Listening Materials
Listening Materials
Listening Materials
Model 2
1. John had this experience when he was…
a) Touring in France.
b) On his own in Germany.
c) A student in Germany.
d) On holiday with his family.
(B) Activities
Listen and stick
2. Give each pupil a copy of the map, and use it to preteach vocabulary such as: coves, swamp, volcano,
north, south,east, west and past participles like swam, turned, climbed, etc.
3a. Pupils listen and follow on the map with their fingers.
Older learners
3b. Split the class into 2 groups (A and B). Group A listen to I woke up on a sandy beach; Group B listen to I
swam to the rocks
4. Let them listen again and this time they mark the route taken by the sailor on their map. If necessary let
them listen a third time to check.
5. Put a pupil from Group A with one from Group B. Together they compare information and decide on the
best location to build their camp, taking into account the good and bad features of the island. They mark the
camp with an X.
The pupils can:
a) join with other pairs to compare their ideas;
b) explain to the teacher and other people why they chose their camp site;
c) write lists of 'good' and 'bad' features of the island (e.g. good = fresh water, firewood; bad = wild
animals, volcano);
d) draw a picture or make a model of their own island;
e) pretend they are one of the sailors and write about the island
(A) (B)
Listen and write
Listen and Tick
Correct the sentences
Find the Differences
F: Hello This is Radio Five-Star. And on the programme today we have a young man who’s going to tell us
about his job. Hello. Now, first tell me your name.
M: It’s Martyn
F : And how do you spell that ?
M: M-A-R-T-Y-N.
F: You look very young Martyn. How old are you?
M: I’m 22
F: Are you? Now you have a very interesting job, I know and a lot of the children who are listening would like
to be you. Tell us about your job
M: I’m a footballer
F: And which club do you play for?
M: Wensley
How do you spell that
M: W-E-N-S-L-E-Y
F: Oh right, that’s not very far away is it?
M: No it’s about 50 kilometres from here.
F: Now you don’t play all year do you?
M: No we don’t. We start in August and usually finish some time in May.
F: Then you have a summer holiday?
M: Yes I like to go to the beach for a few weeks.
F: So are you a rich footballer, Martyn?
M: Not yet, because I'm not famous ... I get two hundred pounds a week. It’s a great job, I love it.
F: lt's good to hear that, Martyn. Thank you for talking to me today.
Group A: Timmy Goes Shopping
Group B: Complete a Grid
Group C: The Pied Piper