Dhami 2006
Dhami 2006
Dhami 2006
Safe Total Corporal Contouring with Large-Volume Liposuction for the Obese
Lakshyajit D. Dhami, M.S., M.Ch., and Meenakshi Agarwal, M.S., M.Ch., D.N.B.
Nanavati Hospital and Vasudhan Arjin Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, C-212, Lancelot, S.V. Road, Borivali West,
Mumbai, 400 092, India
Abstract. The advent of the tumescent technique in 1987 sions were administered. The hospital stay ranged from 8 to
allowed for safe total corporal contouring as an ambulatory, 24 h for both liposuction and liposuction with a lipectomy.
single-session megaliposuction with the patient under re- Serous discharge from access sites and serosanguinous fluid
gional anesthesia supplemented by local anesthetic only in accumulation requiring drainage were necessitated in 32 of
selected areas. Safety and aesthetic issues define large-vol- 296 cases (10.8%). Minor recontouring touch-ups were re-
ume liposuction as having a 5,000-ml aspirate, mega-volume quested in 17 of 296 cases (5.7%). Early ambulation was
liposuction as having an 8,000-ml aspirate, and giganto- encouraged for mobilization of third-space fluid shifts to
volume liposuction as having an aspirate of 12,000 ml or expedite recovery and to prevent deep vein thrombosis.
more. Clinically, a total volume comprising 5,000 ml of fat Follow-up evaluation ranged from 6 to 52 months, with 38
and wetting solution aspirated during the procedure quali- (12.8%) of 296 patients requesting further sessions for
fies for megaliposuction/large-volume liposuction. Between other new areas. Average weight reduction observed was 7
September 2000 and August 2005, 470 cases of liposuction to 11.6 kg (approx. 4 to 10% of pre-operative body weight).
were managed. In 296 (63%) of the 470 cases, the total Meticulous perioperative monitoring of systemic functions
volume of aspirate exceeded 5 l (range, 5,000 22,000 ml). ensures safety in tumescent megaliposuction for the obese,
Concurrent limited or total-block lipectomy was performed and rewarding results are achieved in a single sitting.
in 70 of 296 cases (23.6%). Regional anesthesia with con-
scious sedation was preferred, except where liposuction Key words: Large-volume liposuction—Megaliposuc-
targeted areas above the subcostal region (the upper trunk, tion—Obese—Tumescent technique
lateral chest, gynecomastia, breast, arms, and face), or when
the patient so desired. Tumescent infiltration was achieved
with hypotonic lactated RingerÕs solution, adrenalin,
triamcinalone, and hyalase in all cases during the last one
year of the series. This approach has clinically shown less History
tissue edema in the postoperative period than with con-
ventional physiologic saline used in place of the RingerÕs In a quest for everlasting beauty, man has made at-
lactate solution. The amount injected varied from 1,000 to tempts to defy the aging process by making use of all
8,000 ml depending on the size, site, and area. Local anes- the available materials at hand. He has used various
thetic was included only for the terminal portion of the oils, chemicals, minerals, and camouflage techniques.
tumescent mixture, wherever the subcostal regions were The earliest of the surgical techniques to enhance
infiltrated. The aspirate was restricted to the unstained physical appearances involved amputation of the
white/yellow fat, and the amount of fat aspirated did not unsightly deformity.
have any bearing on the amount of solution infiltrated. The concept of removing excess fat from localized
There were no major complications, and no blood transfu- body sites to achieve similar gains is credited to
Charles Dujarrier, who in France attempted to re-
move subcutaneous fat using a uterine curette on the
Correspondence to Lakshyajit D. Dhami M.S., M.Ch.; calves and knees of a ballerina in 1921 [5,21,34]. An
email: dhami@vsnl.com or drdhami@vasudhan.com inadvertent injury to the femoral artery led to
L.D. Dhami et al. 575
amputation of the dancerÕs leg. This unfortunate suction Surgery. The first articles on liposuction ap-
complication arrested further progress in this field, peared in the literature in July 1984.
but it sure was a valiant attempt at the time [15]. At the same time, a quantum jump in this field was
Schrudde in 1964 [34] revived interest in this pro- orchestrated by Gregory Hetter [16,34] who traveled
cedure and extracted fat from the leg, gaining access to Europe to learn liposuction using blunt cannulas
through a small incision with a sharp curettage, but from Illouz in France. Hetter was instrumental in
was faced with the daunting task of managing the getting Illouz to make the landmark presentation at
difficult hematomas and seromas that resulted from the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive
this technique. Subsequently, Pitanguy [33] favored Surgeons (ASPRS) in Hawaii in 1983. A self-ap-
an en bloc removal of both fat and skin to eliminate pointed blue ribbon panel of the Aesthetic Society of
excess thigh adiposities, but the extensively noticeable America then traveled to Paris to see the procedure
incisions did not allow the technique to become performed. Greg Hetter, Frank Harnahan, Dick
popular. Mladick, and Carson Lewis went on to create the
Lipoplasty Society of North America, which taught
safe liposuction to board-certified plastic surgeons.
Modern Liposuction Jeffery Klein, of California, initially described the
tumescent technique for lipoaspiration in June 1986,
Modern liposuction began with the technique and and the first article describing this technique was
instruments of Giorgio Fischer and his father, Arpad published in January 1987 [25]. Ever since, lipoaspi-
Fischer, both gynecologists from Rome, Italy, in 1974 ration and fluid management have added a greater
[34]. They developed their instruments themselves, safety dimension. Ultrasonic liposuction was devel-
and their early cannulas contained a cutting blade oped by the Italian surgeon, Michael Zocchi [37] in
within them. They eventually developed a blunt hol- 1996.
low cannula connected to a suction apparatus and Liposuction has evolved over the past 15 years with
published their results in 1976. They developed the the introduction of the tumescent and superwet
technique of crisscross tunnel formation from multi- techniques, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, power-
ple access sites with their improved cannulas and assisted liposuction, and laser lipolysis. These
demonstrated good results with fewer complications. advances have made it possible to remove larger
In 1978, Kesselring and Meyer [22] published their volumes of fat with negligible blood loss and rela-
results using a sharp curettage aided by suction. The tively trifle complications.
technique could not gain much acceptance in view of
the significant complications.
Pierre Fournier [10] of Paris, France improvised on Introduction
the FischerÕs liposculpture technique and was the
initial advocate of the ‘‘dry technique,’’ in which no Liposuction is more of an art than a surgical proce-
fluids are infiltrated before liposuction. He went on to dure. It entails a practical application of scientific
become an authority on liposuction and fat trans- knowledge with precision and craftsmanship, a skill
plantation, promoting the benefits of tumescent attained with clinical experience. It brings as much
anesthesia. He was instrumental in technology contentment and joy to the person undergoing it as to
transfer to the next generation of surgeons the surgeon practicing the intimidating task of
representing varied specialties all over the world. delivering that eventual result.
Rapid growth and popularity of this procedure Ultrasonic liposuction for fat removal is similar to
across continents happened when Illouz [17,18,19], of phaco-emulsification of the ocular lens for cataracts.
Paris, France, began favoring the ‘‘wet technique,’’ in It permits elimination of localized fat deposits
which a solution of hypotonic vasoconstrictor saline through miniature incisions that leave an incon-
and hyaluronidase is infiltrated into the adipose tissue spicuous scar. The principal indications are fat
before aspiration. He termed this a ‘‘dissecting hy- deposits in the gluteocrural areas, hips, and abdo-
drotomy,’’ which facilitated removal of fat and men. The ideal body shape is trim and athletic.
reduction of trauma with less bleeding. Therefore, a well-contoured shoulder and chest, a
In 1977, Lawrence Field [8], a California derma- flat abdomen, and a narrow hip and thigh area are
tologist, was the first American to visit France and sought, and liposculpturing is anticipated to bestow
learn the new field of liposuction. Norman Martin these expectations.
[34], an otolaryngologist, visited Illouz in 1980 and An increase in fat content can be either hypertro-
began performing liposuction in Los Angeles in 1981. phic or hyperplastic. An increase in total fat cell
In 1982, physicians from different specialties were numbers is hyperplastic obesity. It predominates as
trained by Illouz and Fournier [34]. body fat levels exceed 40% and proves to be more
In 1983 and 1984, several interspecialty courses resistant to dieting and exercise regimens. In those
were held, and Julius Newman [34], an otolaryngol- cases in which the actual number of fat cells remains
ogist, was the first to use the term ‘‘liposuction.’’ He stable, the cells increase or decrease in their volume
went on to establish the American Society of Lipo- with weight gain or loss [36].
576 Contouring With Large-Volume Liposuction
Evolution of Instrumentation
Tumescent Anesthesia
Initially, large cannulas were used for liposuction,
Tumescence is the state of being ‘‘swollen and firm.’’ some even as large as 1 cm in diameter. These
Tumescent liposuction uses large volumes of very instruments caused damage to neurovascular bun-
dilute, hypotonic solutions of a vasoconstrictor agent dles, occasionally leading to uneven contours and
gently injected into the subcutaneous fat and virtually seromas or hematomas in patients. The subsequent
eliminates surgical blood loss. It also permits the use of local anesthesia necessitated a gentle touch, so
L.D. Dhami et al. 577
a variety of smaller cannulas were developed. The Italy. His interest in ultrasound was originally fo-
standard cannulas of the 1980s were huge, with cused on harvesting collagen from aspirated fat. The
diameters of 6 to 10 mm and cross-sectional areas chance observations that adipose tissues were effec-
9 to 25 times larger than those of the current 2-mm tively emulsified while connective tissue structures
microcannulas. Illouz and Fournier [18,19,34] popu- were preserved in vitro led to the concept of using
larized liposuction using their newer generation of ultrasound adjunctively in vivo.
blunt-tipped cannulas and the ‘‘wet technique.’’ The American Society of Plastic and Reconstruc-
The cannulas used today are extremely small, some tive Surgeons has promoted ultrasonic liposuction,
with an inside diameter less than 0.6 mm. Blunt-tip- but surgeons of other specialties have abandoned this
ped cannulas are standard because they decrease in- technique because they consider the internal ultra-
jury to blood vessels and reduce bleeding. The use of sound to increase the risk of cutaneous burns and
multiple side ports allows for efficient evacuation of seroma formation while providing little additional
fat. Manual systems consisting of syringes and can- benefit over standard liposuction.
nula tips also have been developed because some Large-volume tumescent liposuctions have gained
surgeons prefer the use of quiet, disposable instru- acceptance with the West in the specialty that regu-
ments (Tulip, Tulip Products, San Diego, California). larly practices the procedure in large numbers. The
These also became popular as a backup system. first author has initiated this trend in India and
Aspiration units, developed by manufacturers in advocate it. None of these major safety concerns have
consultation with surgeons, have gradually become been noted in our series.
more powerful and quiet, allowing for an efficient,
pleasant surgical environment.
Other Indications
A shaving instrument with suction to remove fat
has been reported for use in submental resection.
Noncosmetic applications of liposuction were pio-
A full-body version of this technology and new
neered or developed by surgeons of other specialties.
powered liposuction cannulas have been developed.
Liposuction could be used to remove lipomas and
The shaving devices, designed to facilitate tunneling
angiolipomas, and to improve hyperhydrosis. Lipo-
through fibrous adipose tissue, use a rotary internal
suction techniques can assist in hematoma evacua-
blade built into the cannula. The literature reports
tion. Klein [28] demonstrated liposuction techniques
powered liposuction devices that use a reciprocating
for breast reduction. Field [9] pioneered liposuction
cannula to facilitate fat removal [20]. These devices
to facilitate flap movement in cutaneous reconstruc-
are believed to decrease the physical effort of the
tion, gynecomastia, and benign symmetrical lipoma-
surgeon, but the experience of most surgeons is that
tosis (MadelungÕs disease).
they do nothing more than vibrate in their hands.
The initial European ultrasonic liposuction emul-
sified fat with an ultrasonic cannula, which then was Patients and Methods
aspirated in the second step. This two-stage proce-
dure was time consuming. It was modified in the Megaliposuction in our series over 5 years (Septem-
United States, and a suction cannula currently ber 2000 to August 2005) is clinically defined as more
emulsifies and aspirates the fat simultaneously. than 5,000 ml of aspirate that includes the fat and
Although the proponents of the superwet and wetting solution.
tumescent techniques have their pros and cons open Suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) or ultrasound-
for discussion, most modern liposuction is a combi- assisted liposuction (UAL) has been performed for a
nation of these two techniques. The task force of the total of 470 patients, 296 (60%) of whom underwent
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Sur- megaliposuction. Whereas conventional SAL was
geons [1], Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation performed for 60 patients in the 2 years between
(PSEF), the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic September 2000 and August 2002, 236 patients were
Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research treated with UAL in the next 3 years, between Sep-
Foundation (ASERF), and the Lipoplasty Society of tember 2002 and August 2005 (Table 1). The youn-
North America, with Franklin Di Spaltro as the gest patient was 14 years old and the oldest was 67
chairperson, investigated ultrasound-assisted lipopl- years old (mean, 39 years). Individual patient weight
asty in 1995, evaluated the safety issues, and provided ranged from 45 to 178 kg. Female patients dominated
inputs to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the series (260/296, 86%) in a ratio of 7.2:1. A com-
for its approval. bination of tumescent and the superwet liposuction
was performed simultaneously by two surgeons in
multiple corporal areas.
Variations of Liposuction Before September 2002, the conventional tumes-
cent liposuction technique was used. After September
Ultrasound is used as an ablative tool in urology and 2002, ultrasound-assisted liposuction was performed
neurosurgery. Ultrasonic liposuction was developed for all patients by the same surgeons using the
and introduced in the early 1990s by Zocchi [37] in Ultrasonic Sonoca machine (Soring GmbH Medi-
578 Contouring With Large-Volume Liposuction
Surgical Technique
Preoperative Markings
Table 1. Liposuction: total number of patients who underwent suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL) and ultrasound-assisted
liposuction (UAL) in 5 years
loids administered preoperatively as a priming the tumescent solution with dilute epinephrine that
solution and another 2,000 ml of crystalloids produces intense widespread capillary constriction in
given at the time of spinal anesthesia. Here again, the targeted fat, which in turn greatly delays the rate
depending on the clinical parameters, the rate of of the drugÕs absorption. This undiluted epinephrine
the fluid is adjusted accordingly. Overall, the is absorbed into the bloodstream over 24 to 36 h. This
patient under spinal anesthesia will need about reduces the peak concentration of the drug in the
blood, which in turn reduces its potential receptor
1,500 ml of crystalloids and 500 ml of colloid
stimulant actions.
more than required for general anesthesia. The profound vasoconstriction is so absolute that
liposuction can be performed with virtually no blood
loss. In contrast, the older forms of liposuction used
Local Anesthetic in the Tumescent Solution before the invention of the tumescent technique were
associated with so much surgical blood loss that
The aim is not to exceed the toxic dose of the drug in autologous blood transfusions often were routine
mg/ml per kilogram of body weight. A single drug (Figs. 8 13).
alone would exceed the toxic level because it would be Clinically, the skin should have sufficient inherent
needed in a large amount. This is addressed by using elasticity to recoil and contract after removal of fat.
a larger quantity of drug in a lower concentration Stretch marks are a strong indication of poor elas-
(i.e., instead of using 10 ml of a 2% solution, it is ticity, as is delayed rebound after manual stretching.
advisable to use 40 ml of a 0.5% solution), or by Significant skin overhang indicates a need for
adding two drugs with different toxicity (i.e., lido- adjunctive surgical procedures.
caine that causes central nervous system depression Access incision sites are small, and it is advisable
or stimulation and bupivacaine that is cardiotoxic). not to close them with sutures to permit drainage of
The tumescent infiltration solution is additionally the excess wetting solution and seroma. Larger
added to the local anesthetic only in the terminal cannulas require larger incisions, but these must be
portion to be used for infiltration between the sup- sutured loosely. Delayed drainage of the blood-tinged
raumbilical and subcostal areas when the patient is tumescent solution produces prolonged swelling,
bruising, and pain after liposuction. Larger cannulas
remove fat rapidly, and there is a risk of removing
too much fat and producing skin depressions and
1 RingerÕs lactate (ml) 1,000
2 Distilled water (ml) 300
irregularities. An attempt to make a small change in
3 Injectable adrenaline (amp) 1 the direction with a large cannula results in a ten-
4 Injectable hyalase (amp) 1 dency to reenter a preexisting tunnel within the fat.
5 Injectable triamcinalone (mg) 10 This lack of precise control results in the skin irreg-
6 Injectable xylocaine 2% (ml) 40 ularities associated with the use of large cannulas.
7 Injectable bupivicaine 0.5% (ml) 30 Large cannulas are advocated only in cases of large-
8 Injectable soda bicarbonate (ml) 40 volume liposuction with access from sites of origin
for sacrifice of the panniculus. Microcannulas with an
under spinal anesthesia/Epidural Anesthesia (EA). external diameter of 4 mm can remove fat very effi-
This solution contains the following: ciently. They are effective in achieving a smoother
A 40 ml solution of 2% lidocaine is 800 mg of the liposuction because they allow for a more gradual
drug. Because the toxic dose of lidocaine is 7 to 8 mg/ and controlled removal of fat.
kg when used with adrenaline, it is safe when used for a Pretunneling (Mladick [30]) increases instrument
patient with a body weight of 80 to 100 kg. control because it creates desired planes of fat re-
moval without suction and is passed into the super-
ficial layer of the desired area of removal. It prevents
Adrenaline an inadvertent removal in the subdermal fat layer
that can result in contour irregularities. Similarly,
Each 1,300 ml of the tumescent fluid has 1 ampule of cross-tunneling with at least two port sites at right
adrenaline (1:1,000). Thus, even when 6 ampules of angles is used to treat an area of adiposity. The use of
the drug were used during the maximum infiltration multiple port sites provides for better contouring and
in the current series, no side effects or complications feathering of edges.
attributable to the large dose of adrenaline were Fat layers are treated from deep to superficial in
noticed in the entire series over the 5-year period sequence and in parallel tracks. As the procedure is
because adrenaline causes vasoconstriction, which moved more superficially, cannula size can be de-
prevents sudden absorption of more adrenaline until creased along with suction intensity to help decrease
its effect has waned. Hence, systemic toxic effects of the risk of irregularity to the surface layers. Most tra-
this drug are not seen. ditional liposuction treatment involves removal of the
Tumescent liposuction has proved to be extremely deeper fat layers. Superficial liposuction is performed
safe even with the use of unprecedented large doses of for individuals with flaccid skin or LFDs (Localized
L.D. Dhami et al. 583
Fat Deposits) as an aid to better skin retraction. It is is accomplished with a loose deep dermal absorb-
accomplished with narrow cannulas that make multi- able suture. Absorbable materials are applied to
ple closely spaced passes in the subdermal fat to effect prevent spoilage of the compressive binders and
an undermining of the affected tissue. dressings.
Symmetry (if bilateral), skin pinch of less than
1 in., and shape and overall smooth contour
determine the clinical end points of the procedure. Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
Further removal of the remaining fat gives the
advancing cannula a grittier feel as it passes in the Ultrasonic techniques used were internal with can-
tunnels against the remaining fibrous septae. Port nula. The high ultrasonic energy produced by passing
sites are reexcised to improve cosmesis, and closure electrical energy to a piezoelectric crystal creates mi-
584 Contouring With Large-Volume Liposuction
crocavities in a liquid or semiliquid medium during Zocchi [37] states that the susceptibility of a liquid
expansion cycle of the sound wave. This property of or biologic tissue to microcavity formation depends
microcavitation is used in UAL. on the molecular cohesion of the material, and that
L.D. Dhami et al. 585
the negative pressure required is related to the density tibility to superficial contour deformities due to
of the tissue for its aspiration. Low-density tissues minimal amounts of deep fat and adherence of the
such as fat cells have low molecular cohesion, which more superficial layer to the underlying fascia of the
favors microcavity formation and aspiration. muscle.
Connective tissue and muscle are essentially unaf- Team work and judicious, appropriate selection of
fected by this process because they are more dense, a surgically and medically fit patient are the essential
but damage may result by an accumulation of sec- factors resulting in an overall reduced duration of the
ondary thermal energy and micromechanical trauma surgery to within 3 h. These factors also reduce
on sustained application of ultrasound after complete the patientsÕ exposure to the rigorous physiological
emulsification by microcavitation. This direct micro- demands of this procedure.
mechanical trauma and the secondary thermal effects Perioperatively, low suction, slow and regular
of persistent ultrasound energy are the mechanism of cannula motion, and adequate pretunneling with fine-
action for external UAL. to-small cannulas achieve desired results with mini-
There is enhanced fat removal with minimal blood mal morbidity to the patient. This approach also is
loss, improved skin retraction, and safer large-vol- less taxing to the surgical team.
ume procedures with the UAL [14]. Reports of Although SAL achieves almost similar results, the
cutaneous burns, hypo- and hyperesthesia, and ser- authorsÕ experience with UAL has shown that better
oma formation have resulted in considerable debate skin shrinkage and retraction is achieved with UAL
concerning the long-term effects and clinical use of by virtue of its physical collagen stimulation action.
UAL. Subsequent evidence with long-term follow-up This energy not only helps to break the turgid
periods have shown the technique to be well estab- adipocytes more easily, but it also helps in areas of
lished and accepted [6,14,23,31]. It is especially indi- fibrotic fat and in male patients. Because UAL is less
cated for male patients and for areas of dense fibrotic physically exerting for the surgeon, more attention
fat. can be given to the sculpturing than to the mechanical
The inner knee and medial thigh with less dense fat process itself.
are better managed with a standard wet technique Patients are encouraged to ambulate on the same
rather than UAL. Improved results with less fatigue in day of surgery to prevent deep vein thrombosis. This
treating fibrous areas such as gynecomastia, posterior obviates the need to administer the heparin prophy-
trunk, upper abdomen, and posterior hip rolls support laxis, and also achieves an improved intraspace fluid
the use of UAL as an adjunct to lipoplasty rather than shift, which facilitates an early recovery of the patient
as an alternative. The UAL procedure is presumed to and discharge from the day care facility.
enhance skin retraction by a controlled thermal stim- In the postoperative period after abdominal lipo-
ulation of the dermal collagen. The results of UAL suction, patients are advised to avoid prolonged sit-
used in large-volume liposuction for patients with lax ting for 3 to 4 weeks to prevent the development of
skin have been good, and in this series have shown a skin folds and creases. Pressure garments are to be
decrease in concurrent lipectomies [31]. worn religiously for 3 months to facilitate better skin
retraction after the extensive lipodissection and to
prevent drag from the weight of the dissected pan-
Complications and Cautions niculus. Whereas a regular fingertip massage is good
for small areas of induration, an ultrasound massage
A dissatisfied patient is by far the most common works well for lumpy areas and sites with persistent
problem resulting from a patientÕs unrealistic expec- pain or edema.
tations before surgery. Careful and accurate com-
munication between patient and surgeon helps the
patient to make a well-informed decision and obvi- Minor Complications
ates many a ‘‘fact-justifying’’ consultation in the
postoperative period. Minor complications noted after all liposuction
The access incision, when placed in the center of procedures include superficial irregularities of the
the operative field, leaves a residual bulge or a crater skin, seroma, hematoma, focal skin necrosis, allergic
at that location. A side-to-side cannula movement reactions to drugs, visible or disfiguring scars, dis-
may result in scarring, surface irregularities, or skin coloration of the skin, syncopal attacks postopera-
necrosis, whereas an overzealous correction results in tively, temporary bruising, numbness or nerve
a scooped effect and probably the need for an addi- injury, and temporary adverse drug reactions (Ta-
tional correction at a later date if the patient so de- ble 3) (Fig. 14 15). These complications do cause
sires. the patient to function at a suboptimal level, but
Care must be exercised in relation to the gluteal have not been noted to disturb the normal routine
crease, lateral gluteal depression, distal posterior in the postoperative phase. Postliposuction micturi-
thigh, middle medial thigh, and the inferolateral, ili- tion syncope is not rare, and patients need to be
otibial band. These areas have an increased suscep- advised in this regard.
586 Contouring With Large-Volume Liposuction
Sequelae/complication Management
Immediate (noted up to 48 h)
Pain Conservative/symptomatic
Early (noted up to the first week)
Bruising, ecchymosis, swelling Conservative/symptomatic
Altered pain sensation with paresthesia
Late (noted up to 6 months)
Sequelae/complication Management No. of patients. %
Seroma Drained (1 to 3 drainages)
Liposuction alone (all areas) 24/226 10.6
Liposuction with abdominoplasty 8/70 11.4
Necrosis Debridement and secondary closure 7/296 2.4
Persistent induration with local rigidity Local ultrasonic massage 5/296 1.7
Contour irregularities Local ultrasonic therapy+ revisional surgery 17/296 5.7
Micturition syncope/orthostatic hypotension Conservative/reassurance 15/296 5.1
Patients seeking further liposuction Further sessions requested for other (new) areas 38/296 12.8
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