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Hon. Shri.

Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust GOI

College of Engineering
A/P- Kashti, Tal- Shrigonda Dist-Ahmednagar, MH


COURSE NAME : Electronics and Computer Engineering
ACADEMIC YEAR : 2023-2024


Student Name KALE KARAN RAMESH Application Id EN22239116

Gender Male Date of Birth 12/04/2004 (mm/dd/yy)
Father Name RAMESH Mother Name -SUNITA
Category OPEN Caste -OPEN
Scholarship Type EBC


Roll No. 20 Course Year 5303ENEC-SE

Course Name Electronics and Computer Engineering Type of Admission Institute Level
Course Code 5303ENEC Admission Year 2022-2023
Enrollment Mode University PRN No. 72254758H
Admission Status Regular Hostel Status: No
University Id No. Hostel Name
Aadhar Card Details Hostel Room No.


Academic Obtain Total No.of ATKT No.of ATKT

Semester Year Month CGPA Percentage Remark
Year Marks Marks Sub(TW/OR/PR) Sub(TH)
Semester- FIRST November
2022-2023 200 650 ATKT NO 2
1 YEAR 2023
Semester- FIRST
2022-2023 May 2023 260 650 PASS NO NO
2022-2023 Grand FIRST May 2023 460 1300 ATKT NO 2
Total YEAR


Parent Name Parent Email

Parent Contact Parent Address


Contact No 8668701688 Email KARANRAMESHKALE 8667@GMAIL.COM



I hereby undertake that :

1. I understand that this is a full time course, I shall not pursue any other educational degree program / and not involve in any
form of employment during the tenure of this program, failing which my admission stands cancelled.
2. I will strictly adhere to the rules, regulations and discipline of the Institute and the University.
3. I am aware of using Mobile / Cell phone in the college building is strictly prohibited. The mobile phone of the person
violating this regulation will be confiscated. It would be returned only (a) at the end of the course or (b) After payment of fine.
4. I will carry I-card every day to college and shall show the same on demand by Security / Faculty / Official of the institute.
5. I will pay my fee / dues on or before the prescribed deadline as per payment norms of College of Engineering .
6. I know that, the college will be organizing placement focused skill enhancement programmes other than the academics
for the students and aware that the charges for such programmes are to be borne by the students, if needed.
7. I will visit institute website www.parikrama.edu.in and read the notice boards regularly to know rules and responsibilities
as well the updates in the college/department.
8. The Principal reserves the right to modify any of the institute rules as and when necessary so as to maintain the academic
discipline in the college premises. The decision of the Principal in all the matters shall be final.
9. Dress Code (Blue Jean and white shirt): is compulsory to be worn by a student of College of Engineering while attending
10. Attendance: A student is supposed to be 100% student in action. Any student having less than 75% attendance in any
class will suffer punishment of fine or detention / grant of term.
11. Payment of Dues: A student is supposed to clear all dues before the end of the term. Any unpaid / overdue on account of
from library, hostels, mess or fees or fine would result in non granting permission for University examinations.
12. A student admitted through centralized admission process under reserved category without any tuition fee should fill up
online scholarship claim form of the Government of Maharashtra. If failed to submit in time the full fess will be applicable to
the student and his original certificates with the college office till his fees received from the parent / government.


Student will use the Computing / Internet facility for office use / academic coursework / research purpose only, at the sole
description of the institute authorities. The Computing/ internet use will not infringe any legislation nor any other Institute
policy or rules and will be abide with the legislation includes Information Technology Act 2000 (available on Institute website
under download section) and all the acts/rules relevant to internet use in practice. Student will not use the Computing facility
/ Internet for unlawful data transfer, unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity etc., which are punishable act
and will be sole responsible for the same.

Student Name: KALE KARAN RAMESH Signature of Student: ________________________________

Place: ______________________ Date: 9/20/2023


1. I, KALE KARAN RAMESH S/o. D/o of Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. have carefully read and fully understood the law prohibiting ragging
and the directions of the Supreme Court and the Central / State Government in this regard.
2. I have received a copy of the All India Council for Technical Education (Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical
Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education) Regulations 2009 of 25-3-2009,
and have carefully gone through it. I know that the Regulation copy also available on college website www.parikrama.edu.in
for downloads. 3. I hereby undertake that: • I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may come under the definition of
ragging, • I will not participate in or abet or propagate ragging in any form, • I will not hurt anyone physically or
psychologically or cause any other harm.
4. I hereby agree that if found guilty of any aspect of ragging, I may be punished as per the provisions of the AICTE
regulations mentioned above and / or as per the law in force.
5. I hereby affirm that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission by any institution.

Student Name: KALE KARAN RAMESH Signature of Student: ________________________________

Place: ______________________ Date: 9/20/2023


1. I, F/o, M/o, G/o KALE KARAN RAMESH have carefully read and fully understood the law prohibiting ragging and the
directions of the Supreme Court and the Central / State Government in this regard as well as the All India Council for
Technical Education (Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be
Universities imparting technical education) Regulations 2009 of 25-3-2009. I know that the Regulation copy also available on
college website www.parikrama.edu.in for downloads.
2. I assure you that my son / daughter / ward will not indulge in any act of ragging.
3. I hereby agree that if he/ she is found guilty of any aspect of ragging, he /she may be punished as per the provisions of
AICTE Regulations mentioned above and / or as per the law in force.

Parent Name: Signature of Parent: ____________________________________

Place: ______________________ Date: 9/20/2023

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