Poverty and Health Literature Review
Poverty and Health Literature Review
Poverty and Health Literature Review
requires a comprehensive understanding of both subjects. A critical component of delving into this
complex interplay is the literature review, a task that demands rigorous research, analysis, and
synthesis of existing scholarly works. However, navigating through the vast expanse of literature on
poverty and health can be overwhelming and time-consuming for many.
Embarking on a literature review journey entails sifting through numerous academic articles, journals,
books, and other sources to gather relevant information and insights. It involves identifying key
themes, theories, methodologies, and findings across various studies to construct a cohesive narrative
that sheds light on the connections between poverty and health outcomes. Furthermore, synthesizing
diverse perspectives and data sets to draw meaningful conclusions requires considerable skill and
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Parents appreciate the financial support of public assistance but sometimes feel it is insufficient, and
they see downsides in some program rules, such as strict work requirements. Parents with low
incomes, like other parents, have personal guidelines about which aspects of household finances to
discuss with their children. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. The present view is more in keeping with the structural explanation and the present
government, because of the obvious strong links is trying to address both issues of poverty and
health. Overall, poor family circumstances and negative peer influ-. Find any document from
Microsoft Word, PDF and powerpoint file formats in an effortless way. While the quantitative
literature was consulted and is discussed briefly to provide context, this review focuses on the
qualitative literature, specifically studies employing a qualitative or mixed methods research design
that allowed some opportunity for open-ended responses on the part of study subjects. Poverty
indicates the extent to which an individual does without resources. Current intervention programs
typically include pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. Help of IT and artificial
intelligence will also be taken. Inadequate diet, smoking, drinking and lack of exercise all have direct
effects on the health of a person. Low birth weight in babies is associated with social class and
thought to be associated with parental poverty and poor maternal environment rather than the quality
of medical care. The success of this mission depends on its design and execution, as well as top-
down leadership to ensure that the stated goals are met. The above discussion has sought to
emphasize the fact that poverty is a complex and complicated multi-dimensional phenomenon,
comprised of many constituent elements. O’GradyThere are t CHAPTER 7The policy processEileen
T. In other words it is health status that determines social class and not social class that determines
health status and that it is inevitable there will be a gap between the higher and lower classes. A frica
has the richest natura l reso urces and ye t it is p oor and sta gn ant i n g r owth and develo pment.
Gil-Diaz (1998) concedes that neoliberalism may be defined as a theoretically valid economic
proposition but maintains that within the context of a society characterized by widespread poverty
and the persistent absence of political, economic and social choice, neoliberal development policies
need to be gradually implemented. It also provides a description and analysis of the very personal,
subjective experience of poverty by this group of Afrikaans-speaking people. Rahmanian Gallatin
County Healthy Lungs Program Gallatin County Healthy Lungs Program Kaylon L. We hope that
you will find these collected insights as valuable and as challenging as we do. K eywor ds: Pove rty,
cultural causes, structural cause s, co rr upti on, unem ployment 1.1introduction Pove rt y is the oldest
a nd t he most resistant virus t hat br in g s a bout a devastat in g di s e as e in t he third world or
develo ping cou n tr ie s (Ta zoach a, 2001). Sahin, 2015). Most social network groups were made up
of categories which include: family. That these social circumstances are outside the control of the
individuals and emphasise that external environment and conditions in which people live and work
play a great part in their health. Download Free PDF View PDF Understanding Children's
Experiences of Poverty: An Introduction to the DEV Framework Thomas Feeny This paper argues
that children experience poverty in three domains: Deprivation, Exclusion and Vulnerability. Often
times, clients in treatment achieve the ability to abstain from. Self-reported unmet need due to lack
of money and high costs of care is used to compute the outcome of interest. Booth, A. and Mosley,
P. (2003) Introduction and context.' In The New Poverty Strategies: What Have They Achieved
What Have We Learned Eds. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are
recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. The
Neoliberal Development and Poverty Alleviation Policy.
This stresses that those in lower occupational groups are more exposed to poverty and deprivation
and that these are the main causes of ill health and early death. Drug dependent individuals also
contribute annually to the growing. This article, however, tries to provide a unique view on the
phenomenon of poverty: The focus is on a specific class of poor people, namely newly-impoverished
people. For this to happen, besides the cost of medicines, both the Centre and States have to address
the yawning gaps in India’s healthcare infrastructure. If subsidies are tampered with, even if the
selected development policies dictate the imperatives of doing so and provide the requisite
theoretical justifications for removal, the consequence is likely to be an exacerbation of poverty,
culminating in economic collapse, as opposed to development. Thus, poverty reduction is important
in ensuring enjoyment of good health. Let us write or edit the literature review on your topic.
Webster also dictates that poverty may cover a range from extreme want to an absence of material
comforts. Moreover, accessibility and affordability are paramount in achieving universal health
coverage. Some features of this site may not work without it. Reviewers also consulted the websites
of organizations that conduct research on low-income populations, as well as articles and books
recommended by expert consultants. Grootaert, C. and van Bastelar, T. (2001) UNDERSTANDING
AND MEASURING SOCIAL CAP. We have an incredible amount of database from any category
in every popular language in this world. Other factors that had a positive effect on health care
utilization were household size, early levels of education, and distance to the nearest health facility.
In nearly every case the highest incidence of illness is experienced by the worse off social
classes.?(Whitehead1988). The Black report discussed a number of explanations to try to explain
why health inequalities exist in relation to the poor. This will lead to timely treatments, improvements
in health outcomes, patient satisfaction, improvement in productivity and efficiency, job creation
thus leading to improvement in quality of life. However, when recovery groups are the primary form
of social net-. Various character strengths that may provide a sound foundation for psychosocial
intervention programmes to re-launch newly impoverished people into economic independence are
identified. It’s rate o f killing ca nno t b e c ompared to a ny di sease from t he genesis of m a nkind.
The ?artefact? explanation argues that the method of measuring occupational class used by the
Registrar General increases the size and importance of health differences. A frica has the richest
natura l reso urces and ye t it is p oor and sta gn ant i n g r owth and develo pment. While the banks
were sold at over three times their market value, the sale has been identified as primary cause of the
failure of the selected development policy. Such increase is likely to lead to investments in physical
and human capital in the health sector thus translating to improved health outcomes in Kenya.
Inequalities in access to medical care by income in developed countries. In other words, and as Sen
(1984; 1985) maintains, poverty is the absence of choice, be it on the political, economic or social
levels. Download Free PDF View PDF Understanding Children's Experiences of Poverty: An
Introduction to the DEV Framework Thomas Feeny This paper argues that children experience
poverty in three domains: Deprivation, Exclusion and Vulnerability. It did not offer mechanisms to
deal with it and sees society just to perpetuate already established poverty mechanisms. ) AFDC
program was replaced by the TANF program in 1996 after realizing that it was more focused on
making women have more children rather than controlling poverty. Today, it’s India’s top website
and institution when it comes to imparting. It has become quite a controversial subject amongst
politicians and social scientists alike. ?Poverty? and ?the poor.
Poverty essay introduction - Quarter for Your Crisis. Social Capital, Social Networks, and Substance
Use: A Literature Review on the. Various sectors of the economy have that characteristics that define
poverty; in the health sector, about 30 per cent of the deaths or 18 million people annually are as a
result of poverty related causes. ODC, 2015). Drug use can be defined as the “harmful or hazardous
use of psychoactive sub-. In light of aforementioned imperative and in reflection of the discussed
definitions that one may define poverty as the absence of equality, choice and opportunity. However,
the theory of social capital is yet to be widely applied to these psychosocial. Poverty and health are
definitely linked and not only are the ?poor more likely to suffer from ill health and premature death,
but poor health and disability are themselves recognised as causes of poverty?. (Blackburn1991 pg7)
Theorists and social scientists have looked at all aspects of poverty and their research has proven that
poor health is related to social class and obvious ill health inequalities are found between the different
classes, with the poor suffering most. Conversely, within the confines of underdeveloped societies,
both chronic and absolute poverty are the rule, not the exception. While the correlation between
poverty and development is implicitly stated in the above two definitions, the mentioned relationship
is explicitly affirmed in other definitions. The aforementioned has been asserted by several
development scholars, with the crux of their argument being that widespread chronic and absolute
poverty in any given society is a symptom of underdevelopment and an obstacle to development,
with the inference being that poverty alleviation and development policies are coterminous (Sawhill,
1988; Korzeniewics and Smith, 2000; Moller et al., 2003; Ellis and Freeman, 2004; Cornwall and
Brock, 2005). It has become quite a controversial subject amongst politicians and social scientists
alike. ?Poverty? and ?the poor. F or example, officials and s ocial comme ntat ors in eigh teenth cen
tury France di stinguished between t he pauv re and the indigent. The cumulative effect of the stated
was the exacerbation of poverty, defined as the intensification of social, political and economic
deprivation, ultimately lending to widespread political unrest and economic collapse. SC CTSI at
USC and CHLA More Related Content What's hot PAPER PAPER Sarah Beebe Discuss following
topic. The success of this mission depends on its design and execution, as well as top-down
leadership to ensure that the stated goals are met. Low income confines the type of food that poor
people can buy and therefore the amount of nutrients an individual can eat. (Blackburn1991) These
adults in low-income families continue to smoke excessively and the female is more likely to deprive
herself of a sufficient diet to enable her to afford the cigarettes. Ideally, these strategies are
specifically designed to address the root causes and alleviate the effects of poverty in certain
communities, nations or both. Confronted with an economic crisis of this magnitude, the government
turned to the IMF for a four billion dollar loan. That the apparent differences in health between
lower occupational groups and those in higher occupational groups are the result of statistical
inaccuracies, in relation to the size of the groups measured. National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA) (2012) How effective is drug addiction treatment? Methods: This paper has investigated the
determinants of catastrophic health spending and its effect on household welfare with special focus
on NCDs. Histo rically, t he ide a that some p eo p le a re t ra ppe d in p overty while othe rs have sp
ells in pove rty w as a central element of most analys is (Hu lme a nd M cka y, 2005). Such
biophysical constraints include environments unfriendly to agriculture, environmental factors that
render a population vulnerable to disease that reach epidemic levels, and national geophysical
conditions that inhibit the construction of a transport network as would facilitate movement of
goods and services to and from isolated areas (Sachs, 2002). Introduction 2 Defining Poverty 3
Interrelationship between Poverty and Development 6 The Neoliberal Development and Poverty
Alleviation Policy 7 Analysis of the Mexican Financial Crisis 9. The review informs fieldwork for the
Understanding Poverty: Childhood and Family Experiences study, which will involve in-depth
interviews with members of about 30 low-income families, including children ranging in age from 7
to 17 and their parents or other caregivers, across three sites. A multilevel regression model is
employed to assess the determinants of cost-related unmet need, confounding for the effect of
variations at the regional level. Drug crime nexus explored-a study on the youths of selected urban
areas in mu. The ARDL bounds test suggests presence of cointegration thus leading to the estimation
of Error Correction Model (ECM). Strong supportive personal and social networks that contain
abstinent or non-active drug. Poverty levels in the last decade has been said to be rising sharply.