inequalities 3.v > 6 and 2r + 5 <7
with a connective word such as and or or. [2.3B. p 98] 2r + 1 < 3 or + 2 >4

Ccp]ri<bl "Oil 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vtaj ml h,cc(<nlrami. ir dirlwaoL n »t»ik i» is p«n. I>n mtkmmrtftu. «>m llinl m*> cumtiraj K: uim-ci itiw* uJor M'fca|U><l.
hÿural ImJccnciduttf)' coMcri ik<a ruinaicnalb i»» crall Jcimn/ nÿcncnc. CaMc 1 camnf rc *cr:<bc ntfhl U> bcvkac ccnuni at anj line »1 «jV«ajucni rDttKtwm 1

An absolute value equation is an equation that contains a H 1

ri II

variable within an absolute value symbol. (2.4A. p. 1071

An absolute value inequality is an inequality that contains a

variable within an absolute value symbol. (2.4B. p. I09|
\x — 4 <5
|2.r-3 >6

The tolerance of a component or part is the amount by which it is The diameter of a bushing is 1 .5 in., with a
acceptable for the component to vary from a given measurement. tolerance of 0.005 in. The lower and upper
The maximum measurement is the upper limit. The minimum limits of the diameter of the bushing are
measurement is the lower limit. |2.4C. p. 1 II | 1.5 in. ± 0.005 in.

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Addition Property of Equations [2.1A. p. 68 1

= b. then a + c = b + c.
If a + tyi II 1

+ ka II W l_<l
1 1 1

>. II 1


Multiplication Property of Equations (2.1A. p. 69| 2

If a = b and c # 0. then ac — be.

(!)(!') - (l>
A" =6

Value Mixture Equation (2.2 A, p. 80|

Amount - Unit Cost = Value A merchant combines coffee that costs S6 per
AC= V pound with coffee that costs $3.20 per pound.
Write an equation that will find how many
pounds of each should be used to make 60 lb
of a blend that costs S4.50 per pound.
6a- + 3.20(60 - a) = 4.50(60)

Percent Mixture Problems (2.2B. p. 831

Amount of percent of quantity of A silversmith mixed 120 oz of an 80ft silver
solution concentration substance alloy with 240 oz of a 30ft silver alloy.
Ar = Q Write an equation that will find the percent
concentration of the resulting silver alloy.
0.80(120) + 0.30(240) = ,v(360)

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil IT cii;lK«il. n -Hik i t. I>lc 111 llccnmrah. o> llinl |tn> mwirial Kr urmÿ &«n ji ill--.4 inlor Okiuil.l
rduraiHMi» k>.Jccikÿ ihn «i> unui .urNriJxt nn nutnilb "X.-. <•< inoilIkimiu naniKi < : I timnj rc<n;<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccnunl at anjline «l 4iV«mani n(h>rcrirxl>ÿnrctjurc 1

Uniform Motion Equation [2.2C. p. 85 1

Rale • Time = Distance Two planes that are 1640 mi apart are
rt = d traveling toward each other. One plane is
traveling 60 mph faster than the other plane.
The planes pass each other in 2 h. Write an
equation that will find the speed of each
2r + 2(r + 60) 1640 -
Addition Property of Inequalities [2.3A. p. 95]
+ c > b + c.
If a > b. then a x + 3 > -2
+ c < b + c.
If a < b. then a A- + 3 — 3>—2 — 3
a > -5

Multiplication Property of Inequalities

[2.3A. p. 96]
Rule 1 If a > b and c > 0. then ac > be. 3.v > 12
If a < h and c > 0. then ac < be.
.v > 4
Rule 2 If a > b and c < 0. then ae < be. -2a < 8
If a < b and c < 0. then ae > be. -2x 8
-2 -2
.v> -4

Solutions of an Absolute Value Equation

[2.4A. p. 107]
If a > 0 and |.v - a. then x = a or x = —a. \x - 3| = 7
If |*| = 0. then x = 0. .v - 3 = 7 x - 3 = -7
If a < 0. then i.vl = a has no solution. t = 10 .v = -4

Solutions of Absolute Value Inequalities

(2.4B. p. 109]
To solve an absolute value inequality of the form ax
c > 0. solve the equivalent compound inequality
+ bi < c, |.r —-95] <<9a
<9 -5
— c < ax + b < c. -9+5<a-5+5<9 + 5
-4 <a < 14
To solve an absolute value inequality of the form ax + b\ > c,
solve the equivalent compound inequality ax + b < —c or
\x — 5|5 <>9-9
A- - or A- - 5 >9
ax + b> c. x < —4 or x > 14
{a|a < -4} U {a|a > 14}

l.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi mior n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l
ccoxnl it i


2 Review Exercises

1. Solve: 3/ - 3 + 2/ = 7/ - 15 2. Solve: 3.v - 7 > -2

Write the solution set in interval notation.

3. Solve P = 2L + 2 W for L. 4. Solve: x + 4 = -5

5. Solve: 3.v < 4 and x + 2 > - 1 6. Solve: jx - 3 = 2x + 5

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

2 4
7. Solve: --x = - 8. Solve: |.v — 4| - 8 = -3

9. Solve: 2v — 5 1 <3 10. Solve: -+ 2 = -

11. Solve: 2(a - 3) = 5(4 - 3a) 12. Solve: 5x - 2 > 8 or 3.t + 2 < -4
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

13. Solve: 4v - 51 > 3 14. Solve P = —- for C.

„ , I
1?. Solve: -2 v — —53
8 4
-v + —
16. Solve: 6 + |3.v - 3| = 2

17. Solve: 3.v - 2 > .r - 4 or Ix - 5 < 3x + 3 18. Solve: 2x - (3 - 2*) = 4 - 3(4 - 2x)
Write the solution set in interval notation.

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Inmn|. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il K.unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik « n p«n. I>n in ikcn-nirah. o> llirJ |un> imnno, K: airficucÿ ton ji uiVx cVfapxn «i-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll lornn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i»c ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l

19. Solve: .v + 9 = -6 20. Solve: -23 = x + -43

2 4
21. Solve: -3.v = -21 22. Solve: -a = -

23. Solve: 3y - 5 =3 - 2y 24. Solve: 4x - 5 + v = 6.v - 8

25. Solve: 3(x - 4) = -5(6 - x) 26. Solve: ——= + 1 = -

27. Solve: 5.t - 8 < -3 28. Solve: 2* - 9 < 8.v + 15

Write the solution set in interval notation. Write the solution set in interval notation.

? 5 3
29. Solve: =ÿx - - > -x + 1 30. Solve: 2 - 3(2* 4) < 4v - 2(1 - 3a)-
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

31. Solve: -5 < 4.v - I < 7 32. Solve: 1 2v — 31 =8

Write the solution set in interval notation.

33. Solve: 5.v +8 -0 34. Solve: \5x - 4| < -2

35. Uniform Motion A ferry leaves a dock and travels to an island at an average
speed of 16 mph. On the return trip, the ferry travels at an average speed of 12
mph. The total time for the trip is 2-j h. How far is the island from the dock?

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktfiu Komnl Mq ml K,moil <• A«kalal. n »lulc I
« n pet. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llird pel) odkuno, K: efpemi feop Mc itV-vi inlor i<*il|Ur <l
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

36. Mixtures A grocer mixed apple juice that costs SI2.50 per gallon with
25 gal of cranberry juice that costs $31.50 per gallon. How much apple juice was
used to make cranapple juice costing $25.00 per gallon?

37. Compensation A sales executive earns $ 1 200 per month plus 8# commission <xi
the amount of sales. The executive's goal is to earn $5000 per month. What amount
of sales will enable the executive to earn $5000 or more per month?

38. Mechanics The diameter of a bushing is 2.75 in. The bushing has a tolerance of
0.003 in. Find the lower and upper limits of the diameter of the bushing.

39. Education An average score of 80 to 90 in a psychology class receives a

B grade. A student has scores of 92, 66. 72, and 88 on four tests. Find the range of
scores on the fifth test that will give the student a B for the course.

40. Uniform Motion Two planes that are 1680 mi apart are traveling toward each
other. One plane is traveling 80 mph faster than the other plane. The planes pass
each other in 1.75 h. Find the speed of each plane.
f d ~ 1680 mi

41. Mixtures An alloy containing 30# tin is mixed with an alloy containing 70# tin.
How many pounds of each were used to make 500 lb of an alloy containing 40# tin?

42. Automobiles The length of a piston rod for an automobile is 10 ÿ in. with a toler¬
ance of-ÿ in. Find the lower and upper limits of the length of the piston rod.

Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags laimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'WXI IoinOf All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq ixi Ix mxiir onlKrcJ. a »hik <r it part. I>« ui ikoiv'i, raHi : ihnJ oaicti nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac cftxl. irJur «»
riliraimicn thr. Mzy coucnJc<« r»»: riumilb affcvx incnll kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Iumn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii I tÿluiml cmxni il anj line if «iV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.



1. Solve: .v - 2 = -4 2. Solve: /> + ÿ = -

3. Solve: -ly = -| 4. Solve: 3x -5 = 7

5. Solve: -y - 2 =6 6. Solve: 2v - 3 - 5.v = 8 + 2v - 10


7. Solve: 2[a - (2 - 3d) - 4] = a - 5 8. Solve £ = //? + //- for £.

_ _ . 2v + 1
A Solve:
3x + 4 "
5.r —9 10. Solve: 3.v - 2 > 6.v + 7
3 6 9
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

11. Solve: 4 - 3(x + 2) < 2(2r + 3) - 1 12. Solve: 4.v - 1 > 5 or 2 - 3.v < 8
Write the solution set in interval notation. Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

13. Solve: 4 - 3x > 7 and 2x + 3 > 7 14. Solve: |3 - 5.v| = 12

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

15. Solve: 2 — |2v — 5| = —7 16. Solve: |3x - 5| ÿ4

17. Solve: |4r —3 >5

lirinlh. rill!CR0CK 111~CI*11 K jVi. lotnol VU) iwl K:jipcJ. aimed. it onlKml. n Kik it It inn. I»ie in ckciunt ruh» .rt iknl puj oukii "ay he utfTtiKC ixm IIIitv-i irJjr iÿuunil
rilingrpitn \» JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: ruWilb
iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru. is 1 iimn; fc*mc< ix niÿii lo (ctnÿc cioxni n iny line if n/k«mnciwm retire *.

18. Consumerism Gambelli Agency rents cars for $40 per day plus 25c for every
mile driven. McDougal Rental rents cars for S58 per day with unlimited mileage.
How many miles a day can you drive a Gambelli Agency car if it is to cost you less
than a McDougal Rental car?

19. Mechanics A machinist must make a bushing that has a tolerance of 0.002 in.
The diameter of the bushing is 2.65 in. Find the lower and upper limits of the diam¬
eter of the bushing.

20. Mixtures How many ounces of a silver alloy that costs $1 1 per ounce must be
mixed with 9 oz of a silver alloy that costs S8 per ounce to make an alloy that costs
S9 per ounce?

21. Mixtures A chemist wants to make 50 oz of a solution that is 10.49£ sugar by

mixing an 89ÿ sugar solution with a I29F sugar solution. How many ounces of each
solution should the chemist use?

22. Mixtures A butcher combines 100 lb of hamburger that costs $3.10 per pound
with 60 lb of hamburger that costs $4.38 per pound. Find the cost of the hamburger

23. Uniform Motion A jogger runs a distance at a speed of 8 mph and returns the
same distance running at a speed of 6 mph. Find the total distance the jogger ran if
the total time running was I h 45 min.

24. Uniform Motion Two trains are 250 mi apart and are traveling toward each other.
One train is traveling 5 mph faster than the other train. The trains pass each other in
2 h. Find the speed of each train.

25. Mixtures How many ounces of pure water must be added to 60 oz of an 8% salt
solution to make a 3<& salt solution?

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lf i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: ufpcuci irjor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j codcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwni rotiirt l

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Simplify: -4 - (-3) - 8 + (-2) 2. Simplify: -22- 33

3. Simplify: 4 - (2 - 5)2
- 3 +2 4. Simplify: 4 . ")

5. Evaluate la1 - (b - c)2 when a = 2, b = 3, and

c= -I.
6. Evaluate -
c = 4.
—L when a = 2, b = -3, and

7. Identify the property that justifies the 8. Translate and simplify "the sum of three times a
statement. number and six added to the product of three and
(2v + 3y) + 2 = (3y + 2x) + 2 the number."

9. Solve F = ÿ for B. 10. Simplify: 5 y- 2(3 - 2y) + 6]

11. Find A n B. given /l = {-4.-2.0.2} and 12. Graph the solution set of
B = {-4.0.4,8]. {x\x ÿ 3} n {x x> - I}.
l l I i l l i I l l l
54 3 21012 3 45

13. Solve Ax + By + C = 0 for y. 14. Solve: -7/2


15. Solve: 2a + 5 - 5x + 2 16. Solve: —x -3-1

17. Solve: 2[3 - 2(3 - 2a*)] = 2(3 + a) 18. Solve: 3[2v - 3(4 - x)] = 2(1 - 2v)

19. Solve: -y - -y +
I 2
—5 3
= -y - -I 20. Solve:
3a - I 4a* - I
3 + 5a

Ittesscthawse nclect cllnrlen!onPlspeÿ is CCe-gaÿ Lffinir?.

Cct&jc Itamnl. All Hiltu Kunitl. VUf m h.icmdrani,cr distend. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m
Caroriff* 3DII .milinl j K«in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr Uc cttxl If Jof ti'SXftXT 4 i.
hdbra! lw Jccnciilui *tj ainvcacÿ cvUcrt Jcci r«n minulb 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< 6c njÿil lo xtkÿc ccoxnl it in} ti*»c il «jV«jiKni n(h>rotnctwcnrojurc t

21. Solve: 3 - 2(2* - I) > 3(2* - 2) + I 22. Solve: 3* + 2 < 5 and + 5 > I
Write the solution set in interval notation.
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

23. Solve: |3 - 2*| =5 24. Solve: 3 - |2* - 3 = -8

25. Solve: 3* - 1 1 >5 26. Solve: |2* — 4| <8

27. Telecommunications A cellular phone company offers two voice plans. Plan
One costs $40.00 per month plus S.45 for each minute used. Plan Two is $60 per
month for 900 min. If Angelica chooses Plan One. what is the maximum number of
minutes she can use her phone for the cost of Plan One to be less than the cost of
Plan Two? Round to the nearest minute.

28. Mixtures A silversmith combined pure silver that costs SI5.78 per ounce with
100 oz of a silver alloy that costs S8.26 per ounce. How many ounces of
pure silver were used to make an alloy of silver costing SI 1 .78 per ounce?

29. Uniform Motion Two planes that are 1400 mi apart are traveling toward each
other. One plane is traveling 120 mph faster than the other plane. The planes pass
each other in 2.5 h. Find the speed of the slower plane.

30. Mechanics The diameter of a bushing is 2.45 in. The bushing has a toler¬
ance of 0.001 in. Find the lower and upper limits of the diameter of the bushing.

31. Mixtures How many liters of a 1 2% acid solution must be mixed with 4 L of a 5c/(
acid solution to make an 8% acid solution?

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr rtalrcaol. n -Hik i» i!pm. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci mlor PkiuTil.
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt tkci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try Imc it «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiirt l
Linear Functions and
Inequalities in Two Variables

A To find the length and Have you formed or are you part of a
midpoint of a line segment
B To graph an equation in two study group? Remember that a study
variables group can be a great way to stay focused
on succeeding in this course. You can
A To evaluate a function support each other, get help and offer
B To graph a function help on homework, and prepare for tests
C To apply the vertical line test together. (See Homework Time, page
A To graph a linear function
B To graph an equation of the
form fix + By = C
C To find the x- and
y-intercepts of a straight line
D To solve application
problems Prep Test
A To find the slope of a line
given two points Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
B To find average rale of find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
C To graph a line given a point
For Exercises I to 3. simplify.
and the slope
1. — 4(r - 3) 2. V(-6)2+ (-8)2

A To find the equation of a line

given a point and the slope
B To find the equation of a line
given two points
C To solve application
3. ————
4. Evaluate -2v + 5 for x = -3.

A To find parallel and
perpendicular lines 5. Evaluate for r = 5. 6. Evaluate - 3/j + 4
SECTION 3.7 for p = — 1 .
A To graph the solution set
of an inequality in two

7. Evaluate for x, = 7 8. Given 3.r - 4y = 12. find the

and .V2 - -5. value of x when v = 0.

9. Solve 2x - y = 7 for y.


l\UTj(i:ii|l<'C!««ilnniii| fcUHi/VllKocnl VUf inlÿCdWil.MnicJ.n.tolicMJ.n'-hilcure p«n UacuillKlunf r«tu.»iKthrd mnj timcUira) U. aiftrraci fcon 6c ilVsiirUJiclluu""
IÿJtffalmtCB hv«kcneÿJumy Mnrcocc vxirim ikli r*K mictulb ttfed 6c uxnll lamiÿ cÿcncm. CaiXÿ amn;roo>C4 ix n|hi 1ÿ xtkÿc idluinil craxni n wj lioc if «iV<ÿicnt n(lo rotiKlunrojurei

3.1 The Rectangular Coordinate System

objective A Tofind the length and midpoint of a line segment

Before the 1 5th century, geometry and algebra were considered separate branches of
<§r Point of Interest mathematics. That all changed when Rene' Descartes, a French mathematician who lived
A rectangular coordinate from 1 596 to 1650. founded analytic geometry. In this geometry, a coordinate system is
system is also called a used to study relationships between variables.
Cartesian coordinate
system, in honor of A rectangular coordinate system is formed by two
— jj u J __ dr _ ±
Descartes. ; r
number lines, one horizontal and one vertical, that
intersect at the zero point of each line. The point of >i ni,1 vi: I a

intersection is called the origin. The two lines are kx > \

called coordinate axes, or simply axes. L,

The axes determine a plane, which can be thought ri di
of as a large, flat sheet of paper. The two axes divide
the plane into four regions called quadrants, num¬ o plT u 11 ( a* ni V
bered counterclockwise from I to IV.
tgr Point of Interest Each point in the plane can be identified by a pair of numbers called an ordered pair. The
Gottfried Leibnitz introduced first number of the pair measures a horizontal distance and is called the abscissa. The sec¬
the words abscissa and ond number of the pair measures a vertical distance and is called the ordinate. The coordi¬
ordinate. Abscissa is from
nates of a point are the numbers in the ordered pair associated with the point. The abscissa
Latin, meaning no cut off."
Originally. Leibnitz used the is also called the first coordinate of the ordered pair, and the ordinate is also called the
phrase abscissa linea, "cut second coordinate of the ordered pair.
off a line" (axis). The root of
ordinate is also a Latin word Horizontal distance Vertical distance
used to suggest a sense of
order. Ordered pair

Abscissa Ordinate 4

Graphing, or plotting, an ordered pair in the

plane means placing a dot at the location given by
the ordered pair. The graph of an ordered pair is -4
T -- !

the dot drawn at the coordinates of the point in the • —r
plane. The points whose coordinates are (3. 4» and > .
„ A

(-2.5. —3) are graphed in the figure at the right.

The points whose coordinates are (3. - I) and

(- 1. 3) are graphed at the right. Note that the 1 1 1
• ,
graphs are in different locations.The order of the
TJ Take Note
The concept of ordered pair
coordinates of an ordered pair is important.
Is an Important concept.
Remember: There are two
Instead of saying "the point whose coordinates
-4 -? n

are (3. -I)," we will frequently use the notation
numbers (apair), and the
order in which they are listed FI3, -I). For instance. Pi4. 3) is read "the point -4*
P whose coordinates are (4. 3)."
is important.

When drawing a rectangular coordinate system, we often label the horizontal axis x and
the vertical axis y. In this case, the coordinate system is called an .vy-coordinate system.
The coordinates of the points are given by ordered pairs (.v,y), where the abscissa is
called the t-coordinate and the ordinate is called the y-coordinate.
LHess othavrae alccrletcr fris Kge 5 ffl Csrgsge Uamrg.

CCrorllbt :ol> Ccr«*« Inmnl. All Htftu Kninol Vbf i>» h,i.tuJ.rani,cr n -Hik « i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird imp. omenno, K: ton ill--.4 inter n'Mpn.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «iV«n«ni njltx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

The distance between two points in an ÿ'-coordinate system can be calculated by using
Take Note
A right triangle contains
the Pythagorean Theorem.

one 90° angle. The side

opposite the 90° angle is the
hypotenuse.The other two Pythagorean Theorem
sides are called legs.

If a and b are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and c is the
length of the hypotenuse, then a2 + b2 c2.

For the right triangle shown at the right, a 12, b 5, 13
and c = 13.

b2 c2
122 + 52 132
144 f 25 169
169 169

Consider the points P\ and Pi and the right

triangle shown at the right. The vertical Pi*2.V2)
distance between FiCri* yi) and Pitxi.yi) is A
l>'2 -y\\- !Iy2-.v,i
V ) -i CV~
' /
The horizontal distance between the points
P,(x,,y,) and P2(x2, >'2) is 1*2 ~ *11 • l*2"*ll

The quantity d2 is calculated by applying the Py¬ d: = |xj - x, I 2 + \y2-y\\2

thagorean Theorem to the right triangle.
d2 = - x,)2 + (y2 - >'i)2
The distance d is the square root of d2. d = V(x2 - x,)2 + (y2 - y,)2

Because (x2 - X|)2 = (X| - x2): and (y2 - }j)2 - (yi - vj2. the distance formula is
usually written in the following form.

The Distance Formula

If P,(x,, y,) and P2(x2, Yi) are points in the plane, then the distance d between
the two points is given by

d = \/(x, - x2)2 + (y, y2)2

Ui'essclha'Mse icIMall coxemonfis peÿ Is C Isariri;.

lirinlli. 301J CRW 1tun of. All Ktf Si. KnmiJ Mq ox Ix «vncc. tr onlKrai. a »hik tr it pvt. I>.i Ui ckt-iu-.t r«Sn mm tSini |tnj oatctirtn, K: wircvca fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿlucml ccoxni 11 my line if «iV«c4inii n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Find the distance between the points Px (— I, I) and P2(3, 4).

TJ Take Note
When asked to find the From Pi( - 1 , l). we have .Y| = - 1 and Vi = I •

distance between two points, From Pi(3, 4) , we have x2 = 3 and >2 = 4. y

it does not matter which point Now use the distance formula. pJ .4)
is selected as P, and which
is selected as P2. We could 9 j

have labeled the points d = V(xi - x1)2 + (>'i - V2)2 j

P,(3. 4) and P?(-1, 1). where
we have reversed the naming
of P, and P2. Then
= V[(— I) — 3J2 + (I — 4)2 , —j
1 4 1

= V(-4)2 + (-3)2 = V 1 6 + 9
d = V(x, - x2l2 + (y, - y2)2 4

= V[3- (~1)f + (4- 1}* = V25 = 5

= V4' + 3ÿ = \ 16 + 9
The distance between Pi and P2 is 5 units. We could also say, "The length of the line
= \ 25 = 5
segment P\P2 is 5 units." See the graph above.
The distance is the same.

The midpoint of a line segment is equidistant from

its endpoints. The coordinates of the midpoint of P&2y2>
the line segment P\P2 are (v„. y, .The intersection
of the horizontal line segment through P\ and the 4 {*2. V„,>
vertical line segment through P2 is Q. with coordi¬ 0(v 7, y
nates (*2- V |) - (Xm.yl)

The A'-coordinate x„ of the midpoint of the line seg¬

ment P]P2 is the same as the A-coordinate of the . x- - x2
midpoint of the line segment P\Q. It is the average
of the .v-coordinates of the points P\ and P2.

Similarly, the y-coordinate ym of the midpoint of the

line segment P\P2 is the same as the y-coordinate of v
1 —
the midpoint of the line segment P2Q. It is the aver¬
age of the y-coordinates of the points P, and P2.

The Midpoint Formula

"frmF-l*i,y,) and p2 1*2, yi) are the endpoints of a line segment, then the coordinates
,Ym) of the midpoint of the line segment are given by

ÿ anc = ÿ

Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment with end-
points P\ (-2,5) and P2(4,-1).

• Use the midpoint formula.

• Let (x,.y,) = (-2.5) rind (xÿi) = (4.-1).

The coordinates of the midpoint are 1 . 2). See the graph at the left.
LNskoBecvise rxna. a Icoitrf enthis page a £ Cagags taimig.

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 KV*>" KonroL Mi) m Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik clcc*B«t r«H, mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: wiicuca fccm lit ilv-l ir.1 iO»m«
it put. I>.i ui jr

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: numill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii to sewve tÿlucml crnxnt ii iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

Find the distance, to the nearest hundredth, Find the distance, to the nearest hundredth,
between the points F, (-3,2) and F:(4, - 1). between the points F, (5. -2) and F2(-4. 3).

Solution Your solution

d = V (v, - x,y + (y, - yy
= \/(— 3 - 4)2 + |2 (~ OJ2 ~

= V(-7)2 + 3 2 = \/ 49 + 9
= \/58 «= 7.62
Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line
segment with endpoints P\{— 5, 4) and F:(-3, 7). segment with endpoints F, (-3, -5) and F:(-2, 3).

Solution Your solution

v._ =
X] + X2 =
vi + v:
2 2
_ "5 + (-3) 4 +7
= -4

The coordinates of the midpoint are ( ~ 4, y ).

Solut ions on p. S6

OBJECTIVE B To graph an equation in two variables

The .iy-coordinate system is used to graph equations in y = 3.Y + 7
two variables. Examples of equations in two variables y = x~ - 4x + 3
are shown at the right. a-2 + y2 = 25
X =
v" +4
A solution of an equation in two variables is an ordered pair (v,y) whose coordinates
make the equation a true statement.

Is the ordered pair (- 3. 7) a solution of the equation y = — 2.v + I?

V = -2.Y + |

— 2(— 3) + I • Replace x by -3 and y by 7.

6+ I • Simplify.
7=7 • Compare the results. If the resulting equation
is a true statement, the ordered pair is a
Yes. the ordered pair (—3. 7) is solution of the equation. If the resulting
a solution of the equation.
equation is not a true statement, the ordered
pair is not a solution of the equation.

Besides the ordered pair -3. 7 .there are many other ordered-pair solutions of the equa¬
tion y = -2x + I. For example. (-5. 1 1), (0. I), -y 4 j. and (4. -7) are also solu¬ (
tions of the equation.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> cn«nno, K: ton ji inlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njÿil tÿlumil croxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni
Iopcykac rotiKtwni rotiirt l

In general, an equation in two variables has an infinite number of solutions. By choos¬

ing any value of x and substituting that value into the equation, we can calculate a cor¬
responding value for y. The resulting ordered-pair solution (x,y) of the equation can be
graphed in a rectangular coordinate system.

Graph the solutions (r.y) of v = .v; - I when x equals -2,-1,0, 1,

and 2.
Substitute each value of x into the equation and solve for y. Then graph the resulting
ordered pairs by placing a dot at the coordinates of each point. This is sometimes
referred to as plotting the points. It is convenient to record the ordered-pair solutions
in a table similar to the one shown below. The graph of the ordered pairs is shown to
the right of the table.

-2 >• = (-2)2 - 1 3 (-2.3)
" " "

-1 " 1 a.. .

- 1 -1 (0,-1) 4 -? o 4
1 -: i
1 - 1 (1.0) |
2 H d i

i 3 (2,3)

Generally, when we graph an equation in two variables, we include all the solutions, not
just some selected ones as we did in HOW TO 4. The graph of an equation is the graph of
all of the ordered pair solutions of the equation.
Consider y = -Ix + 1 . We can find ordered pair solutions when x = -2. - 1 , 0. 1. 2. and
3. The results are shown in the table below. The graph of these solutions is shown in Figure 1 .

Figure 1

If we find additional solutions, such as when x = 1.5, -0.5. 0.5. 1.5. and 2.5, we get more
points, as shown in Figure 2. If we continued to add more and more points, there would be
so many dots that the graph would look like the straight line in Figure 3. which is the graph
of y = - Ix + I .Thearrowheads indicate that the graph extends forever in both directions.

Figure 2 Figure 3
LHess othavce r*r.ffl. al coilet cr fris Kge S S Csrgsge Leamrg.

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunnl. Mi, ml K,cc(<alrami. 11 Animal, n "Ink i« n pin. I>n la ilccnmruW. 01llinl pm, cuikcino, K: igpiacl feon Mt itilor p'bpn « t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainwacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it utj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro)iirc t

The graph of y = -Ix + I is shown again below. As can be seen from the graph, the
point with coordinates ( 1 . 4) is not on the graph. And. as shown below, (1,4) is not a so¬
lution of y = —2x + 1. The point with coordinates (2. -3) is both a point on the graph
and a solution of the equation.
y = -Ix + 1 y = —2x +I
4 I -2(1) + 1 -3 -2(2) + I
4 I
-2+1 -3 -4+1
4* -I -3 = -3
(1,4) does not represent (2, -3) does represent
a point on the graph and a point on the graph and
is not a solution of the is a solution of the
equation. equation.
Every ordered pair on the graph of an equation is a solution of the equation, and every
ordered-pair solution of an equation represents a point on the graph of the equation.
It may be necessary to plot a number of ordered pairs in order to create an accurate graph
of an equation in two variables.

Graph y = x 1 1 + 2 by plotting the solutions of the equation when .r
equals -3, —2. - 1. 0. 1, 2, 3. and 4. and then connecting the points with a smooth graph.
Determine the ordered-pair solutions (.v. y) for the given values of .v. Plot the points,
and then connect the points to form the graph.

-3 >. II I
+ r-i 6 (-3.6)

-2 >. II 1
+n 5 (-2.5)
-1 >•=1-1-11 + 2 4 (-1.4)

_ 0 y= |0- l| + 2

1_ v = 1 1 — 11 + 2
2 v = 12-1 +2
3 y= 13-11+2 4
4 >•= |4- 1 +2 5 (4.5)

A graphing calculator graphs an equation in two variables much as we have done here by selecting —
graphs of y = -2x
values of x. finding ordered-pair solutions (x. y) for those values of x. and then plotting the points. The
1 and y = x - 11 + 2 are shown below. See Appendix A for details on how to
use a graphing calculator to create graphs.


-6 -8
Yi = -2X + I Yi = IX - 11 + 2

CafQritf* SOU Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunol Mi, ml h,cc(<nlrami, n dnluaol. n »t»ik i « is pin. I>« in ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl i Ktt IB) k 4inTVUCÿ fwr IX CtVsA. ir*lOf cffcofVCTl 41
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho azy ainxcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< &*c njÿil U> ccykac Cfftxnl at uq line il «jV«ajucni n(h>rotixtwmro|iirc t

Graph y = iv
+ I by first plotting the solutions Graph y = —yc + 3 by first plotting the solutions
of the equation when x = -4. -2, 0, 2, and 4. of the equation when x = -6. -3. 0. 3. and 6.

Solution Your solution

Determine the ordered-pair solutions (v.y) for
the given values of .v. Plot the points, and then
connect the points to form the graph.

-4 >ÿ = j(-4) + 1 -1

-2 y= \(~2) + 1 0

0 >• = -J<0) + 1 1

>' = ÿ<2> + 1 7

4 y= |<4) + 1 3

Graph y = x: — —
2x 3 by first plotting Graph y = —x1 + 4 by first plotting the solutions
the solutions of the equation when of the equation when x = —3, —2. - 1, 0. 1. 2.
.r = -2,-1,0. 1, 2, 3. and 4. and 3.

Solution Your solution

Determine the ordered-pair solutions (x,y) for
the given values of .v. Plot the points, and then
connect the points to form the graph.

Solutions on p. S6
IHessothavrae roiffi. al coitalcnthis |aje 5 9 Cergsge laamrg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Komri. VU, >i h.moiI adarlund. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» mclwtoruruh. o> llirj tun, ohkciiraj K: u> inlo> Dkim«-
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


V Concept Check
1. What is the .v-coordinate of a point on the y-axis?
2. What is the y-coordinate of a point on the .v-axis?
3. Name the quadrant in which the graph of each ordered pair is located.
a. (-2,3) b. (4, I) c. (-3,-1) d. (5,-1)
4. If the y-coordinate of a point is a negative number, in which quadrants could the
graph of the point lie?
5. If the .v-coordinate of a point is a positive number, in which quadrants could the
graph of the point lie?
6. Complete the sentence with equals or does not equal:
If Mis the midpoint of the line segment between A and B. then the distance between
A and M- the distance between B and M.
7. Determine whether each ordered pair represents a point on the graph of y = —Ix + 6.
a. (2,2) b. (-3,0) c. (-1,4) d. (3.0)'

8. fcl Explain why (2. 4) is not a solution of the equation y =

_ 2-

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the length and midpoint of a line segment

For Exercises 9 to 20, find the distance, to the nearest hundredth, between the given points.
Then find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment connecting the points.
9. P,(— 2, — 9) and P2(b, 6) 10. /»,(— 5, -2) and P2(l, 3)

11. P\(X 5) and P2(5, 1) 12. />,(— 2.3)andP2(4,-l)

13. /ÿ(0, 3) and /*2( 2, 4) — 14. /V6, -1) and />,(— 3,-2)

15. P,(-3, —5) and P2(2, -4) 16. P.(-7, -5) and P2(-2, - 1)

17. />,( 5. -5) and P,(2. -5) 18. P,(— 2, -3) and P2(-2, 5)

.9- 20. />i(4.5, -6.3) and />,(- 1.7, -4.5)

21. If the distance between two points on a line equals the difference in the y-coordinates
of the points, what can be said about the ÿ-coordinates of the two points?

22. ÿ If the midpoint of a line segment is on the .v-axis, what can be said about the
y-coordinates of the endpoints of the 1 ine segment?

CCrorltbt :ol> <:a«*« Inmnl. All Htftu >Ocnol Uo f>il h,iiroJ.rami. cr rtaltcnd. n -Kik it i:ptil. IXc mclraorurah.ante llird imp. imnno, K: ittxi inlUr n'rrprr.r
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c nj6liÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

OBJECTIVE B To graph an equation in two variables

For Exercises 23 to 34. graph the given equation. First plot the solutions of the equa¬
tion for the given values of x, and then connect the points with a smooth graph.
23. >• = 2x - 3 24. >• = —2x + I 25. y = — -x + I
-v= -1,0, 1,2.3.4 -v= -2.-1,0. 1.2 x = -6. -



v = -

29. y = —x + 2v + 3 30. >' = x - 2v - 4 31. v = \x + 2 1

x= -2,-1.0. 1,2,3,4 x = -2.-1.0. 1.2,3,4 -r= -5, -4.-3,-2,-1.0,1
v v

- -4 i 4


32. y = \x\ + 2 33. >• = - \x - 11 + 3 34. v = .v + 2| - 4
x = -6,-4,-2,0.2.4,6 x = -3,-1, 1.3,5 = -4,-2,0,2.4

Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. JOU Crw I All K./'i. Uq Ix ,vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it put. I>.i ui ikoiv'i, mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix «nc<ÿ <» ilKii irJor crtMun"
rilingroim Ism JccncJ ihr. cotttw Jc<« r»»: riaicrialf} iffcci ix «»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix njÿii lo tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*mmciwiw rcÿurc l

35. There is one value of x for which the equation v = v

ÿ |has no ordered-pair solu¬
tion. What is that value?

36. 'J There is one value of x for which the equation y ~

ÿ j has no ordered-pair solu¬
tion. What is that value?

Critical Thinking
37. Graph the ordered pairs (.r. —2x + 2). where 38. Graph the ordered pairs (r.-Y2). where
x G {—2, — 1.0. 1,2. 3}. Then connect the x G {-2, —1,0. 1. 2}. Then connect the
points with a smooth graph. points with a smooth graph.

39. Draw a line for which ever)1 .v-coordinate is -3. 40. Draw a line for which every v-coordinate is 3.

41. Draw aline passing through every point whose 42. Draw a line passing through ever)' point
abscissa equals its ordinate. w hose ordinate is the additive inverse of its
V v
| L A1

2> 1
- 1
ri 1

— A

Projects or Group Activities

43. £] Describe the graph of all ordered pairs (.v, y) that are 5 un its from the origin.

44. £! Consider two distinct fixed points in a plane. Describe the graph of all points
(v. >•) that are equidistant from these fixed points.
Urfessodiswserclsdall cotemon tis peji \% CDrgaj-taan-irg.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 k.,m. ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) .ramirta, K: bar ac itv-4 inlor c<"kiiun<-
rilira!roitn hv tkaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc couchJcci r«>: riaicmll? tdSxICtc at cnll kimn; cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix njhl lo pcyk'vc tÿlutml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm rofsirc

3.2 Introduction to Functions

OBJECTIVE A To evaluate afunction

In mathematics and its applications, there are many times when it is necessary to inves¬
Tips for Success tigate a relationship between two quantities. Here is a financial application: Consider a
Have you considered joining person who is planning to finance the purchase of a car. If the current interest rate for a
a study group? Getting 5-year loan is 5c/c, the equation that describes the relationship between the amount that is
together regularly with other
borrowed B and the monthly payment P is P = 0.018871#.
students in the class to go
over material and quiz each
other can be very beneficial.
See AIM lor Success in the
For each amount the purchaser may borrow (#), there is a 0.018871# = P
certain monthly payment (P). The relationship between the
amount borrowed and the payment can be recorded as a set
of ordered pairs, where the first coordinate of each pair is the (6000. 113.23)
amount borrowed and the second coordinate is the monthly (7000. 132.10)
payment. Some of these ordered pairs are shown at the right. (8000. 150.97)
(9000. 169.84)

A relationship between two quantities is not always given by

an equation. The table at the right describes a grading scale
90-100 A
that defines a relationship between a score on a test and a letter
grade. For each score, the table assigns only one letter grade. 80-89 B
The ordered pair (84, B1 indicates that a score of 84 receives 70-79 C
a letter grade of B.
60-69 D
0-59 F

The bar graph at the right shows the number

Super Bowl Viewers
of people who watched the Super Bowl for
the years 2007 to 2012. The jagged line be¬
115 111Q1 11136
tween 0 and 90 on the vertical axis indicates B
that a portion of the vertical axis has been |HO 106.5
omitted. The data in the graph can be writ¬ > 98 7
o 100 974
ten as a set of ordered pairs.
| 95 932

{(2007. 93.2), (2008, 97.4). (2009. 98.7), 1 ».

(2010. 106.5), (201 1. 1 1 1.01), (2012. 1 1 1.35)} 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

This set is a function. There are no two ordered pairs with the same first coordinate. The
ordered pair (20I0, 106.5) means that in 2010, the number of people who watched the
Super Bowl was 1 06.5 million.

In each of the above examples, there is a rule (an equation, a table, or a graph) that deter¬
mines a certain set of ordered pairs.
LHe>5 oBhWk roiffl. al coitrf cnthis (aje 5 fi Csrgsge leamrg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Uo ml K,cc(<nl,)nxcfr dnluKd. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» inclwtoruruW. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: fc" Mc itilor n'utui.i.
pc*io» hs«Jccntjihn ity «jnrc<acJcocicrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x mcrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>c< &*c ntjil U> tctmc idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucni mjloroiixlwnt roiiirc c

Definition of a Function

A function is a set of ordered pairs in which no two ordered pairs have the same first
coordinate.The domain of a function is the set of first coordinates of the ordered pairs;
the range of a function is the set of second coordinates of the ordered pairs.
1. {(1,2), (2, 4), (3. 6), (4. 8)}
Domain {1,2,3,4} Range {2,4,6,8}
2. {(-1,0), (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)}
Domain {-1,0,1,2,3} Range = (0}

Now consider the set of ordered pairs {(1.2), (4. 5). (7. 8), (4. 6)}. This set of ordered
pairs is not a function. There are two ordered pairs, (4. 5) and (4. 6), with the same first
coordinate. This set of ordered pairs is called a relation. A relation is any set of ordered
pairs. A function is a special type of relation. The concepts of domain and range apply to
relations as well as to functions.

Determine whether each set of ordered pairs is a function. State the

domain and range.
A. {(2. 3), (4. 6), (6. 8). (10,6)}

B. {(2, 2), (I, I), (0. 0), (2, -2). (1, - I)}

A. No two ordered pairs have the same first element. The set of ordered pairs is a
function. The domain is {2,4.6. 10}. The range is {3,6,8}.
B. The ordered pairs (2, 2) and (2, -2) have the same first coordinate. The
set of ordered pairs is not a function. The domain is {0, 1,2}. The range is
{-2,-1.0. 1,2}.

For each element of the domain of a function there Domain Range

is a corresponding element in the range of the func¬
tion. A possible diagram for the function in part A
of HOW TO I is shown at the right. Eachelement of
the domain is paired with exactly one element in the
range. The diagram represents a function.
((2, 3), (4, 6). (6, 8). (10. 6)}

A diagram for part B of HOW TO 1 is shown at the Domain

right. There are some elements in the domain that
are paired with more than one element in the range.
The diagram does not represent a function.

{(2, 2>, (I. I). (0. 0), (2,-2), (1,-1))

Unessc tbav>i se riscb?. is 'CCffgaÿlEnirg.

(Ipinih*. 301)Ccf«*« Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu vu, >i h,t«oil u Anlund. n»t»ik i « n tun. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> itinl tun, oukcino, K: airficucÿ u> cli—i itilor oktun«i
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut Mty ainvcacÿ o»rt;ri tk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi ,'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Consider again the three examples of functions given on page 138. For the equation
0.018871# - P. the domain is the possible amounts a consumer might borrow to pur¬
chase a car. Let's assume that the most a person would borrow is S50.000. Then the domain

is {B\0 ÿ B - 50.000). The range is all possible monthly payments. The largest monthly
payment is P = 0.0 1887 1(50.000) *= 943.55. so the range is \P 0 ÿ P < 943.55).
For the grading-scale function, the domain is all possible test scores. The domain
is {0,1.2,3 The range is all possible grades. The range is
{A. B.C. D.F}.
"LI Take Note
For a set. the order In which
For a graph, the domain is represented on the horizontal axis and the range is represented
the elements are listed is not on the vertical axis. For the graph of the Super Bowl data, the domain is the set of years.
important. For instance. The domain is { 2007, 2008. 2009. 20 1 0. 20 1 1 . 20 12 } . The range is the number of people
{a.b.c} = {b. a. c}. watching each year. The range is {93.2. 97.4. 98.7. 106.5. 1 1 1.01. 11 1.35}.
Note that the elements ol The square function, which pairs each real number with its square, can be defined by
the domain of the grading- the equation
scale function were listed
from smallest to largest. It is y = .r2
common practice to list both
domain and range elements This equation states that for a given value of v in the domain, the corresponding value
in order from smallest to of v in the range is the square of .r. For instance, if x = 6. then y = 36 and if x - -7,
largest. then y = 49. Because the value of y depends on the value of .v. y is called the dependent
variable and x is called the independent variable.
A function can be thought of as a rule that
pairs one number with another number. For
A pictorial representation of
instance, the square function pairs a number
with its square. The ordered pairs for the values
the square function is shown
at the right. The function acts
shown at the right are (-5,25), 5. ), (0, 0), ( ÿ
as a machine that changes a and (3. 9). Forthis function, the second coordinate
number from the domain into is the square of the first coordinate. If x represents
the square of the number.
the first coordinate, then the second coordinate is
x2 and the ordered pair is (v. .v2).
A function cannot have two ordered pairs with different second coordinates and the same
first coordinate. However, a function may contain ordered pairs with the same second
coordinate. For instance, the square function has the ordered pairs (-3,9) and (3. 9); the
second coordinates are the same but the first coordinates are different.
The double function pairs a number with twice
that number. The ordered pairs for the values
shown at the right are (-5. - 10), (0. 0),
and (3. 6). For this function, the second coordi¬
nate is twice the first coordinate. If x represents
the first coordinate, then the second coordinate
is 2x and the ordered pair is (x. It).

Not every equation in two variables defines a function. For instance, consider the equation
y2 = *2 + 9
52 = 42 + 9 and (—5)2 = 42 + 9
the ordered pairs (4,5) and (4, -5) are both solutions of the equation. Consequently.
there are two ordered pairs that have the same first coordinate (4) but different second
coordinates (5 and -5). Therefore, the equation does not define a function.
LHe>5 olhawisB al coitalcnthis pÿge 5 ffi Crrgsge laamrg.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Itun). *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K,cc(<alrami, n Animal, n »lulc I

« n UK. I>J» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl |K*> cumclno, K: u> inla.cV'fapar < t
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« un nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it utj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro)urc t

The phrase is a function of x" or the same phrase with different variables, is used to
describe an equation in two variables that defines a function. To emphasize that the equa¬
tion represents a function, function notation is used.
Just as the variable .r is commonly used to represent a number, the letter /is commonly
used to name a function. The square function is written in function notation as follows:

Take Note This is the value of the function.

It is the number that is paired with x.
The dependent variable y
and the notation fix) can be i.
used interchangeably.

The name of the function is /. This is an algebraic expression that defines the relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.

The symbol f(x) is read "the value of/at x" or "/of x"

It is important to note that f(x) does not mean/times x. The symbol fix) is the value of
the function and represents the value of the dependent variable for a given value of the
independent variable. We often write v = f(x) to emphasize the relationship between the
independent variable .vand the dependent variable y. Remember that y and f(x) are dif¬
ferent symbols for the same number.

The letters used to represent a function are somew hat arbitrary. All of the following equa¬
tions represent the same function.
•v(/) = /2 Each equation represents the square function.
P(v) = V2

The process of determining /(.v) for a given value of x is called evaluating a function.
For instance, to evaluate /(.r) = when x = 4, replace x by 4 and simplify.
fix) = X~
/(4) = 42 = 16

The value of the function is 16 when x = 4. An ordered pair of the function is (4, 16).


The height .?(/). in feet, of a ball above the ground / seconds after it is thrown upward
at a velocity of 64 ft/s is given by s(/) - - I6/2 + 64/ + 4. Find the height of the ball
1 .5 s after it is released.

To Find the height, evaluate the function when / = 1 .5.

s{t) = -I6/2
+ 64/ + 4

5(1.5) = 16(1-5)2 + 64(1.5) + 4 • Evaluate the function when I= 1.5.
= -16(2.25) + 64(1.5) + 4
= -36 + 96 + 4
= 64
The ball is 64 ft above the ground 1 .5 s after it is released. .

uqiith 301)CcW Itamn|. *11 Htftu Kamal Mq ml K,unil n OdIuhJ. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ fc" Mc inlo.ct'fapxn t,
rcxio* hs«Jccikc ilut Mty ainrcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoeI**c »»» ctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< Jk ntJil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Evaluate g{l) = 3/ 2 - 5/ + 1 when / = -2.

g(t) = 3/2 - 5/ + I
g( — 2) = 3(-2)2 - 5(-2) + 1 • Replace Iby -2 and then simplify.
= 3(4) - 5(-2) + I
= 12 + 10 + I = 23
When Iis -2, the value of the function is 23.
Therefore, an ordered pair of the function is (-2. 23).

A graphing calculator can be used to evaluate a function. To evaluate the function in HOW TO 2, first
enter the function. Functions are accessed by pressing the Vf- key.

Here are the keystrokes to enter g(f) = 312 - 5f + 1 on a Tl83/84 calculator. Note that when using
the calculator, the independent variable is X. The name of the function can be Yi, Y2 Y9, YO.
Instructions are also provided in the Keystroke Guide: Evaluating Functions.
Y<= PTgr.afflgL tfc - 5GSE& 1 QUIT

To evaluate the function at -2. enter : 11 ttiCi±J 2 SB* r"rr;

. The resulting screen is shown
at the left.

It is possible to evaluate a function for a variable expression.

Evaluate Piz) = 3ÿ-7 when z = 3 + /?.

P(z) = 3- - 7
P{3 + h) = 3(3 + ll) 7 — • Replace: by 3 + h and then simplify.
= 9 + 3/2-7
= 3/2 + 2
When z is 3 + /?. the value of the function is 3 h + 2.
Therefore, an ordered pair of the function is (3 + /?, 3h + 2).

When a function is represented by an equation, the domain of the function is all real num¬
bers for which the value of the function is a real number. For instance:

• The domain of f(x) - x 2 is all real numbers, because the square of every real number
is a real number. In set-builder notation, the domain is {.r — <x < ÿ

• The domain of g(x) = 7™-ÿ is all real numbers except 2, because when x = 2,
g(2) = ÿ
Is = which is not a real number. The domain is {.t|jv ÿ2).

ESSESSk Find the domain of /(.x) = 2x2 - Ix + I.

Because the value of 2.v2 - 7.r + I is a real number for any value of .v. no values are

excluded from the domain of /(a) = 2r: 7r + I.The domain of the function is
all real numbers, or {a*| * < x < —
IHess olhawise imffl. al coitalcnthis (aje 5 fi Cergsge leamrg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Ug ml K,iiraJrami. n dirluKd. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> (tin) m*> cuikci K: fc" Mc itilor n'utui.i.
hs«tkcncdiho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmnt rcoc< &*c njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at any line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixfwnt ro)arc c

Find the domain and range of the function Find the domain and range of the function
{(5, 3), (9. 7), (13. 7), (17, 3)}. {(-1.5), (3. 5), (4, 5), (6. 5)).

Solution Your solution

The domain is the set of First coordinates. The
range is the set of second coordinates.
The domain is (5.9. 13, 17 }.
The range is (3. 7}.

Given p(r) = 5r3 - 6r - 2. find p(-3). Evaluate G(.r) = when x = -4.

Solution Your solution
p(r) = 5r3 - 6r - 2
pi-3) = 5(— 3)3 - 6( — 3) - 2
= 5(-27) +18-2
= -135 +18-2
= -119

Evaluate Q{r) = 2r + 5 when r = h 3. Evaluate f(x) =- x2 - 11 when .v = 3h.

Solution Your solution
Q{r) = 2r + 5
Qih + 3) = 2(h + 3) + 5
= 2/7 + 6 + 5
= 2h + II

What is the domain of f{x) What is the domain of fix) = 3.y2 - 5x + 2?

Solution Your solution
For .r = 5. fix) = /(5) = = fi. which isÿ-5
undefined. So. 5 is excluded from the domain of
f The domain is {v ,v + 5}.

Solutions on p. S7

Krjnrfi. rill1cliKtfi Iiimnf.All k./m. \Xt- m IxjiixJ. ami. tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik clcc*«U
it pvt. I>« ui mm tknl itnj itq, K: m ilv-i anlto c<"kiiun «-
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cd coritn«k<i ok riuWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra Iumnf rc*mc< ix niÿii iopcyk'yc tÿluiml {foxniiiin; line if n/lomnciwm rottire 1.

objective b To graph a function

The graph of a function is a graph of all of the ordered pairs of the function. Graphing
a function is similar to graphing an equation in two variables. Evaluate the function for
selected values of .v. Plot the corresponding ordered pairs and then connect the points to
form the graph.

Graph fix) x2 + 2v - 3. Begin by plotting the ordered pairs (x,y)
of the function when .v equals -4. -3. -2, - 1. 0. I, and 2. Then connect the points
"3 Technology to form the graph.
A graphing calculator can
be used to create a graph of As we did in Section 3.1, we will create a table. Remember that the dependent vari¬
a function. Here are some able is y, and y ~ /(.v).
screens used to graph the
function in HOW TO 5.

BltS EltfJ BID"!

\Yi E XJ*2X-3 -4 /( -)- 1 -f - 2( 4) - 3 5
\fi =
\Ys = UNDOU)
\Y» =
\Y» =
Xmin = ~6
Xma* = 6
/( 3)- (_3)! + 2(-3) -3 0 (-3.0)

VYt = Xscl = I -2 /( 2) - ( -2): - 2(— 2) - 3 -3 (-2.-3)

Ymin = "6
Ymax = 6
Yscl = I -1 /( 1)- (-l)a + 2(-l)- 3 (-1.-4)
-Xies =
* 0 M~ -3
«'): + 2(0) -3 (0. -3)

I /(I) - (1)! + 2(1) - 3 0 (1.0)

/(2) - (2)! 2(2) - 3
4- 5 (2.5)

Because .v2 + 2v - 3 is a real number for all values of x, the domain of

fix) ~
x2 + 2v — 3 is all real numbers. We can write the domain in set-builder notation
as 4.r|=e < x < or in interval notation as (~x, »). Looking at the graph, we can
estimate the range. Because all values of y are greater than or equal to -4. the range is
{v|y 2: -4} or. in interval notation. [-4. x).

The graph of /(.r) - .t2 + 2v 3 is shown again at —

the right. As we can see from the graph, the point with
coordinates (— 1, 3) is not on the graph. Evaluating the
function at - I, we have
fix) = x2 + 2v - 3
— 1) = (-I)2 + 2(— I) — 3 = -4 ÿ 3
Because f[— I) 3. the ordered pair (—1.3) does not
belong to the function, and the point with coordinates
(-1.3) is not on the graph of/.

Every ordered pair (x, y) on the graph of a function /satisfies y = fix), and every ordered
pair that satisfies y = fix) is a point on the graph of the function.
IHessotoavrae roiai. al cotfart cnttepage is ffi Cagsgelaimrg.

lirinlh. rill!CIsHK Iiimal. til KimtoJ. VU; iwl K: «nciir dclVml. nvbikuii pvt. I>« Uiclcc*o«< rtfti. mm tknl |tnjurnsiray K: wiicuta km lit ilv-i inl'uiilluun"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rfrv«cc cuucnJc<« r»»: rmniill) iffcci IK mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Itimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo ccoxni ii iny line if «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*mmciwiw rcÿurc l

•jyn Graph s = g(l) = —7I + I. Begin by plotting the ordered pairs (/, s)
Take Note
of the function when / = -2, 0. and 2. Then connect the points to form the graph.
We chose values of t that
are multiples of 2 to make it This example illustrates that the variables in a function can be different from .v and y.
easier to plot the points. For The key point is that the independent variable, /, is represented on the horizontal axis.
instance, if we had selected
r = 3. then We can choose any other variable for the dependent variable. In this case, we chose s.
The dependent variable is represented on the vertical axis.
s = g(3) = -|(3) + 1
Nov/ v/e would need
F = m
r+1 M)
4 I.

to estimate on the _7
im g(-2)= -f(-2) + 1 4 (-2.4)
coordinate grid—not
impossible, but not as easy 0 *(0)= -|(Q) + 1 I (0. 1)
i ' li Vi 7 1 i
* -
.. _ij:
as plotting an integer value.
r*t i
im g(2) = -~(2) + 1 -2 (2. -2) I


+ 1 is a real number for all values of /. the domain of s = g(l) - -il + I
is U\ x < / < 00}. From the graph, the range is {5 — < s < ÿ}. ÿ

UUfcUUK Estimate the domain and range of

the function graphed at the right. Write the answers
using interval notation.
The graph continues along the x-axis in both direc¬
tions. The domain is (-"-c, x).
For all points on the graph, the values of y are be¬
tween -3 and 5. The range is I—3, 5 J.

Graph f{x) -
2r + 4| - I. Begin by plotting
the ordered pairs (v. y) of the function when
Graph g(x) = \x — 2. Begin by plotting the
ordered pairs (v, y) of the function when
x = -5.-4,-3,-2,-1,0. and I.Estimate x — -2. 0, 2, and 4. Estimate the domain and
the domain and range from the graph. Write the range from the graph. Write the answers using
answers using interval notation. interval notation.

Solution Your solution

The independent variable is .t. The dependent y
variable is y.

-5 /(- 5)- |2(—5) + 4 -1 5

-4 /< 4) - |2(-4) - 4 - 1 3
-3 /(- 3) - |2<—3) + 4| -1 1
-2 /(- 2)- |2(—2) + 4| -1 -1
-1 /< - 1 1 2(11-4 1 1
0 m- |2(0) -r -1
4| 3
1 /<!)- 12(1)
- 4! - 1 5

The domain is (—00, 00). The range is — 1, ÿ). Solution on p. S7 tisfBy is ©Cmjaÿ Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ccr&it Iiininl- All tu Kninol lb,i>» h,iiroJrami, cr AnliCa!. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccn-nirah. o> llird run, unimno, K: ufpcuci Son ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn «».
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwnimtiirt 1
ccoxnl it i

Graph h(u) = — u:
+ 4u. Begin by plotting the
ordered pairs (u. v) of the function when
Graph g{t) = - l+ 2 +3. Begin by plotting
the ordered pairs (/. 5) of the function when
u = - 1 , 0. 1 . 2, 3. 4. and 5. Estimate the domain I= -6, -4, -2, 0. 2, and 4. Estimate the domain
and range from the graph. Write the answers and range from the graph. Write the answers using
using set-builder notation. set-builder notation.

Solution Your solution

The independent variable is u. The dependent
l p1


m isnsBH
«-l) - — <—
MO) - -(0):
I)3 + 4(— 1)
+ La 4
1 Ml) - -(iff 4(1) 3 1-
2 M2) - -(2)J + 4(2) 4

3 3
M3) - -(3): + 4(3) I6 1
4 fc(4) - -<4)J + 4(4) 0 n
5 M5) - -(5y- + 4(5) -5 Ti f
The domain is {m| — ÿ <«<*>}. The range is
{vlv < 4}.

Estimate the domain and range Estimate the domain and range
of the function graphed at the of the function graphed at the
right. Write the answers in T- right. Write the answers in set-
interval notation. builder notation.
! I ) Tt -
Solution I 1 l IT Your solution
The points on the graph have x- values between
-4 and 4. and v- values between -2 and 2. The
domain is |—4, 4 . The range is -2, 2 J.
Solutions on p. 57

OBJECTIVE C To apply the vertical line test

Consider the graph at the left. Note that (2, 3) and (2,-1) are two ordered pairs on the
graph. Because there are two ordered pairs with the same first coordinate, the graph is not
the graph of a function. Note also that the vertical line through (2. 3) and (2. - 1) inter¬
sects the graph at more than one point. As long as there is one vertical line that intersects
a graph more than once, the graph is not the graph of a function.
The vertical line test is used to determine whether a graph is the graph of a function.

Vertical Line Test

A graph defines a function if any vertical line intersects the graph at no more than one
IHess otavise rolffl. alccrletcr frispage a 2i Cargage Laemrg

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol lb,i>» h,unil cr Avlrcnd. n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird run, omenno, K: wmca ton ji >nlor PkiuTil.
hÿiara! hoJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1try litx il «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

The vertical line test is a graphical interpretation of the fact that each value in the domain
Take Note of a function is paired with exactly one value in the range of the function.
For the graph at the far right.
note that there are values ,
i i
of x for which there Is only

one value of y. For instance. ' TT
when x = -5. y = 4. For
i i I
.1 —
-i A 1"
the relation to be a function,
i 4 {f 1
yJ T! - 1 4 4
however, every value of x in
the domain of the function 1
must pair with exactly one i J '
"T- ÿt- s
value of y. If there is even i 1 i >
one value of x that pairs with A.

two or more values of y, the For each x, there is exactly one Some values of x can be paired
condition for a function is not
value of y. For instance, when with more than one value of y.
met. This is what the vertical
line test states. If there is any
x=-3)y -6. This is the For instance, 2 can be paired
place on the graph where a graph of a function. with 2, 1, and 3. This is not the
vertical line intersects the graph of a function.
graph more than once, the
graph is not the graph of a Determine whether the graph is the graph of a function.
B. v

A. There are vertical lines that intersect B. Every vertical line intersects the
the graph at more than one point. graph at most once.

1r1 +i 1
i._L \i

1 ! 11
The graph is not the graph of The graph is the graph of
a function. a function.

Use the vertical line test to determine whether the Use the vertical line test to determine whether the
graph shown below is the graph of a function. graph shown below is the graph of a function.

Solution Your solution

The dashed vertical line
intersects the graph more than
once. The graph is not the
graph of a function.

Solution on p. S7
Utessodiawsatied.allarisfi.antisfBÿ is 'CCe'qaÿlayrirc.

Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol »Uj m h,icmdrand cr Anltcnd. n »l»iW it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rah. «>n llinl i Ktt raj k 4inrcucÿ fwr M cbxl aralor ci'safixn 4i.
hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainrcacÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nucnilb »»» crxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ic njÿil io xtk'.c c<ftxnl at uq line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>roltxtun*rojairc t


Concept Check
1. Given /(4) = 5. what is the value of the function /?

2. Given y - f(x), what variable is the independent variable? What variable is the de¬
pendent variable?

3. What are the domain and range of {(-3,9), (-2,4), (-1, 1). (I. I), (2,4), (3. 9)}?

4. Which of the following diagrams define a function?

(i) Domain Range (ii) Domain Range

(Hi) Domain Range (iv) Domain Range

5. Does the ordered pair (3, 9) belong to f(x) = .v2?

6. State whether the ordered pair belongs to the graph of the function.
a. (I, I)
b. (2,2)
c- (-2, I)
d. (-4, I)
? Q
/A J
e. (0.0)
OBJECTIVE A To evaluate a function
For Exercises 7 to 14. determine whether the set of ordered pairs is a function. State
the domain and range.
7. {(0.0), (2, 4), (3. 6), (4. 8), (5, 10)} 8. {(1,3), (3. 5), (5, 7), (7. 9)}

9. {(-2, -I), (-4, -5), (0,-1), (3. 5)} 10. {(-3.-1), (-1,-1), (0,l),(2,6)}

11. {(-2. 3), (-1.3), (0.-3), (I,3), (2, 3)} 12. {(0.0), (1.0), (2.0), (3.0), (4.0)}

13. {(I. I), (4. 2), (9. 3), (1,-1), (4, -2)} 14. {(3. I), (3. 2), (3. 3), (3. 4)}

ltta>5 ottofwise rffiffi. alccrletcnttss page a 2i Cargage Laemrg

Ca&it Iiinml. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,iiloJ.rami. cr Ai?l>cKd. n *Hik it n p«n. I>n mclpv-nn/Vi. am llird |un> imnno, K: afpcuci ton ji ill--.4 irjor okiurTil.
CtCjrijhl JOI I
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicn Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

15. £ Postal Rates Use the table in the article at the right.
a. Does the table define a function?
b. Given w = 3.15 oz, find p.
c. Given w = 2 oz. find p.
in the NEWS!
d. How much does it cost to send a letter that weighs 0.25 oz?
First-Class Postage
One Penny More
16. £ Shipping The table at the right shows Weigh in Pounds (x) Cost <y) | The U.S. Postal Service is
the cost to send a Zone 3 Priority Mail raising postage rates for
package using the U.S. Postal Service. 0 < .* s I S5.25
first-class mail by 1 cent.
a. Does this table define a function? 1<X 2 S5.65 New rates for letters, shown
b. Given x 3.54 lb. find y.
c. Given x = 2 lb. find y.
2<x -- 3 S6.95
below, go into effect on
January 22.
d. How mich does it cost to send a
package that weighs 0.45 lb?
* 4 S8.I5
jga ggg» 1
4 <*--5
0 < H' £ 1 S.45

17. True or false? If/is a function, then it is possible that /(0)

and /(3) = -2.
- -2 1<w£2
2 <w£ 3
3 < H- £ 3.5 SI.05
18. ÿ True or false? If/is a function, then it is possible that /(4) = 3 www.waEhingIontirries.cofr.
and /(4) = 2.

For Exercises 19 to 22. given f(x) = 5x - 4. evaluate.

19. /(3) 20. /(— 2) 21. /(0) 22. /(-I)

For Exercises 23 to 26, given G(r) ~

4 - 3/. evaluate.
23. G(0) 24. G(-3) 25. G(-2) 26. G(4)

For Exercises 27 to 30, given q(r) = r: - 4. evaluate.

27. t/(3) 28. <y(4) 29. q(- 2) 30. q(- 5)

For Exercises 31 to 34. given F(x) = x2 + 3v - 4. evaluate.

31. F(4) 32. F{-4) 33. F(-3) 34. FX-6)

For Exercises 35 to 38, given H( p) =

n f ,. evaluate.
35. H(I) 36. H(-3) 37. H{i) 38. H{v)

For Exercises 39 to 42, given .v(r) = /' - 3/ + 4. evaluate.

39. s(— 1) 40. 5(2) 41. s(a) 42. 5(»c)

43. Given P(x) - 4x + 7, write P{-2 + h) - P(- 2) in simplest form.

44. Given G(t) = 9-2/, write G(-3 + h) - G(-3) in simplest form.

Ihessctbawisa Pisceÿ is 'C layrirg.

C.mritb. 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KiutmU. Uo ml K,iiraJram*. adirluKd. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> oa«uiraj K: airficucE Mc ill--.iinlor n'Mtui.i.
ldur»mitv hs«Jccikc iho nzy ainrcacÿ o>rt;r< kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt ro|iirc t

15. £ Postal Rates Use the table in the article at the right.
a. Does the table define a function?
b. Given w = 3.15 oz, find p.
c. Given w = 2 oz. find p.
in the NEWS!
d. How much does it cost to send a letter that weighs 0.25 oz?
First-Class Postage
One Penny More
16. £ Shipping The table at the right shows Weigh in Pounds (x) Cost <y) | The U.S. Postal Service is
the cost to send a Zone 3 Priority Mail raising postage rates for
package using the U.S. Postal Service. 0 < .* s I S5.25
first-class mail by 1 cent.
a. Does this table define a function? 1<X 2 S5.65 New rates for letters, shown
b. Given x 3.54 lb. find y.
c. Given x = 2 lb. find y.
2<x -- 3 S6.95
below, go into effect on
January 22.
d. How mich does it cost to send a
package that weighs 0.45 lb?
* 4 S8.I5
jga ggg» 1
4 <*--5
0 < H' £ 1 S.45

17. True or false? If/is a function, then it is possible that /(0)

and /(3) = -2.
- -2 1<w£2
2 <w£ 3
3 < H- £ 3.5 SI.05
18. ÿ True or false? If/is a function, then it is possible that /(4) = 3 www.waEhingIontirries.cofr.
and /(4) = 2.

For Exercises 19 to 22. given f(x) = 5x - 4. evaluate.

19. /(3) 20. /(— 2) 21. /(0) 22. /(-I)

For Exercises 23 to 26, given G(r) ~

4 - 3/. evaluate.
23. G(0) 24. G(-3) 25. G(-2) 26. G(4)

For Exercises 27 to 30, given q(r) = r: - 4. evaluate.

27. t/(3) 28. <y(4) 29. q(- 2) 30. q(- 5)

For Exercises 31 to 34. given F(x) = x2 + 3v - 4. evaluate.

31. F(4) 32. F{-4) 33. F(-3) 34. FX-6)

For Exercises 35 to 38, given H( p) =

n f ,. evaluate.
35. H(I) 36. H(-3) 37. H{i) 38. H{v)

For Exercises 39 to 42, given .v(r) = /' - 3/ + 4. evaluate.

39. s(— 1) 40. 5(2) 41. s(a) 42. 5(»c)

43. Given P(x) - 4x + 7, write P{-2 + h) - P(- 2) in simplest form.

44. Given G(t) = 9-2/, write G(-3 + h) - G(-3) in simplest form.

Ihessctbawisa Pisceÿ is 'C layrirg.

C.mritb. 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KiutmU. Uo ml K,iiraJram*. adirluKd. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> oa«uiraj K: airficucE Mc ill--.iinlor n'Mtui.i.
ldur»mitv hs«Jccikc iho nzy ainrcacÿ o>rt;r< kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt ro|iirc t

45. Energy The power a windmill can generate is a function of the velocity of the
wind. The function can be approximated by P = f(v) = 0.015V3, where P is the
power in watts and v is the velocity of the wind in meters per second. How much
power will be produced by a windmill when the velocity of the wind is 15 m /s?

46. Automotive Technology The distance s (in feet)

a car will skid on a certain road surface after the
brakes are applied is a function of the car's velocity
v (in miles per hour). The function can be approxim¬
ated by s = f{\>) ~ 0.017V2. How far will a car skid -

in me news:
after its brakes are applied if it is traveling at 60 mph?

New Tires on a Roll

47. £ Automotive Technology Read the news article at the right. Suppose you to Lower Costs
drive 12,000 mi per year and the price ofgas is S4.00per gallon. Under these con¬ Recent improvements in
ditions. increasing your car's fuel efficiency by p percent can give you an annual low-rolling-resistance tires
cost savings, in dollars, of S = Jlp) = \
'f >,ou changed the tires on your car

have made these tires an
increasingly popular choice
to low-rolling-resistance tires, what would be your minimum annual cost savings?
tor people who want to
Round to the nearest cent. cut fuel costs. Low-rolling-
resistance tires can raise a
car's fuel efficiency by 5 to
7 percent.
48. Airports Airport administrators usually I Hours Parked Cost 1 Source. w\

price airport parking at a rate that discour¬ 0<r < 1 SI.00

ages people from using the parking lot for 53.00
1 <r<2
long periods of time. The rate structure for an
airport is given in the table at the right. 2 <i 4 -- S6.50
a. Evaluate this function when / = 2.5 h. 4<i 7 -- S10.00
b. Evaluate this function when I ~ 7 h. 7 < i 12
-- SI4.00

49. Business Game Engineering has just completed the pro¬ Number ofGames Cost to Manufacture
gramming and testing for a new computer game. The cost Manufactured One Game
to manufacture and package the game depends on the num¬ 0<x 2500 S6.00
ber of units Game Engineering plans to sell. The table at
the right shows the cost per game for various manufacturing 2500 < .t - 5000 S5.50
quantities. 5000 < x 10.000 S4.75
a. Evaluate this function when x = 7000.
b. Evaluate this function when x = 20.000.
10.000 < x - 20.000 S4.00
20.000 < x 40.000 S3.00

50. Real Estate A real estate appraiser charges a fee that de¬ 1 Value of Property Appraisal Fee ]
pends on the estimated value V of the property. The table at the v< 100.000 S350
right gives the fees charged for various estimated values of real
estate. 100.000--- v < 500.000 S515
a. Evaluate this function when V = S5.000.000. 500.000 -- v < 1.000.000 S950
1.000.000 --
b. Evaluate this function when V = $767,000.
v< 5.000.000 S2500
5.000.000 v < 10.000.000 S3000
LHessotteTOs? rc.X. al cctIb-ict this page ts $ Cargsgs laam'rg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KimtoJ. Uq ixi Ix mxiir onlKrcJ. a »Kile tr it part. I>« ui cla-ixnt mm iknl wo oatctirtn, Ix wtraKB 6co< lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiom"

tilingroim la* JcaxJihr. ix mcnll kinuv cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng rc*tnc< ix njÿii loectH'vc tÿluinil ccotni ii my line if «iV«c4ixn: n/k*
«rfrv«cc couch Jc<« r»»: numill) xffcvs rorsirc

For Exercises 51 to 62, what is the domain of the function? Write the answer in set-
builder notation.
51. /It) = 52. gix) = 53. f(x) = 3a* +2
.V — A" +4

x -
54. g(x) = 4 - It 55. H(x) = -x2 56. f(x) =

2t+ 5
57. g(x) = 58. Hi.t) = .t2 - .t + 1 59. fix) - 3.T2 + a- +4

3 - 5.T x -2 3 — A'
60. gix) = 61. Hi.x) =
62. hix) =
6 - A-

objective b To graph afunction

For Exercises 63 to 68, graph the given function. First plot the ordered pairs of the
function for the given values of the independent variable. Then connect the points to
form the graph. Estimate the domain and range from the graph. Write the answers in
interval notation.

63. gix) =x- 2 64. fix) = -x + 1 65. fix) = ~lx + 4

x= -3,-2,-1.0.1,2,3,4.5 a- = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 a; = 0,1,2,3,4

66. hix) = — — t - 2 67. git) = t2

t= -1.0.1,2.3,4,5
- 41 68. hiu) = -if + 2u
u= -1,0.1,2,3

l*lessctter«se rclMall cotemafi's Is I

C Lasirirg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,m> KimtoJ. VUj fwl K: anxi. ir airlKnJ. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»« ui ckcivnt rÿHi thnl K: wiicuta bar at tlixk irjjr
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj " couch Jc<i r«>: nunulb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxncru. Cca 0&c I cimnf rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc
|tH) .ramiitq,

tÿlutml ccnxni il anj line

it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire *-

For Exercises 69 lo 74. graph the given function. First plot the ordered pairs of the function
for the given values of the independent variable. Then connect the points to form the graph.
Estimate the domain and range from the graph. Write the answers in set-builder notation.
69. f(x) = -x2 - 4x + I 70. f(l) = t2 - 6/ + 5 71. fix) = 2\x + 1 1 - I
x = -5,-4. -3,-2,-1,0, I t = 0. 1,2,3,4.5 A-= -4,-3,-2,-1.0.1,2

r «

l_. 1- . • i



For Exercises 75 to 80. estimate the domain and range of the function or relation
whose graph is shown. Write the answers in interval notation.


LHe>5 ottuwse re,®, al coitalcnHas page 3 £ Cergage leamrg.

C.mritb. 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu\<J Ug ml K,unil adirluKd. n»l»ik i« u nm. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llirj |un> cdkuiraj K: feon Mc ilv-vi inlo> ct'fapxn ,t
pc*io»hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc ccnunl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc c

objective c To apply the verticalline test

For Exercises 81 to 86. use the vertical line test to determine whether the graph is the
graph of a function.

84. 85. 86.



Critical Thinking
87. a. Find the set of ordered pairs (.r. y) determined by the equation v = x \ where
X e {-2, -1,0, 1,2}.
>3 b. Does the set of ordered pairs define a function? Why or why not?

88. a. Find the set of ordered pairs (v. y) determined by the equation I v| = r, where
.r£ {0,1, 2, 3}.
£1 b. Does the set of ordered pairs define a function? Why or why not?

89. Q Explain the meanings of the words relation and function. Be sure to describe how
the meanings of the two words differ.
Ulesscthawse rcted.allcaten!onrtspeÿ is 'CCffgaÿlayrirc.

I.mndi. "Oil <;««*« IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, oh h,unilrnnci. <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik i» a put. I>n m(l«im .milinl run, on«n(to, K: airficucÿ Son isi ill--.4 irjor okiuil'l.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

For Exercises 90 to 93. each graph defines a function. 1200

90. Parachuting The graph at the right shows the distance above the ground of a 800 &ÿ . >
after making a low-level training jump. 600
Ia. The point with coordinates (1 1 .5. 590.2) is on the graph. Write a senteire that

explains the meaning of this ordered pair. 10 20 30

b. Estimate the time from the beginning of the jump to the end of the jump. Time
(in seconds)


91. Parachuting The graph at the right shows the descent speed of a paratrooper after
making a low-level training jump. ~z
a. The point with coordinates (1 1.5, 36.3) is on the graph. Write a sentence that
explains the meaning of this ordered pair.
b. Estimate the speed at which the paratrooper is falling I s after jumping from the Time

92. ÿ Clean Energy Use the graph in the article at the right.
a. Estimate the amount of money that China invested in clean energy projects
in 2005.
b. Estimate the amount of money that China invested in clean energy projects China Invests in
in 2010. Clean Energy
As China's demand for
energy continues to nse. so
does Its involvement with
93. Athletics The graph at the right shows the de¬ clean energy projects.
crease in the heart rate r (in beats per minute) of a
runner Iminutes after completing a race. Clean Energy Investment
a. Estimate the heart rate of a runner when
I= 5 rnin.
b. Estimate the heart rate of a runner when
/ - 20 min. 5 10 15 20 25
Time (in minutes)

Sources. The Boston Globe;

Bloomberg Nev» Energy Finance
Projects or Group Activities
94. d Give a real-world example of a relationthat is not a function. Is it possible to give
an example of a function that is not a relation? If so. give one. If not. explain why it
is not possible.

For Exercises 95 to 98. use a graphing calculator to graph the function. Use the
standard viewing window. See the Graphing Calculator Appendix for additional help.
95. f(x) = x - 4x 96. fix) = -7
x + I

97. g(x) = -x4 4x 98. g(x) = x3 - lv2 - 4x +3

LHessottervws al corlet cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htflu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!pm. l>n in tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird imnno, K: top ji itix* mlor n'rrprrri.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt tkci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njJilÿKtiwc ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni njlorotnctwnircgiirc l

3.3 Linear Functions

OBJECTIVE A To graph a linearfunction

Recall that the ordered pairs of a function can be written as (x,f(x)) or as (.r, y) - The graph
of a function is a graph of the ordered pairs (.r. y) that belong to the function. Certain func¬
tions have characteristic graphs. A function that can be written in the form f(x) = nix + b
(or y = rnx + b) is called a linear function because its graph is a straight line.

Examples of linear functions are shown at /(x) =2x+ 5 (m ~ 2, b - 5)

the right. Note that the exponent on each
variable is 1 .
y = —2x
= 3/ - 2 -
(m 3, b = -2)
(m - -2, b 0)
s(z) = Z
-f*+ - 2
i m = -~,b = 1
(in = 1 = -2)

The equation y - x2 + 4.v + 3 is not a linear function because it includes a term with
a variable squared. The equation f(x) = ~~l is not a linear function because a vari¬
able occurs in the denominator. Another example of an equation that is not a linear
function is y - V.r + 4; this equation contains a variable within a radical and so is not
a linear function.

There are many applications of linear fu nctions.


The linear function F T(C) = -
+ 32 is used to convert a Celsius temperature C
to a Fahrenheit temperature F. Find the Fahrenheit temperature when the Celsius
temperature is 20°C.

F = T(Q = |c + 32
= 7X20) = -(20) 32 • Evaluate the function when C = 20.
= 36 + 32 = 68
When the Celsius temperature is 20CC. the Fahrenheit temperature is 68°F.

Whether an equation is written as f(x) = mx + b or as y = mx + b. the equation rep¬

resents a linear function, and the graph of the equation is a straight line.

Because the graph of a linear function is a straight line, and a straight line is determined
by two points, the graph of a linear function can be drawn by finding only two of the
ordered pairs of the function. However, it is recommended that you find at least three
ordered pairs to ensure accuracy.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi. oil h,enrol 11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-ni rtfhi 01llird pm» caien(Taj K: nnmÿ ton ji ill--.4 iniVx n'Mpxid.

hÿUra! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:ihc rjiillÿ«tiw< try Imc it «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

When the coefficient of
Find at least three ordered pairs. Because the coefficient of
x is a fraction, choose values
of x that are multiples of the x is a fraction with denominator 2. choosing values of
denominator of the fraction. x that are divisible by 2 simplifies the calculations. The
This will result in coordinates ordered pairs can be displayed in a table.
that are integers.

• Graph the ordered pairs and draw a line through the points.

Solution Your solution

Solution Your solution

Solutions on p. 57
LHe>5 olhawise al coitalcnthis (aje 5 ffi Cergsge leamrg.

Uqiith 301)li'iw Irannr *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Uo ml K,unil aAirluKd. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» mclwtoruruh. o> llirj tun. odkiiiraj K: wnocÿ feon Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
rcvio* hs«Jccntjihn azy ainvcacÿ cuctcrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«r>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvrrxm at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roirxlwnt regain c

objective B To graph an equation of theform Ax + By = C

The equation Ax + By = C. where -4 and Bare coefficients and C is a constant, is also a

linear equation in two variables. This equation can be written in the form y = inx + b.

Write 4y - 3y = 6 in the form y = inx + b.

4.v - 3y = 6

_ 4

— 3y — 4.V + 6 * Subtract 4v from each side of the equation.

.V - A 0
- • Divide each side of the equation by -3. This is the form
y = mx + b, with m = — and b = -2.

To graph an equation of the form Ax + By = C, first solve the equation for y. Tlien fol¬
low the same procedure used to graph an equation of the form v = inx + b.

ESSSZSSUl Graph: 3.v + 2y = 6

3-v + 2y = 6
2y = —3x + 6
y = ——.V +3 • Solve the equation forj.

0 3
Find at least three solutions. Choose multiples of 2
2 0
for x.
4 -3

Graph the ordered pairs and draw a Sne through

the points.

If one of the coefficients A or B is zero, the graph of Ay + By + C is a horizontal or

vertical line. Consider the equation y = -2. where <4. the coefficient of x,is 0. We can
write this equation in two variables as 0 x + y = -2. No matter what value of .r is se¬

lected. 0 • x = 0. Therefore, y equals -2 for all values of .v. The table below shows some
ordered-pair solutions of y - -2. The graph is shown to the right of the table.

BE 11
-1 0- (-!) + >= -2 -2 M.-2)

0 -
0 0 + y = -2 -2 (0. -2)
3 o <n + II r-i
-2 <3. -2)

Urfessotfiswse tiMall eaten!an ns Qrgaj- Lrar irg.

1% I

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 tu KnnaL Mi) m Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i UiclaVont r<(hv mm tknl |tnj.\amirm, K: mafOKi fccm at itv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. otrrvwee cortcn Jc<« r»»: riumill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjtncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii to acwvc tÿlucml crnxnt ii iny line it «jV*cqtxn: r/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

objective B To graph an equation of theform Ax + By = C

The equation Ax + By = C. where -4 and Bare coefficients and C is a constant, is also a

linear equation in two variables. This equation can be written in the form y = inx + b.

Write 4y - 3y = 6 in the form y = inx + b.

4.v - 3y = 6

_ 4

— 3y — 4.V + 6 * Subtract 4v from each side of the equation.

.V - A 0
- • Divide each side of the equation by -3. This is the form
y = mx + b, with m = — and b = -2.

To graph an equation of the form Ax + By = C, first solve the equation for y. Tlien fol¬
low the same procedure used to graph an equation of the form v = inx + b.

ESSSZSSUl Graph: 3.v + 2y = 6

3-v + 2y = 6
2y = —3x + 6
y = ——.V +3 • Solve the equation forj.

0 3
Find at least three solutions. Choose multiples of 2
2 0
for x.
4 -3

Graph the ordered pairs and draw a Sne through

the points.

If one of the coefficients A or B is zero, the graph of Ay + By + C is a horizontal or

vertical line. Consider the equation y = -2. where <4. the coefficient of x,is 0. We can
write this equation in two variables as 0 x + y = -2. No matter what value of .r is se¬

lected. 0 • x = 0. Therefore, y equals -2 for all values of .v. The table below shows some
ordered-pair solutions of y - -2. The graph is shown to the right of the table.

BE 11
-1 0- (-!) + >= -2 -2 M.-2)

0 -
0 0 + y = -2 -2 (0. -2)
3 o <n + II r-i
-2 <3. -2)

Urfessotfiswse tiMall eaten!an ns Qrgaj- Lrar irg.

1% I

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 tu KnnaL Mi) m Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i UiclaVont r<(hv mm tknl |tnj.\amirm, K: mafOKi fccm at itv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. otrrvwee cortcn Jc<« r»»: riumill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjtncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii to acwvc tÿlucml crnxnt ii iny line it «jV*cqtxn: r/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

Graph of y = b

The graph of y = b is a horizontal line passing through the point with coordinates (0, £>).

EZZZEZlÿ Graph: y +4 =0 V

Solve for y.
y +4 = 0
y= ~4
The graph of y = -4 is a horizontal line passing
through the point with coordinates (0, -4).

The equation y = 2 represents a function. Some of the ordered pairs of this function are
(-1. -2), (0, -2), and (3, -2). In function notation, we write /(.v) = -2. This function is
an example of a constant function. For every value of .v, the value of the function is the
constant -2. For instance, we have /( 17) = -2,/ (V2) = -2, and / (tt) = -2.

Constant Function

A function given by f(x) b. where b is a constant, is a constant function. The graph

of a constant function is a horizontal line passing through the point P(0, b).

Now consider the equation x ~ 2. where B. the coefficient of y, is zero. We write this
equation in two variables by writing x + 0 • y = 2. No matter what value of y is selected,
0 y = 0. Therefore, x equals 2 for all values of y. The following table shows some
ordered-pair solutions of x ~ 2. The graph is shown to the right of the table.


[ J x +0 •j = 2 X fej) j
6 + 0-6 = 2 2 (2.6)
*+o 2
1 II r-i (2. 1)

* + 0 - (-4) = 2 2 <2. -4)

TakeNote Graph of x = a
The equation y = b
represents a function. The graph of x = a is a vertical line passing through the point with coordinates (a, 0).
The equation x = a does
nor represent a function.
_ Reca" lhat a function is a set of ordered Pairs in which no two ordered pairs have the
same first coordinate and different second coordinates. Because ( 2, 6), (2, 1 ), and (2, -4)
are ordered pairs belonging to the equation x = 2, this equation does not represent a
function, and its graph is not the graph of a function.
IHessoBecvrae roiffl. a IcOTrf enthis page a £ laimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik it it put. I>.i uiclccVont mm tknl |tnj tuucu "a, Ix wittvcÿ frcm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. «rfw«cc couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo ccnxni ii iny line if «iV*cqtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcqurc

Graph: 2.v + 3v = 9 Graph: -3x + 2y =4

Solution Your solution
Solve the equation for v.
2v + 3v = 9 i A

3v = — 2v + 9
y= -ÿx + 3 I -2
_ o— 7
> 1 4

-3 5 \
0 3
3 1

Graph: x = -4 Graph: y — 3 =0
Solution Your solution
The graph of an equation of the form x = a V

is a vertical line passing through the point — i A

with coordinates (a. 0).

• The graph of* = —4

goes through the point -2 ft 2 4
with coordinates (—4, 0). 2

* 1

Solutions on p. S7

OBJECTIVE C To find the x- and y-intercepts of a straight line

The graph of the equation x 2y = 4 is shown at

the right. The graph crosses the .v-axis at the point

with coordinates (4. 0). This point is called the
ÿ-intercept. The graph crosses the v-axis at the point
with coordinates (0. -2). This point is called the y-

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlefBanPiscÿ is 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil M«j ml K,unil adarluaoL n»!»ik i« I!wn. I>j» mcktnoruruh. o> (tin) m*> cuikciiraj K: airficucÿ fenn Mc itiw* itilor cCtafloU).
ldur»rc*io» hs«JccncJihu azy ainwacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I ctmng rc«r>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwot rojurc t

Find ihe coordinates of the x- and y-intercepts of the graph of the equa¬
ÿ j Take Note tion 3.v + 4y = -12.
The x-intercept occurs when
y = 0. To find the x-intercept, let y = 0. To find the y-intercept. let .v = 0.
The /-intercept occurs when (Any point on the x-axis has (Any point on the y-axis has
x = 0. y-coordinate 0.) .v-coordinate 0.)
3.v + 4y = - 12 3.v + 4y = -12
3x + 4(0) = - 12 3(0) + 4y = -12
3x = -12 4y= -12
x = -4 y = -3
The x-intercept has coordinates (—4, 0). The y-intercept has coordinates (0, —3).

Graph 3.v - 2y = 6 by using the .v- and y-intercepts.

3.v - 2y =6 _
3x - 2(0) =6 • To find the x-intercept. 4 /

3.v =6 let v = 0. Then solve for x.

x =2 '
The .v-intercept has coordinates (2. 0). 4 p -il
- 2y = 6
3(0) - 2y = 6 • To find the y-intercept. r

— 2yy== 6-3 let x = 0. Then solve for v-

The v-intercept has coordinates (0. -3).

Graph the .r- and y-intercepts. Draw a line through the two points.

The graph of f(x) = 2r - 4 is shown at the right. Evalu¬

ating the function when .v = 2, we have •4
fix) = 2v - 4
/(2) = 2(2) - 4
L_ A
/(2) = 0 : T] 0
• /
2 is the value of x for which f(x) = 0. A value of x for 1 i
which f(x) = 0 is called a zero of /. _L_

Note that the x-intercept of the graph has coordinates (2. 0). The .v-coordinate of the
.v-intercept is a zero of the function.

Zero of a Function

A value of x for which f (x) 0 is called a zero of the function f.

1. Let f(x) = 3x 4 6 and x = 2. 2. Let f(x) = 2x 6 and x = 0.
f( 2) = 3( 2) 4 6 = 0 f( 0) = 2(0) - 6 = -6 0
Because f( 2) = 0, 2 is a zero of f. Because f(0) 0, 0 is not a zero of f. *
To find a zero of a function, let /(.v) = 0 and solve for x.
IHess Mhevise al coitalcnHis (aje 5 ffi Cergsge laamrg.

C«fqri<tn "I'l1IIMW Iuntnl. *11 Htftu Kociri. Uo ml K.iiraJ.rami. n darlund. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» l
a ckcn-w ruW. o> llirj tun, unmiraj K: fc" Mc itilor n'utui.i.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxnl at utj line if 4iV«cqiOTi njforolixlwnt ro)iirc c

Find the zero of fix) = "x - 4.

f(x) = -j.r - 4

0= |r - 4 • To find a ztro of a function, let fix) = 0.

-f,= -4 • Solve for x.
A =6
The zero is 6. The graph of / is shown at the left. Note that the x-coordinate of the
x- intercept is the zero of /.

Graph 4.v y
— = 4 by using the x- and Graph 3a y
— = 2 by using the a- and

Solution Your solution

4a — y = 4
4a - 0 = 4 • Let y = 0.
4a = 4

A = |

/-intercept: ,

4a y = 4 * 11
4(0)- y = 4 • Let a = 0. -4 r
~y = 4
y= -4
(0. -4)

Find the zero of /?(/) - 4/ + 6. Find the zero of gix) - 4 + %x.
Solution Your solution
h{t) = 4t + 6
0 = 4/ + 6 • Let h{t) = 0.
-4/ = 6 • Solve for t.
' 2
The zero is i. — Solutions on pp. S7-SS
UfessodxTMsaread,aiIrated,on Pispeÿ is ©Cmjaÿ Iflaritij

Ctfiyrighl -OIJ Ca&it Iiininf til Htftu >Ocnol VU; r>:i h,cc(<nlrami. cr Animal. n•* hiW it is p«n. I>it ui(tamrah. o> llird |tn> cancel no, K: &"ti at itv-ci Hilar oJaiuT'l.
hÿura!pc*io» haJccnciduitt) «jn*co(ÿ cocicrt ikci rannaicnilb **c »»» cr»l 1 Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ(ctiw< ccoxnl it inj li*»c if «jV«ajucni rotiKtwnireqirt t-

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

There are a variety of applications of linear functions.

The heart rate R after Iminutes for a person taking a brisk walk can
TJ TakeNote
In many applications, the
be approximated by the equation R = 2/ + 72. Graph this equation for 0 < / < 10.
domain of the variable is The point with coordinates (5. 82) is on the graph. Write a sentence that describes the
such that the equation makes meaning of this ordered pair.
sense. For this application.
it would not be sensible to Findthe values of R for/ - Oand / = 1 0. When / = ()./? = 72. When / = 10. R = 84.
have values of f that are less
Graph (0. 72). <5, 82), and (10. 84). Draw the
than zero. This would indicate 2
negative time! The number 80
line segment that contains the three poinLs.
10 is somewhat arbitrary, but -5 1= 60
after 10 min most people's c 5
heart rates would level off. 8 Z 40
and a linear function would z
no longer apply. t
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (in minute.)

The ordered pair (5. 82) means that after 5 min. the person's heart rate is 82 beats per

An electronics technician charges $45 plus SI per The height h (in inches) of a person and the length
minute to repair defective wiring in a home or L (in inches) of that person's stride while walking
apartment. The equation that describes the total
cost C to have defectixe win ng repaired is given
are related. The equation h = + 50 approxi¬
mates this relationship. Graph this equation for
by C = I+ 45. where t is the number of minutes 15 < L < 40. The point with coordinates (32, 74)
the technician works. Graph this equation for is on the graph. Write a sentence that describes the
0 < / s" 60. The point with coordinates ( 1 5, 60) meaning of this ordered pair.
is on the graph. Write a sentence that describes the
meaning of this ordered pair.

Solution Your solution

Graph C = t + 45.
When / = 0, C = 45.
When / = 50. C = 95.

0 10 20 .80 40 SO 10 20 80 40
Time (inminutes) Stride (in inches)

The ordered pai r ( 1 5. 60) means that it costs

$60 for the technician to work 15 min.

Solution on p. SS
IHess ottetWs r*r.ffl. al coitalcnthis psge is £ Csrgsge leamrg.

Uqiilh 301) Ccr&jc I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal VU, ml K,cc(<nlrami, ndnlund. n»l»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» m(tornruW. o> llinl |un> hdhiiiraj K: wnoi u> itv-vi inlor cCfapxr < t
pc*io» hs«tkcncJdm uy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimn/ rc**r>e« ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucni n/lorolixfwnt ro|iirc c


Concept Check
1. kJ When finding ordered pairs to graph a line, why do we recommend that you find
at least three ordered pairs?

2. To graph points on the graph of y — ÿ + 4, it is helpful to choose values of .v that

are divisible by what number?

3. What is the .v-coordinate of the y-intercept of a line? What is the y-coordinate of the
.r-intercept of a line?

4. Is -3 a zero of f(x) = 5.v + 15?

OBJECTIVE A To graph a linearfunction

5. Oceanography The linear function P J\d) - -
0.097d + I can be used to es¬
timate the pressure P. in atmospheres (atm), on a vessel that is d meters below1 the
surface of the ocean. Find the pressure on a vessel that is 500 m below the surface of
the ocean. {Note: The pressure at sea level is Iatm.)

6. Speed of Sound The speed of sound is affected by temperature and can be ap¬
proximated by the linear function S = f[T) = 0.67" + 340. where S is the speed of
sound in meters per second and T is the temperature in degrees Celsius. Find the
speed of sound when the temperature is 25CC.

For Exercises 7 to 18. graph.

7. y = x- 3 8. >- = -.v + 9. y = — 3.v + 2

ÿ , 1
1 1
& —IT ?11
1 1
4 - 0 -> 4 1 o 4 lol 7 4

I2 J n1

1 ' 1 i — n
10. y = -Ix +3 11. /(x) = 3.v - 4 M

.) 7- —

1 0
j> 4 4 D
—4—4 II -

1 1
Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIrated,on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB IffinitQ.

2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol VUf im h,icmdrani.IT dnltcnd. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m tkcn-w rah.ante ihld r Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr tx cIVxI ir*lof 4»

hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainvcacÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njiil ic xtk'.c c<ttxni it uq lirx it «jV«(iKni n(h>rottxtun* rojurc t

16. y = - x -3 17. f(x) = -jf + 2 18. I

' 4

L— «

objective b To graph an equation oftheform At +By = C

For Exercises 19 to 33. graph.

19. Ix + y = -3 20. 2v - y = 3 21. .v - 4v =

—f1 4J-
T 1



22. 2r + 5y = 10 23. 4.v + 3y= 12 24. 2y - 5>' - 10



1 A y i •
I 1 j

1 —_ J
IHess otteww re,a:, a Icoital:01this page is I
Cargsgs Laemrg

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Itun of. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) Ix «vncc. tr ai;l>o<U. a »Kik tr it put. I>« ui tkoiv'it raHi .rt tlinl |tnjtuucu to, K: wircvca fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
fiiiralmicn Ism JccncJ ihr. coucnJc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Iutrnf rc*mc< ix niiii lo «c(Nÿc tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny lirx i! «iV«c4inii n/l«* rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

25. .r - 3y = 0 26. x + 3y = 9 27. y = -2

— 1

-4 - ? 4 - o 4

_ 1

L. X.

28. f(x) = 3 29. x = -3 30. .v = I

— |

.. j
4*> — >

r 1
rJ 1 i

34. 'jS Suppose the graph of Ay + By = C is a horizontal line. Which of the numbers A
B. or C must be zero?

35. Is i' always possible to solve Ay + By = C for y and write the equation in the
form y = mx + 6? If not. explain.

objective c Tofind the x- and y-intercepts ofa straight line

For Exercises 36 to 44, find the x- and y-intercepts. and graph.

36. 3.t + >• = 3 37. .v - 2y = -4 38. 2x -y =4

x x
i 4 ;: <3 4

Irtessothswse tlM all cotemonBis Is © tega* trarirg.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 tu KocnoL Mi) Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« UiclccVont nfl» .rt tknl |tnj,\dkiitxa/ K: witcuca fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Iurrnf rc*mc< ix lo actKÿc tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV«c4inii r/k*mmciwiw rorsirc

39. 2x - 3y = 9 40. 4.v - 3y = 8 41. 2.y +y = 3

42. 2v - 3y = 4 43. 3.v + 2y -4 44. 4.v - 3y = 6

45. Does the graph of every straight line have a y-intercept? Explain.

46. Why is it not possible to graph an equation of the form Av + By = 0 by using

only the x- and y-intercepts?

For Exercises 47 to 54. find the zero of the function.

47. f(x) = 4.Y +8 48. h(x) = -3.r - 9 49. s(t) = - 9 50. /(/) = |/ + 2
51. f(x) = 4a- 52. g(u) = -3u 53. g(x) = |r - 4 54. h(l) = 3 - -J

objective d To solve applicationproblems

— — *

55. Biology The heart of a ruby-throated hummingbird beats about 1200 times per
minute while the bird is in flight. The equation B = 1200/ gives the total number
of heartbeats B in / minutes of flight. How many times will this hummingbird's
heart beat in 7 min of flight?

56. Telecommunications The monthly cost of a wireless telephone plan is $39.99

for up to 450 min of calling time plus $.45 per minute for each minute over 450
min. The equation that describes the cost of this plan is C = 0.45.v + 39.99. where
.y is the number of minutes over 450. What is the cost of this plan if a person uses
a. 398 min and b. 475 min of calling time?
IHess otto»Wse alccnlBlerthis p=ge 3 ® Crrgsge laam'rg.

uqiilh 'Oil C-mMc Iiininl. *11 K«l.< Kamal Vfaj mi K,unil«mii n darlmol. »hik nm. I>k m(bumrtftu o> llinl cuikiiiraj K: <***> 6c anlix dSsiun
rdiira!rtsit* JccnciJut itj coWcrt ik<i r«n nucnilb xf&o. C*c »»» ct*J1 Ic amn/ npcncnx. CaMc I timrx rc«T>s< ix njÿil ic pctkac iÿluiml ccoxnl at anj line »l oaVwajucni njlorotixlwmrojurc t

57. 1ÿ Compensation Marlys receives SI 1 per hour as a mathematics department

tutor. The equation that describes Marlys's wages is W =11/. where / is the number
£ 200
of hours she spends tutoring. Graph this equation for 0 ÿ ÿ 20. The point with
coordinates (15, 165) is on the graph. Write a sentence that describes the meaning of
this ordered pair. 100

10 20
Hours tutoring

58. £1 Animal Science A bee beats its wings approximately 100 times per second.
The equation that describes the total number of times a bee beats its wings is giv¬
en by B = 100/. Graph this equation for 0 < / < 60. The point with coordinates
(35. 3500) is on the graph. Write a sentence that describes the meaning of this or¬
dered pair.

10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (in seconds)

59. hJ Manufacturing The cost of manufacturing skis is S5000 for

startup costs and S80 per pair of skis manufactured. The equa¬ 160.000
tion that describes the cost of manufacturing /? pairs of skis is 120.000
C = 80/? + 5000. Graph this equation for 0 < /? < 2000. The 40.000
point with coordinates (50. 9000) is on the graph. Write a sentence
500 1000 1500 2000
that describes the meaning of this ordered pair.
Number of pairs of skis

60. £ hJ Atomic Physics The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. is a machine that
is capable of accelerating a proton to a velocity that is 99.99T the speed of light.
At this speed, a proton will travel approximately 0.98 ft in a billionth of a second
(one nanosecond). {Source: The equation d - 0.98/ gives the
distance d. in feet, traveled by a proton in Inanoseconds. Graph this equation for
0 < / < 10. The point with coordinates (4, 3.92) is on the graph. Write a sentence that
5 -
explains the meaning of this ordered pair.
2 4 6
61. 9# hi Oceanography Read the articfc below about the small submarine Alvin. Nanoseconds

in me news!
Alvin, First Viewer of the Titanic , Gets an Upgrade
AlVin, the original Human Occupied Vehicle (HOV), is on vacation. Since 1964. scientists have
used Alvin for deep-sea exploration. Alvin is able to descend at a rate of 30 m/min to a maximum
depth of 4500 m below sea level. As part of a plan to create an HOV that can dive deeper and
stay underwater longer. Alvin is now undergoing many structural and systems upgrades.
Source: Wools Hole Oceanogiaphic Institute

Time (in minutes)

The equation that describes Alvin's depth D. in meters, is D = -30/, where /
is the number of minutes Alvin has been descending. Graph this equation for
0 < / < 1 50. The ordered pair (65, -1950) is on the graph. Write a sentence :
that describes the meaning of this ordered pair.

UiessctbaViiw rctedalleaten!an risceÿ is 'C Cgqay Layr.irg.

Uqiilh 3011Ccr&t! Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. Uo ml K,unil n darlund. n»t»ik i « n wn. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> itinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocS Son Mc inlor rt'Suun ,i.
tAur» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ cocKriik<« r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimn/ rc**r>e« &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotrxtumrotiirc c

Critical Thinking
62. Explain what the graph of an equation represents.
63. Explain how to graph the equation of a straight line by plotting points.
64. id Explain how to graph the equation of a straight line by using its .r- and y- intercepts.
65. £1 Explain why you cannot graph the equation 4x + 3y = 0 by usingjust its intercepts.

Projects or Group Activities

An equation of the form + - I, where a ÿ* 0 and b ¥• 0. is called the intercept
form ofa straight linebecause (a .0) and (0. b) are the x- and y-intercepts of the graph
of the equation. Graph the equations in Exercises 66 to 68.
X y
+ i_1 3
= 1
1 i "T 4

i n f) 1
r1 I2
"r- -
~r "l4 v
1. Find the exact length, and the coordinates of 2. Is the point P(2. -5) on the graph of
the midpoint, of the line segment connecting y = .r2 + 1?
/>,(- 3. 5) and P2(l. -3).

For Exercises 3 and 4. graph the equation. First plot the solutions of the equation for
the given values of .r. Then connect the points to form the graph.
3. y = 2v + 2 4. y = - x\ + 3
x = -4,-3,-2,-1.0.1,2 x = -6, -4,-2,0,2.4.6

— \(

5. Determine whether the set of ordered pairs is
a function. State the domain and range.
6. What is the domain of g(.v) -
{(0. I),(l,2), (2. 3), (-5. 3)}

7. Evaluate s(t) = -3/ : + 4/ - 1 when / = -3. 8. Evaluate /(.x) = Iv - 3 when x = 2 - a.

LHess otherwe rotffl. alccnlelcrthis page a $ Csrgage Laemrg

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.cciwlrani,cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w .milird imp, omenno, K: &c"i ji itv-vi mlor OkpiT".
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic njJilÿKtiwc ccoxnl it inj Imc «l «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrnfcÿiirt l

For Exercises 9 and 10. graph the function. First plot the ordered pairs of the function for
the given values of the independent variable. Then connect the points to form the graph.
Estimate the domain and range from the graph. Write the answers in interval notation.
9. 5(1) = --1+ 3 10. v(m) = ir - 6m +5
I - -2,0,2,4.6 u = -1.0. 1,

For Exercises II and 12, determine whether the graph is the graph of a function.
Estimate the domain and range from the graph. Write the answers in set-builder notation.
11. y



For Exercises 13 to 16, graph the equation.

13. f(x) = — "~.v

+2 14. v = 2x -3

16. x = 4

17. Find the coordinates of the .r- and ÿ-intercepts 18. Find the zero of g(t) = 31 + 6.
of 4.v - 5y = 20.

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlemanPiscÿ is 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal vu. >i h.unil adarlund. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m(tomruW. o> llinl tun, ..nilnuj K: Mc t <v-.i inlor n'Mtuio.

1»tkciKC ilut azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< Ik ntjil U> ccykak idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni n roliKlwnt ro|iirc t

3.4 Slope of a Straight Line

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the slope ofa line given two points

The graphs of v = 3.v + 2 and y = jx + 2 are shown al the left. Each graph crosses the
y-axis at the point P{ 0. 2), but the graphs have different slants. The slope of a line is a
measure of the slant of die line. The symbol for slope is m.

The slope of a line containing two points is the ratio of the change in the y values of the
two points to the change in the x values. The line containing the points whose coordinates
are (-1, -3) and (5, 2) is shown below.

The change in the y values is the difference be¬

tween the y-coordinates of the two points.
J, 15.b)lr
Change in y = 2 - (-3) =5 7
The change in the x values is the difference be¬ f 1A 1 4 1 I Change iny
T T7
tween the A-coordinates of the two points.

Change in ,v = 5 — (—1) = 6
wr 4-4- 2 -(-3) =5

'l .s Tl
The slope of the line between the two points is
the ratio of the change in y to the change in .v.
change in y 2 ~ (-3)
Slope = m= m=
change in x 5-(-l)

In general, if Pi(.V[,yi) and P2{x2, yj are two points on a line, then

Change in y = y2 — yj Change in x = X2 — a*!
Using these ideas, we can state a formula for slope.

Slope Formula

The slope of the line containing the two points P1U1, y 1) arid P2<x2, 72) is given by

*2 *1

Frequently, the Greek letter A (delta) is used to designate the change in a variable. Using
this notation, we can write equations for the change in y and the change in .v as follows:
Change in y = Ay = y2 - >'1 Change in .r = A* = .v2 - -Vi

Using this notation, the slope formula is written m =

LHbssoJixwh) rffic. a cottirt en this pa)9 6 © Caxpcp Leamrq

tcprii(H liunnf Ki> i»Mhe ctp«d.u«n>cd. it JicltxJ nvbik:f n |rl.llKncUniri0li«lkii prfj ttaimtm t« »or«cacJiriilic clfec*

UiAJUtSUHi Find the slope of the line passing through

Take Note the points Pi (-2,0) and P2(4. 5).
When finding the slope of
the line between two points. From P|(-2, 0). we have x\ = -2, vi = 0. From
it does not matter which P2(4. 5). we have .r2 = 4. v2 = 5. Now use the slope
point is called P, and which formula.
is called P2. In HOW TO 1,
we could have labeled the
points P,(4. 5) and P2(-2. 0).
reversing the names of Pÿ .V2 - -Ti 4 - (-2) 6
and P?. Then Positive slope
The slope of the line is
A line that slants upward to the right has a positive slope.
0-5 -5
m =ÿ

-2-4 -6

The result is the same. UilUy Find the slope of the line passing through
the points P, (-3. 4) and P2(4. 2).

From P|(-3. 4). we have .t| = —3.y i = 4. From P2(4. 2),

we have x2 = 4.y2 = 2. Now use the slope formula.
a- ij:
A7 -
-4 -2 1 0 4
_ v2 ~
vi _ 2-4 _ -2 _ _2
.v2 - .r, 4 - (-3) 7 7 1

The slope of the line is Negative slope

A line that slants downward to the right has a negative slope.

Find the slope of the line passing through

the points Pi (-2,2) and P2(4, 2).

From P| (-2, 2), we have .r, = —2, >| 2. From P44. 2),
we have.T"2 = 4,y2 = 2. Now use the slope formula.
>'i 2-2
m = >'?

.V2 - AT,

The slope of the line is 0.

4 - (-2) 6
° Zero slope

A horizontal line has zero slope.

Tips for Success
To learn mathematics. Find the slope of the line passing through
you must be an active the points P,(l. -2) and P2(l. 3).
participant. Listening to and • A
watching your professor do
From Pi ( I. -2), we = l,yi = —2. From P2(l. 3), ÿ }
mathematics is not enough. _
Take notes in class, we have Xi = I.>'2 3. Now use the slope formula.
mentally think through every
3 - (-2) 5 -4 n 2 4
question your instructor >-2 - y, —r 2J
asks, and try to answer it
even if you are not called

.V2 .T, I I 0 -
on to do so. Ask questions is not a real number, because division by zero is unde¬ Undefined
when you have them. See
AIM for Success in the fined. The slope of the line is undefined.
Preface for other ways to be
an active learner.
A vertical line has undefined slope. A vertical line is also said to have no slope.
Utesscths'Mse tclMall coxemon ti's pejf is i£Orgaj* Isariri;.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i In tkoiv'it mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, K: mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
faliiral roim la* tkaxJihr. «rfrv«cc couch tk<« r»»: riaimillj iffcci isc mcnll kinut; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml crnxni 11 my line if «iV*cqtxn: n/k*reÿnctwiv rcqurc l

There are many applications of slope. Here are two examples.

Point of Interest
One ol the motivations tor ...
the discovery of calculus £ The first record for the I-mile run was re¬
was the desire to solve a corded in 1865 in England. Richard Webster ran 4 no
more complicated version the mile in 4 min 36.5 s. His average speed was 3000
of the distance-rate problem approximately 1 9 ft/s.
described at the right.
The graph at the right shows the distance Web¬
You may be familiar with
twirling a ball on the end of ster ran during that run. From the graph, note that
60 120 ISO 240
a string. If you release the after 60 s (I min) he had traveled 1 140 ft. and
Time (in seconds)
string, the ball flies off in a after 180 s (3 min) he had traveled 3420 ft.
path as shown below.
We will choose Pi(60. 1 140) and P:(I80. 3420). The slope of the line between these two
points is
ÿv: ~
vi 3420 - 1 140 2280
m- = 19
X2 -Y| ~ 180 - 60 120
Note that the slope of the line is the same as Webster's average speed. 19 ft/s. Average
The question that mathe¬ speed is related to slope.
maticians tried to answer
was essentially. "What is the
slope of the line represented W The resale value of a 2010 Chevrolet Corvette _
by the arrow?"
declines as the number of miles the car is driv¬ 40.000
2 T

Answering questions similar en increases, as shown in the graph at the right. = 35.000
"5 30.000
to this led to the development tJJ
From the graph, note that after the car is driven 5 25.000
of one aspect of calculus.
25.000 mi, its value is S34.400. and after the car fS 20.000
is driven 50.000 mi. its value is S33,000. (Source. 5 15,000
IO.COO December 201 1 )
I5,0000 10 20 30 40 50
Miles driven (in thousands)

We will choose Pi(25. 34.400) and P2( 50, 33.000). The slope of the line between the two
points is
Vo ~ v, 33.000 - 34.400 - 1400
m- -56
*2 - 50 - 25 25
If we interpret negative slope as decreasing value, then the slope of the line represents the
dollar decline in the value of the car for each 1000 mi driven. Thus the value of the car de¬
creases by S56 for each 1000 mi driven.
In general, any quantity that is expressed using the word per is represented mathemati¬
cally as slope. In the first example, the slope represented the average speed. 19 ft/s. In the
second example, the slope represented the rate at which the value of the car was decreas¬
ing, S56 for each 1000 mi driven.

Find the slope of the line containing />,(2, -5) Find the slope of the line containing P{{4, -3) and
and P2( — 4. 2). P&l).

Solution Your solution

- ÿ>'! 2 ~ (~5) 7
m = >'2
Xj - -V| -4-2 -6

The slope is -5.

Solution on p. SS
IHess olhsvrae rota, al coitalcr> this page a £ Cergsgs lasm'rg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) w Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ,» it put. I>« ui cla-ixnt mm tknl wo oatctirm, Ix mafOKi two lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiom"
rilingroim h*» JcokJihr. couch tk<« r»»: riaimilb iffcci lu mcriil kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii 10 ccotni 11 my line 1! n/k*rrdnctwiv rorsirc

Find the slope of the line containing P\{—3, 4) Find the slope of the line containing Pj (6. - 1) and
and P2(5, 4). P2(6. 7).

Solution Your solution

—— Vi 4-4
=4 = o
x2 .v,
- 5 - (-3)
The slope of the line is zero.

The graph below shows the relationship between The graph below shows the decrease in the value
the cost of an item and the sales tax. Find the of a recycling truck over 6 years. Find the slope
slope of the line between the two points shown on of the line between the two points shown on the
the graph. Write a sentence that states the mean¬ graph. Write a sentence that states the meaning of
ing of the slope. the slope.

(1~ 5 ÿ>5 •3
Gj :
5= 50 3. 0)
3] :
0 20 40 60 SO 1 00
Cosi of purchase 12 3 4 5 6
(in dollars) Age (in years)

Solution Your solution

5.25 - 3.50
m= Choose P,{S0, 3.50) and
75 - 50 P>(75. 5.25).
= 0.07
A slope of 0.07 means the sales tax is S.07 per
Solutions on p. SS

OBJECTIVE B To find average rate ofchange

Recall that slope measures the rate at which one quantity changes with respect to a second
quantity. Straight lines have a constant slope. No matter which two points on the line are
chosen, the slope of the line between the two points is the same.
If a graph is not a straight line, the slope of the line between two points on the graph may
be different from the slope of the line between two other points on the graph. Consider
the graph of f(x) = it2
+ 2v - 10 shown at the left. The slope tnP of the line between P\
and P2 is different from the slope mQ of the line between Qx and Q2.
-4- (-12) 6~ (-10)
llln =
2 - (-2)
4=2 mQ = 4-0
Incases such as these, the average rate of change between any two points is the slope of
the line between the two points.
Ufessothswssread,allcaten!onPlspeÿ is 'C Cause Iffinir?.

Uqiilh :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n *Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tken-w .milird |un> cuilctino, K: ufpcuci Son ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocfcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ9ctiw< try Imc it «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Find the average rate of change of f(x) = 2x2 - 4.v + 5 between the
points whose .t-coordinates are X\ = 2 and x2 = 4.
Find the coordinates of points P\ and P2 by Finding the v-coordinate for each of the
given .r-coordinates.
I )'i = /(*i)

= 2 (2)2 - 4(2) +5 =5 • x,-2

The first point is />|(2, 5).
j .ji= /te)

: = 2(4) - 4(4)
The second point is P2(4. 21).
+5 = 21 x, = 4

The average rate of change is the slope of the line between P\ and P2.
21-5 J6
ill = "8
4-2 2
The average rate of change between the two points is 8. See the graph at the left.


The table at the left shows the population of California for each decade from 1850
to 2010. (Source:U.S. Census Bureau) The graph below, called a scatter diagram, is
a graph of the ordered pairs (year, population) from the table. Find the average rate of
change of the population of California betw een 1980 and 2000.

1850 0.1
1860 0.4 ÿ

1870 0.6 "f ÿ

1880 0.9 | I"

1890 1.2
1900 1.5 ____ i


1910 2.4
1920 3.4
1930 5.7 C
a. J
10.6 -


1 ÿ
• 1 1 ÿ

1960 15.7 1850 1900 1950 2000

1970 20.0
1980 23.7 To find the average rate of change between 1980 and 2000. find the slope of the line
1990 29.8 between the points P,( 1980, 23.7) and P;(2000. 33.9).
2000 33.9 33.9 - 23.7 10.2
in = = 0.51
2010 37.3 2000 - 1980 20
The average rate of change was 0.5 1 million, or 5 10.000. people per year. This means
that on average, from 1980 to 2000. the population of California increased by 5 10.000
people per year.

LHessoltawise ratal,al coitat cnthis page 5 fi Cergage Leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Mq ml h,unilrami, cr Avltcnl n (.Ink i» i:«n. I>n m ilccnmrah. o> llird |un> no, K: um-ca &«* ill--.4 >0101n'Mimii.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni rotiKtwnireniirt l
The graph al the
right shows the growth
in the number of hits per £
day for a new website.

change in the number

of hits per day between
days 300 and 450.
Round to the nearest
whole number.


~ niilwi
Find the average rate of , .iijoo
10.000 '

(3d0. »

.SO. -1 '5

200 TOO

/... .

! «!
/ |

Find the average rate of change of /(.v) = X'

between the points whose x-coordi nates are
Xi = -2 and x2 = I.

Solution Your solution

The average rate of change in the number of hits
per day is the slope of the line between the two
points PipOO. 870) and /N(450. 8125).
8125 - 870
tit = 48.4
450 - 300
The average rate of change in the number of hits
per day between days 300 and 450 was 48 hits
per day.
Solution on p. S8

Take Note
The median of a set of
J The table below shows the median salaries in 1996. 2001, 2006. and 201 1 for Boston
numbersis the middle Red Sox players and New York Yankees players. ( L'se these data
number when the numbers for Example 5 and You Try It 5.
are listed from smallest to
largest. This means, for Year 1996 2001 2006 2011
example, that in 2006, half
Median Salary ($), Boston RedSox 750.000 1.963.000 3.000.000 5.500.000
of the Red Sox players made
less than S3.000.000 and half Median Salary ($), New York Yankees 1.100.000 1.600.000 2.925.000 2.100.000
made more than S3.000.000.

Find the average annual rate of change in the Find the average annual rate of change in the
median salary of Boston Red Sox players median salary of New York Yankees players
between 19% and 201 1 . Round to the nearest between 2006 and 201 1 .
thousand dollars.

Solution Your solution

In 1996. the median salary was S750.000. so one
point is P,( 1 996, 750.000).
In 201 1 . the median salary was $5,500,000. so a
second point is P2(20 11. 5.500.000).
Find the slope of the line between P\ and P2.
5.500.000 - 750.000
m= « 3 17.000
2011 - 1996
The average annual rate of change in median
salary was approximately S3 17.000 per year.
Solution on p. S8
Ihessctterwse tiedall cated.onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

lliunih'. :ol> Ca&it Iiinml. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» h,iiroJrani,cr Aÿlicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird tun, omenno, K: wmca Son t tv-vi mior PkniT".
hÿltra! hoJccnciduttt) oinrcutv o>rt;r< ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try Imc «l «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnmtiirt 1
crnxnl it i

OBJECTIVE C To graph a line given a point andthe slope

The graph of the equation y - — + 4 is shown at the left. The points with coordi¬
nates (-4.7) and (4, 1 ) are on the graph. The slope of the line is

7-1 6 3
-4-4-8 4
Note that the slope of the line is the coefficient of x in the equation of the line.

Recall that the y-intercept is found by replacing x by zero and solving for y.

y=--.v +4 y = --(0) +4=4

The coordinates of the y-intercept are (0. 4). Note that the y-coordinate of the y-intercept
is the constant term of the equation of the line.

Slope-Intercept Form of a Straight Line

The equation y mx b is called the slope-intercept form of a straight line.The
slope of the line is m, the coefficient of x. The coordinates of the y-intercept are (0, p).

When the equation of a straight line is in the form v = nix + b its graph can be drawn by-
using the slope and y-intercept First locate the y-intercept. Use the slope to find a second
point on the line. Then draw a line through the two points.

Take Note
Graph y = — 4 by using the slope and v-intercept.
When graphing a line
by using its slope and
The slope is the coefficient of .r: m = 3 = change in 'I- v

y-intercept. a/ways start at The coordinates of the y-intercept are (0. -4).
the y-intercept.
Beginning at the y-intercept, which has coordinates
(0, -4), move up 5 units (change in y) and then
right 3 units (change in x).
The point with coordinates (3, I) is a second point
on the graph. Draw a line through the points with
coordinates (0. -4) and (3. 1).

Graph x + 2y - 4 by using the slope and y-intercept.

Solve the equation for y.
.v + 2y = 4
2v - -x + 4
y - —* +2 m=
— 1
y-intercept = (0. 2)

;inning at the y-intercept. which has coordinates

(0. 2), move down 1 unit (change in y) and then right 2
units (change in .v). The point with coordinates (2. 1 )
is a second point on the graph. Draw a line through
the points with coordinates (0. 2) and (2. 1 ).
LHessoltawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ctffit Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil <r italicnd. n -Kik it I!pm. l>n in tkcn-w .milird |un> omenno, K: &«ti itv-vi idIVx n'upxi.i.
hÿUra! l»Jccnciiluijr> oinrcu£v ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwrnrotiirt 1
ccoxnl it 1

The graph of a Iine can be drawn when any point on the line and the slope of the line are

Take Note
This HOW TO differs from the
Graph the line that passes through P(-4, -4) and has slope 2.
preceding two in that a point
other than the /-intercept is When the slope is an integer, write it as a fraction with denominator 1.
used. In this case, start at the in v
given point. m=2 =t =
— . '
change x
r T

Beginning at the point P(— 4. -4). move up 2 units /I

(change in y) and then right 1 unit (change in x). The / In ; •>
h i
point with coordinates (-3, -2) is a second point on the l_1
graph. Draw a line through the points with coordinates pi ~ 1/ 1
/I ' -44 .
(-4. -4) and (-3, -2). / r

Graph y =
— >v + 4 by using the slope and Graph 2v + 3y = 6 by using the slope and

Solution Your solution

3 3
•s t
_ j
y-intercept = (0. 4) s 77
*;• --

•h \\ - > fi
\~T' —
4 > -
r LL

Graph the line that passes through P(— 2. 3) and Graph the line that passes through P(— 3 , -2;
has slope — and has slope 3.

Solution Your solution

Locate P{- 2, 3). y
_4 -4
3 ~~3~ i -.; 3 1
T -
n 4
righ«; i, -i;
JiIj — _4

Solutions on pp. S8-S9

Ittessctterwse tiedall cated.onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

CtCjrijhl :ol) Ccrcxc Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi. f>il h.i.tuJ.rani,cr Ai?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ikcn-nirah. o> llird |un> cuilctino, K: ufpcuci Son ji ill--.4 irjor n'kpxi.i.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcutv o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt 1


V Concept Check

1. If a line has positive slope, then as .v increases. y

2. If a line has negati\e slope, then as x
For Exercises 1 and 2, complete the sentence with increases or decreases.

For Exercises 3 to 6. determine the slope and v-intercept of the graph of the equation.
y decreases.

3. y = 3.t + 4 4. y = - x 5. y = \ - x 6->" = y-2

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the slope ofa line given two points

For Exercises 7 to 24. find the slope of the line containing the given points.

7. P,(l,3), P2(3, I) 8. P,(2, 3), P3(5, I) 9. P,(— 1,4),P;(2, 5)

10. P,(3, -2), P2(1,4) 11. P ÿ( — 1, 3), P — 4, 5) 12. P,(— I, -2), P2(-3, 2)

13. P,(0, 3). P:(4, 0) 14. P,(-2,0), P2(0, 3) 15. P,(2,4), P,(2, -2)

16. P,(4, l).P:(4.-3) 17. P,(2.5),P2(-3,-2) 18. P, (4, I).P2(- 1,-2)

19. P,(2, 3). P2(- I,3) 20. P,(3.4),P:<0.4) 21. P,(0. 4). P2(-2, 5)

22. P,(-2,3), P2(— 2, 5) 23. P,(-3, — I),P2(-3,4) 24. P,(— 2, —5), P2(—4, - I)
25. ÿ33 Let Ibe a line passing through the points P{a. b) and Q(c, d). Which two of a. h.
c, and d are equal if the slope of / is undefined?

26. ÿ Let / be a line passing through the points P(a. b) and Q(c, d). Which two of a. b.
c, and d tire equal if the slope of / is zero?

27. 31Travel The graph below shows the relationship 28. 3 Media The graph below shows the number of
between the distance traveled by a motorist and the people subscribing to a sports magazine of increas¬
time of travel. Find the slope of the line between the ing popularity. Find the slope of the line between the
two points shown on the graph. Write a sentence that two points shown on the graph. Write a sentence that
states the meaning of the slope. states the meaning of the slope.

I 200 P
c 160 /
a 80
£ 40
1 1
12 3 4 5 6 IB '10 *12
Time {in hours) Year
IWffisotfttwaa roiffl. al ccrlB-f co this page a £ Cergsgs Uam'rg.

lirinlS. 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Mq ixi Ix timci ir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i UiclccVont mm tknl Itiijoatctirtn, Ix mafOKi fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingrotm Ism JccncJ ihr. in*v<«cdcouch Jc<« r»»: riaicnalb iffcci ix mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo sewve ccnsni 11 iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv repairs l

29. 9 Temperature The graph below shows the re¬ 30. 9 Home Maintenance The graph below shows
lationship between the temperature inside an oven the number of gallons of water remaining in a pool
and the time since the oven was turned off. Findthe x minutes after a valve is opened to drain the pool.
slope of the line. Write a sentence that states the Find the slope of the line. Write a sentence that
meaning of the slope. states the meaning of the slope.

Time (in minulcs)

Time (in minutes)

31. 9 Fuel Consumption The graph below shows 32. 9 Meteorology The troposphere extends from
how the amount of gas in the tank of a car decreases Earth's surface to an elevation of about 1 1 km. The
as the car is driven. Find the slope of the line. Write a graph below shows the decrease in the temperature
sentence that states the meaning of the slope. of the troposphere as altitude increases. Find the
slope of the line. Write a sentence that states the
meaning of the slope.

Distance driven (in miles)

Altitude (in kilometers)

33. ÿ 9 Sports The graph below shows the rela¬ 34. ÿ 9 Sports The graph below shows the rela¬
tionship between distance and time for the world- tionship betweendistance and time for the Olympic-
record 5000-meter run set by Tirunesh Dibaba in record 10.000-meter run set by Kenenisa Bekele in
2008. Find the slope of the line between the two 2008. Find the slope of the line between the two
points shown on the graph. Round to the nearest points shown on the graph. Round to the nearest
tenth. Write a sentence that states the meaning of tenth. Write a sentence that states the meaning of
the slope. the slope.

(27.02, I0.CT


Time(in minutes) Time (in minutes)

35. ÿ Construction The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) states that
the slope of a wheelchair ramp must not exceed 77.
a. Does a ramp that is 6 in. high and 5 ft long meet the requirements of ANSI?
b. Does a ramp that is 12 in. high and 170 in. long meet the requirements of
UrfessolhcrMseretedall ctrtemonris \% I
Dryaj- lavniiQ

lirinlh. rill!Cisixii Iiinmr *11 ».,m. KtMiMil. Mij IK. lv .i nxc. ir oclicra!. n »hik .« it inn. I>« ui rjlumm ihnl itiij moiitn| K: oeriroxÿ km Be elv-4 in!or illuur .1
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci hk riaicmlb Aci Ctc at cnJI tcimn/ cvxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*c4t n/k«rMnctum rofsirc

36. Solar Roof Look at the butterfly roof design shown in the article below. Which
side of the roof, the left or the right, has a slope of approximately 1 ?

in me news!
University of Maryland Wins Solar Decathlon
A team of students from the University of Maryland designed the
winning solar house in this year's Solar Decathlon, sponsored
by the U.S. Department of Energy The winning home, named
Watershed, makes use of a butterfly roof, a design that
combines two sections that slant toward each other at different
angles and is ideal for the use of solar panels.

objective b Tofind average rate ofchange

For Exercises 37 lo 44, find the average rate of change of the function between the
points with the given .r-coordinates.
37. fix) = -a-2 + 3a:; .y, = 6. a2 = 9 38. fix) = 2x2 - x + 3; a, = 3. a2 = 5

39. fix) = x2 - 3a + I; a, = -2, a2 = -1 40. fix) = 2r2 + 2a + 4; a, = -6, a2 = -2

41. fix) = -2v3 + 6.v + 6; A| = - 1, xz = I 42. fix) = a3 - 7a2 + 4; Ai = 5, a2 = 8

43. fix) = 2v3 - 5.y2 - 3.Y + 2; a, = - I, as =2 44. fix) = 3a3 + a2 + 3a - 6; a, = -3, a2 = 0

45. Temperature On November 5, in midstate New Hampshire, the temperature at

6 a.m. was 34°F. At 2 p.m. on the same day. the temperature was 58°F. Find the aver¬
age rate of change in temperature per hour.
1850 0.2
I860 0.6
46. J Demography The table at the right shows the population of Texas for each 1870 0.8
decade from 1850 to 2010. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)
1880 1.6
a. Find the average annual rate of change in the population of Texas from 1900 to
2000. 1890 2.2
b. Was the average annual rate of change in the population from 1900 to 1950 1900 3.0
greater than or less than the average annual rate of change in the population from 1910 3.9
1950 to 2000? 1920 4.7
c. Was the average annual rate of change in the population of Texas from 1980 to 1930 5.8
2000 greater than or less than the average annual rate of change in the population 1940 6.4
of California from 1980 to 2000? (See page 174 for the average annual rate of
1950 7.7
change in the population of Cal ifornia from 1 980 to 2000.)
1960 9.6
1970 11.2
47. £ Demography Use the table in Exercise 46. 1980 14.2
a. During which decade was the average annual rate of change in the population the
1990 17.0
2000 20.9
b. During which decade was the average annual rate of change in the population ap¬
proximately 300.000 people? 2010 25.1
C al centalaithis page 5 ® Cargage laemrg

uqiith 301)CcW I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu "ocmI vu. >i h,cc(<nt rami, n dnlund. n»!»ik i« n p»l. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> cumuno, K: airficwi Mc itilor n'utui.i.
pc*io» hs«tkcnc4iho azy aimcacÿ o>rt;ri ik<« ran nucnilb tAxi .'x incr*ll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< &*c ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

48. Food Safety Dairy products have a "use by" date to N

help consumers avoid illness due to bacteria grow th. The
graph at the right shows the number of bacteria, in mil¬
lions. in a carton of cottage cheese after / days. Find the
= J! o. — S)9
average daily rate of change in the number of bacteria be¬
tween days 30 and 50. 20
./ 60
Da. 30001-

J /
49. Finance The graph at the right shows the value of an initial investment of SI 000 in -8 2000
15. |
an account that earns 5# annual interest compounded daily. Findthe average annual
rate of change in the value of the investment betw een years 5 and 15.
1000 n-
—h | h—

5 10 15 20

50. Medicine Iodine- 1 23 is a radioactive isotope of iodine that

4 T
is used in nuclear medicine to diagnose thyroid problems. The 3 ~ o vj
graph at the right shows the amount of iodine- 123 remaining in 2 ~
the body t hours after injection. Find the average hourly rate of 1- -
change in the amount of iodine- 1 23 in the body between 10 and 20 40 60
30 hours after injection. Honrs

51. Power Supply The energy from radioactive isotopes can be used as a power sup¬
L 20 TTuFT
ply for small motors in satellites. The graph at the right shows that, over time, the
amount of power available decreases. Find the average daily rate of change in the
I 15
' 10 no *)
amount of power available betw een days 200 and 800. Round to the nearest hun¬ /
0 200 400 600 8001000
Hint (in days)

OBJECTIVE C To graph a line given a point and the slope

For Exercises 52 to 63. graph by using the slope and the y-intercept.

52. v = T x —3 53. y = -t+2


-A r
f) (1
> -
_~f' " |:

55. v - —x 56. >• = p- I

uj J— ~2
> n -

1 tisfay is CCeuae Iffinitij

Canritfl2011Icrlw Iturn). All Htftu Kunitl. VUf m h,icmdrani.IT dnltcnd. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m llccn-mrtfhi o> llinl r in) k ainrvucÿ fwr M cttxl ardor ci'SOfixT 4i.
hdbra!rc*io» hs«Jccncidial itj«inrc<acicoclcrt Jcci r«n nunulb dfat .'x mcrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< 6e njÿil ic xtk'.c line »l oaVwajucni n(h>rotrxtwmrojaire t
c<ftxnl at »nj

58. y = -3.y + I 59. v = 2r - 4 4.v + >• =2

y y

-'i i1 2 > _4 -
o — *

J 1*—"
__ I1 v
-la.. r
i. «

61. 4x - v=1 62. 3.v + 2v = 8 63. .v - 3y = 3

4_ .
-4 4
-4 n 4 ? 1n n ?
r _L 1 4« 1—

hi4 Ti |

For Exercises 64 to 69. graph the line that passes through the given point and has the
given slope.

64. P(-2, -3); slope | 65. P(- 1. -3); slope | 66. P{2, -4); slope

ÿ For Exercises 70 and 71. for the given conditions, state whether the graph of
Av + By - C a. has its v-intercept above or below the x-axis, and h. has positive or
negative slope.
70. A and C are positi\e numbers, and B is a negative number.
71. A and B are positive numbers, and C is a negative number.
LHe>5 otto»WK i*r.ffl. alcoileicrHis pÿge a $ Csrgsge Laemrg

Cv-nnih'. 'Oil Ccr&jc Ianin(. *11 K«t.. Kamal Ug in K.unil <r Aalulal n »l»ik pen. I>ic m(ketone o> llinl cuiKel iraj K: fens 6c mlor
rtoci JtciKC ilut azy ainwacio>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb xf&v. 6c »»» crall Icimn/ npcncnx. CcijXV I t»mn< rc<n;< 6c njÿil u> xtk'.c idluiml ccnunl it inj line if «jY«ajucni njloroinclwcnrojurc c.

Critical Thinking
72. Match each equation with its graph.
i. v = -2.v +4
ii. v 2.v - 4

iii. y = 2

iv. It + 4y = 0

v. y = "~.t +4

vi. y=-±x- 2

For Exercises 73 to 76. complete the sentences using increases or decreases in the First
blank and a positive number in the second blank.
73. If a line has a slope of 2. then the value of y -by -as the value
of .v increases by I.

74. If a line has a slope of -3, then the value of y -by -as the
value of x increases by 1 .

75. If a line has a slope of —2, then the value of y -by -as the
value of x decreases by 1.

76. If a 1ine has a slope of 3. then the value of y -by as the value
of x decreases by 1.

Projects or Group Activities

77. |J| Explain how you can use the slope of a line to determine whether three given
points lie on the same line. Then use your procedure to determine whether each of
the following sets of points lie on the same line.
a. (2, 5). (- 1, - I). (3. 7) b. (- 1. 5), (0. 3), (-3.4)

For Exercises 78 to 80. determine the value of k such that the points whose coordi¬
nates are given lie on the same line.

78. (3, 2), (4, 6), (5, k) 79. (*, I), (0. - 1), (2, -2) 80. (4. - I), (3, -4), (fc, k)

Unessctba"*iss rctedalIctriOT.on tis is 'C layrirg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Mif ml K,unil adarlund. n»!»ik i« I!wn. I>j» m clccn-»iruh. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: fenn Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc thai azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

3.5 Finding Equations of Lines

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the equation ofa line given a point and the slope
When the slope of a line and a point on the line are known, the equation of the line can
be determined. If the particular point is the y-intercept. use the slope-intercept form.
y = mx + h. to Find the equation.

Find the equation of the line with y-intercept P(0. 3) and slope -y.

y = mx + b • Use the slope-intercept form.

• Replace m with — .the Riven slope. Replace b with 3. the
>• = -* + 3
y-coordinate of the y-intercept.

The equation of the line is >' = i* + 3.

One method of finding the equation of a line when the slope and any point on the line are
known involves using the point-slope formula. This formula is derived from the formula
for the slope of a line as follows.

Let P\(x|,>'|) be the given point on the line, and let P(x. y) be any other point on the line.
P lUl.Vll
See the graph at the left.

v - v.
X - .V|
=m • Use the formula for the slope of a line.
v - V,
.T - .V|
(.v - -V ] ) = m(x - *,) • Multiply each side by (x — *i>.
>' - yi = m(x ~ -x'i) • Simplify.
Point-Slope Formula

Let m be the slope of a line, and let Pi(xi ,y 1) be a point on the line. The equation of
the line can be found from the point-slope formula:
y ~Y\ =/n(x-x1)

Find the equation of the line that contains the point P{4, - I) and has
y ~
y, = m(x - x • Use the point-slope formula.
y -(-!) = (-- )(r - 4) = -4-(x.,7.) = (4,-1)
y + I = 4-x — • Simplify.
y = -~x + 2 • Write the equation in the form y = mx + b.
LHessoBnwijr i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h.imil 11 Avliafcll. n -Hik it i:pin. I>li In llccnmn/Vu. .n< llird pm» omen no, K: nfpcuii ton ill--.4 irjor OiipiT.1.
hÿara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coctcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc tÿlnmil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotn<twnireqiirt l

F'nd the equation of the line that passes through the point P(4. 3) and
whose slope is undefined.
Because the slope is undefined, the point-slope
formula cannot be used to find the equation. Instead.
recall that when the slope of a line is undefined.
. 1
the line is vertical. The equation of a vertical line is
x ~ a, where a is the .v-coordinate of the .r-intercept.
Because the line is vertical and passes through
p{4. 3), the .r-intercept has coordinates p(4. 0).
r\i _ -i.

The equation of the line is .v = 4. \|


Find the equation of the line that contains the Find the equation of the line that contains
point P(3. 0) and has slope -4. the point /*( — 3. -2) and has slope —4.

Solution Your solution

m=-4 (.rb >'i) = (3. 0)
v - Vi = m(x - xx)
y - o = -4(.r - 3)
y = -4.v+ 12
The equation of the line is y = —Ax + 12.

Find the equation of the line that contains the Find the equation of the line that contains the point
point P(—2, 4) and has slope 2. P(4, —3) and has slope -3.

Solution Your solution

m=2 (T|,ji) = (-2.4)
y ~
Vi = mix - .r,)
y - 4 = 2{x - (—2) J
- 4 = 2(v + 2)
y - 4 = 2v + 4
y = 2r + 8
The equation of the line is y = Zv + 8.

Solutions on p. 59
lii'essctterMse mlMallarteraofispejf Is CCsgaÿ Isarirÿ.

lirinlh. rill1CInXK II1~CIAll k,*m. lacnal Mi) IWI K: mimci. ir anlKrai. nvbik.rt* pvt. I»« UicIcc*b«< rtfti. .rt tknl ttnj cuimiiray he wftmed km m itv-i irJjr ilSinm"
lai«kaxJihr.i£ÿ ain*v<*cd coritn«k<i ok nuWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra CcagMÿc I itmng fc*mc< ix niÿii iokckÿc tÿluiml {foxniiiin; line if n/lomnciwm rotwrc I.

o bJective b Tofind the equation ofa linegiven two points

The point-slope formula and the formula for slope are used to find the equation of a line
when two points are known.

Find the equation of the line containing P|(3,2) and P2{— 5, 6).
To use the point-slope formula, we must know the slope. Use the formula for slope to
determine the slope of the 1 ine between the two given points.
Vi - v. 6-2
2 x2 - -v, -5-3 -8

1 ÿ
Now use the point-slope formula with m - —* and (V|,}'|) = (3, 2).
11 y - y, = m(x - a,) • Use the point-slope Formula.
>' - 2 - (4)<* - 3) • m = -j. (x,,yi) = (3.2)
• Simplify.
y = — *~A + | • Solve for y.
The equation of the line is y = -\x +

Find the equation of the line passing through the Find the equation of the line passing through the
points />|(2, 3) and P2(4, I). points />|(2. 0) and P2{5, 3).

Solution Your solution

yi - y\ -3 -*>
X2 A'| 4— 2 2
y - y, = m(x - a,)
y— 3 = - I(a — 2)
y-3 = -a + 2
y = -a + 5
The equation of the line is y = —x + 5.

Find the equation of the line containing Find the equation of the line containing Pi(2. 3)
P\{2, —3) andP;<2. 5). and Pt(—5. 3).

Solution Your solution

>'i ~ 5 ~ (~3) 8
in = _
— -> -> 0
X2 A|
The slope is undefined. The graph is a vertical
The equation of the line is a - 2.
Solutions on p. 59
IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a £ Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 tu KocnoL Mi) m Ix .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i uiclccVont mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
tilingroim la* JcaxJihr. aiffrvMCC couch Jc<« r»»: rmmill) xffcvs ix mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Cca0&c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

objective c To solve applicationproblems

Linear functions can be used to model a variety of applications in science and business.
For each application, data are collected and the independent and dependent variables are
selected. Then a linear function is determined that models the data.

Suppose a manufacturer has determined that at a + Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit invented the
price of SI50. consumers will purchase 1 million mercury thermometer in 1717. In terms of readings
portable music players, and at a price of $125. on this thermometer, water free/.es at 32°F and
consumers will purchase 1.25 million portable boils at 2I2°F. In 1742, Anders Celsius invented
music players. Describe this situation with a the Celsius temperature scale. On this scale, water
linear function. Use the function to predict how free/.es at 0°C and boils at I00°C. Determine a
many portable music players consumers will linear function that can be used to predict the
purchase if the price is $80. Celsius temperature when the Fahrenheit tempera¬
ture is known.

Strategy Your strategy

• Select the independent and dependent
variables. Because you are trying to determine
the number of portable music players, that
quantity is the dependent variable, y. The price
of a portable music player is the independent
variable, x.
• From the given data, two ordered pairs are
( 1 50. I( and ( 1 25. 1 .25). (The ordinates are in
millions of units.) Use these ordered pairs to
determine the linear function.
• Evaluate the function when .v - 80 to predict
how many portable music players consumers
will purchase if the price is S80.

Solution Your solution

Choose ÿ(150, 1) and P2{ 125. 1.25).

m= ——
1.25-1 0.25
= - = -0.0
A*2 - .r, 125 -150 -25
v - y\ = mix - A|)
y - 1 = -0.01 (.v- 150)
y = -0.0 1a + 2.50
The linear function is f(x) = -0.01a* + 2.50.
/(80) = -0.01(80) + 2.50 = 1.7
Consumers will purchase 1.7 million portable
music players at a price of $80.

Solution on p. 59

C«fqri<tn "I'l1 < rantnr. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Uo ml K,cc(<nl.jnxcfr dnluKd. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» in clccn-w ruW. o> (tin) m*> cuikciiraj K: airficocÿ u> inlor rt'fcaiuit<l.
hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc**r>e« &*c ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


v' Concept Check

1. How many lines with a given slope can be drawn through a given point in the

2. Given two points in the plane, how many lines can be drawn through the two

3. If you know the slope of a line, what other information would you need to know to
find the equation of that line?

4. If you know a point on a line, what other information would you need to know to find
the equation of that line?

objective A Tofiiid the equation ofa linegiven apoint and the slope

5. kl Explain how to find the equation of a line given its slope and its ÿ-intercept.
6. iJI What is the point-slope formula and how is it used?
7. Through what point must the graph of the equation y = mx pass?

8. '3 After you find an equation of a line given its slope and the coordinates of a
point on the line, how can you determine whether you have the correct equation?

For Exercises 9 to 44. find the equation of the line that contains the given point and
has the given slope.

9. P{0. 5), m = 2 10. P(0, 3), m =1 11. P(2, 3), m = \ 12. P(5, 1). m = ÿ=

13. P(- 1, 4), m = | 14. P{-2, I).m = | 15. P{3, 0), m = -j 16. P{-2. 0), m = |

17. P(2, 3), m = -3 18. F(l, 5), m = 19. P{- 1, 7), m = -3 20. P(-2, 4), m = -4

21. />(-!, -3), m =

\ 22. Pi-2, -4), m = | 23. P{0. 0), m 24. P(Q, 0). m = |

25. Pi2, -3). m = 3 26. P(4. -5). m = 2 27. Pi3, 5). m = 28. P{5, 1). m =

Uqiith 301) Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu Kamal vu. >i h.moiI n dirlunJ. n»t»ik i « b wn. I>j» in ckcn-w ilird iun> odkuno, K: mc itiw* inla.ct'fapxn t.
hs«Jccikc (lui ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rck*r>e« &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

29. P(0. -3), m = -1 30. P(2, 0). m = 7 31. P(l. -4). ;« = 7 32. /'(3. 5), m = -77
6 5

33. ÿ(4, - 1), m =

— =
34. /*(— 3, 5). m = - -1 35. PQ. -4), slope is
36. P(-2, 5), slope is

37. P{—2, -5). m = - 45t 38. /»(—

3,' -2), m = -

39. />(-2, -3). m = 0 40. 7*(-3, -2). m = 0

41. P{4, —5), in = —2 42. P{— 3, 5), 111 = 3 43. 7*(-5, - 1), slope is 44. m4), slope is
undefined undefined

objective b Tofind the equation ofa linegiven two points

45. *3 After you find an equation of a line given the coordinates of two points on the
line, how can you determine whether you have the correct equation?

46. 5a If you are asked to find the equation of a line through two given points, does
it matter which point is selected as (jvi, V|) and which point is selected as (*2, J2)?

For Exercises 47 to 82, find the equation of the line that contains the given points.

47. /»,( 0, 2), 7*2(3, 5) 48. P,(0. 4), P2( I,5) 49. P,(0. -3). P2(-4. 5)

50. /M0, -2), P2(— 3, 4) ,

51. P (2, 3), P2{5, 5) 52. 7*,(4, 1), P2(6. 3)

53. /»,(- 1,3), P:(2,4) 54. P',(— 1, I). P2(4, 4) 55. /*,(-!, -2), P2(3, 4)

56. /M-3.-D./M2.4) 57. 7*,(0, 3),/*2(2,0) 58. 7>,(0, 4), 7*2(2, 0)

59. /*,( 3, - 1). 7*2(2, - 1) —
60. /*,( 3, -5), 7*2(4, -5) 61. 7*,(-2, -3), P2{- 1, -2)

uqiith :ol> Ccrdcc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,iiiaj.ranc-i. 11 italiaol. n -Hik i« i!pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm> cuilcti"a, K: ton ji ill--,4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb VtSoei 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l

62. P,(4, 1). P2(3, -2) 63. P,(-2, 3), P2(2, - 1) (v4. P,(3. I), P2(— 3, —2)

65. P,(2, 3). P;(5, -5) 66. Pi(7, 2). P2(4. 4) 67. P,(2. 0), P;(0. - I)

68. P,(0, 4). P2(— 2, 0) 69. P|(3. -4), P2(—2, -4) 70. P,(— 3, 3), P2(—2, 3)

71. P,((), 0). P2(4. 3) 72. P,(2,-5).P2(0.0) 73. P,(2, — 1), P2(— 1,3)

74. P,(3.-5),P2(-2. 1) 75. P,(—2, 5). P;(-2, -5) 76. P,(3.2).P2(3.-4)

77. P,(2, l).P;(-2,-3) —

78. P,( 3, —2), P2(l, —4) 79. Pi(-4, -3). P2(2, 5)

80. P,(4,5).P2(-4,3) 81. P,(0. 3). P2(3, 0) 82. P,(1, —3), P2(-2, 4)

objective c To solve applicationproblems

83. Aviation The pilot of a Boeing 111jet takes off from Boston's Logan Airport. f
which is at sea level, and climbs to a cruising altitude of 32.000 ft at a constant rate
of I200ft/min.

a. Write a linear function for the height of the plane in terms of the time after take¬ £

off. 6
b. Use your function to find the height of the plane 1 1 min after takeoff. 5

84. Calories A jogger running at 9 mph burns approximately 14 Calories per minute.
a. Write a linear function for the number of Calories burned by the jogger in terms
of the number of minutes run.
b. Use your function to find the number of Calories the jogger has burned after jog¬
ging for 32 min.

uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Uo ml K,unil ii<• A«kalal. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llird |un> ohkcino, K: fenn Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainveocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ cÿpcmnv. CaMc I cimnt rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

85. £ Ecology Use the information in the article at the right.

a. Determine a linear function for the percent of hardwood trees at 2600 ft in terms
of the year.
b. Use your function to predict the percent of trees at 2600 ft that will be hardwoods
in me news!
in 2020.
86. Telecommunications A cellular phone company offers several different service Is Global Warming
options. One option, for people who plan on using the phone only in emergencies, Moving Mountains?
per month plus S.59 per minute for each minute the phone is used.
costs the user 54.95 In the mountains of
Vermont, maples, beeches.
a. Write a linear function for the monthly cost of the phone in terms of the number
and other hardwood trees
of minutes the phone is used. that thrive in warm climates
b. Use your function to find the cost of using the cellular phone for 13 min in one are gradually taking over
month. areas that once supported
more cold-loving trees,
87. Fuel Consumption The gas tank of a certain car contains 16 gal when the driver
such as balsam and fir.
of the car begins a trip. For each mile driven by the driver, the amount of gas in the
Ecologists report that in
tank decreases by 0.032 gal. 2004, 82% of the trees at
a. Write a linear function for the number of gallons of gas in the tank in terms of the an elevation of 2600 ft were
number of miles driven. hardwoods, as compared to
b. Use your function to find the number of gallons in the tank after driving only 57% in 1964.
Source: The Boston Globe
150 mi.
88. i) Boiling Points At sea level, the boiling point of water is 100°C. At an altitude
of 2 km. the boiling point of water is 93°C.
a. Write a linear function for the boiling point of water in terms of the altitude above
sea level.
b. Use your function to predict the boiling point of water on top of Mount Ever¬
est. which is approximately 8.85 km above sea level. Round to the nearest
89. Business A manufacturer of motorcycles has determined that 50.000 motorcy¬
cles per month can be sold at a price of S9000. At a price of S8750. the number of
motorcycles sold per month increases to 55.000.
a. Determine a 1 inear function that predicts the number of motorcycles that will be
sold each month at a given price.
b. Use this model to predict the number of motorcycles that will be sold at a price of
90. Business A manufacturer of graphing calculators has determined that 10.000 cal¬ Ml. Everest
culators per week will be sold at a price of 595. At a price of S90. it is estimated that
1 2.000 calculators will be sold.
a. Determine a linear function that predicts the number of calculators that will be
sold each week at a given price.
b. Use this model to predict the number of calculators that will be sold each week at
a price of 575.
91. Calories There are approximately 126 Calories in a 2-ouix:e serving of leanham¬
burger and approximately 189 Calories in a 3-ounce serving.
a. Determine a linear function for the number of Calories in lean hamburger in terms
of the size of the serving.
b. Use your function to estimate the number of Calories in a5-ounce serving of lean
92. Compensation An account executive receives a base salary plus a commission.
On 520.000 in monthly sales, the account executive receives SI 800. On S50.000 in
monthly sales, the account executive receives S3000.
a. Determine a Iinear function that will yield the compensation of the sales executive
for a given amount of monthly sales.
b. Use this model to determine the account executive's compensation for 585.000 in
monthly sales.

(Ipinlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.(T\<J Ug ml K,cc(<nlrami, n darlund. n»!»ik I

« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl tun> hdhiino, K: u> (IV-vi inlor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy aimvocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rotrxtwrnro|iirc c

93. Refer lo Exercise 90. Describe how you could use the linear function found in
part (a) to find the price at which the manufacturer should sell the calculators in
order to sell 1 5.000 calculators a week.

94. Refer to Exercise 92. Describe how you could use the linear function found in
part (a) to find the monthly sales the executive would need to make to earn a com¬
mission of $6000 a month.

95. Let /be a linear function. If /(2) = 5 and /(0) = 3. find /(r).

96. Let /be a linear function. If /(— 3) = 4 and /(I) = -8. find f(x).

97. Let/be a linear function for which /(I) = 3 and /(-I) = 5. Determine /(4).

98. Let/be a linear function for which /(— 3) - 2 and /(2) = 7. Determine /(0).

99. A line with slope 4 passes through the point P(3, 2).
a. What is y when x = -6?
b. What is .v when y = 6?

100. A line with slope —|

passes through the point P(8, -2).
a. What is y when x - -4?
b. What is x when y = 1 ?

Critical Thinking
101. A line contains the points P\(—3. 6) and P2(6. 0). Find the coordinates of three
other points on this line.

102. A line contains the points P\(4, -1) and P2{2, I). Find the coordinates of three
other points on this line.

103. Find the equation of the line that passes through the midpoint of the line segment
between /*, (2, 5) and P2(-4. 1). and has slope -2.

104. If y = nix + b. where m is a given constant, how does the graph of the equation
change as the value of b changes?

Projects or Group Activities

105. Assume that the maximum speed your car will attain is a linear function of the
steepness of the hill it is climbing or descending. If the steepness of the hill is 5°
up (the road makes a 5° angle with the horizontal), your car's maximum speed
is 77 km/h. If the steepness of the hill is 2° down, your car's maximum speed is
154 km/h. When your car's maximum speed is 99 km/h, how steep is the hill? State
your answer in degrees, and note whether the steepness is up or down.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. Kt«i>tJ. Mi) w Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ,» it put. I>« uiclccVont mm tknl wo oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fcwo lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiom"
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvs iu u» cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix njÿii lo acwÿc xsUutnxl ccosni ii iny line i! n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿsirc

3.6 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

OBJECTIVE A Tofindparallel andperpendicular lines

Two lines that have the same slope and different v-intercepts do not intersect and are
called parallel lines.

i o Slopes of Parallel Lines

;.l| ,
Two nonvertical lines with slopes of m and mi are parallel if and only if m, mi- Verti¬
s cal lines are parallel lines.
Figure 1
1. The graphs of y = - 2andy= \x
3 have the same slope, \x
The lines
are parallel. See Figure 1 at the left.
11 1 2. The graphs of x 2 and x 5 are vertical lines. The lines are parallel. See Figure
T 1 1 I r| 2 at the left.
" -

L. 4 -
ls lhe ,ine conlaininS lhe Poinls ÿ i(~2, I) and />2(— 5, - 1) parallel to
» | -w the line that contains the points 0,(1. 0) and Q2{4, 2)?
Figure 2
Wl, = —-1
— —
:t — -2 2
• Find the slope of the line through
/v— 2.1) and P,[ -5.-1).
Wit =
4-1 3
• Find the slope of the line through
0,(1.0) and Q2(4. 2).
Because wi, = wi2. the lines are parallel.

Find the equation of the line that contains the point P(2, 3) and is par¬
allel to the graph of y = -*v 4. —
From the equation y = tt - 4. the slope of the given line is Because parallel lines
have the same slope, the slope of the unknown line is also

y - = m(x - .v,) • Use the point-slope formula.

y-3=j(x-2) • m = j, {x i,y 1) = (2,3)
y-3=jx-l • Simplify.
y = ~X + 2 • Write tl*e equation in the
form j = mx + b.
The equation of the line is y = 4.v -1- 0

Ui'essclha'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;.

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 BrfSl. KimtoJ. Uq w K: .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it wl I>.i uiclcc*s«t n(hv mm iknl wo oatctirtn, K: fee* Hi i&xl irjor ilSinm"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. cuelct* tlc<« r»»: numill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii to sewve tÿlucml ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Find the equation of the line that contains the point P{— 1, 4) and is
parallel to the graph of 2x 3y = 5. —
Because the lines are parallel, the slope of the unknown line is the same as the slope

of the given line. Solve 2.r 3y - 5 for y and determine the slope of its graph.
2.v - 3v = 5
-3y = -2.x +5
2 5
The slope of the given line is Because the lines are parallel, this is the
slope of the unknown line. Use the point-slope formula to determine the equation.
y — V| = mix — A']) * k'st the point-slope formula.
2, , .v,
y - 4 = -tIx (- 1) J
- •/«=-,
2 ._
= (-1.4)

, 2 2
y ~ 4 = "A + ~ •Simplify.
2 14
v = 7a + — • Write the equation in the form y = mx
The equation of the line is y = %x +

—W-Jt- Two lines that intersect at right angles are called perpendicular lines.

* Slopes of Perpendicular Lines

-2 |n Two nonvertcal lines with slopes m, and m2 are perpendicular if and only if the product
"1ii . 1r .. of the slopes is 1.This can be written mr m2 1. A vertical line is perpendicular to
t a horizontal line.
Figure 3
1. The slope of the graph of y = \x \
y = 2x + 1 is m2 :
+ 1 is m- - The s,0Pe 9raPh
2. The product of the two slopes is-ÿ (- 2) = 1. The lines °' •
are perpendicular. See Figure 3 at the left.

2. The graph of x 3 is a vertical line, and the graph of y 2 is a horizontal line.
_ The lines are perpendicular. See Figure 4 at the left.
n t 4
Solving ni] • m2 = - I for m\ gives m| = -ÿ. This last equation states that the slopes of
perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals of each other.
Figure 4
Is 'he line that contains the points P\{4, 2) and P2(-2, 5) perpendicu¬
lar to the line that contains the points (?i(-4. 3) and (?2(-3, 5)?

III| =
- —6
~ = -—_1 • find„the slope
, of the line through
- Pi\—2. s).
P,[A. 2)

5-3 2 _
m2 ~ — -]} ÿ
-3 - (-4)
— =
71 = - • and
find the slope of the line through g,(-4,3
Qi(-3, 5).
ltl\ • mi = — (2) = - 1 • Find the product of the two slopes.
Because m\ • in2 = — 1, the lines are perpendicular.
LHess oCuWse rxr.ffl. alccrletcr ffispage a 2i Cargage Laemrg

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K.moil « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> tlinl |KH> cuikcino, K: wnoca fco* Mc
n darluaoL n »lulc I inlor n'Mtuio.
review 1»Jccntjihu azy ainwocÿ o>ri;r* kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rc«r>f< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvoxni at any line if «jV«ajucni n(loroiixtwnt rcqiirc t

Are the graphs of 3a + 4y = 8 and 8.r + 6y = 5 perpendicular?

To determine whether the lines are perpendicular, solve each equation for y and find
the slope of each line. Then use the equation ///| m2 = I, •

3a* + 4y = 8 8a + 6y = 5
4y = -3a +8 6y = -&v + 5
3 4 5
?=--* + 2 y = -—a + —

m, = --
m2 = --4

Because ni\ • m2 = 1
* 1 . the lines are
- not perpendicular.

Find the equation of the line that contains the point P(— 2, 1) and is
perpendicular to the graph of y = -ÿa + 2.

V The slope of the given line is The slope of the line perpendicular to the given
? ÿ
line is the negative reciprocal of —3, which is > Substitute this slope and the coordi¬
I*3.t nates of the given point. (—2, I), into the point-slope formula.
/I |
-j> In
* y— y\ — "'(-V - A|) • The point-slope formula
i r2 y- 1 -ft*-(-2)] • »-|.{x,.y,)- (-2,1)
V? y — 1= ~A +3 • Simplify.
y = ~A + 4 * Write the equation in the form y = mx + b-

The equation of the perpendicular line is v = jX +- 4.

Fintl the equation of the line that contains the point P(3. -4) and is
perpendicular to the graph of 2 a — y = -3.

2.r - y = -3 • Determine the slope of the given line by

-y = -2a - 3 solving the equation for y.
y = 2a + 3 • The slope is 2.
f 7
The slope of the line perpendicular to the given line is the negative reciprocal of —
a. |H
2. Now use the point-slope formula to find the equation of the line.

H i•
y - y, = m(a - A|) • The point-slope formula
y- (-4) = -3) • m = (r,,jri) = (3, -4)
y + 4 = -a + - —I • Simplify.
1 5
y=-y- ÿ • Write the equation in the form >' = mx + b.
1 5
The equation of the perpendicular line is v = — tv - y.

Un'essctterwse tiedall totemonPispeÿ is CCeuae lflanit$.

Cvfjiijhi 301) Carafe Iiininj. *11 Htftu Ktuatil VU. >i h.cciwl.jnxc.a dnluaoL n»hiW c« n nm. I>j» uitlccn-m nW. o> llinl |tn> cuilcelno, K: airficuca feet* at t tv-vi itilor t<*Si|ur «i
rc*io» hs«Jccncithu *tj aimcacÿ coucrt ik<i r«n nunulb ifta **c »»» crxll lea mn; npcncnc. CaMc I camnf rc«r>f< ix njÿil ic tctmc evevxm at anj line if 4iV«cqieni n(loroiixtwnt rcqarc <-

Is the line that contains the points P\(— 4, 2) and Is the line that contains the points Pi(-2, —3) and
P2( 1. 6) parallel to the line that contains the P20, 1) perpendicular to the line that contains the
points CM2. -4) and Q2{1, 0)? points 01(4, 1) and Q2(6, -5)?

Solution Your solution

6-2 _ 4
m, =
I ("4) "
• = (-4.2),
= (1.6)
0 ~ (-4) _ 4
m-> =
7-2 5 • (n.Ji) = (2, —4),
U2.J2) = (7. 0)
m, = tn2 =

The lines are parallel.

Are the graphs of 4a y = -2 and - Are the graphs of 5a* + 2y = 2 and

.v + 4y = - 12 perpendicular? -
5a + 2y -6 parallel?

Solution Your solution

4v - y = -2 x + 4y = -12
—y = -4a - 2 4v = -x - 12
y = 4a + 2 1
y= 3
m, = 4
nh =

m: =
J = -1

The lines are perpendicular.

Find the equation of the line that contains the Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(3. - I) and is parallel to the graph of point P(— 2, 2) and is perpendicular to the graph
3a- - 2v = 4. of a* — 4y = 3.

Solution Your solution

3a - 2y = 4
-2v = -3a + 4

y ~
>'1 = m(x - a,)
y-(-I)=|(x-3) • UiO'i) = (3. -1)
y+'-j'-s . 3 9

II 3
.V - 2 2X
The equation of the line is y = ta - -y.
Soluiions on pp. S9-SI0

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 K«t.. Vb, ml K.iionlnmin deluanl n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m cknn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> cuikuno, K: Mc itv-vi oilor n'Mtui.i.

rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I camnf rck*r>e« ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t


Concept Check
1. J Explain how to determine whether the graphs of two lines are parallel.
2. J Explain how to determine whether the graphs of two lines are perpendicular.
3. Complete the following sentence: Parallel lines have the same -
4. What is the negative reciprocal of —3?
5. The slope of a line is -5. What is the slope 6. The slope of a line is 4. What is the slope
of any line parallel to this line? of any line perpendicular to this line?

7. Give the slope of any line that is parallel to the 8. Give the slope of any line that is
graph of y = —ÿx + 5. perpendicular to the graph of y = j .v + 2.

9. Give the slope of any line that is perpendicular 10. Give the slope of any line that is parallel to
to the graph of 3x + 2y = 6. the graph of 3.v - 4y = 12.

11. Is the graph of ,v = 4 parallel to the graph

of .v = -4?
12. Is the graph of x -2 perpendicular to
the graph of v = 3?

OBJECTIVE A Tofindparallelandperpendicular lines

13. Is the graph of y = *x - 4 parallel to the graph 14. Is the graph of y = -Ix + ÿ
parallel to the graph
of y = -ix -
4? of v = -Ix + 3?

15. Is the graph of y = 4.r - 2 perpendicular to the 16. Is the graph of y = \x + ÿ perpendicular to the
graph of y = -%x V
graph of y = —\x+ 9?

17. Are the graphs of 2v + 3y = 2 and

2v + 3y = -4 parallel?
18. Are the graphs of 2.v 4y
2v + 4y = -3 parallel?
— = 3 and

19. Are the graphs of x - 4y

= 2 and 4v +y 20. Are the graphs of 4.v 3y = 2 and
4.r + 3y = — 7 perpendicular?

21. Is the line that contains the points T*|(3, 2) and 22. Is the line that contains the points /Jl(4, -3) and
7N( 1. 6) parallel to the line that contains the points P->{2, 5) parallel to the line that contains the points
Q]{-\, 3) and Q2(- 1,-1)? <?i(-2, -3) and Q2(-4. I)?

23. Is the line that contains the points P\ (-3,2) and

7*2(4. - 1) perpendicular to the line that contains
24. Is the line that contains the points Pj ( — 1 2) and
7*2(3. 4) perpendicular to the line that contains the
the points <?i(l,3)and Qi{- 2, -4)? points Q\{- 1. 3) and (?:(-4, I)?

Cvmndi. "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Hi. i>» h,unil <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt rtf tu o> llird |un> on«nno, K: St «nlor n'upxrri.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc try Imc it «jV«ÿucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it 1

25. Find the equation of the line that contains the 26. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P{3, -2) and is parallel to the graph of point P(— 1 . 3) and is paral lei to the graph of
y = 2v + I. v = -x + 3.

27. Find the equation of the line that contains the 28. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(-2, - 1) and is perpendicular to the graph point P{—4, I) and is perpendicular to the graph
of y = 2x ~ 5.
of y = -yv - 2.

29. Find the equation of the line containing the 30. Find the equation of the line containing the point
point P(— 2, -4) and parallel to the graph of P{3, 2) and parallel to the graph of 3.v + y = -3.
It - 3y = 2.

31. Find the equation of the line containing the 32. Find the equation of the line containing the point
point P{4. I) and perpendicular to the graph of P{2. -5) and perpendicular to the graph of
y = -3x + 4.
y = x- 4.

33. Find the equation of the line containing the point 34. Find the equation of the line containing the point
P(- 1,-3) and perpendicular to the graph of P{— 1 . 3) and perpendicular to the graph of
3.v - 5y = 2. 2x + 4y = - I.

Critical Thinking
A perpendicular bisector is a line that is perpendicular to a line segment and passes
through the midpoint of the line segment. For Exercises 35 and 36. find the equation
of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment with the given endpoints.
35. P,(3, 4). P2(- 1, 2) 36. P,(-3, 3). Fi(l« —7)

Projects or Group Activities

Physics For Exercises 37 and 38. suppose a ball is being twirled at the end of
a string and the center of rotation is the origin of a coordinate system. If the string
breaks, the initial path of the ball is on a line that is perpendicular to the radius of the
37. Suppose the string breaks when the ball is at P(6. 3). Find
the equation of the line on which the initial path lies.

0(0. 0)
38. Suppose the string breaks when the ball is at P(2. 8). Find
the equation of the line on which the initial path lies.

LHessottuwse re,®, al coitalcnHas page 3 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith 301)li'iw Irannr *11 Ktftu Kamal Mif ml K,unil aAnimal, n»tuk i« I!wn. I>j» la ikirncruh. o> llirj tun, hdhiinuj K: uncal feon Mc itilor cV'fanxi ,(
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incr*ll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it utj line if 4iV«cqiOTi njlorolixlwnt ro)iirc c

3.7 Inequalities in Two Variables

OBJECTIVE A To graph the solution set ofan inequality in two variables
The graph of the linear equation v = x —
1 separates the plane into three sets: the set
of points on the li ne. the set of points above the line, and the set of points below the line.

The point whose coordinates are (2. I) is a solution

of v = x —
I and is a point on the line.

The point whose coordinates are (2. 4) is a solution

of y > .v - I and is a point abovt the line.

The point whose coordinates are (2, -2) is a solu¬

tion of v < x - I and is a point below the line.

The set of points on the line is the solution of the equation y x I. The set of points —
above the line is the solution of the inequality y > x I. These points form a half- —
plane. The set of points below the line is the solution of the inequality y < x
points also form a half-plane.
I. These —
An inequality of the form y > nix + b or Ax + By > C is a linear inequality in two
variables. (The inequality symbol > could be replaced by <, or ÿ.) The solution set
of a linear inequality in two variables is a half-plane.

HOW TO I illustrates the procedure for graphing the solution set of a linear inequality
in two variables.
ÿvj Take Note Graph the solution set of 3.r - 4y < 12.
When solving the inequality
in HOW TO 1 fory, both sides
of the inequality are divided 3.V — Ay4y << —123.v + 12 * Solve the inequality for y.
by -4. so the inequality
symbol must be reversed.

*4* — 3
Change the inequality y > ÿ.v - 3 to the equality y = -jjv - 3, and graph the line.

If the inequality contains ÿ or the line be¬

TJ Take Note
As shown (0. 0) is a
longs to the solution set and is shown by a solid
line. If the inequality contains < or
solution of the inequality in >, the line is not pan of the solution set and is
HOW T0 1. shown by a dashed line.
y>*x- 3 If the inequality contains > or S:. shade the up¬
0 >~ (0) — 3
per half-plane. If the inequality contains
< or shade the lower half-plane.
0>0 - 3
0> -3
Because (0. 0) is a solution of
the inequality. P(0. 0) should As a check, use the ordered pair (0. 0) to determine whether the correct region of the
be in the shaded region. The plane has been shaded. If (0. 0( is a solution of the inequality, then P{0, 0) should be in
solution set as graphed is
the shaded region. If (0. 0) is not a solution of the inequality, then P(0. 0) should not be in
the shaded region.
UrfessolhswsercIMall cotemonris Is I

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC All Mi) ixi Ix a ankcnd. Ii»Kik im put. I>« Ui ikoivn. ryh> : ihnJ jtany orncti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be clVxk irJur «»
fÿiira!roim hp JccncJ thr. Mzy «rtrv«cc curicnJc<« r»»: numilb i&vi iu incnJl kimn; cxjcncru Iurn;rotnci he I tÿluiml cnixni n any line if* «aV*c4t«r; n/k«rMnctwm rcqurc a.

If the line passes through the point P{0. 0), then another ordered pair, such as (0. 1 ), must
Integrating be used as a check.
See the Keystroke
Guide: Graphing Inequalities
From the graph of y > |.v — 3. note that for a given value of x, more than one value of
for instructions on using
a graphing calculator to
y can be paired with that value of For instance, (4. I). (4, 3), (5, 1), and
y. are all (5, ÿ
graph the solution set of an
ordered pairs that belong to the graph. Because there are ordered pairs with the same First
inequality intwo variables. coordinate and different second coordinates, the inequality does not represent a function.
The inequality is a relation but not a function.

Graph the solution set of y + 2y ÿ 4. Graph the solution set of .v + 3y > 6.

Solution x + 2y < 4 Your solution
2y < -x +4
y <
-y + 2
Graph y = — ]-x + 2 as a solid line.
Shade the lower half-plane.
Ttjj >' * "-V + 2
o — — t(0) + 2
0 <0 + 2
0 <2
The point /'(O. 0) should
be in the shaded region.

Graph the solution set of x ÿ — I. Graph the solution set of y < 2.

Solution Your solution
Graph x = — 1 as a solid line.
Shade the half-plane to the right of the line.

____ ir rr

Solutions on p. SI0
IHsBolhsvrae roiffl. al ccrlB-f <nthis page a £ CergagB Uam'rg.

Krjrirfi. :o:i Crw ItunHt. All k./m. Mi) ox Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>« ui tkoiv'it raHi mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: wtrcuia fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rfrv«cc couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Itimn/ rc*mc< he niÿii lo xAJutnxl ccosni ii iny line if «iV*cqtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcqurc l


Concept Check
1. J What is a half-plane?

2. hi Explain a method you can use to check that the graph of a Iinear inequality in two
variables has been shaded correctly.

3. Is (0, 0» a solution of y > 2x - 7? 4. Is (0.0) a solution of y < 5.v + 3?

5. Is (0, 0) a solution of >• < -%x - 8? 6. Is (0.0) a solution of y >

-J.t + 9?

objective A To graph the solution set of an inequality in two variables

For Exercises 7 to 24. graph the solution set.

7. y < -x - 3 8. y — ~ÿx — 4 9. y < -|v + 1

i i I i I I


10. y < v -3-

PtPfflS. ÿf-H-r
lii.iit.Ju .1.

11. 4.r - 5y > 10 12. 4.v

I i
+ 3y < 9

I ! I
_i ! L i
i i

— fti—rti
— — |— F5

I | j | 1_

13. x + 3y < 6 2v + 3y > i5

-E— _ — —4—i- .

:::!i™ 4
! •

j..- ....
— ! I |m
Hÿ1 ——- - rti t

j r..." \ -]: ! .m
!~ 1T; |
i...j. r —.
: ; *

k.i-f;0 -MI4..4 u >.. a .+.2.

4- J_4_i i
J i |
i— !
i 2 . i i
i i
T :d
rj U
n - 4
: 1
L _IX -L*J u _EJ T~"
Ittesscthawse tied,sllaiffinlan tisfay is Iflaritij

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Iontnl. All Htftu IdbioIVtaj f>il K.iiiotlram*. i* ttaltCol. n .Hik it n p«n. I>n HI tlccniu am lltrd |un> tirwino, K: upiolSort ji t tv-*4 mlor n'upxiti.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

16. 3.v + 2v < 4 17. -.v + 2y > -8 18. -3x + 2y >

TTTTT T~n—i~
"TTT rt
1 1 1 1 1, -|4
htt+H HHt

19. y - 4 <0 20. .v + 2 > 0 21. 6v + 5v < 15

f i •rr r~«."
• • •
r-4-:-l-i i

22. 3.v - 5v < 10 23. -5.V + 3y > -12 24. 3.v + 4y > 12

UUi-'a-lg-U' H-fl-2-.
r—4— I r • 2 '!— T —j —{— J—
frt-l I1 II'l _4'

LL4.«U Err:
25. "3 Which quadrant is represented by the two linear inequalities x > 0 and y > 0?
26. 9 Which quadrant is represented by the two linear inequalities .v < 0 and y < 0?

Critical Thinking
27. |J Does the inequality y < 3x — I represent a function? Explain your answer.
28. Are there ordered-pair solutions that satisfy both y ÿ x + 3 and y s: -ÿx + 1?
If so, give three such ordered-pair solutions. If not. explain why not.

Projects or Group Activities 44444
.L.L <
29. Graph x\ + |y| < 5.


LHessothawise rtr.ffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KacnoL Vbj f>il h.imil cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> oa«a (Taj K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-,4 uiVx OkniT".
hÿiara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c njJilÿKtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

CO Summary

Key Words Examples

A rectangular coordinate system is formed by two number
lines, one horizontal and one vertical, that intersect at the zero point EEJgJfl UHIBS5HQ
of each line. The point of intersection is called the origin. The
number lines that make up a rectangular coordinate system are
called coordinate axes. A rectangular coordinate system divides
the plane into four regions called quadrants. [3.1A. p. 128]

An ordered pair (.r, y) is used to locate a point in a rectangular co¬ (3, 4) is an ordered pair.
ordinate system. The first number of the pair measures a horizontal 3 is the abscissa.
distance and is called the abscissa or x-coordinate. The second 4 is the ordinate.
number of the pair measures a vertical distance and is called the The graph of (3, 4) is shown below.
ordinate or y-coordinate. The coordinates of the point are the
numbers in the ordered pair associated with the point. To graph,
or plot, a point in the plane, place a dot at the location given by the
ordered pair. The graph of an ordered pair is the dot drawn at the
coordinates of the point in the plane. |3. 1 A, p. 128]

The graph of an equation in two variables is the graph of all of The graph of y - v: - 4 is shown below.
the ordered-pair solutions of the equation. 13. 1B. pp. 131— 1 33]

A function is a set of ordered pairs in which no two ordered pairs {(2. 3), (3, 5), (5. 7). (6, 9)}
have the same first coordinate and different second coordinates. The The domain is {2, 3. 5. 6}.
domain of a function is the set of the first coordinates of all the The range is {3,5.7. 9}.
ordered pairs of the function. The range is the set of the second
coordinates of all the ordered pairs of the function.
[3.2A.p. 139]

Ittessctterwse rctedcilarisfl.antiscBÿ is CCause Lffinir?.

Cvmndi. "I'l> Imuni. All Hiltu Knnitl. VU, im h,icmd cr dnltcnd. n »l»iW it i:«rt. I>ic m tlccn-nt nrftu. o> llirJ I in) k 4inrcucÿ fec*T M cftxl ardor ci'Safixr 4i.
hdbra! hs«Jccnci (lui *tj ainrvacÿ oifi;r< Jcci r«n nunulb xf&c. i*c »»» ctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cam/if rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c uxy line »l «iV*ÿi*ni n(h>rolrxlsÿnregain t

A relation is any set of ordered pairs. |3.2A, p. 139 1 {(2, 3). (2. 4), (3, 4). (5. 7)}

Function notation is used for those equations that represent func¬ In function notation, y = 3.v + 7 is written
tions. For the equation at the right, v is the independent variable fix) = 3.r + 7.
and >' is the dependent variable. The symbol /(.v) is the value of
the function and represents the value of the dependent variable for
a given value of the independent variable. [3.2A, pp. 140-1411

The process of determining f(x) for a given value of x is called Evaluate /(.r) = 2r - 3 when x = 4.
evaluating a function. |3.2A. p. 1411
fix) = Ix - 3
/(4) = 2(4) - 3

The graph of a function is the graph of all of the ordered pairs The graph of g(/) = |/ + 2| + 3 is shown
that belong to the function. [3.2B. p. 144] below.

An equation of the form y = mx + />, where m and /?are constants. y = 3a- + 2 is a linear equation in two
is a linear equation in two variables. Usins function notation. variables: m = 3 and b = 2. Ordered-pair
fix) = mx + b is called a linear function. A solution of a linear solutions of y = 3.t + 2 are shown below,
equation in two variables is an ordered pair (x,y) whose coordinates along with the graph of the equation.
make the equation a true statement. The graph of a linear equation
in two variables is a straight line. [3.3A. p. 1 55 1
1 5
0 2
-1 -1

The point at which a graph crosses the .v-axis is called the The .v-intercept of x + y = 4 has coordi¬
x-intercept,and the point at which a graph crosses the y-axis is nates (4, 0).
called the y-intercept. [3.3C. p. 159] The y-intercept of a* + y = 4 has
coordinates (0. 4).

LHessothawise i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CCrorllbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Hiltu Kninol Vtaj i>» K.iiloJ.rami. cr italtcKd. n -Hik « i:«n. I>n m ilccnm .milird |un> mwino, K: nimmi &«* m irJor c*~fapxn «i-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «iV«n«ni rotiKtwni rotiirt l

A value of .v for which fix) - 0 is called a zero of the

function. (3.3C. p. I60|
4 is a zero of /(.v) = 2v
y(4) = 2(4) -8 = 0.
— 8 because

The slope of a line is a measure of the slant, or tilt, of the line. The The line y = 2v - 3 has a slope of 2 and
symbol for slope is m. A line that slants upward to the right has a slants upward to the right.
positive slope, and a line that slants downward to the right has a
negative slope. A horizontal line has zero slope. The slope of a

The line v = 5r + 2 has a slope of —5
and slants downward to the right.
vertical line is undefined. [3.4A. pp. 170- 1711 The line v = 4 has a slope of 0.

The average rate of change between any two points is the slope Let /(.v) = .v: — 1. Then P,(— 3. 8) and
of the line between the two points. [3.4B. p. 173) P2(0, - 1) are two points on the graph of /.
The average rate of change of /between the
two points is
-1—8 -9
0ÿH3) " T

An inequality of the form v > nix + b or of the form 4.v - 3y < 12 and y S: 2v + 6 are linear
Av + By > C is a linear inequality in two variables. (The inequalities in two variables.
sy mbol > can be replaced by >, <, or ÿ .) The solution set of an
inequality in two variables is a half-plane. |3.7A. p. 199)

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Pythagorean Theorem [3.1A. p. 129)
If a and b are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and c is the A triangle with legs that measure 3 in.
length of the hypotenuse, then a1 + b2 - c2. and 4 in. and a hypotenuse that measures
5 in. is a right triangle because 3. 4. and 5
satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem.
a2 + b2 = c2
32 + 42 = 52
9 + 16 = 25
25 = 25

Distance Formula [3. 1 A. p. 129)

If P\{.Vj.y'i) and /*2 Cr2ÿ >*2) are tw0 points in the plane, (vi.y,) = (—3, 5), (r2,>'3) - (2,4)
then the distance between the two points is given by
d = V(.r, - .v2)2 + (v, - >'2)2.
d = V(*| - a2)2 + (y, - >2) 2
= V(— 3-2)2+ (5 - 4)2
= V25 +I
= V26

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. Mq ml K,unil n Animal, n »lulc i « n wn. I>j» la clccn-mruh. o> llinl cuikcino, K: umucl u> ,
inla.ct'fapai t
hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwnt rotiirc c

Midpoint Formula [3. 1 A. p. 130)

If P|(.V|. V|) and P,(a2, >'2) are the endpoints of a line segment, then C*i,y,) = (2. 3), (x2, J2) = (-6. - 1)
the coordinates ( of the midpoint of the line segment are AT + Xx (-6)
A- = = -2
given by A„ = and ym =
v =
yi + yi =
3+ Hi = 1
2 0

(wj = (-2. 1)

Vertical Line Test [3.2C. p. 146)

A graph defines a function if any vertical line intersects the graph at no The graph below
The graph below
more than one point. is not the graph
is the graph of a
of a function. At
function. No vertical
least one vertical
line intersects the
line intersects the
graph at more than graph at more than
one point.
one point.

Graph of y = b (3.3B, p. 158)

The graph of y = b is a horizontal line passing through the point The graph of y = -5 is a
with coordinates (0. b). horizontal line passing through
the point with coordinates (0. -5).

Graph of a Constant Function [3.3B. p. 158)

A function given by /(a) = /?, where b is a constant, is a constant The graph of /(a) = -5 is a horizontal
function. The graph of the constant function is a horizontal line line passing through the point with
passing through the point with coordinates (0. b). coordinates (0. -5). Note that this is the
same as the graph of y = -5.

Graph of x = a (3.3B. p. 158)

The graph of a = a is a vertical line passing through the The graph of a = 4 is a vertical line
point with coordinates (fl, 0). passing through the point with coordinates

IttessoBecvise rota, a IcoilBf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ixl Ix mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kilt it it put. I>« In ikoiv'ii mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix wittvcÿ fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. aiffrvMCC couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvs uc mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Icimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccnxni il »ny line 1! «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Finding Intercepts of Graphs of Linear Equations

[3.3C. p. 1601
To Find the .r-intercept. let y - 0. 3.v + 4v = 12
To find the y-intercept, let x - 0.
For any equation of the form y = inx + b. the y-intercept
Let y = 0: 3.v + 4(0)
= 12
3.v = 12
has coordinates (0. b).
The .v-intercept has coordinates (4. 0).
Let x = 0: 3(0) + 4y = 12
4y = 12
The v-intercept has coordinates (0. 3).

Slope Formula |3.4A, p. 170]

The slope of the line containing the two points Pi(x\,yi) and (*i.yI) = (-3,2),fe,y!)-(l,4)
P2(ÿ2- ys) is given by m = —-. X\ t x2. >s ~ >'1 _ 4-2 _2 _ \_
x2 — X\ 1 - (—3) 4 2
The slope of the line through P\(-3, 2)
and P2(\A) is 7-

Slope-Intercept Form of a Straight Line [3.4C. p. 176)

The equation v = mx + b is called the slope-intercept form of a For the equation y = — 3.v + 2, the slope
straight line. The slope of the line is m, the coefficient of .r. The is -3 and the coordinates of the y-intercept
y-intercept has coordinates (0. /?). are (0. 2).

Point-Slope Formula |3.5A, p. 184J

Let m be the slope of a line, and let Pt (.T| y() be a point on the line.
The equation of the line can be found from the point-slope formula:
The equation of the line that passes through
P(4, 2) and has slope -3 is
y y, = m(x - .v,). y - y, = m{x - *,)
y-2 = -3(.v - 4)
y-2 = —3c + 12
v = -3.v + 14

Slopes of Parallel Lines |3.6A. p. 193]

Two nonverticai lines with slopes of m1 and m2 are parallel if and y = 3.r — 4, m\ = 3
only if //?i = m2. Vertical lines are parallel lines. y = 3.r + 2, m2 = 3
Because mt = m2. the lines are parallel.

Slopes of Perpendicular Lines [3.6A. p. 194]

If //i] and m2 are the slopes of two lines, neither of which
is vertical, then the lines are perpendicular if and only if
-2x + 2, m2 = -2
m, - j

/?it • m2 = 1. A vertical line is perpendicular to a horizontal line.
Because m, m2 = - 1 the lines are


Krjrirfi. JOU Cit£aK Iam'aC *11 KocnoL Mi) m Ix ami. tr anlKrai. a »Kile ir it put. I>« UiclaVont nfl» mm tknl |tnj.\amirm, K: mafOKi hn at itv-i ir.1 iOiomn

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. oirrcwcc couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvsiu mcnll kinur; cxpcncrxx. Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo ccotni 11 iny line i! «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


3 Review Exercises

1. Determine the ordered-pair solution of y

that corresponds to .v = 4.
= 2. Given P(x) - 3.v + 4. evaluate P{-2) and P{a).

3. Graph f{x) - x2 - 2x - 3. Begin by plotting 4. Estimate the domain and range of the function
(.v, y) when x = —2, — 1.0, 1 2, 3, and 4. From the graphed below. Write the answers in interval
graph, estimate the domain and range of the func¬
tion. Write the answers in set-builder notation.
Al 1

I(1_ -

—4 -

5. Find the zero of fix) = — jx + 4. 6. What is the domain of f(x) = t-t-t?

7. Find the midpoint and the length (to the nearest 8. Find the domain and ranee of the function
hundredth) of the line segment with endpoints {(-1.0), (0. 2), (1,2), (5,4)}.
/M-2,4)and/>2(3, 5).

9. Graph: y 10. Graph 3.v —

+ 2y = 6 using the a- and ÿintercepts.

-»L >

11. Graph: y = -2x + 12. Graph: 4.v - 3y = 12


13. Find the slope of the line that contains the points 14. Find the equation of the line that contains the
P,(3, —2) and P2(- 1, 2). point P(— 3. 4) and has slope t.

LHessottonvij;i*r.ffl. al coilrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Iomit/. All Htftu Kamal Vta. f>il K.unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik it n p«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: ill--.4 irjor oknulil.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni n/lo rc*in<t>.*ru retire 1

15. The decrease in the temperature of a bowl of soup 16. Graph the line that passes through p{—2. 3) and
as it cools is shown in the graph below. Find the has slope --j.
average rate of change in temperature per minute
between minutes 10 and 50.

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (inminutes)

17. Is the graph shown below the graph of function? 18. Graph the line that passes through the point
/>(— 1, 4) and has slope -4.

19. Find the equation of the line that contains the 20. Find the equation of the line that contains the point
point P(— 2. 3) and is parallel to the graph of P(—2, 3) and is perpendicular to the graph of
_y = -4.v + 3. y--b- 3-
21. Graph y = I. 22. Graph a* = - I.


23. Find the equation of the line that contains the 24. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(— 3. 3) and has slope —3. points Pi (-8, 2) and P2(4, 5).

25. Find the distance between the points P|(4. -5) 26. Find the coordinates of the m idpoint of the line
and P,{-2, 3). segment with endpoints Pi(-3. 8) and P2{5, -2).

27. Chemistry The temperature, in degrees Celsius, of a chemical reaction Iminutes

after it begins is given in the table below. Find the average rate of change of the tem¬
perature per minute in the interval from 5 min to 15 min.

BB 100
1| 5
1 1| 1
Ittesscthawserctedcllctrienionlfispeÿ is ©Cagaÿlamwij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h,imil 11 Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it I!pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» caiennm (« «imc«i Son ji ill--.4 irjor oiipiT.1.

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I nmn(rc<n:<nc njJilÿKtiwc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

28. Graph the solution set of y > 2x - 3. 29. Graph the solution set of 3.v - 2y < 6.

l_ o

30. Find the equation of the line that contains the 31. Find the equation of the line that contains the
points P\(—2, 4) and P2(4. —3). point P(— 2. —4) and is parallel to the graph of
4v - 2v = 7.

32. Find the equation of the line that contains the 33. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(3. -2) and is parallel to the graph of point P(2. 5) and is perpendicular to the graph of
y = -3.t + 4. y= -ir + 6.

34. Hospitality Industry The manager of a hotel determines that 200 rooms will be
occupied if the rate is S95 per night. For each S 10 increase in the rate. 10 fewer rooms
will be occupied.
a. Determine a linear function that predicts the number of rooms that will be oc¬
cupied at a given rate.
b. Use the model to predict occupancy when the rate is SI 20.

ri TOO
35. JTravel A car is traveling at 55 mph. The equation that describes the distance ÿE200

traveled is d = 55/. Graph this equation for 0 < / < 6. The point whose coordinates S 100
are (4. 220) is on the graph. Write a sentence that explains the meaning of this or¬
dered pair. 0 12 3 4 5 6
Time (in hours)

36. Jl Manufacturing The graph at the right shows the relationship be¬
tween the cost of manufacturing calculators and the number of calcula¬
tors manufactured. Find the slope of the line between the two points
shown on the graph. Write a sentence that states the meaningof the slope.
100 200 300 400 500
Calculators manufactured

37. Construction A building contractor estimates that the cost to build a new home is
$25,000 plus S80 for each square foot of floor space.
a. Determine a linear function that gives the cost to build a house that contains a
given number of square feet of floor space.
b. Use the model to determine the cost to build a house that contains 2000 ft 2 of floor
LHe>5 ottonVs rffiffl. al coilrf cnthis pÿge 5 ffi Csrgsge laamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> omenno, K: &«* ji itv-vi uiVx n'upxio.
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it <jV«auKni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l


1. Graph /(.x) = 4 - x2. Begin by plotting (x,y) 2. Is the graph shown below the graph of a function?
when x = -2, - 1 . 0. 1 2, 3, and 4. From the . y
graph, estimate the domain and range of the func¬
tion. Write the answers in interval notation.

— >

3. Graph: y = j.v -4 4. Graph: 2x

+ 3y - -3
4 4

-4 > 1) <i -4 -2 0 •
2 2
_ j

i1 1

5. Find the zero of fix) = 4x - 12. 6. Find the length, to the nearest hundredth, and
the midpoint of the line segment with endpoints
Pi(4. 2) and P2(-5. 8).

7. Find the slope of the line that contains the points 8. Given P(x) = 3.t: - 2x + I, evaluate P(2).
P\(-2, 3) and P2(4, 2).

9. Graph 2.r - 3y = 6 by using the x- and 10. Graph the line that passes through P{-2. 3) and
y-intercepts. hassloDe -4.

Iftessc(hawss rctedalIofficiion hscb?. is 'CCffgaÿlEnirg.

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 K«t.< Kiunnl. Uo ml K.unil n darlund. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: fenn Mc ilv-vi inlor
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

11. Find the equation of the line that contains the

point P{— 5. 2) and has slope 5.
12. What is the domain of fix) - 2l 1

13. Find the equation of the line that contains the 14. Find the average rate of change of fix) = 2 - x1
points PA3. -4) and P2(-2. 3). between the points whose .t-coordinates are
.V| = 1 and x2 = 4.

15. Find the domain and range of the function 16. Find the equation of the line that contains the
{(-4.2), (-2,2), (0.0). (3,5)}. point P(1.2) and is parallel to the graph of
y= -ix
- 6.

17. Find the equation of the line that contains the 18. Graph the solution set of 3.v - 4v >
point P(— 2, -3) and is perpendicular to the graph
of y = -~x - 3.

19. JDepreciation The graph below shows the re¬ 20. Summer Camp The director of a baseball camp
lationship between the cost of a rental house and estimates that 100 students will enroll if the tuition
the depreciation allowed for income tax purposes. is S250. For each S20 increase in tuition, six fewer
Find the slope between the two points shown on the students will enroll.
graph. Write a sentence that states the meaning of a. Determine a linear function that predicts the
the slope. number of students who will enroll at a given
1 tuition.
k b. Use this model to predict enrollment when the
" 2( (1 )|
ÿci| tuition is S300.
all 30.000 2 ~| i

0 3 6 9 12 IS
Time (illyears)

LHessoBnwijr ifflffl. al centalcnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiilh :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htflu Kninol lb,i>» h,iiloJ.rami, cr rtaltcnd. n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m ilccn-nirtfhi o> llird run, omennm (« ittx* inlUr n'rrprr.r
hÿura!pc*io» haJccnciduttt) ainrcaej cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb ifel 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i»c njJilÿKtiwc ccoxnl 11 inj litx il «jY«ajucni roiiirt l

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Identify the property that justifies the statement

(x + y)-2 = 2-(x + y).
2. Solve: 3 - §= J
I - 3.r 7.v - 2 4.y +2
3. Solve: 2[y - 2(3 - y) + 4J = 4 - 3y 4. Solve:

5. Solve: .v - 3 < -4 or 2.r + 2 > 3 6. Solve: 8 — 2v — 1 1 =4

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

7. Solve: |3.v - 5| < 5 8. Simplify: 4 - 2(4 - 5)3 + 2

9. Evaluate {a — b)2 -r (ab) when a = 4 and 10. Graph: \x\x < -2\ U \x\x > 0}
b= -2.
-5 -4 -5 -2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5

11. Solve P - for C. 12. Solve 2.v + 3y -6 for .v.

13. Solve: 3.r - I < 4 and x - 2 > 2 14. Given P{x) = x2 + 5. evaluate P(-3).

15. Find the ordered-pair solution of 16. Find the slope of the line that contains the points
y = - jx + 3 that corresponds to x = — ! />,(-!• 3) and P2(3, -4).

17. Find the equation of the line that contains the 18. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point /'(—I. 5) and has slope T points P|(4, -2) and P2(0. 3).

lilesscths'Mse tclMall coxemonfis peÿ Is i£Drgaj* lsariri;.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Itun of. All k./m. Mi) ox Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« ui ekv/cm raHi mm tknl |tnjoolcti to, K: wircvca frcm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nunull) x'tci iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Icimn/ rv*mc< ix lo scwvc tÿluiml ccnxni il »ny line i! «iV«c4isn: n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

19. Find the equation of the line that contains the 20. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(2. 4) and is parallel to the graph of point />(4. 0) and is perpendicular to the graph of
y= -kx+ 2. 3.v - 2y = 5.

21. Find the zero of f(x) = -2x + 6. 22. Graph 3x - 5y ~

15 by using the .v- and

Il' I 1| 1 ||
2-0-.- m
TT-. ra III
-H-f M-H-H

23. Graph the line that passes through P{— 3. 1) and 24. Graph the solution set of 3.v - 2y s: 6.
has slope

I— I—

25. Uniform Motion Two planes are 1800 mi apart and are traveling toward each
other. One plane is traveling twice as fast as the other plane. The planes pass each
other in 3 h. Find the speed of each plane.

26. Mixtures A grocer combines coffee costing S9 per pound with coffee costing S6
per pound. How many pounds of each should be used to make 60 lb of a blend costing
S8 per pound?

27. Depreciation The relationship between the value of a truck and the 3U.00U
depreciation allowed for income tax purposes is shown in the graph at
the right.
18.000 s
a. Write the equation for the line that represents the depreciated value 6000
of the truck. k
2 3 4 5
b. Write a sentence that states the meaning of the slope.
Time (in years)

IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it put. I>« InclccVont rtftu. : ihnl iwk-j nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem be ctVxk sitlur
f4iira!roim hp thr. m/y oin*v<«cd coricnJc<i r»»: riucnalb Ac »'» cnll kinur; cxjcncru Iarm; rc*mc< ix I tÿluiiul cmxni il my line it* t n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.
Systems of Linear
Equations and Inequalities
Focus on Success
A To solve a system ot linear Are you making attending class a priority?
equations by graphing
B To solve a system of linear
Remember that to be successful, you
equations by the substitution must attend class. You need to be in class
method to hear your instructor s explanations and
C To solve investment instructions, as well as to ask questions
when something is unclear. Most students
SECTION 4.2 who miss a class fall behind and then find
A To solve a system of two
linear equations in two
it very difficult to catch up
variables by the addition
Time, >
B To solve a system of three
linear equations in three
variables by the addition

Prep Test
A To evaluate a determinant
B To solve a system of
equations by using Cramers Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
Rule find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
SECTION 4.4 '3 I
A To solve rate-of-wtnd or rate-
of-current problems
1. Simplify: 10( -x + y
.D Z

2. Evaluate 3.v + 2y - z for
x= -1, y = 4, and Z = ~2.
B To solve application

SECTION 4.5 3. Given 3.v - 2z ~ 4, find the 4. Solve:

A To graph the solution set of a value of x when z = ~ 2. 3x + 4(-2.v - 5) = -5
system of linear inequalities

5. Solve:
0.45* + 0.06(—a + 4000) = 630

6. Graph: 3.v - 2y = 6 7. Graph: y > -—x + 1


.r .r
-A1 )
0 I

_ |

l>teaotei\v5erÿriranmcnthbpigeisSiC0t££UirTirg 215

<'«TOn4* ;mICttttlt Iimni All Ktfta. 1 .vt«f inb»c<ixd.«iireJ.ndKl»ÿ«J.n-Kiki«ic pari. i>k m (kv'jvnt rtf In. «>* :lKsnl amtcai rcay tx «irtrcoci 6c t»Vsi »r*lor
ht-JccncJthai ray > • Mmicnilb lifcct 6c «r»cr*U Limn/
ojcrcriv. C'cafÿc I amn/ roa>c( 6c njfii I it i*xj ticic il «iV«ÿicni n(lotolnctun roturt 1
Systems of Linear
Equations and Inequalities
Focus on Success
A To solve a system ot linear Are you making attending class a priority?
equations by graphing
B To solve a system of linear
Remember that to be successful, you
equations by the substitution must attend class. You need to be in class
method to hear your instructor s explanations and
C To solve investment instructions, as well as to ask questions
when something is unclear. Most students
SECTION 4.2 who miss a class fall behind and then find
A To solve a system of two
linear equations in two
it very difficult to catch up
variables by the addition
Time, >
B To solve a system of three
linear equations in three
variables by the addition

Prep Test
A To evaluate a determinant
B To solve a system of
equations by using Cramers Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
Rule find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
SECTION 4.4 '3 I
A To solve rate-of-wtnd or rate-
of-current problems
1. Simplify: 10( -x + y
.D Z

2. Evaluate 3.v + 2y - z for
x= -1, y = 4, and Z = ~2.
B To solve application

SECTION 4.5 3. Given 3.v - 2z ~ 4, find the 4. Solve:

A To graph the solution set of a value of x when z = ~ 2. 3x + 4(-2.v - 5) = -5
system of linear inequalities

5. Solve:
0.45* + 0.06(—a + 4000) = 630

6. Graph: 3.v - 2y = 6 7. Graph: y > -—x + 1


.r .r
-A1 )
0 I

_ |

l>teaotei\v5erÿriranmcnthbpigeisSiC0t££UirTirg 215

<'«TOn4* ;mICttttlt Iimni All Ktfta. 1 .vt«f inb»c<ixd.«iireJ.ndKl»ÿ«J.n-Kiki«ic pari. i>k m (kv'jvnt rtf In. «>* :lKsnl amtcai rcay tx «irtrcoci 6c t»Vsi »r*lor
ht-JccncJthai ray > • Mmicnilb lifcct 6c «r»cr*U Limn/
ojcrcriv. C'cafÿc I amn/ roa>c( 6c njfii I it i*xj ticic il «iV«ÿicni n(lotolnctun roturt 1

Solving Systems of Linear Equations by

4.1 Graphing and by the Substitution Method
OBJECTIVE A To solve a system oflinear equations by graphing

A system of equations is two or more equations considered to- 3.v + 4y = 7

gether. The system at the right is a system of two linear equations 2x - 3y = 6
in two variables. The graphs of the equations are straight lines.
A solution of a system of equations in two variables is an ordered pair that is a solution
of each equation of the system.

Is (3. -2) a solution of the system

2-v- 3y= 1 2
5.v + 2y = 1 1?
2x - 3y = 12 5.y + 2y = II
2(3) - 3( 2) 12 5(3) + 2(-2) II • Replace* by 3 and y by —2.
6 - (-6) 12 15 + (-4) II
12 - 12 11 = 11

Yes. because (3, -2) is a solution of each equation, it is a solution of the system of

A solution of a system of linear equations can be found by graphing the equations of the
system on the same set of coordinate axes. We will now look at three different systems
of linear equations.
Consider the following system of equations:
x + 2y = 4
2x + y= -\
The graphs of the equations in this system are shown at the
right. The lines intersect at a single point whose coordinates
are (-2. 3). Because this point lies on both lines, its coor¬
dinates give the ordered-pair solution of the system of equa¬
tions. We can check this by substituting -2 for x and 3 for y
in each equation of the system.
.v + 2v = 4 2x + y = - 1
-2 + 2(3) 2( 2) + 3 -I Replace by —2 and y by 3.
-2 + 6 -4 +3 -I
4 =4 -I = -I
The ordered pair (-2, 3) is the solution of the system of equations.
When the graphs of the equations in a system of equations intersect at exactly one point.
the system of equations is called an independent system of equations. The system of
x + 2V = 4
2x + y = - 1
is an independent system of equations.
LHs>5 ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,mml«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci ton ji ili-iinlor n'Mpxi.i.
h4ara! hoJccnciduttt) oiUcrt ik<irmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i
try litx it «jV«ÿucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Now consider a second system of equations:

Ix + 3y = 6
4.v+ 6y = - 12
Tlie graphs of the equations in this system are shown at the
right. The graphs are parallel and therefore do not intersect.
Because the lines do not intersect, the system of equations
has no solution. A system of equations that has no solution is
called an inconsistent system of equations.
Finally, consider the following system of equations:
x - 2y = 4
2x - 4v = 8
The graphs of the equations in this system are shown at the
right. In this case, the graph of one equation lies on top of the
graph of the other. The graphs intersect at an infinite number
of points, so there are an infinite number of solutions of the
system of equations. Because each equation represents the
same set of points, the solutions of the system of equations
can be written using the ordered-pair solutions of either one
of the equations. To do this, choose one of the equations in
the system of equations. We have chosen the first equation.
x - 2y = 4
-2y = -x + 4 • Solve the equation fory.
y= -2
Write the ordered-pair solutions (v,y) as (a\ >y -2j. The ordered pairs [x.Jv - 2 J are
the solutions of the system of equations.
When the graphs of the equations in a system of equations intersect at infinitely many
points, the system of equations is called a dependent system of equations. The system
of equations
x 2y = 4
Ix 4y = 8
is a dependent system of equations.

Summary of the Three Possibilities for a System

of Linear Equations in Two Variables
1. The graphs intersect at one point.
The solution of the system of equations is the ordered
Take Note pair (x, y) whose coordinates name the point of intersection.
Keep In mind the differences The system of equations is independent.
among independent.
dependent, and inconsistent 2. The lines are parallel and never intersect.
systems of equations. You
The system of equations has no solution.
should be able to express
your understanding of these
terms by using graphs.
The system of equations is inconsistent.
3. The graphs are the same line, and 9rey intersect at infinitely t
many points.
There are infinitely many solutions of the system of equations.
The system of equations is dependent.
\j\ •X

Un'essclhawse readdlartemcntispa?>is 'Itegaÿlayrirg.

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal vu. >i h,unil n dnlund. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-mruh. o> llinl |un> odkuno, K: Mc itilor n'uiui.i.
hs«Jccikc (lui azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incr*ll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt rcqiirc t

Solve by graphing: 2x y = 3
4.v - 2y = 6

Graph each line.
Tlie system of equations is dependent.
Solve one of the equations for y.

2v - y = 3
-v = -2x + 3
y = 2v - 3
The solutions are the ordered pairs (v, 2v — 3).

Solve by graphing: Solve bv graphing:

2r - v = 3 .v + y = I
3.t + y = 2 2x + y = 0

Solution Your solution

• Find the coordinates of
the point of intersection

of the graphs of the


i- " jL
k •


The solution is (I, — I).

Solve bv graphing: Solve by graphing:

2x + 3y = 6 2v + 5y = 10

Solution Your solution
Graph the two
,1N equations.

i n 4 n 7 4 .

-1 4
The lines are parallel and therefore do not
intersect. The system of equations is inconsistent.
The system of equations has no solution.
Solutions on p. SIO
LHess othawise at coilrf cnHis 3 S Csrgsge Uem'rg

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.iiroJrami. cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lavmrah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: &«* ji itv-vi lakVx cVfapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt l

Solve by graphing: Solve by graphing:

x 2y = 6 3* - 4y = 12

Solution Your solution
• Graph the two

4 0 •> 4

1 ,
The system of equations is dependent. The
solutions are the ordered pairs I.r, 5* - 3
Solution on p. SIO

OBJECTIVE B To solve a system of linear equations by the substitutionmethod

When we solve a system of equations by graphing, we approximate the coordinates of a
point of intersection. An algebraic methodcalled the substitution method can be used to
find an exact solution of a system of equations. To use the substitution method, we must
write one of the equations of the system in terms of x or in terms of y.

Solve by the substitution method: (I) 3* + y = 5

(2) 4x + 5y = 3

3* + y = 5 • Solve Equation ( I) for y.

(3) y = -3.v +5 This is Equation (3).

(2) 4x + 5y = 3 • This is Equation (2).

4.v + 5(-3.v - 5) = 3 • Equation (3) states that v = —3* + 5.
Substitute — 3* + 5 for y in Equation (2).
4-v - 15* + 25 = 3 • Solve for*.
-1 l.v + 25 = 3
-II* = -22

(3) v = -3* + 5 • Substitute the value of * into Equation (3)

= "3(2) + 5 to find the value of v.
= -6 +5

The solution is the ordered pair (2,-1).

The graph of the system of equations is shown at the left. Note that the graphs intersect
atthe point whose coordinates are (2. I ) , the solution of the system of equations.
Ufessothowsarc(Bct alIcated.on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Mi, n» h,otmlrami. 11 italicaal. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. 01llird pm, on«nno, K: nfpcuii Son irJor plipinii.
hÿUra!rcvio* hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:ihc try lirx it «jY«ajucni nffo rulrKlnu retire
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i 1

Solve by the substitution method: (1) 6a* + 2y = 8

(2) 3a- +y = 2
3a- + >- =2 • We will solve Equation (2) for y.
(3) y = -3a- +2 • This is Equation (3).
(1) 6a- + 2y = 8 • This is Equation ( 1).
6a- + 2(-3a* 2) 8 - - • Equation (3) states that y = -3r + 2.
Substitute — 3r + 2 fory in Equation (1).
-2 6a- - 6a- +4-8 • Solve for*.
Ox +4=8
hi4 4=8
This is not a true equation. The system of equations is inconsistent. The system of
equations has no solution.

The graph of the system of equations is shown at the left. Note that the lines are

Solve by substitution: Solve by substitution:
(1) 3.v - 2y = 4 -
3a- y = 3
(2) -x + 4y = -3 6.v + 3v = -4

Solution Your solution

Solve Equation (2) for .v.
—x + 4y = -3
-x = -4y - 3
X = 4y +3 • Equation (3)
Substitute 4v + 3 for a in Equation ( I).
3.t 2y = 4 — • Equation (1)
3(4v + 3) 2y = 4 - • * = 4y + 3
12>- + 9 - 2>- = 4
10V + 9 = 4
lOy = -5
5 I
v = —— 10
2 ——
Substitute the value of y into Equation (3).
A"= 4y + 3 • Equation (3)
= 4(-j) + 3
= -2 + 3=1

The solution is (l, — V).

Solution on p. S10
Itess otfavrae ratal, a Icentalcnthis ÿge a Z Cagage laimrg.

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK II1~CIAll ",m> KocnoL Mij fwl K: anxi. ir anlkml. Ii»Kilt w it inn. I»x la ckcivnt raHi <hnl itiij fataltray K: wimKÿ bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun<-
t*Liiral roic»» bv ikaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJco r«>: riaicmll? ifto Ctc at cnll Icimn/ cxxntra. CaM: I urnng fvnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc tÿludul crnxni il inj line
it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire A

Solve by substitution and graph: Solve by substitution and graph:

3.v - 3y = 2 y = 2a - 3
y =x + 2 -
3a* 2y = 6

Solution Your solution

3a- - 3y = 2
3.v - 3(a- + 2) = 2 • >• = *
3a- - 3a- - 6 = 2
-6 = 2

This is not a true equation. The system is

inconsistent. The system has no solution.

• Graph the two


Solve by substitution and graph: Solve by substitution and graph:

9.v + 3y = 12 6v - 3y = 6
V = -3a- + 4 2a- - y = 2

Solution Your solution

9a- + 3y = 12
9.v + 3(—3a + 4) = 12 -ix + 4
9.v - 9.Y +12=12
12 = 12

This is a true equation. The system is

dependent. The solutions are the ordered
pairs (a*. -3.y + 4).
• Graph the two

n >


Solidions on p. SI I
UVessctterwse "clej all coteman ns Is © Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: «un«. ir aclicra!. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi «r :ihnl i\ni»ti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be tfrxk sr»lurc<:ta{«xn«l.
tiiinÿmicn l» tKr. *tj «nrv«cc count Jc<« r«>: riaicmll? IK »»» cnll kimn; cxxntra. Ccaotfc I csmnf rcnnc< ix niÿit I tÿluiiul cuixni ii iny line it* «r; n/k«rMnctum retire 4.

To solve investmentproblems

The annual simple interest that an investment earns is given by the equation Pr = /.
where P is the principal, or the amount invested, r is the simple interest rate, and Iis the
simple interest.
For instance, if you invest S500 at a simple interest rate of 5 %. then the interest earned
after one year is calculated as follows:
Pr = I
500(0.05) = / • Replace P by 500 and r by 0.05 ( 5 %).
25 = / • Simplify.
The amount of interest earned is $25.

You have a total of $5000 to invest in two simple interest accounts.

On one account, a money market fund, the annual simple interest rate is 3.5%. On the
Tips for Success
second account, a bond fund, the annual simple interest rate is 7.5%. If you earn $245
Note that solving a word
problem includes stating per year from these two investments, how much do you have invested in each account?
a strategy and using the
strategy to find a solution. Strategy for Solving Simple-Interest Investment Problems
If you have difficulty with a
word problem, write down
the known information. Be
1. For each amount invested, use the equation Pr I. Write a numerical or variable
very specific. Write out a expression for the principal, the interest rate, and the interest earned.
phrase or sentence that
states what you are trying to
find. See AIM for Success Amount invested at 3.5%: x
in the Preface. Amount invested at 7.5%: v

1 Amount ai 35%
Principal. P •

Interest Rate, r

Interest Earned. I
Amount at 15% • 0.075 = 0.075>

2. Write a system of equations. One equation will express the relationship between
the amounts invested. The second equation will express the relationship between
the amounts of interest earned by the investments.

The total amount invested is $5000: x + y = 5000

The total annual interest earned is S245: 0.035.V + 0.075 \ - 245
Solve the system of equations. ( I) x + y = 5000
(2) 0.035a + 0.075y = 245

Solve Equation ( I) for y: (3) y = -x + 5000

Substitute into Equation (2): (2) 0.035a; + 0.075(-.v + 5000) = 245
0.035a: - 0.075a: + 375 = 245
-0.04.V = - 1 30
x = 3250
Substitute the value of .v into Equation (3) and solve for y.
y = -a + 5000
y = -3250 + 5000 = 1750
The amount invested at 3.5% is $3250.
The amount invested at 7.5% is $1750.

LHess ottavwse roiffi. alccrietcr ttes page a 2i Cargage laam'rg.

uqiith :ol> <:cr«swc Iiininl- All Htftu >Ocnol Mi. ml h,moil 11 italicnd. n *luW i« i!pin. I>n in tlccn-ni rtfhi 01tlinl pm> cuilctiiraj K: &«ti isi irJor oiipiTil
hÿirra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incr*II Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc tÿlumil crnxni it ttry litx it «jV«ÿucni rotiirt l

An investment of $4000 is made at an annual An investment club invested SI 3.600 in two simple
simple interest rate of 4.9#. How much additional interest accounts. On one account, the annual
money must be invested at an annual simple simple interest rate is 4.2#. On the other, the
interest rate of 7.4# so that the total interest annual simple interest rate is 6#. How much
earned is 6.4# of the total investment? should be invested in each account so that both
accounts earn the same annual interest?

Strategy Your strategy

• Amount invested at 4.9#: $4000
• Amount invested at 7.4#: x
• Amount invested at 6.4#: y

Principal Rale Interest 1

Amount at 4.9% 4000 0.049 0.049(4000)
Amount at 7.4% X 0.074 0.074.*
Amount at 6.4% y 0.064 0.064y

• The amount invested at 6.4# (y) is S4000 more

than the amount invested at 7.4# (.v):
y = x + 4000
• The sum of the interest earned at 4.9# and
the interest earned at 7.4# equals the interest
earned at 6.4#:
0.049(4000) + 0.074* = 0.064.V

Solution Your solution

(I) y = x + 4000
(2) 0.049(4000) + 0.074* = 0.064v
Replace y in Equation (2) by .v 4000 from
Equation ( I). Then solve for x.

0.049(4000) + 0.074* = 0.064(* + 4000)

196 + 0.074* = 0.064* + 256
0.0 1* = 60
= 6000
$6000 must be invested at an annual simple inter¬
est rate of 7.4#.

Solution on p. SII
UTessctba™ss rctedalIciriOT.en Pistoy. is 'C layrirg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K,unil aAnimal, n»!»ik i« I!wn. I>j» la ikirncruh. o> llirj | cuikci(Taj K: ainiiwl fc" Mc nilor cV'fanxi .(
hs«Jccikc (lui azy ainYcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


Concept Check
For Exercises I to 3. determine whether the ordered pair is a solution of the system of
1. (2, 1); a+y = 3 2. (-3,-5); x + y = -8 3. (1,-1); 3a y 4 — —
2a 3y = 1 2x + 5y = -31 7a + 2y = -5

For Exercises 4 to 6, state whether the system of equations represented by the graph
is independent, inconsistent, or dependent.

.V =4
7. What is the solution of the following system of equations?
>'= "

8. Fill in each blank with equal or not equal. Consider a system of two linear equations
in two variables. For an independent system, the slopes of the lines are
For an inconsistent or dependent system, the slopes of the lines are --
objective A To solve a system oflinear equations by graphing

For Exercises 9 to 23, solve by graphing.

9. a + >• = 2
.v -y = 4
10. x + y = I
3t y = -5-
11. x —
y = -2
a + 2y = 10

A il

1- n 4 4 it| >
~ir r
ji _L

12. 2.v -y = 5 13. 3a - 2y = 6 14. a=4

3a +y = 5 =3 >• 3a - 2y = 4

—f M
— 4

> ln| il L. IT
— 11
fT . i
LHessotlienwse i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis S C Csrgsge laamrg.

CCrorltbt :ol> <:a«*« IMinn!. All Htftu >Ocnol Vtaj f>il K.iiroJ.rami. cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ihnl imp, no, K: ton mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

15. 2x + 4V = 4 16. 2v - j = 6 17. ->' = 6


-3.V - 6v = -6 x+y=2
v V V
' n liit _..j4ITI'TH
: 4 -J +ÿ-H -
Stt ffi: T ill!
4 -? n i-i *ÿ': r 1° ~'j •••£ ff i-i
i ,2 "i-•t-r-i-i-!


.C -1

21. 22. 3a - 2y = 6 23. 2a -5y= 10

x - 2v = 8 v-ÿ-3 y = |a - 2

i .r .r

objective b To sofoe a system of linear equations by thesubstitutionmethod

For Exercises 24 to 50. solve by the substitution method.

24. a = 3y +I 25. a = 2y ~
3 26. 5a - 2y = 9
a - 2y = 6 3a + y = 5 y = 3a - 4

27. 4a - 3>- = 2 28. a = 2y + 4 29. 3a - 2>= - 1 1

>' = 2a + I 4a + = 17
3y - a = 2y - 9

30. 5a + 4>* = - 1 31. 3a + 2y = 4 32. 2a - 5j = -9

y = 2 2a —
Ufessotbawseic(Bct allcaten!onfisfaÿ is 'CCffgaÿlayrirc.
>ÿ = I - 2a y = 9 - 2a

uqiith :ol> Ccrcxc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil a(talwaol. n -Hik i» I! «n. I>n in tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. cuilcti(raj K: Son isi irJor PkniT".
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb VtSoei 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic njÿil uhctkac >61uinil ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l

33. 5x + 2y =15 34. Ix - 3y = 3 35. 3.r - 4y = 6

x = 6 -y x = 2y +2 x = 3y +2

36. 2a + 2y = 7 37. 3.v + ly = -5 38. 3a + y = 5

y = 4a + I y = 6v - 5 2a: + 3y = 8

39. 3a- - y = 10 40. 6a - 4y = 3 41. 3a + 4y = 14

6a - 2y = 5 3a - 2y = 9 2a + y = 1

42. 5a + 3y = 8 43. 3a + 5y = 0 44. 2a - 7y = 0

3a + y = 8 a - 4y = 0 3a + y = 0

45. 2a - 4y = 16 46. 3a - I2y = -24 47. y = 3a + 2

-a + 2y = -8 -a + 4y = 8 y = 2a + 3

48. y = 3a - 7 49. y = 3a + I 50. y = 2a - 3

y = 2a - 5 y = 6a - I y = 4v - 4

51. 3 The system of equations at the right is inconsistent. —

4a 6y = 7
ax - by = 9
What is the value of 7?

52. Give an example of a system of linear equations in two variables that has (0. 0)
as its only solution.

objective c To solve investmentproblems

'?J For Exercises 53 and 54. use the system of equations shown at the right. The sys- a + y = S6000
tern models the investment of a dollars in one simple interest account and y dollars in 0.055a + 0.072y - S391.20
a second simple interest account.
53. What are the interest rates on the two accounts? 54. What is the total amount of money invested?

55. The Community Relief Charity Group is earning 3.5 % simple interest on the S2800
it invested in a savings account. It also earns 4.2% simple interest on an insuredbond
fund. The annual interest earned from both accounts is S329. How much is invested
in the insured bond fund?

56. Two investments earn an annual income of S575. One investment earns an annual
simple interest rate of 8.5%. and the other earns an annual simple interest rate of
6.4%. The total amount invested is S8000. How much is invested in each account?

(Ipinih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K,unil n darluaol. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-m ruW. o> llinl omenno, K: fenn Me mlor ajijun <t
hs«tkcncJihu azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi 6c »»» cr*ll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc ccnunl at atry line if «jV«ajucni rolnclwcit ro|iirc t

57. An investment club invested S6000 at an annual simple interest rate of 4.0# . How
much additional money must be invested at an annual simple interest rate of 6.5# so
that the total annual interest earned will be 5# of the total investment?

58. A company invested S30.000. putting part of it into a savings account that earned
3.2# annual simple interest and the remainder in a stock fund that earned 1 2.6#
annual simple interest. If the investments earned SI665 annually, how much was
invested in each account?

59. An account executive divided S42,000 between two simple interest accounts. On the
tax-free account, the annual simple interest rate is 3.5#; on the money market fund.
the annual simple interest rate is 4.5#. How much should be invested in each account
so that both accounts earn the same annual interest?

60. An investment club placed $33,000 into two simple interest accounts. On one ac¬
count. the annual simple interest rate is 6.5#. On the other, the annual simple inter¬
est rate is 4.5#. How much should be invested in each account so that both accounts
earn the same annual interest?

61. The Cross Creek Investment Club decided to invest SI6.000 in two bond funds. The
first, a mutual bond fund, earns 4.5# annual simple interest.The second, a corporate
bond fund, earns 8# annual simple interest. If the club earned S 1070 from these two
accounts, how much was invested in the mutual bond fund?

62. Cabin Financial Service Group recommends that a client purchase for SI0,000 a cor¬
porate bond that earns 5# annual simple interest. How much additional money must
be placed in an investment that earns a simple interest rate of 3.5# so that the total
annual interest earned from the two investments is 4# of the total investment?

Critical Thinking
63. For what values of k will the following system of equations be independent?
2x + 3y = 6
2x + ky = 9

64. If the following system of equations is inconsistent, how are the values of C and D
3.v - 4y = C
3.v - 4y = I)

Projects or Group Activities

65. Write a system of equations in two variables that satisfies the given condition.
a. The system of equations has (-3. 5) as its only solution.
b. The system of equations is a dependent system.
c. The system of equations is an inconsistent system.
l*lessc<ter«se rcIMall crtemofi's is I Laairirg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KimtoJ. VU, K: onti ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« in ckcivnt raH. thnl |tii) fataltray K: wiicuta bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun«-
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc eerier* tk<i r«>: riaicmll? a&vi Ctc at cnll tcimn/ exxntru. Ccanfc I tim ng rcnnc< ix lo pcwyc if «jV«cjtkti; n/k«rMnctwm retire i.
iÿlutml crnxni ii iny iir*<

Solving Systems of Linear

4.2 Equations by the Addition Method
OBJECTIVE A To solve a system of two linear equations
in two variables by the addition method
The addition method is an alternative method for solv ing a system of equations. This
method is based on the Addition Property of Equations. We use the addition method when
it is not convenient to solve one equation for one variable in terms of another.

Note, for the system of equations at the right, the effect of (1) 5.y - 3y = 14
adding Equation (2) to Equation ( I). Because —3y and 3y are (2) 2.y + 3y = -7
additive inverses, adding the equations results in an equation 7.r + Oy = 7
Point of Interest
with only one variable. 7a = 7
There are records ot
Babylonian mathematicians
solving systems of equations
3600 years ago. Here is a
The solution of the resulting equation is the first coordinate of 7a = 7
system of equations from that
the ordered-pair solution of the system. A = I
time (in our modem notation):
The second coordinate is found by substituting the value of a* (1) 5a - 3y = 14
into Equation ( I) or (2) and then solving for y. Equation ( 1) is 5(1) - 3v = 14
* + y = 1800
We say modem notation for
used here. 5 3y= 14
—3y = 9

many reasons. Foremost y = -3
is the fact that the use of
variables did not become The solution is (1. -3).
widespread until the 17th
century. There are many Sometimes each equation of a system of equations must be multiplied by a constant so
other reasons: The equals that the coefficients of one of the variables are opposites.
sign had not been invented.
2 and 3 did not look like they
do today, and zero had not
even been considered as a
Solve by the addition method: (I) 3.v+ 4y=2
possible number. (2) 2a + 5y = - 1
To eliminate a, multiply Equation ( 1) 2 (3a + 4y) =2-2
by 2 and Equation (2) by -3. Note X
at the right how the constants are
-3 (2a + 5>) = — 3(— 1)
• The negative is used so that the
coefficients will be opposites.

Tips for Success 6v + 8v = 4 • 2 times Equation (1).

Always check the proposed -6a ~ I5y = 3 • —3 times Equation (2).
solution of a system of
equations. For the system
-7y = 7 • Add the equations.
at the right: y=- • Solve for y.
3* 4y = 2
3' 2 1 + 4i-1i I 2
Substitute the value of y into Equation (I) or Equation (2) and solve for a. Equation
( 1 ) will be used here.
6-4 I 2
2 =2 (I) 3a + 4y = 2
2* - 5y = -1 3a + 4(— 1) = 2 • Substitute -1 for y.
2(2) + 5(—1) -1
3a -4 = 2 • Solve for *.
4 - 5 I -1 3a = 6
-1 = -1 A =2

The solution checks. The solution is (2. -1).

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ixi Ix annex. ir airlxnU. It »hik ir it put. I>« InclccVont rtftu. : ihrJ orncti nuy he +trtTcwci bcm uc cftxl. arai urc<ÿ«xn«t.
t4iira!mic> JccncJ thr. curtcn ikci r»»: numilb mOoci »»cnll Icitnn; cxjcncru Iurn;rc*mc< ix I bcwÿc crtiOTi ii iny line if «aV*c4i«r; n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

Solve by the addition method: (1) 2x - y = 3

Take Note (2) 4x - 2y = 6
The result of adding
Equations (3) and (2) is To eliminate y, first multiply Equation ( 1) by -2.
0 = 0. It is not x = 0 and
it is not y = 0. There is no
variable in the equation
(1) — 2(2* — y) = — 2(3)
— 4.V 2y = —6
* -2 times Equation (1).
• This is Equation (3).
0 = 0. This result does not
(3) +
indicate that the solution
is (0. 0); rather, it indicates Add Equation (3) to Equation (2).
a dependent system of
equations. (2) 4-V - 2y = 6
(3) -4.v + 2y = -6

The equation 0 = 0 indicates that the system of equa¬

tions is dependent This means that the graphs of the
two lines are the same. Therefore, the solutions of the
system of equations are the ordered-pair solutions of
the equation of the line. Solve Equation (1) for y.
2x - y = 3
-y = -2.v + 3
y = 2A* - 3
The ordered-pair solutions are (a, 2x - 3). where
2x - 3 is substituted for y.

2 1
Solve by the addition method: (I)
ÿx + ÿy = 4

Clear fractions. Multiply each equation by the LCM of the denominators.

\x + ;>') = 6(4) • The LCMof 3 and 2 Ls 6.

H'H-i4.v+ 3y = 24
• The LCMof 4 and 8 Ls 8.

2a - 3y = -6 • Eliminate y by adding the equations. Then solve for x.

6a- = 18

fx + i,-4 • This is Equation ( I>.

f(3)+p = 4 • Substitute x = 3 into Equation (1) and solve for y.
2 + p= 4

>• = 4
Tlie solution is (3, 4).

Ittessctterwse tiedallnried.onPispeÿ is CCffgae Iffinir?.

llTOTiih'. :ol> Ca&it Irainnj. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi. f>il h.im4 cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird imp. oalciino, K: Son ill--.4 irjor n'kpxi.i.
h3ura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni
ccnxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Solve by the addition method: Solve by the addition method:
(1) 3.v - 2y = 2a + 5 2a + 5y = 6
(2) 2a + 3y = -4 3a - 2y = 6a + 2

Solution Your solution

Write Equation (1) in the form Ax + By = C.
3.v - 2y = 2x +5
x - 2y = 5
Solve the system:
a* - 2y = 5
2a + 3y = -4
Eliminate a.
-2(a - 2y) = -2(5)
2a + 3y = -4
-2a + 4y= - 10
2a + 3y = -4
ly = -14 • Add the equations.
y=-2 • Solve for y.
Replace y in Equation (2).
2a + 3y = -4
2a + 3(— 2) = -4
2a - 6 = -4
2a = 2
A = I

The solution is (1. -2).

Solve by the addition method: Solve by the addition method:
(1) -
4a 8y = 36 2a + y = 5
(2) 3a - 6y = 27 4a + 2v = 6

Solution Your solution

Eliminate x.
3 (4v - 8>) = 3(36)
— 4(3a - 6y) = -4(27)
12a - 24y = 108
- I2v + 24v = - 108
0=0 • Add the equations.
The system of equations is dependent.
Solve Equation ( 1) for y.
4a - 8y = 36

8v = -4a + 36
1 9

(1 9
A, iA - T
Solutions on pp. SIl-S12

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K.unil n dirluKd. n»l»ik i « n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ (**n u> inlor n'Mtuio.
rcsio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ coUcrt ik<i r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rotixtumrcqiirc t

OBJECTIVE B To solve a system of three linear equations

in threevariables by the additionmethod

An equation of the form Ax + By + C'z = D,

where A. B. and Care the coefficients of the vari¬
ables and D is a constant, is a linear equation in
three variables. Examples of this type of equa¬
2.v + 4y - 3z = 7
tion are shown at the right. x - 6y + z = -3

Graphing an equation in three variables requires

a third coordinate axis perpendicular to the
AT-plane. The third axis is commonly called the vr-planc
Z- axis. The result is a three-dimensional coordi¬
nate system called the .rye-coordinate system. xz-plaiclÿ
To help visualize a three-dimensional coordinate
system, think of a corner of a room: The floor
is the Ay-plane. one wall is the ye-plane. and the
other wall is the .ve-plane. A three-dimensional
coordinate system is shown at the right.

Each point in an Aye-coordinate system is the (-4.2.3.

graph of an ordered triple (a; y. e)- Graphing an
ordered triple requires three moves, the first in the
direction of the .v-axis, the second in the direction
of the y-axis, and the third in the direction of the
j- axis. The graphs of the points with coordinates
(-4. 2, 3) and (3, 4. -2) are shown at the right.


The graph of a linear equation in three variables

is a plane. That is. if all the solutions of a lin¬
ear equation in three variables were plotted in
an .\y~-coordinate system, the graph would look
like a large piece of paper extending infinitely.
The graph of .r + y + z 3 is shown at the

Just as a solution of an equation in two variables is an ordered pair (.r, y). a solution of an
Point of Interest equation in three variables is an ordered triple (x,y, -). For example, the ordered triple
In the early 1 980s. Stephen (2. 1. -3) is a solution of the equation 2.v - y - 7? = 9. The ordered triple ( I, 3, 2) is
Hoppe became interested in
not a solution.
winning Monopoly strategies.
Finding these strategies
required solving a system
that contained 123 equations A system of linear equations in three variables is shown at - 2y + z = 6
in 123 variables! the right. A solution of a system of equations in three vari¬ 3a- + y - 2z = 2
ables is an ordered triple that is a solution of each equation of 2x - 3y + 5z= 1
the system.
Ittesscihswse readeHcateamhspaji is 'CCffgaÿlaurirc.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h,imil 11 italicnd. n -Hik it I!pin. I>n in tken-w rtfhi 01llird pm> omen raj K: airficucÿ Son ill--.4 irjor oiipiTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npenenv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< cvoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt l

For a system of three equations in three variables to have a solution, the graphs of the
equations must be three planes that intersect at a single point, must be three planes that
intersect along a common line, or must be the same plane. These situations are shown in
the figures that follow.

The three planes shown in Figure A intersect at a point. A system of equations repre¬
sented by planes that intersect at a point is an independent system.

An Independent System
of Equations

The three planes shown in Figures B and C intersect along a common line. In Figure
D. the three planes are all the same plane. The systems of equations represented by the
planes in Figures B, C. and D are dependent systems.




Dependent Systems of Equations

The systems of equations represented by the planes in the four figures below are incon¬
sistent systems.

Z~7 F


Inconsistent Systems of Equations

LHess ottonviw rxr,a!. alccnlefcnthis page a S CaÿgeUam'rg.

-I'll < Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kociri. Ug ml K,cc(<nlrami. <ÿ Animal, n »tuk I « n wn. I>J» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cumclno, K: wnacl feon Mc ilV-vi inlor c<Sa|U> <l.
rcsio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainrcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnf rc**r>e« isc ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it inj line if liVxqimi njlorotixlwnt ro)iirc c

A system of linear equations in three variables can be solved by using the addition
method. First, eliminate one variable from any two of the given equations. Then eliminate
the same variable from any other two equations. The result will be a system of two equa¬
tions in two variables. Solve this system by the addition method.

Solve: (1) x + 4y - z = 10
(2) 3.v + 2y + z = 4
(3) 2.v - 3y + 2z= -1

Eliminate 2 from Equations ( 1) and (2) by adding the two equations. The result is
Equation (4).
x + Ay - z = 10
3.v + +2=4
(4) Ax + 6v = 14 • Add the equatioas.
Eliminate z front Equations (1) and (3). Multiply Equation (1) by 2 and add to Equa¬
tion (3). The result is Equation (5).
2x + 8>- - 2z = 20 • 2 times Equation (1).
2.v - 3v + 2z = -7 • This is Equation 13).
(5) 4.r + 5v - 13 • Add the equations.
Using Equations (4) and (5), solve the system of two equations in two variables.
(4) 4.y+ 6v = 14
(5) 4.v+ 5y = 13

Eliminate x. Multiply Equation (5) by - I and add to Equation (4).

4.Y + 6y = 14 • This is Equation (4).
-4.V ~ 5y - - 13 • - 1 times Equation (5).
y=1 • Add the equations.
Substitute the value of y into Equation (4) or Equation (5) and solve for .y.
Equation (4) is used here.

Tips for Success

4.y + 6y = 14 • This is Equation (4).
4.y + 6(1) = 14 •y= 1
Always check the proposed 4.y + 6 = 14
solution of a system of
equations. For the system in
4.y =8 • Solve for x.
HOW TO 4: X — o
x + 4y - z = 10
2 + 4(1)- (-4) | 10 Substitute the value of y and the value of .y into one of the equations in the original
10 10
3x + 2y + z = 4
- system, and solve for z- Equation (2) is used here.

3(2) + 2(1) + (-4) | 4

3.y + 2y + z = 4 This is Equation (2).
4=4 3(2) + 2(1) +Z =4 x = 2.v = 1
2x - 3y + 2z = -7
2(2)- 3(1) + 2(-4) | -7 8 +2=4
-7 - -7 Z=~4
The solution checks. The solution is (2. 1. -4).

llpi'ilt''. :ol) Ccr Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. »Ij i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cmctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji «nlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni
ccnxni it i rotiKtwrnreqiirt l

QlQifil*} Soÿe: (0 2a - 3y — z = I
(2) a + 4v + 3z = 2
(3) 4x ~ 6y - 2z = 5
Eliminate x from Equations ( 1 ) and (2).
— —
2.r 3y z = I
-2a - Sv - 6; = -4
* This is Equation (1).
-2 times Equation (2).
— —
I \y lz = 3 — * Add the equations.

Eliminate a from Equations ( I) and (3).

—4a* + 6v + 2z = 2
4a* - 6v — 2z = 5
— • —2 times Equation ( 1).
• This is Equation (3).
0=3 • Add the equations.
The equation 0 - 3 is not a true equation. The system of equations is inconsistent
and therefore has no solution.

Solve: (I) 3x - z = - 1
(2) 2y - 3- = 10
(3) x + 3y — z = 7
Eliminate a from Equations ( I) and (3). Multiply Equation (3) by - 3 and add to
Equation (I).
3a — z= ~
I * This is Equation ( 1).
-3a ~ 9y + 3- = -21 • -3 times Equation (3).
(4) — 9v + 2z = — 22 • Add the equations.
Use Equations (2) and (4) to form a system of equations in two variables.
(2) 2y - 3- = 10
(4) — 9y + 2z= -22
Eliminate z. Multiply Equation (2) by 2 and Equation (4) by 3.
4v - 6" = 20 *2 times Equation (2).
~27v + 6~ = ~66 * 3 times Equation (4).
— 23v = — 46 • Add the equations.
y =2 • Solve for/.
Substitute the value of y into Equation (2) or Equation (4) and solve for z. Equation
(2) is used here.
(2) 2v - 3c = 10 • This is Equation (2).
2(2) -3- =10 • / =2
4 — 3- = 10 • Solve for z.
-3z = 6
z ~ -2
Substitute the value of z into Equation ( I) and solve for a.
(I) 3a — z = -I * This is Equation 1 1).
3a- (-2) = -I • z = "2
3a + 2 = -I * Solve for j.
3a = -3
a= -I

The solution is (- 1, 2, -2).

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: miiir oclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ck.-iv.ii mm <hnl ttnj .ramirra, K: bar ac ilv-4 inlor c< ' "I
t*Liiral roic»» hv «rtw«cc curtcnJcci r«>: numilb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxntru. Cca 0&c I tam ng rcnnc< he niÿit lo xtnvc tÿlutml croxnt ii in) tine it* n/k«rMnctwm retire

Solve: (1)
3x y + 2z = 1-
2.v + 3y + 3- = 4
Solve: —
x y + z =6
2a- + 3y - z = I
(3) x + y- 4r = -9 x + 2y + 2z = 5

Solution Your solution

Eliminate y. Add Equations ( 1 ) and (3).
3.v - y + 2z = I
y + y - 4- = -9
4a- - 2z = -8
Simplify the resulting equation by multiplying
each side of the equation by >
2A' - Z — _4 • Equation (4)
Multiply Equation ( I( by 3 and add to Equation
9.v - 3v + 6z = 3
2x + 3v + 3- = 4
1 \x + 9z = 7 Equation (5)
Solve the system of two equations formed by-
Equations (4| and (5).
(4) -
2a- z = -4
(5) 1 \x + 9Z = 7
Multiply Equation (4) by 9 and add to Equation
(5). Solve for a.
I8.v -9z= "36
II.Y + 9- = 7
29.v = -29
x= 1 -
Replace .v by - I in Equation (4). Solve for Z-
2x - z = "4
2(-l)-Z= -4
-2-r = -4
"2= "2
Z= 2
Replace x by - I and ~ by 2 in Equation (3).
Solve for y.
a- + y - 4z = -9
-1 + y- 4(2) = -9
-9 + y = -9
>- = 0
The solution is (- 1,0, 2).

Solution on p. SI2

linnill. :iil1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Kcct,cd. Mq Ivenrolaini tr diclicreU. It »Kik c« it in". I>« ui ekoiv'ic ryh> «mc iknl |tii) .muchitq, K: urfTcÿc fccm m ilv-i irjjr lOiom"
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cc curttn«k<i ok nuWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjcncru Cca0&c Icimnt fv*mc< ix niÿii iokckÿc tÿluiml {foxniiiin; line if n/loroinciwm rcÿurc a.


Concept Check
ÿ3 For Exercises I and 2. use the system of equations at the right. (1) 5.v - ly - 9
Fill in each blank with a number.
1. To use the addition method to eliminate .v. you could multiply Equation ( 1) by
(2) 6.v + 3y = 12
and Equation (2) by - and then add the resulting equations.

2. To use the addition method to eliminate y, you could multiply Equation ( 1) by .

and Equation (2) by - and then add the resulting equations.

OBJECTIVE A To solve a system of two linear equations

in two variables by the additionmethod
For Exercises 3 to 44. solve by the addition method.
3. x - v = 5 4. x +y = \ 5. 3a' + y = 4
.v + y = 7 2a- -y = 5 x +y = 2

6. a - 3v = 4 7. 3.v + y = 1 8. a -2y = l
x + 5v = -4 x + 2y = 4 3a- - 2y = 9

9. 2a + 3y = - 1 10. a- + 5y = 7 11. 3a' - y = 4

.v + 5y = 3 2a- + ly = 8 -
6a- 2y = 8

12. x - 2y = -3 13. 2a- + 5y = 9 14. 8a — 3v = 21

-2a* + Ay = 6 4a- - 7>• = -16 4a + 5y = -9

15. 4a - 6y = 5 16. 3a + 6y = 7 17. 3a - 5y = 7

2a - 3y = 7 2a + Ay = 5 a- 2>< = 3

18. 3a + 4y = 25 19. a + 3y = 7 20. 2 a - 3y = 14

2a + y = 10 -2a + 3y = 22 5a - 6y = 32

2011CI 1iinmi. All Htftu KncnoL »Uj im h.icmdrani,cr irlÿnjn »Hik it i:pin. I>ic in tkcn-m tlinl i Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fec*T Uc cftxl ir*lof a»
hdbra! hs«Jccnciilui *tj ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it HQ lif»c il «jV«(iKni n(h>rotnctwcnrojurc t

21. 3.v + 2y= 16 22. 2a- - 5y = 13 23. 4a- + 4y = 5

2a- — 3y = -1 1 5a- + 3y = 17 2a- - 8y = -5

24. 3a- + 7y = 16 25. 5a- + 4y = 0 26. 3.v - Ay = 0

4a- - 3y = 9 3a- + 7y = 0 4v - 7v = 0

27. 5a- + 2y = I 28. 3a- + 5y = 16 29. 3a- - 6y = 6

2a- + 3y = 7 5a- - 7y = -4 9a- - 3y = 8

2 1 3 1 2 2 1
"A - 3 31. +- V=
V -A

3 4 3' 2 5
1 1 3 1 5 7 3 7
A —V 2 2"V 6>'
= — ~~~
-A H- — v =
5 3

5a 4 __3_ _13
+3 3
34 -
3a- _ v
5 20
f 2
2a 2_ U 3 3a
y _I7
3 2 6 2 4 4 4 5 —

36. —2 + —3 = —12 37. 35-2.ÿ1 38. — — —3 = 0

2 4 12 4
a _ v _ J_ a _ _ _5 5a _ 2 _L
} ÿ

2 3 12 3 6 4 3 12

39. 4a - 5y = 3y + 4 40. 5a - 2y = 8a - I 41. 2a + 5y = 5a + I

2a + 3y = 2a +1 2a + 7y = 4y + 9 3a - 2y = 3y +3

42. 4a - 8y = 5 43. 5a + 2y = 2x + I 44. 3a + 3y = >' + I

8a + 2y = 1 2a - 3y = 3x +2 a + 3y = 9 a -

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Vb, ml K.moil <• A«kalal. n»hik <• a phi l>.c hi clccn-»irtf tu. o> llinl |U"> ..niliray K: u> inlor (V'fapxn < t
rc*io» hs«Jccikc Out ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

o bj ectiv e b To solve a system of three linear equations

in three variables by the addition method
For Exercises 45 to 68. solve by the addition method.

45. x + 2y -z = 1 46. x + 3y + z = 6 -
47. 2x y + 2z = 7
2-v - y +z=6 3x + y- z = -2 x +y + z =2
x + 3y -z = 2 2x + 2y - z = 1 3a* - y + z = 6

48. a - 2y + z = 6 49. 3.v +> =5 50. 2y + z = 1

a + 3y + z = 16 3y - Z = 2 2a - 7 = 3
3a - v - Z = 12 A + 7=5 A - y = 3

51. —
a y +Z= 1
2a + 3y - z = 3
52. 2a + y - 37 = 7
a - 2y+ 37 = |
53. 2a + 3- = 5
3y + 27 = 3
-a + 2y - 4z = 4 3a + 4y -3z= 13 3a + 4y = 10 -

54. 3a + 47 = 5 55. 2a + 4y - 2c = 3 56. a - 3y+ 2~ = I

2y +37 = 2 a + 3y + 4z = I a - 2y+ 3- =5
2a - 5y = 8 a + 2y -z= 4 2a - 6y + 47 =3

57. 2a +y - 7 =5 58. 3a - y - 2- = 11 59. 3a + y - 2<; = 2

a + 3v + 7 = 14 2a + y 2z = 11 - a + 2y
+ 3c = 13
3a - y + 27 = I v + 3y z = 8 - 2a - 2y + 5- = 6

60. 4a + 5y + ÿ = 6 61. 2a - y + 7 = 6 62. 3a + 2y - 37 = 8

2a - y + 2z = II 3a + 2y + 7 = 4 2a + 3y + 2- = 10
a + 2y + 27 = 6 a - 2y + 37 = 12 a+y - z =2

I'Pinih*. 301)< Irannr *11 Htftu "ocmI VU. >i h.unil <• n»hik i« u p»l. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> ..mioaj K: uinuiÿ Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut ujainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoe16c »»» ctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc ccnunl at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc t

63. 3.v 2y + 3- = -4
- 64. 3a - 3v + 4z = 6 65. 3a- - y + 2z = 2
2a- + y - 3? = 2 4a- - 5y + 2- = 10 4a- + 2y - h = 0
3a- + 4y + 5z = 8 .v - 2y + 3z = 4 2a- + 3y - 5z = l

66. 2a- +2y + 3ÿ=13 67. 2a - 3y + lz = 0 68. 5a + 3y z = 5 -

-3a + 4y - z = 5 a + 4y - 4z= -2 3a - 2y + 4: = 13
5a - 3y + = 2 3a + 2y + 5z = I 4a + 3y + 5z = 22
69. *3 For the following sentences, till in the blank with one of the following phrases:
(i) exactly one point, (ii) more than one point, or (iii) no points.
a. For an inconsistent system of linear equations in three variables, the planes repre¬
senting the equations intersect at
b. For a dependent system of linear equations in three variables, the planes repre¬
senting the equations intersect at
c. For an independent system of linear equations in three variables, the planes repre¬
senting the equations intersect at

Critical Thinking
In Exercises 70 to 73. the systems are not systems of linear equations. However, each
system can be solved by using a modification of the addition method. Solve each
system of equations.

70.ix + 1.3
71. — ——
x y
3 72. —x — —y = —ÿ2 73. -x + —y = I

— ,
-A- - y = — 2+l=_,
X y
X y 3
2 + i= _2
a y

74. The point of intersection of the graphs of the equations Ay + 3y = 6 and

2v + By = -4 is (3, -2). Find 4 and B.

75. The point of intersection of the graphs of the equations Ay + 3>' + 2z = 8,

2y + By - 3z = - 12, and 3a -
2y + Cz = 1 is (3, -2, 4). Find A, B. and C

Projects or Group Activities

76. The intersection of two distinct planes is a line. Let Lbe the line of intersection of the
planes with equations 2a + y z = 13 and a - 2y + Z
dinates (a, 3, is on line L. find the value of a - Z-
— ~
5. If the point with coor¬

77. m Describe the graph of each of the following equations in an Ays-coordinate system.
a. a = 3 b. y = 4 c. z = 2 d. y = a

Uqiith 301) CcW Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K.unil n darlunJ. n»l»ik i « n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: ainiiw2 feon Mc itv-,4 inlo.c*~fapxn <i.
hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

Solving Systems of Equations

4.3 by Using Determinants
OBJECTIVE A To evaluate a determinant
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. Each 1-324
<§r Point of Interest number in a matrix is called an element of the ma¬
A = 0 4-32
The word matrix was first trix. The matrix at the right, with three rows and four
used in a mathematical columns, is called a 3 x 4 (read "3 by 4") matrix. 6-5 4-1
context in 1850. The root of
this word is the Latin mater, A matrix of m rows and n columns is said to be of order m x n. The matrix above has
meaning mother. A matrix
was thought of as an object
order 3 x 4. The notation a-y refers to the element of a matrix in the ith row and the yth
from which something else column. For matrix A. a23 = -3, a} 1 = 6, and al3 = 2.
originates. The idea was that
a determinant, discussed A square matrix is one that has the same number 4 0 1
below, originated (was
bom) from a matrix. Today.
matrices are one of the most
of rows as columns. A 2 x 2 matrix and a 3 x 3
matrix are shown at the right. Associated with every [is 5-3 7
2 1 4
square matrix is a number called its determinant.
widely used tools of applied
Determinant of a 2 x 2 Matrix

The determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix an ai2

]ÿ is written
an ai2 . The value of this

u Take Note
Note that vertical bars
determinant is given by the formula

a 11 ai2
a2i a22 a2i a?2

are used to represent a a,,322 ~ a12a21

determinant and brackets are a21 322
used to represent a matrix.

3 4
Evaluate the determinant
-I 2
3 4
-I 2
= 32 — 4(— 1) = 6 — (-4) - 10

For a square matrix whose order is 3 x 3 or greater, the value of the determinant is found
by using 2x2 determinants.
The minor of an element of a 3 x 3 determinant is the 2 x 2 determinant that is ob¬
tained by eliminating the row and column that contain that element.

2-3 4
Find the minor of -3 for the determinant 0 4 8
-1 3 6
The minor of -3 is the 2 x 2 determinant created by eliminating the row and col¬
umn that contain -3.

Eliminate the row and column as shown: 0 if 8

-I h 6
0 81
The minor of -3 is
-1 6 *

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl- All Htftu KacnoL Mq i>» h,unil <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it I!pm. l>n hi tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird mp) cmctino, K: airficocÿ ittx* inlUr n'rrpnu.
h4l<ra! hoJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni
crnxnl it 1 rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

Related to the minor of an element of a determinant is the cofactor of the element.

Take Note
The only difference between Cofactor of an Element of a Matrix
the cofactor and the minor
of an element is one of
sign. The definition at the The cofactor of an element of a matrix is ( 1)*+/ times the minor of that element,
right can be stated using where / is the row number of the element and j is the column number of the element.
symbols as follows: If C, is
the cofactor and At „ is the
minor of the matrix element 3 -2 I
a(. then C, = (-1 If
I+ j is an even number, then For the determinant 2 -5 -4 .Find the cofactor of -2 and of -5.
(-1)'*' = 1 and C, = M,. If 0 3 I
I+ j is an odd number, then
(-1)'-/= -1 and Cf = -M.,. Because -2 is in the first row and the second column. / = I and j - 2. Thus
o _4
(-1y*J= (-0 - (-1) = -1. The cofactor of -2 is (- I)
Because -5 is in the second row and the second column, i- 2 and j = 2.

Thus {-\)i+i = (-l)-+~ = (-1) = l.The cofactor of -5 is I

13 I
0 I

Note from HOW TO 3 that the cofactor of an element is - 1 or I times the minor of that
element, depending on whether the sum i + j is an odd or an even integer.
The value of a 3 x 3 or larger determinant can be found by expanding by cofacfors of
any row or any column. This process involves multiplying each element of the selected
row or column by its cofactor and then Finding the sum of the results.
2-3 2
Evaluate the determinant I 3 -1 .
0-2 2
We will expand by cofactors of the First row. Any row or column would work.

2-3 2
3 -I I -I I 3
I 3 -I = 2(-l) i*i (-3K-I)'-2 + 2(— I)1'3 0 -2
-2 2 0 2
0-2 2
3 -I I -I I 3
= 2(1) + (-3H-I) 0 2(1)
-2 2 2 0 -2
= 2(6 - 2) + 3(2 - 0) + 2(-2 - 0)
= 2(4) + 3(2) + 2(— 2) =8 + 6- 4=10

To illustrate that any row or column can be chosen when expanding by cofactors. we will
evaluate the same determinant by expanding by cofactors of the second column.
2-3 2
I -I 2 2 2 2
I 3 -I = -3(— l)l+ 2
0 2
+ 3(-l)2+ 2 0 2 + ( — 2)( — I)3 - 2 I -I
0-2 2
I - 2 2 2 2
= -3(-l)
0 2|+30) 0 2 + (-2H-1) 1 -I
= 3(2 - 0) + 3(4 - 0) + 2(— 2 - 2)
= 3(2) + 3(4) + 2(—4) =6 + 12 + (-8) = 10

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. KohtoL Mi) ox Ix mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kile ir it put. I>« InclccVont mm thni |tnj oatctirtn, K: nr(rn*.c hn at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. «rfxv«cc couch dc<« r»»: rmmill) x xv: lu u» cnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix njÿii lo tÿiuiml ccoxni ii my line if «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*rmnciwiw rcÿsirc

Note that the value of the determinant is the same whether the first row or the second
column is used to expand by cofactors. Any row or column can be used to evaluate a de¬
terminant by expanding by cofactors.

3 -2 -1 -4
Evaluate the determinant Evaluate the determinant
6 -4 3 -5

Solution Your solution

3 -2
6 -4
= 3(-4) - (-2)(6) = -12 + 12 = 0

-2 3 I 1 4 -2
Evaluate the determinant 4-2 0 Evaluate the determinant 3 I I
I -2 3 0-2 2

Solution Your solution

Evaluate by cofactors of the first row.
-2 3
4-2 0
I -2 3
-2 0 4 0 Ol 1

= -2
-2 3
- 3
1 3
+ 1 1 -2
= -2(-6 - 0) - 3(12 - 0) + 1( 8 — + 2)
= -
-2(-6) 3(12) + 1(— 6)
= 12-36-6
= -30

0 -2 I 3-2 0
Evaluate the determinant I 4 I Evaluate the determinant 1 4 2
2-3 4 -2 I 3

Solution Your solution

0 -2 1
1 4 I
2-3 4
4 1 1 1 1 4
=0 - (-2) + 1
-3 4 2 4 2 -3
=0 (-
— 2)(4 2) + —
- 2(2) + l(-ll)
= 4-11
= -7

Solidions on p. SI2

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kile ir it put. I>« In ikoiv'n mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix nr(rn*.c fecm at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii lo ccoxni ii iny line i! «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿwrc l

OBJECTIVE B To solve a system of equations by using Cramer's Rule

The connection between determinants and systems of equations can be understood by

solving a general system of linear equations.
Solve: (1) a]X + bxy = q
(2) a2x + b2y = c2
Eliminate y. Multiply Equation (I) by /?, and Equation (2) by —by

ax b2X + bx b2y = CI b2 • b, times Equation (1).

-a2bxx — b\ b2y = -c2bx • -bf times Equation (2).
a\b2x a2b\X = C\b2
~ ~
c2b\ • Addthe equations.
(ci\b2 — a2b])x = C\b2 — C2b\ • Solve for x. assuming a,b2 — a,b ( 0.
_ ÿ*i b2 c2b\
a\ bi ~
Note that the denominator for .r, a\b2 - a2b\ , a, bx
is the determinant of the coefficients of x and (i\ b2 — a2bi — ci-> b->
v. This is called the coefficient determinant. coefficients of x
coefficients of v ti
The numerator for .v. cx b2 - c2bx . is the deter¬ c\ bi
minant obtained by replacing the first column in C| b2 - c2bx = Ci b->
the coefficient determinant by the constants cx
and c->. This is called a numerator determinant. constants of ÿ J
the equations

A similar procedure can be used to express the y-coordinate of the solution in determi¬
nant form. These results are summarized in Cramer's Rule.
(gf Point of Interest
Cramer's Rule is named after Cramer's Rule
Gabriel Cramer, who used
it in a book he published in
1750. However, this rule was
The solution of the system of equations
a,x -t b,y = c,
. is given by X
and V £i
also published in 1683 by a2x 4 b2y = c2 D D

the Japanese mathematician

a, bx c b, a, c,
Seki Kowa. That publication where D .D, = 1 D, = . and D
occurred seven years before a2 b2 c2 b2
• J
a2 c2 * 0.
Cramer's birth.

Cramer's Rule requires that the coefficient determinant D be nonzero. If D = 0. then the
system is not independent and cannot be solved by Cramer's Rule.

Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 3.v - 2y = 1

2a* + 5y = 3
3 -2
D= = 19 Find the value of the coefficient determinant.
2 5
I -2 3 I
D = = 11.0,= =7 Find the value of each of the numerator
3 5 2 3 determinants.
D, 11 IX 1_
X Use Cramer's Rule to write the solution.
D 19' ' D 19

The solution is ("19- 19 )-

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu KacnoL Mi. ml h.cciwlrani.11AvHskil. n -Hik it n pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» omenno, K: nnnw< ton ill--.4 irjor p'iipn.i.
hÿUra! haJccnciduitt) oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it <jV«jiKni rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

Cramer's Rule can be extended to three equations in three variables.

Take Note
Notice that each numerator
determinant D„ D(.. and Cramer's Rule for a System of Three Equations in Three Variables
D,can be formed from the
coefficient determinant D ai* + £>iy + C\Z d,
by replacing the appropriate The solution of the system of equations f b2y + CjZ
column of coefficients with
a2* d2
the constant terms of the a3x + b3y + eg d3
is given by x =ÿ,y £x . and z D-
, where
a, b, C1 d1 &i Ci ai di Ci a? bi di
D = 32 ÿ2 C2 .A = d2 b2 c2 • A = 32 d2 C2 . Or = a2 b2 d2 and D
* 0.
a3 b3 c3 d3 b3 c3 a3 d3 c3 a3 b3 d3

Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 2x -y+z = I

.v + 3y -2z= -2
3.v + y + 2>z = 4
Find the value of the coefficient determinant.

2 -1 1
3 -2 1 -2 1 3
D = I 3-2=2 -(-1) + I3 1
I 3 3 3
3 1 3
= 2(11) + 1(9) + I(-8)
= 23
Find the value of each of the numerator determinants.

1 -I 1
3 -2 -2 -2 -2 3
D. = -2 3 -21 = I - (-0 + I 4 1
1 3 4 3
4 I
= 1(11) + 1(2) + 1(— 14)
= -I

2 1 I
-2 -2 1 -2 I -2
D, = 1 -2 -21 =
4 3
- 1
3 3
+13 4
3 4 3
= 2(2) - 1(9) + 1(10)

2 -1 1
3 -2 I -2 I 3
D. = I 3 -2 = 2 -(-I) + 13 1
I 4 3 4
3 I 4
= 2(14) + 1(10) + I(—8)
= 30

Use Cramer's Rule to write the solution.

_Dÿ _zl A 5 D- 30
D 23 ' >' D 23' D 23

The solution is ( g, 13, 73 —

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mq f>il h,cc(<nlrami. cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tken-w rah. o> llird |un> nmcti(mi K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jmca(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it 1 litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnircqiirt l

Solve by using Cramer's Rule. Solve by using Cramer's Rule.

6.v - 9v = 5 3.Y - >• = 4

4.v 6y = 4 6x- - 2y = 5

Solution Your solution

6 -9
D= =0 Evaluate the coefficient
4 -6 determinant.
Because D = 0, -jj is undefined. Therefore, the
system is not independent and cannot be solved
by Cramer's Rule.

lve by using Cramer's Rule. Solve by using Cramer's Rule.

x y +z = 5 2x - y + Z = ~ I
+ 2y-2Z=-3 3a- + 2y -Z= 3
+ 3y + z = 4 a + 3y + z= -2

Solution Your solution

3 -1 I
D = 1 2 -2 = 28 Evaluate the coefficient
2 3 1 determinant.

5 -I I
D, = -3 2 -2 = 28 Evaluate the three
numerator determinants.
4 3 I
3 5 1
A -
= 1 -3 -2 = 0
2 4 1
3 -1 5 -
D. = 1 2 -3 = 56
2 3 4
28 _
28 —ii Use Cramer's Rule
to write the solution.
A =
_0_ = u
>= D 28
D 56
" =2
D 28
The solution is (1.0. 2).

Solutions on pp. SI2-SI3

Conritf* 201) Cct&jc Iiininf til Htftu Ktunol Uo im<nlraitci. cr Animal. n »l»iW it is Bin. I>ic uitlccn-m rah. o> llirJ i IB) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr V»C dSxl iralOf ci'SiftxT 4 i.
hÿUra!rc*io» (wJccnciduitty coclcrt ikci rannaicnilb **c w» cr»l 1 Icirnn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil totcfKAC ccaxnl it inj line »l aiVwajucni n(h>rotixtwnt rojurc t


Concept Check
3-2 0
1. What is ihe cofactor of the element 4 in the determi nant I 5 4
3 6 7

2. If we are to solve a system of equations by using Cramer's Rule, what must be true of
the coefficient determinant D?

objective A To evaluate a determinant

For Exercises 3 to 14. evaluate the determinant.

2 -1 5 1 6 -2 -3 5
3. 4. 5. 6.
3 4 -1 2 -3 4 17

1 -1 2 4 1 3
3 6 5 -10
7. 8. 9. 3 2 1 10. 2 -2 1
2 4 I -2
1 0 4 3 1 2

3 -1 9 4 5 -_9 4 2 6 3 6
11. 0 1 9 12. 3 -1 5 13. -2 1 1 14. 4 -1
3 2 -2 2 1 4 2 1 3 -1 -2

15. ''J! What is the value of a determinant for which one row is all zeros?

16. 9 What is the value of a determinant for which all the elements are the same number?

objective b To solve a system ofequations by using Cramer's Rule

For Exercises 17 to 34. solve by using Cramer's Rule, if possible.

17. 2v — 5y = 26 18. 3v + 7y = 15 19. .v - 4y = 8 20. 5.t + 2y = -5
5x + 3y = 3 2x + 5y = 11 3.v + ly = 5 3.v + 4y = 1 1

21. 2.r + 3y = 4 22. 5.v + 4y = 3 23. 2.v + 5y = 6 24. Ix + 3y = 4

6.v - 12y = -5 15.v - 8v = -21 6v - 2y = I 5.v - 4y = 9

:ol) la«*« Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il h,i.tuj.rani.IT Avlkml. n -Hik
it i:«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah.ante ihld |un> cuilctlno, K: .fpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <»-

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

25. -2.Y + 3y = 7 26. 9.v + 6y = 7 27. 2.Y 5y = -2 - 28. 8a + ly = -3

4.Y - 6v = 9 3.y + 2y = 4 3a - 7v = -3 2a + 2y = 5

29. 2a - ? + 37 = 9 30. -
3a 2y + z = 2 31. 3a - y + 7 = II
a + 4y + 47 =5 2a + 3v + 27 = -6 a + 4y 2ÿ = -12-
3a + 2y + 27 =5 3a ->'+7 = 0 2a + 2y 2 = -3 -

32. a + 2> + 3" = 8 33. 4a - 2v + 67 = I 34. a - 3v+ 27 = I

2a - 3y + z = 5 3a + 4y + 27=1 2a + y - 2Z = 3
3a - 4> + 27 = 9 2a - V + 3- = 2 3a - 9v + 62 = -3

35. Can Cramer's Rule be used to solve a dependent system of equations?

36. ÿ Suppose a system of linear equations in two variables has D, + 0, D, ÿ* 0. and

D = 0. Is the system of equations independent, dependent, or inconsistent?

Critical Thinking
37. Determine whether each statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true.
a. The determinant of a matrix is a positive numter.
b. A determinant can be evaluated by expanding along any row or column of the
c. Cramer's Rule can be used to solve a system of linear equations in three vari¬

a b e d
38. Show that
c d a b

Projects or Group Activities

39. Surveying Surveyors use a formula to find die area of a plot of land. The sur¬
veyor's area formula states that if the vertices Pf*„>•,), PApi* v:), .. .,P„(x„.yÿ) of a
simple polygon are listed counterclockwise around the perimeter, then the area of the
polygon is

Y] AS A2 A Aj
A =~ + + A3
>'l >2 yi )'} y3 y4

Use the surveyor's area formula to find the area of the polygon with vertices
PA9. -3). P2(26. 6). Py( 18. 21), 7ÿ(16. 10). and Ps(1, 1 1). Measurements are given in

Uqiith 301)Ctr&tt I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Mq ml K.moil n .niltcol. n»l»ik I« n wn. I>K In clccn-mruh. o> tknl |MH> omenno, K: fenn Me ill--.4 nilor 0*tl|Ur «l
hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc c


For Exercises I and 2, solve by graphing.
1. 2v - 3y = 5 2. 2v +y = 6
.v + 2y = -1


L_ 2 0 2 i 4
0 I
1 1

1 "r1

For Exercises 3 and 4, solve by ihe substitution method.

3. 4x 2y = 16 4. 9a + I2y = 1 1
3.v y = II 6a + 8y = 9

For Exercises 5 to 8. solve by the addition method.

5. 3a + 5y = 14 6. 2r + 5y = 10
-2a + 3y = 16 4a + lOv = 20

7. a + 3y - 2z = -7 8. 4a + 5y-z = 22
2a + y + z = 6 3a - 6y + 2z= -28
-3a -y+3z = 4 a + 2y 2z = 12 -

For Exercises 9 and 10. evaluate the determinant.

I -2 3
10. 4 -2 I
3 6 5

For Exercises 1 1 and 12. solve by Cramer's Rule.

11. 3a + 5y = 9 12. a - 3y + 2z= -2
2a 3y = 7- 2r + y - z = 4

a y— 5z = 17

13. Together, two investments earn an annual income of $1080. One investment earns
an annual simple interest rate of 6ft. and the second earns an annual simple interest
rate of 4.5ft. The total amount invested in the two accounts is $20,000. How much is
invested in each account?
LHess otHVtte rotsJ. a IcailB-f cr tftspage a SCagagslaimig.

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK I All R«ka Kavaal Mij K: onu ir airlkmi. Ii»Kilt w it put. I»« m ckcivnt raHi thnl |tii) maliray K: wiicutj bar at tliak irjjr iUuui .1
filiralmicn hp tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r»>: riaicmll? Ctc at cnll tcimn/ cxxncra. Ceo 0&c I cimn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc tÿlutml ccnxni il inj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire A

4.4 Application Problems

objective A To solve rate-of-wind or rate-of-cirrent problems

Solving motion problems that involve an object moving with or against a wind or current
normally requires two variables.

A motorboat traveling with the current can go 24 mi in 2 h. Traveling

against the current, it takes the boat 3 h to go the same distance. Find the rate of the
motorboat in calm water and the rate of the current.

Strategy for Solving Rate-of-Wind or Rate-of-Current Problems

1. Choose one variable lo represent the rate of the object In calm conditions and a
second variable to represent the rate of the wind or current. Using these variables,
express the rate of the object with and against the wind or current. Use the equa¬
tion rt d to write expressions for the distance traveled by the object. The results
can be recorded in a table.

Rate of the boat in calm water: x

Rate of the current: y

Rate ÿ = Distance |
With the current x +y 2 = 2(* + y)
Against the current x ~ y . 3 — 3(x .i

With ihc cumni

21* y) 24 - 2. Determine how the expressions for distance are related.
- <3» •
I 1
the current
Six y)-24 The distance traveled with the current is 24 mi: 2(x + y) - 24
The distance traveled against the current is 24 mi: 3(.v - y) - 24

Solve the system of equations.

Multiply hv I |
2(x + y) = 24 > ~
• 2(.v + >) = -•
24 -» x + y = 12
Multiply by* | I
3(r - y) = 24 --» - •
3(x — y) = - • 24 ÿ» x—y =8
2x = 20 Add the
x = 10 equations.

Replace x by 10 in the equation x + y = 12. x + y = 12

Solve for y. 10 + y = 12
The rate of the boat in calm water is 10 mph.
The rate of the current is 2 mph.
lilesscths'Mse iclstall coxemanfis pejf Is Ctegaj* Lsirirÿ.

lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 BVS>" KtMittJ. Mi) Ix «vncc. tr ai;l>o<U. It »hik tr it pvt. I>.i UiclccVont nfl» .rt tknl |tnj.untilmt| K: wtnuca Sen lit itv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
fiiiralmicn Iw JcaxJihr. «rtxv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nunull) xffcvi iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncra Cca0&c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii to sewve ccnxni 11 my line it «iV*cqtxn: n/k*rrunctwm rcqwrc l

Flying with the wind, a plane flew 1000 mi in A rowing team rowing with the current traveled
5 h. Flying against the wind, the plane could fly 18 mi in 2 h. Rowingagainst the current, the team
only 500 mi in the same amount of time. Find the traveled 10 mi in 2 h. Find the rate of the rowing
rate of the plane in calm air and the rate of the team in calm water and the rate of the current.

Strategy Your strategy

• Rate of the plane in calm air: p
Rate of the wind: »v

With wind p +w 5 5{p + w)
Against wind p -w 5 5(P - w)

• The distance traveled with the wind is 1000 mi:

5(/> + w) = 1000
The distance traveled against the wind Ls
500 mi:
5(/> - w) = 500

Solution Your solution

Solve the system of equations.
5 (p + w) = 1000
5 (p ~ w) = 500

- • 5 {p + w) = — • 1000 • Multiply each equation

"T - 5(/? — w) = •

p + W = 200 • Simplify.
p - w = 100
the equations.
~> — jCU
~p ?nn

p = 150
— "
• Solve for p.
p + w = 200
150 + w = 200 * Substitute 150 for p.
»t> = 50
The rate of the plane in calm air is 150 mph. The
rate of the wind is 50 mph.

Solution on p. SI3
LHe>5 olte«Y«iK rmffl. al coitalcnthis (aje 5 £ Cergsge laamrg.

Cfrjrijhl 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu\<J Mif ml K.unil adarlund. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llirj |un> ohkciiraj K: fc" Mc itilor Oknm.1
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rc**r>c« ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rotixtumrcqiirc c

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

The application problems in this objective are varieties of problems solved earlier in the
The strategy for each problem results in a system of equations.

A store owner purchased twenty 60-watt light bulbs and 30 fluorescent

bulbs for a total cost of S80. A second purchase, at the same prices, included thirty
60-watt light bulbs and 10 fluorescent bulbs for a total cost of S50. Find the cost of a
60-watt bulb and that of a fluorescent bulb.

Strategy for Solving Application Problems

1. Choose a variable to represent each of the unknown quantities. Write numerical

or variable expressions for all the remaining quantities. These results may be
recorded in tables.

Cost of 60-watt bulb: b

Cost of fluorescent bulb:/
First Purchase


Second Purchase


2. Determine a system of equations. The strategies presented in the chapter

on First-Degree Equations and Inequalities can be used to determine the
relationships among the expressions in the tables. Each table will give one
equation of the system of equations.

The total of the first purchase was S80: 20b + 30f - 80

The total of the second purchase was S50: 30b 10/- 50
Solve the system of equations: ( I) 20b + 30/ - 80
(2) 10b +10/- 50
60b + 90/= 240 • 3 times Equation (1).
-60b - 20/= - 100 • —2 times Equation (2).
70/= 140
/= 2
20b + 30/ = 80 • Replace / by 2 in Equation (1) and solve for b.
20b + 30(2) = 80
20b + 60 = 80
20b = 20
b= I
The cost of a 60-watt bulb was SI.00. The cost of a fluorescent bulb was $2.00.
Ufessothowsarc(Bct aiIrated,on Pispeÿ is CCffgae Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi, i>» h,unil 11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmrtfhi 01llird put, omen no, K: nfpcuii Son ill--.4 irjor i(k|ii".i
hÿara! baJccncidutiry ajnrcacj coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic try lirx it «jY«ajucni
tÿlnmil crnxni it i rotiKtwmmtiirt l

A metallurgist has two alloys of stainless steel. An investorhas a total of $20,000 deposited in
Alloy I is 14(/c chromium and 6<& nickel, and three different accounts, which earn annual
Alloy II is 18c/c chromium and 8c/c nickel. How interest rates of 9c/c, 1%. and 5%. The amount
many kilograms of each alloy should the deposited in the 9:/c account is twice the amount in
metallurgist use to make a new stainless steel the lc/c account. If the total annual interest earned
compound that contains 23 kg of chromium and by the three accounts is $ 1300. how much is
IOkg of nickel? invested in each account?

Strategy Your strategy

• Kilograms of Alloy I:.v
Kilograms of Alloy II: y
Use the percent mixture equation Ar - Q.
Kilograms of chromium:

Chromium in Allov I 0.14 Q.14A'

Chromium in Alloy II 0.18 0.18y
Chromium in New Alloy 23

Percent Quantity
Nickel in Alloy 1 .r 0.06 0.06.Y
Nickel in Alloy II y 0.08 O.OSy
Nickel in New Alloy 10
The sum or tne quantities or cnronnum in tne
two alloys equals the quantity of chromium in
the new alloy: 0.I4.V + O.I8y = 23.
The sum of the quantities of nickel in the two
alloys equals the quantity of nickel in the new
alloy: 0.06.Y + 0.08v = 10.

Solution Your solution

(1) 0.I4.V + O.I8y = 23 * Write a system of equations.
(2) 0.06.Y + 0.08y = 10
(3) I4.Y + 18v = 2300 • Multiply each equation by 100 to
(4) 6x + 8y = 1000 remove decimals.
84.Y+ I08y = 13.800 • Multiply Equation (3) by 6.
-84.Y - 1 1 2y = -14.000 • Multiply Equation (4) by - 14.
-4y = -200 • Add the equations.
y = 50 • Solve fory.
(1) 0.I4.V+ O.I8y = 23
0.14.v + 0.18(50) = 23 • Substitute 50 fory in Equation (1).
0.I4.Y + 9 = 23
0.I4.V = 14 • Solve for x.
A" = 100

The metallurgist should use 100 kg of Alloy Iand

50 kg of Alloy II.
Solution on p. SI3

IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijbl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,mml«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lovmrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! ImJccnciiluijry «jnwa(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotnrtwmreqiirt l
mcnll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i


Concept Check
1. The speed of a plane in calm air is 500 mph. If the plane is flying into a 50-miIe-per-
hour headwind, what is the speed of the plane relative to an observer on the ground?

2. The speed of a boat in calm water is x miles per hour, and the speed of the current is
y miles per hour. What is the rate of the boat going with the current?

3. A contractor bought 50 yd of nylon carpet for x dollars per yard and 100 yd of wool
carpet for y dollars per yard. Express the total cost of the two purchases in terms of
x and y.

4. A chemist has x grams of an alloy that is 20c/c silver and \0% gold, and y grams of
an alloy that is 25c/c silver and 309F gold. Express the total number of grams of gold
in the two alloys in terms of x and y.

objective A To solve rate-of-wind or rate-of-current problems

5. 3 Traveling with the wind, a plane flies m miles in h hours. Traveling against the
wind, the plane flies n miles in h hours. Is ;? less than, equal to. or greater than ml

6. 3 Traveling against the current, it takes a boat /? hours to go m miles. Traveling with
the current, the boat takes k hours to go m miles. Is /? less than, equal to. or greater
than kl

7. A motorboat traveling with the current went 36 mi in 2 h. Traveling against the cur¬
rent. it took 3 h to go the same distance. Find the rate of the boat in calm water and
the rate of the current.

8. A cabin cruiser traveling with the current went 45 mi in 3 h. Traveling against the
current, it took 5 h to go the same distance. Find the rate of the cabin cruiser in calm
water and the rate of the current.

9. A jet plane flying with the wind went 2200 mi in 4 h. Flying against the wind, the
plane could fly only 1820 mi in the same amount of time. Find the rate of the plane
in calm air and the rate of the wind.

10. Flying with the wind, a small plane flew 300 mi in 2 h. Flying against the wind, the
plane could fly only 270 mi in the same amount of time. Find the rate of the plane in
calm air and the rate of the wind.

11. A rowing team rowing with the current traveled 20 km in 2 h. Rowing against the
current, the team rowed 12 km in the same amount of time. Find the rate of the team
in calm water and the rate of the current.

(linnih*. 201J Cat*# Itunnt *11 Ktffcu Koaral vu. rvi K,unil«mii <r dnluaoL n»hik i« ra p»l. I>j» m clccn-w rjluo> llinl |M*> cuikuno, K: unnÿ fern Mc itiw* inlor n'uoxin.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

12. A motorboat traveling with the current went 72 km in 3 h. Traveling against the cur¬
rent. the boat could go only 48 km in the same amount of time. Find the rate of the
boat in calm water and the rate of the current.

13. A turboprop plane flying with the wind flew 800 mi in 4 h. Flying against the wind.
the plane required 5 h to travel the same distance. Find the rate of the wind and the
rate of the plane in calm air.

14. Flying with the wind, a pilot flew 600 mi between two cities in 4 h. The return trip
against the wind took 5 h. Find the rate of the plane in calm air and the rate of the

15. A plane flying with a tailwind flew 600 mi in 5 h. Flying against the wind, the plane
required 6 h to fly the same distance. Find the rate of the plane in calm air and the
rate of the wind.

16. Flying with the wind, a plane flew 720 mi in 3 h. Against the wind, the plane required
4 h to fly the same distance. Find the rate of the plane in calm air and the rate of the

o bJectiv e b To solve applicationproblems

17. A coffee merchant's house blend contains 3 lb of dark roast coffee and I lb of light
roast coffee. The merchant's breakfast blend contains 1 lb of dark roast coffee and
3 lb of light roast coffee. If the cost per pound of the house blend is greater than the
cost per pound of the breakfast blend, is the cost per pound of the dark roast coffee
less than, equal to, or greater than the cost per pound of the 1 ight roast coffee?

18. !3f A chemist has two alloys of bronze, one that is 12% tin and 88% copper, and a
second that is 10% tin and 90% copper. If these two alloys are meltedand thoroughly
mixed together, between what two values is the percent of tin in the mixture?

19. Purchasing A carpenter purchased 60 ft of redwood and 80 ft of pine for a total

cost of $286. A second purchase, at the same prices, included 100 ft of redwood and
60 ft of pine for a total cost of S396. Find the cost per foot of redwood and of pine.

20. Business A merchant mixed 10 lb of cinnamon tea with 5 lb of spice tea. The
15-pound mixture cost $40. A second mixture included 12 lb of the cinnamon tea
and 8 lb of the spice tea. The 20-pound mixture cost $54. Find the cost per pound of
the cinnamon tea and of the spice tea.

21. Purchasing A contractor buys 16 yd of nylon carpet and 20 yd of wool carpet for
SI 840. A second purchase, at the same prices, includes 18 yd of nylon carpet and
25 yd of wool carpet for $2200. Find the cost per yard of the wool carpet.

Uqiith 301)It'lW Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu KaiTTol. Ug oil K,moil n Animal, n »lulc I « it UK. I>J» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl |K*> culKel(Taj K: ainiiixl femr Mc inlur cV'fapar < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« ran nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

22. Finances During one month, a homeowner used 500 units of electricity and
100 units of gas for a total cost of $352. The next month. 400 units of electricity and
150 units of gas were used for a total cost of $304. Find the cost per unit of gas.

23. Manufacturing A company manufactures both mountain bikes and trail bikes.
The cost of materials for a mountain bike is S70. and the cost of materials for a trail
bike is $50. The cost of labor to manufacture a mountain bike is $80. and the cost of
labor to manufacture a trail bike is $40. During a week in which the company has
budgeted $2500 for materials and $2600 for labor, how many mountain bikes does
the company plan to manufacture?

24. Manufacturing A company manufactures both LCD and plasma televisions. The
cost of materials for an LCD telev ision is $ 125. and the cost of materials for a plasma
TV is $ 150. The cost of labor to manufacture one LCD television is $80. and the cost
of labor for one plasma telev ision is $85. How many of each television can the manu¬
facturer produce during a week in which $18,000 has been budgeted for materials
and $10,750 has been budgeted for labor?

<i) Fuel Economy For Exercises 25 and 26. use the information in the article
the right.
in me news!
25. During one week, the owner of a hybrid car drove 394 mi and spent $34.74 on gaso¬
line. How many miles did the owner drive in the city? On the highway? Hybrids Easier on the
A hybrid car can make up
for its high sticker price with
26. Gasoline for one week of driving cost the owner of a hybrid car S26.50. The owner savings at the pump. At
would have spent $51.50 for gasoline to drive the same number of miles in a tradi¬ current gas prices, here's a
look at the cost per mile for
tional car. How many miles did the owner drive in the city? On the highway?
one company's hybrid and
traditional cars.

27. Chemistry A chemist has two alloys, one of which is 10% gold and 15% lead, and
the other of which is 30% gold and 40% lead. How many grams of each of the two
Hybrid 0.09 0.08
alloys should be used to make an alloy that contains 60 g of gold and 88 g of lead?
Traditional 0.18 0.13

Source: wtw/

28. Health Science A pharmacist has two vitamin-supplement pcwders. The first
powder is 20% vitamin B1 and 10% vitamin B2. The second is 15% vitamin B1 and
20% vitamin B2. How many milligrams of each powder should the phamiacist use
to make a mixture that contains 130 mgof vitamin BI and 80 mgof vitamin B2?

29. Business On Monday; a computer manufacturing company sent out three ship¬
ments. The first order, which contained a bill for $1 14.000. was for 4 Model II.
6 Model VI. and 10 Model IX computers. The second shipment, which contained a
bill for S72.000. was for 8 Model II. 3 Model VI, and 5 Model IX computers. The
third shipment, which contained a bill for $81,000. was for 2 Model II. 9 Model VI,
and 5 Model IX computers. What does the manufacturer charge for each Model VI
l*lessctter«se rclMall cotemafi's Is I
Csgap Irarirg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,m> KocnaL VUj K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik ,« it pvt. I»« la ck.-iv.ii rtftu. <hnl wo .\wkti mty K: wticuca bar at ilv-4 irjjr
t*Liiral roic»» bv ikaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc eerier* tk<i r«>: riaicmll? ifkei 6c mcnll Icimn/ exxnera. Ccanfc I tzmng rcnnc< ix njÿii lo pcyk'vc iÿlucml ccnxni il anj line if «jV«cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

30. Purchasing A relief organization supplies blankets, cots, and lanterns to victims
of fires, floods, and other natural disasters. One week, the organization purchased
15 blankets. 5 cots, and 10 lanterns for a total cost of SI 250. The next week, at the
same prices, the organization purchased 20 blankets, 10 cots, and 15 lanterns for a
total cost of S2000. The third week, at the same prices, the organization purchased 10
blankets. 15 cots, and 5 lanterns for a total cost of SI625. Find the cost of one blanket.
the cost of one cot, and the cost of one lantern.

31. Investments An investor has a total of S25.000 deposited in three different ac¬
counts, which earn annual interest rates of 8%, 69£, and 49 The amount deposited
in the 8% account is twice the amount in the 6# account. If the three accounts earn
total annual interest of SI 520. how much money is deposited in each account?

Critical Thinking
32. Geometry Two angles are complementary. The measure of the larger angle is 9°
more than eight times the measure of the smaller angle. Findthe measures of the two
angles. (Complementary angles are two angles whose sum is 90°.)

33. Geometry Two angles are supplementary. The measure

of the larger angle is 40° more than three times the measure
of the smaller angle. Find the measures of the two angles.
(Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180°.)
x+y = Wf

34. Aviation A plane is flying the 3500 mi from New York City to London. The speed
of the plane in calm air is 375 mph, and there is a 50-mile-per-hour tailwind. The
point ofno return is the point at which the flight time required to return to New York
City is the same as the flight time to travel on to London. For this flight, how far from
New York City is the point of no return? Round to the nearest whole number.

Projects or Group Activities

35. Art A mobile is made by suspendi ng three objects from a light rodthat is 15 in. long.
as shown below. The weight, in ounces, of each object is shown in the diagram. For
the mobile to balance, the objects must be positioned so that w\d\ - \\'id2 + wjdi-
The artist wants d:, to be three times d2. Find the distances d]t d2. and d3 such that
the mobile will balance.

IttessoBecviae rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z, Cagags taimrg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KimtoJ. VUj K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt rtftu. <hnl wo fataltray K: wimKÿ fcm at tlVxi irjjr
t*Liiral roic»» bv ikaxJihr.*tj «in*v<*cc coricnJcci r«>: riaicnalb tdSxt Ctc at cnll tcimn/ cxÿcrcr&c. Ccanfc I camng rcnnc< ix lo vcwvc cmxni al anj line it* «aV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm rcÿairc A

4.5 Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

OBJECTIVE A To graph the solution set ofa system of linear inequalities

Two or more inequalities considered together are called a system of inequalities. The
<§T Point of Interest solution set of a system of inequalities is the intersection of the solution sets of the
Large systems of linear individual inequalities. To graph the solution set of a system of inequalities, first graph
inequalities containing over the solution set of each inequality. Recall that each of these solution sets is a half-plane.
1 00 inequalities have been The solution set of the system of inequalities is the region of the plane represented by the
used to solve application
problems in such diverse intersection of the half-planes.
areas as providing health
care and hardening a nuclear
missile silo.
Graph the solution set: 2.v —2yy > 38
3.v +
Solve each inequality for y.

TJ Take Note 2x - y < 3 3.v + 2y > 8

->• —
You can use a test point to
check that the correct region
2r + 3 2y > ~3x +8
has been designated as the
solution set. We can see from >• > 2x - 3 y> -jx + 4
the graph in HOW TO 1 that
the point with coordinates
<2. 4) is in the solution set.
Graph y - 2x - 3 as a solid line. Because the inequal¬ t
It is also, as shown below, a ity is s:, shade above the line.
solution of each inequality
of the system. This indicates
that the solution set as
Graph y - —%x
+ 4 as a dashed line. Because the
-> 0 \ V)
inequality is >, shade above the line.
ÿ A

graphed is correct.
2* - y 3 The solution set of the system is the region of the plane / v
2(2) - (4) -= 3
0 3 True
that represents the intersection of the solution sets of the
individual inequalities.

3x + 2y > 8
2(4) > 8
14 > 8 True

Graph the solution set: —x + 2y ÿ 4

x - 2y > 6

Solve each inequality for y.

Integrating -x + 2y 2: 4 x -2y a 6
Technology 2y av + 4 —2y > -x + 6
See the Keystroke Guide:
Graphing Inequalities for
instructions on using a
y— ÿx + 2 ,4-3
graphing calculator to graph
the solution set of a system of
Shade above the solid line graph of y = 4.v + 2.
Shade below the solid line graph of y - \x - 3.
Because the solution sets of the two inequalities do not
intersect, the solution of the system is the empty set.

Iftessc(hawss rctedalIctriOT.on Pisceÿ is 'CCffgaÿlEirirg.

uqiith 301)Carafe I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Mif ml K.moil n darlund. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>* mcktltoruruW. o> llinl |MH> cuikciraj K: airticucÿ fc" Mc cl*»i itilor cV'fapxr «(.
hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainwocÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k nÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if aiVocqiani n rolixlwnt reqaire t

Graph the solution set: y >x - 1 Graph the solution set: y > 2v - 3
y < -2x y > -3.v

Solution Your solution

Shade above the solid line graph of y — x — I.
Shade below the dashed line graph of y = —2x.
The solution of the system is the intersection of • <4

the solution sets of the individual inequalities. 2

n ?
4 111 1 4t —

— I4 it

nU- ? 1 4
. I.,
7 i - «

Graph the solution set: 2.v + 3y > 9 Graph the solution set: 3.v + 4y > 12
y< —y + i y<y- i
Solution Yoiu" solution
2.Y + 3y > 9
3y > -2.v +9 V


Shade above the dashed line graph of

y = -\x + 3.
Shade below the dashed line graph of
> -? n

y= -\x + I. 4

The solution of the system is the empty set

because the solution sets of the two inequalities
do not intersect.

Solutions on pp. SI3-SI4

LHess oBnvviw rxr.ffi. alccnlefcnthis page a ffl Crrgsge Laemrg

Ccp]ri<bl "Oil Inmn|. All Htftu Kninol Vbf f>il h,unil«mii cr AkIkmoI n -Kik i» is pin. I>n in ilccn-nirtftu.wnx tlinl |un> on«tiiraj K: &t ill--.4 irjor MSoiul.i.
(ttaJccnciduttf) oiUcrt ikx a nnnucnjlb ifal mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. Ca|ÿc I iimnj rc<n:<« njÿil ic 9CfK*< tÿlumil ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwni 1


Concept Check
1. Which ordered pair is a solution of the system of inequalities shown at the right?
(i) (5, I) (ii) (-3, -5)
a -3j>6

2. Is the solution set of a system of inequalities the union or the intersection of the solu¬
tion sets of the individual inequalities?

objective A To graph the solution set of a system oflinear inequalities

For Exercises 3 to 1 7. graph the solution set.

4. 3.v - y < 3
2.v + y>2

i i i i i i
r i i "i r~T

I"l"i"T'•|"T .i-i-
!-t-1— |—j- _
H-4"4-4~l--i LAAJimJ,.!.

6. .v + 2y < 6 7. 2.t + y > -2 8. x +y >5

x -y £3 6.v + 3y < 6 3.v + 3y 6

n— Ft ...... ! !
1 1
! I
n "tT
-:4 rrii



_.L m
1 1

? n • , . 'x
—r — 4
i_i i-t •
4, r-r4-1 T"i
; i i 1+444-4
—I i i I....!! - 4 •4_i_ L.i

H— fci±td
: :
144.. 4-i-4— i
i i ..I. .1 J..L i ,.i_i_.l _l_i
— -I— 1L.I

9. 3a - 2V < 6 10. v <2 11. a + I >0

y— 3 3.v + 2y > 4 y —3 £0

ft. .- 2J
t? -ft i-i-H
f t- r

Ittessclhs-wse rc(Bct alInrled.on Pispeÿ is Iffinir?.

llTOTilh'. 3DIICct&jc Inmn|. All Htftu Kunitl. VUf h,icmdrani.IT arlÿnj n »Hik it i:«rt. I>lc m tkcn-w rah. «K llinl I
|>H K«in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr tSc cttxl ir*lof 4»

hdbra! hs«Jccnciilui *tj ainvcocÿ coclcrt Jcci r«n nunulb »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c cvoxni ituq line »1 aiVwa+ucni n(h>rottxtwn* rojurc t

12. .v < 3 13. 2.v + y>4 14. 5.v - 2y> 10

y<-2 3.v - 2y < 6 3.v + 2y > 6
rri:hi ! ! :4-H 1
: : : 1 1 !
:i~j+ TTTTTI
: : : i I
TTl — ———
i 1 I 1 1~~ ...i...;...

i • ÿ
j i ÿ
i i i,
1-2 .0 ....j-4.J 2-0

TT -4"
: ! 1 -rt44~ - '
" ' '

15. .v - 2y s 6 16. a; >6

- 3v 17. x ~ 2y =s 4
2.r + 3v £ 6 2.r + v > 5 3a- + 2y < 8
Til I I

3 For Exercises 18 to 20. assume that a and b are positive numbers such that a > b.
Describe the solution set of each system of inequalities.
18. x + y> a 19. x + y < a 20. x + y> a
x +v>b x + y> b x + y< b

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 21 and 22. graph the solution set.
21. 2.v + 3y ÿ 15 22. 2.v - y < 4
I I IT -pyy-r-j—i
3.v y ÿ 6 3.Y + y < I II -h-f-i-i-l-i

—— _
ysO y£0
-.L.J I i.._i j

. 2—
: • 4 :

Projects or Group Activities
23. A set of points in a plane is a convex set if each line segment connecting a pair of
points in the set is contained completely within the set. Which of the following are
convex sets?

ÿ -o-i LHess othemra rota!, al coital<r this page 8 & Garageleam'rg.

uqiith 301)li'iw Irannr *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K.Moil n darlund. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ u> itv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
pcaio* hs«Jccntjihu azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

12. .v < 3 13. 2.v + y>4 14. 5.v - 2y> 10

y<-2 3.v - 2y < 6 3.v + 2y > 6
rri:hi ! ! :4-H 1
: : : 1 1 !
:i~j+ TTTTT1
: : : i I
TTl — ———
i 1 I 1 1~~
i • : j i 1
i j,


1-2 .0 2-0

TT -4"
: ! 1 -rt44~ - : '

-•4~r.4.-}.-|—i '
" '

15. .v - 2y s 6 16. a; >6

- 3v 17. x ~ 2y =s 4
2.r + 3v £ 6 2.r + v > 5 3a- + 2y < 8
Til I I

3 For Exercises 18 to 20. assume that a and b are positive numbers such that a > b.
Describe the solution set of each system of inequalities.
18. x + y> a 19. x + y < a 20. x + y> a
x +v>b x + y> b x + y< b

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 21 and 22. graph the solution set.
21. 2.v + 3y ÿ 15 22. 2.v - y < 4
III I IT ~rT.Tn._i_.
3.v y ÿ 6 3.Y + y < I (-•i-.f-t-f -h-f-i-i-i-l

—— _
ysO y£0
-.L.J I i.._i j

: • 4 :
- 2-r j--!—

Projects or Group Activities
23. A set of points in a plane is a convex set if each line segment connecting a pair of
points in the set is contained completely within the set. Which of the following are
convex sets?

ÿ -o-i LHess othemra rota!, al coital<r this page 8 $ Garageleam'rg.

uqiith 301)li'iw Irannr *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K.Moil n darlund. n»l»ik i « n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: Mc itv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t


4 Summary

Key Words Examples

A system of equations is two or more equations considered The solution of the system
together. A solution of a system of equations in two variables
is an ordered pair that is a solution of each equation of the system.
.v+y =2
.v-y = 4
[4. 1 A. p. 216)
is the ordered pair (3, - 1). (3, - 1) is the
only ordered pair that is a solution of both

When the graphs of a system of equations intersect at exactly one

point, the system is called an independent system of equations.
(4.1A. p. 216]

When the graphs of a system of equations do not intersect, the

system has no solution and is called an inconsistent system of /,
equations. (4.1A, p. 217)

When the graphs of a system of equations coincide, the system is

called a dependent system of equations. [4.1A. p. 217]

An equation of the form Ay + By + Cz = D, where A. B. and C are 3.v + 2y - 5c - 12 is a linear equation in

the coefficients of the variables and D is a constant, is a linear three variables. One solution of this equa¬
equation in three variables. A solution of an equation in tion is the ordered triple (0. I. -2).
three variables is an ordered triple (x. y, c). (4.2B. p. 231 1

Ufessothswssread.aJlariOTantiscBÿ is Iffinir?.

Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunal lb) im h,urol«am«. cr dnltcnd. n »l»iW it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-w rah. o> llinl i in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr V»C CtVsA. ir*lOf a»
hdbra! hs«Jccnciilui *tj ainrcocÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamii( rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c uq line «l «jV«]iKni n(h>rotixtun*rojurc t
c<ftxnl it

A solution of a system of equations in three variables is an The solution of the system

ordered triple thai is a solution of each equation of the system.
[4.2B. p. 231 1
3.r + y 3; = 2 —
—x + 2y + 3z 6 —
2v + 2y 2z = 4 -
is the ordered triple (I, 2, I). (1, 2, I) is the
only ordered triple that is a solution of all
three equations.

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. Each number in the 2 3 6

matrix is called an element of the matrix. A matrix of m rows and n is a 2 x 3 matrix. The
-12 4
columns is said to be of order m x n. [4.3A. p. 240]
elements in the first row are 2, 3, and 6.

A square matrix has the same number of rows as columns. [4.3A,

p. 240 1

The minor of an element of a 3 x 3 determinant is the 2 x 2 de¬

4 -I
> 2 I 3
a square matrix.

terminant obtained by eliminating the row and column that contain For the determinant 4 6 2
the element. [4.3A. p. 240|
I 8 5
I 3
the minor of 4 is

The cofactor of an element of a matrix is (- 1)' ;times the minor In the determinant above. 4 is in the second
of the element, where / is the row number of the element and j is its row and first column. The cofactor of 4 is
column number. (4.3A. p. 241 ] 1 3 1 3
(-02 +
8 5 8 5

Two or more inequalities considered together are called a system x +y >3

of inequalities. The solution set of a system of inequalities is x -y > -2
the intersection of the solution sets of the individual inequalities.
[4.5A. p. 257]

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Solving Systems of Equations
A system of equations can be solved by: y= +2
1. Graphing |4.lA. p. 216]

IHsBoBecviae rota, al coitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it iun. I>« InclccVont rtftu. : ihnJ i\ni»ti nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem be ifrxk aitlur
tiliraimicn thr. m/y oin*v<«cd coucnJc<i r»»: riaicrialb affcvx iu incnll kimn; cxjcncru Iurmn/ rc*mc< he niÿii I cmxni al anj line if n/k«rMnctwm rcÿurc a.

2. The substitution method [4. IB. p. 2 1 9) (I) 2x - 3y = 4

(2) y = -a + 2
Substitute —x + 2 for y in
Equation (1).
2v - 3(— a* + 2) =4

3. The addition method |4.2A, p. 228] -2a + 3y = 7

2a - 5y = 2
-2y = 9 Add the equations.

Annual Simple Interest Equation [4.IC. p. 222] You have a total of $10,000 to invest in
Principal simple interest rate
• = simple interest two simple interest accounts, one earning
Pr= I 4.5# annual simple interest and the other
earning 5# annual simple interest. If you
earn $485 per year in interest from these
two investments, how much do you have
invested in each account?
a + v = 10,000
0.045a + 0.05y = 485

Determinant of a 2 x 2 Matrix |4.3A, p. 240]

= 2(5) - (-3)(-4)
The determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix
an is written
r?2i >2 = 10-12
«ll «I2 = -2

a2\ a22
The value of this determinant is given by the formula
«II «12 ~
a\\a22 ~ a\2a2\-
a2l a22

Determinant of a 3 x 3 Matrix |4.3A, p. 241 ] Expand by cofactors of the first column.

The determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix is found by ex/xinding by
2 1 3
4 6 2
I 8 5
6 2 1 3 1 3
8 5
00 i/i
+ 16 2

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 k.,m. «nmtl Mij ik. K: ,inxc. ir oclicnJ. Ii Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi «r : ihrJ
* oaicti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be ifrxk irJur «»
fiiinÿmicn l» tKr. *tj ain*v<*cc curicit Jc<« r«>: riaicmll? aftvx IX tn cnll kimiu cxxntru. I timnf rcnnc< he niÿu I cmxni ii iny line if «aV*c4i«r; n/k«reunctwm retire a.

Cramer's Rule [4.3B. pp. 243. 244]

For a system of two equations in two variables: Ix - V = 6
The solution of the system of equations x + 3v = 4
a\x + b\y = C] 2 -I
a2x + byy = c2 I) = =7
I 3

is given by x = -jj and y = — .where D = a l b\ 6 -I

c- A = 4 3 = ?">
2 6
D =

a2 c2
.and D i- 0.
D =
I 4

D, 22 Dy
V y
D 7 ' I)

x~y+ z = 2
For a system of three equations in three variables: 2v + y-2z = ~2
The solution of the system of equations x - 2y + 3; = 6
a\x + b\y + c\z = d\ I -I 1
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2 D= 2 I -2 = 2
+ b}y + c3z = d3

I -2 3
D' -I I 2
ÿ ÿ

is given by
x = —, y = — . and z= D
D D D, = -2 I -2 = 2
6-2 3
a| />, c,
I 2 I
D= a-,b-, c->
A = 2 -2 -2 = 4
a? by <3
I 6 3
d\ bi c, a, c, a, />, J, 1-1 2
A = d2 b2 c2 • A= d2 c2 - A = b2 d2 . and £j = 2 1 -2 = 6
dy h c3 "3 ÿ3 <3 ai b3 d, 1 -2 6
D ¥ÿ 0. Dÿ
— = — = |'•y = — = = 2
D 2 D 2
- —
D *

Uqiith :ol> Ccrcxc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il<nlrani,cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n m tkcn'w rah. o> llird |un> oa«ti(Taj K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< cvoxnl il inj litx il <jV«jiKni rotiKtwnifcÿiirt 1


4 Review Exercises

1. Solve by substitution: 2x - 6v = 15 2. Solve by the addition method: 3.v 2v = 2

x = 4v + 8 x +y = 3

3. Solve by graphing: x +y = 3 4. Solve by graphing: 2.v - y = 4

3.v - 2v = -6 y = lx - 4


5. Solve by substitution: 3.v + I2y = 18 6. Solve by the addition method: 5a - 15y = 30

.v + 4y = 6 x - 3y = 6

7. Solve by the addition method: 8. Solve by the addition method:

3t - 4y - 2z = 17 3.v + y = 13
4a- 3y + 5z = 5 2y + 3s = 5
5a- - 5y + 3- = 14 a + 2- = 11

9. Evaluate the determinant: 10. Evaluate the determinant:

6 1 I 5 -2
2 5 -2 1 4
4 3-8

Ufessothawsatied.allcaten!onPlspeÿ is Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,imil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n in ilo.-r.oi rah. o> llirJ |un> oa«a (raj K: ufpcuci Son ji uiVx OSjotT".
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c »»• crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it itry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

11. Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 12. Solve by using Cramer's Rule:
2x - y = 7 3.v - 4y= 10
3.r + 2V = 7 2.v + 5y = 15

13. Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 14. Solve by using Cramer's Rule:
x +y +z = 0 .r + 3y + z = 6
.v + 2y + 3z = 5 2x + y z = 12 -
2a- + y + 2z = 3 x + 2y - z = 13

15. Graph the solution set: 16. Graph the solution set:
x + 3y s 6 2a + 4v ÿ 8
2a - y>4 x + ys 3


I'l l I I

17. Boating A cabin cruiser traveling with the current went 60 mi in 3 h. Traveling
against the current, it took 5 h to go the same distance. Find the rate of the cabin
cruiser in calm water and the rate of the current.

18. Aeronautics A pilot flying with the wind flew 600 mi in 3 h. Flying against the
wind, the pilot required 4 h to travel the same distance. Find the rate of the plane in
calm air and the rate of the wind.

19. Ticket Sales At a movie theater, admission tickets cost S5 for children and $8 for
adults. The receipts for one Friday evening were $2500. The next day, three times
as many children as the night before and only half the number of adults bought ad¬
mission tickets, yet the receipts w ere still $2500. Find the number of children w ho
attended on Friday evening.

20. Investments A trust administrator divides S20.000 between two accounts. One ac¬
count earns an annual simple interest rate of 3%, and the second account earns an
annual simple interest rate of 7%. The total annual income from the two accounts is
$1200. How much is invested in each account?

LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrifht -OIJ IcriW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» h,unil <r italicnl n -Hik « n «n. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird tun, imnno, K: &«* ji inlor cV'faiun <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i»c try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwm rotiirt l


4 ÿ TEST

1. Solve by graphing: —
2x 3y= -6
2x - y = 2
2. Solve by graphing: - 2v = -6
y = jx - 4

3. Graph the solution set: 2.v - v < 3 4. Graph the solution set: x + y >2
4a- + 3y < 1 : 2x-y< -I
r:L 4_
! 4-
— ----
: :
, -. : : :
i : *.
n ~~ .. —

5. Solve by substitution: 3a* + 2y = 4 6. Solve by substitution: 5a* + 2y = -23

a- = 2y 2.v + y = -10

7. Solve by substitution: y = 3a* - 7 8. Solve by the addition method:

y = -2a- + 3 3a- + 4y = -2
2a- + 5y = I

9. Solve by the addition method: 10. Solve by the addition method:

4.v - 6y = 5 -
3a- y = 2x + y I -
6x 9y = 4 - 5.v + 2y = y + 6

11. Solve by the addition method: 12. Solve by the addition method:
2a- + Ay z = 3 - x y z=5- -
x + 2y + z = 5 2a- + z = 2
4a- + 8y -2z = 1 -
3y 2z= \

Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIorient on Pispeÿ is Iflaritij

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il K.unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik it n p«n. I>n in tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imn"ai K: Son ji uiVx cVfapxn «i-
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) airrrccÿdo>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwni rotiirt 1

I -2 3
3 -1
13. Evaluate the determinant: 14. Evaluate the determinant: 3 1 I
-2 4

15. Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 16. Solve by using Cramer's Rule:
x y=3 5.v + 2y = 9~
2x + v = -4 3.v + 5y = -7

17. Solve by using Cramer's Rule:

x y +z =2
— —
2x y z = I
.v + 2y 3z = -4

18. Aeronautics A plane flying with the wind went 350 mi in 2 h. The return trip.
flying against the wind, took 2.8 h. Find the rate of the plane in calm air and the rate
of the wind.

19. Purchasing A clothing manufacturer purchased 60 yd of cotton and 90 yd of wool

for a total cost of SI800. Another purchase, at the same prices, included 80 yd of cot¬
ton and 20 yd of wool for a total cost of SI 000. Find the cost per yard of the cotton
and of the wool.

20. Investments The annual interest earned on two investments is S549. One invest¬
ment is in a 2.7% tax-free annual simple interest account, and the other investment
is in a 5.1% annual simple interest CD. The total amount invested is SI 5.000. How
much is invested in each account?

Cvmndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fanxn «».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

Cumulative Review Exercises

, Solve:
r , 3 7 5
— 38 4* = ~
~\2* 6 2. Find the equation of the line that contains the
points />|(2, - 1) and P2(3, 4).

3. Simplify: 3[x - 2(5 - 2x) - 4.v +6 4. Evaluate a + be + 2 when a = 4, b = 8. and

c = -2.

5. Solve: 2.v - 3 < 9 or 5a" - I < 4 6. Solve: \x - 2\ - 4 <2

Write the solution set in interval notation.

7. Solve: 2a* - 3! > 5 8. Given /(*) = 3r3 - lv2 + I. evaluate /(- 3).

9. What is the domain of f(x) = 3x2 - 2a? 10. Given F(x) = x~ - 3, find F(2).

11. Given f(x) = 3.v - 4. write /(2 + /?) -/(2) in 12. Graph the solution set of
simplest form.

\x\x < 2} D [x\x > -3}.
— —— ——— — ———
i i i i i i i i i t-
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1012 3 4 5

13. Find the equation of the line that contains the 14. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(— 2, 3) and has slope point P(~ 1 . 2) and is perpendicular to the graph
of 2.v - 3v= 7.

15. Find the distance, to the nearest hundredth, be¬ 16. Find the midpoint of the line segment connecting
tween the points P|(-4, 2) and P2(2, 0). the points P\(-4, 3) and P2(3, 5).

17. Graph 2x - 5y - 10 by using the slope and 18. Graph the solution set of the inequality
y-intercept. 3.v - 4y > 8.

UlessclterMse icIk!all coxeman fis pej> Is iDtegaj* laariri;.

lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 Krfil. KtMtvtJ. Uq i>* K: «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it iun. I>.i Ui ekv/cru rflumm iknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: frcm lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< •»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Icimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo
actKÿc tÿluiml ccnxni il »ny line i! «jV«c4ixn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rc4«rc l

19. Solve by graphing. 20. Graph the solution set.

f— MM "i r-r.

5.v -2y = 10 3.v - 2y > 4 i i i i T i 1 Iii

3.v + 2y = 6 x +y < 3 i ? 1 i i

±P y
' ÿ

: 4-;Iu
i i 1 1 1
1 1 i ..J
— 1 *-L
1 iI
i i
M44- • LLi.

[ i
+ l.j j jl


21. Solve by the addition method: 22. Evaluate the determinant:

3.v + 2Z = I 2 -5 I
2y-z=\ 3 1 2
x+ 2v = I 6-14

23. Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 24. Solve by substitution:

4.v - 3y = 17 3.v - 2y = 7
3v 2y = 12 y = 2x- i

25. Mixtures How many milliliters of pure water must be added to 100 ml of a 4# salt
solution to make a 2.5# salt solution?

26. Aeronautics Flying with the wind, a small plane required 2 h to fly
150 mi. Against the wind, it took 3 h to fly the same distance. Find the rate of the

27. Purchasing A restaurant manager bu>s 100 lb of hamburger and 50 lb of steak

for a total cost of $540. A second purchase, at the same prices, includes 150 lb of
hamburger and 100 lb of steak. The total cost is S960. Find the cost of 1 lb of steak.

28. Electronics Find the lower and upper limits of a 12,000-ohm resistor with a 15#

: ( is>o.;:
29. Compensation The graph shows the relationship between the monthly in¬

come and the sales of an account executive. Find the slope of the line between 5
c 0 3000
the two points shown on the graph. Write a sentence that states the meaning of
C 2000
the slope. 1000
(0= iopo>
o 20 40 60 SO 100
(in thousands ol dollars)
LHess olhsvrae roiffl. al certBt ce this page a £ Cergags Uam'rg.

lirinlS. :i>liCrw Irnnof. All k./m. KimimJ. Mq ix< Ix mxiir onlKrcJ. a »hik tr it part. I>« ui ikoiv'i. nlHt. : ihnJ orncti nuy he «arfTO»ed fcem be cftxl. irJur «»
tJiiraimicn thr. Mzy coucnikci r»»: nuniilb i&vi incnll kimn; cxjcncru Iam; rotnet ix I cmxni al any line it* «aV*c4t«r; n/k«rMnctwm rcÿairc a.

A To multiply monomials
Are you using the features of this text to
B To divide monomials and
simplify expressions with learn the concepts being presented? The
negative exponents HOW TO feature includes a step-by-step
C To write a number using solution to the types of exercises you will
scientific notation
D To solve application be working in your homework assignment
problems and on exams. A numbered Example
SECTION 5.2 provides you with a fully-worked-out
A To evaluate polynomial solution. After studying the Example, try
B To add or subtract
completing the You Try It to the
A To multiply a polynomial by
a monomial
B To multiply polynomials
C To multiply polynomials that
have special products
D To solve application
problems Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
SECTION 5.4 find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
A To divide a polynomial by a
monomial For Exercises I to 5. simplify.
B To divide polynomials
C To divide polynomials by 1. — 4(3>) 2. (-2)3
using synthetic division
D To evaluate a polynomial
function using synthetic
SECTION 5.5 3. —4a - 8b + la 4. 3.t -21y- 4(.r + I) + 5J
A To factor a monomial from a
B To factor by grouping
A To factor a trinomial of the
5. -(x - y) 6. Write 40 as a product of
form X2 + bx C - prime numbers.
B To factor ax2 bx + c
A To factor the difference of
two perfect squares or a
perfect-square trinomial
7. Find the GCF of 1 6. 20, and 24. 8. Evaluate .r - 2x~ +x + 5
for x = -2.
B To factor the sum or
difference of two perfect
C To factor a trinomial that is
quadratic in form
D To factor completely 9. Solve: 3.x +1-0
A To solve an equation by
B To solve application

Canoilhl Ilow Iiintnc All Ktfta. K .VU; ikI I*ccftnlcuncJ. it n *lwle tf it pvt. I)k io c : iVird tun. iMtcUnuj b. «inrcoci ixn\ £k tlVst anlor cA'Sajur, «t
Pdiiralmira ht-JccncJJul ray ™ micnilb 6c «r»cr*ll Limn/ ojcrcriv. CcaM Acnifilt it i*xj line il «jV*ajucn> ri(loroinctunrcqxirt 1

5.1 Exponential Expressions

OBJECTIVE A To multiply monomials

A monomial is a number, a variable, or a product of a number and variables.

(§T Point
Poi of Interest
Around a.d. 250. the
monomial 3;c shown at the
right would have been written The examples at the right are monomials. The x degree I (x = .v')
a '3. or at least approximately degree of a monomial is the sum of the expo- 3v2 degree 2
like that. In a.o. 250. the nents on t|,e variables.
symbol for 3 was not the one
4.vV degree 3
we use today. 6.vVr degree 9

In th is chapter, the variable n is considered a pos- v" degree n

itive integer when used as an exponent.

The degree of a nonzero constant term is zero. degree 0

The expression 5\ x is not a monomial because V.v cannot be written as a product of

variables. The expression ÿ is not a monomial because it is a quotient of variables.

The expression .v4 is an exponential expression. The exponent, 4. indicates the number of
times the base, x. occurs as a factor.

3 factors 4 factors
The product of exponential expressions
with the same base can be simplified by x •
x = (v x x) (v - x • x • x)
• • •

writing each expression in factored form 7 factors

and writing the result with an exponent. =x

Note that adding the exponents results in A-3..V4=A.3 + 4 = A.7

the same product.

Rule for Multiplying Exponential Expressions

If m and n are positive integers, then xm X° •

1. X4 x7 = X4-7 = x'1
2. zz8 = z1*6 = z7 • Recall that z = Zl.
3. / VV = /+**» = J"
4. (a3P5)(aV) = a3"4b5*7 = aV2 • Add exponents on like bases.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,iiroJrami, cr rtalrcnd. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m ikcn-nirah. o> llird imp. ca«a no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 mlor OkiuTil.
hÿura! haJccncithittt) «jnrca(j coctcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<hc tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «iV«n«ni njhx rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

Simplify: (—4.v5>*3)(3a>'2)

(—4v5>?3)(3-Vy2) = (—4 • 3)(-Y5 • j)(j? • y2) • I'se the Commutative and Associative
Properties of Multiplication to
rearrange and group factors.
= —12(t5+l)(y3+ÿ • Multiply variables with the same base
by adding their exponents.
= — I2*V • Simplify.

As shown below, the power of a monomial can be simplified by writing the power in
factored form and then using the Rule for Multiplying Exponential Expressions. It can
also be simplified by multiplying each exponent inside the parentheses by the exponent
outside the parentheses.
(<r)3 = (T ' (T • (~ (*3y4)2 = (vV)(at\4) • Write in factored form. Then
*2 +2
= X3* y
4 T
use the Rule for Multiplying
= cr
= cP = .VÿV8 Exponential Expressions.
(tf2)3 = fl2 "' = a" (t3>?4)2 = .r3 y 2 = tV • Multiply each exponent inside
the parentheses by the exponent
outside the parentheses.

Rule for Simplifying the Power of an Exponential Expression

II m and n are integers, then (xmy Xmn.

1. (X4)3 = X4 3 = X12
2. (z5)7 z5 7 = z35

Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products

If m,n, and p are integers, then txmy 'n)p xn,pyBp .

. y ) = x«y = x y
( if S,J DJ fa V
1. (x
2. <4Xÿ)3 41V 3 • Recall that 4 = 4'.
= 43X15 = 64X55

Simplify: (2a*b4)':

(2aVy = 2KV3/>43 • I'se the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products to

= 2W2 multiply each exponent inside the parentheses by the
= 8aW2 exponent outside the parentheses.

Simplify: (-4.yV)3 Simplify: (-3trb7)4

Solution Your solution

(-4ytV = (-4)Vy5 -4 = (-4)'
= — 64.r6v15
Solution on p. SI4

I'Pinih*. 301)li'iw Iuntnl. *11 K«t..\<J Uo ml K.unil n darlunJ. n»faik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> ifard tun. ohkcino, K: ainmÿ u> itv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

rcxio* hs«tkcncdiho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I nmn| rc«r>f< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt rotiirc c

Simplify: (2 xt2)*-3.it4)3 Simplify: (-3a2fr4)(-2afr3)4

Solution Your solution
(2.y>,2)(—3-vy4)3 = (2xf)[{-3)Vy".
= (2.y>2)(-27.v3>'12)
= — 54.rV4

Simplify: (-3.rÿ)2(-2.vV)3 Simplify: (-4rt/?4)2(2u4b2)4

Solution Your solution

(-3.xW-2.vV)3 = [(-3)W][(-2)ÿV5]
- |9vvjl-&vv5:
= — 72c'V7
Solutions on p. SI4

OBJECTIVE B To divide monomials and simplify expressions with negative exponents

The quotient of two exponential expressions with the
same base can be simplified by writing each expres¬ i i

sion in factored form, dividing by the common fac¬ xI_ /( f x- x x


tors. and then writing the result with an exponent. X2 X* X •

Note that subtracting the exponents gives the same V

result. = .V5"2 = A3

To divide two monomials with the same base, subtract the exponents of the like bases.

Rule for Dividing Exponential Expressions

If m and n are Integers and X

* 0. then — X"1


1. -2 = X9ÿ2 = X7
aV a4-ib5-3 a3b2 Subtract exponents on like bases.

dvV 3v5-y-'
Write — in simplest form. Subtract the exponents on like bases.
8a2y 4 8


uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: airficocÿ &M* uiVx cX'fapxm <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<hc njÿil Iopcykac try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

Consider the expression x ¥ÿ 0. This expression can be simplified, as shown below, by

subtracting exponents or dividing by common factors.

i i i i
= *4-4 = *o = l
l I I I

The equations ÿ = .v( and = 1 suggest the following definition of x°.

"U Take Note

Pay special attention to
example (3) at the right.
The expression -15° is Definition of Zero as an Exponent
the opposite of 15°. Note
the difference between If X ± 0. then X = 1. The expressbn 0 is not defined.
-15° = -1 and (-15)° = 1.
Also note the difference EXAMPLES
between the expression Assume the value of the variable is not equal to zero.
in example (4) and the 1. 27° = 1
expression (3z)° = 1. 2. (-16z f = 1
3. -15° = ~(15)° = 1
4. 3Z° = 31 =3

($ Point of Interest Now consider the expression x 0. This expression can be simplified, as shown be¬
In the 15th century, the
expression 122r" was used to low. by subtracting exponents or dividing by common factors.
mean 12x 2. The use of m

reflects an Italian influence. A xxxx
where m was used for *J-6 = r*
"minus" and p was used for 7* XX XX x • x

"plus." It was understood that

2m referred to an unnamed
variable. Isaac Newlon. in the
17th century, advocated the
The equations ÿ - x 2 and
ÿ suggest that x 2 =
-r .

use of a negative exponent,

the symbol we use today.

Definition of a Negative Exponent

i 1
If X *ÿ 0 and tl is a positive integer, then X-n — and — = X°

TJ Take Note
Note the difference between
Assume the value of the variable is not equal to zero.
example (2) and example (3)
in the box at the right. 1. 4-3 = —3 =
4s —

2. 2Z"5 = p
3. (2Z)-5 =
(2Z) 32Z5
4- a-o = 7a6

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h.i.tuJ.rami. 11 Avliafcil. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» omenno, K: nrpcmÿ ton ill--.4 irjor Pk|U"ii
hÿura! haJccnciifuttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt iLci rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry litx il «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwniroiiirt l

An exponential expression is in simplest form when it is written with only positive exponents.

Simplify: (3*-y)(-4*y8)
(3x ~2/) (-4.v5y ~ 8) = 3(-4)x"2+¥,h • Multiply the coefficients. Add the
exponents on like bases.
= -12v3y~2
• Write y~2 as—;.

The expression I -7 ) , >' 0. can be simplified by squaring -7 or by multiplying each

exponent in the quotient by the exponent outside the parentheses.
3\2 .t3Va3 .r3-.v3 .V3 + 3 A'6 ,3\ 2

/Ay4 /•/ yt + 4 yt ,,4-2 4.8

Rule for Simplifying Powers of Quotients

(xm\p xT!p
If m. Hi, and p are Integers and y =
* 0. then
J .

Assume the value of the variable is not equal to zero.

a2\5 a25 ~ a'0
\bAJ b45 b20
/ x3\-4 xJ~41 X-12
X3-4I y8
(?) " -12
(2xY\3 /x2-y-<-»\3
Uvv Write ÿ in simplest form. Subtract exponents on
like bases.

x -asysa
Use the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Quotients.
Recall that 2 = 21.
x-V5\ _ y'6
8 ) 8X6

Here is a summary of the rules of exponents presented in this section.

Rules of Exponents

If m,n, and p are integers, then

Xm-X" = Xm'n ÿfTVI (xmyn)D xrrpy"p

—xm;_ X"1-1X
ÿ 0
(ri r-1"0
x'" = -7. x
X" *0
X° = 1.x

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 k.,m. Mij ik. K: <nni ir oclicnJ. Ii*hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl ttnj .ramirta, K: mafOKi km ac itv-4 inlor cliamn "I
f*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrc«cc couchJcci r«>: numilb afixl tic mcnll kimn; cxxncra. CaM: I umnf rcnnc< ix 10 ecncvc tÿludul crnxni 11 iny tine if «jV*cjt«ri n/k«rrunctwm retire A

Simplify: (3ab~4)(-2a~3b7)

(3ab-4)(-2a-3b7) = [3- (-2)J (a,+(-%"4+7) • When multiplying exponential

= -6a 2b* expressions, add the exponents
6b* on like bases.

Aa 2tr
HOW TO Simplify:
4fl"y Z-2a-W Divide the coefficients by their common factor.
6a*lr ?_ 3<f/?:

Use the Rule for Dividing Exponential Expressions.

2£W_2If Use tlte Definition of a Negative Exponent to rewrite the

3 3fl7 expression with a positive exponent.
6nrn* 3l»l2-V-2l-3
8in'u2 4 • Simplify inside the brackets.
3m 3
• Subtract the exponents.
3 ~3;;i'-V3
4"3 • Use the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Quotients.
43m'5 64m'5
• Use the Definition of a Negative Exponent to
rewrite the expression with positive exponents,
Then simplify.

-28*Y3 20r"2r5
Simplify: Simplify:
42*-'z4 — I6r V"2
Solution Your solution
-28.vY3 14- 2*6-<-,Y3~4
42*~ 14- 3
2*Y7 2x_

(3a-ÿ4)-3 (9/rV) 1
Simplify: Simplify:
(6 ÿb-4)* (6tr-V2)-2
Solution Your solution
(3<r'*>4)-3 -3 12
3 "Vfc
(6-'fl-ÿ-4)3 6-*a~9bn
6W 2I6«12
= 8a'2
33 27 Solutions on p. S14

Krjnrfi. rill1cisiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Uq IxjiixJ. ami tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik it pal. I>« Ui ikcmu .miknl poo .untilrtn, K: arptÿi ixai m ilv-i anlto Plipm"
hiiira!roitn> ain*v<*cd curttntko ok riumilb xffcvi tic mcrall kinut; cxjtncra CcatM#e Icimnt rc*mc< ix niÿii to tÿlumil {foxniiiin; tine if n/b*roinctwm rojurc 4.

OBJECTIVE C To write a number using scientific notation

Integer exponents are used to represent the very large and very small numbers encoun¬
Point of Interest tered in the fields of science and engineering. For example, the mass of an electron is
Aslronomers measure the 0.0000000000000000000000000009 g. Numbers such as this are difficult to read and
distance ot some stars by write, so a more convenient system for writing such numbers has been developed. It is
using a unit called the parsec. called scientific notation.
One parsec is approximately
1.91 x 1013 mi. To express a number in scientific notation, write the number as the product of a number
between I and 10 and a power of 10. The form for scientific notation is a x 10". where
1 <= a < 10.
Take Note
There are two steps
For numbers greater than 1 0. move the decimal %xoop = 9.65 x 10s
involved in writing a number point to the right of the first digit. The exponent
in scientific notation: n is positive and equal to the number of places 3.600.000 = 3.6 x I06
(1) determine the number the decimal point has been moved.
between 1 and 10, and = 9.2 x 10'°
(2) determine the exponent
on 10. For numbers less than I. move the decimal 0.0002 = 2 x 10--
point to the right of the first non/ero digit. The
exponent n is negative. The absolute value of 0.0000000974 = 9.74 x 10"
the exponent is equal to the number of places
the decimal point has been moved. 0.000000000086
V /
- 8.6 x 10"
Converting a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation requires moving
the decimal point.
When the exponent is positive, move the decimal 1.32 X 10* = 13.200
point to the right the same number of places as the 1.4 x 10s ÿ
When the exponent is negative, move the decimal 1.32 X !0-: = 0.0132
point to the left the same number of places as the 1.4 x 10 4
= 0.00014
absolute value of the exponent.
Numerical calculations involving numbers that have more digits than a hand-held calcula¬
performed using scientific notation.
tor is able to handle can be

220.000 x 0.000000092
* Integrating 0.000001 1
ÿ4 Technology
See the Keystroke Guide: 220.000 x 0.000000092 _ 2.2 x 1Q5 x 9.2 x 10"8 Write the numbers in
Scientilc Notation for 0.0000011 1.1 X 10~6 scientific notation.
instructions on entering a
number that is in scientific (2.2) (9.2) x iq-ÿ<-8)-(-6)
notation into a graphing Simplify.
= 18.4 X I0? = 18.400
Write 0.000041 in scientific notation. Write 942.000.000 in scientific notation.

Solution 0.00004 1 =4.1 X 10 Your solution

Write 3.3 x I07 in decimal notation. Write 2.7 x 10 in decimal notation.
Solution 3.3 x I07 - 33,000,000 Your solution
Solutions on p. 514

CCrorltbt :ol> Cct«*« Inmnl. All Htflu Kninol Mi, i>» h,ccpnlranci. cr rtalrcnd. n -Hik « n pin. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird pin, unimno, K: itix* mlor OkiuTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduury «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njiiliÿKtiwc ccoxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

Simplify: Simplify:
2,400.000.000 x 0.0000063 5.600.000 X 0.00000008 1
0.00009 x 480 900 x 0.000000028
Solution Your solution
2.400.000.000 x 0.0000063
0.00009 X 480
_ 2.4 x I0q x 6.3 x IP'6
9 x 10"5 X 4.8 x I02
(2.4)(6.3) x |Q9~(-6>-(-5)-2
= 0.35 x I06 = 350.000

Solution on p. S14

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

£ How many miles does light travel in one day? £ The Roadrunner supercomputer from IBM can
The speed of light is 186.000 mi/s. Write the perform one arithmetic operation, called a FLOP
answer in scientific notation. (Floating-point Olÿration), in 9.74 x 10 lr> s.
How many arithmetic operations can be performed
in 1 min? Write the answer in scientific notation.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the distance traveled:
• Write the speed of light in scientific notation.
• Write the number of seconds in one day in
scientific notation.
• Use the equation d = rl, where r is the speed
of light and / is the number of seconds in one

Solution Your solution

r = 186.000 = 1.86 x 105
I= 24 60 60 = 86.400 = 8.64 x 10J
• •

d= rt
d= (1.86 x 105) (8.64 x 10J)
= 1.86 x 8.64 x I09
= 16.0704 X I09
= 1.60704 X 1010
Light travels 1.60704 x 10'° mi in one day.

Solution on p. S14

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. lb,i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlc:n-»t rtftu. o> llird run, on«nno, K: ammÿ inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx il «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. Which of the following are monomials?
(i) -8 <ii) 4*V (Hi) 3.y +I (iv) —
(v) -
2. What is the Rule for Multiplying Exponential Expressions?

3. Does the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products apply to (x2 + yr)3? Why or why

4. If x is a positive number, is .y a positive or a negative number?


5. If z
* 0. what are the values of -f and fl
6. Is the number 2.4055 x 10 5 less than or greater than I?

objective A To multiply monomials

For Exercises 7 to 35. simplify.

7. (alf)(a*b) 8. (-2ab4)(-3a2b4) 9. {9xy*)(-2x V) 10. (y2)')2

h. uV,4\4 12. (-2ab2Y 13. (-3yV)4 14. (4a2b:y

15. (llcrV)2 16. 1(2ab) 3(2 17. 1(2aVff 18. CxyHftf

19. (.yVHty3)- 20. (—4.r3y)2(2x2y) 21. (-5ab)(3ailr)2 22. (-4rÿ3)3(2s2)

23. (3.y5v)(—4.Y3)3 24. (4.Y3<;)(-3yV) 25. (-6o4fc2)(-7fl2c5) 26. (4ab)2(-2atrc3y

27. (— lab2) ( — 3a4/?5)3 28. (2a2b)H-3abA)2 29. (-3aW-2W

30. (-cÿ-la-bcÿrb) 31. ( - 2.y 2y'z) (3.y 2yÿ4) 32. (.YV)(2.nt4)(-3.Y-V)

33. (2xy) ( — 3x2yz) {x2y*c) 34. <2t?b)(-3alrcK-M 35. {3b5){lab2) ( - 2alrcr)

36. "3 If Ym x" = .Y9 and n = 3. what is the

• 37. J What is the value of /? in the equation
value of ml 2?- + 232 = 2"?

CtCjrijhl :ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KacnoL Vtaj f>il K.unil cr AvItcaaL n *Hik « i:inn. I>n m ilccnm am llird |un> nnKtt (raj K: un««ÿ irJor c*~fapxn «i-
hÿiira!pc*io» hoJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c ccoxnl it ttrylitx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

objective b To divide monomials and simplify expressions with negative exponents

For Exercises 38 to 80, simplify.

38. 5 -3 39. 4~2 40-T-e 41.
2 -7

42. a"8 43. 3a - 44 45.

3a -7

2.v"2 47.
48. A_3y at.-4

I (2-v)° -3~2
50. — 5a° 51.

54. tx-y4)2 55. (a-w2 56. (2t3>-2)(-3a--V) 57. (-3(r4b 5)(-5a 2b4)

58. (5/n V)"2(IO/h2/i) 59. (4y-3--4)(-3y3r3)"2 60. (-Om/r2)ÿ-ÿ 3/!"1)-2 61. (4x~3y1)-3(2xy-3)4

67 —
9a° ÿ -6a:v
61 63. 64 65.
4a" IIt8 -aV° 1 2.v4v

Jri V"2 ÿ"4

66. 67.ÿ 68. ,41, -5 69. —T7T
a u

2aV -3atr (4a2)')2 pcrbf

70. 71. 72. 73.
Pat2)3 (9a-b'f (2.y)3 [-6a/a3)2

(-4at3)3 (-8,v2v2)4 M-vy2)3 (Mb -) -

74. 75. 76. .-3\-2 77.
(-2a7>)4 (16a3/)2 (2.vy"J) (2a~W

4--AT-3vY8-l.v-y 2 9ab~2\~2{ 3a~2b\3 2ab'lYl/3a~2bY2

78. 79. 80.
A-3)' /\ A"4V.-1 8q 2/>/ \2q2/? 2 ab J V

81. 'J If ÿ = I, what is the value of p - q2

82. " $ If in < n. is the value of ÿ less than or greater than 1?

CtCjrijhl :ol) Ccrcxc Iiininl. All ha Kntnol «ij f>il h.cciwlrami, cr n -Kik it i:pin. I>n m(lovmrah. o> llird imp. nn«dnm (« &«ti ji ,tv-*4 mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c nj6liÿ«tiw< try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

OBJECTIVE C To write a number using scientific notation

For Exercises 83 to 88, write in scientific notation.
83. 0.00000467 84. 0.00000005 85. 0.00000000017

86. 4.300.000 87. 88. 9.800.000.000

For Exercises 89 to 94, write in decimal notation.

89. 1.23 x 10~7 90. 6.2 x 10 12 91. 8.2 x I015

92. 6.34 x 105 93. 3.9 x 10 - 94. 4.35 x I09

For Exercises 95 to 106. simplify. Write the answer in decimal notation.

95. (3 x I0~,2)(5 x I016) 96. (8.9 x 10~5) (3.2 x I0~6) 97. (0.0000065)(

9 x 10 -3 2.7 x 104
98. (480.0001(0.0000000096) 99. 100.
6 x 105 3 x 10 -6

0.0089 0.000000346 (3.3 X 10 ~") (2.7 x 1015)

101. 102. 103.
500.000.000 0.0000005 8.1 x 10~3

(6.9 x 1Q27)(8.2 x 10 '•') (0.00000004)(84.000) (720) (0.0000000039)

1U4' |ll>t - 106.
4.1 x I0,s (0.0003) (1.400.000) (26,000.000.000) (0.018)

107. a? Is 5.27 x 10 0
less than zero or greater than zero?

4.61 x 105 _
Place the correct symbol, <, =,or >, between the two numbers:
46.1 X 104.

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

For Exercises 109 to 117, solve. Write the answer in scientific notation.
109. £ Astronomy Our galaxy is estimated to be 5.6 x 10|u mi across. How many
years would it take a spaceship traveling at 25.000 mph to cross the galaxy?

110. Astronomy How long does it take light to travel to Earth from the sun? The
sun is 9.3 X10" mi from Earth, and light travels 1.86 x lO-ÿmi/s.

111. ÿ Physics The mass of an electron is 9.109 x 10 kg. The mass of a proton
is 1 .673 x 10 27 kg. How many times larger is the mass of a proton than the mass
of an electron? The Milky Nov

Ctpjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All tu Knmol Mi. i>» h,otmlrami. 11 italicnd. n *luW it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-w rtfhi 01llird pm> nun(mi «imo»ci &mti isi itix* mlor n'uiuin.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt tkci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c try Imc it «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

112. # Astronomy Use the information in the article at the right to determine the
average number of miles traveled per day by Curiosity on its trip to Mars.
in me news!
113. ÿ Astronomy On the day the Mars rover Curiosity landed on Mars. NASA ex¬
pected the distance from Mars to Earth to be 154 million miles and a radio signal to Mission to Mars
take 13.8 min to travel that distance. How fast does the radio signal travel? Today NASA launched
Curiosity, sending the new
Mars rover on its 254-day.
114. £ The Federal Government In 2012, the United States national debt was ap¬ 354-million-mile journey to
proximately 1.92 x 10' ' dollars. How much would each American have to pay in the red planet.
order to pay off the debt? Use 3.13 x 108 as the number of U.S. citizens. Source. Discover)1News

115. ÿ Geology The mass of Earth is 5.9 x I024 kg. The mass of the sun is
2 x 10'" kg. How many times larger is the mass of the sun than the mass of Earth?

1 16. £ Forestry Use the information in the article at the right. If every burned acre of
Yellowstone Park had 1 2.000 lodgepole pine seedlings growing on it one year after
the fire, how many new seedlings would be growing?
in me NEWS!
Forest Fires Spread
117. ÿ Forestry Use the information in the article at the right. Find the number of Seeds
seeds released by the lodgepole pine trees for each surviving seedling. The lodgepole pine is a
tree that uses the intense
heat of a fire to release its
118. g One light-year is approximately 5.9 x 1012 mi and is defined as the distance light seeds from their cones.
can travel in a vacuum in one year. One light-hour is approximately 6.7 x 10s mi. After a blaze that burned
True or false? 56.79 xx i0'~
u> =• number of hours in one year
12.000.000 acres of
Yellowstone National Park,
scientists counted 2 million
lodgepole pine seeds on a
Critical Thinking single acre of the park. One
year later, they returned to
1 19. Evaluate 3' for each value of .v. find 12,000 lodgepole pine
seedlings growing.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 0 d. -2
Source. Nabcnal Public Radio
120. If a and b are positive real numbers and a < b, what is the relationship between ci 1

and b '?

For Exercises I2I to 124, simplify each expression. Assume that m and n are positive
integers and that v ÿ 0.

121. A 4" 122. (-2vnym)(3.v"y2m) 123. *y ,24'

•rV I"?
Projects or Group Activities
125. Simplify: a. I + [1 + (I + 2"1)"1]"1 b. 2 - [2 - (2 - 2-,r'rl
126. Write I on a single line by using negative exponents.
I +x

uqiilh :miCitOK Iiinmr *11 Kcct,cd. Mij ik. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui mm <hnl wo .\wkti itq, K: mafOKi km Be etv-4 in!or e<"kii«n<-
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*ty «rtrv«cc couchJcci i»k riumilb aftxl Ctc at cnll Icamn/ exxntru. Cca 0&c I nmnf rcnnc< ix njÿil lo »c(Nÿc tÿiudul crnxni il any line if n/k«rMnctwm rofairc

5.2 Introduction to Polynomial Functions

OBJECTIVE A To evaluate polynomialfunctions

A polynomial is a variable expression in which the terms are monomials.

£ Tips for Success
A great many new A polynomial of one term is a monomial. 5.v
vocabulary words are
introduced in this chapter.
All ol these terms are in
boldface type. The bold
type indicates that these are
concepts you must know to
A polynomial of two terms is a binomial.

A polynomial of three terms is a trinomial.


3a2 - 9xy
- 6.r

- 5y
learn the material. Be sure
to study each new term as it
is presented. Polynomials with more than three terms do not have special names.

The degree of a polynomial is the greatest of the 3a + 2 degree I

degrees of any of its terms. 3a2 + 2a - 4 degree 2
4.vV + 6.Y4 degree 5

The terms of a polynomial in one variable are 2r2 -x +

usually arranged so that the exponents on the
variable decrease from left to right. This is called 3\3 - 3y2 + y - I:
descending order.

For a polynomial in more than one variable, descending order may refer to any one of
the variables.

The polynomial at the right is shown first in de¬ 2.v2 + 3at + 5V2
scending order of the .v variable and then in de¬
scending order of the v variable. 5V2 + 3vy + 2.v2
Polynomialfunctions have many applications in mathematics. In general, a polynomial
function is an expression whose temis are monomials. The linear function given by
/(a) = mx + b is an example of a polynomial function. It is a polynomial function of
degree I. A second-degree polynomial function, called a quadratic function, is given by
the equation f(x) = ax2 + bx + c. a i- 0. A third-degree polynomial function is called
a cubic function.

Determine whether the function is a polynomial function.

A. P{x) = 3a-"2 + 2a2 - 3

B. Tlx) = 3Vx ~ 2x2 - 3a + 2
C. R(x) = I4.v3 - n-a 2 + 3a + 2
A. This is not a polynomial function. A polynomial function does not have a variable
raised to a fractional power.
B. This is not a polynomial function A polynomial function does not have a variable
expression within a radical.
C. This is a polynomial function. Each term is a monomial.

Kqiilh roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mq ixi Ix mcc. ir dirlxnU. It »Kik clccVonc
it put. I>« In mm tknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix 6coi at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
t'Jiiralroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncra I txmng rc*mc< ix njÿii lo tÿiuiml ccoxni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

The leading coefficient of a polynomial function is the coefficient of the variable with
the largest exponent. The constant term is the term without a variable.

Find the leading coefficient, the constant term, and the degree of the
polynomial function P(x) = 7.v4 - 3.r: + 2x - 4.
The leading coefficient is 7, the constant term is -4, and the degree is 4.

To evaluate a polynomial function, replace the variable by its value and simplify.

Given P{.x) = x 3 - 3.r2 + 4, evaluate P(-3).

P(x) = x 3 - 3.r2 + 4
See the Keystroke Guide
Evaluating Functions for P(-3) = (-3)3 - 3(-3)2 +4 Substitute 3 for x and simplify.
Instructions on using a = -27 - 27 + 4
graphing calculator to = -50
evaluate a function.

The graph of a linear function is a straight line and can be found by plotting just two
points. The graph of a polynomial function of degree greater than 1 is a curve. Conse¬
quently, many points may have to be found before an accurate graph can be drawn.
Here is an example of graphing the cubic function P{x) ~ x ' - 2x2 - 5.v + 6. Evaluat¬
ing the function when x = —2, -1.0. 1. 2. 3. and 4 gives the graph in Figure I below.
Evaluating for some noninteger values gives the graph in Figure 2. Finally, connecting the
dots with a smooth curve gives the graph in Figure 3.

4 •r
s a

n n n / t
1 1
t Hi;
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

When graphing a polynomial function, you may have lo plol a large number of points in order to achieve
an accurate graph. Graphing utilities create graphs by evaluating the polynomial function at a large
number of points and then connecting the points to form the graph. Here are some graphing calculator
screens used to produce the graph of P(x) = x3 - 2x? - 5x + 6 shown above. Note that the scales on
the two axes are different. You may need to experiment with different window settings to produce an
accurate graph of a polynomial function. For further assistance, refer to the Keystroke Appendix.

Ptotl Pltr.2 Plo-.B LUINOOUJ

\YI S X3-2X3-5X+6 Xmin = "5
\Y2 = Xmax = 5
\Y3 = Xscl = I
\Ym = Ymin = "20
\Y5 = Ymax = 20
\Y6 = Yscl = L|
,Xres = I

Un'essctha-wserElBct oHcatefflanPiscaÿ is 'Itegaÿlayrirg.

(Ipinih*. 301)Ccr&t! Itamni. *11 HtfSu Ug ml K,unil n darlund. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> itinl m*> cuikcino, K: feon Mc cli—i inla.olamn<».
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmnt rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at any line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixtwnt ro|iirc t

Graph P(x) = x} - 10.

Evaluate the function for various values of .t, plot the resulting ordered pairs, and
then connect the dots to form the graph.

-3 -37
_7 -18
-1 -II
0 -10
1 -9
2 _2
3 17
4 54

Note from the graph that the scale on the y-axis is different from the scale on the
.Y-axis. When graphing polynomial functions, you may need to use different scales on
the two axes.

The shape of the graph of a polynomial function depends on its degree. Knowing the
basic shapes will help you create a graph more quickly. Below are the basic shapes of the
graphs of quadratic and cubic polynomial functions.

Basic Graphs of Quadratic and Cubic Functions


11Take Note
Recall that the graph ot the
linear function fix) = mx + b -
(not shown) is a straight line.

f , —X
Quadratic Functions Cubic Functions

Given P(x) - x3 + 3x2 - 2x + 8. evaluate Given R(x) = -2x 4 - 5.rJ + 2.r - 8.

P(~2). evaluate R{2).

Solution Your solution

P{x) = x 3 + 3a-2 - 2.y + 8
P(-2) = (-2)3 + 3(-2)2 - 2(— 2) +8 • Replace
= (-8) + 3(4) + 4 + 8 x by -2.
= —8+12 + 4 + 8 Simplify.
= 16
Solution on p. SI4
IHass ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cargage laamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. f>il h,imil <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 irjor oknnlil.
hÿura! haJccnciiluttt)' «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

Graph /(.x) = x2 - 2. Graph f(x) = x2 + 2x - 3.

Solution Your solution

p y=m] H1

-3 1
-2 2
-1 -1 4
0 -2 — t.

3 7

Graph /(.r) = a3 - I. Graph f{x) = x 3 - 2x2 - Il.v + 12.

Solution Your solution
7=/« 1 l *i
-2 -9
-1 _?

0 -1 1n 4
1 0 — /2
2 7

Solutions on pp. SI4-SI5

OBJECTIVE B To add or subtract polynomials

Polynomials can be added by combining like terms. Either a vertical or a horizontal
format can be used.

Add (3*2 + -x ~ 7) + Ox3 ~ 3 + 4.v2). Use a horizontal format.

Use the Commutative and Associative Properties of Addition to rearrange and group
like terms.
(3a*2 + 2a - 7) + (7a3 - 3 + 4a2)
= 7a3 + (3a2 + 4a2) + 2r + (-7 - 3)
= 7a3 + 7a2 + 2a - 10 Combine like terms.

IT'IV'TH Add (4a2 + 5a - 3) + (7a3 - 7a + 1) + (2a - 3a2 + 4a3 +1).

Use a vertical format.
Arrange the terms of each polynomial in descending order, with like terms in the
same column.
4a2 + 5a - 3
7a3 - 7a + I
4a3 - 3a2 + 2a + I
IlA + A" Add the terms in each column.

Ittesscthawse t(edsllcnlMan tisfay is CCeuae Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr Avlva-al. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ikcn-nirah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci Son ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

Take Note
The additive inverse of the polynomial x2 —
+ 5x - 4 is (.v2 + 5.v - 4).
The additive inverse of a simplify the additive inverse of a poly-
pdynomia! is that polynomial
-(.r2 + 5.r - 4) = -X2 - 5X + 4
. , . ch c, ,he sj2n Qf everv. term
nomja| jn_
with the sign of every term c y

changed. side the parentheses.

To subtract two polynomials, add the additive inverse of the second polynomial to the
TakeNote first.
This is the same definition
used for subtraction of
integers: subtraction is Subtract (3.y2 - 7xy + f) - {-Ax2 + Ixy - 3y2).
addition of the opposite.
Use a horizontal format.
Rewrite the subtraction as addition of the additive inverse.
(3.y2 - Ixy + f) - {—Ax2 + 7xy
3r) -
= (3.v2 - ixy + f) + (4.y2 - Ixy + 3y2)
= lx2 —
I4.T\' + 4v2 • Combine like terms.

Subtract (6v: - 3.v + 7) - (3.x 2 - 5x + 12). Use a vertical format.

Rewrite the subtraction as addition of the additive inverse.
(6.rJ - 3.y + 7) - (3.v2 - 5.r + 12) = (6.y3 - 3.y + 7) + (-3.r2 + 5.r - 12)
Arrange the terms of each polynomial in descending order, with like terms in the same
6.r3 3.t + 7
- 3.Y2 + 5.t - 12
6.Y3 - 3.V2 + 2r - 5 • Combine the terms in each column.

Function notation can be used when adding or subtracting polynomials.

HOWTO Given P(x) = 3.v2 - 2x + A and R(x) = -5x3 + Ax + 7, find

P{x) + R{x).
P{x) + R{x) = (3.y2 - 2.r + 4) + (-5.r3 + 4.v + 7)
= -5t3 + 3.y2 + 2.x + II

EBBHh Given P{x) = -5x2 + 8.v - 4 and R(x) = -3.r2 - 5.r + 9. find
P{x) - R{x).

P(x) - R(x) = (-5.v2 + 8.v - 4) - (— 3.v2 - 5.r + 9)

= (-5.V2 + 8.Y - 4) + (3.Y2 + 5.v - 9)

= 2-Y2 + 13.Y- 13

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 K«tl. KomiO. Uo in! K.iiiml.jnxca dnluaol. n*Hik i« is un. I>.c m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> iumi(mi u> itl-ii inlor n'uim.i.

rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ictmc idlnmil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt rotiirc t

Add: Add:
(4.r2 - 3.rv + 7r) + ( — 3.V 2 + 7.vy + >-) (-3r2 - 4.r + 9) + (-5.v2 -lx+ 1)
Use a vertical format. Use a vertical format.

Solution Your solution

Ax2 - 3.vy + ly2
-3.v2 + 7.vy + r
.v2 + 4*v + 8V2

imw-Mi mrrr
Subtract: Subtract:
(3.v2 - 2x + 4) - (7.v2 + 3.v - 12) (-5.v2 + 2.v - 3) - (6.v2 + 3.v - 7)
Use a vertical format. Use a vertical format.

Solution Your solution

Add the additive inverse of 7.r2
3.t2 - 2.v + 4.
+ 3.r — 12 to

3.v2 - 2.r + 4
-7.y2 - 3.v + 12
-4.y2 - 5a- + 16

Given P(x) = -3.v2 + 2v - 6 and Given P{x) = 4.Y3 - 3.v2 + 2 and

R(x) = 4.v3 - 3.v + 4. find P(x) + R(x). R(x) = -2x2 + 2.v - 3. find P(x) - R(x).

Solution Your solution

P{x) + R(x) = (-3.Y2 + 2x - 6) + (4.r3 - 3.v + 4)
= 4.v3 3X 2 - x- 2 -

Solutions on p. SIS

(linnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil Ug ml K.unil n darluaoi. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llird cuikcino, K: (**n u> itv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc**r>c« ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t


Concept Check
1. Identify each of the following as a monomial, a binomial, a trinomial, or none of these.
a. -3a4 +1 b. 2x 7 -
c. 3x2y5z d. 1 - 4.v - x:
e. 5z4 - 2z~2 + 4 f. 7

2. Write each polynomial in descending order.

a. 3.v - 7.r2 + 5 b. 3a4 — 7 — 2a + 4.r2

3. What is the domain of a polynomial function?

4. Write the additive inverse of 4a3 — 7.v + 8.

For Exercises 5 to 10. indicate whether the expression defines a polynomial function.
For those expressions that are polynomial functions: a. Identify the leading coeffi¬
cient. b. Identify the constant term. c. State the degree.

5. P(x) = -x2 + 3a + 8 6. P(x) = 3a-4 - 3.v - 7 7. f(x) = V~x - x2 + 2

8. g{x) = —4a5 - 3a2 + x - \'l 9. P(x) = x2 - 5x4 - a6 10. R(x) = |


o bJectiv e A To evaluate polynomialfunctions

11. Given P(x) = 3.v2 - 2x - 8. evaluate P(3). 12. Given P(x) = -3a2 - 5x + 8. evaluate P(-5).

13. Given R(x) = 2x 3 - 3a2 + 4a - 2, evaluate R(2). 14. Given Rix) = -a3 + 2a2 - 3a + 4, evaluate

15. Given fix) = a4 - 2a2 - 10. evaluate /(-I). 16. Given fix) = x5 - 2a3 + 4a, evaluate /(2).

For Exercises 17 to 22. graph.

17. P{a) = a2 - 3a - 3 18. P(a) = 2a2 + 3a - 4 19. P(a) = a3 + 2

IHessoBecviae rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z, Cagags taimig.

lirinlh. :m!enw All ,m> KocnoL Mi, fwl K: anxi. ir Aolicnal. It »hik w 11put. I»«t ui ckcivnt raHi «mt ihnl m,inuoira, K: fecu lit tlv-4 irjjt
rilira!roitn hv tkoxJihr.*tj ain*v<«cd couchJcci r«>: riaicmlb afiect mcnll kimn; cxÿcrcr&c. CaM: I nmnf rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'yc cmxni il anj line if «ri n/k«rMnctwm retire A

20. fix) = —X ~ 10 21. f{x) = x3 - 4.v2 - 4.v + 16 22. fix) = —x3 - 3.r2 + 6.v

23. a' Suppose fix) - x2 and gix) = x\ For any number c between 0 and I, is
fic) - gic) > 0 or is fic) - gic) < 0? Suppose c is between -I and 0. Is
fic) - gic) > 0 or is fic) - gic) < 0?

objective b To add or subtract polynomials

24. *3 If P(x) an(I QM ÿ polynomials of degree 3. is it possible for the sum of the two
polynomials to have degree 2? If so, give an example. If not. explain why not.

For Exercises 25 to 28, simplify. Use a vertical format.

25. (5.Y2 + 2.v - 7) + Cv2 - 8.v + 12) 26. (3.Y2 - 2.Y + 7) + (-3.Y2 + 2.Y - 12)

27. Cv2 - 3.v + 8) - (2.v2 - 3.Y + 7) 28. (2.r2 + 3.Y - 7) - (5.v2 - 8.Y - 1)

For Exercises 29 to 32, simplify. Use a horizontal format.

29. Of - 7y) + Of - 8y + 2) 30. {-2f - 4y - 12) + (5f - 5y)

31. (2a2 - 3a - 7) - (-5a2 - 2a - 9) 32. (3a2 ~ 9a) - (-5a2 + la - 6)

For Exercises 33 to 36. Find the sum or difference of the polynomial functions.
33. Pix) = x2 - 3xy + and f 34. Pix) = 3.v4 2.Y + I and -
Rix) = 2x - 3r: Pix) + Rix) Rix) = 3.v5 - 5.v - 8: Pix) + R{x)

35. Pix) = 3.y2 + and If 36. Pix) = 3.y4 - 3.y3 - .y2 and
Rix) = -5.y2 + Ixy - 3f\ Pix) - Rix) Rix) = 3.y3 - 7.y2 + 2y: Pix) - Rix)

Ui'essclha'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* iBariri;.

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Krfil. KocnoL Mi) m Ix .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,r it put. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix wiicuta fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch tk<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix lo tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line i! iiVtcÿisn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Critical Thinking
Two polynomials are equal if the coefficients of like powers are equal. For Exercises 37
and 38, use this definition of equality of polynomials to find the value of that makes
the equation an identity. *
37. (2v3 + 3a:2 + kx + 5) - (,r3 + .v2 - 5.v - 2) = x3 + 2v: + 3.r + 7

38. (6.v3 + kx2 - Ix - 1) - (4.v3 - 3.v2 + I) = 2v3 - .v2 - 2x - 2

39. If P(- 1) = -3 and P(x) - 4.v4 - 3.v2 + 6.v + c. find the value of c.

40. If P(2) = 3 and P(x) = 2v3 - 4.v2 - 2r + c, find the value of c.

41. id If P(xj is a third-degree polynomial and Q{x) is a fourth-degree polynomial, what

can be said about the degree of P(x) + (?(*)? Give some examples of polynomials
that support your answer.

42. Sports The deflection D (in inches) of a beam that

is uniformly loaded is given by the polynomial func¬
tion D(x) = 0.005.Y4 - O.I*3 + 0.5*2. where is the
distance from one end of the beam. See the figure at
the right. The maximum deflection occurs when is
the midpoint of the beam. Determine the maximum
deflection for the beam in the diagram.

Projects or Group Activities

43. Graph f(x) = a2, g(x) = x2 - 3, and h(x) = x2 + 4 on the same coordinate grid.
From the graphs, make a conjecture about the shape and location of k(x) = .v2 - 2.
Test your conjecture by graphing k.

44. Graph J[x) = .v2, g(x) = {x - 3)2. and h(x) = (x + 4)2 on the same coordinate grid.
From the graphs, make a conjecture about the shape and location of k(x) = (x - 2)2.
Test your conjecture by graphing k.

LHess ottavwse roiffi. alccrietcr ffis page a 2i Cargage Laemrg

uqiith :olICcrcxc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h.imil 11 italicnd. n -Hik n I!pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilinl pm, cuilcti(la, K: nfpcuii ton isi ill--.4 irjor oiipplil.

hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx il <jV«(iKni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

5.3 Multiplication of Polynomials

objective A To multiply a polynomialby a monomial
To multiply a polynomial by a monomial, use the Distributive Property and the Rule for
Multiplying Exponential Expressions.

Multiply: -3.v2(2.v2 - 5x + 3)

-3x2(2x2 - 5x + 3)

= -3.V;(2.V2) - (-3.V2)(5t) + (-3.r2)(3) • Use the Distributive

= -6.V4 + I5.T3 - 9.V2 • Use the Rule for
Multiplying Kxponential

Simplify: 5x(3x - 6) + 3(4.r - 2)

5.\(3.V - 6) + 3(4.t - 2) • Use the Distributive
= 5.v(3.v) - 5.v(6) + 3(4.v) - 3(2)

= 1 5a
- 3Qr + I2r - 6 * Simplify.

= 15a - I8.Y - 6

Simplify: 2.v2 - 3x 2 - x(4x + 1) + 2j

2.r2 - 342 - x(4x +D + 21
= Ix1 — 3a")2 - 4.Y2 — X+ 2] the Distributive Property
" toUseremove the parentheses.
= 2x- - 34 —4x~ ~ A' + 4j • Simplify.
= 2.Y2 + I2.Y3 + 3.V2 - 12.Y • Use the Distributive Property
to remove the brackels.
= 12a:3 + 5x2 - \2x * Simplify.

Multiply: (3fl2 — 2a + 4)(-3rt) Multiply: (2tr — lb - 8)(-5b)
Solution Your solution
(3(f - 2a + 4)(-3fl) • Use the
= 3<r(-3fl) - 2a(-3a) Distributive
+ 4(-3a)
= —9a3 + far - I2«
Solution on p. SIS

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,imil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <».

hÿura! haJccncithittt) «jnwa(j cocicn Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamnt rc<n:<hc tÿlumil ccnxni it itry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotn<twniregiirt l

Simplify: >• - 3>'[>• - 2(3y - 6) + 21 Simplify: x2 - 2a|a - a(4a - 5) + .v2

Solution Your solution
y - My - 2(3y - 6) + 2 J
= y 3yl y - 6y + 12 + 2.
= y 3yl-5y + 14]
= y + 15y2 - 42y
= I5r 41 v -
L Solution on p. SIS

OBJECTIVE B To multiplypolynomials

Multiplication of polynomials requires repeated application of the Distributive Property.

Multiply: (It2 - 5a + l)(3.v + 2)

Use the Distributive Property to multiply the trinomial by each term of the binomial.
(2.v2 - 5x + 1)(3.v + 2) = (2t2 - 5x + l)3.v + (2.y: - 5.v + 1)2
= (6.v3 - 1 5.v2 + 3.v) + (4a2 - 10a + 2)
= 6r3 - 1 \x2 - Ix + 2

A convenient method of multiplying two polynomials is to use a vertical format similar to

that used for multiplication of whole numbers.

Multiply (It- - 5.v + l)(3.v + 2). Use a vertical format.

It- - 5y +1
3a + 2
4x2 - IOy + 2 = (It2 - 5.T + 1)2
6.T3 - 15.Y2 + 3.T = (2v2 - 5.v + I)3a
6.t5 - I It - Ix + 2

It is frequently necessary to find the product of two binomials.The product can be found
by using a method called FOIL, which is based on the Distributive Property. The letters
FOIL Is r»ot really a different
of FOIL stand for First, Outer. Inner, and Last.
way of multiplying. It is based
on the Distributive Property. Multiply: (3.y - 2) (2a- + 5)
<3* - 2)(2* + 5)
= 3* (2x + 5) - 2(2* + 5) Multiply the First terms. (3.t - 2)(2.y + 5) 3a- It = 6a "

= 6x2 + 1 5x - 4x - 10
Multiply the Outer terms. (3.T - 2)(2a- + 5) 3a -5 = 15a
= 6x~ + 11x - 10
FOIL is an efficient way of Multiply the inner terms. (3.Y - 2)(2.t + 5) -2- 2a= -4a
remembering how to do
Multiply the Last terms. (3.T - 2)(2A' + 5) -2-5 = -10
binomial multiplication.

Add the products. (3a - 2) (2a + 5) = 6a2 + 15a — 4a — 10
Combine like terms. = 6a2 + 11a- 10

(linnih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kc«r\<J VU. >i h,cc(<nl.jnxca dnluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> oa«uno, K: fern Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
pc*io» hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainxcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb lAxi.'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixfwnt ro)iirc t

Multiply: (6* - 5) (3a - 4)

(6v - 5)(3.t - 4) = 6v(3.v) + 6.v(-4) + (—5)(3v) + (—5)(— 4)

= 18a2 - 24.v- 15.V+ 20
= l&v2 - 39.Y + 20
~u Take Note
The product ol x2 - x - 12 Multiply: (a + 3) (a - 4) (a + 2)
and x + 2 could have been
found using a vertical format.
(.x + 3) (a - 4)(a* + 2)
_ x2-*-12
x + 2
= (a2 - a - 12)(a + 2)
= a2(a + 2) - a(a + 2) - 12(a + 2)
• Multiply (r + 3)(x - 4).
• Use the Distributive Property.
2x2 - 2* -24
x3 - x2 — 12x = a3 + 2v2 - a2 - 2a - 12r 24 —
x3 + x2 - 14x - 24 = a3 + a2 14a 24 - - • Simplify.

Multiply (4a3 - 3a + 7) (a - 5). Multiply (-2b1 + 5b- 4)(-3b + 2).
Use a vertical format. Use a vertical format.

Solution Your solution

Keep like terms in the same column.
- 3a7
5 -

-20a3 + 15a -35 • -5(4a-1- 3a + 7)

4fl4 -3cf+ la • a(4o3 - 3a + 7)
- 20a3 -3cr + 22a - 35

Multiply: (5a - 3b)(2a + lb) Multiply: (3a - 4)(2r - 3)

Solution Your solution
(5a - 3b) (2a + lb)
= 10rr + 35ab - 6ab - 21 b1 • FOIL
= 10a2 + 29ab 21tr -

ran B3SEQ
Multiply: (2v2 - 3) (4a2 + I) Multiply: {3ab + 4)(5ab - 3)
Solution Your solution
(2t2 - 3) (4a2 + 1)
= 8a4 + 2v2 - 12a2 - 3
= 8a4 - 10a2 - 3

Solutions on p. SIS

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.moil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ckccfn rtf tu. o> ihnl imp. oa«a no, K: &«* ji mlor n'upxi.i.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb >fet mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt 1
ccnxnl it i

objective c To multiplypolynomials that have specialproducts

Using FOIL, a pattern can be found for the product of the sum and difference of two
terms [that is. a polynomial that can be expressed in the form (a + b)(a - b) ) and for the
square of a binomial [that is, a polynomial that can be expressed in the form (a + b)2].

Product of the Sum and (a + b)(a — b) = a2a2 ab + ab - b'

Difference of Two Terms = - b2
Square of the first term
Square of the second term

Square of a Binomial (a + b)2 = (a *- b)(a t 0) = ab + ab + b2
= a2 + 2ab + b2
Square of the first term
Twice the product of the two terms
- 1
Square of the second term -

Multiply: (4x + 3)(4.v - 3)

(4.y + 3)(4.v - 3) is the sum and difference of the same two terms. The product is
the difference of the squares of the terms.
(4.v + 3)(4v - 3) = (4a)2 - 32
= I6v2 - 9

LJ Take Note
The word expand is
HOWTO Expand: (2.v - 3y):

sometimes used to mean

(2x - 3v)2 is the square of a binomial.
•multiply," especially when
referring to a power of a
(2.r - 3y)2 = (2a)2 + 2(2x)(-3y) + (-3y)2
binomial. = 4a-2 - 1 2XV -r 9v2

Multiply: (2a - 3)(2« + 3) Multiply: (3x - 7)(3x + 7)
Solution Your solution
(2a - 3)(2a + 3) The sum and difference
= 4a- - 9 of two terms

Multiply: (5x + y)(5x - y) Multiply: (2 ab + 7)(2a/? - 7)
Solution Your solution
(5x + y)(5x - y) • The sum and difference
25a- - r
= -\c of two terms

Solutions on p. SI5

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. f>il h.ngnl <r cii;lK«U. n nHik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-ni rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci tan ill--.4 irjor oknnlil.
hÿUra! hnJccnciihittt) oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic rrjiillÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni n/lo rc*tnct>-*cu rcqirc 1

Expand: (2.y + 7y)2 Expand: (3.y - 4v)2

Solution Your solution

(2.Y + 7y)2 = 4x2 + 28.\>' + 49V2 • The square of
a binomial

Expand: (3a2 - b): Expand: (5xy + 4)2

Solution Your solution
(3a2 - b)2 = 9a4 - (xrb + b2 "The square of
a binomial

Solutions on p. SIS

objective d To solve applicationproblems

The length of a rectangle is (2.v + 3) ft. The The base of a triangle is (2x + 6) ft. The height is
width is (v - 5) ft. Find the area of the rectangle (y - 4) ft. Find the area of the triangle in terms of
in terms of the variable .y. the variable .y.

2x + i
2i ÿ 6

Strategy Your strategy

To find the area, replace the variables Land W in
the equation A = L- W by the given values, and
solve for A.

Solution Your solution

A = L- W
A = (2.y + 3)Cy - 5)
= 2.y~ - 10.Y + 3a* - 15
= 2a - 7a- - 15
The area is (2.y2 - 7.y - 15) ft2.

Solution on p. SI5
Ulessclhswse rclMall cotemafis Is £' C&gtp Isariri;.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KimimJ. Mi, fwl K: anxi. ir anlkml. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»x la ckcivniraHi thnl |tH) fataltray K: -un-cuci bar at tliak irjjr i<"kiiun«-
bv ikaxJihr.*tj
f *Liiral roic»» couch Jc<i r«>: numilb Aci »'* cnll tcimn/ cxxntra. CaM: I turn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'yc tÿiudul crnxni il inj line
if «jV*cjt n/k«rrunctwm retire

The corners are cut from a rectangular piece of Find the volume of the solid shown in the diagram
cardboard measuring 8 in. by 12 in. The sides below. All dimensions are in feet.
are folded up to make a box. Find the volume
of the box in terms of the variable a, where .y is
the length of a side of the square cut from each
corner of the rectangle.
5* -4
J' *1
* 8 in.
I— 12 in.—I

Strategy Your strategy

Length of the box: 12 - 2a
Width of the box: 8 - 2a
Height of the box: x
To Find the volume, replace the variables L W,
and H in the equation V = L W- H. and solve -
for V.

Solution Your solution

V = L - XV H
V= (12 - 2.v)(8 - 2x)x
= (96 - 24.r - I6.r + 4x2)x • FOIL
= (96 - 40.Y + 4.y2).y
= 96v - 40.v2 + 4.v3
= 4a-3 - 40.Y2 + 96.v
The volume is (4a3 - 40.v: + 96.v) in3.

The radius of a circle is (3.Y - 2) cm. Find the The radius of a circle is (2a + 3) cm. Find the
area of the circle in terms of the variable .v. Use area of the circle in terms of the variable a. Use
3. 14 for 77. 3.14 for 77.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the area, replace the variable r in the
equation A = irr~ by the given value, and solve
for A.

Solution Your solution

A = Trr2
A 3.14(3a - 2)2
" 3.I4(9a2 - 12a + 4)
= 28.2&Y2 37.68a + 12.56

The area is (28.26a2 - 37.68a + 12.56) cm2.

Solutions on pp. SI5-SI6
IWessofienma ratal. al ccrtB-icnthis page h £ Cargage laarnrg

lirinih. :til!CR0CK II1~CI*11 Ktf Si. lotnol Mi) iwl K:jipcJ. mtirtei.ti anlKucJ. a »Kik it pin. I>« u> claVsni mm itr.ciamirro, K: minmcd km tii tlv-i inl'ur tUiptn.l
tiiiralmicn JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: ruWilb z&ct vtc »r» cnll kinur; cxjcncru. CcaMc I tarn/ rc*mc< ix lo actHÿc ccnxni ii iny line it «jV«cÿtxn; n/k*rrÿnctwiv retire l


Concept Check
1. What is the first step when simplifying 5 + 2(2v + I)? Why?

2. If p is a polynomial of degree 2 and q is a polynomial of degree 3, what is the degree

of the product of the two polynomials?

3. J What is FOIL?
4. Determine whether the statement is true for all real numbers a and v.
a. (a - y)(x + y) = a2 - f b. (a + y)2 = x2 + f

obJective A To multiply a polynomialby a monomial

For Exercises 5 to 28. multiply and simplify.
5. 2a(a - 3) 6. 2a(2a + 4) 7. 3.v2(2.v2 — x)

8. -4r(4j - 6V2) 9. 3xy(2x - 3v) 10. -4ab(5a - 3b)

11. -3xy2(4x- 5y) 12. x ~ 2x(x - 2) 13. 2b + 4b(2 - b)

14. -2v(3 - y) + 2\2 15. -2ir{3a2 - 2a + 3) 16. 4b{3lr' - \2lr - 6)

17. (-3y2 - 4y + 2)(y2) 18. (6b4 -5b2- 3)(-2If)

19. -5a2 (4 - 3.r + 3a2 + 4a3) 20. -2y2(3 - 2y - 3y2 + 2>J)

21. -2a2v(a2 - 3xy + 2f) 22. 3ab2(3a2 - 2ab + 4b2)

23. 5a3- 4a(2a2 + 3a- 7) 24. 7a3 - 2a(6a2 - 5a - 3)

25. 2? - y( 3 - 2 (y - 4) - y\ 26. 3a2 - a|a - 2 (3a - 4)]

27. 2y - 3 (y - 2y(y - 3) + 4y] 28. 4a2 - 2fl|3 - a(2 - a + a2)]

29. Given P(b) = 3b and Q(b) = 3b4 - 3 b2 + 8. 30. Given P(x) = -2a2 and 0(a) = 2a2 - 3a - 7,
find P(b) • Q[b) . find P(x)-Q(x).

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi. ml h.imil 11 italiaol. n -Hik i« i!pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» caien K: *Hfromcd ton ji ill--.4 irjor p'iipun.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c nj6liÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

objective b To multiplypolynomials
For Exercises 3 1 to 60. multiply.
31. Or - 2)(x + 7) 32. (v + 8)(y + 3) 33. (2v - 3)(4y + 7)

34. (5* - 7) (3a - 8) 35. {a + 3c)(4a - 5c) 36. (2m - 3n)(5m + 4//)

37. (5a - 7)(5.v - 7) 38. (5r + 2/)(5r - 21) 39. 2 (2a - 3v)(2.v + 5y)

40. -3(7a - 3y)(2v - 9y) 41. (.xy + 4)(xy - 3) 42. (xy - 5)(2xy + 7)

43. (2.v2 - 5)(.r2 - 5) 44. (a-2 - 4)(.r2 - 6)

45. (5a-2 - 5y)(2x2 - y) 46. (.v2 - 2V2)(.v2 + 4f)

47. (x + 5)(.v2 - 3.v + 4) 48. (a + 2) (a2 - 3a + 7)

49. (2a - 3b) (5a1 - 6ab + 4b2) 50. (3a + b)(2a2 - 5ab - 3b2)

51. (2v + 3.Y" - 2x + 5)(2r - 3) 52. (3a3 + 4a - 7)(4a - 2)

53. (2a- - 5)(2.r4 - 3x3 - 2a* + 9) 54. (2a - 5) (3a4 -3a2 + 2a - 5)

55. (.r2 + 2a- - 3)(.v2 - 5.v + 7) 56. (a2 - 3x + 1)(a-2 - 2a* + 7)

57. (a - 2)(2a - 3)(a + 7) 58. (b - 3)(3b - 2)(b - I)

59. (2v + 3)(a - 4) (3a + 5) 60. (3a - 5)(2a + l)(a - 3)

61. Given P(y) = 2y2 - I and 62. Given P(b) = 2b2 - 3

Q(y) =f~ 5y2 - 3. find P(y) • <2(y). and Q(b) = 3b2 - 3b + 6. find P(b) Q(b). •

63. 'J: If P(a) is a polynomial of degree m and (2(a) is a polynomial of degree n. what is
the degree of the product of the two polynomials?

64. 31 Do all polynomials of degree 2 factor over the integers? If not. give an example of
a polynomial of degree 2 that does not factor over the integers.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ji ill--.4 irjor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective c To multiplypolynomials thathave specialproducts

For Exercises 65 to 88. simplify or expand.
65. (3.v - 2)(3.v + 2) 66. (4y + l)(4y - I) 67. (6 - x)(6 + .v)

68. (10 + b)( 10 - b) 69. (2a - 3b) (2a + 3b) 70. (5x - 7y)(5.v + ly)

71. (3ab + 4)(3ab - 4) 72. (5xy - 8) (Say + 8) 73. (x2 + \)(x2 - 1)

74. (r2 + y)(x2 - y2) 75. (x - 5)2 76. (y + 2)2

77. (3a + 5b)2 78. (5x - 4y)2 79. (.r2 - 3)2

80. Cv2 + y2)2 81. (2x2 - 3y2)2 82. (2xy + 3)2

83. (3mn - 5)2 84. (2 - 1:xy)2 85. f - (x - y)2

86. a2 + (a + b): 87. (x - y)2 - (.v + y)2 88. (a + b): + (a - b)2

89. '3 True or false? a2 + tr - (a + b)(a + b)

90. '3 If P(x) is a polynomial of degree 2 that factors as the difference of squares, is the
coefficient of x in P(x) (i) less than zero, (ii) equal to zero, (iii) greater than zero, or
(iv) either less than or greater than zero?

objective d To solve applicationproblems

91. 'S If the measures of the width and length of the floor of a room are given in feet,
what is the unit of measure of the area of the floor?

92. 3 If the measures of the width, length, and height of a box are given in meters, what
is the unit of measure of the volume of the box?

93. Geometry The length of a rectangle is (3.v - 2) ft. 94. Geometry The base of a triangle is
The width is (x + 4) ft. Find the area of the rectangle (.v - 4) ft. The height is (3x + 2) ft. Find the
in terms of the variable x. area of the triangle in terms of the variable x .

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,ccpnt 11 Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tlarow rtfhi 01llird put, omen no, K: nnmÿ ton ill--,4 irjor n'Mpun.

hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

95. Geometry Find the area of the figure shown 96. Geometry Find the area of the figure shown
below. All dimensions given are in meters. below. All dimensions given are in feet.

2 2
x -2

2 2
x +5
x +4

97. Geometry The length of the side of a cube is 98. Geometry The length of a box is
(v + 3) cm. Find the volume of the cube in terms (3.v + 2) cm. the width is (x — 4) cm. and the
of the variable x. height is x cm. Find the volume of the box in
terms of the variable .v.

99. Geometry Find the volume of the figure shown 1(M). Geometry Find the volume of the figure shown
below. All dimensions given are in inches. below. All dimensions given are in centimeters.

Sx+4 i +6

101. Geometry The radius of a circle is (5.r + 4) in. 102. Geometry The radius of a circle is (x - 2) in.
Find the area of the circle in terms of the variable Find the area of the circle in terms of the variable
x. Use 3.14 for n. x. Use 3.14 for 7r.

Critical Thinking
103. For what value of k is the given equation an identity?
a. (3.r - k)(2x + k) = 6x2 + 5x - k2
b. (4.v + k)2 = 16v2 + &r + k2

104. Complete.
a. If m = n + I. then —a

b. If m - >? + 2, then =

105. What polynomial, when divided by 2.v - 3. has a quotient of x + 7?

106. What polynomial, when divided by x - 4. has a quotient of Ir + 3?

Projects or Group Activities

107. Write two polynomials whose product is a polynomial of degree 3.

108. Write two polynomials whose product is a polynomial of degree 4.

LHess otto»\*ise ratal. alccnlBlerthis page 3 ® Csrgage Laemrg

uqiilh 'Oil C-mMc Itvnnf. *11 K«l.< Kamal M«. mi K,iiraJrami, n darlmcd. a »hik a is wn. I>k mclwtorMrtftu o> llinl cumtliraj K: sirficwi fens 6c ctiw* anlix akim«i
rdiira!rtsit* Jccnci (hit tzy coWcrt ik<i r«n nucnilb xf&o. C*c »»» craJI !c amn/ npcncnx. CaMc I timrx reserve « 6c njÿil U> xtk'.c ccoxnl at anj line »l aJVwajucni rotnclwmrojurc t

5.4 Division of Polynomials

OBJECTIVE A To divide a polynomialby a monomial
As shown below, can be simplified by first adding the terms in the numera¬
tor and then d ividing the result by the denominator. It can also be simplified by first divid¬
ing each term in the numerator by the denominator and then adding the results.
6 +4 10 _ _ 6+4 6 4 „

2 =2+2=
It is the second method that is used to divide a polynomial by a monomial: Divide each
term in the numerator by the denominator, and then write the sum of the quotients.

To divide ÿ'v'y~
"*'v . divide each term of the polynomial 6.v: + 4v by the monomial 2.v.
Then simplify each quotient.
tJ Take Note
Recall that the fraction bar
can be read "divided by." 6.v: + 4.v 6v2 _
- 4.v • Divide each term in the
numerator by the denominator.
= 3.v +2 • Simplify each quotient.
We can check this quotient by multiplying it by the divisor.

2r(3.v + 2) = 6r: + 4.v • The product is the dividend. The quotient checks.
16a"5 - 8.Y3 + 4v
Divide and check:
1 6.v - 8.v-' + 4.v 16r 8.Y 4.Y
Divide each term in the
2v 2y
+ 2v
2v numerator by the denominator.
= 8a-4 - 4a:2 + 2 Simplify each quotient.

2y(8.y4 - 4x~ + 2) = 16a:5 - 8a3 + 4a The quotient checks.


Divide and check:

6a3 - 3.Y2 + 9a
Divide and check:
4a"V + Sax - 4xy~
3.Y 2yv

Solution Your solution

6a-3 - 3a'2 9.Y
_ 6aÿ _ 3aÿ 9a Divide each term in the
numerator bv the denominator.
3a 3a: 3a
= 2y" — a + 3 • Simplify each quotient.
Check: 3a(2y2 -a + 3) = 6a3 - 3.r2 + 9a
Solution on p. 5/6

CtCjrijbl "O" 'off Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. Uo f>il h,iiroJ.rami. cr n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lovmrah. o> llird |un> cmctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji «nlor cV'fapxi ,i.
h4ura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnireqiirt l

objective b To divide polynomials

The division method illustrated in Objective A is appropriate only when the divisor is
a monomial. To divide two polynomials in which the divisor is not a monomial, use a
method similar to that used for division of whole numbers.

To check division of polynomials, use

Dividend = (quotient x divisor) + remainder

Divide: (a*2 + 5x — 7) -s- {x + 3) 2

Step 1 x Think: x)T- = — = x
x + 3)x2 + 5.v - 7 x

x2 + 3x J, Multiply: x(x + 3) = .r: + 3.r

Ix - 1 Subtract: (.v2 + 5.v) - (a2 + 3a) = 2x

Step 2 a+2 Think: xYTx = —x =2

x + 3>.v2 + -7
.v2 + 3x
2x - 7
2.v + 6 Multiply: 2(x + 3) = 2x + 6
- 13 Subtract: {2x - 7) - (2a + 6) = - 13
The remainder is - 13.

Check: (a + 2) (a + 3) + (- 13) = x2 + 3.v + 2.v + 6 - 13 = x2 + 5.v - 7

(a2 + 5x - 7) -5- {x + 3) = .r + 2 -
X +3

Divide: ---
6 - 6a2 + 4a3
2x + 3
Arrange the terms of each polynomial in descending order. Note that there is no term
containing the first power of x in 4a3 - 6a*2 + 6. Insert a zero as Ox for the missing
term so that like terms will be in the same columns.

2r2 - 6a + 9
2v + 3)4.r' - 6a" + O.v + 6
4y! + 6.v2
- 12a2 + Ox
- \2x2 18a ~

18a -t- 6
18.Y+ 27
_ t

4v3 — 6v2 + 6 , , , 21
2a +3
= 2a2 - 6a + 9 - 2x+ 3

Krjrirfi. 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Kt«i>tJ. Mi) m Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« uiclccVont nfl» mm tknl |tnjunimrm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couchJc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvc ivc mcnll kinur; cvjcncra Ccb£m£c Icimn/ rc*mc< he niÿii lo tÿluiml ccnxni il »ny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

12.v2 - 11.V+ 10
Divide: --
15a2 -+ 17a -20
4.v - 5 3a + 4

Solution Your solution

3a- + I
4.v- 5)1 Zy2 - ll.r + 10
12v2 - 15a
4.v + 10
4.v- 5
12a- - 1 1at + 10 15
4.v - 5
= 3a- + I + 4a- - 5

.V3 + 1
_ ., 3a3 + 8a2 - 6a + 2
3a - I

Solution Your solution

a2 - .v + I
I)a3 + O.v- + 0.v + I Insert zeros
a3-f X2 for the missing
- x 2 + O.v
- X"7 - .V
X +1
X +1
.V3 + I
A +I
= X- -X + 1
Divide: Divide:
(2.v4 - 7.r3 + 3.v2 + 4.v - 5) -s- (a2 - 2a* - 2) (3a4 - 1 l.v3 + 16a2 - 16a + 8) -f (a2 - 3a + 2)

Solution Your solution

2v - 3a + 1
a2 - 2y - )2v4 - 7a3 + 3a + 4a - 5
3 i i

3m I

3 ri

- 3a3 + 7a + 4a
- 3a3 + 6a + 6a
A - 2r - 5
A" - 2v - 2

(2a4 - 7.v3 + 3.v2 + 4.v - 5) -f (x2 - 2x - 2)
= 2.v2 - 3a + 1 a-
2a - 2
Solutions on p. 5/6

linnill. :iil1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Mq ox Ivenrolami. tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik it iun. I>« uiclcc*«U ryh> mm iknl |tii) .muchitq, K: urfTcÿc fccm m ilv-i anlto illinm"
hiiira!roitn> ain*v<*cc corttn«ko ok riuWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra CcatM#e I itmng rv*mc< ix niÿii iokckÿc tÿluiml {foxnuiin; line if n/h*rrinciwiv rojurc I.

OBJECTIVE C To divide polynomials by using synthetic division

Synthetic division is a shorter method of div iding a polynomial by a binomial of the form
Tips for Success x — a.
An important element of
success is practice. We Divide (3a2 - 4v + 6) -5- (a — 2) by using long division.
cannot do anything well
if we do not practice it 3.v + 2
repeatedly. Practice is 2)3.y2 - 4a + 6
a* -
crucial to success in
mathematics. In this 3.Y2 - 6.Y
objective you are learning 2a + 6
a new procedure, synthetic
division. You will need to 2a- - 4
practice this procedure in 10
order to be successful at it.
(3.Y2 - 4y + 6) -j" (a- - 2) = 3.Y + 2 + — ?

The variables can be omitted because the position of a term indicates the power of the

-2)3 -4 6
3 -6
2 6
2 -4

Each number shown in color is exactly the same as the number above it. Removing the
colored numbers condenses the vertical spacing.

3 2
-2)3 -4 6
-6 -4
2 10

The number in color in the top row is the same as the one in the bottom row. Writing the
3 from the top row in the bottom row allows the spacing to be condensed even further.

-2 3 -4 6
-6 -4
3 2 10

Terms of Remainder
the quotient

Because the degree of the dividend (3a2 - 4v + 6) is 2 and the degree of the divisor
(a - 2) is 1. the degree of the quotient is 2 — I = I. This means that, using the coef¬
ficients of the quotient given above, that quotient is 3a + 2. The remainder is 10.

In general, the degree of the quotient of two polynomials is the difference between the
degree of the dividend and the degree of the divisor.

By replacing the constant term in the divisor by its additive inverse, we may add rather
than subtract terms. This is illustrated in HOW TO 4 on the next page.

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 K«t.. KomiO. Uo ml K,cc(<al..nxca Animal, n »!»ik i« I!pal. I>j» la clccn-w ruh. o> llinl cuikcino, K: ainiiwl u> itl-wi itilor rt'fcaiuit <l.
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho azy ainwocdcoclcrt dc<« r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorotixtumrotiirc t

Divide: (3.x° + 6.r2 - .v - 2)

The additive inverse of the binomial constant
- (x + 3)

ÿ Coefficientsof the polynomial

-3 1 3 6 -1 -2 Bring down the 3.


-3 3 6 -1 -2
Multiply -3(3) and add
-9 the product to 6.
3 -3

-3 3 6 -1 -2
1 -9 9
Multiply — 3(— 3) and
add the product to — I.
3 -3 8

-3 3 6 -1 -2
1 3
• Multiply -3(8) and add
the product to —2.

Coefficients of the quotient Remainder

The degree of the dividend is 3 and the degree of the divisor is I. Therefore, the degree
of the quotient is 3 - I 2. -
(3.V3 + 6.x-2 - x -2) + (x + 3) = 3.V2 - 3.v + 8 -
x +3
Divide: (2.v3 - x + 2) + (x - 2)
The additive inverse of the binomial constant

I Coefficientsof the polynomial

7 2 0 -1 2 Insert a 0 for the

I missing j2 term and bring
2 down the 2.

9 2 0 -1 2 • Multiply 2(2) and add the

4 product to 0.
2 4

Multiply 2(4) and add the

1 2 0
product to -1.
2 4 7

7 2 0 -1 2 • Multiply 2(7) and add the

4 8 14 product to 2.
2 4 7 16
Coefficients of the quotient Remainder
(2* - x + 2) + (x -2) = 2x + Ax + 7 + A"
uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 Htftu KrcrMil M«j ml K,unilamiin dtrluaai. n »Sik i
« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> odkiino, K: feon Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«dccntj(hit azy ainwocdcoctcn ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolnctMro roturc c

Divide: (7 - 3* + 5.v2) + (x
- I) Divide: (6a2

Your solution
+ 8a - 5) - (a + 2)

Arrange the coefficients in decreasing powers of .v.

1 5 -3 7
1 5 2
5 2 9

(5a2 - 3.x + 7) + (a* - I) = 5a + 2 + A - I

Divide: (2a3 + 4a2 - 3a + 12) + (a + 4) Divide: (5a3 - 12a2 - 8a + 16) + (v - 2)

Solution Your solution

-4 12 4 -3 12
-8 16 -52
2 -4 13 -40

(2a3 + 4a2 - 3a + 12) (a + 4)

= 2a2 - 4a + 13 -
A" + 4

Divide: (3a4 - 8a2 + 2a + I) + (a + 2) Divide: (2v4 - 3a3 - 8a2 - 2) + (a - 3)

Solution Your solution

Insert a zero for the missing a3 term.

-2 13 0 -8 2 1
-6 12 -8 12
3 -6 4 -6 13

(3a4 - 8a2 + 2a + I) + (a + 2)
= 3a - 6a- + 4a - 6 + A + 2
Solutions on p. SI6

OBJECTIVE D To evaluate a polynomialfunction using synthetic division

A polynomial can be evaluated by using synthetic division. Consider the polynomial

P(.a) = 2a4 - 3a ' + 4a2 - 5a + 1. One way to evaluate the polynomial when a = 2 is
to replace a by 2 and then simplify the resulting numerical expression.

Pia) = 2a4 - 3a3 + 4a2 - 5a + I

P(2) = 2(2)4 - 3 (2) 3 + 4(2)2 - 5(2) + I
= 2(16) - 3(8) + 4(4) - 5(2) + 1
= 32 - 24 +16 -10 +1
= 15

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji uiVx cVfapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

Now use synthetic division to divide (2.Y4 — 3x3 + 4v2 — 5x + I) by (.x - 2).

2 2 -3 4 -5 1
4 2 12 14
2 1 6 7 15

Coefficientsof Remainder
Ihe quotient

Note that the remainder is 15, which is the same value as Pi 2) . This is not a coincidence.
The following theorem states that this relationship is always true.

Remainder Theorem

If the polynomial P(x) is divided by X a. the remainder is P(a).

EBB Evaluate P{x) = x4 - 3.x2 + 4.x - 5 when x = -2 by using the


r The value at which the polynomial is evaluated

-2 1 0 -3 4 I

<J< • A 0 Is inserted for the

-2 4 -2 l

4- x~ term.
1 -2 1 2 -9 ÿ Tlie remainder

P(-2) = -9

Evaluate P{x) = x2 - 6.x + 4 when x
using the Remainder Theorem.
= 3 by Evaluate P(x) = 2.x2 3.x - 5 when .x
using the Remainder Theorem.
- 2 by-
Solution Your solution
3 |1 -6 4
3 -9
1 -3 -5

P(3) = -5

Evaluate P(x) = -x 4 + 3.x3 + 2.x2 - .x - 5 Evaluate P(x) = 2.x3 - 5.x2 + 7 when x = -3 by

w hen .x = -2 by using the Remainder Theorem. using the Remainder Theorem.

Solution Your solution

—2 -1 3 2 -1 -5
2 -10 16 -30
-1 5 -8 15 -35

P{-2) = -35
Solutions on p. SI6

Canritfl2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol »Uf im h,icmdami IT dnltcaal. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m tkcn-w rah. o> llird r Ktt IB) k 4irtTCUCÿ fec*T cttxl ir*lof a»
tdbra!ruic* hoJccnci (lui *tj aimcocdcoclcrt Jcci r«n nunulb »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c croxnl it in}line »l aiVwajucni n(h>rotrxtun*rcqurc t


V Concept Check
1. If P(x) is a polynomial of degree 6 and Q(x) is a polynomial of degree 2, what is the
degree of the quotient of P(x) and Q(x)?
2. Suppose r is the remainder when two polynomials are divided. Is the degree of r less
than, equal to. or greater than the degree of the divisor?
3. 3 What is the Remainder Theorem?
4. How can multiplication be used to check a division problem?

objective A To divide a polynomialby a monomial

For Exercises 5 to 16. divide and check.

3.v: - 6.v IQy2 ~ 6y 5.r2 - IO.y
6. 7.
3-r 2y -5x

3r - 27v
5-r-y2 + IOat
8.r2r - 24xy
-3y 5yy 8xy

x3 + 3.v2 - 5.v a3 - 5a2 + la 9b5 + 12/?' + 6//

11. 12. 13.
X 3/r

- 5a5 - 3a* a5b - 6a*b + ab 5c\l+ 10c-d2- 15cd3

14. 15. 16.
a2 ab 5cd

6( + 24t
17. 3 If 2x2 + 7.v - 5, what is />(*)? = 2y2

= 18. If + 5.y - 8,
what is «?

OBJECTIVE B To divide polynomials

For Exercises 19 to 40. divide by using long division.
19. (y2 + 3.Y - 40) 4- (x - 5) 20. (y2 - I4.y + 24) -r (x - 2)

21. (.y3 - 3x + 2) + (x - 3) 22. (.y3 + 4.y2 - 8) + (x + 4)

23. (fa2 + 13.Y + 8) -5- (2y + 1) 24. (I2.Y2 + I3.Y - 14) -h (3.Y - 2)

25. (IQy2 + 9.y - 5) -5- (2x - 1) 26. (18.Y2 - 3.y + 2) -5- (3.y + 2)

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu >Ocnol «|J f>il h. ranci. cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w ihnl |un> imnno, K: &«* ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwm rotiirt l

27. (8.v3 - 9) -F (2a - 3) 28. (64a3 + 4) + (4.Y + 2)

29. (6.vJ - I3.v2 - 4) 4- (2.Y2 - 5) 30. (I2a4 - 1 1a2 + I0) 4- (3a2 4- l)

- 10 - 33a + 3.v3 - 8.v2 IP ~ 49a + 38a2 - 8a3

31 32

a3 - 5a2 + 7a - 4 2a3 - 3a2 + 6a 4- 4

33. 34.
A - 3 2a 4- I

I6.v2 - I3a3 + 2a4 + 20 - 9a A - A2 4- 5a ' 4- 3a4 - 2

35. 36.
a- 5 A 4- 2

2a3 4- 4a2 ~ a - 38.
3a3 - 2a2 4- 5a - 4
A2 4- 2a - I A — A

a4 + 2.V-3 - 3a2 - 6a + 2 A4 - 3.V-' 4- 4a2 - A 4- l

39. 40.
a2 - 2a - I A2 4- A - 3

41. Given 0(a) = 2a 4- I and 42. Given 0(a) - 3a - 2 and

P{x) - It3 4- A2 4- 8a + 7. find P(x) = 3a3 - Iv2 4- 3a - 5. find

. ÿ II6r? 4 27.*2
43. wi --30+ I8v
jt-= q(\).
/ x
44. 'JJ Supix>se -4rJ - 18«2m+ 6.X 4 18
= 2y - 3.
what is p(a) • «7(a)? Is it possible to find p(x) ? If so. explain how.
If not. why not?

OBJECTIVE C To divide polynomials by using synthetic diirision

45. ÿ The display below shows the beginning of 46. i,tj For the synthetic division shown below.
a synthetic division. What is the degree of the what is the quotient and what is the
dividend? remainder?

4 2 -5 4 1 -2 3 7 4 -3
-6 -2 -4
3 1 2 -7

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All K./'i. KimimJ. Mq i>* Ix ami tr airlKml. Ii»Kik ir it put. I>.i Ui ikoiv'ii mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim Ism tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: riwcmllj iffcci ix mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix nÿil lo ccosni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*mmciwiw rorsirc

For Exercises 47 to 62. divide by using synthetic division.

47. (2.y~ - 6x - 8) -i- (y + 1) 48. (3.v2 + I9.v + 20) -s- (.r + 5)

49. (3.v2 - I4.v + 16) -r (x — 2) 50. (4.Y2 - 23.Y + 28) -h Cv - 4)

51. (3a-2 - 4) + Cr - 1) 52. (4.v2 - 8) + Cv - 2)

53. (2a:3 - x2 + 6.Y + 9) + (x + I) 54. (3.Y3 + IO.y2 + 6.Y - 4) -r (.y + 2)

55. (18 +x ~ 4a3) + (2 - .y) 56. (12 - 3a 2 + a-3) -5- (a- + 3)

57. (2.Y3 + 5.Y 2 - 5.Y + 20) + Cy + 4) 58. (5.Y3 + 3.Y2 - 17a- + 6) -s- (.y + 2)

5 + 5.Y ~ 8.Y'2 + 4.y3 - 3.Y4 3 13a 5.Y2 + 9a-3

- - - 2y4
59. 60. - --
2 -x 3 Y —

3a4 + 3a-3 - a-2 + 3a* + 2
4.Y4 + 12a-3 A-2 ~ - .Y +2
.Y+ I A- + 3

63. Given 0(a) = .y - 2 and P{x) - 3xr - 5x + 6. find •—.

64. Given 0(a) = .y + 5 and P{x) - 2y2 + 7a- - 12. find

objective d To evaluate a polynomialfunction using synthetic division

65. The result of a synthetic division is shown 66. "J The result of a synthetic division of p(x) is
below. What is a first-degree polynomial factor shown below. What is p(— 3)?
of the dividend p{y)?
-3 1 2 -7 -4
3 1 1 1 -7 -15 -3 3 12
3 12 15 1 -1 -4 8
1 4 5 0

lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 KocnoL Mq m Ix ami. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>« uiclaVont mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, K: mafOKi hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvc cnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo
iu m tÿluiml ccnxni ii iny line i! «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

For Exercises 67 to 84. use the Remainder Theorem to evaluate the polynomial function.
67. P(x) = Zx2 - 3.v - \:P(3) 68. Q(x) = 3x2 - 5x - 1; 0(2)

69. R{x) = x 3 - 2r + 3a - I: R{4) 70. F(x) = x 3 + 4a2 - 3a + 2: F{3)

71. P(z) = 2:5 - 4;2 + 32 - !;/>(—2) 72. /?(/) = 3/3 + I2 -41 + 2: R(-3)

73. Z(/>) = 2p3-/r + 3;Z(-3) 74. /'(y) = 3>-3 + 2y2 - 5; P(-2)

75. 0(a) = .v4 + 3.r3 - 2a2 + 4a - 9: Q(2) 76. Y(z) = ? - 2s3 -

3-2 - + 7: Y( 3)

77. F(a) - 2.v4 - a3 + 2x - 5: F(-3) 78. 0(a) ~

x4 - 2.x3 + 4v - 2; 0(-2)

79. />(*) = x3 - 3; P(5) 80. 5(/) = 4/ 3 + 5: S(-4)

81. /?(/) - 4/4 - 3/ 2 + 5: R(-3) 82. P(z) = 2? + z2~ 3: P(-4)

83. 0(a) = a - 4.r3 - 2a2 + 5.r - 2; 0(2) 84. /?(*:) = 2.v5 - a3 + 4.v - 1: R{-2)

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 85 to 88, for what value of
85. (a3 - 3a2 - a + k) + (a - 3)
* will the remainder be zero?
86. (a:3 - 2v2 + a + k) + (x - 2)

87. (a2 + kx- 6) + (a - 3) 88. (a3 + k.x + k - 1) + (a - 1)

89. If p{a) and q(x) are polynomials of degree greater than zero, and the product of
the two polynomials is of degree 6, what are the possible degrees of p{x) and «7(a)?

90. |J Suppose P(a)

- a4 + 2v2 + 5. Is there a real number a for which P(a) = 0?

Projects or Group Activities

The Factor Theorem is a result of the Remainder Theorem. The FactorTheorem states
that a polynomial P(x) has a factor (a - c) if and only if P(c) = 0. In other words, a
remainder of zero means that the divisor is a factor of the dividend. Use this fact for
Exercises 9 1 and 92.
91. Determine whether a + 5 is a factor of P{x) = a4 + a3 - 21a2 - a + 20.

92. Judging from your answer to Exercise 91. is -5 a zero of P(x)2 Explain.

(linnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Ktftu\<J Uo ml K,cc(<nlrami, n darlund. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl cumcl no, K: wnoi u> ill--.4 inlor n'Mtui.i.

hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< Jk ntJil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt rotiirc t


For Exercises I to 8, simplify.
1. (-12£fib)(6d*b*) 2. (-4.YyK-3.Y~y8) 3. (2x3)4(3.r2) 4. (2tfVJ)4(3fl~3/rr2

x\ 2xÿ1 7-
3fl4fc2c8 (ÿty2)'2
xy5 4v"5 6aW (Iv-'y3)3

9. Write 0.000000683 in scientific notation. 10. Evaluate P(x) = 4x 3 - 6.y + I when .v = -2.

11. Add: (3.Y2 - 6x + 7) + (2y2 + y - 9) 12. Subtract: (-5.Y2 + 7.y - 8) - (6.Y2 + Ix - 7)

For Exercises 13 to 16. multiply and simplify.

13. 5 + 3(2.y - 7) 14. (3y + 4)(4.y - 5) 15. (5.y - 2)2 16. (.v2 - 7.y + 2)Cy - 3)

For Exercises 17 to 19. divide.

9.Y3 - I2.Y2 - 2I.Y
, - 4air + 6c?b4 - 14a2b 2y3 - .y2 - I8.Y + 9
17. -- 3.Y
18. - —-
19. -
- -

3y4 — 2y3 + y — 5
20. Use synthetic division to find the quotient: - ~- -

21. Use the Remainder Theorem to evaluate /?(*) = 3.y2 + x — 4 when x = -3.

22. Graph P(x) - x 3 - 4.Y. y

LHs>5 otrÿr,v* re,®, al coitalcnHis page 3 £ Cergage leamrg.

c.-nnih'. 301)Carafe Ituna). *11 Ktftu\<J Ug ml K.Moil adirlunJ. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llirj |un> ohkciiraj K: .
u> itv-vi inlor ct'fapxn t

rtoc 1»tkciKC ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I camnf rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlunt ro|iirc c

Introduction to Factoring

objective A Tofactor a monomialfrom a polynomial

One number is a factor of another number when it can be divided into that number with
a remainder of zero.

The greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more I6a4/> = 2~aAb

monomials is the product of the common factors with 40a2/?5 = 23 • 5a2Zrs
the smallest exponents.
GCF = 2V7? = Sa2b

Note that the exponent on each variable in the GCF is the same as the smallest exponent
on the variable in either of the monomials.

Find the GCF of 6.vV and 4.v2/.

The common numerical factor is 2. 6tV? = 2 • 3 • a*6 • y3
The smallest exponent on 2 is 1. 4xyÿ = 21• x2 •
The common variable factors are v and y.
The smallest exponent on x is 2;
the smallest exponent on y is 3.
The common variable expression
is x V.
The GCF of 6.vV and 4a2)'6 is 2a2)'3.

Factoring a polynomial means writing the polynomial as a product of other polynomials.

In the example at the right. 3a is the GCF of Multiply

the terms 3a2 and 6a. 3a is a common mo¬
Polynomial Factors
nomial factor of the terms of the binomial.
3.v? - dr 2)
v - 2 is a binomial factor of 3a2 - 6v.

Factor: 4a3yr + 12.v3y + 20.ty-'

The GCF of 4a3>~, 12a3)', and 20 Ay-' is 4.\y. Find the GCF of the terms of
the polynomial.
4aV + 12a*y + 20.1}-'
4aV , 20av'\ 12A3y
= 4 x>\
+ 4xyy ) , Factor the GCF from each term
of the polynomial. Think of this
as dividing each term of the
= 4xy(x2y + 3a2 + 5y2)
polynomial by the GCF.

I.mndi. 30HCcr«swc Irainnj. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi. f>il h.imil IT ilijlKMtJ. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m ckccfn rtf tu. o> llird mn. oalcilno, K: uRrcuci &«* ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxT <»-
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicn ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwniregiirt l

Factor: 6v3 - 12v2 - 3.v Factor: 12x*y - 20.x V - 24.n3

Solution Your solution
The GCF of 6a3, \2x2, and 3.v is 3.r.
6r3 - 12v2 - 3.x- = 3.v(2v2) - 3a(4.y) - 3a(1)
= 3.v(2r2 - 4.r - I)

Factor: 4xy2 - 6\y + 12-ry3 Factor: 3.v'v - 6x2y - hey*

Solution Your solution
The GCF of 4,r2v2. 6at2, and 12xy3 is 2 at2.
4a-2)-2 - 6.n- + 12ay3 = 2xr(2x - 3 + 6y)

L Solutions on p. SI6

OBJECTIVE B Tofactor by grouping

In the examples at the right, the binomials in parentheses are 4v4(2r - 3)

binomial factors.
— 2r2s(5r + 2s)

If the terms of an expression contain acommon binomial factor, the Distributive Property
can be used to factor the common binomial factor from the expression.

Factor: 4a(2b + 3) - 5(2b + 3)

The common binomial factor is (2b + 3). Use the Distributive Property to write the
expression as a product of factors.
4a(2b +3) - 5(2b + 3) = (2b + 3) (4c - 5)

Consider the binomial y - a. Factoring - 1 from this binomial gives

>' - A" = (- l)(.v - y) = -(x-y)

The relationship y — .v =
from an expression.
— (r — y) can be used to factor a common binomial factor

ÿ Ulia Factor: 6r(r - s) - 7(s - r)

6r(r - s) - 7(s - r) = 6r(r - s) - 7[(- l)(r - s) • s - r = -{r - s)
= 6r(r - s) + 7(r - s)
= (r- s)(6r + 7)

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Uo ml K.unil n dirluKd. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ u>

hs«JccncJ ihn itjainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n
inlo.ct'fapxn t.
rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Some polynomials can be factored by grouping terms so that a common binomial factor
is found. This is called factoring by grouping.

Factor 3xz - 4yz - 3xa + 4ya

3.v~ — 4yz — 3xa + 4ya
— (3A£ — 4yz) ~ (3xa — 4ya) • Croup the first two terms and
the last two terms. Note that
—3xa + 4ya = —(3xa — Aya).
= z(3y - 4y) — fl(3.Y — 4y) • Factor the CCF from each group.
= (3a — 4y) (z ~ a) * Write the expression as the
product of factors.

HOW TO Factor 8y~ + 4v - 6ay — 3a

8y~ + 4y - 6ay - 3a
= (8)*" + 4y) — (6ay + 3a) • Group the first two terms and
the last two terms. Note that
-bay - 3a = -(bay + 3a).
= 4y(2y + 1) — 3a{2y +1) • Factor the GCF from each group.
= (2y + l)(4y 3a) — • W rite the expression as a product of

Factor: x2{5y - 2) - 7(5y - 2) Factor 3(6v - 7y) - 2v2(6.v - 7y)

Solution Your solution
x2(5y - 2) - 7(5y - 2) The common binomial
= (5y - 2)(x2 - 1) factor is (5y — 2).

Factor: 15.r2 + 6.v - 5xz - 2z Factor: 4a2 - 6a -6ax + 9a
Solution Your solution
15.v2 + 6.v - 5a- - 2z
= (15a2 + 6v) - (5a- + 2-)
= 3a(5a + 2) - z(5a + 2)
= (5a + 2) (3a - z)

Solutions on pp. SI6-S17

Ctfiyrighi -01J Ca&it Iiinmf til Htftu Kntnol VU; r>.i h.ccirolranci. cr Animal. n»I>iW it is p«n. I>it uiitamrah. o> ilird iwij cancel no, K: 6«ti at itv-ci inlor cCfcoiuno
hÿUra!rcsio* (wJccnciduitt) «jnrco(ÿ coclcrt ikci rannaicnilb **c w» cr»l IIcirnn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjilleictiwc ccoxnl it inj li*»c if 4iV«cqimi rotiKtwnifot»rt t-


Concept Check
For Exercises 1 to 4, find the GCF.
1. 12, 18 2. 4.v5, 7.v3

3. 3(fb\6ab* 4. 1 2v2>3r, 9.r3y, 7r

5. Is x - 3 a common binomial factor of 5a(.v - 3) + 3(3 — -v)?

6. Of the expressions 3at(2y - 5) and 6x2y - 15.ry, which one is written in factored

objective A Tofactor a monomialfrom a polynomial

For Exercises 7 to 22, factor.

7. 6a2 - 15a 8. 32tr + 12b 9. 4.x - 3.x-

10. 12a5/?2 + 16a4/? 11. 3a2 - 10If 12. 9.v2 + 14j4

13. x5 - x- -x 14. >4 - 3/ - 2y 15. 16.x-2 - 12.V+ 24

16. 2.r5 + 3.Y4 - 4.v2 17. 5Zr - 10/f + 25b4 18. .vV - x2y - 4x2

19. 12a2/ - 18x3y + 24x2y 20. 14a4/?4 - 42a3/?' + 28a3/?2

21. 24a3/?2 - 4a2/?2 - 16a2bA 22. 10.r2y + 20.rV + 30aV

23. aQ If t— = 2x + 1. what are the factors of p(x)2

24. If m < n, what is the GCF of .v"1 + a"?

objective b Tofactor by grouping

For Exercises 25 to 42. factor.

25. xia +2) - 2 (a + 2) 26. 3(v + y) + atr + y) 27. atv - 2) - b(2 - x)

28. 3 (a - 7) - /?(7 - a) 29. A'(a - 2b) + y(2/? - a) 30. />(3 - 2c) - 5 (2c - 3)

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) Iv mtitr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it put. I>« ui tkoiv'.t raH, .mitknl |tnjookti m«| K: wircutj ten lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroim la* JccncJ ihr. couch Jco r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncra CcaMÿ Iurrnf rc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l


Concept Check
For Exercises 1 to 4, find the GCF.
1. 12, 18 2. 4.v5, 7.v3

3. 3(fb\6ab* 4. 1 2v2>3r, 9.r3y, 7r

5. Is x - 3 a common binomial factor of 5a(.v - 3) + 3(3 — -v)?

6. Of the expressions 3at(2y - 5) and 6x2y - 15.ry, which one is written in factored

objective A Tofactor a monomialfrom a polynomial

For Exercises 7 to 22, factor.

7. 6a2 - 15a 8. 32tr + 12b 9. 4.x - 3.x-

10. 12a5/?2 + 16a4/? 11. 3a2 - 10If 12. 9.v2 + 14j4

13. x5 - x- -x 14. >4 - 3/ - 2y 15. 16.x-2 - 12.V+ 24

16. 2.r5 + 3.Y4 - 4.v2 17. 5Zr - 10/f + 25b4 18. .vV - x2y - 4x2

19. 12a2/ - 18x3y + 24x2y 20. 14a4/?4 - 42a3/?' + 28a3/?2

21. 24a3/?2 - 4a2/?2 - 16a2bA 22. 10.r2y + 20.rV + 30aV

23. aQ If t— = 2x + 1. what are the factors of p(x)2

24. If m < n, what is the GCF of .v"1 + a"?

objective b Tofactor by grouping

For Exercises 25 to 42. factor.

25. xia +2) - 2 (a + 2) 26. 3(v + y) + atr + y) 27. atv - 2) - b(2 - x)

28. 3 (a - 7) - /?(7 - a) 29. A'(a - 2b) + y(2/? - a) 30. />(3 - 2c) - 5 (2c - 3)

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) Iv mtitr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it put. I>« ui tkoiv'.t raH, .mitknl |tnjookti m«| K: wircutj ten lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroim la* JccncJ ihr. couch Jco r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncra CcaMÿ Iurrnf rc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l

31. at + 4y - 2v - 8 32. ab + lb - 3a - 21 33. ax + bx - ay - by

34. lax - lay - Ibx + 3by 35. x2y - 3x2 - 2y + 6 36. a2b + 3rr + 2/? + 6

37. 6 + 2y + 3.v2 + .v2y 38. 15 + 3b - 5a2 - a2b 39. 2ax2 + bx2 - 4ay - 2by

40. 4a2r + 2try - 6bx - 3by 41. 6xb + 3ax - 4by - lay 42. a2x - 3a2y + 2.v - 6y

43. ' a. Which of the following expressions are equivalent to .v2 x

(i) .v2 - 5x + 4.v - 6 (if) a*2 - 3a* + 2v - 6 (iii) a2 - 9.v
— — 6?8.v
+ - 6
b. Which expression in part (a) can he factored by grouping?

44. Not all four-term expressions can be factored by grouping. Which expression(s)
below can be factored by grouping?
(i) xy + 6y + 3x -
18 (ii) xy - 6y - 3x - 18 (iii) at + 6y - 3.v - 18

Critical Thinking
The GCF of two or more monomials is the product of each common factor with its
smallest exponent. This definition applies to expressions with negative exponents
as well. The GCF of 4.t~~ and 6v~" is 2r~J because, if you compare the exponents.
-4 < -2.

For Exercises 45 to 48. factor.

45. 4v ~2 + 6a* 46. 9.v~3 - 6a*~'

47. I2x-y2 - lSx-y 48. 4.v"2 + 8a*2

Projects or Group Activities

49. Make up a polynomial with two terms for which 3.v2>' is the greatest common factor
of the terms.

50. Make up a polynomial with three terms for which 2a2b" is the greatest common fac¬
tor of the terms.

51. Write an expression for which 2 a + b is a common binomial factor.

lirinlh. :m!Cnw Itonal. All ,m> lotnol Uq iwi K: anxi. ir airlKnJ. Ii»Kilt w it wn. I»« ui ck.-iv.ii raHi <hnl |tH) am™iray K: -unrcuci bar at tliak irjor illiiul.1
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJcci r«>: riaicmlb tdSxICtc at cnll tcimn/ cxxntra. Ceo 0&c I tzmng rcnnc< ix niÿii lo pcyk'vc cmxni il inj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire

Factoring Trinomials
o bJectiv e A Tofactor a trinomial of theform x2 + bx + c

A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial of the form ax2 + b.x + c. where a. b. and c are
nonzero integers. The degree of a quadratic trinomial is 2. Here are examples of quadratic

4.r2 - 3a* - 7
(a = 4, b = -3, c = -7)
r + z + 10
(a = 1, b = 1, c = 10)
2r + 4y 9
(a = 2, b = 4, c = -9)

Factoring a quadratic trinomial means expressing the trinomial as the product of two
binomials. For example.

Trinomial Factored Form

2.r2 - a - 1 = (2.v + l)(.v— 1)
f - 3v + 2 = (y - !)(>' - 2)

In this objective, trinomials of the form + bx + c {a xz = 1) will be factored. The next

objective deals with trinomials in which a # I.

The method by which factors of a trinomial are found is based on FOIL. Consider the
following binomial products, noting the relationship between the constant terms of the
binomials and the terms of the trinomial.

product of
sum of binomial constants binomial constants

{x + 4)(r + 5) =X'.x + 5x + 4x + 4 • 5 + 9x + 20 = A-2
(.r - 6)(.v + 8) = x x + 8.v - 6.v + (-6) = a-2 + 2.v - 48
(x ~ 3)(.v - 2) = a -.v - 2a- - 3.V + (— 3)(— 2) = A2 - 5.v + 6

Observe two important points from these examples.

1. The constant term of the trinomial is the product of the constant terms of the binomials.
The coefficient of .v in the trinomial is the sum of the constant terms of the binomials.

2. When the constant term of the trinomial is positive, the constant terms of the bino¬
mials have the same sign. When the constant term of the trinomial is negative, the
constant terms of the binomials have opposite signs.

Uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Ktflu Kamal Mq oil K,moil n Animal n "luk I « n UK. I>J» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl cuikci(Taj K: atnnixl femr Mc ilV-vi itilor cV'fapai « t

hs«Jccntj(lui azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri ik'<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixtwnt ro|iirc t

Factor: .r2 - Ix + 12
The constant term is positive. The signs of the binomial constants will be the same.
Find two negative factors of 12 whose sum is —7.
11Take Note
You can always check
Write the trinomial in factored form.
-1.-12 -13
a proposed factorization by .v2 - 7x + 12 = tv - 3)lv - 4)
-2. -6 -8
multiplying all the factors.
Check: (x - 3)(.r - 4) = .v2 - 4x - 3x 12 -3, -4 -7
= x2 - 7x + 12

Factor v2 + 7y- 18
The constant term is negative. The signs of the
binomial constants will be opposites.
Find two factors of -18 that have opposite signs and -1, 18 17
whose sum is 7. All of the possible factors are shown at 1,-18 -17
-2, 9 7
the right. In practice, once the correct pair is found, the
2. -9 -7
remaining choices need not be checked. 3
-3, 6
Write the trinomial in factored form. 3. -6 -3

f + 7 y- 18 = (v - 2){y + 9)
Check: (y - 2)(y + 9) = yr + 9y - 2y - 18
= y2 + 7y - 18

UTake Note
It is important to check
Factor a2 - 3ah - 10If
proposed factorizations. The term — 10/?: is negative. Find two factors of -10
For instance, in HOW TO
3. we might have tried
whose sum is -3. the coefficient of oh. From the table, F"-!o
the numbers are 2 and -5. Because the last term is -I. 10 9
(a + 2) (a - 5b2). However.
- 10/r. we use 2b and —5b. The product of these terms 1,-10 -9
(a + 2) (a - 5b2) is 2b(~5b) = -10tf. -1 5 3
= a2 - 53b2 2a - 10b2 2. -5 -3
The first and last terms are if - 3ab ~ 10If = (a
+ 2b) (o - 5b)
correct but the middle term is
not correct.
Check: (a + 2b)(a - 5b) = if - 5ab + 2ab - 10b1
= a2 - 3ab - 10if

When only integers are used, some trinomials do not factor. For example, to factor
x~ + I \x + 5, it would be necessary to find two positive integers whose product is 5 and
whose sum is 11. This is not possible, because the only positive factors of 5 are 1 and 5,
and the sum of 1 and 5 is 6. The polynomial x2 + 1 l.v + 5 is a prime polynomial. Such
a polynomial is said to be nonfactorable over the integers. Binomials of the form x + a
or x - a are also prime polynomials.

Factor: x~ - 5x —6 Factor: .v2 — x - 20

Solution Your solution
The factors of -6 whose sum is -5 are -6 and
.v2 - 5.v - 6 = (.v - 6)(x + 1)
Solution on p. SI7
Utessodiowserciectall eaten!cutisceÿ is CCetynn Laurire.

Uqiilh :ol> <:cr«swc Iiininl. All Htftu KocnoJ. f>il h,unit ir cii;lK«U. n -Kik it a pin. I>n m ikcn-nin/Vi. .mihnl pin/ oa«a (raj K: Son ji uiVx cV'fapxr <».
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnilb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try litx il «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

Factor: 10 - 3.v - a2 Factor: x~ + 5xy + 6y~

Solution Your solution
When the coefficient of x2 is -I,factoring -I
from the trinomial may make factoring the trino¬
mial easier.
10 - 3.v - a2 = -a2 - 3a + 10
= -(.v2 + 3-Y - 10)
= -(A* - 2) (a + 5)
Solution on p. S17

OBJECTIVE B Tofactor ax2 + bx + c

There are various methods of factoring trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c, where
a 1. Two methods, factoring by using trial factors and factoring by grouping, will be
discussed in this objective.

Factoring ax2 + bx + c by using trial factors

To use the trial factor method, use the factors of a and the factors of c to write all of the
possible binomial factors of the trinomial. Then use FOIL to determine the correct fac¬
torization. To reduce the number of trial factors that must be considered, remember the

1. Use the signs of the constant term and the coefficient of .v in the trinomial to deter¬
mine the signs of the binomial factors. If the constant term is positive, the signs of the
binomial factors will be the same as the sign of the coefficient erf" .v in the trinomial. If
the sign of the constant term is negative, the constant terms of the binomials will have
opposite signs.
2. If the terms of the trinomial do not have a common factor, then the terms of either one
of the binomial factors will not have a common factor.

Factor: 3a2 - 8v +4

Take Note The terms have no common factor.
Observe lhat when testing The constant term is positive.
trial factors, it is important to 1.3 4-
test all possibilities. For HOW
The coefficient of a is negative. i 1

The binomial constants will be i

!° 1
TO 4 at the right, note that
we tried negative.
(x - 1)(3x - 4) and
(x - 4)(3x - 1). Write trial factors. Use the Outer
and Inner products of FOIL to Cr- l)(3.r - 4) — 4r - 3.r = — 7.r
determine the middle term of the Ct- 4)(3x - 1) -x - I2« = — I3.r
trinomial. -
(t 2)(3x 2) - -2r - fix = -8x

Write the trinomial in factored form. 3a2 - 8a + 4 = (r - 2)(3a - 2)

LHessoBnwijr ifflffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htflu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci ton mlor PkiuTil.
hÿUra! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccnxnl it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni nffo rulrKlkfv retire 1

Faclor: 5 - 3.v - 2a2

Write the trinomial in standard form:

5 - 3a- - lv2 = -lv2 - 3a + 5.

Factor - 1 from the trinomial: 1.2 1.-5

-1. 5
-lv2 - 3a + 5 = -(lv2 + 3a - 5).
The constant term, -5, is negative; the
signs of the binomial constants will be
Cr+ 0(2* -5) — 5r +10.,2r = — 3.r
Write trial factors. Use the Outer and -
(r 5)(2* + 1) .t - = -9.,
(r - l)(2r + 5) 5., - 2r = 3.r
Inner products of FOIL to determi ne
the middle term of the trinomial. Cr + 5)(2r - 1) + lQt = 9.,

Write the trinomial in factored form. 5 - 3a- 2v2= -(a - I) (It + 5)

Factor lOy3 + 44y2 - 30y

The GCF is 2y. Factor the lOv3 + 44>2 - 30y = 2y(5y2 + 22y - 15)
GCF from the terms.

Factor the trinomial

5y2 + 22y - 15. 1.5 -1. 15
The constant term is negative. 1.-15
The binomial constants will have -3. 5
opposite signs. 3. -5
ÿÿH ÿÿÿ§
Trial F,icon Middle Term
Write trial factors. Use the Outer and common faclor
(y - l)(5y + 15)
Inner products of FOIL to determi ne
the middle term of the trinomial. (y + l5)(5y - I) -y + 75y = 74y
(y + l)(5y - 15) common faclor
If the terms of the trinomial do not (y- 15) (5y + I) y - 75y = — 74y
have a common factor, it is not (y - 3)(5y + 5) common faclor
necessary to test trial factors that (y + 5)(5y - 3) — 3v + 25y = 22v
have a common factor. (y + 3)(5y - 5) common faclor
(y - 5)(5y + 3) 3y - 25y = -22y

W rite the trinomial in factored form. 10ÿ + 44r - 30y = 2v(y + 5)(5y - 3)

For the previous examples, all of the trial factors were listed. Once the correct factors
have been found, however, the remaining trial factors can be omitted.

Factoring ax2 + bx + c by grouping

UlTake Note
Either method ot factoring Trinomials of the form av2 + bx + c also can be factored by grouping. This method is
will always lead to a correct an extension of the methoddiscussed in the preceding objective.
factorization of trinomials of
the form ax2 bx + c that To factor av2 + bx + c. first find two factors of a c whose sum is b. Then use factoring

are not prime polynomials. by grouping to write the factorization of the trinomial.
For the trinomial 3.v2 + 1 1a + 8, a = 3, b = II, and c = 8. To find two factors
of a • c whose sum is b. first find the product a • c (a- c = 3 • 8 = 24). Then find two
factors of 24 whose sum is II. (3 and 8 are two factors of 24 whose sum is II.)
Ittesscthawserctectall eaten!on Pispeÿ is ©CagajBLfflnwÿ

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu >Ocnol »lj ml h,unilrami, cr iSvlicaoL n -Kik it i:pnt. I>n m ilccnmrtfhi o> llird |un> on«nno, K: wnoi Son ill--.4 >0101n'mmii.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incr*ll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj litx il <jV«jiKni rcrinOsÿo rÿure 1

FTvTTTMte Factor: 3.v2 + 1 \x + 8

Find two positive factors of 24
{ac = 3 8) whose sum is 1 1 . the

coefficient of ,v.

The required sum has been found. The remaining factors need not be checked.
Use the factors of 24 whose sum 3.v2 + 1 \x + 8 = 3x2 + 3.v + 8.v + 8
is 1 1 to write I \x as 3x + 8v.
Factor by grouping. = (3.v2 + 3.v) + (8.v + 8)
= 3.v(.v + I) + 8(t + 1)
= (x + \){3x + 8)

Check: (x + l)(3.v + 8) = 3.r2 + 8v + 3.v + 8 = 3x2 + Il.v + 8

EZ33E£ill Factor: 4r - 17 ~ - 21
Find two factors of -84 [ac = 4- (-21) ]
whose sum is - 1 7. the coefficient of c- 1.-84 -83
-1. 84 83
Once the required sum is found, the
2.-42 -40
remaining factors need not be checked. 40
-2. 42
3.-28 -25
-3. 28 25
4.-21 -17

Use the factors of -84 whose

sum is - 17 to write - 17c as
4~ - 17- — 21 - 4r + 4- - 21ÿ - 21

4c -21c.
Factor by grouping. Recall = (4c2 + 4c) - (21c + 21)
that -21c - 21 = -(21c + 21). = 4c(c + 1) - 2 1 (c + 1)
= (C+ l)(4c-2I)
Check: (c + l)(4c - 21) = 4c2 - 21c + 4c - 21 = 4c2 - 17c - 21

|| Factor: 3.v2 - 1 \x +4
Find two negative factors of 12 (3-4) whose
sum is 1 1. — Hegative
Factors of 12 Sum

-1.-12 -13
-2, -6 -8
-3. -4 -7

Because no integer factors of 12 have a sum of —11, 3.v2 - 1 l.v + 4 is nonfactorable

over the integers. 3.v: - Il.v + 4 is a prime polynomial over the integers.

LHess Ottawa?re,®, alccnlelcrthis page a $ Cargage Laemrg

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Ug ml K.iiraJrami. n darlund. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llird |un> cdkuno, K: feon Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtui.i.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

ÿ I'H'IIM—fc IV "lii Jifii

Factor: 6.v2 + 1 \x - 10 Factor: 4.v2 + I5.v - 4
Solution Your solution
6.r2 + 1 \x - 10 = (2x + 5)(3a: - 2)

Factor: 12a2 - 32.v +5 Factor: lO.v2 + 39.v + 14

Solution Your solution
12.v2 - 32a* + 5 = (6.v - l)(2x - 5)

Factor: 30y + Ivy - 4x2y Factor: 3rrV + 3a2b2 - 60ab

Solution Your solution
Tlie GCF of 30y, 2.y>'. and 4.v2y is 2y.

30y + 2at - 4v2y = 2y(15 + x - 2.v2)

= -2v(2a-2 - .v - 15)

= 2y(2r + 5)(x - 3)

Find two linear functions / and g such that Find two linear functions / and g such that
fix) • g{x) = 2a2 + 9.v 5. — fix) glx) = 3.v2
- I7.V-6.

Solution Your solution

We are looking for two linear functions that,
when multiplied, equal 2v2 +ÿ 9.v - 5. To find
them, factor 2.v2 + 9.v - 5.

2v2 + 9.v - 5 = (2v - l)(.v + 5)

The two functions are /(a) = 2r

g(x) = a- + 5.
— 1 and

Solutions on p. S17

linnill. :iil1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Uq i>* K:jiixJ. ami tr oi.-IkmJ. It »hik it pvt. I>« uiclcc*«U ryh> mm tknl itnj itq, K: urfTtÿKC m ilv-i anlto c<"kiiun«-
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cd coritn«k<i ok ruiWill} x'tc: tic mcrall kinur; cxjtncra CcatM#e I itmng rc*mc< ix niÿii iopcyk'yc tÿluiml {foxniiiin; line if n/lomnciwm rojurc I.


V Concept Check
1. Which of the following is the correct factorization of 4 a*2 + 9a* - 28?
(i) (2a* + 7)(Zv* - 4) (ii) (4.v - 7)Cr + 4) (iii) (4* + 28)(r - I)

2. For each of the following, find two factors of c whose sum is b.

a. b= -7, c= 12 b. b = -10. c = -24
c. b= 7, —18 d. b = 25. c = 84

3. For each of the following, find two factors of a c whose sum is b. •

a. a = 2. b = — 1 1 c = 9 . b. a = 3. b = 4, c = -4

c. a = 1, b = -1, c = 20 d. a = 4. b = 5, c = -6

4. 3 What does it mean for a polynomial to be nonfactorable over the integers?

objective A Tofactor a trinomial of theform x2 + bx + c

5. ÿ If at2 + 3.v - 18 - (a* + a)ix + 6). what is the value of a?

6. a If .v2 + bx - 12 factors over the integers, what are the possible values of />?

For Exercises 7 to 33. factor.

7. .v - 8.v + 15 8. x + \2x + 20 9. a- + \2a + II

10. a- + a - 72 11. b2 + 2b - 35 12. a- + la + 6

13. yr - 16y + 39 14. yr - 18y + 72 15. b- + 4b - 32

16. x2 + x- 132 17. a- - \5a + 56 18. a + 15.v + 50

19. yr + 13y + 12 20. b2 - 6b- 16 21. x + 4.v - 5

22. a2 - 3ab + 2br 23. a2 + 11ab + 30lr 24. a2 + 8ab - 33b2

25. x - 14yv + 24r 26. a*2 + 5xy + 6y2 27. f + Txy - 63.T*

«qii|h 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Mi) Iv tr dirlicnU. It »Kik clccVont raH. .mitknl |tnj,\dkiito, K: wircutj ten lit tlv-i ir.1 iOtomn
it put. I>« ui jr

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< «»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Itimn/ rc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line i! «iV«c4isn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

28. 2 + x - x2 29. 21 — 4x - x 2 30. 5 + 4x - x2

31. 50 + 5a - a2 32. a*2 - 5.v + 6 33. a2 - 7a - 12

objective b Tofactor ax2 + bx + c

For Exercises 34 to 66. factor.

34. 2a2 + 7a + 3 35. 2a2 - IIa - 40 36. 6/ + 5y - 6

37. 4/ - 15)' + 9 38. 6b2 - b - 35 39. 2a2 + 13a + 6

40. 3/ - 22)' + 39 41. 12 / - 13) - 72 42. 6a2 - 26a + 15

43. 5a2 + 26a + 5 44. 4a: - a - 5 45. 1 1a2 - 122a + II

46. 10a2 - 29a +10 47. 2a2 + 5a + 12 48. 4a2 - 6a + I

49. 6v2 + 5Ay - 21)- 50. 6a2 + 41.*)- - 7/ 51. 4a2 + 43ab + 63/r

52. 7a2 + 46ab -21b2 53. 10a2 - 23xy + 12/ 54. 18a2 + 21xy + 10y2

55. 24 + 13a - 2a2 56. 6 - 7a - 5a2 57. 8 - 13a + 6a2

58. 30 + 17a - 20a2 59. 15 - 14a - 8a2 60. 35 - 6b - 8ir

61. 12/ + 22/ - 70j 62. 5/ - 29/ + 20/ 63. 30a2 + 85ab + 60b2

64. 20a2 - 38a3 - 30a4 65. 12a + a2 - 6a3 66. 3)' - 16/ + 16/

67. Give an example of a polynomial of the form oa2 + bx + c that does not factor
over the integers.

CCrorllbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» h,unil cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik « n tun. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> imnno, K: uinuiÿ &«* ji irjor c*~fapxn «»-
hÿura! (uaJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i

68. '3i If ax2 + b.x + c has no monomial factor, can either of the possible binomial fac¬
tors have a monomial factor?

69. Find two linear functions / and h such that 70. Find two linear functions/and g such
f{x)-h(x) = lx2 - 5x + 2. that f(x) g(x) = lx2 + 9x - 18.

71. Find two linear functions / and g such that 72. Find two linear functions Fand G such that
f{a) -g{a) = 3a2 + I \a - 4. F(x) • G{x) =2x2- 9.v - 5.

73. Find two linear functions / and g such that 74. Find two linear functions f and g such that
f(x)-g(x) = lx2+ 13.V-24. fib) -gib) =4b2- \lb+ 15.

75. Find two linear functions g and h such that 76. Find two linear functions /and h such that
gix) hix) = 6v2 + 7.v - 5.

fix) • hix) = 4x2 - 12x - 7.

77. Find two linear functions / and g such that 78. Find two linear functions / and g such that
/(') •«(') = «2 - 17/ - 3. fix) -gix) = 4x2 + 23.Y + 15.

Critical Thinking
79. Findall integers k such that the trinomial can be factored.
a. x2 + kx + 8 b. x2 + kx - 6 c. 2x2 + kx + 3

d. 2x + kx - 5 e. 3.r2 + kx+ 5 f. 2x2 + kx - 3

Projects or Group Activities

80. Geometry Write the area of each shaded region in factored form.

LHessoBnwijr al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Ug f>il h,iiloJ.rani,cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccninrah. o> llird imp. unimno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji uiVx cVfapxn «»-
hÿl/ra!pc*io» hoJccnciduitt) oinrcu£v coeicri ik<« rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c njJillÿKtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt 1

5.7 Special Factoring

OBJECTIVE A Tofactor the difference of two perfect

squares or a perfect-square trinomial

The product of a term and itself

is called a perfect square. The expo¬
nents on variables of perfect squares
5 5-5 = 25
are always even numbers. X V x — X"

3vJ >. '

t~ II
& 1
The square root of a perfect square is one of the two equal factors \/?5 = 5
of the perfect square. V is the symbol for square root. To Find the
exponent on the square root of a variable term, divide the exponent
= \

on the variable term by 2. v9y* - 3y4

The difference of two perfect squares factors as the sum and difference of the square roots
of the perfect squares.

Factoring the Difference of Two Squares

a2 - b2 (a + b)(a - b)
1. X2 - 25 = X2 - 52 = {X 5)(X 5)
2. / - 81 = y - 9 = iy 9)ÿ 9)

The sum of two squares, a1 + b2. does not factor over the integers. For instance,
x 25 = .v2 + 52 is nonfactorable over the integers.

Factor: 4.v2 - 81y2

Write the binomial as the difference 4.r2 -81y2 = (2.r)2 - (9y)2

of two perfect squares.

The factors are the sum and difference = (2a- + 9y){2x ~ 9y)
of the square roots of the perfect squares.

Take Note The square of a binomial is a 1 Square of a Binomial Perfect-Square Trinomial |

Recall that, using FOIL. perfect-square trinomial. Here
{x + 6): *2+ lit + 36
(* + 6)2 = (x + 6)(x + 6) are several examples.
(x-Tf x2 - 14r 4- 49
= x2 -
6x + 6x + 36
(a + by¬ Tab + b2
= x? + 12x 36 - te - bf
«r 4
a' — lab 4 b2

Factoring a Perfect-Square Trinomial

a2 4 2ab 4 b2 = (a 4 b)2 a2 - 2ab 4 b2 = (a — b)2

1. X2 4 10X 4 25 = (X 5)2 2. y2 12/ 4 36 = (y 6)2
IHessothaw »m(edaiIOHMan Pis c&?. is iCCeuffiBlaariti;.

Uqiith :ol> Cm«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il K.iiiaJ.rami. cr dijlKatJ. n nHik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w rah. o> llird |un> ca«a no, K: ufpcuci San mlor OkniT".
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

In factoring a perfect-square trinomial, remember that the terms of the binomial are the
square roots of the perfect squares of the trinomial. The sign of the binomial is the sign
of the middle term of the trinomial.

EEEZESfcl Factor: 4* 2
+ I2v + 9
Because 4.*2 is a perfect square [4*~ = (Zr)2 and 9 is a perfect square (9 = 32). try
factoring 4.v2 + 12* + 9 as the square of a binomial.
4*2 + 12* + 91 (2* + 3) 2
Check: (2* + 3)2 = (2v + 3)(2r + 3) = 4*2 + 6* + 6* + 9 = 4.v2 + 12v + 9
The check verifies that 4.v2 + 12* + 9 - (2* + 3)2.

It is important to check a proposed factorization as we did above. HOW TO 3 illustrates

the importance of this check.

Factor: *- + 13* + 36

Because is a perfect square and 36 is a perfect square, try factoring

*~ + 13* + 36 as the square of a binomial.
*2 + 13* + 36 1(* + 6)2
Check: (* + 6)2 = (* + 6)(* + 6) = *2 + 6* + 6* + 36 = *2 + 12* + 36
In this case, the proposed factorization of *2 + 13* + 36 does not check.
Try another factorization. The numbers 4 and 9 are factors of 36 whose sum is 1 3.
x2 + 13* + 36 = (* + 4)(* + 9)

Factor: 25*" - I Factor: *2 — 36V4

Solution Your solution
25*2 - I = (5*)2 - (I)2 Difference of
= (5* + I)(5* - 1) two squares

Factor: 4*2 - 20* + 25 Factor: 9*2 + 12*

Solution Your solution
4*2 - 20* 25 = (2* - 5)2 Perfect-square

Factor: (.* + >')2 - 4 Factor: {a + b): - (a - h)2

Solution Your solution
(,v + v)2 - 4 = (.* + y)2 - (2) 2 Difference of
= (* + y + 2)(* + y - 2) two squares
Solutions on p. 517

CtTjrijbl 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu KrcrMil Uo ml K.unil n darluaoi. n»!»ik i

« n wn. I>j» m clccn-mruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ u> ilv-vi inlor rt'fcaiuit<l.

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rc**r>e« &*c njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxm at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rolixtwnt reqaire t

OBJECTIVE B Tofactor the sum or differenceof two perfect cubes

The product of the same three factors is called a perfect cube. The first seven perfect
cube integers are:
1 = I3, 8 = 23, 27 - 33, 64 = 43. 125 = 53, 216 = 63, 343 = 73
A variable term is a perfect cube if the coefficient is a perfect cube and the exponent on
each variable is divisible by 3. The table below shows some perfect-cube variable terms.
Note that each exponent of the perfect cube is divisible by 3.

IEÿ 1wwmwm
1 x-.r-.t= (r)3 =
2y 2y-2>-2y= (2>)3 = 8v5
4x2 4x~ • 4.t2 4r* = (4.V2)3 =
• Mr6

3.«v 3xV-3,y-3,y=(3,yy = 27.r»V

The cube root of a perfect cubejs one of the three equal = ,v

factors of the perfect cube. \/ is the symbol for cube
root. To find the exponents on the cube root of a perfect-
V§_= 2v
ÿ64.v6 = 4.t2
cube variable expression, divide the exponents on the
Take Note variables by 3. ÿ27l'y = 3.vV
The lirst factoring formula
Is the result of finding the The following rules are used to factor the sum or difference of two perfect cubes.
a3 + b3
= a2 - ab + b2
Factoring the Sum or Difference of Two Perfect Cubes
a3 - £>3
= a2 + ab + b2 a3 + b3 =
-b (a + 6)(a2'eab + b2)
a' - b3 (a b)(a + ab +ÿ b )
1X3 + 8 = X3 + 23 = (X + 2)(X2 - 2X + 4)
ZJ - 64 = Z3 - 4J = IZ - 4)(f + 4Z 16)

Factor 64.x3- 125

64a:3 - 125 = (4.r)3 - 53 Write the binomial as the difference
of two perfect cubes.
= (4.r - 5)(l6v2 + 20a- + 25) The terms of the binomial factor are
the cube roots of the perfect cubes.
Square of the first term The sign of the binomial factor is
of the binomial factor the same as the sign of the given
binomial.The trinomial factor is
Opposite of (he product obtained from the binomial factor.
of the two terms

Square of the last term

UfessothowsarclBct alIrated,on Pispeÿ is CCffgae Iflaritij

canritfl 2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Htftu Ktunol lb) im h,icmdrani,cr arlÿul n »l»iW it i:p«rt. I>ic m tlccn-w rah. o> llinl i (eti raj k 4inrvueÿ fwr Ue ctV-si. irilor ci'sajtxn
hÿUra!review hoJccnci (lui *tj ainwocÿ cucKrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» trail leunn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:< he njÿil ic xtk'.c c<ttxni it inj line (I aiVwajucni n(h>rotnetwo* rojurc t

Factor: nf + 64if
Note the placement of nf + 64n3 = (m)3 + (An)3 • Write as the sum of two perfect
the signs. The sign of the cubes, a= m and b = An
binomial factor is the same
as the sign of the sum or
= (m + 4«)(/n: - 4inn + I6;r) • Use a3 + by = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b1).
difference of the perfect
cubes. The first sign of
the trinomial factor is the
opposite of the sign of the mm* Factor: 8.v3 - 27
binomial factor.
8.v3 -21 = (2a*)3 - 33 • Write as the difference of two perfect
cubes, a = 2x and 6 = 3
= (2a* - 3)(4.v2 + 6.r + 9) • Use a3 - b3 = [a - b)(a2 + ab + b2).

Factor x*y* - I Factor: (fb3 - 27

Solution Your solution
x¥ - I = (a>-)3-- l3 Difference of
= (xy l)(*y + xy + 1) two cubes

Factor: 64c3 + d 3
Factor: S.v3 + yV
Solution Your solution
64r + d3
= (4c)3 + d3 • Sum of
= (4c + d)(\6r - 4cd + d1) two cubes

Factor (x + y)3 - a*3 Factor: (a - y)3 + (r + y)3
Solution Your solution
(.Y + v) 3 — X3 • Difference of tw o cubes
= It* + V) - x\\(x + y)2 + .r(r + y) + a2|
= y(*2 + 2xy + y2 + a-2 + Ay + .r2)
= v(3.r2 + 3.rv + r)

Solutions on p. S17

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 tu KocnoL Mq i>* Ix ami tr oaltcnU. It »Kik ir it pal. I>« ui ila-aiain(hv .miknl poo ammrtn, K: frcai Hi i&xl mljt plipm"
rilingroim fa* JcaxJihr. «rtrc«cc couchJcci r»»: numill) iffcci IK mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Itirrn/ rc*mc< ix niÿn to scwvc ccnxnt ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/h*rrÿnctwiv rojurc l

objective c Tofactor a trinomial that is quadratic inform

Certain trinomials that are not quadratic can be expressed as quadratic trinomials by
making suitable variable substitutions. A trinomial is quadratic in form if it can be writ¬
ten as air + bit + c.

Trinomials That are Quadratic in Form

tiTake Note
An expression is quadratic
in form if it can be written as
A trinomial is quadratic in form if it can be written as au2 + bu + c.
a()2 + b() + c, where the EXAMPLES
same expression is placed in 1. 2X6 - 7X3 + 4
both sets of parentheses.
Let U = X3. Then u2 = (x3)2 = X6.
The expression 2X6 7X3 + 4 =>2U2 7u + 4
2x° - 7X3 + 4 is quadratic in 2X6 7x3 + 4 is quadratic in form.
form because
2x* - 7X3 + 4
2. 5X2/2
+ 3xy - 6
Let u xy. Then ue
(xy)2 xÿ2.
= 2Cx3)2 - 70c3) + 4 5 ÿy2 + 3xy - 6 5U2 + 30 6
The expression 5X2y2 + 3xy 6 is quadratic in form.
5x2y* + 3xy - 6 is quadratic
in form because
5xV + 3xy - 6 When we use this method to factor a trinomial that is quadratic in form, the variable part
= 5(xy)2 + 3 (xy) - 6
of the first term of each binomial factor will be u.

Factor: .r4
+ 5.v2 + 6
X + 5x2 + 6 = IT + 5u + 6 • Let u = x2.
= (u + 3){it + 2) • Factor.
= (.v: + 3){.r2 + 2) • Replace u by*2.

Here is an example in which u = Va\

Factor: x - iVx - 15
X - 2VA" — 15 = M2{u — 2h — 15 • Let ii = V*. Then u2 = x.
= 5)(m 3) - + • Factor.
= (\/.V - 5)(\/.T +3) • Replaceu by V*.


Factor: 6xzyt - xy - 12 Factor: 3.r4 + 4.r" - 4

Solution Your solution
dr2ÿ - xy - 12
= 6ir - u - 12 Let u = xy.
= (3// + 4) (2// - 3)
= (3.xa- + 4){2xy 3) - Replace u by xy.

Solution on p. SI7

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) ox Ix ami. tr anlKiicJ. Ii*Kik it it put. I>« In ikoiv'ii raHn mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: fecai lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism tkaxJihr. «rtxc«cc couchJc<« r»»: numill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc ccoxni ii my line it «jV«c4txn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

OBJECTIVE D Tofactor completely

Tips for Success General Factoring Strategy

You now have completed
all the lessons on factoring When factoring a polynomial completely, ask the following questions about the
polynomials. You will need polynomial.
to be able to recognize all
of the factoring patterns. To 1. Is there a common factor? If so. factor out the GCF.
test yourself, try the Chapter 2. If the polynomial is a binomial, is it the difference of two perfect squares, the sum of
5 Review Exercises. two perfect cubes, or the difference of two perfect cubes? If so. factor.
3. If the polynomial is a trinomial, is it a perfect-square trinomial or the product of two
binomials? If so. factor.
4. Can the polynomial be factored by grouping? If so. factor.
Take Note 5. Is each factor nonfactorable over the integers? If not. factor.
Remember that you may
have to factor more than
once in order to write the
polynomial as a product of
prime factors. _ IN Factor: 64/- I25y
64/ - 125v = y(64/ - 125) • Factor out y, the GCF.
= y[(4y)3 53J — • Write the binomial as the
difference of two perfect cubes.
a = 4y and b = 5
= y(4y - 5) (16/ + 20y + 25) • Factor.

Factor: 6a + 15<r - 36r/ Factor: I8.r - 6x~ - 60.v

Solution Your solution
6a- +15(i1 - 36a
= 3a(2(T + 5 a - 12) • The GCF is 3a.
= 3a(2a 3)(a + 4) • Factor the trinomial.

Factor: x2y + 2x2 - y - 2 Factor: 4v - 4y - .v3 + x2y
Solution Your solution
All four terms do not have a common factor. The
polynomial is not a binomial or a trinomial. Try
factoring by grouping.
x2y + 2x2 - y - 2
= (x2x + 2.v2) - (y + 2) • Factor by grouping.
= x2(y + 2) - (y + 2)
= (y + 2)(.v2 - 1) • x1 — 1 is a difference
= (y + 2)(x + l)(.r - 1) of squares.

Solutions on p. SI7

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Uo ml K.unil n dirluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ feon Mc itl-wi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccntjihu azy ainxcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucmlb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I nmnf rc«f>f< 6c nt6l U> tctmc ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni njloroinclwnt rotiirc t


Concept Check
1. State whether each expression is a perfect square.
1. 8.v4 b. 9xu c. 9xg d. 25.Y 10

2. Name the square root of each expression.

a. 16/ b. 36dU) c. 81aAbb d. 25m2nn

3. State whether each expression is a difference of squares.

a. 4/ _ 9 b. x2 + 9 c. // — 81 d. 16y2 — 8

4. State whether each expression is a perfect cube.

a. 8.v6 b. 16a3 c. 64.y6 d. 27.yV

5. Name the cube root of each expression.

a. 8v9 b. 27v15 c. d. 125cl2</3

6. State whether each expression is a sum or difference of perfect cubes.

a. 8.v3 + 27 b. (.x + 8)3 c. {x - 27)3 d. .Y3 - 64
7. State whether each expression is quadratic in form.
a. 2a-4 + x2 - 6 b. 4.Y4 + 9.Y + 25 c. a*4 - 9 d. 3.Y - 5V.Y +7
8. Name the value of u such that each expression can be written in the form
air + bu + c.
a. a-4 - 6y2 + 3 b. 3a4/ + 7.yV - 8 c. 7.y - 8\/.y + I d. .y6 + 6.y3 - 3

objective A Tofactor the difference of two perfect

squares or a perfect-square trinomial
For Exercises 9 to 40. factor.
9. at - 16 10. / - 49 11. 4.Y- - I 12. 8I.Y- - 4

13. 16y2 — 121 14. 49V2 - 36 15. I - 9a- 16. 16 - 81/

17. .yV - 100 18. a2b2 - 25 19. a 2 + 4 20. a2 + 16

21. 25 - a2b2 22. 64 -.yV 23. .y2 - 12.Y + 36 24. / - 6y + 9

25. b2 - 2b + 26. a2 + l-kz + 49 27. I6.Y" - 40y + 25 28. 49.Y" + 28.Y + 4

29. 4a- + 4a- 30. 9.y2 + I2.Y- 4 31. b2 + 7b + 14 32. / - 5y + 25

l.mndi. "O" 'off Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj f>il K.unil <r italicnd. n -Hik « n p«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imnnm (« «nlor n'upxio-
hÿura! (ttaJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll lornn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1try litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

33. .v2 + 6.VV + 9f 34. 4.x2}2 + \2xy + 9

35. 25a2 - 40ab + 16tr 36. 4a2 - 36ab + 81If

37. (r - 4)2 - 9 38. 16 - {a - 3)2

39. (x - v)2 - {a + b)2 40. (x - 2y)2 - (x + y)2

ob jective b Tofactor the siun or differenceof two perfect cubes

For Exercises 4 1 to 60. factor.

41. x3 - 27 42. y3 + 125 43. 8vJ - 1

44. Ma' + 27 45. .r3 - y3 46. .v3 - Zy3

47. m3 + n3 48. 27a3 + If 49. 64x3 + 1

50. I - 125b3 51. 21x3 - Zf 52. Mx3 + 21f

53. *y + 64 54. 8*V + 27 55. I6v3 - y3

56. 21x3 - 8V2 57. 8.v3 - 9f 58. 27a3 - 16

59. 125 - c3 60. 27 - 64r3

objective c Tofactor a trinomial that is quadratic inform

61. ÿ The expression x - V.v - 6 is quadratic in form. Is the expression a polyno¬

mial? Explain.

62. The polynomial .v4 - 2v: — 3 is quadratic in form. Is the polynomial a quadratic
polynomial? Explain.

CCrorllbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu Kamal Vtaj f>il K.unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik « 1! pin. I>n in tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. imnoaj K: ji uiVx cV'fapxn «»-
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu.'v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb VtSoei 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c njJillÿKtiwc ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt 1

For Exercises 63 to 83. factor.

63. xY - 8.ry + 15 64. x2f - 8.YV - 33 65. x2\2 - 1 7xy + 60

66. rb + IOab + 24 67. .v4 - 9x2 + 18 68. y4 - 6>- - 16

69. b4 - 13b2 - 90 70. cC + I4rr + 45 71. jr4y4 - 8.V2)-2 + 12

72. a4b4 + 1 1a2b2 - 26 73. x + 3V.v + 2 74. a-Va- 12

75. 3x2f - \4xy + 15 76. 5.rV - 59.W + 44 77. 6a2b2 - 23ab + 2 1

78. \0a2br + lab - 7 79. 2.v4 - I3.Y2 — 15 80. 3.v4 + 20.Y2 + 32

81. .y6 - .y3 - 6 82. 2? + 7-3 + 3 83. 4.yV - I2xv2 + 9

objective d Tofactor completely

For Exercises 84 to II5. factor.
84. 5.Y2 + I0.y +5 85. 12.Y2 - 36y + 27 86. 3.Y4 - 8I.Y

87. 21a4 ~ 88. 7.Y" - 28 89. 20.Y- - 5

90. y4 - 10/ + 21yr 91. y5 + 6v4 - 55y 92. .Y4 - 16

93. 16.y4 - 81 94. 8.Y5 - 98.Y3 95. 16a - 2a4

96. A-y - X1 97. aW - If 98. .yV - xy

99. 8.y4 - 40.Y3 + 50.Y2 UK). 6y5 + 74.Y4 + 24.Y3 101. x4-/

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m ckccfn r-.4<- .milird imp. oa«a no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿUra! (ttaJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni nflo rulrKlnu retire
ccoxnl it 1 1

102. 16fl4 - b4 103. x6 + f 104. .v4 - 5.x 2 - 4

105. fl4 - 25a1 - 144 106. 3b5 - 24tr 107. 16a4 - 2a

108. .rV - 5*y 6.x2v4 109. a-b2 - Scflf - 48trbA

110. .x3 - 2.x2 -x + 2 111. .x3 - 2.x2 - 4.x +

112. 4.x3 + 8.x2 - 9.v - 18 113. 2v +x - 32v - 16

114. 4.x2/ - 4.x2 - 9\- + 9 115. 4.x - x - 4.v +/

116. What is the degree of the polynomial whose factored form is

3.x3(.x2 + 4)(.x - 2)(.v +3)?

117. What is the coefficient of x6 when 4.x2(.x2 + 3)(.v + 4)(2x - 5) is expanded and
written as a polynomial?

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 1 18 and 1 19. Find all integers k such that the trinomial is a perfect-
square trinomial.
118. 4.x2 - kx + 25 119. 9.x2 - kx + I

For Exercises 120 and 121, factor.

120. (a - b)3 - b3 121. a3 + (a + b)3

122. Factor .x4 + 64. [Suggestion: Add and subtract 16.x2 so that the expression becomes
(.x4 + 16.x2 + 64) - 16x2. Now factor the difference of two squares.]

Projects or Group Activities

If you have not completed Exercises 9 1 and 92 from Section 5.4, you should complete
them now.
123. Given that 3 is a /.ero of P(x) = ,x3 - .x2 - 3.x - 9. determine the factorization
over the integers of x 3 - x2 - 3.x - 9.

124. Given that -3 and 2 are zeros of P(x) .x4 + 2x3 - 4.x: - 5.x - 6, determine the
factorization over the integers of .x4 + 2x3 - 4.x2 - 5.x - 6.

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Itantni. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. vu. >i h.unil n darluaol. n»t»ik <• a pin. IIk hi ckccfurtftu. o> llinl w*t> tmOliray K: fern Mc 4 inlo.ttktui < t
pc*io» hs«tkciKC iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri tk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> ictmc »61uiml ccnunl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc t

5.8 Solving Equations by Factoring

OBJECTIVE A To solve atiequation by factoring

Consider the equation ab = 0. If a is not zero, then b must be zero. Conversely, if
b is not zero, then a must be zero. This is summarized in the Principle of Zero

Principle of Zero Products

If the product of two factors is zero, then at least one of the factors is equal to zero.
Symbolically. If ab = 0. then a 0 or b 0.
The Principle of Zero 1. Suppose 7X = 0. The factors are 7 and X. Because 7 0. we know that X 0.
Products contains the phrase
at least one. This phrase
2. Suppose — 5(x 4 4) 0. The factors are - 5 and X + 4. Because 5/0, we know *
that X 4 4 = 0, which means X = 4.
means that one or both of the
3. Suppose (x 4)(x 3) : 0. The factors are x 4 and x 4 3. The product of the
factors could De zero. Note
how this concept is used in
example (3) at the right.
factors is zero, so X - 4 = 0 or X
then x = 5.
5 = 0. If X - 4 = 0. then X -
4. If X 4 5 = 0,

4. Suppose (2x 4 3)(x 6) 0. The factors are 2X 4 3 and X 6. The product of

the factors is zero, so 2X
*3 0 or X 0. If 2X 4 3 = 0. then X Mf
X -6 = 0. then X = 6.

An equation of the form ax2 4- bx + c = 0. a 0. is a quadratic equation. In a qua¬

dratic equation in standard form, the polynomial is written in descending order and *
equal to zero.

Write 2v: = 3 — 4.v in standard form.

Add 4.r to each side and subtract 3 from each side.
2x2 4- 4.Y — 3 ~
0 * Write the left side of the equation as a polynomial in descending
order. The right side is equal to zero.

Some equations can he solved by factoring and then using the Principle of Zero Products.

Take Note
Solve: lv2 - 15 — 7.v
Note the steps involved in
solving a quadratic equation 2x2 = 15 - 7x
by factoring:
1. Write in standard form.
lx2 + 7x 15 = 0
(x + 5)(2r - 3) = 0
— Write the equation in standard form.
2. Factor.
3. Set each factor equal to 0. .1-4-5 = 0 2v - 3 = 0 Use the Principle of Zero Products.
4. Solve each equation. x = -5 2v = 3 Solve each equation.
5. Check the solutions.
The solutions are -5 and You should check these solutions.

Kqiilh roll C'WXI IoinOt All k./m. KohtoL Mi) ixi lx mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kik ,r it pin. I>« uidccVont nfl» mm iknl |tnjoatctirm, K: frcn lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroim h*» JcokJihr. «rtvc«cc couchJc<f r»»: nunull) x xc; IK mcnll kinut; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii to scwvc tÿlmml ccoxni ii my line it r/k*rr4nctwm rcÿurc l

Solve: (2a + 1)(a - I) = 2v + 8

(2a + l)(v- I) = 2v + 8
2a-2 - x - I = 2r + 8
2a2 — 3a 9 = 0
(2 A + 3) (a - 3) = 0
— •• Factor.
Write the equation in standard form.

2a: + 3 = 0 A - 3 =0 • Use the Principle of Zero Products.

2.A = -3 A =3 • Solve each equation.
The solutions are — r and 3. You should check these solutions.

Recall that a zero of a function /is a number a for which f(a) = 0. For instance. -2 is a
zero of the quadratic function /(a) = A" + 6a + 8 because
fix) = a2 + 6a + 8
/(- 2) = (-2)2 + 6(— 2) + 8
= 4 - 12 + 8

ESEESQfc Find lhe zeros of /<*) = x2 - lx - 8-

We must find the values of a for which f{a) = 0.

m= o
a2 2a - 8 = 0
- • fix > = x2 - 2x - 8. Thus f(a) = <r - 2a - 8.
(a + 2)(a - 4) = 0 • Factor.
a+2 =0 a—4 =0 • Use the Principle of Zero Products.
a = -2 a=4
The zeros are -2 and 4.

™ IntegratingTechnology
A graphing calculator can be used to find the zeros In HOW TO 4. Here are some sample screens for
the zero -2. See the Keystroke Appendix for additional help.

Plot! Plat? Ploc3 10

\Yi F? X2-?X-8
\Ya =
\Yu = Of02
zero 10 ../
1 in

\Ys =
\Ye =
\Y7 = M:maximum
\ v
7:|ffx|dx 10

LHess ottefw* roiai. al cciitBt cr this page a Z CergagB Uam'rg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« In ikoiv'ii raHn mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, K: wimKÿ fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

fitiralmicn lw tkaxJihr. oirrvwcc couchdco r»»: nunull) xffcvs ix mcnll kinui; cxjcncru Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< he niÿn to scwvc tÿiuiml croxni ii any line it «aV*cqtxn: n/k*rrunctwm rcÿurc l

m rr»
Solve: x~ + (v + 2)2 = 100 Solve: {x + 4)(.v - I) = 14
Solution Your solution
x2+ {x + 2)2 = 100
x2 + .r2 + 4.v + 4 = 1(X) Expand (x + 2)2.
2.v2 + 4.v - 96 = 0 Write in standard form.
2{x2 + 2v - 48) = 0 Factor the left side.
2(.r - 6)(.v + 8) = 0
.v - 6 = 0 *+8 = 0 Principle of
.v = 6 x = -8 Zero Products

The solutions are -8 and 6.

Solinion on p. S17

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

The length of a rectangle is 8 in. more than the The height of a triangle is 3 cm more than the
width. The area of the rectangle is 240 in2. Find length of the base of the triangle. The area of the
the width of the rectangle. triangle is 54 cm2. Find the height of the triangle
and the length of the base.

Strategy Your strategy

• Draw a diagram. Let x be the
width of the rectangle, and let
.v + 8 be the length. X +
• Use the formula for the area
of a rectangle.

Solution Your solution

A = LW
240 = (v + 8).v
240 = x2 + 8.Y
0 = x2 + 8.v - 240
0 = (v + 20) Ct - 12)
.v+ 20 = 0 .v -12 = 0
= -20 x = 12
The width cannot be negative.
The width is 12 in.

Solution on p. SI7
Un'essctterw se rctedalIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CCffgÿe laari13.

tlnnih'. 301)Ccr&jc Iamnl. *11 Htftu\<J Ug ml K,unil adirluKd. a »l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llirj |nn> cuikciiraj K: fenn Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
ldur»rcxio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x at crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rck*r>e« &*c njÿil U> tctmc idlumil ccnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwut rotiirc c


Concept Check
1. iJ! State the Principle of Zero Products. 2. *3 If ab = 0. does this mean that b = 0? Explain.

3. fcj How is the Principle of Zero Products used to solve some quadratic equations?

4. Write each equation in standard form, with the coefficient of .v2 a positive number.
a. 2v2 + 3 = -6.r b. 3.v = 6 - .r2 c. x(x + I) - 3 = 0 d. (x + 2){x - 4) = 9

5. State whether the given equation is a quadratic equation.

a. 3.v2 + 6x = 0 b. *2 - 3.v + 2 c. 3.v + 6 = .v2
d. 2x — 4 = 0 e. .r2 = 25 f. x4 - 2x2 -3 = 0

For Exercises 6 to 8. use the Principle of Zero Products to solve the equation.

6. (x - 5)(.v + 3) = 0 7. {x - 2)(x + 6) = 0 8. (2v + 3)(4.r - 5) = 0

objective A To solve an equation byfactoring

For Exercises 9 to 29. solve.

9. .v2 + 2v - 15 = 0 10. /- + 3/ - 10 = 0 11. - - 4c + 3 = 0

12. 6.r2 - 9.v = 0 13. r2 - 10 = 3r 14. t ~ - 12 = 41

15. 4/ 2 = 4/ +3 16. 5r + 1 1y = 12 17. 4v2 — 4v + I=0

18. 9r - 6.9 + I=0 19. -v- - 9=0 20. /" — 16 = 0

21. 4\- - I = 0 22. 9~ - 4 = 0 23. x(x- 1) = x+ 15

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu IdbioIVtaj f>il K.moil <• AvIkmL n -Hik « n «n. I>n m tlccn-w .milird |un> imn K: uinuiÿ &«* ji ill--.4 irjor c*~fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry

24. x2 + lx - 6 = 3x 25. 2v: - 3.v - 8 = a2 + 20

26. (2a - \){x - 3) = a-2 -x - 2 27. (3v + 2)(v -4)=v2 + v+ 5

28. e + 5z~4 = (2z+ \)(Z ~ 4) 29. 4a-2 + a - 10 = (a - 2) (a + I)

For Exercises 30 to 35. find the zeros of the function.

30. /(a) = a2 + a - 12 31. fix) = a2 - 6a + 5 32. /(/) = t2 + 5/ - 6

33. s(l) = 212 - I- 1 34. v{u) = Sir + I 1m - 20 35. g(.r) = 6a2 + 13a - 5

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

36. Construction A trough is made from a rectangular piece of metal by folding up y

the sides as shown in the figure at the right. What should be the value of a so that the / 10 m

volume is 72 m5? 6 m'

37. Construction A rectangular piece of cardboard is 10 in. longer than it is wide. + 10 -H

Squares 2 in. on a side are to be cut from each corner and then the sides folded up to
make an open box with a volume of 1 12 in \ Find the length and width of the piece
of cardboard.

38. Construction A homeowner is constructing a brick walkway around an exist¬

ing 8-foot by 10-foot concrete patio as shown in the diagram at the right. How-
wide should the brick walkway be if the total area of the patio and walkway must
be 143 ft2?

39. Physics The height h. in feet, of a ball above the ground / seconds after being
thrown upward with a velocity of 48 ft/s is given by h = - 16/~ + 48/ + 3. After
how many seconds will the ball be 35 ft above the ground?

40. Physics An object is thrown downward, with an initial speed of 16 ft/s. from the
top of a building 480 ft high. How many seconds later will the object hit the ground?
Use the equation d = vt + 16/", where d is the distance in feet, v is the initial speed,
and / is the time in seconds.
Urn'essctterw se rc(Bct alIeaten!an Pis is Cffgÿe laari13.

<:.!>,T\d> "I'lI 1ramnr. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. Ug ml K,unil «* A*bafc>L a »!»ik i« u wn. I>j» la clccn-w ruW. o> (tin) |un> odkuiraj K: u> cli—i itilor Okiun.1

rc*io» hs«JccncJihu azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x at ctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni it inj line if liVxqimi n roiixlwnt rotiirc t

41. £ Big Screens Read the article at the right. The

length of Dover's Big Screen is I ft more than twice its
width. Find the length and width of Dover's Big Screen. In me NEWS!
42. ÿ Big Screens The area of the Big Screen in Plym¬ Market Square, Olympic-Sized
outh. England, is about 783 ft2. The width of the TV Dover, England
TV Screen
is 2 ft less than its length. Find the length and width of Residents of Dover.
Plymouth's Big Screen. England, can view events of
the 2012 London Summer
Olympics on the Big

43. 'J! "Lucky Larry" is a feature in The AMATYC Review a periodical published by
the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. This feature shows
. Screen in Market Square.
With an area of 300 fF
Dover's Olympic-sized TV
an incorrect procedure that yields the correct answer to a problem. Here is a problem is one of 22 Big Screens
that have been installed in
and the solution by Larry. Explain why Larry was lucky. public areas throughout the
United Kingdom.
The length of a rectangle is 2 ft longer than its width. The area of the rectangle is
Sources: betteiidge-
15 ft". Find the length and width of the rectangle.

Strategy: Solution:
Width of rectangle: x x(x + 2) = 15
Length of rectangle: x +2 x - 3 or x -2 = 5 -
Area = LW V = 3

The width is 3 ft: the length is 5 ft. Because 3 ft - 5 ft - 15 ft2, the solution is correct.

Critical Thinking
The Principle of Zero Products can be extended to more than two factors. For instance.
if abc = 0. then a = 0. h 0. or c = 0. Use this fact and factoring by grouping to
solve the cubic equations in Exercises 44 to 49.
44. x3 + .r2 - 4.v - 4 = 0 45. <r' + a2 - 9a - 9 = 0

46. 2.r5 - .r2 - 2.r + 1 = 0 47. 3.r3 + 2.r2 - 12.r - 8 =0

48. 2.r? + 3.v2 - 18y - 27 = 0 49. 5x + 2x~ - 2Qv - 8 =0

Projects or Group Activities

50. The following seems to show that 1 = 2. Explain the error.
a2 = ab Multiply eachside of the equation by a.
cr - b2 = cib - b2 Subtract b: from each side of the equation.
(a ~ b)(a + b) = b(a - b) Factor.
a+b=b Divide each side by a — b.
b+b=b Because a = b. substitute b for a.
2b = b
2= I Divide both sides bv b.

Cvmndi. -I'l> IMinnl. All Hilbi KimtmJ. M.. im h,icmdami cr Primal n »H>k it i:«rt. I>lc m tlccn-w rtfhi o> llinl I rraj k 4inrcucÿ fwr Uc ir*l<»r a»
hÿkra!rcsio* hs«Jccnciilut *ty ainrcocÿ cuclcrt Jcci r«n nucmlb xf&c. 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I nmnt rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it in} line »l «jV«ÿiKni n(h>rolnctwnt rcqurc t


5 Summary

Key Words Examples

A monomial is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and 5, v, and 8 a2tr are monomials.
variables. [5.1A. p. 272]
The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents on the The degree of Sx*ÿz is 10.
variables. [5.1A, p. 272]
A polynomial is a variable expression in which the terms are A'4 - 2ry - 32v + 8 is a polynomial. The
monomials. [5.2A. p. 284] terms are a4, -Ivy, -32v. and 8.
A polynomial of one term is a monomial, a polynomial of 5a4 is a monomial.
two terms is a binomial, and a polynomial of three terms is a 6r - 2y is a binomial.
trinomial. J5.2A.p. 284|
2v2 - 5a + 3 is a trinomial.
The degree of a polynomial is the greatest of the degrees of any The degree of the polynomial
of its terms. [5.2A. p. 284] a3 + 3aY - 4.VV - 3 is 4.

The terms of a polynomial in one variable are usually arranged so The polynomial 4a3 + 5a: - a + 7 is
that the exponents on the variable decrease from left to right. This is written in descending order.
called descending order. |5.2A,p. 284]
A polynomial function is an expression whose terms are fix) = 5a - 4 is a linear function.
monomials. Polynomial functions include the linear function fix) = 3a: - 2v + 1 is a quadratic
- -
given by /(a) mx + b: the quadratic function given by
/(a) ax2 + bx + c. a ± 0; and the cubic function, which
function. 3 is the leading coefficient, and 1
is the constant term.
is a third-degree polynomial function. The leading coefficient
f(x) = a*' - 1 is a cubic function.
of a polynomial function is the coefficient of the variable with
the largest exponent. The constant term is the term without a
variable. [5.2A. p. 284-285]
To factor a polynomial means to write the polynomial as the a2 + 5a + 6 = (a + 2) (a + 3)
product of other polynomials. [5.5 A. p. 315]
A quadratic trinomial is a polynomial of the form ax2 + bx + c, 3a2 + 10a - 8 is a quadratic trinomial in
where a and b are nonzero coefficients and c is a nonzero constant. which a = 3, b = 10. and c = -8.
To factor a quadratic trinomial means to express the trinomial as
the product of two binomials. |5.6A. p. 320] 3a2 + IOa — 8 = (3a - 2)(a + 4)
A polynomial is nonfactorable over the integers if it does not a2 + a + 1 is nonfactorable over the
factor using only integers. [5.6A. p. 321 1 integers.
The product of a term and itself is a perfect square. The square (5a)(5a) = 25a2; 25a2 is a perfect square.
root of a perfect square is one of its two equal factors.
[5.7A. p. 329] V25aÿ = 5a
The product of the same three factors is a perfect cube. The cube
root of a perfect cube is one of its three equal factors.
(2a)(2a)(2a) - 8a3; 8a3 is a perfect cube.

[5.7B. p. 331] ÿÿ8ÿ = 2*

A trinomial is quadratic in form if it can be written as 6v4 - 5a2 - 4 6 (a2) 2 - - 5p> - 4
air + bu + c. [5.7C. p. 333]
= 6w2 5« - 4 —

Ccp]ri<bl "OH 1muni. All Hiltu KimtmJ. »bj i>» h,mml <• Avbofcil. n »l»ik i» is p«n. I>n m tlccnnt rtftu. o> llinl m*> on«niraj K: airficucÿ itiw* uJor aijinr .1
hÿural hdJccnciduitf) «jnrc<acicuc*crt Jc<« hnnunulb utcriil Jcimn/ nÿcncnc. CaMc 1 camnf rc*cr*:< be ntfhl U> bcvkac »aJuiml ccoxni at anj line «l «jV«ajucni rDtiKtwmroiiire 1

An equation of the form ax2 + b.x + c = 0. a i- 0. is a quadratic 3a2 + 3a + 8 = 0 is a quadratic equation

equation. A quadratic equation is in standard form when the in standard form.
polynomial is written in descending order and is equal to zero.
[5.8A. p. 339]

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Rule for Multiplying Exponential Expressions [5.1A. p. 272]
*« p.b+=&+4=b9

Rule for Simplifying the Power of an Exponential

Expression [5.1A. p. 273]
(AT = AT™ (y3)7 = y5,7) = y21

Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products [5.1A. p. 273]

Cxmy)p = xmiyp = jfiYV* = xl2fz10
Rule for Dividing Exponential Expressions [5. IB. p. 274]
For x
* 0, —:= a"-".
- = v5

Definition of Zero as an Exponent |5.1B. p. 275]

For x 0. a° = 1 . The expression 0° is not defined. 17° =1 (5>')° = l;y
Definition of a Negative Exponent [5. IB. p. 275]
For x -j- = a". 4and-i- = x6
* 0. .v"n = A" and A "
A6 A

Rule for Simplifying Powers of Quotients [5. IB. p. 276]

/ ».\p mp
/a2V a" a10
For v 0. — = —. \y) " "

\yj y y4'5 y20

Scientific Notation [5.IC. p. 278)
To express a number in scientific notation, write it in the form
a x 10", where 1 ÿ a < 10 and n is an integer. If the number is
greater than 10. the exponent on 10 will be positive. If the number 367.000.000 = 3.67 x 10s
is less than I,the exponent on 10 will be negative. 0.0000059 - 5.9 X 10~6
To change a number written in scientific notation to decimal 2.418 x 107 = 24,180.000
notation, move the decimal point to the right if the exponent on 10 9.06 X 10"5 = 0.0000906
is positive and to the left if the exponent on 10 is negative. Move
the decimal point the same number of places as the absolute value
of the exponent.
To add polynomials, combine like terms, which means to add the (8a2 + 2a - 9) + (-3.v2 + 5.v - 7)
coefficients of the like terms. J5.2B. p. 287] = (8a-2 - 3a*2) + (Ix + 5x) + (-9 - 7)
= 5.v2 + 7a- - 16

To write the additive inverse of a polynomial, change the sign

of every term of the polynomial. ]5.2B. p. 288]
The additive inverse of — y + Ay - 5 is
f - 4y + 5.
To subtract two polynomials, add the additive inverse of the (3V2 - Sy6) - (-V2 + Ay - 5)
second polynomial to the first polynomial. |5.2B. p. 288] = (3y* Sy + 6) + (y2 - 4y +
- 5)
= 4/ - 12y + 1 1

Kqiilh roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik claVont nfl» mm iknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: mafOKi ton lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiomil
it iun. I>.i In jr

rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line i! n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

To multiply a polynomial by a monomial, use the -2r3(4r2 + 5a- - 1)

Distributive Property and the Rule for Multiplying Exponential
Expressions. (5.3A. p. 293]
= -8a-5 -- 10a4 + 2v3

The FOIL Method (5.3B. p. 294] (4.v + 3)(2v -5)

The product of two binomials can be found by adding the products = 8a-3 - 2Qv + 6v - 15
of the First terms, the Outer terms, the Inner terms, and the Last = 8a-2 - 14a- - 15

To divide a polynomial by a monomial, divide each term of the I2v5 + 8a-3 -6a , „ 3
polynomial by the monomial. [5.4A. p. 303 1

Synthetic Division |5.4C, p. 306|

(3a3 - 9.r -- 5) + (a - 2)
5 +
ÿ 2,

Synthetic division is a shorter method of dividing a polynomial

by a binomial of the form x - a. This method uses only the 2 3 0 -9 -5
coefficients of the variable terms. 6 12 6
3 6 3 1

(3.v3 - 9a - 5) + (x - 2)

= 3a + 6.v + 3 + .v - 2

Remainder Theorem (5.4D. p. 309] P(x) = x 3 - x2 +x -

If the polynomial P(x) is divided by x - a. the remainder is P(a).
—2 I -1 1 -1
_9 6 -14
1 -3 7 -15

P(-2) = -15
Factoring Patterns |5.7A, p. 329]
The difference of two perfect squares equals the sum
and difference of the square roots of the perfect squares:
4a2 - 9 - (2r + 3)(2v - 3)

a2 - b2 = (a + b)(a - b).
A perfect-square trinomial equals the square of a binomial: 4.v2 + 12v + 9 = (2y + 3):
a2 + 2al? + b = (a + b)2 a2 - lab + b = (a - b)2
Factoring the Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
[5.7B, p. 331]
a~ + If = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) a3 + 64 = (.v + 4) (.r2 - Ax + 16)
a2 - b2' = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) 8/t3 - I = (2b - l)(4*r + 2/7+1)
To Factor Completely |5.7D. p. 334]
1. Is there a common factor? If so. factor out the GCF. 54a3 - 6.v = 6.v(9.r2 - I)
2. If the polynomial is a binomial, is it the difference of two = 6a(3a + I)(3.v - I)
perfect squares, the sum of two perfect cubes, or the difference
of two perfect cubes? If so. factor.
3. If the polynomial is a trinomial, is it a perfect-square trinomial
or the product of two binomials? If so, factor.
4. Can the polynomial be factcred by grouping? If so. factor.
5. Is each factor nonfactorable over the integers? If not. factor.
Principle of Zero Products (5.8A. p. 339]
If the product of two factors is zero, then at least one of the factors (.v - 4)(a + 2) = 0
must be zero. Symbolically, if ab = 0. then a = 0 or b = 0. x- 4 = 0 x+2=0

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: ,inxc. ir oclicra!. Ii»Kik a it inn. I>k ui ckcivni «r : ihnJ iwkti nuy he «irfTO»e£ feetn be ctVxi. ir«lora'VapxT <i
tiiinÿmicn I» tKr. *tj coricit Jc<« r«>: riaicnalb u» cnll kimiv cxpcncut. Ccaoÿc I timnf rcnnc< ix I cmxni al anj line it* «iV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.


5 Review Exercises

1 5.v2 + 2a -
1. Factor: 1 Sa5ÿ2 - 1 2a'fr' + 30a:b 2. Divide:
3.r — 2

3. Multiply: (2x ffYi-ixÿyz'3)2 4. Factor: lax + 4bx — 3ay — 6by

5. Factor: 12 + x — x2 6. Use the Remainder Theorem to evaluate

P(x) = a3 - 2 A2 + 3a - 5 when a = 2.

7. Subtract: (5a2 - 8xv + if) - (a2 - if 8. Factor: 24a2 + 38a + 15

9. Factor: 4a2 + IIn* + 9\J 10. Multiply: (-2a2/>4)(3a/r)

4a3 + 21x2 + 10a + 2

11. Factor: 64a3 - 27b3 12. Divide:
A + 6

13. Given P(x) = 2a3 - a + 7, evaluate P(-2). 14. Factor: a2 - 3a - 40

15. Factor: aV - 9 16. Multiply: 4a2v(3a3v2 + 2xy - If)

17. Factor: a2 - llv + 36 18. Solve: 6a2 + 60 - 39a

19. Simplify: 5a2 - 4a[a - 3(3* + 2) + a] 20. Factor: 3a6 - 15a4 - 18a2

21. Expand: (4a - 3y)2 a4 - 4

22. Divide:

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil <• AvIkmL n -Kik it n p«n. I>n inclraorurah. o> llird |un> imnraj K: &«•* ittxi inlUr n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimn* rc<n:<i>c njJilÿKtiwc try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

23. Add: (3.v2 - Ix - 6) + (-x2 - 3.r + 4) 24. Multiply: (5.v2>-r4) (2iyV ')(7.v ~Y2ÿ)

3x\z~l 26. Write 948.000.000 in scientific notation.

25. Divide:—fV?

27. Simplify:

29. Divide:
3 X 10 3
15 x I02

16.Y ~ 8a-'
+ 2Q.v
_ __
28. Use the Remainder Theorem to evaluate
P(x) = -2r3 + 2x2 - 4 when x = -3.

30. Divide: -
6.v + I
7 — —

31. Multiply: ofy* - + 2) 32. Multiply: (* + 6)(r' - 3*- - 5.v + I)

33. Factor: 10<t!/j; - 20a2bA + 35atr 34. Factor: 5.v5 + .v? + 4.v2

35. Factor: .v(v - 3) + 4(3 - y) 36. Factor: x~ - 16* + 63

37. Factor: 24.v2 + 61.v - 38. Find two linear functions / and g such that
/(*) g(x) = 5x2 + 3x - 2.

39. Factor: 36 - cr 40. Factor: 8 - v3

41. Factor: 36.v8 - 36v4 +5 42. Factor: 3alb - 3ab*

43. Factor: v4 - 8r2 + 16 44. Solve: *(.r - I) = 6

45. Solve: .v2 - 16* = 0 46. Find the zeros of fix) = x2 + Ix + 6.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu KimtmJ. i>» K.unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!«n. I>n in ikcn-nirah. o> llird |un> oa«tino, K: airficucÿ &«* ji itv-vi «nlor n'upxio-
hÿura! (uaJccnciihittt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njJilÿKtiwc try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

47. Factor: I5.r4 + .r2 - 6 48.
llf rf

49. Multiply: (x - 4)(3.r + 2)(2v - 3) 50. Factor: 2l.vV + 23.r2y2 + 6

51. Solve: a-3 + 16 = .v(.r + 16) 52. Multiply: (5a + 2b){5a - 2b)

53. Write 2.54 X 10 in decimal notation. 54. Factor: 6.v2 - 31.v + 18

55. Graph y = A'2

56. For the polynomial P{x) = 3a3 - 6.v2 + Ix + 8:

a. Identify the leading coefficient.
b. Identify the constant term.
c. State the degree.

57. ÿPhysics The mass of the moon is 3.7 x 10 8 times the mass of the sun. The 6%
mass of the sun is 2. 19 x 10_ tons. Find the mass of the moon. Write the answer in
scientific notation.
58. Mathematics The sum of a number and its square is 56. Find the number, j)lc sioon

59. J) Astronomy The most distant object visible from Earth without the aid of a
telescope is the Great Galaxy of Andromeda. It takes light from the Great Galaxy
of Andromeda 2.2 x 10° years to travel to Earth. Light travels about 6.7 x I08
mph. How far from Earth is the Great Galaxy of Andromeda? Use a 365-day year.

60. Geometry The length of a rectangle is (5.v + 3) cm. The width is (It - 7) cm.
Find the area of the rectangle in terms of the variable a*.
LHessothawise roiffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lf i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird (MP) no, K: &M* ji irjor cVfapxn «»-

h4i<ra! hoJccnciduitt) «jmca(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l


1. Factor: 16/ 2 + 24/ + 9 2. Multiply: -6rr(3r - 2.9 - 3)

3. Given F(*) - 3*2 - 8.v + 1. evaluate P(2). 4. Factor: 27*J -

5. Factor: 16*- - 25 6. Multiply: (3/3 - 4/2 + l)(2/~ - 5)

7. Simplify: -543 - 2(2v - 4) - 3*J 8. Factor: 12*3 + 12*2 - 45*

9. Solve: 6*(* - 1) = 1 - 10. Subtract:

* (6* 3 - 7* 2 ft*3 - 3*2 + 7)
+ 6* - 7) -

14*2 + + 1
11. Write the number 0.00000050 1 in scientific notation. 12. Divide:
7* - 3

13. Multiply: (7 - 5*)(7 + 5*) 14. Factor: 6 - 13rr - 5

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Inmn|. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» K.unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it n «n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> imnno, K: uinuiÿ &«* ji mlor cV'fapxn «»-
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu.'v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll lornn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni n/lt>rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

15. Multiply: (3fl + 4b)(2a - lb) 16. Factor: 3.v4 - 23.r2 - 36

17. Multiply: (-4a2b)J(-abA) 18. Solve: 6.V" = .v + I

19. Use the Remainder Theorem to evaluate 20. Simplify:
P(x) = -r3 + 4.v - 8 when x = -2. 4a :b 1

x3 - 2x2 5x
- +7
21. Divide: 22. Factor: 12 - 17.v + 6.v
x+ 3

23. Factor: 6.v: - 4.v - 3xa + 2a

24. Write the number of seconds in one week in scientific notation.

25. Sports An arrow is shot into the air with an upward velocity of 48 ft/s from a hill
32 ft high. How many seconds later will the arrow be 64 ft above the ground? Use
the equation h = 32 + 48/ - 16/2. where h is the height in feet and / is the time in

26. Geometry The length of a rectangle is (5x + I) ft. The width is (2r - 1) ft. Find
the area of the rectangle in terms of the variable x.

LHessothawise i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol VUf im h,icmdrani,cr ttaltcaol. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tkcn-w rah. o> llird r in) k 4irtTVUCÿ fwr Uc cftxl ir*lof a»
hdbra! hs«Jccnci (lui *tj ainwocÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamii/ rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it in} li*»c il «jV«jiKni n(h>rotnctwcnrojurc t

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Simplify: 8 - 2[-3 - (-I)]2 + 4 2. Evaluate ÿ—- when a - 4. b - -2. and c = 6.

c h -

3. Identify the property that justifies the statement 4. Simplify: 2* - 41a - 2(3 - 2x) + 4]
2x + (-2a) = 0.

5. Solve: —32 — y = —65 6. Solve: 8.v - 3 - x = -6 + 3a -

a3 - 3
7. Divide:
.r - 3
8. Solve: 3 - |2 - 3jc| = -2

9. Given P(x) = 3x2 - 2x + 2. evaluate P{-2). 10. What is the domain of the function f(x) = —4?

11. Find the zero of the function given by 12. Find the slope of the line containing the points
F(x) = 3.v - 4. />,(- 2. 3) andP2(4, 2).

13. Find the equation of the line that contains the 14. Find the equation of the line that contains the
point P(— 2, 4) and is perpendicular to the 1 ine
point P(— 1 .2) and has slope - 2.
3a + 2y = 4.

15. Solve by using Cramer's Rule: 16. Solve by the addition method:
2a* -3y = 2 x -y + z =0
x + >• = -3 2a + y-3z= -7
-x + 2y + 2z = 5

17. Graph 3a - 4v = 12 by using the a- and 18. Graph the solution set: -3a + 2y < 6
y-intercepts. y


4 <1
-4 -> II ? 4
. >.
_— |1 .1
T *

lllesscths'Mse tclMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. latnal Mi) Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it put. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl |tnj ookti itq, K: frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nunull) xffcvc iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng rt*tnc< ix niÿii loicwvc tÿluiml ccnxni ii my line i! iiVtcÿisn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

19. Solve by graphing: 20. Graph the solution set:

-v - 2v = 3 2x + y <3
-2x + y = -3 —2x + y > 1
v V

-4 -2 II m
> 1 1 0 •
."> it1- -
1 p
_l _ 1 1 1 1

,c 3 -3ÿ-2
21. Simplify: (4a :b*)(2ab ')
22. Simplify:

23. Simplify: 3 - (3 - 3"') 24. Multiply: (2.v + 3)(2.t2 - 3x + 1)

25. Factor: -4v3 + 14.x2 - llv 26. Factor: a(x — y) - b(y - x)

27. Factor: x4 - 16 28. Factor: 2.v; - 16

29. Uniform Motion Two bicyclists are 25 mi apart and are traveling toward each
other. One cyclist is traveling at ÿ the rate of the other cyclist. The cyclists pass each
other in 2 h. Find the rate of each cyclist.

30. Mixtures How many ounces of pure silver that costs $360 per ounce must be
mixed with 80 oz of an alloy that costs $120 per ounce to make a mixture that costs
$200 per ounce?


31. Uniform Motion The graph shows the relationship between the distance =
traveled and the time of travel. Find the slope of the line between the two
points labeled on the graph. Write a sentence that states the meaning of the =
slope. 12 3 4 5
Time (in hours)

32. Astronomy A space vehicle travels 2.4 x 10" mi from Earth to the moon at an
average velocity of 2 x 1 0* mph. How long does it take the vehicle to reach the moon?
IHffisofienwe rcisJ. a IcOTrf enthis page a £ Uamrg.

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »hik it it put. I>« UiclccVont rflumm tknl |tnjoatctitray K: witcuca frcm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I iimn; rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccnxni ii iny line i! «iV«c4ini: n/k*rranctwm rc«jurc l
Rational Expressions

Focus on Success
A To find the domain of a Did you read Ask the Authors at the front
rational function
B To simplify a rational
of this text? If you did, then you know that
expression the authors' advice is that you practice,
practice, practice—and then practice
A To multiply rational some more. The more time you spend
expressions doing math outside of class, the more
B To divide rational successful you will be in this course. (See

Ask the Authors, page i,
A To rewrite rational
expressions in terms of a
common denominator
B To add or subtract rational

A To simplify a complex

Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
A To solve a proportion
find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
B To solve application 1. Find the LCM of 10 and 25.

A To solve a rational equation For Exercises 2 to 5. add. subtract, multiply, or divide.
B To solve work problems
C To solve uniform motion 2. -i.i 3. -1,1
problems 8 9 5 15
A To solve variation problems
-H * -I- H
2_ l_
6. Simplify: -- — 7. Evaluate —
x -x+
-:—- for x = 2.

8. Solve: 4(2v + I) = 3(* - 2) 9. Solve: \o(j+ jj = 10(1)

10. Two planes start from the same point and fly in opposite directions. The first
plane is flying 20 mph slower than the second plane. In 2 h. the planes are
480 mi apart. Find the rate of each plane.

) caait ionm All i vi«f b>

nl .imj< n-hil: IIIfiun Uuuiilcciurunftum :lKsnl pan* onxrlnay Ix 4jrrrc«*ci £*«T>i»i*»*»lorc<'Sajt**i4i
Ira.JccncJthai ray > nHmKTuIb Ut «r»cT*U Uamn/ cvcncm. CaiXÿ atnng t &*e njfii I il allien. n(lotolnctun rcqairt 1
* it i*xj lirx

6.1 Simplify Rational Expressions

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the domain of a rationalfunction

An expression in which the numerator and denom¬

inator are polynomials is called a rational expres¬ 3.v .v - x + l
sion. Examples of rational expressions are shown at 2x- + l x- - 3.Y - 5
the right. Both the numerator and denominator are

The expression ——: is V r + 3 is not a polynomial.

not a rational expression because
A function that is written in terms of a rational expression is a rational function. Each of
the following equations represents a rational function.

.v2 + 3 r + 3r — i
/(*) = g(t) = R(Z) =
r + z- I2
2.Y-I /-- 4
To evaluate a rational function, replace the variable by its value. Then simplify.

'•J Technology
Evaluate /(- 2) given /(.v) = ;'"r _9.
See the Keystroke Guide:
Evaluating Functions for
instructions on using a
/« = 3.r2 - .v - 9
graphing calculator to (-2)2 4
evaluate a function. /(-2) =
3(— 2)2 - (-2) - 9 12 + 2 - 9 • Replace x by —2.
Then simplify.

Domain of a Rational Function

Because division by zero is undefined, the domain of a rational function excludes
numbers for which the value of the polynomial in the denominator is zero.
1. Kx) =
X -4 • The denominator is zero what .t — 4 = 0. or when x = 4.
The domain is [x x 4).
,. X + 5
fW = —
• The denominator is when 2x + 7 zero = 0.
2X + 7 =0 • Set the denominator equal to 0. Solve for x.
2x = -7

The domain

3- P« = 7T7 • Becaase ri0,r+ 1 a 1 for all values of x.

There are no real numbers for which the denominator is zero, i he domain is all real
numbers, or {x| -® < x < *}.

Uqiith :ol> Ccr&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il<nlrami, cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> itird |un> oa«a no, K: umucd &«* ji idIVx c*~fapxn «»-
hÿlrra!rcvio* hnJccnciduttt) oinrcurv o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< crnxnl it ttry lirx it «jV«ajucm njlt>rotiKtwrnrcqiirt 1

Given /(*)= ;_'-; |.f,nd /(-2). Given f(x) =
x~ + 5.c + 6
.find /(2).
Solution Your solution
3.v -4
fix) = -
x2 - 2x + I
3(-2) - 4
A-2) =
* Rcpliicex
(— 2)2 - 2(— 2) + I
by -2.
4+4+ I
-10 |0
9 9

x' - I
Find the domain of Jfix)
w = ,
i2 - 2x - 15
Find the domain of f(x) = ~r'ÿ ,ÿ
Solution Your solution
Set the denominator equal to zero. Then solve
for x.
x2 - 2.Y -15=0
• Solve the quadratic
(x - 5) (a +
3) = 0 equation by factoring.
.v — 5 = 0 a + 3 =0
.v = 5 a = -3
The domain is {a|a + —3. 5}.
Solutions on p. SIS

OBJECTIVE B To simplify a rationalexpression

The Multiplication Property of One is used to write the simplest form of a rational
expression, which means that the numerator and denominator of the rational expression
have no common factors.

x - 25
x2 + 13.Y + 40
.r2 25 - _ (.v - 5)
a2 + 13a + 40 (a + 8) A A 8'
* -8. -5
The requirement "a
* —8, —5" is necessary because division by 0 is undefined.
The simplification above is usually shown with slashes to indicate that a common factor
has been removed:

_25 A - _ (a 5)1xÿ51 _ x - 5
a2 + I3a + 40 (a + 8H*-+-57 a + 8 '
* -8. -5
We will show a simplification with slashes. We will not show the restrictions that prevent
division by zero. Nonetheless, those restrictions always are implied.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. »Ij i>» h,ccpnlrami, cr AvHcaol. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m ilccnm aim llird inn) on«n(mi ainioci &«* 6c ctVii inlor c<-fc«ul<l.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmniicnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx il <jV«jiKni rotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

12 4- 5a - 2a2
tJ Take Note
Recall lhat
2x2 — 3a — 20
b - a = -(a - b). 12 4- 5.v - 2 a2 _ (4 - ,r)(3 + 2.v)
2.v2 - 3.r - 20 (.r - 4) (2x + 5)
• Factor the numerator and denominator.
4 - x = -(x - 4).
_ + 2x) 4-x_ ]

In general, ~

4*-ÿ(2a + 5) x-4~ 1
b -a -la- tn -1
a -b a 0
i 2a 4- 3
= -1.
2a 4- 5
• Write the answer in simplest form.

6v¥ 12.Y-V 4- 2\(t'b - 14gyhr

Simplify: - —— Simplify:
6i-r l<rb
Solution Your solution
I2aV 4- 6.vV _ 6.vV(2 4- y)
Factor. Then
6a2>ÿ 6 x2? divide by the
= x{2+ y) common factors.

6.V3 - 9a-2 6a4 - 24a3
Simplify: ÿ Simplify:
ÿ 12a3 - 48a2
Solution Your solution
6a3 9a-2 3a2(2a- 3) -

Factor. Then
12a2 - 18a 6a(2a — 3) divide by the
common factors.
_ 3aW-3

2a2 - 8a3 20a - 15a*
Simplify: Simplify:
16a3 - 28a- + 6a 15a3 - 5a2 - 2Qv
Solution Your solution
2a2 - 8a3 2a2(14a) -
16a3 - 28a2 4- 6a 2a(8a2 - 14a 4- 3)
2a2( I - 4a)
2a(4a - 1 )(2a - 3)
2a "44
2xlMÿ1(2x - 3)
2a - 3
Solutions on p. SIS

uqiith :ol> Ccr&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.ccpnt IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> nmctlno, K: tmniKi &M* ji itV-vi mlor cV'fapxn «».

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(4coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb adSsxt mcnll kamu/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it atry lirx it <jV«jiKni njlorotn<twnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. Which of the following functions are rational functions?
(") rix) =
.v - 2 ,
(ii) r(x)N =
3.v + I .... ,,
(iii) K-t) = 3
..... I
6v~ + 71
x~ V.V + 2 x

2. fcj What values are excluded from the domain of a rational function?

3. When is a rational expression in simplest form?

4. hJ Explain why the following simplification is incorrect.

3/+ 7 10
2X 2 "*

objective A Tofind the domain ofa rationalfunction

5. Given fix) =
find /(4). 6. Given fix) = -- \ find /(- 2).

7. Given fix) = find /(— 2). 8. Given fix) = find /(3).

A •" i .v - I

9. Given fix) - • find /(— 2). 10. Given fix) = find /(— 1).
x - 2x + I A - 4.Y

11. Given fix) = 7ÿ.find /(3). 12. Given fix) =

3x2 - 3.v + 5
. find /(4).

13. Given fix) = find /(-I). 14. Given fix) - —
A -A

,find /(— 3).

For Exercises 15 to 26. find the domain of the function.

15. fix) =
16. G(x) = x
17. H(x) =

18. Fix) =-
x- 5
19. AW' - T~"7;
3x + 9
20. fix) =
' 6 -2x

llTOTiih'. :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il h,cc(<nlrani,cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w aaac llird imp. cui«ti K: uniol&«•* ittxi «nlor n'upxio.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

21. gOc) - ,(.r - 1W •'

4)(3.v - 2)
22.' p(x) =
' ' (2* + 5)(3.v - 6)
„ 23. /(*) =
x2 + x - 6 '
24. G(.v) = . 25. /(a) = \ 26. g(x) =

27. 'Jj Do the rational functions iix) = ÿ and </(.r) = \ have the same domain?

28. *3 Give an example of a rational function for which 2 is not in the domain of the

objective b To simplify a rational expression

29. JDoes J = i for all values of v? Why or why not?

30. Are the rational expressions and ÿ equal for all values of x? Why or why not?

For Exercises 31 to 57. simplify.

31. ÿ
32. ÿ
33. ÿ

— —
3y — 12r
— -3at
: + 15at-
-— -
- I2.yV
: 36.
-I0<T 20a3 + 30a2
- — lOrr*

8.v2(.v - 3) 16v'( v - 8) -3 far - 48«

4x(x - 3) My*(y + 8) ** 18a3 + 24a2

24r72 + 36r/4 3.r - 6 a2 + 4a

Mr2! 4- 18rt3 '
x2 + Ix 4a - 16

Krjrirfi. JOU Cit£aK Iam'aC *11 tu KiMtttJ. Mi) ix< Ix iimci tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it pin. I>« UiclccVsnt .rt iknl |tnj i\rtn mt| Ix .unrcucJ tan at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn

fiiiralmicn lw JccncJ ihr. coucnJc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Cca0&c Inmn/ fc*mc< he njÿil lo icwÿc tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l

ÿv2 - 7a
+ 12 A" - 2v - 24 2a" - 5a - 3
43. 44. *>•
.v2 9x + 20
- .v2 - I0.v + 24 2.v: - 3.v - 9

6 -x - x2 3a2 4- I0.v - 8 14 — 19a — 3a2

46. 47. 48.
3a2 - 10a + 8 - 14a + 3a2 3a2 - 23a + 14

cr2 - tr A4 V4
~ 8a5 - i3
49. 50. 51.
a3 + & A2 + f 4a2 - f

a — 4 a\a - 2) - a + 2 a4 + 3A 2 + 2
52. 53. 54.
<j(a + 2) - b(x + 2) av~ — ax A4 - 1

a4 - 2x' - 3 A-y + 4vy - 21 6a->- + 1 l.vy + 4

55. 56. 57.
A4 + 2a2 + I .x-y - idiT + 2i 9.vy + 9xy - 4

58. If —- X -y-—
- = -A + 3 what is the value of ;i? 59. iJI If -A—A"—— = 12—
A- + 7a + 10 A +2
what is the value of kl

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 60 to 63, simplify.
a3 - 3a2 - 4a + 12 a2 + 7a + 12
60. - -
A- + a - 6
61. —a3- --
+ 4a 9a 36 - -

a3 + 5a ~ -a - 5 lx~ + ax - IQv ~ 5a
62. 63.
a3 4- a2 - 25a - 25 2v: + ax — 6a — 3a

Projects or Group Activities

64. Evaluate h(x) = yy when a - 2.9, 2.99, 2.999. and 2 .9999. On the basis of your
evaluations, answer the following question. As .v becomes closer to 3, do the values
of /?(a) increase or decrease?
65. Evaluate h(x) = yH when v = 3.1. 3.01. 3.001, and 3.0001. On the basis of your
evaluations, answer the following question. As x becomes closer to 3, do the values
of h(x) increase or decrease?

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,m> KimimJ. VUj fwl K: ««ÿ>«. ir turlKnJ. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»« ui ckcivnt raw. thnl |tH) .ramiiray K: wiicutj bar at tlVxi irjjr
t*Liiral roic»» bv ikaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJcci r«>: nunulb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxncru. Cca 0&c I cimnf rcnnc< ix njÿii lo pcyk'yc tÿlutml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*c4t*n; n/k«rMnctwm retire *-

Multiplication and Division

6.2 of Rational Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To multiply rational expressions

Multiplying Rational Expressions

The product of two fractions is a fraction whose numerator is the product of the nu¬
merators of the two fractions and whose denominator is the product of the denomina¬
tors of the two fractions.

4a~ 9 36a3D~
3b' a 3ab7
• Multiply the numerators. Multiply the denominators.
• Write the answer in simplest form.

X T 2 5X - 15 X +2 5(X - 3)
2X -6 3X +6 2(X - 3) 3(X + 2)
_ 5(y-f2l<X 3)

_~ 5

The product of two rational expressions often can be simplified by factoring the nu¬
merator and the denominator.

2.V" - 6.v 6.v - 12 12 + 5.v - 3.v~ 2.v2 + .v - 45

Simplify: Simplify:
3.V-6 8.r3 — 12.v 2 x~ + 2x - 15 3.v2 + 4a*
Solution Your solution
2-r2 - 6v 6x - 12
3.r — 6 8a*3 — I2.r2
_ 2.r(.t ~ 3) '
6(.v ~ 2)
Factor eadi numerator
3(.v - 2) 4a'2(2t - 3) and denominator.
_ 2.t(.r — 3) 6(.y — 2) •


2v(.v - 3) 6 - ?)
• 4v:(2v - 3) Simplify.

a -3 Write the answer in

a(2a- - 3) simplest form.

SoluiUm on p. SIS

linrllh. 3DII
Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Kunitl. VUf m h,icmdrani.IT irlÿnjn »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m tkcn-m rah. o> llird r Ktt IB) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr IX CtVsi. ir*lOf 4»

hÿura! hs«Jccnci dw *ty ainvcocÿ cuctcrt Jcci r«n nunulb .'x mcrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c ccaxnl it uq line »1 aiVwajucni n(h>rotrxtwnt rojurc t

&v- .v - 2 2a* + 9a + 4 2a2 -13a + 20 2a2 + 9a + 4
Simplify: Simplify:
6x2 + Ix + 2 4 - Ix - 2x2 A- - 16 6a - — 7a — 5

Solution Your solution

6.v2 + a - 2 2a2 4- 9.v 4- 4
6a 2 + 7a + 2 4 7a 2x2 - -
_ (2x - 1 ) (3.y + 2) (2a + l)(.v + 4)
(3.v + 2)(2a + I) (I 2a)(4 — + x)
_ (2.v l)(3.r + 2) (2a + I)(a + 4)
~ •

(3a* + 2)(2a + 1) • (I - 2a) (4 + a)

-l i l.i

Solillion on p. SIS

OBJECTIVE B To divide rationalexpressions

The reciprocal of a rational expression is the rational expression with the numerator
and denominator interchanged.

Ralional b
Expression Reciprocal
(T - 2v
a- - 2y

Dividing Rational Expressions

To divide rational expressions, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
5a2b _ 5a*b 9xy2

9xy2 7x*y ioa3b2 • Multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor.

_ 45a26xy2
70a3D2x2y • Multiply.
• Write the answer in simplest form.
3X F 15 6X -F 30 3X + 15 4X
5X< 4X 5X2 6X + 30
• Multiply by the reciprocal of the
3<X + 5) 4X

6(X + 5) • Factor the numerators and

_ 12X4X-T-5) __2_
30X2;*-*-ÿ 5x • Multiply. Then write the answer in
simplest form.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. f>il h,cc(<nl rami, cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird onlctino, K: wnoci &«* 6c irjor cVfapxn <».
hÿara!rrvic* haJccnciduitt) ajnvcocÿ coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc try lirx it «jV«ajucm njltx roindwrnrotiirt l
tÿlnmil crnxni it i

12.v2v 9.vV Simplify:
la'b1 2\a5b:
25crlf IforV I5.v2y? 20.v4y
Solution Your solution
I2.v2y 9.v3y4 I2.v2v Hkr'/>4 '
Rewrite division
25a2i? |(KM 25a21? 9x 3y4 as multiplication
I2.v:y I(Vr:/>4 •

by the reciprocal.
25a2tr1 9.v3y4 •

1 5xy'b

Simplify: - p
- 24.y>- . 4x3y - -
- ,.r
6.v2 — 3.yy .I6r2y2 8.ry3 —
~16aF~ ' 150=4=
Solution Your solution
l2-v2y: - 24.vr _ 4.v3y - 8.t2y
3-4 • Rewrite division
as multiplication
_ !2A-2r - 24.TT 3-* by the reciprocal.

5r 4.v3y - 8.v3 y
_ \2xy~(x - 2) 3Z4
5r 4.v2 y(.r - 2)
I2.\r(.y- 2)3ÿ
5<r 4.v2y(.v — 2)

... 3y= - iOy_+ 8 . lf-ly + (,
_ Simplify: ÿ
6.v2 -lx + 2 4.v2 - &v +3
3y, + gv +

|6 ÿ+ )2 + f _2 5.v2 .v - 4

Solution Your solution

3y2 - IOy + 8 2r - ly + 6
3 r + 8y - 16 2y + 5y - 12
3r - IOy 4 8 2r + 5y - 12
~ '

3>- + 8y - 16 if - 7y +6

_ (y 2)(3y 4) (y + — v
4) (2 - 3)
(3y - 4){y + 4) (y - 2)(2y - 3)
_ ( V — 2)(3y — 4)( y + 4)(2y — 3)
(3y - 4)(>- + 4)(y - 2)(2y - 3)
0*-—4)t -2)X2ÿ—3)
i i l i
= I
Solutions on pp. SI8-SI9

uqiith 301) CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K.unil n Animal n »tuk i « n pal. I>j» la clccn-mruW. o> And cuikcino, K: fen* Mc ill--*4 itilor n'Mtuio.
rcsio* hs«Jccntjihn azy oi.t»ikv coclcrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I am/it rc«f>f< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvcrxm it inj line if «jV«ajucni njhy roiixlwnt rotiirc t


Concept Check
1. Find the reciprocal of each rational expression.

a+ I 3a — 4 I
a. b. c.
x .v -4 a+5

2. k3 Explain how to multiply two rational expressions.

3. Write the expression | as a product.

4. |U Explain how to divide two rational expressions.

OBJECTIVE A To multiply rationalexpressions

For Exercises 5 to 14, simplify.

21a2H 20vV 15a2)'4 28<rb4
5. '

1fay2 9rrZ> "

24fl/r' 35ay4

3a- 15 20a- -10a 2a2 + 4a 6a3 - 30a2

7. 8.
4a2 -2a 15a -75 8a2 - 40a 3a2 + 6v

A* "A 2a- - 13a + 15 2a2 - 5a + 3 a4/

9. - 10.
A" - 4a - 5 aV aV 2a2 -a - 3

A2 - 3a + 2 A2 + A - 12
12. —
:2 + a 6 a2 + a 20 —
A'2 - 8a +15 8 - 2a - a2 12 + a - A- A- - 4.A + 4

a3 - y3 2a2 + 5.ry + 3y2 a4 - 5a2 + 4 3a2 - 10a - 8

13. 14. '

2a2 + xy - 3\- a2 + xy + yr 3a2 - 4a - 4 a2 - 4

15. ÿ ,r
If —X2-5a
-x + 6-6
- -

--- A2—
i -= - what .
+ A-6 A+3 ,
a-+6a + h a + 4
IS n? 16. mm.
J Itr —a +P(*)
a +4
— --
-7a + 12 a+5
- A- 3
=- -
, .
what is p{a)?

OBJECTIVE B To divide rationalexpressions

For Exercises 17 to 28, simplify.

6a 2y* _ 12aV
12a-b' _ 18ÿ
laV 13a2)'2 26.XJ3
lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 IUwmiI Mt- ty* Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it iun. I>.i Ui ila-roni mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, K: ointcxKÿ hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
tilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «nw«cc couchJc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< «»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Itimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccosni 11 iny line il «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*rrtnciwiw rcgwrc l

2a — 6 4a2 - 12-v 4a2 - 4f 3a2 + 3ay

6x2 - 15a I8a3 - 45a2 6aV 2A7 - 2xf

2.v2 - 2>'2 .r2 + 2xy + y2 „ 8a3 + 12a2v 16aV

21' : 22- :
14aV 35av 4a2 -9r 4a2 - 12AT + 9y~

A-2 ~ 8.1-+ 15 15 - 2a- - A-2 2a2 + 13a + 20 . 6a-2 - 13a - 5

a2 + 2a - 35 a2 + 9a + 14 8 - 10a - 3a2 9a2 - 3a - 2

14 + 17a- 6a2 4a2 - 49 16a2 — 9 . 16a2 + 24a + 9

3a2 + 14a + 8 2 a2 + 15a + 28 6 - 5a - 4a2 4a2 + I Ia + 6

6a2 + 6a a2 - 1 A3 + >3 3a-3 - 3a2>' + 3xy2

ÿ8' :
3a + 6a2 + 3a3 1 - a3 2a3 + 2x2y 6a2 - 6v2

A2 + A ~ 6 p(x) _ A +3
29-ÿlf!ÿÿ=fwhatis57? 30. if
A-2 - A- - 20 " A2 + 6a + 8 ~
A - 5 .what is/Xa)?

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 31 lo 34. simplify.

a2 + 12
a2 + 3a - 28 a2 + 12a + 35 a2 + a - 30 ÿ
a2 -3a - 10 a2 + 7a + 10
A2 - 6a + 5 a2 + 5a - 6 a2 + 1 1a + 30 "
a2 - 8a + 7 a2 + 2v - 3 a2 + 8a + 15

A2 + A 30
- A2 + 8a + 12 A2 - A - 20 a2 - 2v - 48 a2 - 3a - 10 a2 4a - 32
33. 34.
A 2a- 3 a-2 a- + a - i: a2 - 25 A" 8a + 1 2 a — 2a — 24

Projects or Group Activities

For Exercises 35 to 38. find the polynomial P(x) that makes the equation true.

, a+4 a— 3 a+5 . a— 2
36. — + nv) = —

v A2 - 4 A2 - A — 6 A +3 . A +5
PWV + 5.r + 4~ ,v--l
3S" x-4P{x)~x-2

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All Ktfit. Mi) w Ix «mci tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« ui ikoiv'ii raHi mm tknl wo oatctirm, K: urfTtÿc fcwn lit itv-i ir.1jt lOiom"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii lo icwÿc tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

Addition and Subtraction

6.3 of Rational Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To rewrite rational ex]yressions in terms of a common denominator
When adding or subtracting rational expressions, it is frequently necessary to express the
Tips for Success rational expressions in terms of a common denominator. A common denominator is the
As you know, often in least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.
mathematics you learn one
skill in order to perform The least common multiple (LCM) of two or more polynomials is the polynomial of
another. This is true of least degree that contains the factors of each polynomial. To find the LCM. begin by fac¬
this objective. You are toring each polynomial. The LCM must contain the factors of each polynomial.
learning to rewrite rational
expressions in terms of a Find the LCM of 6.v2y and 9.iy\
common denominator in
order to add and subtract Factor each monomial and identify the common factors, shown below in red.
rational expressions in the
next objective. To ensure 6a*2y = 2 -3 x -x y
success, be certain you
9at3 = 3-3 -xyyy
understand this objective
before studying the next. Create the LCM by first writing the common factors and then writing the remaining
factors of each monomial (shown in blue).
LCM = 3-x-y 2- 3-x-yy
= I&yV

Find the LCM of 6.v2 + 30.Y and 4.v2 + I6v - 20.

Factor each polynomial and identify the common factors, shown below in red.
6.Y2 + 3Qv = 6y(.y + 5) = 2 • 3 • y(y + 5)
Take Note 4.Y2 + I6y - 20 = 4(.y2 + 4.y - 5) = 2 2(x - 1)(a* + 5) •

Our primary use of the

LCM will be In adding Create the LCM by first writing the common factors and then writing the remaining
or subtracting rational factors of each polynomial (shown in blue).
expressions with different
denominators. When finding LCM = 2 • (y + 5) • 2 • 3 • x(x - I)
the LCM for this purpose, it = 12y(y + 5)(.y - I)
is more useful nof to multiply
out the binomials of the LCM.
See HOW TO 3. Write the fractions and ->tt 5 in terms of the LCM of the
First, find the LCM of x — I and 2.y + 5. Each polynomial is in simplest form, and
there are no common factors. The LCM is the product of the two factors.
LCM = (x - 1)(2y + 5)
Write each fraction with the LCM as the denominator.
3.v 2x 4- 5 3v(2y + 5)
Multiply the numerator and denominator
x - I 2y +5 (y - 1)(2y + 5)
by 2r + 5. because the product

6.Y" + 15a- of

(x - I)(2a- + 5) Or - l)(2r + 5) is the LCM.

4 x — 4(.y — I)
• Multiply the numerator and denominator
2.Y +5 - Cy - 1)(2.y + 5)
4y ~ 4 —
of -;by x — I because the product
2v + 5
(x I)(2y + 5)
- Or - l)(2r + 5) is the LCM.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. lb,i>» h,mml <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ikcn-nir.4<. .milird run, cn«nno, K: ton ji cli—4 inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciihntt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb try lirx it «jY«ajucni
mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Write the fractions -4 7- and
x~ 2x —— ——— - in
3x 6
terms of Write the fractions
and -——
x +4
in terms of the—— 3

the LCM of the denominators. LCM of the denominators.

Solution Your solution

x~ -2x = x(x 2) - Find the LCM of the
3.v - 6 = 3(v - 2) denominators.
LCM = 3.v(.v - 2)
x +2 x +2 3(x + 2) 3.Y +6
x2 — 2x —
x(x 2) 3 3x{x - 2) 3x{x - 2)
5x - I _ 5x - 1 x _ x(5x - 1) _ 5x2 —x
~ * ~ ~
3* - 6 3(r - 2) x 3.y(.y - 2) 3t(t - 2)

Write the fractions ~ —4 and
3.* - .v" x"
,- .+
in Write the fractions —4 and , — . — , in
2x - X* 3x 5x

terms of the LCM of the denominators. of the LCM of the denominators.

Solution Your solution

3.v - .V2 = x(3 - x) = —x{x - 3)
.y2 — 4.r + 3 = (.v — 3)(.y — I)
The LCM is x(x 3)(x -
I). -
2.v - 3 2x - 3 X —
3.Y - .v2 x(x-3) x-
2x2 - 5.y + 3
.yCy - 3)(y - 1)
3.Y _ 3x_
(x - 3)(x - 1)

.Y" - 4.Y +3
x(x — 3)(y — I) I Solutions on p. SI9

objective b To add or subtract rational expressions

Adding or Subtracting Rational Expressions

To add two rational expressions with the same denominator, add the numerators and
place the sum over the common denominator. To subtract two rational expressions With
the same denominator, subtract the numerators and place the difference over the com¬
mon denominator.
3X - 5 X -3 _ (3X ~ 5) ÿ» (X ~ 3)
- X2 - 4 X2 - 4 • The denominators are the same.

' "

X2 4
Add the numerators.
4X -8 4i*-—TT
• Write the fraction in simplest form.
X2 -4 (x + 2)i* 27
X +2

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 K«tl. Kiunnl. Ug r>i( K.unil n darluad. n»hik i « n wn. I>j» m clcm-niruW. o> llird lun. emeuno, K: «inrccci fera Mc itl-wi idor ciajwi .1
rc*io» hs«JccncJihu azy ainvcacÿ coUcrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rcoc< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni rolixlwnt rotiirc t

Before two rational expressions with different denominators can be added or subtracted.
each rational expression must be expressed in terms of a common denominator. A good
common denominator to use is the LCM of the denominators, also called the least com¬
mon denominator (LCD).

x X +
LJTake Note
Note the steps Involved in
x— 3 x -2

adding or subtracting rational The LCM is {x - 3)(x - 2). • Find the LCM or the
expressions with different denominators.
.t x+I .v A" - 2
x -3 X
denominators: • Kxpress each fraction in
1. Find the LCM of the
x -3 x -2 —
x 3 x —
x -2 x- 3 terms of the LCM.
2. Rewrite each fraction
a(a - 2) - (a + I)(a - 3) • Subtract the fractions.
in terms of the common (x - 3)(a - 2)
3. Add or subtract the
(.v2 (a2 - 2.t - 3)
- 2a) -
rational expressions. (a - 3) (a - 2)
4. Simplify the resulting sum
or difference.
(x - 3)(a - 2) • Simplify.

3a 3a
2a - 3 2a- + a - 6
The LCM of 2a - 3 and 2a2 + a - 6 is (2a - 3) (a + 2). Find the LCM of the
3a 3a +6
2a — 3 2a2 + a —6 Express each frac¬
tion in terms of the
3a a+2 3a + 6 LCM.
2a - 3 a + 2 (2a - 3) (a + 2)
3a(a + 2) + (3a -6)
(2a - 3)(a + 2) Add the fractions.

_ (3a2 4- 6v)+ (3a 4- 6)

(2a - 3)(a + 2)
3a2 + 9a + 6
(2a - 3)(a + 2)
_ 3i*ÿ?){x + I) _ 3Cv I)
(2a - 3 *> v — Simplify.

2 3 I


+ .vy Simplify: 7 —
b a
+ ab,
Solution Your solution
The LCM is xy.
± + ± _ 1 av _ ± +±
_ x x
x a2 ay x xy a2 y xy x

— 2S
_ 2*? +' jl "»
xy xy xy
2xy ~ 3y +a
i Solution on p. SI9

uqiith :ol> CcrCXc Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,imil IT n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: c-i &M* ji ill--,4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿnra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try lirx il «jY«ajucni njhx roinrtwrnrotiirt l
ccnxni it i

.r 4 -x a- 3 a- 9
Simplify: Simplify:
2x - 4 x2 - 2x ar -5a a- - 25

Solution Your solution

2a* - 4 = 2(.r - 2)
.v2 - 2a = a(a - 2)
The LCM is 2a(y - 2).
A 4 -A A A _ 4 -A 2
~ *
2a - 4 A2 - 2a 2(a - 2) A x(x -2)2
_ a2 — (4 — a)2
2a(a - 2)
ÿv2 ~ i8 - 2a)
2a(a - 2)
_ a2 + 2a - 8
2a(a — 2)
U + 4) (a - 2)
2a(a - 2)

_ (a 4-
_ A +4

Simplify: — 2a + 5
A + 5a - 6
a -3
a - 3a +2
A -4
a- I
A 4- I a2 - 3a - 4
Solution Your solution
a2 + 5a - 6 = (a - I)(a + 6)
a2 - 3a 4- 2 = (a - I)(a - 2)
The LCM is (a - I)(a 4- 6) (a - 2).
It 4- 5 a-3
a2 + 5a - 6 A2 - 3a + 2
It + 5 a -2 a-3
(a - I)(a + 6) a - 2 (a - I)(a - 2) a 4- 6
_ (2t + 5) i a - 2) _ ~ (a 3)'.v - 'V
- - (a - !)(a + 6) (a - 2)

(a I) (a + 6)(a 2)
_ (It + 5) (a - 2) - (a ~ 3) (a + 6)
(a - 1)(a + 6)(a - 2)
_ (2a2 4- A - 10) ~ (a2 + 3a - 18)
(a - 1)(a 4- 6)(a - 2)
a2 - It + S
- -

(a \)(x 4- 6) (a 2)
Solutions on p. SI9

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil <r cii;lK«il. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n in(l«imrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi mlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! (ttaJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll kamu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cam/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it atry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. Find the LCM of each pair of polynomials.
a. 2a + 6, 7.v + 2 1 b. + 4. - 6 c. X- - 4. X- A

+ 3a- - 10
* *

2. Add or subtract the rational expressions.

Ix 8 3a- - 4 2a - 2
a. b.
3a: + 12 3a +12 a2 + 4a - 12 a2 + 4a - I!

a2 + 4a - 9
a2 - 6a + 5
Ix - 6
a2 - 6a + 5
d. —a2 + 4a - 5
a2 + 7a -18 a2
I - 4a
+ 7a -18

objective A To reioriterationalexpressions interms ofa common denominator

3. ""J a.
How many factors of a are in the LCM of (<r/j) ' and a4bir!
b. How many factors of b are in the LCM of {irby and a4//?

4. r3 a.How many factors of a - 4 are in the LCM of a2 - a - 12 and A2 - 8a + 16?

b. How many factors of a — 4 are in the LCM of A" a 12 and A" — 16? — —
For Exercises 5 to 27. write each fraction in terms of the LCM of the denominators.
3 17 5 7 a- 2 3
5. 6. 7.
4a->- I2ay~ 16dW 30a5b 3a(a - 2)" 6a2

5a - I 2
8. 1V 10. 2x
4a(2a +1) 5a 2x(v — 5)' 3a(a - 2)

3a 5a 2 -3 !a a + I
11. 12. 13.
2a - 3' 2a + 3 7y - 3* ly + 3 a2 — 9* A — 3

2a a- 1
14. 15. T~~y 16.
16 - A- 16 - 4a 3a2 - \2y- 6a - I2y a2 - 36' 6a - 36

llpinit! -oil < Iiininl- All Htftu IdbioI»Ij f>il K.iiloJ.ranci. cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i* pin. I>n m tkcn-w .milird |
xtn/ imnnay K: unmil &«* uiVx n'utui.i.
hÿura! (ttaJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «iV«n«ni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

3.v 5a a2 4- 2 3 A- - 3 2
17. 18. 19.
x2 - I* x2 - 2x + I X3 f X2 + X + I
- 8 - A-3' 4 4- 2a 4- a2

2a -4a 2a —A
20. 21.
a- 4- A - 6 A- + 5a + 6 A2 + 2A - 3' A2 + 6a

3a -2a -4a 3a
22. 23.
2a~ - a - 3 2a- - I 1a + 12 4a- - 16a + 15 6a- - 19a 4- 10

3a - I 2a 2a
24. 25.
2a2 + 5a - 12' 3 - 2a' a + 4 6a2 - 17a + 12' 4 - 3a' 2a - 3

3a 4 A +2 27.
2a -2 A - I

A -4 A +5 20 - A - A" a- 3 a + 5 15 2a - A-

OBJECTIVE B To add or subtract rationalexpressions

28. [ M True or false? 7- 4- 7- = 7- 29. 'A True or false? =0

2r 3a 5a a-3 3 -A

For Exercises 30 to 73. simplify.

3 7 9
30. 31. - 32.
2at 2av '.vy 4a2 4a2 4a2 a2 - 3a + 2 a2 - 3a

3a 4
33. 34. 35. 4-
3a2 + a — 10 3a2 4- a — 10 2x~y 5a 10.vy 5ab 10o2b 1 5air

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. Mi) Ix ami ir dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i Ui ikoivn. rtftu. Mr :ihrJ oaicti nuy he «erfTO»cd fcem uc ifrxk irJur «»
tiliraimicn thr. Mzy «rtrt«cc coucn r»»: nuniilb affcvx cnll Icimn; cxjcncru
iu in Icirmn/ rc*mc< ix 1 xiKÿc iÿluinil cmxni 11 iny line it* «r; n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

3 5 2x - 1 3a 4- 4
36. 37. 38.
3a 2xx 5xy 6a 4ab 5a 10/? 8ab 12a 9.v

3.v - 4 2a* - 5 3a 4-2 y-5 2y ~ 4 , 3 - 2a

39. 40. 41. " 10a2)-
6a 4a- 4x2y 6xy2 5xf

2a 3a 3a 5a 2a
42. 43. 44.
a- 3 a- 5 a -2 a 2a-3 3-2a

45. 46. 47.
2a - 5 5a - 2 + /i h a —b

— 4
a—3 a
2a - 3

«• a ""
5 - 6a
A2 - 1
A2 + 2.V + I
A-2 - 6a + 9
A-2 -9

A 3 -A 55.
1 _ 3a
2a - 3 _ a2 - 4a - 19
A +3 A- - 9 a 4- 2 a2 + 4a +4 A- + 5 a2 + 8a 4- 15

-3a- + 8a + 2 2a - 5
2a -
A" 4- 4 13
a2 + 2a - 8 a+4 4a2 -9 3 - 2a 4a2 - 36 a+3

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ix. lx ir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl |tH) .ramirta, K: ointcx«4 km ac itv-4 inlor cliamn "I

f *Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaicmlb Aci 6c mcnll tcimn/ cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix niÿii 10pcyk'vc tÿlucml ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm rofsirc

.v - 2 3 - I2 a
3.v — 4 3a- +6
x+I 2a*2 - x -3 4a- + I 4a2 + 9a- + 2

x+ I +2 x— 3
x + X - 6
.V- + 4.v + 3
63. —x +A+ —1 12
a* X- + 7a +12

A2 + 6v
A-2 + 3a - 18
2a - 1
3 -A
65. --2a2- 1V

15 a+3
5 -a

7 - 4a _a - 3 _ a+ 1
A- 3a + 2 _ 7a- + 24a + 28
2a2 -9a +10 a- 2 2a -5 3a + 4 a-5 3a2 - 1 1a — 20

32a - 9 a-2 3a + 2 a+ I a 4- 3 10a- + 7a - 9

6 69.
2a2 + 7a - 15 3 - 2a + a + 5 I -2a 4* — 3 + 8a2 — 10a + 3

A2 A +2 4a + 1
70. 71. +
A — A2 + 2A H 4a2 + 2a + 1 8a3 - I

- 1 A2 - 1 + A2
+ I
73. —A2a4- 1216 + A2 -4
A2 + 4

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 74 to 79. simplify.
3 a2 4- a 2a2 + a - 3 a2 - 4a + 4 2a2 + a 3a ~ 2
74' '
a-2 2a3 + 3a2 a2 + 3a + 2 2a +1 a3 - 4a a+ I

A — V A — V A" — V a - 2b b '
a la
76. 77.
A2 AV a. a b

a2 - 2a - 3
2a 6a - 6 A2 + A _ 0
a-3 a2 -a - 6 A" — A A-2 -a - 6 2a2 - 9a + 9 2a - 3

(linnih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K.«(<nlraniin dirlimU. n »!»ik i« n wn. I>* m clccn-m rtf llinl cuncuno, K: airmail feon nt itilor pluur i.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» ctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc ccnunl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroinclwcit rotiirc t

Projects or Group Activities

80. Let f(x) 733. and f(x) + g(x) = S(x). Then
7-f- g(x) =

/» + jM = Jtl + 7ÿ3 " Therefore. S« =ÿÿ6-

a. Find /(4), g(4). and S(4).
b. Does /(4) + g(4) = 5(4)?
c. Does /(.v) + g(x) = S(x) for ail values of .v? Explain your answer.


x- - 2r — 8 _
2* SimpHfy:
... 2x2 - 1 \x - 40
'• .T* —~8x~+
16 6x2 — x — 40

...... -v2v: -
3. Multiply: _
3.v - 18
x2-lx- \5
_ llv _ r
«ÿ Mult,ply:
-r2 + .r - 72
A, _ |4_v
_ 45 2r2 +
3.v2 -
15* + 25
1 5.v 72-

s. Divide:
., —
- 3.v - 27
x + 4r — 12
— 6v2 - 23x - 18
-s- —:- :-—
x~ + 1 5.r + 54
b. Divide:
., —
3x2 + I7x - 28
.v + 2r-I5
I2r2 13.v 4
— --
x~ 6x + 9
- -

7. Find the LCM of .v2 + 4.r and .r2 + 9.r + 20. 8. Find the LCM of .v2 - 4 and .v2 + 2v - 8.

ÿV +6 4.y 4-5 x +9 3x + 4
9. Add: ~ 10. Add:
X - 1 .v - 4 x —3 .v2 — 12v + 27

A' 8
11. Subtract: {3x—+-4 - x + I 12. Subtract: ,
3*2 + 20.V - 63 3x - 1

Uqiith 301)IcriW Itunnr *11 Htftu Kamal Vb, ml K.iiraJ.rami. n dnlunJ. n»l»ik i« n tun. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o.llinl |un> omenno, K:
rc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ cÿffcmrcx. CaMc I ctmng rccrret
Mc 4 inlor ct'fapxn .

ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt regain t

6.4 Complex Fractions

OBJECTIVE A To simplify a complexfraction

A complex fraction is a fraction in which

5 +- x
the numerator or denominator contains x +2
one or more fractions. Examples of
complex fractions are shown at the right. x—
2+l x +2
If the LCMs of the denominators in the numerator and denominator of a complex fraction
are the same, the complex fraction can be simplified by multiplying the numerator and
denominator by that expression.

I —
.v x-
8 \2
+ a + a2
LJ Take Note +5_A ?
1 ÿ

.V X~ X X- X-
Begin with the numerator of
Y2 x
• Multiply the numerator and denominator
the complex fraction. The
LCM of the denominators is I+-S+J2
x~ X X
of the complex fraction by x:.
x:. Nov/ consider the
denominator of the complex
I ÿX2 + --J2-A- -x1
fraction. The LCM of these X X
denominators is also x2 • Simplify.
t 12
I • A2 +" X~ H 2
T • X~
.V X~

x2 + 5x - 6 ~
(x + 6) (a - I) A- I
a2 + 8a + 12 (a + 6)(a + 2) A +1

If the LCMs of the denominators in the numerator and denominator of a complex fraction
are different, it may be easier to simplify the complex fraction by using a different approach.

3 +a-3
Take Note
Begin with the numerator of
the complex fraction. The 3-,;,
LCM of the denominators
is x 3. Nov/ consider the 10 3(a-3) 10
+ • Simplify the numerator and
denominator of the complex
fraction. The LCM of the a— 3 a -3 .r 3 — denominator of the complex
denominators is x • 1 These . 2 3 (a + 1) 2 fraction by rewriting each as
expressions are different. a single fraction.
A + 1 A+ 1 A + 1

3a — 9 10 3a + 1
Take Note a-3
a- 3 a- 3
• Both the numerator and
denominator of the complex
Either method of simplifying 3a + 3 2 3v+ I fraction are now written as
a complex fraction will always
work. With experience, you A + 1 A + 1 A+ 1 single fractions.
will be able to decide which 3a+ I 3.A+ 1 3a +1 A + 1 A +1
method works best for a
a- 3 A+ 1 a - 3 3a + 1
• Divide the numerator by the
particular complex fraction. denominator.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All hi Kmnol Mi, ml h,ccpnt 11 italicnd. n *luW it i:pin. I>n in tlarow n/Vu. .n< ilird pm, oamino, K: nnmÿ ton ji irjor p'biuin.

h4ura!rcvio* hoJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jV«ajucm njltx rotiKtwnirotiirt l
tÿlumil ccnxni it i

2x - I 2a + 5 +a - 3
a +4
Simplify: Simplify:
17 49
3a — 8 + a* + 4 4a + 16

Solution Your solution

The LCM of a + 4 and a + 4 is a + 4.
7 7
2a - I + 2a -
A +4 A +4 A +4
17 17 A +4
3a - 8 3a - 8 +
A +4 A +4

(2a - 1)(a + 4) + (a + 4)
A +4
(3a - 8)(a + 4) + (a- + 4)
2a2 + 7a - 4 + 7
3a2 + 4a -32+17
2a2 + 7a + 3 _ (2a + I) (a + 3)
3a- +4a- 15 (3a — 5)(a + 3)
(2a + 2a + 1
(3a - 5)i*-r3) 3a - 5

Simplify: 1 Simplify: 2 -
2 + -a 2 —~ A

Solution Your solution

The LCM of the denominators of a. 2. and j is a.
I+-2--I+-* I a
2 +-a 2 +-a
a a (T

= I+ = 1+
2 a +- a
2a + I
The LCM of the denominators of I and 2TTI
is 2a + 1.
a2 2a + I . a2
I+ = I
2a + I 2a + I 2a + I
2a + I a2 2a + I + a2
2a + I 2a + 1 2a + I
a1 + 2a + I (a + 1);
2a + 1 2a + I
Solutions on p. S19

CtCjrijht 2013 Carafe Iiininj. *11 Htftu Ktuatil M«j iki K.cciwlranci. i* darluaoi. n>KiW « n nm. |>« uitlccn-m nW. o> ilinl iun> hdhiino, K: airficocÿ feet* at t tv-*i inlor t<*tuur «i
I'iitra'pc*io» hs«Jccnciihu *tj ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri ik*<t r«n nunulb lAM »»» crxll kimn; npcncnc. CaMc I timnj rc<n:< ix njÿil ic tctmc cvnxni at anj line if aiVocqiani rolnctxro ro|iirc <-


Concept Check
1. fcJ What is a complex fraction?
l -ÿ

2. What is the LCD of the fractions in the complex fraction — - x -3

For Exercises 3 to 6. simplify.

4. 5. 6.
4 +
-i !+f 2+

OBJECTIVE A To simplify a complexfraction

For Exercises 7 to 42. simplify.

i+ix —-I
£_ a—2
— a
7. 8. 9. 4 10.
,+i — — a
5 +a
y a

2 +a — 9-" x— -X a— —a
11. 12. 13. 14.

4-? 3 +-x X +-


(r _a 16.
b 2
~> —
x +2 18.
4 + 2x - 3
I I 10 15
+a 5 -
x +2
5 + 2 .v - 3

+2 - 3 I- I+
2a - 3 b-5 a-4 a +2
19. 20. 21. 22.
-6 10
-4 I- I+
2a — 3 b —5 A +I A —

I- A - 4 2a - 3 -
A +I 25.
2a + 3
4a - 5
- I II
+3 —
I+ A 3a + 2 +
"» — A A 2a + 3 4a - 5

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> on«n(Taj K: ji inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6liÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

x -3 +
x + 9 + x-2
30 ,
1 - -A3 10

.V +4 28. 29.
X x~
— _N 18
A' + 7 + .v- 3 x- I +x 1 + A2
+5 .V A- A

,+i-4 J5 _ 2 J_ _ _l_ _ _2_ 2 _ _1 _ 1









a— I

. 33.

y aj x~

H o

-- x-

75 4

I b+3
-- ab


+ ii-

X I 2 3 3
x + I a a — I a a a- 2 b /> +3

A" ~ 1 A + I V V

A + 1 A~ 1
40. .v + 2 y -2
41. a
42. a
A ~ 1 A+ 1
+ + y-2 a +-
A + I A- 1 y +2 a I -a

43. In simplest form, what is the reciprocal of the complex fraction — —- ?


44. 5a The denominator of a complex fraction is the reciprocal of its numerator. Which
of the following is the simplified form of the complex fraction?
(i) I (ii) the square of the numerator of the complex fraction
(iii) the square of the denominator of the complex fraction

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 45 to 48, simplify. I

45. <+2
' +.V '
A-' -y1
47. 48.
(a + h):

Projects or Group Activities Cx

49. Car Loans The interest rate on a car loan affects the monthly payment. The func¬ P(x) =
tion that relates the monthly payment for a 5-year (60-month( loan to the monthly I
interest rate is shown at the right, where a is the monthly interest rate (as a decimal). (a + 1 r
C is the loan amount, and P(x) is the monthly payment.
a. Simplify the complex fraction.
b. Use a calculator to determine the monthly payment for a car loan of S20.000 at
an annual interest rate of 8%. Round to the nearest cent.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. VUj ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ck.-iv.ii mm <hnl wo cuiml"a, K: bar ac ilv-4 inlor
rilira!roitn hp tkaxJihr.*tj «nw«cc couchJcci r«>: riaicmlb tdSxICtc at cnll kimn; cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix fib Ilo pcyk'vc ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire

6.5 Ratio and Proportion

OBJECTIVE A To solve a proportion

Quantities such as 3 feet. 5 liters, and 2 miles are number quantities written with units. In
these examples, the units are feet, liters, and miles.
A ratio is the quotient of two quantities that have the same unit.
The weekly wages of a painter are S800. The painter spends SI50 a week for food. The
ratio of the wages spent for food to the total weekly wages is written
SI 50 150 3 A ratio is in simplest form when the two numbers do not have a
S800 800 16 common factor. Note that the units are not written.

A rate is the quotient of two quantities that have different units.

A car travels 180 mi on 3 gal of gas. The miles-to-gallon rate is
1 80 mi 60 mi A rate is in simplest form when the two numbers do not have a
3 gal I gal common factor. The units are written as part of the rate.

A proportion is an equation that states the equality of two ratios or rates. For example,
= ÿ7 and 3 = |X
are proportions.
Tips for Success
Always check the proposed
solution of an equation. For
the equation in HOW TO 1:
Solve: -2 = -X
2 x
7 5
_7_ • Multiply each side of the proportion by the LCM of the
5 denominators.
7 5
10 = Ix • Solve the equation.
2 10
7 1
The solution checks.
The solution is

3 5
Solve: — = -
12 .y +5
- Solve:
.y- 2

Solution Your solution

12 A- +5
12(.r + 5) •
+ - 5)3 12-5
\2(x + 5)
.y +5 • Multiply each
side by the
LCM of 12
3.r + 15 = 60
and x + 5.
3.Y = 45
x = 15

The solution is 15.

Solution on p. S20

Krjrirfi. :o:i CranImeOl. All k./m. KimiviJ. Ml) m lx mcc. tr onlKiicJ. Ii»Kik tr it pin. Dii in tkoiv'it mm iknl pn> oatctino) K: h" lit tlv-i ir.1jr lOipmn
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<f r»»: riuroill) x'tc: Ac mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccaptfc I lamn; rc*mc< ix niÿii to acncYC tAlmml ccnxni ii iny line it «jV*cqtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcqwrc l

Solve: _ Solve:
x i Ix + I 2a- - 3 x+
Solution Your solution

A- - 2 2a- +I
"(2v' + I)(.V - 2)
Ix + I
=(2a + I)(a - 2)
3(2a + 1) = 4 (a - 2)
6a + 3 = 4a - 8
2a* + 3 = -8
2a = - 1 1
A =
The solution is — 11

Solution on p. S20

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

A stock investment of 50 shares pays a dividend Two pounds of cashews cost $12.40. At this rate.
of SI 06. At this rate, how many additional shares how much would 15 lb of cashews cost?
are required to earn a dividend of $424?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the number of additional shares that are
required, write and solve a proportion using .r to
represent the number of additional shares. Then
50 + a is the total number of shares of stock.

Solution Your solution

106 424
50 50 + a
53 _ 424
25 50 + a Simplify.... —106.
§(25)(50 f a) =
50 + a
(25)(50 + a)
53(50 + a) = 424(25)
2650 + 53a = 10.600
53a = 7950
a = 150
An additional 1 50 shares of stock are required.

Solution on p. S20

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r-.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! halccnciduttt) ainvcoeÿ cocicrt rmnucmlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l


Concept Check
1. JHow does a ratio differ from a rate? 2. kJ What is a proportion?

objective A To solve a proportion

For Exercises 3 to 22, solve.

ÿ- , 5 .28 . 80 15
3' -
4. —
= —

— =—
a 30
6. —

- 10
5 -a 3
9. -4
a 2 +
: = -4

,2.ÿ4 =1 13.-ÿ=4 14. —— 5 = —

—5 A A 2— A A A A

4 2 A
A +1 A
18' — —3 —
T 3 t

f-2 2t
+ 1
20. —— ~—7 = ~~~
2a 4 a + 2
21. "~7
3a - 4
= —a ~2
a-5 2a + 5

23. 53Trueorfahse? If f = §. then \ = * 24. ÿ True or false? If % = % then ÿ

objective b To solve applicationproblems

25. Nutrition If a 56-gram serving of pasta contains 7 g of protein, how many grams
of protein are contained in a 454-gram box of the pasta?

26. Conservation A team of biologists captured and tagged approximately 2400

northern squawfish at the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. Later. 225 squaw-
fish were recaptured and 9 of them had tags. How many squawfish would you esti¬
mate are in the area?

27. Computers Of 300 people who purchased home computers from a national com¬
pany, 15 received machines with defective USB ports. At this rate, how many of
70.000 computers the company sold nationwide would you expect to have defective
USB ports?

Uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu KuniJ. vu. >i h,unil n dnluaai. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» in clccn-m ruh. o> ilinl iun> ohkcino, K: u> cli—4 inla.cV'fanxi ,(
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> tctmc idlumil cvnxni it inj line if 4iV«cq«ni n roinclwnt rotiirc t

28. J Finance The exchange rate gives the value of one country's money in terms
of another country's money. Recently, 1.587 U.S. dollars would purchase one British
pound. At this rate, what would be the cost in dollars of a waterproof jacket that cost
95 British pounds? Round to the nearest cent.

29. ÿ Finance The exchange rate gives the value of one country's money in terms of
another country's money. Recently, one Argentine peso cost 0.213 U.S. dollars. At
this rate, what would be the cost in dollars of a gallon of milk that cost 18 Argentine
pesos? Round to the nearest cent.

30. Interior Decorating One hundred forty-four ceramic tiles are required to tile a
25-square-foot area. At this rate, how many tiles are required to tile 275 ft ~?

ÿ in. represents 1 ft. Using this scale,

31. Architecture On an architectural drawing,
find the dimensions of a room that measures 4ÿ> in. by 6 in. on the drawing.
32. Fundraising To raise money, a school is sponsoring a magazine subscription
drive. By visiting 90 homes in the neighborhood, one student was able to sell S375
worth of subscriptions. At this rate, how many additional homes will the student have
to visit in order to meet a S 1000 goal?

33. Exercise Walking 4 mi in 2 h will use up 650 calories. Walking at the same rate,
how many miles would a person need to walk to lose I lb? (Burning 3500 calories is
equivalent to losing 1 pound.) Round to the nearest hundredth. in me news!
34. Medicine One and one-half ounces of a medication are required for a 140-pound
Reaction Times,
adult. At the same rate, how many additional ounces of medication are required for a
Large and Small
210-pound adult? A study of reaction times
in elephants and shrews
35. £ Biology Use the information in the article at the right. If the distance the nerve shows that across the
message traveled from the elephant's hind leg to its brain was 9 ft. how far did the animal kingdom, from large
nerve message travel from the shrew's hind leg to its brain? Round to the nearest animals to small, nerve
inch. messages travel to and
from the brain at the same
rate. Scientists found that
36. Environmental Science Six ounces of an insecticide are mixed with 15 gal of an elephant reacted to a
water to make a spray for spraying an orange grove. At the same rate, how much ad¬ touch on its hind leg in 100
ditional insecticide is required to be mixed with 100 gal of water? milliseconds, whereas a
shrew needed only
1 millisecond to react to a
similar touch.
Critical Thinking Source:smithsonianmag ccm

37. If one U.S. dollar equals 0.59 British pound and one British pound equals 1.21 Euros,
what is the value of one U.S. dollar in Euros? Round to the nearest cent.

Projects or Group Activities

38. Lotteries Three people put their money together to buy lottery tickets. The first
person put in S20. the second person put in $25. and the third person put in $30. One
of the tickets was a winning ticket. If the winning ticket paid $4.5 million, what was
the first person's share of the winnings?

uqiilh 3011Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Uo ml K,cc(<nl.jnxca dnluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ fc" Mc itilor n'utui.i.
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rotixlumro|iirc t

Rational Equations
objective A To solve a rational equation

To solve an equation containing fractions, begin by clearing denominators— that is,

removing them by multiplying each side of the equation by the LCM of the denomina¬
tors. Then solve for the variable. The solutions to the resulting equation must be checked
because multiplying each side of an equation by a variable expression may produce a
solution that is not a solution of the original equation.

4x „
Solve: -:+ 3 =
x +3 x +3
+3 x +3
(x + 3)|-ÿT + 3) = (x +
x +3
3/x +5 3 • Multiply each side by the LCM
of the denominators.
4x -5
~b 3 = 4r -5
x +3 x +3 (x + 3) + (x + 3)3 = (x + 3) • l'se the Distributive Property
4(— 2) -5
x +3 x +3 on the left side of the equation.
b 3
-2 + 3 -2 + 3
• Simplify.
zl _b 3 -5
4.v + 3x + 9 = -5
Ix + 9 = -5 • Solve for x.
1 1 Ix = -14
-8 b 3 - -5 x = -2
-5 = -5
As shown at the left. —2 checks as a solution. The solution is —2.
The solution checks.

=2 + .v- 3

3x 9
x— 3
= 2 +x — 3
(x - 3)1-ÿ/)= (x- 3)ÿ2 + • Multiply each side by the LCM
x-3 x-3 of the denominators.
3x 9 (x-3) = (x- 3)2 + (.v - 3) • l'se the Distributee Property.
— -
' r-3
3.r = Ix — 6 + 9
.v- 3
• Simplify.
2 -h3-3 3.y = 2r + 3 • Solve for x.
9 i 9 _ x=3
0 0 As shown at the left. 3 does not check as a solution. The equation has no solution.
Division by zero is
undefined. The equation As shown at the left. 3 did not check as a solution because substituting 3 into the origi¬
has no solution. nal equation results in division by zero, which is undefined. 3 is called an extraneous
solution. Extraneous solutions can arise when each side of an equation is multiplied by
a variable expression. In this instance, you must check that the values of the variable are
solutions of the original equation.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Mi, n» h,otmlrami. 11 italicaal. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-w rtfhi 01llird pm> nunno, K: airficuci ton m ill--.4 irjor Pkim.i
hÿura! haJccnciihittt)' «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

"LI Take Note
The domain of each of Ihe
x + I
2v =
.v + I
ralional expressions
3 „
771 and77T
5x + 8
real numbers except 1.
. A
+ I
2x =

5.v + 8
(-v + 1) 2y = (v + I) • Multiply each side by* + 1.
Therefore, x cannot be 1 IA +
and the suggested solution
of 1 is not a solution of the
3 + 2y(a + 1) = 5t +8 • Solve for x.
equation. This extraneous 3 + 2y2 + 2v = 5.Y +8
solution is the result of 2v: - 3.Y - 5 = 0 • This is a quadratic equation.
multiplying each side of the
equation by x • 1 . A note
(2y - 5)(y + 1) = 0 • Use the Principle of Zero Products.
of caution: As Example 2 2y —5 = 0 x +\ =0
shows, multiplying each 2y = 5 .y = -1
side of an equation by a
variable expression does not
X =
always result in extraneous
checks as a solution. —I does not check as a solution because substituting —I into
the original equation results in division by zero, which is undefined. —1 is an extra¬
neous solution.
2y -y 3a
Solve: - - 3
- =•
x -3
- i
a -3
2v -2 Your solution
Solution -3=
.Y +2 .Y+2
(* + 2)( ~~~
x +2 J
— 3ÿ = (x +2 \.y + 2
2y - 3(y + 2) = -2
2y - 3.y - 6 = -2
—x =4
A- = -4
—4 checks as a solution. The solution is -4.

3a - 1
Solve: - Solve: = 2a

a a a- 2 A —

Solution —
a +
;= -
I 2
Your solution

2a(fl+l)f- + —J-) = 2a(a + l)|

\a a + 1 / 2
2(a + 1) + 2a = a{a + 1) •
2a + 2 + 2a = 3<r + 3a
0 = 3<r — a — 2
0 = (3a + 2) (a - 1)
3a +2 =0 a - 1=0
3a -2
= a= I
a = —r "

and 1 check as solutions. The solutions are

—I and I.
Solutions on p. S20

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,nonl <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* mlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! (ttaJccnciihittt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

OBJECTIVE B To solve work problems

Rate of work is that part of a task that is completed in one unit of time. If a mason can
Point of Interest build a retaining wall in 12 h. then in I h the mason can build -p of the wall. The mason's
The following problem was
rate of work is -p of the wall each hour. If an apprentice can build the wall in .v hours, the
recorded in the Jiuzhang. a
Chinese text lhat dales to Ihe
Han dynasty (about 200 B.C.
rate of work for the apprentice is of the w all each hour.

to a.d. 200). 'A reservoir has

five channels bringing water
to it. The first can fill the In solving a work problem, the goal is to determine the time it takes to complete a task.
The basic equation that is used to solve work problems is
reservoir in — day. the
Rate of work x time w orked = part of task completed
second in 1 day. the third in
2— days, the fourth in 3 days, For example, if a pipe can fill a tank in 5 h. then in 2 h the pipe will fill \ x 2 = ij of the
and the fifth in 5 days. If all tank. In / hours, the pipe will fill 3 X / = 5 of the tank.
channels are open, how
long does it take to fill the
reservoir?" This problem
is the earliest known work
A mason can build a wall in 10 h. An apprentice can build a w all in
15 h. How long will it take them to build the wall if they work together?

Strategy for Solving a Work Problem

1. For each person or machine, write a numerical or variable expression for the rate
of work, the time worked, and the part of the task completed. The results can be
recorded in a table.

Unknown time to build the wall w orking together: 1

- Time

H TomlZTed

10 10

Apprentice j_ 1
1 ÿ

15 15

Tips for Success

Word problems are 2. Determine how the parts of the task completed are related. Use the fact that the
challenging because vie sum of the parts of the task completed must equal 1 . the complete task.
must read the problem,
determine the quantity we
must find, think of a method
The sum of the part of the task completed by the / /
to find it. actually solve the
problem, and then check mason and the part of the task completed by the "io + l5= 1
apprentice is I.
the answer. In short, we
must devise a strategy and
then use that strategy to
30ÿ + l9 = 30(l)
find the solution. See AIM 3/ It = 30
for Success in the Preface. 5/ = 30
t =6

Working together, they will build the wall in 6 h.

IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page s Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kile ir it put. I>« In ikoivn. rtfhi. : ihnJ jtany aakti nuy he «arfTO»ed bcm uc cftxk irJur «»
tiiiraimici JccncJ thr. Mzy cuucnJc<« r»»: rmniilb i&vi iu incnll Icituv cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix njÿu 1 crnxni 11 any line if «aV*c4t«t n/k«rMnctwm reqaire a.

An electrician requires 12 h to wire a house. The Two water pipes can fill a tank with water in 6 h.
electrician's apprentice can wire a house in 16 h. The larger pipe, working alone, can fill the tank in
After working alone on a job for 4 h. the electri¬ 9 h. How long will it take the smaller pipe, work¬
cian quits, and the apprentice completes the task. ing alone, to fill the tank?
How long does it take the apprentice to Finish
wiring the house?

Strategy Your strategy

• Time required for the apprentice to finish wir¬
ing the house: i

Rate Time Part j

1 4
Electrician 4
12 12
1 t
Apprentice 1
16 16

• The sum of the part of the task completed by

the electrician and the part of the task com¬
pleted by the apprentice is 1.

Solution Your solution

12 16

3+i=' Simplify-—.

48( \3 16,
) = 48(1) • Multiply by the LCM of
3 and 16.
16 + 3/ 48
3/ = 32
, 32
= -=,0-

It takes the apprentice 10ÿ h to finish wiring

the house.

Solution on p. S20
Inessclterwse rcIMall crtemafis Is © Csgap laariri;.

lirinlfi. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> KocnaL VUj fwl K: • airlKnJ. Ii»Kik w it inn. I»« la ckcivn,rtftu. <hnl my fataltray K: <»« inl'o
bv ikaxJihr.*ty «rtrt«cc couchtk<i r«>: nunulb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxntru. CnM: I tames/ ft*tnc< ix
f *Liiral roic»» lo pcyk'vc iÿlodul cmxni ii any lint if n/k«rMnctwm retire

objective c To solve uniform motionproblems

A car that travels constantly in a straight line at 55 mph is in uniform motion. Uniform
motion means that the speed and d irection of an object does not change.

The basic equation used to solve uniform motion problems is

Distance = rate x time
An alternative form of this equation can be written by solving the equation for time.

——-= time
This form of the equation is useful when the total time of travel for two objects or the time
of travel between two points is known.

A motorist drove 1 50 mi on country roads before driving 50 mi on

mountain roads. The rate of speed on the country roads was three times the rate on
50 mi- the mountain roads. The time spent traveling the 200 mi was 5 h. Find the rate of the
"S motorist on the country roads.

150 mi-
.V Strategy for Solving a Uniform Motion Problem

1. For each object, write a numerical or variable expression for the distance, rate.
and time. The results can be recorded in a table.

Unknown rate of speed on the mountain roads: r

Rate of speed on the country roads: 3 r

a mm
i 150
Country roads 150 -T- 3r =

Mountain roads 50 50
* r

2. Determine how the times traveled by the different objects are related. For ex¬
ample, it may be known that the times are equal, or the total time may be known.

The total time of the trip is 5 h. +— = 5

1 50 + 1 50 = 1 5r
300 = I5r
20 = r

The rate of speed on the country roads was 3r.

Replace r with 20 and evaluate. = 3(20) = 60
The rate of speed on the country roads was 60 mph.
LHe>5 otto»v»ise re,®, al coitalcnthis page 5 fi Cergage laemrg

(linnih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K,unil ii<• A*bafcil. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: (**n u> inlor Dkiui<(.
hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt reqaire t

A marketing executive traveled 810 mi on a A plane can fly at a rate of 150 mph in calm air.
corporate jet in the same amount of time it took Traveling with the wind, the plane flew 700 mi
to travel an additional 162 mi by helicopter. The in the same amount of time it took to fly 500 mi
rate of the jet was 360 mph greater than the rate against the wind. Find the rate of the wind.
of the helicopter. Find the rate of the jet.

Strategy Your strategy

• Rate of the helicopter: r
Rate of the jet: r + 360
. 1
162 mi
r+ 360
810 mi

Distance Rate Time |

Jet 810 r + 360 r+360
Helicopter 162 r

• The time tra\eled by jet is equal to the time

traveled by helicopter.

Solution Your solution

810 162
r + 360 r
810 \
—) , .
r{r + 360) —— )
r(r + 360)( - -
ÿ • Multiply by
810/- (r + 360)162
810/- 162r + 58,320
r(r + 360).

648r 58.320
r = 90
Substitute 90 for r in the expression for the rate of
the jet.
r + 360 = 90 + 360 = 450
The rate of the jet was 450 mph.

Solution on pp. S20-S2I

Unessctba™sa rc( Pis is 'C Laurirc.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinmi. *11 Htftu Kacnol. Mif mi K.unil adarluaoi. n»t»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» in ckcn-w ruh. o> il<rj iun> hdhiiiraj K: feon Mc itilor nkjui« t
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< &*c ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixtwnt ro|iirc c


Concept Check
1. What numbers are not possible solutions of the equation f — = 3?

2. If Margaret can paint a wall in 30 min and Wynona can paint a wall in 50 min, who
has the greater rate of work?

3. If Henry can mow a lawn in 40 min, what fraction of the lawn can he mow in 10 min?

4. If you dro\e 500 mi at a rate of r miles per hour, what is an expression for the amount
of time it took to drive the 500 mi?

objective A To solve a rational equation

For Exercises 5 to 3 1 solve. .
5. —2 + —6 —3 = . "
5 9
2x - I
= 2 8. 3 =
3.r - 4

9. 1 - - = 4 10. 7 +- = 5
11. _ i 12. ~
x x '

6 6 5 7
-y +3 y
14. ——
.v 4
+ 2=
- A- - 4
15. —
— 2 =
y 4-3

8 4a 4
16. 5
a -2 a -2
17. ———
a 4
- =3 — a °4
- -
18. ———
x- 4
+ 3 = x- 4

.v - 5
= 9-
.r - 5
20. -=*-
.r+3 — _ =ÿ
8 4.v ~4
22. 3.v-
.v + 2 .r +2
23. —.v ÿ-74 = x +
- at
24. —x +7~TI — x— X + I

"5 x
3a- - 4 10
x =-
25. 4- 3.v = 26. : r 27.
.v + 2 A- +2 a* — x— 3 2.r — 9 9 - 2.v

28. 29.
Ay2 - 9 2y - 3 2y + 3 .v - 2 .r +2 .v- - 4

2 5
30. — -7a- 4- 12
A- .r — 3
+x—4 31. —
xz + 7a + 10 a- +2 x +5

C«rorltla :ol) Ca&it Imuni. All Hillu >Ocnol Vb, ml K.unil <• Avlkmi. n -Hik « i:ptil. I>n m ilo.-r.-r., .milird |un> imnno, K: uniol j, ill--,4 irjor oJinnlil.
hÿiira!pc*io» hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

objective b To solve work problems

32. A ski resort can manufacture enough machine-made snow in 12 h to open its steepest
run. whereas it would take 36 h of naturally falling snow to provide enough snow. If
the resort makes snow while it is snowing naturally, how long will it be until the run
can open?

33. An experienced bricklayer can work twice as fast as an apprentice bricklayer. After
the bricklayers work together on a job for 6 h. the experienced bricklayer quits. The
apprentice requires 10 more hours to finish the job. How long would it take the expe¬
rienced bricklayer, working alone, to do the job?

34. A roofer requires 8 h to shingle a roof. After the roofer and an apprentice work on
a roof for 2 h. the roofer moves on to another job. The apprentice requires 10 more
hours to finish the job. How long would it take the apprentice, working alone, to do
the job?

35. A candy company knows that it will take one of its candy-wrapping machines
40 min to fill an order. After this machine has been working on an order for 15 min.
the machine operator starts another candy-wrapping machine on the same order.
With both machines running, the order is completed 15 min later. How long would it
take the second machine, working alone, to complete the order?

36. The larger of two printers being used to print the payroll for a major corporation
requires 30 min to print the payroll. After both printers have been operating for
10 min. the larger printer malfunctions. The smaller printer requires 40 more min¬
utes to complete the payroll. How long would it take the smaller printer, working
alone, to print the payroll?

37. Three machines are filling water bottles. The machines can fill the daily quota of
water bottles in 10 h. 12 h. and 15 h. respectively. How long would it take to fill the
daily quota of water bottles with all three machines working?

38. A goat can eat all the grass in a farmer's field in 12 days, whereas a cow can finish it
in 15 days and a horse in 20 days. How long w ill it be before all the grass is eaten if
all three animals graze in the field?

39. The inlet pipe can fill a water tank in 45 min. The outlet pipe can empty the tank in
30 min. How long would it take to empty a full tank with both pipes open?

40. Three computers can print out a task in 20 min. 30 min. and 60 min. respectively.
How long would it take to complete the task w ith all three computers working?

41. Two circus clow ns are blowing up balloons, but some of the balloons are popping be¬
fore they can be sold. The first clown can blow up a balloon every 2 min. the second
clown requires 3 min for each balloon, and every 5 min one balloon pops. How long
will it take the clowns, working together, to have 76 balloons?

42. An oil tank has two inlet pipes and one outlet pipe. One inlet pipe can fill the tank in
12 h. and the other inlet pipe can fill the tank in 20 h. The outlet pipe can empty the
tank in 10 h. How long would it take to fill the tank with all three pipes open?

C«fqri<tn "I'l1 < rantnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.iT,<J Mif ml K,moil adarlund. n»!»ik i« I!wn. I>J» Inclwtoruruh. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: airficucÿ fc" Mc itilor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«tkcncJihu azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

43. Two clerks are addressing advertising envelopes for a company. One clerk can ad¬
dress one envelope ever)1 30 s. whereas it takes 40 s for the second clerk to ad¬
dress one envelope. How long will it take the clerks, working together, to address
140 envelopes?

44. A single-engine airplane carries enough fuel for an 8-hour flight. After the air¬
plane has been flying for 1 h. the fuel tank begins to leak at a rate that would empty
a full tank in 12 h. How long after the leak begins does the plane have until it runs
out of fuel?

45. ÿ It takes Katherine n minutes to weed a row of a garden, and it takes Rafael m
minutes to weed a row of the garden, where m > n. Let ibe the time it takes if they
work together on the same row. Is / less than n, between n and m, or greater than w?

objective c To solve uniform motionproblems

46. A passenger train travels 240 mi in the same amount of time it takes a freight train
to travel 168 mi. The rate of the passenger train is 1 8 mph greater than the rate of the
freight train. Find the rate of each train.

47. The rate of a bicyclist is 7 mph faster than the rate of a long-distance runner. The
bicyclist travels 30 mi in the same amount of time it takes the runner to travel 16
16 mi
A &
mi. Find the rate of the runner. 50 mi
r +7

48. A cabin cruiser travels 20 mi in the same amount of time it takes a power boat to
travel 45 mi. The rate of the cabin cruiser is 10 mph less than the rate of the power
boat. Find the rate of the cabin cruiser.

49. A tortoise and a hare have joined a 360-foot race. Since the hare can run 180 times
faster than the tortoise, it reaches the finish line 14 min and 55 s before the tortoise.
How fast was each animal running?

50. A Porsche 911 Turbo has a top speed that is 20 mph faster than a Dodge Viper's top
speed. At top speed, the Porsche can travel 630 mi in the same amount of time it
takes the Viper to travel 560 mi. What is the top speed of each car?

51. A cyclist and a jogger start from a town at the same time and head for a destina- it
tion 30 mi away. The rate of the cyclist is twice the rate of the jogger. The cyclist to mi
arrives 3 h ahead of the jogger. Find the rate of the cyclist.

.50 mi
52. A canoeist can travel 8 mph in still water. Paddling with the current of a river, the
canoeist can travel 15 mi in the same amount of time it takes to travel 9 mi against
the current. Find the rate of the current.
IHess ottoiWse alccnlBlerthis p=ge 3 £ Crrgsge laam'rg.

Cmndi. "Oil <aj*<s Iant af *11 HutuKamal kb) tut K,ccenl«miiu riirliutJ. n »hik r< is put. I>u mcktstorMrtf tu. u> llinl |un> cuiKtlna, K: feus &c inlor otini".".
rdiira!rtsit* JccnciJut itjoj.trcocÿ mUcrt ik<i r«n nunulb xf&o. »»» craJI Itarm/ npcncnx. CaMc I timnj rc<n;< 6e njÿil U> pctkac ccoxnl at anj line »i aJVwajucni njlorotixtwniroiairc t

53. An insurance representative traveled 735 mi by commercial jet and then an ad¬
ditional 105 mi by helicopter. The rate of the jet was four times the rate of the
helicopter. The entire trip took 2.2 h. Find the rate of the jet.

54. Some military fighter planes are capable of flying at a rate of 950 mph. One of
these planes flew 6 150 mi with the wind in the same amount of time it took to fly
5250 mi against the wind. Find the rate of the wind.

55. A tour boat used for river excursions can travel 7 mph in calm water. The amount of
time it takes to travel 20 mi with the current is the same as the amount of time it takes
to travel 8 mi against the current. Find the rate of the current.

56. A jet-ski can travel comfortably across calm water at 35 mph. If a rider traveled 8 mi
down a river in the same amount of time it took to travel 6 mi back up the river, find
the rate of the river's current.

57. A jet can travel 550 mph in calm air. Flying with the wind, the jet can travel 3059 mi
in the same amount of time it takes to fly 2450 mi against the wind. Find the rate of 550 t /

the wind. Round to the nearest hundredth.

58. A pilot can fly a plane at 125 mph in calm air. A recent trip of 300 mi flying with the
wind and 300 mi returning against the wind took 5 h. Find the rate of the wind.

59. A river excursion motorboat can travel 6 mph in calm water. A recent trip, going
16 mi down a river and then returning, took 6 h. Find the rate of the river's current.

60. ÿ3 Two people are d miles apart and are walking toward each other in a straight line
along a beach. The rate of one person is /• miles per hour, and the rate of the second
person is 2 r miles per hour. When they meet, what fraction of d has the slower person

Critical Thinking
61. Uniform Motion Because of bad weather conditions, a bus driver reduced the
usual speed along a 165-mile bus route by 5 mph. The bus arrived only 15 min later
than its usual arrival time. How fast does the bus usually travel?

62. One pipe can fill a tank in 3 h, a second pipe can fill the tank in 4 h. and a third pipe
can fill the tank in 6 h. How long would it take to fill the tank with all three pipes

Projects or Group Activities

63. Egyptian mathematicians worked with unit fractions.
a. What are unit fractions? b. Write |as the sum of two unit fractions.

c. Write 3 as the su m of two unit fractions. d. Write p as the su m of two unit fractions in two different ways.

Inessclterwse rcIMall cotemafi's Is I

Csgap Lrarirg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,m> KocnaL VUj K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt rtftu. <hnl wo imuomty K: wtrcvia bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun«-
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc couchtk<i r«>: riunulb aftxl Ctc at craJI tcamn/ cxxncru. Ccanfc I camng rcnnc< ix aAJmnal ccnxni al anj line it* «jV«cjt
10 pcyk'vc n/k«rMnctwm rofasrc

6.7 Variation
objective A To solve variation problems

Direct variation describes a special function that can be expressed as the equation
>' = kx", where k is a constant and n is a positive number. The equation y = kx" is read "y
v aries directly as x to the nth" or "v is directly proportional to x to the /ith." The constant
k is called the constant of variation or the constant of proportionality.

A surveyor earns $43 per hour. The total wage w of the surv eyor varies directly as the
number of hours worked h. The direct variation equation is w = 43h. The constant of
variation is 43. and the value of /? is I.

The distance s, in feet, that an object falls v aries directly as the square of the time t, in
seconds, that it falls. The direct variation equation is s = kt~. The constant of variation
is k, and the value of n is 2. If the object is dropped on Earth, k - 16: if the object is
dropped on the moon, k = 2.7.

Many geometry formulas are expressed as direct variations. The circumference C of a

circle is directly proportional to its diameter d. The direct variation equation is C = ird.
The constant of proportionality is ~. and the value of n is I.

The area A of a circle varies directly as the square of its radius r. The direct variation
equation is A = -r. The constant of proportionality is tt. and the value of n is 2.

Given that V v aries directly as / and that V = 20 when r = 4. find the

constant of variation and the variation equation.
V = kr • Write the basic direct variation equation.
20 = k- 4 • Replace V and r by the given values. Then solve for k.
5 =k • This Is the constant of variation.
V =5r • Write the direct variation equation by substituting the value of A'
into the basic direct variation equation.

The tension Tin a spring varies directly as the distance x it is stretched.

If T = 8 lb when x = 2 in., find 7' when x = 4 in.
T = kx * W rite the basic direct variation equation.
8 = k- 2 • Replace T and x by the given values.
4 =k * Solve for the constant of variation.
T — 4x • Write the direct variation equation.
To find 7* when x = 4 in., substitute 4 for.v in the equation and solve for /'.
T = 4x
7=4.4= |6

The tension is 16 lb.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,m> KimimJ. Mij K: ««ÿ>«. ir onlKnJ. a »hik w it inn. I»x la ckcivnc raHi <hnl wo imuo"ay K: winvtj feem lit tlv-4 irjjr
t*Liiral roic»» hv JccncJ ihr.*tj «rtrc«cc eerier* Jcci r«>: riuenalb afixl Ctc •/» crall kimn; cvxntru. Ccanfc I tim ng rcnnc< ix lo vcwvciÿiodul ccnxnt ii inj line if «jV*c4tkti; n/k«rrunctwm retire i.

Inversevariation describes a function that can be written as the equation y - A, where

k is a constant and n is a positive number.The equat ion y = is read "v varies inversely as
.t to the nth" or "y is inversely proportional to x to the nth."

The time / it takes a car to travel 100 mi varies inversely as the speed r of the car. The
inverse variation equation is / 100 . The variation constant is
100. and the value of n is 1.
The intensity Iof a light source varies inversely as the square of the distance d from the
source. The inverse variation equation is / = The constant of variation depends on
the medium through which the light travels (air. water, glass), and the value of n is 2.

The intensity /. in decibels (dB X of sound varies inversely as the square

Point of Interest
of the distance d from the source. If the intensity of an open-air concert is 1 10 dB in
The equation given in HOW
TO 3 is important to concert
the front row, 10 ft from the band, find the variation equation.
sound engineers. Without
additional speakers and • Write the basicinverse variation equation.
reverberation, the sound
intensity for someone about k
20 rows back at this concert 110 = * Replace Iand d by the given values.
would be about 25 dB. the
sound intensity of normal 1 1,000 = k • This is the constant of variation.
conversation. 1.000
• This is the inverse variation equation.

The length L of a rectangle of fixed area is inversely proportional to

the width w. If L = 6 ft when w = 2 ft. find L when w = 3 ft.

L =I • Write the basic inverse variation equation.

6 =
9 • Replace L and by the given values.
12 = k • Solve lor the constant of variation.
L =
i± • Write the inverse variation equation.
To find L when w = 3 ft. substitute 3 for »v in the equation and solve for L.

w 3
The length is 4 ft.

Joint variation is variation in which a variable varies directly as the product of two or
more other variables. A joint variation can be expressed as the equation z — kxy, where k
is a constant. The equation z = kxy is read varies jointly as x and v."

For example, the area A of a triangle varies jointly as the base b and the height h. The
joint variation equation is written A = \bh. The constant of variation is

A combined variation is a variation in which two or more types of variation occur at

the same time. For example, in physics, the volume V of a gas varies directly as the
temperature T and inversely as the pressure P. This combined variation is written V = ÿf".

Uqiith :oi> Ctf«*« Iiinmi. All Htftu KacnoL Vb. i>» h,mml <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n m ikcn-nin/Vi. ante ilirJ iun> oa«a no, K: &«ti ji uiVx n'upxio.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmniicnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npenenv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

A ball is being twirled on the end of a string. The tension 7* in the

string is directly proportional to the square of the speed v of the ball and inversely
proportional to the length r of the string. If the tension is 96 lb when the length of the
string is 0.5 ft and the speed is 4 ft/s, find the tension when the length of the string is
1 ft and the speed is 5 ft/s.
T= -r * Write the basic combined variation equation.

96 - k_£
• Replace T, v. and r by the given values.

96 = k- 32 Solve for the constant of variation.

3 =k

T= r — • Write the combined variation equation.

To find 7" when r = 1 ft and v = 5 ft/s. substitute I for r and 5 for v. and solve for T.
3r _ 3-5-
T = 3 25

= 75
r I
The tension is 75 lb.

The amount A of medication prescribed for a The distance s a body falls from rest varies
person is directly related to the person s weight IV. directly as the square of the time iof the fall. An
For a 50-kilogram person. 2 ml of medication are object falls 64 ft in 2 s. How far will it fall in 5 s?
prescribed. How many milliliters of medication
are requi red for a person who weighs 75 kg?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the required amount of medication:
• Write the basic direct variation equation.
replace the variables by the given values, and
solve for k.
• Write the direct variation equation, replacing k
by its value. Substitute 75 for VV and solve for

Solution Your solution

A = kW • Direct variation equation
2 = k- 50 • Replace A by 2 and W by 50.
ir> • Solve for k.
2~5W • Write the direct variation equation.
A=-.?5 = 3 • Find A when W = 75.
The required amount of medication is 3 ml.
Solution on p. S2I

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KacnoL Mq i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿara! haJccnciduitt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx il <jV«jiKni rotiKtwnireqiirt l

A company thai produces gaming laptop The resistance R to the flow of electric current in
computers has determi nedthat the number of a wire of fixed length is inversely proportional to
laptops it can sell s is inversely proportional to the the square of the diameter d of the wire. If a wire
price P of the laptop. Two thousand laptops can be of diameter 0.0 1 cm has a resistance of 0.5 ohm.
sold when the price is $2500. How many laptops what is the resistance in a wire that is 0.02 cm in
can be sold when the price of a laptop is $2000? diameter?
Strategy Your strategy
To find the number of laptops:
• Write the basic inverse variation equation.
replace the variables by the given values, and
solve for k.
• Write the inverse variation equation, replacing k
by its value. Substitute 2000 for P and solve for .v.
Solution Your solution
S ~
• Inverse variation equation
2000 =
• Replace s by 2000 and
P by 2500.
5.000.000 = k
5.000.000 5.000.000
J = = 2500 k = 5,000,000,
P 2000 P = 2000
At $2000 each. 2500 laptops can be sold.

The pressure P of a gas varies directly as the The strength 5 of a beam varies jointly as its width
temperature T and inversely as the volume V. W and the square of its depth d and inversely as its
When T 50° and V 275 in3, P = 20 lb/in2. -
Find the pressure of a gas when T = 60° and
length L. If the strength of a beam 2 in. wide, 12 in.
deep, and 12 ft long is 1200 lb, find the strength of a
V = 250 in3. beam 4 in. wide, 8 in. deep, and 16 ft long.
Strategy Your strategy
To find the pressure:
• Write the basic combined variation equation,
replace the variables by the given values, and
solve for k.
• Write the combined variation equation,
replacing k by its value. Substitute 60 for T and
250 for V, and solve for P.
Solution Your solution

Combined variation
k- 50
20 = Replace P by 20. T by
50. and V by 275.
110 = k
1107* 110-60
P= = 26.4 k = 110. r = 60.
V 250
V = 250
The pressure is 26.4 lb/in2.
Solutions on p. S2I

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunri. VU, >i h,cc(<nlrami, n dnluKd. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> cumuno, K: airmoci Mc itilor n'utui.i.
micv hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;r* ik<« ran nunulb tAxi .'x incr*ll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I csmn< rcacrvca &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni n rolixlwnt rcqurc t

V Concept Check
For Exercises 1 to 4. write the statement as an equation using k as the constant of
1. y varies directly as .t. 2. y varies inversely as .v.

3. c varies jointly as -v and y. 4. c varies directly as t and inversely as the square of v.

objective A To solvevariation problems

5. Business The profit P realized by a company varies directly as the number of

products it sells s. If a company makes a profit of S4000 on the sale of 250 products.
what is the profit when the company sells 5000 products?

6. Compensation The income / of a computer analyst varies directly as the number

of hours h worked. If the analyst earns S336 for working 8 h. how much will the
analyst earn for working 36 h?
7. Recreation The pressure p on a diver in the water varies directly as the depth d.
If the pressure is 4.5 lb/in 2 when the depth is 10 ft, what is the pressure when
the depth is 15 ft?

8. Physics The distance d that a spring will stretch varies directly as the force / ap¬
plied to the spring. If a force of 6 lb is required to stretch a spring 3 in., what force is
required to stretch the spring 4 in.?

9. Physics The distance d an object falls is directly proportional to the square of the
time / of the fall. If an object falls 144 ft in 3 s. how far will it fall in 10 s?

10. Physics The period p of a pendulum, or the time it takes the pendulum to make ©
one complete swing, varies directly as the square root of the length L of the pendu¬
lum. If the period of a pendulum is 1.5 s when the length is 2 ft. find the period when
the length is 5 ft. Round to the nearest hundredth.

11. Computer Science Parallel processing is the use of more than one computer to
solve a problem. The time T it takes to solve a problem is inversely proportional to
the number n of computers used. If it takes one computer 500 s to solve a problem.
how long would it take five computers to solve the same problem?
12. Safety The stopping distance s of a car varies directly as the square of its speed v.
If a car traveling at 30 mph requires 63 ft to stop, find the stopping distance for a car
traveling at 55 mph.
13. Sailing The load L, in pounds, on a sail varies directly as the square of the wind
speed v, in miles per hour. If the load on a sail is 640 lb when the wind speed is 20
mph. what is the load on the sail w hen the w ind speed is 15 mph?
14. Whirlpools The speed v of the current in a whirlpool varies inversely as the dis¬
tance d from the whirlpool's center. The Old Sow w hirlpool, located off the coast of
eastern Canada, is one of the most powerful whirlpools on Earth. At a distance of 10
ft from the center of the whirlpool, the speed of the current is about 2.5 ft/s. What is
the speed of the current 2 ft from the center?
IHess otteTOs? rc.X. al collet cr this page r, $ Cargsgs laamrg.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mq ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it in". I>« ui mm <hnl |tii) outfti rtn, K: mafOKi bar Be elv-4 in!or e<"kii«n<-
f *Liiral roic»» hv JccncJ ihr.*tj eerier* tk<i r«>: riaicmll? Ctc at cnll tcimn/ exxntru. Ccanfc I tim n( rcuncs ix njÿil lo
pcyk'vciÿlutml cmxni il iny iir*< if «jV«cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

15. Oil Spill Read the article at the right about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of
2010. If the well leaked oil at the same rate throughout the duration of the spill, then
the total amount of oil leaked would be directly proportional to the number of days
the oil had been leaking. Using the data in the articte, estimate how many barrels of
in me news!
oil leaked during the 86 days of the spill. Round to the nearest tenth of a million.
Oil Leak Finally
16. Architecture The heat loss H. in watts, through a single-pane window varies On June 15. 56 days after
jointly as the area A and the difference T between the inside and outside tempera¬ the oil spill, government
tures. If the heat loss is 6 watts for a window with an area of 1.5 m 2 and a tempera¬ estimates of the total
ture difference of 2°C. what is the heat loss for a window with an area of 2 m and - amount of oil leaked Into
the Gulf of Mexico stood
a temperature difference of 5°C? at 3.1 million barrels. One
month later, the well has
been successfully capped,
17. Electronics The current / in a wire varies directly as the voltage v and
and finally, after 86 days,
inversely as the resistance r. If the current is 10 amps when the voltage is 1 10 volts oil no longer leaks into the
and the resistance is 1 1 ohms, find the current when the voltage is 180 volts and ocean waters.
the resistance is 24 ohms. Scarce:

18. Magnetism The repulsive force /between the north poles of two magnets is in-
versely proportional to the square of the distance d between them. If the repulsive
force is 20 lb when the distance is 4 in., find the repulsive force when the distance
is 2 in. —
'"ÿ\\ H //>""'
fi'j -a-:*-
' / /?.? -
*' —

19. Light The intensity / of a Iight source is inversely proportional to the square of *
If I
' • V,-

the distance d from the source. If the intensity is 12 foot-candles at a distance of

10 ft, what is the intensity when the distance is 5 ft?

20. Mechanics The speed v of a gear varies inversely as the number of teeth /. If a
gear that has 45 teeth makes 24 revolutions per minute (rpm), how many revolu¬
tions per minute will a gear that has 36 teeth make?

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 21 to 22, complete using the word directly or inversely.
21. If the area of a rectangle is held constant, the length of the rectangle varies
_ as the width.

22. If the length of a rectangle is held constant, the area of the rectangle varies
as the width.

Projects or Group Activities

23. In the direct variation equation y = Lx. what is the effect on y when .x is doubled?

24. In the inverse variation equation y = what is the effect on .v when y is doubled?

25. If y varies inversely as the square of .t, what is the effect on y when .t is doubled ?

Ixlessclterwse rcIMall crtemafis Is I

Csgap Lrarirg.

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK II1~CIAll ,m> KocnaL Mij K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckcivnt rÿHi thnl K: wiicuta bar at tliak irjjt ilSuul .1
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*ty " couch Jc<i r«>: numilb afixl Ctc incnll Icimn/ cxÿcncr&c. I nmnf rcunci ix lo pcykivc
|tH) .ramiiray

line it* «jV«cjtkti; n/k«rMnctwm rcÿairc

crtixni ii any


6 Summary

Key Words Examples

An expression in which the numerator and denominator are x 1
polynomials is called a rational expression. A function that is
* r'Y is a rational expression.
written in terms of a rational expression is a rational
function. |6.1A, p. 356]
A rational expression is in simplest form when the numerator and ÿY2 + 3.v + 2 _ (.r + l)(.v + 2) _ ,v +2
denominator have no common factors. [6. 1 B. p. 357] (.x+ I)2 (.r + I)(a' +1) .y +1
The reciprocal of a rational expression is the rational
expression with the numerator and denominator interchanged.
The reciprocal of ——— is
a' ~
(6.2B. p. 363]
The least common multiple (LCM) of two or more 4y~ - I2y = 4y(.y - 3)
polynomials is the polynomial of least degree that contains the
factors of each polynomial. [6.3A. p. 367]
3.Y3 - 21.Y2 + 36.Y 3.y(y - 3)(.y - 4)
LCM = 1 2y(.y - 3)(y - 4)
A complex fraction is a fraction in which the numerator or i+ yi
denominator contains one or more fractions. |6.4A. p. 376]
' ]
is a complex fraction.

A ratio is the quotient of two quantities that have the same unit. S35
When a ratio is in simplest form, the units are not written. STCTT written as a ratio in simplest form
(6.5A. p. 380] is 3j.
A rate is the quotient of two quantities that have different units. The is a rate.
units are written as part of the rate. |6.5A, p. 380]
A proportion is an equation that states the equality of two ratios or = jt is a proportion.
rates. (6.5A, p. 380]
Direct variation is a function that can be expressed as the equation F - k\- is a formula that gives drag force F
x — kx", where k is a constant called the constant of variation, created by an object with velocity v.
and a is a positive number. (6.7A, p. 394]
Inverse variation is a function that can be expressed as the / = ji gives the intensity of a light
equation y = y, where k is a constant and n is a positive source at a distance d from the source.
number. |6.7A. p. 395]
Joint variation is a variation in which a variable varies directly C = kAT is a formula for the cost of
as the product of two or more variables. A joint variation can be insulation, where A is the area to be
expressed as the equation z — k.xx. where k is a constant. insulated and T is the thickness of the
[6.7A. p. 3951 insulation.
A combined variation is a variation in which two or more types V = y is a formula that states that
of variation occur at the same time. (6.7A. p. 395]
the volume of a gas is directly proportional
to the temperature and inversely
proportional to the pressure.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol VI, i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m ikcn-nirtfhi o> llird run, oa«a no, K: ufpcuci ton ji ilVxk >nlor n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incr*ll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj Imc «l «iV«n«ni rotiKtwnireniirt l

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

To Multiply Rational Expressions |6.2A. p. 362] -T- + .V 2 (.r2 + .r) • 2
The product of two fractions is a fraction whose numerator is 3

5.r 3(5.v)
the product of the numerators of the two fractions and whose
denominator is the product of the denominators of the two fractions. lx{x + I) 2(.Y + 1)
I5.r 15

To Divide Rational Expressions |6.2B. p. 363| 3.v 3.Y

To divide rational expressions, multiply the dividend by the x-5 a* +4 a -5 3
reciprocal of the divisor. 3at(.t + 4) _ x(x + 4)
" "

3(.v — 5) .V — 5

To Add or Subtract Rational Expressions [6.3B. p. 368] 2a- - 7 x- + 2 (2x - 7) + (a- + 2)

To add two rational expressions with the same denominator, add A-2 + 4 A-2 + 4 A2 + 4
the numerators and place the sum over the common denominator.
3a: — 5
To subtract two rational expressions with the same denominator,
subtract the numerators and place the difference over the common A-2 + 4
5.r - 6 2x + 4 (5.Y - 6) - (2v + 4)
a- + 2 A" + 1 x +2

3a: 10

To Solve an Equation Containing Fractions |6.6A. p. 384]

Clear denominators by multiplying each side of the equation
by the LCM of the denominators.

6 + IOx =7

IQv = I

A' =

Equation for Work Problems [6.6B. p. 386] A roofer requires 24 h to shingle a roof.
Rate of work X time worked = part of task completed An apprentice can shingle the roof in 36 h.
How long would it take to shingle the roof
if both roofers worked together?

—24 + —36 = I

Equation for Uniform Motion Problems (6.6C. p. 388] A motorcycle travels 195 mi in the same
amount of time it takes a car to travel
Distance = rate X time, or
. -
= time 159 mi. The rate of the motorcycle is
rate 12 mph greater than the rate of the car. Find
the rate of the car.
r+ 12 r

(linnih*. 301)Ca&it Iiinml. *11 K jU, Kc«r\<J Uo ml K,cc(<nlrami, n darlund. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-m ruh. «>m llinl odkiino, K: wnoci feon Mt ilv-vi inlor rt'fcaiuit<l.

hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


...... 6
Multiply: ÿ
<fV + c?V> a- b
Review Exercises

2. Simplify: —
W3 - 4 - ~X

x +

3. Given P{x) = find P(4). 4. Solve:

3.v - 2 3t + 1
a+6 a+9

3a + 4 3a - 4
3a — 4
3a + 4 —
5. Simplify: 6. Write each fraction in terms of the LCM of the
3a 4 3a + 4

3a + 4 3a -4 4a 3a - 1
4a - I' 4a +1

7. Solve: r =
8. Given P(x) =
— -
a2 -2
3a - 2a + 5
.find P(-2).

10 2a - 7
9. Solve: 10. Determine the domain of /(a) —
5a +3 10a - 3 3a2 4- 3a - 18

3a4 4- 1 1a2 - 4 2a
11. Simplify: 12. Determine the domain of #(a) =
3a4 + 13a2 + 4 a-3

., „ , —3a2 +
13. Multiply:
a3 + 2a2
- 8
+ 4a a2 -4
14. Subtract:
2 9a - a2
A" - 4

15. Solve: 30 10
— 3 16. Solve:
A A- + 5a + 4 A +4 A +1

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu IdbioIVtaj f>il K.unil <r italicnd. n -Kik it n p«n. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: ittxi inlUr n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c njJilÿKtiwc try Imc it «jV«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l
17. Simplify:

+a — 4

— 3 — a— 4

x - 5' x2
- 9x
__ + 20'

18. Write each fraction in terms of the LCM of the

4- x

5 5 2x + 1
19. Solve: + 2x +7x 20. Subtract:
2x —3 x+5 — 15 a-4 a*2 - 3a - 4

21. Divide:
27a' -8
9a — 12a + 4 22. Simplify:
6a 3a
9a3 + 6r2 + 4* 9.v2 — 4 3a2 - 7a + 2 3a - I a-2

a3 - 27 2a 5
23. Simplify: 24. Subtract:
a2 -9 a— 3 A

a- 4 a- 3
25. Find the domain of F(x) - —L. 26. Add: +a-2
3*" a+1

8a3 - 27
v? ÿlxÿ_
27. Simplify: 28. Simplify: —5-~
8v •A j

29. Multiply:
16 - a2
6a +12
a2 + 5a + 6
a2 -8a +16
30. Divide: —a2a2r —- 2a
5a + 4
a2 +3
- 4a
a2 + 8a + 12

31. Divide:
8a3 - 64 a2 + 2a + 4 32. Divide: — +3 3aa+ 9 -
a- -9
4a3 + 4a2 + a *
4a2 - I a2 a3 - 27

33. Add:
la'lr + -4-
34. Simplify:
9a2 -4 3a - 2 3a +2

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu «c.(n<d Ug ml K.moil

n « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llinl tun? HDHIIno, K:
n»!»ik I .
u> ctiw* itilor cV'fatun t

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc c

6 3
.v - 6 +-
A 1
35. Simplify: -I ~
36. Simplify: -
.v + 3 -- r 3 + .v - 4
.v - I

v+? 5 — 5r
37. Solve: - - =- - 38." Solve:" - -2x 3- + 4 = 2x 3— 3
.r 3 — x+1 —

39. Solve: 6 + -v = 4 40. Solve:
x -3 .v + 3 x - 9

41. Work The inlet pipe can fill a tub in 24 min. The drain pipe can empty the tub in
15 min. How long would it take to empty the tub with both pipes open?

42. Uniform Motion A bus and a cy clist leave a school at 8 a.m. and head for a sta¬
dium 90 mi away. The rate of the bus is three times the rate of the cyclist. The cyclist
arrives 4 h after the bus. Find the rate of the bus.

43. Uniform Motion A helicopter trav els 9 mi in the same amount of time it takes an
airplane to travel 10 mi. The rate of the airplane is 20 mph greater than the rate of the
helicopter. Find the rate of the helicopter.

44. Education A student reads 2 pages of text in 5 min. At the same rate, how long
will it take the student to read 150 pages?

45. Electronics The current / in an electric circuit varies inversely as the resistance R.
If the current in the circuit is 4 amps when the resistance is 50 ohms, find the current
in the circuit when the resistance is 100 ohms.

46. Cartography On a certain map. 2.5 in. represents 10 mi. How mam miles 50 mpli

would be represented by 12 in.?

47. Safety The stopping distance .v of a car varies directly as the square of the 170 ft
speed v of the car. For a car traveling at 50 mph. the stopping distance is 1 70 ft.
Find the stopping distance for a car traveling at 65 mph. 65 "'i'1'

48. Work An electrician requires 65 min to install a ceiling tan. The electrician
and an apprentice, working together, take 40 min to install the fan. How long * ft
would it take the apprentice, working alone, to install the ceiling fan?

LHess ottavwse roiffi. alccrietcr ffispage a 2i Cargage laam'rg.

uqiith :olI<:cr«swc Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi. ml h,imil 11 italicnd. n -Hik i« i!pin. I>n in tlccn-ni rtfhi 01tlinl pm> cuilctiiraj K: nfpcuii ton ill--.4 irjor oiiniTil.
hÿitra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt ikci nnnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «iV«n«ni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

3 2 a2 + a — 6 +2
.r2 - 3.r
1. Solve: 2. Divide:
x + I a x- + Ix +12 x- + 6v +

2a - I x
3. Subtract: 4. Write each fraction in terms of the LCM of the
x +2 x -3 denominators.
x+I IX
x2 + a 6' a2 9 - -

4x ix
5. Solve: = 2- 6. Add:
2x - I 2x - 1 x +5 x~ + 3.v — 10

3.v2 — 12 2.r2 — 18 ' 1

7. Multiply: 8. Determine the domain of f(x) =
5.v - 15 .v: + 5a x -9

i_ 12
A" X~ a* +2
9. Simplify:
. 6
I +- +
10. Simplify1:
x +4

« . -.
11. Divide:
2a:2 — x — 3
— - «--
2a- 5a + 3-
3a: — a — 4
+ --
a- I
12. Solve: —4a
a+ 1
— a ——

2a2 — 8a + 8 12
13. Simplify: —— -
4 + 4a 3rr -
14. Solve: a -
A —3 A

Krjrirfi. 301J CranIainOl. All k./m. Mi) m Ix aini tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« UiclccVont r«Hx mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, Ix urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< he niÿii lo xAJutnxl ccosni ji iny line il «iV«c4isn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

xi f
15. Given f(x) = find /(- 1) 16. Subtract: 2
+ 4, x + 3.v - 4 .v2 - I

x+I x -3
17. Solve:
2v + 5 .r

18. Uniform Motion A cyclist travels 20 mi in the same amount of time it takes a hiker
to walk 6 mi. The rate of the cyclist is 7 mph greater than the rate of the hiker. Find
the rate of the cyclist.

19. Electronics The electrical resistance cable varies directly as its length /
r of a
and inversely as the square of its diameter d. If a cable 16.000 ft long and -j in. in
diameter has a resistance of 3.2 ohms, what is the resistance of a cable that is
8000 ft long and in. in diameter?

20. Interior Design An interior designer uses 2 rolls of wallpaper for every
45 ft: of wall space in an office. At this rate, how many rolls of wallpaper are needed
for an office that has 315 ft of wall space?

21. Work One landscaper can till the soil for a lawn in 30min. whereas a second land-
scaper needs only 15 min to do the same job. How long would it take to till the soil
for the lawn with both landscapes working together?

22. Sound Intensity The intensity /. in decibels, of a sound is inversely proportional

to the square of the distance d. in meters, from the source. If the intensity is 50 deci¬
bels at a distance of 8 m from the source, what is the intensity at a distance of 5 m
from the source?

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 KocnoL Mq ixi Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik clccVont nlHt.
it put. I>« ui : ihnJ i\ni»ti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be tfrxk irJur i<4*f»xT «»
riliraimicn thr. Mzy «rtrv«cc coucnJc<« r»»: rmniilb tOoei incnll kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix I cmxni 11 iny line it* «r; n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Simplify: 8 - 4[-3 - (-2)J2

- 5 2. Solve:
2.v - 3
-t - 4

3. Solve: 5 - .v - 4! = 2 4. Find the domain of f\x) =

5. Given P(x) = L find P(-2). 6. Write 0.000000035 in scientific notation.

7. simplify: -
8. Solve: x 3(1 - 2x) > 1 - 4(2 - 2x)
Write the solution set in interval notation.

9. Simplify: (2a2 -3a + l)(-2rr) 10. Factor: 2.r: + 3.v - 2

11. Factor: - 27 12. Simplify:

V-2v\ >
13. Find the equation of the line that contains the point
with coordinates P(— 2, — I) and is parallel to the
14. Solve: 8.v: — dr — 9 =0

graph of 3.v — 2y = 6.

15. Divide:
4.Y3 + 2.v2
x -2
I0.v + I
,6" Dmde:
ÿ. .. I6a"v
16v2 - 9f
— I2.xy~ "
4x: - xy - 3r
5x 2x
17. Write each fraction in terms of the LCM of the 18. Subtract:
denominators. 3.Y- - .v - 2 x- - I
2.v: + 2.v* 2.r4 - 2x> - 4x2

19. Graph — 3.v 4- 5>* = — 15 by using the .t- and 20. Graph the solution set: x +y < 3
y-intercepts. — 2.r +y >4


-1 (J )
_ r
2 4

t 1

Ittesscthawse rclBct allnrled.onPispeÿ is Iflaritij

LKgiiÿl1011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Htftu Ktunol »Uj im h.inml cr dnltcnd. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m n/li» .milinl j Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr tx cttxl ir*lof 41

hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ cvUcrt Jcci r«n minulb £*c »»» crxll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:< ix njÿil ic pcykac cvnxn: it »nj line »1 aiVwajucni n(h>rotrxtwnt rojurc t

.v - 4 +x 2
21. Evaluate the determinant:
6 5
22. Simplify: +
2 -3
x + 2-

23. Solve: + y +z = 3
x 24. Solve: |3x - 2| >4
-2x + y + 3z = 2
2x -4y + Z = -

25. Solve: 26. Solve:

x— 3 2.v - 3 xz - 36 x—6 x +6

27. Solve / =
R +r
for 28. Simplify: (I — a -i\-i

29. Mixtures How many pounds of almonds that cost $5.40 per pound must be
mixed with 50 lb of peanuts that cost $2.60 per pound to make a mixture that costs
$4.00 per pound?

30. Elections A pre-election survey showed that three out of five voters would vote in an
election. At this rate, how many people would be expected to vote in a city of 125.000?

31. Work A new computer can work six times faster than an older computer. Working
together, the computers can complete a job in 12 min. How long would it take the new
computer, working alone, to complete the job?

900 mi
32. Uniform Motion A plane can fly at a rate of 300 mph in calm air. Traveling with 300 + r
the w ind. the plane flew 900 mi in the same amount of time it took to fly 600 mi 600 mi
against the wind. Find the rate of the wind. 300 -r

33. Uniform Motion Two people start from the same point on a circular exercise track
that is 0.25 mi in circumference. The first person walks at 3 mph. and the second
person jogs at 5 mph. After I h. where along the track are the two people?

LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CCrorltbt :ol> <:a«*« IUinnl. All Hiltu Knmol Mq i>» h,unil <r italicnd. n -Hik it I!«n. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ton inlor cV'fanxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l
Exponents and Radicals

Focus on Success
A To simplify expressions with There are a number of features in this
rational exponents
B To write exponential
text that will help you to be prepared for a
expressions as radical test. Start with the Chapter Summary. The
expressions and to write Chapter Summary describes the important
radical expressions as
exponentialexpressions topics covered in the chapter. Do the
C To simplify radical Chapter Review Exercises. If you have
expressions that are roots of trouble with any of the questions, restudy
perfect powers
the objectives the questions are taken
SECTION 7.2 from. Take the Chapter Test, working on it
A To simplify radical as if it were an actual exam. (See Ace the
B To add or subtract radical
Test page AIM-11.)

A To multiply radical
Prep Test
B To divide radical expressions
Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
A To solve a radical equation
B To solve application
1. Complete: 48 = ?• 3

A To simplify a complex For Exercises 2 to 6. simplify.
B To add or subtract complex
C To multiply complex numbers
2. 25 3. «j
D To divide complex numbers

,12 1
5. (3 - 7.r) - (4 - 2v)

6. 7. Expand: (3.t — 2):


For Exercises 8 and 9. multiply.

8. (2 + 4.r) (5 - 3.r) 9. (6* - I) (6.v + I)

10. Solve: .t2 - 14* - 5 - 10


l\UTj(i:ii|l<'C!««ilnniii| fcUHi/VllKocnl timcUira) U. urpiocÿh" 6c ilVsiirUJidiuup.l.

Ma; i>lh,c«Mil.*>'uln'-hil,«ie pot DacuillKlunf rftuwiKthnl potf
tÿJtvalmicB hv«kcneÿJu:ny Mnrcocc vm:«k ikli r*K mictulb 6c uxnll lamiÿ cvcncm. CaiXÿ amn;roo>C4 ix n|hi 1ÿ xtkÿc idluinil craxni n wj lioc if «iV<ÿicnt n(lo rofiKtunrojurei

Rational Exponents and

7.1 Radical Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To simplify expressions with rationalexponents

In this section, the definition of an exponent is extended beyond integers so that any ra¬
Point of Interest tional number can be used as an exponent. The definition is expressed in such a way that
Nicolas Chuquet (c. 1475), a the Rules of Exponents hold true for rational exponents.
French physician, wrote an
algebra text in which he used
a notation for expressions
Consider the expression (a1")" for a > 0 and n a positive integer. Now simplify, assum¬
with fractional exponents. He ing the Rule for Simplifying the Power of an Exponential Expression is true.
wrote R26 to mean 6 '2 and
fl315 to mean 1512 This was (a,'")n = a'" = a' = a
an improvement over earlier
notations that used words for Because (a1'")" = a, the number a1'" is the number whose mh power is a.
these expressions.
If a > 0 and n is a positive number, then a1 " is called the nth root of a.

25 "2 = 5 because (5)2 = 25.

S"3 = 2 because (2)3 = 8.

In the expression a1", if a is a negative number and n is a positive even integer, then
is not a real number.
A calculator can be used to
evaluate expressions with
(—4)' 2 is not a real number, because there is no real number whose second power is —4.
rational exponents. For
example, to evaluate the When n is a positive odd integer, a can be a positive or a negative number.
expression at the right, press
C"J27&J CL; 1 (-27) 1/3 = -3 because (-3)5 = -27.
$ .The
display reads 3.
Using the definition of a1" and the Rules of Exponents, it is possible to define any expo¬
nential expression that contains a rational exponent.

Rule for Rational Exponents

If m and n are positive integers and a' " is a real number, then
" = (a1")

The expression am" can also be written am" = am " - {a")"n. Howe\er. rewriting a"' " as
(a™)1" is not as useful as rewriting it as (a' See the Take Note at the top of the next

As shown above, expressions that contain rational exponents do not always represent
real numbers when the base of the exponential expression is a negative number. For this
reason, all variables in this chapter represent positive numbers unless otherwise

(linnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu\<J Uo ml K,unil n darlund. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> hdhiino, K: uinuiÿ fenn Mc itiw* itilor c*~fapxn<(.
hs«Jccikc ilut azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt rcqiirc t

Simplify: 27w
Take Note
Although we can simplify 272'3 = (33)w • Rewrite 27 as 3'.
an expression by rewriting
amn in the form (a")", it is = 33<2/3) = 32 • Multiply the exponents.
usually easier to simplify the
form (a' T. For instance, =9
simplifying (2713)2 is easier
than simplifying (272)1*-
Simplify: 32 -2/5
32-2/5 = £5) -2/5 • Rewrite 32 as 2'.
Take Note = 2~2 =
22 • Multiply the exponents. Then use the Definition of
Negative Exponents.
Note that 32 2a
= -4 a 2
positive number. A negative ~
• Simplify.
exponent does not affect the
sign of a number.

Simplify: ax,2-a23-a "4

a .
,.1/2 • a2/3 „ 1/4 - _
— a
1/2 ÿ* 2/3 - 1/4
• Use the Rule for Multiplying Exponential
— ÿ6/12+8/12-3/12

= fl"/l2 • Simplify.

Simplify: (tV)3-
(xyy- = x**/** • Use the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products.
= xy • Simplify.

Simplify: 3*""3/4(2*,lft - x~"4)

3r ~3'4(2r 1 1,4 — x ~ 1 4) = 3.r "34(2r 1 14) - Use the Distributive Property
to remove parentheses.

= 6x ~3'4
* 11/4
— 3x~3'4 ~ (-ll4)
Use the Rule for Multiplying
Exponential Expressions.
= 6rS J - 3.v _4/J
= 6.r2 - 3v_l Simplify.

= 6r2 — —x
Tips for Success 8c?b -4 \ 2/3
Remember that a HOW Simplify:
TO indicates a worked- ,64a V
out example. Using paper
and pencil, work through
( 8a3b~A Y3 /2W4\M • Rewrite 8 as 23 and 64 as 2\
the example. See AIM for \64« V ,2W,
Success in the Preface.
= (2~3a,2fr_6)2/3 • Use the Rule for Dividing Exponential Expressions.
= 2-Vfc-4 • Use the Rule for Simplifying Powers of Products.
as_ a8
22*4 4/?J
• Use the Definition of Negative Exponents and simplify.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,cc(<nlrani,cr Avlkml. n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. oa«a "aj K: &«* ji uiVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccnxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotrKtwrnmtiirt l

Simplify: 64 -m Simplify: 16 '"4

Solution 54-20 = (26ÿ-20 • 64 =26 Your solution

= .-4 = 1=
2J '

Simplify: (.v'Vÿ'Vÿ Simplify: (rÿW2*)-4*
Solution Your solution
.1/2. — 3/2_l/4\ —3/2
r —3/4
9/4 —3/8
• Use the Rule for Simplifying
.9/4 Powers of Products.

J..- -5/4
/ Kvr-V'V'


Simplify: 7 Simplify:
.v 4/3yl/3 V 9a'b-*5
Solution Your solution

_ .ÿ3i6—{—8/6)ÿ—15/12 —4/12
Use the Rule for Dividing
_ r
_ Exponential Expressions.

Solutions on p. S21

OBJECTIVE B To write exponentialexpressions as radicalexpressions

and to write radical expressions as exponential expressions
Recall that a"" is the wth root of a. The expression \"</ is another symbol for the nth root
Point of Interest offl.
The radical sign was
introduced in 1 525 by If <7 is a real number, then a' " = X' a.
Christoff Rudolff in a book
called Coss. He modified the In the expression the symbol X is called a radical, n is the index of the radical.
symbol to indicate square and a is the radicand. When n = 2, the radical expression represents a square root and
roots, cube roots, and fourth the index 2 is usually not written.
roots. The idea of using
an index, as we do in our An exponential expression with a rational exponent can be written as a radical expression.
modern notation, did not
occur until some years later.
Writing Exponential Expressions as Radical Expressions
_ m*1/ji _
If a'" Is a real number, then a1 " - va and a """r'n = a t
= (am)u= Vam.

The expression amn can also be written = (a' ")m = ( X'a)m.

Kqiilh roll C'WXI IoinOt All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq ox Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>« uidamn* mm tknl |tnj unimon, K: wircutj hn at itv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
tilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: numill) lu mcnll kinut; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng rc*tnc< ix niÿii lo »c»H6c tÿlmml ccoxni 11 my line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

The exponential expression at the right has been written as a r* = W*

radical expression.
= Vv2
The radical expressions at the right have been written as ÿ7 = Cr6)''5 =
exponential expressions. 2
VI7 = 17'
Write (5a)25 as a radical expression.

(5.x)2'5 = • The denominator of the rational exponent is the index of

the radical.The numerator is the power of the radicand.
= ÿ25? • Simplify.

Write v.x"4 as an exponential expression with a rational exponent.

V? — (vJ) 11
• The index of the radical is the denominator of the rational
exponent. The power of the radicand is the numerator of
the rational exponent.
= xAfi • Simplify.

Hi Write Vo3 + /?' as an exponential expression with a rational

\/«3 + b3 = (a3 + IrY*

Note that (a3 + 63)"3 + b.
* a

Write (3.v)5 4 as a radical expression. Write (2r ')' 4 as a radical expression.

Solution (3.x) 5/4 = VOY = \'/243.r' Your solution

Write — 2.v: " as a radical expression. Write —5a5 6 as a radical expression.

Solution -2.r2/3 = -2(.t2)"3 = -2ÿ.t2 Your solution

Write \ 3a as an exponential expression. Write V 3ab as an exponential expression.

Solution = (3a) 1 4 Your solution

Write Va2 — b2 as an exponential expression. Write \4V + y4 as an exponential expression.

Solution Va: — b2 = (a2 — b2)' '2 Your solution
Solutions on p. S2I

linnill. :iil1cliiXfi Iiimnf.All k./m. Uq m Ivenrolami. tr oi.-IkmJ. Ii»Kik a « pM. I>« Ui ekoiv'ic ryh> mm iknl |tii) .muchitq, K: urfTcÿc fccm m ilv-l irjjr lOiom"
riiira!roitn> ain*v<*cd curitn«ko ok numill) x'tc: tic mcrall lorux/ cxjtncra Iumnf rc*mc< ix lo tÿlumil {rtixniiiin; line if n/h*roinciwm rotwrc I.

_ To simplify radical expressions that are roots ofperfectpowers

Every positive number has two square roots, one a positive number and one a negative
number. For example, because (5)2 = 25 and (— 5)2 = 25, there are two square roots of
25: 5 and -5.

The symbol V is used to indicate the positive V25 = 5

square root, or principal square root. To indicate
the negative square root of a number, a negative sign
is placed in front of the radical. — V25 = -5
The square root of /.ero is zero. V0 = 0

The square root of a negative number is not a real V-25 is not a real
number because the square of a real number must be

Note that
V(-5)2 = V25 = 5 and V52 = V25 = 5
This pattern is true for all real numbers and is stated as the following result.

For any real number a va2 = a \ and —Va2 = — |a .If a is a positive real number.
then Va2 =a and (Va)2 = a.

Besides square roots, we can also determine cube roots, fourth roots, and so on.

S/'8 = I.because 2"' = 8. • The cube root of a positive number is positive.
Technology V— 8 = —2, because (—2)3 = —8. • The cube root of a negative number is negative.
See the Keystroke Guide:
Radical Expressions for V 625 = 5. because 5J = 625.
instructions on using a
graphing calculator to
evaluate a numerical radical
\' 243 3, because 35 243. -
The following properties hold true when finding the mh root of a real number.

If n is an even integer, then Va" = |a| and — Va" = — |a| If . n is an odd integer, then
V? = a.
For example,

lyl = -.
For the remainder of this chapter, we will assume that variable expressions inside a
Take Note radical represent positive numbers. Therefore, it is not necessary to use the absolute
Note that when the index is
value signs.
an even natural number, the
nth root requires absolute
value symbols.
Simplify: ÿ.rV
Vy6 = y but \' y==y
Because we stated that V.tV =
4 8\l 4
(vV)" • The radicand is a perfect fourth power because the exponents on
variables within radicals the variables are divisible by 4. Write the radical expression as
represent positive numbers. an exponential expression.
we will omit the absolute
value symbols when writing
an answer.
= TV • Use the Rulefor Simplifying Powers of Products.

Cvmndi. "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» h,otmlrami. 11italicnJ. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-w rtfhi 01llird pm» cn«nno, K: nnmÿ ton ji ill--,4 irjor Pkimii.
hÿura! ImJccncidutiry «jnrva(j cocicn Jmi rannucnilb mcnll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccnxni it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnireqiirt l

Simplify: VI25c9d*
VI25c9d6 - (5W6)"3 The radicand is a perfect cube because 125 is a perfect
cube ( 125 = 5J) and all the exponents on the variables are
divisible by 3.
= 5cV Use the Rule for Sknplifving Powers of Products.

Note that a variable expression is a perfect power if the exponents on the factors are
evenly divisible by the index of the radical.
The chart below shows roots of perfect powers. Knowledge of these roots is very helpful
when simplifying radical expressions.

Fifth R
Vl = 1 v736 = 6 VT = i Vi-I
ÿi = 2 Vl6 = 2

\. 4 = 2 \ 49 = 7 IJ II IJ

V 9 =3 V 64 = 8 £ II (0 Sÿsi =3 V 243 =3

VI6 =4 V81 = 9 IS II *r V256 = 4

V 25 = 5 V 100 = 10 V 125 = 5 V'625 =5

Take Note
EjEZEBh Simplify: ÿ'-243.v5y15
From the chart. V243 = 3,
which means that 3 5 = 243.
V— 243*5y15 = -3X? • From the chart. 243 is a perfect fifth power, and each
From this we know that exponent is divisible by 5. Therefore, the radicand is a
<-3)3 = -243. which means perfect fifth power.
V-243 = -3.

Simplify: V-125a6b» Simplify: V-S.r'V

Solution Your solution
The radicand is a perfect cube.
$—\25a6b9 = —5a2b* • Divide each exponent
by 3.

Simplify: -VI6a4/.8 Simplify: -VSI.v'V

Solution Your solution
The radicand is a perfect fourth power.
-VI(to4/.* = —2ab: • Divide each exponent by 4.

Solutions on p. S22

Ufessothowssrc(Bct alIorient on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB layrii?.

canritfl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Htftu Ktunol lb) im h.icmdrani,cr distend. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m .milinl j K«nnj k 4inrcucÿ fwr Vtc cbxl aralor ci'safixn 4i.
hdbra!review 1»Jccnciilut *tj ainvcacÿ cuclcrt Jcci r«n nucmlb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c cvnxn: atanj line »l «jV«(iKni n(h>rotrxtwo* rojairc t


Concept Check
For Exercises I to 4, find the value of a.
1. a"3 =5 2. a"4 = 3 3. a<* = -2 4. a"3 = -2

For Exercises 5 to 8, simplify.

5. V8I 6. S/64 7. \a 81 8. \V'32

objective A To simplify expressions with rational exponents

9. Which of the following are not real numbers?

(i) (—7) 1/2 (ii) (— 7)"3 (iii) (—7) 1/4 <iv) (—7) 1/5

10. i? If x{ln = a. what is a"?

For Exercises 1 1 to 78. simplify.
11. 8I/3 12. 16"2 13. 9'" 14. 25m 15. 27 -2/3

16. 64-1/3 17. 322 18. 16' 4 19. (—25) 3/2 20. (-36)1/4


x21* • x ~4'5


x~V3 x3'4•

23 ..1/2.,1/2

28. .v x -1/2 •
~x 24. a'V3

29. a"3 a3'4 - a-"2



y~,/6 y23- y"2


-1/2 ÿ -34
.r -3/5 .23
3!.- 32 33. 1/4
35. -5/6
6" y J

37. 2\-l/2 38. a 39. (.r ~23)6 40. (y"5'6)12

41. (a"''-)-2 42. (Jr2*)"6 43. Cr"3'*)"4* 44. (y-*2)-2* 45. (a"2 -a)2

46. (b1'3 • 61,6)6 47. (x-,n-x*Y2 48. (a"2 a"2)3 49. (y""2-yM)2/3 50. (ft"2*- fr"4)"4*

llTOTilh'. :ol) CcrCXc IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. «ij f>il h.imilnmoiIT cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: &M* irjor cVfapm «»-
hÿlxra! (uaJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;r< ik<« rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿxtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt 1

si. (*-y)-'* 52. (trb-*)-1* 53. (*-y*)-*4 54. (a"V)w

1/2 \ 4 -3/4 \ 8
.v"4*""2 bin--b-3M
55. 56. -1/2
57. .2/3
58. .1/4

v23 V "56V
• 'a1/3 a -2fc>

b-b 34\ - -1/2 .-5/6. r3) -2/3
59. 60. J '2
61. -1/2
62. .43

63. vw 64. (rV_,,)_2(_r-3y2),/6 65. (l<5v-Y)-"Va) 66. (27s3/ -6ÿ13ÿ- l/3ÿ5'6j6

(4a"/>-2)-'- (4.v Y) 1/2

67. (r ~~ 3y~3) (27.r _3v6) ~
3 1/3
68. (9*-ayV'iVV-a),/l 69.

-2/2 \ —3/2
'.r"2 -S/4X-4
49c5 3
71. 72. . -3/4 74. _
.a — 14ft

75. ÿy/2 _ y-./2) 76. y3/s(y2/5 + ,.-3/5\ 77. a I4/„5J

a9/4\ 78. xA%x2* + x -101

uqiith 301) CiriW Itunnr *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K.iiraJ.rami. n dnlunJ. n»l»ik i« I!wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> hdhii(TO! K: unio/ u> itiw* itilor ct'fapxn t.
hdur»rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainrcacÿ coUcrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< 6« ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4jV«cqiani ng\t* roiixlwnt rotiirc t

objective b To ivrite exponential expressions as radical expressions

and to write radical expressions as exponential expressions

79. '"J True or false? 8v'* = 2\V.v 80. '"J True or false? (\/ 't)5 = (x5) 1/3

For Exercises 8 1 lo 96. rewrite the exponential expression as a radical expression.

81. 3,/4 82. 5I/2 83. «3'- 84. bifi

85. (2 if2 86. (3.x)2* 87. -2.x2* 88. -3a215

89. (a-b)2* 90. (.ry)3'4 91. {a2b*)M 92. (a3*7)3*

93. (4.v - 3)3'4 94. (3.r - 2),/3 95. x~m 96. b~VA

For Exercises 97 to 112. rewrite the radical expression as an exponential expression.

97. \ 14 98. V7 99. Vx 100. Vy

101. ÿ/xi 102. Vxr 103. VP 104.

105. \Vlv3 106. \v4y7 107. -V3.r5 108. - 4.r5

109. 3xÿy2 110.2yVx3 111. Va2 - 2 112. V3 - v2

objective c To simplify radical expressions that are roots ofperfect powers

ÿ For Exercises 1 13 to 116, assume that x is a negative real number. State whether
the expression simplifies to a positive number, a negative number, or a number that is
not a real number.

113. -V8.r15 114. — V9.ts 115. V-4.r'2 116. V-27.r9

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu "ocmI vu. >i h.unil <• « n p»l. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> ..mino, K:
n»t»ik i Mc inlor c*~fapxn « t
rc*io» hs«JccncJ ihn ujainrrocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnr. CaMc I camnf rcoc< &*c ntjil U> ictmc idlumil ceoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

For Exercises 1 17 to 140. simplify.

117. VP* 118. Vp1 119. -VP 120. -V?

121. VP? 122. VPP~2 123. -VPy 124. -Vÿ9L9

125. VI6aW 126. V25.rV 127. V-16*Y 128. V-9a*b*

129. Vri? 130. V&P? 131. \V-64.vV2 132. V-27ayb15

133. -VxV2 134. -VP%A 135. VÿPy" 136. VPtP

137. v8Ijc4y20 138. V\6a*b20 139. V32aV° 140. V-32*'Y°

Critical Thinking
141. bJ! If x is any real number, is V.v2 = a* always true? Show why or why not.

142. Simplify.
a.\ÿ7« b. </V7s c. \/V8!/
d. W? e. VvP f. Wx,2yu

Projects or Group Activities

A continued fraction is a complex fraction, of the form
shown at the right, that continues indefinitely. By stopping 0
_ _ bt
the process at some point, a continued fraction can be used '' ay
to approximate the square root of a natural number. "
a3 + ...

143. Show that V2 ** I + -—- 144. Show that V3 I

2 -t ---—:— 1+ - i
2+— 2+ —
2 +- I+
2 2+1

lirinlb. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. VUj ik. K: miiir oclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it in". I>« ui ckcivnt raH. mm <hnl itiij .ramirta, K: fecm Hiilv-4 inlor "I
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: rmniilb afixl 6c mcnll kimn; cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix njÿil lo pcyk'vc >6iu<ml ccnxni il anj line if «ri n/k«reanctwm retire <-

Addition and Subtraction

7.2 of Radical Expressions
OBJECTIVE A To simplify radical expressions

If a number is not a perfect power, its root can only be approximated: examples include
Point of Interest V5 and \/ 3. These numbers are irrational numbers. Their decimal representations
The Latin expression for ne\er terminate or repeat.
irrational numbers was
numerussurdus, which
literally means "inaudible
number." A prominent 16th-
V5 = 2.2360679. .. ÿ3 = 1 .4422495. . .
century mathematician wrote
A radical expression is in simplest form when the radicand contains no factor that is a
of irrational numbers.
*. ..just as an infinite perfect power. The Product Property of Radicals is used to simplify radi cal expressions
number is not a number, whose radicands are not perfect powers.
so an irrational number is
not a true number, but lies
hidden in some sort of cloud The Product Property of Radicals
of infinity." In 1872, Richard
Dedekind wrote a paper
that established the first If X a and \ b are positive real numbers, then X a Xb = X> ab.

logical treatment of irrational


Simplify: \ 48

\ 48 = V I6-3 • Write the radicand as the product of a perfect

square and a factor that does not contain a
perfect square.
= V\6 V 3 • Use the Product Property of Radicals to write
the expression as a product.

= 4V 3 • Simplify \ 16.

Note that 48 must be written as the product of a perfect square

and a factor that does not contain a perfect square. There-
\ 48 = V4• 12
fore. it would not be correct to rewrite V48 as V 4 12 and •

simplify the expression as shown at the right. Although 4 is = V 4 V42

a perfect square factor of 48, 12 contains a perfect square
(12 4- 3) and thus V 12 can be simplified further. Re¬ = 2VT2
member to find the largest perfect power that is a factor of Not in simplest form
the radicand.

Simplify: V 18.t V
\l8.v V = V9vr 2y •
• Write the radicandas the product of a perfect square
and factors that do not contain a perfect square.
= V9v V V2y • Use the Product Property of Radicals to write the
expression as a product.
= 3yvV2v • Simplify.

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All K /'i> KocnoL Mi) ox Ix iimci ir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik it it put. I>« Ui cla-ixtat mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* JccncJ ihr. «rtxc«cc cuucnJc<« r»»: numill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccnxni 11 my line it n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Simplify: V.r7
V?= V.r6- • Write the radicand as the product of a perfect cube and a factor
that does not contain a perfect cube.
= ÿ\/.x • Use the Product Property of Radicals to write the expression as a

= x2ÿ/x Simplify.

Simplify: V32?
V32.r7 = ÿ 1 6r*(2r*j • Write the radicand as the product of a perfect fourth power
and factors that do not contain a perfect fourth power.
= ÿ 16vJ N/' 2x • Use the Product Property of Radicals to write the expression
as a product.

= 2xi/2? • Simplify.

Simplify: ÿ.t9 Simplify: ÿ V

Solution Your solution
V? = Vxf~x .Vs is a perfect fourth
= V*8 Vx power.
= x2 i/x

Simplify: V-27a5fr12 Simplify: V-64.v8y18

Solution Your solution

V —21a b'2
= -V-21aybi2{a2) —27a sb>2 is a perfect cube.
= i/~21aV2 i/a1
= -3ÿJVV

Solutions on p. 522

Ivmndi. :ol1Ccrcxc Iiininf til Htftu >Ocnol VU; r>.i<nlranci. cr Aolicifcil. nN.H1W it is p«n. I>it ui(tamrah. o> llird itm. oalcilno, K: airficucÿ fen* at itv-vi inlor
hÿara!rc*io» (wJccnciduitt) «jn*co(ÿ coclcrt iko rannaicnilb **c w» cr»l 1 Icirnn/ cxpcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njÿil Ukcykac ccoxnl it inj li*»c if 4iV«cqimi rijlorotiKtwnireqiirt t-

OBJECTIVE B To add or subtract radical expressions

The Distributive Property is used to simplify the sum or difference of radical expressions
that have the same radicand and the same index. For example.

3V5 + 8V5 = (3 + 8)V5 = 1 1V5

2S/3.v - 9N/3.r = (2 - 9) V'3v = -li/lx

Radical expressions that are in simplest form and have unlike radicands or di fferent indi¬
ces cannot be simplified by the Distributive Property. The expressions below cannot be
simplified by the Distributive Property.
3ÿ2 — 6ÿ3 2ÿ4t + 3\"4.v

3V32.r2 - 2.rV2 + V 12&r2


3V32.V2 — 2.t\/2 + y/ 128* 2 • Pint simplify each term. Then

combine like terms by using the
= 3VI6r2 V2 - 2x\/2 + V64v2 \r2 Distributive Property.

= 3• 4vV'2 - 2tV 2 + 8vV 2

= 12.A/ 2 - 2xVl + 8*V2

= 1 8.v V 2

Simplify: - 2aVI62Jb* Simplify: 3*y V8 \x5y - VI92r8/
Solution Your solution
5bV32aU? - 2xiV\62a*b9
- 5b i/16aW 2xi*b - 2xi V 8 1b6

= 5b 2xibÿ2xi*b
~ 2xi ÿ 3b2V2ÿb
= 10ab2ÿ/2u*b - 6ab2ÿ%*b

= 4ab2ÿ/la*b

Solution on p. S22

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il<nlrani,cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb >fet £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
For Exercises I to 8. determine whether the expression is a perfect square, perfect
cube, or neither of these. There may be more than one answer for each expression.

1. 12 3. 49 4. 64

5. x3 6. 9v4 7. 27.y- 8. 64.v 3-6


For Exercises 9 to 12, determine whether the radical expression is in simplest form.

9. V24 10. \ 49 11. V12t- 12. V 26vvs

objective A To simplify radical expressions

For Exercises 13 to 28, simplify.

13. V.tVV i4. V.t-y-9 15. V8oV 16. V24t/V

17. V45.r3.rV 18. V6QxyV2 19. ÿ48.rV;6 20. VI62yV-2

21. W6ÿ 22. 23. V-I25vy 24. — 2l6v5y9

25. VaVc6 26. W'c" 27. Vl6.vV 28. ÿ64v8y 10

obJective b To add or subtract radical expressions

29. True or false? V 9 + a + X'a + 9 = 2Y'a + 9 30. 3? True or false? V 9 + a = 3 + Va

For Exercises 31 to 52, simplify.

31. 2Vx - 8\/.v 32. 3Vy + 12Vy 33. Y'S.v — V32v

34. Vila ~ VSa 35. V I86 + V756 36. 2V2V + 4v\ 8.v

37. 3V/8v2y3 - 2.rV 3V 38. 2V/32.v2y' - .xyV98y 39. 2aV27abs + 3bV3a*b

40. v 128 + v 250 41. Y 16- V 54 42. 2VV- 3«V8I«

uqiith 301) Iiinml. *11 Ktftu »t«, ml K,iiraJrami. n darluaol. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ fc" Mc inlo.c*~fapxn.1
rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc »61uiml ccnunl at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc t

43. 2WI6?+ ÿ128/>s 44. 3ÿ77 - &tyV57 45. 3V3V - aVl62a

46. 2aV 16ab* + 3bV256a'b 47. 2V50 - 3VI25 + V98 48. 3\ 108 - 2 \ 1 8 - 3\ 48

49. \ 9by - V25/r' + V49/x' 50. VVy5 + 9v2VÿV - 5xyVx*p

51. 2rV8xy2 - 3y\/32.r3 + Wy3 52. 5 + 2crVThb - Wl5tfb

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 53 lo 56. simplify.

53. \' 54TV3 - 5V 2ÿ + yVu&t 54. 2ÿ24ÿ7 + 4tV8l7 - 3yV24v3y

55. 2aV32b5 - 3bV\62ÿb + V2aV 56. 6y\V48.v" - 2vV/243.tyJ - 4Wy4

Projects or Group Activities

A radical function is one for which a variable has a
/(*) = ~ -f 4

fractional exponent or a variable underneath a radical. _
\ 2a
Examples of radical functions are shown at the right.
The domain of a radical function is the set of real numbers for which the radical expres¬
"* vl * 4

sion is a real number. For instance. -4 is not in the domain of function g shown above
because g(-4) = \ 2( 4) + 4 = V-4, which is not a real number. Because the square
root of a negative number is not a real number, the domain of g is all values of x for which
2v + 4 0. Solving this inequality gives .t -2. In interval notation, the domain of g is
[-2. »).
Now consider J{x) = 2\'/.r + 4. If .v is a negative number, say x = -8. then ÿ-8 = -2.
a real number. If .vis a positive number, say x = 27. then \ÿ27 = 3, a real number. In this
case, the domain of /is all real numbers. This suggests the following rule. If the index of
a radical expression is an even number, then the radicand must be greater than or equal to
zero to ensure that the value of the radical expression is a real number. If the index of a rad¬
ical expression is an odd number, then the radicand may be a positive or negative number.
For Exercises 57 to 60, find the domain of the radical function. Write the answer in
interval notation. Use a graphing calculator to graph the function. For assistance with
graphing, see the Keystroke Guide: Graph.

57. /(.r) = V3 - .r 58. /(.r) = i/x 59. f{x) =2 + V I - .v 60. J{x) = 2- Vlx + 3

LHessottuwse re,®, al coitalcnHas page 3 ffi Cergage leamrg.

uqiith 301)Ca I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K.moil <• darliCal. n »l»ik i« n UK. I>* m<k«o»(ruW. o> llirj tun? hdhiiituj K: annuel feu* Mc (tV-,4 itilor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

Multiplication and Division

7.3 of Radical Expressions
objective A To multiply radical expressions

Recall the Product Property of Radicals: If Xa and V3.r V5y = V 1 5.vy

X'b are real numbers, then va- X b - X ab. This X/4x*~- >ÿ9ÿ _ -\/t6.v2v2-
property is used to multiply radical expressions with _ "
the same index. ÿ ÿ

W =

Multiply: X/2xfb X/'\fxrb2

v2a*b X I(xrb2 = X/ 32a7b3, • Use the Product Property of Radicals to multi¬
ply the radicands.
= X/%ahbs*_4a • Simplify.
= 2a-b X'4 a

Multiply: VMVS - V3)

VE(V£ - V3) = - V2x(V3) Use the Distributive Property.
= Vl6.v2 — V6r • Simplify.
= 4.v - V 6v

Multiply: (2V5 - 3)(3Y5 + 4)

(2V5 - 3)(3V 5 + 4) = 6(\ 5 )2 + 8V5 - 9V5 - 12 • Use the FOIL
method to multiply
the numbers.
= 30 + 8V5 - 9V5 - 12
= 18 V5 — • Combine like terms.

Expand: (5 — Viv)2
(5 - V3x)2 = (5 - V3x)(5 - vTr) _
= 25 - 5V3* - sVjx + (V 3.r)2 • Use FOIL.
= 25 —
10V3x + 3.r • Combine like terms.

Multiply: V3(\ T5 - VT\ ) Multiply: 5V2(V6 + V24)

Solution Your solution
V 3 (VI~5 - V2l ) =X V 63
45 ~

= 3V5 - 3V7
Solution on p. S22

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <».

hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcn ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac tÿlumil croxnl it itry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnimtiirt l

Multiply: (2 + 3V5)(3 - \ 5) Multiply: (4 - 2V7)(I + 3Y 7)

Solution Your solution
(2 + 3V5)(3 - \ 5) = 6- 2V5 + 9V5 - 3(V5)2
=6 + 7V 5 -3-5
= 6 + 7V5 - 15
= -9 + 7V5

Expand: (3 - V.r + I)2 Expand: (4 - V2r):

Solution Your solution
(3 - vTTT)2 = (3 - v7TT)(3 - vTTT)
= 9 - 3\/y + I - 3Vx + I + (V.r + I)2
= 9 - 6\/r + I + (x + I)

=x - 6V-r +1 + 10
Solutions on p. S22

objective b To divide radical expressions

The Quotient Property of Radicals is used to divide radical expressions with the same

The Quotient Property of Radicals

It \n a and ÿ b are real numbers and 0*0. then

ÿ -

V ab3c

V5cMc- 5a'b'c-
cibyc • Use the Quotient Property of Radicals.
V abyc
= V5a-Vc • Simplify the radicand.
= \Ztrb1 •
5ac = ahS/5ac

A radical expression is in simplest form when 3

the denominator does not contain a radical.
The radical expressions at the right are not in
V7 VS 3- V5
Not in simplest form
simplest form.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) w Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it part. I>.i uiclccVont r<(hv mm iknl wo oatctirtn, K: uotcÿkc frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiom"

rilingroim Ism JccncJ ihr. cuclcM Jc<« r»»: numill) xVi lu mcnll kinut; cxjcncru Ucanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< he niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccnxnt ii iny line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

The procedure used to remove a radical expression from the denominator is called
rationalizing the denominator. The idea is to multiply the numerator and denominator
by an expression that will result in a denominator that is a perfect root of the index.

Simplify: —

Take Note Multiply the numerator and denominator by V7.
V7 V7 V7
= 1. Therefore, we are
V7 3V7 3V7 V7 \ 7 = V 49 = 7. Because 49 is a perfect square, the

multiplying Dy 1 and not

changing the value ot the
denominator can now be written without a radical.

Take Note
Because the index of the

radical is 3. we must multiply Multiply the numerator and denominator by \* 2x2.

by a factor that will produce ÿ4-v ÿ4.r See the Take Note at the left.
a perfect third power. Ask.
"What must 4x be multiplied 6ÿ 6Xy~
by to produce a perfect = 4x • \J 2x: = \' 8x' = 2r. Because 8x"' is a
third power?" ÿ8ÿ -IV
perfect cube, the denominator can now be w ritten
4x - ? = 8x3 3\V272 without a radical.
4x • 2x: = 8x3 Divide bv the common factor.
We must multiply the
numerator and denominator
To simplify a fraction that has a square-root radical expression with two terms in the de¬
by «2x*. nominator. multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator.

Definition of Conjugate
Take Note
The concept of conjugate is The conjugate of a t b is a b. and the conjugate of a b is a + b.
used in a number of different
instances. Make sure you
The product of the conjugates is (a + b)(a b) = a2 - - b2.
understand this idea. EXAMPLES
The conjugate of \ 3 - 4 1. The conjugate of 3 + V7 is 3 - V'7. The product of the conjugates is
is V 3 + 4. (3 + V7)(3 - V7) = 32 - (V7)2 = 9-7=2
The conjugate of \ 3 + 4
is \ 3 - 4.
2. The conjugate of + 3 \ 2 is 2 3 v 2. The product of the conjugates is

The conjugate of (-2 T 3V2)(-2 - 3V5) = (—2)2 <3\/5)2 = 4 (9 2) = 4 18 = 14 •

V 5a + \ b is \ 5a - V b .
3. The conjugate of Vx vy is VX + Vy. The product of the conjugates is
(vS - Vy)(\x + vy) = (vx)2 - (vy)2 = x y

3 - V5
3+\ 5 6(3 + V5)
Multiply the numerator and
3 - V5 3 - V5 3 +V 5 32 - (V5)? denominator by 3 + V5, the
6(3 + V 5) 6(3 + V'5) conjugate of 3 - V 5.
9-5 4
3(3 + V5) 9 + 3V5

Kqiilh 301J Crw Itunat *11 Krfil. Koronl Mi) m Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« uiclccVont r<(hv mm tknl |tnjunimrm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch dco r»»: numill) lu mcnll kinur; cvjtncra Ccanfc Icsmnf rc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml croxni 11 my line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rr4nctwm rc*jurc l

Simplify: yj Ix Simplify: v"

Solution Your solution
3 _ V3
Quotient Property of Radicals
2X ÿ _
V3 y'lv
Rationalize the denominator.
\ 6.v V 6.r
~ ~
V 4v2 2*

liIH iJiiBfc
Simplify: —= Simplify:
ÿ9.v V3.r2
Solution Your solution
Ask "What must 9jv be multiplied by to produce a
perfect fourth power?"

9.x ? = 81.rJ
9.v- 9.r3 = 81.rJ

Multiply the numerator and denominator by

V9.v3 6ÿ9.t3 6\/9.r" 2\J/9.t
</9x N/9.t N/V ÿ 8l.v4 3.r

I - V5 Simplify:
Simplify: - =
2 + 3V5 2 - Vt

Solution Your solution

2 + 3V5
I~\ 5
2 ~ 3V5 The conjugate of
2 + 3V5 2-3V5 2 + 3V5 is 2 - 3V 5.
2 ~ 3V5 - 2V5 + 3\ ?
22 - (3V 5)2

_ 2 ~
5V5 + 3-5
4 - 9_- 5
I7-5V5 —17 — 5\ 5
-41 41
Solutions on p. S22

llTOTilh'. :ol) Ctf«*« Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. f>il h,imil IT cii;lK«U. n -Kik i» 1! pin. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cui«tinn) K: airficucÿ &M* ji itink >nlor n'rrprrrr

hÿara! hoJccnciduttt) ajnrcacj coctcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotnctwmrotiirt l


Concept Check
1. What is Ihe Product Property of Radicals?

2. What is the Quotient Property of Radicals?

For Exercises 3 to 6. write the conjugate of the expression.

3. 3 + V5 4. -2 - Vl 5. 4 - 3Vl I 6. -7V3 + 6

7. Which of the following can be simplified using the Product Property of Radicals?
(i) V 5-V23 (ii) ÿ7-V 7 (iii) V3x*y-Vz (iv) Vlxy' i/ ÿ
8. Which of the following can be simplified using the Quotient Property of Radicals?
... .... V25 ..... Vw- .. . V?
V77 (,"ÿT fra)vP (,v)ÿ

obJective A To multiply radical expressions

For Exercises 9 to 41, simplify.

9. \ 8 V32 10. \ 14 V 35 11. ÿ4ÿ8

12. V6ÿ36 13. \/.v2y5 Vxy 14. Vÿb Vab3

15. Vlx*y\/32xy 16. V5.v'y V lOr V 17. Vx 2y \V l6.vJy2

18. V4a263 y &tb- 19. Vl2a63V4«-V 20. V36a264Vl2«V

21. V3 (V~7 - \ 3 ) 22. Vl0(Vl0 - \ 5) 23. Vj (Vt — V2 )

24. Vy (Vy — V 5 ) 25. V2* (V — V32 ) 26. V3« (V2702 — Vfl)

27. (3 - 2V5)(2 + \ 5) 28. (6 + 5V 2) (4 - 2V 2) 29. (-2 + V7)(3 + 5V7)

30. (5 - 2V 5) (7 - 3V5) 31. (6 + 3V2)(4 — 2V2) 32. (10 — 3V/5)(3 + 2V5)

CtCjrijhl :ol) CcriW Irainnj. All Htftu KimtmJ. «ij f>il h.ccpnt IT rtaltcnd. n -l»k it i:ptil. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird (MP) imn(Taj K: itixi «nlor n'rrprrrl.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwmrotiirt l

33. (5 - 2V7)(5 + 2V7) 34. (4 + 2V3)(4 - 2V3) 35. (3 - V2v)(l + sVlx)

36. (3 — 2V v)3 37. (2 + Vj)" 38. (Vlr-3)2

39. (V3.r - 5) 2 40. (5-V.r+2)2 41. (4 — V2x + I)2

42. J True or false? If a > 0. Ihen 43. ''J True or false? If a > 0. then
(\4 - I)(v4 + I) > a. (Vfl + I)2 >a + 1.

objective b To divide radical expressions

44. fcj When is a radical expression in simplest 45. iJExplain what it means to rationalize the denominator
form? of a radical expression and how to do so.

'J For Exercises 46 to 49. by what expression should the numerator and denominator
be multiplied in order to rationalize the denominator?
I 8.r
46. 47. 48. 49.
\ 6 i/i? V3-

For Exercises 50 to 90. simplify.

2x V
3l. -="
>2. —f=
X \4a2b

54. 55. 56. — L 57.

V5 V2 V2x V3y

58. —V5.r
= 59.
63. 64.—=
65. —ÿ/Ty

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj f>il K.unil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci &«* uiVx cVfapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

6i_ 7 9t2
66. —4= 67. 68. —= 69-
ÿN/2r3 ÿ9.v </lx2 Vllx

V40.rV 71'
V 15erb* ÿ
V24<rb ÿ
V 12.v3y
' "
VSO.ry V30oV Vl8a64 V2Qr4y

-2 -3 -4
74. 75. 76. 77.
V3 -2 I - V2 2 -\ 3 3- V2

78. 79. 86. 81.
V5 + 2 2 - V7 Vy-2 V.r - 3

V2 ~ V3
83. 84.
2 + 3V7
V2 + V3 V2 + V3 5 - 2\/7

2 + 3V5 86.ÿ4ÿ 87.
2Va - \4
I -V 5 3V3 + 2 4\« + 3\ b

2\/.t - 4 89.
3V v ~
3Va- ~ 4Vy
Vx + 2 v;+2ÿ 3V~ - 2Vv

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 91 to 93, simplify.

91. (V8 - V2)3 92. (V27 - V3)3 93. (V2 - V3)2

In some cases, it is necessary to rationalize the numerator of a radical expression

rather than the denominator. In Exercises 94 and 95. rationalize the numerator.

94. V±±AH2 9,

Hpinlh*. 301)Ctr&tt I(Intnl. *11 K«t« Kc.(T\<J Mq ml K.iiraJrami. n darluaol. n»l»ik I

« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> cuikcino, K: feon Mc (tV-,4 inlor (V'fapxn < t
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I camnf rcoc< 6c njÿil U> tctmc »61uiml ceoxnl at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit ro|iirc t

Projects or Group Activities

The factorization formulas for ihe sum and difference of two perfect cubes can be used
to simplify some radical expressions containing cube roots. Recall:
(a + b)(a2 — ab + b2) = a3 + /»'
(a — b)(a2 + ab + b2) = a} — by

96. Using the sum of perfect cubes formula, show that

+ V2)(9 - 3\/2 + \/4) = 29
97. Simplify ——l—= by multiplying the numerator and denominator by

9 - 3ÿ2 + ÿ4. (Hint: See Exercise 96.)

98. Simplify:—
v5 - I
For Exercises I to 24. simplify.

2.16- 3.1'ÿV"5 4.
87 \8:

5. ÿ 6. (8v6)M 7. 3T4
8. (-35-

9. V9x12 10. V-32fl5£»15 11. V72a3610 12. V16r y-1

13. 6V8a2b3 - 4aV32Z»3 14. 3V50 - 9V72 + 6V9S 15. xVlt3 + IxWll.x - V75.t5

16. (ÿ 4.t2y)(\V'6.vv4) 17. \/3.r(2V6.v! - \/T2x) 18. (2\/5 + 7)(3V5 - I)

19. (iVx - 3) 2 20. 4- 21. ,4


22. -1—
V.r - 2
2V 2 - 1

(:<Ariiht :ol> CcbW Inmnl. All Htflu Knmol Vb, f>il h,unil <• Avlkml. n nl»k « 1! 1UH l>n til claumrtftu. o> llird |un> imn(TO! K: tan ji rH-4 inlor c*~fapxn <».
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Solving Equations Containing

Radical Expressions
objective A To solve a radicalequation
An equation that contains a variable expression _
ÿ/lx 5 + x = 7 Radical
in a radicand is called a radical equation. , -7 , r =
Vx + I - V.r 4 I equations
The following property is used to solve a radical equation.

The Property of Raising Each Side of an Equation to a Power

If two numbers are equal, then the same powers of the numbers are equal.

if a = 0. then a" = bn.

Solve: V.r -2-6 = 0

• Isolate the radical by adding 6 to each side of the equation.

[Vx - 2)2 = 6- • Square each side of the equation.
• Simplify and solve for x.

V38 - 2 - 6
V 36 - 6
0 =0
38 checks as a solution. The solution is 38.

Solve: +2 = -3
ÿ7 "> = -3

( vv + 2)3 = (-3)-' • Cube each side of the equation.

.v + 2 = -27 • Solve the resulting equation.
.r = -29

Check: \'/.r + 2 = -3
V -29 + 2 -3
X4''-27 -3
-3 = -3
—29 checks as a solution. The solution is —29.

lirinlS. :i>licliiXfi Iiimnf All Ktfit. Mi) w Ix tr ai;l>o<U. Ii Kik it it put. I>« Ui ikoiv'ii raHi mm tknl wo oatctirm, K: urfTtÿc fcwn lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiom"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<« r»»: numill) cnll kimn; cxjtncra
lu m Iurrnf rc*mc< ix niÿii to ccnxnt 11 iny line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Raising each side of an equation to an even power may result in an equation that has extra¬
neous solutions. (See Objective 6.6A.) Therefore, you must check proposed solutions of an
equation if one of the steps in solving the equation is to raise each side to an even power.

Solve: V2.v - I + Vx -2
v2x - I Vx = 2
Take Note
Note that
V2x - I=2- Vx Solve for one of the radical expressions.

(2 - Vx)2
(V2.r- I)2 = (2- Vx)2 Square each side. Recall that
= <2 - Vx) <2 - Vx) 2.v - I = 4 - Wx + .r -
(a bj1 = a' lab + b2. -
= 4 -4YX + X a- - 5 = -4Vx
(x ~ 5) 2 - (-4Vx)2 Square eachside again.
.r2 - IOx + 25 = I6v
x2 - 26x + 25 =0 Solve the quadratic equation by factoring.
(x - 25)(x - I) =0
x = 25 or x = I

Take Note Check: V'2x - I + Vx - 2 V2x - I + Vx - 2

The proposed solutions of
the equation were 1 and 25. V72(25) - I + V25 2 V2(l) - I +V\ 2
However. 25 did not check as
a solution. Therefore, it is an
7 +5 2 I+ I 2
extraneous solution.
12 + 2 2 =2
25 does not check as a solution. I checks as a solution. The solution is I. See Take Note.
Solve: Vx - I + Vx + 4 = 5 Solve: Vx - Vx +5=
Solution Your solution
Vx - I + Vx + 4 = 5
Vx + 4 = 5 - Vx - I • Subtract Vx - 1.
(Vx + 4) = (5 - Vx - • Square eachside.
4 = 25 - lOV.x -
x +x —I
-20 = - IQVx - I
2 = Vx - I
22 = (Vx — I)2 Square eachside.
4 =x - I
5 =x
The solution checks. The solution is 5.

Solve: V3x - I = -4 Solve: Vx -8 = 3

Solution Your solution
V3x — I = -4
(V3x- I)3 = (—4)1 Cube each side.
3x —
I = -64
3x = -63
x = -21
The solution checks. The solution is -21.
Solutions on p. 522

Krjrirfi. :o:i Crw ItunHt. All k./m. Mi) ox Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kilt it it put. I>« Ui ikoiv'ii raHi mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1 lOiomil

tilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<« r»»: nunull) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccnxni ii iny line it r/k*rmnciwiw rorsirc

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

A right triangle contains one 90° angle. The side opposite

the 90° angle is called the hypotenuse. The other two sides
are called legs.

Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician, discovered that the

square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the
sum of the squares of the two legs. Recall that this is called
Pythagoras the Pythagorean Theorem.

A ladder 20 ft long is leaning against a building. Find the diagonal of a rectangle that is 6 cm long
How high on the building will the ladder reach and 3 cm wide. Round to the nearest tenth.
when the bottom of the ladder is 8 ft from the
building? Round to the nearest tenth.

s ft

Strategy Your strategy

To Find the distance, use the Pythagorean
Theorem. The hypotenuse is the length of the
ladder. One leg is the distance from the bottom
of the ladder to the base of the building. The
distance along the building from the ground to
the top of the ladder is the unknown leg.

Solution Your solution

c~ = h2
a2 • Pythagorean Theorem
202 = 8 + b2 • Replace c by 20 and a by 8.
400 64 + b2
336 = b2
• Solve for ft.

V 336 = V b' • Take the square root of each side.

V336 = b
18.3 « b
The distance is approximately 18.3 ft.

Solution on pp. S22-S23

Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIrated,on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB Iffinitij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcaol. n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: Son ji idIVx OSjotT".
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt 1

An object is dropped from a high building. How far above the water would a submarine
Find the distance the object has fallen when its periscope have to be to locate a ship 5.5 mi away?
speed reaches 96 ft/s. Use the equation The equation for the distance in miles that the
v = V (Ad, where v is the speed of the object in lookout can see is d - V 1.5/?. where /? is the
feet per second and d is the distance in feet. height in feet above the surface of the water.
Round to the nearest hundredth.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the distance the object has fallen, replace v
in the equation with the given value and solve for d.

Solution Your solution

v = V64d
96 = \ 6Ad Replace v by 96.
(96)2 = (VOW)2 Square each side.
9216 = (Ad
144 = d
The object has fallen 144 ft.

Find the length of a pendulum that makes one Find the distance required for a car to reach a
swing in 1 .5 s. The equation for the time of one velocity of S8 ft/s when the acceleration is 22 ft/s2.
swing is given by T IL. where T is the Use the equation v = X 2as, where v is the
= 2ttx velocity in feet per second, a is the acceleration.
time in seconds and L is the length in feet. Use and s is the distance in feet.
3. 14 for 77*. Round to the nearest hundredth.

Strategy Your strategy

To Find the length of the pendulum, replace Tin
the equation with the given value and solve for L

Solution Your solution

r= 2
• Replace 7 by 1.5
1.5 = 2(3.14)x/— and 77 by 3.14.

1.5 • Divide each side

2(3.14) V 32 by 2(3.14).
1.5 Ls2 • Square each side.
1.5 _L_
6.28 32 • Solve for L
Multiply each side by 32.
1.83 L
The length of the pendulum is approximately
1.83 ft.
Solutions on /». S23

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w .milird imp. cuilctino, K: airficucÿ &«* ji itix* mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb try litx it «jY«ajucni
£*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac tÿlumil ccoxnt it i rotiKtwrnrotiirt l


Concept Check
For Exercises 1 and 2, determine whether die statement is sometimes true or always true.
1. If a2 = b2. then a = b. 2. If a3 = b3, then a = b.

For Exercises 3 and 4, slate whether 2 is a solution of the given equation.

3. Vx + 2 - V4x + I = I 4. \3x + 3 — Vx — 1 =2

objective A To solve a radical equation

For Exercises 5 to 25, solve for x.

5. V4.v = —2 5. V6x = -3 7. V3x-2 = 5

8. V3x +9- 12 = 0 9. V4v -3 + 9 = 4 10. Vlv-5 +4=1

11. Vlv-6 = 4 12. Vx — 2 = 3 13. V3.v + 2-5
14. \V4.v +1=2 15. Vlv-3 + 5 = 2 16. Vx-4+7=5
17. 4Vx -2+2= x +3 18. 2V2r + 7 - I = .r + 4 19. V.v + V.v -5 =5

20. Vx + 3 + Vx - I =2 21. Vlx + 5 - V2x = I 22. \/3.r - V3x -5=1

23. V2.r — Vx —1 = 1 24. V2x - 5 + Vx +1=3 25. V2x + 2 + Vx = 3

26. Ill Explain why the equation Vx = —4 27. fel Without attempti ng to solve the equation,
has no solution. explain why Vx — V.v + 5=1has no solu¬
tion. Him: See Exercise 26.

OBJECTIVE B To solve applicationproblems

28. Physics An object is dropped from abridge. Find the distance the object has fall¬
en when its speed reaches 100 fl/s. Use the equation v = V 64d. where v is the speed
in feel per second and d is the distance in feet.

29. Physics The time t, in seconds, it takes an object to fall a distance d, in feet, v- 100 ItV-

is given by the equation / = . /2rf , where


g is the acceleration due to gravity. If an
astronaut above the moon's surface drops an object, how far will it fall in 3 s? The
acceleration on the moon's surface is 5.5 feet per second per second.

30. Sailing Thejotal recommended area A, in square feet, of a sailboat's sails is given
by A = 16Vf 2. where d is the displacement of the hull in cubic feet. If a sailboat
has 400 ft: of sail, what is the displacement of the hull of the sailboat?
Ufessothowsarc(Bct allcaten!onPlspeÿ is 'CCe'gaÿlayrirc.

lliunih'. :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi, ml h,i.tuJ.rani.11italiaol. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» oamino, K: nnmÿ Son ji ill--.4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc >61uinil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

31. Water Tanks A 6-foct-high conical water tank is filled to the top. When a val\« at
the bottom of the tank is opened, the height /?. in feet, of the water in the tank is given
by h = (88. 18 - 3. 1 8/) :\ where / is the time in seconds after the valve is opened.
Find the height of the water 10 s after the valve is opened. How long will it take to
empty the tank? Round answers to the nearest tenth.

32. Water Tanks The velocity v. in feet per second, of the water pouring out of a small
hole in the bottom of a cylindrical tank is given by v V 64/; + 10. w here h is the ÿ

height, in feet, of the water in the tank. What is the height of the water in the tank
when the velocity of the water leaving the tank is 14 ft/s? Round to the nearest tenth.

33. Pendulums Find the length of a pendulum that makes one swing in 3 s. The equa¬ In Hie NEWS!
tion for the time of one swing of a pendulum is T =
2ttÿ where T is the time in
A Special Category
seconds and L is the length in feet. Round to the nearest hundredth.
of Hurricane
It hasn't happened since
34. J Meteorology The sustained wind velocity v (in meters per second) in a hur¬ 1926—two Category 4
ricane is given by v = 6.3 v'1013 — p. where p is the air pressure in millibars (mb). hurricanes existing at
Read the article at the right. What was the air pressure when Julia s winds were blow¬ the same time over the
ing at the velocity given in the article? What happens to wind speed in a hurricane as Atlantic. Now. on the same
air pressure decreases? day. Hurricanes Igor and
Julia both have been rated
Category 4. with Julia
35. Television High definition television (HDTV) gives consumers a wider viewing
blowing the fiercer winds.
area, more like a film screen in a theater. A regular television with a 27-inch diagonal
at speeds of up to 69.3 rrVs
measurement has a screen 16.2 in. tall. An HDTV screen with the same 16.2-inch (155 mph).
height would have a diagonal measuring 33 in. How many inches wider is the HDTV
screen? Round to the nearest hundredth. Aveathet-in-baltimore

36. Construction A carpenter inserts a 3-foot brace between two beams as shown.
How far from the vertical beam will the brace reach? Round to the nearest tenth.
J ft

1 ft
3 ft
Critical Thinking
37. Moving Boxes A moving box has abase that measures 4 ft
2 ft by 3 ft. and the box is 4 ft tall. Find the length of the
longest pole that could be placed in the box. Round to the
nearest tenth.
2 ft

38. Geometry Find the length of the side labeled .v.

Projects or Group Activities

39. iJI A 10-foot ladder is restingagainst a wall, with the
bottom of the ladder 6 ft from the wall. The top of
the ladder begins sliding down the wall at a constant
rate of 2 ft/s. Is the bottom of the ladder sliding away
from the wall at the same rale? Explain. m
6 fl
LHs>5 ottotwij;ixr.ffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl ton 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unilMmsi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci ton ttixk inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿltra! hoJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;r< ik<« rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c utcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnf rc<n:<nc njJillÿKtiwc ccnxnl it ttry Imc tl «jV«ajucni njhx rotiKtwmrotiirt 1

Complex Numbers
objective A To simplify a complex number

The radical expression V —4 is not a real number because there is no real number whose
square is —4. However, the solution of an algebraic equation is sometimes the square root
of a negative number.

For example, the equation .v:

+ I = 0 does not have a real num- x2 + I = 0
ber solution because there is no real number whose square is — I. x2 = —\

Around the 17th century, a new number, called an imaginary number, was defined so
that a negative number would have a square root. The letter i was chosen to represent the
number whose square is — I.
i2 = -1
An imaginary number is defined in terms of /.

Point of Interest Definition of V -a

The first written occurrence
of an Imaginary number was
If a is a positive real number, then V a ~
iX a.
In a book published In 1545
by Hieronlmo Cardan, where EXAMPLES
he wrote (in our modern
notation) 5 + V -15. 1. V— 16 = /VTi = 4/ 2. V _J2 - i\A2 = 21X 3
He went on to say that the
number "is as refined as it is
3. V-23 = /V 23 4. = t\ 7 =/
useless." It was not until the
20th century that applications
of complex numbers were
lound- It is customary to write / in front of a radical to avoid confusing \a iwith X/ai.

Definition of Complex Number

A compleJUlumber is a number of the form a + bi. where a and b are real numbers
and / = V 1.The number a is the real part of the complex number, and b is the
imaginary part of the complex number. A complex number written as a + bi is in
standard form.
1. 3+4J Real part is 3; imaginary part is 4.
2. 5 - 2/V7 Real part is 5; imaginary part is 2\ 7.
3. 5 Real part is 5; imaginary part is 0. because 5 ~
5 1 0/.
2 + 3i _ 2
Real part is 0: imaginary part is 4. because
. . .
Real part is — ; imaginary part is — .
„ 2 .3
Ai = 0 4i.

5 5 5

Cvmndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» h,ccpnlrami. 11italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm, nunno, K: upii-ci ton m iH.-i 11Jor n'Mpmi.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt iLci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry litx it «jV«ÿucni njltx
(DtiKtwnirotiirt l

Real Numbers A realnumber is a complex

a + 0/ number in which b = 0.
Complex numbers -
a + bi An imaginary number is a com¬
-Imaginary Numbers plex number in which a = 0.
0 + bi

10 ~ 80
Write ÿ in standard form.
Tips for Success
Be sure you understand 10 + V —80 10 /V -80
how to simplify expressions
such as those in Example 1
and You Try It 1, as this skill 10 + 4/V5
is a prerequisite for solving
quadratic equations in
Chapter 8. JO + 4V5 2V5.
6 6 ' 3

Simplify: V-S0 Simplify: V— 45
Solution Your solution
V--80 = A 80
= A 16- 5 = 4/V5

Evaluate —b + W — 4ac when a = 2, Evaluate —b + X b — 4ac when a = 1,6 = 6,
b — —2, and c — 3. Write the result as a and c = 25. Write the result as a complex number.
complex number.

Solution Your solution

-b + V /r - 4ac
-(-2) 4- V(-2Y- - 4(2) (3)
= 2 + V 4 - 24
= 2 + V— 20 _
= 2 + A/20 = 2 + A/4-5

= 2 + 2A5
Solutions on p. S23

OBJECTIVE B To add or subtract complex numbers

S Integrating Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers

.J Technology
To add two complex numbers, add the real parts and add the imaginary parts. To sub¬
See the Keystroke Guide:
tract two complex numbers, subtract the real parts and subtract the imaginary parts.
Complex Numbers for
instructions on using a (a -f bi) + (c
graphing calculator to + di) = (a + c) + (b -t d)i
perform operations on
(a + bi) (c - + di) = (a c) + (b d)i
complex numbers.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it put. I>.i Ui clccVont nlHt. : ihnJ jtjrtj onkti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be tfrxk irJur «»
tiliraimici h*» JccncJ thr. coucnJc<i r»»: numilb affcvx cnll kitnit; cxjcncru
in Cca I iimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿu I tÿluiml crtixni ii any line if* n/h«rMnctwm rcÿurc a.

Add: (3 - 5/) + (2 + 3/)

(3 -5.) + (2 + 3.)
= (3 + 2) + (— 5 + 3) / • Add the real parts and add the
= 5-2/ imaginary parts of the complex number.

ESSXEQfel Subtract: (5 + 6/) - (7 - 3/)

(5 + 6i) - (7 - 3/)
= (5 —
7) + [6 — (— 3)]i • Subtract the real parts and subtract the
= —2 + 9; imaginary parts of the complex number.

The additive inverse of the complex number a + bi is —a — bi. The sum of these two
numbers is zero.
(« + bi) + (—a — bi) = (a — a) + (b — b)i = 0 + 0/ = 0

Simplify: (3 + 2i) + (6 - 5*) Simplify: (-4 + 2/) - (6 - 8/)
Solution Your solution
(3 + 2i) + (6 - 5i) = 9-3/

Simplify: (9 - V-8) - (5 + V -32) Simplify: (16 - V -45) - (3 + Vÿ20)
Solution Your solution
(9 - \/— 8) - (5 + \/— 32)
= (9 - A/8) ~ (5 + /V 32)
= (9 - A/4* 2) - (5 + A 16 2) •

= (9 - 2/V2) - (5 + 4A/2)

=4 - 6/V2
Solutions on p. S23

objective c To multiply complex numbers

When multiplying complex numbers, the term r is often a part of the product. Recall that
/2 = -I.
Simplify: 2/ - 3/
2/ 3/ — 6r

• Multiply the imaginary numbers.
= 6(— I) • Replace i2 by -I.
= —6 • Simplify.

l<Pjnd>. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. lotnol Mi) w Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it part. I>.i UiclccVont rflu mm iknl wo oatctirtn, K: urfTtÿc fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiom"

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<f r»»: numill) lu •;» cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccanfc I iimn; rc*mc< he niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccoxni ii iny line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Simplify: V-6V-24
11Take Note
HOW TO 5 illustrates an
important point. When
V— 6 • V -24 = A/6 /V 24 •
• Write each radical as the product of a
working with an expression real number and i.
that contains a square root
of a negative number, always
= rV'i • Multiply the imaginary numbers.
rewrite the number as the = — V 144 • Replace i2 by -I.
product of a real number
and Ibefore continuing.
= -12 • Simplify the radical expression.
Note from HOW TO 5 that it would have been incorrect to multiply the radicands of the
two radical expressions. To illustrate,

V-6-V-24 = V(-6)(-24) = Vl44 = \2,noi -12

The Product Property of Radicals does not hold true when both radicands are negative
and the index is an even number.

Simplify: 4/(3 - 2/)

4/(3 - 2/) = I2i 8r - Use the Distributive Property to remove parentheses.
= 12/ - 8(— I) Replace / :by — I .
= 8+12/ Write the answer in the form a + bi.

To multiply two complex numbers, use FOIL.

Simplify: (2 + 4Z)(3 - 5/)

(2 + 4/) (3 - 5/) = 6 - 10/ + 12/ - 20r Use the FOIL method to find the
= 6 + 2/ - 20r
= 6 + 2/ - 20(— I) Replace i2 by —1.
= 26 + 2/ Write the answer in the form a + bi

Simplify: (2/)(—5/) Simplify: (-3/) (-10/)

Solution Your solution
(2/)(—5/) = -10z2
= (— 10)(— I) = 10

Simplify: V-IOV-5 Simplify: — v— 8 • V— 5

Solution Your solution
V~)-V -5 = /v'm- A/5
= / V50
= — V25 •
2 = -5V2

Solutions on p. S23

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K,moil n « n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> cuikcino, K: airticucÿ feon Mc (tV-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
n»l»ik I
rcvio* botkcncdilut azy ainvcacÿ coUcrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«r>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni n(lorolixfwot rotiirc t

Simplify: 3/(2 - 4/) I Simplify: -6/(3 + 4/)

Solution Your solution
3/(2 — 4/) = 6/
— 12r
6/ - 12(— 1)
• Distributive Property
= 12 + 6/

Simplify: (3 - 4/)(2 + 5/) Simplify: (4 - 3/) (2 - /)

Solution Your solution
(3 - 4/) (2 + 5/) = 6 + 15/ 8/ 20r - - FOIL
= 6 + 7/ - 20/?
= 6 + 7/ - 20(— I)
= 26 + 7/

Expand: (3 + 4/) 2 Expand: (5 - 3/)2

Solution Your solution

(3 + 4/ )2 = (3 + 4/) (3 + 4/)
= 9+12i + 12/ + I6/2
= 9 + 24/+ I6(— I)
= 9 + 24/ -16
= -7 + 24/

Solutions on p. S23

OBJECTIVE D To divide complex numbers

A rational expression containing one or more complex numbers is in simplest form when
no imaginary number remains in the denominator.

2 - 3/
2-3/ 2 - 3/ /
2/ 2/ /
• Multiply the numerator and denominator by
_ 2/ - 3/2
_ 2/ ~ 3(— 1)
Replace i2 by -1.
3 + 2/ 3
Simplify. Write the answer in the form a + hi.
-2 2 '

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq f>il K.unil <r italicnd. n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n in ilccnmrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji irjor cVfapxn «i-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) ajmcoeÿ coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotn<twnimtiirt l
ccoxnl it i

To divide a complex number when ihe denominator is of the form a + hi. the conjugate
of the denominator is used.

Conjugate of a Complex Number

The conjugate of a E bi is a .
bi and the conjugate of a bi is a + bi. The product
of the conjugates is (a ÿ+ ft/) (a - bi) = a2 + b2.
1. The conjugate of 2 T Si is 2 5/. The product of the conjugates is
(2 + 50(2 50 = 22 + 52 = 29.
2. The conjugate of 3 4/ is 3 + 4/. The product of the conjugates is
(3 40(3 + 40 = 32 + 42 = 25.
3. The conjugate of 5 + / is 5 /. The product of the conjugates is
— -
(-5 + 0( 5 0 = (~5)2 + 12 = 26

f| Simplify
I+ i
3 + 2/ 3 + 2/ I -
Multiply the numerator and denominator hv the
I+ I +i I-
3-3/ 4- 2/ ~ 2r
conjugate of I + /, I /. —
l2+ I2
_ 3— — 2(— I)
• Replace /* by —1 and simplify.
I+ I
5 -/ 5 I
= — =
o-"'' • Write the answer in the form a + bi.

5 + 4/ 2 - 3/
Simplify: Simplify:
3/ 4/

Solution Your solution

5 + 4/ 5 + 4/ i 5/ + 4i2
3/ 3/ i 3i2
5/ + 4(— I) -4 + 5/ 4 5
3(— I) -3 3 3'

5 - 3/ 2 + 5/
Simplify: Simplify:
4 + 2/ 3 - 2/

Solution Your solution

5 ~ 3/ 5 ~ 3/ 4-2i
~ '
4 + 2/ 4 + 2/ 4 2i -
20 - 10/ — 12/ + 6/2
42 + 22
20 - 22i+ 6(— I)
16 + 4

14 22* 7 11/ -L
= — _1L-
20 10 io io'
Solutions on p. S23

uqiith :ol> CcrCXc Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.moil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: uiVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduiiry «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb try lirx it «/V«ajucni
mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I nmnt rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i rotn/twm rotiirt l


Concept Check
1. faS What is an imaginary number? What is a complex number?

2. US Are all real numbers also complex numbers? Are all complex numbers also real

For Exercises 3 to 6. name the real part and the imaginary pail of the complex number.
3. 3 + 7/ 4. 2 - 3/ 5. 7 6. 4/

objective A To simplify a complex number

For Exercises 7 to 14. simplify.

7. V— 25 8. V— 64 9. V-98 10. V-72

6 + V -4 12 ~ V —24 6 - 5V -8 5 + 3V' -25

2 4 *4 4

For Exercises 15 to 26. evaluate b + Y /r 4cc for the given values of a, b, and c.
Write the result as a complex number.
15. a = \,b = 4,c = 5 16. a = 1,6 = -6, c =13 17. a = 2,6 = -4, c = 10

18. a = 4, b = — 12, c = 45 19. a = 3, b = -8. c = 6 20. a = 3, b = -2, c =9

21. a = 4, b = 2, c = 7 22. a = 4,6 = 5,c = 10 23. a = —2. b = 5, c = -6

24. a = —\,b = 4,c = —29 25. a=-3,b = 4,c= -6 26. a = —5. 6 = I. c = — 5

objective b To addor subtract complex numbers

For Exercises 27 to 36, simplify.

27. (2 + 4i) + (6 - 50 28. (6 - 9/) + (4 + 2i) 29. (-2 - 4i) - (6 - 80

Uqiith 301) IfW Irannr *11 Ktftu Kamal MO> ml K,unil adnlunJ. a »hik i« I!wn. I>j» la clccn-w ruh. .ex ilirj hdhiiiraj K: uinuiÿ Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

hs«JccncJihu ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwnt rotiirc c

30. (3 - 5/) + (8 - 2i) 31. (8 - 2i) - (2 + 41) 32. (5 - 5/) - (1 1 - 6/)

33. 5 + (6 - 4/) 34. -7 + (3 + 51) 35. 3/ - (6 + 5/) 36. (7 + 3i) - 8/

37. ÿ If the sum of two complex numbers is an imaginary number, what must be true of
the complex numbers?

38. J If the sum of two complex numbers is a real number, what must be true of the
complex numbers?

objective c To multiply complex numbers

For Exercises 39 to 56. simplify.

39. (7i)(—9/) 40. (— 6/)(—4f) 41. V-2 V-8 42. V/ÿ5V-45

43. (5 + 2/)(5 - 2/) 44. (3 + 8*)(3 - 8*) 45. 2/(6 + 2i) 46. -3/(4 - 5/)

47. — i(4 - 3i) 48. /(6 + 20 49. (5 - 20 (3 + /") 50. (2 - 40(2 - /)

51. (6 + 5/)(3 + 20 52. (4 - 70(2 + 3/) 53. (2 + 5f)2 54. (3 - 4#)2

55-|!+lill-]i) * (2-,')(l+li
57. ÿ True or false? For all real numbers a and b, the product (a + bi)(a — bi) is a
positive real number.

58. 'J Given that I + ~T') ' ftrv* to verify this statement), what is a square root of i?

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'mfrit Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. Uo f>il K.unil IT AkIuhJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w rah. o> llird (MP) cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itV-vi irjor cVfapxn «»-

hÿi/ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i try litx it <jV«/iKni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective d To divide complex numbers

For Exercises 59 lo 73, simplify.

59. 1
60. ±
5 1
62. Ji±5i
5 4-

ÿ ÿ
64. — )—
5 + 2/
2 -/
— 66. —
3 + /'
5 + /'

69. -
_ -2/
70. ---
2 3/

72. -+ 5/-
-3I-/ 73. -+ 3/-

74. True or false? The quotient of two imaginary numbers is an imaginary number.

75. '31 True or false? The reciprocal of an imaginary number is an imaginary number.

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 76 to 79, determine whether the complex number is a solution of the
76. .r2 - 4* + 13 = 0; 2 + 3/ 77. .r2 - lO.v + 29 = 0; 5 - 3/

78. .r2 - 8.v + 19 = 0; 4 - /V 3 79. .v2 - 2x + 4 = 0; I - /V 3

Projects or Group Activities

80. Note the pattern when successive powers of / are simplified. Use the pattern to com¬
plete the statement.
5 _
/ =i
I4 = /(I) = /
:2 = 6 •4
i -I •
/ = -l
7 _
i3 = f2 • / = -/ •
i4 = -i
S _
= ?ÿ;* = (-!)(-!) = 1 •I* =
When the exponent on / is a multiple of 4. the expression is equal to

For Exercises 81 to 84. use the pattern in Exercise 80 to simplify the power of /.
81. / 17 82. ;31 83. ;57 84. i82

Kqiilh 301J Crw Inmn( All K./'i. Uq Ix ami tr tialxnU. It »Kik claVsnc
if pal. I>.i ui .miknl poo ammrtn, Ix frcai Hi i&xl mljt plipm"
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch tk<« r»»: riaicrialb w< •»» cnll kinui; cxjcncra Itirrn/ rc*mc< ix lo x»xÿc tÿluiml ccosnl ii iny line il «j'r«cÿtxn. n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc«jurc 1


7 Summary

Key Words Examples

a " is the nth root of a. [7. 1 A. p. 410] 16" 2 - 4 because 4: - 16.

The expression v a is another symbol for the /?th root of a. In the 1251/3 = VV25

expression ~Za, the symbol V is called a radical, n is the index

The index is 3, and the radicand
of the radical, and a is the radicand. |7. 1B. p. 4 1 2] is 125.

The symbol V is used to indicate the positive square root, or V 16 = 4

principal square root, of a number. |7.1C,p.4l4] — \ 16 = -4

The expressions a + b and a — b are called conjugates of each

other. The product of conjugates of the form (a + b)(a — b) is
{x + V3)Ct - V5) = - (V3)2 = *2 - 3
a2 - b\ (7.3B. p. 427]

The procedure used to remo\e a radical from the denominator I + V3

of a radical expression is called rationalizing the
_2 2_
denominator. [7.3B. p. 427] I - V3 I - V 3 I + V3
2(1 + V3)
(I -\ 3)(l + V'3)
2 + 2V3 = — 1 — V3
I -3

A radical equation is an equation that contains a variable

expression in a radicand. |7.4A. p. 433]
V.t — 2 —3 = 6 is a radical equation.

A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and 3 + 2iis a complex number.

b are real numbers and / V — I. For the complex number a + bi,
a is the real part of the complex number and b is the imaginary
3 is the real part and 2 is the imaginary part
of the complex number.
part of the complex number. [7.5A. p. 439]

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Rule for Rational Exponents |7. 1 A, p. 410] 823 = (gl3)2 = 22 = 4
If m and n are positive integers and a1'" is a real number.
then amn = (a, n)'\

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All K./'i. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix ami. tr anlKrai. a »Kile ir it put. I>« Ui ikoivn. raHi mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: mafOKi hn at itv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo ccotni 11 iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Definition of nth Root of a [7. IB. p. 412|

If a is a real number, ihen a,n = Va. 1/3
= Vx

Writing Exponential Expressions as Radical Expressions

(7. IB. p. 4121
If a"n is a real number, ihen amn = am'"H = (am)Un = \V. bxl = Vb>
The expression amn can also be written (X/a)m. - (V8)2 = 2- =4

Product Property of Radicals [7.2A. p. 420]

If X?a and X/b are positive real numbers, then X/a • X/Z = X/ab. V7 • V5 = V7 5 •
= V35

Quotient Property of Radicals |7.3B, p. 426]

If X a and Xb are positive real numbers and b i- 0. then
\'a _ fa

Property of Raising Each Side of an Equation to a Power

[7.4A. p. 433] If = 4. then (Vÿ)2 = 42. Thus.
If a = b. then a" = b". x = 16.

Pythagorean Theorem |7.4B,p.435] 52 = 3- + 42

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum
of the squares of the two legs.
c2 = a- + b2

Definition of V -a (7.5A. p. 439]

If a is a positive real number, then V —a = iX'a. V— 8 = /V8 = 2/V2

Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers (2 + 4/) + (3 + 6/)

[7.5B. p. 440] (2 + 3) + (4 + 6)/ = 5 +
= 10/
(a + bi) + (c + di) = {a + c) + (b + d)i (4 + 3i) - (7 + 4/)
(a + bi) — (c + di) = (a — c) + {b — d)i = (4 - 7) + (3 - 4); = -3 - ;

Multiplication of Complex Numbers |7.5C. p. 441 ] (2 - 3/)(5 + 4/)

To multiply two complex numbers, use FOIL. = 10 + 8/ - ISi - I2i2
= 10 - 7/ - I2(— I) = 22 - 7/

Division of Complex Numbers [7.5D. p. 443] 9-7/ 9 - 7/ 3 - 2/

To divide complex numbers, multiply the numerator and 3 + 2/ 3 + 2/ 3 - 2/
denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. 13 - 39/
= 1—3/

tnesscilwwse mod.allcoten!onPisfaÿ is 'CCeTjaÿlayrin;.

Cvfjiijhl 3DI)CtTftl: Iiininj. *11 Ktftu Uo m<nlrani,n Animal. n »t»iW c« is wn. I>js uitlccn-m nW. «>n tlirJ i to? k 4inrvucÿ fwr tx ctV-si. aralor ci'safixr 4i.
I'iitra'pc*io» hs«Jccnciihu *tj ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri ik*<t r«n nunulb xSw .'x incrxll kimni npcncnc. CaMc I timnj rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c Cfftxnl at uq line it oaVwajucni n(h>rotixtw/nrojurc t


7 Review Exercises

1. Simplify: (I6.v yÿaOQvV2)"2 2. Solve: V3.t -5 = 2

3. Multiply: (6 - 5/') (4 + 3/) 4. Rewrite 7_v"\y.t: as an exponential expression.

5. Multiply: (V3 + 8)(V3 - 2) 6. Solve: V4x +9+ 10 = 1 1

x -3/2
7. Divide: 8. Simplify:

9. Simplify: \' -&/7>12 10. Simplify: V50a*b* - abV \8a2b

11. Simplify: 12. Simplify: .
4-V2 3/

13. Simplify: VI 8ab* 14. Subtract: (17 + 8/) - (15 - 4/')

15. Simplify: 3.t V54.vsv10 - 2x2y V l6r5y7 16. Multiply: VI6rJy V4xys

17. Multiply: /(3 - li) .8. Simplify: i' j-

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiimnl. All Htftu Kninol «|J f>il h.cciwlrami. cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n m tkcn-w .milird |un> imnoaj K: airficucÿ &«* ji mlor n'upxi.u
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

5 + 9/
19. Simplify: V-64a8612 20. Divide:
I -/

21. Multiply: V-I2V-6 22. Solve: V.v - 5 + V.t + 6 = II

23. Simplify: V8Ia«b12 24. Simplify: — ÿ=

25. Subtract: (-8 + 3/) - (4 - li) 26. Expand: (2 + V2v - 1 )2

27. Simplify: 4.vVI2.v:y + V3.t4v - .vV27v 28. Simplify:• oi-w


29. Simplify: (a16) 30. Simplify: -V49.vy*

31. Rewrite 4<r as a radical expression. 32. Simplify: (9.rV) "V/)'*

33. Simplify: ÿV;'° 34. Simplify: V54 + V24

35. Simplify: V4&r5y - .rV 80r?y 36. Simplify: V32V50

V 125.v6
37. Simplify: V3.v(3 + V 3.v) 38. Simplify:

llTOTiih'. :ol) CcriW Imuni. All Hiltu KimtmJ. «ij i>» K.unilnmoicr Avltcnl n -Hik i» i!p«*. l>n hi ikcn-nirah. o> llird imp. onlctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji irjor cVfapm «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it itry Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

2 - 3V 7
39. Simplify:
6 - V7
40. Simplify: V-36

41. Evaluate — b + Vb2 — 4ac when 42. Evaluate —b + Vb2 - -kic when
a = I,b = —8. and c = 25. a = 1 , b = 2, and c = 9.

43. Add: (5 + 2i) + (4 - 3i) 44. Simplify: (3 + 2\/5)(3 - 2V5)

45. Simplify: (3 - 9/) - 7 46. Expand: (4 —

47. Simplify: — 48. Divide:

/ 2 -/

49. Solve: Vlt -7 + 2-5 50. Solve: \'/9.v - -6

51. Geometry Find the width of a rectangfe that has a diagonal of 13 in. and a length
of 12 in.

52. Energy The velocity of the wind detenu ines the amount of power generated by
a windmill. A typical equation for this relationship is v 4.05 X P, where v is the ÿ

velocity in miles per hour and P is the power in watts. Find the amount of power
generated by a 20-miie-per-hour w ind. Round to the nearest whole number.

53. Automotive Technology Find the distance required for a car to reach a velocity
of 88 ft/s w hen the acceleration is 16 ft/s-. Use the equation v = V2"as, where v is the
velocity in feet per second, a is the acceleration, and s is the distance in feet.

54. Home Maintenance A 12-foot ladder is leaning against a house in preparation

for washing the windows. How far from the house is the bottom of the ladder when
the top of the ladder touches the house 10 ft above the ground? Round to the nearest
LHs>5 otto»Y«iK ixr.ffl. al coilrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«im .milird run, on«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji cli—4 inlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c njJilÿKtiwc try
ccoxnl it i litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l


1. Write -N/V as an exponential expression. 2. Simplify:
V 54x y - x V I28t V - -v2 V2.ty3

3. Write 3v as a radical expression. 4. Multiply: (2 + 5/) (4 - 2i)

5. Expand: (3 - 2V*): r r~'

6. Simplify: -1(2

7. Solve: V.r + 12 - Vx = 2 8. Multiply:

9. Multiply: V3*(V* - V2Sr) 10. Subtract: (5 - 2i) - (8 - 4/)

11. Simplify: V32rV 12. Multiply: (2V3 + 4)(3\/3 - I)

4 - 2V5
13. Simplify: V-5V-20 14. Simplify:
2 - V5

(:<Ariiht :ol) CcriW Imuni. All Hiltu Knmol Vtaj ml K.unilnmoicr AvIkmL n -Hik i» i!pin. I>n mclpv-nraW. o> llird imp. imnno, K: airficucÿ &«* ji irjor cVfapm «i-
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu.'v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

15. Add: \ ISa1 + aV50a 16. Multiply: (V« — 3V/>)(2 V« + 5V/»)

(2j'Qy-M)* IOr
17. Simplify: 18. Simplify:

2 + 3i ,}/
19. Simplify: 20. Solve: V 2.r -2 + 4 = 2
I - 2i

21. Simplify: (— 22. Simplify: ÿ/llaW


23. Divide:
V32.vV 24. Simplify: — =
V2.n-' V5.r

25. Physics An object is dropped from a high building. Find the distance the object
has fallen when its speed reaches 192 ft/s. Use the equation v = V64d. where v is
the speed of the object in feel per second and d is the distance in feet.

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. Mq Ix tr ai;l>o<U. Ii Kik ir it put. I>.i UiclccVont nlHt. : ihnl jtjrtj iwkti nuy he «irfTO»ed kem ifrxk irJur i<4*f»xT «»
tiliraimicn «kaxJthr. m/y coucnikci r»»: nuniilb tOoei iu incnll kimn; cxjcncru Icirmn/ rc*mc< ix I tÿluiml cmxni n iny line it* tan. n/k«rMnctwm retire a.

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Identify the property that justifies the statement 2. Given /(.t) = 3.r2 - 2.x + I, evaluate f{-3).
(« + 2)b = ab + 2b.

3. Solve: 5 - -r = 4 4. Solve: 2[4 - 2(3 - It)] = 4(1 - x)

5. Solve: 2+ 4 - 3v| = 5 6. Solve: 6.v - 3(2t + 2) > 3 - 3(.r + 2)

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

7. Solve: :2.t + 3 <9 8. Factor: 8l.v: — v2

9. Factor: .v5 + 2.r3 - 3.v 10. Find the equaticn of the line that passes through the
points F,(2. 3) and P2(-l,2).

11. Find the value of the determinant:

I 2 -3
12. Solve P - IL17£ for C.

0-1 2
3 I -2

V 2.r2 - Ix +6
13. Simplify: (2
(2~ 1 14. Multiply: — xy2x - 8 xy

15. SubU-act: V40.v! - .tV90.v 16. Solve:
x -
. - 2.t = x -2

17. Graph 3v — 2y ÿ
— 6. and find the slope and 18. Graph the solution set of 3.v + 2y ÿ 4.
y-intercept. y

4 2 0 ~> c\
_I 4

Uiessclha*«se rcledall coxemontis pej> is I laairir?.

lirinlh. rill!CInXK II1~CItil Ktf Si. lotnol Mi) IWI K: mtirtei.ti anIKnJ. Ii»Kik im inn. I>« u> claVsnirtfW. mm tSini |tnj .<ami"ayK: minmcd km liiilv-i irjor
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nunull) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Icimn/ rc*mc< ix niiii lo *4Juiml ccnxni il »ny lirx it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

19. Divide: 20. Solve: ÿ3x -4 + 5 =
3— i

21. Add: --
lx -3
x +4
22. Solveby using Cramer's Rule:
2.x y = 4
—2.x + 3v = 5

23. Uniform Motion A sales executive traveled 25 mi by car and then an additional
625 mi by plane. The rate of the plane was five times greater than the rate of the car.
The total time of the trip was 3 h. Find the rate of the plane.

24. £ Astronomy How long does it take for light to travel from the moon to Earth
when the moon is 232.500 mi from Earth? Light travels at a rate of 1 .86 X 10* mi/s.

25. Oceanography How far above the water would a submarine periscope have to
be to locate a ship 7 mi away? The equation for the distance in miles that the lookout
can see is d = V 1.5/j, where h is the height in feet above the surface of the water.
Round to the nearest tenth of a fool.

26. Investments The graph shows the amount invested and the 500
1 1[
|5( j

~ z 400
annual income from an investment. Find the slope of the line
between the two poinLs shown on the graph. Then write a sen¬ 1=3 300
= : 200
tence that states the meaning of the slope. s too
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Investment tin dollars)
LHess ottenvise rota!, alccnlelcrthis page a $ Csrgage Laemrg

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu KacnoL Mq i>» h,unil <r iSkIichJ. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n in tken-w .milird |un> oa«tino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor OkpiT".
hÿitra! l»JcctKitlutjr> «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rannaicnilb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it i litx it «jY«ajucnt rotiKtwrnrotiirt l
Quadratic Equations


A To sotve a quadratic Did you make a time management plan
equation by factoring
B To solve a quadratic
when you started this course? If not, you
equation by taking square can still benefit from doing so. Create a
roots schedule that gives you enough time to
SECTION 8.2 do everything you need to do. We want
A To solve a quadratic you to schedule enough time to study
equation by completing the math each week so that you successfully
B To solve a quadratic
complete this course. Once you have
equation by using the determined the hours during which you
quadratic formula will study, consider your study time a
SECTION 8.3 commitment that you cannot break. (See
A To solve an equation that is Time Management, page AIM-4.)
quadratic in form
B To solve a radical equation
that is reducible to a
quadratic equation
C To solve a rational equation
that is reducible to a Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
quadratic equation find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
A To solve application
1. Simplify: \/l8 2. Simplify: V~9

A To solve a nonlinear
3. Simplify: -p - I 4. Evaluate b2 - 4ac when a = 2.
b = -4. and c = 1.

5. Is 4x2 + 28.v + 49 a perfect 6. Factor: 4.v2 - 4.v +1

square trinomial?

7. Factor: 9.r2 - 4 8. Graph {x\x < — 1} n {x\x < 4\.

—L1 i1 1i 1 1i 1 i |i ii
ÿ I I i
I '

-5 -4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

9. Solve: x(x - 1) =x + 15 10. Solve:
x-3 x
UltraatswSeiwed.31rartat on lhs is ® CMgig;tearing 457

;nlICttttlt Iimni All Kyll. 1 vi«f m b«c<ma. «m«J. n iclicuj. n -Kik i< It wn l>uuiilci.-iun<rtttu.«iKthr>l pant naktlrrui Ik 1**" &i ilfci irU?Kta|tnl(|.
Pdiiralmira IvJtcncJihiiray. nHruKnilb Mfcticirxnll kamn/ cvcncm. CaMC I atnng rc*a>c«Ik njfil to xrwc idluinilcraxnniiiatQ tit>c if «jV«)iKni n(loroinctwr*rcqurc i

Solving Quadratic Equations by

8.1 Factoring or by Taking Square Roots
objective A To solve a quadratic equation byfactoring

Recall that a quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax2 + bx + c - 0. where a

and b are coefficients, c is a constant, and a •* 0.

3.v2 - a + 2 = 0, a = 3, b= - 1, c=2
-x2 + 4 = 0, a = -1, b = 0. c= 4
6x2 - 5.v = 0, a = 6. b = -5, c = 0
A quadratic equation is in standardform when the polynomial is in descending order and
equal to zero. Because the degree of the polynomial ay2 + bx + c is 2. a quadratic equa¬
tion is also called a second-degree equation.

As we discussed earlier, quadratic equations sometimes can be solved by using the Prin¬
ciple of Zero Products. This method is reviewed here.

Principle of Zero Products

If ab 0. then a 0 or b 0. This principle states that if the product of two factors is

zero, then at least one of the factors must equal zero.

1. Suppose 5x 0. The factors are 5 and X. The product equals zero, so at least one
of the factors must equal zero. Because 5*0. we know that x 0.
2. Suppose - 4(x 2) 0. The factors are - 4 and X 2. The product equals zero.
so at least one of the factors must equal zero. Because 4 0, we know that
X -2 0. which means X = 2. *
3. Suppose (X •* 3)(X 4) = 0. The factois are X 3 and X 4. The product equals
zero, so X +- 3 = 0 or X 4 = 0. If X + 3 = 0. then X 3. If X 4 = 0. then
X = 4.

Solve by factoring: 3.y2 - 2 - 5.Y

Take Note 3.y2 = 2 - 5a

Recall that the steps involved 3.Y2 + 5.Y - 2 = 0 • Write the equation in standard form.
in solving a quadratic
equation by factoring are:
(3.Y - l)(.Y + 2) = 0 • Factor.
1. Write the equation in 3.Y - l = 0 a +2 =0 • Use the Principle of Zero Products to
standard form. write two equations.
2. Factor.
3. Use the Principle of Zero
3a - X • Solve each equation.
Products to set each factor -v =
equal to zero. 3
4. Sofve each equation.
5. Check the solutions.
4 and -2 check as solutions. The solutions are and - 2.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,unil«msi. <r italvnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird on«nno, K: ittxi inlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! ImJccncidutiry «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotn<twnircqiirt l

Take Note
Solve by factoring: x2 — 6v = —9
When a quadratic equation x2 6x = -9~
has two solutions that are the
same number, the solution is
.r2 - 6.v + 9 = 0 • Write the equation instandard form.
called a double root ot the
(.v - 3)(.v - 3) = 0 • Factor.
equation. The number 3 is a x-3=0
X — 3 == 30
• Use the Principle of Zero Products.
• Solve each equation.
double root ot x2 - 6x - -9.

3 checks as a solution. The solution is 3.

Solve by factoring: 2y(.y — 3) = x + 4 Solve by factoring: 2.v: = 7x - 3

Solution Your solution

lx(x - 3) =x +4
2r - 6v =x +4
2x2 7.v - 4
- =0 Write in standard form.
(2y + l)(v - 4) =0 Solve by factoring.
2v + 1=0 *-4 = 0
2v = - 1
1 *=4
X =

The solutions are — 9 and 4.

Solution on p. S24

As shown below, the solutions of the equation (v - /*i)(.v - 7*2) = 0 are r\ and /2.
(x - r,)(v - r2) = 0
v - r, = 0 y -
r2 = 0
.y = r| .Y = r»
Check: (.Y - T|)(.Y - r2) = 0 (.Y ~ r|)(t - r2) = 0
(ri - n)('"i - r2) 0
0 (r, - r2)

0 (r> - T|) 0 I 0 •

0=0 0=0
Using the equation (y - rj)(Y - r2) - 0 and the fact that rj and r2 are solutions of this
equation, it is possible to write a quadratic equation given its solutions.

Write a quadratic equation that has solutions 4 and -5.

(v - r,)(.Y r2) = 0 -
(y - 4)[* - (-5)] = 0 • Replace r, by 4 and r2 by —5.
(-Y 4)(y + 5) = 0
• Simplify.
.y2 + - 20 = 0 • Multiply.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il h.imil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: tmniKi &M* ji itV-vi lakVx cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) ajnvcocÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

Write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients and solutions

ÿ5 and 4.
(v - / ,)(a- - r2) = 0

— 27 = 0 Replace r, by and r, by .

6U2-ir+i)=60 Multiply each side of the equation by

the LCMof the denominators.
6.v2 - 7.v + 2 = 0

Write a quadratic equation with integer Write a quadratic equation with integer
coefficients and solutions ÿ and -4. coefficients and solutions 3 and —4.

Solution Your solution

(.v - r,)(.v - r2) = 0

'=0 2" r:
V " ~ #
r' = = -4
x -
-J(x + 4) = 0
A2 + |.Y - 2 = 0
2 .V2 H -a:
—+ 7.v
— 2 1 = 2-0
-4 =0
Solution on p. S24

OBJECTIVE B To solve a quadratic equation by taking square roots

Recall that if .v is a variable that can be positive or negative, then vx2 = |v|. This fact
can be used to solve a Quadratic eauation bv taking sauare roots.

Solve: .v2 = 9

x~ = 9
\/y2 = V 9
1*1 = 3
Tlie solutions of |.v| - 3 are -3 and 3. Therefore, the solutions of .v2 - 9 are -3
and 3.

A shortcut notation is used to represent the negative and positive of the same number. The
notation ±3 is read "plus or minus 3." Using this notation, we can write the solutions of
the equation in HOW TO 5 as .v = ±3.

Uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 K«t.. Kiunnl. Uo ml K,unil ii<• A«kalal. n »hik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl cuikcino, K: fenn Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc Jut azy ainvcacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmnt rc«r>f< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwut reqaire t

HOW TO ÿ Solve by taking square roots: 3.v- = 54

3.v2 = 54
v2 = 18 • Solve for x2.
Vr = VTS • Take the square root of each side of the equation.
x = ±V 18 • Simplify.
.v = ±Wl
The soluticms are 3\/2 and -3V2. • 3V2 and — 3V2 check as solutions.
Solving a quadratic equation by taking the square root of each side of the equation can
lead to solutions that are complex numbers.

Solve by taking square roots: 2x2 +18 = 0

C Tips for Success
Always check the solution
2x2 + 18 = 0
of an equation. Here is the 2x2 = -18
check for HOW TO 7. X2 = -9 • Solve for x1.
2x2 +18-0 \/? = VZ9 • Take the square root of eadi side of the equation.
2(-9) + 18
- 18
0 X = ± \/-9 • Simplify.
-18 + 18 I 0 X= ±3i
The solutions are 3/ and —3/.
2r - '8 - 0
2(— 3#)2 + 18 I 0 An equation containing the square of a binomial can be solved by taking square roots.
2(-9) + 18 0
-18 + 18 I 0
0-0 jiilH| Solve by taking square roots: (x + 2)- - 24 = 0
(x + 2)2 - 24 = 0
+ 2)2 = 24
(.v • Solve for (r + 2}2.
V(.v + 2)2 = V24 • Take the square root of each
side of the equation. Then
A- + 2 = ±V24
x + 2 = ±2V6
x + 2 = 2V6 x + 2 = -2V6 • Solve for x.
x = ~2 + 2V6 x = -2 - 2V 6
The solutions are -2 + 2V6and —2 - 2V6.

Solve by taking square roots: 3 (a — 2)2 + 12-0 Solve by taking square roots: 2 (a + I)2 - 24 = 0
Solution Your solution
3(a - 2)2 + 12 = 0
3 (a - 2)2 = -12
fr ~ 2)2 = -4 Solve for (r - 2)2.
/ (a - 2)2 = \/-4_ Take the square root
a - 2 = ±V-4 of each side of the
a - 2 = ±2i equation.
a - 2 = 2f a 2 = -2i • - Solve for x.
a = 2 + 2/ a = 2 - 21
The solutions are 2 + 2/ and 2 - 2/.
Solution on p. S24

Krjrirfi. :i>liclsiXfi Iiimnf All Ktfit. Mi) Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« uiclccVont rflu mm tknl Itiij.\dkiito, K: urfTtÿc fccm lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: numill) xffcvs cnll kinur; cxjcncra
iu m Iurrnf rc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccnxnt 11 iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


Concept Check
1. Which of the following are not quadratic equations?
(i) 4a- + 5 = 0 (ii) x 2 = 3a - 5 (iii) a2 + 4a - 5 (iv) 2r - V'5 = 2 ÿ

2. Write each equation in standard form with the coefficient of a~ positive.

i. 3a: - 3 = It b. 4 - a2 = 5a c. 5 + 4a = 3a2 d. a2 = 3

3. J State the Principle of Zero Products. How is it used to solve a quadratic equation?
4. 3 What is a double root of a quadratic equation?
For Exercises 5 to 8. solve the equation.
5. 5 (a + 4) = 0 6. (a - 3)(a + 2) = 0 7. 2v(.v - 4) = 0 8. (2v + 1)(3a - 4) =0

o bJectiv e A To solve a quadratic equation byfactoring

For Exercises 9 to 39. solve by factoring.

9. a2 - 4a = 0 10. y2 + by = 0 11. t2 - 25 = 0

12. /r - 81 = 0 13. r - 5 - 6 = 0 14. v + 4v - 5 = 0

15. f - 6y + 9 = 0 16. a2 + 10a + 25 = 0 17. 9-2 - 18: = 0

18. 4yr + 20y = 0 19. r - 3r= 10 20. p~ + 5p = 6

21. v- + 10 - 7v 22. /" - 16 = 15/ 23. 2v- - 9a- 18 = 0

24. 3y2 - 4y - 4 = 0 25. 4r - 9- + 2 = 0 26. 2s2 - 9s +9=0

27. 3n- + 11w = 4 28. 2r + r=6 29. 6v2 - 23a + 18

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Mi) m Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik t» it iun. I>.i UiclccVont mm iknl Itiijoatctirm, K: urfTtÿKC fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: naimilb iffcci lu mcnll kinur/ cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/l«* rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

30. 6\'" = 7.v - 2 31. 4 - 15m - 4m2 = 0 32. 3 - 2y- 8r = 0

33. a + 18 = .vCv - 6) 34. I+ 24 = /(/ + 6) 35. 4s(s + 3) = 5 - 6

36. 3v(v - 2) = I Iv + 6 37. ir - 2u + 4 = (2m - 3)(m + 2)

38. (3v - 2)(2v + I) = 3V2 - IIv - 10 39. (3.v - 4)(.v + 4) = a*2 - 3a - 28

For Exercises 40 to 63, write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients and the
given numbers as solutions.
40. 3 and I 41. 2 and 5 42. -1 and -3

43. -2 and -4 44. -2 and 5 45. 6 and- 1

46. 5 and -5 47. 3 and -3 48. 2 and 2

49. 4 and 4 50. 0 and -2 51. 0 and 5

52. 2 and -
53. 3 and —2I 54. —— 1
and 5

55. —7 and 2
56. — 42 and -1 57. —7 and -2

58. |and | 59. \ | and 60. |and —|

61. ~

and — ~
63. -4 and ~4
4 2

64. -J If u and vare solutions of a2 + bx + c = 0. 65. 3 if 0 is a solution of ax2 + bx + c = 0.

what are the values of b and c? what is the value of c?

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h.imil 11 italicnd. n -Hik it n pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm> cuilcti"a, K: nnmÿ ton ji ill--,4 irjor Pk|H".i

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<i>c nj6liÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i try litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective B To solve a quadratic equation by taking square roots


For Exercises 66 to 92, solve by taking square roots.

66. .v2 = 64 67. y2 = 49 68. v2 = -16

69. r = -4 70. r2 - 36 = 0 71. s2 -4 = 0

72. 9a2 -16 = 0 73. 4v2 - 81= 0 74. r+ |6 = 0

75. f + 49 = 0 76. s2 - 32 = 0 77. v2 - 48 = 0

78. I1 + 27 = 0 79. r + 18 = 0 80. (v + 2)2 = 25

81. (a - l)2 = 36 82. 4(s - 2)2 = 36 83. 5(- + 2)2 = 125

84. 2(v - 3)2 = 18 85. | v - |Y = ÿ 86. (r + |Y | =

87. (a- + 5)2 - 6 = 0 88. (/ — l)2 — 15 = 0

89. (v - 3)2 + 45 = 0 90. (a + 5)2 + 32 = 0

91. Iu +
- 18 = 0 -
92. ( • - ) - 20 = 0
Y 2

3a For Exercises 93 to 96. assume that a and b are positive real numbers. In each case.
state how many real or complex number solutions the equation has.
93. (a - a)1 + b = 0 94. a2 + a = 0 95. (a - a)2 = 0 96. (a - a)2 - b = 0

CtCjrijhl "O" 'off Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,cciwlranci. cr dvltcKd. n -Hik it n «n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> imn"aj K: ton ji irjor c*~fapxn «»-
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrn rotiirt l

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 97 to 104. write a quadratric equation that has the given numbers as solutions.

97. V2 and -V2 98. 3\/2 and -3\/2 99. iand -/ 100. 2/V3 and -2/V3

101. 3 — V2, 3 + \Zl 102. -4 - 2V5, -4 + lV~5 103. 5 - i, 5 + / 104. -2 - 3/, -2 + 3/

For Exercises 105 to 107. solve the equation by taking square roots.

105. x~ = V'7 106. .v2 - V'5 = 0 107. x2 -ÿ2 = 0

Projects or Group Activities

Checking Solutions of a Quadratic Equation
In Objective 8.1A. we created a quadratic equation from its roots. For instance, if 2
and -5 are roots of a quadratic equation, then the quadratic equation is
(x - 2)(.r + 5) = 0. or .v2 + 3.v - 10 = 0
Notice that the coefficient of ,v. 3, is the opposite of the sum of the roots of the equation.
opposite of -
1 sum of roots
= -[3] = 3
The constant term. - 10. is the product of the roots.
product of roots
2(— 5) = -10

This observation is true for all quadratic equations. If ,v: + bx + c ~ 0 is a quadratic

equation with roots r, and r2. then b - -(r, + r:) and c = r,r2. For Exercises 108 to 1 13,
use this fact to determine whether the given roots are solutions of the quadratic equation.
108. x- - 12* 28 = 0 - 109. xf + 6* + 5 = 0 110. x2 + 6* + 7 = 0
r, = -2, r2 = 14 r, = I,r2 = 5 r, = -3 - V2,
r2 = -3 + Vl

111. x2 + 2x - 11 = 0 112. *2 - 8* + 17 = 0 113. *2 - Ax + 7 = 0

r, = - 1 - 2\/3, r, = -4 + 1, r, = 2 - tV3,
r> = -1 + 2V3 n = -4 - i n = 2 + /V3

To check solutions by this method, the coefficient of .v2 must be I. Suppose we want
to check whether 5 —
and ÿ are solutions of the equation I5.v2 —* 6 = 0. First —
divide each side of the equation by 15. the coefficient of ,v:. The resulting equation is

.v: - -jzx |= 0. Note that the opposite of the sum of —|and t is
of —5 and ' is
The product —
uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K.iiraJrami. n dirluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> oa«uno, K: u> itv-vi inlor n'Mtui.i.
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho uj«invcoc4cocicrt ik-<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I camnf rcoc< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotixlwnt rotiirc c

Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the

8.2 Square and by Using the Quadratic Formula
OBJECTIVE A To solve a quadratic equation by completing the square

Recall that a perfect-

square trinomial is
the square of a X2 + 8.V + 16 = C* + 4)2
binomial. x2 - 10r 4- 25 = C*-5)2
, ( 5V
~r H)
+ -lx + -7
49 ( 7\2
* 4 H)

x + S.y + 16, -•81 = 16

For each perfect-square trinomial, the

square of t of the coefficient of .v equals
.v2 - lO.r + 25, T(-IO) =25
Point of Interest
Early attempts to solve the constant term.
quadratic equations were l2
primarily geometric. The
Persian mathematician
al-Khowarizmi (c. a.d. 800)
- coefficient of .r I = constant term
*2 - 5x + — ,
I ">5

.v2 + 7.v + ÿ9,

essentially completed a
square ol x2 + 12* as

Adding to a binomial the constant term that makes it a perfect-square trinomial is called
6r< completing the square.

Complete the square on x~ + I2y. Write the resulting perfect-square

trinomial as the square of a binomial.

"(12) = (6) = 36 Find the constant term.

A" + 12T + 36 • Complete the square on* 2 + 12* by adding

the constant term.
X~ + 12.V + 36 = (.y + 6)- • Write the resulting perfect-square trinomial
as the square of a binomial.

LHessoltawise roiffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h.i.tuJ.rani.11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» oamino, K: nfpcuii ton ji ill--.4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coctcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt l

Complete the square on z 2 - 3s. Write the resulting perfect-square

Tips for Success trinomial as the square of a binomial.
This is a new skill and one
thai is difficult for many
1 l2 ( 3\2 9
students. Be sure to do all
you need to do in order to
be successful at solving
" ("3)

" Kind tlie constant term.

equations by completing the Z~ — 3z + "74 * Complete the square on z2 + 3z by adding the

square: Read the introductory constant term.
material, work through the
HOW TO examples, study - 3- +7 = I
9 3V
(c -- • VV rite the resulting perfect-square trinomial as
the paired Examples, do the 4 2J V the square of a binomial.
You Try Its. and check your
solutions against the ones
given in the back of the book.
See AIM lor Success.
Any quadratic equation can be solved by completing the square.

Procedure for Solving a Quadratic Equation by Completing

the Square

1. Write the equation in the form ax2 ÿ+ bx = -C.

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by — .


3. Complete the square on

x + —
X. Add the number that completes the square to

both sides of the equation.

4. Factcrthe perfect-square trinomial.

5. Take the square root of each side of the equation.
6. Solve the resulting equation for X.
7. Check the solutions.

Solve by completing the square: x2 — 6x — 15 = 0

.r2 - 6.v -15 = 0
.v2 - 6v = 15 • Add 15 to eachside of the equation.
a-2 - 6v + 9 = 15 • Complete the square. Add
4<-« = (-3)2 = 9 to each side of the
(x - 3)2 = 24 Factor the perfect-square trinomial.

V(v - 3)2 = V24 • Take the square root of each side of the
r - tn - 15 - x-3 - ±V24 • Simplify.
(3 + 2V6): - 6(3 + 2V6) - 15 0 x-3 = ±2\/6
9 - I2V6 + 24 - IS - I2V6 - 15 0
0-0 x - 3 = 2V6 _ x - 3 = -2V 6 • Solve for x.
r - 6r - 15-0 x = 3 + 2V6 x = 3 - 2\/6
- 2V6); - 6(3 - 2V6) -
(3 15 0
Be sure to check the solutions. See the check at the left.
9 - I2V6 ÿ 24 - IS -
12V6 - 15 0
The solutions are 3 + 2V6 and 3 - 2V/6.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu >Ocnol «|J f>il h.moil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: ell--- uiVx c*~fapxn «»-
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) ajnrcacj coctcrt rannaicnilb £*c incnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamnt rc<n:<hc nduiexfK6< tÿlumil ccnxnl it 1try lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwrnreqiirt l

In HOW TO 3 on the previous page, the solutions of the equation x2 6v 15 = 0 are — —

3 + 2V 6 and 3 - 2V6. These are the exact solutions. However, in some situations it
may be preferable to have decimal approximations of the solutions of a quadratic equa¬
tion. Approximate solutions can be found by using a calculator and then rounding to the
desired degree of accuracy.

3 + 2V6 ~ 7.899 and 3 - 2V6 ~ - 1.899

To the nearest thousandth, the approximate solutions of the equation x2 — 6v — 15-0

are 7.899 and -1.899.

Solve 2x2 - x - 2 = 0 by completing the square.

Technology To complete the square on an expression, the coefficient of the squared term must be
A graphing calculator can be
1 . After adding the constant term to each side of the equation, multiply each side of
used to check a proposed
solution ot a quadratic the equation by -j.
equation. For the equation
in HOW TO 4. enter the
2v2 - .v - 2 = 0

expression 2*2 x - 2 in Yi. 2v2 - .v = 2 • Add 2 to eachside of the equation.
Then evaluate the function for
1 V 17 J - \ 17
and - ;-. The Tu
j(2x>-x)=j-2 • Multiply each side of the equation by — .
4 4
value of each should be The coefficient of x* is now 1.
zero. Some typical graphing
calculator screens are shown
Sell Rrf Ra3
\Yl E 2X'-X-2
\Y3 =
\Y3 = VflRErSTiTiB
-- 2
X —1 .
+ 16 = H
Complete the square. Add

\YU = 2:Parame:rlc...
\y; =
\Y6 = 4:0rv0ff... IV 17
X Factor the perfect-square trinomial.
4J 16
2:Y3 Ydl.vÿI'MI
3:Y3 ~
IV = 12 Take the square root of eachside of the equation.
* 4 16
7* Y7
V ~
See the Keystroke Guide:
Evaluating Functions.
VJ7 VTv Solve for x.
* 4 4 *-4-
I Vl7 A
I \/l7
4 4 4

The solutions are 1 * V 17 and 1 4vT?

_j ullVJ

Check the solutions. A check of one solution using a graphing calculator is shown at
the left.

IH8BoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page s Z Cagags taimig.

CmIjiidiroll C'COXI IainOl. All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i uidccVont raHi «.r :ihnJ fTjnj iwk-j nuy he +trtTcwci bcm uc cl irJur «»
f4iira!roim hp thr. «rtw«cc curtcn ikci r»»: riaicrialb xfkci ik incnll Icimn/ cvjcncru Iurmn/ rc*mc< he riiÿii 1 tÿluiiul crtixni 11 iny line if *n; n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

Solve by completing the square: 4x~ — Sv + 1=0 Solve by completing the square: 4a~ — 4a — 1 = 0
Solution Your solution
4a — 8.v + 1=0
4a2 8-V = 1 — — Write in the form
ax: + bx = —c.
- 8.v) = -(-1)
Multiply eadi side by —.

.v2 - 2y + I= —!ÿ+ I Complete the square.

(-" D2 = 4 Factor.

Take square roots.

.r - 1 = ±

V3 V3
x- I= x - I= -ÿ
Solve for x.

X = 1 + 2 x= i- 7
2 + V3 2-V5

The solutions are 2 +v V 3 and - — i—

9 V 3.

Solve by completing the square: x~ + 4a + 5 - 0 Solve by completing the square: a2 + 4a + 8 - 0

Solution Your solution
.v2 + 4a + 5 = 0
*2 + 4.V = -5
.v2 + 4.Y + = -5
4 +4 • Complete tire square.
(a + 2)2 = -I • Factor.
V(a + 2)2 = Vh • Take square roots.
a + 2 = ±i
*'+2 = 1 A +2= -I • Solve for x.
A = -2 + / A = -2 -t
The solutions are -2 + / and -2 - i.

Solutions on p. S24

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix aini tr dirlicnU. It »Kilt it it put. I>« UiclccVont nfl» mm tknl |tnjtuucu"a, K: -unrcuci tun lit itv-i ir.1jt iOtomn
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. codedJc<« r»»: numill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Iumnf rc*mc< ix riiÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccoxni ii iny line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l

OBJECTIVE B To solve a quadratic equation by using the quadraticformula

A general formula known as Ihe quadratic formula can be derived by applying the meth¬
od of completing the square to the standard form of a quadratic equation. This formula
can be used to solve any quadratic equation. The equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 is solved
by completing the square as follows.

ax2 + bx + c = 0
Add the opposite of the constant term to ,
each side of the equation. + bx + c + (-c) = 0 + (-c)
ax2 + bx = —c
Multiply each side of the equation by the (fl.v2 + bx) =-(—c)
reciprocal of a. the coefficient of x~. a a
, b c
X - + -X
To complete the square, add

--i LfcV
a 4tr
X- + -x
b ii-ii
to each side of the equation a 4a2 4a2 a

Simplify the right side of the equation. ?

X- + -X
b JL £
a 4a2 4a2 a 4a

b2 4ac
a'X 4a2 4a2 4a2
b b2 - 4ac
.v2 + -x +
a 4(T 4<r
b\2 b2- 4ac
Factor the perfect-square trinomial on x + la 4cr
the left side of the equation.

Take the square root of each side of the \[x+i)'= \ b2 4a24ac -

b Vb2 - 4ac
X + 2a ±

b Vb2 - 4ac +
b Vb2 - 4ac
Solve for .v. X + 2a 2a
2a 2a

X +
Vb2- 4ac b \/b ~ 4ac
la 2a 2a 2a
-b + Xb2 - 4ac -b - Vb2 - 4ac
2a 2a

Point of Interest The Quadratic Formula

Although mathematicians
The solutions of ax 2 4 bx 0. a
have studied quadratic
equations since around
-b •> Vb2

C =
* 0. are-b - \ b2 - 4ac
500 B.C., it was not until the and
18th century that the formula 2a 2a
was written as it is today.
Of further note, the word
quadratic has the same Latin
root as the v/ord square.
The quadratic formula is frequently written as x -
-b±\ b2 ~ 4ac

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu KocmiI Ug ml K,moil n « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llird |KH) cuikcino, K: airticucÿ fco* Mc
n»l»ik I .
itilor cVfafixn t
hs«JccncJ ihn ity ainÿocÿ coWctt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>c< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if «jV«ajucm njlorotixtumroiiirc t

Solve by using the quadratic formula: 2x2 + 5x + 3 = 0

Take Note
The solutions of the quadratic 2x2 + 5x + 3 = 0
equation in HOW TO 5 are
rational numbers. When x=
—b±\fb- - 4ac • The equation 2x' + + 3 = 0 is in stan¬
this happens, it means the 2a dard form. a = 2. b = 5, c = 3
equation could have been
solved by factoring and ~(5)±V(5)2 ~ 4(2) (3) • Replace a. b, and c in the quadratic formula
using the Principle of Zero 2(2) with these values.
Products. This may be easier
than applying the quadratic -5±V/25 ~ 24
-5± v'l
—5± 1

_ ~5 + 1 _ zl _ _ _ ~ I -6 3
"V 'V ~
4 4 4 4 2

The solutions are - 1 and -y Remember to check your solutions.

Solve 3.v: - 4v + 6 by using the quadratic formula. Find the exact

solutions, and approximate the solutions to the nearest thousandth.
3.x = 4.v +6
3.v2 - -
4* 6 = 0 Write the equation in standard form. Sub¬
tract 4r and 6 from each side of the equation.
-b ± V /r - 4ac a = 3,b = — 4. c = -6
V(-4)2-4(3)(-6) Replace a, b. and c in the quadratic formula
2(3) with these values.

_ 4 ± V 16 — (-72)
_ 4 ± y'88
_ 4 ± 2V22
Check: 6
Z{2 ± V22) 2 ± V22
it- - it* 6

Z- 3 3
•» /V'2 V?2

3 *6 Check the solutions. A check of one of the solutions is shown at the left.

— —T
i+ 4\ 22.± 22 Jj
4\ 22
3 3
The exact solutions are and '
26 - 4V22\
9 )

l±y22 2 230
2 -V22
26 - 4V22

To the nearest thousandth, the solutions are 2.230 and -0.897.

Uqiith :ol> Ccrcxc Iiininl. All ha Kmnol Mi, ml h.i.tuJ.rani.11 italiaol. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. ante llinl pm, cuilctino, K: nfpcuii ton ji ill--.4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿUra!rcvio* haJccnciduury «jnrca(j coclcrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njJillÿ«tK6< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt 1

Solve by using the quadratic formula: 4a*2 = 8a* - 13

4a2 = 8v — 13
4.V2 - 8a* + 13 = 0 • Write the equation in standard form.
-b ± \//r - 4ac
X =- 7-
2a _ • I'se the quadratic formula.
-(-8) ± V(-8)2 -4-4-13
• a = 4.b = -8. c = 13
8 ± V 64 - 208 8 ± V — 144
8 8
8 ± 12/ _ 2 ± 3/
8 2
The solutions are I + V and 1 - V-

In the quadratic formula, the quantity b2 - 4ac is called the discriminant. When a. b. and
c are real numbers, the discriminant determines whether a quadratic equation will have a
double root, two realnumbersolutions that are not equal, or two complex number solutions.

The Effect of the Discriminant on the Solutions of a Quadratic Equation

1. If b' 4ac 0, the equation has two equal real number solutions, a double root.
2. If b 2 - 4ac > 0. the equation has two unequal real number solutions.
3. If b2 - 4ac < 0, the equation has two complex number solutions.

Use the discriminant to determine whether x~ - 4a* 5 = 0 has two —

equal real number solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or two complex number
b 4ac • Evaluate the discriminant.
(— 4)2 - 4( I)(— 5) = 16 + 20 = 36 a=hb= -4,c = -5
36 >0
Because b2 - 4ac > 0, the equation has two unequal real number solutions.

Solve by using the quadratic formula: Solve by using the quadratic formula:
2v2 - a* + 5 = 0 X" = 2v - 10

Solution Your solution

2y2 x + 5 = 0
-b ± Vb- - 4ac
-(-1) = V(-D2 - 4(2)15) • a = 2,b = -1,
_ 2_ 2 c "5

1 ±V 1 ~
40 1 ± V ~39 1 ± /V 39
4 4 4

The solutions are \+ j iand ÿ - -ÿj.

Solution on p. S24

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu >Ocnol »lj f>il K.unil cr AkIuhJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci &«* itv-,4 mlor cV'fapxn <».
h4nra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< try Imc it «iV«n«ni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnimtiirt l

Solve by using the quadratic formula: Solve by using the quadratic formula:
2v3 = Ix 2)(x 3)- - 4x2 = 4x - 1
Solution Your solution
2v2 = (x - 2)(v - 3)
2v2 = .v2 - 5.Y + 6
.v2 + 5.v - 6 = 0 Write instandard form.
a = I,b = 5. c = -6

-b ±\/lr - 4ac
X =
-5 ± V52 - 4(1)(— 6)
2- 1
-5 ± \/25 + 24

-5 ± V49
-5 ± 7

-5 +7 x=
= -6

The solutions are 1 and -6.

Use the discriminant to determine whether Use the discriminant to determine whether
4.Y" - 2y + 5 = 0 has two equal real number
solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or
3a "
x— —1 = 0 has two equal real number solu¬
tions. two unequal real number solutions, or two
two complex number solutions. complex number solutions.

Solution Your solution

a = 4. b = -2, c = 5
b2 - 4ac = (-2)2 - 4(4) (5)
= 4-80
= -76
-76 < 0
Because the discriminant is less than zero, the
equation has two complex number solutions.

Solutions on p. S25

uqiith 301)CcW Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Uo ml K,unil n dirluKd. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficucÿ fc" Mc itilor c*~fapxn.1
hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc**r>e« &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


Concept Check
1. State whether each expression is a perfect-square trinomial.
a. A*2 + 8a - 16 b. a2 - 8a + 16

c. y-7 - 7y + —49 d. v2 - 3v + -

2. What term must be added to a2 - 10a to make the resulting expression a perfect
square tri nomial?

3. Can ever>' quadratic equation be solved by using the quadratic formula?

4. If ax1 + bx + c = 0, a
* 0, what is b: - 4ac called?

objective A To solve a quadratic equation by completing the sqiuire

For Exercises 5 to 36. solve by completing the square.

5. a- - 4v - 5 = 0 6. y2 + 6y + 5 = 0 7. - - 6- + 9 = 0

8. u2 + 10m + 25 = 0 9. r2 + 4r - 7 =0 10. s2 + 6s — 1=0

11. A - 6a +7 = 0 12. y2 + 8y +13 = 0 13. p1 = 3/; - I

14. r2 - 5r = 2 15. y2 - 6y = 4 16. w2 = 2 - 4iv

17. r = 2 +4 18. r- = 3r -1 19. r-2- + 2 = 0

20. I2 - 4/ + 8 = 0 21. v2 = 4v - 13 22. a2 = 2a - 17

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iiininl. All Htftu IdbioIVbj f>il h.ccpnt <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik it n p«n. I>n m tkcn-w rah.MXllird |un> oatenno, K: &M* ji t tl-xi mlor cX'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

23. jr + 6p = - 13 24. x + 4v - -20 25. 252 -45 +5

26. 3ir = 6m + 27. 4.Y" - 4.v +5 = 0 28. 4/" - 41 + 17 = 0

29. 9x - 6.v +2=0 30. 9y~ - 12y +13 = 0 31. y - 2 = (>• - 3)(y + 2)

32. 85 - 1 1 = (5 - 4) (5 - 2) 33. 6/ - 2 = (2/ - 3>(/ - I) 34. h + 9 = (2z + 3)fe + 2)

35. (x - 4)(.v + 1) = x - 3 36. (y - 3)2 = 2y + 10

For Exercises 37 to 40. solve by completing the square. Approximate the solutions to
the nearest thousandth.
37. r + 2- =4 38. i2 - 41 = 1 39. 2y2 = 4x - I 40. 3y2 = 5y — I

41. '"J For what values of c does the equation 42. For what values of <• does the equation
x2 + 4y + c = 0 have real number solutions? —
x2 6v + c = 0 have complex number

objective B To solve a quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula

43. Write the quadratic formula. What does each variable in the formula represent?

44. Write the expression that appears under the radical symbol in the quadratic for¬
mula. What is this quantity called? What can it be used to determine?

For Exercises 45 to 77. solve by using the quadratic formula.

45. .y2 - 3.y - 10 = 0 46. y2 + 5y - 36 = 0 47. *2 - 8y +9=0

48. y- - 4.Y - 1=0 49. v = 6v 50. r + 2z = 74

Kqiilh roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mq ox Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>« Ui ilaivnin(hv mm iknl |tnjookti itq, K: wircutj hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
tilingroim Ism jeaxJ ihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccnxni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

51. .v2 = 14.V - 4 52. v2 = 12v - 24 53. 2-2 - 2z ~ 1=0

54. 9.r2 + 6* =11 55. 4r = 20/- - 17 56. 9.v2 - 12* = 68

57. r + 2- + 2 = 0 58. jr - Ap + 5 = 0 59. f - 2y + 5 = 0

60. /2 - 6/ + 10 = 0 61. 4s - 13 = s2 62. -6* - 13 = x2

63. 4.r2 - 4* + 33 =0 64. 4*2 + 89 = 12* 65. 6v + 71 = 9V2

66. 47 - 4* = 4*2 67. 2vr -w - 5=w 68. v2 + 8v + 3 = -v2

69. 3*2 - x = x2 ~
5* + 6 70. 2*2 - 15 = x2 - 2* 71. 2*2 + * = (* - 4)(* - 2)

72. 2r2 - 3* - I = (* + 2)(.v + 3) 73. (2* + 1)(* + 2) = (* - 4)(* + 3) 74. (3* - 1) (v - I) = 6*2 +

2*2 - 76. 2a*2 + 3* + I = (v - 2)(* + 2) 5/2 - 5/ + 7 = (/ -

* = (* + 3)(* 2) 77. !)(/ - 2)

For Exercises 78 to 83. solve by using the quadratic formula. Approximate the solutions
to the nearest thousandth.

78. *2 - 6* - 6 = 0 79. jr - 8/> + 3 = 0 80. r2 - 2r = 4

81. ir + Aw = 1 82. 3/2 = It + I 83. 2y = y +5

lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 tu KocnoL Mq m Ix ami. ir anlKml. Ii»Kik tr it pvt. I>.i Ui ilaivnin(hv mm tknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: urfTtÿc frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: riumill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix lo xsUutnxl ccosni ii iny line it «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

For Exercises 84 to 89, use the discriminant to determine whether the quadratic equa¬
tion has two equal real number solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or two
complex number solutions.
84. 2~c — 2 +5=0 85. 3.r + y + 1= 0 86. 9v2 - llv + 4 = 0

87. 4.v2 + 20.v + 25-0 88. 2v2 - 3v - 1 = 0 89. 3vr + 3w - 2 = 0

90. B Suppose a > 0 and c < 0. Does the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 (i) always have
real number solutions, (ii) never have real number solutions, or (Hi) sometimes have
real number solutions, depending on the value of bl

91. KS If « > 0 and c > 0. what is the smallest value of b in ax2 + bx + c - 0 that will
guarantee that the equation will have real number solutions?

Critical Thinking
For what values of p do the quadratic equations in Exercises 92 and 93 have two unequal
real number solutions? Write the answer in set-builder notation.
92. .y2 + 10.Y + p = 0 93. A*2 - 6y + p = 0

For what values of p do the quadratic equations in Exercises 94 and 95 have two complex
number solutions? Write the answer in interval notation.
94. a2 + 4v + p = 0 95. a2 - 2a + p = 0

Exercises 96 and 97, i is the imaginary unit. Solve for .r.

r2 + »v + 7 SB n

Projects or Group Activities

98. Sports Assuming no air resistance, the height b, in feet, of a ball .v feet from where
it was hit by a batter can be approximated by h ~ -0.0039a2 + 1.1918a + 4.
a. Will the ball clear a fence that is 10 ft high and 300 ft away from the batter?

b. How far from the batter does the ball hit the ground? Round to the nearest foot.

99. Sports After a baseball is hit. there are two equations that can be considered. One
gives the height h (in feet) of the ball above the ground Iseconds after it is hit. The
second is the distance s (in feet) of the ball from home plate Iseconds after it is h it. A
model of this situation is given by h - - 16/ 2 + 70/ + 4 and j = 44.5/. Using this
model, determine whether the ball will clear a fence 325 ft from home plate.

uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Mq ml K,cc(<nlrami, n darluaol. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-m ruW. o> llinl |un> odkiino, K: wnoi u> i inlo.cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc ilut Mty ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoeI**c »»» ct*1I Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> tctmc idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt rotiirc t

Solving Equations That Are

Reducible to Quadratic Equations
objective A To solve an equation that is quadratic inform

Certain equations that are not quadratic can be expressed in quadratic form by making
suitable substitutions.


An equation is quadratic in form if it can De written in the form au2 + bu 4 C 0.

1. X~ 4X2 5 = 0 is quadratic in form.
Let U = X2. Then U2 (x2)2 = X4. Replace X4 with U2 and X2 with U.
X4 - 4X2 - 5 = 0
u2 - 4u - 5 = 0 • u = x2. ir = xi
2. 2
4y - 3y' 4 6 = 0 is quadratic in form.
Let u = y'2. Then u2 (y12)2 = y. Replace y with u2 and y1 2 with u.
4y - 3y12 + 6 = 0
4U2 - 3u + 6 = 0 • u = y17, ir = y

The key to recognizing equations that are quadratic in form is as follows. When the equa¬
tion is written in standard form, the exponent on one variable term is 2 times the exponent
on the other variable term.

Solve: z + 72,/2 —18 = 0

2 + 7zXfl- 18 = 0 • The expontnt on -
is 2 times the exponent on
The equation is quadratic in form.
+ 7u - 18 = 0
ir • Let u = z17. Then ir = z-
(if 2)(« + 9) = 0
- • Solve by factoring.
u-2 =0 // + 9 = 0
u=2 u = —9
z\n = 2 z\n = _9 Replace u by z 1
(,.,ÿ2)2 = 22 fe./2)2 = ( 9)2
2 =4 2 = 81

Take Note
Check: 2 + 7Z>* - 18
4 + 7(4)1/2 - 18
= 0
0 81
7 +*
y, 7-1'- - 18 == 0

+ 7(8 1)1'- - 18 0
When each side of an 4 + 7- 2 - 18 0 81 + 7-9 - IS 0
equation is squared, the 4 + 14 - 18 0 81 + 63 - 18 0
resulting equation may 0 =0 126 0
have a solution that is not
a solution of the original
equation. 4 checks as a solution, but 8 1 does not check as a solution.
The solution is 4.

llTOTilh'. :ol) CcrCWc Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,moil ir lirjlKatJ. n -Kik it ir ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: ufpcuci &«ri rtV-vi >nlor n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciihittt) «jnrca(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccnxni it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

Solve: A-4 + a2 - 12 = 0 Solve: a - 5a +6 = 0

Solution Your solution
A4 + A2 - 12 = 0 The exponent on*4 is 2 times
the exponent on x2. The
equation is quadratic in form.
ir + u- 12 = 0 Let u = x1. Then ir = x1.
(m - 3)0/ + 4) = 0
i* -3 =0 u +4 =0
u=3 it = -4
Replace u by a2.
a2 = 3 A2 = -4 Solve for x.
Va2 = V3 _ V a2 = 4 V—
A = ±V3 A = ±2/

Check the solutions.

The solutions are V3, -V'3. 2 and -2i.

Solution on p. S25

obJective B To solve a radical equation that isreducible to a quadratic equation

Certain equations containing radicals can be expressed as quadratic equations.

Solve: V.v +2+4 =

TJ Take Note
In the third line of the solution
In HOW TO 2. each side
Vv + 2 + 4 = a
of the equation is squared.
When this happens, you
V.v + 2 = a - 4 • Solve for the radical expression.
MUST check the resulting (V772)2 = Or - 4)2 • Square each side of the equation.
solutions. In this case, only
one of the proposed solutions a + 2 = a2 - 8a + 16 • Simplify.
is actually a solution of the 0 = a2 - 9a + 14 • Write the equation in standard form.
0 = (a - 7)(a - 2) • Factor.
a-7 =0 a-2 =0 • Solve for x.
A =7 A =2
Check each solution.

Check: Vv + 2 + 4 = A Vv + 2 + 4 = a
V7 + 2 + 4 vT + 2 + 4
V9 +4 V4 + 4
3 +4 2 +4
7=7 6*2
7 checks as a solution, but 2 does not check as a solution.
The solution is 7.

Uqiith :oi> Iiinini. All Htftu Knmol »lj i>» h,unil ir Ai?l>cnd. n -Hik it n pin. I>n in tlccn-w rtfhi o> ilird i
ant omenno, K: ton itv-,4 idIVx n'uiui.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduiiry «jnwa(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotnrtwnimtiirt l

Solve: V7y -3 + 3 = 2y Solve: Vlv + I + .r = 7
Solution Your solution
V7y -3 + 3 = 2y
V7y - 3 = 2y - 3 Solve for the radical.
(V7y - 3)2 = (2y - 3)2 Square each side.
7y - 3 = 4r 12y + 9
0 = 4r - 19y + 12 Write in standard
0 = (4y - 3)(y - 4) Factor
4y -3 = 0 y-4=0 Solve fory.
4y =3 y =4

4 checks as a solution.

5 does not check as a solution.

The solution is 4.

Solve: V2y + I - Vy = I Solve: Vlv - I + Vv =2

Solution Your solution

V2y + I - Vy = 1
Solve for one of the radical expressions.

V2y + I = Vy_+ 1
(\/2y + l)2 = (Vy + I)2 • Square each side.
2y + 1 = y + 2Vy + I

>• = iVy • Solve for the radical.

f = (2Vy)2 • Square each side.
f = 4y
f -4v = 0 • Write in standard form.
y(y - 4) = o • Factor.
y=0 y - 4 =0 • Solve for y.
v =4
0 and 4 check as solutions.
The solutions are 0 and 4.

Solutions on p. S25

Cttintbi. :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mq i>» K.moil IT cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itink >nlor n'rrprr.r
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coctcrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njÿil Iopcykac tÿlnmil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

OBJECTIVE C To solve a rationalequation that isreducible to a quadratic equation

After each side of a rational equation has been multiplied by the LCM of the denomina¬
tors. the resulting equation may be a quadratic equation.

Solve: -r r+ I
1 3
/•+ I
1 Multiply each side of the equation
Take Note Mr +»(-+ i
= 2 Kr+ I)-- bv the LCMof the denominators.
In the second line of the
solution in HOW TO 3. 2(r + 1) + 2r = r{r + I) -3
each side of the equation 2r + 2 + 2r = 3r(r + I)
is multiplied by a variable 4r + 2 = 3r2 + 3r
expression. When this
happens, you MUST check 0 = 3r2 - /• - 2 Write the equation in standard form.
the solutions. In this case. 0 = (3r + 2)(r - I) Factor.
both proposed solutions are
actual solutions. This is not 3r + 2 =0 /• - I= 0 Solve for r.
always the case. 3r = -2 r= 1
— ÿ and I check as solutions.

The solutions are -ÿand I.

.v- 3
= 2x + 1 Solve: 3v
3y - 2
= -8

Solution Your solution

= Ix + I
x - 3

(-V - 3) - = (.v - 3)(2v + I) Multiply each
side by x — 3.
9 = lx2- 5x - 3
0 = 2y: - 5x - 12 Write in
standard form.
0 = (2v + 3)(.v - 4) Factor.
2x + 3 = 0 .v - 4 = 0 Solve for x.
2x = -3 x=4
The solutions are —9 and 4.

Solution on p. S25

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Vbj f>il<nlrami, cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> nmctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura!rcvio* haJccnciiluttt)' «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. Which of the following equations are quadratic in form?
(i) 2x4 -6x2 + 3 = 0 (ii) x6 x3 1=0 - - (Hi) Ix + xl/2 -5 = 0
(iv) 3xia + 4* -5 = 0
1/4 (v) 5x - 3 -5 = 0 Vx (vi) 5.v4 + 3.v - 6 = 0

2. Is 12 a solution of \/lv + 1 + x = 7?

objective A To solve an equation that is quadratic inform

For Exercises 3 to 6, state whether the equation could be solved by writing it as a

quadratic equation of the form ir - Su - 20 - 0.
3. .v10 - 8* 5 - 20 = 0 4. .v16 - 8.Y4 - 20 = 0 5. a"10 - 8a 1/5 - 20 = 0 6. a25 - 8a"5 - 20 = 0

For Exercises 7 to 24. solve.

7. x4 - I3.Y2 + 36 = 0 8. y4 - 5r + 4 = 0 9. -4 - 6r +8=0

10. /4 - 12/2 + 27 = 0 11. p ~ 3p112 + 2 = 0 12. v - 7V1'2 +12 = 0

13. .y - x -12 = 0 14. w - 2wl/2 -15 = 0 15. ÿ + 3ÿ - 4 =0

16. y4 + 5r - 36 = 0 17. a-4 + 12y2 - 64 = 0 18. y4 -81=0

19. p + 2pm - 24 = 0 20. v + 3v,: -4 = 0 21. y23 - 9y13 + 8 =0

22. r* -zm ~ 6=0 23. 9w - 13vr +4=0 24. 4y4 - lyr - 36 = 0

o bJectiv e b To solve a radical equation that isreducible to a quadratic equation

ÿ ÿ ÿ

25. For which of Exercises 27 to 44 will the first step in solving the equation be to
square each side of the equation?

26. i§j For which of Exercises 27 to 44 will it be necessary to square each side of the
equation twice?

(fqiilll roll C'WXI Itimat. All k./m. Koronl Mt> i«< Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it iun. I>.i ui ekcxcru mm iknl |tnj ookti tray K: airircxMÿ frcn lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cvjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii lo ccoxni ii iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

For Exercises 27 to 44. solve.

27. V.v + I + x = 5 28. V.v - 4 + .V = 6 29. v = Va + 6

30. V2y ~ I=v- 2 31. V3h- + 3 = w + I 32. V 2a +1=5-1

33. V4y + I - y = I 34. V3s + 4 + 25 = 12 35. V I0.v + 5 - 2v = 1

36. V/ + 8 = 2/ + I 37. Vp + 11 = 1 -p 38. a - 7 = V.v - 5

39. V.v - 1 - Va = - 1 40. Vy + I = Vy + 5 41. Vlv - I = I - V.v - 1

42. V.v + 6 + Vv + 2 =2 43. V/ + 3 + V2/ + 7=1 44. V5 - 2a = V2 - a +1

objective c To solve a rationalequation that isreducible to a quadratic equation

45. To solve Exercise 49. the first step will be to multiply each side of the equation by
what expression?

46. To solve Exercise 53. the first step will be to multiply each side of the equation by
what expression?

For Exercises 47 to 58. solve.

47. a = —a -9
48. Z = —7
Z -4
49. ÿ4
y +2
+y= 1

2p-l 3/- + 2 2v + 3
+p = 8 51. -
- - 2r = 1 52. -v +4
+ 3v = 4

I A A +6 1 A A+ 10 „ 16 16
+ x — 2~x~ — 4 - * ~ A'2 + 2v - 8 +
x+2 x +4 2 z-2 z+2

2 I / 2 4/ + 1 3/ — 1
?6. - -+-
-= I r»7. - - + -
1-2 / - 1
-=4 r>8. -
/ +4
7 +-
/ + I
- =2

Critical Thinking
59. Solve: (Va + 3): - 4Vv -17 = 0 (Hint: Let 11 = Va + 3.)

60. Solve: (Va - 2)2 - 5Va +14 = 0 (Hint: Let u = Va - 2.)

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK II1~CIAll ",m> KocnoL VUj fwl K: anxi. ir airlkmi. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»« ui ckcivnt raHi thnl ttnj fataltray K: wtmci bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun«-
hv ikaxJihr.*tj
f *Liiral roic»» couch Jcci r«>: nuniilb afixl 6c mcnll kimn/ cxxncru. CnM: I cimn/ rcnnc< ix 10 pcyk'vc >61u<ml ccnxni il anj line it* «j'r«cÿixn. n/k«rMnctwm retire *-

Projects or Group Activities

61. ÿ Sports According to the Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, the minimum di¬
mensions of a football used in the National Football Association games are 10.875 in.
long and 20.75 in. in circumference at the center. A possible model for the cross sec-

tion of a football is given by y ± 3.304 1 ÿ i- ÿ

where x is the distance from
the center of the football and y is the radius of the football at x.
a. What is the domain of the equation?

b. Graph y = 3.3041. ,'i - — and y = -3.3041ÿ\f i -•

r '
V 29.7366 ' 29.7366 j o

on the same coordinate axes. Explain why the ± symbol oc¬ A

curs in the equation. P 4

c. Determine the radius of the football when .v is 3 in. Round to

the nearest ten-thousandth. -4 0 4



For Exercises 1 and 2. solve the equation by factoring.
1. 3v" - IO.y = 8 2. lx2 + 3.Y = tv + 3)(.v + 4)

3. Find an equation with integer coefficients that hits solutions -3 and

For Exercises 4 and 5. solve the quadratic equation by taking square roots.
4. (x + 3)2 = 20 5. (z ~ 4)2 +9=5

For Exercises 6 and 7. solve the quadratic equation by completing the square.
6. t2 + 2x = 49 7. 4.v2 + I2y + 21 =0

For Exercises 8 and 9. solve the quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula.
8. 4.r2 - 4.v - 31 = 0 9. x2 + 8x + 25 = 0

For Exercises 10 to 12. solve the equation.

r 2 3
10. x + 8.V - 20 = 0 11. Vlv + 1 - Vx + 1 = 2 12.
r+ I r 10

IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 £ Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» K.unil cr Avltcnl n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird imp. imnno, K: airticuca &«* ill--.4 mlor n'rritmri-
hÿRra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6lip«tiw< try Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l
ccoxnl it i

8.4 Applications of Quadratic Equations

OBJECTIVE A To solve applicationproblems
There are various applications of quadratic equations.

Assuming no air resistance, the height h, in feet, of a soccer ball

x feet from where it was kicked at an angle of 45° to the ground can be given by
h ~ --3 .v" + x, where v is the initial speed of the soccer ball in feet per second.
If a soccer ball is kicked with an initial speed of 50 ft/s. how far from where the ball
was kicked is the height of the ball 15 ft? Round to the nearest tenth.

To find where the soccer ball will be 15 ft above the ground, use the equation
h- -—
f x + .v. Substitute 15 for h and 50 for v, and then solve for .v.


T.Y ~
,+ X

• Replace h bv 15 and v by 50.

0 = -0.0I28.V2 + ,v - 15 • Write the equation in standard form.
-b ± Vlr ~ 4oc
£ • Solve by using the quadratic formula.
- 1 ± Vl2 - 4(- 0.0 128)(~I5) • a = -0.0128.6 = 1.c = -15
- 1 ± Vo.232 -I ±0.48166
-0.0256 -0.0256
-1 + 0.48166 -1 - 0.48166
.Y = or y =
-0.0256 -0.0256
-0.51834 -1.48166
-0.0256 -0.0256
20.2 57.9
The ball is 15 ft above the ground when it is 20.2 ft and 57.9 ft from where it was

A drawing of the flight of the ball is shown below. Note that the ball is 15 ft high at two
locations. 20.2 ft from the kicker and 57.9 ft from the kicker.

50 -60
20.2 57.9
Distance from kicker (in feel)
Ittessctterwse tied.all toted.onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,unil«msi. <r cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cn«nno, K: uncaiÿ Son ji ill--.4 irjor n'kpxi.i.
h4ura! hoJccnciduttt) oinrcutv oirtcr* ik<« rmnucnjlb try lirx it «jY«ajucni
mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwniregiirt l

A small pipe takes 2 h longer to empty a tank it takes William 3 h longer than it does Olivia
than does a larger pipe. After the pipes work to detail a car. Working together, the friends can
together for I h, the larger pipe becomes blocked. detail the car in 2 h. How long would it take
It takes the smaller pipe I more hour to empty the William, working alone, to detail the car?
tank. How long would it take each pipe, working
alone, to empty the tank?

Strategy Your strategy

• This is a work problem.
• The unknown time for the larger pipe to empty
the tank working alone: /
• The unknown time forthe smaller pipe to empty
the tank working alone: / + 2
• The larger pipe operates for I h. The smaller
pipe operates for 2 h.

Rate • Time
H Part 1
I • 1 J.
t t

Smaller 1 2
pipe • 2
t +2 i +2

• The sum of the part of the task completed by

the larger pipe and the part completed by the
smaller pipe equals I.

Solution Your solution

/ 1+ 2
1(1 + 2)(-| + 7ÿ) = /(; + 2) • 1
(/ + 2) + it = r- + 2i
0 = I2 - I- 2
0 = (t + l)(f - 2)
/ + I =0 / - 2=0
/ = -1 1= 2

Because time cannot be negative. I= -I is not

possible. It takes the larger pipe, working alone.
2 h to empty the tank.
The time for the smaller pipe to empty the tank
working alone is / + 2.
/ +2
2 +2=4 • Replace Iby 2.
It takes the smaller pipe, working alone. 4 h to
empty the tank.
Solution on p. S26
IttessoBnvviw rxr.ffi. alccnlefcnthis page a S laemrg

Ilnnih'.:ol) Cirtxa Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. »!•* i>» h,unil«miicr AkIkmoI n -Kik i» is pin. I>n m tlcrn-nirtftu. .c,ilinl jtn> cdkiiiraj K: airficuca ill--.4 irjor MSaiu>.i.
rs\ic* hoJccnciduttf) «jn*va(j cocicrt ikci nnrucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. Ca|ÿc I iimnj rc<n:<« njÿil ic tÿluiml ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwni
pcykac 1

In 8 h, two campers rowed 15 mi down a river The rate of a jet in calm air is 250 mph. Flying
and then rowed back to their campsite. The rate with the wind, the jet can fly 1200 mi in 2 h
of the river's current was 1 mph. Find the rate at less time than is required to make the return trip
which the campers row in still water. against the wind. Find the rate of the wind.
Strategy Your strategy
• Unknown rowing rate of the campers: /*

1 1 1 a 15
river 15 r +1 =
r+ 1
Up 15 -f r — 1 =
river r- 1

• The total time of the trip was 8 h.

Solution 15 15 Your solution
r- I r + I+
15 15
(r+ D(r- I)
r+ 1 r 1
- -
= (r+ l)(r- 1) 8 •

15(r - 1) + 15(r + 1) = (r2 - 1)8

30r = 8r2 - 8
0 = 8r2 - 30r - 8
0 = 2(4r + l)(r - 4)
4r + I =0 r- 4 = 0
r=— r= 4

The rate cannot be negative, so the solution -5 is

not possible. The rowing rate was 4 mph.

The length of a rectangle is 5 in. more than the The base of a triangle is 4 in. more than twice the
width. The area is 36 in". Find the width of the height. The area is 35 in2. Find the height of the
rectangle. triangle.
Strategy Your strategy
• Width of the rectangle: w
• Length of the rectangle: w + 5
• Use the formula A = Iw.
Solution Your solution
A = Iw
36 (w + 5)w
36 = w2 + 5h'
0 = w2 + 5w - 36
0 = (w + 9)(w - 4)
w + 9 =0 w -4 = 0
w = -9 w=4
Tlie width cannot be negative. The width of the
rectangle is 4 in.
Solutions on p. S26
Uiessctba™se Piscbÿ is 'C laurirc.

Ctpjrijhl 301)Ccr&t: Iiamn|. *11 K«t.< KrcrHil Mi, ml K.unilaunec. 11 dtrlurol. n»hik i« n pin. I>n hi ilccn-w ruW.mllinl pm, cidkuna, K: ufpcuci fenn in itv-vi inlor H'uiuih
hs«Jccikc thai azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rcoc< 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


V Concept Check
1. If the work on a project takes / hours to complete, what portion of the job is com¬
pleted in Ih?

2. Suppose one person can do a job in 2 h and a second person can do the same job in
3 h. If they work together, will they complete the job in less than 2 h. in between 2 h
and 3 h. or in more than 3h?

3. Let r be the rowing rate of a person in calm water. If the rate of a river's current is 2
mph, express the rate rowing down the river (with the current) and the rate rowing up
the river (against the current) as variable expressions.

4. Let r be the rate at which a plane can fly in calm air. Write a variable expression for
the time it would take the plane to fly 500 mi into a headwind of 50 mph. Write a
variable expression for the time it would take the plane to fly 500 mi with a tailwind
of 50 mph.

OBJECTIVE A To solve applicationproblems

5. Safety A car with good tire tread can stop in less distance than a car with poor
tread. The formula for the stopping distance d. in feet, of a car with good tread on
dry cement is approximated by d - 0.04v2 + 0.5v, where v is the speed of the car.
If the driver must be able to stop within 60 ft. what is the maximum safe speed, to
the nearest mile per hour, of the car?

6. Rockets A model rocket is launched with an initial velocity of 200 ft/s. The height
h. in feet, of the rocket / seconds after the launch is given by h = - 1 6/ ; + 200/.
How many seconds after the launch will the rocket be 300 ft above the ground?
Round to the nearest hundredth of a second.

7. Physics The height of a projectile fired upward is given by s = v0l — 16/:. where
s is the height in feet. v0 is the initial velocity, and / is the time in seconds. Find the
time for a projectile with an initial velocity of 200 ft/s to return to Earth.

8. Physics The depth d of a liquid in a bottle with a hole of area 0.5 cm 2 in its side
can be approximated by d = 0.0034/ 2 - 0.52518/ + 20. where i is the time since
a stopper was removed from the hole. When will the depth be 10 cm? Round to the
nearest tenth of a second.

9. J Sports The Water Cube was built in Beijing, China, to house the National
Swimming Center for the 2008 Olympics. Although not actually a cube (its height is
not equal to its length and width), the Water Cube is designed to look like a "cube" of
water molecules. The volume of the 3 1 -meter-high Water Cube is 971.199 m3. Find
the length of a side of its square base. Recall that V = LWH.

10. vjj A large pipe and a small pipe, working together, can empty a pool in 4 h. Is it
possible for the larger pipe, working alone, to empty the pool in less than 4 h?
IHess otto»WK al coilrf cnthis pÿge 5 © Csrgsge laamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu Konil. Uq i>» h,iiroJ.rami, cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: wmci ittxi inlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j codcrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni nflo ruirKlnu retire i

11. Tanks A small pipe can fill a tank in 6 min more time than it takes a larger pipe to
fill the same tank. Working together, the pipes can fill the tank in 4 min. How long
would it take each pipe, working alone, to fill the tank?

12. Landscaping It takes a small sprinkler 1 6 min longer to soak a lawn than it takes
a larger sprinkler. Working together, the sprinklers can soak the lawn in 6 min. How
long would it take each sprinkler, working alone, to soak the lawn?

13. Parallel Processing Parallel processing is the simultaneous use of more than one
computer to run a program. Suppose one computer, working alone, takes 4 h longer
than a second computer to run a program. After both computers work together for
I h. the faster computer crashes. The slower computer continues working for another
2 h before completing the program. How long would it take the faster computer,
working alone, to run the program?

14. Payroll it takes one printer, working alone. 6 h longer to print a payroll than it
takes a second printer. Working together, the printers can print the payroll in 4 h.
How long would it take each printer, working alone, to print the payroll?

15. Flooring It takes an apprentice carpenter 2 h longer to install a section of floor

than it does a more experienced carpenter. After the carpenters work together for
2 h, the experienced carpenter leaves for another job. It then takes the apprentice car¬
penter 2 h longer to complete the installation. How long would it take the apprentice.
working alone, to install the floor? Round to the nearest tenth.

16. Uniform Motion A ship made a trip of 100 mi in 8 h. The ship traveled the first
40 mi at a constant rate before increasing its speed by 5 mph. It traveled another
60 mi at the increased speed. Find the rate of the ship for the first 40 mi.

17. ÿ Uniform Motion The Concorde's speed in calm air was 1 320 mph. Flying with
the wind, the Concorde could fly from New York to London, a distance of approxi¬
mately 4000 mi. in 0.5 h less time than was required to make the return trip. Find the
rate of the wind to the nearest mile per hour.

18. Uniform Motion A car travels 120 mi. A second car. traveling 10 mph faster than
the first car. makes the same trip in 1 h less time. Find the speed of each car.

19. J Air Force One The Air Force uses the designation VC-25 for the plane on
which the president of the United States flies. When the president is on the plane,
its call sign is Air Force One. The plane's speed in calm air is 630 mph. Flying with
the jet stream, the plane can fly from Washington. D.C. to London, a distance of ap¬
proximately 3660 mi. in 1 .75 h less time than is required to make the return trip. Find
the rate of the jet stream to the nearest mile per hour.

20. Uniform Motion For a portion of the Green River in Utah, the rate of the river's
current is 4 mph. A tour guide can row 5 mi down this river and back in 3 h. Find the
rowing rate of the guide in calm water.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ix. lx «unc& ir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ck.-iv.ii «r : ihnl jtjrtj iwibi nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac etVxL ir«loreC'VapxTi «i
tiiinÿmicn 1» tKr. *tj eerier* Jc<« r«>: rtuenall* Act Ctc «»cnll kimn; cxÿcrcr&c. Ccaotfc I csmnf rcnnc< ix njÿii I cmxni il inj line it* «t n/k«rMnctwm rojurc 4.

21. Apartment rents The manager of a 100-unit apartment complex is trying to de¬
cide what to charge for rent. Experience has shown that at a monthly rate of SI 200.
every unit will be occupied. For each SI 00 increase in the monthly rate, one addi¬
tional unit will remain vacant. Find the number of units rented and the monthly rent
if the total monthly rental revenue is SI 53.600.
(Hint: Revenue - monthly rent X number of units rented)
-- -I

22. Fencing A rectangular enclosure for animals is fenced to produce three separate
areas, as shown in the diagram at the right. If 800 ft of fencing is available and the
total area to be enclosed is 18.750 ft2, find the dimensions of the enclosure.
23. Geometry A square piece of cardboard is formed into a box by cutting 10-
centimeter squares from each of the four corners and then folding up the sides, as
shown in the figure. If the volume V of the box is to be 49.000 cm3, what si/e square
piece of cardboard is needed? Recall that V - LWH.

24. Construction A homeowner hires a mason to lay a brick border around a rect¬
angular patio that measures 8 ft by 10 ft. If the total area of the patio and border is
168 ft2, what is the width of the border?

25. Fencing A dog trainer has 80 ft of fencing with which to create a rectangular work
area for dogs. If the trainer wants to encbse an area of 300 ft2, what will be the di¬
mensions of the work area?

26. ÿ Sports Read the article at the right.

a. The screen in Michigan Stadium is a rectangle with length 9 ft less than twice its
width. Find the length and width of the screen. Wolverines on the
b. The scoreboard structure is a rectangle with length 16 ft less than twice its width. Big Screen
Find the length and width of the scoreboard structure. Farts can now have a belter
view of Wolverine football,
after the installation of 40%
Critical Thinking larger screens in Michigan
Stadium's end zones. Each
27. Ice Cream A perfectly spherical scoop of mint chocolate screen covers 3995 ft3 of
chip ice cream is placed in a cone, as shown in the figure. a new 6696-square-foot
How far is the bottom of the scoop of ice cream from the scoreboard structure.
bottom of the cone? Round to the nearest tenth. (Hint: A line
segment from the center of the ice cream to the point at which
the ice cream touches the cone is perpendicular to the edge of
the cone.)
Projects or Group Activities
28. A 13-foot ladder rests against a building with the
base of the ladder 5 ft from the base of the build¬
ing as shown in the figure at the right.
a. If the base of the ladifcr is moved I ft farther
away from the wall, how many feet down does 12 ft

the top of the ladder move? Round to the near¬

est hundredth.
b. How much farther from its original position 5 ft
5 ft from the wall should the base of the ladder * ft
be moved so that the top of the ladder moves
down the same number of feet.
IHffisoBecvise rota, al cOTrt enthis page a Z Cagags taimrg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it put. I>« InclccVont rtftu. : ihrd aaKti rcuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac cftxl. snl'ur
riliraimicn thr. m/y «rtrv«cc curtcnJc<« r»»: rtumilb tOoei incnll kimn; cxjtncru i!caMc Itirmr/ rotnet ix njÿii I tÿluiml crnxni al anj line if «t n/k«rMnctwm rotwrc a.

21. Apartment rents The manager of a 100-unit apartment complex is trying to de¬
cide what to charge for rent. Experience has shown that at a monthly rate of SI 200.
every unit will be occupied. For each SI 00 increase in the monthly rate, one addi¬
tional unit will remain vacant. Find the number of units rented and the monthly rent
if the total monthly rental revenue is SI 53.600.
(Hint: Revenue - monthly rent X number of units rented)
-- -I

22. Fencing A rectangular enclosure for animals is fenced to produce three separate
areas, as shown in the diagram at the right. If 800 ft of fencing is available and the
total area to be enclosed is 18.750 ft2, find the dimensions of the enclosure.
23. Geometry A square piece of cardboard is formed into a box by cutting 10-
centimeter squares from each of the four corners and then folding up the sides, as
shown in the figure. If the volume V of the box is to be 49.000 cm3, what si/e square
piece of cardboard is needed? Recall that V - LWH.

24. Construction A homeowner hires a mason to lay a brick border around a rect¬
angular patio that measures 8 ft by 10 ft. If the total area of the patio and border is
168 ft2, what is the width of the border?

25. Fencing A dog trainer has 80 ft of fencing with which to create a rectangular work
area for dogs. If the trainer wants to encbse an area of 300 ft2, what will be the di¬
mensions of the work area?

26. ÿ Sports Read the article at the right.

a. The screen in Michigan Stadium is a rectangle with length 9 ft less than twice its
width. Find the length and width of the screen. Wolverines on the
b. The scoreboard structure is a rectangle with length 16 ft less than twice its width. Big Screen
Find the length and width of the scoreboard structure. Farts can now have a belter
view of Wolverine football,
after the installation of 40%
Critical Thinking larger screens in Michigan
Stadium's end zones. Each
27. Ice Cream A perfectly spherical scoop of mint chocolate screen covers 3995 ft3 of
chip ice cream is placed in a cone, as shown in the figure. a new 6696-square-foot
How far is the bottom of the scoop of ice cream from the scoreboard structure.
bottom of the cone? Round to the nearest tenth. (Hint: A line
segment from the center of the ice cream to the point at which
the ice cream touches the cone is perpendicular to the edge of
the cone.)
Projects or Group Activities
28. A 13-foot ladder rests against a building with the
base of the ladder 5 ft from the base of the build¬
ing as shown in the figure at the right.
a. If the base of the ladifcr is moved I ft farther
away from the wall, how many feet down does 12 ft

the top of the ladder move? Round to the near¬

est hundredth.
b. How much farther from its original position 5 ft
5 ft from the wall should the base of the ladder * ft
be moved so that the top of the ladder moves
down the same number of feet.
IHffisoBecvise rota, al cOTrt enthis page a Z Cagags taimrg.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it put. I>« InclccVont rtftu. : ihrd aaKti rcuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac cftxl. snl'ur
riliraimicn thr. m/y «rtrv«cc curtcnJc<« r»»: rtumilb tOoei incnll kimn; cxjtncru i!caMc Itirmr/ rotnet ix njÿii I tÿluiml crnxni al anj line if «t n/k«rMnctwm rotwrc a.

Quadratic Inequalities and

8.5 Rational Inequalities
OBJECTIVE A To solve a nonlinear inequality

A quadratic inequality is one that can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c < 0 or
ax2 + bx + c > 0. where a 0. The symbols ÿ and s: can also be used. The solution
set of a quadratic inequality can be found by solving a compound inequality.

To solve x2 - 3.v - 10 > 0, first x2 3.v - 10 > 0


factor the trinomial. (.v+ 2)(.v - 5) > 0

There are two cases for which the (1) .v + 2 > 0 and a* - 5 > 0
product is positive: ( 1 ) both factors (2) a* + 2 < 0 and x - 5 < 0
are positive, or (2) both factors are
Solve each pair of compound in¬ (1) A' + 2 >0 and x-5 >0
equalities. x > -2 x>5
{x\x > -2} n {.vj.v > 5} = {a I- > 5}
(2) x + 2 < 0 and x - 5 <0
x < -2 x<5
{x\x < -2) n {x|a < 5} = {a-|A- < -2}
Because cases ( 1 ) and (2) are con¬ {x x > 5} U \x\x < -2}
nected by or, the solution set is the
union of the solution sets of the in¬
dividual inequalities.

Although the solution set of any quadratic inequality can be found by using the method
outlined above, a graphical method is often easier to use.

Solve and graph the solution set of x~ - x - 6 < 0.

a*2 - x - 6 < 0
Factor the trinomial. (x 3)(a- + 2) < 0

On a number line, draw vertical lines indi¬

cating the numbers that make each factor 1
_1 _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
11 1 I
ÿ 1 1
i i

equal to zero. -5 -4 -3 -:>-1012:< 4 5

.v-3 = 0 x +2 = 0
x=3 x
Take Note
For each factor, place plus signs above the x -3
For each factor, choose a
number In each region. For regions where the factor is positive and mi¬ x +2
example: When x - -4. nus signs where the factor is negative. ! I I I i I
x - 3 Is negative: when
x = 1, x - 3 is negative:
and when x - 4. x - 3 Is

Because x2 x — 6 < 0, the solution set
will be the regions where one factor is posi¬
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1012 3 4 5

positive. When x = -4. tive and the other factor is negative.

x + 2 Is negative: when
x - 1, x + 2 Is positive: Write the solution set. {.r| -2 < x < 3}
and when x - 4. x 2 is -
positive. The graph of the solution set of — t- +-+•
+—+- 4-t-
x~ — — x 6 < 0 is shown at the right. -5 -4 -3 -2-10 I 2 3 4 5

Ufessothowsatied.all tisfay is Iflaritij

CCrorltbt :ol> <:a«*« IUinnl. All Hiltu Knmol Mq i>» h,ccpnlrami, cr dijlKatJ. n (.Ink i» i:«n. I>n m tlcrn-nt nrftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: Son itixk inlor cV'fanxn <».
hÿitra! hoJccnciduttt) oinrcutv o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< crnxni it ttry litx il «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

Solve and graph the solution set of (v - 2)(y + l)(v - 4) > 0.

On a number line, identify for each factor x-2 +ÿ++

the regions where the factor is positive and X ± I ++++++« ++++

those where the factor is negative. x-4 ++ÿ+

There are two regions where the product of -S -4 -3 -2-1012345

the three factors is positive.
Write the solution set. {a| - 1 < x < 2} U {x\x > 4}
The graph of the solution set of 1 I I ÿ I 1 I I 1
-5 -4 -3 -2-1012345
(.v - 2)(v + I)(a - 4) > 0 is shown at
the right.

Solve: ——
x 4
< I
It - 5
< I
.v - 4
Rewrite the inequality so that zero appears 2a - 5
- I<0
on the right side of the inequality. a -4

2v - 5 A" - 4
Simplify. < 0
a-4 .v - 4
A - I
< 0
A - 4

On a number line, identify for each factor ÿ*"*+

of the numerator and each factor of the de¬

nominator the regions where the factor is
positive and those where the factor is nega¬ -5 -4 -3 -2-1012345
— H

The region where the quotient of the two
factors is negative is between I and 4.
Write the solution set. {Ai I < A < 4[
Note that 1 is part of the solution set but 4 is not because the denominator of the ratio¬
nal expression is zero when a = 4.

Solve and graph the solution set of Solve and graph the solution set of
lv2 - a — 3 > 0. lv2 - a - 10 < 0.
Solution Your solution
It2 - a - 3 > 0 l_ 1

» ÿ4

(2a - 3)(a +1)ÿ0 +++++ -•-++

(a!A < - 1 } U
{-1-1} -2-1 0 I 2 i I I I
-5-4-3-2 - 1 0
I 1 I
I 2 3 4 5

1)1 I I I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 12 3 4 5

Solution on p. S26
IHass ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: uncaiÿ &«* ji irjor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. Q If (x - 3) (.v - 5) > 0. what must be true of the values of x - 3 and x - 5?

2. It] For the inequality ÿ—3 ÿ 1. which of the values 1,2, and 3 is not a possible ele¬
ment of the solution set? Why?

ÿ For Exercises 3 to 6. for the given values of .v, state whether the inequality is true
or false.

3. (.v - 3)(.r + 2)(v - 4) > 0 4. (x + 5)(x - 6) < 0

a. x = 2 h. x = -2 c. t = -3 a. .v < 6 b. -5 < .v < 6

s. x - 3
~5K0 6.
-v - 4
.v + 3
a. .v = 2 I). t =3 c. x = -1 a. x < -3 b. v > 4

objective A To solve a nonlinear inequality

For Exercises 7 to 22, solve and graph the solution set.
7. (x - 4)(.r + 2) > 0 8. (x + l)(.r - 3) > 0
I I i I I I I I I ! I ÿ ÿ
I l I I 1 I I I l I 1
-5 -4 -3 -2-1012345 -5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5

9. X ~ 3.V + 2 >0 10. .v2 + 5.v + 6 > 0

4—I I—t-
5 -4 -3-2-1 0
— I 2
4 — ——I I
3 4
4 I
-5-4-3-2-1 0
—— t-
I 2 3
- I-

11. A" - X ~
12 < 0 12. X + .V - 20 < 0
4—I I h
-5 -4-3-2-1 0
—— I 2
— +- 4—I-
-5 -4-3-2-1 0
I 2 3 4 5

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlefBanPiscÿ is 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 K«t.« Kamal Mif ml K.unil adarlund. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» m( (tin) |un> oukciiraj K: u> itilor OSani"<(.
rc*io» hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

13. Or - l)(.v + 2){x - 3) < 0 14. (.v + 4)(v - 2) (y + 1) > 0

— — —— — — — — — — —
t i i i i i i i i i i-
-5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2
4—— — ——
2 3 4

15. (.t + 4)(.v - 2)(a" - I) ÿ 0 16. (x - I)(,v + 5)(y - 2) ÿ 0

—— — ——
—i I I I I I I I I \ h—
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 5
—— — — ——
—I I I I I I I 1—1 I \-
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 I 2 3 4 5
— ——

—4—I— —1I
-5-4 -3
-2 I 0 I 2 3 4 5
—I I I—ÿ
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
4— —-
3 4 5

19.ÿ0 20. -- > 0 1

-5 -4-3-2 -1 0 I 2 3 4 5
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 — k 4
0 1 2
— I I
3 4
x 3 -
22. <*+3><7 »,0
— — — — — — — — — —-
X £

-5 -4-3-2-1 0
i b
I 2345
-H I I i I I I I I I
-5-4-3-2-1 0 I 2 3 4 5

For Exercises 23 to 36. solve.

23. x — 16 > 0 24. x - 4 > 0

25. x~ - 9.v < 36 26. x + 4v > 21

27. 4.V" - 8.Y + 3<0 28. lx~ + \ \x+ 12 > 0

LHessothawise rfflffi. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vtaf f>il h,moil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:pin. I»

I'duralmicw la.3cctk2 ihii «t> ownJx. r.n nilcnilb ÿ&< &c inroll kimK kkiimx. l isOA" U

29. <2 30.
(a - 1)(a + 2)
> 0
x ~ I

x ~ 2
31. < 0 32. - < 2
(a + DCv - I) A

33. > I 34. < I
2x - 2x - 3

35. 36. >

A - 5 A +1 A - 2 A +2

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 37 to 42. graph the solution set.
37. (a - I)(a + 3) (a - 2) (a - 4) > 0 38. (a + 2) (a - 3)(a + 1)(a + 4) > 0

I I 1
-5-4-3-2 -1 0 12 3 4 5
— ÿ
I I I l I I 1 I I I i
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 12 3 4 5

39. (a2 + 2v - 3) (a2 + 3a + 2) > 0 40. (a2 + 2a - 8) (a2 - It - 3) < 0

-5 -4 -3 -2-1012345
H ! I h H
-5 -4-3-2-1 0 I 2
—— I h
3 4 5

41. -ÿ--ÿv+'Uo 42. (A2 + I) (a2 - 3A + 2) > 0

(a + 4) (a + 2)
-5 -4 -3 -2
i i i
I i
12 3 4
- ——
-5 -4-3-2-1 0
— ——
3 4

Projects or Group Activities

43. You shoot an arrow into the air with an initial velocity of 70 m/s. The distance up. in
meters, is given by d = rt — 5/:, where Iis the number of seconds since the arrow-
was shot and r is the initial velocity. Find the interval of time during which the arrow-
will be more than 200 m high.
l>Vess c tba- se rcted.all tls is 'CCffgaÿlffirrlrc.

<:.!>,T\d> "I'l1'cr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu\<J Mif ml K.unil adarluaoL rt »hik i« I!wn. I>j» mcktnuniruh. o> llirj hdhiinay K: ban Mc itiw* itilor
ldur»rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt rotiirc t


Q Summary

Key Words Examples

A quadratic equation is an equation of the form 3a*2 + 4.v - 7 = 0, .y2 - 1 =0, and
ax~ + bx + c = 0, where a # 0. A quadratic equation is also 4.Y" + 8a* - 0 are quadratic equations
called a second-degree equation. A quadratic equation is in written in standard form.
standard form when the polynomial is in descending order and
equal to zero. [8.1A. p. 458]

For an equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. the quantity 2a:2 +5=0

- 3a*
b2 - 4ac is called the discriminant [8.2B. p. 472] a = 2. b = -3, c = 5
tr - 4ac = (-3)2 - 4(2)(5) = -31

An equation is quadratic in form if it can be written as 6v4 - 5a*2 -4 = 0

air + bu + c = 0. [8.3A. p. 478]
6m2 - 5m - 4 = 0 • u = x2, u2 = xl
The equation is quadratic in form.

A quadratic inequality is one that can be written in the form 3a*2 + 5a: — 8 s 0 is a quadratic
ax2 + bx + c < 0 or ax2 + bx + c> 0. where a 0. The
symbols ÿ and s can also be used. (8.5A. p. 491 ] * inequality.

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Principle of Zero Products |8. 1 A. p. 458]
if a and b are real numbers and ab = 0. then a = 0 or b — 0. (a* - 3)(.y + 4) = 0
a* - 3 = 0 A- + 4 = 0

x =3 a = -4

To Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring [8.1A. p. 458]

1. Write the equation in standard form. *2 + 2a* = 35
2. Factor the polynomial. a*2 + 2y -
35 = 0
3. Use the Principle of Zero Products to set each factor equal
to zero.
(a* - 5)(.y + 7) = 0
4. Solve each equation. a* - 5 = 0 a* + 7 = 0
5. Check the solutions. a =5 x = -7

To Write a Quadratic Equation Given Its Solutions

[8.1A. p. 459 1

Use the equation (x - /"|)(.v /t) = 0. Replace r\ with one solution
and r2 with the other solution. Then multiply the two factors.
Write a quadratic equation that has
solutions -3 and 6.
(.y - r,)(A* - rj = 0
(a* - (-3)](a* - 6) = 0
(y + 3)(a* 6) = 0
.v2 - 3a* -18 = 0

lirinlh. rill3 CR0.K 1tunaf. *11 KiktmJ. Ml) fwl lx mmiir onlKrai. a »Kile o « pal. I>« Ui ikciunin* mm iknl cramlmi) K: ten liiilv-iinlW iltiMiii.
rilingroim h*» JcokJihr. «nw«cc couchJc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< «»cnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c 1nmn/ fcuno ix njÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*mmciwiw rcÿurc l

To Solve a Quadratic Equation by Taking Square Roots

[8. IB. pp. 460. 4611
1. Solve for .v2 or for (.v + a)2. (x + 2)2 - 9 = 0
2. Take the square root of each side of the equation.
(x + 2)2 = 9
3. Simplify.
4. Check the solutions. V(.r + 2)2 = V 9
.v + 2 = ±\9
.v + 2 = ±3
.V +2=3 x + 2 = -3
X = I X = -5

To Complete the Square [8.2A. p. 466]

Add to a binomial of the form x: + bx the square of \ of the To complete the square on .v" - 8.r,
coefficient of .r, making it a perfect-square trinomial. add £(-8)1 2
= 16: x2 - &v + 16.

To Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square

[8.2A. p. 4671
1. Write the equation in the form ax 2 + bx = —c. X2 + 4r - 1=0
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by :2 4 4.v = I
3. Complete the square on x2 + Add the number that%x. a-2 + 4v + 4 = I + 4
completes the square to bothsides of the equation.
4. Factor the perfect-square trinomial. (.r + 2) 2 = 5
5. Take the square root of each side of the equation. V(.r + 2) 2 = V 5
x+2= ±V5
6. Solve the resulting equation for x. -v + 2 = V5 x + 2 = -y/s
7. Check the solutions.
x= -2 + \/5 x ~
-2- V5

Quadratic Formula [8.2B. p. 4701

The solutions of ax2 + bx + c = 0. a 0. are x =
-h = Vlr - 4ac 2x2 - 3v + 4 = 0
a = 2,b = -3, c = 4
~(~3) ± V(-3)2 - 4(2)(4)
x =
3 ± \/ÿ23 3 ± a/55
4 4
3 V23 .
4± 4 '
The Effect of the Discriminant on the Solutions of a x2 + 8a + 16 = Ohas a double root
Quadratic Equation (8.2B. p. 4721 because b2 - 4ac = 82 - 4(!)(I6) = 0.
1. If b~ - 4ac = 0. the equation has two equal real number
solutions, a double root. 2x2 + 3.v - 5 = 0 hits two unequal
2. If tr — 4ac > 0. the equation has two unequal real number real number solutions because
solutions. b2 ~ 4ac = 3? - 4(2)(-5) = 49.
3. If b2 - 4ac < 0. the equation has two complex number 3x: + 2x + 4 = 0 has two
solutions. complex number solutions because
b~ ~ 4ac = 22 - 4(3)(4) = -44.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 K.,M. Mij ik. K: .inxc. ir ticlicrai. Ii Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl ttnj .ramirta, K: wircutj bar ac itv-4 inlor cliamn "I
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaicmlb tdSxICtc at cnll Icimn/ cxxntru. Cca 0&c I tam ng rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc cmxni il anj line if «aV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire 6


8 Review Exercises

1. Solve by factoring: 2.v: - 3.v = 0 2. Solve by factoring: 6.v2 + 9.v - 6

3. Solve by taking square roots: 4. Solve by taking square roots:

x2 = 48 x+ +4 = 0

5. Solve by completing the square: x 2 + 4.v + 3 - 0 6. Solve by completing the square:

7.v2 - I4.v +3 = 0

7. Solve by using the quadratic formula: 8. Solve by using the quadratic formula:
llv2 - 25a- + 12 = 0 -
x2 x + 8 = 0

9. Write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients 10. Write a quadratic equation with integer
that has solutions 0 and -3. coefficients that has solutions jj and -

11. Solve by completing the square: x2 — 2x + 8 = 0 12. Solve by completing the square:
(a- - 2)(a- + 3) = a 10 -

13. Solve by using the quadratic formula: 14. Use the discriminant to determine whether
3.vtv - 3) = 2x - 4 —
3v2 5a + 3 = 0 has two equal real number
solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or
two complex number solutions.

15. Solve: (x + 3) (2a- - 5) < 0 16. Solve: (x - 2)(.v + 4)(2v + 3) < 0

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,moil IT Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji 4 irjor cVfapxn «»-
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb Act .'x mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccoxni it i Imc «l «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

17. Solve: a23 + xm - 12 = 0 18. Solve: 2(.v - 1) + 3V.v -1-2 = 0

19. Solve: 3a = 20. Solve: — ' +x=3
x - 2 A- +2

21. Solve and graph the solution set: 22. Solve and graph the solution set:
A ~
2 > 0
(2x l)(r + 3)
2x - 3 x-4
*H — —-— -— —
I i 1
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 5
I 1 I I ' I — ———
-H I—I I t I—I—I I—I
—5 -4 -3 -2-1 0
I 2
— — 3 4 5

23. Solve: .v = Va +2 24. Solve: 2v - V5x +24 + 3

x + 4 _ .v - 3
25. Solve: -f— —
2x + 3
- -—
- = 2 26. Solve: I -
2 -x x+2

27. Write a quadratic equation with integer 28. Solve by factoring: 2a~ + 9a - 5
coefficients that has solutions and -3. \

29. Solve: 2(a + I)2 - 36 = 0 30. Solve by using the quadratic formula:
x2 + 6a- + 10 = 0

32. Solve: a4 - 28a2 + 75 = 0

31. Solve: - + 3 =
x-4 2v - 3
- -- -

33. Solve: Vlv - I + v'lv - 3 34. Solve: 2a23 + 3a1,3 -2 = 0

Un'essothawse rcMdaiIeaten!an Pis is ® Ce-gai laarj15.

CafQritf* 3DI)Ce Iomn(. *11 ««tu Ksunol M«j ml h.iilaJ.rani,i« darluaol. n »t»ik i« is nm. I>« m eken-w ruW. o> llinl i IB) k 4inTCUCÿ fec*T IX CtVsi. ir*lor 41

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rc«r>f< &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c cvoxni atuq line il «jV«ajucni n(h>rotixtwn* rojairc t

35. Solve: V3.v - 2 +4 = 3.v 36. Solve by completing the square:

.r2 - \0x + 1= 0

37. Solve: —
X -4 --
X +I
= II 38. Solve by using the quadratic formula:
9.v2 - 3.v = I

.v + 3 _ x - 4
39. Solve: 2x = 4 - 3V.T - 40. Solve: I -
3 - .v .v + 3

41. Use the discriminant to determine whether 42. Solve: .r2 - 3.v < 10
2v~ - 5x = 6 has two equal real number solu¬
tions. two unequal real number solutions, or two
complex number solutions.

43. Sports To prepare for an upcomi ng race, a scull ing crew rowed 16 mi down a river
and back in 6 h. If the rate of the river's current is 2 mph. find the sculling crew's rate
of rowing in calm water.

2W+ 2
44. Geometry The length of a rectangle is 2 cm more than twice the width. The area
of the rectangle is 60 cm2. Find the length and width of the rectangle. w

45. Computers An older computer requires 12 rnin longer to print the payroll than
does a newer computer. Together the computers can print the payroll in 8 min. Find
the time required for the new computer, working alone, to print the payroll.

46. Uniform Motion A car travels 200 mi. A second car. making the same trip, travels
10 mph taster than the first car and makes the trip in Ih less time. Find the speed of
each car.
LHess oltawisB rciffl. alccrletcr ffis Kge 5 ffl Csrgsge Uamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,imil 11 italicnd. n -Hik it I!pin. I>n in tkcn-w n/Vu. .n< ilird put, omen ira, K: nrpvuii ton ji ill--,4 irjor n'iipun.

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnrotiirt l


1. Solve by factoring: 3x2 + IQy = 8 2. Solve by factoring: 6.v2 - 5.v - 6 = 0

3. Write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients 4. Write a quadratic equation with integer
that has solutions 3 and -3. coefficients that has solutions t and -4.

5. Solve by taking square roots: 3 (v - 2)2 - 24 = 0 6. Solve by completing the square: x~ - 6v - 2 = 0

7. Solve by completing the square: 8. Solve by using the quadratic formula:

3.v2 - 6x = 2 lv2 - 2r = I

9. Solve by using the quadratic formula: 10. Solve: lv + 7v' 2 -4-0

x2 + 4.v + 12 = 0

11. Solve: .vJ - 4.v2 + 3-0 12. Solve: V2v + I+5 = 2v

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'mfrit Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. f>il h,imil IT cii;lK«il. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: ufpcuci &«* ji «nlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it i Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

13. Solve: Vx - 2 = V* - 2 14. Solve: —

+ ——
a- I
= I

15. Solve and graph the solution set of 16. Solve and graph the solution set of
(v - 2) (v + 4)(.v - 4) < 0. ÿS0.
-5 -4 -3 -2-1 0
-- 1 h
I 2
4 1
3 4
5 -5-4-3-2-1 0
111! h
— — I 2
3 4

17. Use the discriminant to determine whether 9x2 + 24a - -16 has two equal real
number solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or two complex number

18. Sports A basketball player shoots at a basket that is 25 ft away. The height /?. in
feet, of the ballabove the ground after / seconds is given by h = - 16/ 2 + 32/ + 6.5.
How many seconds after the ball is released does it hit the basket, which is 10 ft off
the ground? Round to the nearest hundredth.

19. Woodworking It takes Clive 6 h longer to stain a bookcase than it does Cora.
Working together. Clive and Cora can stain the bookcase in 4 h. Working alone, how
long would it take Cora to stain the bookcase?

20. Uniform Motion The rate of a river's current is 2 mph. A canoeist paddled 6 mi
down the river and back in 4 h. Findthe paddling rate in calm water.
IHsss othawce al coilet cr fris Kge S & Csrgsge Leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rr/Vi» .milird imp. imnno, K: ittxi inlUr n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil uhctkac >61uinil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l

Cumulative Review Exercises

2v - 3 a +4 3.Y - 2

1. Evaluate 2<r tr + c2 when a = 3, 2. Solve:
b = -4. and c = -2.

3. Find the slope of the line containing the points 4. Find the equation of the line that contains the point
/>,(3, -4) and/>2(-l,2). P( 1.2) and is parallel to the graph of x y = I• —

5. Factor: -3x*y + 6v:y2 - 9xy3 6. Factor: 6a- - 7a - 20

7. Factor: a- + xy - 2x - 2y 8. Divide: (3.r3 - 13a- + 10) + (3a: - 4)

A" + 2v + I 4a - 4a- 10. Find the distance between the points P\(-2, 3)
9. Simplify:
8a2+ 8a a2 - 1
and P2{2, 5).

11. Solve S = + b) for b. 12. Simplify: -2/(7 - 4i)

13. Simplify: a 2 - (P2) 14. Simplify-:

9 1-

IS. Solve: ÿ-1 16. Solve:

2x +3 4a2 - 9
2v - 3

17. Solve: a4 - 6a2 + 8 = 0 18. Solve: V3a + I- I=

Kqiilh :o:i Crw IrimHt. *11 KtMtvrJ. Mi) m IxiipcJ.ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr tc pvt. I>« ui ekvtcrtt mm tknl |tnj unimrm, K: wircucj teat lit tlv-i ir.1jr tOiomtl
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couchJc<« r»»: rmniill) xffcvc iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng rt*tnc< ix niÿii loicwvc tÿluiml ccnxni ii iny line i! iiVtcÿisn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

19. Solve: 3.v - 2| < 8 20. Find the x- and v-intercepts of the graph of
6v - 5y = 15.

21. Graph the solution set: 22. Solve by using Cramer's Rule.
.v + >• < 3 x +y +z = 2
2v - >• < 4 x + 2y - 3z = -9
a- - 2y - 2- = -I

23. Given f(x) = y, find /(-2) 24. Find the domain of the function
fix) = —
x -2
- 2t - 15

25. Solve and graph the solution set of 26. Solve and graph the solution set of
.v3 + .v2 - 6.v < 0. (*- OCr-5) >
— —————— — —— —
H I I I i I I I I I I—-
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 5 — —-
x 3

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1012 3
I I I I -4—f-5

27. Mechanics A piston rod for an automobile is 9ÿ in. long, with a tolerance of ÿ in.
Find the lower and upper limits of the length of the piston rod.

28. Geometry The length of the base of a triangle is (.r + 8) ft. The height is
(2v - 4) ft. Find the area of the triangle in terms of the variable .v.

29. Use the discriminant to determine whether 2.v2 + 4.v + 3 = 0 has two equal real
number solutions, two unequal real number solutions, or two complex number

30. Depreciation The graph shows the relationship between the cost 300
11 _2 »il
of a building and the depreciation allowed for income tax purposes. 250
Find the slope of the line between the two points shown on the *2
f. 200
graph. Write a sentence that states the meaning of the slope.
0. 0
0 5 10 15 20
| H
25 30
Time (in years)
Ittess oltewa?rota, al ccntrf cnthis page a £ Cagags taimig.

lirinlS. 301J clsiXfi Iiimnf All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ox Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »hik ,» it put. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fccm lit ilv-imljr lOiomil
rilingroic»» la* JcokJihr. «urfrvc«co couch Jc<« r»»: numill) iffcci IK mcnll kinui; C3?<ncra Ccanfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix lo ccoxni ii my line i! n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l
Functions and Relations

A To graph a quadratic function Have you established a routine for doing
B To find the x-intercepts of a
your homework? If not, decide now
C To find the minimum or where and when your study time is most
maximum of a quadratic productive. Perhaps it is at home, in the
function library, or in the math center, where you
D To solve application
problems can get help as you need it. If possible,
create a study hour right after class. The
A To graph by using
material will be fresh in your mind, and
translations the immediate review, along with your
B To graph by using reflections
A To perform operations on
B To find the composition of
two functions

A To determine whether a Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
function is one-to-one find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
B To find the inverse of a
function 1. Evaluate — for b = -4 2. Given y = —x2 + 2.r + I. find
and a = 2. the value of >' when -t = —2.

3. Given /"(.r) = a-2 — 3.v + 2. 4. Evaluate p{r) = r2 — 5 when

find /(—4). r = 2 + h.

5. Solve: 0 = 3.v2 — 7.x — 6 6. Solve by using the quadratic

formula: 0 = .t2 - 4.t 4- 1

7. Solve .x = 2y + 4 for y. 8. Find the domain and range

of the relation
{(-2, 4). (3. 5), (4.6), (6.5)}.
Is the relation a function?

9. What is the domain 10. Graph: x = —2

of /w-rl,?
.t 1 -

4 1) 4 4
Ufcssctfav.i<e rtffid.d1 toiwilon Bi3 [bÿis © laairi Ji— 505

:tll3 CrM< IcsmaiC *UKi/V.«Kl»cnA VUf ÿMtBCCfMlLiaillEAfvAvlicMnl.avhikwia pert UacuiclKluncnftu.»ncthrd pan. timed ma b, aimracifccari 6c ctk.1>nloicCb|un4l.

tiliirajmin hv«kcneÿJuiny aintvucc curimJ<l> r»K mKnill} tftct 6c mcnll lamn/ (tÿcncm. CafÿC I amn;roo>C4 ix njhi xtkÿc idluinil craxni n itq tioc if «iV<ÿunt n(lo rotiKlunroÿure i
Functions and Relations

A To graph a quadratic function Have you established a routine for doing
B To find the x-intercepts of a
your homework? If not, decide now
C To find the minimum or where and when your study time is most
maximum of a quadratic productive. Perhaps it is at home, in the
function library, or in the math center, where you
D To solve application
problems can get help as you need it. If possible,
create a study hour right after class. The
A To graph by using
material will be fresh in your mind, and
translations the immediate review, along with your
B To graph by using reflections
A To perform operations on
B To find the composition of
two functions

A To determine whether a Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
function is one-to-one find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
B To find the inverse of a
function 1. Evaluate — for b = -4 2. Given y = —x2 + 2.r + I. find
and a = 2. the value of >' when -t = —2.

3. Given /"(.r) = a-2 — 3.v + 2. 4. Evaluate p{r) = r2 — 5 when

find /(—4). r = 2 + h.

5. Solve: 0 = 3.v2 — 7.x — 6 6. Solve by using the quadratic

formula: 0 = .t2 - 4.t 4- 1

7. Solve .x = 2y + 4 for y. 8. Find the domain and range

of the relation
{(-2, 4). (3. 5), (4.6), (6.5)}.
Is the relation a function?

9. What is the domain 10. Graph: x = —2

of /w-rl,?
.t 1 -

4 1) 4 4
Ufcssctfav.i<e rtffid.d1 toiwilon Bi3 [bÿis © laairi Ji— 505

:tll3 CrM< IcsmaiC *UKi/V.«Kl»cnA VUf ÿMtBCCfMlLiaillEAfvAvlicMnl.avhikwia pert UacuiclKluncnftu.»ncthrd pan. timed ma b, aimracifccari 6c ctk.1>nloicCb|un4l.

tiliirajmin hv«kcneÿJuiny aintvucc curimJ<l> r»K mKnill} tftct 6c mcnll lamn/ (tÿcncm. CafÿC I amn;roo>C4 ix njhi xtkÿc idluinil craxni n itq tioc if «iV<ÿunt n(lo rotiKlunroÿure i

9.1 Properties of Quadratic Functions

OBJECTIVE A To graph a quadraticfunction

Recall that a linear function is one that can be expressed by the equation /(v) = mx + b.
The graph of a linear function has certain characteristics. It is a straight line with slope
m and y-intercept P{0. b). A quadratic function is one that can be expressed by the
equation /(.v) - ax 2 + bx 4- c, a 0. The graph of this function, called a parabola,
also has certain characteristics. The graph of a quadratic function can be drawn by find¬
ing ordered pairs that belong to the function.

Graph /(.v) = a-2 - 2x - 3.

By evaluating the function for various values of x. find enough ordered pairs to deter¬
mine the shape of the graph.

11Take Note
Sometimes the value of
\T -2
fix) = x1
/(- 2) = (-2)2
- Ix - 3
- 2{— 2) - 3 5
the independent variable
is called the input because -1 /(_,)= (-,)2 - 2(- 1) - 3 0
it is put in place of the
0 I n§ II -3
1 I

independent variable. The

result of evaluating the
function is called the output.
1 ii
e-i 1

ri 1
Ci -4 aIaT.
Tables such as the one in 7 /(2) = Q)2 - 2(2) - 3 -3
HOW TO 1 are sometimes
called input/output tables. 3 /(3) = (3)2 - 2(3) - 3 0
f\x) =x--2x~l
4 /(4) = (4)2 - 2(4) - 3 5 (4.5)

Because the value of f(x) = x- — 2v — 3 is a real number for all values of a; the domain
of/is all real numbers. From the graph, it appears that no value of y is less than —4. Thus
the range is \ y|v 2: —4}. The range can also be determined algebraically, as shown be¬
low. by completing the square.
f(x) = x2 - Ix - 3
11 Take Note
In completing the square. 1 is
= tr2 - Zx) - 3 Group the variable terms.
both added and subtracted. = (.t: — It I) - I - 3 Complete the square on x2 — 2x. Add and subtract
Because 1 - 1 = 0, the
expression x2 - 2x - 3 is (-2) I = 1 to and from x2 - 2x.
not changed. Note that .2 J
= (.r - I)2 - 4 Factor and combine like terms.
= (x2-2x-f-1)-4 Because the square of a real number is always nonnegative. we have
= x2 - 2x - 3
(x - I)2 > 0
which is the original
expression. (.v — I)" — 4 2: —4 • Subtract 4 from each side of the inequality.
f(x) > -4 • fix) = ix - I)2 - 4
y 2: -4
From the last inequality, the range is { y |y s —4}.
IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

Iimndl.:ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,unil cr cir.lK'nU. n -Kik it i:«n. I>n in ikcn-nirah. o> llird tun. imnno, K: airficuca ton ji rtv-vi >nlor n'rrtmri.
hÿara!rcvio* haJccnciihittt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnt. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotnttwnirotiirt l

9.1 Properties of Quadratic Functions

OBJECTIVE A To graph a quadraticfunction

Recall that a linear function is one that can be expressed by the equation /(v) = mx + b.
The graph of a linear function has certain characteristics. It is a straight line with slope
m and y-intercept P{0. b). A quadratic function is one that can be expressed by the
equation /(.v) - ax 2 + bx 4- c, a 0. The graph of this function, called a parabola,
also has certain characteristics. The graph of a quadratic function can be drawn by find¬
ing ordered pairs that belong to the function.

Graph /(.v) = a-2 - 2x - 3.

By evaluating the function for various values of x. find enough ordered pairs to deter¬
mine the shape of the graph.

11Take Note
Sometimes the value of
\T -2
fix) = x1
/(- 2) = (-2)2
- Ix - 3
- 2{— 2) - 3 5
the independent variable
is called the input because -1 /(_,)= (-,)2 - 2(- 1) - 3 0
it is put in place of the
0 I n§ II -3
1 I

independent variable. The

result of evaluating the
function is called the output.
1 ii
e-i 1

ri 1
Ci -4 aIaT.
Tables such as the one in 7 /(2) = Q)2 - 2(2) - 3 -3
HOW TO 1 are sometimes
called input/output tables. 3 /(3) = (3)2 - 2(3) - 3 0
f\x) =x--2x~l
4 /(4) = (4)2 - 2(4) - 3 5 (4.5)

Because the value of f(x) = x- — 2v — 3 is a real number for all values of a; the domain
of/is all real numbers. From the graph, it appears that no value of y is less than —4. Thus
the range is \ y|v 2: —4}. The range can also be determined algebraically, as shown be¬
low. by completing the square.
f(x) = x2 - Ix - 3
11 Take Note
In completing the square. 1 is
= tr2 - Zx) - 3 Group the variable terms.
both added and subtracted. = (.t: — It I) - I - 3 Complete the square on x2 — 2x. Add and subtract
Because 1 - 1 = 0, the
expression x2 - 2x - 3 is (-2) I = 1 to and from x2 - 2x.
not changed. Note that .2 J
= (.r - I)2 - 4 Factor and combine like terms.
= (x2-2x-f-1)-4 Because the square of a real number is always nonnegative. we have
= x2 - 2x - 3
(x - I)2 > 0
which is the original
expression. (.v — I)" — 4 2: —4 • Subtract 4 from each side of the inequality.
f(x) > -4 • fix) = ix - I)2 - 4
y 2: -4
From the last inequality, the range is { y |y s —4}.
IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

Iimndl.:ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,unil cr cir.lK'nU. n -Kik it i:«n. I>n in ikcn-nirah. o> llird tun. imnno, K: airficuca ton ji rtv-vi >nlor n'rrtmri.
hÿara!rcvio* haJccnciihittt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnt. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotnttwnirotiirt l

In general, the graph of f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, a ¥= 0. resem¬

bles a "cup" shape as shown at the left. When a > 0. the pa¬

\ \J1/—
Axis of rabola opens up and the vertex of the parabola is the point
Svmmclrv with the least y-coordinate. When a < 0. the parabola

Axis of \
- x opens down and the vertex is the point with the greatest
y-coordinate. The axis of symmetry off a parabola is the ver¬
Svmmclrv tical line that passes through the vertex of the parabola and is
N Vertex parallel to the y-axis. To understand the axis of symmetry,
think of folding the graph along that vertical line. The two
a> 0 a< 0
portions of the graph will match up.

The vertex and axis of symmetry of a parabola can be found by completing the square.

Find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis of sym¬
metry for the graph of F(x) = .t: + 4.r + 3.
To find the coordinates of the vertex, complete the square.
Fix) = x2 4.v + 3
= (.r2 + 4.v) + 3 Group live variable terms.
= (.r2 + 4.v + 4) -4 +3 Complete the square onr + 4x. Add and
'1 ">J
subtract I'4) 4 to and from xr + 4r.
= (v + 2)2 — I Factor and combinelike terms.

Because a, the coefficient of x2, is positive (« = 1), the parabola opens up and
the vertex is the point with the least y-coordinate. Because {x + 2)2 ÿ 0 for
all values of x, the least y-coordinate occurs when (.r + 2): - 0. The quantity
(.v + 2)" is equal to zero when x

—2. Therefore, the ÿ-coordinate of the vertex

To find the y-coordinate of the vertex, evaluate the function at x = -2.

F(x) = (x + 2)2 - I
-pf •l/v-T-rrfl F{—2) = (—2 4- 2)2 — I = -I
The y-coordinate of the vertex is — 1 .
rrrrn From the results above, the coordinates of the vertex are ( -2. - 1).
nhhi The axis of symmetry is the vertical line that passes through the vertex. The equa¬
tion of the vertical line that passes through the point with coordinates (—2. - 1) is
r(x)=x2 + 4x + 3 .r = —2. The equation of the axis of symmetry is .v — —2 See the graph at the left.

By following the process illustrated in HOW TO 2 and completing the square on

/(.t) = ax~ + bx + c, we can find a formula for the coordinates of the
vertex and the
equation of the axis of sy mmetry of a parabola.

Vertex and Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola

Let f(x) = ax2 + bx F c be the equation ot a parabola. The coordinates ot the vertex

23 'i\
o~~" — I).
23 / /
The equation of the axis of symmetry is X ~

UrfesscthcrMSfl rttedallcateffi on tisceÿ Is '£fegap Lffifrirg.

201) Cct&jc Iiininf til Htftu Ktunal VU, i>h<nt anicr Animal. n »!»iW it is p«n. I>ic uitlccn-m rah. o> llirJ i k 4irtTVUCÿ fwr V»C iralor ci'SaftxT 4 i.
Conritf* IB)

rAura!rc\i(« hnJccnciduiity «jnrvo(ÿ coclcrt ikci rannaicnalb **c w» crvll Icamn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿictiwc croxnl it uq line »i aiVwajucni n(h>rolixtwmreqaire t

Find the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with equation

g(x) — 2v + 3a + I. Then graph the equation.

- 3 = 3 • gtr) = -2x2 + ix + 1,
b Fromthe equation
— —— —
.v-coordinate of the vertex: =

a = -2.6 = 3.
rTTTi" i ir i-r
i-4.~i._i.4_j -1-4- "
y-coordinate of the vertex: g(.t) = — 2v: + 3.v + I

4VIEH31I Evaluate the

function at the
n\ 17 value of the
*V4/~ 8 x-coordinale of
the vertex.
s(x) = -2x2 +lx*l The coordinates of the vertex are
Because a is negative, the graph opens down. Find a few ordered pairs that belong to
the function and then sketch the graph, as shown at the left.
Take Note
Once the coordinates of the
vertex are found, the range
Once the y-coordinate of the vertex is known, the range of the function can be deter¬
of the quadratic function mined. Here, the graph of g opens down, so the y-coordinate of the vertex is the greatest
can be determined.
value of y. Therefore, the range of g is yjy -| ÿ The domain is {.vl — x < x < *}.
Find the coordinates of the vertex and the Find the coordinates of the vertex and the
equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola
with equation y = — a2 + 4v + I.Then graph with equation y = 4a2 + 4x + 1. Then graph the
the equation. equation.
.v-coordinate of vertex:
2a —
y-coordinate of
2( 1)
T i

— —

! I i
! :
Your solution

y = -a2 + 4r + I
2 Mil
= —(2) + 4(2) + 1=5 Hi» 1
* ' 1-1
Vertex: (2. 5)
Axis of symmetry: x = 2

Find the domain and range of /(.r) = 0.5.r: - 3. Find the domain and range of
Then graph the equation. f{x) = —v2 — 2v — 1. Then graph the equation.
Solution Your solution
A"-coordinate of vertex:
b 0


-i- ;


J — •


la 2(0.5)

y-coordinate of vertex:
1-4..i a..;o
... •2
4 .... ...
... -»•

fix) = 0.5.t2 - 3 •
h- 4- -,0
4. 2
h1— l2 1 H! t

/(0) = 0.5(0)2 3 = -3 - 1 ! ! ! I
1 1 I
Vertex: (0. -3) ** u. m Vr
! !
.11 i L...J
The domain is (.r| — < a < ÿ

The range is { y|y > — 3}.

Solutions on p. S27
lWe»oitew*rata] al caila-f cnthis page a & CagsgsUam'rg.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw ItimHt. *11 KVil. KocnoL Mi) m Ix mxitr dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it put. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim lu* JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: numill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

OBJECTIVE B Tofind the x-intercepts ofa parabola

Recall that a point at which a graph crosses the .v- or y-axis .v-intcrccpts
is called an intercept of the graph. The .v-intercepts of the
graph of an equation occur when y = 0: the y-intercepts oc¬
cur when x = 0.

The graph of y =
points whose coordinates
x: —
4- 3x 4 is shown at the right. The
are (—4.0) and (l.O) are the
.v-intercepts of the graph. The point whose coordinates are
(0, -4: is the y-intercept of the graph.

Find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts of the graph of

y = 4.v" - 4v 4- I.
To Find the .v-intercepts, let y = 0 and solve for .v.
y= 4x2 — 4.v 4- I
-- _
_ jo
4 0 = 4x2 - 4.v + 1
0 = (2v — I)(2a — 1)
• Ix-t y = 0.
• Solve for x by factoring and using the
1 Principle of Zero Products.
i r
v=4*r-4*+ 1 2r - 1 = 0 2x - 1 =0
2t = I 2v = 1
x = X =

The coordinates of the x-intercept are ( 0 1.

In HOW TO 4. the parabola has only one .v-intercept. In this case, the parabola is said to
be tangent to the .v-axis at .t = y.

Find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts of the graph of

_ ?-X - x - 6.

To find the .v-intercepts. let y = 0 and solve for .v.

y = 2v" - x - 6
0 = 2x2 - x - 6 Let y = 0.
tJTake Note
A zero ot a function is
0 = (2v 4- 3)(x - 2) Solve for .r by factoring and using the
Principle of Zero Products.
the x-coordinate of an
x-intercept of the graph of 2v 4- 3 - 0 -2 = 0
the function. Because the x =
x-intercepts of the graph
or f(x|
of 2x* - x - 6:are
rix) = dx-
.0 | and (2,0), the
( —|
_ The coordinates of the x-intercepts are V —V 0 and 1 -• /
; (2. 0).

zeros are — and 2.

— —
If the equation y = 2t: x 6 in HOW TO 5 is written in function notation as
fix) = 2v2 — x — 6, then to find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts you would let
/(x) = 0 and solve for x. Recall that a value of x for which f(x) = 0 is called a zero of
the function. Thus — t and 2 are zeros of f(x) - Ix1 x 6. — —
lilesscths'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is Ctegaj* Lsirirÿ.

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 lu KocnaL Mi) m Ix «vncc. ir anlKucJ. It »hik tr it pin. I>.i UiclccVont r<(hv mm iknl |tnjoatctirm, K: mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
filingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtw«cc couchtk<« r»»: riunull) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cvjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< he njÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccnxni 11 iny line if r/k*mmciwiw rcÿurc l

Find the zeros of f(x) = x2 - lx - I.

F53 Technology To find the zeros, let f(x) - 0 and solve for .v.
See the Keystroke Guide:
Zero for instructions on using
f(x) = x1 - lx - I
a graphing calculator to find 0 = .r2 - 2v - 1
the zeros of a function or the
x-intercepts of a graph.
x —
—b± \/b: — 4ac • Because x2 2t — 1 does not easily factor.
za use the quadratic formula to solve for x.

_ -(-2) ±V(-2)2-4(l)(-l) • a=Ub=-2,c=-l

2±V4 + 4 2 ±V 8

2 ± 2V2
= I ± V'2
The zeros of the function are 1 — v2 and 1 \/2. The graph of —
/(.x)= x~ —
2x — 1 is shown at the left. Note that the zeros are the
x-coordinates of the .v-intercepts of the graph of f

The preceding examples suggest that there is a relationship among the ÿ-intercepts of
the graph of a function, the zeros of the function, and the solutions of an equation of the
function. In fact, those three concepts are different ways of discussing the same number.
The choice depends on the focus of the d iscussion. If we are discussing graphing, then the
intercepts are our focus; if we are discussing functions, then the zeros of the function are
our focus; and if we are discussing equations, the solutions of the equation are our focus.

The A-axis is a real number line. Therefore, if a graph

crosses the .v-axis, it must have a real number zero. It is
also true that if a graph does not cross the A-axis. it does not
have a real number zero. The zeros in this case are complex

The graph of f(x) = x2 — 2t + 2 is shown at the right.

The graph has no .v-intercepts. Thus / has no real zeros.
Using the quadratic formula, the complex number solutions

of x2 2x + 2 — 0 are 1 — iand 1 + /. Thus the zeros of
/(a) = .v: - 2v + 2 are the complex numbers 1 — i and
1 + i.

Recall that the discriminant of ax2 + bx + c is the expression b2 - 4ac and that
this expression can be used to determine whether ax~ + />.* + c = 0 has zero. one. or
two real number solutions. Because there is a connection between the solutions of
Tips for Success
The paragraph at the right
ax2 + bx + c - 0 and the .v-intercepts of the graph of y - ax 2 + bx + c. the discrimi¬
begins with the word "Recall." nant can be used to determine the number of .v-intercepts of a parabola.
This signals that the content
refers to material presented
earlier in the text. The ideas
The Effect of the Discriminant on the Number of x-lntercepts
presented here will be more of the Graph of a Parabola
meaningful if you return to
the discussion of the word 1. If b 4ac = 0. the parabola has one X-intercept.
discriminant on page 472
and review the concepts
2. If b2 - 4ac > 0. the parabola has two X-intercepts.
presented there. 3. If b2 4ac < 0. the parabola has no X-intercepts.
IHass ottonvij; al coitalcnthis page 5 © Cargage laemrg

Uqiith 301)Ca«*« I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu (toenol Ug ml K,moilamiin darluaoL n »tuk I

« n UK. I>J» m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> omenno, K: «ln>coci (**n u> itilor arijur .1
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Use the discriminant to determine the number of .v-intercepts of the

graph of the parabola with equation y = 2v: — .v + 2.
b~ — 4«c • Evaluate the discriminant.
(-I)2 - 4(2)(2) = I - 16 = -I5 • a = 2, b = -\, c = 2
— 15 <0
The discriminant is less than zero. Therefore, the parabola has no .v-intercepts.

Find the .v-intercepts of the graph of Find the .v-intercepts of the graph of
y = 2r2 -5x + 2. y = x2 + 3.v + 4.

Solution Your solution

>• 2.r2 - 5.v + 2
0 = 2v2 - 5.v + 2 Let j = 0.

0 = (2v l)(.r - 2) Solve for x by factoring.
2v - I = 0 .r - 2 = 0
2v = | -v = 2
x =

The .v-intercepts are (4. 0 ) and (2, 0).

Find the zeros of /(.v) = .r- + 4.r + 5. Find the zeros of g(x) = x2 — x + 6.
Solution Your solution
fix) x2 + 4.v + 5
0 .v2 4- 4.r + 5
= • Let /(*) = 0.
-b ± Vb2 - 4ac • Use the quadratic
S formula.
-4 ± V42 ~ 4(l)(5) a = hb = 4.c = 5
—4 ± V I6 — 20 —4 ± V —4

-4 ± 2i _
z i

The zeros of the function are —2 + iand —2 — i.

Use the discriminant to determine the number of Use the discriminant to determine the number of
.v-intercepts of the graph of y = x2 — 6.t + 9. .v-intercepts of the graph of y = a:2 — .v — 6.

Solution Your solution

b: — 4ac Evaluate the discriminant.
(— 6)2 - 4(l)(9) a = l,b = —6,c = 9
= 36 - 36 = 0
Tlie discriminant is equal to zero.
The parabola has one .v-intercept.
Solutions on p. S27

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Uq ml K.unil n darluaol. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> omenno, K: fenn Me ill--,4 itilor cCfco|UiI>).
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rck*r>e« 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at any line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt reqaire

OBJECTIVE C Tofind the minimum or maximum of a quadraticfunction

The graph of fix) = .r:

— 2.v + 3 is shown at the
Tips for Success right. Because a is positive, the parabola opens up.
After studying this objective, The vertex of the parabola is the lowest point on
you should be able to
the parabola. It is the point that has the minimum
describe in words the
meaning of the minimum y-coordinate. This point represents the minimum
or maximum value of a value of the function. v mcx Minimum
(1.2) v-coordinate = 2
quadratic function and
calculate algebraically the
minimum or maximum value
of a quadratic function.
The graph of fix) = — x2 + Zv + 1 is shown at
the right. Because a is negative, the parabola opens Vertex
Integrating down. The vertex of the parabola is the highest point y-coordinate — 2
im. Technology on the parabola. It is the point that has the maximum
A graphing calculator can y-coordinate. This point represents the maximum
be used to approximate the
maximum or minimum value
value of the function.
of a function. Some typical
screens for the function in
HOW TO 8 are shov/n below.
More information can be To find the minimum or maximum value of a quadratic function, first find the
found in the Keystroke Guide: .Y-coordinate of the vertex. Then evaluate the function at that value.
Min and Max.
r -2X»+MX+3
Find the minimum or maximum value of /(.v) = — 2v2 + 4x + 3.
= ÿ;ll«H»;H3
\Ys = Lvalue
\Y- = 2:zero
Ys = V = I Find the .v-coordinate of the vertex.
\Y„ = 3:mlnlmum 2a 2(—2)
CImaximum a = -lb = 4
6:dy'dx f(x) = —2x2 + 4x + 3
7/ flxjdx /(l) =
= -2
— 2(1)2 + 4(1) + 3
4- 4 4-3
Evaluate the function at
* = 1.

The maximum value of the function is 5. • Because a < 0. the graph off opens
down. Therefore, the function has a
maximum value.

Find the minimum or maximum value of Find the minimum or maximum value of
fix) = 2r2 - 3.r + 1. fix) = — 3.r: + 4.v — 1.

Solution Your solution

b -3 3
~ Find the
la 2(2) 4 Y-coordinate
fix) = 2x2 - 3.Y + 1 of the vertex

4 J"2 4 "3U 4-
9 9, ~ I 4 *
+ 8
Because a is positive (a — 2). the graph opens up. The
function has a min imum value.
The minimum value of the function is — £.
Solution on p. S27
IHess oltefwiK itr.ffl. alccnleicrthis page 5 £ Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vb, ml K. .ipolrami, cr cii;lK«U. n (.Ink it i:iun. I>n m ilccnm o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ill--.4 irjor n'muiii.
hÿUra!rcvio* haJccnciduitt) oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npenenv. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic try
ccoxnl it i lirx it <jV«jiKni njhx rotiKtwnireqiirt 1

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

A carpenter is forming a rectangular floor for a storage shed. The pe¬

rimeter of the rectangle is 44 ft. What dimensions of the rectangle will give the floor a
maximum area? What is the maximum area?
We are given the perimeter of the rectangle, and we want to find the dimensions of
the rectangle that will yield the maximum area for the floor. Use the equation for the
perimeter of a rectangle.
P = 2L + 2W
44 = 2Z. + 2 IV P = 44
22 = L+W Divide both sides of the equation by 2.
22 - L = IV Solve the equation for IV.

Now use the equation for the area of a rectangle. Use substitution to express the area
in terms of L
nr Point of Interest
Calculus is a branch A = LW
ol mathematics that A = L{22 — L) • From the equation above. IV = 22 - L Substitute 22 - I. for W.
demonstrates, among A — 22L — L2 • The area of the rectangle Ls 22/. - L2.
other things, how to find
the maximum or minimum To find the length of the rectangle, find the /.-coordinate of the vertex of the function
values of functions other than
quadratic functions. These /(/.) = -L2 + 22L.
are very important problems
in applied mathematics. For b 22
instance, an automotive
2a 2(-l)
= 11 • Forthe equation /(/.) = -I.2 + 22/.,
engineer wants to design a = - 1 and b = 22.
a car whose shape will
The length of the rectangle is 1 1 ft.
minimize the effects of
air resistance. The same
engineer tries to maximize
To find the width, replace L in 22 — L by the /.-coordinate of the vertex and evaluate.
the efficiency of the
car's engine. Similarly. W =22- L
an economist may try to
determine what business
IV = 22 11 = 11— • Replace /. by 11 and evaluate.
practices will minimize cost The width of the rectangle is 1 1 ft.
and maximize profit.
The dimensions of the rectangle that will give the floor a maximum area are 1 1 ft by
II ft.

To find the maximum area of the floor, evaluate /(/.) = — L2 + 22L at the
/.-coordinate of the vertex.
f(L) = —L2 + 22L
/(I !) = -(! I)2 + 22(1 1) • Evaluate the function at/. = II.
= -121 + 242 = 121

The maximum area of the floor is 121 ft 2.

The graph of /(/.) = -L2 + 22L is shown at the right. /(/-)

Note that the vertex of the parabola has coordinates
(11.121). For any value of L less than 1 1 . the area of the
floor will be less than 121 ft2. For any value of L greater ÿIOC

than 1 1. the area of the floor will be less than 121 ft2. The
maximum value of the function is 12 1, and the maximum
value occurs when L II. ÿ

Ittessctterwse tiedallnrled.onPlspeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>;nJ n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> on«nno, K: airficucÿ Son ttixk inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciihittt) «jnwa(j cocicn Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it inj Imc «l «jV«ajucni njhx rotiKtwrn l

A mining company has determined that the The height s, in feet, of a ball thrown straight up
in dollars per ton. of mining a mineral is
cost c, is given by .?(/) = — 16/" + 64/, where / is the
given by c(.t) = O.lr2 — It + 12. where x is time in seconds. Find the time it takes the ball to
the number of tons of the mineral mined. Find reach its maximum height. What is the maximum
the number of tons of the mineral that should be height?
mined to minimize the cost. What is the mini¬
mum cost per ton?

Strategy Your strategy

• To find the number of tons of the mineral that
should be mined to minimize the cost, find the
.Y-coordinate of the vertex.
• To find the minimum cost, evaluate c(.r) at the
A-coordinateof the vertex.

Solution Your solution

c(x) = O.lr2 - Ir 12 a = 0.2.b = -2.
e = 12
__±_ (~2) _ c
Find the .r-coordinate
Ixi 2(0.2) of the vertex.
To minimize the cost. 5 tons of the mineral should
be mined.
c(.t) = O.lr2 - Ir + 12
c(5) = 0.2(5)2 - 2(5) +12 • r =5
= 5-10+12

The minimum cost is S7 per ton.

Note: The graph of c(.r) = 0.2.v: — Iv + 12 is shown

below. The vertex of the parabola has coordinates
(5.7). For any value of x less than 5. the cost per ton is
greater than $7. For any value of x greater than 5. the
cost per ton is greater than S7. Seven is the minimum
value of the function, and the minimum value occurs
when .t = 5.


Solution on p. S27
IHess ottefwise itr.ffl. al eerier cr this page 5 $ Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :oi> Ca&it Iiinini. All Htftu Knmol Vtaj i>» h,unil IX Avltcnl n -Kik ÿ t. I>ic m ilccnmrah. o> |tn> mwirroj Kr unmca &«* lie ill--.4 irjor okiuil.l
rdurain-ii» la.ikoicjihn «i> wmadcurler.Jxt r.n nutnilb "Xc-. Ac uwrillIcimm naniKi < : I timnj rc<n;<hc ccoxnl at anjline «l «jY«ajucni rDtiKtwmfrÿiirt 1

Find two numbers whose difference is 10 and A rectangular fence is being constructed along a
whose product is a minimum. What is the stream to enclose a picnic area. If 100 ft of
minimum product of the two numbers? fencing is available, w hat dimensions of the
rectangle will produce the maximum area for

Strategy Your strategy

• Let x represent one number. Because the dif¬
ference between the two numbers is 10,
x + 10
represents the other number.
[Note: {x + 10) (x) = lOj -
Then the product of the numbers is represented
x(x + 10) = .t2 + lOv
• To find one of the two numbers, find the
r-coordinate of the v ertex of /(.x) = .v2 + lO.v.
• To find the other number, replace x in .t + 10
by the .v-coordinate of the vertex and evaluate.
• To find the minimum product, evaluate the
function at the .r-coordinate of the vertex.

Solution Your solution

f{x) = x2 + lO.v • a = l,b = 10. c = 0
x = — —2b
= —
= —5
. -
• "ne number is. —5.
x + 10
—5 + 10 = 5 • The other lumber is 5.
The numbers are —5 and 5.

fix) = v" + lO.v

/(-5) = (-5)2 + 10(— 5) • The .r-coordinate
= 25 - 50 of the vertex is -5.
= -25

The minimum product of the two numbers

is -25.

Solidion on p. S28
Inessclterwse rcIMall crtemafis Csgap Lrarirg.
Is I

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ",m> Kon\aL Mij fwl K: anxi. ir airlkmi. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»x la ckcivnt raHi thnl |tH) fataltray K: winvta bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun«-
filingroitn hv ikaxJihr.*tj unrvacdcurtcn tk<i r«>: numilb afixl Ctc incnll kimn; cxxntru. CnM: I turn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc tÿluiml cnixni ii iny line
if n/k«rMnctwm retire


%/ Concept Check
1. Which of the following functions are quadratic functions?
(i) /(.x) = 3x2 - x -7 (ii) f{x) = (iii) fix) = 1 - .r2 (iv) f(x) = 2v - 3
2. fcj What is the vertex of a parabola? 3. Id What is the axis of symmetry of a parabola?
4. The equation of the axis of symmetry of a parabola is .r = —2, and the point P{2 5) .
is on the parabola. What are the coordinates of another point on the parabola?
5. How many .v-intercepts can the graph of f(x) + bx + c have? = ax

6. How many y-intercepts does the graph of /(.r) = a.v2 + bx + c have?

7. The zeros of fix) = x2 — 2x — 3 are —1 and 3. What are the coordinates of the
.v-intercepts of the graph of /?

.v-intercepts of the graph of f(x) = 3x - 4?

8. The solutions of .v2 + 3-v 4 = 0 are —4 and 1 . What are the coordinates of the

9. Jl What is the minimum or maximum value of a quadratic function?

10. State whether the function has a minimum or a maximum value.
a- g(*) = -2-v2 + 4.v - 30 b. f(x) = *2 + 15 c. fix) = 4-x2

OBJECTIVE A To graph a quadraticfunction

For Exercises 1 1 to 25. find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis
of symmetry for the parabola given by the equation. Then graph the equation.
11. y = x2 -Ix - 4 12. y = x2 + 4.v -4 13. y = —x + 2v - 3
y y y
L o

-8 4 r 4 1 8 •


Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z, Cagags taimrg.

lirinlh. :m!tlsiXK II1~CIAll ",m> KimimJ. Mij fwl K: anxi. ir airlKnJ. Ii»Kilt w it pvt. I»« ui ckcivnt raHi thnl ttnj fataltray K: bar at tliak irjjr c<"kiiun«-
bv ikaxJihr.*tj 4irfrc<*c3 coricnJcci r«>: riaicmlb tdSxICtc at cnll kimn; cxÿcrcr&c.
t Jiiral roic»» I urnn( rcnnc< he lo pcyk'vc tÿlutml cmxni il inj line if «ri n/k«rMnctwm retire A

17. F(x) = x2 - 3.r + 2 18. y = 1x2 — 4r + 1 19. >' = -It2 + 6.t


23. P(x) = --.r2 + Zx - 3 24. >• = - v2 4- lx - 6 25. v = + .i - 3

26. Si Is 3 in the range of the function given by f(x) = (.r + 2)2 + 4?

27. g What are the domain and range of the function given by f(x) - (.v — I)2 + 2?

For Exercises 28 to 33. state the domain and range of the function.
28. f{x) = 2.r2 — 4x — 5 29. fix) = 2x2 + 8.t + 3 30. fix) = -2X2 - 3x + 2

31. fix) = -x2 + 6x - 9 32. fix) = -x2 - Ax - 5 33. fix) = x2 + 4-t - 3

IrtsssObawsereact cllcaten!an tispay is Iffinitij

uqiith :ol> Ccrcxc Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il h,unilrnnci. a n -Hik « 1! pin. I>n m tken-w rah. o> llinl |un> imniraj K: airficucÿ Son isi ill--.4 irjor cV'fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll tcimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6liÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective b To find the x-intercepts of a parabola

For Exercises 34 to 45. find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts of the graph of the equation.
34. y = x2 - 4 35. y = x2 - 9 36. y = It2 - 4.r

37. y = 3.r2 + 6.v 38. y = .r2 - .v - 2 39. y = x2 - Ix - 8

40. y = 2r2 - .r - I 41. y = lx2 - 5.x - 3 42. y = .t2 + 2r - I

43. y = x2 + 4x - 3 44. y = .t2 + 6.v + 10 45. y = -v2 - 4v - 5

For Exercises 46 to 63. find the zeros of f.

46. /(.x) = x2 + 3.v + 2 47. fix) = x2 - 4x - 5 48. fix) = lx2 - x - 3

49. fix) = 3t2 - 2t - 8 50. fix) = x2 - 6x + 9 51. h(x) = 4x2 - 4v + 1

52. fix) = lx2 - 3x 53. fix) = -3x2 + 4* 54. fix) = lx2 - 32

55. fix) = -3x2 +12 56. fix) = lx2 - 4 57. fix) = lx2 - 54

58. fix) = x2- 4x + 1 59. fix) = x2 - lx - 17 60. fix) = x2 - 6.v + 4

61. fix) = x2 + 4x + 5 62. fix) = x2 - 8.v + 20 63. fix) = x2+4x + 13

Uqiilh 'Oil Ccr&jc I *11 Ktftu Kamal »tif tut K.unil <r AaltdtJ. n »l»ik i» is pen. I>ic in clccn-w mtlA. o> llinl mn> o»«el(raj K: fens 6c cl*»i mlor cCfco|UiIc).
rtoci JtciKC Jut azy ainvcocio>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb ,'x mcraJI Icimn/ npcncnx. CcijXV I t»mn< rc<n;< ix nÿil U> xtk'.c idluiml ccoxnl at anj li*x if 4iV«cqiCTi njlorolrxtxrorojurc t

For Exercises 64 to 75. use the discriminant to determine the number of .v-intercepts
of the graph of the equation.
64. y = lx2 + 2r - I 65. y = -x2 - x + 3 66. y = x2 - 8.v 4- 16

67. v = .t2 - lO.t 4- 25 68. y = —3x: — x — 69. = -It2 + .t - I

70. v = — 2x- -r .» -r

73. v = lx + .t + 4 74. y = — 3.r" + It - 75. y = 4x~ + 2x -5

76. J Let f(x) = (t — 3) 2 4- a. For what values of a will the graph of / have a. two
.r-intercepts, b. one .v-intercept. and c. no .v-intercepts?

77. ÿ Let f(x) = —(t + I)2 + a. For what values of a will the graph of / have a. two
t- intercepts, b. one .v-intercept. and c. no .v-intercepts?

o bJective c Tofind the minimum or maximum of a quadraticfunction

For Exercises 78 to 89. Find the minimum or maximum value of the quadratic function.
78. fix) = x2 - It + 3 79. /(.t) = It2 + 4t 80. f(x) = -2x2 4- 4.t - 3

81. fix) = -lx2 + 4x - 5 82. f(x) = -lx2 - 3x + 4 83. f(x) = -lx2 - 3x

84. f(x) - It2 + 3.t - 8 85. f{x) = 3x2 + 3t - 2 86. fix) = -3x2 +x-6

87. fix) = -x2 -x + 2 88. fix) = x2 - 5.t +3 89. fix) = 3.t2 + 5.t + 2

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal vu. >i h,moil n n»hik I« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl tun> hdhiino, K: airticucÿ Mc inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainttocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnt. CaMc I ctmng rc**r>e« 6c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnunl at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolnclwcit rotiirc t

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

90. Physics The height s in feet, of a rock thrown upward at an initial speed of
64 ft/s from a cliff 50 ft above an ocean beach is given by the function
5r(/) = - 16/" + 64/ + 50. where / is the time in seconds. Find the maximum height
above the beach that the rock will attain.

91. Business A manufacturer of microwave ovens believes that the revenue R. in dol¬
lars. the company receives is related to the price P. in dollars, of an oven by the func¬
tion R(P) -
125P - 0 .25P2. What price will give the maximum revenue?

92. Business A tour operator believes that the profit P. in dollars, from selling x tick¬
ets is given by P(x) = 40.t — 0.25.v:. Using this model, what is the maximum profit
the tour operator can expect?

93. Mathematics Find two numbers whose sum is 20 and whose product is a
in me news!
Zero-G Painting
94. Mathematics Find two numbers whose difference is 14 and whose product is a Sells Sky High
minimum. A painting completed
while the artist floated
weightless in zero gravity
95. £ Weightlessness Read the article at the right. Suppose the height k in meters. sold at auction for over
of the airplane is modeled by the equation /»(/) = —1.42/" + 1 19/ + 6000. where S300.000. The artist flew in
l is the number of seconds elapsed since the plane entered its parabolic path. Show an airplane that produces
a weightless environment
that the maximum height of the airplane is approximately the value given in the ar¬
by flying in a series of
ticle. Round values to the nearest unit. parabolic paths. The plane
can reach a maximum
height of about 8500 m
96. J Weightlessness The airplane described in Exercise 95 is used to pre¬ above Earth.
pare Russian cosmonauts for their work in the weightless environment of space trav el. Sources: BBC News, www
NASA uses a similar technique to train American astronauts. Suppose the height h, in
feet.ofNASA'sairplaneismodeledbytheequation //(/) = -6.63/2 + 43l/ + 25.000. www.soace-iraveller9.ccm
where / is the number of seconds elapsed since the plane entered its parabolic path.
Find the maximum height of the airplane. Round to the nearest thousand feet.

97. Fountains The height k in feet, of a parabolic stream of water / seconds after it
passes through a fountain nozzle can be approximated by //(/) = — 16/ 2 + 30/. Find
the time at which the stream reaches its maximum height. What is the maximum height?

98. Motocross The height y, in feet, of a motocross jumper x feet from the jumping-
off point can be approximated by y(.t) = 0.0032*2 + x + 40. — Wr

T ...
20 fi
-10 fi
Jump Landing tamp

What was the maximum height of the jumper above the ground?
LHessoBnwijr roiffl. al coilrf cnthis page 5 fi Cargage Laamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl- All Htflu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr rtalrcnd. n -Hik it I!«n. I>n in tlcrn-w rr/Vi» .milird |un> omenno, K: wmca ton mlor PkiuTil.
hÿiara! hnJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coucrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I nmn/ rc<n:<nc njJiliÿ«tKn< ccnxni it ttry lirsc il «jY«ajucni njlt>rotrKtwrnroiiirt l

99. Apartment Rentals The manager of a 100-unil apartment complex is trying

to decide what to charge for rent. Experience has shown that at a monthly rate of
SI 200. every unit will be occupied. For each SI 00 increase in the monthly rate, one
additional unit will remain vacant. Find the number of units the manager should
rent to maximize revenue. What is the maximum revenue?
(Hint: Revenue = monthly rent x number of units rented)

100. Fencing A rectangular enclosure for animals is fenced to produce three separate
feeding areas, as shown in the diagram at the right. If 800 ft of fencing is available,
find the dimensions of the enclosure that will maximize the feeding area. What is
the maximum area?

101. Ranching A rancher has 200 ft of fencing with which to build a rectangular
corral alongside an existing fence. Determine the dimensions of the corral that will
maximize the enclosed area.

102. Construction A courtyard at the corner of two buildings is to be enclosed using

100 ft of redwood fencing. Findthe dimensions of the courtyard that will maximize Coiirlvard
the area.

103. Recreation A large lot in a park is going to be split into two softball fields.
and each field will be enclosed with a fence. The parks and recreation department
has 2100 ft of fencing to enclose the fields. What dimensions will enclose the great¬
est area?

104. E3 If the height /?. in feet, of a ball / seconds after it has been tossed directly upward
is given by /?(/) = — 1 6(/ — 2): + 40. what is the maximum height the ball will

Critical Thinking
105. The zeros of /(.r) = mx2 + nx + 1 are —2 and 3. What are the zeros of
g(x) = nx2 + mx - 1?

106. What is the value of k if the vertex of the graph of y = x1 — 8.r + k is a point on
the .v-axis?

Projects or Group Activities

107. Norman Window A Norman window has the shape of a rectan¬
gle surmounted by a semicircle, as shown in the figure at the right.
The exterior perimeter of the window in the figure is 50 ft. Find the
height h and radius rthat will maximize the area of the window.

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlefBanPiscÿ is 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Cmndi. "Ol) <a Iamni. All Ktfku Kamal Kb. rv-i h,unil <• dnluaol. n »hik ic is wn. I>j» m(lanac rulu o> iun> onicsino, K: few* Mc mlor Dkiulii.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil ic ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«muctii n roiixlwnt rotiirc t

9.2 Translating and Reflecting Graphs

OBJECTIVE A To graphby using translations

The graphs of f{x) = ÿ.v2 and /?(.v) - }v2 + 2 are shown in

Figure I at the right. Note that for any given .r-coordinate. 1A
the y-coordinate on the graph of h is 2 units higher than that
l 1A '-
on the graph of /. For instance, the point (—2. 3) is 2 units ;*4

u higher than the point (—2, I). The graph of h is said to be 2

Take Note \ 2I /
a vertical translation, or vertical shift, of the graph of / 2
Remember thai h(x) is the
units up. -4
-2 |0 2 4
y-coordinate on ihe graph of
h. and /(*) is the y-coordinate
on the graph of t. The
statement */?(*) is 2 units
Note that because /(.v) = ÿv2, Figure 1

greater than /(*)" means the

y-coordinate on the graph of
h is 2 units greater than the
h(x) -y:2 + 2
y-coordinate on the graph = /(*) + 2
Thus /j(.v) is 2 units greater than f(x). See the Take Note at the left.

Now consider the graphs of the functions /(.x) = yc2 and

j?(v) = 4V~ - 3. shown in Figure 2. Note that for a given AT 4-
.v-coordinate, the y-coordinate on the graph of g is 3 units \ \(|2 S~
lower than that on the graph of /. The graph of g is a vertical s V / /

translation of the graph off 3 units down. ÿ3


In Figure I, the graph of h{.x) = |.r2 + 2 is the graph

i .
of /shifted 2 units up, whereas in Figure 2, the graph of Figure 2
g(x) = -jx2 — 3 is the graph of /shifted 3 units down.

Vertical Translations

If f is a function and C Is a positive constant, then

• The graph of y ~ f(x) + C is the graph of y - f(x) shifted C units up.
• The graph of y = /(*) C is the graph of y = f(x) shifted C units down.

Given the graph of y = f(x) shown below in black, graph

g(x) =f(x) + 3.
The graph of g(x) - f(x) + 3 is the graph of y = f(x)
shifted 3 units up. The graph of g is shown in blue at the

IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags Uamrig.

Krjrirfi. 301J Crw IamiC All Mi) m Ix ,vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,r it put. I>.i UiclccVont mm tknl Itiijoatctirm, K: mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
filingroim la* JcaxJihr. wrtwacc couchJc<« r»»: naicnillj iffcci lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra I txmng rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿiuiml ccoxni ii iny line if «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l

The graphs of f(.x) = y2 and g(x) = f(.x + 3) = ÿ(.r + 3)2

are shown in Figure 3. Note that the graph of g is the graph
of/shifted 3 units to the left. The graph of g is a horizontal
translation, or horizontal shift, of the graph of /. In this
situation, each .v-coordinate is moved 3 units to the left, but
the v-coordinate remains unchanged.

Figure 3 The graphs of f{.x) - >r2 and g(.v) - /(* — 2) = ÿ(.v 2)2 — Figure 4
are shown in Figure 4. Note that the graph of g is the graph
of/ shifted 2 units to the right.

Horizontal Translations
Technology If f is a function and C is a positive constant, then
Given the equation of a
function, a graphing cal¬
• The graph of y = fix + c) is the graph of y = f(x) shifted C units to the left.
culator can be used to show • The graph of y ~ fix C ) is the graph of y - fix) shifted C units to the right.
a translation of the graph of
the function. The equation of
the function graphed in HOW
TO 2 is fix) = |* . Enter this It is possible for a graph to involve both a horizontal and a vertical translation.
equation in Y,. Then enter the
equation for A in Y2. as shown
below. Press GRAPH. Given the graph of y - f(.x) shown at the
right in black, graph -4(.r) = f(x + I) - 3.
Pan Ptota Pots
\Y.-E Y|X+l>-3 The graph of A is a horizontal translation of / 1 unit to
\Yi =
\Yu = the left and a vertical translation off 3 units down. The
\Y* =
\Y0 =
\Y? = VSV*\ y graph of A is shown in blue at the right.

Given the graph of /shown Given the graph of li shown

at the rinht. graph at the right, graph
g(.x) = f(x - I) + 2. K{x) = h(x + 3) - 2.

Solution Your solution

The graph of g is the graph -
of / shifted 1 unit to the \ . /
right and 2 units up. The /
graph of g is shown in blue. i— A

» ii

Solidion on p. S28
lilesscths'Mse tclMall coxemanfis pejf Is C Isariri;.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. latnal Mq Ix .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik claVont rtftu.
it put. I>« ui : ihrd jtjrtj i\ni»ti nuy he +trtTcwci fcem be tfrxk sitlur
tiiiraimici thr. m/y «rfrv«cc coucnJc<i r»»: riaicnall} Aci ik mcnll lumn; cxjcncru Iurn;rotno ix I tÿluiml crnxni il anj line if* n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.

OBJECTIVE B To graphby using reflections

A reflection of a point about an axis is the mirror image of the point in that axis. For in¬
1 l< stance. in Figure 5. the reflectionof P(3, —4) about the .v-axis is <2(3. 4). The reflection
: 1- of P about the v-axis is R{-3, -4).
I „2 1 r \\
I r .- Note that when P is reflected about the .r-axis. the .v-coordinate remains the same and the
.III- «
\ . 'i
4 /jx. 4)
y-coordinate changessign. When P is reflected about the v-axis, the y-coordinate remains
the same and the .v-coordinate changes sign. The reflectionof a graph about an axis is the
Figure 5 mirror image of all the points on the graph.

Reflections of a Graph About an Axis

Take Note
The first definition in the box
The reflection of the graph of y = f[x) about the x-axis is the graph of y ~ f (x). —
states that reflection about The reflection of the graph of y - f{x) about the y-axis is the graph of y = f{- x).
the x-axis changes the sign
of the /-coordinate:
y = -'(*)•
The second definition states
that reflection about the Given the graph of / shown in black.
/-axis changes the sign of
the x-coordinate:
graph y = -/(.x) and v = /(-*). - 4 -
/ = '<"*)• The graph of y = —fix) is the mirror image about the
.v-axis of the graph of f The graph of y - —f{x) is 1



ÿ 4— 4
shown in blue. The graph of y = /(— .r) is the mirror
image about the y-axis of the graph of /. The graph of ——
? -
_>- ' x)
y = /(— .v) is shown in red.

Given the graph of/shown Given the graph of /shown
atthe risht. graph at the risht. graph
y = -fix). y =/(--v). -- yB?

—' ?

1 f44
Solution Your solution
The graph of y = —f(x) 4

is the mirror image about T ia.

the .v-axis of all the points

on the graph of /. For 4 1 -4 -> 1 f /> 4
instance, the point (1,-1) _ I"7 -72 —
on y = f(x) reflects to the
point (I, I) ony = -/(.v). i4 "r4 —
Solution on p. S28
LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccninrah. o> llird imp, omenno, K: ufpcuci ton ji itv-,4 mlor OkniT".
hÿlara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc ccnxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotn<twnirotiirt 1

Concept Check


graph g(x) = f(x) - 2.

i o
rr r

1LI2 1



For Exercises I to 4. complete the sentence.
1. If c is a positive constant, then the graph of y
shifted c units
2. If c is a positive constant, then the graph of y
shifted c units
3. If c is a positive constant, then the graph of y
shifted c units
4. If c is a positive constant, then the graph of y
shifted c units

Figures I to 5 below.

Figure 1

1 i

9. Given the graph of y = /(x) in Figure 2 above.

Ittesscthawse rc(Bct alIeaten!on Pispeÿ is


CtCjrijhl "O" 'off Iantnl. All Htflu KimtmJ. Uo f>il h,unil


For Exercises 7 to 22, use translations to draw the graphs. You will use the graphs in

Figure 2

7. Given the graph of y = /(.v) in Figure I above.

graph g(x) = f(x) + 2.

= /(x

= f(x

= f(x)

= f(x)

5. What are the coordinates of P{ — 3. —5) after it has been reflected about the A-axis?
6. What are the coordinates of P(2, 4) after it has been reflected about the y-axis?
objective To graph by using translations

Figure 3


+ c) is the graph of y = f(x)

— c) is the graph of y

+ c is the graph of

c is the graph of y

Figure 4

graph g(x) =f(x) - 3.

I— 4

= f(x)

= /(.v)

= f(x)

8. Given the graph of y = f(x) in Figure I above.

10. Given the graph of v = /(.t) in Figure 2 above,

graph g(x) = f(x) + I.

rtalrcnd. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n mclraorurah.ante llird |un> cunctr nm («

haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj
Figure 5

Son ji ill--.4 mlor cV'fapxr <».

litx il «jY«ajucni nffo rulrKlnu retire 1

11. Given the graph of y = /(v) in Figure 3 on 12. Given the graph of v = /(.t) in Figure 3 on
page 525, graph g{x) = /(x + 3). page 525. graph g(x) =f{x I). -

13. Given the graph of y = /(v) in Figure 4 on 14. Given the graph of v = /(.t) in Figure 4 on
page 525, graph g{x) = f(x) + I. page 525. graph g(x) =f{x + I).

T ir
i r

15. Given the graph of y = f(x) in Figure 5 on 16. Given the graph of y - /(.r) in Figure 5 on
page 525, graph g(x) = f(x - 2). page 525. graph g(x) = f(x) -2.

17. Given the graph of y = /(*) in Figure 3 on 18. Given the graph of y - /(.v) in Figure 4 on
page 525. graph g(x) = f(x + 3) - 2. page 525. graph g{x) = f{x - 4) - I.

LHess Ottawa?re,®, al ccnlBtt cnthis page is $ GarageLaemrg

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uq ml K.moil n « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llinl tun> onKclnaj K: airficocÿ
n»!»ik I u> inlor n'Mtuio.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

19. Given the graph of y = f(x) in Figure 5 on 20. Given the graph of v = /(.r) in Figure 3 on
page 525. graph g(x) = fix - 2) + I. page 525. graph gix) =f(x + 2) - 3.

1 n ?


21. Given the graph of y =f(x) in Figure 3 on 22. Given the graph of _v = f(x) in Figure I on
page 525. graph g(.v) = f(x + 3) + 2. page 525. graph g(x) = fix - 3) + 1.

23. ÿ if (0. 7) are the coordinates of the y-intercept 24. 3 If (5. 0) are the coordinates of an .r-intercept
of v = fix) — 2, then what are the coordinates of y = f(x), then what are the coordinates of
of the ÿintercept of y - /(.v)? an .v-interceptof y - fix — 3)?

OBJECTIVE B To graphby using reflections

For Exercises 25 to 32. use reflections to draw the graphs.
25. Given the graph of y = fix) in Figure 1 on 26. Given the graph of v = fix) in Figure 3 on
page 525 graph gix) - -fix). page 525. graph g(x) - -fix).



L— *>
i r

27. Given the graph of y = fix) in Figure 3 on 28. Given the graph of v = fix) in Figure 4 on
page 525, graph gix) = /(-*). page 525, graph gix) =fi~x).

1 1 A

4 7 1 0 ? 4
! 0

1ÿ1 1
1i 1

1 £l
Ittessctterwse tiedcllnrlen!onPlspeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uo f>il K.mml <• AkIicmJ. n -Hik i» i!p«*. I>n m ilccnmrah. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ufpcuci Son ji itv-,4 inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njit>rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

29. Given the graph of v = /(v) in Figure 5 on 30. Given the graph of v = f(x) in Figure 5 on
page 525, graph g{x) = -f(x). page 525, graph g(x) = /(-*).
v v

0 . 4

31. Given Ihe graph of y = f{x) in Figure 4 on 32. Given the graph of y = f(x) in Figure 2 on
page 525, graph g(.v) = -f(x). page 525. graph g(x) = -/(.x).
v V

4 o > t


Critical Thinking
For Exercises 33 to 38, use the graph in Figure 6. called a square wave, and the graph
in Figure 7. called a sawtooth wave.
v v

V -t

Figure 6 Figure 7

33. Given the graph of y - f{x) in Figure 6 above, 34. Given the graph of y = /(.r) in Figure 7
graph g(.r) = f(x) + 1 . above, graph g(x) - f(x) — 3.

.r .*

LHs>5 ottuwse re,®, al coitalcnHis page 3 £ Cergage leamrg.

c.-nnih'. 301)Ccr&jc Ituna). *11 Ktftu\<J Vb, ml K.moiI adnluaol. n»!»ik i« u wn. I>j» m(tornruW. o> llirj |un> hdhiiiraj K: bar Mc cli—i itilor atimr.i
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc c

35. Given the graph of y = /(.v)in Figure 7 on 36. Given the graph of y f(x) in Figure 6 on ÿ

page 528, graph g(x) = f(x - 3). page 528. graph g{x) =f x + 2). l

1 1
. L. i_J 0 4_ i >_ i.
\ if™
, | ÿf

37. Given the graph of y = /(a) in Figure 6 on 38. Given the graph of y - f{x) in Figure 7 on
page 528. graph g{x) = -f(x). page 528. graph g(x) = /(— r).
V v

[-2- 0

rf> -=

Projects or Group Activities

; / T"•i" r-l

M '.\.\!4 4-4-4-j._y_i
ri f


Translations and reflections of graphs can be combined. For

Exercises 39 to 41 . use the graph in Figure 8 at the right. L..L. i 1 1.
rrrL+U+++/i/ i

i .


1 1 !
2 \

7 1
a:___ "1

rrr i 1 1i "j
Figure 8

39. Given the graph of 40. Given the graph of 41. Given the graph of
v =ytv) in Figure 8, v =/(.r) in Figure 8, y =J{x) in Figure 8,
graph g(x) = -j{x + 3). graph g(x) = f{-x) + 3. graph g(x) x). -


Ufessolhswse Mall coxeman ns I% I

Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: miiir aclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui raHi mm <hnl |tH) .ramirtn, K: mafOKi bar Be etv-4 inlor cliamn "I
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJcci r«>: nuniilb afixl 6c mcnll kimn; exxneru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc tÿlucml ccnxni il anj line it* «j'r«cÿixn. n/k«rMnctwm rofsirc


For Exercises 1 and 2. find the coordinates of the vertex and the equation of the axis
of symmetry for the parabola given by the equation. Then graph the equation.
1. y = x2 + 6.v + 3 2. f{x) = -~x2 + Ix + 3

——— —
-TTTT +|~r--i j : I i


U.A..i...|.. [.-.|. .
- i—i—


3. Find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts of the 4. Find the coordinates of the .v-intercepts of
graph of y = 2.r: + 5.r - 3. the graph of f(x) x2 + 2X - I. ÿ

5. Find the zeros of fix) = x2 + x - 30. 6. Find the zeros of fix) = x~ - 4x + 40

7. Find the minimum value of fix) = x2 — 4x — 32. 8. Find the maximum value of
f(x) = x2 - 4x + 8.

9. Use the graph of /shown below to graph 10. Use the graph of/ shown below to graph
g(x) =f(x - 5). g(x) = fix) + 5.
rr rnrf
i- i-j- j4


11. Use the graph of/shown below to graph 12. Use the graph of / shown below to graph
gix) = -fix). gix) =f(~x).

1 II l
i j j l-t-;4
i i! ni rl"t r I" 1 I I-i-f-
IM l

13. Physics The height s. in feet, of a rock thrown upward at an initial speed of 64 ft/s
from a cliff 76 ft above an ocean beach is given by .v(/) = — 1 6/ 2 + 64/ + 76. where
lis the time in seconds. Find the maximum height abo\e the beach that the rock will

Utess ottew*ifflffl. al cente-t enthis pages £ Cergags laamrg.

Kqiilh roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mq ox Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it iun. I>.i InclccVonc nfl» mm iknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: fecai at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
fiiiralmicn Ism tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rtuntill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ tc*mc< he niÿii lo tÿluiml ceoxni 11 iny line i! n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

9.3 j
Algebra of Functions

objective A To perforin operations onfunctions

The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of functions are de¬
fined as follows.

Operations on Functions

It f and g are functions and X is an element of the domain of each function, then
(f + g)(x) = m + g(x) {f- g)(x) = f(x) g(x) •

(f - g)(x) = t(x) - g(x) (ÿ)(x) = jj1~-yg(x)*o

Given f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = 3x - 2. find (/ + g)(3)and

= l(3)2 + IJ + 13(3) — 2]
= 10 + 7 = 17
(/•g)(-i) =/(-D -g(-0
= [(-1)2+ l].[3(-l)-2j
= 2- (-5) = -10

Using f(x) - x2 + I and g(x) - 3.t - 2 from HOW TO I. let S(x) be the sum of the two
functions. Then
5(x) = [f + g) (x) = f(x) + g(x) • Definition of addition of functions
= !x2 + 1 1 + 3x — 2 J • fix) = x2 + 1,g(x) = ix - 2
5(x) = x~ + 3x — I
Now evaluate 5(3).
5(.v) = x2 + 3.r — I
5(3) = (3)2 + 3(3) -
= 17 = (f+g)0)
Note that 5(3) = 17 and (/ + g)(3) = 17. This shows that adding /(.t) + g(x) and then
evaluating is the same as evaluating f(x) and g(.v) and then adding. The same is true for
the other operations on functions. For instance, let P{x) be the product of the functions
f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = 3.v — 2. Then
P(x)=if-g)(x) =f{x)-g(x)
= (x2 + l)(3x - 2)
= 3.r3 - 2.r? + 3x - 2

P{- 1) = 3(-l)3-2(-l)2 + 3(-l) -2

= -3-2-3-2
= -10 • Note that P(- 1) = -10 and (/"• g) (-1) = - 10.

CtTjrijSl 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu\<J Uo ml K,iiloJ.rami. n dirluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: fenn Mc itv-vi inlor n'Mtui.i.
hs«Jccntjihn azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni n roiixlwnt rotiirc t

9.3 j
Algebra of Functions

objective A To perforin operations onfunctions

The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of functions are de¬
fined as follows.

Operations on Functions

It f and g are functions and X is an element of the domain of each function, then
(f + g)(x) = m + g(x) {f- g)(x) = f(x) g(x) •

(f - g)(x) = t(x) - g(x) (ÿ)(x) = jj1~-yg(x)*o

Given f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = 3x - 2. find (/ + g)(3)and

= l(3)2 + IJ + 13(3) — 2]
= 10 + 7 = 17
(/•g)(-i) =/(-D -g(-0
= [(-1)2+ l].[3(-l)-2j
= 2- (-5) = -10

Using f(x) - x2 + I and g(x) - 3.t - 2 from HOW TO I. let S(x) be the sum of the two
functions. Then
5(x) = [f + g) (x) = f(x) + g(x) • Definition of addition of functions
= !x2 + 1 1 + 3x — 2 J • fix) = x2 + 1,g(x) = ix - 2
5(x) = x~ + 3x — I
Now evaluate 5(3).
5(.v) = x2 + 3.r — I
5(3) = (3)2 + 3(3) -
= 17 = (f+g)0)
Note that 5(3) = 17 and (/ + g)(3) = 17. This shows that adding /(.t) + g(x) and then
evaluating is the same as evaluating f(x) and g(.v) and then adding. The same is true for
the other operations on functions. For instance, let P{x) be the product of the functions
f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = 3.v — 2. Then
P(x)=if-g)(x) =f{x)-g(x)
= (x2 + l)(3x - 2)
= 3.r3 - 2.r? + 3x - 2

P{- 1) = 3(-l)3-2(-l)2 + 3(-l) -2

= -3-2-3-2
= -10 • Note that P(- 1) = -10 and (/"• g) (-1) = - 10.

CtTjrijSl 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu\<J Uo ml K,iiloJ.rami. n dirluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: fenn Mc itv-vi inlor n'Mtui.i.
hs«Jccntjihn azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni n roiixlwnt rotiirc t

Given /(.v) = It2 - 5.t + 3 and g(.t) = .v2 - 1, find

ÿ) gi 0
2(l): — 5(1) +3 0
Not a real number
(D2-i 0

Because is undefined, the expression )( 1 ) cannot be evaluated.

Given f(x) = x1
find (/- g)(3).
— x + 1 and g(x) = x3 - 4. Given f(x) = .r2
+ 2v and g{x) = 5x - 2. find

Solution Your solution

= (32 - 3 + I) - (33 - 4)
7-23 =
= -16

(f-g)(3) = -16

Given f{x) - x1 + 2 and g{x) - Ix + 3. find Given f{x) = 4 - .t2 and g(.r) = 3.v - 4. find
2). if- g)i3).
Solution Your solution
= [(— 2)2 + 2J- [2(— 2) + 3J
= 6(-i)
= -6
(f-g)(-2) = -6

Given /(.v) = x2 + 4x + 4 and g(x) = x3 - 2. Given f(x) = x2 - 4 and g(.r) = .t2 + 2.r + 1.
find (f)(3)- find 0(4).
Solution Your solution

_ 3: + 4(3) + 4
33 2 —
= 1
'"0(3) - I

Solutions on /». S28

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.ccpnt IT dijlKatJ. n -Kik it i:pin. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird (MP) omen (Taj K: afpcuci &M* uiVx cVfapxn «»-
hÿUra! haJccnciduitt) «jnvco(ÿ coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt 1

OBJECTIVE B Tofind the composition oftivofunctions

Composition of functions is another way functions can be combined. This method of
combining functions uses the output of one function as the input for a second function.
Suppose a forest fire is started by lightning striking a tree, and the spread of the fire can
be approximated by a circle whose radius r, in feet, is given by r(/) = 24V/, where t is
the number of hours since the tree was struck by lightning. The area of the fire is the area
of a circle and is given by the formula 4(r) = rrr2. Because the area of the fire depends
on the radius of the circle and the radius depends on the time since the tree was struck.
there is a relationship between the area of the fire and time. This relationship can be found
by evaluating the formula for the area of a circle using /-(/) = 24v'/.
4(r) = 77

,4 1r(/) ] = 77 [ r(/)J2 • Replace r by r(t).

= 77 124V/]2 • r(t) = 24V/
= 57677/ • Simplify.
The result is the function .4(/) = 576t7/. which gives the area of the fire in terms of the
time since the lightning struck. For instance, when / = 3, we have
A(t) = 57677/
.4(3) = 57677 (3) ~ 5429
Three hours after the lightning strikes, the area of the fire is approximately 5429 ft2.
The function above, formed by evaluating one function at another function, is referred to
as the composition of A with r. The notation A 0 r is used to denote this composition of
functions. That is.
(4 0 r)(/) = 576/7/

Definition of the Composition of Two Functions

Let t and g be two functions such that g (x) is In the domain of t for all X In the domain
of g. Then the composition of the two functions, denoted by f g is the function
whose value at X is given by (f 0 g)(x) ~ f[ g(x)
" .

The function defined by (f°g)(x) is also called the composite of/and g and represents
a composite function. We read (f°g)(x) or / g(x) as "/of g of .v."

The function machine at the -5

right illustrates the composition
of g(x) = and /(.x) = 2x.
Note how a composite func¬
tion combines two functions.
First, one function pairs an in¬
put with an output. That output
is then used as the input for a Double
second function, which in turn
produces a final output.

= /ÿ[*(*>]
Un'essctba™sa rc( Pis is 'C Laurirc.

<:.p,T\di. "I'l1IIMW Iuntnl. *11 Htftu\<J Uo ml K,cc(<nlrami. adirluKd. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» l
a cktnoruruh. o> llirj tun, hdhiiiraj K: feon Mc ilv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccikc iho azy coclcrt ik<i r«n micmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixlwnt ro|iirc c

Consider fix) = 3x —
I and g{x) = x2 + I. The expression if" g)i~ 2) or, equivalent-
ly, f[g(— 2)|, means to evaluate the function /at g(— 2).
g(x) = x2 + I
g(- 2) = (—2)2 + I • Evaluate# at -2.
Si~ 2) =5
f(x) = 3x — I
/(5) = 3(5) -1 = 14 Evaluate/ at g(— 2) = 5.
If we apply our function machine analogy, the composition of functions looks something
like the figure below.


ihcn 5 ÿ

add 1 p
- r2 + 1
1 Multiply 1
1 by 3, ihcnSÿ
Isubtract 1I

f(x) = ix-\
flg<-2)] = 14

We can find a general expression for f g(x)j by evaluating /at #(x). For instance, using
f(x) = 3x —
1 and #(.t) = x~ + 1. we have

fix) = 3x - I
/IgtoJ = 3[g(.v)] - I • Replace x by g(x).
= 3[.v2 + 1 1 - 1 • Replace #(*) by x1 + 1.
= 3.v: + 2 • Simplify.
The requirement in the definition of the composition of two functions that #(.r) be in the
domain of/for all .v in the domain of g is important. For instance. let

fix) = and g(x) = 3.r - 5

x —
When x = 2,
gi2) = 3(2) -5 = 1

/I *(2)J =/(!)= j _I , Q
This is not a real number.

In this case, g(2) is not in the domain of / Thus the composition is not defined at 2.

Given fix) = x' — x + 1 and g(x) = 2v: — 10. evaluate (g 0 /)(2).

/(2) = (2)3 - (2) + I =7
(S 0 /)(2) = g 1/(2)J

= s0)
= 2(7)2 - 10 = 88

IHess otto»v»ise re,®, alccnleicrthis page 5 fi Cargage laemrg

I'Pinih*. 301)CcW Itamn|. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K.unil n AirluKd. n»!»ik i « n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: feon Mc ilv-vi inlor cV'fapxr < t
rcvio* hs« Jccntj ihn azy ainvcacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucmlb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix ntjil U> xtk'.c idlnmil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt roturc c

Given fix) = 3x - 2 and g(x) = x: - 2r. find if " g)(.t).

= -2
3(.r2 - 2x)
= 3x2 - 6v - 2

When we evaluate compositions of functions, the order in which the functions are ap¬
plied is important. In the two diagrams below, the order in which the square function.
g(v) - .v2, and the doublefunction, f(x ) = 2v, are applied is interchanged. Note that the
final outputs are different. Therefore. if"g)ix) x).


(H)ix) = f[g(x) j

Given f(x) = x2 — x and g(.t) = 3.r — 2. find Given f(x) =1 — 2r and g(.r) = .t2, find
/l*(3)J. / [*<-»].
Solution Your solution
g(x) = 3.t - 2
g{3) = 3(3) - 2= 9- 2 = 7 • Evaluate* at 3.
f{x) =x2 - x • Evaluate/at
flgO)]=fO) = 72 - 7 = 42 *(3) = 7.

Given sit) = + 3/ - I and v(f) = 2/ + I. Given L(s) = s + I and M(s) = s3 + I,

determine .v v(/) j. determine M /.(s)J.

Solution Your solution

s(/) = /2 + 3/ - 1 • Evaluates at v(/).
s|v(/)J = (2/ + I)2 + 3(2/ + I) - I
= (4/ 2 + 4/ + I) + 6/ + 3 - 1
= 4/ 2 + 10/ + 3

Solutions on p. S2S
IHbssctba"*ise rood£l Iorient on Piscbÿ is £ Laurirc.

Uqiith 301) CiriW Iiinmi. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil Uo ml K.unil n darluaoL n»t»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» in ckcn-w ruh. o> (tin) m*> cuikciobi K: fenn Mc itilor n'uitxio.
hs«Jccntjiha azy ainttacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni n/lorolixlwnt roturt c


Concept Check
1. 13! Let fix) = x2 + 4 and g (.t) = Vv + 4. For the given value of x, is it possible to
find (/+ g)(.x)2
i. 0 b. -4 c. d. -5

2. Let 5(1) = —5 and v(l) = 3. Find each of the following.

a. (s + v)(l) b. (5-v)(l) c. (rv)(l) a. i-KD

3. ÿ Let f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(r) = x:'x_

a. Is 2 in the domain of f" g? b. Is 2 in the domain of g " /?

4. Suppose g{4) - -3 and if " g)(4) = 5. What is the value of /(-3)?

objective A To perform operations onfunctions

For Exercises 5 to 12, let /(t) = 2y: - 3 and g(.r) = -2v + 4. Find:
5- /(2) - g(2) 6. /(3) - g{3) 7. /(0) + g(0) 8- /(I) +g(\)

9. if-g)(2) 10. (/••*)(-1) 11. [L 1(4) 12. ( j. )(—3)

For Exercises 13 to 20, let f(x) = lx2 + 3.v 1 and g(.r) = 2* - 4. Find:
13. y(D +M 14. /(— 3) + g(- 3) 15. f(4) - g(4)

16. f(-2)-g(-2) 17. (f-g)(I) 18. (f-g)(-2)

19. ( 1 1(2) 20. if-g)

For Exercises 21 to 23. let fix) = .r: + 3.t 5 and gCv) = .rJ 2v +ÿ 3. Find:

21. f(2) -g(2) 22. {f-g)(- 3) 23. |ÿ](-2)

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Itun of. All k./m. KiMnnl. Mi) Ix omii tr dirlicnU. It »Kik if pin. I>« ui tkoiv'it ,rt iknl |tnj,\dkiito, K: wircvcj ten lit tlv-i ir.1jr iOtomn
rilingroic»» la* JccncJ ihr. «nw«cc couch*k<« r»»: riaicrialb xffcvx w< •»» cnll kinur; cxjcncru Iumnf rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line 1! «jV«c4ixn: n/h*rrÿnctwiv rcjiirc l

objective b Tofind the composition of twofunctions

Given f(x) = It 3 and g(.r) = 4x I, evaluate the composite functions in

Exercises 24 to 29.
24. /l*(0)J 25. g\j(0)] 26. f\g(2)\

27. g[f{-2)\ 28. f[g(x)\ 29. g\J(x)\

Given h(x) = 2v + 4 and /(.r) = + 2, evaluate the composite functions in

Exercises 30 to 35.

30. /» 1/(0) J 31. f[h(0)J 32. h[f{2)J

33. f[h(- 1)] 34. h[f{x)] 35. f[h(x)\

Given g(x) - x2 + 3 and /i(.r) = x 2, evaluate the composite functions in Exercises

36 to 41.

36. g[M0)J 37. h[g(0)J 38. gl/,(4)J

39. Ms(-2)1 40. g[h(x)] 41. h[g(x) J

Given /(.t) = x2 + .v + I and h(x) = 3.t + 2. evaluate the composite functions in

Exercises 42 to 47.
42. /IM0)J 43. /il/(0)J 44. f[h(-\)]

45. M/(—2)J 46. /[/,(.r)j 47. h[f(x)\

Given f(x) = x - 2 and g(x) = x3, evaluate the composite functions in Exercises 48
to 53.

48. flg(2)J 49. /[*(-!)] 50. g |/(2)J

51. #l/(-l)J 52. flgCr)l 53. g[/(v)]

Krjrirfi. :o:i Crw Itun of. All Ktfit. Mt> t>* Ix ir dirlicnU. It »Kik tr it put. I>.i ui tkoiv'it njht mm tknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: urfTtÿc fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. oirrcwcc couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cTjcncru Itirrn/ rc*mc< ix lo xAJumxl ccosni ii iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l

54. Oil Spills Sup|x>se the spread of an oil leak from a tanker can be approximated
by a circle with the tanker at its center and radius r in feet. The radius of the spill 6

Ihours after the beginning of the leak is given by r(i) - 45/.

a. Find the area of the spill as a function of time.
b. What is the area of the spill after 3 h? Round to the nearest whole number.

55. Manufacturing Suppose the manufacturing cost, in dollars, per digital camera is
5Oi±_!M0Q ÿ
given by the function M(x) - camera store will sell the cameras by
marking up the manufacturing cost per camera. M(x), by 609'c.
a. Express the selling price of a camera as a function of the number of cameras to be
manufactured. That is. find S 0 M.
b. Find (S 0 A/) (5000).
c. J Write a sentence that explains the meaning of the answer to part (b).

56. Manufacturing The number of electric scooters e that a factory can produce per
day is a function of the number of hours h it operates and is given by e(h) = 250/?,
0 < It < 10. The daily cost cto manufacture e electric scooters is given by the func¬
tion c(e) = 0.05c2 + 60c + 1000.
a. Find (c ° <•)(/?).
b. Evaluate (c °c)(IO).
c. iJ Write a sentence that explains the meaning of the answer to part (b).

57. ÿ Electric Cars Read the article at the right. The garage's income from the con¬
version of vehicles is given by /(/*) = 12,500/?. where n is the number of vehicles
converted. The number of vehicles the garage has converted is given by /?(/??) = 4/??.
where tn is the number of months.
In Hie NEWS!
a. Find (/°/?)(//?).
b. Evaluate (/ 0 /?)(3). Going Electric
c. J Write a sentence that explains the meaning of the answer to part (b). If you don't want to
wait for car manufacturers
to come out with a
reasonably priced electric
car, you can take your
gasoline-powered vehicle
to a garage right here
58. Electric Cars A company in Santa Cruz. California, sells kits for converting cars in Walton. Kansas. The
to electric power. The company's income, in dollars, from the sale of conversion kits garage charges S 12,500
is given by /(/?) - 10.000/?. where n is the number of conversion kits sold. The com¬ per vehicle to convert cars
and trucks to electric power
pany sells an average of 9 kits per week. and is able to convert four
a. Find the income the company receives from conversion kits as a function of the vehicles per month.
number of weeks w. Source: Associated Press
b. What is the company's income from the sale of conversion kits after
one year?

(Ipinlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.(T,<J Ug ml K,Moil n Aarluaol. n»l»ik I« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |MH> cuikcino, K: airticucS <**n itilor cV'fapxr < t
pc*io» hs«JtciKC iho azy ainrcacÿ o>rt;ri ik'<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll kimit/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rc**r>c« i* ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixtwnt ro|iirc t

59. Automobile Rebates A car dealership offers a $1500 rebate and a 10# discount
off the price of a new car. Let p be the sticker price of a new car on the dealer's lot.
rthe price after the rebate, and r/the discounted price. Then rip) = p — 1500 and
d{p) = 0.90p.
a. Write a composite function for the dealer taking the rebate first and then the dis¬
b. Write a composite function for the dealer taking the discount first and then the
c. Which composite function would you prefer the dealer use when you buy a new-

Critical Thinking
Use the graphs of / and g shown at the right to determine the
values of the composite functions in Exercises 60 to 65. s~J—r 6

60. f[gi~\)\ 61. g[f(\)\ 62. ig °/)(2)

63. (/°g)(3) 64. g1/(3) J 65. /[g(0)|

For Exercises 66 to 7 1 . let g(x) = x: I. Find:

66. g(2 + h) 67. g(3 + h) - g(3)

gi\ +h) -gi\)

68. gi- 1 +h) -g(-D .n
69. -

g(- 2 + h) - gi- 2) gi" + h) ~ g(«)

70. 71.

Projects or Group Activities

For Exercises 72 to 77. let f(x) = 2v. g(x) = 3.v 1, and lt(x) = .t 2. Find:
72. f(g[h{ 2)D 73. g(/il/(l)D

74. 6(g[/(-l)D 75. f{h g(0))

76. /(g./'(-r)[) 77. g(/[/K-v)D


Uqiith 301)Ccr&t! Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu vu. >i h.unil n dtrluaal. n»t»ik i« n wn. I>j» in clccn-w ruh. o> itinl iun> ..mino, K: uinuiÿ mc itiw* itilor rt'fcuui<».
hs«Jccikc (lut ujainwacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoe16c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rc«r>f< 6c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnunl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroinclwcit rotiirc c

One-to-One and Inverse Functions
- j
objective A To determine whether afunction is one-to-one

Recall that a function is a set of ordered pairs in which no two ordered pairs have the
same First coordinate. This means that given any x, there is only one y that can be paired
with that x. A one-to-one function satisfies the additional condition that given any y,
there is only one .v that can be paired with that y. One-to-one functions are commonly
w ritten as 1-1.

One-to-One Function

A function f is a 1-1 function if, for any a and b in the domain of f, f(a)~ f (b) implies

This definition states that if the y-coordi nates of an ordered pair are equal. f(a) = f(b),
then the .v-coordinates must be equal, a = b.

The function defined by /(.x) = 2x 4- I is a I-1 function. To show this, determine f{a)
and f{b). Then form the equation f{a) = f(b).

f{a) = 2a + I f{b) = 2b +I
f(a) =f(b)
2a + 1 = 2b +I
2a = 2b • Subtract 1 from each side of the equation.
a =b • Divide each side of the equation by 2.
Because f{a) — f(b) implies a = b. the function is a l-l function.
Consider the function defined by g(.t) =x — x. Evaluate g at —2 and 3.
g{- 2) = (— 2)2 - (-2) = 6 g(3) = 32 - 3 = 6
Note that g{— 2) = 6 and g(3) = 6. but —2 ¥ÿ 3. Thus g is not a 1-1 function.

The graphs of f(x) = 2x + I

and g(x) = x2 — x are shown \
at the right. Note that a hori¬
- - -A -rp- I-r "
L. > i 4. i! 1!
— . _ f{\ _ 4-
zontal line intersects the
graph of/ at no more than one 4
-/ "* L ""
~j~ 1\ 4
point. However, a horizon¬ t IT
h 1' t| V A(
tal line intersects the graph
of g at more than one point. h ÿ/
f(x) = 2x+\
ti- 4 2 0 2

Note from the graph of f that for each y-coordinate. there is only one .v-coordinate. Thus /
is a 1-1 function. From the graph of g, however, there are two .v-coordinates for a given v-
coordinate. For instance, (—2, 6) and (3, 6) are the coordinates of two points on the graph
for which the y-coordinates are the same and the .v-coordinates are different. Therefore.
g is not a 1-1 function.
LHess olhawise rxr.ffl. alccrletcr ffispage a & Cargage Laemrg

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,imil 11 AvHskll. n -Hik it i:pin. I>li In tlarow n/Vu. .n< llird put, omen no, K: nfpcuii ton ji ill--,4 irjor a ljju" .t.

h4ura! hoJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwni l

Horizontal-Line Test
The graph of a function represents the graph of a 1-1 function if any horizontal line
intersects the graph at no more than one point.

Determine whether the graph shown below is the Determine whether the graph shown below is the
graph of a l-l function. graph of a l-l function.
V v

-- -

Solution Your solution
The dashed horizontal lines intersect the graph
more than once. The graph is not the graph of
a l-l function.

Solution on p. S28

OBJECTIVE B Tofind the inverse of a function

The inverse of a function /is the set of ordered pai rs formed by reversing the coordinates
of each ordered pair of /

For instance, let f(x) = 3.v with domain {-2, - 1, 0, I,2}. The ordered pairs of / are
{(-2, -6), (-1, -3), (0,0). (1, 3), (2. 6)}. Reversing the coordinates of the ordered
pairs of/ gives {(-6. -2). (-3, - 1), (0. 0), (3, I). (6, 2)}. This set of ordered pairs is a
function and is called the inverse function off. The inverse function of/is denoted by / 1 .

From the ordered pairs of / and / 1

.we have
Domain of /: {—2, —1,0, 1,2} Range of/: {—6, —3, 0, 3, 6}
Take Note Domain of/-1: {-6, -3,0,3.6} Range of/"1: (-2,-1,0, 1,2}
It is important to note that
1 1
f "(x) is not the reciprocal The domain of / is the range of /. and the range of / is the domain off.
otfM.f '(x) =ÿ; the Because the function /multiplies an element of the domain by 3, a reasonable guess
would be that the inverse function would divide an element by 3. To test this, we
reciprocal of f is —f(x)- =_1_3x"
can write / '(*) = where the symbol / !(.v) is read "/ inverse of x." Using
Note that 1 '(6) = 2. whereas
evaluating the reciprocal of f
(-6,-3,0,3,6} as the domain of /"', the ordered pairs of /"' are
((-6, -2), (-3, -1), (0,0), (3, 1),(6.2)}. This is the same result we obtained by
at x = 6 gives —.
10 interchanging the coordinates of the ordered pairs of f
Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIrated,on tisceÿ is CCeuÿB Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mi, i>» h,unil 11 italicnd. n -Hik n I!pin. I>n in tkcn-w rtfhi 01llird pm> mHSno, K: nrpcuii Son ji ill--.4 irjor oJippl.1.

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccnxni it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Now let g(.v) = x2

with domain {-2,-1,0,1,2}. The ordered pairs of g are
{(-2,4), (-1, 1), (0,0), (I, 1), (2, 4)}. Reversing thecoordinates of the ordered pairs of
g gives {(4, -2), (I, -I), (0, 0), (1, 1), (4, 2)}. This set of ordered pairs isnot a function.
There are ordered pairs with the same first coordinate and different second coordinates.
This illustrates that not every function has an inverse function.

The graphs of /(.*) = 3.v and g(v) = x2. with the set of real numbers as the domain, are
shown below.


i 1
I /
4 4
T . p-

~l7i *
f(x) =lx g(x)-X2

By the horizontal-line test./is a 1-1 function but g is not a 1-1 function.

Condition for an Inverse Function

A function f has an Inverse function 1 if and only if f is a 1-1 function

Find the inverse of the function

{(-2,-8), (-1,-1), (0.0), (1. I), (2. 8)}.
Reverse the coordinates of the ordered pairs of the function.
{(-8, -2). (-1,-1), (0. 0), (1, 1). (8. 2)}
Because no two ordered pairs have the same first coordinate, this is a function. The
inverse function is {(-8. -2). (-1,-1), (0, 0), (I, I), (8.2)}.

We can use the fact that the inverse of a function is found by interchanging x and y to
determine the inverse of a function that is given by an equation.

Find the inverse of f(x) = 3.r + 6.

/(.r) = 3.t + 6
y = 3.r +6 • Replace fix) by y.
x = 3y +6 • Interchange x and y.
x — 6 = 3y • Solve for y.

I f~l{x) = -x - 2 • Replace y bv /"'(r).

The inverse of the function f{x) = 3.r + 6 is / '(a-) = — 2.
LHe>5 olhawise i*r.ffl. al coitrf cnthis (aje 5 fi Crrgsge leamrg.

MtTith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Htftu KiuniO. Mi, ml K,iiraJ.rami. 11Animal, n»luk i« I!pin. I>n la ilccn-w ruh. 01llirJ pm, cumcliraj K: igpiaci feon Mt ilv-vi itilor cV'Mpn ,(

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njlorotixlwot rotiirc c

A special properly relates the composition of a function and its inverse.

TJ Take Note
Inverse functions can be
Composition of Inverse Functions Property
likened to. for instance. If f is a function and 1~ is its inverse function, then f
7(x) J = x and f[ f 1(x)] = x.
multiplying a number by 5
and then dividing the result
by 5; you will be back to the
original number. Evaluating
f at a number and then
In words, / l\f(x)\ x states that if f(a) - b. then / '(/?) a, the original number
used to evaluate f. A similar statement can be made for f[f 1 Cr) J = .v.
evaluating f '
at the output
of f returns you to the original
For instance, consider f(x) = 3* 4- 6 and / '(*) - 2 from HOW TO 2. Choose
any value of x in the domain of /, say. x = 4. Then J{4) = 3-44-6= 18. Now evaluate
- \x
/ 1 at i8. / "'( 1 8) = ( 1 8) - 2 = 4. the original value of x. The Composition of Inverse
Functions Property can be used to determine whether two functions are inverses of each

Are f(x) = It — 4 and g(.r) = 4 2 inverses of each other?

To determine whether the functions are inverses, use the Composition of Inverse Func¬
tions Property.

/life) J = 2(j.x + 2) - 4 gl/W] = \(2x - 4) + 2

= .V 4- 4 - 4 = *-24-2
=x =
Because /[g(*)J = and gl/(.t)] = x, the functions are inverses of each other.
Inverse functions can be used to model many real-world situations.

The equation F(x) = |.r 4- 32 converts a Celsius temperature xto

a Fahrenheit temperature F(.r). Find the inverse of this function, and write a sentence
that explains its meaning.

F(x) = -v 4- 32

y =
fv + 32 • Replace F(x) by y.
|v + 32
x = • Interchange * and y.
,-32-f, • Solve for v.

* - 32) = y
F-'«--(r-32) • Replace y by f'W-
The inverse function is F '(*) = |(.v — 32). This equation gives a formula for con¬
verting a Fahrenheit temperature to a Celsius temperature.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KohtoL Mi) w Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i ui ilc-ivnin(hv mm tknl wo oatctirm, K: mafOKi ton lit tlv-i ir.1 lOtom"

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rfw«cc couch Jc<« r»»: naimillj iffcci lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Itimn/ rc*mc< he niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml crnxnt 11 my line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Find Ihe inverse of /(r) = lx — 3. Find the inverse of f(x) = i.r + 4.

Solution Your solution
fix) = 2v — 3
v = 2v - 3 Replace fix) by y.
x = 2y - 3 Interchange x and y,
.r + 3 = 2y Solve fory.
x 3
ÿ + -; = >'
/-(,) = ,+ 2 Replacey by
The inverse of the function is given by
f~l(x) = t

Are f(x) = 3.v — 6 and g(x) = -j.r + 2 inverses Are f{x) = 2v — 6 and g(x) - 4.v — 3 inverses
of each other? of each other?

Solution Your solution

/l*to] = 3ÿ-v + 2J - 6 = * + 6 - 6 = .r
*[/WJ= ÿ (3.v — 6) + 2= x — 2 + 2= x
Yes. the functions are inverses of each other.

To convert feet to inches, we can use the formula The speed of sound s. in feet per second.
fix) = 1 2v, where x is the number of feet and depends on the temperature of the air and can be
fix) is the number of inches. Find / '(.t).and approximated by .v(.t) = + 1 125. where A'
write a sentence that explains its meaning. is the air temperature in degrees Celsius. Find
s '(a), and write a sentence that explains its

Solution Your solution

fix) = \2x
y = \2x Replace fix) by y.
x = 12y Interchange .v and y.
~. =y Solve for jr.

tW"W Replace y by f 1 (x) .

The inverse is
/ '(.r) -
-p. This equation gives a
formula for converting inches to feet.

Solutions on p. S29

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ox Ix ami. tr anlKml. It »hik tr it pvt. I>« UiclaVont nfl» mm tknl |tnj.uunirtn, K: mafOKi fecai at ilv-i ir.1 iOiomn

rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: numill) lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I urnn; rc*mc< he niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml crnxnt ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*


Concept Check
1. J What is a I-1 function?

2. hJ What is the horizontal-line test?

3. ÿ3 a. Suppose / is a function and /(3) — 5. Is it possible that there exists another
value c for which /(c) = 5?
b. Suppose /is a 1-1 function and /(3) = 5. Is it possible that there exists another
value c for which /(c) = 5?

4. The domain of a l-l function / has n elements. How many elements are in the
range of /?

5. hJ How are the ordered pairs of the inverse of a function related to the function?
6. ÿ9 Suppose the domain of /is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and the range of/ is ÿ3. 7, II}. Does /
have an inverse function?

7. Suppose /is a 1-1 function and /(3) = —2. Which of the following is (are) pos¬
sible? (i) /-'(— 2) = -2 (ii) /-"(— 2) = 3 (Hi) /"'(— 2) = 6

8. ÿ9 Let /"be a 1-1 function with /(3) 4. /(4)

of a. /-'(5), b. /"'(4), and c. / '(7)?
- - 5, and f{ 6) - 7. What is the value

objective A To determine whether afunction is one-to-one

For Exercises 9 to 20. determine whether the graph represents the graph of a 1-1
10. 11.
. /
I4 /
J j 1

1 j 4M
1 1
1 II r*

12. 13. 14.




f "l8
Ittessctterwse tiedallnrled.onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

I.mndi. "I'l> Imuni. All Hiltu Kunitl. VUf m h.icmdrani,cr ApIkIcI n »Hik it i:«rt. I>ic m tlccn-m rah. «>m llird r Ktt IB) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr Uc ctV-si. »f*lof cX'SlflXTl 4 1.
hÿlcra! hs«Jccnciilui *tj ainvcacÿ o>rt;r< Jcci r«n nunulb »»» ctxII Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it uq line »l aiVwajucni n(h>rolixtwnt rojurc t

41. f(x) = lx - 5 42. fix) = 3.V +4 43. fix) = 5x - 2

44. fix) = 4.v - 2 45. f{x) = 6.v - 3 46. f(x) = — 8v + 4

For Exercises 47 to 49. let fix) - 3.r - 5. Find:

47. /"'(O) 48. /"'(2) 49. /~'(4)

For Exercises 50 to 52. state whether the graph is the graph of a function. If it is the
graph of a function, does the function have an inverse?

For Exercises 53 to 60. use the Composition of Inverse Functions Property to deter¬
mine whether the functions are inverses.
53. fix) = 4.r; g(x) = ÿ 54. g{x) = x + 5; h(x) = x - 5

55. fix) =3x:h(x) = —3.T 56. h(.x) =x + 2; g(.r) = 2 - .t

57. g(x) - 3.r + 2;fix) = ÿx - - 58. h(x) = 4.r — I;/(.v) =

-jv + ÿ

59. fix) = ÿx - 1;gix) = lx + 3 60. gix) = --x--;hix) = -Zx


I'Pinih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu\<J Vb, ml K.unil n dnluKd. a »l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> hdhiino, K: u> inlor n'Mtuio.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< 4k njÿil U> tctmc idlumil ccnunl it inj line if liVocquni njloroinclwnt rotiirc t

41. f(x) = lx - 5 42. fix) = 3.V +4 43. fix) = 5x - 2

44. fix) = 4.v - 2 45. f{x) = 6.v - 3 46. f(x) = — 8v + 4

For Exercises 47 to 49. let fix) - 3.r - 5. Find:

47. /"'(O) 48. /"'(2) 49. /~'(4)

For Exercises 50 to 52. state whether the graph is the graph of a function. If it is the
graph of a function, does the function have an inverse?

For Exercises 53 to 60. use the Composition of Inverse Functions Property to deter¬
mine whether the functions are inverses.
53. fix) = 4.r; g(x) = ÿ 54. g{x) = x + 5; h(x) = x - 5

55. fix) =3x:h(x) = —3.T 56. h(.x) =x + 2; g(.r) = 2 - .t

57. g(x) - 3.r + 2;fix) = ÿx - - 58. h(x) = 4.r — I;/(.v) =

-jv + ÿ

59. fix) = ÿx - 1;gix) = lx + 3 60. gix) = --x--;hix) = -Zx


I'Pinih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Htftu\<J Vb, ml K.unil n dnluKd. a »l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl |un> hdhiino, K: u> inlor n'Mtuio.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnf rcoc< 4k njÿil U> tctmc idlumil ccnunl it inj line if liVocquni njloroinclwnt rotiirc t

61. fe] To convert ounces to pounds, we can use the formula f(x) = — . where x is the
number of ounces and f(x) is the number of pounds. Find / (.t). and write a sen¬
tence that explains its meaning.

62. |]To convert pounds to kilograms, we can use the formula /(.t) - 77. where x is
the number of pounds and /(.r) is the number of k ilograms. Find / (.r). and write a
sentence that explains its meaning.

63. Ihl The function given by /(.r) = .r + 30 converts a dress si/e x in the United States
to a dress size /(.r) in France. Find the inverse of this function, and write a sentence
that explains its meaning.

64. —
The function given by f(x) = x 31 converts a shoe size x in France to a shoe
size /(.t) in the United States. Find the inverse of this function, and write a sentence
that explains its meaning.

65. iJI The target heart rate f(x) for a certain athlete is given by /(.v) = 90.v + 65. where
x is the training intensity percent. Find the inverse of this function, and write a sen¬
tence that explains its meaning.

66. |J A data messaging service charges $5 per month plus S. 10 per message. The func¬
tion given by f(x) = 0.1.v + 5 gives the monthly cost f(x) for sending x messages.
in Hie NEWS!
Find the inverse of this function, and write a sentence that explains its meaning.
Tougher Exchange
Rates for Exchange
The recession has made
67. ÿ Currency Exchange Readtheartic!eattheright.Thefunction/(.v)
represents the exchange rate in January 2007. For this function, the U.S.
- 120.381.V
dollar is the
lite harder lor American
students living in Tokyo,
Japan. In January 2007,
base currency, which means .vis in dollars and /(a) is in yen. Find an equation for
when one U.S. dollar was
which represents the exchange rate with Japanese yen as the base currency. Note: Ex¬ worth 120.381 yen, living in
change rates less than I are often given to six decimal places. this very expensive city was
affordable. Now. in January
2012. with an exchange
rate of 76.9677 yen per
dollar. American exchange
students are feeling the
68. £ Currency Exchange Read the article at the right and refer to Exercise 67. Give pinch.
the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and Japanese yen in January 2012 by writing Source: www.lemple-news.cofn.
two functions that are inv erses of each other. Tell which currency is the base currency www.x-rales.cofn
for each function.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> omenno, K: ainiiwf ittx* «nlor n'upxi.i.
hÿlfra!rificw hnJccnciduiiry «jnrca(4cocicrt tkci r«»; raicmlb x' w: ,'x mcnll Icamn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamii( rc<n:f nc njJillP«tKn< try litx it
ccoxnl it 1 «jV«ÿucni njRx rotn<twnirotiirt 1

Critical Thinking
Each of the tables in Exercises 69 and 70 a function. Is the inverse of the func-
tion a function? Explain your answer.
69. fcl Grading Scale 70. J iJ First-Class Postage Rates
E9 ÿ3 ÿnl-Wl
90-100 A 0< w < 1 S.45
80-89 B 1 < h- s 2 S.65
70-79 C 2<ws3 S.85
60-69 D 3< k-s 3.5 SI.05
0-59 F

71. U Is the inverse of a constant function a function? Explain your answer.

72. £1 The graphs of all functions given by f(x) = mx + b. m ¥ÿ 0. are straight lines.
Are all of these functions 1-1 functions? If so, explain why. If not. give an example
of a linear function that is not 1-1.

Projects or Group Activities

Recall that interchanging the x- and y-coordinates of each ordered pair of a 1-1 func¬
tion forms the inverse function. Given the graphs in Exercises 73 to 78. interchange the
.v- and y-coordinates of the given ordered pairs and then plot the new ordered pairs. Draw
a smooth graph through the ordered pairs. The graph is the graph of the inverse function.

Un'essclhawse readdlartemcntispa?>is 'Itegaÿlayrirg.

Uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K,liraJ.raniin liirliinj n »hik i« is pin. I>ll m llccn-nt rtf tu. 01llird |m> cullcel no, K: airmail k" Ml itl-wi itilor pluur i.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt rotiirc t


9 Summary

Key Words Examples

A quadratic function is one that can be expressed by the equation f(x) - 4r: + 3.v — 5 is a quadratic
fix) = ax 2 + bx + c, a 0. [9. 1 A. p. 506] function.

The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola. When a > 0. the

V //
parabola opens up and the vertex of the parabola is the point with Vertex
Axis of /
the least v-coordinate. When a < 0. the parabola opens down and Symmetry
the vertex of the parabola is the point with the largest y-coordinate.
The axis of symmetry is the vertical line that passes through the
vertex of the parabola and is parallel to the y-axis.
Axis of \
[9.1A. pp. 506. 507)
<i>0 a<0

A point at which a graph crosses the .t-axis is called an x-intercept x2 5.v + 6 = 0

of the graph. The .v-intercepts occur when y - 0. |9. 1 B. p. 509] (v - 2)(.r - 3) = 0

-v - 2 =0 -v - 3 = 0
x =2 x =3

The .v-intercepts are (2. 0) and (3. 0).

A value of x for which f(x) = 0 is called a zero of the f{x) = x2 - Ix + 10

function. [9. IB. p. 509] 0 = .v2 lx + 10 -
0 = ix - 2)ix - 5)

x -2 0 = x -5 = 0
x =2 x =5

2 and 5 are zeros of the function.

The graph of a quadratic function has a minimum value if a > 0

and a maximum value if a < 0. [9.IC. p. 512]
The graph of fix) - 3.v2 x + 4 has a
minimum value.

The graph of fix) = —x:
— 6.t + 5 has a
maximum value.

A function is a one-to-one function if, for any a and b in the A non-constant linear function is a
domain of/. /(«) = fib) implies a = b. This means that given any 1-1 function.
y. there is only one a* that can be paired with that y. One-to-one A quadratic function is not a
functions are commonly written as 1-1. [9.4A. p. 540] I-I function.

The inverse of a function is the set of ordered pairs formed by The inverse of the function
reversing the coordinates of each ordered pair of the function. {(1,2), (2.4), (3. 6), (4. 8), (5. 10)} is
[9.4B. p. 541 ] {(2. 1).(4,2), (6. 3), (8. 4), (10, 5)}.

Ittess oltewa?rota, a IcOTrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ixl lx mxiir dirlicnU. It »Kilt ,» it put. I>« In tkoiv'it raHn mm tknl |tnjoatctirm, K: wimKÿ fccm lit ilv-i ir.1 lOiomil

rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. aiffrvMCC couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra
Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< he niÿii lo ccoxni ii iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Vertex and Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola [9. 1 A. p. 507|
Lei f(x) = ax2 + bx 4- c be the equation of a parabola. The /(.r) = .r2 - It - 4
a = \. b = —2
coordinates of the vertex are ( —3,, / ( — 3;)). The equation of the
axis of symmetry is x =
= 1
2a 2(1)
/(I) = I2 -2(1) -4 = -5
The coordinates of the vertex are (I. —5).
The equation of the axis of symmetry is
x = I.

Effect of the Discriminant on the Number of x-lntercepts

of a Parabola [9. 1 B. p. 5 10]
1. If b2 — 4ac = 0. the parabola has one .r-intercept. .t~ + 8.v + 16-ÿ0 has one .r-intercept
2. If b2 — 4ac > 0. the parabola has two .v-intercepts. because b2 - 4ac - 8; - 4(I)(I6) - 0.
3. If b2 — 4ac < 0. the parabola has no .v-intercepts. It2 + 3.t - 5 = 0 has two
A-intercepts because
b2 ~ 4ac = 32 - 4(2)(-5) = 49.
3.v2 + Ix + 4 = 0 has no
.r-intercepts because
b2 ~ 4ac I2 - 4(3)(4) = -44.
To Find the Minimum or Maximum Value of a Quadratic
Function [9.IC. p. 512]
First find the .v-coordinate of the vertex. Then evaluate the function f{x) = .r2 - It - 4
at that value.
a = \,b = -2
2a 2(1)
/(I) = l2 — 2(1) — 4 = — 5
a > 0. The minimum value of the function
is -5.

Vertical Translations [9.2A. p. 522]

If/is a function and c is a positive constant, then
• The graph of y = /(.r) + c is the graph of y = f(x) shifted c units H\\!+
U ::|S>

The graph of v = f(x) — c is the graph of y - f{x) shifted c units
Frfif rffrrn
N\ i'i'
nlilV .Z.L.L.LLJ . -j-i

down. LP- MY4

* I'1 L D «t .i 1. !

Horizontal Translations (9.2A. p. 523]

If/is a function and c is a positive constant, then
t f t
• The graph of y = f(x + c) is the graph of y f(x) shifted c units
to the left.
— !T"|-j i~r

/ / 'd
L.iU.i Id I.
• The graph of y = f(x — c) is the graph of y = f{x) shifted c units 1

to the right. :
V ./Iv,

UVessctterwse "clej all coxeman ns Is © Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: ,inxc. ir aclicrai. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl wo rtn, K: mafOKi bar ac itv-4 irjar illuurl "I

fliiralroK'i hv tkaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc couchJc<i r«>: riucmlb Ctc at cnll Icimn/ cxxntru. Cca I tames/ rotnc< he 10 pcyk'yc iÿiuiiul cmxni 11 iny lint it* ojracji&n. n/k«rMnctwm retire

Reflections of a Graph About an Axis |9.2B. p. 524]

• The reflectionof the graph of y = /(v) about the .v-axis is the
graph of j = -f{x).
• The reflectionof the graph of y - fix) about the y-axis is the v=l
graph of y = fi~x).

Operations on Functions [9.3A. p. 531]

If/ and g are functions and x is an element of the domain of each Given fix) = x + 2 and g(.r) = 2v:
function, then if+g)i4) =/(4) +g(4)
(/+ g)ix) =fix) + gix) = (4 + 2) + 2(4) =6 + 8

if- g)ix) =fix)-gix) = 14

if-g)(x)=fix)gix) (/-g)(4)=/(4)-g(4)
= (4 + 2) - 2(4) =6 -8

gj gix) = -2
if' g)(4) = /(4) •
= (4 + 2) -2(4) =6-8
= 48
4 +2 6 3
g 2(4) 8 4

Definition of the Composition of Two Functions

[9.3B. p. 533]
The composition of two functions / and g, symbolized by f ° g. is Given fix) =x - 4 and g(x) = 4x:
the function whose value at x is given by if 0 g)(x) = fg(x) j. if°g)(2)=flg(2)j
= /(8) «*(2)=8

Horizontal-Line Test (9.4A, p. 541]

The graph of a function represents the graph of a I-1 function if any 3XXTEC233X
horizontal line intersects the graph at no more than one point.

A 1-1 Not a 1-1

function function

Condition for an Inverse Function |9.4B. p. 542] The function fix) - x 2 does not have an
A function/has an inverse function if and only if/is a I-1 function. inverse function. When y = 4. v = 2 or
—2: therefore, the function fix) is not a I-

Composition of Inverse Functions Property [9.4B. p. 543]

/"'L/MJ = a- and f[f"\x)\ = * fix) = 2v - 3 fl{x) = i.r + T
rl[fb)]=\(2t-3) + |=x
/LT'WI = 2(2* + I)- 3 = X
LHsss oBhwk roiffl. al ccntert cnthis page 5 9 Csrgsge Uamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol «|J f>il h,cc(<nlrami. cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m tkcn-w .milird |un> no, K: &«* ji itv-vi idIVx OSjotT".
hÿitra! hoJccncidutit) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx tl «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l


9 Review Exercises

1. Use the graph of /shown below to graph 2. Is the graph shown below the graph of a 1-1
g(x) =f(x - 2). function?

mrTT" ki i' pm
~-rrrTT.. .j.r


— I—!—i-4-

3. Use the graph of /shown below to graph 4. Use the graph of /shown below to graph
gb) =f(x - 3) + 2. g(x) = /(-*)•

"4.4-4-4 J.M.L.-44.4-1.- "

5. Use the graph of / shown below to graph 6. Find the coordinates of the vertex and the

g{x) = -f{x). equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola
rrn . with equation y = x~ — 2x + 3. Then graph the
ITTTrr "TT" equation.
H-t-i-l-l H- y
— — —
j |—i- j— 1~|2 1-'4~
IT1" i"i"i I"/ -r

-H +?4-

7. Use the discriminant to determine the number of 8. Use the discriminant to determine the number of
.v-interceptsof the graph of y = 3x~ + 4-t + 6. — .v-intercepts of the graph of f(x) = lx2 + x + 5.

9. Find the .v-intercepts of the graph of y - 3.v2 + 9.v. 10. Find the .v-intercepts of the graph of
Jix) =x2-6x + l.

11. Find the zeros of /(.v) = 2v2 - lx - 15. 12. Find the zeros of j\x) = x2 - lx + 10.

Ittesscthawse t(edallcaten!onPlspeÿ is IffinitQ.

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Hiltu Ktunol »Uj m h,icmdrani,cr ApIkIiJ n »H>k it i:ptil. I>ic m tkcn'm .milinl j in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fec*T V»C CtVsA. ir*lOf 4»

hdbra! hs«Jccnci (lui *tj ainvcacÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c uq line »l «jV«]iKni n(h>rotixtwn* rojurc i
c<ftxnl it

13. Find the maximum value of 14. Find the minimum value of f(.x) = x2 - lx + 8.
ftx) = -lx2 + 4.v + I.

15. Given f(x)

= x2 + 4 and g(.r) = 4.t - 1. find 16. Given f(x)
= 6v + 8 and g(.r) - 4x + 2. find

17. Given f{x) = 3.t2 - 4 and g(.r) = lx + I. find 18. Given f{x) = 2x2 + x — 5 and #(a) = 3.v — 1.
AMI find g|/(.r)].

For Exercises 19 to 22. use fix) = x2 + lx - 3 and g(x) = x2 - 2.

19. Evaluate: (/+ g)(2) 20. Evaluate: (/- g)(-4)

21. Evaluate: (f-g){-4) 22. Evaluate: ( - 1(3)

23. Find the inverse of f(x) = -6.v + 4. 24. Find the inverse of f{x) =
\x - 12.

25. Use the Composition of Inverse Functions Property to determine whether

fix) - -\x
+ 3 and g(.r) - —4x + 5 are inverses of each other.

26. Use the Composition of Inverse Functions Property to determine whether fix) — ix
and #(.t) = 2r + 1 are inverses of each other.

27. )J| Deep-sea Diving The pressure p, in pounds per square inch, on a scuba diver
x feet below the surface of the water can be approximated by p(x) = 0.4.r + 1 5. Find
p (.r) . and write a sentence that explains its meaning.

28. Business The monthly profit P. in dollars, earned by a company from the sale of
.v youth baseball gloves is given by P(x) - —x2 + lOO.v + 2500. How many gloves
should be made each month to maximize profit? What is the maximum monthly

29. Geometry The perimeter of a rectangle is 28 ft. What dimensions would give the
rectangle a maximum area?

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,moil IT cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cmctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji .(V-.4 mlor cV'fapxn <».

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwmrotiirt l


1. Find ihe coordinates of the vertex and the 2. Use the sraph of /"shown below to graph
equation of the axis of symmetry for the parabola gix) = /(a + 3).
with equation y = x2 — 6a + 4. Then graph the y
equation. Tffi

3. Use the graph of / shown below to graph 4. Use the graph of/shown below to graph
gto =fo + 5) - 3. gix) =/(—x).


5. Use the discriminant to determine the number of 6. Find the coordinates of the .r-intercepts of the
.v-interceptsof the graph of f(x) = 3a2 — 4.v + 6. graph of y = 3.v2 — Ix — 6.

7. Find the maximum value of fix) = —x ~ + 8a — 7. 8. Find the domain and range of
f{x) = lx2 + 4.v - 5.

9. Given f(x) = x2 + lx - 3 and g{x) =x

3 -
1, 10. Given fix) = a3 + I and gix) = 2x - 3. find
find {f — g)(2). if-g)(~3).

11. Given fix) = 4x - 5 and gix) = a-2 + 3a + 4, 12. Given fix) = x2 + 4 and g(x) ÿ
lx2 + lx + I,
find (J — g)(-4).

Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIorient on Pispeÿ is LflanitQ.

Cafqritf* 2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Htftu Ktunol »Uj im h,icmdrani,cr arliÿlj n »l»iW it i:p«rt. I>ic m tlccn-w rah. o> llird r K«nu) k 4inrvucÿ fec*r tX cftxl aralor ci'safixr 4i.
hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ix njiil ic xtk'.c uq lirx it «jV«(iKni n(h>roltxtwnt rojurc t
c<ftxnl at

13. Given /(.r) =lx

find f lg(2) J.
— 7 and g(x) = x2 — 2r — 5. 14. Given f(x) = x2 + 1 and g{x)
find g\f{-2)\.
= x2 + x + 1.

15. Given /(.r) = .r; - Iand g(x) = 3.v + 2. find 16. Given /(.r) = 2v: - 7 and g(x) =x - I, find
g\Jb) J-

17. Does the following function have an inverse function? 18. Find the in\erse of the following function.
{(1.4), (2, 5), (3. 6), (4. 5). (5. 4) \ {(2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 3)}

19. Find the inverse of f(x) - 4.v - 2. 20. Find the inverse of f(x) - 4
X - 4.

21. Use the Composition of Inverse Functions Property to determine whether

f(x) = ÿ.t + 2 and g(x) = 2t — 4 are inverses of each other.

22. Use theÿ Composition of Jnverse Functions Property to determine whether

/(•*) = i-v — 2 and g{x) = ÿx + 3 are inverses of each other.
•".T. '

23. Determine whether the graph at the right is the graph of a 1-1 function.

I...4 |._

24. Delivery Service A company that delivers documents in a city via bicycle mes¬ 'f"t' . fI".
. .......
senger charges 55 per message plus $1.25 per mile for the sen ice. The total cost Ox)
to deliver a document to a location x miles away is given by C(.v) = 1.25.r + 5. Find
C '(a:), and write a sentence that explains its meaning.

25. Business The daily production cost C(x). in dollars, to manufacture small speak¬
ers is given by C(.r) = .r2 — 50.v 4- 675. where x is the number of speakers produced
per day. How many speakers should be made per day to minimize the daily produc¬
tion cost? What is the minimum daily production cost?

26. Mathematics Find two numbers whose sum is 28 and whose product is a

27. Geometry The perimeter of a rectangle is 200 cm. What dimensions will give the
rectangle a maximum area? What is the maximum area?

LHessothawise ixr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu Kninol Mq ml h,cc(<nlrami, cr AvIkmL n -Hik it i:pnt. I>n m ilccnm o> llird |un> nn«nno, K: nmcuci &«* itv-vi irJor n'muiii.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwm rotiirt l

Cumulative Review Exercises

3b - ab
1. Evaluate —3a 3b -c
when a = 2, b = 2, 2. Graph {.r|.v < —3} H {jc|.r > —4}.
and c = —2. • l
—5 -4-3-2-1 0
— — ——
I I l I I l
I 2
l I l h
3 4 5

3.r — I 5 - .r 5
3. Solve: 4. Solve: 4.r - 2 < - 1 0 or 3x - 1 >8
4 6
Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

5. Solve: 8 - 2v| s 0 6. Simplify:

3A\V a2

2a J V -3b2

7. Multiply: (x - 4)(2r2 + 4.r - 1) 8. Solve by usins the addition method:

6.v - 2y = -3
4.t + y = 5

9. Factor: x 3y + xy2 - dry3 10. Solve: (b + 2){b - 5) = 2b + 14

o , *2 + 4* - 5 .t
11. Solve: .r" - 2v > 15 12. Subtract: r-r
2x -3x+ \ 2r - I

4 - 6/
13. Solve: — 14. Divide:
- + 7.t + 12 r +4 .r +3

15. Graph f(x) — jr2. Find the coordinates of the 16. Graph the solution set of 3.v — 4y
vertex and the equation of the axis of symmetry. y

-2 -y~f- -

Uiessclha*«se rcledallarteHontis pejf is I Lrarirg.

lirinlh. rill!IttHK II1~CItil Ktfil. KnnaL Mi) IWI K: minei it anlKrai. n »Kik it it inn. I>« UiclocVsnt raw.
mm iknl |tnj i<ami"ay K: minmcd km lit ilv-i inl'uilOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «nrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nunull) xffcvc iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Icimn/ rc*mc< ix rijhl lo actKÿc tÿluiml ccnxni il »ny line il «iV*cÿtxn: n/l«* rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

17. Find the equation of the line containing the points 18. Find the equation of the line that contains the
/>,(— 3. 4) and P2(2, -6). point P(— 3. 1) and is perpendicular to the graph
of 2x - 3y = 6.

19. Solve: 3x2 = 3x - 20. Solve: V 8.v + I = 2.t — I

21. Find the minimum value of f(x) = lx2 — 3. 22. Find the zero of /(v) - 3.t - 4.

23. Is the following set of ordered pairs a function? 24. Solve: V5.t -2 = 2
{(-3,0), (-2,0),(-l,l),(0, 1)}

25. Given g(.r)

= 3.t — 5 and li(x) = ~x + 4. find 26. Find the inverse of f(x) = -3.v + 9.

27. Mixtures Find the cost per pound of a tea mixture made from 30 lb of tea costing
$4.50 per pound and 45 lb of tea costing $3.60 per pound.

28. Mixtures How many pounds of an 80% copper alloy must be mixed with 50 lb of
a 20% copper alloy to make an alloy that is 40% copper?

29. Mixtures Six ounces of insecticide are mixed with 16 gal of water to make a spray
for spraying an orange grove. How much additional insecticide is required if it is to
be mixed with 28 gal of water?

30. Tanks A large pipe can fill a tank in 8 min less time than it takes a smaller pipe to
fill the same tank. Working together, the pipes can fill the tank in 3 min. How long
would it take the larger pipe, working alone, to fill the tank?

31. Physics The distance dthat a spring stretches varies directly as the force / used to
stretch the spring. If a force of 50 lb can stretch a spring 30 in., how far can a force of
40 lb stretch the spring?

32. Music The frequency of vibration /in a pipe in an open pipe organ varies inversely
as the length L of the pipe. If the air in a pipe 2 m long vibrates 60 times per minute.
find the frequency in a pipe that is 1.5 m long.

uqiilh :miCitOK Iiinmr *11 Mij ix. lx «unc& ir oclicnJ. a »hik a it in". I>« ui mm <hnl |tii) .ramino, K: wiicutj km Be elv-4 in!or e<"kii«n<-
t*Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj «rtrv«cc couchJcci hk riaimilb ifko Ctc at cnll kimn; exxneru. Cca 0&c I cimnf rcnnc< ix lo vcwvc ccnxni il anj line it* «jV*cjtkti; n/k«rMnctwm retire A
Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions

Focus on Success
A To evaluate an exponential What resources do you use when you
B To graph an exponential
need help in this course? You know to
function read and reread the text when you are
having difficulty understanding a concept.
A To find the logarithm of a Instructors are available to help you
number during their office hours. Most schools
B To use the Properties of have a math center where students can
Logarithms to simplify
expressions containing
get help. Some schools have a tutoring
logarithms program. You might also ask a student
C To use the Change-of-Base who has been successful in this class for
Formula assistance. (See Habits of Successful
SECTION 10.3 Students, page AIM-6.)
A To graph a logarithmic
function Prep Test
A To solve an exponential
equation Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
B To solve a logarithmic find out if you are ready to learn the new material.

1. Simplify: 3~2 2. Simplify: (-
A To solve application

3. Complete: — = 2 4. Evaluate f(x) = x4 + x3 for
x = — I and x = 3.

5. Solve: 3x +7 =x -5 6. Solve: 16 = x2 - 6x

7. Evaluate A(\ + i)n for A - 5000.

nearest hundredth.
/ = 0.04. and n - 6. Round to the

8. Graph: /(x) = x2 - I

-2 0 1 1 Ai

UikssatswSeixffifl.31 rarWt on Ihs (Eg?is ©

1 1 —L.
Uarirg 559

I .HTTilH, :m1< C!CU: Iiininl fcUHi/VllKocnl VUf P«rt !>KUicto.-»UTir«h».mclhiJ mnj timcUira) U, aiftrcocifcon 6c ilVsiirUJiclluu""
IÿJtffalmtCB hv«JccneÿJu:ny Mnrcacc vvrim ikli «*K auctulb 6c uxnll lamiÿ cvcncm. CaiXÿ amn;roo>C4 ix 1ÿ xtkÿc idluinil craxni n wj lioc if n(lo roliKlunroiurei

10.1 Exponential Functions

OBJECTIVE A To evaluate an exponentialfunction

The growth of a $500 sav ings account that earns 5% >2SOT

annual interest compounded daily is shown in the <2IHH
graph at the right. In approximately 14 years, the sav¬
ings account contains approximately $1000. twice the
initial amount. The growth of this savings account is
an example of an exponential function. Tears

The pressure of the atmosphere at a certain altitude

is show n in the graph at the right. This is another ex¬
ample of an exponential function. From the graph, we
read that the air pressure is approximately 6.5 lb/in2 at 5 a L ( !U 0.1
an altitude of 20,000 ft.
z £
< = 0 10 20 30 40
(in thousands of feel)

Definition of an Exponential Function

The exponential function with base b is defined by f(x) ~

b' where b > 0. b 1,
and X is any real number. *
1. fix) 3* is an exponential function with base b ~

2. gix) — | | is an exponential function with base b ~


3. h(x) ~
2~" is an exponential function with base b ~ ~
.To see this, rewrite h(X) as


h(x) = 2-' = (2-1)' = (-

In the definition of an exponential function, b, the base, is required to be positive. If

the base were a negative number, the value of the function would be a complex num¬
ber for some values of x. For instance, the value of fix) = (—4)* when x = is \
f(ÿj - (—4)' 2 =
V—4 = 2i\ To avoid complex number values of a function, the base of
the exponential function is always a positive number.

Evaluate fix) = 2* at .r = 3 and x = -2.

/(3) =2 =8 • Substitute 3 for.r and simplify.

/(- 2>-2>-4_i • Substitute —2 for x and simplify.
LHs>5 otto»Wse roiffl. alccrletcr ttss Kge 5 ffl Csrgsge Uamrg.

CtCjrijbl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vtaj f>il K.unil«msi. <r italicscd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cn«nno, K: itv-,4 inlor cV'fanxn <».
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccnxni it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njltx rotiKtwnimtiirt l


if $250 is deposited into an account that earns annual interest compounded quar¬
terly, the value of the investment after n years is given by the exponential function
V(/z) = 250(1.0 1)4". The value of the investment after 8 years can be determined by
evaluating the function at n = 8.

V(n) = 250(1.0 1)4"

V(8) = 250(1.0 1)400 = 250(1.0 1)32 « 343.74 • 71 =8

The value of the investment after 8 years is S343.74.

To evaluate an exponential expression at an irrational number such as V2. we obtain an
approximation to the value of the function by approximating the irrational number. For in¬
stance. the value of f(x) - 4' at x - V2 can be approximated by using an approximation
/(V2) = 4V2 - - 4 14142 7.1029
Because fix) - bx {b > 0. h -* l) can be evaluated at both rational and irrational num¬
bers. the domain of/is all real numbers. And because b' > 0 for all values of x, the range
of/is the positive real numbers.
A frequently used base in applications of exponential functions is an irrational number
designated by e. The number e is approximately 2.71828183. It is an irrational number.
Take Note so it has a nonterminating. nonrepeating decimal representation.
The natural exponential
function is an extremely
important function. It is Natural Exponential Function
used extensively in applied
problems in virtually all
disciplines, from archaeology The function defined by f (x) = e" is called the natural exponential function.
to zoology. Leonhard Euler
(1707-1783) was the first
to use the letter e as -
the base of the natural
exponential function. Integrating'Technology
A graphing calculator can be used to evaluate an exponential function at an irrational number, as
shown at the left below. Use the e* key to evaluate the natural exponential function. Evaluations of e3
and e 12 are shown at the right below.

7.102993301 IM8.M131591

Evaluate f{x) - (4) at x - 2 and x — —3. Evaluate f(x) = (ÿj at .v = 3 and x - -2.

Solution Your solution

/® = (, •x=2
/( 3) = I =2 =8 #*=-3
' Soluiionon p. S29
Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIeaten!on Pis is CCffgae Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h.i.tuJ.rani.11 AvHskil. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» cuilctinm (« «imc«i Son ji ill--.4 irjor oiipiT.1.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c »»• crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccnxni it i
try Imc «l «iV«n«ni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l


if $250 is deposited into an account that earns annual interest compounded quar¬
terly, the value of the investment after n years is given by the exponential function
V(/z) = 250(1.0 1)4". The value of the investment after 8 years can be determined by
evaluating the function at n = 8.

V(n) = 250(1.0 1)4"

V(8) = 250(1.0 1)400 = 250(1.0 1)32 « 343.74 • 71 =8

The value of the investment after 8 years is S343.74.

To evaluate an exponential expression at an irrational number such as V2. we obtain an
approximation to the value of the function by approximating the irrational number. For in¬
stance. the value of f(x) - 4' at x - V2 can be approximated by using an approximation
/(V2) = 4V2 - - 4 14142 7.1029
Because fix) - bx {b > 0. h -* l) can be evaluated at both rational and irrational num¬
bers. the domain of/is all real numbers. And because b' > 0 for all values of x, the range
of/is the positive real numbers.
A frequently used base in applications of exponential functions is an irrational number
designated by e. The number e is approximately 2.71828183. It is an irrational number.
Take Note so it has a nonterminating. nonrepeating decimal representation.
The natural exponential
function is an extremely
important function. It is Natural Exponential Function
used extensively in applied
problems in virtually all
disciplines, from archaeology The function defined by f (x) = e" is called the natural exponential function.
to zoology. Leonhard Euler
(1707-1783) was the first
to use the letter e as -
the base of the natural
exponential function. Integrating'Technology
A graphing calculator can be used to evaluate an exponential function at an irrational number, as
shown at the left below. Use the e* key to evaluate the natural exponential function. Evaluations of e3
and e 12 are shown at the right below.

7.102993301 IM8.M131591

Evaluate f{x) - (4) at x - 2 and x — —3. Evaluate f(x) = (ÿj at .v = 3 and x - -2.

Solution Your solution

/® = (, •x=2
/( 3) = I =2 =8 #*=-3
' Soluiionon p. S29
Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIeaten!on Pis is CCffgae Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu Kninol Mi. ml h.i.tuJ.rani.11 AvHskil. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» cuilctinm (« «imc«i Son ji ill--.4 irjor oiipiT.1.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c »»• crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccnxni it i
try Imc «l «iV«n«ni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Evaluate f(x) = 23""1 at x = Iand x = -1. Evaluate /(x) = ir" 1 at x = 0 and x = -2.
/( i) = 23dM=22 = 4 . x=l
Your solution

Evaluate /(x) = e2' at x - Iand x Evaluate /(x) = e2""1 at x = 2 and x = -2.

Round to the nearest ten-thousandth Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

Solution Your solution

/(I) e2'
= e2 « 7.3891 • x=1
/(-I) = e3
" = e-2- 0.1353 • X = -1

l Solutions on p. S29

\. -/
To graph an exponentialfunction
Some properties of an exponential function can be seen from its graph.
-I Technology
See the Keystroke Guide:
Graph /(x) = 2'.
Graph (or Instructions on Think of this as the equation y = 2". Choose values of x and find the corresponding
using a graphing calculator
to graph functions.
values of y. The results can be recorded in a table.
Graph the ordered pairs on a rectangular coordinate system. Connect the points with
a smooth curve.

-2 /(— 2) = 2~- 4 H) 8

-1 /(-!) = 2"« 2 H)
0 /(0) = 2° 1 (0.1)
I .ÿ
1 /(I) = 2' 2 (1.2) Lp

2 /(2) = 2- 4 (2.4)
3 /(3) = 2' 8 (3.8)

Note that any vertical line would intersect the graph in HOW TO 2 at only one point.
Therefore, by the vertical-line test, the graph of /(x)
= 2' is the graph of a function. Also
note that any horizontal line would intersect the graph at only one point. Therefore, the
graph of /(x) = 2* is the graph of a one-to-one function.
IHess othawise rffiffl. alccrletcr ffis page a 2i Cargage Laemrg

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Ut Kninol »lf f>il K.moil IT AvHskll. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird tun. omen no, K: t mlor cV'fapxn <».
hÿiara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxni it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

1322396 Graph /(.v) - 0]'.

Think of this as the equation y 0) .Choose values of x and find the corresponding
values of y. Graph the ordered pairs on a rectangular coordinate system. You will need
to approximate the y values as best you can. Connect the points with a smooth curve.

F rn»m y (*.f)

**-& 27
8 Mf)
-2 **-(T 9
4 (--!)
r 3
2 H)
m-® 1 (0.1)

1 m - (§)' 2
3 ('ÿ!)
9 H)
EdEZlll Graph /(.r) = 2~'.
Think of this as the equation y — 2 *. Choose values of .rand find the corresponding
values of y. Graph the ordered pairs on a rectangular coordinate system. Connect the
points with a smooth curve.

nr -3
/(— 3) = 2H~31 = 2*

Take Note -2 /(-2) = 2"1"2' = 22 4 (-2.4)
Applying the vertical-line and ÿ

horizontal-line tests to the -1 /(-I) = 2"1"'1 = 2' 2 (-1.2)

graphs in HOW TO 3 and
HOW TO 4 reveals that 0 /(0) = 2"" = 2" 1 (0.1)

fix) = (|)* and fix) =2 " i /(I) = 2-'

are one-to-one functions.
2 1(2) = 2~2
4 (4)

Graph: fix) = 3172'"1 Graph: f(x) = 2~xr1'

Solution Your solution
9 7

0 2


3 0 4 :
2 1 I I
4 3 -4 -4-
Solution on p. S29
Ufessothswsstied.ellcoten!onflspeÿ is ipCauseIflaritu.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h,imil cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> no, K: airficucÿ Son ji uiVx OkniT".
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnwa(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< try
ccnxni it i litx it <jV«jiKni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l

Graph: /(*) = 2* - I Graph: fix) = T + I

Solution Your solution

n j = 2*-l|

4 2

2 4 0 2 1

0 0 |
_ -4<
1 1 . j..
2 3
3 7

Solution Your solution

Graph: /(.v) - c* Graph: /(.v) = e~,p-
Solution Use a calculator to approximate the Your solution
values of y.

Solutions on pp. S29-S30

IHess otteTOs? rots!. al ccrlB-icr this page r, $ Cargsgs laemrg.

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr All ».,m. Mij ik. K: «un«. ir ticlicrai. Ii*Kilt m it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi «hk <hnl ttnj iramirta, K: wircutj fecm Hi itv-4 inlor cliamn "I
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj «nrt«cc couchJcci r«>: rmniilb afixl tic mcnll kimn; cxxntru. CnM: I timn; rcnnc< ix lo ecocvc tÿlutml cmxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt n/k«rMnctwm rofsirc


Concept Check
1. J What is an exponential function?

2. d What is the natural exponential function?

3. Which of the following cannot be the base of an exponential function?
(!) 7 (ii) ÿ (iii) -5 (iv) 0.01 (v) I (vi)

4. State whether the function is an exponential function.

a. /(a) = x3 b. fix) = e- c. fix) = I.55' d. f(x) = ( - | e. /(a) = 3a

objective A To evaluate an exponentialfunction

5. Given f(x) — 3". evaluate the following. 6. Given H(x) = 2'. evaluate the following.
a. /(2) b. /(0) c. /(— 2) a. H{-3) b. H(0) c. H(2)

7. Given g(x)
a. g(3)
- 2*+l,b. evaluate
the following.
g(-3) c.
8. Given F(x)
a. F(-4)
= 3* 2. evaluate the following.
b. F(- 1) c. F(0)

9. Given P{x) = evaluate the following. 10. Given R(t) = (3) '» evaluate the following.
a. P(0) b. P(T) c. P[—2) a. R\ —- ) b. R(\) c. R{-2)

11. Given G(x) = e''2, evaluate the following. Round to 12. Given f(x) = e2*, evaluate the following. Round to
the nearest ten-thousandth. the nearest ten-thousandth.

a. G(4) b. G(-2) c. G4 a- /(— 2) b. /( -= c. f(2)

13. Given H{r) - e '*3, evaluate the following. Round

to the nearest ten-thousandth.
14. Given P(l) ? -
evaluate the following.
Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
a. H{—\) b. H(3) c. 7/(5)
a. P(-3) b. P(4) c. PI —

lirinlb. :olS Crw IAim of All Ktfit. Mi) ixi Ix «uncx. tr dirlicnU. It »hik ir it inn. I>« uitlaxont njHi mm din! |t»ij inin"u| K: wiicucd h" lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOinm"
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< «» cnll kinur; cxjcncra Iumnf rc*mc< ix niÿii lo ccoxni ii iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l

15. Given Fix) - evaluate the following. 16. Given Q[x) — 2 ' , evaluate the following.
a. F(2) b. F(-2) c.
fQ a. 0(3) b. Q(- 1) c. Qi-2)

17. Given fix) = e x'~. evaluate the following. Round 18. Given fix) = e + 1, evaluate the following.
to the nearest ten-thousandth. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
a. /(—2) b. /(2) c. /(—3) a. /(-I) b. /(3) c. fi-2)

19. a! Suppose a and b are real numbers with a < b. If 20. '3 Suppose that u and vare real numbers with u < v
fix) - 2~\ then isf(a) <f(b ) or is f(a) >/(/»)? and that fix) = b' (/> > 0, ÿ I). Iffiu) </(v), then
is 0 < b < I or is b > 1?

objective b To graph an exponentialfunction

For Exercises 21 to 32. graph the function.
21. fix) = 3" 22. fix) = 3~x 23. fix) = 2I+I 24. fix) = 2'~'

i !
- i
_ — X V V
o » i -4 - o > 4


| f1

Jr :


~~i 2
— )r~
LHe>5 otto»wse re,®, al coitalcnHis page 3 £ Cergage leamrg.

Cfrjrijbi 301) <a Ituna). *11 Ktftu Ug ml K,unil <• darluaol. n»t»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» in eken-w rub. o> itinl m*> cuikcino, K: feon Mc itiw* itilor c*~fapxn,i.
rc*io» hs«JccncJihu ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoeI »»» crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I camnf rcoc< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni roiixtwnt ro)iirc c

33. Physics If air resistance is ignored, the speed v, in feet per second, of an object
/ seconds after it has been dropped is given by v(/) = 321. However, if air resis¬
tance is considered, then the speed depends on the mass (and on other things). For
a certain mass, the speed of an object / seconds after it has been dropped is given
by v(t) = 32(! — e ')• Find the speed of the object after 4 s. Round to the nearest

34. Investments The exponential function given by F(n) = 500(1.0002 19 1 8)365'

gives the value after n years of a $500 investment in a certificate of deposit that
earns 8% annual interest compounded daily. What is the value of the investment after
9 years? Round to the nearest cent.

35. Which of the following have the same graph?

(i) /(*) — 3* (ii) fix) = (})' (iii) fix) = (ÿ (iv) fix) = 3

36. Which of the following have the same graph?

(i) fix) = (- (ii) fix) =4 (iii) fix) = 4' (iv) /M = (fj

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 37 to 39. use a graphing calculator to graph the function.
37. p(x) = (yij 38. Qix) = (V3)"1 39. fix) = 77-

1 74— 1 *it_j
Iti ! J-2 1 °l 4 -4 : It>\ )

ÿ 1 1

J 1 iII

T i I F"

Projects or Group Activities

40. Evaluate (l + ÿ) for/? = 100, 1000. 10.000, and 1 00.000. and compare the re suits
with the value of e, the base of the natural exponential function. On the basis of
your evaluation, complete the following sentence: As 11 increases, (I + becomes
closer to
41. Evaluate (1 4- /?)'" for it = 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001. and 0.00001. Compare the results
with the value of e. the base of the natural exponential function. On the basis of your
evaluation, complete the following sentence: As it decreases. (1 + /?)' " becomes
closer to
Un'essctterw se rctelalIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is Ce-gai laari13.

<:.!>,T\d> "I'l1'cr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu,<J Mif ml K.unil adarluaol. n»l»ik i« I!wn. I>j» l
a (tomruh. o> llirj ohkciiraj K: airficucÿ Mc cli—i itilor cV'fapxn t,
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

10.2 Introduction to Logarithms

objective A Tofind the logarithm ofa number

Suppose a bacteria colony that originally contained Time Number of

1000 bacteria doubles in si/e every hour. Then the (in hours) Bacteria
table at the right shows the number of bacteria that 0 1000
would be in the colony after I h. 2 h. and 3 h.
1 2000
2 4000
3 8000
The exponential function A = 1000(2'), where A is
the number of bacteria in the colony at time /. is
a model of the growth of the colony. For instance,
when / = 3 h. we have
A = 1000(20
,4 = 1000(2'") • Replace Iby 3.
-4 = 1000(8) = 8000
After 3 h. there are 8000 bacteria in the colony.

Now we ask. "How long will it take for there to be 32.000 bacteria in the colony?" To
answer this question, we must solve the exponentialequation 32.000 = 1000(20. By trial
and error, we Find that when / = 5,
A = 1000(2')
A — 1000(2') • Replace t by 5.
A = 1000(32) = 32.000
After 5 h. there will be 32,000 bacteria in the colony.

Now suppose we want to know how long it will take before the colony reaches 50.000
bacteria. To answer that question, we must Find t so that 50.000 = 1000(2'). Using trial
and error again, we Find that
1000(25) = 32.000 and I000(26) = 64.000
Because 50.000 is between 32.000 and 64,000, we conclude that / is between 5 h and
6 h. If we try t = 5.5 (halfway between 5 and 6). then
A = 1000(20
A = 1 000(2' ') • Replace t by 5.5.
-4 ~ 1000(45.25) = 45.250
In 5.5 h. there are approximately 45.250 bacteria in the colony. Because this is less than
50.000. the value of t must be a little greater than 5.5.
LHe>5 otto»WK i*r.ffl. al coitalcnthis (aje 5 ffi Cergsge laamrg.

Cfpjrijbl "I'l1 < rantnr. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Mi, ml K,cc(<nlrami. 11darlund. n»hik i« u pin. I>* in ilccn-mruW. 01llinl pm, cumciiraj K: airficuci Mc itilor cV'Mpxr < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmnt rcn*r>e« &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

We could continue to use trial and error to find the correct value of /. but it would be more
efficient if we could just solve the exponential equation 50.000 - 1 000(2') for /. If we fol¬
low the procedures for solving equations that were discussed earlier in the text, we have
50.000 = 1000(2')
50 = 2' • Divide each side of the equation by 1000.
"LI Take Note
When we tried t = 5.5, we
To proceed to the next step, it would be helpful to have a function that would find the
power of 2 that produces 50.
stated that the actual value
of t must be greater than
5.5. Note that 5.644 is a little Around the mid-sixteenth century, mathematicians created such a function, which we
greater than 5.5. now call a logarithmicfunction. We write the solution of 50 = 2' as / - log: 50. This is
read "t equals the logarithm base 2 of 50' and it means "t equals the power of 2 that pro¬
duces 50." When logarithms were first introduced, tables were used to find a numerical
Technology value of t. Today, a calculator is used. Using a calculator, we can approxi mate the value of
Using a calculator, we can
verify that 2304* » 50. On a
/ as 5.644. This means that 25M4 50. ~
graphing calculator, press The equivalence of the expressions 50 = 2 and / - log: 50 are described in the follow¬
5.644. ing definition of logarithm.

Take Note
Definition of Logarithm
Read logÿxas "the logarithm
For x > 0. b > 0, b 1, y = log0X is equivalent to = 6y.
of x. base b" or "log base b
* X

1. 4 = log216 is equivalent to 16 = 2*.

Tips for Success /4\ 4
2. 2 — log23 ~ I is equivalent to "" - I ~ /2\2 .
Be sure you can rewrite an ,9/ 9 \3/J
exponential equation as a 3. 1 = logio(O.I) is equivalent to 0.1 = 10 \
logarithmic equation and
a logarithmic equation as
an exponential equation.
This relationship is very
important. klUBM Write log3 8 1 =4 in exponential form.
log381 - 4 is equivalent to 3J - 81.

Write 10"- = 0.01 in logarithmic form.

I0~2 - 0.01 is equivalent to logm(0.0l) - -2.

It is important to note that the exponential function is a l-l function and thus has an
inverse function. The inverse function of the exponential function is called a logarithm.

The 1-1 property of exponential functions can be used to evaluate some logarithms.

1-1 Property of Exponential Functions

> 0, b
Suppose b

* 1 If b" = b", then u = v.

1. if 4' = 43. then X = 3. 2. If 3~2 = 3'. then X = -2.

CCrorltbt :ol> <:a«*« IUinnl. All Hiltu Kninol Vtaj ml h,unilram£ cr AvItcKd. n -Hik it i:pnt. I>n m tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> on«nno, K: &«* m ill--,4 irjor illoiunii.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmniicnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnf rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx il <jV«(iKni njhx rotiKtwrnmtiirt l

Evaluate log:8
Iog;8 = x • Write an equation.
8 = 2" • Write the equation in its equivalent exponential form.
23 = 2' • Write 8 as 2'.
3 =x • Use the 1-1 Property of Exponential Functions.
log;8 = 3

""v.'*"*—> Solve log4 x = -2 for x

log4 X = -2
4 - — .v • Write the equation in its equivalent exponential form.
16 —
• Simplifv tlie negative exponent.
The solution is 75.

Logarithms to the base 10 are called common logarithms. Usually the base. 10. is omit¬
Integrating ted when writing the common logarithm of a number. Therefore, log ,0 x is written log x.
m Technology To find the common logarithm of most numbers, a calculator is necessary. A calculator
The logarithms of most was used to find the value of log 384. shown below.
numbers are irrational
numbers. Therefore, log 384 « 2.5843312
the value displayed
by a calculator is an When e (the base of the natural exponential function) is used as the base of a logarithm,
approximation. the logarithm is referred to as the natural logarithm and is abbreviated in x This is read
"el en x." Use a calculator to approximate natural logarithms.
In 23 « 3.135494216

Evaluate: log5 - Evaluate: log4 64

Solution Your solution

lo&9 Write an equation.

:* Write the equivalent

exponential form.
3-2 = 3"
-2 = x The bases are the same. The
exponents are equal.
log3 = "2

B imumm
Solve for x: log5 x = 2 Solve for x: log2 x = —4
Solution log5 x = 2 Your solution
52 = A Write the equivalent
25 = x exponential form.
The solution is 25.
Solutions on p. S30

(Irinih*. 301)Ccr&t: Itamn|. *11 Ktftu\<J Uo ml K,unil n darlund. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: fenn Mc itl-wi inlor n'Mtuio.
ldur»rcxio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainxcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rck*r>e« &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlnmil ccnxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani roiixlwnt reqaire t

Solve log x — — 1 .5 for .v. Round to the nearest Solve In x — 3 for x. Round to the nearest
ten-thousandth. ten-thousandth.

Solution log x = -1.5 • Write the equivalent Your solution

I0"1-5 =x exponential form.
0.0316 « x • Use a calculator.
Solution on p. S30

OBJECTIVE B To use the Properties ofLogarithms to

simplify expressions containinglogarithms
From the definition of a logarithm, a number of properties of logarithms can be stated.
111Take Note
The properties stated here Property of Logb1
can be proved using the
definition of logarithm and
If b > 0. b
1 then logB 1 = 0. That is. the logarithm base b of 1 is 0.
the properties of exponents.
For instance, to prove the

Property of Log3 1 , let

logD 1 = x. Then, by the 1. logg 1=0 2. log2 1=0 3. log34 1 =0
definition of logarithm,
b' = 1. Because b° = 1,
we have x = 0.
Property of Logbfa

If b > 0. b / 1, then log0 b ~

1 . That is. the logarithm base b of b is 1 .

(§T Point of Interest 1. log7 7 = 1 2. log 10 = 1 3. log, 2 j =1

Logarithms were developed
independently by Jobst Burgi
<1552-1632) and John Napier
(1550-1617) as a means of 1-1 Property of Logarithms
simplifying the calculations
of astronomers. The idea If b > 0, b •/• 1, and X and y are positive numbers. If logD X = log., y , then
was to devise a method by x = y.
which two numbers could
be multiplied by performing EXAMPLES
additions. Napier is usually
1. If log0 7 = log„ x, then x = 7. 2. If log3 z = log0 9. then z = 9.
given credit for logarithms
because he published his
results first.
The next property is a direct result of the fact that logarithmic functions and exponential
functions are inverses of one another.

Inverse Property of Logarithms

If b > 0. b r1 1, and X > 0, then log,, b" = X and =X.

f 1. log66s,"7 = 3x 7 2. 12ÿ' » = X2 -» 1

John Napier
Because a logarithm is related to an exponential expression, logarithms have properties
that are similar to those of exponential expressions. The proofs of the next three proper¬
ties can be found in the Appendix.
The following property relates to the logarithm of the product of two numbers.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. KimimJ. Mi, ox Ix annex. ir airlxnU. It »Kile ir it put. I>« In ikxiv'ie mm tknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix 6coi at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nunull) x xc: lu mcnll kinur; cxjtncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix rijÿu lo ccoxni ii my line if «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*mmciwiw rcgwrc l

Product Property of Logarithms

tJ Take Note
Pay close attention to this
For any positive real numbers X,y, and b, b
property. Note, for instance.
that this property states that
* 1. log0 (xy) = log0X T logDy.
log3(4p) = log3 4 + k>g3p.
It also states that
In words, this property states that the logarithm of the product of two numbers equals the
log, 9 + log, z = log, (9z) . sum of the logarithms of the two numbers.
It does nor state any
relationship regarding the
expression log0(x +y). Write log,, (6~) in expanded form.
This expression cannot
be simplified.
log,, (6c) = log/,6 + log,," • Use the Product Property ofIx>garithins.

Write log,,12 + log,,rasa single logarithm.

log,,12 + logbr = Iogfr(12r) • Use the Product Property of Ix>garithms.
The Product Property of Logarithms can be extended to include the logarithm of the
product of more than two factors. For instance.
log,, 7 + log,,/* + log,,/

The next property relates to the logarithm of the quotient of two numbers.

Quotient Property of Logarithms

tJ Take Note
This property is used to
rewrite expressions such as For any positive real numbers X,y, and b, b 1, loga - - log0X log„y.
log3ÿ)=tog,m- log, 8. *
It does not state any
relationship regarding the In words, this property states that the logarithm of the quotient of two numbers equals the
lOQa* difference of the logarithms of the two numbers.
expression -- Tu.
. This

expression cannot be
simplified. Write log,, — in expanded form.
J1 =
log,, -7 - log* p ~ log,, 8 • Use the Quotient Property of Logarithms.

Write log,,)' — log,, v as a single logarithm.

log*? — log,, V = log,, • Use the Quotient Property of Logarithms.
Another property of logarithms is used to simplify the logarithm of a power of a number.

Power Property of Logarithms

For any positive real numbers X and b, b

logDx' = riog3x. * 1,and for any real number r,
In words, this property states that the logarithm of the power of a number equals the
power times the logarithm of the number.
HOWTO ÿ Rewrite log,, x ' in terms of log,, x.
log,, X3 = 3 log,, X • Use the Pbwer Property of Logarithms.

Krjnrfii roll C'WXI IIimal. All k./m. KimtoJ. Mi) m Ix iimci ir anIKnJ. rt hilc .c if pvt. I>« InclccVont mm tknl |tnj .uiiiiirm, Ix 6coi at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
tilingroim h*» JcokJihr.
«rfxc«cc curtcn Jc<f r»»: riumill) xffcvi iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix to scwvc tÿluiml ccoxni ii my line if «iV*cÿtxn: r/k*rrunctwm rcÿurc l

jJH Rewrite ÿ log x with a coefficient of I.

- log/, .v = log/, x 23 Use the Power Property of Logarithms.

Here are some additional examples that combine some of the properties of logarithms.

Write log in expanded form.

lo2* ± = loSb*3 loghfz ~ Use the Quotient Property of Logarithms.

= logfcX3 — (logfrj2 + log/, 4) • Use the Product Property of Iÿogarithms.
= 3 log/.Y — (2 log/,}' + log/, <) • Use the Power Property of Logarithms.
= 3 log/,.Y — 2 log/,}' — log/, Z • Write in simplest form.
Write 2 log/, .v + 4 log/,y - log/, z as a single logarithm with a
coefficient of I.
2 log,, .Y + 4 log/,}' - log/, Z = log/, .Y2 + log,,}"4 - log/, Z • Use the Power Property.
= log/, tx2f) - log/, z . lse the Product
_ |Qa
:L2_ • Use the Quotient

Write log V.y 3j in expanded form. Write logg X xy2 in expanded form.
Solution Your solution
= log (v3))1'2 = ÿ log (v3)-) Power Property

=X (log .v3 + log y) Product Property

= ÿ (3 log x + log }') Power Property

Z log x + •; log y Distributive Property

Write }(log3 .v — 3 log3}' + log3j) as a single Write 3 (log,a- — 2 Iog4v + log,?) as a single
logarithm with a coefficient of L logarithm with a coefficient of 1.

Solution Your solution

I (log3.v -3 Iog3v + log3")

I(logs x - \og3y* + log32)
[ log3ÿ + log3Z
=Klog3f) ,og3(f) =log3vf =
Solutions on p. S30

Ctfiyrighl -01J Ca&it Iiininf til Htftu Konnl. VU;<nlranci. cr Aolicifcil. nmIuW it is p«n. I>it lo clmontrah. on llirJ run, onKii no, K: fen* at itv-vi inlor cV'faptn < t
hÿUra!pc*io» haJccnciduitt) «/nrco(ÿ coclcrt ikci rannaicnilb **c w» cr»l 1 kimn; npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njÿil Ukcykac ccoxnl it inj ti*»c if 4iV«cqiOTi rijlorotiKtwnireqirt t-

OBJECTIVE C To use the Change-of-Base Formula

Although only common logarithms and natural logarithms are programmed into calcula¬
S Integrating
tors. the logarithms for other positive bases can be found.

To evaluate .
, loo 22
log 5
- ESESOh Evaluate log522. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
using a graphing calculator. l°g5 -2 =X
• Write an equation.
use the keystrokes **•ÿ'" 5* — 22 • Write the equation in its equivalent exponential form.
22MB ÿ
5 log 51 — log 22 • Apply the common logarithm to each side of the equation.
A|, j The display
should read 1.92057266. X log 5 = log 22 • Ise the Power Property of Logarithms.
It natural logarithms are used.
use the key rather
lo£22 • Exact answer
log 5
than the key. The result
will be the same. x 1.9206 • Approximate answer
logs 22 1.9206

In the third step above, the natural logarithm, instead of the common logarithm, could
have been applied to each side of the equation. The same result would have been obtained.
Using a procedure similar to the one used in HOW TO 13. we can derive a formula for
changing bases.

Change-of-Base Formula

lOdr N
log =

83EZ5EEÿi Evaluate log2 14. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

log 14
log:1 4 =
log 2
3.8074 • Use the Change-of-Base Formula with
N = 14.a = 2. and b = 10.

In HOW TO 14. common logarithms were used. Here is the same example using natural
logarithms. Note that the answers are the same.
In 14
log2 14 = 3.8074
In 2

Evaluate !ogsO.I37 by using natural logarithms. Evaluate log 5 0.834 by using natural logarithms.
Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

In 0.137 Your solution

Solution logs 0.137 = -0.9559
In 8

Evaluate Iog2 90.8 1 3 by using common Evaluate log76.45 by using common logarithms.
logarithms. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

log 90.8 13
Solution log; 90.813 = 6.5048 Your solution
log 2 Solutions on p. S30

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,iiloJ.rami, cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> cn«nno, K: wmci &«* m .IV.4 irjor cVfanxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciiluttt)' «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt l

OBJECTIVE C To use the Change-of-Base Formula

Although only common logarithms and natural logarithms are programmed into calcula¬
S Integrating
tors. the logarithms for other positive bases can be found.

To evaluate .
, loo 22
log 5
- ESESOh Evaluate log522. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
using a graphing calculator. l°g5 -2 =X
• Write an equation.
use the keystrokes **•ÿ'" 5* — 22 • Write the equation in its equivalent exponential form.
22MB ÿ
5 log 51 — log 22 • Apply the common logarithm to each side of the equation.
A|, j The display
should read 1.92057266. X log 5 = log 22 • Ise the Power Property of Logarithms.
It natural logarithms are used.
use the key rather
lo£22 • Exact answer
log 5
than the key. The result
will be the same. x 1.9206 • Approximate answer
logs 22 1.9206

In the third step above, the natural logarithm, instead of the common logarithm, could
have been applied to each side of the equation. The same result would have been obtained.
Using a procedure similar to the one used in HOW TO 13. we can derive a formula for
changing bases.

Change-of-Base Formula

lOdr N
log =

83EZ5EEÿi Evaluate log2 14. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

log 14
log:1 4 =
log 2
3.8074 • Use the Change-of-Base Formula with
N = 14.a = 2. and b = 10.

In HOW TO 14. common logarithms were used. Here is the same example using natural
logarithms. Note that the answers are the same.
In 14
log2 14 = 3.8074
In 2

Evaluate !ogsO.I37 by using natural logarithms. Evaluate log 5 0.834 by using natural logarithms.
Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

In 0.137 Your solution

Solution logs 0.137 = -0.9559
In 8

Evaluate Iog2 90.8 1 3 by using common Evaluate log76.45 by using common logarithms.
logarithms. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

log 90.8 13
Solution log; 90.813 = 6.5048 Your solution
log 2 Solutions on p. S30

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,iiloJ.rami, cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> cn«nno, K: wmci &«* m .IV.4 irjor cVfanxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciiluttt)' «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnireqiirt l


Concept Check
1. hJ What is a common logarithm? 2. LI What is a natural logarithm?

For Exercises 3 to 6. write the exponential equation in logarithmic form.

3. 5" = 25 4. 103 = 1000 5-4" = 6. ev = u

For Exercises 7 to 10. write the logarithmic equation in exponential form.

7. log3 8 1 = 4 8. log 0.001 = -3 9. In p = q 10. log5 ( | = -I

For Exercises 1 1 to 16. determine whether the statement is true or false. Assume x and
y are positive numbers.
11. log5 {x + >') = iog5.v + log5 y 12. log7 12 = log7 4 + Iog7 3 13. In e1 = .V

,4-{tf = log4 15. log, 10 — log3 19 = logsjÿ 16. In - = In 4

objective A To find the logarithm ofa number

For Exercises 17 to 28, evaluate the expression.
17. log, 8 1 18. log7 49 19. log2 128 20. log, 125

21. log 100 22. log 0.00 1 23. lne3 24. In e2

25. logs I 26. log, 243 27. log5 625 28. log;64

For Exercises 29 to 36. solve for .v.

29. log3 x = 2 30. log5 x = 1 31. log4.v = 3 32. log2 x = 6

33. logy .v = - I 34. logs a- = -2 35. log6.r =0 36. log4 x -0

For Exercises 37 to 44. solve for .v. Round to the nearest hundredth.
37. log.r - 2.5 38. log .Y = 3.2 39. log x = -1.75 40. log .v = -2.1

41. In.r = 2 42. In.r = 1.4 43. In .v = —j 44. In x = -1.7

45. 'J If log.,.\ > 0.then.v>. 46. Why is there no real number value for log5 (—2)?

(Ipinlh*. 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kc.(T,<J Uo ml K.moil n n»hik I« n wn. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl tun> odkuno, K: airticucÿ Mc (tV-vi inlor n'Mtuio.

hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvrocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> tctmc »61uiml ceoxnl at atry line if «jV«ajucni rolnclwcit ro|iirc t

objective b To iisetlie Properties ofLogarithms to simplify

expressions containinglogarithms
47. JWhat is the Product Property of Logarithms? 48. What is the Quotient Property of

49. *3 True or false? log5 (-2) + log5 (-3) - log5

= log5 6
(—2)( 3) ] — 50. 53 For what values of* is the equation
log,, *2 = 2 log,, true?
For Exercises 5 1 to 62. evaluate the expression.
51. log12 1 52. In 1 53. In e 54. log|0 10

55. log3 3X 56. 8lo&p 57. e]av 58. Ine3*

59 2ÿ*l) 60. log4 43' + 1 61. logs 5"-'- 1 62. 8log*,3r"7)

For Exercises 63 to 86. write the logarithm in expanded form.

63. loggfo) 64. log7 (rt) 65. log.,*5

66. log2y7 67. log/,ÿ 68. log,.-ÿ

69. log3 (*2 y6) 70. logÿ/V) 71. log7-|j


72. logio yy 73. log2 (rs)2 74. log, (*2>)3

75. In (x2yz) 76. In (xy1?) 77. logs-ÿ7-

r~s *~j
78. log,, —j~
79. logs—
80. *
) v

81. log4V*3y 82. 83. log7ÿ —

84- ,0gfcV7 85- loS:-~ 86- lo§4—=

x 1 V* Vy~z

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Itun of. All k./m. KimimJ. Uq Ix tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« Ui ikoiv'ii raH. .rt tknl |tnj oatctimt| K: nnnukÿ ten lit itv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jco cat naitnillj iffcci lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

For Exercises 87 to NO. write the expression as a single logarithm with a coefficient
of I.
87. log3 .r3 + log3 f 88. log7 .r + log7 £ 89. In x - In r

90. In .v2 - In y 91. 3 log7 x 92. 4 log 8 v

93. 3 In .r + 4 In v 94. 2 In .v - 5 In >• 95. 2(log4 x + Iog4 v)

96. 3 (logs r + log5 /) 97. 2 Iog3

* - log3y + 2 log3 z 98. 4 log5 r - 3 Iog5 5 + log5/

99. In x - (2 In y + In j) 100. 2 log/, x - 3(logh>- + log/, z)

101. -ÿ(log6.r — log6>) 102. -(log8 a: ~ logs}')

103. 2(log4 s - 2 log4 / + log4 r) 104. 3(log9.r + 2 log9j — 2 log9 z)

105. In x - 2(ln y + In z) 106. In / - 3(ln u + In v)

107. - (3 log4 .v - 2 log4 y + Iog4 z) 108. -(4 logs / - 5 log u - 7 logs v) ,

109. log3 .r - t log3 y + log2 Z 110. ÿlog3 .r + "T log3 >' - ÿlogj z

objective c To use the Cliange-of-Base Formula

For exercises 1 1 1 to 126. evaluate the expression. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
111. log8 6 112. log48 113. logs 30 114. log628

115. log3 0.5 116. logs 0.6 117. log7 1 .7 118. log6 3.2

Kqiilh 301J Crw Iam'aC *11 Krfil. KocnoL Mi) i>* Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik t» if wrt. I>.i UiclccVont nfl» mm iknl |tnjoatctirm, K: urfTtÿKC fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Cca0&c Inmn/ fc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line i! «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l

119. log5 15 120. log3 25 121. log12 120 122. log990

123. log42.55 124. logg6.42 125. log5 67 126. logs 35

127. Use the Change-of-Base Formula to write 128. g Use the Change-of-Base Formula to write
log5.v in terms of log x. logs.v in terms of In x.

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 1 29 to 1 32. solve for x.
129. log3(log?.v) = 2 130. log2(log2 16) =x 131. log2(Iog2 256) =x 132. Iog2(log4.v) =3

133. Suppose .v - 4. What is wrong with the following application of the Product Prop¬
erty of Logarithms? log x + iog(.v — 5) = log(.r(.r — 5) |

134. It is possible to change an exponential expression to an equivalent exponential ex¬

pression with a different base. Write 23v with e as the base.

Projects or Group Activities

135. Biology To discuss the variety of species that live in a certain environment, a
biologist needs a precise definition of diversity. Let p\, p2. . . . p„ be the proportions
of n species that live in an environment. The biological diversity D of this system is
D Pi log: Pi + Pi log: Pi + • • + pn log2p„) •

The larger the value of D, the greater the diversity of the system. Suppose an eco¬
system has exactly five different varieties of grass: rye (R), Bermuda (B). blue (L),
fescue (F). and St. Augustine (A).
Table 1 iawit

1 1mm DO B Dÿ D
Table 3
if l
Table 4
16 8
1 5

0 2-
4 | 0 0 o | | | |
o o o I

a. Calculate the diversity of this ecosystem if the proportions are as shown in

Table 1.
b. Because Bermuda and St. Augustine are virulent grasses, after a time the pro¬
portions are as shown in Table 2. Does this system have more or less diversity
than the one given in Table I?
c. After an even longer period, the Bermuda and St. Augustine grasses completely
overru n the environment, and the proportions are as inT able 3. Calculate the diver-
sity of this system. (Note:For purposes of the diversity definition, 0 log 2 0 = 0.)
Does it have more or less diversity than the system given in Table 2?
d. kJ Finally, the St. Augustine overruns the Bermuda, and the proportions are as
in Table 4. Calculate the diversity of this system. Write a sentence that explains
your answer.
LHess oltawisB rclffl. alccrletcr ffis Kge 5 ffl Csrgsge Uam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr rtaltcnd. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: ittxi inlUr n'rrprrrr
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic try Imc it «jV«ajucni
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l

10.3 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

OBJECTIVE A To graph a logarithmicfunction

The graph of a logarithmic function can be drawn by using the relationship between the
Point of Interest exponential and logarithmic functions.
Although logarithms were
originally developed to
assist with computations,
logarithmic (unctions have
a much broader use today.
Graph: f{x) = log2.r
These functions are used
in geology, acoustics.
equation y — log2A.
Think of fix) log2 x as the fix) =
)' =
chemistry, and economics.
for example. Write the equivalent exponential

X = 1.v

Because the equation is solved

Integrating for a in terms of y, it is easier to
choose values of y and find the corre¬ 2 -2
To graph a logarithmic 4
sponding values of a. The results can
function (of base other than
base 10 or base e) using a be recorded in a table. 2 -1
graphing calculator, use the ?
0 I
Change-of-Base Formula. Graph the ordered pairs on a
1 0
For instance, to graph
f (x) = log2 x + 1, write
rectangular coordinate system.
1m I
log2 x as Now graph
Connect the points with a smooth
4 2 T4
log 2

Y1 = * + 1. The graph is
shown below.
Applying the vertical-line and horizontal-line tests reveals that fix) = log2A is a one-to-
one function.

Graph: fix) = log2A +I

Think of fix) = log2A + I as the fix) = l0g2 A + I
equation)- = log2A + 1. )' = log2 A +I
Solve for log2 a. y - I = logo a
Write the equivalent exponential 2r~' = A
Choose values of v and find the
corresponding values of a.

\ —-
Graph the ordered pairs on a -1 I

L 1

rectangular coordinate system.

Connect the points with a smooth
0 4 2

curve. 1 1

2 2
4 3 f4rr
IrtsssothawserclBct aiIrated,on Pis peÿ is CCeuÿB Iffinitij

Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol VUf im h.icmdrani,cr dnltcnl n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rah. o> llird r IB) k 4irtTVUCÿ fwr £k ir*lof a»
hdbra!rcsio* hs«Jccnciilui *tj ainwacÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< 4k nj4il ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it inj line »l aiVwajucni n(h>rotixtwcnrojurc t

Graph: /(a)




Graph: f(x)

r n = 3#

Graph: /(a)






f(x) = -log, (a* - 2)

-y = log, (a - 2)
2~-v = A - 2
+ 2 =a


log, x



2 log, a
log3 .v
iog3 x

/(*) = 2 log, x
y = 2 log? x
- = log3 x

-log, (a* - 2)

>' = -log, (a- - 2)







•f(x) = y
• Kxponential form

• fix) = v
• Divide each side by 2.
• IK

fM = y

Multiply each side by - 1.
Kxponential form

haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb

Graph: /(a)
Your solution

Graph: /(a)
Your solution

Graph: /(a)
Your solution

mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc

- -41

log, (a - 1)


-Iog3(v + I)

LHs>5 ottonvij;
Solutions on pp. S30-S31
al coitrf cnthis page 5 £ Cargage laemrg

llTOTiih'. :ol) CcriW Imuni. All Hiltu KimtmJ. «ij i>» K.unilnmoicr Avltcnl n -Hik i» i!p«*. l>n hi ilo.-r.rn rah. o> llird |un> onlctino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi inlor PkniT".
try Imc it «jV«ajucni
tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. hi What is the relationship between the graphs of x = 3V and y = Iog3 xl
2. Q What is the relationship betweenthe graphs of y ÿ
3" and y ÿ

For Exercises 3 to 6, write the equation in an equivalent form that does not include a
3. v = 3 log2.v 4. y =4 logs Cr - 3) 5. y = 3 In x +2 6. y =2 log x - 5

OBJECTIVE A To graph a logarithmicfunction

For Exercises 7 to 18. graph the function.

7. f(x) = log4 x 8. f{x) = log:(.r + I) f{x) = log3 (2.v — 1)

y V
1 +

- n — 7 In
_L -2
? 4

Li 1
r TTr4

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlenKfiPiscÿ is 'CCffgaÿlayriri;.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinmi. *11 K«t.« KrcrMil Uo ml K.unil n darluaol. n»t»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» in ckcn-w ruh. o> (tin) i cuikci(tiij K: feon Mc itiw* itilor cCfcoiuiIa).
l»tkciKC Jut ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rcoc< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

16. f(x) = log3 (2 - .v) 17. fix) = — log;(.r - 1) 18. fix) = — log2(l - a)

«i 44

"> I..

» o ?

— 4—

19. If a ÿ b, at what point do the graphs of y = log,, x and y = log„ x intersect?

20. j3 If a b. what is the difference between the y-coordinates of the graphs of

y - log,, b and y = log,, a?

Critical Thinking
«Si For Exercises 21 to 23. use a graphing calculate* to graph the function.
21. fix) — x — logi (1 - x) 22. fix) = log2 x - I 23. fix) =
j- 21og2(.r + 1)

v v
i 4 -

1 2

1 n • : lo 2

J 1r ,
Projects or Group Activities
24. Memory A persons ability to recite a list of memorized words decreases over

time. The equation P = 100 301n(/+ 1) approximates the percent P of
previously memorized words a person will remember after / weeks.
a. % Graph this equation.
b. hJ The point with coordinates (6. 42) is on the graph. (Coordinates are rounded 5.
to the nearest whole number.) Write a sentence that describes the meaning of this
ordered pair. 4 8 12
Time (in weeks)
c. Use your graph from part (a) to estimate the number of weeks after which a person
will remember only 25c/c of the list. Round to the nearest whole number.
25. Astronomy Astronomers use the distance modulus of a star as a method of
determining the star's distance from Earth.The formula is M = 5 log s — 5. where 1*
M is the distance modulus and s is the star's distance from Earth in parsecs. (One C ÿJjuLft-
Z -4
parsec « 1.9 X I013 mi)
a. ÿ Graph the equation.
b. The point with coordinates (25. 1 , 2) is on the graph. Write a sentence that de¬ Distance < in parsecs)

scribes the meaning of this ordered pair.

c. Use your graph from part (a) to estimate the distance, in parsecs. of a star with a
distance modulus of -2. Round to the nearest tenth.
LHe>5 ottotWs al coitrf cnthis pÿge 5 fi Csrgsge laamrg.

Uqiith :ol> CcriW Iiininl. All ha Kntnol »bj i>» h,iiroJranci. cr n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m iken-nirtfhi o> llird imp, omenno, K: ton rtl-ci >nlor cC'fanxr .c
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;r< ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc nj(iiiexfK'i< tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx it <jV«]iKni rotiKtwmrotiirt 1


For Exercises I to 3, evaluate the function for the given value of x.

1. f(x) = 3*;a = 4 2. f{x) = T~s;x = 2 3. fix) = 42**3;x = -2

For Exercises 4 to 6. graph the function.

4. fix) = 2'" 2 5. fix) = log,(a + 2) 6. fix)

-= + I

-jt 2 0 2 » -4 -2 1n
i4 . i4
For Exercises 7 to 10. evaluate the expression.

7. log, 81 8. log,(ij 9- log.4 - 10. log7733

For Exercises 1 1 to 14. solve for .v.

11. log, a- = 4 12. log, x = -3 13. log, a" = I 14. log a = -4

For Exercises 15 to 17, expand the logarithmic expression.

15. log, (a v ) 16. logs-ÿ 17. log,—

V \/y;

For Exercises 1 8 to 20. write the expression as a single logarithm with a coefficient of 1 .

18. 3 log, a - 4 log, v 19. In a - (2 In y - 5 In z) 20. -(loga + logy)

For Exercises 21 to 23, evaluate the expression. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
21. log, 12 22. log, 0.1 23. log7 5

lilesscths'Mse tclMall coxemonfis pejt Is i£Orgaj* Isariri;.

lirinlti. 301J CRW Itunof. All Ktf Si. Ki.itmJ Mq ox tx n

a ankcnd. »Kilt tr n pan. I)« Ui iterant mHi. mm tSnJ |tnj iuui"a, K: mafOKi h" lit ilv-iinlor tOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch tk<i r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Solving Exponential and

10.4 Logarithmic Equations
objective A To solve an exponentialequation

An exponential equation is one in which a variable occurs in an - 1 _ 53. -2

exponent. The equations at the right are exponential equations.
4" = 3
2r+l = 7
An exponential equation in which each side of the equation can be expressed in terms of
the same base can be solved by using the l-l Property of Exponential Functions. Recall
that the I-I Property of Exponential Functions states that for b > 0, b I,

if b' = b>, then x = y.

In the two examples below, this property is used in solving exponential equations.

\sMMk Solve: lo3'*5 = l0*~3

lQ3r + 5 = 1Q.-3
3.V + 5 — .V — 3 • Use the 1-1Property of Exponential Functions to equate the
2v +5 = —3 • Solve the resulting equation.
2v = -8
.v = -4

Check: I03r+5 = lO""3

,03<-4)+5 10 4"3

lO-w+s 10"7
10~7 = 1<T7
The solution is —4.

Solve: 9X+I = 2T
The 1-1 Property of 9" + 1
_ 1

Exponential Functions
requires that the bases be
(3 2\x • I
= (3 V -1 • 3? = 9: >' = 27
equal. For HOW TO 2 at +2 = 33.-3
the right, we can write
9 = 3- and 27 = 33. After
2v +2 = 3.v - 3 • Use the 1-1Property of Exponential Functions to equate the
simplifying, the bases of the exponents.
exponential expressions are 2 = .v - 3 • Solve for x.
5 =x
9. -» 1
g5 + 1
27«- '
96 274
531,441 = 531,441
The solution is 5.

Kqiilh 301J CKW Iamnf. *11 tu KimtoJ. Mq Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik claVont nlHt. Mr :ihnl jtany iwibi nuy he «arfTO»ed bcm ac cftxk irJur
it put. I>.i ui «»
tiliraimicn JccncJ thr. Mzy «rtrc«cc curtcnikci r»»: riaicnally xffcci ik mcnll kimn; cxjcncru I umn/ rc*mc< ix I tÿluiiul crtixni ii any line if* «aV*cqi*n; n/k«rrunctwm nqurc i_

When both sides of an exponential equation cannot easily be expressed in terms of the
same base, logarithms are used to solve the exponential equation.

Technology 4' = 7
Solve: 4" — 7. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

X evaluate
To I ..
. on
log 4
log 4" = log 7
,v log 4
- JogJ7
log 7
• Take the common logarithm of each side of the equation.
• Rewrite the equation using the Properties of Logarithms.
scientific calculator, use the
keystrokes .v = 1 .4037 Solve for.r.
log 4
7G& © 4tEbrÿ
loo 7
The display should read The solution is 1.4037.
Note that
n * log 7 - log 4.
Solve: 3" — 5. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
Tips for Success
Always check the solution of 3"' = 5
an equation, even when the
solution is an approximation.
log 3**' = log 5 • Take the common logarithm of each side of the equation.
• Rewrite the equation using the Properties of Logarithms.
For the equation in HOW
TO 4:
3'" =5
(a + l)log 3

a+ I . =

log 5

log 3
3'-oou| 5
a+ 1 1.4650 • Solve for x,
5.000145 5 x 0.4650
The solution is 0.4650.

Solve for /?: (1.1)"

- 2. Round to the nearest Solve for/?: (1.06)"
= 1 .5. Round to the nearest

Solution Your solution

(1.1)" = 2
log (1.1)" = log 2 • Take the log of each side.
// log 1 .1 = log 2 • Power Property
log 2
log I.I
• Divide both sides by log 1.1.
The solution is 7.2725.

Solve for a: 3rx = 4. Round to the nearest Solve for x: 43' = 25. Round to the nearest
ten-thousandth. ten-thousandth.

Solution Your solution

3ÿ = 4
log 321 = log 4 • Take the log of each side.
2v log 3 -
log 4
log 4
• Power Property
2a =
log 3
• Divide both sides by log 3.
2a 1.2619
a 0.63 10 Divide both sides bv2.
The solution is 0.6310.
Solutions on p. S3 1

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor c<V«u>.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwni l

OBJECTIVE B To solve a logarithmic equation

The I-1 Properly of Logarithms from Section 10.2 can be used to solve some logarithmic

•£ÿ1 Solve: log5 (3.v - 1) = logs (7 - a)

tJ Take Note
It is important to check
a proposed solution of
logs (3* — 0 = log5 (7 ~x)
a logarithmic equation.
3a — 1 = 7 — x • Dk the 1-1 Property of Ixtgarithms.
Consider the equation 4a = 8 • Solve for x,
log (2x - 3) = log (x - 2). X =2
log (2x - 3) = log i* - 2) Because logarithms are defined only for positive numbers, we must check the solution.
2x - 3 = x - 2
x=1 Check: log, (3a- 1) = logs (7 - x)
Substituting 1 into the
original equation gives log5 I 3(2) - I Ilog5 (7 - 2) • Replace x by 2.
log (-1) = log (-1). Iog5 (5) = log5 (5)
However, logarithms of
negative numbers are The solution checks. The solution is 2.
not defined. Therefore.
the equation Solving some logarithmic equations may require using several of the properties of loga¬
log (2x - 3) = log (x - 2) rithms.
has no solution.
Solve: log, 6 - log,(2v + 3) = log, (a + I)
logs 6 - log_, (2v + 3) = log, Cr + 1)

log? ; = logs (v + I) Use the Quotient Property of Logarithms.

2a + 3
2x + 3
= x+ 1 Use the 1-1 Property of Logarithms.

6 = (2t + 3) (a + I)
6 2r2 + 5a- + 3

0 = 2a-2 + 5a- - 3 Write in standard form.

0 = (2y - 1 )(r + 3) Factor and use the Principle of Zero
2t - 1 =0 x +3 =0
x = —1 A- = -3

—3 does not check as a solution. The solution is 4 .

Solve: log9 .v + log9 (a* — 8) = I

log9 x 4- log9 (a — 8) = I
log9 [t(a - 8)] I = Use the Product Property of Ixtgarithms.
9' = x{x - 8) Write the equation in exponential form.
9 = a2 - 8.Y
0 = a2 - 8a - 9 Write in standard form.
0 = (a - 9)(a + I) Factor and use the Principle of Zero
A - 9 =0 A + 1 =0
A = 9 A = 1 —
- 1 does not check as a solution. The solution is 9.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All ha Kntnol »lj i>» h,unil cr dijlKatd. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> itird |un> cuilctino, K: um-cd &«* ji idIVx n'upxio.
hÿara!rcvio* hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coctcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:ihc njjillÿ«tiw< try lirx it «jY«ajucni nth>rotiKtwnireqiirt 1
ccoxnl it i

Solve for a: log3 (2a - I) =2 Solve for .v: log4 (a2 — 3a) = l
Solution Your solution
log3(2r- l)=2
3" = 2x — I • Write in exponential form.
9 = 2a - I
10 = 2a
5 =A

The solution is 5.

Solve for a: Solve for A": Iog3A + log3(A' 4- 3) = log34

log: (3.v + S) = log: (2a + 2) + log: (v - 2)
Solution Your solution
log-. (3a + 8) = lo2"> (2a* + 2) + log- (a- - 2)
log: (3a* + 8) = log- ( (2v + 2)(a - 2)]
log: (3.V + 8) = log: (2a:2 2x 4) — —
3.r + 8 = 2a:2 — Zv — 4 *1-1 Property of
0 = lr2 5.v 12
- -
0 = (2a + 3) (a — 4) • Solve by factoring.
lx 4- 3 =0 A- - 4 = 0
-V = —" A- = 4

—ÿ> does not check as a solution. The solution is 4.

Solve for a:: log3 (5.v + 4) - log, (2 A' - 1) =2 Solve for a: log3 a 4- log3 (a + 6) = 3
Solution Your solution
log3 (5a* 4- 4) - log3 (2v - 1) = 2
5.v 4- 4
log? = 2 Quotient
lx — I
5a- + 4
3J = Definition
2v - 1
of logarithm
5a- + 4
9 =
2a - 1
5a + 4
(2v - 1)9 = (2a - 1)
2a - I
18a - 9 = 5a +4
13a = 13
1 checks as a solution. The solution is I .

Solutions on p. S3 1

I.mndi. "OH 'off Innnf. til Htftu Kntnol VU; r>:i< Aolicifcil. n•* hiW it is p«n. I>it ui(tamrah. o> llird |tn> cancelno, K: 6«ti at itv-ci Hilar cVfapcii « t
hÿUra!rc*io» hoJccnciduitt) «jn*co(ÿ coclcn iko rannaicnilb **c w» cr»l 1 Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njÿil U-tcfKAC tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj li*»c if 4iV«cqimi n|lorotiKtwniiot»rt t-


Concept Check
1. tJI What does the 1-1 Property of Exponential Functions state?

2. J What does the I-1 Property of Logarithms state?

3. •;] Let 2" - Without solving the equation, is x < 0 or is x > 0?

4. '3 Without solving, determine which of the following equations have no solution. "
(i) 5"" =6 (ii) 5' = -6 (Hi) 5~J = -6 (iv) 5" = 6

o bJectiv e A To solve an exponentialequation

For Exercises 5 to 36. solve for x. If necessary, round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
5. 541"' = 5r_2 6. 7ÿ-3 = 72.ÿ1 7. 8"~4 = 85"8 8. lO4""5 = I0'*4

9. 9* = 3 *1
10. 2"-' = 4 11. 8*~2 = 16' 12. 93' = 81x~4

I62"x = 322x 7 =
13. 14. 272*-3 = 814-1 15. 253-J = I2522*— 1 16. 84t 64s "3

17. 5' =6 18. T = 10 19. 8"4 = 0.4 20. 5' " = 0.5

21. 23' = 5 22. 36, = 0.5 23. 2" = 7 24. 3"x = 14

25. 2<_l = 6
26. 4*+l = 9 27. 3 =4 28. 4~x*2 = 12

29. iff ' =3 30. 1

"* =
' 31. 3 • r = 7 32. 5 •
32"' = 4

33. 7
— 101 -
34. 8=151-
35. 15 - I2€°05" 36. 7 - 42e -it

objective b To solve a logarithmic equation

For Exercises 37 to 54. solve for x. If necessary, round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
37. log.r = log (I - .r) 38. In (3.r - 2) = In (a: + 1) 39. In (3.v + 2) = In (5.v + 4)

40. log3 (.t - 2) = log3 (2v) 41. Iog2 (8v) - log:(.v2 - 1) = log23 42. Iog5 (3.v) - log5 (x2 - 1) = log.s2

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ca&it Imuni. All Hillu Knmol Vtaj ml K. cipolrami, cr rtalfoi. n (.Ink it n pnt. I>n m ilccnmrr/Vi» o> llird |un> on«a no, K: nnrai&«* 6c itVni. mlor n'rritmii.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c »»• crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it 1 Imc it «iV«n«ni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt 1

43. logg.Y + logp(2r — 3) = log«,2 44. log0.Y + log6(3.x* - 5) = logft2 45. log2(2r - 3) = 3

46. logj (3a* +I)=2 47. In (3.x* + 2) =4 48. In (2v + 3) = -1

49. log2(.r + I) + log2(.v + 3) = 3 50. logj (3a* - 4) + log,(a: + 6) = 2 51. logs (2v) - log5(.r - I) = I

52. logj (3.r) - log3 (2x* - I) = 2 53. logg(6.v) = logg2 + logs(.v - 4) 54. log7(5.v) = log73 + log7(2x* + I)

55. If u and rare positive numbers and u < v, then log u < log v. Use this fact to ex¬
plain why log (.r — 2) — log .v 3 has no solution. Do not solve the equation.

56. 51 Sometimes it is easy to represent one number as a power of another. For instance.
81 = 34. Although it is not as easy, show how to represent 8 1 as a power of 7.

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 57 to 60. solve for .\*. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
57. 3X+I = 21-2 58. 22, = 5IT|

59. 721"' = 32,-3 60. 43**'2 = 32,-5

Projects or Group Activities

61. Physics A model for the distance s, in feet, that an object experiencing air

resistance will fall in / seconds is given by s = 312.5 In i--r-. 120

a. 3
Graph this equation. Suggestion: Use Xmin = 0, Xmax = 4.5, •c so
Ymin = 0. Ymax -
140. and Yscl 20. -
b. Determine, to the nearest hundredth of a second, the time it takes for the
2 40

object to fall 100 ft. 12 3 4

Time (In seconds)

62. Physics A model for the distance s, in feet, that an object experiencing air
resistance will fall in t seconds is given by s = 78 In
U& ,

' V
— 120

a. .3
Graph this equation. Suggestion: Use Xmin = 0. Xmax = 4.5. = SO

Ymin = 0, Ymax = 140. and Yscl = 20. 2 40

b. Determine, to the nearest hundredth of a second, the time it takes for the
object to fall 1 25 ft. 0 12 3 4
Time (in seconds)
Unessctba™sa rc( Pis 'T layrirg.

tlnnih*. 301)li'iw Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu KaiTTol. Uo oil K.unil n Animal, n »lulc i« it wn. I>j» la clccn-w ruW. o> llinl cuncel (Taj K: arrrcud femr u> lalor cV'fanxr .(

hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x at crxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>c< njÿil U> tctmc idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni n roiixlwnt rotiirc c

Applications of Exponential and

10.5 Logarithmic Functions
OBJECTIVE A To solve applicationproblems

A biologist places one single-celled bacterium in a culture. Each hour, every member of
(§jT Point of Interest that particular species of bacteria divides into two bacteria. After Ih. there will be two
bacteria. After 2 h, each of those two bacteria will divide and there will be four bacteria.
After 3 h. each of the four bacteria will divide and there will be eight bacteria.

The table at the right shows the number of bacteria in

the culture after various intervals of time /. in hours.
Values in this table could also be found by using the 0 1
exponential equation /V = 2'. 1 2
2 4
3 8
C. Northcote Parkinson
4 16
Parkinson's Law, named after
C. Northcote Parkinson, is
sometimes stated as ~A job
will expand to fill the time The equation N = 2' is an example of an exponential growth equation. In general, any
allotted for the job." However, equation that can be written in the form A = A0tf', where A is the size at time /. A(l is
Parkinson actually said that
in any new government .
the initial size, b > I and k is a positive real number, is an exponential growth equation.
These equations are important not only in population growth studies but also in physics.
administration, administrative
employees will be added at chemistry, psychology, and economics.
the rate of about 5% to 6%
per year. This is an example
of exponential growth and Recall that interest is the amount of money that one pays (or receives) for borrowing (or
means that a staff of 500 will investing) money. Compound interest is interest that is computed not only on the origi¬
grow to approximately 630 by nal principal but also on the interest already earned. The compound interest formula is
the end of a 4-year term.
an exponential equation.

The compound interest formula is A = P{\ + /)", where P is the original value of an
investment. / is the interest rate per compounding period, n is the total number of com¬
pounding periods, and A is the value of the investment after n periods.

An investment broker deposits SI000 into an account that earns 8:k

annual interest compounded quarterly. What is the value of the investment after 3 years?

= 0'02 Find i, the interest rate per quarter. The quarterly rate
is the annual rate divided by 4. the number of quarters
in 1year.
n = 4-3 = 12 Find n, the number of compounding periods. The
investment is compounded quarterly. 4 times a year.
for 3 vears.
A = P(\ + i)a • Use the compound interest formula.
A = 1000(1 + 0.02) • Replace P, i, and n by their values.
A *= 1268 • Solve for A.
The value of the investment after 3 years is approximately SI 268.

IttessoBecviae rcitC al ccnlBf enthhpages I

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi ItimO(. All k./m. KimtoJ. Mi) w Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik tr it put. I>« ui tkoiv'it mm tknl wo oatctirm, Ix wtrcvia frcn lit tlv-i ir.1jr lOtom"
liiiralmicn lw JccncJ ihr. couch Jc<« r»»: numill) iffcci IK u» cnll kinur; cxjcncru Icsmnf rc*mc< he njÿii to tÿlucml ccoxni ii iny line it r/h*mtnctwiw rcÿurc l

Exponential decay offers another example of an exponential equation. A common illus¬

tration of exponential decay is the decay of a radioactive element. One form of the equa¬
tion that is used to model radioactive decay is A = Ao(0.5)tA, where A is the amount of
the substance remaining after a time period /. A0 is the initial amount of the radioactive
material, and k is the half-life of the material. The half-life of a radioactive substance is
the time it takes for one-half of the material to disintegrate.

The table at the right indicates the amount of an ini¬ [ Tlmi, t Amount, A 1
tial 10-microgram sample of tritium that remains
0 10
after various intervals of time / in years. Note from
12 5
the table that after each 12-vear period of time.
the amount of tritium is reduced by one-half. The 24 2.5
half-life of tritium is 12 years. The equation that 36 1.25
models the decay of the 10-microgram sample is
A = 10(0.5)' l2. where / is in years and A is in mi¬

Yttrium-90 is a radioactive isotope that is used to treat some

cancers. A sample that originally contained 5 mg of yttrium-90 was measured
again after 20 h and found to have 4 mg of yttrium-90. What is the half-life
of yttrium-90? Round to the nearest whole number.
A = A0 (0.5)"* • Use the lialf-life equation.
4 = 5 (0.5)2' 1 k • Replace A by 4. A0 by 5. and t by 20.
0.8 = (0.5) 201 • Divide each side by 5 to isolate the exponential expression.

log (0.8) = log (0.5)2,u • Take the common logarithm of each side.
log (0.8) =— log (0.5) • Use the R>wer Property of Logarithms.

k log (0.8) = 20 log (0.5) • Solve for A*.

, _ 20 log (0.5)
Exact answer
log (0.8)

k 62. 1 3 • Approximate answer

The half-life of yttrium-90 is approximately 62 h.

In'essclterMse rcIMall cotemonris \% I


lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. VUj ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it in". I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tii) .ramirta, K: wiicuta bar ac ilv-4 inlor »
t*Liiral roic»» hv tkaxJihr.*ty «rtrv«cc couchJcci r«>: rmmilb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxncra. I urnng rcnnc< ix njÿii lo pcyk'vc tÿludul crnxni ii any line it* *n; n/k«rMnctwm rofairc

A method by which an archaeologist can measure the age of a bone is called carbon dat¬
ing. Carbon dating is based on a radioactive isotope of carbon called carbon- 14. which
has a half-life of approximately 5570 years. The exponential decay equation is given by
A - A0(0.5)' ?57°, where A{) is the original amount of carbon- 14 present in the bone. / is
the age of the bone in years, and A is the amount of carbon- 14 present after / years.

A bone that originally contained 100 mg of carbon- 14 now has 70 mg

of carbon- 14. What is the approximate age of the bone in years?
A = A0(0.5)"5570 • List the exponential decay equation.
70 = 1 (K)(0.5)e 5570 • Replace A by 70 and A0 by 100. and solve for /.
0.7 = (0.5)'5570 • Divide each side by 100.
log 0.7 - log(0.5)' 5570 • Take the common logarithm of each side of the
log 0.7 = — log 0.5 • Power Property
5570 log 0.7
• Multiply by 5570, and divide by log 0.5.
log 0.5 '
The bone is approximately 2866 years old.

Logarithmic functions are used to scale very large or very small numbers into numbers
that are easier to comprehend. For instance, the Richterscale magnitude oi an earthquake
uses a logarithmic function to convert the intensity of shock waves Iinto a number M,
which for most earthquakes is in the range of 0 to 10. The intensity / of an earthquake
is often given in terms of the constant /0, where 70 is the intensity of the smallest
earthquake, called a zero-level earthquake, that can be measured on a seismograph
Point of Interest near the earthquake's epicenter. An earthquake with an intensity / has a Richter scale
magnitude of M - log y . where /„ is the measure of the intensity of a zero-level earthquake.

if The Richter scale magnitude of an earthquake that occurred on

May, 2008. in Sichuan. China, was 7.9. Find the intensity of the earthquake in terms of
/o. Round to the nearest thousand.
M = logy

7.9 = logy10 • Replace Mby 7.9.

Charles F. Richier
1= 10" • Write in exponential form.
The Richier scale was A)
created by seismologist
Charles F. Richter in 1935.
/= l07-9/<> • Solve for/.
Note that a tenfold increase I« 79.432.823A)
in the intensity level of an
earthquake increases the
Richter scale magnitude of The Sichuan earthquake had an intensity that was approximately 79,433,000 times
the earthquake by only 1. the intensity of a zero-level earthquake.

(Irinih*. 301)Ca&it Iiinml. *11 K jU, Komii. Uo ml K,cc(<nlrami, n darlund. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llinl m*> cumclno, K: airmoci u> cli—i inlo.n'ujui.i.

rcxio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I cimnt rc**r>e« 4k njÿil U> ecfK*< idlnmil ccnxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n roiixtwnt reqaire t

# The San Francisco earthquake of 1 906 measured 7.8 on the Rich-

ter scale. It is the earthquake of greatest magnitude recorded in the 48 contiguous
states in modern history. The 20 11 Fukushima earthquake off the coast of Honshu. Ja¬
pan. measured 9.0 on the Richter scale. How many times stronger was the Fukushima
earthquake than the San Francisco earthquake? Round to the nearest whole number.
(Source:U.S. Geological Survey)

Let /, represent the intensity of the San Francisco earthquake, and let I2 represent the
intensityoftheFukushimaearthquake. Usethe equation M = lo = log / — log/() g(ÿ)
to express the magnitude of each earthquake in terms of its intensity.

9.0 - log I2 - log /() The magnitude of the Fukushima earthquake was 9.0.
7.8 - log /, ~ log /<, The magnitude of the San Francisco earthquake was 7.8.
1.2 = log I2 — log /, Subtract the equations.

1.2 = log t2/ Use the Quotient Property of Logarithms.

J = 101"2 Write the equivalent exponential equation.

h- 10'-/, Solve for />.

2 ~
The Fukushima earthquake was approximately 16 times stronger than the
San Francisco earthquake.

0 Point of Interest A chemist measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution by measuring the concentra¬
tion of hydrogen ions. H in the solution using the formula pH = —log (H *). A neutral
solution such as distilled water has a pH of 7. acids have a pH less than 7. and alkaline
solutions (also called basic solutions) have a pH greater than 7.

M F'nd the pH of orange juice that has a hydrogen ion concentration. H \

of 2.9 X 1(T4. Round to the nearest tenth.

Soren Sorerisen
ph = -log on
= -log (2.9 X 10 4) • H* = 2.9 x 10"4
The pH scale was created
Dy Danish biochemist Soren
Sorensen in 1909 to measure
The pH of the orange juice is approximately 3.5.
the acidity of water used in
the brewing of beer. pH is
an abbreviation for pondus
hydrogenii, which translates
as "potential hydrogen."

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi. i>» h,unil«msi. <r Ai?l>cnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> cn«nno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji inlor n'kpxi.i.
hÿura! haJccnciiluttt)' «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccnxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnimtiirt l

An investment of $3000 is placed into an Find the hydrogen ion concentration. H of
accountthat earns 1 2cfc annual interest compounded vinegar that has a pH of 2.9.
monthly. In approximately how many years will the
investment be worth twice the original amount?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the time, solve the compound interest
formula for it. Use A = 6000,
P = 3000. and / = ÿ ÿ = 0.0I.

Solution Your solution

A = P{\ 4- I)"
6000 = 3000(1 + 0.01)"
6000 = 3000(1.01)"
2 = (1.01)" Divide by 3000.
log 2 = log (1.0 1)" Take the log of eachside.
log 2 = n log 1.01 Power Property
log 2 _
Divide each side by
log 1.01 " log 1.01.
70 ~n
70 months -4- 12 ÿ
5.8 years
In approximately 6 years, the investment will be
worth $6000.

Rhenium- 186 is a radioactive isotope with a The percent of light p, as a decimal, that passes
half-life of approximately 3.78 days. Rhenium- 1 86 through a substance of thickness c! in meters, is
is sometimes used for pain management. If a given by log p = —kd. The value of k for a type of
patient receives a dose of 5 micrograms of opaque glass is 6. How thick a piece of this glass
rhenium- 186. how long (in days) will it take for the is necessary so that 20c/c of the Iight passes
patient's rhenium- 186 level to reach 2 micrograms? through the glass?

Strategy Your strategy

• Use the equation A - A0(0.5)'".
• Replace A with 2. A0 with 5. and k with 3.78.
Then solve for /.

Solution Your solution

A = A. (0.5)'"
2 = 5(0.5)''378

= (0.5)'3'78
log (0.4) = log (0.5)
J.I o
3.78 log (0.4)
log (0.5)
4.997 « /
In approximately 5 days, there will be 2 micrograms
of rhenium- 186 remaining in the patient's body.
Solutions on p. S31
Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol VU, m h,icmdrani,cr irlÿnln »l»iW it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rah. o> llinl i lew nnj k 4inrcueÿ fwr Ue cttxl arilor ei'siftxn
hdbra!review 1»Jccnci (lui *tj ainvcacÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nucnilb »»» crall Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cam/if rc<n:< be njÿil ic xtk'.c c<ftxnl at anj line ii «jV«ajucni n(h>rotrxtwnt rojurc t


Concept Check
1. bS What is compound interest?
2. In each case, state whether A =A represents exponential growth or exponential
i. 0<h< 1 b. h > I

OBJECTIVE A To solve applicationproblems

Compound Interest For Exercises 3 to 6. use the compound interest formula
A = P{\ + /)", where P is the original value of an investment, iis the interest rate per
compounding period, n is the total number of compounding periods, and A is the value
of the investment after n periods.
3. An investment broker deposits SI000 into an account that earns 8 c/c annual interest
compounded quarterly. What is the value of the investment after 2 years? Round to
the nearest dollar.

4. A financial advisor recommends that a client deposit $2500 into a fund that earns
1.5c/c annual interest compounded monthly. What will be the value of the investment
after 3 years? Round to the nearest cent.

5. To save for college tuition, the parents of a preschooler invest $5000 in a bond fund
that earns 6c/c annual interest compounded monthly. In approximately how many
years will the investment be worth $15,000?

6. A hospital administrator deposits SI 0.000 into an account that earns 6% annual in¬
terest compounded monthly. In approximately how many years will the investment
be w orth $15,000?

Radioactivity ForExercises 7 to 10. use the exponential decay equation A <4o(0.5)'\

where A is the amount of a radioactive material present after time t, k is the half-life of
the radioactive substance, and A0 is the original amount of the radioactive substance.

Round to the nearest tenth.
7. An isotope of technetium is used to prepare images of internal body organs. The
isotope has a half-life of about 6 h. A patient is injected with 30 mg of the isotope.
a. What is the technetium level in the patient after 3 h?
b. How long (in hours) w ill it take for the technetium level to reach 20 mg?

8. Iodine- 131 is an isotope that is used to study the functioning of the thyroid gland.
This isotope has a half-life of approximately 8 days. A patient is given an injection
that contains 8 micrograms of iodine- 131.
a. What is the iodine level in the patient after 5 days?
b. How long (in days) will it take for the iodine level to reach 5 micrograms?

9. A sample of promethium- 147 (used in some paints) w eighs 25 mg. One year later, the
sample weighs 18.95 mg. What is the half-life of promethium- 147, in years?

10. Francium-223 is a very rare radioactive isotope discovered in 1939 by Marguerite

Percy. A 3 -microgram sample of francium-223 decays to 2.54 micrograms in 5 min.
What is the half-life of francium-223. in minutes?

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKocnoL Mi, n» h,otmlrami. 11 italicaal. n *t»iW it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-w rtfhi 01llird put, nunno, K: airficuci ittxi nior pliitinii.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l

J Seismology For Exercises 1 1 to 14. use the Richter scale equation M — log j.
in me news!
where Mis the magnitude of an earthquake. / is the intensity of the shock waves, and /<>
is the measure of the intensity of a zero-level earthquake.
11. An earthquake in Japan on March 2. 1933, measured 8.9 on the Richter scale. Find
the intensity of the earthquake in terms of /0. Round to the nearest whole number. Earthquake Strikes
Remote Area
12. Read the article at the right about the April 13, 2010. earthquake in Qinghai prov¬ of China
ince. China. Find the intensity of this earthquake, in terms of /o. for each of the Rescue workers continue
magnitudes reported in the article. Round to the nearest thousand. to look for survivors of a
severe earthquake that
13. In 2008. a 6.9-magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Honshu. Japan. In the shook a remote area of
western China. The China
same year, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred near Quetta. Pakistan. How many Earthquake Commission
times stronger was the Honshu earthquake than the Quetta earthquake? Round to the reported the quake at
nearest tenth. magnitude 7.1 on the
Richter scale, while the
14. In 2008. a 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Oregon. In the same U.S. Geological Survey
year, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred near Xinjiang. China. How many times recorded the quake at
magnitude 6.9.
stronger was the Xinjiang earthquake than the one off the coast of Oregon? Round to
the nearest tenth.

£ Seismology A seismogram is used to Find the

magnitude of an earthquake. Magnitude depends Arrival of
first s-\vavc
on a shock wave's amplitude A and the differ¬
ence in time / between the arrival of a primary
wave (p-wave) and a secondary wave (s-wave).
Amplitude 23 mm-
The amplitude A of a wave is half the difference
between its high and low points. For the seismo-
gram at the right. A is 23 mm and / is 24 s. The
equation is M = log A + 3 log 8/ - 2.92. Use this Time between
equation for Exercises 15 to 17. Round to the near¬ s-wavc and p-wavc
est tenth.

15. Determine the magnitude of the earthquake for the seismogram shown above.

16. Find the magnitude of an earthquake that has a seismogram with an amplitude of
30 mm and for which / is 2 1 s.

17. Find the magnitude of an earthquake that has a seismogram with an amplitude of
28 mm and for which / is 28 s.

Chemistry For Exercises 18 to 21. use the equation pH = —log (H ' ), where H is
the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution.
18. Find the pH of milk, which has a hydrogen ionconcentration of 3.97 x 10 . Round
to the nearest tenth.

19. Find the pH of a baking soda solution for which the hydrogen ion concentration is
3.98 x 10 9. Round to the nearest tenth.
20. The pH of pure water is 7. What is the hydrogen ion concentration of pure water?

21. Peanuts grow best in soils that have a pH between 5.3 and 6.6. What is the range of
hydrogen ion concentrations for these soils?
LHe>5 otto»Wse rclffl. alccnlBlerthis p=ge 3 $ Caxpge laam'rg.

Cmndi. "Oil CmMc Icsmnl. *11 K«l.< Vbj mi K,unil«miin JirliocJ a »hik a is nm. I>ic m(lactonertftu o> llinl m*. cuikii(raj K: fens 6c cHrci inlor rtSoiui'i.
rdiira!rtsit* Jccnciilut tzy «jnrc<acicocicrt ik<i r«n nunulb xf&o. »»» craJI Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnf rc<n;< ic njÿil U> pctkac iÿlumil ccoxnl at anj line »l aJVwajucni njlorotixtwmroiairc t

Sound For Exercises 22 to 25. use the equation D = I0(log / + 1 6). where D is the
number of decibels of a sound and Iis the intensity of the sound in watts per square cen¬
timeter. Round decibels to the nearest whole number.
22. Find the number of decibels of normal conversation. The intensity of the sound of
normal conversation is approximately 3.2 X l() 10 watts/cm2.

23. 'J The loudest sound made by any animal is made by the blue whale and can be
heard from more than 500 mi away. The intensity of the sound is 630 watts/cm 2. Find
the number of decibels of sound emitted by the blue whale.

24. Although pain thresholds for sound vary in humans, a decibel level of 125 decibels
will produce pain (and even hearing loss) for most people. What is the intensity, in
watts per square centimeter, of 125 decibels?

25. The purr of a cat is approximately 25 decibels. What is the intensity, in watts per
square centimeter, of 25 decibels?

Light For Exercises 26 and 27. use the equation log P = — kd. which gives the percent
P, as a decimal, of light passing through a substance of thickness d, in meters.
26. The value of k for a swimming pool is approximately 0.05. At what depth, in meters,
will the percent of light be 75% of the light at the surface of the pool?

27. The constant A' for a piece of blue stained glass is 20. What percent of light will pass
through a piece of this glass that is 0.005 m thick?

28. Earth Science The atmospheric pressure changes as you rise above Earth's sur¬
face. At an altitude of h kilometers, where 0 < h < 80. the pressure Pin newtons per
square centimeter is approximately modeled by the equation P(li) = 10. 13e 01 l6\
a. What is the approximate pressure at 40 km above Earth's surface?
b. What is the approximate pressure on Earth's surface?
c. Does atmospheric pressure increase or decrease as you rise above Earth's surface?

29. Chemistry The intensity / of an x-ray after it passes through a material x centi¬
meters thick is given by I= I0e kl. where /0 is the initial intensity of the x-ray and
k is a number that depends on the material.The constant k for copper is 3.2. Find the
thickness of copper such that the intensity of an x-ray after passing through the cop¬
per is 25% of the original intensity. Round to the nearest tenth.

30. Failure Rate The probability P. as a percent, that a certain computer keyboard in
a public library will last more than Iyears can be approximated by P = lOOf 1 2j.
a. What is the probability that the keyboard will last more than 3 years? Round to
the nearest tenth.
b. After how many years will the probability of keyboard failure be 90%? Round to
the nearest tenth.

31. ÿ Assuming an exponential model is appropriate for each of the following, would
the situation be modeled using exponential growth or exponential decay?
a. The atmospheric pressure x meters above the surface of Earth
b. The temperature of a roast / minutes after it is put in a hot oven
c. The temperature of a hot cup of tea that Is put in a refrigerator
d. The spread of a contagious disease

Cereiilhl 3011CR0CH II1~CIAll K tfVi. Ktunnl. VU, K: «mci ir onlKrai. a »hik w it pvt. I»« la ckciunirtftu. ivo imud"ay K: wiicutj fccm at itv-4 irJjr irtiiun.l
thnl |
hv ikaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc eerier* Jcci ok riaicmlb aficci Ctc at cnll tcimn/ exxntra. Ccanfc I tim ng fcnnc< ix njÿii lo
f *Liiral roic»» pcyk'vc cmxni ii iny iir*< if «jV«cjt n/k«rMnctwm retire i.

Critical Thinking
32. Doubling Time Some investors want to know the "doubling time" of an
investment— that is. the amount of time it will take for the investment to grow to
tw ice its initial value. Suppose the value of an investment in an account earning
an annual interest rate of lck compounded daily grows according to the equation
A = A„(l ÿÿj365',
+ where A0 is the initial value of the investment and / is the
time in years. Find the doubling time for the investment. Round to the nearest year.

33. Continuous Compounding In some scenarios, economists w ill use continu¬

ous compounding of an investment. The equation for continuous compounding is
A = A0e", where A is the present value of an initial investment of A0 at an annual
interest rate r (as a decimal), and t is the time in years.
a. Find the value of an investment of S5000 after 3 years if interest is
compounded continuously at an annual rate of 6(/c.
b. If an investor wants to grow a continuously compounded investment of
SI000 to SI 250 in 2 years, what interest rate must the investor receive? Round to
the nearest tenth.

34. oft Uranium Dating A tract of pinkish bedrock on the shore of Canada's Hudson
Bay may contain the oldest known rock on Earth. Some scientists estimate the age
of the rock at 4.28 billion years. The carbon- 14 dating method does not work on
rocks, so methods based on different radioactive elements are used. One such method
uses uranium-235, which has a half-life of approximately 713 million years. Use the
uranium-235 dating equation A = to estimate the percent of
uranium-235 remaining in the Hudson Bay rock. (Hint: Begin by finding j- when
t — 4.28 billion years.) Round to the nearest tenth of a percent.

Projects or Group Activities

35. £ Steroid Use When air resistance is considered, the height f in feet, of a base¬
ball .v feet from home plate after being hit at a certain angle can be approximated by in me NEWS!
fix) =
ball in feet
0.5774v + 155
-3> In 565.3
per second when it leaves the bat.
.• - 0.2747a-
+ 3.5. where v is the speed of the
Steroids Increase
a. If v = 160 ft/s. show that a baseball will hit near the bottom of a 15-foot-high Number of
fence 375 ft from home plate. Home Runs
b. Read the article at the right. If the speed in part (a) is increased by 4%, show that Steroids can help batters
the baseball will clear the fence by approximately 9 ft. hit 50 percent more home
c. 31 Use the value of v from part (b). Determine the greatest distance from home runs by boosting their
muscle mass by just
plate the 15-foot fence could be placed such that a ball hit w ith speed v would 10 percent, according
clear the fence. Round to the nearest foot. to Roger Tobin of Tufts
University. Calculations
show that by acquiring
36. U Ball Flight Air resistance plays a large role in the flight of a ball. If air re¬ 10percent more muscle
sistance is ignored, then the height h. in feet, of a baseball x feet from home mass, a batter can swing
plate after being hit at the same angle as in Exercise 35 can be approximated by about 5 percent faster,
increasing the ball's speed
h(x) = + 0.5774.V +
3.5. If the speed of a ball as it leaves the bat is
as it leaves the bat by
160 ft/s, how much farther will the ball travel before hitting the ground if air resis¬ 4 percent.
tance is ignored than it would if air resistance were considered? Round to the nearest Source: www.rejters ccxn

Krjrirfi. :i>liCrw Iam'ac All KocnoL Mq ix< Ix mxiir onlKrcJ. a »hik tr it pm. I>« uidccVont nlHt. : ihnJ jtany naicti nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem ac cftxl. ar«lora'VapxT «i
riliraimicn thr. Mzy «rtrv«cc coucnJc<« r»»: numilb tOoei iu incrall kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix njÿii I crnxni il any line it* «t n/k«rMnctwm ro*«irc a.


"10 Summary

Key Words Examples

A function of the form f(x) = b\ b > 0. b f 1, is an exponential f(x) = 3* is an exponential function.

function. The number b is the base of the exponential function. 3 is the base of the function.
[10.1A. p. 5601

exponential function. [ 1 0. 1 A. p. 56 11
The function defined by f(x) e' is called the natural f(x) = 2e'
' is a natural exponential
function, e is an irrational number
approximately equal to 2.71 828183.
Because the exponential function is a l-l function, it has an inverse log2 8 = 3 is equivalent to 8 = 2 .
function, called a logarithm. The definition of logarithm is as
follows: For x > 0. b > 0. b f 1, y = log,,.v is equivalent to
x = b\ [ 1 0.2A. p. 5691
Logarithms with base 10 are called common logarithms. We Iogi0l00 = 2 is usually written
usually omit the base. 10, when writing the common logarithm log 1 00 = 2.
of a number. [ 1 0.2 A, p. 5701

When e (the base of the natural exponential function) is used as a log, 1 00 4.6 1 is usually written
base of a logarithm, the logarithm is referred to as a natural In 100 *= 4.6 1.
logarithm and is abbreviated In .v. [10.2A. p. 5701

An exponential equation is one in which a variable occurs in an 2' = 12 is an exponential equation.

exponent. [ 1 0.4A, p. 5841

An exponential growth equation is an equation that can be P = 1000(1.03)" is an exponential growth

written in the form A = A0lP, where A is the size at time /, equation.
A0 is the initial size, b > 1.and k is a positive real number. In A = 10(0.5)' is an exponential decay
an exponential decay equation, the base is between 0 and 1. equation.
[10.5A. pp. 590-5911

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

1-1 Property of Exponential Functions [10.2A,p.569]
For b > 0, b f I, if If = bv. then u = v. If b' = b5, then x = 5.

Property of Log0 1 [10.2B. p. 57 1]

If b > 0. b f 1. then log,, 1 = 0. log6 1 =0

Property of Log,, b [ 1 0.2B. p. 57 1 1

If b > 0. b f 1. then \oghb = 1. logj4 = 1

1-1 Property of Logarithms [10.2B. p. 57 ll

For any positive real numbers x y, and b. b f I. if log,, x = log,, y. If log5 (x — 2) = log5 3, then .v — 2 = 3.
then .v = y.

Ccp]ri<bl "Oil 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vb, i>» h,unil <• AvbcaaL n »l»ik i» is p«n. I>n m tlccn-nt rtftu. o> llinl |tm> on«niraj K: airficucÿ ill--.4 mlor
h4ixral hdJccnciduitf) coMcri ikx a r«»; rucmlb iixc; .'x utcriil kimni nÿcncnc. CaMc 1 camnf rc*cr*:< be ntfhl U> bcvkac jolumil ccnuni at anj line «l «jV«ajucni rDtrktwmroÿiire 1

Inverse Property of Logarithms [ 10.2B. p. 57 1]

For any positive real numbers a and b, b I, bir*i> ' = x and Iog3 34 =4
log, b' = x.

Product Property of Logarithms

[10.2B. p. 5721 log, (3a) = log, 3 + log, x
For any positive real numbers x, y. and b.
b± I, log, (,xy) = log, x + log, y.

Quotient Property of Logarithms ( 10.2B. p. 572]

For any positive real numbers x, y, and b, b I,
log,~ = log, x - log, y.
log, —x = log, x - log, 20

Power Property of Logarithms [10.2B. p. 572]

For any positive real numbers x and b, b I. and for any real log.A'5 5 log, A
number r, log, x' = r log, x. * =

Change-of-Base Formula f I0.2C, p. 574]

log. A' , log 12 , „ In 16
log.. A' = g3 = |0&I5~
log,fl "iogT


10 Review Exercises

1. Evaluate fix) = ex~2 at x = 2. 2. Write log5 25 = 2 in exponential form.

3. Graph: fix) = 3"1 + 2 4. Graph: fix) = log3(A - I)

, 1
4 -2 0 >
<S £1 —£ ~£ c1 > 4
. ÿ>
I 1
ÿ T 1

~.l. .

! _L

5. Write log3\V.vV in expanded form. 6. Write 2 log3 a — 5 log3 y as a single logarithm

with a coefficient of I.

LHessothawise i*r.ffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiitfa :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu Knmol M«j f>il h,cc(<nlrani,cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik it i:ptil. IXc m ilccninrah. o> llird |un> onlctino, K: ton ji inkVx
hÿiara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

7. Solve: 272r+4 = 81*"3


8. Solve: log5 ;
= 1

9. Find log6 22. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. 10. Solve: log2 x = 5

11. Solve: logj (a + 2) - 4 12. Solve: logi0A - 3

13. Write - (log7 .t + 4 Iog7y) as a single logarithm 14. Write

r_s .
togsyp in expanded form.
with a coefficient of I.

15. Write 2? = 32 in logarithmic form. 16. Find log, 1.6. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

17. Solve 3* ~ ÿ
5. Round to the nearest thousandth. 18. Evaluate /(.r) = (3Y "
at x = -3.

19. Solve: log2(.v + 3) - log2(.v — 1) = 3 20. Solve: log3(lv + 3) + log,(a - 2) = 2

21. Graph: /(a) = (- 22. Graph: /(.v) = log2(lv — I)

n r _ 1° *1
1 -1

23. Evaluate: Iog636 24. Write 3 (log2.r — log2y) as a single logarithm with
a coefficient of I.

25. Solve for a: 92' = 3 +3 26. Solve for a: 5 3"-

- 12. Round to the nearest ten- tisfay is CCffgae Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il<nlrani,cr iSkIichJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lovmrah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: ufpcuci Son ji itv-vi mlor OkniT".
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll lornn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc*nc<6c nj6lb«tiw< try
ccoxnl it 1 Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrn rotiirt l

27. Solve for .v: log5 x = —I 28. Write 34 - 8 1 in logarithmic form.

29. Solve for x: log x + log (x - 2) - log 15 30. Write log5 V.v2y in expanded form.

31. Solve for .v: 6c = 17. Round to the nearest 32. Evaluate fix) = T*2 at v = -3

33. Evaluate: log2 16 34. Solve for .r: log6 x - logf,2 + log6 (2v - 3)

35. Evaluate log: 5. Round to the nearest i

36. Solve for x: 4* = 8'

37. Solve for .v: log5 .v - 4

a coefficient of 1.

38. Write 3 log,, x 7 logh y as a single logarithm with

39. Evaluate f(x) = 5~I_I at .v = -2 40. Solve 5' 2 = 7 for.v. Round to the nearest

41. Investments Use the compound interest formula P = A{ 1 + /)", where A is the
original value of an investment. / is the interest rate per compounding period, n is the
number of compounding periods, and P is the value of the investment after n peri¬
ods. to find the value of an investment after 2 years. The amount of the investment is
$4000. and it is invested at 8T compounded monthly. Round to the nearest dollar.

42. Seismology The earthquake of greatest magnitude ever recorded in the

United States occurred in March of 1964 at Prince William Sound. Alaska. The in¬
tensity of the earthquake was / = 1.584.893. 1 9270. Find the R ichter scale magnitude
of the earthquake. Use the Richter scale equation M - log where M is the mag¬
nitude of an earthquake. / is the intensity of the shock waves, and /o is the measure
of the intensity of a zero-level earthquake. Round to the nearest tenth.

43. Radioactivity Use the exponential decay equation A A0(0.5)"\ where A is the
amount of a radioactive material present after time /. k is the half-life of the radio¬
active material, and A0 is the original amount of radioactive material, to find the
half-life of a material that decays from 25 mg to 15 mg in 20 days. Round to the near¬
est whole number.

44. Sound The number of decibels D of a sound can be given by the equation
D = 10(log / + 16), where / is the intensity of the sound measured in watts per
square centimeter. Find the number of decibels of sound emitted from a busy street
corner for which the intensity of the sound is 5 X 10 0 watts/cm2. Round to the
nearest decibel.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol lb,i>» h,unil cr rtalrcnd. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n mclraorurah. o> llird run, cmctino, K: airficucÿ ton mlor PkiuTil.
h3i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l


1. Evaluate f(x) - (jV
j) at jc = 0. 2. Evaluate /(x) = 3, + l at.v = -2

3. Graph: f(x) = 2' - 3 4. Graph: f(x) = 2' + 2

1 0 -4 > II f 4

— 2

1 i

5. Evaluate: log4 16 6. Solve for x: logs v - —2

7. Graph: f(x) = log;(2r) 8. Graph: f(x) = log3(x + 1)

— 1-1
T »

> 1 I £I i >
1 4

| _ :i A
i H i

9. Write log<> V.xy5 in expanded form. 10. Write 7(log3 x — log3j) as a single logarithm with
a coefficient of 1 .

11. Write In in expanded form. 12. Write 3 In x — Iny — t In z as a single logarithm

Vs with a coefficient of I.

Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIorient on Pispeÿ is LflanitQ.

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Hiltu Ktunol »U> im h.icmdrani,cr dnltcnj. n »Hik it I!ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rtfhi o> llinl r K«nu) k 4inrvucÿ fec*r M cftxl aralor ci'safixr 4i.
hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c uq line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>rotrxtunt rojurc t
c<ftxnl at


1. Evaluate f(x) - (jV
j) at jc = 0. 2. Evaluate /(x) = 3, + l at.v = -2

3. Graph: f(x) = 2' - 3 4. Graph: f(x) = 2' + 2

1 0 -4 > II f 4

— 2

1 i

5. Evaluate: log4 16 6. Solve for x: logs v - —2

7. Graph: f(x) = log;(2r) 8. Graph: f(x) = log3(x + 1)

— 1-1
T »

> 1 I £I i >
1 4

| _ :i A
i H i

9. Write log<> V.xy5 in expanded form. 10. Write 7(log3 x — log3j) as a single logarithm with
a coefficient of 1 .

11. Write In in expanded form. 12. Write 3 In x — Iny — t In z as a single logarithm

Vs with a coefficient of I.

Irtsssothawserc(Bct aiIorient on Pispeÿ is LflanitQ.

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Hiltu Ktunol »U> im h.icmdrani,cr dnltcnj. n »Hik it I!ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rtfhi o> llinl r K«nu) k 4inrvucÿ fec*r M cftxl aralor ci'safixr 4i.
hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c uq line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>rotrxtunt rojurc t
c<ftxnl at

13. Solve for r. 37,+' = 341"5 14. Solve for .y: 8' = 2*"6

15. Solve for x: 3'= 17. Round to the nearest 16. Solve for r. log.v + log(.v — 4) ÿ
log 12

17. Solve for x: log6.r + log6(.r - I) = 1 18. Find log5 9. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.

19. Find log? 1 9. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth. 20. Solve for .r: 5"' = 9. Round to the nearest

21. Solve for x: 2e' 4 = 9. Round to the nearest 22. Solve for r. Iogs(30.r) - log5(.v + I) = 2

23. Carbon Dating A shard from a vase originally contained 250 mg of carbon-14
and now contai ns 1 70 mg of carbon- 14. Use the equat ion A — A0 (0.5)"5570, where A0
is the original amount of carbon- 14 in the shard and A is the amount of carbon-14 in
the shard lyears later, to find the approximate age of the shard. Round to the nearest
whole number.

24. Sound Use the decibel equation D 10(log / + 16). where D is the decibel level
and / is the intensity of a sound in watts per square centimeter, to find the intensity of
a 75-decibel dial tone.

25. Radioactivity Use the exponential decay equation A = A()(0.5)"\ where A is the
amount of a radioactive material present after time /, k is the half-life of the material.
and Ao is the original amount of radioactive material, to find the half-life of a mate¬
rial that decays from 10 mg to 9 mg in 5 h. Round to the nearest whole number.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. KimimJ. Mi) ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik ir it put. I>« In ikoiv'i. rtfhi. : ihnl jtcrtj orncti nuy he «irfTO»ed fcem be cl aral urc<ÿ«cn«i.
tiliraimipi thr. Mzy coucnJc<« r»»: numilb Ac incnll kimv cxjcncru Icamnf rc*mc< ix I cmxni n iny line if «aV*c4i n/k«rMnctwm retire l
Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Solve: 4 - 2[x - 3(2 - 3.r) - 4x

3. Factor:

5. Simplify:

and solutions

3x -y + z = 3
x + y + 4z = l
3x 2y + 3z = 8
4x4 + lx2 + 3

11. Solve: x2 + 4x 5 < 0



LJ J-—4
ÿ 0
Vx - Vy

7. Write a quadratic equation with integer coefficients

- and —3.

9. Solve by the addition method:

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

13. Graph: fix) ( T J +1


lilesscths'Mse icIMall coxemon rispej> is I

Krjrirfi. JOU Crw IiimHt. All Ktf Si.

Tilingroim Ism JcokJihr.

C«tfif Isariri;.

Mi) Ix
= 2x

4. Simplify:

8. Graph the solution set: 2x

10. Subtract:

12. Solve: |2r - 5| <3


14. Graph: fix) - log2x - I

«vncc. tr dirlicnU. nil.ilci.ii pvt. Dii ui ckoiv'.c


1 h
J\ ~[—-4

x -4
2 -x


~ -

2. Find the equation of the line that contains the

point P(2. —2) and is parallel to the graph of
2v - v = 5.

i-UA X

6. Solve by completing the square: x2 — 4x — 6



" -

I - 6x
— y <3
+y < 1

2x- - 7x + 6

mm tSini |tnj aatcti"u| K: wtrcvia ttn at ctv-i ir.1jr iOiomn

Jc<« r»»: nunull) x'tci iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng rv*tnc< ix niÿii lo actKÿc tÿluiml ccnxni ii iny line i! «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

= 0

15. Evaluate /(.a) = 2"r_l at a* = -3. 16. Solve for a: log5 .v = 3

17. Write 3 log,, a — 5 logfcy as a single logarithm 18. Find log? 7. Round to the nearest ten-thousandth.
with a coefficient of I.

19. Solve for a" 4s* ~ 2 = 43**2 20. Solve for a*: log a: + log(2a + 3) - log 2

21. Banking A bank offers two types of business checking accounts. One account has
a charge of S5 per month plus 2 cents per check. The second account has a charge
of S2 per month plus 8 cents per check. How many checks can a customer who has
the second type of account write if it is to cost the customer less than the first type of
checking account?

22. Mixtures Find the cost per pound of a mixture made from 16 lb of chocolate that
costs $4.00 per pound and 24 lb of chocolate that costs $2.50 per pound.

23. Uniform Motion A plane can fly at a rate of 225 mph in calm air. Traveling with
the wind, the plane flew 1000 mi in the same amount of time it took to fly 800 mi
against the wind. Find the rate of the w ind.

24. Physics The distance dthat a spring stretches varies directly as the force / used to
stretch the spring. If a force of 20 lb stretches a spring 6 in., how far will a force of
34 lb stretch the spring?

25. Carpentry A carpenter purchased 80 ft of redwood and 140 ft of fir for a total cost
of $67. A second purchase, at the same prices, included 140 ft of redwood and 100 ft
of fir for a total cost of $8 1 . Find the cost of redwood and of fir.

26. Investments The compound interest formula is A = P(1 + *)", where P is the
original value of an investment, / is the interest rate per compounding period, n is
the total number of compounding periods, and A is the value of the investment after
?i periods. Use the compound interest formula to find how many years it will take for
an investment of $5000 to double in value. The investment earns 7<T annual interest
and is compounded semiannually.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Htftu KocnoL lb,ml h,unilrami, cr di?l>cnd. n (.Ink i» i:«n. I>n m ilccnmrtfhi o> llird mjon«n(Taj K: wnoi &«•» ittxi inlor cV'fanxn «i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «iV«n«ni rotiKtwni rotiirt l
Conic Sections

Focus on Success
A To graph a parabola Remember to prepare your brain for the
SECTION 11.2 material you will leam in this chapter.
A To find the equation of a Read the list of objectives on this page.
circle and then graph the Look through the entire chapter, noting
B To write the equation of a words that are in bold type. Read the rules
circle in standard form and definitions that appear in boxes. By
getting an overview of the new material,
A To graph an ellipse with you will be building a foundation for
center at the origin learning it (See Get the Big Picture,
B To graph a hyperbola with AIM-7.)
center at the origin

A To solve a nonlinear system
of equations

A To graph the solution set of
a quadratic inequality in two Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
B To graph the solution set
find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
of a nonlinear system of
inequalities 1. Find the distance between the 2. Complete the square on
points with coordinates (-2,3) .r2 - 8.v. Write the resulting
and (4, - I). Round to the near¬ perfect-square trinomial as the
est hundredth. square of a binomial.

3. Solve —
y = 3 and when v 0.
+ = I_for x when 4. Solve by the substitution
lx + 4y = 3
y = x-2

5. Solve by the addition method: 6. Find the equation of the axis of

Ax - v = 9 symmetry and the coordinates
Iv + 3y = -13 of the vertex of the graph of
y = x - 4.r +

7. Graph: f(x) = - 2x 2 + 4.v 8. Graph the solution set:

.t + 2y < 4
x-ys 2 I •4 1
— 1
0 > r
Uikssotarwas txffid.31 axrWt on Ihs (E(£ is © C0tipj>laariiq 607

:iilIlow Itannic »" H&U VUf nl l« «un,J. 1> iclicua. n -Kik i< It p«l !>Ki<i>lc(.-iunir«tu.«iKlhni n"W cimu-ui b. unraÿ&in 6c ilVsi ir>ljiclluu""
Pdiiralmira hvJtcncJlhilaq nRmicnilb »ifct 6c uxnll lamn/ (vcr»nv. CaMC I amn;roo>C4i* nÿhi XTmc idluinil craxni n wj tit>c n(k>rolfKlWcnKÿurc 1

11.1 The Parabola

OBJECTIVE A To graph a parabola

The conic sections are curves that can be constructed from the intersection of a plane and
a right circular cone. The parabola, which was introduced earlier, is one of these curves.
Here we will review some of that previous discussion and look at equations of parabolas
that were not discussed before.

The lour conic sections

vtf Vertex
(parabola circle, ellipse, and Axis of
hyperbola) are obtained by symmetry
slicing a cone with planes of
various orientations. Every parabola has an axis of symmetry and a vertex that is on the axis of symmetry.
To understand the axis of symmetry, think of folding the paper along that axis. The two
halves of the curve will match up.
The graph of the equation y = ax1 + bx + c, a 0. is a parabola with the axis of sym¬
metry parallel to the y-axis. The parabola opens up when a > 0 and opens down when *
a < 0. When the parabola opens up. the vertex is the lowest point on the parabola. When
the parabola opens down, the vertex is the highest point on the parabola.
The coordinates of the vertex can be found by completing the square.

Find 'he coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with equation

y = x2 - 4.x + 5.
y = x2 — 4.v + 5
y = (v: - 4.v) + 5 • Group the terms involving*.
y = (x2 - 4.t + 4) -4+5 • Complete the square on x* - 4x. Note that 4 is
added and subtracted. Because 4 — 4 = 0. the
equation is not changed.
y = (x - 2)2 + I • Factor the trinomial and combine like terms.

The coefficient of x~ is positive, so the parabola

opens up. The vertex is the lowest point on the pa¬
rabola. or the point that has the least v-coordinate.

Because (v 2) 2 s: 0 for all x, the least y-coordinate
occurs when (.r - 2)2 = 0. or when .r = 2. This 4
means that the .v-coordinate of the vertex is 2.
_ ~1
« -
' T
To find the y-coordinate of the vertex, replace .v in — .J
y = (.v - 2)2 + I by 2 and solve for y.

y = Cv - 2)2 + I
= (2 - 2)2 + I = I
The coordinates of the vertex are (2. 1 ).
LHessoBnwijr al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

(:<Ariiht :ol> (IriW Iturn). All ha Kntnol Vtaj i>» h,iiroJrani,cr Ai?l>cKd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> imnnm (« ton irjor cX'fapxn «»-
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<hc tÿlamil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

By follow ing the procedure of HOW TO l and completing the squgre on the equation
Point of Interest y - ax 2 + bx + c, we find that the x-coordinate of the v ertex is The y-coordinate
of the vertex can be determined by substituting this value of .v into y ~ ax2 + bx + c
and solving for.v.

Because the axis of symmetry is parallel to the y-axis and passes through the vertex, the
equation of the axis of symmetry is x =

Golden Gate Bridge

The suspension cables for Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates
some bridges, such as the
Golden Gate bridge, hang
ofthe vertex of the parabola with equation y = -3.v2 + 6.v + 1. Then sketch its graph.
in the shape of a parabola.
Parabolic shapes are also
used for mirrors in telescopes
.v-coordinate: —— = -
2( 3)
Find the .r-coordinafe of the vertex and
the equation of the axis of symmetry.
and in certain antenna
designs. a = -3,/> = 6

The .v-coordinate of the vertex is 1 .

The equation of the axis of symmetry is .v - 1 .

To find the y-coordinate of the vertex, replace x by 1 and solve for y.

y = -3.v2 + 6.v + I
= -3(1)2 + 6(1) +1=4

The coordinates of the vertex are (1,4).
4 ? 4
Because a is negative, the parabola opens down.
Find a few ordered pairs and use symmetry to sketch
the graph. Jl

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the
vertex of the parabola with equation v - .v2 - 2. Then sketch its graph.

B Integrating
•ÿ><ÿ>> Technology
For instructions on using a
.v-coordinate: —- 2(1)
=0 • Find the .r-coordinate of the vertex and the
equation of the axis of symmetry, a = l,/i = 0
graphing calculator to find
the vertex of a parabola, see The .v-coordinate of the vertex is 0.
the Keystroke Guide: Mln
and Max. The equation of the axis of symmetry is x - 0.

To find the y-coordinate of the vertex, replace .v by 0 and solve for y.

y = .v2 - 2
= 02 - 2 = -2

The coordinates of the vertex are (0, -2).

Because a is positive, the parabola opens up.

Find a few ordered pairs and use symmetry to sketch
the graph.
Ittessctterwse tiedall cated.onPlspeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Uq i>» h,unil <r italicnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. .milird |un> cn«nno, K: Son ji ill--.4 irjor cV'fanxn «».
hÿura! ImJccnciiluitt)' «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<hc njliliÿKtiwc try
ccnxni it i lirx it «jY«ajucni mtiirt l

Tips for Success

The graph of an equation of the form x ay2 + by + c,
0, is also a parabola. In this case, the parabola opens
- Axis of

Express in your own words
the difference between the
to the right when a is positive and opens to the left when
_ -ÿ4-
a is negative.
equation of a parabola that
opens up or down and the
equation of a parabola that
opens right or left. Doing so For a parabola of this form, the j-coordinate of the vertex
will help you to remember the
is — The axis of symmetry is the line y =

Using the vertical-line test, the graph of a parabola of the form x = ay2 + by + c is not
the graph of a function. The graph is the graph of a relation.

F'nd ''le equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the
vertex of the parabola with equation .v - 2y~ - 8y + 5. Then sketch its graph.

v-coordinate: = ? Find they- coordinate of the vertex and the

2a 2(2)
equation of the axis of symmetry, a = 2. b = -8
The y-coordinate of the vertex is 2.
The equation of the axis of symmetry is v - 2.

To find the .v-coordinate of the vertex, replace y by 2 and solve for .v.
.r = 2y2 - 8y +5
= 2(2)2 - 8(2) + 5 = -3
Point of Interest ">
The coordinates of the vertex are (-3, 2). - ÿ

-i- >
0 i
Since a is positive, the parabola opens to the right.
P-I i2r _
Find a few ordered pairs and use symmetry to sketch
the graph.

''ie etlual'on °f 'he axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the

vertex of the parabola with equation .v - —2yr - 4y - 3. Then sketch its graph.
Hypatia (c. 340-415) is
considered the first prominent
y-coordinate: -±.-ÿ--1 • Find the y-coordinate of the vertex and
the equation of the axis of symmetry.
woman mathematician. She a = -2 .!> = -4
lectured in mathematics and
philosophy at the Museum The y-coordinate of the vertex is - 1 .
in Alexandria, at that time the
most distinguished place of
The equation of the axis of symmetry is y = - 1.
learning in the world. One of
the topics on which Hypatia To find the .v-coordinate of the vertex, replace y by - 1 and solve for x.
lectured was conic sections.
One historian has claimed x = -2y2 - 4y - 3
that v/ith the death (actually
= -2(-l)2 - 4(-l) - 3 = -1
the murder) of Hypatia. 'the
long and glorious history of The coordinates of the vertex are (-1,-1). 2 -
Greek mathematics was at
an end/
Because a is negative, the parabola opens to the left. n 4

Find a few ordered pairs and use symmetry to sketch


the graph. l4
IHass ottonvijr roiffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 fi Cergage leamrg.

CtCjrljbl "Oil Ca&it Iiininl- All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,iiiaJ.rani,cr dirltcnd. n -Hik it i:run. I>n in tlcm-w rah. o> llird luny imnno, K: airficucd &«•» ittx* «nlor n'rrtmri.
hÿUra! haJccnciihiitt)' «jnrva(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt 1
Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and
the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola
with equation y = x~ - 4.v + 3. Then sketch its



Axis of symmetry:
x =2

y = x2 - 4.r + 3
y = 2" - 4(2) + 3

Vertex: (2,-1)


Axis of symmetry:
y= 1
= 2v2 - 4y + I


= I
Axis of symmetry:
x =0

y = x2 + 1
y = 02 + I

Vertex: (0, I)


x = 2(1)2 - 4(1) + I

Vertex: (-1,1)


Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and

the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with
equation .v - 2y2 - 4y + I. Then sketch its graph.


= 1

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and

itttfc -i-i-i-i-}-!

the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with

equation y = .v 2 + 1 . Then sketch its graph.

lllesscths'Mse tclMall cirtemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* iBariri;.

Krjnrfi. -!•!5 CRW IamBc All k./m.


IxjiixJ. «vncc. tr oi.-IkmJ. nvbikir

ain*v<*cd coritn«k<i r»»*. «un»ill} xffccs
tic u» troll Icimn/ cxjtncra (

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and

the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with
equation y = x2 + 2r + I. Then sketch its graph.

Your solution

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and

the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with
equation x - - v2 - 2y + 2. Then sketch its graph.

Your solution

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and

the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola with
equation y = x2 2x

Your solution

l>*c Uiclocfeoac n/kt. «mc ihrd

I tames/ rctrtc*
— —

1 . Then sketch its graph.



i i |i

llii 2

ix njhl lo pcyk'vc iÿlmnil cmxni ii iny lint it* «iV*c4t

1 :


til ——



i.i 1


Solutions on p. S32

1 1
- .

X ..


| -i i.i
i I f i
_1. „i

J I.i ? 2

—— — —— ——
i i E i
—4—4 i—I I i
i ; ! ; \.\x

ftxrtj iwKti ray he «irfTO»cd feet* ut ctVxl xrA or u'Vanxr <i

n/k«rMnctwm roynrc

1 i .1




Concept Check
For Exercises I to 6. a. state whether the axis of symmetry is a vertical or a hori¬
zontal line, and b. state the direction in which the parabola opens.
1. y = 3.t2 - 4x +7 2. y = -x2 + 5.r - 2 3. .t = y2 + 2y -8

4. x = —3y2 - y +9 5. .v = --y2 - 4y - 7 6. v = -r.v2 + 6.v - I

OBJECTIVE A To graph a parabola

For Exercises 7 to 21. find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates
of the vertex of the parabola given by the equation. Then sketch its graph.

7. .t = y2 - 3y - 4 9. r = --

10. .v = p-2 - y + 1 12. y = — ÿ x-2 + Ix + 6

13. .r = y2 - y - 6 14. x = y2 + 6y +5 15. v = 2r2 + 4.r - 5

Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags Laimrg

Krjrirfi. :o:i Crw ItunHt. All k./m. KiktmJ. Mi) Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« Ui ikoiv'ii raHi mm iknl |tnjoatctirm, K: wittvcÿ fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «urfrvc«co couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< he niÿii lo tÿluiml ccotni ii iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/k* rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

16. .r = -y2 + 2v - 3 17. y = 2x2 -x - 3 18. y = lx2 - x- 5


- "

19. y = .r2 + 5.v + 6 20. y = x2 - 5x +4 21. .v = y2 - 2y - 5



Critical Thinking
Science Parabolashave a unique property that is important inthe design of telescopes Focus
and antennas. Ifa parabola has a mirroredsurface, thenall light rays parallelto the axisof
symmetry of the parabola are reflected to a single point called the focus of the parabola.
The location of this point is p units from the vertex on the axis of symmetry. The value
of p is given by p - where y - axz is the equation of a parabola with vertex at the
origin. Forthegraph of y - ÿ.v: shown at the right, the coordinates of the focus are (0. 1).
For Exercises 22 and 23. Find the coordinates of the focus of the parabola given by
the equation.
Parallel rays of light arc
reflected to the focus.
22. v = 23. y = 2v-

r"1 4<i 4(1.4)

Projects or Group Activities

24. In this activity, you will use a graphing calculator to create various graphs of the
torm y = ax~ + bx + c.
a. Graph y = ax2 + 3.v - 2 for a = 0.25. 0.5. 1, 2. and 3. How does the graph
change as the value of a increases?

b. Graph v = .v2 + bx 2 for b = — 2. - 1 .0. 1 . and 2. How does the graph change
as the value of b increases?
c. Graph v = .t2 + 2r + c for c = -2, - 1. 0. I. and 2. How does the graph change
as the value of c increases?
Unessctba"*ise rcted.all Pis is 'C layrirg.

Cvfjnjht 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Ktftu\<J vu. >i h.unil <• n »l»ik i« u nm. I>j» m(tornruW. o> llirj |un> mniiiraj K: Sot Mc itv-vi inlor n'Mtuio.
hs«Jccntjihn azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ceoxnl at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

11.2 The Circle

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the equation ofa circleandthen graph the circle

A circle is a conic section formed by the intersection of a cone and a plane parallel to the
base of the cone.

TJ Take Note
As the angle of the plane that
intersects the cone changes,
different conic sections are radius
formed. For a parabola, the center
plane was parallel lo the side
of the cone. For a circle, the
plane is parallel to the base
of the cone.

A circle can be defined as all points (*,>') in the plane that are a fixed distance from a
given point (/». A), called the center. The fixed distance is the radius of the circle.

The equation of a circle can be determined by using the distance formula.

Let (/?. k) be the coordinates of the center of the circle, let r v

be the radius, and let (.*, v) be any point on the circle. Then.
by the distance formula,
r = V(.r " h)2 + (>• - k)2
Squaring each side of the equation gives the equation of
a circle.

r2 = [V(r - l,y- + (y - *)2]2

r2 = {x - It)2 + (>• - *)2

Take Note
In the standard form of the Standard Form of the Equation of a Circle
equation of a circle, (x - h)2
and {y - k\2 are written The standard form of the equation of a circle with center C (h. k) and radius r is
using subtraction. Because (x - tif + (y - kf ?
(y 3)2 is written using
addition, the expression is EXAMPLES

rewritten using subtraction 1. The equation (X 3)2 + iy 1)2 62 is the equation of a circle in standard form,
as y - (-3i;2. Note that with h 3 and k 1 . Therefore, the coordinates of the center are <3. 1). Because
y - (-3) = y + 3. Also. f 6. the radius of the circle is 6.
ra = 16 2. The equation (X 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 16 is not in standard form. In standard form,
v7z = VI6 the equation is written as (X + [y (-3)ÿ = 4", with/? 2 and k = 3.
Therefore, the coordinates of the center are (2. 3). Because r 4. the radius of
the circle is 4. See the Take Note at the left.

LHessotfuwse re,®, al coitalcnHas page a ® Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Ug oil K.unil nAnimal, n»tuk i« it nm. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llirj | cui«el(Taj K: wnacl femr Mc inla> akniT<(.
hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainxcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ictmc idlumil ccnxnl it utj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt ro)iirc c

Find the equation of the circle with radius 4 and center (-1,2). Then
sketch its graph.

it - hf + (,. - kf = • Use the standard form of the equation of a circle.

[.t-(-Df+b'-2)2 = 42 • Replace /i by -1.k by 2, and r by 4.
(x + I)2 + (y - 2)2 = 16
Take Note • Sketch the graph by drawing a circle with center
Applying the vertical-line test (— 1, 2) and radias 4.
reveals that the graph ot a
circle Is not the graph of a
function. The graph of a circle
is the graph of a relation.


Find the equation of the circle with center at (2, 1) and that passes
through the point whose coordinates are (3. -4).
The radius is the distance between the center and the given point on the circle. See
the figure at the left. Use the distance formula, where (n,yi) is the given point on the
circle. (3, -4), and (.v2, yÿ) is the center. (2, I), to find the radius.
r= V(ri ~ x2)2 + (yi ~ yz)2 Use the distance formula.
= V(3 - 2)2 + (-4 - I)2 (r „y,) = (3. -4); = (2. 1)
= VI2+ (~5)2
= Vl + 25
ri h = V26
(x - 2)2 + <v- 1)2 = 26
Use the equation of a circle in standard form with (h. k) - (2, 1) and
r2 = (V26)2 = 26.
(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r 2
(x - I)2 + (y - I)2 = 26

Sketch a graph of (.t + 2)2

Center: (-2. 1)
Radius: V 4 = 2
+ (y - l)2 = 4.

..... y_
Sketch a graph of (.v — 2) 2
Your solution
+ (y + 3); = 9.

1 i ill

Solution on p. S32
Irtsssothawserc(Bct alIeaten!on Pispeÿ is Iflaritij

llTOTiih'. :ol> i'mfxit Iiininl. All Htflu KacnoL Vtaj f>il K.unil cr Attend, n -Kik it n «n. I>n in tken-w rr/Vi» ante llird |un> imnno, K: airficucd Son ji mlor n'rrtmri.
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coctcrt tkci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjilie«tiw< ccoxnl it stry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt l

Find the equation of the circle with radius 5 and Find the equation of the circle with radius 4 and
center (—1,3). Then sketch its graph. center (2. -3). Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2
[r_(_,)]2+(j_3)2 = 52 h = —1, k = 5, r = 5
(x + I)2 + (3- - 3)2 = 25

-4 (1 >

I.J—I—L.L.x7l I.. I I i "Is
Solution on p. SJ2

To ivrite the equation of a circle in standardform

The equation of a circle can also be expressed as x2 + y2 + ax + by + c = 0. This is

Q Tips for Success
See Objective 8.2A to review
called the general form of the equation of a circle. An equation in general form can be
written in standard fomi by completing the square.
the process of completing
the square.

Find the center and radius of the circle given by the equation
x2 + y- + 4r + 2y + 1 = O.Then sketch its graph.
Write the equation in standard form by completing the square on .v and v.
.t2 + y2 + 4x + 2y + 1=0
.r2 + y2 + 4x4- 2y = -\ * Subtract the constant term from
each side of the equation.
(x2 + 4x) + (y2 + 2y) = —I • Rewrite the equation by
grouping x terms and y terms.
(x + 4.t + 4) + (y2 + 2y + 1) = - 1 + 4 + 1 * Complete the square on x 2 + 4r
and on y2 + 2y. Add 4 and 1 to
both sides of the equation.
(x + 2)2 + (y + I)2 = 4 • Factor the trinomials.
The center is (—2. - 1): the radius is 2.


LHs>5 ottonvij;ixr.ffl. al coilrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage laemrg

CtCjrijbl :ol) Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu KimtmJ. i>» K.mml <• AkIicmJ. n (.Ink it i:«n. I>n m tkcn-nt rtftu. o> llird |un> onlctino, K: &«* ji inlor cV'fanxn «».
hÿUra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc try lirx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnireqiirt 1
ccoxnl it i

Write the equation of the circle Write the equation of the circle
.v* + y~ - 4.v + 2y + 4 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.
— —
.v2 + y2 2t 15 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

x~ + V2 - Ax + 2y + 4 = 0
(.r2 - Ax) + (y2 + 2y) = -4
(x2 - Ax + 4) + (y2 + 2y + 1) = -4 + 4 +
(x - I)2 + (y + I)2 = I
Center: (2.-1); Radius: I


Write the equation of the circle Write the equation of the circle

Then sketch its graph.

— —
.v2 + y2 + 3.r 2y 1=0 in standard form. —
.t2 + y2 4.r + 8y + 15 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

.r2 + y2 + 3.v
- 2v - I = 0
x~ + y~ + 3.v 2y = 1 —
Or2 + 3x) + (r - 2y) = I
+ 3x + 5) + (,2 — 2, + l)=l+|+

Center: ( l\ Radius: ÿ»

(-1—4 :-2- 2 :•+ ii
rr_T_!~i_r _
•_.-.._f-i...|. j
i-i i

Solutions on p. S32
UiBssothawsetied.allcoten!onPlspeÿ is Ifflfnirÿ

Ctfiyrighl :ol1Ctrtajc Ieininf til Htftu Kntnol VU; r>.i<nl .xixi.<r dirluaoi. nN.H1W it a pin. I'llintlccn-w rah. o> tlird ptn> italcuna, K: wnac2 fen* at itixlmint t<*Suun «i.
hÿiira!pc*io» (wJccnciduitt) «jnrco(ÿ cocicrt iko rannaicnilb **c mcnll lomn; npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ(ctiw< try li*»c if «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwfDreqsrt t-
ccoxnl it i

Write the equation of the circle Write the equation of the circle
.v* + y~ - 4.v + 2y + 4 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.
— —
.v2 + y2 2t 15 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

x~ + V2 - Ax + 2y + 4 = 0
(.r2 - Ax) + (y2 + 2y) = -4
(x2 - Ax + 4) + (y2 + 2y + 1) = -4 + 4 +
(x - I)2 + (y + I)2 = I
Center: (2.-1); Radius: I


Write the equation of the circle Write the equation of the circle

Then sketch its graph.

— —
.v2 + y2 + 3.r 2y 1=0 in standard form. —
.t2 + y2 4.r + 8y + 15 = 0 in standard form.
Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

.r2 + y2 + 3.v
- 2v - I = 0
x~ + y~ + 3.v 2y = 1 —
Or2 + 3x) + (r - 2y) = I
+ 3x + 5) + (,2 — 2, + l)=l+|+

Center: ( l\ Radius: ÿ»

(-1—4 :-2- 2 :•+ ii


Solutions on p. S32
UiBssothawsetied.allcoten!oihspay is CCargaplanwÿ

Ctfiyrighl :ol1Ctrtajc Ieininf til Htftu Kntnol VU; r>.i<nl .xixi.<r Atrlund. n»tuW it a pin. I'llintlccn-w rah. o> tlird ptn> italcuna, K: wnac2 fen* at itixlmint ix'iiiwt .1
hÿiira!pc*io» (wJccnciduitt) «jnrco(ÿ cocicrt iko rannaicnilb **c mcnll lomn; npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ(ctiw< try li*»c if «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwfDreqsrt t-
ccoxnl it i


Concept Check
1. How are the points on the circumference of a circle related to the center of the circle?

2. Which of the following are not the equation of a circle?

(i) (x " 3) + (y 4)2 = 16 "
(ii) x2+ y2 = I
(iii> (* + I)2 + (y - 3)2 = 36 (iv) (x + 5) 2 + (y + 5)2 = 5
(v) (x -
I) + (y 4) = 25 - (vi) (x + 3)2 + (y - 2)2 = -25

For Exercises 3 to 6. state the coordinates of the center of the circle and the radius of
the circle.
3. (.v - 4)2 + (y - 6)2 = 25 4. (.r + 3)2 + (y + 2)2 =9

5. .v2 + (y - I)2 = 5 6. .r2 + y2 = I

objective A Tofind the equation of a circle and then graph the circle
For Exercises 7 to 12. sketch a graph of the circle given by the equation.
7. (.r - 2) + (y + 2)ÿ = 9 8. (.r + 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 16 9. Ct + 3)2 + (y - l)2 = 25
1—— I

4.. 1-2 .0 . j- 24.4.j j | j

Hftfrp |[ I[ j Aÿ

t±±ii£ 1

10. (.V - 2)2 + (y + 3)2 = 4 11. (x + 2)2 + (y + 2)2 = 4 12. (.v - I)2 + (y - 2)2 = 25


-4..i-2. o
I- i -!~r"f-2

:ÿ 2 i i i i : i
l-f-f ! ?' :°

1--4 -

13. Find the equation of the circle with radius 2 and 14. Find the equation of the circle with radius 3 and
center (2,-1). center (-1, -2).

15. Find the equation of the circle with radius V 7 and 16. Find the equation of the circle with radius V 1 3 and
center (0. -4). center (5,-2).

17. Find the equation of the circle with radius 9 and 18. Find the equation of the circle with radius 4 and
center (-3. 0). center (0, -4).

IttessoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ixi Ix mxitr dirlxnU. It »Kik ,r it put. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix wimKÿ frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. codedJc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Cca0&c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo ccotni 11 iny line it «iV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

19. Find the equationof the circle with center at (-1. I) 20. Find the equation of the circle with center at (-2, 1)
and that passes th rough the point whose coordinates and that passes through the point whose coordinates
are (1.2). are (-1, 3).

21. Find the equation of the circle with center at (-1,0) 22. Find the equation of the circle with center at (5, -4)
and that passes th rough the point whose coordinates and that passes through the point whose coordinates
are (-3,-4). are (2,0).

23. Find the equation of the circle with center at (0. 3) 24. Find the equation of the circle with center at (0. 0)
and that passes through the point whose coordi¬ and that passes through the point whose coordi¬
nates are ( I. -5) . nates are (4. -2).

25. <§ What is the equation of a circle with center 26. ÿ Describe the graph of (.r - 3) 2 + (y + 2) 2 = 0.
at the origin and radius r?

objective b To write the equation of a circle instandardform

For Exercises 27 to 39. write the equation of the circle in standard form.
27. .t2 + y2 - 2v + 4y - 20 = 0 28. *2 + y2 - Ax + 8y + 4 = 0 29. .r2 + y2 + 6x + 8y + 9 = 0

30. v2 + 6.v -Ay - 12 = 0 31. .t2 + y2 - lO.v - 8v - 9 =0

32. + r + 6.v - 16 = 0 33. .r2 + v2 - 12v + 12 =0

34. .t2 + y2 - 12y -13 = 0 35. + >- + 14y +13 = 0

36. y2 + 5.r -Ay - 10 = 0 37. .t2 + y - Ax - ly -5 = 0

38. + y2 + 3.r - y - 1 = 0 39. + y2 + 5.r + 5y — 8=0

40. Is -t: + y2 + 4.v + 8y + 24 - 0 the equation of a circle? Why or why not?

Critical Thinking
41. Find the equation of the circle that has a diameter with endpoints (-2,4) and (2. -2).

42. Find the equation of the circle with center at (3, 3) if the circle is tangent to the

Projects or Group Activities

43. Geometry The radius of a sptere is 12 in. What is the radius of the circle
that is formed by the intersection of the sphere with a plane that is 6 in. from
the center of the sphere?
l*lessctter«se rclMall cotemafi's Is I Lrarirg.

Cereiilhl 3011CR0CH II1~CIAll K tfVi. KturaJ. VUj fwl»i ir anlKrai. Ii»Kilt w it pi". I>« la ckciunirtftu. <hnl | imud"ay K: at ilv-4 irJjr iltan.1
hv ikaxJihr.*tj
f *Liiral roic»» couch Jc<i ok riaicmll? ifto 6c mcnll tcimn/ cxxncra. CaM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc tÿlucml ccnxni il inj line it* «jV*cjt n/l«*rMnctwm retire

11.3 The Ellipse and the Hyperbola

OBJECTIVE A To graph an ellipse with center at the origin
The orbits of the planets around the sun are oval" shaped. This oval shape can be de¬
scribed as an ellipse, which is another of the conic sections.


An ellipse has two axes of symmetry. The intersection

of these two axes is the center of the ellipse.
An ellipse with center at the origin is shown at the
right. Note that the ellipse has two .v-interceptsand two
Using the vertical-line test, we find that the graph of an
ellipse is not the graph of a function. The graph of an
ellipse is the graph of a relation.
-a. 0)Vÿ_

(0, -b)
Point of Interest
The word ellipse comes Standard Form of the Equation of an Ellipse with Center at the Origin
from the Greek word ellipsis,
which means "deficient.' The
method Dy which the early The equation of an ellipse with center a! the origin is
x2 y£
Greeks analyzed the conics "• "£2 '•
caused a certain area in the The X-intercepts are (a. 0) and (- a. 0) .The y-intercepts are (0. b) and (0. b).
construction of the ellipse
to be less than another
area (deficient). The word
ellipsis in English, meaning By finding the .t- and y-intercepts of an ellipse and using the fact that the ellipse is oval-
"omission." has the same shaped. we can sketch a graph of the ellipse.
Greek root as the word
Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the ellipse with equation
2 ,2
Tj- + - I. Then sketch its graph.
The .v-intercepts are (3.0) and (-3,0). • a2 = 9.b: = 4
The y-intercepts are (0.2) and (0. -2).

••II ,ll J. 1
• Use the intercepts and symmetry to sketch
the graph of the ellipse.

IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage laemrg

CtCjrijhl "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Vtaj i>» h,moiI«msi. <r italicnd. n -Hik it n «n. I>n m tlcrn-nt r.4<. ilird |un> unimno, K: airficuca ton ji cli—4 inlor c*~fapxn <».
hÿara! ImJccnciiluitt)' «jnrca(j coctcrt try lirx it «jY«ajucni
rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlnmil ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwrnrotiirt l

Find ihe coordinates of the intercepts of the ellipse with equation

dF Point of Interest
Early Greek astronomers 53 + ÿ = 1. Then sketch its graph.
thought that each planet had
a circular orbit. Today we The .r-intercepts are (5, 0) and (-5,0). i1 = 25, b 1= 36
know that the planets have The y-intercepts are (0. 6) and (0. -6).
elliptical orbits. Hov/ever. in Use the intercepts and symmetry to sketch
most cases, the ellipse is
the graph of the ellipse.
very nearly a circle.

f 2—,0

Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the ellipse
ellipse with equation ÿ - I.Then sketch with equation "4 + I. Then sketch its graph.
its graph.

Solution Your solution

tr = 9. b2
= 16
(3.0) and (-3. 0)
(0,4) and (0, -4)
iXi. .

Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the ellipse
ellipse with equation + p ~
I. Then sketch with equation + "9 ~
I Then sketch its graph.

its graph.

Solution Your solution

a2 = 16. b1 = 12
(4.0) and (-4,0)
(0, 2*4)
and (p. -2V3)
(2V 3 *= 3.5)

Solutions on p. S32
Ufessothowssrnred.allartBn01tispay is

uqiith :ol> Ccrcxc Imuni. All Hiltu Knmol Uo ml h,unil a n -Hik i» i!«n. I>n m ilccninrah. o> llinl run, onlcti(Taj K: ufpcuci Son isi ill--.4 irjor oknirTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicn ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnimtiirt l

OBJECTIVE B To graph a hyperbola with center at the origin

A hyperbola is a conic section that can be formed by the intersection of a cone and a
Point of Interest plane perpendicular to the base of the cone.
The word hyperbola comes
from Ihe Greek word yperboli,
which means "exceeding."
The method by which the
early Greeks analyzed the
conics caused a certain area
in the construction ol the
hyperbola to be greater than
(exceed) another area. The

word hyperbole in English,
meaning "exaggeration," has
the same Greek root as the
word hyperbola.
A hyperbola has two vertices and an axis of symmetry that passes through the vertices.
The word asymptote
comes from the Greek word
The center of a hyperbola is the point halfway between the vertices.
asymptotos. which means The graphs at the right show two y y
"not capable of meeting." possible graphs of a hyperbola with
center at the origin.
In the first graph, an axis of sym¬
metry is the .Y-axis, and the vertices
are .r-intercepts.
In the second graph, an axis of sym¬
metry is the y-axis, and the vertices
are y-intercepts.
Note that in either case, the graph of a hyperbola is not the graph of a function. The graph
of a hyperbola is the graph of a relation.
To sketch a hyperbola, it is helpful to draw two lines that
are "approached" by the hyperbola. These two lines are
called asymptotes. As a point on the hyperbola gets far¬
ther from the origin, the hyperbola "gets closer to" the
Because the asymptotes are straight lines, their equations
are linear equations. The equations of the asymptotes
of a hvperbola with center at the origin are y - -x and '
y = -—x.

Standard Form of the Equation of a Hyperbola with Center

at the Origin

The equation of a hyperbola for which an axis of symmetry is the X-axis

x_2 y_2
,sa2- b2=1-
The coordinates of the vertices are (a. 0) and ( a. 0).
The equation of a hyperbola for which an axis of symmetry is the y-axis
y2 x2
The coordinates of the vertices are (0. b ) and (0. b).
For each equation, the equations of the asymptotes are y —bax and y

LHe>5 otfuwse re,a!, al coitalcnHas page 3 £ Cergage leamrg.

<:.!>,T\d> "I'l1'cr&jc Ituna). *11 Htftu\<J Ug ml K,unil adarluaoL n»!»ik i« I!wn. I>j» incktnoruruh. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: wnoca feon Mc itv-vi inlor cV'fapxr < t
hs«Jccikc Jut Mty oinrcucÿ cocicrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incull Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmnt rc«r>c< Jk njil U> xtk'.c idlumil crnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqicni n rotrxtwnt require c

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the equations of the asymp¬
Tips for Success
You now have completed totes of the hyperbola with equation ÿ - I. Then sketch its graph.
the lessons on the four conic
sections. You need to be able An axis of symmetry is the v-axis.
to recognize the equation of The coordinates of the vertices are (0. 3) and (0,-3). • b2 = 9. a 2 = 4
each. To test yourself, try the
Chapter 11 Review Exercises. The equations of the asymptotes are y - tv and y = -tv.

• I-ocate the vertices. Sketch the asymptotes.

Use symmetry and the fact that the hyperbola
approaches the asymptotes to sketch the graph.

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the Find the coordinates of the vertices and the
equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with
equation *jÿ - ÿ = 1 . Then sketch its graph. equation 9
25 = I Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

a2 = 16. b2 = 4
Axis of symmetry: • 0

.r-axis >
Vertices: § fc-1
(4.0) and (-4,0)
A-T -8 4 ft 4
Asymptotes: 2 ~ 4 " r—

y ~
-,-vand y
, -_ 1x —
f8 " r8

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the Find the coordinates of the vertices and the
equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with
equation r — ÿ5 = I. Then sketch its graph. equation 9
= I. Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

cr = 25. b2 = 16
Axis of symmetry:
(0,4) and (0,-4)

-4 1 1) 4 L
4 4 "I'
— 1

y = v and y = ~-x
sD —

Solutions on p. S33
Ittessctterwse tiedallcaten!onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

l.mndi. "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» K.otmlrami. 11italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm, nunno, K: airficuci Son 6c iH.-i irjor n'Mpmi.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt try lirx it «jV«ajucm njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l
rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the equations of the asymp¬
Tips for Success
You now have completed totes of the hyperbola with equation ÿ - I. Then sketch its graph.
the lessons on the four conic
sections. You need to be able An axis of symmetry is the v-axis.
to recognize the equation of The coordinates of the vertices are (0. 3) and (0,-3). • b2 = 9. a 2 = 4
each. To test yourself, try the
Chapter 11 Review Exercises. The equations of the asymptotes are y - tv and y = -tv.

• I-ocate the vertices. Sketch the asymptotes.

Use symmetry and the fact that the hyperbola
approaches the asymptotes to sketch the graph.

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the Find the coordinates of the vertices and the
equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with
equation *jÿ - ÿ = 1 . Then sketch its graph. equation 9
25 = I Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

a2 = 16. b2 = 4
Axis of symmetry: O

(4.0) and (-4,0)

- 1
-8 4 ft 4
Asymptotes: _f 4 - r—

y ~
-,-vand y
, -_ 1x —
f8 " r8

Find the coordinates of the vertices and the Find the coordinates of the vertices and the
equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with equations of the asymptotes of the hyperbola with
equation r — ÿ5 = I. Then sketch its graph. equation 9
= I. Then sketch its graph.

Solution Your solution

cr = 25. b2 = 16
Axis of symmetry:
(0,4) and (0,-4)

-4 1 1) 4 L
4 4 "I'

y = v and y = ~-x
sD — ÿÿ

Solutions on p. S33
Ittessctterwse tiedallcaten!onPispeÿ is CCeuae Iffinir?.

l.mndi. "Oil 'Off 1Minnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» K.otmlrami. 11italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm, nunno, K: airficuci Son 6c iH.-i irjor n'Mpmi.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt try lirx it «jV«ajucm njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l
rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it 1


Concept Check
1. feJl a. Is the graph of an ellipse the graph of a function? Why or why not?
b. Is the graph of a hyperbola the graph of a function? Why or why not?

2. Identify each of the follow ing as the equation of an ellipse, the equation of a hyper¬
bola. or neither.
.r y
+ n=
1 b.
5 -T='
+ 16f"= 1
e. x2-- y = i f.
+ T->

objective A To graph an ellipse with center at the origin

For Exercises 3 to 1 1 Find the coordinates of the intercepts of the ellipse given by the
equation. Then sketch its graph.

r C r

6Ti + f = '

12. Let ÿ
- I. where a > b. If b remains 13. Let ÿ
+ f,
= I. where a > b. If a remains
fixed and a increases, does the graph of the fixed and the values of b get closer to a, does
ellipse get flatter or rounder? the graph of the ellipse get flatter or rounder?

LHess ottavwe ratal alccciBtcnthis page is & C€rg=ge Lsamrg.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu KrcrMil Ug ml K.moil n « n UK. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llird tun? hdhiino, K: uinalÿ feon Mc ((V-.4 inlor n'Mtuio.
n»l»ik I
rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tdfoeI**c »»» crxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

objective b To graph a hyperbola with center at the origin

For Exercises 14 to 22. Find the coordinates of the vertices and the equations of the
asymptotes of the hyperbola given by the equation. Then sketch its graph.

14. 16.


23. 3 Are the vertices of - - 1 on the .t-axis or the y-axis?

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 24 to 29. write the equation in standard form and identify the graph.
Then graph the equation.
24. 25. 26.

27. 25y2 - 4.t2 = -100 28. 9v2 - 16.v2 = 144 29. 4r - .r2 = 36

Ufessolliswse ttM all arttraonns Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

Is I

lirinlh. :ii|icisiXfi Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: «imcc ir oclicnJ. Ii»Kik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt mm <hnl |tH) .ramirta, K: wiicuta bar ac itv-4 inlor ..limn .1
f Jiiral roic»» hv JccncJ ihr.*tj couch Jcci r«>: riaicnalb tdSx16c mcnll kimn; cxxncru. CnM: I cimn; rcnnc< ix njÿil lo pcyk'yc tÿlucml ccnxni il anj line if n/k«rMnctwm retire A

Projects or Group Activities

30. D Astronomy The orbit of Halley's comet is an
ellipse with intercepts (18.0). (-18.0), (0,4.5),
and (0. -4.5). where the coordinates are given in as¬
tronomical units. (One AU is one astronomical unit
and is approximately 92.960.000 mi. the average dis¬
tance of Earth from the sun.) -10
a. Determine an equation for the orbit of Halley's
comet in terms of astronomical units. See the dia¬
gram at the right.
b. The distance dof the sun from the cente r of Halley's comet's elliptical orbit is given
by d - \/a2 — b2 The aphelion of the orbit (the point at which the comet is far¬
thest from the sun) is a vertex on the longer axis. Determine the distance, to the
nearest hundred-thousand miles, from the sun to the aphelion of Halley's comet's
c. The perihelion of the orbit (the point at which the comet is closest to the sun) is also
a vertex on the longer axis. Determine the distance, to the nearest hundred-thousand
miles, from the sun to the perihelion of Halley's comet's orbit.


For Exercises 1 and 2, find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates
of the vertex of the parabola given by the equation. Then sketch its graph.
1. y = .r2 + 4.t - 2 2. x = -y2 - 2y +

- ÿ

For Exercises 3 and 4. find an equation of

the circle satisfying the given conditions.

3. Coordinates of the center: (2, —5); 4. Coordinates of thecenter: (2, 5);

radius: 3 passes through (—1.3)

5. Write the equation of the circle .t2 - 6.t + y2 — 7y — 2 = 0 in standard form.

For Exercises 6 and 7, graph the equation. For an ellipse, give the coordinates of the
intercepts. For a hyperbola, give the coordinates of the vertices and the equations of
the asymptotes.


4- l1ll
IHesoBhyk* roiffi. al coiIbT:cnthis page a 2 Iremh}

Krjrirfi. 301J Crw Iam'aC All k./m. latnal Mi) m Ix mxiir anlKml. rt '* hilc ,c if pvt. I>« UiclccVont mm tknl Itiijoatctirtn, Ix mafOKi fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
fiiiralmicn lw JcaxJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it r/k*mmciwiw rorsirc

11.4 Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations

objective A To solve a nonlinear system of equations
A nonlinear system of equations is a system in which one or more of the equations are
notlinear equations. A nonlinear system of equations can be solved by using either the
substitution method or the addition method.

Solve: 2.t - y = 4 (l)

y2 = 4.t (2)
When a nonlinear system of equations contains a linear equation, the substitution
method is used.

Solve Equation ( I) for y.

Ix - y = 4
-V = —2.x + 4
y = 2x 4 —
Substitute lv - 4 for y in equation (2).

y2 = 4.x
(2v - 4)2 = 4.r • y = 2r - 4
4.v2 - I6v + 16 = 4.t • Solve for x.
4.v2 - 20.v +16 = 0
4(.r2 - 5.r + 4) = 0
4(.t - 4)(.r -l) = 0

.r — 4 = 0
.x = 4
x — .x1 == 01
Substitute the values of .v into the equation v = It - 4 and solve tor y.

v = 2.t - 4 y = 2x 4 -
y = 2(4) -4 •x = 4 y = 2(1) -4 •x=\
y =4 y = -2

Tlie solutions are (4. 4) and (1. —2).

Tlie graph of this system of equations is shown at the right.

The graph of the line intersects the graph of the parabola
at tw o points. The coordinates of these points are the solu¬
tions of the system of equations.

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlefBanPiscÿ is 'CCffgaÿlEirirg.

Cmndi. "01) <a Iamni. All Htftu Kiunnl. Kbj rvi Airhcttil. n »kik it is wit. I>j» m(lanac rulu o> ilirJ inn> sdhiino, K: few* ix nilor itSuuiii
review l»Jccntjihu azy ainrcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x at crxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> tctmc idlumil ccoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixlwnt rotiirt t

ÿ •fl'lf1!' ÿ Solve: y2 = 4 (i)

y =x + 3 (2)
Use the substitution method.
Substitute the expression for v into Equation ( I).
x~ + y2 = 4
.r2 + (.v + 3)2 = 4 y =x + 3
.v2 + .t2 + 6.t + 9 = 4 Solve for x.
2v2 + 6.r + 5 = 0
Consider the discriminant of 2.v: + 6.v + 5 - 0.
b2 - 4ac

b2 4-2*5 = 36 — 40 = -4 • a = 2.b = 6.c = 5
Because the discriminant is less than zero, the equation 2.r2 + 6.v + 5 - 0 has two
complex number solutions. Therefore, the system of equations has no real number

The graphs of the equations of this system are shown at

the right. Note that the two graphs do not intersect.

1 y j 0 i

— |
• 4A


Solve: 4x- + y2 = 16 (I)
y2 —4 (2)
Use the addition method.
4x2 + y2 = 16
-x* - y2 = -4 Multiply Equation (2) by —1.
3.v2 = 12 Add the equations.

Solve for a-.

.r2 = 4
x = ±2
Substitute the values of .v into Equation (2) and solve for y.
.t2 + y2 = 4 .r2 + y2 = 4
22 + y2 = 4 • x =2 (-2)2 + y2 = 4 « X = -2
y2 = 0 y2 = 0
y =0 y =0
The solutions are (2, 0) and (-2, 0).

The graphs of the equations in this system are shown •


at the right. Note that the graphs intersect at the points

whose coordinates are <2. 0) and (- 2. 0) .
; pi, &

LHessotto»v«iK al coitalcr Has page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

CafQritf* SOUCtTfti: Iiinmi. *11 Ktftu Ksunol M«j ml h,iiiaJ.rani,i« darluaoL n »t»ik i« is nm. I>« in ckcn-w ruW. «>m itirJ i Ktt IB) k 4irtTVUCÿ fwr IX cftxl ir*l«tf 41

hs«Jccntjihu azy ainwocÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«r>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c cvoxni at uq line il «jV«(iKni n(h>rotixtwnt rcqurc t

Solve: —
Ix1 y2 = I (1)
.t2 + 2y2 = 18 (2)
Use ihe addition method.
4.v2 - 2y2 =2 • Multiply Equation (1) by 2.
x2 + 2v2 = 18
5.r 2 = 20 • Add the equations.
x~ = 4 • Solve for x.
x = ±2

Substitute the values of .v into one of the equations and solve for v. Equation (2) is used
.v2 + 2v2 = 18 .r2 + 2y2 = 18
22 + 2v2 = 18 •x =2 (— 2)2 + 2y2 = 18 • x = -2
2y2 = 14 2y2 = 14
y~ ~ 7 r=?
>' = ± V 7 y= — V7
The solutions are (2, V'7), (2, -V7), (-2, V7)tand (-2, -V7).

Tlie graphs of the equations in this system are shown at the left. Note that there are four
points of i ntersection.
Note from the preceding three examples that the number of points at which the graphs of
the equations of the system intersect is the same as the number of real number solutions
of the system of equations. Here are three more examples.
.r2 + >2 = 4
y x2 + 2—
The graphs intersect at one point.
The system of equations has one solution.

y = *2
y = -x +2
The graphs intersect at two points.
The system of equations has two solutions.

(x + 2)2 + (y - 2)2 = 4
x = y-
The graphs do not intersect.
-r -
The system of equations has no solution.

"l 4
Un'essctterw se rctedalIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CCe-gai laari13.

CafQritf* SOUCe Iismnr. *11 Ktftu Ksunol M«j ml h.iilaJ.rani,i« darluaol. n »t»ik i « is nm. I>« m clccn-w ruW. o> llirJ r Ktt IB) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr IX ir*lor cffcofVCTl 41
rcvio* hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ coWctt ik<i r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c cvoxni at uq line il «jV«ajucni n(h>rotixtwnt ro|iirc t

Solve: (1) y = 2r2 3.v
(2) y = x2-lx + 5
1 — — Solve: (1) y =
(2) y =
2x2 + x-3
2r2 - 2t + 9
Solution Your solution
L'se the substitution method.
y = x2 2x +
2v2 - 3.r - 1 = -V 2 - 2.t +

r2 _ r _ 6 = o
(t - 3)(.r + 2) = 0
.t - 3=0 x +2=0
x =3 .v = -2
Substitute each value of .v into Equation (I).
V = 2v2 - 3.y - I
y = 2(3)2 - 3(3) - I
y = 18 - 9 - 1
v = 2v2 - 3.r - 1
y = 2(-2)2 - 3(-2) - I
y =8+6- 1
y= 13
The solutions are (3, 8) and (-2, 13).

Solve: (1) 3-r2 - 2y2 = 26 Solve: (1) x2 - y2 = 10

(2) .r2 - y2 = 5 (2) .r2 + y2 = 8
Solution Your solution
L'se the addition method. Multiplv Equation
(2) by -2.
-2v2 + 2y2 = -10
3-t2 ~ 2y2 = 26
-r2= 16 _
.v = ±Vl6 = ±4
Substitute each value of .v into Equation (2).
x -y£ = 5 x2-y2 = 5
42 - y2 = 5 (-4)2 - y2 = 5
16 - y2 = 5 16 - y2 = 5
-r = -n -y2=-ll
y2= II y2 = ii
v = ± Vl I y= iVIl

The solutions are (4. V 11 M4, -Vl 1 ),

(-4, VI I).and (-4, -Vll).

Solutions on p. S33

CtCjrijhl "O" 'off Inmn|. All Htftu KimtmJ. i>» K.iiroJ.rami. cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: &«* ji itv-vi irjor n'kpxi.u
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt l


Concept Check
1. A system of equations contains the equation of a line and the equation of a hyperbola.
How many solutions can the system of equations have?
2. A system of equations contains the equation of a line and the equation of a parabola.
How many solutions can the system of equations have?
3. A system of equations contains the equation of a parabola and the equation of an el¬
lipse. How many solutions can the system of equations have?
4. A system of equations contains the equation of an ellipse and the equation of a hy¬
perbola. How many solutions can the system of equations have?

objective A To solve a nonlinear system ofequations

For Exercises 5 to 37. solve.

5. y = x2 - x - I
y = Ix + 9
6. y = x1 —63.r + 1
y =x +

8. y2 = 4.t 9. yr = lx 10. f =1
x - y= - X + 2v = -2 x -y = 4

11. .r2 + 2y2 = 12 12. .t2 + 4y2 = 37 13. .v2 + y2 = 13

It — y =2 x — y = -4 .t +y = 5

14. .r2 + v2 = 16 15. 4.t2 + y2 = 12ÿ 16. It2 + y2 = 6

.r - 2y = -4 y = 4.v2 v = It2

18. y = *2 + 4.v +5 19- 3.t2 - r = -1

v= r 3 - - x2 + 4j2 = ,7

20. .r2 + y2 = 10 21. It2 + 3y2 = 30

.t2 + 9v2 = 18 .t2 + y2 = 13

23. y = It2 - .t + I 25. It2 + 3y2 = 24

v = .t2 - .r + 5 ,2-y2=7

I'Pinih*. 301)Ca«*« Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Ug ml K.iiraJ.ranii n dirlimU. n »t»ik i« n wn. I>ii m clccn-nt rtf tu. 01llird cuncuno, K: nt itilor n'uiui.i.
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainttocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnt. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if «jV«ajucni rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

26. It2 + 3v~ = 21 27. x2 + y2 = 36 28. lx2 + 3r = 12

.t2 + 2r = 12 4.r2 + 9v2 = 36 X2 -r = 25

29. IU2 - 2>-2 = 4 30. v- + 4y = 25 31. 2v2 - r = 7

3.v2 + y2 = 15 ,2-y2 = 5 2r - j = 5

32. 3.v2 + 4y2 = 7 33. y = 3.r" + .r 4 - 34. y = 2t" + 3.t + I

x-2y= -3 v = 3.r2 - 8v + 5 v = 2t2 + 9.v + 7

35. X =y +3 36. x - y = -6 37. y = x~ + 4.v + 4

.x2 + y2 = 5 .r2 + y2 = 4 .r + 2y = 4

38. 3 Give the maximum number of points at which the follow ing pairs of graphs can
a. A line and an ellipse
b. A line and a parabola
c. Two ellipses with centers at the origin
d. Two different circles wrth centers at the origin
e. Two hyperbolas with centers at the origin

Critical Thinking
S For Exercises 39 to 42, solve by graphing. If necessary, round the solutions of the
system of equations to the nearest thousandth.
39. y = 2" 40. y = log2.r 41. y = logÿr 42. y = e"
x +y =3 y = -lx + 3 x +y= 4 y = -x2 +4

Projects or Group Activities

43. Astronomy Suppose you have beenhired to track incoming meteorites and deter¬
mine whetherthey will strike Earth.The equation of Earth's surface is .t2 + y2 - 40.
You observe a meteorite moving along a path whose equation is I8.v — y2 = - 144.
Will the meteorite hit Earth?

Krjrirfi. roll C'WXI IoinOf All k./m. KimimJ. Mq ixi lx mcc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it put. I>.i ui ikoiv'i, raHx mm iknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: ointcx«ÿ hn at ilv-i ir.1 iOiomn

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. «rtrv«cc couchJc<« r»»: riaimilb iffcci lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Itirrn/ rc*mc< ix lo tÿluiml ccosni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k* rorsirc

Quadratic Inequalities and

11.5 Systems of Inequalities
OBJECTIVE A To graph the solution set ofa quadratic inequality in two variables
The graph of a quadratic inequality in two variables is a region of the plane that
is bounded by one of the conic sections (parabola, circle, ellipse, or hyperbola). When
graphing an inequality of this type, first replace the inequality symbol with an equals
sign. Graph the resulting conic using a dashed curve when the original inequality is less
than (<) or greater than (>). Use a solid curve when the original inequality is ÿ or s:. Use
the point (0. 0) to determine which region of the plane to shade. If (0. 0) is a solution of
the inequality, then shade the region of the plane containi ng (0.0). If not. shade the other
portion of the plane.

Graph the solution set: x2 + y2 > 9

Change the inequality to an equality.
.t2 + y- = 9
This is the equation of a circle with center (0. 0) and
radius 3.
The original inequality is >, so the graph is drawn as
a dashed circle.
Substitute the point (0. 0) into the inequality. Because
02 + 02 > 9 is not true, the point (0. 0) should not be
in the shaded region.

Not all inequalities have a solution set that can be graphed by shading a region of the
plane. For example, the inequality
x~ y
T+ 4* <

has no ordered-pair solutions. The solution set is the empty set, and no region of the plane
is shaded.

Graph the solution set: y ÿ .v + It + 2

Change the inequality to an equality.
Take Note
y = .v2 + 2v + 2
Any point that is not on the
graph ot the parabola can This is the equation of a parabola that opens up. The
be used as a test point. For vertex is (— 1, 1) and the axis of symmetry is the line \ In f 1 I i
example, the point (2. 1) can
be used.
x= 1 .
y x2 + 2x + 2 The original inequality is so the graph is drawn as a
1 22 + 2(2) + 2 solid curve.

1 -= 10
This is a true inequality. The
Substitute the point (0. 0) into the inequality. Because r
point (2, 1) should be in the 0 < 02 + 2(0) + 2 is true, the point (0. 0) should be in i
shaded region. the shaded region.
lli'esscths'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. latnal Mi) ox Ix mxiir oirlxnU. It »Kik it it put. I>« InclccVont raHn mm l>inl |tnjoano rtn, K: wtrcuia fecai lit ilv.i ir.1 lOtomil

rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtw«cc couchJc<« r»»: riaicrialb a&ci w< •»cnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line it n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcqwrc l

Graph the solution set: —v2 — —x~ > I

Write the inequality as an equality.

f-7 = l

This is the equation of a hyperbola. The vertices are

(0, -3) and (0. 3). The equations of the asymptotes '\ | 1/
are y = tv and y = — ÿ.v. V4 4
The original inequality is , so the graph is drawn as a V/ 1
solid curve. s 4 0 \ 4 i
Substitute the point (0. 0) into the inequality. Because
ÿ ÿ
ÿy" - s: l
l is not true, the point (0. 0) should not be 1I8!
in the shaded region.

2 2
Graph the solution set: —+ Graph the solution set: — - ~< I

Solution Your solution

Graph the ellipse

9 + "16 = 1 asa
solid curve.
Shade the region
of the plane that
includes (0. 0).

Graph the solution set: .v > y~ - Ay +2 Graph the solution set: >I

Solution Your solution

Graph the
parabola • h J
x = y~ -Ay +2
as a dashed curve.
— -

Shade the region -8 -4 >

t 4" ~ 3* 0 1 i
that does not ÿ mma

include (0, 0).
Solutions on p. S33
LHessothawise re,®, al centalcnthis page 5 ffi Cergage laemrg

Uqiith 301)Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K.unil adirluKd. n»!»ik i« ÿ> wn. I>j» mcktnoruruh. o> llirj tun. odkiiiraj K: fc" Mc itilor Dkiui<(.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainwocÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c

OBJECTIVE B To graph the solution set of a nonlinear system of inequalities

Recall that the solution set of a system of inequalities is the intersection of the solution
sets of the individual inequalities. To graph the solution set of a system of inequalities,
first graph the solution set of each inequality. The solution set of the system of inequali¬
ties is the region of the plane represented by the intersection of the two shaded regions.

Graph the solution set: x2 + y1 ÿ 16

* X2
Graph the solution set of each inequality.
v- + y- = 1 6 is the equation of a circle with center
at the origin and a radius of 4. Because the original I...

inequality is use a solid curve.

y = x2 is the equation of a parabola that opens up. The
vertex is (0, 0). Because the original inequality is 11 "1

Take Note use a solid curve. 1

Other points can be used as
test points. For example, the
Substitute the point (0. 0) into the inequality
.v2 + y2 < 16. Because 02 + 02 < 16 is a true state¬
" "

'— -
1 i

point (6. 2) can be used for

the circle. ment, shade inside the circle.
*® + y2-- 16 Substitute (2, 0) into the inequality y ÿ .v2. [We cannot
6a -t- 22 •- 16 use (0. 0). a point on the parabola.] Because 0 > 4 is a
40 -= 16 false statement, shade inside the parabola.
This statement is false. The
point (6. 2) should not be in The solution set is the intersection of the two shaded
the shaded region. regions.

Graph the solution set: Graph the solution set: .v2 + y2 < 16
9 4

Solution Your solution

• Draw the? ellipse
1 x y
— + = 1 as a solid ÿ9

curve. Shade outside the


• Draw th,e hyperbola i n 4 8

A-f v
u 1
\ = 1 as a solid
curve. The point (0. 0)

should not be in the

shaded region.

Solution on p. S33
Ufessotbowsarnred.all rated,on hspaji is CCffgae Iffinitij

uqiith :ol> CtrOJc Iturn). All ha Kninol Vb, i>» h,unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik i» i!«n. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> ca«a iraj K: Son ill--.4 irjor okiuil.1.
hÿura! haJccnciihittt) oinrcutv o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb £*c incnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< minimi ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jV«ajucm njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Graph the solution set: y > .t "

Graph the solution set: ~ ÿ I

y <x + 2
.r > y2 —2
Solution Your solution
• Draw the parabola V
y = x1 as a dashed curve. 4 —
Shade inside the
• Draw the line y = x + 2
as a dashed line. Shade
4 9 1 .
fl i
below the line. "|
1 4—t


y- x~
Graph the solution set: — - ÿ> I Graph the solution set: — + tt ÿ I
16 25
+ y2 < 4 y2 < 9

Solution Your solution

• Draw the hyperbola
*1 - £ ,lasa

9 16
dashed curve. The point
(0. 0) should not be in the "TTTI
shaded region.
• Draw1 the circle
x: * y: :4 as a dashed
curve. Shade inside the

The solution sets of the two inequalities do not

intersect. The system of inequalities has no real
number solution.

Solutions on pp. S33-S34

LHe>5 otto»v»ise re,®, at coitalcnthis page 5 ffi Cergage laemrg

Cifiriitr. 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Htftu\<J. Ug ml K.unil n darluaol. n»t»ik i« u wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llirj |nn> omen(Taj K: wnoca fenn Me ill--*4 itilor oÿuur .i
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho uj ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cimnt rcoca &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl at anj line if 4iV«cqiani n(lorolixtwnt rotiirc c


Concept Check
1. hi How is the graph of the solution set of a nonlinear inequality that uses < or S:
different from the graph of the solution set of a nonlinear inequality that uses < or > ?

2. kJ How can you determine which region to shade when graphing the solution set of
a nonlinear inequality?

objective A To graph the solution set of a quadratic inequality in two variables

For Exercises 3 to 23. graph the solution set.

3. y < x2 - 4.v + 3 4. y < x2 - Ix - 3 5. (.r + 3)2 + (y - 2)2 > 9

V x x

6. (x + 2) 2 + (y - 3)2 > 4 7. x +x < 1 8. (x - 2) 2 + (y + I)" < 16

16 25

i X X

Un'essclha-wsercMct dlartemcntispa?>is 'Itegaÿlayrirg.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KrcrMil Mi, in! K,moil « n pin. I>* In ikcn-w ruW. .ex ilinl pm, cuikcino, K: pprcufÿ feon Mt itV-vi inlor il'uiuin.
11 iii;l>ii=il n»l»ik I

rc*io» hs«JccncJ ihn itjainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ictmc idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

15. —+ <
16 4
17. {x - 1)2+ (r+ 3)2<25

i X

v x
18- 71 + T" > 1
16 4
- 4
< 1 20. (x + I)2 + (>• - 2)2> 16

1 (
f 4*
V 1
L_ n i

LHessotaraise re,®, al coitalenHas page 3 ffi Garageleamrg.

Uqiith 301) Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KiutmiI. Ug ml K.unil«mti n darluaol. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llirj pa*. odkii(toj K: uncÿ fc" Mc il*»i itilor Dkiui<(.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I camnf rcoca &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc c

15. —+ <
16 4
17. {x - 1)2+ (r+ 3)2<25

i X

v x
18- 71 + T" > 1
16 4
- 4
< 1 20. (x + I)2 + (>• - 2)2> 16

1 (
f 4*
V 1
L_ n i

LHessotaraise re,®, al coitalenHas page 3 ffi Garageleamrg.

Uqiith 301) Carafe Iiinml. *11 Ktftu KiutmiI. Ug ml K.unil«mti n darluaol. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruh. o> llirj pa*. odkii(toj K: uncÿ fc" Mc il*»i itilor Dkiui<(.
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I camnf rcoca &*c ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc c

25 9
22. —9 -
2: I
-I+ 7"

r I

24. ÿ8 Can the point (0.0) be used to determine whether to shade inside or outside the
graph of y —

OBJECTIVE B To graph the solution set ofa nonlinear system ofinequalities

For Exercises 25 to 36, graph the solution set.

25. y < (x - 2) 2 26. .t2 + v2 < I 27. x + y-< 1 6
x + y> 4 y> x + I
1 1 it
_ J'
r 1°
_ _u
1 )
7 —

: 1 II

28. y > .r2 - 4 29. i+rs

4 16 * 4 . 25

y<x- 2 -~x +2 y < "T.r +4

ÿ i ÿ
1 J
:• I

1 1 1
II 1

.* X
t 4 i

Utessclterwse rc(e3 all coxeman ns Is I

Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

Krjrirfi. ?0I!clsiXfi Iiimaf All Ktf Si. Mi) Ix iimci a dakend. Ii»Kik im pin. Dii ui ikoiv'.i nxht. mm |t»lj ,\dkiiith, K: mafOKd fcern at ilv-i ir.1jt lOipmil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch *k<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Iumnf rc*mc< ix niÿii lo acwÿc tÿluiml ccoxni ii iny line if «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

31. .r > y2 - 3y +2 32. .r2 + r < 25 33. .r2 + r < 25

y a 2r -2 y < --x +2 9 36

o H

4 ! () ? 4
"p 0 o 4

1 r

34- 35. -r2 + y2 > 4 +

7 ÿ

.t2 + v2 < 25
7 + ÿ'


11 1 1 LL

rg Let « and b be positive

• • • x2 + y2 < a
+ ..
37. numbers with a < /?. Describe the solution set of 2

Critical Thinking
For Exercises 38 to 46. graph the solution set.
38. .v2 + y2 < 25 39. y > .t2 - 3
y >x + I y < .r +3 ? ?
x>0 r <0
7+ ?«'oy—


4 0 4 0 t
<c *

1 4 n 4
_Li ÿi 1

IHsboBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags Uamrig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. lotnol Mq Ix .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i InclccVont r«Hi .rt tknl |tnjookti "a, K: uotcÿc km at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr.*t> codedJc<« r»»: naimilb iffcci lu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Itirrn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo acwÿc tÿluaul ccosni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Projects or Group Activities

47. Graph xy 2: Iand y 2: on differenl coordinate grids. Note that dividing each side
of xy 2: | by x gives y ÿ but the graphs you drew are not the same. Explain.


r> 4 -4 n
. A

- I8

Un'essclha-AisercMct oUnrlefBanPiscÿ is 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Uqiith 301)li'iw Irannr *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K,iiraJ.ram*. n darlund. n»l»ik i« u wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikciiraj K: airficucÿ fc" Mc il*»i itilor cCtafloU).
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ix ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rolixlwnt ro|iirc t


11 Summary

Key Words Examples

Conic sections are curves that can be constructed from the The four conic sections presented in this
intersection of a plane and a right circular cone. [ 1 1.1 A. p. 60S) chapter are the parabola, the circle, the
ellipse, and the hyperbola.

The asymptotes of a hyperbola are the two straight lines that

are "approached" by the hyperbola. As the graph of a hyperbola
gets farther from the origin, the hyberbola "gets closer to" the
asymptotes. [ 1 1.3B. p. 622]

A nonlinear system of equations is a system in which one or .v2 + v2 = 16

more of the equations are not li near equations. [11.4A. p. 627] v = r- - ?

The graph of a quadratic inequality in two variables is a

region of the plane that is bounded by one of the conic sections.
> x* - 2x - 4
f 11.5A. p. 633]

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Equations of a Parabola 11 1 .1 A, pp. 608-61 1 ]
y = ax + bx + c, a ¥ÿ 0
When a > 0. the parabola opens up.
When a < 0. the parabola opens down.

The .r-coordinate of the vertex is - -r

The axis of symmetry is the line x = —• •Vertex
i --Axis of
i symmetry

.t = ay~ + by + c, a i* 0

When a > 0. the parabola opens to the right. symmetry


When a < 0. the parabola opens to the left.

The y-coordinate of the vertex is - la-
The axis of symmetry is the line y - -

IHass otavise rotffl. al coitot cnthis page s £ Cargage laemrg

(:<Ariiht :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Mi. •>» h,iiloJ.rani.11 Al?licn>l. n -Hik it i:pin. I>li In tlccn-w rtfhi 01tlinl pm> cullctlno, K: nfpcuii &mti ji itl-.i. irjor OJipiT.1
hÿltra! hoJccnciduttt) ajnrvatj cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnf rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ceoxnl it i
try Imc it «iV«n«ni rc*tne twm retire 1

Standard Form of the Equation of a Circle [ 11 .2A. p. 6141

(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 (t - 2)2 + (y + I)2 = 9
The center of the circle is (/?. k), and the radius is r. (h,k) = (2,-1)
r= 3

H 8


General Form of the Equation of a Circle [ i] ,2B. p. 6161 .v2 + y2 + 4.r + 2v + 1=0 is the
The equation of a circle can also be expressed as equation of a circle in general fomi.
x2 + y2 + ax + by + c = 0.

Equation of an Ellipse [ 1 1 .3A, p. 6201

a~ b~
(4. 0) and (-4. 0)
The .r-intercepts are (a. 0) and (-a, 0).
The y- intercepts are (0./?) and (0. -b). y-intercepts:
(0. 5) and (0, -5)

Equation of a Hyperbola ( 1 1 .3B, p. 6221

.V- y 9 4
a ~b~ Vertices:
An axis of symmetry is the .v-axis. (3.0) and (-3. 0)
The vertices are («, 0) and (~a. 0). Asymptotes:
The equations of the asymptotes are y = -x and y = — 7rx- 2 2
y = —x and
y = --x

~b2 a~
An axis of sy mmetry is the y-axis.
The vertices are (0, b) and (0. -b). Vertices:
The equations of the asymptotes are y = -x and y — — -x. a
(0. I) and (0.- 1)
y = -x and y =
. ~.t

Unessether se rcted.ail orient cn Pis is 'T layrirg.

(linnih*. 3DI) Iiinml. *11 Ktflu KimtmJ. M«j ml h,iilaJ.rani,i« darluaol. n »t»ik i « is nm. I>« m ckcn-w ruW. «>m llirJ i K«rvuy k 4inrcucÿ fwr Uc cftxl arilor ei'siftxn
hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi 6c »»» crall Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 6c njÿil U> xtk'.c c<ftxnl at anjline »l «jV«ajucni n(h>rotnetwenrojurc t


11 Review Exercises

1. Find the equation of the 2. Find the intercepts of the

axis of symmetry and
the coordinates of the
s graph of —
+ ÿ - 1.
Then sketch the graph.
vertex of the graph of
y = -It2 + x-2. < 1 o 1 i >
) £1
f . «
Then sketch the graph. A ">
LL, 1

3. Graph the solution set: 4. Sketch a graph of

•» I

Ct + 3)2 + (y + l)2 = I.
-s 1 u, £1 >t 2 0


5. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry am and 6. Solve: y2 = It2 - 3.v + 6
the coordinates of the vertex of y = x2 - 4.v + 8. y2 = It2 + 5x-2

7. Graph the solution set: 8. Sketch a graph of

j j d-l-i. V

25 1
4 4

-ti 0 4
-8 -4
II i

1 1
j '*
.>i 8

9. Find the equation of the circle with center at (- 1 . 2) 10. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the
and that passes through the point whose coordinates coordinates of the vertex of y = —x~ + Ix - 8.
are (2,-1).

11. Solve: x = 2y — 3v + 1 12. Find the equation of the circle with center at (0, -3)
3.V - 2y = 0 and that passes through the point whose coordinates
are (4. 6).

13. Find the equation of the circle with radius 6 and 14. Solve: 2x~ +v = 19
center (-1,5). 3.v2 "
y2 =6

LHessothawise rtr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

CtCirijhl :ol) Iomit/. All Htftu Kninol Vb, f>il h.iimJ.rani,cr Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> oa«a no, K: ufpcuci ton ji mlor OkniT".
hÿlara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni rotiirt 1

15. Write the equation .v: + y2 + 4.r — 2y = 4 in

standard form.

17. Graph the solution set: 18. Find the coordinates

of the vertices and
the equations of the
asymptotes of the
graph of ÿ — "9 = 1.
Then sketch the graph.

19. Graph the solution set: 20. Sketch a graph of

(,r - 2? + (>• + I)2 s x2 + (y ~ 2)2 = 9.

21. Find the intercepts of the

22. Graph the solution set:
graph of ÿ ÿ=! y > -r2 - It + 3
Then sketch the graph.

23. Graph the solution set: 24. Graph the solution set:
y > x2 4.x + 2 -

25. Find the equation of the 26. Graph the solution set:
axis of symmetry and
the coordinates of the
vertex of the graph of
.t = 2y2 - 6y + 5.
Then sketch the graph. 4 1

Un'essctterw se rcMdaiIeaten!an Pis [Bÿ is CCe-gai laarj13.

CafQritf* 3DI)<ct&jc Iuntnl. *11 Ktftu KimimJ. M«j ml h,iilaJ.rani,i« darluaoL n »t»ik i« is nm. I>« m eken-w ruW. «>m llirJ i K«IB) k 4inrcucÿ fwr tx cftxl aral«»r ci'safixr 4i.
hdur»rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho ujainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I cam/if rcoc< ix njÿil U> xtk'.c uxy line il n(h>rolrxliÿnrcÿun t

27. Find the equation of 28. Find the equation of

the axis of symmetry the axis of symmetry
and the coordinates of the and the coordinates of the
vertex of the graph vertex of the graph
of y = x~ 4x - I.
Then sketch the graph.
— of x = y2 1 . Then —
sketch the graph.

29. Find the equation of the circle with radius 5 and 30. Write the equation of the circle
center (3, -4). -v2 + y2 - 6.v + 4y - 23 - 0 in standard form.

31. Find the coordinates of 32. Find the coordinates

the center and the radius of the center and the
of the graph of radius of the graph of
(x + l)2 + (y - 4) 2 = .v2 + y2 - 8.r +
Then sketch the graph. 4y + 16-0. Then
sketch the graph.

33. Find the vertices of the 34. Find the vertices of the
graph of ÿ + -£; = I. graph of y + -y = 1 .
Then sketch the graph. Then sketch the graph.

35. Find the coordinates 36. Find the coordinates

of the vertices and of the vertices and
the equations of the the equations of the
asymptotes of the asymptotes of the
2 2
graph of Tj- - = I. v2
graph ofÿ -y = 1.

Then sketch the graph. Then sketch the graph.

38. Graph the solution

set: .v < y2 + 2y - 3

IHessoBecviae nolat al ccnlBf enthhpages I


lirinlh. rill!CR0CK II1~CItil k./m. lotnol Mq iwi K: «imcÿ a anlKrai. It »hik cr it put. I>« Ui iterant rtfW. mm tknl |tnjntsrm, K: ointc—cÿ kff lie elv-i ratallOiomil
rilingroim h*» JcaxJihr.*t> «rtrt«cc couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Iurrnf rc*mc< ix niÿii to acwÿc tÿluiml ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


1. Find the equation of the circle with radius 4 and 2. Find the equation of the circle with center at (-2, 1)

center (-3. -3). that passes through the point whose coordinates are

3. Sketch a graph of = 1 4. Graph the solution set: x~ + y~ < 36
x +y >4

| «

1- —
|_ __ _ _ _

r 1r J*

-f 4 k 1 4 s
* -8 0 4 8


5. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry of the 6. Solve: x2 - y2 - 24
parabola y = -x2 + 6v - 5. lx2 + 5y2 = 55

7. Find the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola 8. Sketch a graph of x = y~ - y - 2.

v = -v2 + 3.t - 2.
__ 0

1 4

I- *i
1 0 £i

L K1

9. Sketch a graph of —v2 + v2 = I. 10. Graph the solution set: ÿ ÿ 1

UlessctterMse rciedallarffinlanfis Is © Csgaÿ Isarirÿ.

lirinlh. :ii|1CR0CK Iiimnr KltkuKotnol Up tvl K:cc<>cJ. «vncc, i« oirlKnJ. a »Kik n it pi". I»x ui decimalraHi iknl puj prnpi ma, K: «pc<ÿ m ilixi irJUr iliim" «.
I'iiiralmici hv «kaxJth*. *t> ain*v<*cd couchJc<i r«>: riaicmlb iv< »» cnll kinur; cxjcncru CaM: I umn/ rc*mc< ix lo pcyk'vc cmxni il anj line it* n/k«rMnctwm rofsirc

11. Find the equation of the circle with radius 3 and 12. Solve:
* = 3y2 + 2y -4
center (-2, 4). x = y2 - 5y

13. Solve: x2 + 2y2 = 4 14. Find the equation of the circle with center at
.v +y =2 (-1, -3) and that passes through the point whose
coordinates are (2, 4).

2 2
15. Graph the solution set: 77 - -77 > 1 16. Write the equation x2 + y2 - 4v + 2y + 1=0 in
25 16 standard form, and then sketch its graph.
x2 + y2 < 9

17. Sketch a graph of y = — r2 + .v - 4. 18. Sketch a graph of (x - 2)- + (v + 1)— 9


0 jt 0 4
— 1

V iL

2 2
19. Sketch a graph of ~ ÿ - I.

IHass ottonvij; al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Iimndl.:ol) Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Vtaj f>il K.unil cr cii;lK«U. n -Hik « n «n. I>n m tkcn-w .milird |un> imnno, K: <im«ka &«* ji «nlor c*~fapxn <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc try litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l
ccoxnl it 1

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Graph the solution set. 2. Solve:

5.v - 2 I -x x +4
{.v|.r < 4} n {.v .v > 2} 10

-5 -4 -3 -2-1012345

3. Solve: 4 + ,3.v + 2| < 6 4. Find the equation of the line that contains the point
(2, -3) and has slope -

5. Find the equation of the line that contains the 6. Multiply: 3a2/»(4« - 3b2)
point (4. -2) and is perpendicular to the line
v = —x + 5.

3 —o
7. Factor: (.r - I)3 - y3 8. Solve: —- -< I
.r + 4

ax ~ - 4 + .t I
9. Simplify: 10. Subtract:
ax + ay bx — by
— 3.r-2 ix- + x-2

11. Solve: —->v _ -i

- — _!—. = 7
- 12. Graph the solution set: 5.v
+ 2y > 10

- 1-i -4 1)


1 1

13. Simplify: |
I2a26~\ Y(—p
14. Write 2Xl/v3 as an exponential expression.

15. Multiply: (3 + 5/)(4 - 6i) 16. Solve: lr2 + 2r - 3 = 0

7 1
17. Solve: x~ + y~ = 20 18. Solve: .v - V2.r -3 = 3
x~ - y~ = 12

Ittessclhs-wse rclBct aiIeaten!on Pis is CCffgae Iflaritij

(:<Ariiht :ol) Ccrcwc Iomit/. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.imilrani,cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(lafimn/li» .cn ilird imp. omenno, K: Son mlor n'Mpxin.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;r< ik<« rmnucnjlb mcnll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwmrotiirt 1

19. Evaluate f(x) = -x~ + 3.v - 2 at .v = -3. 20. Find the inverse of /(.r) - 4.v + 8.

21. Find the maximum value of 22. Find the maximum product of two numbers whose
f{x) = -lx2 + 4.v - 2. sum is 40.

23. Find the distance between the points whose coordi¬ 24. Find the equation of the circle with center at (-1.2)
nates are (2,4) and (-1.0). and that passes through the point whose coordinates
are (3. 1).

25. Find the equation of 26. Find the coordinates of

the axis of symmetry p p
the intercepts of the graph
and the coordinates of of 25 + 4 = I. Then
the vertex of the graph
sketch the graph.
of .r = y2 ~ 2y + 3. 0 ÿ

4 0 1
Then sketch the graph.

—f _
"Is _
27. Find the vertices and 28. Graph the solution set:
the equations of the O
(x - I)2 + y2 < 25
asymptotes of the
y1 < x 4

graph of ÿ 25 = 1.
Then sketch the graph. A n 4 4 0 I

-Is V

29. The Arts Tickets for a school play sold for SI 2.00 for each adult and S4.50 for each
child. The total receipts for the 192 tickets sold were $1479. Find the number of adult
tickets sold.

30. Uniform Motion A motorcycle travels 180 mi in the same amount of time that a
car travels 144 mi. The rate of the motorcycle is 12 mph greater than the rate of the
car. Find the rate of the motorcycle.

31. Sports The rate of a river's current is 1.5 mph. A rowing crew can row 12 mi
downstream and 12 mi back in 6 h. Find the rate of the rowing crew in calm water.

32. Mechanics The speed v of a gear varies inversely as the number of teeth /. If a
gear that has 36 teeth makes 30 revolutions per minute, how many revolutions per
minute will a gear that has 60 teeth make?

LHessothawise al coitrf cnthis page 5 © Cergage leamrg.

CCrorllbt :ol> <:a«*« IUinnl. All Hiltu Kninol Vtaj ml h,unilrami, cr Avltcnl n -Hik it i:pnt. I>n m ilccnmrtfhi o> llird |un> on«nno, K: airficuca ton itv-vi irjor n'Miui.i.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j codcrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamiir rc<n:<i>c try Imc it «jV«ajucni
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmrotiirt l
Sequences and Series


A To write the terms ot a The end of the semester is generally a
B To find the sum ot a series
very busy and stressful time. You may
be dealing with the anxiety of taking final
exams. You have covered a great deal of
A To find the nth term of an
arithmetic sequence
material in this course, and reviewing all
B To find the sum of an of it may be daunting. You might begin by
arithmetic series reviewing the Chapter Summary for each
C To solve application chapter that you were assigned during the
term. Then take the Final Exam on
SECTION 12.3 691 The answer to each exercise is
A To find the nth term of a at the back of the book. (See Ace the
geometric sequence
B To find the sum of a finite
geometric series
C To find the sum of an infinite Prep Test
geometric series
D To solve application
Are you ready to succeed in this chapter? Take the Prep Test below to
SECTION 12.4 find out if you are ready to learn the new material.
A To expand (a - b)n
1. Simplify: 2. Evaluate /(n) = -j for
[3(1) - 2] + [3(2) - 2J + 13(3) - 2} n = 6.

3. Evaluate <t| + (n - l)</for 4. Evaluate aÿr" 1 for

= 2, n = 5, and d = 4. = -3, r = -2, z
n = 6.

5. Evaluate 'iiiLJl
for 6. Simplify:
1 r
fli = -2, r = -4, and n = 5.
' 10

7. Expand: (.v + v)2 8. Expand: (.v + y)1


;nlICttttlt Iimni All KyU. 1 vi«f m be --<1410. «ura,J. n iclicuj. n -Kik i< It wn l)ui<i>lc(.-iun<r«tu» :lKsnl n4n» oaÿrinuj Ix 4jrrrcoci f>j«r>»ic»Vs4.*nlorc<'Sa<t*n4i.
Pdiiralmira h*.JccncJthai ray 4 nHmtcnilb tic «r»cr*ll Itimn/ cvcncm. Caiÿc I nmn; rco>e«&*e njfci I it i*xj ticic il «iV«ÿicni n(lorolnctunrcqurt 1

12.1 introduction to Sequences and Series

OBJECTIVE A To write the terms of a sequence

An investor deposits SI 00 in an account that earns I0% interest compounded annually.

The amount of interest earned each year can be determined by using the compound inter¬
est formula.

The amount of interest earned 4

Year 1 2 3
in each of the first 4 years of
the investment is shown at the Interest Earned S10 Sll S12.10 SI3.31

The Iist of numbers 10. 11 ,1 2.I0. 13.3I is called a sequence. A sequence is an ordered list
of numbers. The list 1 0. II. 12. 10. 13.3I is ordered because the position of a number in the
list indicates the year in which that amount of interest was earned.

Each of the numbers of a sequence is called a term of the sequence.

For the sequence at the right, the first term is 2, the second term 2.4.6. 8.
is 4. the third term is 6. and the fourth temi is 8.

Examples of other sequences are shown at the 1, 1.2. 3.5.8

right. These sequences are separated into two 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7.8 Sequences
groups. A finite sequence contains a finite l,-M.-l
number of terms. An infinite sequence con¬ 1,3.5. 7. ...
tains an infinite number of terms. , l Infinite

I, 1.2. 3.5.8, ...

A general sequence is shown at the right. The first term is a(, ct2. n3 an. .
the second term is a2, the third term is a3, and the nth term.
also called the general term of the sequence, is a„. Note that
each term of the sequence is paired with a natural number.
Frequently a sequence has a definite pattern that can be expressed by a formula.
Take Note
Note that a sequence is a
Each term of the sequence shown at the right an = 3n
function whose domain is the is paired with a natural number by the formula a] a. a
set of natural numbers. an = 3n. The first term. au is 3. The second ' ' "
term. a2. is 6. The third term. a3, is 9. The nth
term, a„. is 3n. 3, 6, 9, ..., 3 n, ..

Write the first three terms of the sequence whose nth term is given by
the formula a„ = 4n.
an = 4n
a, = 4(1) = 4 • Replace // by 1.
a, = 4(2) = 8 • Replace n by 2.
a3 = 4(3) = 12 • Replace n by 3.
The first term is 4. the second term is 8. and the third term is 12.
LHs>5 oBnWse rciffl. alccrletcr ffis Kge 5 ffl Csrgsge Uamrg.

tvfynfht :ol> Ctf«*« Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mi, i>» K.otmlrani.11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm, caienno, K: ton ji irJor p'biuin.
hÿura! ImJccnciiluitt)' «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmniicnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwnireqiirt l

Write the first three terms of the sequence whose Write the first four terms of the sequence whose
/?th term is given by the a„ = 2n 1. — ?ith term is given by an = /i(/i + 1).

Solution Your solution

a„ = In - I
(l\ = 2(1) — I = I • Replace n by 1.
a-> = 2(2) —1=3 • Replace n by 2.
= 2(3) - 1 = 5 • Replace u by 3.
The first three terms of the sequence are 1. 3,
and 5.

Find the eighth and tenth terms of the sequence Find the sixth and ninth terms of the sequence
whose //th term is given by ar = „ " |. whose /2th term is given by a„ =
n(n + 2)*
Solution Your solution
an = n + I
8 8
Os =
8 + I
=~ * Replace n by 8.
10 10
«io = = #
Rep|ace bv I0-
10 + j 77 "
The eighth term is 8 The tenth term •is 10
g. yj-.

Solutions on p. S34

objective b To find the sum of a series

In the last objective, the sequence 10. II, 10, 1 1, 12.10. 13.31
12.10. 13.31 was shown to represent the
amount of interest earned in each of 4 years
of an investment.

The sum of the terms of this sequence repre¬ 10 + II + 12.10 + 13.31 = 46.41
sents the total interest earned by the invest¬
The total interest earned over the
ment over the four-year period.
four-year period is S46.4 1.

The indicated sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series. Given the sequence 10,
II. 12.10. 13.31. we can write the series 10 + 1 1 + 12.10+ 13.31.

S„ is used to designate the sum of the first n terms of a sequence.

For the preceding example, the sums of 5, = 10 = 10

the series S\, S2, S:„ and S4 represent the 5-. = 10+ II =21
total interest earned after I. 2, 3, and 4 S-\ = 10+ II + 12.10 = 33.10
years, respectively. S4 = 10 + II + 12.10 + 13.31 = 46.41

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. KimimJ. Mq ixi Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik it wrt. I>« InclccVont mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix 6coi at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<f r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng rc*tnc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccotni ii iny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

For the general sequence «i. <22, Si = fli

aj, ... , a„. the series Sh S2 S3, and 5, . Si = fli + fli
are shown at the right. S3 = «| + a2 + fl3
Sn = a, + a, + a3 + + fl¬
it is convenient to represent a series in a compact form called summation notation, or
sigma notation. The Greek letter sigma, 1, is used to indicate a sum.

The first four terms of the sequence whose nth term is given by the formula an = 2n are
2, 4. 6, and 8. The corresponding series is written 2-"
and is read "the sum from I to
4 of 2n." The letter 11 is called the index of summation. To evaluate the series, replace 11
by the consecutive integers from 1 to 4 and add the results.

Take Note
The Index of summation can = 2(1)+ 2(2) + 2(3) + 2(4) • Replace/? by 1.2,3, and 4.
n- I
be any variable. For instance,
for the series at the right, we = 2 + 4 + 6+ 8 • The series is 2 + 4 + 6 + 8.
could have written 1*.
= 20 • The sum of the series is 20.

Evaluate the series 5) (2/ - 1).

TJ Take Note
The placement of the

parentheses in HOW TO 2 is
important. For instance. 2(2/- I) = [2(0 - IJ+ 12(2)- IJ+ [2(3)- I) • Replace iby 1.2.and 3.
•— 1
±21-1 =1+3+5 • Simplify.
1-1 =9
= 2(11 + 2(2)+ 2(3)- 1
= 2+4 + 6-1 =11
This is nof the same result as
the sum of - 1). Evaluate the series 2 ~n.

|(5)+4(6) • Replace n by 3. 4. 5. and 6.

• Simplify.

Evaluate the series 21 C? — ")ÿ
Evaluate the series 2
~ -)•

Solution Your solution

2(7 - n)
= (7 - 1) + (7 - 2) + (7 - 3) + (7 - 4)
= 18

Solution on p. S34

Ccfjiirfa :i>liCrw Iam'aC *11 BV*1> KimtoJ. Mq m Ix mxitr airlxnU. It »Kik dccVsnt raH, mm tknl |tnjoatctirto, Ix mafOKi 6coi at ilv-i ir.1
it put. I>« ui jr c<"ki(un.i
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. «rtxc«cc couchJco r»»: nunull) x xc: lu •/» cnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I urnn; rc*+r»c< he niÿii lo tÿluiml ccnxnt ii my line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*
rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


Concept Check
1. faJ What is a sequence? 2. hi What is the difference between a finite
sequence and an infinite sequence?

3. Name the third term in the sequence 4. Name the fourth term in the sequence
2,5.8,11.14,... 1.2.4,8.16.32,...

objective A To write the terms of a sequence

For Exercises 5 to 16. write the first four terms of the sequence whose mh term is
given by the formula.
5. a„ = n + 1 6. ar = n — 1 7. an = 2n+ 1 8. a„ = 3n - 1

9.(i„ = 2-2/i 10.ÿ=1-2n 11. a„ = 2" 12. an = 3n

13- = #r +I 14. an = n — ÿ 15. an = n2 - ÿ 16. a„ = (- l)nrl//

For Exercises 1 7 to 28. find the indicated term of the sequence whose mh term is given
by the formula.

17. a„ = 3w + 4;«|2 18. on = In - 5;fl10 19. a* = n(n - 1):

20. a„ = ;al2 21. an = (- 1)ÿ"V; al5 22. aH = (- 1 - I); fl25

23- an = ( t ) ;% 24. an = [ - j ;a5 25. a„ = {n + 2)(» + 3); an

(-1)2""1 (-I)2"
26. an = (n + 4)(/i + l);a7 27. a„ = ——— :a 6 28. an = ÿ 4
; <i|6

29. ÿ Write a formula for the sequence of the 30. ÿ Write a formula for the sequence of the
squares of the natural numbers. reciprocals of the natural numbers.

I.mndi. "Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mi, ml h,oidiIonvi 11italiaol. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-w n/Vu. .n< ilird pm» cn«nno, K: airficucÿ ton ji ill--.4 irjor Pkimii.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamii( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿxtiwc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

objective b Tofind the stun ofa series

For Exercises 3 1 to 42. find the sum of the series.

5 7 4 7
31. 2 (2n + 3)
n— I
32. 2 (< + 2)
33. £ 2/

36. i(P +
1) 37. 2(-l)"
1-1 -,J

6 4 5 (_|\n-l 7
39. 2 i3 40. X (-D'-'O- + I) 41- 42.
i-3 i-l n— 3
" - i-4

43. 'Jj Write the sum of the squares of the first 44. Write the square of the sum of the first
n natural numbers using sigma notation. n natural numbers using sigma notation.

Critical Thinking
A recursive sequence is one in which successive terms are defined as some combina¬
tion of previous terms. For Exercises 45 to 46. find the first four terms of the recursive

45. <i| = I. a„ = nan-\, n > I 46. ax = I,a2 -'1,4, = a„-\ + a„_2, n a 3

Projects or Group Activities

47. Epidemiology An epidemiologist has determined that the number of people in a
population who are newly infected with a virus on a given day is proportional to the
number not yet exposed on the preceding day. This relationship can be expressed
by the recursion equation an - a„ - \ = 0.04(P - a„ |), where P is the number of
people exposed to the virus in the original population. a„ is the number of people ill
with the virus n days after being exposed, and a„ ( is the number of people ill with
the virus on the precedingday.
a. Suppose a virus is introduced into a community of 5000 people, and 150 people
become infected (oq = 150). Solve the recursion equation for an.

b. How many people are infected after 4 days?

Uqiith 301) Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu Kamal Mq ml K,nn4 n Animal, n »lulc I « n UK. I>* m clccn-mruW. o> llinl |M1> cuikcino, K: um-cl fc" Mc cl*»i inlor n'Mtui.l.
review 1»Jccntjihn azy aimvacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x inctxII Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni it inj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ra|iirc t

12.2 Arithmetic Sequences and Series

OBJECTIVE A Tofind the nth term of an arithmetic sequence

A company's expenses for training a new employee are quite high. To encourage em¬
ployees to continue their employment with the company, a company that has a six-month
training program offers a starting salary of S2400 per month and then a $200- per-month
pay increase each month during the training period.

The sequence at the right

shows a new employee's Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
monthly salaries during Salary 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
the training period. Each
term of the sequence is
found by adding $200 to
the preceding term.

The sequence 2400. 2600. 2800. 3000. 3200. 3400 is called an arithmetic sequence.
EJ Take Note
An arithmetic sequence is a
An arithmetic sequence, or arithmetic progression, is one in which the difference be¬
tween any two consecutive terms is constant. The difference between consecutive temis
special type of sequence in is called the common difference of the sequence.
which the difference between
any two successive terms
Each of the sequences shown 2. 7, 12. 17,22.... Common difference: 5
is the same constant. For
instance. 5. 10, 15. 20. 25. ... at the right is an arithmetic 3, 1,-1,-3,-5, Common difference: - 2
is an arithmetic sequence. sequence. To find the com¬
The difference between any 3,-5 Common difference: 4
mon difference of an arithme¬
two successive terms is 5.
tic sequence, subtract the first
The sequence 1,4. 9. 16. ...
term from the second term.
is not an arithmetic sequence
because 4-1 =9-4.
Consider an arithmetic sequence in which the first term is a | and the common difference
is d. Adding the common difference to each successive term of the arithmetic sequence
yields a formula for the /2th term.

The first term is at. a, - a,

To find the second term, add the common difference ci — a,

d to the first term.
To find the third term, add the common difference d «, = a-, + d = (a, + d) + d
to the second term.
= a, + 2d
To find the fourth term, add the common difference = a3 + d = (a, + 2d) + d
d to the third term. as = (/| + 3d
Note the relationship between the term number and
the number that multiplies d. The multiplier of d is I
less than the term number. a = a, + (ri — 1)d
C Tips for Success
For your reference, all of the Formula for the nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence
formulas presented in this
chapter are restated in the The nth term of an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of d is given by
Summary at the end of the
an ai + 0 1)d.
Irtsssothawsetied.all tisfay is CCeuae Iflaritij

CCrorltbt :ol> (IriW Iturn). All Htftu Kninol Mi, i>» h,ccpnlrani.11italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmrtfhi 01llird put, omen(To, K: wmca Son ill--.4 irjor i(k|ii".i
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) oimtutv o>rt;ri ik<« rmniicnjlb mcnll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx il <jV«(iKni rotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

F'nd the 27th term of the arithmetic sequence -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, ....
Find the common difference, d. This is the difference between any two successive
terms of thearithmetic sequence. We will use terms I and 2.
d = a2 — ci\ • Find the common difference.
= 1 (-4) — — —3 • a1 = -4.o2 = -1
To find the 27th term, use the Formula for the mh Term of an Arithmetic Sequence.
+ 01 1)d
cin = a\ ~

a27 = -4 + (27 - 1)(3) •a | = -4, // = 27. d = 3

(h7 = -4 + 26(3) = -4 + 78
fl-i? = 74

Find the formula for the mh term of the arithmetic sequence 2. -3.

d = (l2 — 0\ • Find the common difference.

= -3 — 2 = -5 * ai = -3.fl| = 2
Use the Formula for the mh Term of an Arithmetic Sequence.
an = <7, + (n - 1)d
an = 2 + (n- I)(—5) •o, = 2,</=-5
an = 2 - 5/i + 5
a,. = -5n + 7

Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic sequence 2. 5. 8.


d = a2 — fl] =5 — 2=3 • Find the common difference. a; = = 2

Solve the Formula for the mh Term of an Arithmetic Sequence for n.
a„ = a, + (n - I)d
44 = 2 + (n 0(3) - • a„ = Uai = 2.d = 3
44 = 2 + 3/? - 3 • Solve for n.
44 = 3/1 - I
45 = 3/2
15 = n
The sequence has 15 terms.

Find the 10th term of the arithmetic sequence Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic
1,6, 11, 16,.... sequenced 9. II....,59.

Solution Your solution

d = a2 - «| = 6 - I = 5 • Findd.
a„ = a, + (n - 1 )d
fll0= 1 +(10- 1)5 • Find a,0.
= I + (9)5
= 1 + 45 = 46
Solution on p. S34

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kiunnl. Ug ml K.unil n Animal, n »tuk i « n pal. I>j» la clccn-mruW. o> llinl cuikcino, K: umucl u> itilor n'Mtuio.
review 1»Jccntjihn azy ainwacÿ o>ri;ri ik<« r»n nonulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npenenx. CaMc I am/it rc«r>f< &*c njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccoxnl it inj line if «jV«ajucni njloroiixtwot roturc t

OBJECTIVE B To find the sum of an arithmetic series

The indicated sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence is called an arithmeticseries.
The sum of an arithmetic series can be found by using a formula. A proof of this formula
is given in the Appendix.

Point of Interest Formula for the Sum of n Terms of an Arithmetic Series

This formula was written
Let 3] be the first term of a finite arithmetic sequence, let n be the number of terms of
in AryabhaHya. which was
written by Aryabhata around the sequence, and let ac
be the last term of the sequence.
499. The book is the earliest
known Indian mathematical
Then the sum of the series Sn is given by S„ ÿ (3j + a„).
work by an identifiable
author. Although the proof of
the formula appears in that Find ''ie sum °f t'ie First '0 terms of the arithmetic sequence
text, the formula was known
before Aryabhata's time.
d = a2 - a | = 4-2 = 2 Find the o»mmon difference.
«„ = «, + (n ~ \)d Find the 10th term using the Formula for the
ax o = 2 + (10 1)2 " nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence.
aw = 2 + (9)2 = 20 n = 10. a, = 2,d = 2

Sn = ~ (fl| + flj Use the Formula for the Sum of n Terms of

an Arithmetic Series, n =10. at = 2,a„ = 20
S,o = "j12 + 20) = 5(22) = 110

Find the sum of the arithmetic series ÿ (3/j + I).

an is the expression following the summation symbol. 2.

a„ = 3n + I
a, = 3(1) +1=4 Find the 1st term.
(b< = 3(25) + I = 76 Find the 25th term.

Sn = (fl|ÿ a„) Use the Formula for the Sum of

n Terms of an Arithmetic Series.
S25 = ~(4 + 76) = ~(80) = 1000 n = 25. a, = 4. a„ = 76

Find the sum of the First 20 terms of the Find the sum of the first 25 terms of the arithmetic
arithmetic sequence 3. 8. 13. 18 sequence -4, -2. 0. 2, 4
Solution Your solution
r/ = =8 3=5 - • Findd.
a„ = a\ + (n - I)d
fro = 3 + (20 -
1)5 = 3 + (19)5 • Findo*.
= 3 + 95 = 98

S"=ÿ (01 + Use the Formula for

the Sum of n Terms
TQ of an Arithmetic
ÿ20 = ÿ- (3 + 98) = 10(101) Series.
= 1010
Solution on p. S34

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mi. ml h.moil 11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmrtfhi 01llird pm» caiennm (« «imc«i ittxi irJor plirann.
hÿura! ImJccnciduiiry «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c wtcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i try lirx it <jV«jiKni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

15 18
Evaluate the arithmetic series ÿ(2n + 3). Evaluate thearithmetic series ÿ(3/z - 2).

Solution Your solution

an = In + 3
a, = 2(1) + 3 = 5 Find a,.
a,5 = 2(15) + 3 = 33 Find flj5.

Sn = («i + a„) Use the Formula for
the Sum of n Terms
5,5 =
= 285
- (38) of an Arithmetic

Solution on p. S34

OBJECTIVE C To solve applicationproblems

The distance a ball rolls down a ramp each A contest offers 20 prizes. The first prize is
second is given by an arithmetic sequence. The S 1 0.000. and each successive prize is $300 less
distance in feet traveled by the ball during the Mh than the preceding prize. What is the value of the
second is given by 2n - I. Find the distance the 20th-place prize? What is the total amount of prize
ball will travel during the 10th second. money being awarded?

Strategy Your strategy

To find the distance:
• Find the 1st and 2nd terms.
• Find the common difference of the arithmetic
• Use the Formula for the Mh Term of an
Arithmetic Sequence.

Solution Your solution

= 2/? I- • The given sequence
= 2(1) -1 = 1 • Find A|.
a2 = 2(2) -1=3 • Find a>.
d = a2 a\ = 3 1=2 - • Find d.

fl„ = a, + (/? - 1 )d • Use the formula.

<7 io = 1 + (10 - 1)2 = I + (9)2
= I + 18 = 19
The ball will travel 19 ft during the 10th second.

Solution on p. S34

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) i»» Ix mxiir dirlxnU. nvbiko l>K III ckcivnt raHa an : iknl [tn. iMlUflUB) Iv ailircuiC&or utclVti jrilijrtl'li{iinil
roil*. aintc«e«oxknJki cat rialmill; a&ci vx n»c-all Icimn/cxjcmtat- 1 Inm<i<rctoci be "ill1 1 crtiOTi ii iny line if n/k«rrunctwm retire 4.

Concept Check


5. 1, 1 1, 21, ...;fl|5

8. — 7, —2, 3,

11. -4.

14. 1,2,3,...

17. 3,0.-3....

23. 1,-3,-7

26. 1.0.75,0.50,..., -4


32. 25.20. 15,...;/! = 22

hi What is an arithmetic sequence?
2. For the arithmetic sequence 5. II, 17, 23

e. (l= n

4. What is the Formula for the Sum of the First

For Exercises 5 to 13. find the indicated term of the arithmetic sequence.


- 1. ...; (i\2

lirinlO. 301J Crw Itunof. All k./m. KiMnnl. Mi) i>* Ix

rilingroim la* JccncJ ihr.

_ __
3. Determine whether each formula for the mh term of a sequence defines an arithmetic
a. a, = In 7

d. a„ = 2" 1 —
- b. an = 3 - 4/z c. an = 2n2 + I


6. 3, 8. 13,

15. 1,4,7,...

18. 2,7.5,

For Exercises 20 to 28, find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic sequence.
20. 1,5.9, ...,81 21. 3,8.13

9. 2,-, 3, ...; a31

12. —7 , — 1,

For Exercises 14 to 19. find the formula for the ;zth term of the arithmetic sequence.

24. 7, 3, 7, ...,13

27. 3.5,2,0.5

To find the sum of an arithmetic series

For Exercises 29 to 34. find the sum of the indicated number of terms of the arithmetic
29. 1,3,5,...;/! = 50 30. 2,4, 6,...; n = 25

33. 4.
..... 98


= 27

what is the common difference?

Terms of an Arithmetic Series?

To find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence


...; a22

,vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>.i ui tkoiv'it

7. — 6. — 2, 2, ...; #15

10. 1.

13. 8. 5. 2, ... ; aw

16. 6,2,-2,

19. 7,4.5,2,.

22. 2, 0. -2, ..., -56

7 11 12
3' 3 ' 3 ••••• 3
28. -3.4, -2.8, -2.2....,11

31. 20, 18, 16, ...;« = 40

34. 2 ,-j.|,...;n = 10


mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, K: mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

couch Jco r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix niÿii lo tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line 1! n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcgwrc l

For Exercises 35 lo 40. evaluate the arithmetic series.

15 15 17 (\
35. 2 (3/ " 1) 36. £
(3/ + 4) 37. 2
n- 1
+ I

10 15 10
38. 20 "
4/0 39. 2(4-2/)
40. 2C5-/1)
a- 1

41. 3 Give a formula for the sum of the first n odd

' 42. Give a formula for the sum of the first it even
natural numbers. natural numbers.

OBJECTIVE C To solve applicationproblems

43. Knitting A person is knitting a baby blanket that will consist of four triangles
arranged to form a square. The first row of a triangle is created by placing two
stitches on the knitting needle.The second row of the triangle consists of four stitch¬
es. Fromthat point on. each successive row contains one more stitch than the preced¬
ing row. How many stitches make up the 200th row? How many stitches are there in
all 200 rows?

44. Product Displays A display of cans in a grocery store consists of 24 cans in the
bottom row. 21 cans in the next row. and so on in an arithmetic sequence. The top
row has 3 cans. Find the number of cans in the display.

in me news!
45. Exercise An exercise program calls for walking 10 rnin each day for a week. Each
week thereafter, the amount of time spent walking increases by 5 min per day. In
Exercise Essential
how many weeks will a person on the program be walking 60 min each day? for Weight Loss
Being active—either through
casual physical activity or
46. The Arts The loge seating section in a concert hall consists of 27 rows of chairs. through a formal exercise
There are 73 seats in the first row. 79 seats in the second row. 85 seats in the third program—is an essential
row. and so on in an arithmetic sequence. How many seats are in the loge seating component of a weight-
section? loss program. When you're
active, your bcdy uses
energy (calories) to do
ÿ Exercise Exercise physiologists suggest that reducing a person's weight by 1 lb work, helping to bum the
calories you take in from
requires burning approximately 3500 calories. Use this information and the article at the food you eat The table
the right for Exercises 47 and 48. below shows the nimber of
calories burned per hour for
47. Suppose the initial weight of a person is 200 lb. Write a formula for the weight of this three activities.
person after n hours of jogging at 5 mph.
728 calories I lb
(Hint: = 0.208 Ib/h)
3500 calories
Walking. 346
3.5 mph
48. Suppose the initial weight of a person is 200 lb. Find the number of hours of running Jogging. 728
it will take for this person to reach a weight of 1 86 lb. 5 mph
Running. 1225
8 mph

49. A culture of bacteria is doubling every hour. Can the number of bacteria in the Source:www.maycclirtc.ccm
culture after each hour be represented by an arithmetic sequence?
LHessoBnvviw nanaT cartelcr this pÿe

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lj i>» h,unil cr Avlrcnd. n -Hik it I!ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> omenno, K: ufpcuci rtv-vi mlor PkiuTil.
hÿUra! haJccnciduttt) oinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rannucnilb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic njJillÿKtiwc ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrnrotiirt 1

Critical Thinking
50. How many terms of the arithmetic sequence -3, 2, 7, . must be added together for
the sum of the series to be 1 16?
51. Given an arithmetic sequence for which a, - - 9
and //.
= 21, and S„ - 36, find d

52. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 1 80°. The sum is 360: for a quadri lat¬
eral and 540° for a pentagon. Assuming this pattern continues, find the sum of the
interior tingles of a dodecagon (12-sided polygon). Find a formula for the sum of the
interior angles of an //-sided polygon.
a-th+c= 180°

Projects or Group Activities

53. Sports The International Amateur Ath¬ lniish line
letic Federation (IAAF) specifies the designs
of U"acks on which world records can be set.
A typical design is shaped like a rectangle
with semicircles on either end. as shown at
the right. There tire eight lanes, and each lane
is 1.22 m wide. The distance around the track
for each lane is measured from the center of
that lane. Find a formula for the sequence of
radii for the circular portion of the track (the
two ends). Round to the nearest hundredth.


1. Write the first four terms of the sequence whose 2. Write the first four terms of the sequence whose
/zth term is given by ar = In — I. //th term is given by u„ = /z\

3. Find the 9th term of the sequence whose //th term 4. Find the 8th term of the sequence whose //th
is given by = mt an tenn is given by un = <("
- •)'
5. Evaluate: ]£(r + 2i) 6. Evaluate: ÿ(3/ - I)

7. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic sequence 8. Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic
3,7.11,.... sequence 2. 5, 8. ... , 65.

9. Find a formula for the //th tenn of the arithmetic 10. Find the sum of the first 25 terms of the
sequence 2,1, 12, arithmetic sequence 2, 6. 10.

01) 25
11. Evaluate the arithmetic series ÿT(5/— 1). 12. Evaluate the arithmetic series ÿ(6// - 5).

UHe$sctha-«sen:(8clollc(rlen!an«s[aÿ « 'CCeipy Iffifriri;.

Uqiith 301)Ccr&jc Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Mq ml K,ct(<nlrami, aOdIuhJ. n»!»ik i« in un. I>j» m(tornruW. o> llinl |un> immiiraj K: airficuci feun Mt t tv-vi inlor cVfaptn < t
pc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ coucrt ik<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x inctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ttmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil ccnuni at atry line if «jV«ajucni njlorotixlwnt roiiirc t

Find the 6th term of the geometric sequence 3. 6. 1 2, ....

iuu Integrating
Technology Find the common ratio r. This is the quotient of any two successive terms of the
See the Keystroke Guide: geometric sequence. We will use terms l and 2.
Sequences and Series
for Instructions on using a
_ £2 _ o _ , a, = 3,a: = 6
graphing calculator to display
the terms of a sequence. a, 3
To find the 6th term, use the Formula for the /?th Term of a Geometric Sequence.
an = atr" -l
a* = 3(2)°-' = 3(2)5 fli = 3. n = 6. r = 2
n, = 96

Find a3 for the geometric sequence 8. a2. a3. -27, ....

To find the common ratio r. use the Formula for the nth Term of a Geometric
Sequence. The first term. 8, and the fourth term, -27, are known: n - 4.

a4 = ajr4"1 • n=4
-27 = 8r' • oi = 8,o4 = -27
• Solve for r\
—~ = r • Take the cube root of each side.

To find the 3rd term, use the Formula for the »th Term of a Geometric Sequence.

a5 =
a3 = 18
r=*«)"=<! ai = 8. r = — — n = 3

Find the 7th term of the geometric sequence Find the 5th term of the geometric sequence
3,-6, 12,....
5.2.3, ""
Solution Your solution
Find the common ratio r.
= ~~ = -2
• o, = 3,o> = -6
To find the 7th term, use the Formula for the Mh
Term of a Geometric Sequence.
a„ = a,/-""1
a7 = 3(-2)7_l • a, = 3.ii = 7,r = -2
fl7 = 3(-2)e = 3(64)
a- = 192
Solution on p. S35

I'Pinih*. 301)Ccr&t: Iiintnl. *11 Htftu KrcrHil Mi, ml K.unil 11 dtrlurol. n»hik i
« n pin. I>n hi ilccn-w ruW.mllird put, cidkcino, K: ufpcuci fenn inilv-vi inlor H'uiuih
rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainvcacÿ cucKrt ik<i r«n nucnilb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I camnf rcn*r>e« ix njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvcrxm at anj line if «jV«ajucni njlorolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Find a-, for the geometric sequence 2. a->, a3. Find a3 for the geometric sequence
54. 3,02*03. -192

Solution Your solution

Find the common ratio r.
a„ =
A, = fl.r4-' n =4
54 = 2r3 fli - = 54
27 = r3 Solve for r\
3=r The common ratio Ls 3.

To Find the 2nd term, use the Formula for the n\h
Term of a Geometric Sequence.
an = a\r"~x
a2 = 2(3)2— = 2(3) ai = 2. r = 3. n = 2
a-. = 6

Solution on p. S35

OBJECTIVE B Tofind the sum of afinite geometric series

The indicated sum of the terms of a geometric sequence is called a geometric series. The
sum of a geometric series can be found by a formula. A proof of th is formula is given in
the Appendix.

Point of Interest Formula for the Sum of n Terms of a Finite Geometric Series
Geometric series are
used extensively in the Let a, be the first term of a finite geometric sequence, let n be the number of terms of
mathematics of finance. the sequence, and let rbe the common ratio.Then the sum of the series S„ is given by
Finite geometric series a,d r')
are used to calculate loan S" "

balances and monthly i- r *

payments for amortized


Find the sum of the terms of the geometric sequence 2. 8. 32.

0"1 8 , Findthe common ratio.

«ÿ« ' r">

s -r
Use the Formula for the Sum of n
Terms of a Finite Geometric Series.
2(1 - 4s) 2(1 - 1024) n = 5.d| = 2. r = 4
1-4 -3
_ 2(— 1023) _ -2046
-3 -3
5S = 682

CCrorltbt :ol> Ca&it Itimn/. All Htftu Kninol Mi. i>» h,iiloJ.ranci. 11italtcaal. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» caiennm (« «imc«i ittxi irJor plipiiKi
l'diir*rtor> In*Jccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<ic njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccnxni it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Integrating Find the sum of the geometric series ÿ 3(4" ').
m Technology i~i
See the Keystroke Guide:
When a series is written using sigma notation, the expression following 1is ar. the
Sequences and Series general term of the sequence. Therefore. a„ = 3(4" '). Use the Formula for the Mh
for Instructions on using a Term of a Geometric Sequence to find r. the common ratio.
graphing calculator to find the
sum of a series. = 3(4"-')
a] = 3(4'-') = 3(4°) = 3-1=3 Find the 1st term.
a2 = 3(42"') = 3(4') = 3-4 = 12 Find the 2nd term.

r_a2 2 _4 Find the common ratio r.

a\ 3
Now use the Formula for the Sum of n Terms of a Finite Geometric Series.

,- r
3(1 ~ 4'°)
5,0 - I-4
• n = = 3.r = 4
3(1 - 1.048.576) 3(- 1.048.575)
5,o -
-3 -3
S10= 1.04S.575

Find the sum of the terms of the geometric Find the sum of the terms of the geometric
sequence 3. 6. 12, 24. 48. 96. sequence 1, - ii-h-
Solution Your solution

r= — = -ÿ = 2 Find r. a< = 6.<i| = 3

fl.O r")
5„ = Find the sum.
3(1 - 26) 3(1 - 64)
56 = = — 3(— 63) = 189
- 2 -I

ÿ5". V —IV
Find the sum of the geometric series
Find the sum of the geometric series
it — I \-
Solution Your solution
an = 5"
«I = 51 = 5 Find a i
(h = 52 = 25 Find ai.

Find r.
fliQ r")-
5„ = Find the sum.
5(1 - 5J) 5(1 - 625) 5(— 624))
54 = - 5 -4 -4
= 780
Solutions on p. S35

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IoinOt All k./m. lotnol Mi) w Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it it part. I>.i uiclccVont r<(hv mm iknl wo oatctirtn, K: airnc—cÿ frcn lit ilv-i ir.1 lOtom"

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. cuclcM Jc<« r»»: numill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjtncra
Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿluiml ccnsni ii iny line it «jV*c4txn: n/k*rranctwm rcgwrc l

OBJECTIVE C Tofind the sum ofan infinite geometric series

When the absolute value of the common ratio of a geometric sequence is less than 1,
Point of Interest r < 1 . then as it becomes larger, r" becomes closer to zero.
The midpoints of the sides
of each square in the figure
below are connected to form Examples of geometric sequences for which ,'•1>9'77'
3T- 243' •••
the next smaller square. By r < 1 are shown at the right. Note that as
the Pythagorean Theorem. 1 I 1
the number of terms increases, the value of "2-4- -3-T3.
if a side of one square has
length s, then a side of the the last term listed gets closer to zero.
next smaller square has
\ 2
length -j- s. Therefore,
the lengths of the sides of
The indicated sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence is called an infinite
the consecutively smaller geometric series.
and smaller squares form a
sequence in which
_ V2
S" ~ o Sn-1-
An example of an infinite geometric series is
shown at the right. The first term is 1. The
1 \
+ +9 T? + ÿr + Tb +
common ratio is

The sums 5„ of the first 5, 7. 12. and 15 terms.

along with the values of r". are shown at the
5 1.4938272 0.0041152
right. Note that as n increases, the sum of the
terms gets closer to 1.5 and the value of r" 7 1.4993141 0.0004572
gets closer to zero. 12 1.4999972 0.0000019
15 1.4999999 0.0000001
It is from applications such
as this that geometric
sequences got their name.
Using the Formula for the Sum of n Terms of a Finite Geometric Series and the fact that
r" approaches zero when r < Iand n increases, we can find a formula for the sum of
an infinite geometric series.

approximately zero
The sum of the first /? terms of a geometric aid -ÿ
series isshown at the right. If | r\ < I. then 1 -r
r" can be made very close to zero by using
larger and larger values of n. Therefore, the "l(l - 0) _ a,
I-r l-r
sum of the first n terms is approximately
l - r*

Formula for the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series

The sum of an infinite geometric series in which |/| < 1 and 3] is the first term is given
by S

When |r > l.the infinite geometric series does not have a sum. For example, the sum of
the infinite geometric series 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ••• increases without limit.
IHbbotawasrcitC. ai coite-f cr this pages I
Cagags taim'rg.

Kqiilh roll C'WXI IoinOt All k./m. lotnol Mq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik damn*
it put. I>« In mm tknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix fecai at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. otrrvwcc couchtk<« r»»: rmmill) x xv: lu mcnll kinut; cxjtncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo scwvc ccoxni ii iny line it «jV«c*4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

OBJECTIVE C Tofind the sum ofan infinite geometric series

When the absolute value of the common ratio of a geometric sequence is less than 1,
Point of Interest r < 1 . then as it becomes larger, r" becomes closer to zero.
The midpoints of the sides
of each square in the figure
below are connected to form Examples of geometric sequences for which ,'•1>9'77'
3T- 243' •••
the next smaller square. By r < 1 are shown at the right. Note that as
the Pythagorean Theorem. 1 I 1
the number of terms increases, the value of "2-4- -3-T3.
if a side of one square has
length s, then a side of the the last term listed gets closer to zero.
next smaller square has
\ 2
length -j- s. Therefore,
the lengths of the sides of
The indicated sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence is called an infinite
the consecutively smaller geometric series.
and smaller squares form a
sequence in which
_ V2
S" ~ o Sn-1-
An example of an infinite geometric series is
shown at the right. The first term is 1. The
1 \
+ +9 T? + ÿr + Tb +
common ratio is

The sums 5„ of the first 5, 7. 12. and 15 terms.

along with the values of r". are shown at the
5 1.4938272 0.0041152
right. Note that as n increases, the sum of the
terms gets closer to 1.5 and the value of r" 7 1.4993141 0.0004572
gets closer to zero. 12 1.4999972 0.0000019
15 1.4999999 0.0000001
It is from applications such
as this that geometric
sequences got their name.
Using the Formula for the Sum of n Terms of a Finite Geometric Series and the fact that
r" approaches zero when r < Iand n increases, we can find a formula for the sum of
an infinite geometric series.

approximately zero
The sum of the first /? terms of a geometric aid -ÿ
series isshown at the right. If | r\ < I. then 1 -r
r" can be made very close to zero by using
larger and larger values of n. Therefore, the "l(l - 0) _ a,
I-r l-r
sum of the first n terms is approximately
l - r*

Formula for the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series

The sum of an infinite geometric series in which |/| < 1 and 3] is the first term is given
by S

When |r > l.the infinite geometric series does not have a sum. For example, the sum of
the infinite geometric series 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ••• increases without limit.
IHbbotawasrcitC. ai coite-f cr this pages I
Cagags taim'rg.

Kqiilh roll C'WXI IoinOt All k./m. lotnol Mq ixi Ix mxiir ai;l>o<U. It »Kik damn*
it put. I>« In mm tknl |tnj oatctirtn, Ix fecai at ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. otrrvwcc couchtk<« r»»: rmmill) x xv: lu mcnll kinut; cxjtncra Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo scwvc ccoxni ii iny line it «jV«c*4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

Find the sum of the terms of the infinite geometric sequence I, —4.
'8' —
The common ratio
io is | —J| < I
«i I 12
S - | -
f —3—,
— [ —— I —
. • Use the Formula for the Sum of
an Infinite Geometric Series.
2 2

The Formula for the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series can be used to find an equiva¬

lent fraction for a repeating decimal.

Consider the repeating decimal 0.3333.... This decimal can be written as the sum of an
infinite geometric sequence.

... = A10 + -L r=M =±

100 + 1000
3 10

_flj 10 10 3 1
1 - r
1 _2_ 9 3
10 10

0.333... =

Here is an example in which the repeating digits do not begin immediately.

ÿ'ntl an e0u'valent fraction for 0.47272.. ..

0.47272 = 0.4 + 0.072 + 0.00072 + •••

4 72 72 100.000 1
+ *",r
10 1000 100.000 72 100
Use the Formula for the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series.
72 72
a, _ 1000 _ 1000 72 4
1 -r 1 99 990 55
100 100

An equivalent fraction is ÿj.

Uqiith 301)Ca«*« Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kamal Uo ml K.«(<nlraniin dirlimU. n »!»ik i« n wn. I>* M llarcnt rtf tu. 01llird cullcel no, K: airmail k"ix itilor pluur i.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc (lut azy ainwacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nucmlb rifal **c »»• ctxII kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> ecfK*< idlumil cvnxni it utj line if «jV«ajucni n(h>roiixlwnt ra|iirc c

__ _
Find the sum of the terms of the infinite
geometric sequence 2.




, L-- 1-8
- -4 -4 3

-I • 1ind r. a, = -,a,

Find the sum of the terms of the infinite
geometric sequence 3. -2.

Your solution
-ÿ$, ....

Find an equivalent fraction for 0.3636. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.66.
Solution Your solution
0.3636 = 0.36 + 0.0036 + 0.000036
36 36 36
+ +
10.000 1,000.000
36 36

fli 100 100 36 ±
I- r 1 99 99 II
100 100

An equivalent fraction is -j| .

Find an equivalent fraction for 0.2345. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.3421.

Solution Your solution

0.2345 - 0.23 + 0.0045 + 0.000045 +
23 45 45
+ +
10.000 1,000.000
45 45
ai 10,000 10.000 45
5= 9900
1-r 1 99
100 100
45 2277 45
°-2345 =-i+ÿ 9900
2322 129
9900 550
An equivalent fraction is ÿq.

Solutions on pp. S35-S36

llpinfht -01J Ca&it Iturn). All to Kninol Mi, i>» h,iiroJrani.11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< ilird pm» caienno, K: nnmÿ ton ji ill--.4 irjor Pk|H".i
hÿura! halccnciduitt) ajnrcadcodcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb xf&c. i*c mcnll Itirun/ npcncnc. CaMc Icimnf rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it inj litx tl «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

OBJECTIVE D To solve applicationproblems

On the first swing, the length of the arc through You start a chain letter and send it to three friends.
which a pendulum swings is 16 in. The length of Each of the three friends sends the letter to three
each successive swing is ÿ the length of the other friends, and the sequence is repeated.
Assuming no one breaks the chain, find how
preceding swing. Find the length of the arc on the
many letters will have been mailed from the first
fifth swing. Round to the nearest tenth.
through the sixth mailings.

Strategy Your strategy

To find the length of the arc on the fifth swing,
use the Formula for the nth Term of a Geometric

Solution Your solution

a„ = a\r i-i ' n = 5, a i = 16, r = ~

°5 ~ 9.4
The length of the arc on the fifth swing is 9.4 in.

The value of a mutual fund increased from Assume that the value of a mutual fund will
SI 0.000 to S25.000 in 12 years. Find the increase at a rate of 8% per year. If S20.000 is
average annual percent increase for the mutual invested on January 1. 2008. find the value of the
fund. Round to the nearest tenth. mutual fund on December 3 1. 2017. Round to the
nearest cent.

Strategy Your strategy

The geometric sequence is 10.000. 10.000(1 + p),
I0.000( I + p)\ ... , 25.000. where p is the
averaa? annual percent increase as a decimal. To
find the average percent increase, solve the
Formula for the illh Term of a Geometric Sequence
for the common ratio r = I +ÿ p.

Solution Your solution

a, = 10.000./? = \ = 25.000
a„ = a,r"
«i2 = a (/• • n = 12
25.000 = lO.OOOr" • a, = 10.000. </|2 = 25,000
2.5 = r" • Divide by 10.000.
2.5' 11
= (/ÿ")"" • Solve for r bv taking
1.087 r ~ the 11th root.

r = I + p. so 1.087 = I + porp = 0.087.

The average annual percent increase was 8.7%.
Solutions on p. S36

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All HiltuKacnoL Mi, i>» h,otmlrami. 11 italicnd. n -Kik it t t. I>ic m ilccnmn/Vu. o> llinl i rvuy k 4inrvucÿ fwr sSc ctVsA. arilor ci'sajtxn
libera!iciin In.Jcotciihn a> wnnJomkhJx. r.n mienilb i&o inrail Itimnl ™"cmCo : lamnf rc<n;< Jx njÿil U> pcykac cfttxni at anj line »l «jV«jiKni n(h>rotixtwn*roiairc t


Concept Check
1. |JExplain the difference between an arithmetic 2. bJ Explain how to find the common ratio of a
sequence and a geometric sequence. geometric sequence.
3. Determine whether each formula for the /?th term of a sequence defines a geometric
sequence. ( ÿy
a. = nr b. n = 2" c. an =

d. a„ = nm e. fl„ = 3" - I f. an = 2"

4. What is the Formula for the Sum of the first n Terms of a Geometric Sequence?

objective A Tofind the nth term of a geometric sequence

For Exercises 5 to 10, Find the indicated term of the geometric sequence.

5. 2, 8. 32, Og 6. 4,3,~ — ; as 7. 6. -4,-,...; a7

8. -5. 15, -45

— ; a7 -L 1 1
16' 8" 4'

For Exercises II to 16, Find a? and a3 for the geometric sequence.

8 27
11. 9. a2, a3 12. 8.a2,a3, — ,... 13. 3, U2,
o g'-"

14. 6, a;, a?,- 48

— 15. — 3, 02,03, 192, ... 16. 5, fl?,625, ...

OBJECTIVE B Tofind the sum of a finite geometric series

For Exercises 17 to 22. Find the sum of the indicated number of terms of the geometric
17. 2,6. 18....;/!= 7 18. 5,2,|t...;n = 6 19. 3,-2,-....;/! = 5

20. -4. 12, -36. ...;/? = 7 21. 12,9,-j,...;* = 5 22. — 2,~,3 — ~9 — ; ii =6

For Exercises 23 to 26. Find the sum of the geometric series.

23. £(2)> 24- 2(1 *ÿ
S [i
.91 For Exercises 27 and 28. suppose alta2, a3, ... is a geometric sequence in which
a| > 0. For the given condition on r, is the sum of /? terms of the sequence positive,
negative, or either positive or negative depending on the value of /??
27. - 1 < r < 0 28. r < - 1

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Htftu Kamal Mq ml K.iiraJ.jnxca dnluKd. n»l»ik i« n wn. I>j» m ckcn-w ruh. o> llinl |un> hdhiino, K: feon Mc itv-,4 inlor n'Mtuio.
pc*io» hs«JccncJ ihn azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I camnf rc**r>c« ix ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani njlorolixlwnt ro)iirc t

objective c To find the sum of an infinite geometric series

For Exercises 29 to 32. Find the sum of the infinite geometric series.

29. 3 + 2 + -+-
30. 2 -- -+ -

3I. —10 +—100 -—+

— + —1000 ÿÿÿ

+ 10,000 1,000,000

For Exercises 33 to 40, find an equivalent fraction for the repeating decimal.
33. 0.8 34. 0.5 35. 0.2 36. 0.9

37. 0.45 38. 0.78 39. 0.16 40. 0.83

'3 For Exercises 41 to 44. determine whether the infinite geometric sequence has a
finite sum.
41.9,3,1,... 42.0.1,-0.01,0.001,...,225,... —
44. I, 1.2, 1.44,

objective d To solve applicationproblems

45. Sports To test the "bounce" of a tennis ball, the ball is dropped from a height of
10 ft. The ball bounces to 75# of its previous height with each bounce. How high
does the ball bounce on the sixth bounce? Round to the nearest tenth of a foot.

46. Pendulum On the first swing, the length of the arc through wtiich a pendulum
sw ings is 20 in. The length of each successive swing is
ing swing. What is the total distance the pendulum has traveled during four swings?
j. the length of the preced¬ in me news!
Round to the nearest tenth of an inch.
The Fukushima earthquake
Radioactivity For Exercises 47 and 48. use the information in the article at the that occurred on March 11,
right. 2011, off the east coast of
47. The geometric sequence given by a„ = 200(0.5)" represents how many times Honshu, Japan, released
radioactive particles into
above acceptable levels the cesium- 137 level in a soil sample is after n years. How- the environment. Two of
many years w ill it take for cesium- 1 37 levels near Honshu. Japan, to reach acceptable these radioactive isotopes
levels? (Hint: Determine when an is first less than I.) were cesium-137 and
iodine-131. With a half-life
of approximately 30 years,
48. The geometric sequence given by an ~ 200(0.5)" x represents how many times above cesium-137 poses a much
acceptable levels the iodine- 1 3 1 level in a soil sample is after n days. How many longer-term health risk than
days will it take for iodine- 1 3 1 levels near Honshu. Japan, to reach acceptable levels? iodine-131, which has a
(Hint: Determine when a„ is first less than I.) half-life of approximately 8
days. In some soil samples,
the amount of cesium-131
49. 3 Suppose you receive two job offers, each consisting of one month (30 days) of was 200 times acceptable
work. One job will pay you $5 million at the end of 30 days. The other offer pays amounts.
Source. LosAngeles Times.
you Ic the first day, 2C the second day. 4c the third day. and so on in a geometric November 19.2011
sequence. Which job would you choose if you were try ing to select the job that paid
the most? Explain.

CtCjrijhl -Oil 'Off IMinnl. All Hiltu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil«msi. <r italicaal. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-nt nrftu. o> llird |un> on«nno, K: ainiiw2 ton inlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿlrra! hoJccnciduttt) cinrcu£v o>rt;ri ik<« rmnucnjlb xf&c. 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic njJillÿKtiwc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry Imc it «jV«ajucni rotiKtwrn rotiirt 1

Critical Thinking
50. For the geometric sequence given by a„ - 2", show that the sequence /?„ - log a„ is
an arithmetic sequence.

51. For the geometric sequence given by an ~

e", show that the sequence b„ - In an is
an arithmetic sequence.

52. For the arithmetic sequence given by an = 3h - 2, show that the sequence b, - 2""
is a geometric sequence.

53. For /(/?) - atf, n a natural number, show that f(n) is a geometric sequence.

54. Finance A car ban is normally structured so that part of each monthly payment
reduces the loan amount, and the remainder of the payment pays interest on the loan.
Interest is paid only on the loan amount that remains to be paid (the unpaid bal¬
ance). If you have a car loan of S5000 at an annual interest rate of 9T, your monthly
payment for a 5-year loan is S 103.79. The amount of the loan repaid /?„ in the wth
payment of the loan is given by the geometric sequence R„ = Rf\ .0075)" '. For the
situation described above. R\ - 66.29.
a. How much of the ban is repaid in the 27th payment?
b. The total amount T of the loan repaid after n payments is the sum of the

geometric sequence T - ÿR\( 1.0075)' '. Find the total amount repaid after
20 payments.
c. Determine the unpaid balance on the ban after 20 payments.

Projects or Group Activities

55. Art The fabric designer Jhane Barnes created a fabric pattern based on the Sierpin-
ski triangle. This triangle is afractal, which is a geometric pattern that is repeated at
ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes. The first four stages in the construc¬
tion of a Sierpinski triangle are show n below. The initial triangle is an equilateral
triangle with sides I unit long. The shaded triangles are formed by connecting the
midpoints of the sides of the unshaded triangles. This pattern is repeated indefinitely.
Find a formula for the ;/th term of the number of unshaded triangles.

56. Art A Sieipinski carpet is similar Sierpinski triangle (see Exercise 55). The
to a
first three stages in the construction of a Sierpinski carpet are shown below. Each
unshaded square is divided into nine congruent smaller squares, with the one in the
center shaded. Find a formula for the mh term of the number of unshaded squares.

Ittess oltewa?rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z, Cagags taimrg.

lirinlh. :m!CR0CK II1~CIAll ,M> KimimJ. VUj K: ««ÿ>«. ir airlKnJ. a »hik w it inn. I»M In cla-lvnt r«tu. <hnl wo imuom«| K: fcm at tlixk inlor c<"kliun«-
t*Liiral roic»» hv ikaxJihr.*tj «in*v<«cdcortcnJcci r«>: riaicnalb tdSxICtc at cnll kimn; cxÿcrcr&c. I urnng rcnnc< ix njÿii lo vcwvc tÿlutml cmxni il inj line it* «jV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire A

12.4 Binomial Expansions

OBJECTIVE A To expand (a + b)n

By carefully observing the series for each expansion of the binomial (a + b)" shown
below, it is possible to identify some interesting patterns.
(a + b)1 = a + b
(a + b)2 = a2 + Tab + \r
{a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3atr + b3
(a + by = a4 + 4a3b + 6a2tr + 4air' + b4
(a + by <r + 5a4b + 10d'b2 + 10crb1 + 5ab4 + If


1. The first term is a". The exponent on a decreases by I for each successive term.
2. The exponent on b increases by I for each successive term. The last term is If.
3. The degree of each term is ;?.

Write the variable parts of the terms in the expansion of (a + b)6.

if,a5/?, (fb2. a 'lf\ a2b~. ab\ If • The first term is a*. For each successive
term, the exponent on a decreases by 1. and the
exponent on b increases by 1. The last term is b'\

The variable parts in the general expansion of (a + b)n are

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) cf. cf~xb. d"2\f, ..., a" 'b\ ..., alf~\ If
is given credit for Pascal's
Triangle, which he first A pattern for the coefficients of the terms of the expanded binomial can be found by writ¬
published in 1654. In that ing the coefficients in a triangular array known as Pascal's Triangle.
publication, the triangle
looked like
1 2 3 4 5...
Each row begins and ends For (a + by 1 1
with the number 1. Any For (a + b)2
11111 1... other number in a row is
2 1 2 3 4... the sum of the two closest For (a + b)?
3 1 3 6... numbers above it. For ex¬ For (a + b)4 4 .6
4 1 4... ample. 4 + 6 = 10. For (a + b)5 10
5 1
Thus the triangle was rotated
45° from the way it is shown Write the sixth row of Pascal's Triangle.
To write the sixth row, continue
The first European
publication of the triangle is
attributed to Peter Apianus
from the numbers of the fifth
row shown above at the right. L6 A 15 A 20 A. 15 A
in 1527. However, there are The first and last numbers of
versions of the triangle in a the sixth row are I. Each of
Chinese text by Yang Hui that the other numbers of the sixth
dates from 1250. In that text,
row is obtained by finding the
Hui demonstrated how to find
the third, fourth, fifth, and sum of the two closest numbers
sixth roots of a number by above it in the fifth row.
using the triangle.
The numbers in the sixth row are the coefficientsof the terms in the expansion of {a + b)b.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi Iiimal. All k./m. lotnol Mi) ixi Ix annex. ir dirlxnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>« InclccVont rtfhi. : ihnl jtarty i\ni»ti nuy he «arfTO»ed fcem i:c ctVxL irJur «»
tiliraimicn JccncJ thr. cuucnikci r»»: numilb aficci iu incnll kimn; cxjcncru Iurn;rc*mc< ix njÿii I crtixni ii any line if «aV*c4t«r; n/k«rMnctwm rcÿairc a.

Using the numbers of the sixth row of Pascal's Triangle for the coefficients and the pat¬
tern for the variable part of each term, we can write the expanded form of (a + /?)6 as:

(a + b)6 = a6 + 6cfb + 15a*tr + lOcrb* + 1 Scrtf + 6atr + b6

Point of Interest
The exclamation point was Although Pascal's Triangle can be used to find the coefficients for the expanded form of
first used as a notation for the power of any binomial, this method is inconvenient when the power of the binomial
factorial in 1808 in the book is large. An alternative method for determining these coefficients is based on the concept
Elements dArithmetique of n factorial.
Universelle. for the
convenience of the book's
printer. Some English n Factorial
textbooks suggested using
the phrase "n-admiration" n\ (which is read ~n factorial") is the product of the first n consecutive natural numbers.
0! is defined to be 1.

n\ n{n 1){n - 2) - ...-3-2-1

1. 5! - 5-4-3-2 1 - 120 - 2. 8! — 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 — 40,320
3. 1 ! - 1 4. 0! - 1

Evaluate: 6!
6! = 6-5-4-3-2 1 =720 - Write the factorial as a product. Then simplify.

4! 3!
7! 7-6 5-4-3 2- l
4! 3! (4-3-2- l)(3-2- I) — -Vs • Write each factortil as a product.
Then simplify.

The coefficients in a binomial expansion can be given in terms of factorials.

Note in the expansion of (a + by (a + b)5 =
that the coefficient of a2lr can be

a5 + 5(fb + IOfl-'/r + 10ah + 5air + b5
<§f Point of Interest

given by 1 The numerator is the
5! 5-4- 3- 2- I
factorial of the power of the binomial.
The denominator is the product of the
—— ; = —(_-——— -—- = 10
1 )(3 _ 1)
- - -
factorials of the exponents on a and b.

Binomial Coefficients

The coefficients of a""b' in the expansion of (a 4 b)n are given by The
{n -r)\r\
symbol (
J is used to express this quotient.
(n - r)!f!
Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)

used the notations ( —j and Evaluate:

[?] for binomial coefficients

8! 8!
Write the quotient of the factorials.
arou 1784. The notation
<nN 5} (8 - 5) !5 ! 3! 5!
0 appeared in the late
8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2 I
= 56 Simplify.
(3-2 I)(5- 4-3-2- I)

linrilh. :ol) Ccr Iturn). All Htftu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,moil IT rtalrcaol. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> omen no, K: ufpcuci &«* >nlor i<k|UT«.
hÿara! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj lirx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l

VIf 1»ll Evaluate:

7! 7»
Write the quotient of the factorials.
0/ (7 - 0) ! 0!
7! 0!
7-6- 5-4- 3-2- I
= I Recall that 0! = 1.
(7*6-5- 4- 3- 2 l)(l) -

Using factorials and the pattern for the variable part of each term, we can write a formula
for any natural number power of a binomial.

Binomial Expansion Formula

(a + by - + + + + (n)&"

1. (a + b)4 - Q)a4 + ÿja3b (* )a2b2 Qÿab3 Q)b4

4 4 4

- aJ + 4aJb 4 6aV + 4abJ 4 b:

2. (X - 2)3 - 4- (ÿ(-2) Q)x(-2)2 Q)<-2)3
4 4

X3 - 6X2 4 12X - 8

E2EE2E®tt Write (4.v 4 3v)3 in expanded form.

Use the Binomial Expansion Formula. Then simplify each term.

(4a- + 3y)3 = )(4a):(3>-) + Q(4a)(3>-)j + Qfy)3

QW +3(16x2)(3y)
= l(64.V3) 4 4 3(4.v)(9y2) 4 l(27V3)
= 64.r3 4 144*2) 4- 108xy2 4 27y3

Tlie Binomial Expansion Formula can also be used to write any term of a binomial
expansion. The formula for the rth term is given below. Note in the expansion of (a 4 by
below that the exponent on b is 1 less than the term number.

(a 4 by = a5 4 5a4b + 1 Otr'b2 4 1Grrfc3 4 5«/»4 4 /rs

Formula for the rth Term of a Binomial Expansion

The rth term of (a 4 b)n is (

r , laÿ'-'b"1.

t'nnih*. 301)Ccr&t: Iuntnl. *11 Htftu KiuniJ. Uo ml<nlrami. n darlund. n»!»ik i« n wn. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl m*> cuikcino, K: airficocÿ u> inlor n'Mtui.i.
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho uj aimcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at anj line if 4iV«cqiani rotixtumreqaire

Find the 4th term in the expansion of (.v + 3)7.

Use the Formula for the rth Term of a Binomial Expansion, r — 4

r- I

(4 - 1V"4,,(3)4"1 = (3V®3 ~ 35.v4(27)

= 945.r4

F'nd the 12th term in the expansion of (2v - l)14.

Use the Formula for the /th Term of a Binomial Expansion. /* = 12
I2 - I
(2)l4-r--H(— D'2-1 = (|ÿ(2r)3(-l)» = 364(8.v')(- I)

= - 29 1 2r3
Write (2v + y)' in expanded form. Write (3m - n)4 in expanded form.
Solution Your solution
(2x + y)3

(J(2v)3 + (jj(2r)2(y) + ÿJav)(>')2+ V3 (y)-

= lV) + 3(4jc2)(y) + 3(2v)(r) + Ky3)
= 8x3 + llry fay2 + y3

Find the first three terms in the expansion of Find the first three terms in the expansion of
Cv + 3)15. (y - 2)10.

Solution Your solution

= I(.r15)
»>"* (">"»'+(?>"W
+ I5.v,4(3) + 105.r l3(9) +

= .v15 + 45a:14 + 945a;13 + •••

Find the 4th term in the expansion of (5.v - y)6. Find the 3rd term in the expansion of (/ - 2s)7.
Solution Your solution
r- 1
6 n = 6, a = Sx,
(5a;)6-4+,(—y)4-1 b = -y, r = 4
4 - I
= 20(125.v3)(->3)
= - 2500a* V
Solutions on p. S36

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il h.im4 IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m(l«imrah. o> llird |un> nmctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itV-vi mlor cV'fapxn «»-

hÿUra! haJccnciduitt) «jnvco(ÿ coclcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc njjillÿ«tiw< try litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwnirotiirt 1
ccoxnl it 1


Concept Check
1. J What is the factorial of a natural number ?i?

2. What does the notation I

J mean?
3. In the expansion (v + y)n, what is the degree of each term?

4. How many terms are in the expansion of (x - 4)6?

objective A To expand (a + b)n

For Exercises 5 to 24, evaluate the expression.
5. 3! 6. 4! 7. 8. 9!

5! 8!
9. 0! 10. I! 11. 12.
2! 3! 5! 3!

6! 10! 9! 10!
13. 14. 15. 16.
610! 1010! 6! 3! 2! 8!

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24.

For Exercises 25 to 32, write the expression in expanded form.

25. (.v + y)4 26. (/• - 5)3

27. (x - y)5 28. (y - 3)4

29. (2m + I)4 30. (2x + 3y)3

31. (2r - 3)5 32. (x + 3y)4

Krjrirfi. JOU Cit£aK IamHt. All k./m. KimimJ. Mq ox Iv tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it iun. I>« Ui ikoiv'.i raH. mm iknl pr- oatctirtn, K: wircutj hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn

rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c I tinng ft*tnc< ix 10 tÿluiml ccotni 11 iny line 1! «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rorsirc

For Exercises 33 to 40. Find the first three terms of the expansion.
33. (a + b)i0 34. (a - b)n

35. (2v + >)8 36. (y + 3v)9

37. (4.v - 3y)8 38. (2y - 5)7

39.1x4 40. ( x --

For Exercises 41 to 46. Find the indicated term of the expansion.

41. (2y - I)7; 4th term 42. (.y + 4)5; 3rd term

43. (x2 - y2)6; 2nd term 44. (.y2 + j-2)7: 6th term

45. ( n + ;2nd term 46. ( x + ÿ j ;3rd term

47. ÿ True or false? —y- = 2 48. Is the 13th term in the expansion of
(.y - 5) 21 positive or negative?

Critical Thinking
49. Simplify: ÿÿ7 50. Simplify:
~ 2)!
51. For 0 < /• < /?. show that
n —r
2-4-6-S-... - (2n)
52. For w > 1. evaluate

Projects or Group Activities

Powers of complex numbers can be found by using the Binomial Expansion Formula.
Before doing Exercises 53 to 60. review the powers of iin Section 7.5. Projects or Group
Write each complex number in standard form.
53. (I + /)5 54. (2 - 3i)4 55. (1 - 2/)5 56. (2 + iY

»(|-W .(*ÿ{? (4,#"

lirinlli. 301J CRW 1tun of. All Ktfit. Mq ox Ix ir dirlicnU. It »Kik t» it iun. I>.i Ui tkoiv'it mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, K: urfTtÿc fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: rmniill) x'tc: iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncru Ccb£m£c Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njÿil 10 xsUutnxl ccosni 11 iny line it «iV«c4isn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l


12 Summary

Key Words Examples

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers. Each of the numbers of
a sequence is called a term of the sequence. For a general sequence.
I, J. g. j7 is a sequence.
the first term is a,, the second term is a2. the third term is a2, and The terms are 1 . g. and tj.
the /?th term, also called the general term of the sequence, is
a„. 1 12. 1A. p. 652]

A finite sequence contains a finite number of terms. 2. 4. 6. 8 is a finite sequence.

( 12.1A. p. 652)

An infinite sequence contains an infinite number of terms. 1, 3, 5. 7, ... is an infinite sequence.

( 12.1A. p. 652 1

The indicated sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series. Given the sequence 1. 5, 9. 13. the series is
S„ is used to designate the sum of the first n terms of a 1+5 + 9+13.
sequence. 1 12. IB, p. 653]

Summation notation, or sigma notation, is used to represent a

series in a compact form. The Greek capital letter sigma. 1,is used £1 2*= 2(1) + 2(2) + 2(3) + 2(4)
to indicate the sum. [ 12. 1 B. p. 654]
= 20

An arithmetic sequence, or arithmetic progression, is one in

which the difference between any two consecutive terms is the same
3.9. 1 5. 21 ....
is an arithmetic sequence.
9 - 3 - 6: 6 is the common difference.
constant. The difference between consecutive terms is called the
common difference of the sequence. ( 12.2A, p. 657]

The indicated sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence is an 1 , 2, 3. 4. 5 is an arithmetic sequence. The
arithmetic series. [ 12.2B. p. 659] indicated sum isl + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5.

Ccp]ri<bl "Oil 1Minnl. All Hiltu Knmol »bj i>» h,unil <• AiylicttJ. n »luk i» is l>n m tlccn-»t rtftu. o> llinl m*> crnstinay K: ill--.4 irjor c<"fanxn « t
hÿixral hdJccnciduttf) cuucnik<a r«»; nucmlb iixc; .x utcraJI kimni nÿcncnc. CaMc 1 camnf rc*cr*:< be ntfhl U> bcvkac »alunul ccnuni at anj line »l «jV«ajucni rDtiktwmroÿiire 1

A geometric sequence, or geometric progression, is one in

which each successive term of the sequence is the same nonzero
constant multiple of the preceding term. The common multiple
is called the common ratio of the sequence. |I2.3A. p. 664)
9. 3, I, t
g =
__ is a geometric sequence.

\ is the common ratio.

The indicated sum of the terms of a geometric sequence is a 5. 10, 20, 40 is a geometric sequence. The
geometric series. |I2.3B,p. 666] indicated sum is 5 + 10 + 20 + 40.

n factorial, written n!, is the product of the first n consecutive

natural numbers. 0! is defined to equal I.
5! - 5 4 3 2 1
• • • •
- 120
[ I2.4A. p. 676]

EssentialRules and Procedures Examples

Formula for the nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence
f 12.2A. p. 657]
The nth term of an arithmetic sequence with a common 4.7. 10, 13, ...
difference of d is given by a„ - a, + (// - \)d. d = 7 - 4 = 3: a, = 4
aI0 = 4 + (10 - 1)3 = 4 + 27 = 31

Formula for the Sum of n Terms of an Arithmetic Series

( I2.2B. p. 659]
Let (i\ be the first term of a finite arithmetic sequence, let n be the 5,8.11,14,... d = 3. fl12 = 38
number of terms, and let a„ be the last term of the sequence. Then
the sum of the series Sn is given by S„ - '4 (a, + a„). S]2 = (5 + 38) = 258

Formula for the nth Term of a Geometric Sequence

112.3A. p. 6641
The nth term of a geometric sequence with first term </, and 2,6.18,54.... a, = 2, r=3
common ratio / is given by a„ = a,r"_1. <i,o = 2(3) 10-1
= 2(3)9 = 39.366

Formula for the Sum of n Terms of a Finite Geometric

Series [12.3B. p. 666]
Let «, be the first term of a finite geometric sequence, let n be the 1,4. 16.64. ... <7, = 1, r = 4
number of terms, and let /• be the common ratio. Then the sum of
S* =
K1 -48) 1 ~ 65.536
the series Sr is given by Sn - J|',' '• I-4
= 21.845

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol VI, i>» h,Moil IT dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird tun, omen no, K: ufpcuci ton ji «nlor cV'fapxr <».
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) ainrcocj cocicrt Jmi rmniicnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc nj6liÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwrnfcÿiirt l

Formula for the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series

[12.3C. p. 668]
The sum of an infinite geometric series in which r\ < I and ax 2 I— — a\ = 2, r =
' '2*4*"
is the first term is given by S -
Binomial Coefficients [ 1 2.4A. p. 676]
The coefficients of d 'b' in the expansion of (a + b)n are given 6! 6!

C>where Q - ÿ
= 15
(6 -2)! 2! 4! 2!

Binomial Expansion Formula [12.4A,p.677] (.V + >')4

<« + «ÿ - (o> + ("Vlfc + ("V"2ÿ + - .V4 + b- + ( -J )xb
'f +1 1V
= a4
+ 4.v3v + 6aV + 4xy3 + yf*

Formula for the rth Term of a Binomial Expansion

(I2.4A. p. 677]
The /th term of (a + b)n is ( jd~r'ibr]. The sixth term of (2r - y)9 is
'9>)(2;)9_6,l(-y)6_l = -20l6xV-

Uqiith 301)Ccr&t: I(Intnl. *11 Ktftu KncrMil Uo ml K.moil n « n wn. I>* In clccn-mruh. o> llinl |KH> cuikcino, K: airticocÿ fc" Mc cl*»i itilor cV'fapxr < t
n»!»ik I
rc*io» hs«Jccikc iho azy aimcacÿ o>ri;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc c


12 Review Exercises

1. Is the sequence 1. 4. 9, 16. 25. . . . an arithmetic 2. Write the IOth term of the sequence whose mh term
sequence, geometric sequence, or neither? is given by the formula an = 3n - 2.

3. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.7. 4. Find the sum of the infinite geometric series
3 -4-
. ... •

30 5
5. Find the sum of the arithmetic series ÿ (4/
— 1). 6. Find the sum of the arithmetic series ÿ(3?i-2).

7. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.23. 8. Evaluate:

9. Find the sum of the geometric series ÿ 2(3)". 10. Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic
n —1 sequence 8, 2. -4, ..., -118.

11. Find the sum of the geometric series 2 ( 7 )"•

12. Find the 5th term in the expansion of (3.v - y)\
Round to the nearest thousandth. "

13. Write the 5th term of the sequence whose mh term 14. Find the sum of the first seven terms of the geomet¬
(-1)2>i-l11 ric sequence 5, 5V5. 25, .... Round to the nearest
is given by the formula an -
if + 2 whole number.

15. Find the formula for the mh term of the arithmetic 16. Find the 8th term in the expansion of (.v - 2>')u.
sequence -7. -2. 3, ....

Kpjnrii. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. KimtoJ. Mq w Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik it part. I>« ui ikoiv'i, mm iknl wo oatcti"a, Ix ointcx«ÿ hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iO»m«
rilingroim la* tkaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c Icimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo ccnxni il »ny line it «iV*cÿtxn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

17. Find the 12th term of the geometric sequence 18. Find the sum of the first 40 terms of the arithmetic
1,V3,3, .... sequence 11. 13. 15

12 (_ |)n_l/|
19. Evaluate: 20. Find the sum of the series V,-—-1.
ri n + I

21. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.36. 22. Find the 8th term of the geometric sequence

23. Write (.r - 3V2)- in expanded form. 24. Find the sum of the infinite geometric series
4 1 - +\ - -.

2+ I+ |+ ..
25. Find the sum of the infinite geometric series 26. Evaluate:
5! 8!

27. Find the 20th term of the arithmetic sequence 28. Evaluate: Y—
1-5.9 n -on"!

29. Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic 30. Find the 7th term of the geometric sequence
sequence -3, -7, 11,..., -59. — 5, 5\/3, 15, ....

31. Find the sum of the terms of the infinite geo¬ 32. Write the 17th term of the sequence whose
metric sequence 3, 2, , mh term is given by the formula an =

33. Find the 10th term of the arithmetic sequence 34. Find the sum of the first 1 8 terms of the arithmetic
-10.-4,2,.... sequence -19.-12,-5

lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW 1iinmr *11 ».,m. VUj ix. lx miiir oclicnJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt raHi mm <hnl |tii) rtn, K: mafOK* bar ac itv-4 inlor c<"kiiun«-
f *Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj «nrv«cc couchJcci r«>: riuWilb afixl Ctc at cnll kimn; cxxntru. Cca 0&c I nmnf rcnnc< ix njÿii 10pcyk'vc cmxni il anj line it* «jV*c4t n/k«rMnctwm retire

35. Find the sum of the first six terms of the geometric 36. Evaluate:
sequence 8. - 1 6. 32, 5! 2!

37. Find the 7th term in the expansion of (3.v + y)9. 38. Find the sum of the series ÿ (4n - 3).
— i

39. Write the 8th term of the sequence whose nth 40. Find the formula for the nth term of the arithmetic
term is given by the formula a„ - " ~
. sequence -4.0.4,

41. Find the 5th term of the geometric sequence 42. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.3666.

43. Find the 37th term of the arithmetic sequence 44. Find the sum of the first five terms of the geometric
-37,-32,-27,.... sequence 1,4. 16, ....

45. Exercise An exercise program calls for walking 1 5 min each day for a week. Each
week thereafter, the amount of time spent walking increases by 3 min per day. In how
many weeks will a person on this program be walking 60 min each day?

46. Temperature The temperature of a hot water spa is I02°F. Each hour, the tem¬
perature is 5 c/( lower than during the preceding hour. Find the temperature of the spa
after 8 h. Round to the nearest tenth.

47. Compensation The salary schedule for an apprentice electrician is $2400 for the
first month and an S80-per-month salary increase for the next eight months. Find the
total salary for the nine-month period.

48. Radioactivity A laboratory sample contains 200 mgof a radioactive material with
a half-life of 1 h. Find the amount of radioactive material in the sample at the begin¬
ning of the seventh hour.

uqiith :ol> CcrCWc Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lf i>» h,ccpnlrani.IT Avlicnd. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n In tlccn-w rtfhi o> llird |un> cuilctlno, K: airficucÿ &M* ittx* mlor cV'fapxr <i.
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:<ic tÿlumil ccoxnl it i
try Imc it «jV«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l


1. Find the sum of the series ÿ(3w + I). 2. Evaluate:


3. Find the 7th term of the geometric sequence 4. Write the 14th term of the sequence whose nth term
4,4\/2. 8 is given by the formula a„ = 1ÿ>.

5. Find a-> for the geometric sequence 6. Find the sum of the first 1 8 terms of the arithmetic
i. I
a2, a3, -j.
l".... sequence -25, -19,-13, ....

7. Find the sum of the terms of the infinite 8. Find the number of terms in the finite arithmetic
geometric sequence 4, 3. f sequence -5, -8, -1 1, ..., -50.

9. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.23. 10. Evaluate:


11. Find the 5th term of the geometric sequence 12. Find the 4th term in the expansion of (.v - 2y)7-
6. 2, 5, ....

liniilh. :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu KimtmJ. Mq i>» h,unil IT dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n m(l«imn/Vl. .mllird |un> cuilctlno, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itV-,4 irjor cVfapxn «»-

hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it 1 rotiKtwnirotiirt l

13. Find the 35th term of the arithmetic sequence 14. Find the formula for the ;?th term of the arithmetic
-13. -16.-19 sequence 12. 9. 6. ....

15. Find the sum of the first five terms of the geometric 16. Find the sixth and seventh terms of the sequence
sequence -6. 12. -24. .... whose nth term is given by the formula

17. Find the sum of the first six terms of the geometric
sequence 1,9,4

18. Find the sum of the first 21 terms of the arithmetic sequence 5, 12. 19. ...

19. Inventory An inventory of supplies for a yarn manufacturer indicated that

7500 skeins of yarn were in stock on January I. On February 1 and on the first of the
month for each successi\e month, the manufacturer sent 550 skeins of yarn to retail
outlets. How many skeins were in stock after the shipment on October 1?

20. Radioactivity An ore sample contains 320 mg of a radioactive substance with a

half-life of I day. Find the amount of radioactive material in the sample at the begin¬
ning of the fifth day.

uqiith 301)Ctr&tt Iiinml. *11 Ktftu Kama! VU, >i h,cc(<nlrami, u darlund. n »hik i« n tun. I>j» m clccn-w ruW. o> llinl tun, oa«uno, K: wnoi fee itilor cV'fatun.1
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>ri;ri tk*<i r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll kimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k ntJil U> xtk'.c idlumil cvnxni at atry line if 4iV«cqiani n rolixlwnt ro|iirc t

Cumulative Review Exercises

1. Graph: 3x ~
2y = -4 2. Factor: 2.v6 + 16

4a: 3a* - 2
3. Subtract: 4. Given /(a) - lv2 - 3a. find /(- 2).
A" +a- 2 a+ 2

5. Simplify: V2v(V&xt - Vy) 6. Solve by using the quadratic formula:

2a2 -a +7=0

7. Solve: 5 - Vx = Vx + 5 8. Find the equation of the circle with center at

(-1,-1) and that passes through the point whose
coordinates are (4. 2).

9. Solve by the addition method: 10. Evaluate the determinant:

3a - 3y = 2 -3 I
6a - 4y = 5 4 2

11. Solve: 2a - I > 3 or I - 3a > 7 12. Graph: 2a - 3y < 9

Write the solution set in set-builder notation.

13. Write log5\/ v 'n expanded form. 14. Solve for a: 4' - 8"

15. Write the 5th and 6th terms of the sequence whose 16. Find the sum of the series V (- 1)" '(" + 2).
/2th term is given by the formula a„ = n(n - 1).

Ittessctterwse tiedcllnrlen!onPlspeÿ is CCe-gaÿ Lffinir?.

llTOTilh'. 3DII(.trftl: Iturn). All Htftu Kunitl. VUf m h.icmdrani.IT dnltcnd. n »Hik « i:pin. I>lc m llccn-mrah. o> llird r Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr Uc ctVx4. ir*lof a»
hdbra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainwocÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nucnilb xf&c. 6c »»» crxll lumn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it HQ lif»c il aiVwajucni n(h>rotnctwcnrojurc t

17. Find the 33rd term of the arithmetic sequence 18. Find the sum of the terms of the infinite geometric
-7. -10. -13 sequence 3. -2, 3, ....

19. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.46. 20. Find the 6th term in the expansion of (2r + y)6.

21. Mixtures How many ounces of pure w ater must be added to 200 oz of an 8% salt
solution to make a 5% salt solution?

22. Computers A new computer can complete a payroll in 16 min less time than it
takes an older computer to complete the same payroll. Working together, the com¬
puters can complete the payroll in 15 min. How long would it take each computer,
w orking alone, to complete the payroll?

23. Uniform Motion A boat traveling with the current went 15 mi in 2h. Against the
current, it took 3 h to travel the same distance. Findthe rate of the boat in calm water
and the rate of the current.

24. Radioactivity An 80-milligram sample of a radioactive material decays to 55 mg

in 30 days. Use the exponential decay equation A = A>{4 !' \ where A is the amount
of radioactive material present after time /, k is the half-life of the material, and A0 is
the original amount of radioactive material, to find the half-lite of the 80-milligram
sample. Round to the nearest whole number.

25. The Arts A theater-in-the -round has 62 seats in the first row. 74 seats in the second
row. 86 seats in the third row. and so on in an arithmetic sequence. Find the total
number of seats in the theater if there are 12 rows of seats.

26. Sports To test the "bounce" of a ball, the ball is dropped from a height of 8 ft. The
ball bounces to 80% of its previous height with each bounce. How high does the ball
bounce on the fifth bounce? Round to the nearest tenth.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htflu Kninol »lj i>» h,iiroJrani,cr rtalrcnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rtfhi o> llird imp. omenno, K: ufpcuci ton rtv-vi. mlor PkiuTil.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt tkci rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try
ccoxnl it 1 Imc it «iV«n«ni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l


a- - /ÿ-
8[3 (— 2)]2 + 5-3 2. Evaluate when a - 3 and b - -4.
1. Simplify: 12 - -
a — b

3. Given f(x) = 3x
— 7 and /(a) = .v2 - 4.v. find 4. Solve: -x -2 = 4

2 - Ax - 6 5.v - 2
5. Solve:
6. Solve: 8 - 5 - 3x| = 1

7. Graph 2x - 3y = 9 using the x- and y-intercepts. 8. Find the equation of the line containina the points
P,(3.-2) and P2(l.4).


9. Find the equation of the line that contains the point 10. Simplify: 2a[5 - a{2 - 3a) - 2a\ + 3a2
P{—2. 1) and is perpendicular to the graph of
3x - 2y = 6.

Ui'essclha'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* iBariri;.

lirinlli. 301J CTOl, Iiimaf All k./m. latnal Mq Ix «vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>.i Ui ilaivninlHt. Mr :ihrJ jtjrtj iwkti nuy he «irfTO»ed kem ifrxk irJur «»
tiliraimicn «kaxJthr. coucnJc<i r»»: nuniilb affcvx iu incnll kimn; cxjcncru Icirmn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii I cmxni n iny line it* tan. n/k«rMnctwm retire L

11. Factor: 8 - .vV 12. Factor: x —y— a5 + .v:y

-3a 4.v - 12
13. Divide: (2a3 - 7x 2 + 4) -s- (2r - 3) 14. Divide:
2x2 - 3a- - 5 '
4a 2 - 4

15. Subtract:
2- +3 16. Simplify:
A A +4
+2 - 3
A A 4

17. Solve by taking square roots: (a + 5)2 + 9 - 0 18. Solve a„ = a\ + (n - \)d for d.

19. Simplify:
(4a 2v V 2a"'v2n3 20. Simplify: (
V 3a U-y

V I6a:v
21. Simplify: aV18aV - >V50a4v 22. Simplify:

Krjrirfi. JOU Cit£aK Iam'aC *11 KocnoL Mq m Ix ami tr dirlicnU. It »Kik ir it put. I>« Ui ilaivni mm iknl |tnj oatctirtn, K: mafOKi hn at ilv-i ir.1jr iOiomn
rilingroim Ism JcokJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvs iu mcnll kinui; cxjcncra Itimn/ rc*mc< ix niÿii lo xAJutnxl ccosni 11 iny line i! n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

5 -
23. Divide: 24. Find the maximum value of
3 + 4i
f{x) = -x2 + 4x + 2.

25. Solve by using the quadratic formula: 26. Solve: a23 - .l'3
-6 = 0
2r2 — 3a — 1 =0

2 2
27. Solve: - - - = I
-2x + -3 28. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry
and the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of
a = v2 6v -
6. Then sketch the graph.

rrTT...._.. r... .T-rp


29. Find the intercepts of the graph of + — - 1 30. Find the inverse function of /(a) = yx - 4.
Then sketch the graph.

31. Solve by the addition method: 32. Evaluate the determinant:

3a- 2y = 1 34
5a- - 3 v = 3 -I 2

Irtsssothawserc(Bct alIorient on Pis peÿ is CCe-gaÿ Iflaritij

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Vbj f>il<nlrani,cr dijlKatJ. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. omenno, K: Son ji mlor OSjotT".
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnwa(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb 6c mcnll Icimu/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlorotiKtwmrotiirt l

33. Solve: .v2 - y2 = 4 34. Solve: 2 - 3* < 6 and Ix + I > 4

x +y = 1 Write the solution set in interval notation.

35. Solve: 2x + 5i < 3 36. Graph the solution set: 3.v + 2y > 6

ÿX 3:
i ; i
i 1 i
- + -f!
i i! i... !
rrtth > ~r
T 1 !1 !

ÿf 4-.r
" ! * 1
H!r i ! rr"TT 1 1

37. Graph: j{x) ~

log;(r + 1) 38. Write 2(log2« - log26) as a single logarithm
with a coefficient of I.

l ll'l"j"-2 Ilit

39. Solve for x: log,a: - log3(x - 3) = 2 40. Find the sum of the arithmetic series


41. Find an equivalent fraction for 0.5. 42. Find the third term in the expansion of
It - 2y)9.

LHessothawise rtr.ffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

canritfl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Htftu Ktunol »Uj im h,icmdrani,cr arlÿnj n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m .milinl j K«nu) k 4inrcucÿ fwr Uc aralor ci'safixr 4i.
hditra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri Jcci r«n nunulb 6c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl itHQ lif»c il «jV«ajucni n(h>rotnctwcnrojurc t

43. Education An average score of 70 to 79 in a history class receives a C grade. A

student has scores of 64. 58. 82. and 77 on four history tests. Find the range of scores
on the fifth test that will give the student a C grade for the course.

44. Uniform Motion A jogger and a cyclist set out at 8 a.m. from the same point
headed in the same d irection.The av erage speed of the cyclist is two and a half times
the average speed of the jogger, in 2 h. the cyclist is 24 mi ahead of the jogger. How
far did the cyclist ride in that time?

45. Investments You have a total of S 1 2,000 invested in two simple interest accounts.
On one account, a money market fund, the annual simple interest rate is 8.5%. On the
other account, a tax free bond fund, the annual simple interest rate is 6.4%. The total
annual interest earned by the two accounts is $936. How much do you have invested
in each account?

46. Geometry The length of a rectangle is 1 ft less than three times the width. The 3w - 1
area of the rectangle is 140 ft2. Find the length and width of the rectangle.

47. The Stock Market Three hundred shares of a utility stock earn a yearly dividend
of $486. How many additional shares of the utility stock would give a total dividend
income of S810?

48. Uniform Motion An account executive traveled 45 mi by car and then an addi¬
tional 1050 mi by plane. The rate of the plane was seven times the rate of the car. The
total time for the trip was 3 4 h. Find the rate of the plane. tisfay is CCeuae Iffinitij

Conritf*2011Cct&jc Iturn). All Htftu Ktunol VUf m h, rani,cr irlÿnln »t»iW it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rah. o> llinl i Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fwr Uc cttxl ir*lof 4»

hdbra!roic* hoJccnci ilw *tj ainrcocÿ Jcci r«n nunulb 6c »»» ctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc lcimii( rc<n:< 6c njÿil ic xtk'.c ccoxnl it line »1 aiVwajucni n(h>rottxtweo rojurc t

49. Physics An object is dropped from the top of a building. Find the distance the
object has fallen when its speed reaches 75 ft/s. Use the equation v = V64d, where
v is the speed of the object and d is the distance in feet. Round to the nearest whole

50. Uniform Motion A small plane made a trip of 660 mi in 5 h. The plane traveled
the first 360 mi at a constant rate before increasing its speed by 30 mph. Then it trav¬
eled another 300 mi at the increased speed. Find the rate of the plane for the first
360 mi.

51. Light The intensity L of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
d from the source. If the intensity is 8 foot-candles at a distance of 20 ft. what is the
intensity at a distance of 4 ft?

52. Uniform Motion A motorboat traveling with the current can go 30 miin 2 h. Trav¬
eling against the current, the boat takes 3 h to go the same distance. Find the rate of
the motorboat in calm water and the rate of the current.

53. Investments An investor deposits $4000 into an account that earns 9% annual
interest compounded monthly. Use the compound interest formula P - A(l + /)",
where A is the original value of the investment, / is the interest rate per compound¬
ing period, n is the total number of compounding periods, and P is the value of the
investment after it periods, to find the value of the investment after 2 years. Round to
the nearest cent.

54. Sports When a golf ball is dropped and hits the floor, it rebounds to a height that
is 80% of the height from which it was dropped. If the golf ball is originally dropped
from a height of 5 ft. how high will it rebound on the fifth bounce? Round to the near¬
est hundredth.

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,unit 11 italicnd. n -Hik it i:pin. I>li In tkcn-w rtfhi 01llird put, omen (To, K: airficucÿ ton ill--.4 irjor aljju" <t.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt ikci rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<ic ccoxnl it itry Imc it «iV«n«ni rotiKtwnirotiirt l
Appendix A

Keystroke Guide for the TI-84 Plus

Basic Operations Numericalcalculations are performed on the home screen. You can always return to the
home screen by pressing jfjlj QUIT. Pressing (ESy erases the home screen.
To evaluate the expression —2(3 - 5) — 8 +ÿ 4. use the
following keystrokes.
3Cftÿ5SB8i 4 PTTTT'

Note: There is a difference between the key to enter

UJTake Note a negative number. Q-> j, and the key for subtraction. v'M9
The descriptions in the
margins (tor example. Basic - . You cannot use these keys interchangeably. 7

Operations and Complex

Numbers) are the same as The en key is used to access the commands in
those used in the text and gold writing above a key. For instance, to evaluate
are arranged alphabetically.
V49, press 49 .
5-*n c
The key is used to place a letter on the screen. One
reason to do this is to store a value of a variable. The fol¬
lowing keystrokes give A the value of 5.
5 Kfr-fr fftt* A rrT

This value is now available in calculations. For instance. 75
we can find the value of 3 a~ by using the following
keystrokes: 3 foTT' A . To display the value of the
variable on the screen, press f-r> RCL CE-? A.

Note: When you use the QSJ& key, only capital letters
are available on the TI-83 calculator.

Pol Sea
Complex Numbers To perform operations on complex numbers, first press ÿat
CE> and then use the arrow keys to select a+bi.
RW re'ftl
Then press ,
w• QUIT. IsTTT Honz G-T

Addition of complex numbers To add (3+mi+(2-7l|

(3 + 4i) + (2 - 7i), use the keystrokes
Mr 3 4 ÿ ,B Ife
BB 2 - 7m,Brr .
Division of complex numbers To divide 4~'. 26+2iM2+MI
use the keystrokes BB 26 2 »
MB 2 | 4 gg iBLj §£&.

Note: Operations for subtraction and multiplication are

Ittesscihs-wse tted.ellcaten!onPlspeÿ is CCeuaÿ laariri;. 697

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Imuni. All Hiltu Knmol Vb, ml K.unil <• AvIkmL n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlccn-w rah. o> llird |un> imnno, K: um-c,Son ji itl-wi mlor
hÿura! haJccnciduitt) «jnrva(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnv. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil cvoxnl it inj litx tl <jV«jiKni rcrindsÿo rÿure 1
"U Take Note

Use the down arrow key to

scroll past Y? to see Ye, Y3,
and Yo.

Evaluating Variable

Graphing Inequalities To

Cmpjridi. :i>liCrw IamiC All

rilingroic»» la* JcaxJihr.
Additional operations on complex numbers
can be found by selecting CPX under the
C© key.
To find the absolute value of 2 — 5i, press

(scroll to CPX| (scroll

Graph To graph a function, use tte


\Y2 =
\Y3 =
\Yu =
\YS =
\Y6 =
- O.l.v '
5i GD.i:
Evaluating Functions Tlieie are various methods of evaluating a func¬
tion but all methods require that the expression be entered
as one of the ten functions Yi to Yo. To evaluate
f(x) = v I| when v = —3. enter the expression into.
for instance, Yi, and then press CL&

Note: If you try to evaluate a function at

a number that is not in the domain of the function,
you will get an error message. For instance. I is not
in the domain of f(x)

(MafeOb 3 P

Ploll Plot2 Plol3

E a.ix=-2x-i

graph. Use the

y s 2r


-I- Is! when 5 - 4 and

/ = 5, use the following keystrokes.

S p** 5
3 trtft.i s 9rt7T l

illustrate this feature, we will graph

y s 2t— 1. Enter 2.t - 1 into Yi. Because

I : ZBox
2: Zoom In
3: Zoom Out
4: ZDeclmal
5: ZSauare
0 ZStandard
7» ZTrlg

L psra

I. If we try to evaluate

To evaluate a variable expression, first store the values

of each variable. Then enter the variable expression.
For instance, to evaluate s:

the function at I, the error screen at the right appears.

key to enter the expression for the function,

select a suitable viewing window, and then press (PTTFTf . For instance, to graph


Note: For the keystrokes above, you do not have to scroll to 6. Alternatively, use
R-WT 6. This will select the standard viewing window and automatically start the
key to create a custom window or a graph.

I. we want to shade below the graph. Move

the cursor to the left of Yi and press rrr» three times.
Press .

Mi) m Ix mxitr dirlicnU. It »Kik ,» it put. I>« uiclccVont


— 2v — I in the standard viewing window, use the following keystrokes.

2 reall
4 : angle!
I?f absl
5 ÿ Reel
7 » Polar


I f&W, (scroll to 6)

-10 .


piflti P1013 PlotB
e xvix-ii
\Ya =
\Y- =
\Y- =
\Yi =
\Ye =



2: Goto

4 >S



IHessotavwerota! a IccrtBicr this page s Zagags Uamrg


mm tknl |tnj oatctirm, Ix mafOKi fccm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil

Jc<« r»»: nuniill) xffcvc iu mcnll kinur; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c ! tinng rt*tnc< ix niÿii lo

ccnxni 11 iny line 1! «iV«c4ixn: n/k*rranctwm rcÿurc l


Note: To shade above the graph, move the cursor to the left of Y and press en~ i

two times. An inequality with the symbol < or ÿ should be graphed with a solid
line, and an inequality with the symbol < or > should be graphed with a dashed line.
However, a graphing calculator does not distinguish between a solid line and a dashed

To graph the solution set of a system of inequal¬ Plotl Plot? PlotB

ities. solve each inequality for y and graph each ÿ*Y;EMX/3-5/3
inequality. The solution set is the intersection \Y-.=
of the two inequalities. The solution set of \Y.=
\Y? =
\Ye =
3.t + 2v . shown at the right.
> 10 is
4.v - 3y <5

Intersect The INTERSECT feature is used to solve a system of equations. To illustrate this feature,

we will use the system of equations

2r -. 3y
= 13
3.r 4- 4y = -6
Note: Some equations can be solved by this method. See the section "Solve an equa¬
tion" on the next page. Also, this method is used to find a number in the domain of
a function for a given number in the range. See the section "Find a domain element"
on the next page.

Solve each of the equations in the system of equations for y. In this case, we have
2 13 „i 3 3
y = 3X ~ y and >' = ~ 4 r ~ t
Plotl Plot? PlotB
\Y: E?X/3-l3ÿ3
Use the Y-editor to enter - -j into Yi and \Y;E -3XM-3?
\T5 =
— — iinto Y:. Graph the functions in the
standard viewing window. (If the window does
two \Y« =
\Y' =
_ ,.-
XYo= '
not show the point of intersection of the two
graphs, adjust the window until you can see the
point of intersection.)
Press CALC (scroll to 5. intersect) pÿ . CALCULATE
1 : vakje
Alternatively, you can just press f£» CALC 5. 2: zero
3: minimum
M: maximum

First curve? is shown at the bottom of the screen and 57: Jltxldx

identifies one of the two graphs on the screen. Press


Second curve? is shown at the bottom of the screen

10 S\J 10

and identifies the second of the two graphs on the FllSt CUIVP?
screen. Press pÿ . X-0 Yÿ 1.333333

Guess? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you to 10

use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the
approximate location of the point of intersection. (If
10 10
there are two or more points of intersection, it does not
matter which one you choose first.) Press
Second curve
X=Q Y=~l.5
UVessctterwse tiej all coxeman ns is © Qrgaj- Lasrrirg.

uqiilh :miciiiXfi Iiinmr *11 VUj ix. lx .imcc ir <u?l>crai. Ii»Kik a it in". I>« ui ckcivnt raHi «r : ihnJ itjrtj onkti rcuy he «irfTO»ed fcens be ctVxk ar«lortC'VaptT <i
fiiinÿmicn 1» tKr. *tj couch Jc<« r«>: rtucmll* mcnll kimiu cxxntra. Ccaotfc I times/ rotnc< ix niÿii I mKWC cmxni 11 iny lint if n/k«rMnctwm retire e.

The solution of the system of equations is (2. —3).

10 10


Solve an equation To illustrate the steps involved, we will solve the equation
— —
2x + 4 = 3x I. The idea is to write the equation as the system of equations
y = 2x + 4
and then use the steps for solving a system of equations.
>• = — 3.v - I
Use the Y-editor to enter the left and right Poll Plot2 Plol3
\Y- 2X+M
sides of the equation into Yi and Y:. Graph \YjE~3X-1 ,c
the two functions and then follow the steps for \Yj

The solution is — I. the r-coordinate of the point

of intersection.
\Ym =
VYs =
\Y«= _,o \/ 10

Inierseclion [ \
X=-l t Y=2

Find a domain element For this example, we will find a number in the domain of
/(.x) — — ®
x + 2 that corresponds to 4 in the range of the function. This is like solving
the system of equations v =
— "x
+ 2 and y = 4.
Poll Plot2 Ploi3
Use the Y = editor to enter the expression for \Y E-2X/3+2
the function in Yi and the desired output. 4. in \Yj1m 10
Y:. Graph the two functions and then follow the \Yi =
\Y- =
steps for Intersect. \Y,=
\Y« = -10 10
The point of intersection is (—3.4). The number
—3 in the domain of / produces an output of 4 Intersecton
X=~3 Y=M
in the range of /. 10

Math Pressing C5& gives you access many built-in functions. The following keystrokes
will convert 0. 125 to a fraction: .125 GET I rr77' .
2 »Dec

6 :fMinl

Additional built-in functions under GET can be found by pressing CB2D & • For
instance, to evaluate -1-251, press (mj Gfr |(j-»j 25 gni.
3 :iPall
6 mini
7* max!

See your owner's manual for assistance with other functions under the frsrr key.
LHess oltorWse ixr.ffl. alccrletcr ffispage a & Cargage Laemrg

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h.imil 11 cii,lK«U. n *t»iW it i:pin. I>n in tlarow n/Vu. .n< ilird put, omen ira, K: immal ji itl-wi irjor n'Mpun.
hÿirra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt ikci rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni njhx rotiKtwnirotiirt l
tÿlumil cvoxnl it i

Min and Max The local minimum and the local maximum values of a function are calculated by access¬
ing the CALC menu. For this demonstration, we will find the minimum value and the
maximum value of f{x) = 0.2r + 0.3.r2 — 3.6v + 2.

Enter the function into Yi. Press CALC (scroll to I: viiuv

3 for minimum of the function) ÿ . g. r»*c

W: Ttiirur
3 intVMCl
Alternatively, you can just press CALC 3. 7 Jniio.

Left Bound? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you to
use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the left A X7/
of the minimum. Press p*ÿ .

Right Bound? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you

».ax1- 3X'-
to use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the
right of the minimum. Press . A

Guess? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you to use -I%

the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the

approximate location of the minimum. Press to . Y)-2X*+3X>
. /
The minimum value of the function is the y-coordinate. For GuKX?

this example, the minimum value of the function is —2.4. -1*

The .v-coordinate for the minimum is 2. However, because r\
'i /
. . -i . - .
of rounding errors in the calculation, it is shown as a number 'ir
close to 2. MrKuxp
X-I.MOM72 Y-a.i
To Find the maximum value of the function, follow the same steps as above except select
maximum under the CALC menu. The screens for this calculation are shown below.

Y1=.2X'..3X'- 5X-2 Y1-2XV.3X*-3.6Xi2 YI-.2X'|ÿ3}' 3.6X-2


A 'J/


2: Xfro
/ / /
Xz-1 S17Q21
Rc« Boj"C7
/ y-'nl

The maximum value of the function is 10. 1.

Radical Expressions To evaluate a square-root expression, press icccc:
0.15.' PMIP.10
For instance, to evaluate 0. 15V/r + 4p + 10 when
p = 100.000. first store 100,000 in P. Then press 0.15
CD \A fsSD p CD 4 St p CL> 10 to .

To evaluate a radical expression other than a square !*!:ÿÿ:I HUM CPX P«IO
root, access by pressing 63£>. For instance, to
evaluate •Vsi,
press 4 (the index of the radical)
(scroll to 5) 67 .

I'Pinih*. 3DI)Ctrftl: Iamnl. *11 Ktftu Kunitl. Kb, mi h.iilaJ.rani,i« dtrluaal. n »t»ik i« is nm. I>« m ckcn-w ruW. «m llirJ i rvuy k 4inrcucÿ fwr tx cftxl ardor ei'siftxn
hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x incrxll Icimn/ npcncnx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< ntjil U> xtk'.c Cfftxnl at uq line il oaVwajucni n(h>rotixtwnt rojurc t

Scientific Notation To number in scientific notation, use

enter a EE. For 3.15c 12/1.5:25

instance, to find 'Vj Press 3.45

!lr' -
cn EECiÿi 12
1 .5 EE 25 . Tlie answer is 2.3 X 10

Sequences and Series The terms of a sequeire and the sum of a series cm be calculated by using the ££• LIST

Store a sequence A sequence is stored in one of the lists ( 'b

Li through L*. For instance, to store the sequence I. 3. 5. 7. 9
in Li, use the following keystrokes.

9 rr. i tXK. m LI
Display the terms of a sequence The terms of a sequence are displayed by using the
function seQlexoression. variable, begin, end. increment). For instance, to display
the 3rd through 8th terms of the sequence given by a„ = n2 + 6. enter the following
names nrs MRTH
1 : SartAf
*r. LIST : (scroll to 5) 2:Sart0( seq|XJ-6.X.3.8.1)
3:c>ml (IS 22 31 42 55...
Q2& I 6
i GEr B j 3 j 8 7* ALlstl
, I iWW m j LI

The keystrokes BS?. LI store the terms of the sequence in Li. This is
not necessary but is sometimes helpful if additional work will be done with that
Find a sequence of partial sums To find a sequence of partial sums, use the cumSuml
function. For instance, to find the sequence of partial sums for 2. 4, 6, 8. 10, use the fol¬
lowingkeystrokes. NAMES HTUr MATH
1 :5ortfl(
Pn LIST (scroll to 6) 2:So<tO(
* 3:tffn( cum5um(||0l)ÿ
4: Ffl(
C£LJ ! isD!
BB SB loto i b 7* .\Llstl

If a sequence is stored as a list in Li, then the sequence of partial sums can
be calculated by pressing LIST ' (scroll to 6 (or press 6|) fn
LI Bl.
Find the sum of a series The sum of a series is calculated using sumclist. start. end>.
For instance, to find S (/r + 2). enter the following keystrokes.


*r. LIST : c (scroll to 5)
2:ma*l sunjseq1Xÿ2.X.3.S.1)1
r** EM LIST $ (scroll to 5 (or press 51) 3:inean( 94
r*rr Qgvr g? . 2 BB 6: crodl
7» sldDevt
GJGC B 3 Ir j 6 %ÿ r IB

LMessotW«\viK roiffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Ivmndi. -oil Ca&t< Itunn). All tu Kninol Mi, ml h.ccpnlrani.11 italiaol. n *I»W it i:pin. I>n in tlarow n/Vu. .n< llird put, omenno, K: urpcuii ton ji ilv-vi irjor p'biuiii.
hÿlara!rc*io» hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j coclcrt tkci rmnucnjlb ifel £*c
incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni njli>rotiKtwnireniirt 1

Table There are three steps in creating an input/output table for a function. First use the Ve
editor to input the function. The second step is setting up the table, and the third step is
displaying the table.
To set up the table, press TBLSET. TblStart is the first TABLE SETUP
value of the independent variable in the input/output table. aT0I=I
ATbl is the difference between successive values. Setting this Inflam: ÿjTTjTT Rsk
DeoerW: Rsk
to I means that, for this table, the input values are —2. —1,0,
1.2 If ATbl = 0.5. then the input values are -2, —1.5,
-1,-0.5,0. 0.5,...

IndDnt is the independent variable. When this is set to fluto. values of the independent
variable are automatically entered into the table. Depend is the dependent variable. When
this is set to Ruto. values of the dependent variable are automatically entered into the table.
To display the table, press (pr* | TABLE. An ;l Pot2 P0t3

input/output table for fix) = x2 — I is shown Y

at the rieht. X Y.
"6 ;s
"5 3U
Once the table is on the screen, the up and down "U E
"3 9
arrow keys can be used to display more values >="3 "2 3
1 0
in the table. For the table at the right, we used X="7
the up arrow key to move to x = —7.

An input/output table for any given input can be cre¬ Flo; I Plot? FotB
ated by selecting Rsk for the independent variable.
The table at the right shows an input/output table for
YY- e MXIX-2)
YYi = TblSlart=-2
\Y» = ATbl=l
YYi = InOwit: Ruÿo
fix) =
x 1' , for selected values of .v. Note the word \YS =
ÿeoenO: HJW Rsk
X Y,
ERROR when 2 was entered. This occurred because 3 1?
-5 3 9571
/is not defined when .r = 2. 0
Note:Using the table feature in Rsk mode is the 3U

same as evaluating a function for given values of x=

the independent variable. For instance, from the
table at the right, we have /(4) 8. -
Test The TEST feature has many uses, one of which is to graph the solution set
of a linear inequality in one variable. To illustrate this feature, we will graph
the solution set of .r - I < 4. Press Vc CSSi
4 ©EST.
I ÿ TEST (scroll to 5) ÿ -
Plot! Plot? Plo*3 rÿr LOGIC Potl Pot2 Rol3
BX-I I: = YYi P X-I<M
3: >
\Yj =
YYi = 10 10
M: :> YY- =
3< YYi =
6: £
YYi =

Trace Once a graph is drawn, pressing will place a 10

n! 1
cursor on the screen, and the coordinates of the point
below the cursor are shown at the bottom of the screen.

1_ _
10 10
Use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor
along the graph. For the graph at the right, we have
'-IS ÿY-3-MS93
/(4.8) = 3.4592, where fix) = O.l.r3 - Zx + 2 is 10
shown at the top left of the screen.
Un'essctterw se rcMdaiIeaten!an Pis is CCe-gae LEiri13.

(Ipinih*. 301)Caetfc Iamnl. *11 Ktftu\<J VU. >i h.unil ii<• A*bafcil. a »t»ik i« n wn. I>j» m eken-w ruW. o> llinl tun, ohkcino, K: u> t (1--.4 inlor n'Mtuio.

hs«Jccikc iho azy ainvcacÿ o>rt;ri kk*<t r«n nunulb tAxi .'x at crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I ctmng rc«f>f< 4k njÿil U> tctxÿc idlumil ceoxnl it inj line if 4iV«cq«ni n roiixlwnt rotiirc c

In TRACE mode, you can evaluate a function at any value of the independent variable
that is within Xmin and Xmax. To do this, first graph the function. Now press
(the value of .r) ete . For the graph at the left below, we used .r = —3.5. If a value of x
is chosen outside the window, an error message is displayed.

I YI-.MP-SXi2 Y1».DP-5X«3
/ cRR: rAruU

. .n , /f
. vy . K.

i n i ÿ i l

1 1
_ *- 3.5 Y-M.7I55 AzZi

In the example above in which we entered —3.5 for x , the Y»Fiat

value of the function was calculated as 4.7125. This means ÿ0

that /(— 3.5) = 4.7125. The keystrokes ft.) QUIT «ZE>

1 1 (SD I will convert the decimal value to a fraction.

When the TRACE feature is used with two or more graphs, the up and down arrow
keys are used to move between the graphs. The graphs below are for the functions
/(.x) — O.l.r — 2r + 2 and g(x) = 2r — 3. By using the up and down arrows, we
can place the cursor on either graph. The right and left arrows are used to move along
the graph.



Window The viewing window for a graph is controlled by press¬

ing VlZC'7" . Xmin and Xmax are the minimum value Y«d|
and maximum value, respectively, of the independent
variable shown on the graph. Xscl is the distance
between tic marks on the .r-axis. Ymin and Ymax are
the minimum value and maximum value, respectively,
of the dependent variable shown on the graph.
Yscl is the distance between tic marks on the v-axis.
Leave Xres as I.

Note: In the standard viewing window, the distance between tic marks on the .r-axis is
different from the distance between tic marks on the v-axis. This will distort a graph.
A more accurate picture of a graph can be created by using a square viewing window.

7c The 7c editor is used to enter the expression for a func¬ P'ctl Wot? Pio:3"
tion. There are ten possible functions, labeled Y i to Yo, that \Y E
\Ya =
can be active at any one time. For instance, to enter \Yi =
\Y- =
/(.r) — v: 4- 3.t — 2 as Yi, use the following keystrokes. YY? =
\Ye =
7e 3©fc - 2

LHessothawise i*r.ffl. al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mi, ml h,iiiaj.rani.11 italiaol. n -Hik it i:pin. I>n in ilccnmn/Vu. .n< llird pm, cuilctino, K: inlor n'kpii.i.
hÿiara! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cimnf rc<n:<nc tÿlumil ccoxnl it ttry lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Note:If an expression is already entered for Yi, place the cursor anywhere on that
expression and press 6ES-
Plotl Plot? Pol3
\Y E Xa+3X-2
\YjE 0C-M*-3|
To enter s = _ ' into Y>, place the cursor to the right of the VYa =
\Y» =
equals sign for Y:. Then press Sb 2 Q® - I \Ys =

«- CL QB& 3 i 3M - \YB =

Note:When we enter an equation, the independent variable, v in the expression above,

is entered usingCSfr. Tlie dependent variable, s in the expression above, is one of Yi
to Yo. Also note the use of parentheses to ensure the correct order of operations.

Observe the black rectangle that covers the equals sign Plotl Plot2 Plot3
\Yi E Xa+3X-2
for the two examples we have shown. This rectangle means \Yj = (2X—IVIX3—31
that the function is "active." If we were to press ©23*' , \Ys =
\Y» =
then the graph of both functions would appear. You can \Ys =
make a function inactive by using the arrow keys to move \Ya =
the cursor over the equals sign of that function and then
pressing pet . This will remove the black rectangle. We
have done that for Y:. as shown at the right. Now if
is pressed, only Yi will be graphed.
Plotl Plot? Plot3
It is also possible to control the appearance of the graph by \Yi = Default graph line
VYj = Bold graph line
moving the cursor on the screen to the left of any Y. ÿ Yi = Shade above graph
With the cursor in this position, pressing eie will change ÿY- = Shade below graph
«Yb = Draw path of graph
the appearance of the graph. The options are shown at the cYb = Travel oath ofsraph
Y? = Dashed graph fir.c

Zero The ZERO feature of a graphing calculator is used for various calculations: to find the
.v-intercepts of a function, to solve some equations, and to find the zero of a function.

ar-intercepts To illustrate the procedure for finding .v-intercepts. we will use

fix) = x2 + .v — 2.
First, use the Y-editor to enter the expression for the function and then graph the function
in the standard viewing window. (It may be necessary to adjust this window so that the
intercepts are visible.) Once the graph is displayed, use the keystrokes below to find the
.v-intercepts of the graph of the function.

Press pr. CALC (scroll to 2 for zero of the function) E rrunimjm

U: noclTrjm
rwn?i. S: intersect
6: diÿd«
7: Jflxldx
Alternatively, you can just press ££• CALC 2.


Left Bound? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you \

to use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the
left of the desired v-intercept. Press .

Right Bound? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you
to use the
right of
left or right arrow key to move the cursor to the
the desired .v-intercept. Press r"rr' .
Rlgtit Boind?

X=H.C6383 Y=H.932096

UVessclhswise "Clej all ctrteman ns Is © Qrgaj- Lrarirg.

uqiilh :ii|iCRW Iiinmr *11 VUj ix. Ix miiir airlioxJ. a »hik a it pvt. I>« uiclccVtvu rjh> «r :ihrd isnkti nuy he nirfrcwed fcens be ctVxk sitlur tCVaf*tn«i
fiiinÿmicn l» tKr. *tj «nrv«cc coricit Jc<« cbk riaimilb be «»cnll kimn; cvxntra. Ccaotfc I times/ rennet ix I xntnc cmxni 11 iny lint if n/k«rMnctwm retire e.

Guess? shown at the bottom of the screen asks you 10

to usethe left or right arrow key to move the cursor to Yl-X'.X 3

the approximate location of the desired .r-intercept.
Press be .
VX /
X- 5.12766 Y -.39® 7569
The .r-coordinale of an .r-intercept is —2. Therefore, an 10
ÿ-intercept is (-2.0).
To find the other .r-intercept, follow the same steps as
VV / /
X=_2 Y=Q
above. The screens for this calculation are shown below.

10 10 10 10

\ {/ \\- Jl
Yl=Xi»X-2 YI=XJ*X-2 Yl=X?+X-2

10 10 10 10 10 \ J/
s\J 10

_ _
Left Bound? Right Bound? Guess? Zero
X=.6382g?B7l Y-".92£ZS_ X=l MB93S17 Y=I.707S6 X=l.0638293 :Y- 19556361. M
-10 ÿf\

A second .r-intercept is ( 1 .0).

Solve an equation To use the ZERO feature to solve an equation, first rewrite
the equation with all terms on one side. For instance, one way to solve the

equation xy x + I = — 2r + 3 is first to rewrite it as .r + x — 2 = 0. Enter
r ' + .r — 2 into Yi and then follow the steps for finding .r-intercepts.

Find the real zeros of a function To find the real zeros of a function, follow the steps
for finding .r-intercepts.

Zoom Pressing 855K allows you to select some preset viewing windows. This key also gives
you access to ZBox, Zoom In. and Zoom Out. These functions enable you to redraw a
selected poition of a graph in a new window. Some windows used frequently in this text
are shown below.


1 : ZBox
2: Zoom In lUNDOLU 2: Zoom In LUINOOUJ
3: Zoom Out Xmln = -M.7 3: Zoom Out Xmln = IS.16129...
EJ ZDecimal Xmax = M.7 ZDecimal Xmax = IS.161290...
|5: Z Square Xscl = 1 B ZScuare Xscl = 1
5: ZStandard Ymn ="3.1 E: ZStandard Ymln = 10
[ 7* ZTng ZTng
Ymax - 3.1
Yscl = 1 * Ymax = 10
Yscl = 1
Xres =1 Xres = 1

_ MEMORY noial memory

I : ZBox D ZDecimal
2: Zoom In UJNDOLU 5: ZScuare UJINOOUJ
3: Zoom Out Xmin = 10 6: ZStandard Xmln = ~M7
1: ZDecimal Xmax = 10 7: ZTng Xmax = W7
5: Z Square Xscl = 1 QJ Zlnteger Xscl = 10
0 ZStandard Ymn = 10 9. ZoamStat Ymln = -31
[ ZTng 0: ZoomFlt
* Ymax = 10
Yscl = I
Ymax - 31
Yscl = 10
Xres = I Xres = 1

IttessoBttviae rxftat. al cOTrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All K./'i. lotnol Mi) Ix mxiir dirlxnU. It »Kik clccVont rtftu
it iun. I>« In : ihnl iwkti nuy he +trtTcwci bcm ac ctVxk sitlur iCVar*4n«l
riliraimicn thr. m/y «nrr«cc coucnJc<i r»»: nuniilb tOoei iu u»cnll kimn; cxjcncru i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix I tÿluiml cmxni al anj lineif n/k«rMnctwm retire 4.
Appendix B
Proofs and Tables
Proofs of Logarithmic Properties
In each of the following proofs of logarithmic properties, it is assumed that the
Properties of Exponents are true for all real number exponents.
The Logarithm Property of the Product of Two Numbers
For any positive real numbers .v, y, and b. b =£ I. logb*y = logb* • l°g/,>••
Proof: Let log,,.t = m and logby = n.
Write each equation in its equivalent exponential form. x = bm y = b"
Use substitution and the Properties of Exponents. xy = bmb"
xy = bm,n
Write the equation in its equivalent logarithmic fomi. logfc-T)' =m +"
Substitute log,,* for m and Iogby for n. loghxy = logh* + log,y
The Logarithm Property of the Quotient of Two Numbers
For any positive real numbers .v. y. and b, b =£ I, log,, - - log,,* — logby.

Proof: Let log,,* - m and logby = n.

Write each equation in its equivalent exponential form.
Use substitution and the Properties of Exponents.
x = bm
y =b -
y~ b"
- = bm~"
Write the equation in its equivalent logarithmic form. logb - = m ~ n

Substitute log,,* for m and log,.y for it. logh - = log,,* - logty
The Logarithm Property of the Power of a Number
For any real numbers *, r, and b, b =£ÿ I, logb*r = r log,,*.
Proof: Let log,,* = m.
Write the equation in its equivalent exponential form.
*xr= bm(bm)r
Raise both sides to the r power. =
Write the equation in its equivalent logarithmic fomi. *' =
logb*r = mr
Substitute log,,* for m. log„*r = r logb*

Proof of the Formulafor the Sum of nTerms of a Geometric Series

Theorem: The sum of the first n temis of a geometric sequence whose /ith term is
n~ I
a( I - r")
or is given by S„ =
Proof: Let S„ represent the sum of n terms of the S„ = a + ar 4- ar~ + + ar" ~ 2 + ar" ~ 1
Multiply each side of the equation by r. rSn = ar + ar 2 + ar - • •
+ ar" ~ 1 + ar"
Subtract the two equations. - rS„ = « - ar"
Assuming r =£ I.solve for S„. (I -r)S„ = fl(l -r")
a( I - r")
Sr =
1 -r 707

linrllh. :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Ut KimtmJ. lb,f>il K,iiroJrami. cr AnliCa!. n nHik it i:ptil. I>n m(lavmrah. o> llird run, oa«a no, K: .jfpcuti tan ji 4 irJor Pkra".!.
hÿura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j codcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni
ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Proofof the Formulafor the Sum of nTerms of an Arithmetic Series

Each term of the arithmetic sequence shown at the right was found by adding 3 to
the previous term.
2, 5, 8. .... 17, 20

Each term of the reverse arithmetic sequence can be found by subtracting 3 from 20. 17. 14. ..., 5. 2
the previous term.
This idea is used in the following proof.

Theorem: The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence for which a, is the first term, n is the number of
terms, a„ is the last term, and d is the common difference is given by S„

Proof: Let S„ represent the sum of the sequence.

Write the terms of the sum of the
sequence in reverse order. The sum will
be the same.
Add the two equations.
sa = a + («i + d) + (a, + 2d) + 1- a„

Sr. = a„ + (a„ - d) + (a„ - 2d) + • • • + a,

2S„ = (a , + a„) + (a , + a„) + («, + an)

- — (a, +
--a J.

Simplify the right side of the equation 2 Sn = ii(a, + a„)

by using the fact that there are n terms
in the sequence.

Solve for S_. s" = 2 + a"*

Table of Symbols
+ add < is less than
— subtract is less than or equal to
X, (a)(6) multiply > is greater than

a is greater than or equal to

b* («, *>) an ordered pair whose first component is
( ) parentheses. a grouping symbol a and whose second component is b
brackets, a grouping symbol o
degree (for angles)
7T pi, a number approximately equal to
or 3. 14
— the principal square root of a
0.{> the empty set
—a the opposite, or additive inverse, of a
Ifll the absolute value of a

the reciprocal, or multiplicative inverse. u union of two sets

of a n intersection of two sets
is equal to e is an element of (for sets)
is approximately equal to £ is not an element of (for sets)
is not equal to

Uqiith :ol> Ctf«*« Iiinml. All Htftu Kninol Mq i>» h,unil cr AkIuhJ. n -Hik it i:«n. I>n in tken-w rah. o> llird |un> oa«tino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji itv-vi mlor cV'fapxn
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jY«ajucni
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwnirotiirt l

Table of Measurement Abbreviations

U.S. Customary System
Length Capacity Weight Area
in. inches oz fluid ounces oz ounces in' square inches
ft feet c cups lb pounds ft- square feet
yd yards q' quarts
mi miles gal gallons

Metric System
Length Capacity Weight/Mass Area
mm millimeter (0.001 m) ml milliliter (0.001 L) mg milligram (0.001 g) cm1 square
cm centimeter (0.01 m) cl centiliter (0.01 L) eg centigram (0.01 g) m' square meters
dm decimeter (0.1 m) dl deciliter (0.1 L) dg decigram (0.1 g)
m meter L liter g gram
dam decameter (10 m) dal decaliter (10 L) dag decagram ( 10 g)
hm hectometer (100 m) hi hectoliter (100 L) hg hectogram ( 100 g)
km kilometer (1(XX) m) kl kiloliter (1000 L) kg kilogram (1000 g)

h hours min minutes s seconds

uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol »lf f>il K.moil IT Avlkml. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tlcrn-w rah. o> llird |un> cui«tl(mj K: ufpcuci &«* ji itV-vi mlor cV'fapxn «».

hÿura! haJccnciihittt) ajmcoeÿ cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc ccoxnl it inj litx il «jY«ajucni rotiKtwnifcÿiirt l

Table of Properties
Properties of Real Numbers
The Associative Property of Addition The Associative Property of Multiplication
If a, b, and c are real numbers, then If a, b, and c are real numbers, then
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c). -
(a b) -c = a- (b- c).
The Commutative Property of Addition The Commutative Property of Multiplication
If a and b are real numbers, then If a and b are real numbers, then
a + b = b + a. a b = b- a.

The Addition Property of Zero The Multiplication Property of One

If a is a real number, then If a is a real number, then
a+0=0+a=fl. a • 1 = I • a = a.

The Multiplication Property of Zero The Inverse Property of Multiplication

If a is a real number, then If a is a real number and a # 0. then
a 0 = 0 • a = 0.

a •
— — I
= • a = I.
a a
The Inverse Property of Addition Distributive Property
If a is a real number, then If a. b, and c are real numbers, then
a + (—a) = (—a) + a 0. — a{b + c) = ob + ac.
Properties of Equations
Addition Property of Equations Multiplication Property of Equations
If a = b. then a + c = b + c. If a = b and c 0. then a-c = b-c.

Properties of Inequalities
Addition Property of Inequalities Multiplication Property of Inequalities
If a > b, then a + c > b + c. If a > b and c > 0. then ac > be.
If a < b, then a + c < b + c. If a <b and c > 0. then ac < be.
If a > b and e < 0. then ac < be.
If a < b and e < 0. then ac > be.
Properties of Exponents
If in and n are integers, then xm x" xm •
= If m, /?. and p are integers, then (x' y"Y = -t mPy*nP
If in and n are integers, then (.rm)" = .r™". If a is a positive integer and x = 0. then
If .t ± 0. then .r° = I. *- = 7-3Dd7 = .t
If in and n are integers and .r =£ 0, then — - x' If iii, n, and p are integers and v ÿ 0. then — I = —ÿr
\v J y
Principle of Zero Products
If a • b = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0.
Properties of Radical Expressions

If a and b are positive real numbers, then \ ab = \/aX/b. If a and b are positive real numbers, then
Property of Squaring Both Sides of an Equation
If a and b are real numbers and a = b. then a: = b~.
Properties of Logarithms
If x, y, and b are positive real numbers and b ~ I. then If v and b are positive real numbers, b r I. and r is
Iog,(.rv) = log,.t + logÿy. any real number, then log,,.r ' = r log,,.v.

, v _
If x, y, and b are positive real numbers and b
log/,- = log,,.*" - log,,y.
~ I. then If v and b are positive real numbers and hi1 I. then
loghb' = x.

Uqiith :ol> Ctf Iiinml. All tu KacnoL Mi, f>il h.ccpnt 11 n *t»iW it i:pin. I>n in tlccn-ni n/Vu. .n< llird pm, caienno, K: nnnw< &nn ji irjor n'Mpun.
hÿura! haJccnciduttt) «jnrva(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c incrxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I cim/ix rc<n:<nc try litx it «jV«ÿucni
tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiirt l

Table of Algebraic and Geometric Formulas

Slope of a Line Point-slope Formula for a Line Quadratic Formula
= 22.
— V|
L, X I
-b±Vb2 ~ 4ac
m =?= x2 y - y i = "'(-f - *i) x =
.v, — .v,
discriminant = Ir — 4ac

Perimeter and Area of a Triangle, and

Sum of the Measures of the Angles Pythagorean Theorem
P =a +b + c

.A = ~bb a2 + b2 = c2
The sum of the measures
of the angles in a triansle is

Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle Perimeter and Area of a Square

P = 21. + 2W P = 4s
W A = LW A = s2

Area of a Trapezoid Circumference and Area of a Circle


so b-,
A = - h(b | + b2) C
= 2-rrr
= nr:

Volume and Surface Area of a

Rectangular Solid Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere

v = LWH
SA = 2LW + 2LH + 2WH

SA =
77 r3

Volume and Surface Area of a Right Volume and Surface Area of a Right
Circular Cylinder Circular Cone

V = 7rr:h
SA = 2nr2 + 2t7//j
SA — r2
77 + Tirl

UlBssMhawrereact sllaMMan tispsg;is CCffgae Iffinir?.

Lugiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinmi. All Htftu KncnoL »Uj im h.icmdrani,ir dnltcaal. n »Hik i» i;pm. I>ic in tken-w «x tlinl r K«nu) k 4inrcucÿ fwr M cftxl ardor cflafvxrt
hditra! hs«Jccnci ilw *tj ainrcocÿ Jcci r«n nucnilb »»» crxll Icwtn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ic njÿil to pcykac uq line »l oaVwajucni n(h>rotrxtumrojurc t
c<ftxnl at
lirinlh. :ii|iC'RW Iiinmr *11 ».,m. Mij ik. K: «un«. ir ticlicrai. Ii»Kik m it pvt. I>« ui ckcivnt n*h» mm <hnl ttnj iramirta, K: ointc—cÿ fwp Be ilv-4 inlor cliamn "I
f *Liiral roic»» bv tkaxJihr.*tj «nrt«cc couchJcci r«>: riaicm!)? >fixl tic mcnll kimn; cxxntru. CnM: I tzmng rcnnc< ix lo pcyk'vc cmxni il anj line it* «jV*cjt*n; n/k«rMnctwm retire <-
Solutions to "You Try It"

Solutions to Chapter 1"You Try It" You Try It 7 a. The x symbol indicates that the interval
extends forever. Therefore. (3. =c) is the
SECTION 1.1 numbers greater than 3. In set-builder
notation, this is written {.r|.r > 3}.
You Try It 1 Replace c by each of the elements of the set
b. (-4, I] is the numbers greater than -4
and determine whether the inequality is true.
and less than or equal to 1. In set-builder
z> -5 notation, this is written {.t| -4 < .r ÿ I}.
-I0> -5 False
-5 > -5 False You Try It 8 Draw a bracket at -2 to show that it is in
6 > -5 True the set. The symbol indicates that the set

The inequality is true for 6. extends forever. Draw a solid line to the
You Try It 2 a. Replace dm -d by each element of the
right of -2.
set and determine the value of the
-(-II) = 11
You Try It 9 CUD = {1,3,5,7,9, II, 13, 17}
-(0) = 0 You Try It 10 No integer is both even and odd. Therefore.
-(8) = -8 EC\F = 0.
b. Replace*/ in |d by each element of the You Try It 11 This is the set of real numbers less than -2
set and determine the value of the or greater than -1.
\d\ -H H- I I I
10 2 3 4 5 '
l-lll = II
I0| =0 You Try It 12 This is the set of real numbers less than I and
181-8 greater than -3.
You Try It 3 {-5,-4.-3.-2.-1} ( i i i ) i i i i
3 2 0 12 3
You Try It 4 {.r|.r > 15. e whole numbers}
* You Try It 13 The graph is the set of real numbers that
You Try It 5 Draw a parenthesis at 0 to indicate that 0 is
not in the set. Draw a solid line to the left
belong to one or the other of the two intervals.
of 0.
t- I I ) I I I
3 4 3 2 2 3 4 3

You Try It 6 a. The set [xlx < - 1} is the numbers less
than - 1. In interval notation, this is
You Try It 1 a. 19 + (-22) = -3
b. -17 - (-24) = -17 + 24 = 7
written (—oo, — 1).
b. The set {x -2 < .t < 4} is the numbers You Try It 2 a. -35 + (-28) = -63
greater than or equal to -2 and less b. -19 - (-36) = -19 + 36 = 17
than 4. In interval notation, this is
written [-2,4).

lllesscths'Mse tclMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* Isariri;. SI

Krjrirfi. roll C'wxi IainOl. All k./m. latnal Mi) ixl IxiiitcJ. a dcIKral. rt hilc
'* claVont rtftu.
if pvt. I>« In : ihnJ onkti nuy he +trtTCwci fcem be tfrxk irJur «»
tiliraimicn thr. Mzy coucnJc<« r»»: riaicrially affcvi tK cnll kimn; cxjcncru
in i!caMc Uimr/ rc*mc< ix I cmxni 11 any line it* «aV*c4t«r; n/k«rMnctwm rcÿairc a.

You Try ft 3 You Try It 4 The LCD is 24.

a. — 3(— 22) = 66 • The signs are thesanie. The product 1.L1 _" _5_ 2 _ /_3\ 3
is positive. 12 V 8 12 2 V 8.
b. (—28) -5- (—7) =4 • The signs are the same. The quotient _ JO _ /__9
is positive.
24 \ 24.
You Try It 4 a. — 14(—5) = 70 '0 - (-9)
b. (-36) -t- 9 = -4 24
You Try K 5 _ _19
a. (-2)* = (—2)(— 2)(— 2)(— 2)(— 2)( — 2) = 64 24
b. -61 = -(6 - 6- 6- 6) = -12% I 9
z _9_
You Try It 6
24 - 18 -5- 2(6 - 3)2 = 24 - 18 + 2(9)
You Try It 5 + 1= "
8 25

= 24 - 9(9) You Try It 6

= 24 - 81 = -57
IM-i J2

You Try It 7 0.2454

You Try ft 1 a. Find the prime factorization of each 110' 27.0000
number. -22 0
10 = 2-5
5 00 The remainders 50 and 60
12 = 2-2-3
-440 are repeating.
20 = 2-2-5
LCM = 2-2-3-5 = 60
b. Find the prime factorization of each 500
number. 440
4 = 2-2
9 = 3-3
LCM = 2 • 2 3 • 3 = 36
2L - 0.245

You Try It 2 a. Find the prime factorization of each You Try It 8

number. -18.42 - (-9.354) = -18.42 + 9.354 = -9.066
16 = 2-2-2-2
24 = 2-2-2-3 You Try It 9 (-2.835) + (-1.35) = 2.1
60 = 2-2-3-5 _5_ 2
5 5 9 5
GCF =2-2 = 4
You Try It 10
+- 16 16 8
b. Find the prime factorization of each _5_ _9 JO
number. 16 16 16
7 =7 5-9+10 _6
32 = 2 2 • 2 • 2 2
• • 16 16
GCF = I You Try It 11 6.4 + (-0.8) + I.2(0.32 - 0.2)
You Try It 3 The LCD is 24. = 6.4 + (-0.8) + 1.2(0.09 - 0.2)
U 7 3 = 6.4 + (-0.8) + 1.2(—0.1 1)
+ fU = -8 + (-0.132) = -8.132
12 8 3 V 12
2J + ÿ22
24 24 V2 _I2 1S2
21 + (-22)
You Try It 12
_3_ 1
24 10 10
± ÿ
24 12 10

_ _7_

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Ut KacnoL Vbj ml h.ccpnt cr liijlKXtJ. n -Hik it t t. I>ic m ilccniK rah. o> llinl |tn> imoirroj Kr .inrcuii tar ji itixi. irJor okiuil.l
rilaal»\ic hoJcctkÿ ihn a> wmocj menuJx. r.n nilenilb "Sx-. &c inoill kimiu n&tnmx. Co : I tim/ij rc<n;<nc njjillÿ«tiw< ccoxnl at anj line it «jY«ajucni rDtiKtumrotiin 1

SECTION 1.4 You Try It 5 The height of the Empire State Building: h
You Try It 1 3.v + (-3.v) = 0 The length of the Destiny, h + 56

You Try It 2 The Associative Property of Addition You Try It 6 The depth of the shallow end: d
The depth of the deep end: 2d + 2
You Try It 3
-2r + 3(4*)' ;) "
You Try It 7 Amount placed in certificate of deposit:
-2(-3)2 + 3[4(— 3)( I) - 2]
= -2(-3)2 + 3[12- 2]
— 5000 - -v

= — 2(— 3)2 + 3(10)

= -2(9) + 3(10) Solutions to Chapter 2 "You Try It"
= -18 + 30
= 12 SECTION 2.1
You Try It 4 You Try It 1 .r + 4 = -3 Subtract 4 fran
2x ~ j;4.r - y2! .r + - 4 = -3-4
4 each side.
2(— 2) - (-6)|4(-2): - (-6)2! x = -7
= 2(— 2) - (-6)14-4 - 36| The solution is -7.
= 2(-2) (-6)116 36| -
= 2(-2) (-6)|-20| You Try It 2 — 3.r = 1 8
= 2 (-2) - (-6)(20) — 3v _ 18 • Divide each side by —3.
= -4- (-120) -3 -3
= -4 + 120 .r = -6
= 116
The solution is -6.
You Try It 5
9 - 2(3y - 4) + 5y You Try It 3
= 9 — 6v + 8 + 5y
4.v - 9 = 5 - 3.v
• The Order or Operations 4r — 9 + 3.t = 5 — 3.r + 3.r Add 3x to each side.
= -y+ 17 Agreement requires multiplication
before subtraction. 7.r - 9 = 5
You Try It 6 lx-9 -9=5+9 Add 9 to each side.
6; - 3(5 - 3c) + 5(2; - 3) Ix = 14
= 6; - 15 + 9; + 10- - 15 Distributive Property Ix __[4 Divide each side by 7.
= 25; - 30 Combine like terms. 7 7
.r = 2
SECTION 1.5 The solution is 2.
You Try It 1 twice x divided by the difference between .v
and 7 You Try It 4 6(5 - x) - 12 = 2r - 3(4 + .r)
30 - 6v - 12 = It - 12 - 3.r
18 - 6v = x - 12
1 8 — 6.t + x = —x — 12 + .t

You Try It 2 the product of negative 3 and the square of d 18 - 5.v = -12
-3d1 18 - 5.v - 18 = -12 - 18
— 5.v = -30
You Try It 3 The smaller number is x. -5.v -30
The larger number is 16 - x.
-5 -5
the difference between twice the smaller
x= 6
number and the larger number
2.v - (16 - x) =lx- \6 + x The solution is 6.
= 3x - 16
You Try It 4 Let the number be x.
the difference between 14 and
the sum of a number and 7

14 (x + 7) = 14
= -r + 7
7 —*—

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mq i>» h,unil cr Avltcnl n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m ikcn-nirah. o> llird imp. oa«a no, K: ton ji uiVx cV'fapxn <».
h4ura! hodccnciihittt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt rmnucnjlb try lirx it «jY«ajucni
mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< tÿlumil ccoxnl it i rotiKtwmreqiirt l

You Try It 5 You Try It 2

Multiply each side of the equation by 1 8. the LCM of 6. 3, 9. Strategy
and 2. ÿ Pounds of 22c/c hamburger: a
-2 x 3x - -4 Pounds of 12% hamburger: 80 - a
6 +r9 2 Pounds of 18# hamburger: 80
? 3.r — 2 x -4
ÿ | ÿm
22% X 0.22 0.22a
6 J ' *~V3 J ""V 9 '<!)=
0.12(80 - x)
3(.r - 2) + 6v = 2(3.v - 2) - 9(.t - 4)
3.v - 6 + 6v = 6.r - 4 - 9v + 36 ÿ The sum of the quantities before mixing is equal to the
9.v - 6 = -3.r + 32 quantity after mixing.
lit - 6 = 32 0.22* + 0.12(80 - a) = 0.18(80)
12v = 38
38 19
= 0.22t + 0.12(80 - a) =0.18(80)
l2 = J 0.22t + 9.6 - O.I2r = 14.4
19 0.10a + 9.6 = 14.4
The solution is
0.10a = 4.8 Subtract 9.6 fron
each side.
You Try It 6 a = 48 Divide each side by 0.10.
S = C - rC
S C = -rC
Subtract C from each side. 80 - a = 80 - 48 = 32
=r Divide each side by — C. The butcher needs 48 lb of the hamburger that is 22# fat and
5 -C C-S 32 lb of the hamburger that is 12# fat.
You Try It 3
SECTION 2.2 ÿ Rate of the second plane: r
You Try It 1 Rate of the first plane: r + 30
ÿ Ounces of S320 gold alloy: a
Ounces of $100 gold alloy: 100
Ounces of SI60 mixture: a + 100
2nd plane
r + 30
p. Iffiil
4(r + 30)

1 The total distance traveled by the two planes is 1 160 mi.

$320 alloy .t 320 320.v 4(r + 30) + 4r = 1 160
S100 alloy 100 100 100(100)
Mixture x + 100 160 160(.v + 100)
4(r + 30) + 4r = 1 160
4r+ 120 + 4r- 1160 Distributive Property
ÿ The sum of the values befcre mixing equals the value 8r + 120 = 1160 Combine Bke terms.
after mixing. 8r = 1040 Subtract 120From each side.
320a + 100(100) = 160(a + 100) r= 130 Divide eachside bv 8.
Solution r + 30 = 130 + 30 = 160
320a + 100(100) = I60(a + 100)
320a + 10.000 = 160a + 16.000 The first plane is traveling 160 mph. The second plane is travel¬
I6Gv + 10.000 = 16.000 ing 130 mph.
160a = 6000
a = 37.5

The mixture must contain 37.5 oz of the $320 gold alloy.

LHessottooviK al coilrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage leamrg.

Uqiith :ol> <:cr«swc Iiininl. All Htftu >Ocnol Mq i>» h,iiroJrani,cr di?l>cnd. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird |un> unimnm (« ittxi «nlor OkniT".
hÿnra! hodccnciduitt) cottcw Jc<i rmnucnjlb mcnll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:<nc njjiliÿ«tiw< ccoxnl it ttry lirx it <jV«tiKni njlt>rotnctwnirotiirt l

You Try It 1
The largest integer less than —19 is 6.
2x— I < 6v + 7 .v +2 =6 +2 = 8
-4.v - I < 7 Subtract 6r from each side.
The maximum height of the triangle is 8 in.
— 4.r < 8
Add 1 to each side.
Divide eachside bv —4. You Try It 6
-4 "" -4 Strategy To find the range of scores, write and solve an
x > -2 inequality using A' to represent the score on
{ÿt|.r > -2} the fifth test.
5 4J2IO
+- 2 J 4 5 72 + 94 + 83 + 70 + Aÿ89
You Try It 2 6 - 3(2t + I) < 8 - 4x A
6 - 6.v - 3 < 8 - 4r 80 < <89
3 - 6v < 8 - 4x
3 8 + 2r 5 80 < 5

319 + A' <5-89
-5 < 2v
5 400 <319 + A' <445
400 - 319 < 319 + A' - 319 < 445 - 319
SI < A'< 126
r Because 100 is the maximum score, the range of scores that will
You Try It 3 give Luisa a B grade is 81 < A' < 100.
-2 < 5.v + 3 < 13
-2-3< 5.v + 3- 3<l3-3 Subtract 3 front each SECTION 2.4
of the three parts. You Try It 1
-5 < 5.v < 10 12r - 3| = 5
2r - 3 = 5 2t - 3 = -5
—105 Divide each of the
three parts by 5. 2r = 8 2v = -2 • Add 3.
-1 -V ÿ 2 x =4 x -1
-v = —\ • Divide bv 2.
[-1.2] The solutions are 4 and -1.
You Try It 4 2 - 3-v > 11 or 5 + 2-r > 7 You Try It 2
— 3.r > 9 2.t>2
\x - 3| = -2
x < -3 x > 1 There is no solution to this equation because the absolute value
{.r|.r < —3} {t|.T > 1} of a number must be nonnesative.

{.t|.r < -3}U{.v|v> 1} You Try It 3 5 - |3v + 5|=3

— 1 3.v + 5 1 = -2 Subtract 5.
You Try It 5 |3.v + 5| =2 Multiply by -I.
Strategy To find the maximum height, substitute the
given values into the inequality 3.v +5=2 3.r - 5 = -2
3.r = -3 3.t = -7
< ,4 and solve. _
.r = - I J
Solution ~ bh < A

4(I2)(.v + 2) < 50
Tlie solutions are - 1 and —ÿ .

6(.r + 2) < 50
6v + 12 < 50
6.v < 38
.v< —

Ittessclhs-wse rc(Bct aiIcated.on Pispeÿ is CCeuÿB Iffinir?.

linrilh. 1DI1Ccrftjl Itamnl. All Htftu Kunitl. M.. im h.icmdainW. IT distend. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m tkcn-w n/Vl. .mllinl j Ktt in) k 4irtTVUCÿ fec*T IX CtVsA. ir*lOf a»
rubralrcvio* hs«dccnci (lui *tj ojÿrcucÿ o>rt;r< Jcci r«n nucmlb .'x mcrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c ccaxnl it uq lirx it aiVwajucni n(h>rotixtwnt rojurc t

You Try It 1
The largest integer less than —19 is 6.
2x— I < 6v + 7 .v +2 =6 +2 = 8
-4.v - I < 7 Subtract 6r from each side.
The maximum height of the triangle is 8 in.
— 4.r < 8
Add 1 to each side.
Divide eachside bv —4. You Try It 6
-4 "" -4 Strategy To find the range of scores, write and solve an
x > -2 inequality using A' to represent the score on
{ÿt|.r > -2} the fifth test.
5 4J2IO
+- 2 J 4 5 72 + 94 + 83 + 70 + Aÿ89
You Try It 2 6 - 3(2t + I) < 8 - 4x A
6 - 6.v - 3 < 8 - 4r 80 < <89
3 - 6v < 8 - 4x
3 8 + 2r 5 80 < 5

319 + A' <5-89
-5 < 2v
5 400 <319 + A' <445
400 - 319 < 319 + A' - 319 < 445 - 319
SI < A'< 126
r Because 100 is the maximum score, the range of scores that will
You Try It 3 give Luisa a B grade is 81 < A' < 100.
-2 < 5.v + 3 < 13
-2-3< 5.v + 3- 3<l3-3 Subtract 3 front each SECTION 2.4
of the three parts. You Try It 1
-5 < 5.v < 10 12r - 3| = 5
2r - 3 = 5 2t - 3 = -5
—105 Divide each of the
three parts by 5. 2r = 8 2v = -2 • Add 3.
-1 -V ÿ 2 x =4 x -1
-v = —\ • Divide bv 2.
[-1.2] The solutions are 4 and -1.
You Try It 4 2 - 3-v > 11 or 5 + 2-r > 7 You Try It 2
— 3.r > 9 2.t>2
\x - 3| = -2
x < -3 x > 1 There is no solution to this equation because the absolute value
{.r|.r < —3} {t|.T > 1} of a number must be nonnesative.

{.t|.r < -3}U{.v|v> 1} You Try It 3 5 - |3v + 5|=3

— 1 3.v + 5 1 = -2 Subtract 5.
You Try It 5 |3.v + 5| =2 Multiply by -I.
Strategy To find the maximum height, substitute the
given values into the inequality 3.v +5=2 3.r - 5 = -2
3.r = -3 3.t = -7
< ,4 and solve. _
.r = - I J
Solution ~ bh < A

4(I2)(.v + 2) < 50
Tlie solutions are - 1 and —ÿ .

6(.r + 2) < 50
6v + 12 < 50
6.v < 38
.v< —

Ittessclhs-wse rc(Bct aiIcated.on Pispeÿ is CCeuÿB Iffinir?.

linrilh. 1DI1Ccrftjl Itamnl. All Htftu Kunitl. M.. im h.icmdainW. IT distend. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>lc m tkcn-w n/Vl. .mllinl j Ktt in) k 4irtTVUCÿ fec*T IX CtVsA. ir*lOf a»
rubralrcvio* hs«dccnci (lui *tj ojÿrcucÿ o>rt;r< Jcci r«n nucmlb .'x mcrxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:< ix njÿil ic xtk'.c ccaxnl it uq lirx it aiVwajucni n(h>rotixtwnt rojurc t

You Try It 4 |3.v + 2l<8 Solutions to Chapter 3 "You Try It"

-8 < 3.v + 2 < 8
-8 - 2 < 3.v + 2 - 2 < 8 - 2 SECTION 3.1
- 10 < 3.v < 6
You Try It 1 Use />,( 5. -2) and P2(-4, 3).
-10 3.v 6
T <T<3 d = V(.r, ~ .t2)2 + (y, ~ y2):
= V[5 - (-4)]- + (-2 - 3Y-
= V9- + (-5)-
= V8I + 25
= Vl06~ 10.30
You Try It 5 |3.v - 7| < 0 You Try It 2 Use P,(-3, -5) and /»,(- 2, 3).
_ .v, + .v? =h-t22
The absolute value of a number must be non- Xm "
The solution set is the empty set. .-3~+ '~2» 2
-5 +3

0 _ _5
= -1
You Try It 6 |2v + 7| > —1
The coordinates of the midpoint are
Tlie absolute value of a number is 5
You Try It 3
The solution set is the set of real numbers.
You Try It 7
J-/M I
|5.v + 3| > 8 -6 7
-3 5
5.v + 3 < -8 or 5.v + 3 >8
5.v < -II 5.v > 5 0 3
3 1
x >I
6 I

ix\.x> 1}
You Try It 4

{*|rC U{.r.r> 1}
-3 -5
You Try It 8 _9 0
-1 3
Let b represent the diameter of the bushing, /"the tolerance, and
d the lower and upper limits of the diameter. Solve the absolute 0 4
value inequality |d b\ < T for d. 1 3
Solution 2 0
\d-b\ST 3 -5
|d - 2.55| <0.003
-0.003 < d - 2.55 < 0.003
-0.003 + 2.55 < d - 2.55 + 2.55 < 0.003 + 2.55
2.547 < d < 2.553
The lower and upper limits of the diameter of the bushing are
2.547 in. and 2.553 in.

LHessotW«\viK rtr.ffl. al coitrf cnthis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Iiininl. All Htftu Kninol lb,f>il K.unil cr rtalrcnd. n -Kik it i:ptil. I>n m ilccninrah. o> llird run, omenno, K: &«* ji itixk >nlor PkiuTil.
h4i<ra! hoJccnciduttt) «jnrca(j cocicrt Jmi rmnucnjlb £*c inctxII Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:<nc >41uinil ccoxnl it ttry litx it «jY«ajucni njlt>rotiKtwnirotiirt l


You Try It 1 You Try It 1
The domain is the set of first coordinates. The range is the set of
second coordinates.
Domain: {- 1. 3, 4, 6}
Range: {5}
You Try It 2 G(.r) =
x +2 You Try It 2
G(~4) =
3(— 4)
-4 + 2
=6 +
You Try It 3 f(x) = X2 - II
f(3h) = (3h)2 - II "tii
= 9h2 ~ 1 1 ±d
You Try It 4 You Try It 3 3.t + 2v = 4
Because 3.t: - 5.r + 2 evaluates to a real number for any value
of .v, the domain of /(.x) - 3.x" - 5.v + 2 is all real numbers, or

{.xl *> < x <
You Try It 5

B -2 -5
0 -2
2 1
4 | 4 You Try It 4
Domain: (—<», «
You Try It 6 • The graph of
B -6 -1
y = 3 goes
through the point
with coordinates
-4 1 (0.3).
-2 3
0 1 You Try It 5
.v-intercept: y-intercept:
2 -1 3.x -y = 2 —
3.x y = 2
4 -3 3.x - 0 = 2 • Letj = 0. 3(0) - y = 2 •letx = 0.
3.x = 2 -y = 2
Domain: {/'—<*</< <x};
Range: {s\s < 3} x = y = —2
You Try It 7
Domain: {.x|.x < 2}; Range: {y|v s: 0} .x-intercept: ( T » 0 y-intercept: (0, -2)

You Try It 8
Every vertical line intersects the graph at most once. The graph
is the graph of a function.

Ui'essclha'Mse icIMall coxemanfis pejf Is iDtegaj* iBariri;.

lirinlli. 301J CRW Iam'ac *11 lu KocnaL Mq m Ix «vncc. tr anlKml. It »hik tr it pvt. I>.i Ui n(hv mm tknl |tnjoatctirtn, K: wtrcuia fcwn lit ilv-i ir.1jt lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: nunnll) xffcvi iu mcnll kimn; cxjcncra Ccb£m£c I tim ng fc*mc< ix niÿii to scwvc tÿlucml ccoxni 11 iny line it «jV«c4ixn: n/k*rrÿnctwiv rc*jurc l

You Try It 6 You Try It 4

fix) = a': .r, = -2;at2 = I
0 = 4 +|t Lettfr) = 0. = (-2Y = -8

-f,= 4 Solve for x. The first point is />,(- 2, -8).

V2 =f(xj
X = -6
The zero is - 6. = I3 = 1

You Try It 7 The second point is P2(\. 1).

• Graph h = ~L + 50.
b<32ÿ 1 1
When L = 20.
h = 65. When
The average rate of change is the slope of the line between
and P2.

- L = 40, h = 80. I ~(~8) 9

I) 1(1 21) ® 40 I -(-2) 3
Scriifc (in
The average rate of change between the two points is 3.
The ordered pair (32. 74) means that a person
with a stride of 32 in. is 74 in. tall. You Try It 5
In 2006. the median salary was S2.925.000, so one point is
SECTION 3.4 />, (2006, 2.925.000).
You Try It 1 Use P,(4. -3) and P2(2, 7). In 201 1, the median salary was S2, 100.000, so a second point is
(-3) P:(201 1,2,100.000).
v? - y 7 ~
in =
x2 ~
.r, 2-4 -2 Find the slope of the line between P, and P2 .
Tlie slope is -5. 2,100.000 - 2.925.000
in = -165.000
201 1 - 2006
You Try It 2 Use />,(6,-I) and P?(6, 7).
The average annual rate of change in median salary was
*-y. 7 — (-1) 8 approximately -SI 65.000 per year.
x- - X, 6-6 0
This means the median salary was decreasing $ 1 65.000 per year
Division by zero is not defined. from 2006 to 2011.
The slope of the line is undefined.
You Try It 6 2.r + 3y = 6
You Try It 3 Choose P,(5. 25.000) and f>,(2. 55.000) .
>2 >'l
in =
~ *1
_ 55.000 25.000 ~

• (*i»Ji) = (5,25.000),
(r2.y2)= (2,55.000)
30.000 y- intercept = (0. 2)
= -10.000
A slope of - 10.000 means the value of the
recycling truck is decreasing by S 10.000 per

IHsBoBecvise rota, a Icoitrf enthis page a Z Cagags taimig.

Ccfjnrfi 301J Crw Ituna£ *11 KonmL Uq m Iv .vncc. tr dirlicnU. It »Kik it iun. I>.i uiclccVont raH. mm lliiJ |tnjoatctirtn, K: wiicuca frcm lit ilv-i ir.1jr lOiomil
rilingroim la* JcaxJihr. couch Jc<« r»»: riumill) xffcvi iu mcnll kinur; cxpcncrxx. I'canfc Inmn/ rc*mc< ix njhl lo t4iuiml ccoxni 11 iny line it «iV«c4inii n/k*rrÿnctwiv rcÿurc l

You Try It 7 Locate P(-3, -2). You Try It 5

Strategy Select the independent and dependent vari¬
-3-* ÿ

ables. The function will predict the Celsius

temperature, so that quantity is the depen¬

—- - dent variable, y. The Fahrenheit tempera¬
ture is the independent variable, a.
ÿ From the given data, two ordered pairs are

(212. 100) and (32, 0). Use these ordered

pairs to determine the linear function.
"r Solution Choose P,(32. 0) and Pi212, 100).
_ y2 - y, 100 - 0 100 5
SECTION 3.5 a, -a, —
212 32 180 9
y - y, = »>(x - a,)
You Try It 1 "i = ~~ UiO'i) = (~3. -2)
y - }'i = lt(x - AT,) >• — o = |
(r — 32)

y ~ (—2) ~ ~4 [-r — (—3)] y= |(t-32),orC = |(F-32)

The linear function is
-3 Cv + 3)

y + 2= — .r — 1
-f (F - 32).
y= -],-3 You Try It 1
The equation of the line is I - (-3) _ 4
m. = (*nJi) = (-2. -3),
7 - (-2) 9
y= ~\x
~ 3-
-5-1 -6 (X2.Y2) = (7, 1)
m-> —
You Try It 2 m= -3 = (4. -3)
6-4 -T--3Ui,yi) =
U2.Y2) =
(4. l),
4 4
"V"? = 9 1--5' = -3
>' >'i = «(* ~ *i)

y - (-3) = -3(a - 4) No, the lines are not perpendicular.

y + 3 = -3a + 12
y = —3a + 9 You Try It 2 5a + 2y = 2
2y = -5a + 2
The equation of the line is v = -3a + 9.
You Try It 3 Use F,(2, 0) and P2[5. 3).
~2X+ I
1ÿ =
- vi
m = Y? "2
- A, A, 5-2 3 5a + 2y = -6
y ~
yi - m{x - A|) 2y = -5a - 6
y - 0 = I(a - 2)
y = Kx - 2) ,-f-3
y = A-2 5
Tlie equation of the line is y = a - 2. 2
You Try It 4 Use Pi2. 3) and /»,(- 5, 3). //Ji — — mi ~

v-> - v, 3-3 Yes. the lines are parallel.

A, - A,
-4 = o
-5-2 -7
The line has zero slope, so the line is a
horizontal line.
All points on the line have an ordinate of 3.
The equation of the line is y = 3.

Ittesscthawse t(edallcaten!onPlspeÿ is IffinitQ.

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Hiltu Ktunol VU, m h.icmdrani,cr distend. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rtfhi o> llinl r Ktt in) k 4inrvucÿ fec*T M ctVsL aralor ci'SafixT 41.
hdbra! lw Jccnci ilw *tj ainvcocÿ coUcrt Jcci r«n nunulb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npcncnc. CaMc I tim/if rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c c<ftxnl at uq line »l «jV«ajucni n(h>rotrxtunt rojurc t

You Try ft 3 x - 4v = 3 You Try It 2

! ir j
Graph the two
—4y = -r +3 i
. equations.

I 3
| L
1 r4Ss; *f~
m. = " h-j;±d±:E4- *
m, • m2 — —I The lines are parallel and therefore do not
intersect. The system of equations is inconsis¬
-4 • nu = -1 tent. The system of equations has no solution.

m2 = -4 You Try It 3 rr Graph the two

y - >'| = nt(x - -r,) equations.
V - 2 = -41v - ( — 2)J • (rpj.) = (-2.2)
V - 2 = — 4(x + 2)
y 2 = -4x - 8
y = ~4x - 6
The two equations represent the same line.
The equation of the line is y = — 4.r - 6.
The system of equations is dependent. The

SECTION 3.7 solutions are the ordered pairs (x, ix —3

You Try It 1 .v + 3y > 6 You Try It 4 (1) 3x — y = 3
3y > -x + 6 (2) 6x + 3y -4 -
y>-]x + 2 Solve Equation ( I) for y.
3x -y = 3
—y = — 3x + 3
y = 3* -3
" Substitute into Equation (2).
6v + 3y = -4
= ±H±:: tm 6x + 3(3x - 3) = -4
You Try It 2 y <2 6v + 9x - 9 = -4
-iiiit 44-4-1
I5x - 9 = -4
-- -4"TTTi-T" il.f 111
j-j ÿ) j - 1 III
15x = 5

_1 _
Substitute the value of x into Equation ( 1).
3x — y = 3
3ÿ-y =3
Solutions to Chapter 4 "You Try It" I— y =3
-y = 2
SECTION 4.1 y = -2
You Try It 1
• Kind the The solution is -2).
of the point of
intersection of
the graphs of the
The solutionis (-1.2).

LHessotW«\viK al coilrf cnHis page 5 ffi Cergage Leam'rg.

Uqiith :ol> Ca&it Inmn|. All Htftu Kninol Vtaj f>il h,iiloJ.rami. cr Avlkanl. n -Hik it i:ptil. I>n m tkcn-w rah. o> llird imp. oa«tino, K: ufpcuci &«* ji mlor cV'fapxn <».
h4ura! hoJccnciduttt) «jnvco(ÿ coctcrt Jmi rmnucnjlb mcnll Icunn/ npcncnc. CaMc lamn( rc<n:<nc njÿil Iopcykac tÿlnmil ccoxnl it i try lirx it «jY«ajucni rotiKtwni rotiirt l

You Try It 5 (I) y = 2a — 3 The total investment is SI 3.600:

(2) 3.r 2y = 6 A + y = 13,600
3a - 2v = 6 The two accounts earn the same interest:
0.042a = 0.06v
3a 2 a 3) = 6
- (2 -
3a - 4.v + 6 = 6 Solution ( 1 ) a + y = 1 3,600
-a + 6 = 6 (2) 0.042a - 0.06y
—x = 0 10
A = Solve Equa¬
tion (2) for a.
Substitute the value of x into Equation ( I). 10
Substitute ~r y for a in Equation ( I) and solve
y = 2x 3 - fory.
y = 2(0) - 3
y =0-3
a + y = 13.600
v = -3
Ty + y= 13.600
The solution is (0. -3).
Ty = 13.600
Graph the two
equations. y = 5600
a + 5600 = 13.600
a = 8000
$8000 must be invested at 4.2%. and S5600
must be invested at 6%.
You Try It 6 (1) 6a - 3y = 6
(2) 2x-y = 2 SECTION 4.2
Solve Equation (2) fory. You Try It 1 <1 ) 2a + 5y = 6
2.r - y = 2 (2) 3a - 2y = 6.t +2
-y = -2a- + 2 Write Equation (2) in the fomi Aa + By - C.
y = 2x - 2
Substitute into Equation (I). 3a - 2y = 6a + 2
-3a - 2y = 2
6a 3y = 6- Solve the system: 2a + 5y = 6
6.v 3(2a - 2) = 6
6.v - 6a + 6 = 6 -3a - 2y = 2
6 =6 Eliminate y.
The system of equations is dependent. The 2(2.a + 5y) = 2(6)
solutions are the ordered pairs (a. 2a - 2). 5(— 3a - 2y) = 5(2)
4a + lOv = 12
Graph the two -15a- 10v = 10
— II.a = 22 Add the equations.
A = -2 Solve for a.
Replace a in Equation ( 1 ).
2a + 5v = 6
You Try It 7 2(— 2) + 5y = 6
Strategy Amount invested at 4.2%: a -4 + 5y = 6
Amount invested at 6%: y 5y = 10
y =2
The solutionis (-2. 2).
Amount at 4.2% 0.042 0.042a
Amount at 6% 0.06 0.06y

Irtsssothawserc(Bct alIorient on Pispeÿ is LflanitQ.

LKgiiÿl2011Cct&jc Iiinml. All Hiltu Ktunol »Uj i>H h.icmdrani,cr dnltcnd. n »Hik it i:ptil. I>ic m tlccn-m rtfhi o> llinl r Ktt in) k 4irtTCUCÿ fec*T ctVx4 ir*lof a»
hditra!review 1»Jccnci ilw *tj ainrcocÿ cuclcrt Jcci r«n nucmlb £*c »»» crxll Icimn/ npenenx. CaMc I iimnt rc<n:< ic njÿil ic xtk'.c c<ftxnl it uq line »l aiVwajucni n(h>rotrxtunt rojurc t

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