تخفيض استهلام الوقود في محطات الهيبرد
تخفيض استهلام الوقود في محطات الهيبرد
تخفيض استهلام الوقود في محطات الهيبرد
Aquion Energy’s Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI) batteries are designed to meet the needs of this growing energy demand. These
safe, reliable, and cost-effective batteries are optimal for stationary, long duration, daily cycling microgrid applications. In a
microgrid, energy storage provides two main benefits. First, storage increases the amount of solar energy that can be used
in the system. Without storage, the system can only use solar when the sun is available. Secondly, storage increases the
efficiency of diesel gensets by allowing them to run at peak output, rather than simply following the load. Taken together,
storage reduces the fuel use of both traditional stand-alone genset systems and hybrid solar/diesel systems.
Efficiency Curve
Efficiency (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Output (%)
Figure 1: Typical genset fuel curve. Increasing the load from 20% to 80% doubles the efficiency of the generator, cutting fuel consumption per kWh in half.
With storage, the genset can run at maximum output and store excess energy, increasing the efficiency of the genset. The
generator can then be shut off entirely, allowing the storage to serve the entire load, until it is completely discharged and the
generator is turned back on. This can greatly reduce the energy demand of the system.
1. Small renewable system (renewables supply <25% of energy): In this scenario, the renewable system offsets diesel use
during the day, and batteries mainly prevent the generator from rapidly ramping up and down with the renewable resource.
This can also extend the lifetime of the generator.
2. Medium to large renewable system (renewables supply >25% of energy): In this scenario, storage not only prevents
the diesel genset from running during the day, it also powers the system into the night, offsetting diesel use. The batteries
can also help increase the efficiency of the genset during night time operation.
Any size storage system will help reduce diesel use, but the more solar and renewables installed, the greater the impact.
1. Genset oversizing: If the generator is often running below peak output, the system benefits considerably from storage,
as it greatly increases the efficiency of the generator.
2. Discrepancy between load and production: If peak demand is at a different time than solar production, storage allows
operators to increase the size of the PV system, greatly reducing fuel consumption.
3. Price of diesel and solar: The more expensive the diesel, the greater the benefits of storage, and the larger the renewable
system should be. Cheaper solar, either due to less expensive panels or longer sun hours, also increases the value of
The resort would like to add solar panels and Aquion’s Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI) batteries to their system, and are
considering several different scenarios:
1. Daytime solar: A PV system that would provide solar whenever it was available, with no storage. This requires 800 kW of
2. Small storage: A PV/storage system that would use energy storage to eliminate genset runtime during the day. This
would require 800 kW of solar and 1200 kWh of storage.
3. Medium storage: A PV/storage system that would eliminate genset runtime during the day and store excess solar energy
for nighttime use, providing 50% of energy demand from the solar panels. This requires 1,600 kW of solar and 2,400 kWh of
They estimate the solar will cost $2 per watt installed, and are using a 10% discount rate over 20 years.
We analyzed the impact of solar and AHI energy storage in this system for both $1 and $1.40/L diesel using HOMER
(www.homerenergy.com), a standard modeling tool. We looked at four metrics: the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the
system, the renewables fraction, or percent of energy from renewables, and the diesel use per year. The results show that
storage is beneficial in both systems, regardless of diesel cost or system configuration:
System LCOE at System LCOE at Renewable Diesel Use Solar Size Battery Size
$1/L Diesel $1.40/L Diesel Fraction (L/Year) (kW) (kWh)
All-Diesel $0.43 $0.59 0% 1,400,000 0 0
AHI energy storage reduces system-level LCOE, increases renewables penetration, and reduces diesel use. At $1.40, it is
optimal to put in a medium-sized renewable system, because it offsets more diesel and reduces the LCOE by 11 cents per
kWh. At $1, the smaller renewable system becomes more optimal on an LCOE basis, saving 5 cents per kWh (Figure 2).
LCOE ($/kWh)
$1/L Diesel $1.40/L Diesel
All-Diesel Daytime Solar
Small Renewable + AHI Batteries Medium Renewable + AHI Batteries