Realecon Terminologies
Realecon Terminologies
Realecon Terminologies
Balance of Payments A record of all
Ability to Pay A measure of transactions of the citizens of one
effective demand, more than just an nation with another, or with all other
unrealizable wish. countries. 1
Big-Box Stores Very large Capitalism An economic system
stand-alone retail stores, either guided by mar-ket forces with little
specializing in a single line of or no government intervention.
merchandise, or else a low-price Generally regarded as a free market
general merchandiser. system. 2
Change in Use A sign of converted to a new use, or
neighborhood change, often noticed demolished.
first at one side of the neighborhood.
Consumerism A modern social
Change: Cycle and Trend The movement seek-ing to protect
two types of change; one repeats consumers from inferior or dangerous
regularly and the other is a products and deceptive advertising.
long-term shift in one direction. Shown in real estate by the increase in
landlord-tenant conflict and changes in
Command Economy An economic landlord-tenant law.
system in which a central
authority plans and controls Condo Conversions The conversion of
prices, production levels, and an exist-ing multi-family rental dwelling
distribution. (an “apartment”) to individually-owned
Communism A form of economic or
social structure, typically Cost of Money The amount you
characterized by the abolition of must pay for the use of someone
classes and a community control over else’s money, effectively the amount
all property. of interest paid.” 3
Crop Markets Markets where Demand Deposits Funds on deposit
farmers and ranchers sell crops, at a commercial bank; checking
often specialized marketing accounts; part of the money
channels, such as stockyards and supply.
grain elevators.
DemographyBreakdown of the
Current Rent Rent levels that are population according to age, sex,
already established, often by lease or occupation, income level, and other
contract.Cycle A change that occurs variables.
again and again, in fairly regular
intervals. Demolition Tearing down a building. 4
severity, by easing the money
Deleveraging Reducing the amount supply.
or level of debt that a person or
company (or nation) owes. Economic Base Study A study of a
community or region. It forecasts
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis population growth by forecasting basic
An analysis of the value of employment.
estimated future money receipts,
allowing for the time value of money, Economic Highest and Best Use
when computing rates of return for real The legal use of a property that
estate investments. will produce the greatest net
income attributable to the land.
Discount Rate The interest rate
charged when a bank borrows from Economic Life The time period over
the Fed; more broadly, an interest which a building contributes to the
rate.Discretionary Income A market value of the improved
measure of personal income; gross property, after which the improvements
income, less income taxes, and less are likely to be demolished, and a new
necessary expenses. one built, to reflect the new highest
and best use of the land.
Disintermediation The historical
outflow of funds from depository Economic Recovery The phase of
institutions into corporate and an economic cycle when the
government notes or other economy is improving.
Economic Succession The process
Disposable Income A measure of change of use of a site, from its
of personal income; gross income, prior use to a new use. If there is
less all income taxes” a building on the site, it will be
demolished only when a new use is
"Doubling Up The tendency during profitable enough to pay for the site,
recessions for people to share the old building, the demolition cost,
housing accommodations with their and the cost of the new building.
parents or other people, thus reducing
demand for housing. Economics A social science that is
concerned with how individuals and
E societies choose to allocate scarce
resources in order to produce,
Easy Money Policy Attempting to distribute, and consume goods and
head off a recession, or reduce its services. 5
excess reserves on deposit with the Fixed Land Supply The land surface is
Federal Reserve System. fixed, and cannot be increased or
decreased according to the whims of
Federal Open Market Committee of demand. However, the intensity of
the Federal Reserve Makes most use can be changed.
policy decisions regarding monetary
police. Fixed Short-Term Land Use In the
short run, land use and land supply
Federal Reserve System Regulates are fixed, as a change in land use
the supply of money and credit, in generally is a slow process,
order to achieve economic growth requiring many studies and approvals.
without inflation and unemployment.
Footloose Industries Those
Filtering The pattern of most considered capable of locating in any
residential units having a number of number of locations, depending on
occupants, given the long life of personal factors.
dwellings and the changing needs and
tastes of people. Typically, as units Fractional Reserve Banking A
become older, they are occupied by system of bank-ing where member
people of lower incomes. banks in the Federal Reserve
System must maintain a specified
Financial Management Rate of percentage of depositors’ balances
Return (FMRR) A measure of the as reserves, some in cash and
return on invested funds. Adjusts each some on deposit with the regional
year’s cash flows, using a “safe” Federal Reserve Bank.
rate (a rein-vestment rate), to try to
more closely model actual investor Free Trade When many or all
reinvestment practice than does the restrictions, quotas, and tariffs are
dis-count rate. removed, and all goods and services
can flow between countries without
Financial Risk The risk of failure restriction, in an open competitive
to receive income when expected market.
or in the amount that is expected.
Fiscal Policy The government’s use
of its taxing and spending power to General Plan A comprehensive
help counteract recession, long-range plan created by a
unemployment, and inflation. community or region, to include all
social, economic, and physical
aspects of the desired future growth. 7
Growing Season The time of the year,
GentrificationThe cultural changes in or season, in a given location, when
a less prosperous community, farmers grow most of their crops.
resulting from a demo-graphic shift
to wealthier people buying housing. H 8
Inflation An increase in the level of
Impact Fees Fees charged by local consumer prices or a persistent
governments to developers for a decline in the purchasing power of
development application or building money, caused by an increase in
permit, to help pay for the off-site the supply of money beyond the
capital costs that the development will supply of available goods and
generate, such as schools, parks, services.
roads, and water or sewer system
expansions. Inflation Costs The increase in
material prices and wages that can
occur during construction delays.
Imperfect Markets A market where
a group of buyers or sellers is able Infrastructure The basic physical,
to directly influence the price or legal, and social elements around a
output of a good or service. parcel that make it useful. These
include utilities, transportation
Inclusionary Zoning A legal networks, education systems, police
requirement for developers to and fire, and more. The value of any
provide a percentage of the total parcel of real estate is totally
housing units as subsidized depend-ent on it.
low-income rentals or for sale housing.
Input-Output Study A study of a
Income Money received by a person or community or region that examines
organization because of effort the resources that go into the
(work) or from return on economic activity of the community.
investments.Income Tax Major source
of revenue for the federal government Installment Sales The sale of a
and many states. property where the seller does not
receive all of the sales proceeds at
Industrial Location Theory The study the time of closing the sale, often
of how industries choose site called con-tracts of sale or land
locations. Often, the business seeks contracts.
a location that reduces its costs
and increases its profits.
Intensity of Land Use A measure of
Industrial Parks Modern clusters of neighbor-hood change. A change of
industrial uses, often located well land-use intensity in time will act to
away from historical industrial increase or decrease the supply of real
districts. estate. 9
Interest The amount of money paid for Labor A factor of production. The
the use of money borrowed.Interest human effort that is used to
Rate Risk The risk that market transform raw materials into finished
interest rates will change, especially products or to perform services.
upwards, resulting in possible loss in
value of an investment. Labor Force Participation Rate The
percentage of the total population that
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The rate works at a paid job.
of return on the funds invested,
identical to the discount rate, yield Labor-Oriented Industries Those that
rate, or interest rate. Technically, it choose locations primarily to obtain
is the rate that discounts the future access to low-cost lab or.
cash flows to just equal the amount of
money initially invested. Lagging Indicators Economic and
financial-market indicators that tend
Investing The act of giving up present to show a change in the business
consumption, in order to use the cycle only after the economy has
saved funds to generate future already changed.
Land A factor of production.
Investment Characteristics Key The natural resources trees,
differences between investments, minerals, air, and water—as well as
setting alternatives for investors to the surface of the earth.
choose from.
Land Development Subdividing and
Investment Choices The important preparing the land for building.
issue in investments: what choices
are available and how to rate them. Land-Use Control ls Laws or
contracts that limit the use of land.
Investor A person who invests
personal funds to buy property for a Law of Demand The lower the
personal investment portfolio price, the more that consumers will
buy. The higher the price, the less they
Investor Trust The amount of will buy.
confidence that investors have with
the information on which they based Law of Supply The lower the price, the
their investment decision. less that producers will produce. The
higher the price, the more they will
L produce. 10
Leading Indicators Economic and ease of converting the investment into
financial indicators that tend to show cash.
a change in the business cycle before
(ahead of ) the cycle changing. Live-Work Housing Housing that is
designed to serve both as
LEED® Certification A widely residential space and also work
recognized green building space for artists, crafts people, and
certification system, establishing other very small businesses. Often
standards to promote design, developed in old industrial buildings,
construction, and maintenance and industrially zoned sites. These are
practices that reduce negative usually complexes, with a number
environmental impacts of buildings. of units where a dwelling unit is
combined with a ground-floor shop,
Lifestyle How people choose to live. store, or craft area. 11
M without the need to revert to a barter
(or swap) system.
Management The supervision needed
to oversee an investment. Migration The movement of people
from one place to another. The
Market Economy An economic movement might be from town to
system where the majority of town, state to state, or country to
decisions about the production and country. Some migrations are
distribution of goods and services seasonal, some change with the
are made by private individuals in business cycle, and some are more
competitive markets. permanent.
Market Rents What the space or Minerals Natural compounds that are
units would rent for if new tenants formed through geological processes.
were sought.
Mixed Capitalism A system mostly
Market A place where buyers and driven by the free market but
sellers meet to bargain and exchange where some government influence is
goods and services at negotiated exerted.
Monetary Policy The use of controls on
Market-Clearing Price The price at the supply and cost of money as a
which all of the goods in the means of controlling the economy.
marketplace at one time can be sold. Increased cost of money will slow
down an inflationary economy, while
Market-Oriented Industries low interest rates will stimulate a weak
Industries that seek a location economy.
as close as possible to their
customers. A neighborhood market is Moral Hazard The behavior
an example. exhibited relative to risk or
perceived risk. The more
Measure of Value One of the vulnerable you perceive yourself, the
functions of money; it is used to more cautious you will be and vice
measure or compare the worth of versa. An example is the tendency
unlike items. for investors in an insured
investment to ignore potential risks.
Medium of Exchange One of the Thus, the insurance encourages
functions of money; it allows people riskier behavior.”
to exchange goods and services, 12
Movement of Goods How and defined by the gradual change in
where products are transported for the properties over several blocks or
ultimate consumption. more. 13
reduce the impacts of growth and vending machine income, storage or
change. parking space income, and so on. 14
Police Power The constitutional right of Preservation The process of reducing
the government to regulate private neighbor-hood deterioration, by
activity, in order to promote the encouraging maintenance, remodeling,
general health, welfare, and safety of and renovation of existing buildings.
Price Supports A government
Political Conflict An unresolved subsidy used to maintain prices at a
disagreement between two groups certain level. Usually applied to
over some policy issue. agricultural products, in order to
stabilize or support farm
Political Forces The political forces income.Prime Rate The rate of interest
that impact real estate values. These that a bank charges its best, large
range from taxation to edu-cation and customers, such as major
include the effects of a radical city corporations.
council on a conservative
neighborhood, and a traditional city Private Benefits The rewards of a
council on an unorthodox decision or event that are enjoyed
neighborhood. only by a particular individual or
business and not by society as a
Pollution Introduction of harmful whole.
substances or products into the
environment. Private Costs Those expenses of a
project that are paid by the project
Population Composition The mix of investor(s).
ages, edu-cation or income levels,
ethnicity, religion, etc, among a Private Deed Restrictions Restrictions
group of people. on the use of private property that are
agreed to by the owner(s) of a property
Population GrowthThe increase in the or a group of properties.
population of a defined
area.PovertyToo little income to be Product Market In economics, a
able to pay for safe and sanitary market where businesses sell goods
housing and a nutritious diet. and services to individuals and
Power Center A retail shopping
center, usually with a cluster of Productivity Growth The growth in
separate retail buildings, often output, over time, for a given labor
big-box stores, with adjacent parking force.
areas. 15
Progressive Tax A tax that takes a appurtenant to the land, and that which
larger percent-age of income as is immovable by law.
income increases.
Real Estate Economics The study
Property Rights The collection of rights of how the actions of people affect
to own, use, sell, etc. property. The real estate use and value.Real GDP
government retains some rights. Gross domestic product adjusted for
Property Tax A tax that is collected
from the owner or user of each Recession A period of general
privately owned parcel of land” economic decline; typically defined as
a decline in GDP for two or more
Proportional Tax A tax where the consecutive quarters.
percentage of tax remains the same
when the taxpayer’s income increases. Recreational Subdivisions A
residential subdivision located in a
Proximity One of the two main recreational area, rather than as
forces, along with accessibility, that housing for workers or for retirees.
influence where businesses try to
locate in a community. Regional Centers Retail shopping
centers that are large, planned
Public Works Construction The projects with enclosed malls and
building of streets, sewer systems, several major “anchor” department or
highways, bridges, and public big box retail stores.
projects other than buildings.
Regressive Tax A tax that charges
Purchasing Power Risk The risk of a declining percentage of income, as
possible loss in the purchasing power income increases.Regional Planning
of investment funds due to inflation. Urban planning executed by a regional
government agency.
Pure Capitalism A system driven
completely by free and fair exchange Regulatory Change A change in
with no government influence.rRate of government regulations affecting
Exchange The rate or price at which real estate. One of the risks of
the currency of one nation can be investing in real estate.
converted into the currency of another.
Rehabilitation Cycle The phase in
Real Estate Land, plus that which is the neighbor-hood cycle where the
affixed to the land, that which is legally neighborhood comes back into favor, 16
with increasing renovation and bulky, low-valued materials are being
remodeling. processed, the plant needs to be
located close to the mine or origin of
Rent Controls Governmental controls the raw materials, to minimize
on the rents for residential housing or transport cost.Resource Use How
mobile home sites. Usually also and where raw materials or finished
restrict most evictions of tenants to goods are used in production or
allow owner-occupancy. con-sumption. 17
use by people within the community or
Risk of Social Change The risk that region being studied.
social changes could influence supply
or demand and have a negative effect Secondary Employment
on the earnings of an investment. Employment at secondary
Secondary Markets In real estate
Sales Tax A tax levied on a sale of finance, mar-kets where existing
goods or services, as a percentage of loans are sold, from the
the sales price. originator to an investor, or from one
investor to another.
Scientific Method A structured process
of defining a question, developing Sensitivity Analysis An investment
data that is relevant to the analysis in which the estimates of
question, testing the data to see future income, expenses, financing,
what light it sheds on the question, or other investment variables are
and concluding whether the data changed, one at a time or in
collected answer the question as combination, usually in order to see
posed. If necessary, reword the the effect on the expected profits
question, seek added data, and from the investment. Can be done
repeat. manually, or as a statistical technique,
varying many inputs.
Sea Level Rise The rise in the sea
level, relative to the land, whenever Single Tax Theory A theory of taxation,
the glaciers increase their melting where it is proposed that the full value
rate. A result of global warming. of the land should be taxed, which it is
There have been many documented argued generates enough revenue so
cycles of sea level rise and fall over that no other form of taxation
the millennia. would be required. Improvements to
the land would not be taxed.
Seasonal Fluctuations Short-term
changes in business and economic Slow Growth Policy See no growth
activity that generally repeat at about policy.
the same time each year, resulting
from either weather or custom. Social Benefits Rewards from a
project or private investment that
Secondary Industries Local companies accrue to all of society, not just to
that produce goods and services for the individual or businesses that
invested in the project. 18
a specific area, to be paid off by
Social Costs The expenses generated special assessments against the
by a private project that are paid by benefitted property.
society as a whole rather than by the
individual or business investors. Specialization The degree to which
a particular building is adapted to one
Social Forces The social forces that specific use. Also, the trend in the real
influence the use and value of real estate industry to narrow one’s efforts
estate, including a variety of lifestyle to a specific category of work, rather
and age factors.Social Unrest A than trying to cover all of the different
general condition of a group of fields of real estate work.
people, expressing opposition to
authority or socially accepted Standard of Deferred Payment One of
behavior, often in disruptive ways” the functions of money; used to
describe what a debtor owes a
"Socialism A theory or system of creditor. If you buy now and pay later,
social or economic organization that the amount that you owe is expressed
advocates the vesting of the in money.
ownership and control of the means
of production and distribution, of Store of ValueOne of the functions of
capital, land, etc., in the community money; a way to store or save up
as a whole. wealth. 19
Telemobility The ability to use Transportation Service Towns
electronics and technology to bring Communities that perform services for
the experience to the person, rather transportation systems, along
than requiring the person to go to the transportation routes.
experience. Examples include online
shopping, work-ing from home, and Travel Times The time that it takes to
video-conferencing. travel from one place to another. Time
of day and what transportation system
Tight-Money Policy A course of is used are among the major
action under-taken by the Federal influences.
Reserve to constrict spend-ing in
an economy that is seen to be Trend A continuing movement or
growing too quickly, or to curb change in one direction of some
inflation when it is rising too fast. physical, economic, or social
Time Value of Money An economic
concept. A dollar in hand today is Turnover Rate The percentage of
worth more than a dollar in hand housing units that change occupants
tomorrow. each year, or, alternatively, the
percentage that change owners each
Topography The surface features of year
a place or region, perhaps on a
map, that would indicate their
relative positions and elevations. U 20