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Immune System My Notes

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cells Involved in the Immune System

White Blood Cells WBC Leukocytes

Granulocytes Agranulocytes

Eosinophils Basophils
Lymphocytes Macrophages


Plasmacell henry felder cytotoxic menoryfuss
Tell Tell Tell
Antibodies By
Granulocytes cells that contain Granules

Neutrophils most abundant WBC 60 1

have a lobulated nucleus

Helps in fighting off infections part of

immediate immune response
can phagocyte

Eosinophil have a lobulated nucleus

participate in allergies and parasitic infections
cannot phagocyte
Basophils least abundant WBC
Have granules that contain histamine

Agranulocytes do not contain granules

Monocytes Macrophage Can phagocyte
In blood they are called monocytes and
in tissues they are called macrophages
2 8 of WBC's are macrophages

Lymphocytes Make up 20 of WBC's

Divided into B and T lymphocytes
Take part in the adaptive immune response

Big nucleus

Immune System Classification

Immune System
Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity
non specific specific
Istartsimmediately days
1 Mediated
Humoral cell
Immunity cathexity
B lymphocytes T lymphocyte
Innate Immunity This is the primary line of defense
against pathogens
Begin immediately following infection
Also makes up the barriers that prevent invasions of
pathogens in the first place
Non specific innate immune system attacks all pathogen

with equal intensity and likelihood

Things That Make up the Innate Immure System
Skin First line of defense against invasive pathogens
Skin contains sebaceous glands that produce sebum
which creates an inhospitable environment for pathogens

Saliva Tears Contain lysozyme that can break down

bacterial cells

Stomach Acid HCl found in the stomach creates a

highly acidic environment and can kill many pathogens tha

enter the stomach

Cilia Mucous in airway tract the respiratory

pseudostratified ep thelium
ciliated columnar epithelium contains

goblet cells which produce mucus that can trap pathogen

and have cilia that can brush off pathogens
These barriers not
only prevent pathogens from entering
but also creates an inhospitable environment so pathogens
cannot survive

Inflammation If the anatomical barriers are breac

ed and the pathogen has entered our tissue the

process of inflammation begins Inflammation acts as

the bridge between the innate immunity and the

adaptive immunity
Most infections or invasion by a pathogen usually
resolve with inflammation
If the infection has not been resolved by
then the inflamm
adaptive tion immune
system is activated

During inflammation blood flow to the area is

increased as the blood contains cube's like neutrophils

basophils eosinophils macrophaces

The S Characteristic Features of Inflammation big juicy pimple
Rubor Red due to increased
blood flow
Tumor Swollen due to

increased vascular permeability

Color Warm due to increased

blood Dolor Calor Ruber Tumor
Dolor Painful nerve endings are irritated
Loss of Function

Cells Involved in Inflammation and their Role

Neutrophils They come to the area of infection

and phagocyte bacterial cells and other pathogens and
kill them intracellularly Once the neutrophils die

themselves the dead neutrophils along with the

dead pathogen is what makes up pus

Basophils they release histamine Histamine causes

dilation of blood vessels and makes the walls of

cappilaries more leaky increased vascular permeability

this is seen as swelling redness

Macrophages they phagocyte pathogens and can

also release 1L 1 that can increase body temp fever
If inflammation is not sufficient to get rid of
the infection and the infection has not subsided

within a few days weeks the adaptive immunesystem

is activated

Adaptive Immunity specific immunity

Several days weeks needed to
may be activate
this type of response
Adaptive immunity can be subdivided into antibody
mediated Humoral immunity and cell mediated or

cytotoxic immunity
Antibody Mediated Humoral Immunity
Main cell involved is B lymphocyte

B lymphocytes are born and

matured in the bone marrow

Occurs in extracellular infections

During this response macrophages

engulf a pathogen and present

a small piece of it on an MHC

receptor found on its cell membrane

A helper T cell who has a CDU receptor cones

and birds on to the MACI of the macrophage

The helper T cell will activate a B lymphocyte
The B lymphocyte will differentiate into plasma

The plasma cells begin to produce antibodies

specific to the antigen that the macrophage

Some of these antibodies will bind onto cells

called memory B cells so that if the same pathogen

infects you again the memory B cells can

destroy immed atelyyou

the pathogen and dont have to
waste time
creating antibodies
Antibodies Immunoglobins can go and bind onto
extracellular pathogens and inactivate them

This is how the humoral immunity handles

extra cellular infection B lymphocyte

macrophage Helper tell tiates

29 5 page

IfB cell bacteria
Cell Mediated Cytotoxic main cell involved is T lymph
T lymphocytes are born in the bone marrow but

mature in the thymus

Occurs predominantly in intracellular infections
where the infected cell has to be destroyed
Helper T cells help T lymphocytes differentiate into

cytotoxic T cells D8
These CD8 cytotoxic
T lymphocytes travel to the

infected cell and release proteins called perforins

that drill holes into the infected cell and kill it
T lymphocytes can also transform into memory T
cells that help in future infections and supressor
T cells that immune
regulate response
helper T cell icteu


infected cell
lymphocyte infected destroyed

Major Histocompatibility Complex MHC and Cluster of Differentiation
MACI These are protein receptor found on
MHC the cell membranes of differentcells
to help our immune system to recognize our own cells

and distinguish it from foreign pathogens

MHC class I found on the cell membrane of
most nucleated cells

used to differentiate healthy cells from infected cells

A cell will put small piece of its
healthy a

own protein on the MHCI so that when a

WBC approaches it it knows to leave that cell


in an infected cell intracellular infection the cell

will put a small piece of the pathogen on the
MHC so that when a WBC comes to the cell
it knows to destroy the cell



infected cell
lymphocyte infected destroyed
MHC class I found only on antigen presenting
cells APC's macrophages B lymphocytes dendriticcells
These protein complexes help in communication

between immune cells

B lymphocyte
tachates tiates

29 5 phase
mÉhyBeen inaffthion antibodies

CDH found on cell membrane of helper T cells

binds onto cells with MHCI

CDG found on cell membrane of cytotoxic T cells

binds onto cells with MHCI

D8 MHC 1 8
Antibodies Immunoglobins Proteins that are produced

by plasma cells
The main function of an antibody is to bind to

pathogens and label it so our immune cells can

destroy it
Structure of an Immunglobin the constant region
remains the same among
all the antibodies in one
Diskhide The variable region
changes from one antibody
to another

The variable region is

Fifa built to contain a specific sequer
of aminoacids that can bind to the specific
antigen that it is built for The variable
contains the antigen binding site
Types of Antibodies G E M D A

IgG make up the majority of

antibodies in our blood

IgE Involved in allergic rxns

IgM Largest in size the first

antibody the body makes during infection
Igb Plays a role in further antibody production

IgA These are found in the digestive and

tract resp ratory
Function The antigen antibody complex can

the ina tivate

the antibody can label the pathogen and create
alarm to draw the WBC's to destroy it

the antibodies can bind onto memory B cells so

that in the future if the same infection occurs

the memory B cells can immediately come into action

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