Flagler County Democratic Party e - Newsletter

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Flagler County Democratic Party e-Newsletter eVolume 1, Issue 11

Hi Fellow Democrats, As of the close of business on November 1st, 2011, 1,862 people had cast their vote in the Palm Coast City Council Election. PATHETIC! The voting process is very simple and should take about three minutes from the time you enter the polling area. YOU step up to the table, present your ID (photo & signature). YOU are given a folder with the ballot enclosed, that YOU take to a voting booth. YOU take the ballot out and next to Council Seat, District 1, YOU shade the box next to Holsey Moorman's name. YOU move down to Council Seat, District 3 and you shade the box next to Jason DeLorenzo's name. You place the ballot inside the folder, walk over to the voting machine, where YOU insert the ballot. Give the folder to the poll worker and exit the room. Outside an "I Voted" sticker will be place on YOUR chest. VOTING COMPLETE. You can still EARLY VOTE until the end of business on Saturday, November 5th, 2011. The hours are 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. You may vote at the Palm Coast Public Library on Palm Coast Parkway, N.W. and Belle Terre. Voting is not only a

November, 2011 Flagler County Democratic Party Executive Committee ( DEC) IN THIS ISSUE
*Club Meeting Dates and Times *Contact us *State and Local *National *Upcoming Event *Flagler County Democratic Party Structure *Birthday

Dan Parham Chair

*Well Wishes

The Flagler County Democratic Executive Committee ( FCDEC ) is Responsible for discharging Florida Democratic Party affairs within Flagler County.

One Hargrove Grade Building A, Suite 1D, Palm Coast, Florida, 32164

P.O. Box 350928, Palm Coast, Florida , 32135

ates and location of DEC and Club Meetings

Our Democratic Executive Committee meets the 2nd Monday of every month @ 7 pm. Meetings are held at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE ( on Clubhouse Drive between East and Westbound Palm Coast Parkway). Next Meeting Nov,14th, 2011

Our Flagler County Democratic Club Meets the 4th Tuesday of every month @ 7 pm. Next meeting Nov, 22 nd, 2011. Location: TBD

The Democratic Womens Club meets the 1st Saturday of every month @ 11 am. Please call Democratic HQ for time and Location. (386 ) 283-4904

DATE: 11/23/2011 TIME: 3PM TO 6PM. Locations throughout Flagler County Phone: 386-437-0106
Event Description:
Team Feed Flagler, a cross section of local leaders, professionals, and volunteers invite you to enjoy a complimentary Thanksgiving dinner in your own neighborhood. All residents are welcome and encouraged to bring friends, families and neighbors. Dinner will be served and available for pick up at the following locations: Buddy Taylor Middle School 4500 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast Bunnell Elementary School 305 N. Palmetto St. Bunnell Bunnell First United Methodist Church 205 Pine Street, Bunnell Hidden Trails Community Center 6108 Mahogany Blvd. Daytona North Wickline Center 800 S. Dayton Ave. Flagler Beach Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 75 Pine Lakes Parkway South, Palm Coast Espanola Community Center 3055 C.R. 13, Espanola Pellicer Community Center 1380 C.R. 2007, West Flagler County St. James Missionary Baptist Church 609 State Street ( U.S.I ) Bunnell Hammock First Baptist Church 5328 Oceanshore Blvd, ( S.R. A1A) First AME Church of Palm Coast 91 Old Kings Rd. North, Palm Coast. Graciously accepting financial donations ! Please make check payable to the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners. ( Mail to Flagler County Administration, 1769 E. Moody Blvd, Bldg. 2 Bunnell, Fl. 32110 ) Non perishable food donations can be dropped off at the Government Service Building, Palm Coast City Hall, Flagler Beach City Hall, the Chamber, Palm Coast Community Center, Beverly Beach Town Hall and manned fire Stations. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED. CALL 386-579-2950 For information visit www.flaglercounty.org


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 24, 2011 CONTACT: Office of Rep. Cynthia Stafford (305) 571-2100

Rep. Stafford Sponsors HB 4065 To Permanent Repeal TANF Drug Testing Mandate

MIAMI, Fla. -- As the result of a lawsuit brought by the ACLU of Florida and the Florida Justice Institute (FJI), today U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven halted enforcement of Floridas new law mandating drug tests for all applicants for the states Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The judge ruled that the compelled drug testing is a search under the 4 th Amendment, and that individuals retain a right of privacy against such intrusive, suspicion less searches by the state, even when applying for temporary assistance. Representative Cynthia Stafford (D-Miami) issued the following statement pertaining to today's judicial order: "I commend the ACLU of Florida and the Florida Justice Institute for pursuing what many consider an unjust attack on lower-income people and a very vulnerable population in Florida. The vigorous attempts to squash the legislation that mandated this testing are supported by today's court order. "I also am the proud sponsor of House Bill 4065 for the 2012 legislative session to permanently repeal this unjust requirement. I look forward to the passage of HB 4065 by the Florida Legislature."



COUNCIL SEAT 1 Re-elect: Holsey Moorman COUNCIL SEAT 3 Elect : Jason DeLorenzo

Palm Coast General Election

Election Date : November 8, 2011 Polls open from 7am to 7pm. Books close October 10, 2011 http://flaglerelections.com/ http://palmcoastgov.com/

Early Voting: Oct. 24 through Nov 5, 2011 Where: Flagler County Public Library. Hours : Monday through Saturday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Location: 2500 Palm Coast Parkway NW in Palm Coast.


There will be six mass polling locations for this Election. On Election Day, and any eligible voter who is registered to vote within the city of Palm Coast may choose one of these six polling locations: Flagler County Library, Palm Coast Community Center, Matanzas High School, Belle Terre Elementary, Wadsworth Elementary, or Flagler County School Building next to FPC. For a complete list of Offices Up For Election in 2011 and 2012, please contact The Flagler County Supervisor Of
Election Offices. Monday Friday , 8:30 am 4:30 pm ( 386) 313-4170.


Senator Gibson Visits Flagler County Democrats gathered at Wendy's Restaurant to congratulate newly elected Senator Audrey Gibson and to welcome her to Flagler County. Senator Gibson was elected on September 21, 2011 to complete the term of Senator Tony Hill who resigned the senate to accept appointment to the administration of Alvin Brown, Mayor of Jacksonville. Senator Gibson comes to her new position with eight years of legislative experience. She represented District 15 in the Florida House of Representative from 2002-2011 and served as floor leader from 2006-2008. She was top Democratic leader on two key policy committees: the Economic Development and Community Affairs Policy Committee and Criminal and Civil Justice Policy Committee. She also served on the Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Committee. Senator Gibson told the group that she will have a visible presence in Flagler County and plans to establish an office within close proximity to Precincts 1,3,4,5, and 18, which are all part of Senate District One. She reported that economic development is a personal and professional interest and she will continue to work with this focus.


STATE SENATOR AUDREY GIBSON VISITS Wednesday, Oct. 12th, 2011 Wendys in Bunnell, Fl.
Senator Audrey Gibson and Flagler County Democratic Party, (DEC) Chairman, Dan Parham

3rd. Row
Melba McCarthy Front Osceola Brazley Alix Perry 2nd row Jean Lea, Connie Rea Courtney Chaplin Connie Parham Joyce McLeauren Sen. Audrey Gibson Mamie Godfrey Back: Dan Parham Don Hoskins Doug Beaven Andrea Parham Evelyn Vasquez Jim Manfre

Don Hopkins Flagler County Democratic Party Pres. Douglas Beaven

Occupy Daytona Beach, Saturday October 15, 2011.


The rally was held at Tuscawilla Park from 9:00am-600pm, organized by "Occupy Daytona Beach". There were people with various concerns attending. There wasn't much advance notice, yet the event was very well organized with speakers, Teachins on various topics and plans for future actions. Initially there were about 200 people, with more arriving throughout the day, the crowd was made up of young, old, black, white, Hispanic, middle and working class people. This was during Biketoberfest, with all of its events as well as college football games, so the attendance was impressive. At 2:00pm there was a sidewalk demonstration at the corners of International Speedway Blvd and Nova Rd; most of us carried signs expressing our personal sentiments. Steve and I were there as a part of MoveOn.org, but this was by no means a "single issue" gathering. Some had signs saying Honk for Jobs, (who wouldnt). Another sign read Eat the Rich, which I thought was totally inappropriate and sent the wrong message. Guess which sign the media focused on? The responses from the motorists and pedestrians were encouraging and mainly positive. Although there were different groups with differences of opinions, the main thrust was in line with all of the OWS demonstrations across the state, country and world: "We are the 99%. We are tired of struggling under mountains of debt, job insecurity, dwindling retirement funds, worry about how to pay for our health care and other necessities; we are tired of elected officials who could care less about serving us and serve instead the wealthy corporate interests who will fund them; we want a democracy that works, that carries out the will of the people and protects them (especially from corporate malpractice and greed); we want jobs with fair working conditions and pay, affordable education and health care, protections for those in need; an end to the wars; the ability to assemble and speak our minds to our government, and an healthy environment to live in." Submitted by Andrea Levy

Board of County Commissioners

The Board of County Commissioners is the legislative and policy-making body of county government. The Board establishes policy and makes all budget decisions with regard to appropriation of funds to county departments and some constitutional officers.

The chairman presides over all board meetings, signs all legal documents, and appoints commissioners to various committees. The chairman is the official representative of the board and retains a vote on all items and issues. The chairman is selected annually by his/her peers to represent the board. Flagler County is served by a five member Board of County Commissioners, representing all five districts within the county. The commissioners are elected at-large and each serves a four-year terms. All Terms are staggered with two commissioners being elected in one year and three in the succeeding two years.

Chairman, Peterson Dist. 1

Commissioner Holland Dist. 2

Vice Chair, Revels Dist. 3

Commissioner ,McLauglin


Commissioner, Hanns Dist. 5


Frederick Douglass A Visionary Frederick Douglass, Born February 1818 Died February 20, 1895
Many people wonder why Republican legislators are s o hard on President Obama.

Frederick Douglas gave us the answer many years ago. Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale. he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress. I f he comes in ignorance , rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome ; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as a impudence. In one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice. Frederick Douglass September 25, 1883



Taxation without representation took on a new connotation after the recent Palm Coast primary election. Of the 49,574 eligible voters, a mere 5,272 (10.63%), voted for the next mayor who will serve, at least, a four year term. Approximately 5300 citizens decided the fate of 50,000. That's scary!

"Taxation without representation" is probably more familiar to those who have experienced or witnessed the efforts of Washington, DC's resident to be allowed Congressional representation. For almost 150 years, residents of the District could not vote for any of the individuals governing them. Finally, for the first time, in 1964, DC citizens voted in a presidential election. D.C. residents now have a representative in Congress (Eleanor Holmes Norton*) who can participate in debate and on committees, but has no vote on final passage of legislation. These tax paying citizens still must have Congressional approval for every major aspect of their lives. Congress must approve the District's budget and can overturn all laws passed by DC's elected City Council, any actions of DC's mayor, any interpretations of laws by DC judges.

[*Walter Fauntroy was the first DC non-voting delegate.]

Such is not the case for our local citizens; you can more effectively govern your fate. You can vote ! Your impediment might be not understanding when you are eligible to vote. Most of our elections are open to all registered voters, whether or not the candidate is in your precinct. Early voting operations have centralized voting sites, clarifying poll locations; mail ballots are convenient and easily attainable. Precinct captains and their assistants are eager to assist you and enable your voter participation.

We can do better than 10%. Your voice can be and should be heard. JL


FLAGLER COUNTY, DEC One Hargrove Grade, Suite 1D Palm Coast, Florida, 32164 Phone: ( 386) 283-4904 flaglercntydem@gmail.com

Democratic Executive Committee Dan Parham, President Konnie Rea, Vice chair Connie Parham, Secretary Melba McCarty, Treasurer Melba McCarty, State Committeewoman

Working together AS ONE


Democratic Club
Douglas Beaven President Aynne McAvoy 1st Vice President Merrill Shapiro 2nd Vice President Roxanne Convery Recording Secretary Konnie Rea Correspondence Secretary Young Dems Veterans Caucus Ivory Johnson Treasurer Donald Hoskins, Parliamentarian

Democratic Women s Club

Courtney Chaplin President Connie Parham Secretary

Mamie Godfrey, Editor Andrea Levy, Associate Editor Connie Parham, Associate Editor



The office located at One Hargrove Grade is for Fellow Democrats to keep abreast of all the political happenings within the County, State, and Federal Government. It is the intent of the Democratic Executive Committee to ensure that all information regarding the Flagler County Democratic Party is enlightening and useful to voters. We will need your help to continue advocating for all voters in Flagler County. Below are ways you can be a part of the GET OUT THE VOTE process here in Flagler County. Yes : I will Donate : $25.00
$45.00 Per Mo. Per Mo. $35.00 Per Mo.


Yes: I will Volunteer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Office hours are 11am to 2 pm daily. Contact the office to indicate the hours you are available. Other________________________________

We are grateful for your support. Contact : Andrea, Mamie, or Connie to discuss your participation. ( 386) 283-4904 or flaglercntydem@gmail.com


In addition to the volunteer and contribution schedule mentioned on page 13, the Ambassador Club have remain a popular means of support for a lot of our members. The Ambassador Club membership is made annually by contributing $ 120.00 full payment or using our payment plan listed Below:

How to Join
The Membership fee is $120.00 per person annually. Payment may be made to the Flagler County Democratic Party ( DEC ) by check. This amount may be paid in full or in monthly installments of $10.00 for 12 month, and should be directed to the address below .

Flagler County Democratic Party (DEC.) P.O. Box 350928, Palm Coast, FL.32135 ATTENTION: George Jones or Andrea Levy

For more details regarding the AMBASSADOR CLUB, contact George or Andrea at : (386) 283-4904 or flaglercntydem@gmail.com
We welcome your views and comments. All stories/ comments will be posted at the discretion of the Chairman and / or Staff

This information is being sent to those parties who have requested newsletters, meeting and information from the Flagler County Democratic Party.

Paid for by and authorized by Flagler County Democratic Party 14

Happy Birthday / Get Well Wishes to ALL NOVEMBER MEMBERS

From Your Flagler County Democratic Party ( DEC)


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