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"The introduction of cloud computing has revolutionized computing platforms,

offering scalable, distributed, and shared computing resources. Cloud computing

is an emerging commercial infrastructure paradigm that promises to eliminate the

need for maintaining expensive computing facilities by companies and institutes

alike. While the cloud model presents opportunities for cost savings and increased

revenues, it also faces several challenges that hinder its widespread adoption, with

security being of paramount concern. Alongside traditional technology-related

issues, the cloud model introduces new security problems such as loss of control,

lack of trust, data isolation, and integration of tenants' security controls. Current

cloud platforms have yet to fully address these security challenges. However, the

current commercial clouds have been built to support web and small database

workloads, which are very different from typical scientific computing workloads.

To tackle these issues, we have developed an innovative cloud computing security

management platform. Our solution involves capturing detailed cloud platform,

service, and security specifications using novel system and security mega-models.

Cloud stakeholders can then specify their assets' security requirements, and our

platform automates the integration of these requirements into target services in


Penetration testing is used for testing the systems for vulnerabilities and plugging

the loopholes if any. All major enterprises have web applications or provide

services online, so it is important to secure these systems. Identifying security

requirements that need to be met requires extensive knowledge of systems and

security to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks. This becomes

even more critical in the cloud model, where services are publicly accessible,

leaving them vulnerable to malicious users seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and

compromise tenants' security. To address this, our platform incorporates a novel,

extensible, and online signature-based security analysis service that automates

security assessments for services. The results of this analysis are then utilized by

our security-patching component. Using online (cloud) testing tools any ordinary

person can test the system for vulnerabilities. To validate the effectiveness of our

platform, we conducted evaluations using benchmark applications and performed

three case studies to address key cloud security problems. The results of these

evaluations were highly supportive, demonstrating that our platform successfully

automates the security management of shared, multi-tenant cloud services."


1.1 Introduction

Cloud computing is revolutionizing computing platforms by emphasizing

increased business benefits and reduced IT infrastructure costs [2]. This model

introduces new service paradigms, leveraging resource virtualization, service

outsourcing, and pay-per-use payment models [3]. It offers a win-win solution for

cloud providers, service providers, and consumers, allowing scalable resource

allocation at runtime through cloud elasticity and optimizing resource utilization

via multi-tenancy, where different tenants share the same service instance.

The field of testing related to identifying of security issues in a network and

resolving them before external hackers can exploit it, is called penetration testing.

The main objective of penetration testing is to correctly assess the real security

risks associated with a seemingly endless stream of vulnerability and patch

reports. Securing such dynamic, virtualized, and multi-tenant platforms and

services poses significant challenges [4]. Our analysis identifies key factors

complicating cloud computing security, necessitating comprehensive solutions.

These factors include the involvement of various stakeholders with different

security requirements and the outsourcing of assets to the cloud without tenants'

direct involvement, leading to loss-of-control and lack-of-trust issues.

Additionally, cloud characteristics like multi-tenancy and elasticity create security

concerns related to isolation and resource coverage. The complex layered

architecture of the cloud model with diverse security issues further complicates

Introduction 1
management tasks, and the diverse service delivery models and security controls

hinder standard security models' development.

To address these challenges consistently, we have developed an innovative cloud

computing security management framework. Our solution focuses on capturing

and defining assets' security specifications, enforcing security, and monitoring and

improving security to meet target objectives. Existing security management

standards, such as ISO27000 and NIST-FISMA, do not align well with the cloud

model, especially in cases of outsourcing and multi-tenancy. Moreover, current

security engineering efforts primarily concentrate on automating configuration

and lack comprehensive solutions for capturing security requirements and

integrating deployed security controls, particularly within the cloud model.

Penetration testing provides detailed information on actual, exploitable security

threats. By performing a penetration test, an organization can identify which

vulnerabilities are critical, which are insignificant, and which are false positives.

Avoid the cost of network downtime.

In the security specification phase, existing risk assessment frameworks mostly

involve manual identification of risks, lacking automation, which is essential due

to cloud complexities. The security enforcement phase typically focuses on

design-time security engineering, but for the cloud model's dynamic nature,

adaptive security solutions become necessary. Furthermore, addressing multi-

tenant security engineering, specifically "tenant-oriented security," has been

largely unexplored.

In the security monitoring phase, existing efforts mainly provide lagging security

metrics and lack efficient proactive security support. Additionally, capturing

customized, dynamic, runtime security metrics with formalized languages remains

a challenge.

Our adaptive, model-based, and multi-tenant cloud computing security

management framework is designed to mitigate these challenges and fill the gaps

in existing security management efforts. It adapts to the dynamic nature of the

security problem and the cloud model, operating on an abstract level to work

across platforms and target services. Our approach extends security management

processes to include cloud-hosted assets, promoting collaboration between

stakeholders to secure cloud services and mitigate loss-of-control and lack-of-trust

problems each component of our cloud security management platform was

evaluated independently using benchmark applications and relevant metrics. We

conducted three case studies to assess different parts of the platform in addressing

specific cloud security problems, and the results demonstrated successful

automation of security management for shared, multi-tenant cloud-hosted


1.2 Research Roadmap

To develop our cloud security management platform, we followed an iterative

approach, each supported by a prototype to demonstrate proof-of-concept.

Working iteratively allowed us to address research gaps and add components to

the platform systematically. The order of iterations was determined by logical

dependencies between identified research gaps in cloud computing security

management. The roadmap of our research project is outlined below:

1. Initial Investigation: We began by examining existing efforts in cloud

computing security to identify research problems, gaps, and define the research

scope. The results of this comprehensive analysis were published in [4].

2. Projection of Security Standards: Based on the requirements and challenges

identified in the first milestone, we assessed existing security management

standards, including ISO27000 and NIST-FISMA, when applied to the cloud

computing model. To adapt NIST-FISMA to fit the cloud model, we developed a

modified cloud-aligned NIST-FISMA standard. A prototype based on this model

was created and validated using a motivating scenario. The rest of our platform

aligned with the revised NIST-FISMA standard.

3. Security Enforcement: We focused on automating security enforcement, as it

is a core aspect of the security management process. We investigated existing

security engineering approaches, adaptive application security, and multi-tenant

SaaS engineering but found limitations in supporting multi-tenancy security

engineering and runtime integration of third-party security controls. To address

this, we proposed MDSE@R, an approach where service providers deliver a

Service Description Model (SDM), and customer security engineers develop a

Security Specification Model (SSM). MDSE@R weaves both models together at

runtime and reflects the resultant system-security model onto the running system

using dynamic-weaving Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). We validated

MDSE@R on open source applications from our benchmark set [34] and

extended it for multi-tenancy (TOSSMA) [35].

4. Security Re-Engineering: For existing applications with built-in security, we

introduced a pre-processing step where built-in security capabilities are re-

engineered to avoid conflicts with newly injected security features. Existing

system and security maintenance and retrofitting approaches were limited in

automating security re-engineering tasks. We proposed a new approach, "Re-

aspect," which extends AOP with more flexible signature specification constructs

and supported actions. We validated "Re-aspect" on open source web applications


5. Vulnerability Analysis: To address security requirements, vulnerability

analysis was conducted to pinpoint service security issues and verify

vulnerabilities. Existing techniques were limited in scope and extensibility. We

developed a formal vulnerability specification approach independent of

implementation or programming language, using Object Constraint Language

(OCL). Our source code vulnerability analysis extension demonstrated high

precision and recall rates, making it a reliable tool for analyzing SaaS applications

against vulnerabilities [41]. We extended this approach to support system

architecture and design artifacts for threat and risk analysis [42].

Sixth, given the set of security objectives, identified vulnerabilities, and enforced

security controls, how to confirm that the system is now secure enough, meets the

specified security objectives, and blocks the possible security attacks. Security

monitoring is a very raw field where a very limited amount of research has been

done so far. Existing efforts do not help in automated security monitoring. They

mostly help in developing manual security metrics or manual collection of

security measures. We have developed a general approach that captures security

metrics in general signatures as OCL invariants. These metrics definitions are

used to generate required security probes. These probes are integrated within the

target services using AOP that intercept service execution and extract values of

different attributes of the services to be evaluated. The collected measures are sent

back to analysis service that analyze such measures and generates the

corresponding metric values. The evaluation results show that our approach is

successful in capturing different categories of security metrics, automating the

generation and deployment of security probes, and analyzing the generated

measurements. This approach along with the evaluation results are submitted to


1.3 Key Contributions

In this research, we have made significant contributions to address security

problems arising from the adoption of the cloud computing model. Below, we

summarize the key achievements in the area of cloud computing security


1. Novel Alignment of Security Management Standards: We introduced a

novel alignment of the NIST-FISMA standard to fit the cloud computing model

and its multi-tenancy hosting. Existing security management standards were not

suitable for cloud consumers who lack control over their outsourced cloud assets,

especially in SaaS applications. Our proposed alignment improved collaboration

between cloud stakeholders, ensuring security compliance.

2. Integrated Multi-Tenant Cloud Security Management Model: Our platform

represents the first multi-tenant security management proposal addressing loss-of-

control and lack-of-trust issues, shared among all cloud stakeholders, including

service tenants and providers. It is based on the NIST-FISMA standard, aiming to

cover most security management tasks comprehensively.

3. Model-Driven Tenant-Oriented Security Engineering: We introduced

MDSE@R, a novel multi-tenant, model-driven security engineering at runtime

approach. MDSE@R enables different tenants to manage their service instances'

security without the need for service customization. It includes a comprehensive

system description mega-model (SDM) and a security specification mega-model

(SSM) capturing each tenant's security details. MDSE@R also introduces a

common security interface to integrate third-party security controls at runtime.

4. Extensible Online Cloud Security Analysis Service: Our security analysis

service analyzes service architecture, design, source code, and binaries to identify

security flaws and bugs. The service is integrated throughout different service

artifacts, extensible, and signature-based, supporting online analysis for known

and unknown vulnerabilities.

5. Extensible and Automated Cloud Security Monitoring Service: Our

security monitoring service does not rely on predefined security metrics. Service

users can define their security metrics for diagnosing the security status of their IT

assets. The service uses these metric signatures to deploy security probes and

analyze collected measurements.

6. Approach to Migrating Legacy Applications to the Cloud and Disabling

Hardcoded Security Functionalities: We introduced the "Re-aspects" concept,

enabling system and security reengineering by capturing system modification

details. This approach helps in managing service security using MDSE@R and

disabling existing security APIs and functions in legacy applications.

7. Automated Vulnerability Virtual Patching Approach: Based on integrating

MDSE@R and the vulnerability analysis service, our approach injects security

controls as vulnerability mitigation actions at critical system entities based on

reported vulnerabilities.

These contributions address various security challenges in the cloud computing

model, enhancing its security and providing a more robust security management


1.4 Deployment Models Security Implications

The cloud computing model offers three distinct service delivery models and three

possible deployment models [2]:

1. Private Cloud: This model is dedicated to specific enterprises and is typically

deployed within the enterprise's network perimeter. The enterprise's IT

department has full control over the cloud platform. The primary objective of this

model is to prioritize the security of cloud-hosted assets for customers, even

though it may increase IT infrastructure costs.

2. Public Cloud: Public clouds are available to the general public, allowing users

to register and utilize the available infrastructure and resources over the internet.

Tenants access cloud resources using a pay-as-you-go payment model.

3. Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid cloud is a combination of a private cloud platform

that can extend to use resources from a public cloud platform.

Out of these three models, public clouds are the most vulnerable deployment

option because they are accessible to the general public, including potential

malicious users or services. Granting high privileges to malicious users can

expose advanced vulnerabilities, leading to security breaches not only for one

tenant but also for other cloud tenants. Therefore, it becomes crucial to have an

online security analysis tool that can automatically detect and identify any

vulnerability in shared, multi-tenant cloud applications. Additionally, enabling

tenants to secure their assets according to their specific needs is essential to ensure

robust security measures.




Cloud Physical Infrastructure

Figure 1.1: Cloud service delivery and deployment models

The cloud model introduces three fundamental service delivery models,

catering to different types of cloud tenants. Here, we provide a summary of these

models and their security implications:

1. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): In this service delivery model, cloud

providers offer computational resources, storage, and network services over the

internet. It relies on virtualization technology, where a special software

"hypervisor" is deployed on the infrastructure, enabling the creation of multiple

virtual machines that share the same physical server. Amazon EC2 is a well-

known IaaS platform.

2. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): This service delivery model provides

platforms, tools, and other business services that empower customers to develop,

deploy, and manage their own applications without installing any of these

platforms or support tools on their local machines. PaaS may be hosted on top of

IaaS or directly on the cloud infrastructures. Google Apps and Microsoft

Windows Azure are prominent PaaS providers.

3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): In the SaaS model, cloud providers deliver

applications hosted on the cloud infrastructure as internet-based services for end

users. Customers do not need to install the applications on their local networks.

SaaS may be hosted on top of PaaS, IaaS, or directly on the cloud infrastructure. CRM is a notable example of a SaaS platform.

Each service delivery model has various possible implementations, leading to

the complexity of developing standard security models for each one. Additionally,

the coexistence of these models on one cloud platform further complicates the

security management process. These service delivery models build upon existing

technologies like web applications, service-oriented architecture, and

virtualization, which already face security challenges. Among these models, the

SaaS model is considered the most vulnerable, attracting many attacks aimed at

breaching its security. In this research project, our primary focus lies on the SaaS

model, but the concepts and work can be extended to the PaaS model (particularly

web services) with ease. Future work may involve integrating the findings from

this research with ongoing work in our research group concerning the IaaS model.

Chapter 02

Review of Literature

The main responsibility of a security management system is to help security administrators and
engineers in capturing and defining IT assets’ security, enforcing specified security details,
monitoring the security status of these assets, and improving assets’ security to meet target security
objectives. These security objectives may change overtime according to business needs. This thus
implies changing related security requirements, policies, controls and security control configurations.
Thus, any cloud computing security management approach must focus on automating these security
management tasks including defining security, enforcing security, and monitoring and improving
security. A cloud computing security management approach must address the loss- of-control and
lack-of-trust problems because it is the best place to incorporate cloud consumers’ security. It also
should take into consideration multi-tenancy, as a key factor contributing to the cloud computing
security problem. This because multi-tenancy has a big impact on how to capture, enforce, and
monitoring tasks. For example, instead of working only with one set of security requirements, with
multi-tenancy we have different sets of security requirements for different tenants. These need to be
captured, enforced, and monitored on a shared service instance.

We have determined four main relevant research areas to our research problem (cloud computing

security management), including the security management area, security analysis, security

engineering, and security monitoring. Two more areas are also relevant to our research problem, cloud

computing security as the underlying problem domain, and security reengineering/retrofitting. The

latter is required when addressing cloud services with built-in security capabilities that hamper

(conflict) with the adoption of our security management platform in automating service security

management. Below we discuss the key points and questions that we need to get answers for in each

research area in order to specify what efforts could help building our cloud computing security

management approach.

Security Analysis

The security analysis task is one of the very complicated tasks in both security
engineering and management domains. The security analysis task includes threat
analysis, security vulnerability analysis, and security attack analysis. These tasks are
integrated together while conducting security analysis. The output of the security
analysis tasks represents the main source of security requirements to be realized by any
ISMS. A key limitation of the existing security risk analysis efforts is that they mainly
focus on introducing a risk analysis methodology to be followed by security
administrators or at the maximum help in the documentation and assessment process.
They do not help in automating the security risk analysis. Thus, we had to investigate in
other security analysis areas that contribute to the security analysis including
architecture risk analysis that helps in identifying security threats in a given software
system, and security vulnerability analysis that helps in identifying system security
vulnerabilities. Both constitute the main sources of information required to build a
complete security risk model. Below we discuss effort in these three main areas.

Security Risk Analysis

Security risk analysis is one of the key steps in the ISMSs. The main target of the
security risk analysis task is to identify possible threats and attacks against a target IT
system, that need to be secured, and could be exploited by attack agents to breach
systems’ security. Then, security experts use these vulnerabilities to develop the
possible threats and attack graphs that could be fired by attackers against systems. The
outcome of the security risk analysis task is used to develop risk treatment plan where
security experts specify how to mitigate or prevent the identified risks. These treatment
plans contain a set of security requirements that need to be enforced in order to mitigate
reported risks and meet customers’ security objectives.

The existing security risk analysis and assessment efforts can be categorized into two
main categories: tool-based analysis and workshop-based analysis [9]. The tool-based
analysis approaches introduce toolsets that help in capturing enterprise assets and
security details and automatically conduct the security risk analysis task. In the
workshop-based analysis, the stakeholders conduct brainstorming and interviewing
sessions. Another possible categorization of the security risk analysis methods is either
qualitative or quantitative. The latter category uses mathematical formulas to assess
identified risks while the earlier depends on subjective assessment bands (high,
medium, low). Syalim et al [86] introduce a comparison between four key security
analysis methodologies including Mehari, Magerit, NIST800-30 and Microsoft’s
security management. The key limitation of the security risk analysis efforts is the focus
on introducing a risk analysis methodology to be followed by security
administrators or at the

maximum help in the documentation and assessment process. Thus, they do not help in
automating the security risk analysis. Below we discuss key security risk analysis

Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) [9] is a

workshop-based risk assessment approach. OCTAVE has three main phases. Each
phase has a set of processes and activities. First, the security analysis team builds a
repository of critical enterprise assets. Next, they develop a threat profile for these
assets. Then, the security analysis team performs vulnerability analysis of the key
components related to the critical assets. Finally, this team performs impact and
probability evaluation of the identified threats on critical assets. Furthermore, they
develop protection plan to mitigate, reduce, and prevent the identified risks.

Information Security Risk Analysis Method (ISRAM) is a seven-step quantitative

risk analysis approach based on conducting surveys that contain questions about risk
factors (type of attachment, number of emails, number of files to be downloaded per
day) to help in assessing the likelihood and impact of the given list of risks.

Construct a platform for Risk Analysis of Security Critical Systems (CORAS) [10] is
a model-based method for security risk analysis. The security analysis team conducts
an initial risk analysis to identify initial list of threats and vulnerabilities. This is
followed by a deeper analysis by the security team. A brainstorming workshop is
conducted to identify any unwanted security incidents. This is followed by another risk
estimation workshop to estimate the likelihood of the identified risks. Finally, they
conduct a workshop to develop risk treatment plan including a cost-benefit analysis.

Saripalli [11] [87] introduces different security risk analysis methods for the cloud
computing model adopting the existing security management standards such as
ISO27000. However, they consider applying these standards from the service (cloud
platform) provider perspective not from the cloud consumers’ perspective. Moreover,
these efforts did not consider hosting of external services that have been developed by
other service providers where the cloud platform provider does not have any
information about their security issues.

In summary, the existing security risk analysis efforts focus mainly on how to conduct
and document the outcomes of the security risk analysis process through a set of well-

defined steps, some with tool support. However, they do not help in automating the
analysis process itself.

Architecture Security Analysis

Existing efforts in architecture security risk analysis can be categorized into two main
groups: scenario-based approaches and metrics-based approaches. Both have
limitations related to

approach formality in describing metrics or scenarios, extensibility to capture new
metrics or scenarios to be assessed, and in automating the architecture risk analysis
process. A key notice from the existing efforts is that they focus mostly on scenario-
based analysis. A possible justification of this tendency is that developing security
metrics is a hard problem. However, it limits the capabilities of the approach compared
to user-defined or tool-supported scenarios.

Scenario-based Analysis

Kazman et al. [88], Dobrica et al. [89], and Babar et al [90] introduce comprehensive
software architecture analysis methods for different milestones of the software
architecture development. They introduce a set of criteria that can be used in developing
or evaluating an architecture analysis method including identification of the goals,
properties under examination, analysis support, and analysis outcomes. Babar et al.
compare and contrast eight different existing architecture analysis approaches. A
common weakness of all these approaches is the lack of extensible tool support.

Kazman et al. [91] introduce architecture trade-off analysis model, ATAM, to

identify trade- offs between quality attributes of a given system and report sensitivity
points in its architecture. The approach is based on collaboration of stakeholders to
define scenarios to be used in evaluating different architectures. The analysis is
expected to be done manually.

Faniyi et al. [92] extend the ATAM approach to support architecture analysis in
unpredictable environments such as cloud computing platforms. They improve the
scenario elicitation process using security testing with implied scenarios (unanticipated
scenarios of components’ interactions). This generates potential scenarios that may lead
to security attacks. Although this improved the scenario elicitation process, it still
requires manual analysis. A further extension to our signature-based architecture
security analysis approach could be to integrate this approach as a source of attack and
metrics signatures’ specifications.

Halkidis et al. [93] introduce an architectural risk analysis approach based on

locating the existing security patterns in the architecture of system under test using
architecture annotation. Then, they use Microsoft STRIDE model [94] to generate a set
of possible attacks along with their likelihood. These security attacks can be mitigated

using security patterns. Thus, the lack of specific security patterns in a given system
architecture means possibility of violating certain security objectives in the underlying
system architecture. However, their approach does not support developing custom
security scenarios to be analyzed in the target system.

Admodisastro et al. [95] introduce a scenario-driven architectural analysis approach

for black-box component-based systems. Their analysis framework is extensible to
support different pluggable analyzers that perform structure checking, quality
checking, and

conformance checking. However, their proposed framework is high-level and lacks
details of its realization system.

Alkussayer et al. [96, 97] introduce a scenario-based security evaluation framework

of software architecture. They use mappings between security goals and requirements,
security patterns, and security threats to identify security scenarios used in evaluating
(and may be improving) a given system architecture.

Metrics-based Analysis

Metrics-based analysis techniques focus on developing a set of security metrics that

could be used in assessing the security strength of a given software system architecture
against possible attacks and how far a given attack impacts system operation.

Antonino et al. [98] introduce an indicator-based approach to evaluate architecture-

level security in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). They use reverse engineering to
extract security-relevant facts. Then, they use system-independent indicators and a
knowledgebase maintaining a list of security goals and indicators relevant for each
security goal. Although the approach is extensible, it does not support automated
security analysis. Sant’anna et al. [99] describe a concern-driven quantitative
framework for assessing architecture modularity. They introduce a set of predefined
modularity metrics that are used to assess a given system architecture.

Alshammari et al. [100, 101] introduce a hierarchical security assessment model for
object- oriented programs. They define a set of dependent metrics that capture security
attributes of a given system. The proposed metrics are well organized; however, they
are not extensible (i.e. are predefined metrics). They also do not consider security
architecture-level details.

Heyman et al. [102] introduce an approach to identify security metrics to measure or

assess based on mapping user security requirements on security objectives. For each
security objective, they define security patterns that are expected to satisfy such
objectives. Each security pattern has a set of security metrics that are satisfied by a
pattern. The metrics specification approach is informal so it does not enable automating
the analysis phase.

Sohr et al. [103] describe an architecture-centric security analysis approach. They

reverse engineer system architecture from source code using the Bauhaus tool. Then,
they perform manual analysis to identify security flaws existing in the given system

Liu et al. [104] introduce a service-oriented framework to analyze attack-ability of a

given software. They develop a new language to capture system architecture and
security details.

Using this model, they defined a set of built-in security metrics to assess the security
architecture of a given system.

In summary, the existing architecture security analysis efforts requires deep

involvement from the security experts in specify possible attack scenarios as well as
analyzing the software architecture searching for matched entities. The metrics-based
efforts depends on a set of predefined, well-known metrics, which in most of the time
require manual analysis.

Security Vulnerability Analysis

Existing efforts in vulnerability analysis can be categorized according to the analysis

mechanism used into static analysis, dynamic analysis, and hybrid analysis based
approaches. Most of these efforts are designed to analyse against specific vulnerability
types mainly SQL Injection attacks and Cross-Site Scripting as the most frequently
reported vulnerabilities. Jimenez et al. [105] review various software vulnerability
prevention and detection techniques. Broadly, static program analysis techniques work
on the source code level. This includes pattern matching that searches for a given
pattern inside software source code - e.g. calls to specific functions. Data flow and taint
analysis helps identifying data coming from untrusted sources to mark as tainted i.e.
should not be used before being sanitized or filtered. Model checking can detect
vulnerabilities based on extracting a system model from the source code and developing
a set of constraints on the model that should not occur. An issue is that model checking
approaches often suffer from a state explosion problem and generate only a
counterexample. Dynamic analysis techniques analyze a system as a black box,
avoiding being overwhelmed with system details. Fuzzy testing provides random data as
input to the application in order to determine if the application can handle it correctly or
not. Dynamic techniques are however limited in code coverage.

Static Vulnerability Analysis

NIST [106] is conducting a security analysis tools assessment project (SAMATE). A

part of this project is to specify a set of weaknesses that any source code security
analysis approach should support including SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, OS

Command Injection, etc. They have also developed a set of test cases that help in
assessing the capabilities of a security analysis tool in discovering such vulnerabilities.

Halfond et al. [107] introduce a new SQL Injection vulnerability identification

technique based on positive tainting. They identify “trusted” strings in an application
and only these trusted strings are allowed to be used as parts of an SQL query, such as
keywords or operators.

Lei et al. [108] trace the memory size of buffer-related variables and instrument the
code with corresponding constraint assertions before the potential vulnerable points by
constraint based analysis. They used model checking to test for the reachability of the
injected constraints.

Dasgupta et al. [109] introduce a framework for analyzing database application

binaries to automatically identify security, correctness and performance problems
especially SQLI vulnerabilities. They adopt data and control flow analysis techniques to
extract SQL statements, parameters, tables and conditions and finally analyze such
details to identify SQLI vulnerabilities.

Martin et al [110, 111] introduce a program query language PQL that can be used to
capture definition of program queries that are capable to identify security errors or
vulnerabilities. PQL query is a pattern to be matched on execution traces. They focus on
Java-based applications and define signatures in terms of code snippets. This limits their
capabilities in locating vulnerabilities’ instances that match semantically but not

Wassermann et al. [112] introduce an approach to find XSS vulnerabilities based on

formalizing security policies based on W3C recommendation. They conduct a string-
taint analysis using context free grammars to represent sets of possible string values.
They then enforce these security policies that guarantee that the generated web pages
include no untrusted scripts. Jovanovic et al. [113] introduce a static analysis tool for
detecting web application vulnerabilities. They adopt flow-sensitive, inter-procedural
and context-sensitive data flow analysis. They target identifying XSS vulnerabilities

Ganesh et al [114, 115] introduce a string constraint solver to check if a given string
can have a substring with a given set of constraints. They use this technique to conduct
white box and dynamic testing to verify if a given system is vulnerable to SQLI attacks
using strings generated by the string constraint solver.

Dynamic Vulnerability Analysis

Bau et al [116] perform an analysis of the black-box web vulnerability scanners. They
conducted an evaluation of a set of eight leading commercial tools to assess the
supported classes of vulnerabilities and their effectiveness against these target
vulnerabilities. A key conclusion of their analysis is that all these tools have low
detection rates of advanced (second- order) XSS and SQLI. The average percentage of
discovered vulnerabilities equals 53%. The analysis shows that these tools achieve 87%
in session management vulnerabilities and 45% in the cross-site scripting

Kals et al [117] introduce a black-box vulnerability scanner that scans websites for
the presence of exploitable SQLI and XSS vulnerabilities. They do not depend on a

signature database, but they require attacks to be implemented as classes that satisfy
certain software interfaces. Thus such attacks can be called from their vulnerability

Weinberger et al [118, 119] introduce an analysis of a set of 14 frameworks that

provide XSS sanitization techniques. They identify a set of limitations in these efforts
including lack of context-sensitive sanitization that result in developing customized
sanitizer. Such sanitizers need to be validated for their correctness, and resistance to
client-side code “DOM-based XSS”.

Felmetsger et al [60] use an approach for automated logic vulnerabilities detection in

web applications. They depend on inferring system specifications of a web application’s
logic by analyzing system execution traces. They then use model checking to identify
specification violations. The extraction of security properties’ specifications to be
validated is a key limitation in this approach. Moreover, they assume that these traces
represent correct system behavior, which is not always correct (system bugs may result
in incorrect/inconsistent traces).

Hybrid Vulnerability Analysis

Monga et al [120] introduce a hybrid analysis framework that blends static and dynamic
approaches to detect vulnerabilities in web applications. The application code is
translated into an intermediate model. This static model is filtered to focus only on
dangerous statements. This reduces model size where dynamic analysis will be
conducted, mitigating the performance overhead of the dynamic taint analysis approach.
This approach, as most taint analysis approaches (either static or dynamic), targets only
injection-related vulnerabilities. Balzarotti et al [121] introduce composition of static
and dynamic analysis approaches “Saner” to help validating sanitization functions
(addressing the input validation related attacks) in web applications. The static analysis
is used to identify sensitive source and sink methods. The dynamic analysis component
is used to analyse suspected paths only.

In summary, the existing security vulnerability analysis efforts focus on specific

vulnerability types such as SQLI, XSS, etc. These efforts are not generally extensible
enough to support analysis against new attacks. Existing vulnerability signatures such
as those in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and Common Weaknesses

Enumeration Database (CWE) are informal which hamper their adoption in developing
automated vulnerability analysis tools.

Security Engineering

Existing security engineering efforts focus on capturing and enforcing security

requirements at design time, supporting adaptive security, and multi-tenant security
engineering. On the other hand, most industrial efforts focus on delivering security
platforms that can help software developers in implementing their security requirements
using readymade standard security

algorithms and mechanisms. Some of the key limitations with the existing security
engineering efforts include: (i) these efforts focus mainly on design-time security
engineering – i.e. how to capture and enforce security requirements during software
development phase; (ii) limited support to dynamic and adaptive security and require
design-time preparation; and (iii) no support for multi-tenancy, most of the existing
efforts focus on getting services (including cloud services) to reflect one set of security
requirements without considering different tenants’ security requirements. Benjamin et
al [122] introduce a detailed survey of the existing security engineering efforts; however
they did not highlight limitations of these approaches.

Design-time Security Engineering

Software security engineering aims to develop secure systems that remain

dependable in the face of attacks [123]. Security engineering activities include:
identifying security objectives that systems should satisfy; identifying security risks that
threaten system operation; elicitation of security requirements that should be enforced
on the system to achieve the expected security level; developing security architectures
and designs that deliver the security requirements and integrates with the operational
environment; and developing, deploying and enforcing the developed or purchased
security controls. Below, we summarize the key efforts in the security engineering area.

Early-stage Security Engineering

The early-stage security engineering approaches focus mainly on security requirements

engineering including security requirements elicitation, capturing, modelling, analysing,
and validation at design time from the specified security objectives or security risks.
Below we discuss some of the key existing security requirements engineering efforts.

Knowledge Acquisition in automated Specification (KAoS) [124] is a goal-oriented

requirements engineering approach. KAoS uses formal methods for models analysis
[125]. KAoS was extended to capture security requirements [16] in terms of obstacles to
stakeholders’ goals. Obstacles are defined in terms of conditions that when satisfied will
prevent certain goals from being achieved. This is helpful in understanding the system
goals in details but it results in coupling security goals with system goals.

Secure i* [126, 127] introduces a methodology based on the i* (agent-oriented
requirements modelling) framework to address the security and privacy requirements.
The secure i* focuses on identifying security requirements through analysing
relationships between users, attackers, and agents of both parties. This analysis process
has seven steps organized in three phases of security analysis as follows: (i) attacker
analysis focuses on identifying potential system abusers

and malicious intents; (ii) dependency vulnerability analysis helps in detecting
vulnerabilities according to the organizational relationships among stakeholders; (iii)
countermeasure analysis focus on addressing and mitigating the vulnerabilities and
threats identified in previous steps.

Secure TROPOS [128-130] is an extension of the TROPOS requirements

engineering approach that is based on the goal-oriented requirements engineering
paradigm. TROPOS was initially developed for agent-oriented security engineering
(AOSE). TROPOS introduces a set of models to capture the system actors (actors’
model) and their corresponding goals (goal model: hard goals represent the actor
functional requirements and soft-goals represent the actor non-functional requirements).
These goals are iteratively decomposed into sub-goals until these sub-goals are refined
into tasks, plans, and resources. Secure TROPOS is used to capture security
requirements during the software requirements analysis. Secure TROPOS was
appended with new notations. These included: (i) security constraints: restriction related
to certain security issue like: privacy, integrity...etc.; (ii) security dependency: this adds
constraints for the dependencies that may exist between actors to achieve their own
goals and defines what each one expects from the other about the security of supplied or
required goals; and (iii) security entities: are extensions of the TROPOS notations of
entities like goals, tasks, and resources as follows: secure goal: means that the actor has
some soft-goal related to security (no details on how to achieve) this goal will be
achieved through a secure task; secure task: is a task that represents a particular way of
satisfying a secure goal; secure resource: is an informational entity that‘s related to the
security of the system; and secure capability: means the capability of an actor to achieve
a secure goal. In our SecDSVL (Chapter 6) we capture these security details in abstract
level and at runtime.

Misuse cases [131, 132] capture use cases that the system should allow side by side
with the use cases that the system should not allow which may harm the system or the
stakeholders operations or security. The misuse cases focus on the interactions between
the system and malicious users. This helps in developing the system expecting security
threats and drives the development of security use cases.

Later-stage Security Engineering

Efforts in this area focus on how to map security requirements (identified in the
previous stage) on system design entities at design time and how to help in generating
secure and security code specified. Below we summarize the key efforts in this area
organized according to the approach used or the underlying software system
architecture and technology used.

UMLsec [14, 133, 134] is one of the first model-driven security engineering efforts.
UMLsec extends UML specification with a UML profile that provides stereotypes to be
used in annotating system design elements with security intentions and requirements.
UMLsec provides

a comprehensive UML profile but it was developed mainly for use during the design
phase. Moreover, UMLsec contains stereotypes for predefined security requirements
(such as secrecy, secure dependency, critical, fair-exchange, no up-flow, no down-flow,
guarded entity) to help in security analysis and security generation. UMLsec is
supported with a formalized security analysis mechanism that takes the system models
with the specified security annotations and performs model checking. UMLsec [135]
has recently got a simplified extension to help in secure code generation.

SecureUML [15] provides UML-based language for modeling role-based access

control (RBAC) policies and authorization constraints of the model-driven
engineering approaches. This approach is still tightly coupled with system design
models. SecureUML defines a set of vocabulary that represents RBAC concepts such as
roles, role permissions and user-assigned roles.

Satoh et al. [136] provides end-to-end security through the adoption of model-driven
security using the UML2.0 service profile. Security analysts add security intents
(representing security patterns) as stereotypes for the UML service model. Then, this is
used to guide the generation of the security policies. It also works on securing service
composition using pattern-based by introducing rules to define the relationships among
services using patterns. Shiroma et al [137] introduce a security engineering approach
merging model driven security engineering with patterns-based security. The proposed
approach works on system class diagrams as input along with the required security
patterns. It uses model transformation techniques (mainly ATL - atlas transformation
language) to update the system class diagrams with the suitable security patterns
applied. This process can be repeated many times during the modeling phase. One point
to be noticed is that the developers need to be aware of the order of security patterns to
be applied (i.e. authentication then authorization, then…)

Delessy et al. [138] introduce a theoretical framework to align security patterns with
modeling of SOA systems. The approach is based on a security patterns map divided
into two groups: (i) abstraction patterns that deliver security for SOA without any
implementation dependencies; and (ii) realization patterns that deliver security solutions
for web services’ implementation. It appends meta-models for the security patterns on
the abstract and concrete levels of models. Thus, architects become able to develop their
SOA models (platform independent) including security patterns attribute. Then generate

the concrete models (platform dependent web services) including the realization
security patterns. Similar work introduced by

[139] to use security patterns in capturing security requirements and enforcement using

Hafner et al. [140] introduce the concept of security-as-a-service (SeAAS) where a

set of key security controls are grouped and delivered as a service to be used by
different web-based

applications and services. It is based on outsourcing security tasks to be done by the
SeAAS component. Security services are registered with SeAAS and then it becomes
available for consumers and customers to access whenever needed. A key problem of
the SeAAS is that it introduces a single point of failure and a bottleneck in the network.
Moreover, it did not provide any interface where third-party security controls can
implement to support integration with the SeAAS component. The SECTET project
[141] focuses on the business-to-business collaborations (such as workflows) where
security need to be incorporated between both parties. The solution was to model
security requirements (mainly RBAC policies) at high-level and merged with the
business requirements using SECTET-PL [142]. These modeled security requirements
are then used to automate the generation of implementation and configuration of the
realization security services using WS-Security as the target applications are assumed to
be SOA-oriented.

Security Engineering Processes

Different proposals have been developed trying to align and incorporate security
engineering activities with the software development lifecycle. These processes such as
Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) [65], SREP [143] and
Microsoft SDL specify the steps to follow during software engineering process to
capture, model, and implement system security requirements. Such processes are
aligned with system development processes. They focus on engineering security at
design time making assumption about the expected operational environment of the
application under development. This leads to lot of difficulties when integrating such
systems and their implemented security with the operational environment security as
software systems depend on their built-in security controls.

Widely Deployed Security Platforms

We have determined different industrial security platforms that have been developed to
help software engineers realizing security requirements through a set of provided
security functions and mechanisms that the software engineers can select from.
Microsoft has introduced more advanced extensible security model - Windows Identity
Foundation (WIF) [144] to enable service providers delivering applications with
extensible security. It requires service providers to use and implement certain
interfaces in system implementation. The Java Spring framework has a security
framework – Acegi [145]. It implements a set of security controls for identity
management, authentication, and authorization. However, these platforms require
developers’ involvement in writing integration code between their applications and such
security platforms. The resultant software systems are tightly coupled with these
platforms’ capabilities and mechanisms. Moreover, using different third-party security
controls requires updating the system source code to add necessary integration code.

Adaptive Application Security

Several research efforts try to enable systems to adapt their security capabilities at
runtime. Elkhodary et al. [146] survey adaptive security systems. Extensible Security
Infrastructure [17] is a framework that enables systems to support adaptive
authorization enforcement through updating in memory authorization policy objects
with new low level C code policies. It requires developing wrappers for every system
resource that catch calls to such resource and check authorization policies. Strata
Security API [18] where systems are hosted on a strata virtual machine which enables
interception of system execution at instruction level based on user security policies. The
framework does not support securing distributed systems and it focuses on low level
policies specified in C code.

The SERENITY project [19, 147, 148] enables provisioning of appropriate security
and dependability mechanisms for Ambient Intelligence (AI) systems at runtime. The
SERENITY framework supports: definition of security requirements in order to enable a
requirements- driven selection of appropriate security mechanisms within integration
schemes at run-time; provide mechanisms for monitoring security at run-time and
dynamically react to threats, breaches of security, or context changes; and integrating
security solutions, monitoring, and reaction mechanisms in a common framework.
SERENITY attributes are specified on system components at design time. At runtime,
the framework links serenity-aware systems to the appropriate security and
dependability patterns. SERENITY does not support dynamic or runtime adaptation for
new unanticipated security requirements neither adding security to system entities that
was not secured before and become critical points.

Morin et al. [149] propose a security-driven and model-based dynamic adaptation

approach to adapt applications’ enforced access control policies in accordance to
changes in application context – i.e. applying context-aware access control policies.
Engineers define security policies that take into consideration context information.
Whenever the system context changes, the proposed approach updates the system
architecture to enforce the suitable security policies.

Mouelhi et al. [7] introduce a model-driven security engineering approach to specify

and enforce system access control policies at design time based on AOP-static weaving.
These adaptive approaches require design time preparation (to manually write

integration code or to use specific platform or architecture). They also support only
limited security objectives, such as access control. Unanticipated security requirements
are not supported. No validation that the target system (after adaptation) correctly
enforces security as specified.

Multi-tenancy Security Engineering

The area of multi-tenant SaaS applications’ security engineering is relatively new.

Existing multi-tenancy security solutions from industry and academia are still under
development. Michael et al. [150] discuss the limitations of security solutions proposed
by different commercial cloud platforms. has introduced a simplified
solution to support their CRM integration with tenants’ security solutions. They focus
on the Identity and Access Management (IAM) area only. Tenants who are interested in
integrating with have to implement web services interfaces with
predefined signatures in order to integrate with

Enabling applications to support multi-tenancy either during application development

or by adapting existing web applications to support multi-tenancy has been investigated
by [151-154]. Cai et al. [22, 23] propose an approach to transform existing web
applications into multi-tenant SaaS applications. They focus on the isolation problem by
analyzing applications to identify the possible isolation points that should be handled by
the application developers.

Guo et al. [24] developed a multi-tenancy enabling framework. The framework

supports a set of common services that provide security isolation, performance
isolation, etc. Their security isolation pattern considers the case of different security
requirements for different tenants while still using a predefined, built-in, set of security
controls. It depends on the tenant’s administration staff to manually configure security
policies and map their users and roles to the application predefined roles.

Pervez et al. [25] developed a SaaS architecture that supports multi-tenancy,

security and load dissemination. The architecture is based on a set of services that
provide routing, logging, security. Their proposed security service delivers predefined
authentication and authorization mechanisms. No control by service consumers on the
security mechanisms used. No isolation is provided between the authentication and
authorization data of different tenants.

Xu et al. [26] propose a new hierarchical access control model for the SaaS model.
Their model adds higher levels to the access control policy hierarchy to be able to
capture new roles such as service providers’ administrators (super and regional) and
tenants’ administrators. Service provider administrators delegate the authorization to the
tenants’ administrators to grant access rights to their corresponding resources.
Zhong et al. [155] propose a framework that tackles the trust problem between
service consumers, service providers and cloud providers on being able to inspect or
modify data under processing in memory. Their framework delivers a trusted execution
environment based on encrypting and decrypting data before and after processing
inside the execution environment

while protecting the computing module from being access from outside the execution

Menzel et al. [156, 157] propose a model-driven platform to compose SaaS

applications as a set of services. Their approach focuses on enabling cloud consumers to
compose their system instances and define their security requirements to be enforced on
the composed web services. However, tenants’ instances must be deployed on separate
VMs and there is no means to update or reconfigure the defined security except manual.
These efforts deliver security using specific solutions and architectures. However, they
do not give tenants any type of control on their assets’ security; do not support multi-
tenant security; and do not support runtime enforcement or updating of enforced

In summary, the existing efforts in this area focus mainly on design time security
engineering which is not feasible in multi-tenant cloud-based applications where
tenants’ security requirements are not known at design time. The existing adaptive
security engineering efforts require deep design time preparation, which is mostly not
feasible for legacy applications. Moreover, the existing multi-tenant security
engineering efforts do not consider the possibilities of integrating tenant third-party
security controls at runtime.

Security Re-engineering

Although a lot of security engineering approaches and techniques do exist as we

discussed in the last section, the efforts introduced in the area of security re-engineering
and retrofitting are relatively limited. This comes, based on our understanding, from the
assumption that security should not be considered as an afterthought and should be
considered from the early system development phases. Thus, research and industry
efforts focus mainly on how to help software and security engineers in capturing and
documenting security in system design artifacts and how to enforce using model-driven
engineering approaches. Security maintenance is implicitly supported throughout
updating design time system or security models. In the real world, system delivery plans
are dominated by developing business features that should be delivered. This leads to
systems that miss customers expected or required security capabilities. These existing
legacy systems lack models (either system or security or both) that could be used to

conduct the reengineering process. The maintenance or reengineering of such systems
is hardly supported by existing security (re)engineering approaches. Below we
summarize the key efforts we found in relevant research areas including security
retrofitting, software maintenance and change impact analysis, dynamic software
updating, and concept location areas.

Security Retrofitting Approaches

Research efforts in the security retrofiting area focus on how to update software systems
in order to extend their security capabilities or mitigate security issues. Al Abdulkarim
et al [158] discussed the limitations and drawbacks of applying the security retrofitting
techniques including cost and time problems, technicality problems, issues related to the
software architecture and design security flaws.

Hafiz et al. [159, 160] propose a security on demand approach which is based on a
developed catalog of security-oriented program transformations to extend or retrofit
system security with new security patterns that have been proved to be effective and
efficient in mitigating specific system security vulnerabilities. These program
transformations include adding policy enforcement point, single access point,
authentication enforcer, perimeter filter, decorated filter and more. A key problem with
this approach is that it depends on predefined transformations that are hard to extend
especially by software engineers.

Ganapathy et al. [161, 162] propose an approach to retrofit legacy systems with
authorization security policies. They used concept analysis techniques (locating system
entities using certain signatures) to find fingerprints of security-sensitive operations
performed by system under analysis. Fingerprints are defined in terms of data structures
(such as window, client, input, Event, Font) that we would like to secure their access
and the set of APIs that represent the security sensitive operations. The results represent
a set of candidate joinpoints where we can operate the well-known “reference monitor”
authorization mechanism.

Padraig et al. [163] present a practical tool to inject security features that defend
against low- level software attacks into system binaries. The authors focus on cases
where the system source code is not available to system customers. The proposed
approach focuses on handling buffer overflow related attacks for both memory heap and

Welch et al. [164] introduce a security reengineering approach based on java

reflection concept. Their security reengineering approach is based on introducing three
meta-objects that are responsible for authentication, authorization, and communication
confidentiality. These meta-objects are weaved with the system objects using java
reflection. However, this approach focuses only on adding predefined types of security
attributes and do not address modifying systems to block reported security

Software Maintenance

Another key area that could be used in addressing the security reengineering problem is
the software maintenance and reengineering. System reengineering “preventive
maintenance” [165]

targets improving system structure to easily understand and help in reducing cost of
future system maintenance. The re-engineering process includes activities such as
source code translation, reverse engineering, program structure improvement, and
program modularization. System maintenance [166] includes any post-delivery
modification to existing software. Runtime system adaptation is similar to system
maintenance where we can handle post-delivery “unanticipated” requirements, but this
should happen while the system is running. These concepts target adding, removing,
replacing or modifying a system feature or structure either at design time or at runtime.
Engineering approaches that depend on aspect-oriented software development enable
systems to extend, may be replace, system functionality even at runtime but they do not
support leaving out certain patterns that may be buggy, unsafe or insecure.

Software maintenance requires deep understanding of target applications in order to

analyse the impact of a given system modification on other system entities “change
impact analysis”. Existing software maintenance efforts focus mainly on facilitating the
impact analysis task as a crucial part of change realization [167]. Specifying which
entities to be changed and propagating changes to the target system are not often
considered. Many existing impact analysis approaches assume that the entities to be
modified – the “change set” - are known beforehand. Thus, they usually focus on
identifying entities – the “impact set” - that will be impacted by modifying entities
included in the change set.

Xiaobing et al. [168] introduce a static analysis approach to identify the impact set of
a given change request based on the change type (modify, add and delete) and the entity
to be modified (class, method, attribute). They construct a dependency graph of system
classes, methods, and members (OOCMDG). Given an entity with change type CT,
then using the OOCMDG and a set of impact rules they define the other impacted
entities in a given application. Types of changes are limited to classes and methods.
Statement-level modifications are not considered. The types of modifications required
on the identified impact set are not known. Petrenko et al.

[169] introduce an interactive process to improve the precision of the identified impact
analysis using variable granularity analysis guided by developers. The proposed
approach depends on developers’ deep involvement during the impact analysis process
to control the precision of the change set.

Hassan et al. [170, 171] introduce an adaptive change impact analysis approach
based on adaptive change propagation heuristics. The approach combines different
heuristics-based approaches including history-based impact analysis (given a change
request to modify entity (A), what are the entities that are often modified with);
containment-based impact analysis (modifying entity (A) means other entities in the
same container may be changed as well. Container may be a component or a source
file); call-use-depends impact analysis (uses the

dependency graph to identify entities that refer to the modified entity); code ownership
impact analysis (modifying entity (A) will return other entities that are owned by the
same developer). The best heuristics table maintains for each entity in the system, the
best heuristics approach that helps in conducting more accurate impact analysis.
However, the approach did not explain how these best heuristics are automatically
selected and updated at runtime.

It is worth mentioning here that we could not find relevant work that addresses the
change propagation as the next step of the software maintenance problem. The system
refactoring area has a similar scope to maintenance but with limited system
modification, focusing on identifying code regions to be refactored – i.e. “bad smells”.
Some of the refactoring problems include how to specify and locate code snippets to be
refactored, and updating system models to maintain consistency between the updated
(refactored) source code and system models [24]. Wloka et al [172] introduce an aspect-
aware refactoring approach where refactoring takes into account updating the defined
aspects and pointcuts model. Most refactoring tools identify known refactoring patterns
[173]. They depend on user involvement to define syntactic bad smells or use aspect
mining tools to propose candidates that need to be refactored.

Dynamic System Updating

Dynamic system updating efforts aim to facilitate system updates at runtime. Such
efforts have been used also in adding new features and updating system at runtime.
Most of these efforts are based on the aspect oriented programming concept. Existing
AOP languages e.g. AspectJ support two types of crosscutting concerns: dynamic
crosscutting concerns that impact system behaviour by injecting code “advice” to run at
well-defined points (normally limited to updating methods – removing, modifying and
replacing); and static crosscutting concerns that impact the static structure and signature
of program entities (normally limited to adding new declarations and methods, rather
than modifying existing system entities like classes, methods and fields). These are key
limitations in adopting AOP for software reengineering and maintenance.

Pukall et al. [174] introduce an approach using AOP HotSwaping and object
wrapping. It is based on role-based adaptation. Given a system change (adaptation), the
involved entities are categorized into caller and callee. The callee is extended by a

wrapper class. The caller method is replaced with a new method that uses the new
wrapper class. The approach suffer from: memory and performance impact on the
updated system; out of synchronization with the original source code; requires
modifying the callers in all classes (at runtime); and has limited support for class
hierarchy change.

Villazon et al. [175] introduce an approach to support runtime adaptation based on

AspectJ - HotWave (Hotswap and reWave) – as an aspect weaver. This approach is
limited to dynamic

AOP and static crosscuts are not supported. Nicorra et al [176] introduced PROSE, an
AOP- based code replacement approach. PROSE does not support schema changes, or
“inter-type declarations” such as the replacing of a method, and does not allow the
addition of new class members (i.e., methods, fields) in the original code.

Concept Location Techniques

Concept location techniques help in identifying and locating source code blocks that
realize a given system feature or concept. This area is also relevant to our security
reengineering problem where we need to locate code blocks with certain signatures as
we going to explain in next chapters. Efforts in capturing code signatures include point-
cut designators, feature location, and aspect mining. Feature location is a key step in
system reengineering and maintenance to understand the target system and identifying
implemented features. Feature location approaches can be categorized into static-based,
dynamic-based, and runtime-based approaches. Below we summarize the key efforts in
the area of concept location:

Reiss [177], Shepherd et al [178], Marcus et al [179] use natural language and
ontology- based queries and information retrieval approaches in searching source code
looking for certain concepts. The adoption of natural language impacts approach
accuracy and soundness. Poshyvanyk et al [180] use AI techniques e.g. decision making
and uncertainty to locate system features. These help in understanding target systems
but they do not assure high soundness, a key requirement in system maintenance [181].
Zhang et al [182] introduce PRISM to help extracting aspects. It is similar to our
signature approach while it has limited signature specification capabilities.

In summary, the existing software and security re-engineering efforts require deep
understanding and involvement of the software and security engineers to effect a given
system modification. Many focus on retrofitting an application with specific security
patterns using tools with a set of predefined patterns and modification steps required to
realize such patterns. Furthermore, the existing signature matching efforts are not
formal enough to help in automating the software analysis process.

Security Measurement and Metrics

There is no mean that could be used to help proving that a given system is completely
(100%) secure [183]. Security is like a game between the security officers and malicious
users – mind- against-mind. This means that there is no limit to attackers’ malicious
actions to breach assets’ security. Thus, it is definitely hard to show that the system is
secure against existing as well as new security vulnerabilities. Security metrics
represent a good solution to the security

assessment problem. Different types of security metrics do exist either offline security
metrics such as comparing system security with other systems, how many
vulnerabilities found, attack surface, planned attacks reported, strength of the applied
security controls; and online security metrics that assess the current security status and
how the operated security is capable to defend against different attacks. NIST [184]
characterizes security metrics into three types as follows:

– Implementation Metrics: These metrics are intended to demonstrate progress in

implementing information security solutions and related policies and procedures;
– Effectiveness and Efficiency Metrics: These metrics are intended to monitor if the
implemented security controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended and
meet the desired outcomes. Effectiveness focuses on the robustness of the security
controls while efficiency focuses on the capability of the security controls to mitigate
the security objectives;
– Impact Measures: These are used to articulate the impact of IT security on
enterprise mission including cost savings and public trust.

System monitoring approaches can be categorized into external monitoring which

resides in the system infrastructure and collects measure from the interactions between
the system and its underlying infrastructure; or internal monitoring which depends on
instrumenting the system binaries or source code with monitoring code snippets that can
collect measurement related to certain internal system events. Below we summarize key
efforts in relevant areas including security monitoring, SLA monitoring, software
requirements monitoring, and metric specification languages.

Security Monitoring

Existing efforts in information security monitoring focus on proposing guidelines or

processes to be followed when defining metrics or collecting measurements. Chandra et
al. [27] introduce a methodology to help in identifying the required security metrics in a
given system. This methodology has a set of steps to follow including: specifying metric
requirements, identify vulnerabilities, identifying software characteristics, analysing
security model, categorizing security metrics, specifying security metric measures,
designing metric development process, developing security metrics, and finalizing
metrics suite. Similar efforts introduced for the cloud computing model in [185].

Savola et al. [28-31, 186] introduce an iterative process for security metrics
development based on a set of refinements of system security requirements down to the
set of on-line and off- line security metrics to be applied. These security metrics are
categorized by related security objective (authentication, authorization, confidentiality,
integrity and availability).

Muñoz et al. [187] introduce a cloud computing dynamic monitoring architecture for
the security attributes along with a language to capture monitoring rules. The proposed
architecture is made up of three main layers: the local application surveillance (LAS)
which collects measures from each application instance in virtual execution
environment; intra-platform surveillance (IPS) which collects measurements of different
LAS elements and start analysing them to detect violations occurred from the
interactions with other systems on the same virtual machine or different virtual
machines; and global application surveillance (GAS) which analyses the results of
different IPS for every specific application (taking into consideration its different
instances). The key problem of this approach is that it focuses on how to help the
service provider administrator but it did not consider the involvement of the service
tenants in developing and enforcing their own security metrics. Moreover, the new
proposed language is hard to learn and use in developing complex metrics.

The SERENITY Project [188, 189] introduced the EVEREST security monitoring
platform. The SERENITY framework helps adding security patterns to systems at
runtime (given that these systems have been already prepared at design time to integrate
with SERENITY). The main objective of the EVEREST security monitoring platform is
to assess the conditions of the operation of the security pattern realization components
when integrated with the target system at runtime. These conditions are specified as a
set of Event-Calculus [190] (first-order temporal formal language) assertion rules within
the security and dependability patterns. When a security pattern is selected, the specified
rules are fed into EVEREST to make sure that they are satisfied by events collected
from the system at runtime. A key problem with this approach is that the event calculus
is hard to develop by service tenants. An extension of this approach was introduced in
the area of SLA management as we going to discuss in the next subsection. Lorenzoli et
al. [191] introduce an extension of this framework (EVEREST+) that helps in delivering
SLA violation prediction capabilities based on the measurements and results got from
the EVEREST framework. Similar work introduced by Spanoudakis et al [192]. They
introduce a security monitoring approach based on event-calculus captured as
parameterized monitoring patterns classified based on the related security objectives
confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Patzina et al. [193] introduce an approach that targets automatic generation of

security monitors. The approach is based on using Live Sequence Charts (LSCs) by
system developers to capture use and misuse cases of the system. These LSCs are
translated into monitor petri nets (MPNs) dialect (a modified definition of petri nets).
These MPNs are then used to generate the required security monitors. Although the
authors claimed that the introduction of MPNs simplified the generation of the security
monitors, we see that this step adds more complication

and overhead to the process. Using LSCs directly could help to automatically generate
security monitors.

SLA Monitoring

The service level agreement (SLA) management becomes a very important research
area with the wide-adoption of the service outsourcing for hosting on external third-
party platforms (such as the cloud computing model) where customers do not have
control on such services. This increases the need to measure the quality of the delivered
services (QOS) in terms of performance, availability, reliability, security, and so forth.
The service providers and consumers conduct SLAs that define the QOS attributes that
should be guaranteed by the service provider and penalties to be applied on the service
provider in case of any violation to any of these QOS terms. Hence, it is very important
to monitor the QOS terms specified in order to take proactive actions before such
violations occur or corrective actions in case of such violations happened. However, we
could not find efforts in the area of SLA that focus on how to specify, monitor, and
enforce security SLA terms. Below, we summarize some of the key relevant SLA
efforts we determined in this area.

Skene et al. [194-197] introduce a SLA specification language, SLang, to help in

capturing SLA terms (including performance, reliability, and throughput) developed in
UML. The SLang is supported with OCL that helps in capturing SLA constraints
(invariants) that are used in assessing the satisfaction or violation of the specified
service level agreements. They used the timed automaton to help in detecting violation
of these SLA terms. This automaton is automatically generated from the specified OCL

Michlmyar et al. [198, 199] introduce a comprehensive QOS monitoring approach

that is based on both client and server side monitoring of the QOS attributes. The
proposed approach was integrated with the VRESCo platform (a runtime environment
for SOA-based computing). They have developed their own SLA specification schema
that is used in developing SLA terms in XML. The approach depends on the nature of
the web service to deploy interceptors of requests and responses and trigger the QOS
monitoring component.

Comuzzi et al. [200] introduce an approach for monitoring SLA terms as a part of the
SLA@SOI project that targets developing SLA management framework for the cloud
computing model. The proposed approach is based on the EVEREST monitoring
framework. This uses event-calculus to express rules and patterns of interest that should
be monitored. Thus a part of the proposed solution is to extract from the SLA terms
patterns to be monitored expressed in event-calculus. The proposed approach is event-
based. Measurements are sent to reasoning component to assess possible violations of
the specified SLA terms.

[186] were introduced in the area of service selection that take into
consideration different QOS attributes when selecting between
different services.

Review of Literature 56
Review of Literature 57

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