Essay Met Open Viona
Essay Met Open Viona
Essay Met Open Viona
Nim : 2113037
Prodi : TBI 2B
Matkul : Metodologi Penelitian
Quantitative research is based on data that can be measured accurately and precisely. This
approach is also known as empirical research. Quantitative or empirical research is a statistic
whose nature and the number of opinions, behaviors, attitudes and other established variables. It
provides measurable data for formulating theories and facts and uncovering patterns. The data
collected from quantitative research can be turned into usable statistics. The data collection
method in quantitative research methods is highly structured and follows rigid techniques.
Various forms of surveys such as online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys, etc. Face-to-
face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, and online polls are some examples
of data collection methods. Data are collected in the form of responses to previously formulated
questions. The sample population in quantitative research studies is usually larger than the
sample population of qualitative research. Qualitative research is exploratory and investigative. It
involves data that can be observed, but not measured. Thus, it classifies the qualities of what is
studied. Qualitative research is used to understand the underlying reasons, opinions, and
motivations behind something as well as to uncover trends in thoughts and opinions. This
approach can be used to analyze the problem in depth and develop hypotheses or theories.
Qualitative research uses unstructured or semi-structured techniques for data collection. These
methods may include focus groups, individual interviews, and participation/observation and
review of documents. This approach does not use any statistical tests. Qualitative research
involves a smaller population, and therefore the sample size is usually small. He collected more
in-depth information about some cases.
In looking at the reality, symptoms, or objects under study, there is a difference between
qualitative and quantitative. Reality is seen as a concrete one, observable with the five senses,
can be categorized according to type, form, color, and, behavior, unchanging, measurable and
verifiable. Like researching the performance of a car, quantitative researchers can research the
engine alone, or the body alone, but qualitative researchers will examine all components and
their relationship with each other, as well as the performance at the time the car is run. Reality in
qualitative research is not only visible (observed), but until behind the visible. In quantitative
research, the truth is beyond him, so that the researcher's relationship with the studied must be
kept at a distance so that it is independent .by using questionnaires as a data collection technique,
then the researcher as a human instrument and with observation collection techniques
participates and in-depth interviews, the researcher must interact with the data source. Thus the
qualitative researcher must be very familiar with the person who provided the data. Quantitative
researchers in looking at the relationship of variables to the object under study are more causal
(causal), so that in their research there are independent and dependent variables. From these
variables, it is then sought how much influence the independent variables have on the
dependents. In qualitative research that is holistic and emphasizes more on processes, qualitative
researchers in seeing the relationship between variables in the object under study are more
interactive, namely mutual influence, so it is not known which independent and dependent
variables are.
In general, qualitative research emphasizes a broad breadth of information with limited
variables. Furthermore, the data that has been studied is sample data taken from the population
with probability sampling (random) techniques. Based on the data from the sample, the
researcher then makes a generalization (the conclusion of the sample is applied to the population
where the sample was taken). Qualitative research does not carry out generalizations but rather
emphasizes the depth of information so that it comes to the level of meaning. The meaning in
question is the data behind the visible, although qualiative research does not make
generalizations, it does not mean that the results of qualitative research cannot be applied
elsewhere. Qualitative researchers in collecting data there are interactions between data
researchers and data sources. In this interaction both the researcher and the data source have
background views, beliefs of values, interests, and the creator of the report will be bound by their
respective values. In quantitative research, the researcher does not interact with the data source,
it will be free from values, this is done so that the ata obtained is objective.
In the quantitative approach, the types of fields of approach are experimental, hard data,
empirical, positivistic, real facts in society and statistics, experiments, surveys, structured
interviews, and so on.In the qualitative approach, the types of approaches are ethnographic,
fieldwork, soft data, symbolic interactionism, naturalistic, descriptive, observation with role
involvement, phenomenology, documentary data, case studies, descriptive historical studies, and
environmental studies, observations, reviews. documents, participant observers and stories. In
the quantitative approach, the key conceptual types are variables, validity, reliability,
significance, hypotheses, replication, and so on. In the qualitative approach, the key conceptual
types are: meaning, common sense, understanding, situational boundaries, facts of everyday life,
processes, social constructions, and so on. In general, the key approach comes from the natural
object of research and leaves it as it is, does not interfere, or be changed. In the quantitative
approach, the basic theories are structural-functional, positivism, behaviorism, empirical logic
and theoretical systems. They prioritize a systematic, clear and definite theory.In the qualitative
approach, the theoretical basis is symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology, phenomenology,
culture, and so on. These qualitans prioritize not definite or established theories, they theorize
about human phenomena from the aspect of symbols, ethnicity, and so on. Something that can
change, there is even a qualitative extreme flow by eliminating theory in research.In the
quantitative approach, the direction and focus of a research is through theoretical testing,
constructing or compiling facts and data, statistical descriptions, clarity of relationships and
predictions. This means that each step prioritizes axioms, formulas, and solving problems and
solves problems directly.In a qualitative approach, the direction and focus of a research is to
build theory from data or facts, develop interaction synthesis and theories built from grounded
facts, develop understanding, and so on. It means that each step prioritizes the process, as it is
and without being limited by norms, formulas, and so on.In the quantitative approach, it is
necessary to measure the short term or long term, the distance to the researched, assessing as a
full researcher against the researched, domination of the researcher, and so on. They confront
researchers with people and research objects with various acts, rules and norms.
In a qualitative approach, it is necessary to have a good relationship equal and not limited
or distinguish between the researched and the researched. Relationships are empathic,
equilitarian, intensive contact, in-depth interviews, and so on. Those who are researching must
sink or be on the same level as those who are being researched. If necessary, they disguise
themselves as secret informants in the middle of their research. They are "penetrating" in the
middle of the problem. In the quantitative approach, equipment such as questionnaires,
inventories, computers, indexes, measurements of formulas, and so on. It is clear that they apply
the application of formula and certainty techniques.
In a qualitative approach, equipment such as a tape recorder, audiovisual, and so on are
needed. They consider "The researcher is often the only instrument". In the quantitative
approach, rechecking is used in the form of control, validity, reification, obtrusiveness, and so
on. They use clear control by repeating the process towards the truth of the research objectives.
The qualitative approach uses time consuming, data reduction, reliability, and so on. In the
quantitative approach, they want a structured, organized, sequential, systematic chart design.
“Design is a detailed plan of operation”. In a qualitative approach, they want a design that is
flexible, general, and self-evident. “Design is a punch as to how to you might proceed”.
Therefore, the design of a qualitative approach is never uniform or uniform. In the quantitative
approach, data mining is done through quantitative coding, calculations, measurements, and
statistics. All of them are applied to general standards and measured by these standards, to be
declared as proof of acceptance or rejection.In the qualitative approach, data mining is carried
out through descriptions of objects and situations, personal documentation, field notes,
photography, popular terms or jargons, official documentation, and so on. There is no valid
benchmark from the researcher, all processes are considered valid as long as it happens really
(empirically) and a new benchmark is held after all events occur.In the quantitative approach, the
number of samples must be clearly selected, in a random, structured way, which is the
experimental group and which is the control group. The sample must be representative of the
population (representative). In a qualitative approach, the number of samples does not need to be
large, but purposiveness can take the form of a snowball system, content analysis,
historiography, and biographical evidence. The quantitative approach uses data analysis
conclusions based on deduction, conclusions from a collection of data, finally calculated through
statistical calculations. Analysis of quantitative data establishes the limits that are accepted or
rejected by existing theories. The qualitative approach uses conceptual, inductive, model,
thematic conclusions, and so on. Analysis of qualitative data can form theories and values that
are considered valid in a place. The quantitative approach uses controls in the form of statistical
tools, measurements, and results that are relevant to the applicable formula.
The qualitative approach uses controls in the form of negative evidence, triangulation,
credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability. The tools in the approach are in the
form of post-research activities to be more convincing by repeating the examination of the data,
objectively asking experts, definite relationships, repeated belief patterns, and so on. The
quantitative approach is to write reports according to a fixed formal chart, the content is fixed,
complete and is the result of reports and test results with calculations from empirical research
fields. The qualitative approach is to write reports according to the author's logic in the order of
the reports. The content is not according to a fixed formality, but in the form of a series of stories
that can be accounted for by researchers, consisting of stories with writings that may overlap but
are meaningful.
Ending the essay on the differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches, it
appears that the two approaches are indeed distinct. This can be seen in the design, process or
flow of research and the presentation of research results. The two of them don't seem to be able
to be combined or synchronized. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the two separate. If in an
educational/research institution, there are already teachers/researchers who approach the two,
there is still a need for a policy as to how much opinion can be made between these teachers. If
there is an understanding and a common flow of views between these two approaches, it can
only be carried out for joint comprehensive research.