Noro Tsuide Sweater

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Size Instructions
To fit bust (in/cms) 32-34/81-86 34-36/86-91 36-38/91-96 BACK
With US 10½ needles cast on 77(81,85)sts and wk as follows:
Row 1: (RSF) K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
Finished Measurements Row 2: K all K sts and P all P sts to end.
Rep the last 2 rs for a further 10rs.
Width (underarm) (in/cms) 44/112 46/117 48/122 Wk in as follows:
Length (in/cms) 22/56 23/58 24/61 Row 1: (RSF) Knit to end.
Sleeve Seam (in/cms) 7½/19 7½/19 7½/19 Row 2: Purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rs until back measures 11½(12½,13½) ins from beg ending
with a wrong side row.
US 10½ (6½mm) needles (x2) Row 1: K2tog, knit to the last 2sts, K2tog.
Noro Cyochin shade #7 Beg with a purl row 7rs.
(grams/approx. skeins) 480/5 500/5 520/6 Rep the last 8 rs 5 times more. 65(69,73)sts rem.
Place a colored marker at each end of the last row.
NR: (RSF) K2tog, knit to the last 2 sts, K2tog.
Tension NR: Purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rs 4 times more. 55(59,63)sts rem.
Measured over stocking stitch using US 10½ needles 14sts x 22rs = 4in NR: K2tog, knit to the last 2sts, K2tog.
(10cm) square. Beg with a purl row 5rs.
Rep the last 6 rs 6 times more. 41(45,49)sts rem.
Wk 6 rs more.

shade #4
VERY IMPORTANT: Wk a tension square, if too small use a
larger needle, if too large use a smaller needle. It is essential to
work to correct tension to achieve finished measurements stated.

ABBREVIATIONS (not all abbreviations apply to this pattern)

K = knit. NR = next row.
P = purl. foll = following.
st(s) = stitch(es). = stocking stitch (RSF knit.
rs = rows. WSF purl).
wk = work. = reverse stocking stitch
ins = inches. (RSF purl, WSF knit).
dec = decrease(ing). beg = beginning.
inc = increase(ing). alt = alternate.
patt = pattern. ch = chain.
rep = repeat. dc = double crochet.
tog = together. tr = treble.
RSF/WSF = right/wrong side facing. yf = yarn forward.
rem = remaining. sl 1 = slip one stitch.
cont = continue. psso = pass slipped stitch over.
M1P = make one stitch purlwise thus: pick up horizontal loop lying between
last stitch worked and next stitch and purl into back of loop.
M1K = make one stitch thus: pick up horizontal loop lying between last
stitch worked and next stitch and knit into back of loop.
T3F = slip next 2sts onto a cable needle and hold at front of work, purl next
st from left hand needle then K2sts from cable needle.
T3B = Slip next stitch onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit next
2sts from left hand needle then Purl stitch from cable needle.
C6F (C6B) = slip next 3sts onto a cable needle and hold at front (back)
of work, knit next 3sts from left hand needle then K3sts from cable needle.
C4B = slip next 2sts onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit next
2sts from left hand needle then K2sts from cable needle.

Instructions (cont.)
Row 33: Cast off 2sts and knit to end.
shade #6 Row 34: Cast off 2sts and purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rs once more.
Cast off rem 7(9,11)sts.

Join shoulder and neck seams from colored markers to cast off row. Sew in
sleeves thus: pin center point of sleeve cast off edge to shoulder seam and
stitch sleeve to body working from underarm up to shoulder. Sew up side

NR: (RSF) K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.

NR: K all K sts and P all P sts to end.
Rep the last 2 rs once more.
Cast off.

Wk exactly as given for back.

With 6½ mm needles cast on 39(41,43)sts and wk rib as given for back for
Wk in as follows:
Row 1: (RSF) Knit to end.
Row 2: Purl to end.
Rep the last 2rs AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of the next row and
every foll 6th row until 49(51,53)sts working inc sts into Wk straight until
sleeve measures 7½(7½,7½) ins from beg ending with a wrong side row.


Cast off 2sts at the beg of the next 2rs.
Row 3: K2tog, knit to the last 2sts, K2tog.
Row 4: Purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rs 14 times more. shade #8

All Knitting Fever publications are intended for personal use only. Knitting Fever, Inc. (KFI) does not guarantee the final result. Measurements, gauge, etc.
are included as a guideline. If you have any questions about this project, please contact us at Copyright © 2013 Knitting Fever, Inc.
Copy or duplication for resale is strictly prohibited.

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