ZEN 3.5 (Blue Edition) - Installation Guide
ZEN 3.5 (Blue Edition) - Installation Guide
ZEN 3.5 (Blue Edition) - Installation Guide
Original Manual
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internal use at the customer's only, the only exception being one single back-up copy for archiving purposes.
Content ZEISS
1 System Requirements .................................................................... 4
7 Installing MATLAB......................................................................... 22
10 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 33
1 System Requirements
1.1 ZEISS Microscopy Software
Graphics adapter with support for resolutions Graphics adapter with support for resolutions
of at least 1920 x 1200, 32 Bit true color, Di- of 3840 x 2160 Pixel (“4K”), 32 Bit true color,
rectX® 12.0 or higher (e.g. integrated Intel® DirectX® 12.0 (or higher), OpenGL® 4.5 (or
UHD Graphics 630 or dedicated graphic card higher) (e.g. dedicated graphic card NVIDIA
NVIDIA Quadro P1000 4GB) Quadro RTX4000 8 GB)
2 x USB 2.0 and 2 x USB 3.0 4 x USB 2.0 and 2 x USB 3.0
Monitor: 24" TFT display, vertical resolution Monitor: 27" TFT display, vertical resolution
1200 pixels at least 1440 pixels at least
The user must be logged on with at least user privileges. For the software installation proce-
dure local administrator rights are required.
For specific hardware requirements of microscope systems or software modules please refer to
the corresponding system or module description.
Microsoft® Windows® 10
HP Z840 or Z6G4
Microsoft® Windows® 10
NVIDIA Quadro P400 (only for monitors up to NVIDIA Quadro P4000 (or M4000 upgrade)
Graphics adapter NVIDIA CUDA capable NVIDIA CUDA capable graphics card support-
graphics card supporting resolutions up to ing resolutions up to 4K, e.g. NVIDIA Quadro
4K, e.g NVIDIA Quadro K2200 , 32-bit true M4000, 32-bit true color, DirectX 11.0 or
color, DirectX 11.0 or higher higher
Monitor 27" TFT , vertical resolution 1200 Monitor 30" TFT, vertical resolution 1440 pix-
pixels at least els at least
For the software installation procedure local administrator rights are required
Recommended settings
Windows 10
§ When installing updates under settings select 'Current Branch for Business'.
If problems occur, the system can be restored to the state of delivery by a ZEISS service techni-
§ Use of drive C: for operating system, programs, swap file (pagefile.sys, SWAP)
§ Use of drive D: for user data (images, documents,...)
The description is exemplary for the user 'zeiss'. The settings are already pre-configured ex works
for the Workstation Premium (Order number 410203-9911-000 ) and Workstation Compact
1. In the Windows Start menu go to Settings > System > Storage > Save locations.
2. Change the settings for New documents and New photos and videos to DATA (D:) and
click Apply.
2. Select Pictures and open the Properties menu via right mouse click.
3. In the Location tab click Move... and change the destination location to D:\zeiss\pic-
4. Close the dialog with OK and answer the occurring message with Yes and Replace file at
5. Change the path for the Documents and Desktop folder in the same way.
Note the following:
The term security software combines all programs which protect your computer from viruses,
unwanted interventions, etc.. This includes virus scanners, firewalls and intrusion detection sys-
tems. If you do not adapt the security settings there can be problems while installing or run-
ning the software. The following topics will show you how to avoid problems with the security
software and adapt the settings correctly.
§ Restore point
Set a restore point for the possibility to roll back the system in the case problems occur. It also is
possible to ask the local ZEISS support team to create an image of the main drive of the PC be-
fore the security software is installed and setup by the customers IT department.
§ Lower security rules
Set the security rules from 'high' to 'low'. Refer to the respective operating instructions of your
security software on how to set the security rules.
§ Disable security software
In rare cases, you may need to disable the security software completely. Make sure that you en-
able the security software after installation. Refer to the respective operating instructions of your
security software on whether to enable or disable the security software.
To ensure the optimal operation on Windows, we recommend you to perform the following set-
tings after the installation:
– *.zishm
– *.lsm
– *.zmbi
§ Exclude ZEN specific folders from virus scanning
Under About ZEN ... > Show ZEN Information > Folders you can see the program specific
folders. Refer to the respective operating instructions of your security software on how to ex-
clude folders from virus scanning.
In the following table you can see the folders to which the captured images will be stored per de-
Change default folder for automatic image storage and continuous image acquisition
(camera streaming)
Under Tools | Options | Saving | Auto Save Path set your desired path/folder.
If you are using a ZEISS PC system, the location of your images is predefined. The table below
show the system specific folders for the following ZEISS Microscopy High-End and Mid-Range
work stations:
4.3 Summary
To ensure correct operation of the software it is necessary to ensure that the security software on
your computer is not blocking the program. For full functionality you should have made the fol-
lowing settings:
§ You have disabled the security software during installation or reduced the security settings.
§ You have excluded the entire application, the defined paths or relevant files from virus scan-
5 Installing ZEN
4 Do not install an older ZEN version over a newer ZEN version.
4 If ZEN is already installed on your PC, during installation the current version will be unin-
stalled first.
4 If the system requests a restart at the beginning of the installation (depends on your PC
configuration) you need to agree. Otherwise the installation will not continue.
4 The system requests a restart at the end of the installation. This restart is required for the
successful camera driver installation.
4 In case of installing ZEN on a SEM system, make sure that SmartSEM is not running when
installing ZEN.
Prerequisite ü You have read the chapter Configure security software attentively.
ü You have opened the ZEISS Microscopy Installer with admin rights.
ü Your system is connected to the Internet.
ü You have selected (default setting) the online installation, see ZEISS Microscopy Installer
1. Open the Install tab.
2. On the left, activate ZEN (blue edition) with the respective version number.
à The available components and tools for installation are displayed on the right side.
3. On the right side, activate all components you want to install.
4. Activate I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the selected software.
5. Click Install.
à The language selection dialog is displayed.
6. Select the installation language from the dropdown list and click OK.
à Depending on your system configurations, additional pre-installation steps can be neces-
sary before you can continue installing the software. If the message dialog appears
which tells you to install missing requirements, we recommend to install all the listed re-
quirements and reboot your computer, when asked.
à After the installation of all required system components and after the download of all
necessary files, the ZEN InstallShield Wizard opens.
10. You can leave the default settings and click Next. If you do not want to install a certain
feature, simply deactivate it in the dropdown menu.
NOTICE! If you install ZEN on a SEM system, deactivate the feature MTB 2011.
à The Local ZEISS Apeer Prerequisite dialog is displayed.
11. Read the information and decide if you want to use the local Apeer functionality and
download the necessary Docker tool.
12. Click Next.
à The Ready to Install the Program dialog is displayed.
13. Click Install.
à The installation dialog is displayed. The software will be installed now.
à During installation several messages can appear. Also the 3rd party Python Tools will
be installed, which needs some extra time.
If the 3rd party Python Tools are not installed, the machine learning based Intellesis
modules will not work. This also includes the use of their functionality in other parts of
the software, like the neural networks in certain BioApps.
14. Click I accept the agreement and click Next.
15. Read the Information message attentively before you continue with the installation and
click Next.
à The Destination Location dialog is displayed.
16. We recommend to leave the default folder settings untouched and click Next.
à The Select Components dialog is displayed.
17. Select GPU-disabled, if you do not have a GPU or your GPU does not fulfill all minimum re-
quirements (see next step).
18. Select GPU-enabled, if your system fulfills the following requirements:
à NVIDIA GPU with CUDA Compute Capability 3.0 or higher. You can find a list of sup-
ported cards under https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus.
à Make sure that the latest drivers are installed. You can download them under https://
à Alternatively, the install medium is additionally shipped with a set of ISV-certified NVIDIA
drivers located under Other\HP Drivers.
19. Click Install to continue with the 3rd party software installation.
à After the installation the dialog for completing the ZEISS Python setup wizard is dis-
20. Click Finish.
à The installation of the ZEN software continues.
à After the installation, the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog is displayed.
21. Click Copy License Files to copy the license files automatically from the supplied USB stick
to your computer.
22. Exit the Copy License File dialog first and then click Finish.
23. Connect the included dongle to a free USB port.
24. Close the ZEISS Microscopy Installer and restart your PC to complete the installation.
After the restart of your computer the installation was successful. Start the software by clicking on
the ZEN blue icon on your desktop.
If you install ZEN on a computer for a SEM system, continue with the next chapter.
Prerequisite ü You have read the chapter Configure security software [} 12] attentively.
ü You have opened the ZEISS Microscopy Installer with admin rights.
ü Your system is connected to the Internet.
ü You have selected (default setting) the online installation, see ZEISS Microscopy Installer
ü You have closed SmartSEM and EM Server.
1. Open the Install tab.
2. Activate ZEN (blue edition) > Tools and accessories > SmartSEM Remote API.
3. Activate I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the selected software.
4. Click Install.
à The download starts. The following dialog is displayed:
à After the download, the installation starts. Several installation dialogs are displayed, but
no action is required. Wait until the different windows have disappeared. After the instal-
lation procedure you can check the configuration with the tool RConfigure (open from
Windows Start menu).
You have successfully installed the Remote Client on your SEM system. You can test the program
with the Desktop-App SmartSEM API Test.
7 Installing MATLAB
If you have bought the CAT Module (Correlative Array Tomography) the installation of MATLAB
Runtime is mandatory on both computers (SEM and LM system). Proceed as follows:
Prerequisite ü You have read the chapter Configure Security Software attentively.
ü You have opened the ZEISS Microscopy Installer with admin rights.
ü Your system is connected to the Internet.
ü You have selected (default setting) the online installation, see ZEISS Microscopy Installer
1. Open the Install tab.
2. On the left, activate ZEN (blue edition) with the respective version number.
à The available components and tools for installation are displayed on the right side.
3. On the right side under Third Party Tools, activate MATLAB Runtime.
4. Activate I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the selected software.
5. Click Install.
à The download of the necessary files starts.
à After the download, aWinZip Self-Extractor window opens and the files are extracted
6. Click Next.
Computer connection
The processing computer must be connected to the acquisition computer via ethernet connection.
It works best to have both workstations equipped with a 10 GB ethernet card. A 1GB Ethernet is
fine as well, just make sure to not create very large images and deactivate Follow acquisition in
ZEN when acquiring larger images. For details on how to connect your computer in a network,
ask your local IT department. For some basic information, see also Connecting computers via ca-
ble [} 31].
IP Addresses
This is not strictly necessary, but knowing the IP Addresses is the safest way to troubleshoot net-
working issues, so we recommend to check this in any case. It is easiest to network the comput-
ers if both have the same login credentials, e.g. Username = ZEISS, password = zeiss. The comput-
ers can only network with each other if a password is set for both logins. For a description of how
to look up the IP address of your PC, see Looking up the IP address of your computer [} 30].
Also note down the computer names. You can find those when you right click the This PC in the
explorer and select Properties
13. If you want to change which accounts you can add, click Object Types to open a dialog to
select different types.
14. If you want to change the (network) location, click Locations to open a dialog to select the
15. In the text field, enter the user or group name you want to give access to and click Check
à If the name exists, it is verified. In case there is no (exact) match, or in case there are mul-
tiple matches, a dialog opens where you can refine your search or select the right user/
16. Click OK.
à The Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog closes and the
user/group is added to the list on the Permissions dialog.
17. Select the user(s)/group(s) and activate the checkboxes for the permissions you want to give
them to this folder.
18. Click OK to confirm all changes in all dialogs.
You have created a shared folder on the processing computer. You can now setup the access to
the folder on the acquisition computer.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Finish.
à The folder is mapped to your acquisition PC. The result will look something like this:
You are now ready to setup the connection of the two computers in ZEN. Please refer to the re-
spective chapter in the software manual or the online help, which is accessible by pressing the F1
We recommend connecting the PCs in a network by using i.e. a rooter. In case a rooter cannot be
used and two PCs are connected via a cable, consider the following remarks:
9 Compatible cameras
The table below reveals, which cameras are compatible to the ZEN (blue edition) software.
Camera Connection
Axiocam 105 color USB 3.0
Camera Notice
PrimoStar HD USB only, not via network
Andor: iXon3 888 Ultra/Live USB 3.0, iXon3 897 Ultra/Live USB
PCO: edge 5.5 CL, edge 4.2 CHLS USB3.0, edge 4.2 bi, edge 4.2
CL, edge 4.2 LT
10 Troubleshooting
This chapter contains information on how to tackle common problems while installing ZEN (blue
In case your ZeissPy installation is failing due to an Ordinal242/MKL-load-failed error, the reason
might be that you have some 3rd-Party application installed which modified the System32 folder.
During the installation, a warning message will be displayed and inform you about dlls that are in
the System32 folder. For a potential solution, take the following steps:
1. Remove files from the System32 folder [} 33].
2. Set a new environment variable [} 33]
10.2 Fixing runtime or compatibility issues for externally trained neural networks
In case you run into import or runtime issues in the context of externally trained neural networks,
go to https://pypi.org/project/czmodel/ for information on model and compatibility requirements.