Perdev Lesson Plan

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School Magpayang National Grade level Grade 11

High School
Teacher Ms. Michelle Jane Learning Personality
LESSON PLAN Salino Area Development
Time 7:30- 8:30 am Quarter 3rd
Date: February 26, 2024
I. Objective a. Understand the developmental stages in middle and late adolescence.

b. Analyze the impact of these changes on personal identity and relationships.

c. Apply knowledge of developmental stages to develop strategies for personal

growth and self-awareness.
II. Subject Topic Module 3 Developmental Stages in Middle and Late
Matter Adolescence
Reference Personal development Module 3
Materials Power Point Presentation, Video presentation, Laptop,
Board and chalk
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
III. A. Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven,
Procedure hallowed be thy name; thy
Let us pray first, please everybody stands. kingdom come; thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen.”
B. Greetings

“Good morning class!”

“Good morning, Ma’am!

C. Physical Arrangement

Before you take your seats, I want you to

arrange your chairs and pick up any trash
that you can see on the floor.

“Please arrange your chairs according to

your row.”
“Yes Ma’am”
“You may now take your seat.”

D. Checking of Attendance

“I am going to check your attendance. Once

your name is called, please say “present”
Understand?” “Yes Ma’am”

(students names)
(students names)
(students names) “Present”
(students names)

E. Reviewing of Past Lesson

“You have learned in the previous module

the various changes of the different aspects
of your holistic development “

“Can someone give me those aspects of

development?” physical/physiological,
and psychological/emotional
F. Motivation

Activity 1. This activity called, Jumble

Each group will choose their one
representative to unscramble the letters to
form the correct word within the given time
limit. Points are awarded to the group who is
the one to form a word. Is that clear?
Just raise your hand, if you know the
Okay let us start!
Yes, Ma'am.

Group 1: Pre-natal, Ma'am!
Group 2: Infancy, Ma'am!
Group 3: Adolescence,
Correct! Ma'am!

Group 4: Early Childhood,
Correct! Ma'am!

Based in our activity, what do you think our

lesson for today?
It's all about, developmental
stages in middle and late
adolescence, Ma'am
Yes! You are right!

Now, in your own idea, developmental

stages in middle and late adolescence?
It's all about, developmental
stages in middle and late
Very good! adolescence, Ma'am.

Who can read the meaning of

Developmental stages?

Adolescence is the period of

transition between childhood and
adulthood. Middle childhood ages
6 to 12 and late adolescence
ages13 to18.
Thank you!
There are different developmental stages.

“Human development focuses on

human growth and changes
across the lifespan, including physical,
cognitive, social and
emotional growth.”

Who can read stage number one?

Pre-natal is aged when hereditary
endowments and sex are fixed
and all body features, both
Thank you! external and internal are
Who can read number two?
Infancy is a foundation age
when basic behavior is organized
and many ontogenetic maturation
Thank you! skills are developed.

Okay! who can read the Havighurst’s

developmental task during the life span?
Robert J. Havighust elaborated on
the developmental tasks theory in
the most systematic and
Thank you! extensive manner

“These developmental tasks are mastered

by teenagers in a sequential order, following
three stages in the adolescence period,
namely: early adolescence, middle
adolescence, and late adolescence (Kimmel
and Weiner, 1995).”

Early Adolescence (this happens when you

are 12-13 years old)
At this stage you may experience rapid
growth and various changes. Your primary
developmental tasks at this stage involves
the following:

Please read…. 1. Adapting to biological and

mental development
2. Accept one’s physique and
use one’s body effectively
3. Embrace the fact that you
are physically maturing
already and know how to
take care of your body
4. Already sexually capable of
5. You need to be comfortable
with the way you look.

Middle Adolescence (this occurs around

14-16 years old) Your primary tasks as a
teenager in this period are as follows

1. Achieving new and more

mature relations with age
mates of both sexes

2. Achieving a masculine or
feminine social role

3. Achieving emotional
independence from parents
and other adults

4. Becoming more adept in

social settings and more
capable of establishing
intimate relationship

5. Attraction that you feel to

another person- learning to
handle heterosexual
relationships, dating, and
Late Adolescence. This starts when you
are 17 years old until you have shown a
sense of consistency in your personal
identity in relation to people around you, and
you have begun to form some fairly definite
social roles, value systems, and life goals
(Kimmel and Weiner, 1995). The tasks
expected of you at this stage are the

1. Already formed attitudes,

learned skills, and
established relationships
that will give you bases of
ascertaining what kind of a
person you are or what
kind of life you want to

2. Focused on planning and

preparing for marriage and
family life, preparing for an
economic career, on
acquiring a set of values
and an ethical system as a
guide to behavior or
ideology, and on desiring
G. Application and achieving socially
responsible behavior.
Test I.
Read the following questions and select the
correct letters. Answer it for 15 minutes.
1. What do you call to the ability to
understand how others feel?
a. Accountability c. Conscience
b. empathy d. sympathy

2. Which is considered as the most

important building blocks of responsibility?
a. Self-regulation c. self-control
b. self-esteem d. self-discipline

3. Which is the most important building

block of responsibility?
a. Self-regulation c.Self-esteem
b. self-control d.self-discipline

4.The ability to accept one’s body and the

ability to think more responsively of one’s
body are developmental tasks during which
a. Middle adolescence
b. Late adolescence
c. Early adolescence
d. puberty
5. Which statement best describes the
developmental tasks of adolescents?
a. They follow a sequential order
b. Rapid growth is experienced by
c. Girls matures faster than boys
d. Boys differ from girls in terms of
developmental task

6. Which statement shows that you become

more adept in social settings?
a. you find support from others
b. You are able to make new friends
c. You are capable of establishing intimate
d. all of the above

7. Which is a characteristic of the

adolescents of today?
a. Having an “instant” culture
b. Being materialistic
c. Has a culture of hard work
d. All of the above
8. Which is not true about middle
a. It is from 13-16 years old
b. You become more independent
c. You achieve feminine or masculine role
d. You put away your childish ways

9. Because of modern technology,

teenagers can easily access information.
Which of the following illustrates the
possible negative side effects of modern
a. Access to pornography
b. instant relationships
c. Limited social interaction
d. all of the above

10.How does today’s generation differ from

older generations?
a. Style of living
b. values and belief systems
c. Courtship rituals
d. All of the above

Test II.
Write YES if the statement is correct and
NO if the statement is incorrect.
11. Growing up is just very easy.

12.The older generations lived in a world

characterized by a culture of instant results.

13.You need the support of significant

persons in your life to self-reliant and

14. Achieving new and more mature

relations with age mates of both sexes is a
developmental task in the late adolescence.

15. Materialism are prestige symbols that

tell others that the owner is of higher status
than other people according to Hurlock.

Complete the table below to assess your own level of development as a senior
high school student.

Great Senior High Students you are almost done with

module 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Name one (1) challenge you have encountered in

growing up as a teenager.
2. How do you cope with that challenge?

Write it in a ½ sheet of paper.

That’s all for today. See you all again next meeting!
Class dismissed. Good Bye Class! Goodbye Ma’am

Prepared by: Michelle Jane G. Salino

Cooperating Teacher: Joseph L. Sajolan SHST II

Checked by: Larry M. Loquias, Master Teacher I

Approved by: Marilou C. Naquila, EdD

School Head Teacher V

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