The PracticalProgrammers Guide To C20

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The Practical

Programmer’s Guide to
Giuseppe D’Angelo and Ivan Čukić
C++20 provides C++ with even more power and expressiveness.

If you’re a C++ programmer, it probably won’t have escaped your

attention that the C++20 standard has been released and is sup-
ported (in great part) by the most popular compilers like GCC,
Clang, MSVC, and Apple Clang. We’re excited by this not only
because we love C++ and because many of us at KDAB are lan-
guage standards wonks, but because it provides some of the most
revolutionary changes to the language since the ground-breaking
C++11 release. C++20 provides C++ with even more power and
expressiveness, and levels the playing field between this veteran
workhorse language and newer upstarts.

However, a list of the new C++20 features often sounds like a A concept
rules-lawyer’s minutiae. While the standard contains dozens of specifies the
improvements and fixes, we’re going to focus on the changes we
template author’s
think will make the biggest differences to the everyday C++ pro-
grammer. Of course, we’ll be talking in detail about the biggest expectations for
four improvements (concepts, coroutines, modules, and ranges), how the template
but we’ll also share a couple of smaller changes that we think are should be used.


Simply put, a concept specifies the template author’s expectations

for how the template should be used. In C++20, the author adds
concepts to define the valid uses of that template – that is, what
types, functions, or other characteristics are required to use the
template properly.

Let’s see what this looks like in action by using the well-worn facto-
rial, the “hello world” of functions that every programmer is prob-
ably tired of seeing written out in code. We apologize for bringing
one more version of factorial into the world, but bear with us,
because it will turn out to be handy for explaining more about
concepts in a bit.

#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>

std::integral auto factorial(std::integral auto a){

if (a <= 0) return 1;
else return a * factorial(a - 1);

int main() {
std::cout << factorial(10) << std::endl;
return 0;

Example 1: Factorial with concept

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 2
Concepts turn a simple function into a generic one.

As you can see, this is not too different than a plain-old factorial
function, although we use std::integral instead of an integer type.
std::integral is a concept, and it tells the compiler that as long as
the parameter conforms to a standard integer type (like any of the
built-in 8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit signed or unsigned types), go ahead
and accept this invocation of the function template as valid. In
turn, since we use a concept-enforced std::integral auto as the
return type, it ensures our return type will also be an integer class.

Concepts turn our simple function into a generic one that handles
all integral types, which makes it more flexible and reusable.
The compiler
Concepts will also let us easily extend our function to other
integer or even non-integer types as we’ll soon see. knows exactly what
is expected and
Concepts and improved errors can produce much
One big benefit of using concepts manifests itself when we start more meaningful
using the template above. The compiler knows exactly what error diagnostics
is expected and can produce much more meaningful error
when constraints
diagnostics when constraints aren’t met. For example, here’s what
happens when you try to use the function template above with aren’t met.
something that’s not an integer.
main.cpp: In instantiation of ‘auto [requires ::Integral<<placeholder>, >]
factorial(auto:11) [with auto:11 = double]’:
main.cpp:50:33: required from here
main.cpp:27:30: error: use of function ‘auto [requires ::Integral<<placeholder>, >]
factorial(auto:11) [with auto:11 = double]’ with unsatisfied constraints
27 | else return a * factorial(a - 1);
| ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~
main.cpp:25:15: note: declared here
25 | Integral auto factorial(Integral auto a){
| ^~~~~~~~~
main.cpp:25:15: note: constraints not satisfied
main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:50:33: error: use of function ‘auto [requires ::Integral<<placeholder>, >]
factorial(auto:11) [with auto:11 = double]’ with unsatisfied constraints
50 | std::cout << factorial(-10.5) << std::endl;
| ^
main.cpp:25:15: note: declared here
25 | Integral auto factorial(Integral auto a){
| ^~~~~~~~~
main.cpp:25:15: note: constraints not satisfied
main.cpp: In instantiation of ‘auto [requires ::Integral<<placeholder>, >]
factorial(auto:11) [with auto:11 = double]’:
main.cpp:50:33: required from here
main.cpp:8:9: required for the satisfaction of ‘Integral<auto:11>’ [with auto:11 =
main.cpp:9:26: note: the expression ‘std::is_integral<_Tp>::value [with _Tp = double]’
evaluated to ‘false’
9 | std::is_integral<T>::value;
| ^~~~~

Example 2: Concept-simplified error reporting

Egads, that’s a lot of compiler output to wade through. We’ve

highlighted the key parts that let us know what’s going on, but it’s
not too difficult to spot the problem. We failed constraints based
on the Integral concept and that’s because the class we tried to
use didn’t conform to std::integral.
KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 3
Without concepts, the compiler can’t generate a human understandable error
by the time a problem is encountered deep down in a template’s guts.

Without concepts, the compiler can’t generate a human

understandable error by the time a problem is encountered deep
down in a template’s guts. In an equivalent version of this example
without concepts, the compiler spits out 172 lines of complaints
for a similar one-line error. Those messages say nearly nothing
about the true nature of the issue or where it was encountered
by the programmer – they’re mostly about template argument
deduction or substitution failures and mismatched non-derivative
iterators that are template-mangled beyond recognition. You
can eventually work your way back to the root cause of all these
errors, but it’s far less obvious what the issue is, and it takes
substantially more time to spot the issue.
Concepts can make
By cleaning out much of the compiler error clutter and focusing using templates
on the root problem, concepts can make using templates for for everyday
everyday programming less intimidating. programming less
Concept overloads
What if we want to extend our ubiquitous factorial to handle
real and complex numbers? That’s easy too. Concepts are great
at creating different overloaded behaviors. We can have one
version for integral types while we have other versions for non-
integral types that will avoid writing a lot of duplicated boilerplate
that would otherwise be required. This is the next big benefit of
concepts, since overloading of generics can be specified in a clean
and declarative way, rather than relying on non-obvious compiler
behaviors like SFINAE.

#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <concepts>
using namespace std::complex_literals;

// while waiting for P2078 to add the is_complex type

// we implement a makeshift version...
template<typename T>
concept Complex = requires(T a, T b) {
{ a.imag() };
{ a.real() };
{ a + b } -> std::convertible_to<T>;

template<typename T>
concept Continuous = Complex<T> || std::floating_point<T>;

std::integral auto factorial(std::integral auto a){

if (a <= 0) return 1;
else return a * factorial(a - 1);

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 4

Overloading of generics can be specified in a clean and declara-
tive way, rather than relying on non-obvious compiler behaviors

std::floating_point auto factorial(std::floating_point auto

decltype(a) one = 1.0;
return std::tgamma(a + one);

Complex auto complexGamma(Complex auto a){

auto z = 0.0 + 0i;
// A whole mess of complex math here...
// (for one example, see
return z;

Complex auto factorial(Complex auto a){ If more than

decltype(a) one = 1.0; one constraint
return complexGamma(a + one);
} matches a function,
int main() {
template, overload,
using namespace std::complex_literals; or argument, the
std::cout << factorial(10) << std::endl;
std::cout << factorial(-10.5) << std::endl; compiler chooses
std::cout << factorial(10.0 + 2i) << std::endl; one that is more
return 0;
} specialized..

Example 3: Generic factorial with concepts

We’ve introduced the requires keyword to enforce the constraints

our complex concept needs, specifically what function signatures
your generic code depends on. In this case, we require that
any class calling itself complex must support real(), imag(), and
addition. Clearly, moving this from an illustrative example to
functional code might require a lot more constraints in our
requires clause. We’ve also created a Continuous concept in the
code above that, although not used in this example, shows how
concepts can be simply composed of other concepts with Boolean

Concept specialization
Multiple concepts for the same type are handled by the compiler
in a process called partial ordering of constraints. Fundamentally,
this means that if more than one constraint matches a function,
template, overload, or argument, the compiler preferentially
chooses one that is more specialized before one that is less
specialized. This is a formalized way to specify to the compiler the
behavior that a programmer might intuitively expect.

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 5

The “tighter” the concept is defined, the higher it will be priori-

A quick illustration shows how this works.

using namespace std::complex_literals;

// Definition #1 – handles floating types only

void f(std::floating_point auto x);

// Definition #2 – handles floats and complex numbers

void f(Continuous auto x);

int main() {
f(3.14f); // Case A:
compiler calls f #1
f(0.707 – 0.707i); // Case B: Concepts bring the
compiler calls f #2
return 0; promise and power
out of the hands
Example 4: Concept specialization of library authors
and into the
The “tighter” the concept is defined, the higher it will be prioritized
hands of everyday
when the compiler has more than one competing option that
matches. So, any type matching the std::floating_point concept programmers.
(like 3.14f in case A, as well as any other float or double) will match
both definitions of function f. However, because definition #1 is
more specialized – technically speaking, f #1 is subsumed by f #2
– the compiler will use definition #1 for floating point numbers. In
case B, the only concept that applies to complex numbers is our
custom Continuous concept, so the compiler chooses function
definition #2.

Concepts make templates easier

Concepts allow you to create compile-time pseudo-duck typing
that expresses the template author’s intent up front during
function invocation, rather than relying on compiler trickery
or waiting until problems are encountered during template
instantiation. We feel this clear and readable communication
helps brings some of the promise and power of generic template
techniques out of the hands of library authors and into the hands
of everyday programmers.


Next on the C++20 hit parade are ranges, which can be thought
of as “Unix pipes brought to C++”. Because they don’t require
loops and because range views are generally value-based (non-
mutating), there’s less room for error – no off-by-one errors
or memory allocation issues. Ranges bring a bit of the bliss of
functional programming to C++. Let’s see them in action.
KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 6
Range views don’t have off-by-one errors or memory allocation

#include <ranges>
#include <iostream>

int main()
auto ints = std::ranges::iota_view{1, 33};
// Half-closed range,
32 is last

auto even_bytes = [](int i) { return (i % 8)==0; };

// Keep only the byte
boundaries Ranges don’t have
auto largest_value = [](int i) { return (1ULL<<i)-1; to be lazy, but the
// Biggest expressible
great part is they
unsigned can be.
for (uint64_t i : ints |
std::views::filter(even_bytes) |
value)) {
std::cout << i << ‘ ‘;

std::cout << std::endl;


Example 5: Range example source

The output of this program is a list of the biggest unsigned values

that can fit in a value that’s from one to four bytes long.
255 65535 16777215 4294967295

Example 6: Range example output

Admittedly, there are countless better ways to do this contrived

example. However, it allows us to quickly show how easy it is
to construct a function by composing several lightweight range

As one example, the iota_view function doesn’t generate an

array; its iterator generates as many numbers as you need and
only when they’re needed. (Ranges don’t have to be lazy, but the
great part is they can be.) This laziness allows ranges to address
situations where the entire problem set can’t be loaded into
memory at once or when you’re dealing with generators of infinite
(or nearly infinite) length.

Because ranges are lightweight – much of their magic is handled

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Ranges don’t impose the big memory allocation burdens or run-time
costs you might expect from a functional programming paradigm.

by the compiler at compile-time – they aren’t imposing big

memory allocation burdens or run-time costs that you might
anticipate from a functional programming paradigm.

The power of ranges

Great, but can we use ranges to solve real-life problems? Sure! A
classic example is counting document word frequencies, inspired
by the infamous battle of titans Donald Knuth and Doug McIlroy.
In the original 1986 Programming Pearls column published by
the ACM, Knuth’s 10 pages of procedural Pascal was replaced by
McIlroy using a six-line Unix script. The big advantage in simplicity We build our text
comes from conceptualizing the problem as a series of functions
pipelined together. word counter
through a
We can do much the same with C++ ranges, by building our composition of
text word counter through a composition of several simpler, several simpler,
pre-existing functions. Our C++ range variant is nice and tight. pre-existing
The pipe syntax of ranges is also very familiar to anyone who’s
ever used Unix or Linux, making it clear to read even for the

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <range/v3/view.hpp>
#include <range/v3/action.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/istream.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/conversion.hpp>

using namespace ranges;

auto string_to_lower(const std::string &s) {

return s | views::transform(tolower) |

auto string_only_alnum(const std::string &s) {

return s | views::filter(isalnum) | to<std::string>;

bool string_is_empty(const std::string &s) {

return s.empty();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

const int n = argc <= 1
? 10
: atoi(argv[1]);

const auto words =

| views::transform(string_to_lower)
KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 8
| views::transform(string_only_alnum)
| views::remove_if(string_is_empty)
| to_vector | actions::sort;

const auto frequency = words

| views::group_by(std::equal_to{})
| views::transform([] (const auto &group) {
const auto size =
const std::string word =
return std::pair{size, word};
| to_vector | actions::sort;
for (auto [count, word]: frequency | views::reverse there’s a catch, and
| views::take(n)
) { that is, the code
std::cout << count << “ “ << word << ‘\n’;
above won’t run
with out-of-the-box
return 0;
} C++20 alone.

Example 7: Using ranges to build an index

Wow – powerful stuff. Another good example that might pique

your interest is a CppCon presentation where Eric Niebler
shows how he uses ranges to build a calendar app with simple,
understandable, bug-free, and highly reusable code.

Realizing ranges
Unfortunately, there’s a catch, and that is, the code above won’t
run with out-of-the-box C++20 alone. The code here is using
Eric’s implementation of ranges that unfortunately, to prevent
delaying the standard, was only partially adopted by the standards
committee. While ranges in their fullest expression are extremely
powerful, the C++20 version is lacking some key capabilities like
group_by, zip, concatenate, enumerate, and lots more that you’d
need for many pretty common uses.

The good news is that you can experiment around with the ranges
that C++20 does provide today. If you get hooked and want a
bit more power, you can download working and tested range-v3
code while you’re waiting for more range expressiveness to make
its way into the standard. Hopefully by C++23, a much more
comprehensive set of range functionality should be able to clear
the standards committee.

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KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ expers

Modules make it simple to reuse code – add an import statement

and you’re done.


We next look at modules. There’s not a lot to say here, other

than it’s about time. C++ has its reusability model based around
header files, while other programming languages have slightly
cleaner ways of reusing code. Modules add the simplicity of reuse
that Python, Go, Java, or C# users enjoy – simply add an import
statement and you’re done.

// Note: the standard library isn’t yet module-ready in

// so this example won’t compile. If it was, it might look An increasing
like this:
proportion of code
import <iostream>; is located within
int main() headers, driven by
{ template-based
std::cout << “Hello module world!\n”;
} libraries, external
Example 8: Importing a module
components, and
internal application
What’s the big deal – isn’t this the same as #include? Kind of, but

An increasing proportion of code is located within headers, driven

by the popularity of template-based libraries like Boost, Eigen, and
Asio, by the total number of external components being used, and
by the demand for internal application reuse. Forcing the compiler
to lexically insert an entire universe of header files into the
source only serves to bring compile times to a crawl. Precompiled
headers help some, but only when used carefully. They don’t really
solve the problem; they only attempt to work around it.

Is it easy to create a module using C++20 syntax? Absolutely trivial.

// simplelib.cpp

export module simple.example;

// dots can be optionally inserted for module
name readability

export void foo(){} // foo() is accessible by outside

void bar(){} // bar() is only visible within
this file

Example 9: Exporting a module

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 10

Modules are embraced by modern C++ paradigms: no file guard hacks
needed, fewer dependency issues, and faster compilation times.

What modules bring

Modules are a cleaner and more capable solution to the header
file that are embraced by modern C++ paradigms: no file guard
hacks needed, fewer dependency issues, and faster compilation
times. Modules also promise effective shielding of private
functions, more consistent initialization order guarantees, and
better global optimization. There’s quite a bit more to C++20
modules than we’ve explored here – interface, implementation,
header units, global and private module fragments – here’s a nice
and concise summary.
Modules promise
What modules miss
effective shielding
Unfortunately, there are two downsides to modules. The first is
the chicken-and-egg problem: until C++20 gets more widespread of private functions,
adoption and people start using modules, there will be little more consistent
incentive for library authors to provide them. And without initialization order
common libraries using modules ... you see the problem. This guarantees, and
is compounded by the other big issue (at least of this writing),
better global
which is compiler support. None of the top compilers fully
support modules per the C++20 specification just yet. (And as optimization.
the comment in our example points out, at the current time, the
standard doesn’t even fully embrace modules in the standard

We’ll also likely need a diversity of C++ programmers in the

community stressing modules in real-world applications before all
of the kinks get worked out. Headers have well-known capabilities
(and quirks) as well as decades of backwards compatibility that
will keep them a part of everyday C++ usage for the foreseeable
future. But it’s nice to look forward to the cleanliness of modules,
even if it’s only within your own internal projects for the near-


The last big thing that C++20 brings to the party is coroutines.
Have you ever done any of the following?

• Constructed your own event-driven framework

• Created lazy generating classes
• Interleaved several timing-dependent functions within a single-
threaded design
• Written tokenizers and parsers that read their data

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 11

Coroutines solve a nightmarish mess of function pointers, call-
back routines, and state management.

In all these cases – and many more – coroutines come to the


Coroutines solve the nightmarish mess of function pointers,

callback routines, and state management that can result from
solving these sorts of problems. Any situation that you might
normally have to solve with callbacks are a natural fit for
coroutines. So is anything with asynchronous I/O or functions that
maintain lots of internal state management.

What does this look like in code?

Any situation that
generator<int> iota(int n = 0) { you might normally
co_yield n++;
solve with callbacks
} are a natural fit for
Example 10: Using coroutines to implement the iota generator coroutines.

A lazy iota generator is a great example of the power of

coroutines since it can be implemented almost trivially. iota is a
function that generates an endless number of sequential integers,
and the implementation is just about as simple as you could
imagine. Sit in a while-forever loop, and continually spit out bigger
numbers. The compiler takes care of return and reentry, state
management, and function pointer manipulation. Sure, you could
do this in regular old C++ too, but it’d be far messier, uglier, and
error prone.

What about an asynchronous I/O example?

task<> tcp_echo_server() {
char data[1024];
for (;;) {
size_t n = co_await socket.async_read_
co_await async_write(socket, buffer(data, n));

Example 11: Echo server with coroutines

Again, clean and simple.

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 12

C++20 coroutines shouldn’t be thought of as a multi-threading

Coroutines aren’t threads

Although C++20 coroutines allow the interruption of long-running
functions, they shouldn’t be thought of as a multi-threading
replacement. They aren’t at all. Rather, they are somewhat like
non-preemptive multitasking – they require full cooperation on
behalf of the entire program they’re in to operate properly. But as
this example shows, there can be a bit of overlap between the two

If our echo server example were any more complex, you might be
able to justify using multi-threaded code. In this case though, the Coroutines can
cooperatively threaded model provided by coroutines does the
trick. It’s “nearly multi-threaded” without having to worry about make it easy to
spinning up threads, adding locks or synchronization primitives, introduce a level
or figuring out how to cleanly tear down the thread. And that’s of simple “parallel”
the case for an awful lot of event-driven things in our programs. execution without
Multithreading takes far more work to “do it right” to justify using worrying about
it in every case. Coroutines can make it easy to introduce a level
callbacks or state
of simple “parallel” execution without worrying about callbacks or
state machines. Just remember it’s not intended to replace real machines.
multi-threading and don’t get carried away.

Coroutine with care

Even though you don’t need special locks or access controls,
coroutines do introduce a few restrictions. You’re not allowed to
have varadic arguments, plain return statements, or placeholder
return types (like auto or Concepts). You also can’t have constexpr,
constructors, destructors, or the program’s main() function be
coroutines. All-in-all though, this is a pretty short list of exclusions
that we can definitely live with.

If there’s any drawbacks to the new coroutines, it’s only that

they’re not better supported in the C++ libraries. The required
necessities are there in the language in the form of co_await,
co_yield, and co_return, and they’re very usable in that form if
you want to roll-your-own code. However, it’s a bit disappointing
that there aren’t as many building blocks or library types available
to help roll them out properly. Similarly to ranges, we expect this
situation to improve as some community proposed features get
rolled into standard libraries for C++23. If you want a preview
of the power of coroutines being expressed to its fullest in the
meantime, you might want to check out the CppCoro library.

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 13

std::format gives us safe string formatting that complements the
existing C++ methods of string output.

Anything else?

We’ve talked about the biggest four changes in C++20, but there
are two other smaller yet still impactful changes that are worth
pointing out.

The C++ community has two options for creating formatted
strings: the archaic past of printf/sprintf strings that are both
cryptic and ultra-dangerous, or modern stream operators that Be jealous of
are terrible for localization. Thankfully, C++20 has adopted Victor
Python string
Zverovich’s fmt library in the form of std::format, which solves
both of these issues. This is because std::format gives us safe formatting no
string formatting that complements the existing C++ methods of more.
string output.

By using placeholder-based formatting and keeping the value

formatting options within the (more easily localized) format string,
std::format is i18n-approved and simple to use. Be jealous of
Python string formatting no more.

std::cout << std::format(“{1}, {0}!\n”, “world”, “hello”);

std::cout << std::format(“he{0}{0}o, {1}!\n”, “l”,

Example 12: Two ways to generate “hello world!” with positional args

Three-way comparison operator

One last nicety is the three-way comparison or <=> operator,
otherwise known as the “spaceship” operator for its rough
resemblance to a space invaders sprite. This operator does
for any type what good old strcmp has done for decades:
communicates less than (negative value), equals (zero), and
greater than (positive value) status in a single call.

What’s the big deal? The great part about spaceship is that it
makes writing your own operators much easier. It’s a bit of a pain
to supply all six comparison operators for your own classes (<,
<=, ==, >, >=, !=). That becomes especially true if you provide
comparisons from your class to other built-in or library classes
(and vice versa), when the number of comparison operators can
explode. Thankfully, now you just need to write one spaceship
operator for your class, and one spaceship for each comparison
type. That’s it – two trivial operators instead of 18 for the below
KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 14
Spaceship makes writing your own operators much easier.

#include <compare>
#include <iostream>

class ExValue {
constexpr explicit ExValue(int val): value{val} { }
auto operator<=>(const ExValue& rhs) const = default;
constexpr auto operator<=>(const int& rhs) const {
return value - rhs;
int value;

template<typename A, typename B>

const auto whatis(A a, B b) {
auto comparison = (a <=> b);
if (comparison < 0)
return “less”;
else if (comparison > 0)
return “greater”;
return “equals”;

int main() {
std::cout << whatis(ExValue(10), ExValue(12)) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(ExValue(12), ExValue(10)) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(ExValue(8), ExValue(8)) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(10, ExValue(12)) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(100, ExValue(50)) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(ExValue(10), 40) << std::endl;
std::cout << whatis(ExValue(40), 10) << std::endl;

std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) < ExValue(15)) << std::endl;

std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) > ExValue(15)) << std::endl;
std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) <= ExValue(15)) << std::endl;
std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) >= ExValue(15)) << std::endl;
std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) == ExValue(15)) << std::endl;
std::cout << (bool) (ExValue(10) != ExValue(15)) << std::endl;

Example 13: Simplification provided by spaceship

We’ve even made it more complicated than it absolutely needs to

be when comparing our class against int by using a subtraction.
We could have easily used <=> here instead, which would read
more clearly. However, we’ve used subtraction as a bit of a
reminder that underneath the implementation of spaceship, the
logic can often simply boil down to a trivial and natural operation.

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 15

default allows the compiler to synthesize a comparison in many
simple cases.

Also note that we didn’t even have to write our type’s spaceship
function – using default allows the compiler to synthesize one
in many simple cases. We get all 18 operators for “free” because
the compiler now converts all comparison operations into
spaceship automatically. When the compiler sees A < B, it silently
interprets that as (A <=> B) < 0, and similarly transforms any other
comparison operator.

Spaceship provides more flexibility behind comparisons too. It

has different ordering categories like strongly ordered, weakly
ordered, or partially ordered. These allow you to sort, filter, or Three-way
partition based on comparisons where objects may be equal comparison
but not equivalent or to introduce special values like NaN or results in two
Infinity that can fail any comparison. (In fact, these special trivial operators
orderings are why we don’t just print out the results of <=> instead of 18 in our
directly in the code above – it doesn’t just return a simple int.)
But it’s the simplification of user-created types that is the biggest
change added by the three-way comparison operator that most
programmers will directly notice.


The new standard has many changes that will mostly be of inter-
est to library builders and language experts, things like consteval,
constinit, no_unique_address, lambda function improvements,
and others. These all help to improve the foundation of the lan-
guage, make code more efficient or easier to write, close gaps in
the standard, or lay groundwork for upcoming changes in C++23.
But the six additions that we talk about in this whitepaper are the
ones we think will make the biggest difference in the lives of prac-
tical programmers.

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 16

About the KDAB Group

The KDAB Group is the world’s leading software consultancy for

architecture, development and design of Qt, C++ and OpenGL
applications across desktop, embedded and mobile platforms.
KDAB is the biggest independent contributor to Qt and is the
world’s first ISO 9001 certified Qt consulting and development
company. Our experts build run-times, mix native and web
technologies, solve hardware stack performance issues and
porting problems for hundreds of customers, many among
the Fortune 500. KDAB’s tools and extensive experience in
creating, debugging, profiling and porting complex applications
help developers worldwide to deliver successful projects.
KDAB’s trainers, all full-time developers, provide market leading,
hands-on, training for Qt, OpenGL and modern C++ in multiple

© 2020 the KDAB Group. KDAB is a registered trademark of the

KDAB Group. All other trademarks belong to their respective

KDAB — the Qt, OpenGL and C++ experts 17

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