No Child Left Behind Act Term Paper
No Child Left Behind Act Term Paper
No Child Left Behind Act Term Paper
As you delve into the research and analysis of the No Child Left Behind Act, you will encounter a
vast amount of information and differing opinions. This can make it difficult to narrow down your
focus and form a cohesive argument for your thesis. Additionally, the act has undergone revisions
and updates over the years, making it a constantly evolving topic that requires thorough
understanding and up-to-date information.
Furthermore, writing a thesis on the No Child Left Behind Act requires a deep understanding of the
education system and its policies. This may be challenging for those who are not well-versed in the
subject matter. The act has also sparked debates on a variety of related topics, such as funding for
schools, teacher evaluations, and the role of standardized testing in education. These complexities
make it even more challenging to craft a strong and well-supported thesis.
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The ESEA was most recently amended and reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
(NCLB, P.L. 107 - 110 ). The authorization for ESEA programs expired at the end of FY2008,
although ESEA programs continue to operate as long as appropriations are provided, and the 111 th
Congress is expected to consider whether to amend and extend the ESEA. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. Over years, experience has taught me that, annul testing would build
confidence among student and teachers as it would offer enough indicators on where immediate
improvement is needed, in preparation for final examinations. (Domazlicky, 2006) References
Domazlicky B. (2006): Student achievement and efficiency in Missouri schools and the No Child
Left Behind Act: Elsevier pp26-30. The Founding Fathers of the US has identified education as one
of the most important functions of government. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading
experience with a simple link. Many academicians and politicians have criticized NCLB’s policies
that focus on testing as the main mode of assessment of the progress of a school. International
Competitiveness Should the ESEA place much greater emphasis on enhancing the nation's
international competitiveness in science, mathematics, and foreign language achievement. Major
options here include focusing teacher recruitment and professional development programs on these
subjects, or providing new forms of aid for instructional infrastructure (such as classroom
laboratories). It is unclear whether such low participation rates in most states, if continuing into the
present, result from low levels of parental interest, inadequate dissemination of information about the
options to parents, limited availability of alternative public schools or tutorial services, or other
factors. Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 now take the IAA in reading and math. It was initially
proposed by the administration of George W. In response, researchers began to examine the
approaches to leadership taken by superintendents and the ways they act as change agents. The
author believes that that some aspects of this program should be more specific. The NCLB provides
for children, both marginalized as a result of their culture to be assessed using the same assessment
standards as those who are not marginalized. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. Stronger accountability More freedom for states and communities Use of
proven research-based methods More choices for parents. The no child left behind is an American
Act of Congress that was meant for the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education
act to help the minority and the disadvantaged learners. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your
own pace. Proposal The No Child Left Behind Act, a federal social program that tries to encourages
after school programs should be eliminated and the extra funds given to. Yes, characteristics such as
financial status are taken into account. But if NCLB truly seeks to improve society, then it should be
modified for the sake of its citizens, not for itself. References Dillion, S. (2012, February 9). The No
Child Left Behind Act. Several states which were supposed to pass the standards failed to meet
these standards. (Paige and Gibbons, 2004). It is the responsibility of a state to come up with the
definition for of Adequate Yearly Progress. This is important for students who seek a satisfying
livelihood in the future. In addition, science teachers may not need to be highly qualified in each
field of science they teach (e.g., biology, chemistry), depending on state certification policies for
such teachers. 31 States have also been granted a degree of flexibility in treating middle school
teachers the same as other secondary school teachers (as provided under the statute) or as elementary
teachers. Basic facts. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ( NCLB ) is an act of congress
concerning the education of children in public schools. Fy 21 title i annual parent meeting english Fy
21 title i annual parent meeting english Year round education 2 Year round education 2 Similar to No
child left behind act ppt. While much of this discussion has been focused on higher education,
concerns also arise from average academic achievement levels of U.S. K-12 pupils in science and
mathematics that are below those of many other developed nations, especially at the high school
level. In accordance with the no child left behind act of 2001, 95% of students should participate in
the assessment and should include all the subgroups of students.
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Title I: Characteristics of Tests Will Influence Expenses; Information Sharing May Help States
Realize Efficiencies, GAO-03-389. However, it may be questioned whether the federal government
should be responsible for all of the costs associated with identifying and improving low performing
schools, and there is no agreement on what are the most cost-effective ways to improve school
performance. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. To
summarize, if statesmen wish to improve the US education system and be practical about it, they
should not focus on improving education just for the country—they should improve it for students
everywhere. Federal Role The NCLB, with its numerous new or substantially expanded requirements
for participating states and LEAs, initiated a major increase in federal involvement in basic aspects of
public K-12 education. An Exploration of the Standardized Test Scores of Special and General
Education Student Populations. The author of this paper states that the task of educating the people
in the US falls on the governments. In truth, the NCLB Act does highlight a quandary at the root of
all test-based methods of accountability. It was initially proposed by the administration of George W.
ED officials have emphasized the importance of taking action to identify and improve
underperforming schools, no matter how numerous. Equality is experienced following the provision
for education of all children. The majority of the current measures focus on content mastery and high
scores may give the illusion that the student is well grounded” (Galagher,121). No Child Left Behind
Research - The No Child Left Behind Act should tremendously be re-examined and amended
because the focus on the standardized tests. School district funding and administrative control are
dependent on acceptable results of this testing. The approval of applications by three additional
states—Arkansas, Louisiana, and New York—was announced on January 8, 2009. It has been
argued that NCLB law may help children and schools in various ways. It is likely that no definitive
answer to this question will ever be available, but a brief evaluation of the issue is worthwhile, if only
to enhance one's understanding of the meaning of the question. To avoid background noise and other
distractions, the phone lines have been muted. However, the substantial variation in senior high
school instructional programs raises many issues, including the following: Might the required
assessments include high school exit or graduation tests. Might Advanced Placement or International
Baccalaureate tests be used to meet the new assessment requirements for pupils participating in those
programs. Aside from targeted programs, perhaps the most significant competitiveness-related
element of the current ESEA is the inclusion of mathematics and (to a lesser degree) science in the
ESEA Title I-A assessment requirements, and the required use of mathematics assessment results in
AYP determinations. If a parent demands, the district can put up transportation funds for the student
in the new school. Efforts might be devoted to ways to enhance the transparency and consistency of
future ESEA implementation activities—for example, through increased public dissemination of
information on policies proposed by states and ED's responses to those proposals. Report Cards:
From the start of 2002-2003 school year, states were required to provide annual report cards of
school districts that would show a wide range of information on the performance of schools and
achievements of students. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be
referenced accordingly. The NCLB Act requires that all students be tested at regular intervals to
measure their progress in Math and English. By: Donna Murray CEDU 555 School Law and
Technology. The fourth key feature of the law is that it puts emphasis on teaching methods that have
been proven to be effective Remedial efforts are extended to poorly performing students.
Structural functionalism theory stipulates that the society works like parts of the body. To make the
NCLB more effective, these four recommendations are strongly advised. It is called “No Child Left
Behind and Gifted Education”. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 developed out of
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as well as. Federal Role The NCLB, with its
numerous new or substantially expanded requirements for participating states and LEAs, initiated a
major increase in federal involvement in basic aspects of public K-12 education. The controversial
debate rose to an issue that had to be addressed. First, annual testing — a major feature of NCLB —
would remain for grades three through eight and at least once in high school. Funding Levels Should
ESEA programs be funded at levels closer to the most recent maximum authorized amounts, and at
what levels, if any, should authorizations be set for future years. Office of Non-Public Education
Office of Innovation and Improvement Office of Special Education Programs. Beyond finances, the
benefits of the expanded NCLB requirements may include increased attention to the educational
status of disadvantaged pupils and the schools they attend, a heightened emphasis on applying high
achievement expectations to all pupils, and a wider range of assessment data for pupils, schools,
LEAs and states. Aug 2011 The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was intended to promote higher
levels of performance in U S public education by tying a school s federal. Ted Shaw, former head of
the NAACP's Legal Defense and Education Fund, says that, without the federal government as a
watchdog, it'll be up to states to take the lead in tackling the biggest problem of all — the
concentration of poor and minority children in failing schools. Should the active federal role in K-12
education embodied in the NCLB be maintained. For FY2009, the total amount appropriated under
both regular appropriations legislation and the ARRA was close to the FY2008 authorization level
both for Title I-A LEA grants and for the five ESEA programs that had specified authorization levels
in FY2008. This is important for students who seek a satisfying livelihood in the future. The concepts
of the Act will also be explored in detail so that these concepts can be appreciated. The opposing
argument is that these decisions are best left to state and local educational authorities. There is also a
need to enlighten families about the performance of the schools. Many educators object to the almost
exclusive use of reading and math test scores to determine whether schools or LEAs make AYP.
Strategies for Improving Teacher Quality Dr. Kathleen Madigan American Board for Certification of
Teacher Excellence. IDEA and NCLB January 2005 Assessment Students with severe disabilities
take the Illinois Alternate Assessment (IAA) if participation in the state’s regular assessments is not
appropriate. New York: McGraw Hill. Staff, G. (2005). What the No Child Left Behind Law means
to your child. Non-financial costs may include a limited yet substantial increase in federal influence
on basic policies affecting all public school pupils, and an emphasis on assessments that may narrow
the curriculum of instruction if the tests do not measure the full range of skills and subjects that
public schools are expected to impart. The Effect of School Accountability on the Distribution of
Teacher Experience in California. Several of these aspects have been looked into in the NCLB. The
act held teachers and states accountable for the development and progress of the students. These
actions reflected a trend toward not only increased federal influence but more specifically increased
control over the federal influence by Administration initiatives, as opposed to statutes. The main
NAEP assessment reports pupil scores in relation to performance levels based on determinations by
NAGB of what pupils should know and be able to do at basic, proficient, and advanced levels with
respect to challenging subject matter. It was initially proposed by the administration of George W.
The teachers monitor their progress with the support provided and determine the best support for the
The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. The author of the
article discusses the controversies between The No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act. Participating states were also required to develop and implement
assessments at three grade levels in science by the 2007-2008 school year. 2 Assessment results must
be provided to LEAs, schools, and teachers before the beginning of the subsequent school year, so
that they might be available in a timely manner to make adequate yearly progress determinations for
schools and LEAs (see the following section of this report). Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express
creation to Issuu publication. It encourages states to give rewards to successful schools and requires
states to apply sanctions to unsuccessful ones. If you seek assistance in essay writing, we are more
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with widely held assumptions that there is a significant relationship between academic achievement
levels in mathematics and science with a variety of indicators of international economic
competitiveness. Sociologists have, therefore, focused on understanding the structure of schools and
education in this case. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP
on. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. In this way,
the quality of education will be sure to improve, and so will the placement of the United States in the
education world rankings, if that is still a concern. However, at that time, there was no deadline for
these standards to be met. ED officials have emphasized the importance of taking action to identify
and improve underperforming schools, no matter how numerous. They are eligible to either transfer
to a better performing school or receive supplemental educational services. Research Papers and
analyze on No Child Left Behind, a major part of the George W Bush campaign and Presidency No
Child Left Behind research papers. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity The controversial No
Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) brought test-based school accountability Primary Research Area.
Under state NAEP, the sample of pupils tested is increased in order to provide reliable estimates of
achievement scores for pupils in each participating state. January 8, 2002. Maryland State
Department of Education. To focus on society first is to use its citizens towards an end that does not
necessarily benefit them. Under current law and policy, schools, LEAs, and states simply do or do
not meet AYP standards, and there is generally no distinction between those that fail to meet only
one or two required performance or participation thresholds to a marginal degree versus those that
fail to meet numerous thresholds to a substantial extent. With the 1994 reauthorization of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the states were required to develop content and
performance standards for K-12 schools. Proposal The No Child Left Behind Act, a federal social
program that tries to encourages after school programs should be eliminated and the extra funds
given to. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the topic that interests you. The law further
states that these accomplishments were to be met by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. For a few
decades now, students in the United States have been gradually falling behind academically when
compared with other advanced countries, such as Finland and Singapore. The issue of teachers'
shortage has remained a challenge for a long time. For FY2009, the total amount appropriated under
both regular appropriations legislation and the ARRA was close to the FY2008 authorization level
both for Title I-A LEA grants and for the five ESEA programs that had specified authorization levels
in FY2008. If a school is underperforming, the parents can transfer their children to another school.
Moreover, it encourages institutions that play the leading role in such programs to drop out
underperforming students rather than expand resources to help these students perform well in their
education. First, pupil groups need not be considered in cases where their number is so relatively
small that achievement results would not be statistically significant or the identity of individual
pupils might be divulged.