Psa 1
Psa 1
Psa 1
1. Dairo Oluwatomipe Nicholas -20/0011
2. Dauda Zainab Tolulope -20/0538
3. Ezeugwa Somtochukwu Blossom - 20/0892
4. Fajuyi Ebuniomo Boluwatife -20/1723
5. Falomo Sharon Simisola - 19/1307
6. Folorunsho Oluwatoyin Oreoluwa - 20/3331
Government units that generate revenue through taxes and other sources use the
budget to control their operations. A government budget shows authorized
appropriations and estimated revenue. Many however, perceive budget as a
restraining or impending factor, hence, people seem to develop a negative attitude
towards budgeting.
Objectives of MTEF
The MTEF shall contain the following:
A. A macro-econonic framework setting out the three financial years, the underlying
assumptions and an evaluation and analysis of the macroeconomic projection for
the preceding three financial years
B. Fiscal strategy document setting out
I. Federal Government's medium-term financial objectives:
II. The policies of the Federal Government for the Medium Term relating to
taxation, recurrent expenditure borrowings, lending and investment and other
III. The strategies, economic, social and developmental prioritics of government for
the next three financial years;
IV. An explanation of the financial objectives, strategic, economic, social and
developmental priorities and fiscal measures:
C. An expenditure and revenue frameworks which set out:
I. Estimates of aggregate revenue for the Federation for each financial year, based
on the pre-determined commodity Reference Price adopted and tax revenue
II. Aggregate expenditure for cach of the next three financial years;
III. Minimum capital expenditure projection for the Federation for each of the next
inrce financial years
IV. Aggregate tax expenditure projection for the Federation for each of the next three
financial years.
D. A consolidated Debt Statement indicating and describing the fiscal significance
of the debt liability and measures to reduce the liability:
E. A statement on the nature and fiscal significance of contingent liabilities and
quasi-fiscal activities and measures to offset the crystallization of such liabilities.
The Medium-Term Expenditure Framework shall be the basis for the preparation of
the estimates of revenue and expenditure to be presented to the National Assembly.
The annual budget must be accompanied by:
(a) A copy of the underlying revenue and expenditure profile for the next two years;
(b) A report setting out actual and budgeted revenue and expenditure with a detailed
analysis of the performance of the budget for the 18 months up to June of the
preceding financial year;
(c) A fiscal target broken down into monthly collection targets;
(d) Measures of cost, cost control and evaluation of result of programmes financed
with budgetary resources;
(e) A fiscal target document derived from the underlying Medium – Term
Expenditure Framework setting out the following targets for the relevant financial
(i) Target inflation rate
(ii) Target fiscal account balances
(iii) Any other development targets deemed appropriate.
(f) A Fiscal Risk document evaluating the fiscal and other related risks to the annual
budget and specifying measures to be taken to offset the occurrence of such risks.
In line with the Part II, Section 11-17 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA), 2007,
the MTEF shall contain the following for the next three financial years
The consultation should be open to the public, the press, the citizens, organisations,
group of citizens, etc.
The Minister shall seek inputs from the following organisations:
(i) National Planning Commission.
(ii) Joint Planning Commission.
(iii) National Commission on Development Planning.
(iv) National Economic Commission.
(v) National Assembly.
(vi) Central Bank of Nigeria.
(vii) National Bureau of Statistics.
(viii) Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission.
The Minister shall before the end of the second quarter of each financial year, present
the Medium Term Expenditure Framework to the Federal Executive Council for
consideration and endorsement. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework as
endorsed by the Federal Executive Council shall take effect upon approval by the
National Assembly.
Any adjustment to Medium term expenditure framework shall be limitedto:
i. The correction of manifest error; and
ii. Changes in the fiscal indicators, which in the opinion of the president are
Risks of MTEF
1)Global Development- Fragile Economic Recovery and the emergence of new
political risks
2)Persistence of Oil Price Decline- Low oil prices expected to remain in the medium
3)Oil Production and Oil Sector Management- Oil production be devilled by crude oil
theft and oil pipeline vandalism
4)Non- Oil Revenue Risks- Due to low remittance by Government’s Owned
Enterprises into Treasury due to lack of Transparency e. g Operating Surplus.
Budgets are used to plan. Budgets are plans in which monetary values are ascribed to
what is to be accomplished in a predetermined future time, such as a year.
Budgets help to communicate horizontally and vertically. When budgets are being
developed, individuals, groups, towns, and associations will notify the government of
their areas of interest. This is "upward communication." When the budget is adopted,
the government reads it to the general public and publishes it in newspapers. This is
called 'communicating downwards'.
A budget is a target to be achieved. The government motivates employees with
promotions and better working circumstances in order to help them complete and
successfully implement the budget.
Advantages of PPBS
The advantages of the technique are:
(a) Provides information on the objectives of the organisation;
(b) Lays emphasis on long-term effects;
(c) Achieves effective use of budgeted resources and anticipated
(d) Ensures rational decision-making and forces those seeking budgetary
allocations to consider alternatives; and
(e) Leads to rapid economic development.
Disadvantages of PPBS
(a) Makes budgeting complex and confusing.
(b) Problem arises when multipleobjectives of a program
thatinvolves different agencies.
(c) Emphasizes physical andfinancial resources, not onqualitative performance
(d) Lack of uniformity.