2006 Sro 575
2006 Sro 575
2006 Sro 575
(ii) except for S. No. 1, 8, 16, 18, 22 and 27 of the Table, the Chief
Executive, or the person next in hierarchy duly authorized by the Chief
Executive or Head of the importing company shall certify in the
prescribed manner and format as per Annex-A that the imported items
are the company’s bonafide requirement. He shall furnish all relevant
information Online to Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS)
against a specific user ID and password obtained under section 155D of
the Customs Act, 1969. In already computerized Collectorates or
Customs stations where the PACCS is not operational, the Project
Director or any other person authorized by the Collector in this behalf
shall enter the requisite information in the PACCS on daily basis,
whereas entry of the data obtained from the customs stations which
have not yet been computerized shall be made on weekly basis; and
1. Agricultural machinery
1) Ploughs 8432.1010
2) Harrows, scarifiers, 8432.2100
cultivators including 8432.2910
inter-row cultivators, 8432.2990
weeders, tillers, hoes,
rotary hoes and rotary tiller
weeders (above 90 HP).
3) Seeders, planters, 8432.3010
pneumatic planters, 8432.3090
transplanters, vegetable
seedling transplanters,
paddy seeding raising
equipment, cane ratoners,
cane planters and
mechanical hand diblers.
4) Rotavators. 8432.8010
2) Machinery for cleaning, 8433.6000
sorting or grading eggs,
fruits or other agriculture
produce including
Stationery/moveable seed
processing units.
(I) Machinery, equipment and 0% 1. In respect of goods of
other capital goods Sr.No. 1(I), the Ministry of
for miscellaneous Agro- Food, Agriculture, and
based industries like milk Livestock shall certify in the
processing, fruit, prescribed manner and format
vegetable or flowers as per Annex-B that the
grading, picking or imported goods are bonafide
processing etc. requirement. The authorized
officer of the Ministry shall
1) Packing or wrapping 8422.4000 furnish all relevant information
machinery (including heat online to Pakistan Customs
shrink wrapping Computerized System
machinery). (PACCS) against a specific
2) Scales for continuous 8423.2000 user ID and password
weighing of goods on obtained under section 155D
conveyors. of the Customs Act, 1969.
3) Machinery for the 8438.5000
preparation of meat or 2. The goods shall not be sold
poultry. or otherwise disposed off
4) Conveyor belt of a kind 8428.3900 within a period of five years of
used in slaughter house. its import except with the prior
5) Evaporators for juice 8419.8900 approval of the CBR.
6) Machinery used for 8419.3100
dehydration and freezing. 8418.6900
7) Heat exchange unit. 8419.5000
8) Machinery used for filtering 8421.2900
and refining of pulps/juices.
9) Machinery for filling, 8422.3000
closing, sealing or labeling
bottles, canes etc.
1) Machines for making 8441.3000
cartons, boxes, cases,
tubes, drums or similar
containers, other than by
2) Evaporative air coolers 8479.6000
10) Contrast Media Injections 3824.9099
(for use in Angiography &
MRI etc).
11) Breathing Bags. 9020.0020
1) Cannulas. 9018.3940
2) Manifolds. 8481.8090
3) Intra venous cannula i.v. 9018.3940
34) Preciath Hdl/ldl chol 3822.0000
35) Precinorm protein kit 3822.0000
36) Precipath U 3822.0000
37) Controlset RFII 3822.0000
38) Cfas pac 3822.0000
39) Palb ceru control. 3822.0000
40) HCV cobas 3822.0000
41) UIBC 717 System 3822.0000
42) U/CSF Unysitergent 33 kit 3822.0000
43) Phosphorus Inorg sys kit 3822.0000
44) Kit ampl ic det 3822.0000
45) Ige rp elecysys 3822.0000
46) Lc hsv ½ detect 3822.0000
47) Oligo abs 3822.0000
48) Quicklyte NA/K/CL 3822.0000
49) Axym Hcy 3822.0000
50) Standard oligo 3822.0000
51) Hla B27 3822.0000
52) Omniscan id liss coombs. 3822.0000
53) Typhidot 3822.0000
54) Lineprobe HCV amp 3822.0000
55) Medi sense strips. 3822.0000
56) One touch strips for sugar 3822.0000
57) Accua check strips. 3822.0000
58) Advanced-II strips 3822.0000
ii. Machinery and Respective 5% Nil
equipment for hotels Headings.
(below 3 stars).
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized
vehicles, excluding passenger
vehicles, imported on temporary
basis as required for mine
construction or extraction phase.
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized
vehicles, excluding passenger
vehicles, imported on temporary
basis as required for the
construction of project.
13. 1. Machinery, equipment and Respective 0% -do-
spares meant for initial Headings
installation, balancing,
modernization, replacement or
expansion of projects for power
generation through nuclear and
renewable energy sources like
solar, wind, micro-hydel bio-
energy, ocean, waste-to-energy
and hydrogen cell etc.
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized
vehicles, excluding passenger
vehicles, imported on temporary
basis as required for the
construction of project.
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized
vehicles, excluding passenger
vehicles, imported on temporary
basis as required for the
construction of project.
16. Machinery, equipment and other Respective 5% 1. Except for telecom sector,
capital goods for Service Headings BOI shall certify in the
Sectors mentioned below:- prescribed manner and format
as per Annex-B that the
(i) Wholesale, distribution imported goods are bonafide
and retail trade, project requirement. The
authorized officer of the BOI
(ii) transportation, shall furnish all relevant
(iii) storage, information Online to Pakistan
(iv) communication, Customs Computerized
(v) infrastructure System (PACCS) against a
projects including specific user ID and password
development of obtained under section 155D
industrial zones, of the Customs Act, 1969.
(vi) telecommunication i.e.
Email/internet/electronic 2. The telecommunication
information services companies having valid
(EIS), data license or NOC and type
communication approval from Pakistan
network services, Telecommunication Authority
trunk radio services, and PEMRA, as the case may
cellular mobile be, shall be entitled for
telephone services, exemption without requiring
audiotex services, any exemption certificate from
voice mail services, the BOI. The Chief Executive
card pay phone or the person next in
services, close user hierarchy duly authorized by
group for banking the Chief Executive of the
operations, importing telecommunication
international satellite company shall however certify
operations for in the prescribed manner and
domestic data format as per Annex-A that
communications, the imported items are the
paging service and bonafide requirement.
any other
service which is
deregulated in future;
(vii) technical testing
(viii) Audio-visual services,
(ix) Rental services relating
to transport equipment
and machinery;
(x) Environmental services
(xi) Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) in
any other activity of
service sector.
1) Refrigeration system,
including shelves and
2) Butcher equipment,
preparation equipment.
3) Rotisserie equipment,
preparation equipment.
4) Fishery equipment,
preparation equipment.
5) Bakery equipment,
preparation equipment.
6) High racks, self service
racks, round stands.
7) Trolley, wire material,
customer guidance.
8) Fork lift trucks, pallet
9) Advertising and decoration
10) Waste re-processing
11) Euro pallets
12) Merchandise security-
/video control system.
13) Pneumatic dispatch system
14) Office equipment
15) Equipment for workshop
16) Antenna system
17) Canteen equipment
18) Cashier desks and chairs.
19) Cleaning machinery and
20) Wrapping machinery and
21) Safes
22) Scales
23) EDP equipment
24) Telephone system
25) Sectional steel,
reinforcement, metal
26) Concrete admixtures-
27) Insulation and
waterproofing materials
28) Doors, shutter doors,
sliding doors.
29) Windows, sunshading.
30) Skydomes
31) Flooring materials
32) Paint, coating, sealing
33) Suspended ceiling system.
34) Plaster board wall system
35) WC dividing wall system
36) Lock system
37) Crash barriers, traffic signs
38) Insulated panels for cooling
39) Container
40) Dock leveling systems
41) Air conditioning and
heating system.
42) Air ventilation system.
43) Sprinkler system.
44) Fire detection system.
45) Fire extinguishers.
46) Weak current system.
47) Intruder alarm security
48) Sewage treatment system.
49) Lighting arrester system.
50) Elevators.
51) Gasoline generator.
52) Main and secondary
53) Illumination.
18. Following machinery, equipment 5% Nil
and other education and
research related items imported
by technical training institutes,
research institutes, schools,
colleges and universities:-
24. Following items imported by the 5% If imported by local
manufacturing sector:- manufacturer recognized by
the Ministry of Industries,
1) Fin tubes. 7304.3100 Production and Special
7304.9000 Initiatives.
28. Aircraft spares, parts, tyres, Respective 0% If imported by domestic
navigational equipment, Headings airlines for maintenance of
accessories for maintenance their aircrafts.
and operations of aircrafts,
chemicals, lubricants and paints,
air tickets, aircraft carpet, aircraft
fabric, skydrol (brake fluid),
laminated sheet, aluminum alloy
sheets, aluminum alloy
extrusions, aircrafts seats, tools,
test equipment, life jackets,
spares of TGS vehicle, meals
trolley, ball hand seal, standard
units, exterior washing liquid, air
head set electronics, air head
set pneumatic and sealants.
10) Extraction keys. 8205.5900
Header Information
(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
CERTIFICATE. It is certified that the description and quantity mentioned above are commensurate
with the project requirement and that the same are not manufactured locally. It is further certified
that the above items shall not be used for any other purpose.
NOTE:- In case of clearance through Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS), the
above information shall be furnished on line against a specific user I.D. and password obtained
under section 155D of the Customs Act, 1969.
Chief Executive means.-
1. owner of the firm, in case of sole proprietorship; or
2. partner of firm having major share, in case of partnership firm; or
3. Chief Executive Officer or the Managing Director in case of limited
company or multinational organization; or
4. Principal Officer in case of a foreign company.
Header Information
CERTIFICATE. Before certifying the above-authorized officer of the Regulatory Authority shall
ensure that the goods are genuine and bonafide requirement of the project and that the same are
not manufactured locally.
Signature ________________________
Designation ________________________
NOTE:- In case of clearance through Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS), the
above information shall be furnished on line against a specific user I.D. and password obtained
under section 155D of the Customs Act, 1969.
2. This notification shall take effect from the 6th June, 2006.
[C.No. 1/2/Tar.II/2006]