1 s2.0 S0042698917300937 Main 2
1 s2.0 S0042698917300937 Main 2
1 s2.0 S0042698917300937 Main 2
Vision Research
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Recent results have shown that effects of pictorial illusions in grasping may decrease over the course of
Received 10 February 2017 an experiment. This can be explained as an effect of sensorimotor learning if we consider a pictorial size
Received in revised form 4 May 2017 illusion as simply a perturbation of visually perceived size. However, some studies have reported very
Accepted 13 May 2017
constant illusion effects over trials. In the present paper, we apply an error-correction model of adapta-
Available online 6 June 2017
tion to experimental data of N = 40 participants grasping the Müller-Lyer illusion. Specifically, partici-
pants grasped targets embedded in incremental and decremental Müller-Lyer illusion displays in (1)
the same block in pseudo-randomised order, and (2) separate blocks of only one type of illusion each.
Müller-Lyer illusion
Consistent with predictions of our model, we found an effect of interference between the two types when
Adaptation they were presented intermixed, explaining why adaptation rates may vary depending on the experimen-
Error correction tal design. We also systematically varied the number of object sizes per block, which turned out to have
no effect on the rate of adaptation. This was also in accordance with our model. We discuss implications
for the illusion literature, and lay out how error-correction models can explain perception-action disso-
ciations in some, but not all grasping-of-illusion paradigms in a parsimonious and plausible way, without
assuming different illusion effects.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction predicted sensory outcome and the observed outcome (Cheng &
Sabes, 2006; Shadmehr, Smith, & Krakauer, 2010).
1.1. Sensorimotor adaptation and visual illusions The prevalent use of visual perturbations in sensorimotor adap-
tation research creates a natural intersection with another area of
When performing repeated motions towards a seen object, vision research. For the past 20+ years, researchers have been
humans will rapidly become more adept at this task, a fact already investigating whether vision for conscious perception is processed
described over a hundred years ago (von Helmholtz, 1867; in a fundamentally different way to vision used for motor actions
Woodworth, 1899). It has been proposed that what is learned is (Milner & Goodale, 1995, 2006). Much of the evidence in favour
an efficient transformation between the visual input and the motor of this theory has come from observations of neuropsychological
action required for the task, called a visuomotor mapping patients (prominently, Goodale, Milner, Jakobson, & Carey, 1991;
(Soechting & Flanders, 1989). This holds true under natural condi- Goodale et al., 1994), while evidence in healthy participants has
tions, but also when systematic distortions are introduced, either relied strongly on whether and to what degree skilled movements
of the visual input (e.g. through mirror setups, Säfström & Edin, are affected by visual illusions (Aglioti, DeSouza, & Goodale, 1995).
2004) or the motor output (Thoroughman & Shadmehr, 2000). This long-standing debate is still ongoing, as some authors (e.g.,
Under such experimental perturbations, participants rapidly adjust Goodale, 2014; Westwood & Goodale, 2011) emphasise that there
their visuomotor mapping to the task demands. Specifically, this is a large body of literature where grasping has been dissociated
continuous adaptation process is believed to be driven by sensory from perception in visual illusions, while others argue that when
error signals, which can be defined as the difference between a motor and perceptual tasks are well matched, no dissociation is
detectable (Franz, Gegenfurtner, Bülthoff, & Fahle, 2000; Kopiske,
Bruno, Hesse, Schenk, & Franz, 2016; Schenk, Franz, & Bruno,
2011). However, see also Smeets and Brenner (2006), for a different
⇑ Corresponding author at: Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems interpretation that proposes that the maximum grip aperture
@UniTn, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Corso Bettini 31, 38068 Rovereto, TN, Italy. (MGA) is not an ideal variable to measure size processing in
E-mail address: karl.kopiske@iit.it (K.K. Kopiske).
0042-6989/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
22 K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31
grasping tasks. While measures other than MGA such as grasp second (Cesanek et al., 2016; Whitwell et al., 2016), making it dif-
position (Smeets & Brenner, 1999, 2006) or grip force (Hesse, ficult to compare results from the two types of studies.
Miller, & Buckingham, 2016; Jackson & Shaw, 2000) have certain To investigate these issues, we conducted an experiment in
advantages, our investigation focusses on the MGA due to its pop- which participants were asked to grasp the Müller-Lyer illusion
ularity in the perception-action literature and its well-investigated (fig. 1). Grasping always occurred in the same location, thus max-
relationship with object size (Jeannerod, 1984, 1986; Smeets & imizing the chance of observing interference effects. Blocks with
Brenner, 1999). both illusion configurations were compared to blocks with only
Several studies have investigated motor adaptation in some one illusion present, enabling us to compare adaptation rates with
illusions (e.g., Buckingham & Goodale, 2010; Flanagan & Beltzner, and without the possibility of interference. We quantified adapta-
2000; Glover & Dixon, 2001). However, the specific question of tion and interference within the computational framework of lin-
whether the proposed smaller sensitivity of grasping to visual size ear state-space models, which are commonly used in adaptation
illusions (Goodale, 2014) may be brought about by sensorimotor experiments to measure error correction rates (Cheng & Sabes,
adaptation (i.e., an illusion effect decreasing over repeated grasp- 2006; Thoroughman & Shadmehr, 2000). Using such a model
ing trials, such that the mean value becomes smaller than the ini- enabled us to compare error correction parameters between differ-
tial effect), as well as mechanisms involved have until recently ent blocks. We also analysed the interference between multiple
been barely addressed. Whitwell, Buckingham, Enns, Chouinard, illusion conditions by fitting a generalization parameter that
and Goodale (2016) reported that the effect of the Ponzo illusion describes how errors experienced during movements toward one
on the MGA decreases substantially over repeated grasping trials target type influence movements toward another target type (cf.
performed with full vision of the hand and the object. Similar Ghahramani et al., 1996; Krakauer, Ghez, & Ghilardi, 2005). Since
results were found by Cesanek, Campagnoli, and Domini (2016), other differences between previous studies include the number
also under full-vision conditions, emphasising that illusion effects of objects used (higher in Franz et al., 2001, and Kopiske et al.,
on grasping may indeed be reduced with practice. If we consider 2016, than in Whitwell et al., 2016 and Cesanek et al., 2016; four
a visual size illusion as in essence a distortion of perceived size, and five respectively, vs. two each), we also manipulated the num-
this is exactly what we should expect according to the logic of sen- ber of objects per block to preclude this as a confounding factor (for
sorimotor adaptation. Over many trials of repeatedly grasping an argument why this factor could matter, see Keefe & Watt, 2009),
objects within the same illusory context, participants may use although our model would not predict this manipulation to affect
feedback to learn to adapt their grip scaling to the distortion, much adaptation.
like in visual size perturbation paradigms testing grasp adaptation Following these considerations, we hypothesised that partici-
(e.g., Säfström & Edin, 2004). We should mention that this interpre- pants should quickly be able to learn to adapt their grasp to one,
tation is not undisputed, with Whitwell and colleagues (2016) but not multiple opposite illusory size distortions in the same loca-
interpreting their results as learning to ignore parts of the illusion tion, and derived two testable hypotheses from this: (1) We should
that might have been perceived as obstacles, rather than learning a find the illusion effect decreasing over trials, and (2) in our design,
mapping between perceived and grasped size. the decrease rate should be smaller with multiple different illusion
Another important point is that while a number of studies configurations (pseudo-)randomly interleaved per block. These
found learning effects in grasping illusions, this is not a ubiquitous hypotheses were tested in a design using the Müller-Lyer illusion
finding. For example, a study using the Müller-Lyer illusion and the (Fig. 1), an illusion with similar target shapes to the Ponzo illusion,
parallel-lines illusion (Franz, Fahle, Bülthoff, & Gegenfurtner, 2001) and known to induce a strong size illusion effect (Bruno & Franz,
analysed illusion effects over trials using linear regression, finding 2009). In fact, the review by Bruno and Franz (2009) also found
no illusion-effect decrease over the course of an experiment. Sim- the number of trials to be negatively correlated with the magni-
ilarly, reanalysing the open-access data from a recent large-sample tude of the illusion effect, although this is not sufficient to infer
study of the Ebbinghaus illusion (Kopiske et al., 2016) also showed some learning mechanism. We tested grasping under three differ-
no signs of a decreasing illusion effect, which raises the question ent conditions: (1) Having participants grasp a single illusion con-
what the difference may be between studies where a decrease figuration per block, with one single object size; (2) having
occurs (e.g., Cesanek et al., 2016; Whitwell et al., 2016) and studies participants grasp a single illusion configuration per block, but
where none occurs (e.g., Franz et al., 2001; Kopiske et al., 2016). with two object sizes; and (3) having participants grasp both illu-
sion configurations in the same block.
Fig. 1. Setup and illusion configurations a: A schematic view of the setup with participants looking at a mirror showing the reflection of the screen in the same position as the
stimulus behind the mirror. Reach-to-grasp movements were executed from a fixed starting position to a fixed object position. This position was to the bottom right of the
object. b: Müller-Lyer illusion, as used in the experiment. The virtual stimuli shown in the experiment were red. During trials where no illusion was presented, participants
saw a plain red rectangle in the position of the object.
credit or $8 per hour compensation, and their rights were protected we chose not to provide online visual information since we know
according to the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. that this can diminish illusion effects on the MGA, which would
During the experiment, participants were seated on a height- reduce the sensitivity of our methods. The visual object in front
adjustable stool. In front of them was a table with an armrest of them disappeared when a target-reached criterion was met
and a cardboard grip marking the starting position. Small posts (see Section 2.3 for details). The maximum time to complete the
with three infrared diodes each were attached to the thumb and grasp was set at 3000 ms (this maximum was virtually never
index finger of the participants to track their motion in space at reached; mean movement time was 1019 ms). If this time was
85 Hz, using an Optotrak Certus motion tracking system (Northern exceeded, or participants had started the trial before the start beep,
Digital, Waterloo, Canada). Before the experiment, a calibration or if the finger markers were not visible to the Optotrak for too
procedure was performed where participants pinched a predeter- large portions of the movement (>20% of frames during move-
mined position with their right thumb and index finger to enable ment), participants heard a high-pitched beep to indicate that
us to calculate the position of the respective finger tips relative the trial was invalid. Invalid trials were repeated a maximum of
to the markers on the posts. The finger-tip positions were used two times, after which they were marked as not completed (among
in all subsequent analyses. During the experiment, participants the final sample, this applied to a total of 27 trials, or 0.2%).
placed their head on a chin rest and were instructed to keep their The experiment consisted of five blocks for each participant,
gaze on a semi-transparent mirror (with a removable back panel) each consisting of a baseline phase (12 trials), a test phase (20 or
in front of them, which allowed the simultaneous presentation of 40 trials), which was when the illusion displays were presented,
real objects (placed on a carousel app. 50 cm in front of the partic- and a washout phase (12 trials): Two one-size, one-illusion blocks,
ipants) and virtual objects presented on a 1900 CRT monitor running in each of which the test phase consisted of one object size embed-
at 85 Hz in the same location (see Fig. 1a). The objects to be ded in one of the two illusory configurations in 20 consecutive tri-
grasped were cuboids of 40 or 45 mm length and a 13 mm * 13 mm als (such that both configurations were grasped in this type of
base. The size of the virtual stimulus always corresponded with the block), two two-sizes, one-illusion blocks with 20 + 20 trials of
size of the physical object, and an infrared diode on the back of two different objects (40 and 45 mm, presented in an intermixed,
each physical object allowed us to ensure perfect alignment of pseudo-randomised order) embedded in the same illusion configu-
the virtual and physical object. In the illusion trials, fins of ration, and one one-size, two-illusions block of 20 + 20 trials of the
4 mm * 16 mm extruded from the virtual display at an angle of same object embedded in two different illusion configurations
either 45 or 135 degrees relative to the vertical dimension to (again intermixed, pseudo-randomised). The trial order was
induce the Müller-Lyer illusion (see Fig. 1b). The stimuli were pre- pseudo-randomised by using cycles containing all combinations
sented in a custom C++ program using OpenGL. The back panel of of size * illusion configuration in random, not predetermined order.
the mirror was inserted after ensuring visual-physical alignment in The order of blocks was determined by using a row-balanced com-
order to block participants’ vision of the real objects as well as the bination of two 5 * 5 Latin squares. This resulted in a total of 280
hand during non-practice trials of the experiment. trials for each participant, with a Müller-Lyer illusion presented
in 160 of them. Prior to the first block, participants were given
2.2. Procedure an undetermined small number (<10) of practice blocks with vision
of their hand, before the mirror’s occluding back panel was in
Participants were instructed to keep their right hand in a start- place. They were then given an unspecified number of further prac-
ing position on the table in front of them, pinching a cardboard grip tice trials, until they felt comfortable executing the task. During
and waiting for a start beep to start their grasp. A virtual stimulus practice, no illusion display was presented, and trials were not
(see Fig. 1; a red rectangle with fins for illusion trials, and without recorded.
fins in practice, baseline, and washout trials) appeared at the same
time as the start beep. After each beep, they reached toward the 2.3. Data processing and analysis
object in front of them and grasped it along its vertical axis with
their thumb and index finger, before returning to the same starting Kinematic data were analysed in R (R Core Team, 2015). For
position. Participants did not see their right hand during grasping, each grasp, we extracted the MGA, response time, movement time,
but continued to see the virtual object until the physical object was and time to MGA from the raw, unfiltered frame-wise data. The
touched. Unlike some previous studies (e.g., Whitwell et al., 2016), start of the grasping movement was determined through a position
24 K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31
criterion relative to the starting position (thumb and index finger maps perceived sizes onto MGAs, where the intercept parameter
>30 mm away from starting position), while the end of the grasp is a dynamic internal state (xn ) and the fixed slope (a; Säfström
was determined through an aperture criterion (within 10 mm of & Edin, 2005) is estimated for each individual by linear regression
the object size, aperture velocity <5 mm/s for at least 60 ms). of object sizes onto MGAs observed during baseline. Thus, the
Our main dependent variable was the MGA. Thus, we submitted planned MGA would be calculated as follows:
all MGAs to a 2 * 3 * 2 repeated-measures ANOVA with factors
MGAplanned ¼ xn þ a ðl þ xÞ; ð3Þ
object size, illusion angle (which had two levels representing the
illusion configurations, and one level representing the lack of illu- with xn = an internal state, a = the slope of the response func-
sory fins), and experiment subset (first vs. second half of trials). tion, l = object length, and x representing a visual perturbation
Greenhouse-Geisser epsilons and corrected p-values (Greenhouse induced by the illusion. States were updated based on two pro-
& Geisser, 1959) were computed for factors with more than two cesses, (1) error correction and (2) decay of the previous state. This
levels. This was followed by an analysis of the overall illusion was modelled using the following equation:
effect, as well as the illusion effect over bins of trials, which we
xnþ1 ¼ a xn bC en ; ð4aÞ
computed as units comprising of two trials per configuration, the
reason being that this was the smallest unit for which an illusion where a = a retention parameter indicating the stability of the state
effect could be computed while still allowing for single invalid tri- over consecutive trials or the rate the state ‘decayed’ toward the ini-
als. Binning the illusion effect in such a way allowed us to then run tial state, xn = the state for the n-th trial, bC = an error correction
a linear regression of illusion effect over bins to investigate a pos- parameter representing the amount of learning from error in previ-
sible decrease in illusion effect over time (as was done in Franz ous trials, and en = the error on the n-th trial, defined simply as the
et al., 2001). difference between the planned MGA (modelled from the current
The illusion effect is typically computed as the difference of state and the visual object size) and the mean MGA. Note that such
MGA in mm between grasps toward objects within the incremental an error would be observed upon touching the object, not visually
(fins outwards) illusion and grasps toward objects within the during the movement, since participants had no vision of their
decremental (fins inwards) illusion. To be able to compute a hands. To model the situation where two opposite illusion configu-
within-subject illusion effect over time, that is, for individual bins rations were presented in interleaved order, we expanded the
in which the number of trials in each size and configuration may model to include two separate states xDn and xIn for the decremental
not be balanced (e.g., due to single missing trials), we used an addi- and incremental illusion configuration, respectively, as well as sep-
tional layer in which we calculated the mean MGA difference arate error terms eDn and eIn and an error generalization parameter
between grasps toward objects embedded in the incremental illu- bG:
sion and non-illusory objects of the same size, and the mean differ- " # " D# " D#
ence between grasps toward non-illusory objects and objects xDnþ1 a 0 xn bC bG e
¼ I nI : ð4bÞ
within the decremental illusion. The sum of these differences xInþ1 0 a xn bG bC en
was used as the overall illusion effect. A slope-corrected illusion
effect was calculated in% of object size divided by the responsive- On each trial, only one illusion configuration was presented;
ness of grasping (see Bruno & Franz, 2009; Franz, Scharnowski, & thus, one state may be considered the ‘active’ state and one the ‘in-
Gegenfurtner, 2005), primarily to enable an easier comparison to active’ state, and one of the error terms (corresponding to the ‘in-
other studies, as slope-correction is not necessary for comparisons active’ state) is set to 0. Multiplying the matrices shows that each
within one measure. We calculated the corrected effect with the state is updated to the previous state for this particular configura-
formula tion multiplied by a, minus either (a) the error term multiplied by
bC (for the ‘active’ state) or (b) the error term multiplied by bG (for
iraw 100 the ‘inactive’ state). Thus, the error generalization parameter indi-
icorr ¼ ð1Þ
s l cates the degree to which error in one type of illusion configuration
and the standard error by using a Taylor-approximation (see updates the state used for grasp planning toward the other
Franz, Hesse, & Kollath, 2009), configuration.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi To be able to compute a planned MGA for the first trial, we also
iraw r2s r2i 2ris 100 included the initial state as a parameter in the model. This results
SEicorr ¼ þ ð2Þ
s s2 i2raw iraw s l in four free parameters in the case of one-illusion blocks (retention
parameter a, error correction parameter bC, initial state x0 , and
with icorr = the corrected illusion effect, iraw = the raw illusion perturbation x), and six in the two-illusion block (an additional
effect, s = the mean slope (responsiveness) of the MGA, l = the error correction generalization parameter bG, and two perturba-
mean object size (length), rs = the SEM of the slope, ri = the SEM tion parameters xD and xI instead of one). These parameters were
of the raw illusion effect, ris = the between-subject covariance bounded to be within realistic ranges – for details, as well as an
between the illusion effect and the MGA-slope. example of how a state and the predicted MGA would be calcu-
lated, see the Appendix.
2.4. The error correction model These parameters can be interpreted in a very straightforward
way: The perturbation parameters represent the (not measurable)
The process of visuomotor adaptation studies is commonly for- underlying perceptual illusion effect in mm, the error correction
malized with linear state-space models (Cheng & Sabes, 2006; parameters quantify what proportion of movement planning error
Thoroughman & Shadmehr, 2000). Briefly, the point of this type is corrected on a given trial, and the decay parameter indicates the
of model is to update an internal state on a trial-by-trial basis proportion of adaptation that is carried over to the next trial (thus
according to experienced movement errors (or two states, see slowing down learning when it is <1, as well as giving a natural
e.g. Taylor, Wojaczynski, & Ivry, 2011). The main goal of our study asymptote for the measured illusion effect over time). They also
was modelling the effect of such a mechanism on grasping a visual serve to express most of our predictions. Firstly, we expected
illusion and propose a mechanism for the sometimes-observed positive error correction parameters, both for bC (indicating
motor learning in such designs. As was done by Cesanek et al. participants correcting previous over- or underestimation of object
(2016), we modelled grasp planning with a linear function that size) and bG (indicating interference between illusion conditions,
K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31 25
such that an observed error in the opposite illusion on the previous linear regression2 showed that the illusion effect decreased by an
trial might still affect the next trial, only in the wrong direction). average of 0.33 percentage points per bin, which was a statistically
We also expected xD and xI to be negative and positive, respec- significant decrease (t(39) = 3.042, p = .004). Splitting up the data
tively, if the model were to faithfully represent the illusion. We by blocks revealed a negative slope in two of three blocks, that is,
had no predictions for parameters a and x0 . single-illusion, single size (mean slope: 0.45 percentage points/
bin; paired t-test for difference from 0: t(39) = 2.587, p = .013),
single-illusion, dual-size (0.36%/bin; t(39) = 2.162, p = .037), but
3. Results not dual-illusion (0.13%/bin; t(39) = 1.455, p = .154). However,
these slopes were not significantly different from one another (all
In the full group of 47 participants, 768 trials (5.8%) were miss- p > 0.12). The illusion effects by subset can also be seen in Fig. 2
ing due to the specified maximum of two times that an invalid trial
(right), illustrating the interaction found in our ANOVA.
could be repeated; however, the vast majority of these (741 trials)
were among the participants excluded due to missing data, see
Section 2.1 and footnote 1. A total of 47 trials (0.4% of all trials) 3.2. The dynamic illusion effect as error correction
were removed from analyses as outliers due to not having a valid
MGA (i.e., the measured MGA being smaller than the object pre- We have shown evidence that the illusion effect decreases over
sented), and another 68 trials (0.6%) for being greater than 4 SD trials. To strengthen this assertion and offer an explanation why
removed the participant’s mean MGA. This is a slightly more liberal this may be the case, we fit a model of error correction to the data
criterion than typically used – this is because much of our analyses (see Section 2.4, specifically Eqs. (3) and (4)). In essence, this model
relied on individual trials instead of cell means, so we wanted to fit a number of parameters (four, if there was only one illusory con-
eliminate only obviously extreme outliers. These exclusion criteria text: An initial state, a retention parameter, an error correction
left us with 40 participants with data that allowed us to compute parameter, and the perturbation; six if there were two illusory con-
illusion effects over time (Section 2.1, footnote 1). Of the data from texts, with an additional error generalization parameter and a sec-
these participants, 89 trials total (0.8%) were either not completed ond perturbation), bounded to reasonable limits, on a per-subject
(27 trials) or had to be removed from analysis (62 trials). On aver- and per-block basis. The model minimized the root mean squared
age, participants reached the target after 1019 ms, with the MGA error (RMSE) of the model-simulated MGAs vs. observed MGAs.
occurring on average after 58% of the movement time. Using The mean MGAs predicted by the model, as well as the mean
MGA as the dependent variable, we then conducted a 2 * 3 * 2 observed MGAs, are plotted in Fig. 3.
repeated-measures ANOVA on the remaining data, which revealed Mean parameter values and RMSEs for each of the five blocks
a main effect of factors object size (F(1, 39) = 42.41, p < 0.001), fin can be seen in Table 1, along with confidence intervals obtained
angle (F(2, 78) = 24.29, egg = 0.89, pgg < 0.001), as well as subset (F by estimating S.E.M.s via BCa-bootstrap (Efron & Tibshirani,
(1, 39) = 8.40, p = .006). A single interaction was statistically signif- 1993). In contrast to the linear regression reported above (Sec-
icant, fin angle * subset (F(2, 78) = 4.40, egg = 0.99, pgg = 0.016), tion 3.1), which gives a sense of the overall reduction in the illusion
showing that the effect of the illusion configuration differed by effect over time, the state-space model quantifies the proportion of
subset, very much in line with what we expected to find and repli- experienced error that is corrected following each movement. It
cating findings by Whitwell et al. (2016) in the Ponzo illusion. All can be seen that the retention parameter a was close to 1 in all
other interactions were non-significant (all p > 0.4). Overall, the blocks – indicating that the state did not change much apart from
results from our ANOVA show a clear influence of the Müller- the correction for an error signal. For our question of whether error
Lyer illusion on the MGA, with a possibility of a decrease that we correction could explain dynamic illusion effects in grasping, the
explored in further analyses. error correction parameter bC was central, which indicated the
degree to which participants responded to being ‘off the mark’
and corrected their error. This parameter was significantly differ-
3.1. The illusion effect over time
ent from 0 in all blocks, indicating that under the model, error cor-
rection may explain the decreasing effect. As expected, xD
To quantify the Müller-Lyer-illusion effect on the MGA, we first
parameters were in all cases smaller than 0 in the expected direc-
calculated an overall illusion effect as the mean difference between
tion, while xI parameters were large than 0. These parameters
grasps toward targets with an incremental illusory context and
rather closely matched the measured uncorrected illusion effects
size-matched targets with a decremental illusory context (see Sec-
of 1.6 mm and 2.33 mm. In fact, as the illusion effect estimated
tion 2.3). We then applied a correction for the responsiveness of
by the model fit was 4.2 mm, compared to the observed overall
participants’ MGA (mean slope: 0.69, with an S.E.M. of 0.13) and
raw illusion effect of 3.93 mm.
calculated the effect in% of object size (see Eqs. (1) and (2), as well
As it has sometimes been reported that the illusion effect
as Bruno & Franz, 2009; Franz et al., 2009, 2005). This gave us an
(Kopiske et al., 2016) or the decrease in the illusion effect
overall illusion effect of 13.3 per cent larger MGAs for incremental
(Whitwell et al., 2016) can be asymmetric, we compared the two
vs. decremental illusion trials, 95% CI [6.0, 20.6], which was statis-
parts of the illusion effect (that is, the mean MGA difference
tically significant (t(39) = 3.68, p < 0.001) and falls well within the
between each illusion configuration and a neutral stimulus) with
range of the effects found in Bruno and Franz’s (2009) review.
a paired t-test, finding no significant difference (t(39) = 0.908,
Next, we calculated the illusion effect separately for each block,
p = .370). The error correction parameters were also very similar
and for each bin within each block. This was done to enable us to
(0.18 and 0.24 respectively), although visual inspection reveals a
look at the magnitude of the illusion effect over time and test for a
possibly slightly larger effect in the incremental illusion (Fig. 3).
possible decrease, as well as potential differences between blocks
However, the only conclusion our data allow with regards to such
with regards to the dynamics of the illusion. We chose to
an asymmetry effect is that it cannot be very large, if it exists.
collapse trials over bins instead of on a trial-by-trial basis to ensure
that (a) data from all participants were included for each data
point, allowing us to compute within-participant effects, and (b) Note that we would expect a nonlinear decrease of the illusion effect, which is
also predicted by the error-correction model. Linear regression slopes are included to
object sizes were always balanced. The results are plotted in give the reader a sense of the magnitude of adaptation on an easily interpretable
Fig. 2 (mean MGAs by trial can be seen in Fig. 3). In statistical scale, and to allow some rough inference statistics along with the more detailed
terms, we did see a decrease in the illusion effect: Over all data, modelling.
26 K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31
Fig. 2. Measured and simulated illusion effects over time. Left: Mean illusion effect (black) for each bin, in mm, by block type. Dashed line indicates overall mean illusion
effect. Dotted line indicates illusion effect computed from simulated MGAs as described in Section 2.4. Bin count starts at 4 due to the baseline phase. Error bars indicate
within-subject S.E.M. for the pooled differences between bins (Franz & Loftus, 2012; Loftus & Masson, 1994), allowing inferences about the dynamics of the illusion effect.
Bars on the dashed line indicate S.E.M. of the illusion effect. Right: Bars show observed mean corrected illusion effect in per cent ± within-subject S.E.M. (dark grey:
incremental, hatched: decremental), for first and second half of each block, and overall. Grey dotted horizontal lines indicate simulated corrected illusion effects, split up in
the same way.
K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31 27
Fig. 3. MGA by trial. Mean MGA in mm, plotted over trials, split up by block type. Dots indicate actual mean MGA (grey for incremental, black for decremental illusion trials or
blocks) ± S.E.M. indicated by grey area. Hatched area indicates illusion phase. Lines indicate predictions of the model with best-fitting parameters, see Table 1. Dashed lines
indicate mean responses in baseline and washout phases. Responses to different sizes are collapsed in all graphs. The anti-phases in the dual-illusion blocks are a direct
consequence of the cycle-constrained pseudo-randomisation.
For our hypothesis that the number of illusion configurations two differences were critical. The former factor was easily tested
would impact the degree of adaptation, and the notion that poten- by looking at the error generalization parameter (which indicated
tially the number of objects per block would also matter for this, interference between opposing illusion configurations): Parameter
Table 1
Mean parameter values and goodness of fit.
Block a bC bG xI xD x0 RMSE
Dual-illusion 0.91 [0.89, 0.14 [0.03, 0.12 [0.03, 1.14 mm [0.44, 1.46 mm [3.10, 0.24] 47.88 mm [37.52, 6.06 mm
0.92] 0.27] 0.25] 2.75] 58.47]
Single, increment 0.88 [0.75, 0.19 [0.09, NA 2.31 mm [0.86, 3.42] NA 49.08 mm [38.88, 5.75 mm
0.90] 0.31] 60.27]
Single, decrement 0.84 [0.75, 0.29 [0.17, NA NA 1.34 mm [2.63, 45.09 mm [35.18, 5.44 mm
0.90] 0.43] 0.23] 55.24]
Dual-size, 0.89 [0.81, 0.17 [0.07, NA 2.41 mm [1.15, 3.57] NA 50.49 mm [39.99, 6.13 mm
increment 0.93] 0.31] 61.91]
Dual-size, 0.92 [0.84, 0.19 [0.01, NA NA 0.98 mm [1.97, 0.04] 45.19 mm [35.73, 6.63 mm
decrement 0.95] 0.32] 54.98]
Note: Parameter values given with 95% confidence intervals obtained via BCa bootstrap. Parameters indicate retention (a), error correction (bC), error generalization, or
interference (bG), the visual perturbations corresponding to the illusion (xD and xI ), and the initial state (x0 ). RMSE indicates root mean-squared error of simulated vs. actual
28 K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31
4. Discussion general principles of error correction also fit well with our data.
Primarily, there is the interdependence between trials: Incremen-
Our results show two things quite clearly: One, that grasping is tal and decremental illusion trials led to an opposite adjustment
susceptible to the Müller-Lyer illusion, consistent with the review of MGA in the trials that followed, and also to aftereffects in the
by Bruno and Franz (2009). The illusion effect on grasping is strong washout phase. Finally, the model also does not assume that the
and robust, and unquestionably present in all blocks of the exper- different sizes introduced in some blocks would make any differ-
iment. Two, the effect decreases with repeated trials, replicating ence at all. We nevertheless tested for some effect on the adapta-
recent findings in the Ponzo illusion (Cesanek et al., 2016; tion rate, as laid out in Section 1.2 – but the data were in
Whitwell et al., 2016), and extending findings that had found adap- agreement with the model, as neither comparison of regression
tation to the Müller-Lyer illusion in saccades (Bruno, Knox, & de slopes, nor of error correction parameters showed any difference
Grave, 2010; Knox, 2010). between single-size and dual-size blocks.
To fit our model, one difficulty in treating visual illusions as size
4.1. Modelling the illusion as error correction perturbations is that we can only have a vague idea of the degree to
which the illusion perturbs participants’ perception. Indeed, we
Our findings can be explained well in terms of an error- know that participants vary in how much they are affected by
correction model of sensorimotor adaptation with an error signal visual illusions (see, e.g., Coren & Porac, 1987). This makes it nec-
felt upon touching the object, which may be a step towards under- essary to fit the illusion on an individual basis, as we did. In fact,
standing how adaptation to visual illusions might work. We also each parameter was fit not only for each participant, but also for
found a decrease for the effect of both the incremental and the each block separately, allowing another plausibility check. Param-
decremental illusion display. The results are less clear regarding eters were consistent across blocks in that parameter values for the
the question whether the number of different stimulus conditions illusion effects and correction parameters were in the expected
in a block affects how quickly participants can adapt to the illusion. direction and of roughly similar size (see Table 1), strengthening
Our results clearly show interference between multiple illusion our confidence that the model provided a sensible fit. Our model
configurations, which was one of our main predictions, although needs few parameters to achieve a reasonably good fit: An initial
inference statistics on linear regression slopes did not find a pro- state, retention parameter and error correction parameter are
nounced difference in the degree of adaptation across single- enough to capture the change in the illusion effect in single-
illusion and dual-illusion blocks, and there was virtually no sign illusion blocks. In dual-illusion blocks, we also fit a generalization
of an effect of presenting multiple sizes in a single block. More parameter, although this was not strictly required; this parameter
was our way of testing whether the additional configuration could
3 explain differences in illusion-effect dynamics in previous studies.
We accounted for the fact that incremental illusion trials were disproportionally
likely to be followed by decremental illusion trials, and vice versa, by first computing Indeed, we found a positive generalization parameter, indicating
means for each previous * current illusion type combination, and then averaging these. that interference in adaptation was caused by error correction
K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31 29
without specificity for illusory context. A comparison by Akaike’s grasping without assuming two different visual representations.
information criterion slightly preferred the simpler model ðAIC of In fact, our model explicitly assumes grasping responses to be
2.2 for the simpler model over the more complex one that based on consistent, stable perceptual illusion effects. In abstract
included a bG parameter; see Akaike, 1974; Burnham & terms, this is a specific case of the more general principle that
Anderson, 2004), indicating that the improvement in fit was quite aggregation in repeated-measures designs can be problematic if
small. Given that the more complex model is the only one that can the effect to be measured is not constant over time. We also show
explain both the adaptation aftereffect in single-illusion blocks and that interleaving multiple illusion configurations can hinder, but
the previous-trial effect in dual-illusion blocks, we still prefer it. perhaps not always fully prevent learning of the illusion, even in
As illustrated in Fig. 3, the model captured quite nicely the gen- a setup where different illusions were not spatially separated. On
eral trend of the nonlinear decreasing illusion effect in single- the other hand, using two object sizes rather than only one had
illusion blocks (similar to what has been found in previous studies no measurable effect on motor learning. Thus, interference in the
Buckingham & Goodale, 2010; Cesanek et al., 2016; Whitwell et al., absence of spatial separation may account for the fact that illusion
2016), as well as the oscillating and more slowly decreasing illusion effect did not decrease in studies like Franz et al. (2001) but did in
effect in the dual-illusion blocks. It is also important to note that by others (this study; Cesanek et al., 2016; Whitwell et al., 2016),
including a baseline phase before introducing the illusion, as is typ- while the different number of objects seems to be irrelevant.
ically done in research on visuomotor adaptation, participants got Future studies may be useful to verify the importance of spatial
to execute a number of ‘real’, non-practice grasps before we started separation, as well as investigating differences between the smal-
measuring the illusion, thus providing another safeguard to ensure ler, but still existent decrease despite interference in our study
that they were not still learning to execute the task at this stage. and the virtually constant illusion effect in others. In our view, sen-
sorimotor adaptation is a promising framework for such investiga-
tions that can, as demonstrated, predict and explain illusion effects
4.2. Our study and the perception-action debate in grasping while making plausible and relatively few assumptions.
Table A.1 certain biases at the start of the illusion phase, but serves to illus-
Parameters used in the model. trate that the perturbation and the error signal are distinct. We use
Parameter Description Starting value Bounds this error signal (and ignore eI1 , as it is 0) to compute the states for
x0 Initial state 50 [0, 120] the next trial:
a Retention 0.95 [0, 1]
bC Error correction 0 [1, 1] xD1 ¼ a ðx0 x0 Þ þ x0 bC eD1 ¼ 0:91 0 þ 47:88 0:14 1:86
bG Error generalization 0 [1, 1] ¼ 48:14;
xI Perturbation, fins out Mean raw IE, fins out [10, 10]
xD Perturbation, fins in Mean raw IE, fins in [10, 10]
Initial state x0 bounded generously between the smallest and the largest intercept
observed (rounded to the nearest multiple of 10). a bounded between 0 (never xI1 ¼ a ðx0 x0 Þ þ x0 bG eD1 ¼ 0:91 0 þ 47:88 0:12 1:86
departing from previous state) and 1 (instant decay toward x0 ). bC and bG between
¼ 48:10:
1 and 1, representing 100% error correction and 100% error carry-over, respec-
tively. x bounded generously between realistic illusion effect values.
Fig. A.1. Simulated MGAs with sample parameter values. Simulated MGAs plotted over trials. Grey = fins out, black = fins in. First row: Varying parameter bC. Second row:
Varying bG. Third row: Varying a. Fourth row: Varying x. Parameters are set to 0 (left column), half the mean value obtained in our data (second from the left), the actual
mean value obtained in our data (second from the right), and twice the obtained mean value or their upper bound (right column). Each data point based on the model applied
to 10,000 simulated sequences. The anti-phase is caused by the pseudo-randomization procedure and can also be seen as in Fig. 3.
K.K. Kopiske et al. / Vision Research 136 (2017) 21–31 31
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