Mastering of Depreciation
Mastering of Depreciation
Mastering of Depreciation
7. When a CPA performs a Com- Organizes financial data into Financial State-
pilation, they do what ? ments Does NOT express an opinion on re-
liability of the statements or whether they
conform to GAAP.
8. Is land depreciable ? No
10. A company can use tax rules The difference between GAAP and IRS
on their financial statements Rules is not material.
11. A company that wants a CPA false-a company that wants a CPA to do a
to do a review of its finan- review of its financial statements must depre-
cial statements depreciates ciate its plant and equipment assets under
its plant and equipment as- GAAP only for its financial statements. De-
sets under GAAP for its feder- preciation on the TAX RETURN must always
al income tax return ? true or use TAX RULES
13. What is the Purpose of Depre- To spread out the cost of the asset over the
ciation ? years, to match that assets cost with the
revenue it helps generate each year.
16. A company is required to the company must demonstrate that its fi-
have an independent CPA au- nancial statements conform with GAAP. The
dit its year-end financial state- company's stock is publicly traded.
ments if.....
17. do not
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AIPB Mastering Depreciation
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Financial statement s pre-
pared for company manage-
ment ____________ have to
use GAAP depreciation rules.
19. The straight-line (SL) method. The asset is depreciated by dividing the de-
preciable base (acquisition cost-residual val-
ue) by the number of years in the estimated
life to determine each year's depreciation
expense. Thus, under SL, each year's depre-
ciation expense is the same.
20. The Units of production The asset is depreciated each year accord-
(UOP) or units of output ing to the number of units produced, total
method. hours used, total miles driven, or other mea-
sure of production. Thus, under UOP, the
amount of annual depreciation fluctuates by
output or use.
21. The Accelerated methods. There are two methods of accelerated de-
preciation. They are called accelerated be-
cause they provide more annual deprecia-
tion expense in the earlier years of the as-
set's life and less depreciation expense in the
later years. The two accelerated methods are
the declining balance (DB) method and the
sum-of-the-years'-digits (SYD) method.
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Annual depreciation rate x depreciable base
= annual depreciation expense.
28. How to compute the acquisi- Invoice cost plus all costs required to make
tion cost ? the asset ready for its intended use.
invoice cost
sales tax
delivery and installation costs
= acquisition cost
30. How to compute annual de- depreciable base / years = annual deprecia-
preciation using years: tion expense
31. How to compute annual de- 1.00 / estimated life = depreciation rate
preciation using a deprecia- depreciable base x depreciation rate = annu-
tion rate: al depreciation expense
33. MACRS specifies the depreci- For equipment and most land improvements
ation method for depreciable (but not buildings), MACRS permits the
assets, as follows: straight-line or declining balance methods,
but prohibits sum-of-the-years'-digits. Most
companies choose declining balance to get
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AIPB Mastering Depreciation
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the biggest expense (tax write-off) as soon
as possible.
34. MACRS stipulates how much Generally, for first-year depreciation of equip-
depreciation can be taken in ment and most land improvements, MARCS
the first year, regardless of requires the half-year convention. This con-
purchase date. vention requires that all if it were laced in
service in the middle of the year, regardless
of purchase date.
35. Double- Declining Balance The most widely used rate is 200%, referred
(DDB) to as the DDB methods because it is double
the straight-line rate. Whatever rate a compa-
ny selects must be used over the entire life of
the assets.
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value, not the depreciable base. Because the
book value declines each year, it is called the
declining balance method.
39. Depreciating Buildings Under The cost basis of a building is the cost (Not
MACRS including land) plus all additional costs re-
quired to put the building in service. Recov-
ery periods for buildings are as follows:
27.5 years for residential rental property
(Publication 946, Table 2).
40. When MACRS, Table 1 depre- may be taken by extending the MACRS re-
ciation for an auto or light covery period for as many years as are need-
SUV, pickup or van is in ex- ed to depreciate the cost basic.
cess of annual IRS limits the
excess depreciation...
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ed with other expenses as depreciation ex-
45. Who determines the asset's The residual value in an estimate made by
residual value or scrap value company management of the dollar amount
or salvage value? that can be recovered for the asset at the
end of its useful life when it is disposed of
(sold or traded in). this amount cannot be
51. depreciation base - SL, Unit Cost of asset less residual value
and Sum method
52. Unit prod method quantity of unit, miles or hours calculate per
year. Did not matter what time equipment
was purchase or place in service
56. Unit produced method depreciation rate CHANGE every year. Use
quantity of unit produce during year. Calcu-
late base deprecation ( original cost - resid-
ual) / Total quantity produce year x quantity
of unit produce. Debit inventory - working in
process (except vehicle)
60. Double declining method depreciation rate did NOT change. Use same
rate from all year of depreciation. However,
depreciation base will change ever year. Cal-
culate (book value from begin of book ) x
depreciation rate.
61. Straight line method depreciation rate did NOT change. Use same
rate from all year of depreciation. Calculate
base deprecation ( original cost - residual) /
years of estimate life or 1.00 / years (estimat-
ed life)
62. Book value is the acquisition total cost. first year is origi-
nal cost (no include residual) , second year is
original cost less accumulated depreciation
from year 1 and year 2
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63. Mid Quarter apply to purchase that excess more then
40% in last 3 months
65. Macrs - vehicle use depreciation that would present less val-
ue when compare to table
68. Journal entry to Non-manu- Debit depreciation EXPENSE and credit Ac-
facture cumulate depreciation
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70. depreciation RATE - Straight 100% / estimate life. No change during year
line method
72. For assets acquired during for 12 consecutive months, even if that re-
the year, the sum-of-years' sults in the same rate being used on two
digits method requires that different calendar years.
the same depreciation rate be
74. How to get the Numerator for If you are depreciating an asset with a 10
the SYD Method - year estimated life, The numerator to use
at the end of Year 1 is 10 because that is
the number of years remaining in the assets
life as of the beginning of the first year .
The numerator to use at the end of Year 2
is 9, because that is the number of years
remaining in the asset's life.
75. How to get the denominator If there are 5 years in the assets lifes the sum
for the SYD Method of the digits is 15 (5+4+3+2+1). To save time
in adding up digits shortcut is
5 x (5+1) / 2 = 15
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