What Is Empirical Literature Review PDF
What Is Empirical Literature Review PDF
What Is Empirical Literature Review PDF
Crafting an empirical literature review can be a daunting task for many scholars and researchers. It
requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on a particular topic.
However, navigating through the vast sea of academic papers and journals to extract relevant
information is often easier said than done.
One of the biggest challenges of writing an empirical literature review is the sheer volume of
material available. With countless scholarly articles, books, and other sources published on any given
topic, sifting through them to find the most relevant and high-quality sources can be overwhelming.
Moreover, understanding the complex interrelationships between different studies, theories, and
findings requires a high level of critical thinking and analytical skills. It's not enough to simply
summarize each source; one must also evaluate its credibility, methodology, and relevance to the
topic at hand.
Additionally, maintaining coherence and structure throughout the literature review is crucial.
Organizing the information in a logical manner and seamlessly integrating different perspectives and
arguments requires careful planning and attention to detail.
Given these challenges, many scholars and researchers find themselves in need of assistance when it
comes to writing an empirical literature review. This is where ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ comes in.
By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can save valuable time and energy
while ensuring that your paper meets the highest academic standards. Our writers will conduct
thorough research, critically analyze existing literature, and synthesize key findings to create a
comprehensive and well-structured literature review that showcases your understanding of the topic.
So why struggle with the challenges of writing an empirical literature review on your own when you
can enlist the help of experts? Order your literature review from ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ today and take
the first step towards academic success.
For literature review you should thoroughly go through all available studies, assess the important
findings in them, discuss them and find some relevance for them. It can be a written work that has
artistic or intellectual value, or a leaflet for advertising products. Cross-sectional studies give a
snapshot of a sample of respondents at a particular point in time. The next pop ular technique is
kaizen amon g researchers. Figur e 1 shows a sch ematic tr ee of fil tered art icles. List of journals
along with the number of articles in empirical study 1085 Empirical research methodology in LM any
empirical research consists of six stages. The subject determines the flow of the writing, the material
provided, and every other element. It indicates the country from which the data is collected. For
literature review you should thoroughly go through all available studies, assess the important findings
in them, discuss them and find some relevance for them. Many researc hers have also published
review artic les of various sub-components of JIT and related production systems. Stamm and
Golhar (1993), Waters-Fuller (1995), reported the literature review related to JIT purchasing. Trends
in T able VII clearly suggest that the maximum number of articles published in single case studies
were from IJOPM (12 artic les) followed by SCMIJ (eight articles). It is evident that quantitative
data are favored by the researchers. Accor ding to Zhu and Mered ith (1995), JIT 1107 Empirical
research methodology in LM education is a ke y element to succ essful impleme ntation of JIT
manufacturing. In a standalone literature review, the literature itself is the topic of discussion and
evaluation. Over the last two decades, there has been exp onential growth in the numb er of
empirical research articles published in LM. In stage II each article is classified based on research
design; single case study, multiple case studies, panel study, focus group study and survey. Make an
Outline 5. Write the Contents of Your Literature Review Why is a literature review important. Thank
you for your time, we hope you got value reading Differences between Empirical Review and
Literature Review. The limitation of this study is that only four publishing houses were used for
article collection. What is the current state of knowledge about these issues and problems?
Organizing the Literature Review based on the Theoretical Framework - Free download as
Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
Table IX shows number of articles in research design vs theory building and theory verification. To
address specific research inquiries, it could involve making a list of people, behaviours, or events that
are being researched. A conceptual paper is a study that does not analyze any data. Anand and Ko
dali (2010) ha ve proposed LM fr amework and also suggested stepwise impl ementation of the
proposed framewor k. The analysis of empirical research in LM is discussed in Section 4. Objectivity.
Gathering “facts,” whatever they may be, drives the search for empirical evidence (Holosko, 2006).
There is no single case study article published before 1994. Finally, in the last section we review the
methodology that we intend to use in the quantitative part of the project. Figure 1.1 summarises the
various fields of literature relevant to the project and their interdependencies. This means you
evaluate and discuss not only the informational content, Literature review is a piece of writing that
uses a guiding concept The difference between a theoretical and an analytical framework, Empirical
anything is what is observed. This means you evaluate and discuss not only the informational
content, Downloadable.
Finally, the study is concluded in Section 7. 2. Literature review In this era of globalization, new
markets are opening up day by day; customers are becoming more demanding and market
competition is at its pe ak. Frequency of data analysis techniques in LM empirical research 1102
IJOPM 34,8 The present r eview further in vestigat es to find out wha t kind of waste mos t of the
empirical art icles are foc ussing, which are most popula r wastes among c ase study an d survey
resea rch designs. It indicates the country from which the data is collected. Naga Vamsi Kishna Jasti,
Rambabu Kodali. 2014. V alidity and reliability of lean man ufacturing frameworks. Step 2: Build a
Literature Review and Identify a Theoretical or Conceptual Framework It is important to have a
solid foundation within the empirical literature in order to build a intervention or the difference
between two groups. That is because it will help you write a well-researched academic paper. He or
she may test a theory or try to find an answer to a specific issue based on already-known
information. It can be used to develop small samples to test and develop complex relations between
various variables to build a new theory (Wacker, 1998). The field of LM is growing very fast and
regularly new articles are coming up on the subject. The sample size is one of the unique features of
this research as the number of shortlisted articles is 178 in 24 journals published over a time span of
20 years (1990-2009). A hypothesis may also be a forecast of a previously presented theory based on
prior material. To write a legit paper, it is essential to understand the difference between the two
concepts. The distribution of empirical research artic les in LM according to year of publication is
also shown in Figure 3. The goal is to provide data that can be quantified using established scientific
methods. Overall the study shows that there is substantial advancement in this field. Whereas, theor
y verification will be helpf ul to researchers to test proposed theories in va rious circumstances and
secto rs. To fulfill these gaps, the researchers have to start to use the empirical research
methodologies than conceptual and mathematical models. But the more significant challenge is how
you can write a good literature review that will be useful to you and to others who are also working
on the same or similar topic. In recent years, Papadopoulou and Ozbayrak (2005), Holweg (2007)
attem pted to review journey of the lean production over a period of last century in their conceptual
review articles. Table II shows the journals which are considered for the present review and their
contribution of articles in terms of number and p ercentages. To compose a theoretical background,
you can also use secondary data. Financial inclusion becomes a major phenomenon for policy maker
across the world for planning a strong policy in achieving the sustainable growth. In meta-analysis
statistical tools are applied to combine the results of different studies. Figur e 1 shows a sch ematic tr
ee of fil tered art icles. From Ta ble V, it is evident that researchers a re evenly inclined toward theory
building and theory verification. Stage III involves the selection of data collection method, where
articles are c lassified under historical arc hive analysis, participants’ observations, outside
observations, interviews and questionnaire su rvey. The research may use quantitative research
methods, which generate numerical data and seek to establish causal relationships between two or
more variables. The case stud y research can be co ntributed in al l phases of theory building (Do
oley, 2002). Finall y, there is a need to bring the res earchers acr oss the globe on single pl atform to
get better res ults.. The sample sizes especially in survey rese arch were very s mall. An empirical
review is an academic review that focuses on summarizing and analyzing the findings of empirical
research studies.
These templates also make good reference material if you intend to make an outline from scratch. 5.
Write the Contents of Your Literature Review Now that the resources you need are ready, you
should be able to write the contents of the main part of your literature review. The distribution of
empirical research artic les in LM according to year of publication is also shown in Figure 3. After
submission of his PhD Thesis (Knowledge-Based System for Real-Time Control of FMS), he joined
as a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT, Delhi in 1990. If the sample data
are collected at one point in time from a sample selected to represent a larger population then it is
referred as cross-sectional data. Table XII shows the frequency of data collection in each sector. Con
sidering all the issues, the present researchers are ke en to find out the various sample size used by
past research ar ticles in LM. They will draft the literature review chapter for your research paper,
thesis or dissertation. Among data analysis techniques, descriptive statistics ruled the research based
on quantitative data suppressing qualitative data. It is of immense importance to know what type of
data is used in theory building and theory verification. The integrative literature review examines
secondary data in an integrated manner that generates a new topic perspective or framework. It is
clear ly seen that the quantitati ve data (66.29 percent) is do minating o ver qualit ative data (2 3.04
percent) while the triang ulated data accounts for onl y 10.67 percent of the total articl es. Topical
Discussion: The Literature Review The literature review consists of 2 parts: the process the product.
Eisenhardt and Graebner (2007) have discussed on empirical rese arch and suggested that it requires
sound literature grounding, then identify the present research gaps and based on it develop the
research questions to fulfill these gaps. A hypothesis may also be a forecast of a previously
presented theory based on prior material. Finally, it concludes that there is a need of LM
frameworks, whic h gives the stepwise process to remove all kinds of wastes fr om any organization.
To address specific research inquiries, it could involve making a list of people, behaviours, or events
that are being researched. Writing a literature review is already challenging, especially if you know
nothing about it. Frequency distribution of data collection methods in empirical research in LM 1096
IJOPM 34,8 design of which questio nnaire survey (QU) is the most favored mode for collection of
data. The empirical research is on increasing trend in the field of LM. Historical archive analysis is
proven methodology to collect data and analysis of variables (Wittink, 2005). According to
Montoya-Weiss and Calantone (1994) the total DA Ts are classified into four groups as shown in
Table XIX, which displays the list of most widely used DA T’s with methods in empirical research.
Table IX shows number of articles in research design vs theory building and theory verification. This
research example analyses the influence of the cooperation of a business on its partnered firms. The
goal is to provide data that can be quantified using established scientific methods. It is observed that
questionn aire surveys ar e the most widely us ed data collecti on method (35.96 per cent). Historical
ar chive analysi s is the second mos t preferred te chnique accounti ng for 10.12 percent of the total.
The frequency of empirical articles published on LM 25 20 15 10 5 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Y ear of publication Number of
articles Figure 3. One of the significant finding is that theo ry building and theory verification are
having almost equal number of ar ticles and both are advancing promisingly in the field of empirical
research. This document contains a template of empirical research with detailed instructions that will
suit your needs if you are in the field of Econometrics. The contents of the table not only show the
quantitative DA T’s but also consist of qualitative analysis. The ar ticles that involved bo th single
case study and survey research were only 3.37 percent (six ar ticles) of total empirical articles.
reported more than 50 percent of their artic le on single case study. Background section is usually
short and the first part of research article. Financial inclusion becomes a major phenomenon for
policy maker across the world for planning a strong policy in achieving the sustainable growth.
According to Flynn et al. (1990), empirical data needs to be analyzed leading to gener alization, in
order to frame new hypothesis or to validate an existing theor y. Business leaders are using this
opportunity and are responding to this demand by producing advanced technology devices and
tools. In some cases, reviews of studies that involve experiments are used in empirical reviews to
generate findings based on experience that may be seen directly or indirectly. By the end of Second
World W ar, customers started to demand more quality and service. The usage of internet is
increasing for surveying the public (Couper, 2000). Ramarapu et al. (1995) conducted literature
survey on JIT elements and the sample size was restricted to 105 artic les. When the study
considered the service sector, most of the industries are struggling to provide service to the customer
within the stipulated time period (Fournier et al., 1998; Fornell, 2008). When writing the research
paper, students often accost empirical studies and literature review. In aspects of LM wastes and
elements in empirical research, many researchers like Slomp et al. (2009) and Lasa et al. (2008) have
focussed to implement only familiar LM elements that may be one reason they are not successful in
removing all types of wastes from the organizations. In su rvey research design used to gather infor
mation from large respondents and make generalization of results across industries (Groves et al.,
2009). The vital characteristic of the focus study is communication dynamics among respon dents
that will lead to better conc lusions and results. During the period 2003-2012, he has published 56
peer reviewed research papers in inter national journals and nine pe er reviewed research papers in
national jou rnals, 20 peer reviewed research papers in international conferences and 13 peer
reviewed research papers in national conferences. Additionally, starting the writing process early
allows for more time for revision and results in higher-quality work. Cross-sectional studies give a
snapshot of a sample of respondents at a particular point in time. Whereas, theor y verification will
be helpf ul to researchers to test proposed theories in va rious circumstances and secto rs. In the same
year, Zhu and Meredith (1995) have attempted to review on JIT to identify key elements to
implement successful JIT principles in any organization. Professor Kodali obtained his BE, MTech
from MANIT Bhopal in 1980, 1984 and PhD Degree from IIT, Kharagpur in the year 1991.
Frequency distribution of data collection methods in empirical research in LM 1096 IJOPM 34,8
design of which questio nnaire survey (QU) is the most favored mode for collection of data.
Including all the four publications houses, a total of 121 journals who published on LM were found
leading to a total of 599 (conceptual and empirical) articles. Case study research design is used to
examine existing real-life scenario, and that gives the foundation for the use of thoughts and
expansion of existing methods (Yin, 1984). As a result, staying on top of your job helps your paper
and your personal life grow. Anand and Ko dali (2010) ha ve proposed LM fr amework and also
suggested stepwise impl ementation of the proposed framewor k. Con sidering all the issues, the
present researchers are ke en to find out the various sample size used by past research ar ticles in LM.
T o the knowledge of the authors, literature review of the empirical research ar ticle in LM is not
reported. Will a review paper be published by a good journal. In the recent years the number of
empirical articles is increasing drastically compared to previous years. It is the ideal method for
framing hypothesis and developing new theo ries (Soni and Kodali, 2011). According to the present
study the process secto r lacks focus in implementing lean principles since many researchers car ry a
notion that le an principles are practiced in the manufacturing industry and it cannot be applied to
other sectors.
The number of articles in eac h research design is given in Table VI. Leaving the writing to the last
minute and beginning it when the deadline is nearing will just add to the stress and complexity of
the process. Henc e, there is a need to carry out the literature review of the empirical research artic
les in LM. Ta ble XI shows the frequency distribution of data collection methods in research designs.
The objective of the paper is to review the existing literature and provide a comprehensive
assessment on empirical rese arch in LM. This study is based on va rious trend and pattern analysis in
order to formulate better understanding for development of empirical research in LM. It has been
observed that the term “LM” was coined around 20 years ago. Mass production was not able to
deliver the customer requirements. I want to know what is the exact difference between a research
paper and a review paper. The details of type of respondents are given in Table XVIII, which gives
frequency of type of respondents in LM empirical research. Despite a strong theoretical literature
devoted to conceptualising eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa This difference between
pre- and post-OBEs is more pronounced for those participants receiving a CBT-E treatment than
those receiving IPT. The integrative literature review examines secondary data in an integrated
manner that generates a new topic perspective or framework. Teaching essay writing in history
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research paper on health care. This study is the first attempt to review the ar ticles in this explicating
field and provided an in-depth and integrated review of articles. Hence many in dustries are not a
ble to impleme nt the complete set of LM princ iples in their organiz ation. Still, if you are a new
businessman, you can level with them by studying this empirical research example. Particip ant
observation method is a time consuming process and difficult to gather the data (Bryman, 2004), but
it gives proper conclusion to the researchers. Acc ording to that revi ew, case study r esearch desig n
articles were on ly half of the surv ey research desi gn articles. The contents of the table not only
show the quantitative DA T’s but also consist of qualitative analysis. According to Bhasin and
Burcher (2006), LM is viewed as a philosophy and requires long-term commitment to achieve better
results. What is the theoretical probability of flipping a coin and getting a tail. Zhu and Meredith
(1995) have applied the same methodology to conduct survey on JIT manufacturing elements. Step
2: Build a Literature Review and Identify a Theoretical or Conceptual Framework It is important to
have a solid foundation within the empirical literature in order to build a intervention or the
difference between two groups. Keywords Literature review, Empirical research, Lean
manufacturing, Just in time ( JIT) Paper type Literature review 1. Using the standard neoclassical
growth model as a point of departure, the author Literature review is a piece of writing that uses a
guiding concept The difference between a theoretical and an analytical framework, Empirical
anything is what is observed. First of all, you shouldn’t involve creative literature with a literature
review. There are downloadable literature review templates that you can modify and make your own.
If you want to know the accuracy of the sources used, as well as its relevance and quality, then go
for an annotated bibliography. Out of 178 articles, 132 article s have employ ed some of the data
colle ction methods. Regardless of this commonality, both types of review vary significantly.
Scudder and Hill (19 98), reviewe d empirical art icles in operati ons management during period of
1985-1 995 and reported tha t major proportion of emp irical resear ch have been conducted by ap
plying survey re search design. These data are collected and analyzed by scientists. The prominent
ranges identified are 0-100, 100-200 and 200-300. Single case study was found to be most
prominent research design among researchers and utilization of questionnaires to collect data was
most preferred method. The study reporting that there is ste ep rise in single case study research
design during year of 2008 and 2009. You should also know that the dissertation uses an empirical
methodology. Hence many in dustries are not a ble to impleme nt the complete set of LM princ iples
in their organiz ation. One of the significant finding is that theo ry building and theory verification
are having almost equal number of ar ticles and both are advancing promisingly in the field of
empirical research. Th e most important obse rvation is that the top three positio ns are occupie d by
the same type of was tes in both case stu dy approa ch and survey research design. Systematic
literature review uses standardized methods and rigorous approach to identify and appraise relevant
research. With strategic management, you can also analyze and assess the effects of its
implementation. The review of the literature also aims at highlighting open issues that will be
addressed in the development of the project. Make an Outline 5. Write the Contents of Your
Literature Review Why is a literature review important. Summarize the remaining most relevant
sources, and include its main points, why it’s important, a project statement, and relevant
information. 4. Make an Outline Choose an outline that you want to use for literature review. The
empirical literature review, on the other hand, seeks to address a particular empirical issue by
analyzing data. Financial inclusion becomes a major phenomenon for policy maker across the world
for planning a strong policy in achieving the sustainable growth. The majority of articles are
conceptual rather than empirical in nature. The types of the literature review are narrative,
systematic, argumentative, integrative, and theoretical. It also represents the p opulation of
qualitative Type of respondent Number of articles Percentage Top level management 9 5.06 CEO 3
1.69 Directors 1 0.56 Executives 5 2.81 Middle level management 26 14.61 Lean managers 2 1.12
Logistics managers 3 1.69 Managers 21 11.8 Lower level management 9 5.06 Engineers 1 0.56
Employees 8 4.50 Others 49 27.52 Multiples 46 25.84 Farmers 1 0.56 Informants 1 0.56 Vendors 1
0.56 Not mentioned 85 47.75 Total 178 100. Hence it is essential to carry out literature reviews to
trace the LM history with respect to empirical research and suggest the future directions of empirical
research. Empirical research helps in theory building as well as in verification of proposed theories.
The sam e concept has been used in the present study to classify the ar ticles. Since longitudinal data
span has a longer period of research, it can provide better analysis of the system than cross-sectional
data study. 1106 IJOPM 34,8. Empirical r esearch in LM is predom inantly exe cuted with quan
titative data (6 6.29 percent) in bo th theory buildi ng and theory verif ication pro cesses than qua
litative data (aroun d 23 percent). For the success of empirical study, it is really impor tant to have the
right target of respondents. Leaving the writing to the last minute and beginning it when the deadline
is nearing will just add to the stress and complexity of the process. In the same way, interviews need
not require non respondent characteristics or pilot testing. In recent years, economists have
developed new models of endogenous economic growth that consider policy influences on growth
and divergent outcomes among countries. The experiment is carried out by means of calibrated
instruments in a controlled manner. Here are my definitions: A literature review is a study that
searches for scholarly studies on a specified topic, synthesizes and reports the results. When writing
the research paper, students often accost empirical studies and literature review.