Acc 112 Q2
Acc 112 Q2
Acc 112 Q2
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Student Activity Sheet;
This assessment measures the competence of the student in terms pencil with eraser and ball pen
of his/her application of knowledge and skills in the following topics:
1. SEC Code of Corporate Governance
2. Introduction to Ethics
3. Business Ethics
P1 Quiz 2
This test is composed of two (3) sections and has a total score of sixty (5) points. You have one (1) hour
to finish this examination. The composition is as follows:
(1) Multiple-choice question Section. The questions in this section is with four answer choices. The test
is composed of ten (10) questions and is rated as one (1) point each.
(2) Enumeration Section. The test is composed of three (2) problems with several
sub-problems/requirements. Please see rating per problem/requirement.
(3) Essay Section. The test is composed of three (3) problems with several sub-problems/requirements.
Please see rating per problem/requirement.
● All things unnecessary for the test must be put in front of the testing area. Use BLACK or BLUE ink
ballpen only. Write all your answers on the designated space. Further, erasures are strictly NOT
allowed and will invalidate your answers.
● You may NOT use smart phones or reference materials during the testing session. Only the allowed
calculators should be used.
● Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try
to answer it. You will not be penalized for guessing.
● Be sure to allocate your time carefully so you can complete the entire test within the exam session. You
may go back and review your answers at any time during the exam session.
● Those who are caught cheating or doing acts not allowed during the exam shall be instructed to
surrender their test papers and shall leave the testing room immediately. Subsequently, their papers
shall be rated as ZERO.
________1. Business ethics is the application of ethics to the special problems and opportunities
experienced by business people.
a. True
b. False.
________4. The only social responsibility that a business have is to focus on how business decisions affect
company operations:
a. True
b. False
________5. Which of the following is the study and practice of decisions about what is good, or right?
a. Ethics
b. Consequences
c. Law
d. Morals
________6. An electrician working in a small town is the only electrician within a 100-mile radius. He knows
that the people who have medical equipment at home have the highest need for power, so he charges
them the double to fix problems with their electricity, compared with the average customer. The community
is angry about this choice. the business practice is most likely?
a. Ethical because it is not illegal for a company to set its prices based on maximizing profits.
b. Ethical because owners should focus only on the impact of decisions of the firm.
c. Unethical because it is against the law for a company to charge one customer more than another.
d. Unethical because businesses operate in a community and communities have expectations for
behavior of individuals, groups, and businesses.
________10. A company wants to open a branch in a foreign country but discovers it would have to bribe
government officials to get a permit to obtain materials necessary to build its headquarters. Which of the
following is an example of an ethical response?
a. Paying the bribe because the company’s first obligation is to its shareholders.
b. Paying the bribe because it is customary in the country where business is to be constructed.
c. Not paying the bribe and bringing in outside materials from foreign country to complete the
d. Not paying the bribe and convincing a local company to illegally sell materials to them, since
demanding bribes is unethical behavior..
1. Give the two primary reason why people act unethically? (4 pts)
1. Why organization require business ethics and what are the benefits of ethical organization?
2. Explain the purpose of having an independent internal audit function in a publicly-listed corporation as
required by the SEC Code of Corporate Governance.