Demographic Transition Theory
Demographic Transition Theory
Demographic Transition Theory
1000) Birth rate
Death 30
Birth T o ti
a Plo p u l a t i o n
Death rateWww Kwwwyinyiiyi
expectancy is low, people in masses are illiterate, II. Early Expanding Stage
the development of non-agricultural sector is
at its infancy stage and urban development is This is the second stage of demographic
limited. transition which is characterized by a high
About 200 years ago, all the countries of birth rate of over 35 per thousand and a sharply
the world were at this initial stage of reduced death rate of over 15 per thousand. In
demographic transition but today it is difficult this expanding stage of demographic transition,
to say whether any country in the world would the improvements in sanitation and
still be at 'this stage of the demographic conditions, general productivity etc. results in
transition mainly due to the spread of modern
technology and the facilities of medicines even sharp decline in the death (mortality) rates,
while the fertility maintains a high level. Thus,
in the most backward countries. Bcause of this,
it isvery difficult to find a solitary example of a high fertility and declining mortality is the main
country which may still be unaffected by the characteristic of early expanding stage. In this
process of declining mortality all over the world. stage population expands at a
Exceptionally some limited areas in equatorial increasing rate. Afganistan, Iran, Iraq, Nepal,
Pakistan in Asia and
(tropical) Africa may be traced which may be Myanmar, Bangladesh and
in the high stationary stage of demographic Morocco, Sudan,
Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Congo Democratic Republic (Zaire),
Theories of Pupulation 325
Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya in Arica are Hradualdecline leading to a gradually decrease
in the rate of population increase. The countries
included in this category. in his stage experienced high net increase in
their population.
II. Late Expanding Stage The examplcs of the countries in the late
expanding stage are Egypt and South Africa in
SlowBy declining fertility and sharply
declining mortality is the main characteristic Africa; India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia,
of late xpanding stage of demographic Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey etc. in Asia and
transition. It is also characterized by a slowing Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru,
in the growth rate because the death rate Venezuela, Maxico etc. in Latin America. These
countries experienced birth rate between 20 to
stabilized at a low level (below 15 per thousand) 35 per thousand while death rate has come
and declining birth rate stands over 20 per below 15 per thousand.
thousand. This decline is associated with
growth of an industrial-urban society. In this
IV. Low Stationary Stage
stage, process of industrialization, urbanization
and modernization become prominent and This is the last stage in the demographic
large families are no longer an asset. transition which is attained when both fertility
Consequently, the birth rate undergoes a and mortality rates decline appreciably. In
Table 13.1
Crude birth rate Crudedeath rate
per 1000 per 1000
Above 35 Above 15
II. Second Stage
51.3 19.1
Angola 22.3
Afganistan 50.2
48.5 18.1
Ethiopia 47.5 14.6
Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire)
45.4 15.4
Nigeria 11.8
Kenya 40.9 7.6
36.5 11.4
Above 20 Below 15
III. Third Stage 6
Paraguay 31.2 8.8
South Africa
29.3 7.2
Egypt 9.2
27.7 4.8
24.7 8.4
24.6 7.3
24.0 5.8
20.7 5.4
Sri Lanka
20.4 7.7
326 Population Geograpl1y
Below 15
Below 20
IV. Fourth Stage 7.2
China 7.9
New Zealand 17.3
United States 7.2
Canada 6.9
Australia 10.6
Sweden 10.9
United Kingdom 12.9
France 14.9
Russia 7.1
Japan 9.9
Germany 9.6
University Press, Oxford, 1996.
Source : World Resources, Oxford
transition. China
stable or category of demographic this stage when
this stage the population is either 1990s)has entered
recently (in
grows very slowly. Although population grows its birth rate and
and it succeeded in bringing down
slowly both in the first (high stationary) are the death rate drastically. Its achievements in the
the last (low stationery) stage, yet there its natural rate of increase to a level
contrastingly different situations. lowering of
product of very short span of
or of advanced countries in a
Whereas the slow growth of population product time is definitely appreciable.
stable population in the first stage is the
of high fertility rate and highslow mortality rate,
increase in Criticism
the stationary population or
population in the last stage of demographic
transition is the result of low fertility and Although the demographic transition
by the
low mortality rates. In the first stage
the rate theory has been appreciated widely
and about demographers, economists and
of fertility (birth rate) is highis high but geographers, it has been criticised on
stable, and mortality of the theory are
fluctuating while in the fourth stage, the grounds. Main shortcomings
given below :
mortality is low and stable and fertility is low transition theory is
but fluctuating. (1) The demographic
empirical observations in
In the low stationary stage the population based upon
is highly urbanized and
socio-economically the advanced countries of Europe,
advanced. In this stage the family size is usually America and Australia, and it
levels are obviously inductive in nature It would
small, tlhe literacy and educationalspecialised, necessarily not occur in future in the
high,the labour is much skilled and any
per capita income is high causing high and
living less developed countries without
of Europe,
standards. Developed countriesZealand, modification from its original pattern.
Anglo-America, Australia, New Japan, Loschky and Wilcox
(2) According to
Russia etc. are supposed to have
reached the
(1974) neither the theory is predictive
transition. sequential and
low stationary stage of demographic
Germany, Italy,
nor its stages are
Thus, United Kingdom, France, Sweden,
Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Ukraine, demographic transition
Republic, Russia, (3) The theory of form, provide an
Hungary, Czeck and Canada does not in its present
the study of
Spain etc. in Europe; United States
China in Asia; adequate framework for could hardly
Japan and
in Anglo America, Zealand contemporary societies. It
Australia and New are included in this
Tleories of Pupulation 327