Floyds Algorithm

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Flgas Ggede

Finding Algorithr
Floy's gcle fnding Algorithy isavong wsedi
algoithim, os the þnposes
in inkRed dists.
inding dooks
Jaentijgin3 +hese oops is impo tant othewiSe
Se can tavese
inintey intthe loop.
inenr oat

loop past
The Algosi thm also solves tuso other þoblema
* Finding the stort he loop.
* Fnding the leng the loep.
Fe Agosithm -’ ) lnihalize tso þointes ostt
2 lncyemet oetptr too nsdes
ahend cohde glo ptr ene
mode ahead
3) theg meet ot Sone point,
loop e isb, oAhersise doesn
Fo indng stot doop (assuming Loof eaisS)’
)nce the tso pointers meet, initilize slousptr
Gok to head o imked diot again
2) Naco make looth lap 8cstpt move at e
made atime.
3) The point ohere themeet will be the stast
4he Seop.

" Fon inding deng t locf

1) Alter gou id start node g koof heep
incsementing datfpt one
one nod
node t atme

wlile Keeping slsupt staienay *

2) heep tack n counter, incremening it
evey fime o new node is tavesed in
(Initi alie conter to o)

3)enee gov
you make ost ptr meet slasr
ayain, he COUnter yarias le value
is the length o the doop

) Assome the list to have a total n nodes

with e nodes in inear ast and
m hodes in Aocp pat.
| ast node inear past is censidesed
By lni tiolizing slaw
since dost (my
seS twice at the speed
Hence cohile slans covers nodeg to
reach O Cmod m)
Covers the nodes in inear þart
and then nodes into loo:
sles o (mod m)

need to shew thot theg wil

meet at semefointin the loob hile
they go aroond in cie les.
:. Te t st

t = lt2t(mod )
þositen peitien
ln lact ets ty and frove a mOre

genenl ormie

Totind condition existence

t , st

(P-)t (k-kkmdm)
Neo or 30ch t to eris
t must Ge a n

cannot divide
But oe
ha-) witn (-) heres

diwdng y 6= I(modo)
4 which iS

obuious Sy olse.
Houseves, oting it os
24 = 4 t a0cK)
dividing y
6 +
6 1mods) ’ which is frue
gdlk-v, m) = a

(ha-t) is divisible Cm(-)

Su ch a tt e ists

t l+2t mod m)

Bcth conditiens
t - modm)
addittve invee
modulaY Syatem nodm
the tuoo bointens
4hese ma

EXACTLY steps latey

(t-A (nodm))
his algo maes sense Gec ause
to ex\st
ostpt would ench end a ist
whi de slet oute oe a

a) To ind Sort node

cshen the tuoo nodes mee

t= lt * modm)
t o modm)
by int adizing elau btr to heod
and mahe t taved ene node at
atime, ohile eled t is at
+24 mod m
and mahe t increment at ene þositien
at a ttime to,
By the time Slas bointes traueds
nods to reach O(medm)

positien nodes in the oc

Gut alltt) =o(mod m)
Botth uoill oneet at ivst node of
Qoof omcd m)
is tivil

mi omodm)
Hence poved.

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