Impact of Lean Tools in The Supply Chain: Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective
Impact of Lean Tools in The Supply Chain: Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective
Impact of Lean Tools in The Supply Chain: Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective
Facultad de Ingeniería
Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial
Rafael Chavez Ugaz
Lima – Perú
Julio de 2023
Impact of Lean Tools in the Supply Chain: Pharmaceutical
Industry Perspective
Sebastián Aguirre-Manrique, Valeria Wong-Lam, Rafael Chávez-Ugaz*
Abstract—The aim of this paper is to identify the impact of Furthermore, improvements should also be sought in the
the application of lean tools in the pharmaceutical supply chain PSC as it plays a vital role in the distribution of essential
(PSC) through a literature review. Supply chain inefficiencies life-saving products or services [4]. Delays in delivery times,
before and during the COVID 19 pandemic, most applied tools,
high operating costs and waste levels are some of the
and lean improvements found in the PSC are identified.
Databases such as Scopus and Proquest were used to collect the hardships the PSC faces [5]. On the other hand, the 2020
peer-reviewed articles to be studied. Results show the most crisis caused drug shortages, as well as uncertainty of supply
frequent inefficiencies in the supply chain are found in operating chains, logistics and transportation, which caused financial
costs, scrap rates, delivery times, and drug shortages. The losses to drug producing factories [4].
improvements identified can be summarized in three factors: Similarly, Leksic et al. [6] mention that, in order to identify
cost reduction, time reduction, and improvement in the
which lean tool to use and which one is best suited to the PSC
management of activities. The most studied tools are Kaizen,
Kanban, Total Quality Management (TQM), and Value Stream under evaluation, the wastes Taichii Ohno identified should
Mapping (VSM). Literature reveals that lean tools have a be taken into consideration. The wastes that are covered in
significant impact on quality improvement of information, this article are the following: defects, which are activities that
products and/or services, as well as on the reduction or do not generate value and affect the quality of products,
elimination of activities that do not generate value; in addition, information and/or services; overproduction, defined as
there is little evidence of reduction of unnecessary movements of
excess production that consumes unnecessary time, money,
workers. The value of this paper addresses the impact of the
pandemic on PSC, describing the versatility that each of the effort, and inventory; extra-processing, which is a process or
tools had in their role to reduce lean wastes. The versatility additional activity for processing unnecessary materials that
allows to identify which tool may be available according to the do not add value to the product or service; waiting, which is
need of the practitioner. the unnecessary idle time of resources and/or workers that the
delay and/or availability of resources and information causes;
Index Terms—lean, pharmaceutical industry, supply chain,
transportation, which refers to equipment, goods, tools,
documents or materials transported unnecessarily; inventory,
related to the lack of control and accumulation of raw
I. INTRODUCTION materials, products in process, and finished products; motion,
which is the unnecessary movements of workers at
Currently, lean tools have been conceptualized as those that
workstation and/or plant; and non-utilized talent, which is
allow the elimination of waste or activities that do not
considered as the underestimation of workers’ skills, talents
generate value in the processes to improve the use of
and knowledge to improve the process [7].
resources and performance of activities [1]. In terms of
In view of the aforementioned, the objective of this paper is
business sectors, lean tools have been systematically applied
to identify the impact of the application of lean tools in the
in industries such as automotive, construction, hospitality,
PSC but including the novel topic of the pandemic impact on
food, electrical, textile, and health, among others.
this industry. For this purpose, it is essential to specify which
The first sector where the lean concept was introduced was
inefficiencies are evidenced in the PSC, identify which lean
the automotive industry. The benefits of these tools have been
tools are applied to the PSC, and describe the effects of
evidenced in the improvement of production time, inventory
different lean tools on the PSC. The lean tools that are
turnover rate, reduction of complaints, and others, for which
discussed in this article are described as follows:
tools such as 5S, TPM, standardization, TQM, and Kanban,
Value Stream Mapping (VSM): Vasconcelos Ferreira
among others, were used [2]. Even though the application of
Lobo et al. [8] define that this lean tool helps diagram material
lean tools has been shown to have positive results in
and information flows to identify waste and activities that do
manufacturing companies, there has to pointed out that they
not generate value in the analyzed process. It also allows
have not been deeply applied in the pharmaceutical sector [3].
companies to obtain the desired results by systematically
One of the reasons for this, the authors indicated, is that
capturing and analyzing data.
pharmaceutical companies take greater importance on good
5S: Piñero et al. [9] indicate that the 5S methodology
manufacturing quality practices than on improving the
consists of the following elements: Seiri (selection), Seiton
performance of production processes.
(systematization), Seiso (cleanliness), Seiketsu
(standardization), and Shitsuke (self-discipline). It aims to
Manuscript received November 5, 2022; revised November 30, 2022; minimize the time and resources that are used in
accepted December 12, 2022. manufacturing and other processes through the elimination of
The authors are with the Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, all forms of waste.
Universidad de Lima, Peru.
*Correspondence: (R.C.U.) Kanban: A system of visual production control signals that
allows the replenishment process to remain active in
production lines. There are several signals to indicate
replenishment, such as cards or boards, and visual or
electronic signals [10].
Kaizen: A management philosophy with which
improvements are obtained in the work method and which
allows the reduction of waste, thus improving the
performance in processes. It is also characterized by the
creative participation of employees through work groups
TPM: Carrillo-Landazábal et al. [12] argue that this Fig. 1. Diagram of methodology
methodology creates an operating system that increases the
efficiency of all involved equipment to ensure its proper
operation during their use, so preventing time losses due to III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
stoppages caused by equipment failures. Scientific articles that focus on the pharmaceutical supply
TQM: As Adzrie et al. [13] point out, this is a management chain (PSC) were chosen according to two dimensions: (i)
system based on the principle that each member of staff must inefficiencies pre- and during pandemic; and (ii) impact of
be committed to maintaining a high standard of work in all lean tools on the PSC.
aspects of the business activity.
A. Pre-pandemic and in-pandemic inefficiencies of PSC
Just in time (JIT): According to García-Alcaraz et al. [14],
it is a technique that supports the processes of raw material Covid-19 pre-pandemic inefficiencies are related to
supply, transformation, and distribution as a final product. It storage, inventory, costs, and waste, among others. As per
allows to eliminate unnecessary costs related to supply, storage, Dixit et al. [17] evidence the lack of adequate storage
reduce machine downtime, and ensure the adequate flow in systems. Regarding inventory, the maintenance of an elevated
the production process. level of stock represents an investment with low return as
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED): According to keeping inventories and obsolete products in the warehouse
Lozano et al. [15], the SMED methodology focuses on generates high costs and tends to be a substantial source of
reducing waste in the production system and standardizing waste [18]. In addition to this, there are high costs for drug
machine changeover times whenever any planned development, which are three to four times higher than in
modification is made to the machine. other manufacturing companies, as there are greater failure
Process standardization: A predefined set of rules and rates and longer clinical trial times, and the complexity of the
conditions or requirements for performing activities or drug industry is also higher [19]. As for waste in the supply
processes in a regular and optimal way. The standard defines chain, increased regulations have placed limits on waste
the smooth work to be performed, as well as the correct generation, so this is one of the factors to focus on [20]. Dixit
description of the activities [16]. et al. [17] mention that this is an area that has not been given
much attention and that waste management is a topic of
considerable concern to researchers. Companies face
II. METHODOLOGY problems of high scrap rates, so there is a need to optimize
PSC to achieve waste elimination [21]. Moreover, there is
A systematic literature review was conducted to analyze the
evidence of an inappropriate distribution system and low
different findings and indicators obtained from peer-reviewed
responsiveness of supply chains [17], which, coupled with
scientific articles regarding the application of lean tools in
weak communication among PSC stakeholders, affects the
PSC. To obtain these articles, databases such as Scopus and
efficient delivery of products [21].
Proquest were used as they are recognized sources of
Inefficiencies that arose during the pandemic led to
peer-reviewed scientific research.
changes in the supply chain dynamics. Socal et al. [22]
As presented in Fig. 1, the initial search used the keywords
demonstrate that Covid-19 led to drug shortages due to
“lean” and “supply chain” in articles that were published from
sudden and unexpected increases in the demand, which
2010 to 2021 and were peer-reviewed, which resulted in
exceeded the production capacity of manufacturers.
obtaining a total of 19,747 articles. Then a first filter was
Similarly, the demand patterns for these products have
applied divided into two parts, the first one considered the
undergone major changes, and have materialized, in some
keywords “supply chain,” “pharma*” and “lean” to identify
cases, in increases in the quantity demanded, while, in others,
the tools that are applied in the PSC and its inefficiencies, for
in abrupt decreases in the quantities patients required [23].
which a total of 38 articles were obtained; the second search
According to Ayati et al. [24], most of these products were
considered the keywords “supply chain,” “pharma*” and
supplied by China and India, which are the world’s largest
“covid” to identify the inefficiencies in the PSC during the
distributors of pharmaceutical ingredients; this caused a
pandemic, and a total of 171 articles was obtained. From these
decrease in production and contributed to drug shortages and
209 articles, forty-five (45) articles were selected after
to the increase of product prices. Regarding a research Faiva
reading the abstract and were considered relevant to the
et al. [25] conducted in Nigeria, drug shortages were mainly
present research.
due to border closures, quarantines, reduced manufacturing,
poor access to resources by population, and security
instability, among others. Due to the pandemic, there was case study on Kanban implementation in the PSC that
evidence of distribution weakness in the pharmaceutical Papalexi et al. [5] conducted, it was verified a reduction in
industry [23]. Remko [26] found that supply chain executives 56.8% of products to be stored at the end of the process and,
reported various forms of supply chain disruptions, extended therefore, a saving of 71.8% in storage costs were obtained. In
lead times, and logistical bottlenecks during periods; addition, they showed that, through this methodology,
however, the author believed that the reopening of plants pharmaceutical industries gather faster and more accurate
would result in an acceleration of transportation capacity. information, thus always knowing the quantity and types of
According to the foregoing, the most frequent products that are available in the inventory. As a result,
inefficiencies in the PSC are high operating costs, high scrap customer service becomes much faster and more efficient.
rates, inefficiencies in delivery times, and shortages of raw The usefulness of Kanban in avoiding and preventing the
materials and finished products; however, the inefficiencies accumulation of unwanted inventories both in the production
shown in the different papers were explained in a general way area and in the warehouses is highlighted [30]. The same
without detailing their causes and consequences. In contrast position of Bevilacqua et al. [31] in their case study was the
to the literature review Fernando et al. [27] conducted, which same, as they indicated that the amount of materials managed
evinces a higher frequency of topics related to strategy with Kanban falls to a minimum level and, therefore,
development concepts, inventory management and PSC inventory cost savings are achieved. Finally, correct
performance problems, this could be explained through the implementation of Kanban allows pharmaceutical industries
sample that was selected for the study, since different to manage larger volumes and different product lines more
databases were used to compile the articles. Although Singh efficiently. In the same way, it allows to reduce the batch size,
et al. [28] present an extensive review, there is evidence of and the production frequency will be then significantly
discrepancies with the publications made more than 5 years increased [31].
ago, since they state that the challenges in PSC are related to Kaizen - it has a 10.34% frequency rate. Srinivasan et al.
drug formulation, planning capacity and inventory [20] state through their success case that the use of Kaizen in
management, lack of investment in research and PSC reduces the overall operating times by 22% and the
development, and quality, among others. inventory turnover cycle of raw and packing materials from
22 to 20 days. With respect to final product distribution, Bin
B. Lean Tools in PSC
Wan Ibrahim et al. [19] show that lead time was reduced by
Throughout the supply chain, various lean tools can be 46.3% using Kaizen. Other authors in their article describe
applied to solve the numerous problems the pharmaceutical that the Kaizen implementation managed to decrease the total
industry faced. Fig. 2 shows the percentage of articles that inventory value by 30%, increase the efficiency of production
support each tool and mentions its contribution to PSC: area by 50%, reduce the time the quality area takes to approve
products by 90% and decrease costs as a revenue percentage
by 6%. Finally, regarding the production and distribution
chain, this tool reduces the chain delivery time by 50%-75%,
and drastically increases the productivity of each of its areas
TPM and 5S - Among the tools that were already
mentioned, TPM is also present with a percentage of 10.34%.
The presence of 5S and TQM in the articles is 6.9% each. In a
case study, TPM and 5S proved the improvement of
pharmaceutical plant performance when using both
methodologies as they identified the root causes of problems
such as extensive search times due to material
Fig. 2. Percentage by lean tools disorganization, ergonomics, information transparency, and
extensive lead times [20]. Likewise, TPM encompasses fields
VSM - As can be seen, one of the methodologies with the such as preventive maintenance, evaluation, use of
highest frequency in the articles is VSM with 17.24%. technologies, and cleanliness [3]. Similarly, Bevilacqua et al.
According to Khorasani et al. [29], this methodology allows [31] indicated that TPM helps to integrate different groups of
pharmaceutical industries to identify non-value adding steps the chain, coordinators and operators and thus generates a
in a process and is used to represent the current status and cooperation of various levels in the organization all with a
design a more efficient future status. VSM, together with the common goal.
spaghetti diagram, may represent the flow of elements and TQM - Regarding the benefits of TQM in PSC, the article
activities in the chain of a pharmaceutical company that of Sharma et al. [33] focuses on analyzing the relationship of
manages to find opportunities to accelerate the chain supply chain management (SCM) performance to TQM, and
processes from suppliers to final customers [26]. The research states that the use of this lean tool enables the delivery of
of Abideen et al. [30] confirmed that VSM decreases high-quality products, as well as product availability. Other
production lead time and total chain process time by 51% and benefits include improved supplier relationship management,
44%, respectively. information transparency, quality, and inventory
Kanban - Another tool with the same value of 17.24% management. Based on a case study, it is made evident that
presence in the sample of items is Kanban. According to the the joint work of TQM and SCM improves operational
performance at a pharmaceutical company plant. Given this Reduction of supply costs. Kaizen
finding, authors agree that very little research has been Improved service level. TQM, JIT,
published on the interrelationship between TQM and SCM Logistics
Reduced final product delivery VSM, Kaizen, TQM
despite its impact on productivity and efficiency of PSC time.
operations. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to consider Improvements in quality TQM
the association between TQM and SCM and the operational
Reduction of rejected lots. TQM
performance of a pharmaceutical company, as it is not only Quality Reduction of customer TQM
going to favor drug production but also ensures the delivery of complaints.
quality products to consumers [33]. Reduced product quality Kaizen
approval time.
JIT, SMED and Process Standardization - Another group Improves the chain's VSM
of lean tools that have been seen in the sample of articles are value-added indicator.
JIT, SMED and process standardization, which have with a Improved decision making. VSM, Kaizen
presence of 3.57% each. The case study regarding a Allows synchronization of Kaizen, TPM
different areas of the chain.
pharmaceutical company that Alkhalidi et al. [3] conducted PSC in general Reduction of waste in the VSM, 5s, Kanban,
evidenced that JIT methodology improved the final delivery supply chain. Kaizen, TQM
service level index and cycle time efficiency. Furthermore, its Reduction of processes that do VSM, 5s, Kanban,
not generate value to the chain. Kaizen
successful implementation in the production and planning
Reduction of the total process VSM, Kaizen
area of the PSC was also corroborated. Regarding the SMED time of the chain.
implementation, favorable results in a pharmaceutical
company subject matter of the study, such as a 61.5% Table I shows that tools such as 5S, Kanban, Kaizen, TPM,
decrease in the average line changeover time of its products TQM and SMED are applied in the production area.
(time elapsed between production of last product of batch X Regarding the storage area, articles that use VSM, 5S,
and first product to be produced in batch Y), were verified Kanban, Kaizen and TQM have been collected. Regarding the
[31]. Likewise, the standardization of processes in the supply and procurement area, it can be observed that only
pharmaceutical chain increases the flexibility of response to tools such as Kaizen and TQM are applied. As for the
the final consumer and increases the speed of delivery of its logistics area, it was found that tools such as VSM, Kaizen,
products [16]. TQM, JIT and Standardization are used. Finally, in the quality
C. Improvements identified according to PSC areas and area, tools such as Kaizen and TQM are applied.
lean tools From the improvements obtained by each lean tool, it has
been identified that most of the improvements in the
Improvements identified are classified in Table 1 according to
the PSC areas and lean tool used. pharmaceutical supply chain are thanks to the Kaizen,
Kanban, TQM and VSM tools, the first two having the highest
TABLE I: IMPROVEMENTS IDENTIFIED ACCORDING TO PSC AREAS AND LEAN frequency of impact in different areas of the pharmaceutical
TOOLS sector chain; however, Kanban and VSM are the tools with
PSC area Improvement achieved Lean tool used the highest frequency in the articles presented in Fig. 2. It is
Improvement of various 5s, SMED
production lines for different made evident that the tools have been applied mostly to seek
products improvements related to reduction of waste, reduction of
Improved production area 5s, Kaizen, TPM, delivery time of finished product, performance in the storage
efficiency TQM
process, efficiency of production area, and reduction of
Improved production Kanban
Production frequency processes that do not generate value to the chain.
Reduced production costs Kaizen According to the most frequent improvements regarding
Reduction of distance traveled Kanban the lean tools to achieve waste reduction, it has been shown
in the production area
Reduction of the production Kanban
that there is the greatest variety of tools. It is worth noting that
batch the Kaizen tool is applied to each of the five most frequent
Reduction of production time Kanban improvements, which suggests that its application in the
Improved handling of larger Kanban pharmaceutical sector is a key tool to achieve a positive
volumes of inventory
Improved inventory TQM
impact on the supply chain. On the other hand, although TPM
management and Standardization are presented as tools to achieve the most
Improved performance in the VSM, 5s, Kanban, frequent improvements, they have not shown as much
storage process. Kaizen participation in the different areas of the supply chain as the
Improved information Kanban
management in the storage other tools.
area. Finally, we can conclude that the improvements in the PSC,
Improved warehouse Kanban thanks to lean tools, can be summarized in three factors: cost
inventory distribution.
reduction, time reduction and improvement in the
Reduction of storage costs. Kanban, Kaizen
Reduction of final product to Kanban management of activities in the pharmaceutical sector chain.
be stored. Moreover, Alkunsol et al. [34] agree that one of the most
Reduction of the inventory and Kaizen outstanding improvements of the lean methodology is also
raw material turnover cycle
Supply and Improved supplier relationship TQM
found in the quality management of products, even though it is
procurement management. not one of the most frequently used improvements. On the
other hand, most of improvements reached were not related to Improved production frequency W1
Reduction of raw material consumption W3
a specific inefficiency but in a general way without much
Reduced production costs W6, W7
detail on the case, indicator or value that supports it, which Reduction of distance traveled in the production area W4
makes it difficult to determine the main reason for the Production batch reduction W7
problem in the PSC. Reduction of production time W1, W7
Improved handling of higher inventory volumes W3, W5
D. Wastes and lean methodology Improved inventory management W3
Improved storage process performance W3, W5
As Leksic et al. [6] mention, the lean philosophy is a
Improved management of information in the storage area W2
constant search for improvement through the elimination of Improved warehouse inventory distribution W3
waste from the process. In order to implement lean tools in the Reduced storage costs W3
PSC, they point out that it is necessary to identify in which Reduction of finished product to be stored W3
Reduction of the inventory and raw material turnover cycle W3
activities of the process the losses or wastes are generated,
Improved supplier relationship management W1, W2,
since, if this factor is not known, it is possible for the chosen W8
tool to be the wrong one, not to generate the expected results, Reduction of supply costs W5
and to rather cause the loss of time and resources. Likewise, Improved service level W1
Reduction in delivery time of finished product W1
the following steps are suggested to implement the lean Improvements in quality management W2
methodology in companies: (i) identify and classify wastes, Reduction of rejected lots W2
including root causes; (ii) identify solutions to mitigate root Reduction of customer complaints W2
causes; (iii) implement and assess solutions. The impact of Reduced product quality approval time W1, W2
Improves the chain's value-added indicator W2, W8
each tool will be classified according to the problems it solves W8
Improves decision making
[35]. Allows synchronization of different areas of the chain W2, W8
A matrix of identified improvements and lean wastes was Reduction of energy consumption W7
prepared through the following steps: Reduction of waste in the supply chain W2, W7
Reduction of plant operating expenses W2, W5,
1. Matrix was built considering two axes: identified W6, W7
improvements vs 7+1 lean wastes. Reduction of processes that do not generate value to the W2, W5,
2. Different questions were asked according to the 7+1 supply chain. W6, W7
Reduction of the total process time of the chain W1
wastes to be used as ranking criteria, Muiambo et al.
(2021) being taken as reference.
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