Schneider - Energy Savings & Power Quality - DR John Cheng

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Energy savings and power quality:

Complement or contrast?
Speaker : Dr. John Cheng

Energy efficiency with

Power & Automation
What I will explain during this seminar:

● Energy savings vs. power quality – focusing on power factor and

harmonic phenomena

● Revisit the commonly known power factor definition and its revolution
due to harmonic

● Explain the resultant of harmonic and capacitor (resonance

phenomena); and how Schneider Electric can help to resolve them

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Lifecycle solutions for Energy Efficiency

Energy Audit
Find opportunities

Fix the basics Optimize through Monitor Maintain

Low energy automation and Control Improve
consumption regulation Meters installation
devices, HVAC control, Monitoring services
Thermal insulation lighting control, EE analysis software
Power quality and variable speed
reliability drives…

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

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Control and monitoring technologies will
sustain the savings


• Up to 12% savings is lost without

monitor, control, maintain and
improvement programs

Optimized usage
Efficient devices
and installation

via automation

Monitoring & Maintenance



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Energy savings vs. power quality - PFC

● When implement energy savings equipment, please be caution about

power quality issues

● Two typical energy savings equipment that have relationship with power
quality issues:
● VSD and harmonics
● Power factor correction and harmonic resonance

● These relationship should not hinder the implementation of energy

savings equipment, but implement with caution (i.e. fix the basics)

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Power factor definition – Linear system

● What does it mean by linear load?

● No power-electronic devices.
● Only consists of inductive, resistive and capacitive loads
● Does not modify the conventional sinewave waveform of V and I

● Power factor is the displacement angle between voltage and current

● Leading or lagging power factor is depending on the type of loads

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation” -600
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Power factor definition – Linear system

Reactive Power

Active Power
Apparent Power

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Power factor definition – Nonlinear

● What does it mean by nonlinear load?

● Mostly generated by power-electronic devices
● Modify the conventional sinewave waveform I, and hence V
● Typical nonlinear loads – DC/AC Drives, UPS, DC power supply, electronic
equipment, etc

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Power factor definition – Nonlinear

Power factor in
system with linear
loads only

S = kVA
Q = kVAr
(Apparent Power)
(Reactive Power)
Power factor component in
system with harmonics
(linear + nonlinear loads)
(Distortion Power)
(True/Total Power Factor)
P = kW
(Real Power)

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Power factor components – Nonlinear
S (kVA) = P 2 + Q 2 + D 2
S = kVA
Q = kVAr
(Apparent Power)
(Reactive Power)
= Vrms I rms

= ∑V
k =1
I 2
k rms k rms

(True/Total Power Factor)
(Distortion Power) = V1rms I1rms 1 + THDV2 1 + THDI2
P = kW
(Real Power) = S1 1 + THDV2 1 + THDI2

Displacement Power Factor kW

(Fundamental Components): cos θ dispPF =

Distortion Power Factor

cosθ distPF =
(Harmonic Components): 1 + THDV2 1 + THDI2

True/Total Power Factor : cosθ TPF = cosθ dispPF ⋅ cosθ distPF

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Why improve power factor?

● Most utility bills are based on real power demand (kW)

● Yet, utilities must install facilities to deliver total power (kVA)

● When pf is improved, it will…

● Reduce electric bill (penalties) if applicable
● Release system capacity
● Reduce i2R losses
● Improve voltage regulation

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Why improve power factor?

● According to IEEE Standard 1036-1992…

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce electric bill (Penalties)

● You can reduce the electric bill if the charges has the following
● kVAh
● kVARh A
● Power factor (pf) kV 400 kVAR
000 600 kVAR
pf = 0.80 825 kVA
200 kVAR

pf = 0.97 800 kW

Plant A Plant B
Unit (kVAh) 100000 82500
Rate ($) 0.208 0.208
Amount $ 20,800 $ 17,160
Savings/month $ 3,640

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Why improve power factor?
- Release system capacity

● Capacitors can off-load transformers and cables

● Reduce current

100 100 kW
100 kVAR kW

kVA = 143 kVA = 125 kVA = 100

pf = 70% pf = 80% pf = 100%

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Why improve power factor?
- Release system capacity

● Example:
● Plant A & B consume same real power, but different power factor

Volts kVA kW kVAR pf Requires

Plant A 6 MVA
415 4506 4185 1670 0.925 transformer

Unequal Total Demand Equal Demand

Volts kVA kW kVAR pf Requires

Plant B 8 MVA
415 6079 4185 4408 0.689 transformer

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Why improve power factor?
- Release system capacity

● Reduce current drawn from the source

S = 3Vrms I rms

Volts kVA kW kVAR pf Amps

Plant A
415 4506 4185 1670 0.925 6269

Volts kVA kW kVAR pf Amps

Plant B
415 6079 4185 4408 0.689 8457

26% System capacity released

by improving your power factor!
“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”
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Why improve power factor?
- Release system capacity

kVArelease = 1−

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce i2R losses
Real current component
Reactive current component

Poor PF
Source load
Xfmr 2

Xfmr 1

No Capacitor in system

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce i2R losses
Real current component
Reactive current component

Poor PF
Source load
Xfmr 2

Xfmr 1

Capacitor at facility source, relieves utility but does not reduce i2R losses

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce i2R losses
Real current component
Reactive current component

Poor PF
Source load
Xfmr 2

Xfmr 1
2 Capacitor

Capacitor at location 2, relieves utility and xfmr 1.

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce i2R losses
Real current component
Reactive current component

Poor PF
Source load
Xfmr 2

3 Capacitor
Xfmr 1

Capacitor at location 3, relieves utility and both xfmrs and i2R losses in facility.

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Why improve power factor?
- Reduce i2R losses

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Why improve power factor?
- Improve voltage regulation

● When capacitors are added, voltage will increase

● Severe over-correction (pf >1) – leading power factor will cause a

voltage rise that can damage insulation & equipment; or result in utility
● Usually a result of large fixed capacitors at mains

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Why improve power factor?
- Improve voltage regulation

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Which pf to compensate?

● When installing capacitor bank to improve displacement pf, the

distortion pf will not be improved

● Pure capacitor will not correct the harmonics distortion (distortion pf).
● E.g. Disp. PF = 1, Dist PF = 0.7 lag, True PF = 0.7 lag

● To improve True/Total PF, it requires compensation of harmonic

distortion in the network

Φ 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
-200 -200
-400 -400
-600 -600
-800 -800
Before Adding a capacitor After Adding a capacitor
“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”
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Harmonic and resonance

● REMEMBER! Adding a pure capacitor into a harmonic polluted network could

cause harmonic resonance

● What is harmonic resonance?

● Nonlinear loads cause harmonic currents
● Inductive reactance increases as capacitive reactance decreases as the frequency or
harmonic order increases
● Crossover point exists where inductive and capacitive reactance are equal - Parallel
● Resonance occurs when Xc = XL
● Harmonic resonance is when harmonics exist at the frequency where impedances

● Sign of Resonance:
● Overheating
● Capacitor failure
● Increase of THDv

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Estimating the parallel resonance
Impedance vs. Frequency for 1000 kVA Transformer System

Resonance Points 350 kVAr
700 kVAr
Z 0.2 No Capacitors


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Frequency (Hertz)

System Impedance As A Function of Frequency

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Schneider Electric solution (PFC)

● Don’t confuse with tuned and detuned PFC, but both PFC’s activation
based on displacement power factor

● Detuned Power Factor Correction (PFC)

● Detuned tuning point is typically outside -8% of target harmonic order (e.g.
3.8th – 4.2nd order)
● a.k.a. Anti-Resonant PFC
● Primary function: PFC
● Secondary function: Harmonic filtering (side-effect) – Not that effective

● Tuned/Passive harmonic filter PFC

● Tuned tuning point is typically within -8% of target harmonic order (e.g. 4.5th
– 4.9th order)
● Cannot fully compensate the according to harmonic

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Schneider Electric solution (AHF)

● AccuSine
● Active harmonic filtering
● Resonance Elimination
● More than just a harmonic filter:
●Instantaneous Power Factor Correction
●Dynamic VAR compensation- AccuSine is able to inject peak
current at two and a quarter times its rms current rating for up to
3 cycles. For many high current in-rush applications this level of
compensation eliminates visible flicker and voltage sags.
HVC Load Tracking

Reactive Power (kVAR)














Time (cycles)
“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”
Passive Output (kVAR) AccuSine EVC Output (kVAR)
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Load (kVAR) Net System (kVAR)
Main conclusion (Fix the basics)

● When implementing energy savings equipment, be caution about the

impact on power quality

● Avoid resonance at all times when implementing power factor


● Schneider Electric offers services and solutions to help you to save

energy, understand and compensate the power quality issues

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Questions ?

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

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Helping you make the most
of your energy!

Speaker : Dr. John Cheng

Email :
Contact number : 6485 5187

“Energy Efficiency with Power and Automation”

Schneider Electric Inspiration 2008

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