Geothermal History 4 Conversion

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Energy A History of Geothermal Energy

Conversion Research and Development
in the United States
1976 – 2006
Cover Photo Credits
The Geysers Geothermal Power Plant, Sonoma County, California
(Courtesy: Calpine Corporation)

This history of the U.S. Department of Energy’s research program in geothermal

energy is dedicated to the many government employees who worked diligently
for the program’s success. Those men and women are too numerous to mention
individually, given the history’s 30-year time span. But they deserve recognition
nonetheless for their professionalism and exceptional drive to make geothermal
technology a viable option in solving the Nation’s energy problems. Special
recognition is given here to those persons who assumed the leadership role
for the program and all the duties and responsibilities pertaining thereto:

• Eric Willis, 1976-77

• James Bresee, 1977-78
• Bennie Di Bona, 1979-80
• John Salisbury, 1980-81
• John “Ted” Mock, 1982-94
• Allan Jelacic, 1995-1999
• Peter Goldman, 1999-2003
• Leland “Roy” Mink, 2003-06

These leaders, along with their able staffs, are commended for a job
well done. The future of geothermal energy in the United States is
brighter today than ever before thanks to their tireless efforts.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion i

ii A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Table of Contents
Preface.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Acknowledgements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Accomplishments and Impacts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Major Research Projects.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.0 DOE Test Facilities and Demonstration Plants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1 Raft River, Idaho.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.2 Geothermal Components Test Facility.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3 Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Heber Binary Demonstration Plant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Pleasant Bayou—Hybrid Geo-pressured Geothermal Power Plant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.6 Small-Scale Field Verification Projects.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.7 Findings and Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.0 Materials Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Early Materials and Fouling Studies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2 Material Development Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3 Findings and Conclusions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.0 Geothermal Fluid Chemistry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.1 Geothermal Chemistry Projects.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 Treatment of Geothermal Brines.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3 Recovery of Minerals and Metals from Geothermal Brines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4 Findings and Conclusions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.0 Power Plant Design and Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1 Component Development Projects.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2 Power Cycle Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3 Findings and Conclusions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.0 Power Plant Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.1 Improved Monitors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2 Noncondensable Gas Removal System for Binary Plants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.3 Off-Design Operation of Air-Cooled Binary Plants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.4 Findings and Conclusions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.0 Power Plant Analytical Studies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.1 Geothermal Sourcebook.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.2 Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.3 Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6.4 Findings and Conclusions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Conclusion.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Appendix A: Budget history of the federal geothermal research program, 1976 – 2006.. . . . . . . . 115
Abbreviations & Acronyms.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
References Organized by Major Research Project Area .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Numbered References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion iii

List of Figures
Figure 1. Flash-steam geothermal power plant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Figure 2. Binary cycle geothermal power plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Figure 3. Raft River 5-MW binary pilot plant, Idaho.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 4. 500-kW direct contact pilot plant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 5. Schematic of Sperry gravity head system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 6. Heber Binary Demonstration Plant, California.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 7. Geopressured-geothermal hybrid cycle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 8. Estimated life cycle costs of brine-working fluid heat exchangers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Figure 9. Process for converting geothermal sludge from regulated
to non-regulated waste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 10. Schematic of spray column direct contact pre-heater boiler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 11. Cross section of fluidized bed heat exchanger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 12. Fluted condenser tube.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figure 13. Air-cooled binary plants near Mammoth Lakes, California.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Figure 15. Thermographic test results without and with winglets
(“toe-in” configuration). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Figure 16. Heat transfer and hydraulic performance test results
from the Single-Blow Test Facility.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 17. Tabbed fin design for plate and circular fins.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 18. Flow visualization tests with plain and tabbed circular fins.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Figure 19(a). Heat rejection test results with plate fins and ½-inch tubes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 19(b). Measured pressure drop test results with plate fins and ½-inch tubes.. . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 20. Independent test results for tabbed fin and
winglet vortex generator concepts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Figure 21. Examples of structured packing materials used in the
advanced direct-contact condenser.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Figure 22. Heat addition and rejection processes with mixed working fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Figure 23. Turbine expansions with modified inlet conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Figure 24. Binary cycle practical limits of performance.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Figure 25. Heat Cycle Research Facility with a vertical condenser orientation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Figure 26. Heat Cycle Research Facility with the condenser at a 10-degree orientation. . . . . . 70
Figure 27. Heat Cycle Research Facility impulse turbine performance
with isobutane and modified inlet conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Figure 28. Effect of metastable expansions on radial inflow turbine performance.. . . . . . . . . . . 73
Figure 29. Variation in MPI-100 turbine efficiency during investigation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

iv A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Figure 30. Effect of working fluids on binary plant performance

and levelized cost of energy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Figure 31. Summary of projected improvements in LCOE
with optimized working fluids, $1997.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 32. Schematic of Maloney-Robertson cycle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 33. Temperature-entropy plot with tri-lateral cycle imposed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Figure 34. Hydrogen sulfide measurements during extended test at the
Northern California Power Agency Unit 1 plant at The Geysers, California.. . . . . . . . 87
Figure 35. Optical steam quality monitor probes and electronics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Figure 36. Steam quality monitor response to turbine water washing.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Figure 37. Most probable number results from sampling at The Geysers, California.. . . . . . . . . 92
Figure 38. BIoGEORGE™ data collected during testing at the Bonnett plant, Utah
(December 2000 to January 2002).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Figure 39. Accumulation of noncondensable gases in commercial binary plant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Figure 40. Gas membrane separation system to continuously remove
noncondensable gases from a binary working fluid system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Figure 41. Reduction in noncondensable gases in Steamboat I, Nevada condenser.. . . . . . . . . 97
Figure 42. The effect of ambient conditions on the performance of an
air-cooled binary plant operating at its design geothermal conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . 99
Figure 43. Spray nozzle evaporative cooling system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 44. Monthly electricity production for evaporative cooling
enhancement methods.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 45. GETEM showing the impact of different well field cost scenarios
on the total cost of an air-cooled binary project.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111-112

List of Tables
Table 1. Major advances resulting from the Department of Energy’s
geothermal energy conversion R&D programs, 1976 – 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 2. Results of value analysis showing effects of advanced cycles
on cost of electricity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Table 3. Air-cooled plants compared to water-cooled plants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Table 4. First year cost comparison of biological measurement methods.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Table 5. The impact on plant power output projected for
two geothermal resource scenarios.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Table 6. Economic results for the various evaporative enhancement methods.. . . . . . . . . . . 104

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion v

vi A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

In the 1970s, the publicly available information about geothermal systems was
woefully inadequate. The understanding of geothermal resources and the means for
their optimum development was primitive. Much of the extant information was
held in private company files. Lack of information meant only a few companies
invested in exploration and resource development. Utilities did not understand the
geothermal resource, especially the risks and costs of development, and they were
therefore reluctant to sign long-term geothermal power purchase agreements. For
the same reasons, financial institutions were wary of funding geothermal energy
projects. Development of the large resource base in the United States, apart from
The Geysers in California, was essentially stagnant. This was the environment
in which the U.S. Government’s geothermal research and development (R&D)
program began.

The intent of the geothermal program was to understand geothermal resources,

improve geothermal science and engineering technology, and ensure that
information was publicly available to geothermal stakeholders, such as developers,
utilities, financial institutions, regulators, and others necessary to spur development
of a vital, progressive geothermal industry. As this report will demonstrate, the
intent was achieved, to the benefit not only of geothermal energy development in
the United States but also around the world.

This report is one of a series issued by the U.S. Department of Energy (the
Department) to document the many and varied accomplishments stemming
from the government’s sponsorship of geothermal research since 1976. The report
represents a history of the major research programs and projects that have had
a lasting impact on the use of geothermal energy in the United States and those
that promise to have an impact. We have not attempted to write the definitive
history of the Geothermal Technologies Program and the $1.3 billion that
were expended through 2006 on geothermal research. Rather, we have brought
together the collective memories of those who participated in the program to
highlight advances that the participants deem worthy of special recognition.

In particular, this report examines the work done in one key area of geothermal
technology development: Energy Conversion. Companion reports cover work
in other areas, including Drilling, Exploration, and Reservoir Engineering.
The history focuses on the period from 1976 to 2006, when the Department
was the lead agency for geothermal technology research as mandated by the
Geothermal Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976. The
earlier groundbreaking work by precursor agencies, such as the National Science

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion vii

Foundation, Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Energy
Research and Development Administration, is cited as appropriate but is by no
means complete.

Those who wish to learn more about certain topics discussed herein should
consult the references listed in the report. These sources give the reader access to
a much larger body of literature that covers the topics in greater detail. Another
useful source of information about the Department’s geothermal research can
be found in the Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection (
geothermal/) maintained by the Office of Science and Technology Information.

The budget history of the federal geothermal research program during the 30-
year period documented here is included as Appendix A. That portion of the
budget devoted to energy conversion is highlighted and amounts to about
$320 million in actual dollars. Funding for work in energy conversion ended in
fiscal year 2006 with a decision by the Department to refocus limited funding
resources on higher priority needs within the Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy. That decision does not preclude future work in this area,
as the needs for geothermal technology development are assessed. This report
documents the products and benefits of that earlier research investment.

viii A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

While the many contributors to U.S. Department of Energy-supported geothermal
energy conversion research and development over the years are too numerous to
acknowledge by name, we wish to mention those who participated in writing
this report. The primary author was Gregory L. Mines of the Idaho National
Laboratory, for many years a principal investigator in the energy conversion
program. Contributors include Carol J. Bruton, Ph.D., Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory (retired); R. Gerald Nix, Ph.D., National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (retired); and from Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Thomas A. Butcher, Ph.D., Lawrence E. Kukacka (retired), and Eugene T.
Premuzic, Ph.D. (retired). Elizabeth C. Battocletti and Allan Jelacic served as the
report’s technical editors. These persons deserve credit for assembling a history
of impressive accomplishment that will continue to reap benefits for many
years to come. To the individuals whose efforts are not specifically identified
in this report, the Department and authors offer their sincere gratitude.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion ix

x A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

This report summarizes significant research projects performed by the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE)’s Geothermal Technologies Program1 over
the past 30 years to overcome challenges in energy conversion and make
geothermal electricity more cost-competitive. At the onset of DOE’s efforts in
the 1970s, several national laboratories, universities, and contractors conducted
energy conversion research. Since the 1980s, work was primarily conducted at
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL),
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL).2 While this document discusses research done
in the 1970s, emphasis has been placed on work done since the 1980s.

When DOE’s energy conversion research and development (R&D) program

began, commercial power production from geothermal resources in the United
States was limited to The Geysers, a dry-steam field located in northern
California. No commercial facility in the United States used liquid-dominated
resources for power production. In order to support its research activities,
DOE developed test facilities in California at the Salton Sea, East Mesa, and
Heber; in Idaho at Raft River; and later in Texas at Pleasant Bayou. At selected
DOE facilities, power plants were constructed incorporating the “first use” of
specific technologies, including multiple boiling binary cycles, supercritical
binary cycles using working fluid mixtures, and hybrid cycles for geopressured-
geothermal resources. In addition to national laboratory and university
researchers, DOE also contracted with the geothermal industry to conduct
research at these facilities. Developing the technologies to improve the economic
feasibility of using liquid-dominated resources for power production was, and
remains, the primary goal of DOE’s energy conversion R&D activities.

Increasing interest in developing geothermal resources in southern California’s

Imperial Valley resulted in early research efforts concentrated on identifying
materials and plant components that were compatible with the hot, corrosive,
mineral-laden fluids found in the valley. Research efforts also focused on
developing techniques for handling these fluids. While a wide range of activities
was conducted in the early research period, primary emphasis was placed
on understanding geothermal fluid chemistry and developing materials and
components such as heat exchangers. Geothermal fluids produced from liquid-
dominated resources are hot and may contain significant levels of dissolved solids
with a higher potential for corrosion and scaling. Identifying compatible materials
and minimizing the precipitation of dissolved solids are important in determining
the feasibility of using liquid-dominated resources for power production.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 1

In 1978, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) performed an assessment3-4 that

indicated a greater abundance of lower temperature geothermal resources. As a
result, focus was increasingly placed on developing binary cycle technologies for
low-temperature conversion. Because power production potential varies directly with
the resource temperature, the economic feasibility of power production from these
resources was deemed marginal at best. Consequently, DOE began to emphasize
developing binary cycle technologies in order to improve the economic viability of
using lower temperature resources to generate power. DOE research in the 1980s and
1990s focused on technologies to improve the performance of binary power cycles.

Two energy conversion systems have emerged for power production using liquid-
dominated geothermal resources. For higher temperature resources, the flash-steam
power cycle is favored (Figure 1). In this cycle, the pressure of the geothermal fluid
is reduced until the fluid begins to boil, or flash. The flashed steam is separated
from the liquid and expanded through a turbine coupled to an electric generator.
The un-flashed liquid is injected back into the reservoir. The flash-steam power
cycle has several advantages: 1) the corrosive and scale-prone liquid, or brine, is
not exposed to the main plant components (turbine and condenser); 2) the steam
condensate can be used for make-up in an evaporative heat rejection system; and
3) the cycle is relatively simple to engineer. While a flash-steam plant had yet to
be built in the United States by the mid-1970s, the technology was being used
commercially in New Zealand, Japan, the then-Soviet Union, and Mexico.5

The other conversion system, the binary cycle, is commonly used in low-temperature
applications, but is becoming increasingly popular with medium- and even high-
temperature geothermal resources (Figure 2). In a binary cycle, heat is transferred from the
geothermal fluid to a secondary working fluid. In this heat transfer process, the working
fluid—usually a hydrocarbon with a low boiling point—is vaporized. The pressurized
vapor is then expanded through a turbine coupled to an electric generator. The expanded
working vapor is cooled, condensed, and pumped back to the geothermal heat exchangers
to complete the closed working fluid loop. The binary cycle has certain advantages.
The geothermal fluid is never exposed to the ambient environment, all geothermal
fluid produced is reinjected, and the cycle has potential for greater power production
from a given geothermal fluid flow. In the early 1970s, the binary conversion cycle for
geothermal power generation was only used at a small plant in the then-Soviet Union.5

2 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Figure 1. Flash-steam geothermal power plant

Figure 2. Binary cycle geothermal power plant

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 3

As the geothermal industry began to build commercial plants using liquid-

dominated resources, field validation of technologies shifted from DOE facilities
to commercial geothermal power plants. By the early 1990s, all DOE-supported
test facilities were closed. National laboratory investigators worked closely with
industry on field validation of technologies to improve the economic feasibility
of power production. Increased interaction with industry resulted in identifying
technology improvements for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of
geothermal power plants, including those using vapor-dominated resources.
DOE addressed these O&M issues through direct cost-shared research with
industry, as well as through research by national laboratories and universities
working in partnership with industry. DOE R&D worked to lower power
generation costs through research and development in several areas including:

• Longer lasting materials that are easier to replace or repair.

• Improved methods for handling highly corrosive and scale-prone fluids.
• More efficient conversion cycles.
• Innovative components that have improved performance and lower costs.
• More robust power conversion systems that can accommodate time-variant
resources and ambient conditions.
• Improved instrumentation that provides real-time monitoring of plant processes.
Energy conversion research performed through DOE contributed to
the introduction of new “game changing” advances including:

• Binary conversion cycles allowing access to lower temperature resources.

• Understanding geochemistry in energy conversion systems that use highly
saline brines—such as those found at the Salton Sea—which has resulted in
over 300 megawatts (MW) of power production.
• Conversion efficiency improvements using better components, including
the Advanced Direct Contact Condenser that increased a plant’s output by
five percent.
• Removal of air from binary working fluid systems, increasing plant output by
four percent and reducing hydrocarbon losses by several orders of magnitude.
• Coatings like polyphenylene sulfide which, when applied to a carbon steel
base, provide corrosion resistance for inexpensive construction materials and
improve performance.
• Innovative instruments to enhance plant operability, including a new
technology for monitoring both steam quality and mineral scaling of
internal turbine surfaces.

4 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

and Impacts
At the inception of DOE’s energy conversion research activities in the 1970s, The
Geysers in northern California was the only operating geothermal power plant
in the United States. It had a power plant capacity of 396 MW.5 Thirty years
later, at the end of 2004, U.S. geothermal power installed production capacity
totaled 2,534 MW,6 of which 1,100 MW was generated from liquid-dominated
resources outside of The Geysers. Of this total U.S. installed capacity, just over
2,000 MW of power was delivered for sale. Much of this growth occurred in the
1980s and early 1990s when DOE’s funding for research activities was higher
than current levels. While it is impossible to directly tie growth in geothermal
power to specific research activities, DOE’s research on energy conversion
undoubtedly contributed to the development of specific geothermal resources.

The Salton Sea geothermal resource in California’s Imperial Valley is the second
most significant geothermal power producer in the United States. According to
the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), geothermal power plants in the Salton
Sea produce approximately 335 MW from this very hot (265°C [509°F]), very
saline (> 200,000 part per million [ppm]) resource. DOE supported the early
development of the brine acidification and reactor-clarifier technologies used in
the Salton Sea power plants. In fact, without this DOE research, development
of the Salton Sea geothermal resource would have been significantly delayed.

Researchers supported by DOE repeatedly demonstrated a number of technology

“firsts” that have subsequently been adopted by industry. Examples include:
• The first binary cycle geothermal power generated in the United States was
accomplished with small prototype plants whose design, construction, and
operation were supported by DOE.
• The improvement in binary cycle performance, which resulted from boiling
the working fluid at multiple pressures, was successfully demonstrated at
DOE’s 5-MW Binary Pilot Plant at Raft River in Idaho.
• Early DOE researchers were the first to use downhole pumps to increase
production from geothermal wells. Though early efforts were not very
successful, techniques were developed that extended pump operating life.
The Raft River facility successfully used a downhole lubrication system for
line-shaft pumps. This system has been widely adapted by the industry.
• Automated, unattended operation of small binary plants was demonstrated
at the Raft River Prototype Plant.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 5

Over the years, the U.S. geothermal industry has frequently adopted or adapted
DOE-supported technologies, leading to commercial use of these technologies
in geothermal plants. For example, industry adapted the automated plant
control pioneered by DOE, adding an automatic restart capability. Another
example is industry’s use of “cascaded” (i.e., plants installed in series) modular
plants to improve performance. This use of modular plants in series produces
the same performance improvement as the dual-boiling cycle first demonstrated
at the Idaho DOE Raft River pilot plant in 1981. Today, approximately
40 percent of the binary power plants in the United States employ the
concept of boiling at more than one pressure to increase performance.

DOE also supported research to mitigate concerns and risks associated with
developing liquid-dominated resources. This included early investigations that
showed power plants using low- to moderate-temperature liquid-dominated
resources could use carbon steel as the construction material. This work
found that corrosion and fouling of heat exchangers by geothermal fluids was
not as extensive as previously thought. While these results were not directly
incorporated into specific plant designs, they established the adequacy of
carbon steel and the probability of low fouling factors, alleviating some of
the risk in using carbon steel. By using carbon steel instead of stainless steel
for geothermal heat exchanger tubes, heat exchanger capital costs could be
reduced by over 50 percent and total plant capital costs by up to 10 percent.7

In addition, DOE research targeted plant-specific processes and issues, resulting

in new technologies to address particular problems. The benefits of these new
technologies are difficult to quantify because they may not be relevant to all
geothermal plants. Frequently, benefits for a particular plant lie in what is avoided,
e.g., equipment repair or replacement and the loss of power sales revenue from
a plant shutdown. Examples of new technologies supported by DOE include:

• The decline in a resource’s production capacity may be offset by modifying

turbine inlet conditions and allowing expansions into the two-phase regions.
This concept was demonstrated at a DOE test facility and was subsequently
incorporated into binary plant operations, resulting in increased power
generation of up to 10 percent at some facilities. (Section 4.2.1)
• Carbon steel, widely used in geothermal power plant construction, is subject
to corrosion. DOE conducted research to develop non-metallic coatings for
carbon steel that provide the same corrosion protection as more exotic and
expensive alloys. The work performed by researchers at BNL and NREL
received R&D Magazine’s prestigious “R&D 100 Award” in 2002. The
“Smart, High-Performance Polyphenylenesulfide (PPS) Coating System”
won a Federal Laboratory Consortium Award in May 2003. (Section 2.2)
• Geothermal fluids contain noncondensable gases (NCGs), which collect in
the condensers of steam plants and decrease performance. An advanced direct

6 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

contact condenser for steam plants was developed and demonstrated at The
Geysers, resulting in an increased power output of 5 percent. The technology
earned an “R&D 100 Award” in 1999 for NREL, the Alstrom Corporation,
and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and is currently licensed to Alstrom.
(Section 4.1.4)
• While not typical, NCGs may also be an issue for binary plants. A removal
system was developed and demonstrated using membrane separation
technology to significantly reduce the level of gases, increase power output
by 4 percent, and reduce working fluid losses by factors of 10 to 20 at binary
plants. INL licensed the technology to Membrane Technology and Research,
Inc. (MTR). (Section 5.2)
• DOE-supported energy conversion research found a more effective way to
measure the moisture level of steam entering turbines. The new method
provided continuous, in situ measurement of steam quality and was
substantially more sensitive than commercially available instrumentation. In
addition, the technology could also be useful in identifying scaling of internal
turbines before significant degradation in turbine efficiency occurs. INL
licensed this technology to Thermochem. (Section 5.1.1)
• A commercially available instrument for monitoring microbial activity in fire
protection systems was adapted to continuously monitor the development of
biofilms in geothermal power plants. (Section 5.1.2)
• BNL and LLNL developed and demonstrated methods of recovering silica
from geothermal fluids. Mineral recovery is a potentially significant revenue
stream for some geothermal power plants. The technology earned an “R&D
100 Award” in 2001. (Section 3.3)
• DOE-sponsored energy conversion R&D received such additional
recognition as:
o Commendation from DOE for Geothermal Work Dealing with Brines
and Residues (Geothermal Division), 1991.
o Environmental Achievement Awards from the National Awards Council
for Environmental Sustainability, 1997 and 1998.
o “R&D 100 Award,” ThermaLock Cement, 2000.
o American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) Crosby Field Award for Best Paper and ASHRAE
Poster Presentation Award for “Thermal-Conductivity of Cementitious
Grouts and Impact on Heat Exchanger Length Design for Ground
Source Heat Pumps,” 2000.
o Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), Special Achievement Award

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 7

for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Geothermal

Resources, 2001.
In addition, DOE sponsored several definitive analyses of energy conversion systems
which remain widely in use today by industry, DOE researchers, and others, including:

• Radian Corporation developed material selection guidelines for geothermal

conversion systems using data collected by DOE researchers and industry.
The study included fluid chemistries, material test results, and operating
experiences for several geothermal resources in the United States. Rates for
different corrosion processes were summarized for the materials tested at
each resource, along with discussions of the suitability of these materials for
different plant applications at that resource. The guidelines were published as
“Material Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Energy Utilization Systems” in
• Brown University published two books reflecting the accumulated knowledge
of 39 participants representing the U.S. Government, academia, industry,
and national laboratories, each with unique expertise on different aspects of
geothermal power plants. “Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electricity”5
summarizes geothermal power plant operations worldwide. “Sourcebook on
the Production of Electricity from Geothermal Energy”9 is the authoritative
reference on the technologies needed to produce power from geothermal
energy. While both were published in 1980, much of the information remains
relevant and useful today.
• In the 1990s, a consortium of industry and government agencies, including
DOE, supported a study of the performance and cost of flash-steam and
binary power plants at eight locations. The study examined how advanced
energy conversion technologies that could be used in the near future would
impact cost and performance. The resulting Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) report, “Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants,” was published
in 1995.10
Furthermore, DOE researchers routinely presented their findings at the
GRC annual meeting, at other technical conferences, and in journals.

Conversely, industry has not yet adopted some technologies resulting from
DOE-supported research primarily because market conditions have not
been conducive to their use. Examples of such technologies include:

• Direct contact heat exchangers and fluidized bed heat exchangers are used
to transfer heat from hot brines to working fluids. In the late 1970s and
early 1980s, direct contact heat exchangers were successfully used in small
operating binary plants at both East Mesa in California and Raft River

8 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

in Idaho. When it became apparent that the lower temperature resources

generally had relatively benign fluids, these heat exchangers types were
deemed not cost-effective.
• In 1987, power was generated from a geopressured-geothermal resource in
Texas at the Pleasant Bayou hybrid binary plant using both the heat and a
portion of dissolved methane from the fluid. While technologically successful,
the plant was uneconomic relative to the cost of power generated from
conventional gas turbines. Recent increases in gas prices provide greater
economic incentive to develop this resource.
• The use of supercritical cycles and mixed working fluids to improve
performance were identified as promising, and validated in testing at DOE’s
Heat Cycle Research Facility near Heber, California in the mid-1980s.
Though the degree to which performance can be improved is dependent upon
what basis is used for the comparison, improvements of up to 20 percent
were expected. For scenarios where plant and well field development costs
are equivalent, reductions in power generation costs of up to 10 percent were
projected. Despite the low risk associated with adapting these technologies,8
they have yet to be used in any commercial plant.
o The development of the very large geothermal resource base associated with
Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) technology11 presents a significant
opportunity to use these advanced cycle concepts. EGS will likely incur
higher well field development costs in drilling to greater depths and in
creating a subsurface fracture-heat exchange system to extract the heat from
the native rock. The added costs to develop the resource and well field will
justify the use of the advanced cycle concepts.
Table 1 summarizes the major advances resulting from DOE R&D in energy
conversion from 1976 through 2006. Advances are not ranked in any particular
order of importance or priority. Each has significantly contributed to fulfilling
the goals of the federal geothermal energy conversion R&D activities.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 9

Table 1. Major advances resulting from the U.S. Department of Energy’s

geothermal energy conversion R&D programs, 1976 – 2006

Technical Area Accomplishment Significance Industry Measure

Improved Demonstrated Made lower Approximately 270 MW

Conversion viability of binary temperature (nameplate) of installed
Cycles cycles resources capacity in the United
commercial States (GEA)
Demonstrated benefit
of multiple boiling Improved Used in approximately
power cycles performance and 40 percent of binary
economic viability power production in
Confirmed no damage of binary cycles the United States
or performance
penalty from Improved plant Incorporated into
metastable turbine performance, operation at binary plant
expansions especially with complex at Mammoth
declining resource Lakes, California, with
Confirmed productivity power output increases
performance benefits of up to 10 percent
from supercritical Increased
cycles with mixed performance up to No commercial use
hydrocarbon working 20 percent
fluids Probable cycle for
EGS development

Enhanced Better understanding Clarifier and pH Salton Sea has an

Operability of brine geochemistry modification installed capacity of over
allows power 325-MW (flash) with
generation from bottoming cycles used at
hyper-saline fluids Blundell Utah (GEA)

Improved Advanced direct- Reduced cost and ADCC increased capacity

Components contact condenser increased output of Unit 11 at The Geysers
(ADCC) by 5 percent; technology
Increased power is licensed
Binary plant generation by
noncondensable gas about 4 percent Successfully
removal system and reduced demonstrated in two
working fluid operating plants;
Enhanced air- losses technology is licensed
side heat transfer
performance of air- Allows condenser Technology successfully
cooled condenser size to be reduced demonstrated at bench
or additional scale; researchers
power generated working with heat
(3 to 4 percent exchanger industry
increase in power to commercialize
or decrease in technology
plant cost)

10 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Technical Area Accomplishment Significance Industry Measure

Reduced Better materials such Reduces cost PPS can reduce the
Maintenance as PPS-coated carbon and improves levelized cost of
steel maintainability electricity (LCOE) by up
to 0.5¢ per kilowatt-hour
Demonstrated Reduces cost (kWh)
means of monitoring and improves
microbial activity in maintainability Potential reduction in
power plant cooling LCOE of 0.1 to 0.2 ¢/
waters Provides more kWh; technology is
sensitive, in commercially available
Demonstrated use situ, real-time
of improved steam monitoring of Potential reduction in
quality monitor steam quality LCOE of 0.1 to 0.2 ¢/kWh;
technology is licensed

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 11

12 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Major Research Projects

DOE energy conversion research activities at the national laboratories ran from 1973
through 2005. This document provides summaries of those activities that took place
over 30 years of research. This research is summarized in the following focus areas:

1. DOE test facilities and demonstration plants

2. Materials development

3. Geothermal fluid chemistry

4. Power plant design and engineering

5. Power plant operations

6. Power plant analytical studies.

In general, the research summary in each of these areas is given in chronological order.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 13

14 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

DOE Test Facilities
and Demonstration Plants
One of DOE’s key objectives was to conduct research using actual geothermal fluids
whenever possible. In the early 1970s, however, few liquid-dominated resources
had been developed to the extent that researchers could access actual produced
geothermal fluids. Consequently, to support its research activities, DOE developed
government-owned test facilities at the Salton Sea and East Mesa in California,
at Raft River in Idaho, and later at Pleasant Bayou in Texas. As hydrothermal
resources were developed for power production, the emphasis changed with research
increasingly conducted at commercial facilities in cooperation with industry. By the
early 1990s, all DOE-sponsored test facilities were shut down and decommissioned.

In addition to test facilities, DOE also funded the design and construction of
demonstration geothermal power plants. Two of the larger plants built were in
Idaho at Raft River and in California at Heber. Raft River was a 5-MW binary
plant using a 140°C (284°F) resource. The Heber plant was designed to produce
45 MWnet from a 182°C (360°F) resource, also using binary cycle technology.
Heber was developed with support from DOE, San Diego Gas and Electric
(SDG&E), EPRI, and several other organizations. Unlike Raft River, the Heber
geothermal reservoir was owned, developed, and operated by Chevron Geothermal
Company and Unocal Geothermal, independently of the power plant.

In addition to the above projects, a large, 50-MW flash-steam demonstration plant

was planned at the Baca Ranch in New Mexico with Unocal Geothermal and
Public Service Company of New Mexico as industry partners. The Baca project was
abandoned after exploratory drilling did not confirm sufficient steam production
to power the plant. DOE also funded the design, construction, and operation of
smaller plants at its test facilities, including the hybrid plant at Pleasant Bayou
in Texas, which used a geopressured-geothermal resource to generate power.

1.1 Raft River, Idaho

Efforts at Raft River began in the early 1970s—the first well was drilled in 1975.
The USGS supervised geological work, resource assessment, and drilling. INL
(formerly known as Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
[INEEL]) was the primary lead for R&D activities at Raft River and was
responsible for all facility operations. Additional wells were drilled and on-site
facilities were developed, which supported a variety of experiments—a number

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 15

of which focused on direct-use applications (e.g., aquaculture, food and process

drying, production of alcohol, etc.). Most DOE energy conversion R&D activities
were conducted to support a planned 5-MW binary plant; discussion of some of
those activities is included in the Materials Development section of this document.

1.1.1 Prototype Power Plant

As part of the DOE efforts at Raft River, a small prototype power plant was built
in support of the design of a larger 5-MW plant that was subsequently constructed.
The prototype plant operated intermittently from the spring of 1978 through 1982.
The plant used an isobutane working fluid and a simple, single boiling cycle, with
a water-cooled condenser. It provided insight into the operation of a binary plant,
later serving as a test bed for examining innovative concepts and components for
the proposed next generation plant at Raft River. Originally referred to as the “60-
kW Binary Plant,” the plant later became known as the “Prototype Power Plant”
when used for research activities not in direct support of the 5-MW pilot plant.

As part of initial testing, the prototype power plant was operated continuously in an
un-manned mode over a five-month period in 1979.12 This testing confirmed the
plant’s operational stability, even during periods when geothermal fluid flow rates
and temperatures changed. It also validated the feasibility of designing a plant to
operate in an automatic, un-manned mode.

The facility was later used to test a sieve tray direct contact heat exchanger,13 and
served as a test bed for Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) fluted-tube
condenser. The plant was subsequently modified to test supercritical cycles with
mixtures. With the termination of operations at Raft River, the equipment was
moved to DOE’s East Mesa test facility in southern California, becoming part of
the Heat Cycle Research Facility (HCRF).

1.1.2 Raft River 5-MW Binary Pilot Plant

In the late 1970s, DOE decided to construct a larger binary power plant at Raft
River. The 5-MW plant began producing power from the 140°C (284°F) Raft River
resource in 1981.14 The plant used an isobutane working fluid in a dual boiling
cycle. This was the first use of multiple levels of boiling in a binary cycle used to
increase plant performance. A photo of the Raft River plant is shown in Figure 3.
The low- and high-pressure pre-heaters and kettle boilers are in the foreground.

16 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

Figure 3. Raft River 5-MW binary pilot plant, Idaho

The Raft River 5-MW plant, one of the first binary plants built in the United
States, was used to validate the adequacy of engineering tools and methods in
sizing and predicting the performance of binary plant components (e.g., heat
exchangers, condensers, and turbines). Researchers worked with Heat Transfer
Research, Inc. (HTRI) to assess the adequacy of the heat exchanger design
codes, and with the University of Oklahoma and the University of Utah to
obtain property codes to predict thermodynamic and transport properties.

Prior to plant start-up, tests were conducted with both electric submersible and
line-shaft pumps in the production wells; the latter were subsequently used. Line-
shaft pumps provided a longer operating life with the adaptation of a down-hole
lubrication system developed for the line shaft bearings. Submersible pumps were
found to be unreliable, especially with repeated pump shutdowns and restarts.

Anticipating that legal rights would be secured to use surface or near-surface

water for cooling water make-up, the Raft River plant featured an evaporative
heat rejection system with a water-cooled condenser. When such legal rights were
not obtained, cooled geothermal fluid was used for make-up to the heat rejection
system.15 While other facilities had used cooled geothermal fluid to augment a
sensible heat rejection system, this is the only known application where the cooled
brine provided the only source of make-up for an evaporative heat rejection system.
Pre-treating cooled geothermal fluid was labor intensive and used large amounts
of chemicals.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 17

High operating costs, combined with the northwestern states’ abundant, low
cost hydropower, resulted in the plant’s shutdown in 1982 when participating
utilities declined to take over and continue operation of the plant. The site
was “mothballed” and the plant sold by DOE in 1984. U.S. Geothermal,
Inc. acquired the resource in 2002 and is selling 10 MW of electricity from
the Raft River Unit 1 power plant to the Idaho Power Company.16

1.2 Geothermal Components Test Facility

The Geothermal Components Test Facility was located in the East Mesa area of
California’s Imperial Valley. The facility was initially part of a Bureau of Reclamation
desalination project. In 1976, the facility was expanded to provide the Energy
Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and later DOE17 with a test
facility for investigating geothermal conversion system equipment, brine chemistry,
and materials. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) managed the facility
operations during this period. In 1978, DOE became the exclusive operator of the
facility, which was subsequently referred to as the Geothermal Test Facility (GTF).
By the mid-1980s, the INL HCRF was the only experimenter still at the GTF.
When geothermal fluid supply became inadequate, the HCRF was moved to the
B.C. McCabe plant18 location in 1988, ending experimental activities at the GTF.

While in operation, the GTF was open to anyone with equipment to test,
including lab researchers, industry, universities, and other government agencies.
Three major facility projects are summarized in the subsequent paragraphs:

1. The 500-kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant.

2. The Sperry Gravity Head Cycle Demonstration Plant.

3. The East Mesa Geothermal Pump Test Facility.

Additional DOE-supported activities at the GTF are described in the Materials

Development, Geothermal Fluid Chemistry, and Component Development
Projects sections.

1.2.1 500-kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant

In 1979, a binary pilot plant was constructed at the GTF utilizing a direct contact heat
exchanger to heat and vaporize an isobutane working fluid. The plant was designed,
constructed, and operated by Barber-Nichols Engineering under contract to LBNL.

The direct contact heat exchanger (DCHX) used a spray tower configuration, where
cold isobutane working fluid entered near the bottom of the DCHX. The isobutane
passed through a perforated plate to form droplets that were then heated as they rose
through the heavier, down-flowing geothermal fluid. These droplets vaporized in
the upper portion of the DCHX where the brine was introduced. Before entering

18 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

the DCHX, brine pressure was lowered until the fluid began to flash. This was done
to remove NCGs before they could contaminate the working fluid system.19

The initial plant configuration employed evaporative condensers. The working

fluid was condensed inside of tubes; both water and air were passed over the
outer condenser tube surfaces. The plant used a working fluid recovery system
to minimize the loss of isobutane dissolved or entrained in the geothermal
fluid leaving the plant. A photo of the plant is shown in Figure 4. The DCHX
is the large vertical vessel in the middle of the photo. The brine handling
equipment is to the left of the DCHX, and the condensers are to the right.

Figure 4. 500-kW direct contact pilot plant

With the exception of the turbine, the plant equipment met or exceeded
expected performance in spite of higher-than-anticipated levels of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the geothermal fluid.20 The DCHX performance testing yielded
smaller internal approach temperatures (0.6°C to 2.1°C [1.1°F to 3.7°F]) than
design (3.9°C [7.0°F]), suggesting little internal recirculation had occurred.
The operation was stable, and no significant control issues were encountered.
Turbine failures experienced during the plant’s early operation were resolved
by correcting a mechanical design fault. Applying a commercial-scale inhibitor
in the geothermal fluid before it entered the plant solved scaling problems.

A submersible pump was used in the production well supplying the plant. Pump
reliability issues were resolved by installing a surface-mounted oil pressurization
system that kept the submersible pump motor pressurized. This significantly

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 19

extended the pump life; the pump operated for approximately 8,000 hours before
wear on the pump stages due to formation sand became excessive. This was the
first successful use of an electrical submersible pump in a geothermal application.

1.2.2 Sperry Gravity Head Cycle Demonstration Plant

In 1978, DOE began funding the development of a full-scale well head power
plant to demonstrate the gravity head geothermal energy conversion system
being developed by Sperry Corporation. In this binary conversion cycle, heat
transfer between the geothermal fluid and the working fluid occurred in the
well bore where the working fluid flowed in tubing down the well. At the
bottom of the heat exchanger, the heated working fluid was expanded through
a turbine that is directly coupled to the geothermal production pump. The
high temperature, high pressure working fluid exiting this turbine flowed
back to the surface through a central riser. Back at the surface, the working
fluid was expanded in a conventional turbine, condensed, and returned to the
well head. Because of the density head of the working fluid in the well, little,
if any, working fluid pumping power is required to maintain the working
fluid circulation in the loop. The avoidance of this parasitic load is the main
performance advantage of the Sperry gravity head cycle over the conventional
binary cycle.21 A schematic of the Sperry gravity head cycle is shown in Figure 5.

Work to locate the Sperry facility at the GTF began in 1980, with site preparation
followed by delivery and installation of the “surface” equipment. Drilling of Well
87-6, which would be used for the demonstration project, also began in 1980.
Numerous problems occurred in drilling the well to a depth of 6,274 feet, including
difficulty setting the two large casing strings in the upper portion of the well,
unexpected returns during the cementing of casing, and apparent lost circulation.
Difficulties were subsequently encountered in trying to kill the well (i.e., placing
a column of heavy fluid into a well bore in order to prevent the flow of reservoir
fluids without the need for pressure control equipment at the surface), apparently
due to a serious casing leak. An attempt to salvage the well by putting in a thin-
walled liner in the upper portion of the well failed when the liner collapsed. At this
point construction activities were terminated, even though the surface equipment
had been installed and the downhole assembly was ready for installation in the
well. Following DOE’s decision in July 1981 to end its involvement, the well
was plugged and abandoned. Sperry’s efforts to obtain funds to drill another well
at the location were unsuccessful, and the project was eventually terminated.

20 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

Figure 5. Schematic of Sperry gravity head system

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 21

1.2.3 Geothermal Pump Test Facility, East Mesa

As the temperature of a geothermal resource decreases, the amount of
fluid required to produce a given level of power increases. For power to be
generated from lower temperature resources, down-hole pumps are needed
to increase flow from production wells. Because an electric submersible
pump can be set deeper in the well, it has greater potential to provide the
higher flow rates needed. To facilitate the development of these pumps for
geothermal applications, DOE contracted with Barber Nichols Engineering
to design and construct a test facility for down-hole pumps. In 1982, the
Geothermal Pump Test Facility (GPTF) was constructed at the GTF.22

Pump manufacturers were to use the GPTF to conduct in-the-well testing

at typical geothermal operating conditions without the risk of putting a
submersible pump in an actual well. The GPTF consisted of a brine control
module, a test section located 160 feet below ground, a hydraulic turbine for
power recovery, and a gantry-mounted hoist for pump handling. The facility
was capable of testing pumps from 70 to 750 horsepower. The fluid used in the
testing was supplied from one of the GTF wells. Following construction, the
declining geothermal budget could not support DOE’s testing of production
pumps. Although the facility was available for use by pump manufacturers
and other entities, the GPTF was not used for any further testing.

1.3 Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility

The Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility (GLEF) was completed in
1976 in California’s Imperial Valley to examine the technical and economic
feasibility of using high-temperature, hyper-saline brines produced from the
Salton Sea resource. GLEF was a cost-shared project between SDG&E and
ERDA/DOE. The geothermal fluid was provided by Imperial Magma and
New Albion Resource Company. LLNL conducted R&D activities at GLEF
and provided direct technical support to the facility operation. The Bureau of
Mines also conducted material investigations at the facility to identify materials
most suitable for power plant design and operation with these fluids.23

The geothermal fluid used by the GLEF had a well head temperature of 191°C
(375°F) and a pressure of about 150 pound-force per square inch gauge (psig). The
total dissolved solids (TDS) exceeded 200,000 ppm and the noncondensable gas
levels were about 3 percent by weight. Production wells were located near a region
that had previously been used for CO2 production. Concerns that produced fluids
could have excessively high levels of CO2 (a noncondensable gas) contributed
to the original decision to use a hybrid flash-binary power cycle at the GLEF.

The GLEF was originally configured as a four-stage flash-binary pilot plant,

with steam produced by flashing the brine at four different pressures. The

22 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

steam produced by flashing was used to preheat and vaporize the binary cycle’s
working fluid. The high-pressure working fluid (distilled water in this case)
leaving the vaporizer was then expanded across a throttling valve, with the
provision that this valve could be replaced by a 10-MW turbine. Scaling in
the brine system, process oscillations, lower-than-expected NCG content, and
brine supply problems all hampered early operation. In 1978, the GLEF was
modified, and the plant’s brine portion was converted to a double-flash system.
Subsequent testing emphasized the brine or liquid portion of the plant.

Later modifications allowed for testing an effluent brine treatment system (clarifier-
filter). The reactor clarifier process was used to accelerate the silica precipitation
through rapid mixing and seeding with previously precipitated silica particles. The
precipitated solids formed a sludge on the bottom of the clarifier that flowed to a
thickener where the solids were further concentrated before being pumped to a filter
press to remove water. The liquid leaving the clarifier was passed through a sand-
and-anthracite filter to remove any suspended solids before the fluid was injected.

Testing and operation at the GLEF was concluded in the fall of 1979,
completing a test program focused on finding solutions to issues associated with
handling a geothermal fluid with extremely high potentials for both scaling
and corrosion.24 Additional discussion of the testing performed at the GLEF
can be found in the Geothermal Fluid Chemistry section of this document.

1.4 Heber Binary Demonstration Plant

In 1980, DOE entered into an agreement with SDG&E to share the cost with
EPRI and others of constructing a 45-MWnet binary power plant near Heber,
California. The purpose would be to demonstrate the ability of binary technology
to produce power economically from moderate-temperature hydrothermal
resources. At the time, the 45-MW size for the Heber plant was postulated as
being the size needed to demonstrate the technology’s commercial viability. The
plant was designed to use the 180°C (360°F) resource to generate 65 MW of gross
output from a binary cycle where a mixed hydrocarbon working fluid (isobutane
and isopentane) was vaporized at a supercritical pressure. While this cycle provided
a performance advantage relative to subcritical cycles using single component
working fluids, to this day the Heber plant remains the only commercial-
sized application of a supercritical cycle employing a mixed working fluid.

The Heber plant was designed with two parallel trains of geothermal heat
exchangers and two water-cooled, hydrocarbon condensers. The design incorporated
four pairs of working fluid pumps in parallel, four brine injection pumps, and
two cooling water pumps. The plant had a single turbine and generator set.
Figure 6 shows an aerial view of the Heber Binary Demonstration Plant.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 23

Figure 6. Heber Binary Demonstration Plant, California

The Heber plant went online in 1985. Although some of the plant’s hydrocarbon
pumps experienced problems, the primary issue was the field operator’s inability
to supply the expected flow to the plant: the plant and field were owned and
operated by separate entities. The limited flexibility of the plant’s design resulted
in greater parasitic loads at reduced flow rates, reducing net output. The use of a
single turbine generator contributed to this lack of operation flexibility and limited
output. Design turbine inlet conditions could not be met due to the reduced
brine flow, adversely affecting turbine efficiency. The temperature limit, which
was imposed to prevent silica precipitation, required additional throttling of the
working fluid flow and consequently contributed to keeping the power output low.

Subsequently, the Heber plant production capacity was expanded and had a design
brine flow rate of 7.65 million pounds per hour (lb/h). By 1987, flow rates reached
up to 4.9 million lb/h, producing a maximum plant output of 36 MW (gross)
and 21 MW (net).25 In the late 1980s, plant operation was suspended due to the
inability of the plant and field operators to resolve issues related to the adequacy
of geothermal fluid supply.

Because the maximum geothermal fluid flow supplied to the plant was only
about 65 percent of the design value in the first two years of plant operation,
the performance of the working fluid system components and supercritical cycle
with the mixed working fluid could not be fairly assessed. The properties were
subsequently sold to Ormat Technologies, Inc., which expanded the field and
built a binary plant immediately adjacent to the 45-MW plant.

24 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

1.5 Pleasant Bayou—Hybrid Geo-pressured

Geothermal Power Plant
In 1989, DOE and EPRI co-funded the demonstration of a hybrid power concept
using the geopressured geothermal resource at DOE’s Pleasant Bayou test facility in
Texas. Ben Holt Company designed the plant. Eaton Operating Company, Inc. and
the Gas Research Institute (now called the Institute of Gas Technology [IGT]) built
and operated it.

In a typical hybrid conversion system, electricity is generated from a geopressured

resource by using the thermal and hydraulic energy in the co-produced high-
pressure, high-temperature brine as well as from the methane dissolved in the brine.
A simplified schematic of the flow diagram for a hybrid plant is shown in Figure 7.

The high-pressure fluid at the well head is expanded through a pressure reduction
turbine that drives an electrical generator. As fluid pressure drops, the methane gas
in the brine comes out of the solution. The gas is separated from the brine and either
sold as natural gas or burned in a gas engine to produce electrical power. The hot,
liquid brine leaving the gas separator is used in a conventional geothermal binary
cycle plant to preheat and vaporize the binary working fluid before being injected.
In this hybrid cycle, the exhaust gas from the gas engine vaporizes a portion of the
working fluid flow.

Figure 7. Geopressured-geothermal hybrid cycle

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 25

With the exception of the pressure reduction turbine, this typical hybrid
system was installed at Pleasant Bayou.26 However, valves were used in lieu of
a turbine to reduce fluid pressure. The plant produced about 1 MW of power
from 10,000 barrels per day of 143°C (290°F) brine that contained 22 standard
cubic feet (scf ) of gas per barrel of brine. The gas engine generated a little more
than half of the total power; the binary cycle turbine generated the rest.

Prior to the plant’s installation at Pleasant Bayou, testing was conducted to develop
scale inhibitors for the well’s brine, which had a high potential for scaling. Testing
showed that these scaling inhibitors effectively minimized the precipitation of solids
on component surfaces exposed to the brines. Corrosion was not an issue, nor
were any control issues encountered. The plant operated reliably with availability
in excess of 97 percent despite the significant amount of used binary plant
equipment which primarily came from the decommissioned 500-kW plant at East
Mesa. The Pleasant Bayou plant went online in October 1989 and operated until
May 1990 when it was shut down because the injection well required rework.

1.6 Small-Scale Field Verification Projects

Small-scale geothermal power plants are attractive because they can provide
distributed power. Industry has shown (e.g., Wendell-Amadee, California and
Wabuska, Nevada) that small plants can be used when site-specific characteristics
are favorable. Generally, small plants are likely to be more expensive on a
per-kilowatt basis compared to larger plants due to economies of scale for
plant equipment, and the high fixed costs of exploration and drilling.

An analysis by NREL in 2000 found that, with cost share from the government,
a considerable opportunity for small-scale geothermal plants existed in several
western states.27 Capital costs could be reduced with field validation of innovative
conversion system designs. A solicitation was issued requesting proposals for
plants of 300 kW to 1 MW. Contracts were awarded to three projects: Exergy-
AmeriCulture, Empire Energy, and Milgro-Newcastle. The Phase I, preliminary
design work on all three projects began in 2001. Unfortunately, due to a variety of
financial and resource-related reasons, none of these small scale projects went far
beyond the initial design phase.

1.7 Findings and Conclusions

Although none of the DOE demonstration power plants or test facilities are operational
today, they provided significant contributions to the subsequent development of
geothermal energy as a source of electrical power in several specific ways including:

26 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D OE T est Facil ities and D emonstration Pl ants / 1

• Access to DOE test facilities allowed research on a variety of geothermal

fluid types, and facilitated technology advances in geothermal chemistry and
materials, as well as component and power cycle development.
• DOE-supported work, at the GLEF in California, was instrumental in the
subsequent development of power production facilities at the Salton Sea.
• The 5-MW plant at Raft River in Idaho was the first to use a multiple-boiling
cycle to improve plant performance, validating the benefits of this concept
that is now routinely used by industry (as exemplified by Ormat Technologies,
Inc.’s cascaded system with binary modules installed in series).
• The prototype plant at Raft River demonstrated the feasibility of un-
manned operation of a small binary plant. This concept has been adapted by
industry, is extensively used in small binary installations, and is increasingly
incorporated into the operations of larger plants.
• The hybrid plant at Pleasant Bayou in Texas was the first to use an energy
conversion system that generated power using both the thermal energy and
hydrocarbons in fluids produced from a geopressured resource. Though the
hybrid system was not commercially viable at the time, there is increasing
interest in Texas and elsewhere in using waters that are co-produced with
hydrocarbons to generate power.
• Because geothermal fluid flow rates never met design levels, the 45-MW
binary demonstration plant at Heber was unable to demonstrate the technical
viability and benefit of using mixed hydrocarbon working fluids. The plant,
however provided valuable information to the geothermal industry:
o It caused re-evaluation of what is the viable size of a “commercial”
binary plant.
o It reinforced the need to establish the extent and productivity of a
resource before finalizing the power generation facility design.
o It illustrated the need to provide plant design flexibility in order to
accommodate periods of operation when the geothermal fluid is
provided at less than optimal design conditions.
• Ormat Technologies, Inc. achieves this operational flexibility by
using multiple modular plants installed in parallel. The company has
developed the Heber resource for commercial power generation.
• The Ben Holt Company air-cooled binary plant design used at
Mammoth and Steamboat in California, achieved operational flexibility
by using multiple pumps and turbines in parallel. This allowed
components to be taken out of service while still producing power.
o Operational experiences at Heber stressed the importance of having a
single entity own and operate the well field and power plant.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 27

28 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Materia ls D eve lopment / 2

Materials Development
Material selection for geothermal system construction and components is
one of the critical first steps in developing a geothermal power plant design.
Fluids produced from liquid-dominated resources are hot saline or mineralized
fluids that can aggressively attack exposed surfaces resulting in corrosion rates
that can lead to premature failures of components or piping, unacceptable
O&M costs, and lost revenues due to decreased plant availability. In other
words, corrosion can significantly impact power generation costs. While the
use of expensive materials, such as titanium, can increase a plant’s capital
cost, they increase the plant’s availability and reduce O&M costs over the
lifetime of the plant. If corrosion rates are high, the use of expensive materials
can therefore result in lower power generation costs. However, if geothermal
fluids are relatively benign, the use of less expensive materials is warranted.

Due to the importance of material selection on the economic viability of

power generation, materials studies were a major research area during the
early years of federal involvement in developing geothermal energy. Several
groups conducted studies at a number of locations, many of which were
ERDA/DOE-supported facilities. With the increasing use of geothermal
resources for power generation, more cost-effective materials were developed
to meet the unique needs of selected applications in some resources.

2.1 Early Materials and Fouling Studies

In early materials research, knowledge of the characteristics of fluids produced
from liquid-dominated geothermal resources was limited. Some of the earliest
material studies were performed by LLNL at the Salton Sea, involving one of
the most chemically aggressive, hyper-saline resources found anywhere in the
world. The produced fluids had temperatures up to 225°C (437°F), with total
dissolved solid levels approaching 300,000 ppm. Corrosion rates for steel were
high (50 to 100 mils per year), as were scaling rates (100 to 160 mils in six
months).28 Acceptable materials were limited and expensive. The characteristics
of the Salton Sea resource had a significant influence on early materials work.

As other resources were developed and became available, materials R&D

work expanded beyond the Salton Sea. In the 1970s, DOE researchers
conducted materials testing at Heber, East Mesa, Coso, and The Geysers
in California; Raft River in Idaho; and Fenton Hill in New Mexico.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 29

Materials testing at Heber and Raft River supported the binary power plants built
at those locations. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) conducted tests
to identify fabrication materials for the Heber and East Mesa plants’ components
and piping systems. PNNL testing identified conditions under which carbon steel’s
corrosion rates would preclude its use.29 Results suggested carbon steel could not
be used for thin-wall applications (i.e., as the tube material in the geothermal
heat exchangers). Based upon this material testing, Allegheny Ludlum AL 29-4C®
Stainless Steel was selected as the tube material for the geothermal heaters in the
Heber plant and Trent Tube’s Sea Cure® as the material for the condenser tubes.
The remainder of the Heber plant was constructed primarily using carbon steel.

INL conducted most of the materials testing at Raft River. The temperature
of the Raft River resource was lower than that of Heber—140°C (284°F)
compared to 182°C (360°F)—with total dissolved solids of less than 3,000
ppm. Testing at Raft River indicated the general corrosion rates for carbon
steel were relatively low (up to 3.4 mils per year), but the localized corrosion
rates (pitting) with carbon steel were about three to four times higher.30 Due
to high pitting rates, admiralty brass was selected as the tubing material for the
Raft River heat exchangers. In addition to materials testing, heat exchanger
scaling tests were also performed at Raft River.31 These tests indicated that the
surfaces exposed to the geothermal fluids had lower fouling rates (annual rate
< 0.001 btu/h-ft2-°F) than expected, and the design fouling resistance for the
geothermal fluid heat exchangers was reduced by half to 0.0015 btu/h-ft2-°F.

Based on the assumption that surface or near-surface water would be available for
cooling water make-up, carbon steel was selected for the tubing material in the Raft
River’s water-cooled condensers. When it was later learned that these waters would
not be available, a test program was undertaken to develop methods to treat the
plant’s effluent geothermal water so that it could be used as the source of make-
up water.15 While methods were developed to minimize fouling in the condenser,
testing indicated the corrosion rates for the carbon steel would be excessively high.
Subsequent materials testing concluded that the Sea-Cure (A-268-79A), 70-30
Copper-Nickel (B359-B111), and Allegheny Ludlum alloys 6X (A-260) and
AL-29-4-C (A-268) would provide substantially improved condenser tube life.32

The BNL research program examined ways to improve well cements, including
the use of polymer concrete and polymer concrete-lined steel pipe for surface
equipment. Polymer concrete consists of an aggregate mixed with a monomer,
which is then polymerized in place. Steel pipe lined with this material is low in
cost and corrosion resistant. BNL researchers focused on identifying the optimal
monomer and aggregate composition to provide the desired properties, as well as
methods for best achieving the polymerization reaction. In addition to testing with
simulated geothermal fluids in laboratory autoclaves, field tests were conducted

30 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Materia ls D eve lopment / 2

at Coso, East Mesa, Heber, Salton Sea, and The Geysers in California; Raft River
in Idaho; and Fenton Hill in New Mexico. The polymer concrete was tested at
temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) for up to 960 days.33

Radian Corporation, under a DOE contract, collected data on the performance

of various materials exposed to a number of geothermal fluids, including
vapor- and liquid-dominated resources in the United States and overseas.
U.S. resources studied included Raft River, Idaho; Brady Hot Springs,
Nevada; Baca, New Mexico; Klamath Falls, Oregon; Madison Aquifer, South
Dakota; and Casa Diablo, East Mesa, Heber, Salton Sea, and The Geysers in
California. Using these data, Radian Corporation published guidelines for
selecting materials for geothermal power plants factoring in fluid chemistries,
material test results, and operating experience for the various resources.8

2.2 Material Development Projects

2.2.1 Thermoplastic Coatings—Polyphenylene Sulfide with Additives
As geothermal power plants were built to generate electricity from liquid-dominated
resources, the need arose for a low-cost alternative to carbon steel to reduce
capital and maintenance costs. This formed the basis for investigations by BNL
and NREL to develop coatings for carbon steel tubulars which were resistant to
corrosion, erosion, and fouling. BNL developed formulas and conducted laboratory
testing and analysis. NREL tested materials in the field at a variety of geothermal
resources in cooperation with geothermal power plant owners and operators.

The self-repairing, multifunctional polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) coating system

was found to have high resistance to hydrothermal oxidation in geothermal
environments with temperatures up to 200°C (392°F). Adding different filler
materials enhanced the coating system’s surface hardness, thermal conductivity,
and mechanical properties.34 Findings suggested that PPS-coated carbon steel
components could be used in place of expensive titanium alloys, Inconel™ alloys,
and stainless steels in geothermal power plants. The economic advantages of the PPS
coating are shown in Figure 8, which illustrates the life cycle costs of four 40-foot-
long, 800-tube, brine-working fluid heat exchangers of different materials. The cost
of using PPS-coated carbon steel is estimated to be 18 percent of titanium’s cost,
20 percent of stainless steel’s cost, and 25 percent of uncoated carbon steel’s cost.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 31



PPS/ Uncoated Stainless Titanium

Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Steel

Figure 8. Estimated life cycle costs of brine-working fluid heat exchangers

Through extensive laboratory and field testing by BNL and NREL, PPS-coated
carbon steel could be confidently recommended as an alternative to carbon
steel. Field testing was carried out under different conditions at various plants.
When deficiencies were discovered, fundamental materials science techniques
and analyses were used to determine causes and the necessary remediation.
The objective was to achieve successful operation at temperatures up to 300˚C
(572°F) in a variety of brines and applications. The high-performance PPS
composite lining system received an “R&D 100 Award” in 2002 and a Federal
Laboratory Consortium Award in May 2003. The PPS coating system was
commercialized by Curran International and is marketed as CurraLon™.

While most testing was done with coated carbon steel, other metals such as
aluminum were also coated and tested. Test specimens came from both BNL and
commercial coating shops like Curran International. Testing was performed at the
following locations:

• Mammoth, California: PPS heat exchanger tubes up to 40 feet in length were tested.
• Cove Fort, Utah: PPS-coated steam vent pipe was tested.
• The Geysers, California: PPS-lined caustic injection spool was tested at the
Aidlin Plant.
• Puna, Hawaii: PPS-coated heat exchanger tubes were tested.
Test results were positive.35 In addition to enhancing corrosion protection, the use
of PPS increased the ease of cleaning scale from lined heat exchanger tubes resulting
in lower maintenance costs. In instances when bonding failures occurred during
testing, investigators were able to identify the causes and make the modifications
needed to address the problems.

32 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Materia ls D eve lopment / 2

2.2.2 Advanced Coating Materials

Prior to 1997, BNL was involved with studies on coatings with a specific
focus on technical needs at The Geysers geothermal field. Corrosion
problems had contributed to a decrease in power generation and an
increase in operating costs. BNL, in cost-shared work with geothermal
steam producers, researched the following materials needs:

• Erosion and cavitation-resistant liners for steam transmission piping.

• Stress corrosion resistant materials for turbine components.
• Low cost corrosion resistant coatings for dry cooling tower applications.
• Corrosion resistant coatings for vent gas blowers.

From 1998 to 2006, a key objective of BNL’s R&D work was to develop
advanced coating material systems that could better prevent corrosion, erosion,
and fouling, and thus extend the lifetime of carbon steel plant components that
operated in harsh environments. Components that could benefit included heat
exchangers and heat exchanger tubes, sheet or pipe and pipe joint areas, well heads,
condensers, and steam separators. Because these plant components operated in
chemically, physically, and thermally different environments, the material criteria
of developing the coating systems depended on the particular component.

DOE also supported research that built on prior work to discover the
next generation of coating materials that have greater benefits than
PPS. Research covered nano-composite coatings, coatings for air-cooled
condensers, coatings for separators, and heat exchanger tube joints.

Nano-composite coatings
BNL’s effort to develop new coating materials focused on the polyetheretherketon
(PEEK)-clay nano-composite that has better thermal stability (> 300°C
[572°F]) than PPS. Efforts concentrated on developing the montmorillonite
(MMT) clay-polymer nano-composite technology, which further raises the
softening temperature and hydrothermal stability of PEEK and PPS. BNL
developed a new chemical treatment technology that made it possible to
produce functional nano-scale MMT fillers and to disperse them uniformly
in the polymer matrix.36 Preliminary testing exposing the MMT-PEEK and
MMT-PPS coatings to 300°C (572°F) brine in an autoclave was successful.

Coatings for air-cooled condensers

With increased electricity demand in the summer, an important issue is a
geothermal binary plant’s net monthly energy delivery which is reduced by
up to 30 percent during the summer as compared to the winter. A simple
way to address this problem is to spray cooled geothermal brine over the

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 33

surfaces of the aluminum-finned, steel tubing condenser. While this method

is easy, spraying the brine increases the likelihood of corroding the condenser’s
components as well as depositing geothermal brine-induced mineral scales.
Anti-corrosion and anti-fouling coatings are needed to deal with this issue.

To design coatings that met its material criteria, BNL developed a new technology
of self-assembly nano-synthesis that allowed a nano-composite structure consisting
of the nano-scale rare-earth metal oxides as the corrosion inhibitors, and water-
SUM based organometallic polymers (OMP) as the hydrophobic matrix.37 Among the
rare-earth metal oxides, environmentally benign cerium (Ce) oxide was employed
in this nano-composite system. Using this synthesis technology involving three
spontaneous reactions, condensation, amidation, and acetoxylation, between
the Ce acetate dopant and aminopropylsilane triol (APST) as the film-forming
precursor aqueous solution, a synthetic OMP material was composed of Ce
oxide as the nano-scale filler and poly-acetamide-acetoxyl methyl-propylsiloxane
(PAAMPA) polymer in a family of OMP. This nano-composite coating extended
the useful lifetime of steel exposed in a salt-fog chamber at 35°C (95°F) from
only about 10 hours to about 768 hours. Furthermore, this coating protected
an aluminum substrate from corrosion far better than it did one of steel. The
salt-spray resistance of film-covered aluminum panels was strikingly extended to
more than 1,440 hours compared with roughly 40 hours for bare aluminum.

Following the development of the OMP coating and its method of application,
NREL conducted field tests of OMP-coated aluminum-finned tubing under an
extremely harsh environment, exemplified by a field fatigue test of 24,500 cycles of
brine wet then dry conditions each cycle. Accelerated exposure tests were conducted
at the Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP binary facilities in California. Initial
results indicated the 2.2 μm coating thickness did not provide adequate corrosion
protection. Program resources did not allow for testing with thicker OMP coatings.

Coatings for steam separators

The steam separator plays a pivotal role in minimizing the extent of erosion of
the turbine blades caused by brine-laden steam containing hard mineral solids
impinging on the blade surfaces. Consequently, the metal components of separators
must exhibit excellent resistance to corrosion and abrasive wear at hydrothermal
temperatures up to 210°C (410°F). BNL worked in collaboration with Two-Phase
Engineering & Research, Inc. to develop and evaluate less costly materials as
internal coatings for carbon steel separators. Researchers also worked to develop
coatings for steam separators for use with higher temperature resources. Higher
temperature resources can require expensive materials such as the Inconel™ 625
nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) alloy, when aggressive brines are encountered. Carbon
steel vessels coated with cost-effective, high-temperature stable, anti-corrosion,
and anti-fouling materials could significantly reduce component and plant costs.

34 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Materia ls D eve lopment / 2

Heat exchanger tube joints

The application of coatings to tube surfaces in commercial heat exchangers
requires that methods be developed to join the coated tube to the heat exchanger
tube sheet. Utilizing the common rolled and welded tube joints with pre-coated
tubes often damages the coatings and lead to rapid failures of the underlying
carbon steel tubes. Efforts were focused on the application of coatings after the
tube-to-tube sheet joint has been made. BNL tested a newly developed solvent-
dissolvable polyarylethersulfone (PES) polymer provided by Solvay Advanced SUM
Polymers, L.L.C. While autoclave validation testing was limited, the PES coating
adequately protected the jointed steel against corrosion in 200°C (392°F) brine.

2.2.3 Thermal Spray Coatings for Piping Surfaces

INL researchers examined applying thermal spray coatings to the surfaces
of exposed steel (or other commonly used alloys) to provide corrosion and
scaling protection in extreme operating environments. The coating material
was a metal alloy selected to provide the required protection for a specific
application or fluid chemistry. Research focused on earlier technology
advancements that would allow these coatings to be applied to the internal
surfaces of piping typically found in commercial geothermal plants.38 Field tests
were done at CalEnergy Generation’s Salton Sea facilities. Limited tests were
also conducted at one of Calpine Corporation’s facilities at The Geysers.

Initial tests were conducted at the Salton Sea with thermal spray coated carbon
steel coupons.39 This was followed by testing coated sections of steel piping
installed between a production well and the power plant. Piping sections were
removed and the coating integrity was evaluated after nine months of operation.
Evaluation showed that the coating was at a relative 100 percent thickness
over half of the total pipe surface area. Though some decrease in the coating
thickness had occurred along the bottom of the pipe and in areas of increased
turbulence, the coating was intact, providing corrosion protection after nine
months of service. This work was done in collaboration with industry partner,
Zatorski Coating Company, Inc., and the geothermal facility operators.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 35

2.3 Findings and Conclusions

Materials development was a primary focus of the early stages of DOE-supported
energy conversion R&D and remained critical throughout the life of the program.
Key findings and conclusions include:

• Early investigations provided a wealth of information regarding fluid

chemistries, corrosion rates, fouling rates, and material compatibilities. This
SUM information was documented in Radian’s “Material Selection Guidelines
for Geothermal Energy Utilization Systems.”8 While material testing should
always be done to confirm the compatibility of candidate materials with fluids
from a specific resource, this important, early work provided the basis of
knowledge for identifying those candidate materials.
• As materials investigations expanded beyond the Salton Sea’s hot, hyper-saline
brines, testing showed that for more benign, lower temperature resources,
carbon steel was adequate for all plant components, including the thin-walled
tubes in the geothermal heat exchangers in certain instances. Using carbon
steel in lieu of stainless steel can reduce a plant’s total capital costs by up to
10 percent. Subsequent commercial binary power plants predominantly use
carbon steel for all piping and components, including the heat exchanger tubing.
• Despite carbon steel’s widespread use, industry needed a low-cost alternative
that could extend equipment life and be used with higher temperature, more
corrosive fluids. Research consequently focused on coating carbon steel
components to provide corrosion protection. PPS, a coating developed at
BNL, was shown in numerous field tests to provide corrosion protection for
lower temperature hydrothermal resources (< 200°C [392°F]).

36 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
G eot h erma l F luid Ch emistry / 3

Geothermal Fluid
Geothermal fluids are waters that are heated at depth either by the earth’s natural
geothermal gradient or by cooling of magmas injected in the upper crust from great
depth. Sources of this water vary, as do the final compositions of the heated fluids
(which can have a pH of 5 to 9) and salinities ranging from 1,000 to 300,000 ppm
TDS. Both chemistry and temperature dictate the geothermal fluid’s corrosion and
scaling potential, which in turn influences capital (material selection) and O&M
costs. Higher temperature resources, with higher enthalpy content, are desired for
power conversion but mineral solubilities generally increase with temperature. As
a consequence, hotter fluids tend to have higher levels of dissolved solids and often
carry dissolved gases as well, increasing their corrosion and scaling potential.

DOE energy conversion R&D focused on improving the understanding of

geothermal fluid chemistry—particularly the formation and control of silica scale.
A good deal of this work was done early in the program by investigators at the
Salton Sea. More recently, efforts examined mineral recovery from geothermal
fluids, creating an additional income stream for a geothermal power plant and
improving the economics of power generation.

3.1 Geothermal Chemistry Projects

3.1.1 Silica Scale Inhibition
Geothermal fluids often originate in subsurface fracture systems in quartz-
bearing rocks. The solubility of quartz (SiO2) in water generally relates directly to
temperature (i.e., higher temperature fluids contain more dissolved quartz and have
higher potential for silica scaling as energy is extracted and the fluid cools). Silica
scaling problems in geothermal applications range from moderate to so severe that
the power generation process must be specially designed to limit scaling. Variation
in fluid chemistry and plant conditions at different geothermal fields complicate the
selection of effective inhibitors.

Initial interest in controlling silica formation began in the early 1970s with efforts
to develop the Salton Sea geothermal resource. Rapid corrosion of common metal
alloys, along with the high rate of silica scaling (up to 1 millimeter [mm] per day,)

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 37

were the two major problems that needed to be solved before power generation
could be commercialized from the resource. Efforts to develop the Salton Sea
resource led to the construction of the GLEF as a cooperative effort between
SDG&E and ERDA/DOE. In 1975, LLNL began studies of brine chemistry and
materials at the GLEF. Their testing showed that adding hydrochloric acid to the
brine lowered scaling rates and the formation of suspended solids in the brine.40
Significant retardation was found with only a slight reduction in brine pH (from
5.5 to 5.0); virtually complete inhibition could be achieved at a pH of about 3.
In 1978, DOE issued an industry solicitation seeking scale-control agents
for the Salton Sea’s primarily silica scales. In subsequent field tests, none of
the proprietary additives reduced the rate of scale formation or retarded silica
precipitation. Approximately 120 different organic compounds of various
types were screened to determine their influence on silica in the hyper-saline
geothermal brine. The most promising compounds were subjected to scaling
tests during which corrosion measurements were performed.41 These studies
confirmed that brine acidification was by far the most effective chemical method
of brine stabilization and scale control. While brine acidification increased
metallic corrosion rates, this could be mitigated by proper materials selection.

Testing by LLNL showed that seeding with previously precipitated silica reduced
the downstream level of silica supersaturation and retarded scale formation in
straight runs of pipe. It was concluded that this method of scale control had
promise if brine handling equipment could tolerate the high levels of suspended
solids. In 1979, pilot studies were conducted at the GLEF for the Magma Power
Company. These studies investigated the use of a flash crystallizer system that
was seeded to deliberately precipitate silica. This technique was shown to be a
promising basis for designing a power plant to use the Salton Sea fluids. The
technique became known as the Crystallizer Reactor Clarifier (CRC) Process. In
conjunction with brine acidification, CRC provided brine handling capability
that was used in the commercial development of the Salton Sea resource.42

3.1.2 High-temperature, High-salinity Geothermal Fluids

LLNL’s energy conversion R&D focused on better understanding the chemistries
of geothermal fluids, as well as on component and materials development.

Studies of the dissolution of geothermal scale

Laboratory tests were performed on samples from the GLEF to examine the
ability of several low-cost mixtures of reagents to chemically remove scale from
process systems.43 Predominantly silica scales were partially dissolved by hot
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and a solution of NaOH and iron chelate Dow RT2
(EDTA). The best reagent for dissolving the phosphate buffered saline (PbS)-rich,
high-temperature scale was nitric acid (HNO3) with hydrogen fluoride (HF) at

38 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
G eot h erma l F luid Ch emistry / 3

80°C (176°F). More concentrated solutions, particularly of compounds such as

HF, were more effective but hazardous to use. A combination of chemical and
mechanical cleaning methods was judged the most effective way to remove scale.40

Chemical modeling of geothermal systems

Various chemical reaction numerical models44-46 were developed in support of the
R&D activities to better understand geothermal fluid chemistries, including:

• A model was developed that utilized the Helgeson-Herrick geochemical

code to predict precipitation in brines at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field.
• A predictive model was developed to calculate equilibria between liquid
and volatile components of two-phase fluids.
• Codes were developed for calculating the thermodynamic physical
properties of geothermal brine and steam mixtures.

Processing geothermal brine effluents for injection

LLNL developed a process for treating Salton Sea brine effluents for injection.
The process consisted of solids contact clarification in which the spent brine is
first intimately contacted with sludge solids and then passed through a dense
sludge blanket of silica-rich precipitated solids.47 The clarifier overflow stream is
then polished by sand or pre-coat pressure filtration. Bench scale tests indicated
an anionic coagulant aided enhanced clarifier performance. A pilot-sized reactor
clarifier using brine effluents from the GLEF demonstrated that it would be feasible
to produce chemically stable brine effluents, with 1-2 ppm levels of suspended
solids suitable for subsurface injection without impairing injection wells.

Suitability for injection was determined by measuring the flow of both

untreated and treated brine through media that simulated subsurface injection
formations. Untreated effluent brines had very high suspended solids levels.
Injection was not feasible unless particulates 1µm and larger were removed.
Brines with pH lowered to retard scale formation had markedly lower suspended
solids levels. At a pH of approximately 4.5, however, this brine still was not
highly injectable without pre-filtration by the clarifier-filtration system.

Surface waters at Salton Sea and the New and Alamo Rivers were evaluated as
potential make-up waters during injection.48 Direct injection of these waters was
not feasible, however, because of their high suspended solids levels and because
mixing with geothermal brine effluent resulted in additional precipitation.

Hydrogen sulfide abatement using geothermal brine effluents

A simple and potentially inexpensive way to remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
from NCGs resulting from the geothermal flash process was field tested in the
mid-1970s. The method consisted of scrubbing the NCGs containing H2S

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 39

with brine effluents containing relatively high concentrations of lead (Pb),

iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn).49 For plant applications, NCGs including H2S were
removed from a surface steam condenser and scrubbed with effluent brine
just prior to pre-injection clarification. The precipitated metal sulfides were
removed in the clarification process. The remaining NCGs were vented.

3.1.3 Chemistry Instrumentation Development

SUM The ability to monitor fluid conditions in real-time with in situ instrumentation
improves the ability to mitigate corrosion and scaling. PNNL worked on
developing such instrumentation for geothermal fluids by testing commercially
available, in-line chemical monitoring instrumentation in hot geothermal brines.50
PNNL found that available instruments were generally unable to withstand
the pressures, temperatures, and salinity of geothermal fluids. Addressing
such deficiencies, PNNL developed an electrode-less conductivity probe and
oxidation-reduction cell suitable for geothermal use. Efforts to develop an in
situ, high-temperature pH probe were unsuccessful. INL’s work on monitoring
instrumentation is covered in Section 5.1.1 (Plant Process Steam Monitors).

3.1.4 Fluid Sampling and Analysis

The chemical analysis of geothermal fluids typically requires that the samples
collected be cooled and depressurized. The sampling process, as well as cooling and
depressurization, however, can alter fluid chemistry. In order to understand these
effects and to provide for replicability and reliability in the analysis process, PNNL
developed methods and protocols for sampling and analyzing single phase (liquid or
vapor) fluids in surface piping or components. The protocols developed were field
tested at East Mesa in California’s Imperial Valley, and the results were compared
to those under controlled laboratory conditions. The resulting preferred sampling
techniques and analysis methods were published and made available to industry.51

3.2 Treatment of Geothermal Brines

High-salinity brines like those found at the Salton Sea can produce precipitates
composed of a mixture of toxic and valuable metals. Such residues may be
considered mixed wastes and subject to regulatory requirements. BNL’s work to
treat these brines began in 1988. In response to research results and industry input,
BNL’s R&D efforts had three main objectives:

1. To develop biochemical processes that address environmental concerns associated

with the disposal of geothermal brines and precipitates (scales and sludges).
2. To create processes that produce commercially attractive silica products from brines.

3. To demonstrate silica recovery on a pilot scale.

40 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
G eot h erma l F luid Ch emistry / 3

BNL researchers focused on developing cost-efficient and environmentally

acceptable means of removing toxic metals from geothermal brines and their
precipitates, enabling their reinjection and disposal as nonhazardous solid
waste.52 Efforts focused on developing biochemical processes that could remove
more than 80 percent of toxic metals in less than 24 hours. The processes
could be modified to remove specific metals such as arsenic (As) and mercury
(Hg), or valuable metals such as chromium (Cr), gold (Au), and silver (Ag).

Figure 9 illustrates an example of a biochemical process developed by BNL based SUM

on treating a highly saline geothermal sludge from a 50-MW plant. The process
converts 93 percent of the sludge from regulated to non-regulated waste. In later
work, the process was simplified and customized for specific geothermal sites.53

Figure 9. Process for converting geothermal sludge from regulated to

non-regulated waste

3.3 Recovery of Minerals and Metals from

Geothermal Brines
Researchers at BNL and LLNL examined the feasibility of extracting minerals
and metals from geothermal brines. As they flow through layers of the earth’s
crust, geothermal waters dissolve minerals and metals. Mineral and metal recovery
from geothermal brines can be viewed as adoption of “solution mining by nature”
followed by isolation and purification by applying hydrometallurgical techniques.
Offsetting power production costs by co-producing value-added products was the
motivation behind research into mineral and metal recovery from geothermal brines.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 41

Optimally, mineral extraction occurs near or after energy extraction ends. The
solubilities of the dissolved constituents decrease at lower fluid temperatures,
facilitating their removal. In addition, removing dissolved solids after energy
extraction minimizes downstream scaling, allows for the extraction of additional
energy from the fluid, improves plant performance, and facilitates injection
of spent fluids. Recovery of valuable materials is dependent on the state and
chemistry of the feedstock (i.e., the cooled geothermal fluid or solid material
such as sludge or scale that precipitated from the geothermal fluid).

3.3.1 Recovery techniques

The recovery of minerals and metals from solid geothermal residues, such as sludge
and scale, can be accomplished using acid or biochemical leaching. At the Salton
Sea, solid waste from the clarifier contains a mixture of iron-bearing silica, salts,
and other heavy metals. Hydrochloric acid can be used to leach out iron and other
metals. The remaining silica becomes pure enough for use as a pozzolanic additive
for cements.

The recovery of minerals and metals from geothermal fluids can be accomplished
by sorption (absorption and adsorption taking place simultaneously),
evaporation, or precipitation as sulfides as explained in the following examples.

• Synthetic ion-exchange resins, as well as bacteria, are known to adsorb ions

selectively from solution. The selectivity and capacity of the adsorption are
dependent upon pH, temperature, and ionic strength. Separation using
commercial ion-exchange resins has been used to recover zinc from high salinity
brines. Laboratory studies reported a process through which the adsorptive
property of biological cell walls was used to recover uranium (U), cobalt, (Co),
zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and lithium (Li) ions in solution. This process has
not been commercialized.
• In the early 1970s, solar evaporation ponds were used to recover salt minerals
from saline brines in the Imperial Valley. Evaporation is an energy-intensive
process with limited application for mineral recovery from geothermal fluids,
especially if injection is required to sustain resource productivity.
• Adding hydrogen sulfide to the geothermal fluid precipitates out most heavy
metals as insoluble metal sulfides, and was shown to be technically viable during
testing at the GLEF. The advantage of this treatment is its near-quantitative
efficiency. However, if the geothermal brine is rich in many metals, the
quantitative precipitation gives rise to a complex metal sulfide mixture that
requires further purification.

42 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
G eot h erma l F luid Ch emistry / 3

3.3.2 Targeted Minerals

Efforts to recover minerals or metals from geothermal fluids targeted specific
chemical species contained in the fluids.

Silica recovery
Silica exists as a dissolved species in most liquid geothermal resources. The
concentration of silica varies, and is dependent upon the geologic setting of the
SUM resource, the chemical nature of the brine, and the pressure and temperature of the
reservoir system. Higher silica concentration is attractive in terms of silica recovery
per volume of brine processed. In addition, silica must be removed or reduced in
concentration before other components can be extracted from geothermal brines.

Silica is a versatile material whose price varies widely depending on its purity and
properties. Several industrial applications of precipitated silica have been identified.
The commercial market for silica is about six million pounds per day; the total
amount produced by the world’s geothermal plants is about three million pounds
per day. Wholesale prices for silica range from a few cents per pound for cement
additives and desiccants, to around one dollar per pound for silica used as rubber
and paper additives. A high-priced silica market exists for ultrapure, uniform
textured silica for chromatography but is small relative to the large amount of
silica geothermal plants produce.

Many methods have been used to precipitate silica from geothermal fluids. One
technique is to add salts such as magnesium chloride whose cations increase
polymerization rates and facilitate agglomeration of silica. Synthetic polymer
electrolytes can also be used but are more costly. Although silica solubility in
geothermal fluids does not vary significantly at pH values less than about 8, the rate
of silica polymerization does increase with increasing pH. By adding a base, the rate
of silica polymerization increases and leads to the formation of silica colloids, which
then flocculate to form silica precipitates. Cooling geothermal brine increases the
degree of silica supersaturation, leading to nucleation of silica colloids. Seed silica
can be added to geothermal brines to act as nucleation sites for silica precipitation.

The key to making saleable silica from geothermal plants is to match the compositional and
textural requirements of the specific targeted market. If geothermally derived silica does not
meet the market’s compositional requirements, it may be acid-leached to remove unwanted
contaminants. Textural requirements are the most difficult to match yet the most important.

Recovery of lithium and alkali metals

Lithium is often enriched in geothermal fluids. In the early 2000s, the market
for lithium was estimated at half a billion dollars per year. Lithium is used
in the production of ceramics, glass, and aluminum, and increasingly in
rechargeable batteries. Lithium can be extracted from geothermal fluids by

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 43

direct precipitation as lithium carbonate, or it can be captured using ion-

exchange resins. Both methods are currently used for commercial lithium
extraction from non-geothermal brines. Although the U.S. market for cesium
and rubidium is a few thousand kilograms per year, both elements can be
enriched in geothermal fluids and extracted at a profit due to their high values.

Other byproducts
Geothermal fluids may be used to produce inexpensive salts, such as sodium chloride SUM
(NaCl), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4.H2O), and calcium chloride (CaCl2). While not
valuable themselves, such salts may be the byproducts in the recovery process of
other more valuable solids. They may also add to the profitability of geothermal

In addition, precious metals including gold and silver tend to be enriched in

geothermal scale. Extraction from the scale rather than the fluid has been attempted.
After successful pilot plant studies, CalEnergy Operating Company developed a
commercial zinc extraction process at the Salton Sea. Efforts to “scale up” the zinc
recovery process did not prove economically viable at the time and the extraction
plant was subsequently shut down.

3.3.3 Field Testing

DOE’s mineral extraction R&D included field testing various mineral
recovery techniques at several operating geothermal facilities.

Silica extraction at Dixie Valley and Steamboat Springs,

Nevada and Coso, California
BNL investigated developing economic and environmentally acceptable
methods for extracting silica from fluids at three geothermal sites. At
the time, these sites were owned by Caithness Operating Company—
Caithness Dixie Valley, LLC; Yankee-Caithness Steamboat Spring; and Coso
Operating Company. Research found that silica derived from low-salinity
geothermal resources can directly compete in terms of quality with higher
priced silica used by industrial chromatography separation industries.

In BNL’s research,54-55 a portion of the brine from the injection system was
flashed to atmospheric pressure to concentrate the silica. (The estimated
concentration was 450 ppm.) Silica was precipitated from the un-flashed brine
by adding magnesium chloride. The separation of silica was achieved in a two-
step process. A batch load was allowed until gravity settling of the silica occurred.
The clear supernatant brine was removed by siphoning, leaving a small amount
of brine with concentrated silica precipitate. The silica was removed from this
concentrated solution by gravity filtration. The volumetric ratio of the fluid
taken from the injection stream to final silica concentrate was 1,200:1.

44 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
G eot h erma l F luid Ch emistry / 3

Silica extraction at Mammoth Lakes, California

Work to extract silica from brines at the Mammoth Lakes, California
geothermal plant was performed with R&D sponsorship by DOE through
LLNL, the California Energy Commission (CEC), and Mammoth Pacific
Geothermal, LP. Mammoth’s geothermal fluid has a low salinity (1,200 ppm
TDS), with very low calcium and negligible iron and other metals content.
The co-produced silica is consequently very pure and could be marketed for
SUM high-purity applications such as colloidal silica for silicon chip polishing.

Silica extraction at Mammoth was complicated by the relatively low silica content
of 250 milligrams per liter (mg/L). To provide the higher silica concentrations
needed for efficient silica extraction, the geothermal fluid was processed through
a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane to produce a silica-enriched concentrate that
could be used for extracting silica and other metals.56 The low TDS permeate
produced by RO was then used to augment the plant’s heat rejection system. Silica
was precipitated from the concentrate using a commercial agglomerating agent,
and removed using a tangential flow ultrafilter. The silica was then characterized
and analyzed, and samples were sent to commercial laboratories for real product
testing (e.g., as a rubber binder for tires). Comparing test results with the properties
of known commercial silica-guided extraction aimed for a specific use.

3.4 Findings and Conclusions

An early goal of DOE energy conversion research was to increase the knowledge
of geothermal fluid chemistry, in particular to understand the precipitation of
dissolved solids in saline fluids and develop methods for using those fluids to
generate electrical power.

• One of the more significant contributions made to the geothermal industry

by the DOE program was developing the technologies needed to utilize
Salton Sea’s hyper-saline geothermal fluids. DOE-supported research
developed brine acidification and reactor-clarifier technologies. These are
incorporated in power plants that currently produce about 335 MW of
electricity from the Salton Sea resource.57 This level of power production
would likely not have been attained without DOE’s support of the initial
research performed at the Salton Sea.
• Geothermal chemistry R&D also looked at integrating mineral recovery
with energy extraction, improving the economics of geothermal operations.
Researchers examined and successfully tested several techniques to remove
silica from geothermal fluids.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 45

• Much of DOE-supported geothermal chemistry research was the result of

cooperation between DOE researchers and industry, including early work
performed at the Salton Sea in which SDG&E and Magma Power Company
participated in construction and testing at the GLEF. Subsequently, Caithness
Operating Company and Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP supported
mineral recovery testing activities by DOE researchers.

46 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Pow er P l ant Design and E ngineering / 4

Power Plant Design
and Engineering
DOE-supported research to lower power generation costs included work to
develop innovative plant components and more efficient power cycles. Early
research emphasized developing technologies and components necessary for
power production from corrosive geothermal fluids with high scaling and
fouling potentials. More recently, DOE research sought to enhance component
performance to increase plant output and lower power generation costs.

In the early 1980s, DOE began focusing on developing binary cycle technologies
to increase the viability of producing power from lower temperature liquid-
dominated resources. The increased attention given to these resources was partially
in response to USGS assessments of the geothermal resources of the United
States.3-4 These assessments found that lower temperature geothermal resources
were more prevalent across the country than higher temperature resources.

4.1 Component Development Projects

4.1.1 Innovative Heat Exchangers
Researchers designed new heat exchangers to use in binary power cycles with
aggressive geothermal fluids having significant potential for corrosion and scaling.
Using expensive materials and alloys as the tube material in conventional shell and
tube heat exchangers resolved the corrosion issue. However, it did not necessarily
resolve the scaling issue. If scaling is excessive, larger heat exchangers are needed,
adding to capital and O&M costs.

Direct contact heat exchangers

Development of a DCHX was pursued to extract heat from the geothermal fluid
without the brine coming in contact with thin-wall tubing surfaces. In a DCHX,
the working fluid is dispersed into the geothermal fluid flow as droplets that are
heated and eventually vaporized. Both the geothermal and working fluids are
present in the streams leaving the heat exchangers. Minimizing the effects of the
“other” fluids in both the effluent brine and working fluid streams was integral
to the development of these heat exchangers. Figure 10 is a schematic of a spray
column DCHX.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 47

Figure 10. Schematic of spray column direct contact pre-heater boiler

DOE supported research to establish the thermal and hydraulic performance

of a DCHX to determine whether it could be used in binary cycles with
higher salinity fluids. Early DCHX investigations included work by Ben
Holt Company, DSS Engineers, Occidental Research, and the University of
Utah. The Ben Holt Company conducted laboratory studies of heat transfer
between hexane and hot water in a direct contact exchanger.58 The exchanger
was tested as a spray column as well as with sieve-trays, disk-and-doughnut
trays, and two types of packing. Solubility measurements were performed
and system studies conducted to assess the impact on cost and performance.
Occidental Research examined the performance of a near-critical pressure
DCHX using an isobutane working fluid,59 and field tested a DCHX operating
at both subcritical and supercritical pressures at East Mesa, California.

48 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Pow er P l ant Design and E ngineering / 4

Under subcontract to LBNL, DSS Engineers focused on using a spray

column operating at a subcritical pressure where preheating and boiling were
accomplished in the same heat exchanger. The spray column was field tested
at the East Mesa facility from 1977 to 1979.60 Initial testing was conducted
with an isobutane working fluid; isopentane was used in later tests. A direct
contact condenser was tested as part of these investigations. It was found
that, while the direct contact condenser’s thermal performance was good,
difficulties existed in separating the geothermal and working fluids and the loss
of isopentane in the cooling water was unacceptable. During field testing at
East Mesa, the DSS test unit was modified to test a Barber-Nichols Inc. binary
turbine—the first power produced from a binary plant in the United States.

The University of Utah began investigating direct contact heat exchangers in

binary cycle applications in 1974. These investigations were the most extensive
funded by ERDA/DOE to develop direct contact heat exchangers. They continued
until the mid-1980s and included analytical evaluations of the theoretical
performance of heat exchangers, cycle performance, and cost studies.61-63 Different
types of exchangers were also tested. Early efforts focused on developing a
direct contact boiler that was tested at the University of Utah and Raft River in
Idaho. Subsequent investigations tested a direct contact condenser and tested
and evaluated spray and sieve-tray columns for liquid-liquid preheating.

Investigations at East Mesa by Barber-Nichols and Raft River by INL incorporated

larger DCHXs into small power plant operation. These plants were designed
to minimize the effects of water and NCGs in the working fluid vapor and the
working fluid in the cooled brine. The spray tower tested by Barber-Nichols
achieved pinch points of 0.6°C to 2.1°C (1.1°F to 3.7°F) using an isobutane
working fluid.20 (The pinch point, or minimum approach temperature, is
the minimum temperature difference between fluids during a heat exchange
process.) At Raft River, a sieve-tray column was tested using isobutane-propane,
isobutane-hexane, and propane-isopentane mixtures. The heat exchanger achieved
a pinch point temperature of less than 0.3°C (0.5°F) with pure fluids.15

Fluidized bed heat exchanger

In a fluidized bed heat exchanger, geothermal brine “fluidizes” or suspends
a bed of sand or other material in contact with the heat exchange tube
surface. Movement of this fluidized bed caused by the geothermal flow
reduces scaling potential on the tubes both by “scrubbing” the surface of
the tube wall and by providing a nucleation site for mineral precipitation
to occur. Reduced fouling of the tube surfaces increases the overall heat
transfer coefficients and results in smaller heat exchangers. Minimizing
scale formation on surfaces also reduces localized corrosion processes.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 49

Researchers at INL and Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company developed fluidized

bed heat exchangers for binary geothermal applications. INL focused on a
design in which the geothermal fluid and bed material were on the shell side
of the heat exchanger.64-65 A schematic of INL’s fluidized bed heat exchanger
is shown in Figure 11. The fluidized bed is located between the distribution
plate and the disengagement plate on the shell side of the exchanger. Aerojet
used an approach in which the geothermal fluid and bed material circulated
through the inside of the tubes.66 Field testing performed at Raft River in
Idaho and the GTF in California’s Imperial Valley examined several variables
including the velocities and flow distribution system required to adequately
fluidize the sand bed, the different types of bed material, the scaling and erosion
of surfaces exposed to the fluidized sand, and the thermal performance of the
heat exchanger. Results found that the fluidized bed approach reduced the
fouling of tube surfaces exposed to the brine and increased heat transfer rates.

Disengagement space

Disengagement baffle

Distributor plate


Figure 11. Cross section of fluidized bed heat exchanger

50 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Pow er P l ant Design and E ngineering / 4

Fluted tube condenser

ORNL conducted research to improve the performance of binary cycle condensers.
These investigations sought to improve the condensation heat transfer effectiveness
of various working fluids by using tubes with longitudinal flutes on the outer
surface. The surface tension of the liquid condensate film on the curved surface of
the fluted tubes forced liquid into the troughs, leaving thinned films on the crests.
Heat transfer is increased in the regions with the thinned films.67 An example of a
fluted tube tested by ORNL is shown in
Figure 12. Field tests were conducted at
both Raft River, Idaho and East Mesa,
California; both a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger and DCHX were used to
vaporize the working fluid. When used
with a shell-and-tube boiler, a vertical
fluted tube increased the condensing
coefficient by a factor of 6 relative to
a vertical smooth tube and a factor of
3 relative to a horizontal smooth tube.
Field tests demonstrated performance
sensitivity to NCGs inherent to operation
with direct contact heat exchangers.68 Figure 12. Fluted condenser tube

4.1.2 Total Flow Devices

With a liquid-dominated resource, the cycle with the greatest potential for
optimal performance is the one in which geothermal fluid is expanded directly
from well head conditions to sub-atmospheric condensing, akin to the steam
cycle used with a vapor-dominated resource. Because the fluid is expanded
directly from the well head, flash separators or geothermal heaters are not needed,
reducing the capital cost. Because the expansion is two-phase, the expander
efficiency is less than that achieved with a single-phase, vapor expansion in either
a flash or binary cycle turbine. A total flow expander must achieve minimum
threshold efficiency to have a performance advantage over conventional cycles.

LLNL conducted a research program to evaluate the use of these expanders as

a viable means of generating power from liquid-dominated resources. Testing
to identify factors affecting the performance of different types of expanders
was conducted under controlled conditions at LLNL’s Geothermal Two-Phase
Flow Test Facility, as well as in the field at the GLEF in the Salton Sea. Models
were developed to characterize two-phase flow in an expander’s nozzles and
rotor, assess test results, and identify where performance could be improved.
Among the devices tested were a Lysholm engine (or helical rotary screw
expander),69 an impulse turbine,70 and a Hero turbine.71 Under controlled test
conditions the Lysholm engine achieved efficiencies from 49 to 55 percent but

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 51

was limited by the volumetric expansion of the fluid (and the pressure ratio
across the device). Efficiencies achieved with the other expanders were lower.

Other types of expanders in which the inlet fluid was a hot, single-phase
liquid were evaluated, including a radial outflow reaction turbine and
a velocity pump reaction turbine. Modeling suggested that the velocity
pump reaction turbine could produce efficiencies over 50 percent.72

LLNL’s work to develop a total flow expander for geothermal applications

ended in late 1978. Its work provided the basis for understanding the two-phase
expansion process and identifying how performance could be improved.

4.1.3 Enhanced Air-Cooled Condenser Performance

When producing power from lower temperature resources, about 90 percent of
the heat extracted from the geothermal fluid is rejected to the ambient. While
an evaporative heat rejection system is preferred, geothermal resources are
frequently located in regions that lack suitable sources of water to make-up for
evaporative losses. Binary plants do not have steam condensate, a flash plant’s
inherent source of clean water for make-up, and are forced to use sensible heat
rejection systems when adequate surface or near-surface water supplies are not
available.73 This sensible rejection of heat to the ambient is accomplished using
air-cooled condensers. As a result of air’s poor heat transfer performance and the
significant levels of heat rejected, large condenser surface areas are needed. In
addition, due to its low density and specific heat, large volumes of air must be
passed through the condenser, requiring significant fan power. Figure 13 shows
the relative size of the condensers in an operating binary plant near Mammoth
Lakes, California. Air-cooled condensers are located on the periphery of two,
identical plants. The geothermal heat exchangers for one plant are shown in the
right foreground of the photo between the two outer rows of condensers.

According to EPRI’s “Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants,”10 the

contribution of air-cooled condensers to total capital cost ranged from 30 to
45 percent for four representative power plants. In addition to its capital cost,
a fan can use 6 to 12 percent of gross generator output. Both capital cost and
fan power tend to increase with lower temperature resources. Because of the
importance of condensers on a binary plant’s performance and cost, DOE
pursued two approaches to increase the air-side heat transfer performance
using techniques that disrupt boundary layer formation and direct air flow
to regions of low heat transfer on the condenser tube’s fin surfaces: 1) vortex
generators on fin surfaces and 2) air-cooled condensers using tabbed fins.

52 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
Pow er P l ant Design and E ngineering / 4

Figure 13. Air-cooled binary plants near Mammoth Lakes, California

Vortex generator concept

INL investigated using vortex generators on fin surfaces to disrupt the air
boundary layer on the fin surface and direct flow into the normally stagnant
wake region behind the tube.74 Both of these effects increase the local heat
transfer on the fin surface. Figure 14 shows the delta vortex generators (“toe-out”
configuration) that were used on a circular tube fin (air flows from left to right).
(The terms “toe-out” and “toe-in” describe the orientation of the trailing tip of
the winglet relative to the air flow. In the configuration in Figure 14, the trailing
tips of the winglets point “outward.” Thus, this is the “toe-out” configuration.)
It was shown that winglets enhanced heat transfer by 10 to 15 percent, though
the enhancements were typically accompanied by increased pressure drop.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 53

Figure 14. “Toe-out” delta winglets

Initial testing examined the thermal response to the inclusion of different

winglet types at different positions on the fin surface. Examples of test results
for a circular tube with and without the winglets are shown in Figure 15 (air
flow was from the bottom to the top). The increase in heat transfer in the
region around each of the winglets (i.e., the “toe-in” configuration in the
figure) is clearly shown. The reduction of the size of the wake region on the
back side of the tube where heat transfer is low because of the lack of air flow
is also shown. Inclusion of the winglets increased the Nusselt number by
20 to 40 percent for both the circular and oval tubes. (The Nusselt number
is directly proportional to the heat transfer coefficient). Pressure drop tests
confirmed that higher friction factors resulted when the winglets were used.

To facilitate the testing of both heat transfer performance and hydraulic

losses of tube bundles, INL developed an open-circuit air-flow loop called
the Single-Blow Test Facility (SBTF) that allowed performance testing
of tube bundles (four rows of tubes with four tubes per row). Tests were
conducted with three fin configurations: 1) a plain fin with no winglets,
2) a “toe-out” configuration, and 3) a “toe-in” configuration.

54 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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ReH = 1200 ReH = 1224

Figure 15. Thermographic test results without (left) and with (right) winglets
(“toe-in” configuration)

Figure 16 summarizes pressure drop and heat transfer results as a plot of the
friction factor and the Colburn j-factor (heat transfer metric) as a function of
Reynolds number for each configuration. Enhancement-1 refers to the “toe-in”
winglet configuration, and enhancement-2 to the “toe-out” configuration. As
expected, the plain fin (baseline) had the lower friction factor and j-factor. The
results indicate the enhanced fins provided greater heat transfer performance
(increased j-factor) at the expense of higher pressure losses for the air flow (higher
friction factor). The optimal enhancement configuration becomes a trade-
off between the benefit of the increased heat transfer and the additional fan
power associated with a given enhancement configuration. The data collected
did not facilitate a direct comparison of the results for the enhancements;
one of the enhanced bundles had a different fin configuration (lower fin
pitch). The impact of misaligning the winglets was tested. Results indicated
that misalignment of the winglets adversely impacted performance, though
it was probable that they would still provide some performance benefit.

INL’s work on developing winglet vortex generators was supplemented by a

grant from the Japanese New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
Organization (NEDO). The grant supported numerical studies by a
doctoral student and equipment purchases, including equipment used in the
SBTF. NEDO funded work on the winglet design at Yokohama National
University in Japan and the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India,
complementing DOE’s research efforts at INL. These independent investigations
produced results similar to those obtained by INL. While they identified very
promising configurations, results were received after INL testing ended.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 55



f, j 0.02

200 400 600 800 1,000 3,000

Figure 16. Heat transfer and hydraulic performance test results from
the Single-Blow Test Facility

Enhancement of air-cooled condensers using tabbed fins

NREL conducted analytical and experimental R&D to evaluate new fin
concepts applicable to air-cooled condensers. NREL’s first concept—transpired
fins—demonstrated very high heat transfer enhancements, but also incurred
a high pressure drop penalty.75-76 Subsequent work focused on using small
tabs punched in the fins to improve the ratio of heat transfer enhancement to
pressure drop. Figure 17 illustrates this concept applied to a plate fin for ½-inch
tubes (on the left) and a photograph of a circular fin with tabs (on the right).

Figure 17. Tabbed fin design for plate (left) and circular fins (right)

56 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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Perpendicular tabs protruded from both sides of the fin, extending about halfway
across the gap between adjacent fins. The advantages of this concept are that 1) each
tab starts a new boundary layer, 2) each tab extends into the coolest air flow, 3)
the holes left by the tabs interrupt the boundary layer on the main fin surface, and
4) proper tab size and orientation can be used to gradually direct the air flow into
specific regions, such as the wake region behind the tubes. The tabs add frictional
and form drag, but because the tabs are both aligned with air flow and direct flow
to reduce the form drag behind tubes, the pressure penalty is small. The holes
created in the surface of the fin when the tabs are made inhibit the conduction heat
transfer paths through the fin. By keeping the fin porosity below about 30 percent
and using non-uniform tab patterns, the fin efficiency penalty associated with the
holes is minimized.

Optimal tab dimensions, spacing, and orientation were initially determined using
a fluent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Flow visualization tests were
then used to examine the effect of tab configurations on flow along fin surfaces.
Pressure drop measurements were taken during these tests and used to adjust the
tab angles to minimize total pressure drop. Photographs from these tests are shown
in Figure 18 for plain (on left) and tabbed (on right) circular fins on 1-inch tubes
(flow is left to right in these figures).

Figure 18. Flow visualization tests with plain (left) and tabbed (right) circular fins

The impact of the tabs on air-side heat transfer was determined using a transient
or single-blow test rig. These tests yielded air-side heat transfer coefficient increases
from 50 to more than 100 percent, showing proof-of-concept. Investigations were
then conducted under steady-state conditions with tube bundles having ½-inch
tubes and plate fins, a configuration of interest to industry partner Super Radiator
Coil (SRC). Tested bundles used the tab-fin design, as well as plate fins and high-
performance louvered fins.

The results for the eight fin-per-inch bundles (plain, tabbed, and louvered) are
shown in Figures 19(a) and 19(b). As Figure 19(a) shows, louvered fins had the
highest heat transfer rate, providing about 40 percent more total heat transfer
than plain fins. The tabbed fins provided about 29 percent more heat transfer than
plain fins. As Figure 19(b) shows, both enhanced fins also incurred pressure drop

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 57

penalties: 80 percent more with the louvered fins and 50 percent more with the
tabbed fins. The performance evaluation criteria (PEC) for the louvered and tabbed
fins were found to be 1.18 and 1.17, respectively, which represented the increase
in heat transfer per unit of fan power. The PEC used was a ratio of the relative
increase in the Colburn j-factor to the relative increase in the friction factor.

25 Heat Rejection (@ NREL)

Operating inlet air = 23.9°C,
Inlet water = 82.2°C at 6 GPM Plain Fin Predicted
20 Louvered Fin Predicted
Tabbed Fin Predicted
Heat Rejection (kW)

15 Adv Tabbed Fin Predicted

Plain Fin Measured
Louvered Fin Measured
Tabbed Fin Measured

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Standard Air Face Velocity (m/s)

Figure 19(a). Heat rejection test results with plate fins and ½-inch tubes

Measured Pressure Drop Louvered Fin
Operating inlet air = 23.9°C, Tabbed Fin
0.75 Inlet water = 82.2°C at 6 GPM
Plain Fin
Pressure Drop (in-H2O)



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Air Face Velocity (m/s)

Figure 19(b). Measured pressure drop test results with plate fins and ½-inch tubes

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The high performance of the first generation tab design afforded many
opportunities to improve the design. Modeling results suggested that the PEC for
the eight fins per inch (FPI) heat exchanger could be raised from the measured
1.17 to a predicted 1.22. Modeling also indicated that the tabs should be able to
provide 10 to 12 percent more heat transfer at the same fan power when applied
to circular fins on ½-inch tubes. This enhancement would increase net power
output by about 4 percent, decreasing the cost of electricity by 0.25 cents per kWh,
assuming there was no additional manufacturing cost associated with the tabs.

The tab concept was most easily applied to plate fins by a punching station
commonly used in fabricating tube-and-plate fin heat exchangers. It can also
be applied to finned tubes that employ individual fins. Adding tabs to tension-
wound fins (e.g., the McElroy design used in geothermal power-plant condensers)
is significantly more difficult because of material stretching and alignment
issues. The concept has not been explored thoroughly enough to be ruled out,
however, and has been pursued with McElroy Manufacturing Company.

Independent test of enhancement techniques

In 2004, DOE directed researchers at NREL and INL to conduct tests of their
concepts on an equivalent basis to determine whether to continue funding
development of either concept. Because air-cooled condensers in binary plants
typically use one-inch diameter tubes with circular fins that are embedded or
tension wound onto the tubes, this was the configuration selected for testing.

INL and NREL researchers incorporated their enhancement by punching either

winglets or tabs into the individual fins that then were used in fabricating tube
bundles. Three identical heat exchanger bundles were fabricated for testing: 1)
one with plain fins (unmodified), 2) one with the tabbed fins, and 3) one with the
vortex generators (“toe-in” winglets). Intertek Testing Services, an independent
test facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania tested the three heat exchangers at four
different air flow rates (i.e., face velocities of 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 feet/minute)
with hot water flowing through the tubes.

Results of the test are shown in terms of the percentage increase in overall heat
transfer compared to plain fins at the same fan power in Figure 20. The bundle with
the tabbed fins (T-fin) provided about 4 percent more heat transfer at the same fan
power. This was less than the 10 to 12 percent improvement that researchers expected
(T-fin Predicted). The bundle with the INL winglet pair had effectively the same
heat transfer performance as the bundle with the plain fins and a slightly higher
pressure drop. Researchers at both NREL and INL conducted post-test evaluations to
determine possible explanations for the less-than-expected performance.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 59

Percent Change in Heat Duty Over Baseline at Given Fan Power

Percent Change in Heat Duty Over Baseline

16% T-Fin Predicted





0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Fan Power (Watts)

Figure 20. Independent test results for tabbed fin and winglet
vortex generator concepts

Tabbed fin
The post-test investigation of the selected tab pattern for the circular fins was
conducted via flow visualization and computational fluid dynamics flow analysis
with Fluent, a CFD software package. This investigation indicated that the tabs
were at angles too sharp to adequately reduce pressure drop due to tube wakes.
The result was a 70 percent increase in pressure drop, compared to the 40 percent
penalty expected. With proper design, researchers predicted a 10 to 12 percent
improvement in performance.

Winglet vortex generators

Funds were not available to repeat the SBTF tests, so researchers re-examined
the test results from prior SBTF tests using an approach by Heat Transfer
Research, Inc. to account for the differences in fin spacing. The re-evaluation
suggested that results from the Intertek testing should have been expected.
The SBTF tests indicated the friction factor for the enhancement would be
1.0 to 1.1 times that of a plain tube. The projected 13 percent increase in
the air side heat transfer coefficient from the enhancement would increase
the overall heat transfer coefficient from 1 to 5 percent. The Intertek results
showed a maximum heat transfer enhancement of +1 percent and a pressure
drop increase of 3 to 6 percent. This post-test analysis indicated the “toe-out”
winglet configuration should have been selected for testing at Intertek.

60 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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As a result of this testing, DOE elected to continue the development of the tabbed
fin design at NREL and terminated INL’s vortex generator investigations. NREL’s
efforts were subsequently ended when all energy conversion research activities were
terminated in 2005-2006.

4.1.4 Advanced Direct-Contact Condenser

NREL developed an ADCC using sophisticated geometric shapes to provide
optimal surface area for condensing spent steam.77 Condensation of spent steam
is a key part of the power cycle in electricity-generating plants. Direct-contact
condensers mix cooling water with turbine exhaust steam in an open vessel to
condense the steam rather than condensing the steam on the surfaces of coolant
tubing (surface condensers). Most existing direct-contact condensers use only
perforated plates to provide surface area for condensation. An ADCC incorporates
sophisticated geometric shapes to provide optimal surface area for condensing
spent steam. An example is shown in Figure 21. In addition to providing surface
area, these “packing structures” channel the steam and water for maximum contact
with each other. A computer code is used to evaluate the thermal performance of
potential packing structures and to identify the optimal packing for a particular
condenser and power plant. The program also models chemical reactions in the
spent steam and cooling water.

Figure 21. Examples of structured packing materials used in the

advanced direct-contact condenser

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 61

ADCC technology was employed at The Geysers Unit 11 to validate its potential
to improve plant performance and partitioning (separation) of NCGs and steam.
Adding the enhanced packing structures to the existing condenser increased
production efficiency by 5 percent, while cutting the chemical cost for hydrogen
sulfide emission abatement in half. Because the condenser had been the limiting
factor for Unit 11, the refurbishment increased total power generation potential
by 17 percent.78

4.1.5 Component Development for Ammonia/Water Power Cycles

NREL designed a prototype ammonia absorber-cooler (air-cooled) that 1)
allowed for mixing of ammonia vapor with lean liquid (water) inside the cooler,
and 2) enhanced the air-side heat transfer coefficient. Design objectives were to
reduce condenser size and lower the turbine back-pressure to increase turbine
output. The concept incorporated fins on the air-side of a plate heat exchanger
that would reduce air-side pressure drop, making it possible to increase the heat
transfer coefficient by increasing the air velocities.79 Researchers selected a vertical
plate heat exchanger design as providing the best opportunity for accomplishing
the desired mixed absorption/condensation process when combining lean liquid
extracted from the high-pressure side of the cycle with the turbine exhaust.
Tests were conducted to determine the most effective air-side fin geometry. Heat
transfer and pressure drop correlations were developed for that fin arrangement.
Preliminary designs were made for liquid and vapor distribution systems. Different
methods for manufacturing and bonding the plates and fins were also examined.
These were incorporated into a procedure that was developed for the design
and fabrication of a finned plate heat exchanger operating at high pressures.

4.1.6 Noncondensable Gas Removal for Steam Plants

NREL researchers performed a screening analysis to compare six different methods
of removing NCGs from geothermal steam power plants.80 The analysis defined
the methodologies and compared the performance and economics of selected
gas removal systems. The gas removal methods evaluated included five vacuum
system configurations that used the conventional approach of evacuating gas-
vapor mixtures from the power plant condenser system, as well as a “reboiler”
process system that condensed and re-evaporated raw geothermal steam upstream
of the turbine. Analysis indicated three gas removal options had the potential to
be economic. Two hybrid vacuum system configurations and the reboiler process
yielded positive net present value results over a wide range of gas concentrations.
The hybrid options appeared favorable for both low- and high-temperature resource
applications. The reboiler appeared better suited for low-temperature resource
applications for gas levels above about 20,000 parts per million by volume (ppmv).

62 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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4.2 Power Cycle Development

In order to develop geothermal power cycles, DOE R&D focused on binary
cycle technology for lower temperature resources—largely because the economic
feasibility of generating power from this resource base was considered marginal
at best. Technologies for higher temperature resources were considered more
mature; there was less issue with the viability of power production from this
higher quality resource base. R&D emphasized developing more efficient binary
cycle technologies. The impetus for pursuing more efficient power cycles was that
they would be needed to offset well field development costs that would include
exploration and drilling.

Studies in the mid-1970s by EPRI and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(MIT)81 suggested that well field capital costs could account for a significant
portion (i.e., 30 to 60 percent) of a total project’s capital cost. This contribution
increased with the lower resource temperatures. DOE’s involvement at Raft
River, Heber, and East Mesa (Sperry’s Gravity Head System) lent credence to
the magnitude of the well field costs in these studies. When the well field costs
approached the magnitude of plant costs, it could be shown that plants that more
completely used the energy in geothermal fluid could have lower power generation
costs. The premise that field and plant costs would be of similar magnitude was the
basis for the subsequent power cycle development in INL’s Heat Cycle Research
Program activities that were carried out through the 1980s and into the early 1990s.

4.2.1 Heat Cycle Research Program

By the early 1980s, efforts to develop binary cycle technologies had been largely
consolidated in INL’s Heat Cycle Research Program. This work had its origins in
the assessment of power cycle improvements that could be incorporated into the
next generation binary plant for Raft River.

In identifying cycles with the potential to improve performance, geothermal fluid,

also referred to as the brine utilization or the specific power output, was used as the
performance metric. Regardless of the name used, it is the net power produced by
the plant per unit mass of geothermal fluid (watt-hours per pound). To improve
performance, investigators chose to pursue those that would reduce irreversibilities
(losses of available energy) associated with heat transfer processes, in lieu of
increasing pump or turbine efficiency. The irreversibility associated with these heat
transfer processes is reduced by minimizing the average temperature difference
between the working fluid and either the geothermal fluid or cooling fluid. Though
this can be accomplished by increasing heat exchange surface area, there are
practical constraints limiting the extent to which area can be increased without
cost becoming prohibitive.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 63

Early binary cycle development examined cycles that reduced irreversibility

by performing heat addition and heat rejection at multiple pressures or levels.
This concept of a multiple boiling cycle was incorporated into DOE’s 5-MW
Raft River binary power plant. It was subsequently shown that a triple-boiling,
triple-condensing cycle provided significantly improved performance relative
to the Raft River 5-MW plant.82 Although multiple boiling cycles reduce the
irreversibility associated with heat addition, they cannot negate the irreversibility
resulting from isothermal boiling at each pressure. Investigators were able to
show that by using a supercritical cycle, where the working fluid is vaporized
at a pressure above its critical pressure, one could approach the idealized heat
addition process where the temperature profiles are nearly parallel (i.e., a near
constant temperature difference throughout the entire heat addition process).83

When a pure fluid is used, a supercritical cycle does not address the irreversibility
associated with the fluid’s isothermal condensing. This cycle inefficiency was
addressed by the use of multiple component working fluids. For a fixed pressure,
mixed working fluids do not condense (or boil) at a constant temperature. By
adjusting the relative concentration of the mixture components, it was possible
to better match the temperature profiles of the cooling fluid and working fluid
mixture during the condensation process. A supercritical cycle with mixed
working fluids is shown on the temperature vs. enthalpy plot in Figure 22
(WF = working fluid, GF = geothermal fluid, and CF = cooling fluid).

Supercritical Cycle Temperature Profile

10F Pinch Points for Heat Addition and Rejection

350 WF
Temperature (°F)

200 Expansion


100 Dew Point Temp


0 50 100 150 200 250

Heat Transfered (btu/lb)

Figure 22. Heat addition and rejection processes with mixed working fluid

64 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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The benefits of using a supercritical cycle with mixed working fluids were
projected for both the 138°C (280°F) Raft River resource and the 182°C (360°F)
Heber resource. With the Raft River resource, a mixture of 90 percent propane
and 10 percent isopentane in a supercritical cycle had 20 percent greater brine
effectiveness than the dual boiling cycle used in the plant. With the Heber
resource, a supercritical cycle with the optimized working fluids and recuperators
was projected to produce approximately 14 percent more power than the binary
demonstration plant (which also used mixed working fluids). By designing the
Heber condenser to achieve the counter current flow paths, performance could
be increased by at least 6 percent.

Supercritical cycles were also evaluated where the turbine inlet conditions were
modified to produce expansions having equilibrium conditions within the
two-phase region.84 These turbine expansions began at supercritical pressures,
entered the two-phase region, and then exited the two-phase region—exhausting
the turbine as a slightly superheated vapor. These expansions are illustrated on
the temperature versus entropy plot shown in Figure 23. It was estimated that
these expansions would provide an additional increase in-cycle performance
of up to 8 percent if there was no degradation in the turbine efficiency.

Working Fluid (isobutane) Conditions

in Binary Turbine Expansion
Metastable Expansions
of Interest

Temperature (°F)


P = 600 psi “Dry”
P = 53 psi
Turbine Expansion

0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60

Entropy (btu/lb-R)

Figure 23. Turbine expansions with modified inlet conditions

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 65

Evaluation of cycle improvements was not limited to using mixed hydrocarbons.

Halocarbon and ammonia-water mixtures were also evaluated. The preliminary
analysis of the use of mixed halocarbons indicated that plant performance would
be at least as good as that obtained with hydrocarbon mixtures.85 The analysis
of ammonia and ammonia-water mixtures indicated that while pure ammonia
would not perform as well as hydrocarbons using a 138°C (280°F) resource, it
would likely reduce the component sizes in a power plant. Ammonia was not
considered a viable alternative to hydrocarbons at higher temperatures because
of the high operating pressures required to produce optimal cycle performance.

In addition, the performance of an ammonia-water mixture in a Rankine Cycle

for a 182°C (360°F) resource was evaluated. It was found that the mixture would
provide a slight performance benefit relative to the Heber plant, and it would
likely lower the cost of power because of reduced component sizes.86 The predicted
cycle performance using ammonia-water mixtures was contingent upon the use
of turbine exhaust recuperators. If recuperators were not used there would be
no benefit to using ammonia-water mixtures at this resource temperature.

The use of ammonia-water as a geothermal working fluid was included in an

analysis of the Kalina Cycle technology in geothermal power applications.87 In
addition to ammonia-water, mixtures of hydrocarbons and halocarbons were
evaluated in this cycle. Though some advantage was found with the Kalina
cycle, its performance was less than that of the supercritical cycle with mixed
hydrocarbons (Rankine cycle). A subsequent comparison with the Kalina
System 12 indicated its predicted performance was greater than that of the
Heber plant, but less than that of the recuperated, supercritical cycle with
hydrocarbon mixtures.88 The Kalina System 12 cycle used ammonia-water,
but did not have the distillation subsystem. No attempt was made to quantify
the relative cost of the Kalina System 12 and the advanced Rankine cycle.

In 1991, an analysis was conducted to identify where further improvements in

the binary cycle might be achieved.89 The performance of an idealized binary
cycle having an idealized working fluid that minimized irreversibilities in the
heat exchange processes was assessed for nominal heat exchanger pinch points
and rotating equipment efficiencies. The projected performance of the idealized
cycle was then compared to that of advanced and conventional cycles. Figure 24
shows the performance of these cycles relative to the ideal cycle with practical
operating constraints.

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Figure 24. Binary cycle practical limits of performance

The comparison indicated that the supercritical cycle with mixed hydrocarbons
(Supercritical Rankine Cycle) and the Kalina Cycle performances approached
the practical limits of performance defined by the idealized cycle. While this
analysis was not a definitive evaluation of energy losses in the power cycles, it
indicated that 1) the performances of the advanced cycles were approaching
practical limits, and 2) any further significant increases in efficiency would
be difficult without increasing turbine efficiency or reducing heat exchanger
temperature differences (i.e. by increasing heat exchanger sizes and costs).

Advanced cycle benefits

The impact that cycle improvements would have on power cost was measured
utilizing a “value analysis” technique developed by INL researchers.90 The technique
examined the relative impact of different cycle concepts on the size and cost of
components in a 50-MW reference plant. It then used a capital cost distribution
developed for the major process systems and equipment items to determine the
relative impact of a cycle improvement on the plant’s capital cost. In evaluating
the effect of the advanced cycles on the cost of power, it was assumed that costs
associated with the well field accounted for 50 percent of the cost of power. Five
of the scenarios considered are shown in Table 2. (In this table iC4 is isobutane,
iC5 is isopentane, and C7 is hexane.) Note that the indicated changes in power
output and the cost of electricity are relative to the first scenario shown; this
scenario is representative of the Heber 50-MW Binary Demonstration Plant.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 67

Table 2. Results of value analysis showing effects of advanced cycles

on cost of electricity

Scenario 1 2 3 4 5
88% iC4; 96% iC4; 96% iC4; 100% iC4 96% iC4;
Working Fluid
12% iC5 4% C7 4% C7 4% C7
Heater Pressure (psia) 580 600 600 600 700
Condenser Pinch Point (F) 10 10 10 10 10
Co-current Condensing yes no no yes no
Counter Current Condensing no yes yes no yes
Outlet Temperature Constraint 160° 160° 160° no no
Recuperation no yes no no no
Metastable Expansion no no no no yes
∆ Power 1 20% 8% 12% 30%
∆ Cost of Electricity 1 -13% -4% -8% -19%

The analysis showed that the supercritical cycle with optimized turbine inlet
conditions and proper working fluid selection could provide significant cost
reductions relative to the reference plant. It also illustrated the adverse impact of
the outlet temperature constraint to prevent silica precipitation and the benefit that
recuperation (i.e., the use of turbine superheat for preheating the working fluid)
could have on reducing this impact. These potential benefits became the basis for
further investigations by INL to validate performance improvements projected for
the supercritical cycle using mixed working fluids.

Advanced cycle validation

Supercritical cycles with mixed working fluids

The test program to validate performance improvements from using supercritical
cycles with mixed working fluids was conducted at the Heat Cycle Research Facility
(HCRF). The HCRF was installed at the DOE GTF in California’s Imperial Valley
in 1983. The HCRF was constructed in part with equipment from the prototype
power plant at Raft River.

For mixtures testing, a vertical, in-tube condensation design was used. This design
was a major departure from the water-cooled design typically used in binary
plants, where condensation occurs on the outside of horizontal tubes. The HCRF
design was selected to achieve both the counter-current flow paths and integral
condensation of the working fluid that are required to reduce the irreversibility
associated with condensing. Integral condensation refers to keeping the vapor and

68 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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liquid phases in equilibrium during the entire condensation process in order to

achieve the desired non-isothermal condensation.

Figure 25 is a photo of the HCRF shortly after it was installed at the GTF. The
HCRF was composed of three skids. The piping skid (middle) was composed of
the pump, turbine generator, and control valves. On either side were the hairpin
supercritical heat exchangers (on the right) and vertical condenser (on the left).

Figure 25. Heat Cycle Research Facility with a vertical condenser orientation

Vertical condenser orientation

Initial testing at the HCRF was conducted with the condenser in the vertical
position, as depicted in Figure 25.91 Testing was performed with propane, isobutene,
isopentane-propane, and hexane-isobutane. Initial testing focused on evaluating
the performance of the supercritical heat exchangers and the condenser. In addition
to changing working fluids and mixture compositions, pressures, flow rates, and
vapor superheat levels were also altered for both the heaters and condenser.

Data collected for both the heat exchangers and condensers were evaluated
using Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI) design codes. Using the measured
working fluid composition, the design codes were used to predict the size of the
heat exchanger that would be required to produce the measured test conditions
(e.g., flows, pressures, and temperatures), assuming that they were the specified
conditions for the heat exchanger. The match of the predicted size to the actual

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 69

size provided an indication of the reasonableness of the HTRI predictions.

The shell side of both the heaters and the condenser were instrumented to
provide a temperature distribution of the shell side fluid as a function of the
heat exchanger area. The ability of the HTRI codes to match these temperature
profiles was an additional indicator of the adequacy of these design tools. Limited
testing was also performed with an axial flow impulse turbine that confirmed
this component would perform as predicted with the mixed working fluids.

Testing resolved a number of concerns related to the supercritical heat addition

portion of the advanced cycle. Issues remained regarding the atypical design of
the HCRF condenser. It was postulated that if a binary plant condenser used
in-tube condensation, it would be designed with a nearly horizontal tube bundle,
or in the case of an “A-frame” condenser, at an intermediate orientation.

Non-vertical condenser orientations

In order to examine performance at more typical tube orientations, the HCRF
condenser skid was modified to orient the condenser first at a 10-degree angle and
then at a 60-degree angle off horizontal.92 A photo of the HCRF condenser in the
near horizontal (10-degree) orientation is shown in Figure 26. During testing at
these condenser orientations, provisions were made to reverse the cooling water
flow direction in the condenser and temporarily plug approximately half of the
condenser tubes. These additional test parameters allowed researchers to further test
the ability of the HTRI condenser codes to predict the condenser performance.

Figure 26. Heat Cycle Research Facility with the condenser at a

10-degree orientation

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Metastable turbine expansion investigations at the HCRF

Condensation behavior investigation

The HCRF investigations of metastable turbine expansions initially examined the
condensation behavior of these expansions. This was done using a converging-
diverging nozzle that replicated the isentropic expansion process in a binary
turbine’s nozzles. The nozzle contained a window that allowed the expansion of
the high-pressure vapor to be observed visually. This observation was assisted by
passing a laser beam along the length of the nozzle and detecting any scattering
of the beam as droplets formed. Testing focused on the use of isobutane as the
major working fluid component. (Propane does not have a retrograde dew point
curve on a temperature-entropy plot.) Results of the nozzle tests indicated that
the nozzle expansion would support a supersaturated vapor until the maximum
equilibrium moisture levels increased above 4 to 5 percent.93 Following nozzle
testing, two turbines were tested with the modified inlet conditions to determine
the effect of the metastable expansion on the turbine performance.94

Axial flow impulse turbine testing

The first turbine tested was a single-stage, partial admissions, axial flow impulse
turbine. Testing was conducted using isobutane and a mixture of 95 percent
isobutane and 5 percent hexane (mass fraction). The turbine was tested at
supercritical inlet pressures, with the inlet temperature incrementally decreased
until the turbine expansion was within the two-phase region.

The impulse turbine’s performance during testing with the isobutane working
fluid is shown in Figure 27. The inlet condition is defined as the difference
between the inlet entropy and the dew point entropy at the exhaust pressure. If
the difference is greater than zero, the vapor exhausting the turbine is superheated.
The maximum dew point entropy defines the point at which some portion of the
turbine expansion occurs within the two-phase region. The entropy difference that
produced “wet” turbine exhaust conditions is also shown. Results indicated that the
turbine efficiency was not significantly affected until the actual exhaust conditions
were within the two-phase region.

A test series was conducted with this turbine where the turbine expansion entered,
but it never exited the two-phase region. The tests were conducted at an inlet
pressure of 600 pounds per square inch absolute (psia). For the most extreme (i.e.,
highest potential for moisture) condition tested, the turbine inlet temperature was
~130.5°C (267°F)—well below isobutane’s critical temperature. At the extreme
inlet conditions the measured turbine efficiency was 59 percent. Though this testing
produced significant decreases in turbine efficiency, brine effectiveness continued to
increase. At the lowest inlet temperature and turbine efficiency, brine effectiveness
was higher than that achieved with the completely “dry” expansion. The testing
with the mixed working fluid produced similar results, both in terms of the

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 71

magnitude of the turbine efficiencies and the effect of the modified inlet conditions
on that efficiency.

P, in = 550
P, in = 600
Turbine Efficiency

Maximum Dew
Point Entropy

Actual Exhaust
Conditions “Wet”

Inlet Entropy - Exhaust Dew Point Entropy

Figure 27. Heat Cycle Research Facility impulse turbine performance with
isobutane and modified inlet conditions

Radial inflow reaction turbine testing

Next, testing was conducted with a full admission, radial inflow reaction turbine.
The design conditions for this turbine were nominally the same as those for the
impulse turbine. Testing with this turbine was conducted at supercritical inlet
pressures using both an isobutane working fluid and a 95 percent isobutane-5
percent hexane mixture. The efficiency of this turbine was less than that of the
impulse turbine; however the performance difference was secondary to determining
the impact of the “wet” expansions on the turbine performance.

Figure 28 shows the impact of the modified turbine inlet conditions on the radial
inflow turbine’s performance. Efficiency is presented as the ratio of the turbine
efficiency at a given condition to its efficiency at the reference condition during
that period of testing. Results indicate that there was minimal impact on the
turbine efficiency until the inlet entropy falls below the dew point entropy at the
exhaust pressure.

72 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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Efficiency Ratio

Maximum Dew
Point Entropy

Inlet Entropy - Exhaust Dew Point Entropy

Figure 28. Effect of metastable expansions on radial inflow turbine performance

Testing with both turbines indicated that the impulse turbine would allow for
operation at lower inlet entropies (temperatures) before its performance was
impacted. This higher tolerance for moisture formation probably resulted because
the entire expansion process occurred in the impulse turbine’s nozzles. In the
reaction turbine, a portion of the expansion occurs in the turbine rotor. As a
consequence, once the expansion enters the two-phase region, the vapor exhausting
the reaction turbine’s nozzles will always have a higher “equilibrium” moisture level.

Reaction turbine testing at the HCRF ended in the summer of 1994.

The HCRF was shut down in September of the same year.

Metastable expansion investigations at commercial power plant

The metastable turbine expansion investigations at the HCRF raised industry’s
interest as to whether these expansions could be used to increase or sustain
performance in existing plants. With the assistance of the CE Holt Company and
Rotoflow, INL entered into an agreement with Mammoth Pacific Geothermal,
LP to operate a commercial plant (MPI-100) turbine for up to six months with
expansions that passed through the two-phase region.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 73

The extended investigation began in November 1995. For this test the radial inflow
reaction turbine operated at subcritical pressures, with minimal superheat entering
to the turbine to assure that a portion of the turbine expansion was within the
two-phase region.

Relative to its sister plant, MPI-200, the brine effectiveness at MPI-100 increased
by 10 to 20 percent. Because of the increased performance, Mammoth Pacific
Geothermal, LP agreed to continue testing with modified inlet conditions. In the
spring of 1997, the MPI-100 facility was shut down for maintenance, allowing
the turbine rotor and vanes to be removed for visual inspection. This inspection
revealed what plant personnel considered typical wear to the rotor and vanes.
The turbine efficiency over this period is shown in Figure 29 as a function of the
ambient air temperature. The higher baseline efficiency reflects operation with the
turbine variable position nozzles fully open. (Throttling with the nozzles reduces
turbine efficiency.) Results indicated there was no decline in the turbine’s efficiency
during the period of operation with the modified turbine inlet conditions.95

Mammoth subsequently modified the operation at its other facilities to minimize

the superheat entering the turbine and maximize the amount of power produced.
Turbine Efficiency

0-100 days
100-200 days
200-300 days
300-400 days
400+ days

Ambient Air Temperature (°F)

Figure 29. Variation in MPI-100 turbine efficiency during investigation

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4.2.2 Binary Cycle Improvement – Post Heat Cycle Research

By the 1990s, DOE had phased out its dedicated physical test facilities. Though
industry had deployed the binary cycle in several commercial facilities, additional
work was needed to improve operability, incorporate efficiency improvements, and
lower the cost of electricity generation. Subsequent efforts by DOE to improve the
binary cycle turned to analysis.

Value analysis of binary plants

NREL developed the Cycle Analysis Simulation Tool (CAST) computer model
to perform value analysis for small, low- to moderate-temperature binary
geothermal power plants. The value analysis method allows for incremental
changes in the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) to be determined between a
baseline plant and a modified plant. CAST incorporated thermodynamic cycle
analyses and component sizing with economic analysis to provide LCOE results.
The model used EPRI’s “Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants”10 analysis
as the reference for establishing both performance and cost projections.

CAST was used to determine the optimum working fluid, based on the lowest
LCOE, for a 50-MW plant with air-cooled condensation situated at four
typical resources. The resource temperatures considered in this work were:

• 129°C (265°F), similar to the Thermo Hot Springs resource

in Utah and referred to as RE-1;
• 149°C (300°F), similar to the Raft River resource in Idaho
and referred to as RE-2;
• 166°C (330°F), similar to the Vale resource in Oregon and
referred to as RE-3; and
• 191°C (375°F), similar to the Surprise Valley resource in
California and referred to as RE-4.
The design condenser inlet air temperature was 10°C (50°F) at all resources.
Injection temperature limits as functions of the resource temperature were imposed
to prevent silica precipitation.

Emphasis was placed on evaluating the benefits of using mixed working fluids
instead of pure fluids on LCOE.96 The fluids studied were binary mixtures of
propane (C3) and isopentane (iC5), and isobutane (iC4) and hexane (C7). These
were identified in earlier studies as promising mixtures. The base case plant for each
resource used a commercial-grade isobutane working fluid.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 75

Figure 30 shows the results for the analysis of the 149°C (300°F) resource
(RE-2) for the fluids evaluated. The base case plant had a second law efficiency
of 30.6 percent, geofluid effectiveness of 4.04 watt-hours per pound (W/
mgeo), and LCOE of 0.079 $/kWh. The results from the CAST program
showed that the plant with the lowest LCOE used a mixture of 93 percent
propane-7 percent isopentane. This plant had a second law efficiency
of 39.1 percent, geofluid effectiveness of 5.17 Watts per meter (W/m),
and LCOE of 0.0700 $/kWh, 11 percent lower than the base case.








Working Fluid

Figure 30. Effect of working fluids on binary plant performance

and levelized cost of energy

The LCOEs for the best plant and base case at each resource temperature
are shown in Figure 31. The LCOEs of three mixtures are also given at
each resource temperature. The highest potential for LCOE reduction
occurred at the lowest resource temperature. Two observations could be
made relative to the economically optimum working fluids: 1) supercritical
cycles were demonstrated to have lower LCOEs, and 2) when all cycles
were supercritical, isobutane mixtures tended to deliver lower LCOEs. The
commercial isobutane showed potential for LCOE reduction when the
base case, which also used isobutane, was optimized for each resource.

76 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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Base Case
Best Fluid
0.10 Comm iC4
LEC ($/kWhr)

0.09 98% C3 / 2% iC5

93% iC4 / 7% C6



265 300 330 375
Resource T (F)
Figure 31. Summary of projected improvements in LCOE with optimized
working fluids, $1997

Ammonia-water binary cycle with a heat-pump condenser

NREL evaluated the use of an absorption heat pump in an air-cooled binary plant
using an ammonia-water working fluid to mitigate the reduction in an air-cooled
plant output that occurs at elevated ambient temperatures.97 Because much of the
performance information on the Kalina family of power cycles was proprietary,
NREL evaluated the Maloney-Robertson (MR) cycle using the ammonia-water
mixture. A schematic diagram of the MR cycle is shown in Figure 32. The MR
cycle differs from a conventional
binary cycle in that the working
fluid is not completely vaporized
in the geothermal heat exchangers.
The liquid not vaporized is more
concentrated in the heavier mixture
components. This hot liquid is
separated from the vapor and
used to preheat the working fluid
before entering the geothermal heat
exchangers. The cooled liquid leaving
the recuperators is then mixed with
the turbine exhaust to reduce the
condenser pressure and increase
turbine output. This cycle provides
additional design flexibility, that is,
the concentration of the working
fluid or quality of the mixture exiting Figure 32.
the evaporator can be varied. Schematic of Maloney-Robertson cycle

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 77

Cycle analysis considered the performance of a 1-MW plant using air-cooled

condensers. The analysis considered ambient temperatures between a design
value of 10°C (50°F) and an upper value of 38°C (100°F) for each of the two
design resource temperatures—121°C (250°F) and 149°C (300°F). The cycle
was modeled to establish the vaporizer pressure, vapor quality, and working fluid
concentration that provided the optimal performance at the design ambient
condition of 10°C (50°F). For the 149°C (300°F) resource, this cycle produced
an optimal brine effectiveness of 3.87 W/m. If the ambient temperature rose
to 38°C (100°F), the performance of this plant decreased to 2.00 W/m.

Investigators sought to offset the effect of the higher air temperature by using
a single-stage absorption heat pump to augment the heat rejection system.
This system would be installed downstream of the plant’s air-cooled condenser,
where any remaining vapor in the working fluid is condensed leaving the
condenser. The energy source for the absorption system is excess brine. The
study indicated that plant output could be increased by approximately 20
percent at the higher ambient temperature using excess brine flow. The excess
flow required to produce this increase in power was approximately 29 percent
of the design plant flow. With the 121°C (250°F) resource, a 26 percent
excess brine flow produced an additional 13 percent increase in power.

Pure ammonia working fluid in a low-temperature

binary cycle plant
Due to superior heat transfer performance, lower specific volume (i.e., smaller
turbines and vapor piping), and higher sonic velocity, ammonia could provide
a cost advantage over the typically used hydrocarbon working fluids. NREL
performed a study that optimized the binary cycle for both ammonia and
isobutane at different resource temperatures.98 The study examined cycles
that were both water- and air-cooled, with and without recuperators. The
model used predicted-cycle, performance-sized individual components, and
it inferred subsequent component costs. The cycles were evaluated with fixed
ambient conditions—7°C (45°F) for air-cooled condensers, and 2.8°C (37°F)
wet bulb temperature for water-cooled scenarios. A lower limit of 2.8°C
(5.0°F) was placed on the heat exchanger pinch points. A minimum plant
outlet temperature constraint of 66°C (150°F) was placed on all scenarios.

Three resource temperatures were considered: 166°C (330°F), 138°C (280°F),

and 110°C (230°F). For each resource temperature, system parameters were
varied until the net annual plant revenue was maximized. The results for the
air-cooled and water-cooled plants are summarized in Table 3. These results
are without recuperation.

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Table 3. Air-cooled plants compared to water-cooled plants

Air-cooled: Resource Temperature (°F)

330° 280° 230°
Working Fluid Isobutane Ammonia Isobutane Ammonia Isobutane Ammonia
Inlet Pressure (psia) 515.0 761.0 285.8 564.9 150.8 410.3
Condenser Pressure
58.3 160.8 54.0 154.2 50.0 150.8
Brine Pinch (F) 14.5 5.8 6.0 5.2 19.0 16.1
Condenser Pinch (F) 15.6 11.9 14.4 11.8 13.0 12.5
Brine Outlet Temp (F) 150.0 162.0 158.2 151.9 150.0 150.5
Plant Cost ($M) $35.8 $29.2 $25.5 $20.6 $17.6 $10.9
Net Power (MW) 18.0 15.5 9.5 9.2 3.6 3.5
Specific Cost ($/kW) $1,991 $1,886 $2,674 $2,241 $4,923 $3,110
Thermal Efficiency (%) 13.0 12.0 10.3 11.8 5.9 5.8
Brine Effectiveness
7.04 6.06 3.73 3.58 1.40 1.37
Net Cash Flow ($K/yr) $3,336 $3,076 $939 $1,407 -$670 $151

WATER-cooled: Resource Temperature (°F)

330° 280° 230°
Working Fluid Isobutane Ammonia Isobutane Ammonia Isobutane Ammonia
Inlet Pressure (psia) 515.0 731.2 288.3 576.8 151.2 411.5
Condenser Pressure
49.0 140.0 49.0 140.0 49.0 140.0
Brine Pinch (F) 17.0 5.0 6.8 5.0 19.2 15.8
Condenser Pinch (F) 13.2 9.0 13.1 8.8 13.0 8.8
Brine Outlet Temp (F) 150.0 155.6 158.2 151.5 150.0 150.0
Plant Cost ($M) $31.6 $26.8 $22.2 $18.1 $14.7 $9.9
Net Power (MW) 19.9 17.7 10.6 10.4 4.0 4.2
Specific Cost ($/kW) $1,590 $1,515 $2,106 $1,728 $3,676 $2,355
Thermal Efficiency (%) 14.3 13.2 11.4 10.7 6.6 7.0
Brine Effectiveness
7.77 6.92 4.13 4.08 1.56 1.65
Net Cash Flow ($K/yr) $4,694 $4,354 $1,805 $2,281 -$117 $584

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 79

At the highest resource temperature, the binary plant using isobutane working
fluid had higher net annual revenues. However, at the lower resource temperatures,
the plant using the ammonia working fluid produced a higher annual net
cash flow. Recuperation was found to increase the net annual revenue for the
isobutane plant for both the 110°C (230°F) and 166°C (330°F) resources
that used both air- and water-cooling. It was also beneficial for the air-cooled
ammonia plant using the lower 110°C (230°F) resource. Minimal benefit was
found using recuperators with ammonia in the other scenarios considered.
Results suggested that due to its impact on reducing condenser and turbine
size, ammonia should be considered for lower temperature resources.

Trilateral cycle
The trilateral cycle is a simple thermodynamic cycle that can increase the
performance of binary cycles. Its name is derived from its triangular shape when
depicted on a temperature-entropy plot (Ts) as depicted in Figure 33. In the
trilateral cycle, the working fluid is heated with the geothermal fluid but never
vaporized. The nearly parallel curves for the cooling of the geothermal fluid and
the heating of the working fluid reduce the irreversibility in the heat addition
process. The high pressure liquid leaving the heater is subsequently expanded
in a turbine (or total flow device) that drives an electrical generator. As the
liquid expands in the turbine, it enters and never exits the two-phase region.
The cycle’s potential performance benefit is contingent upon the efficiency of
the turbine expander operating with two-phase flow conditions. Prior research
found that turbine efficiencies were low for the two-phase expansion of water.
Because refrigerant working fluids used in binary cycles have lower expansion
ratios than water, it was postulated that their efficiencies would be higher.

Saturation Curve
Working Fluid
Geothermal Fluid

Figure 33. Temperature-entropy plot with tri-lateral cycle imposed

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INL analyzed and compared the performance of the trilateral cycle to a

conventional binary cycle.99 For the same resource conditions, the trilateral
cycle produced approximately 15 percent more power, assuming the same heat
exchanger pinch points and rotating equipment efficiencies. However, the
trilateral cycle had considerably larger heat exchangers. When performance
was compared with the same heater and condenser sizes instead of equivalent
pinch points, the trilateral and conventional cycles performed nearly the same.
It is unlikely that a total flow expander would have efficiencies equivalent to a
conventional binary cycle turbine. For the scenario with fixed heat exchanger
pinch points, the trilateral cycle lost its performance advantage once its efficiency
fell below approximately 90 percent of the binary cycle turbine efficiency.

The expectation that a trilateral cycle expander would achieve an efficiency

approaching 90 percent of the binary cycle turbine was considered optimistic.
When tested at the HCRF and operated at conditions approximating those
postulated for a trilateral cycle, an impulse turbine’s efficiency degraded by
approximately 20 percent. In addition, any minimum constraint on the
temperature of the brine leaving the plant reduced the performance benefit,
suggesting that the trilateral cycle’s potential for improving performance may
be limited to lower temperature resources.

4.3 Findings and Conclusions

Efforts to develop technologies to cut power plant costs have been a major
DOE-supported focus area. Such efforts include the development of innovative
components and power cycles as described below:

• Researchers supported by DOE designed two types of heat exchangers for use
with geothermal fluids with high corrosion and scaling potential whose heat
transfer performance met or exceeded that of conventional heat exchangers:
1) direct contact heat exchangers and 2) fluidized bed heat exchangers.
Direct contact heat exchangers were particularly effective in transferring heat
between the geothermal fluid and the working fluid. Researchers developed
methods for removing NCGs from geothermal and working fluids and for
recovering working fluid from brine leaving the plant. However, because the
geothermal fluids likely to be used in binary plants could use conventional,
less expensive shell-and-tube heat exchangers research concluded. These new
heat exchangers could be used in a binary system using a geothermal resource
with a high potential for scaling and corrosion.
• Research to reduce the impact of air-cooled condensers on the cost and
performance of binary power plants focused on improving the air-side
heat transfer performance of these exchangers. Both INL’s vortex generator
technique and NREL’s tab-fin design increased heat transfer by disrupting

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 81

boundary layers on the surfaces of a tube’s fins and directing air flow into
regions of low heat transfer on the fin surfaces. NREL’s tab design approach
was shown to provide more benefit and the INL research was terminated.
o Enhancing air-side heat transfer also increased the air-side pressure
drop and fan power (for equivalent air flow). A nominal 30 percent
increase in heat transfer and 10 percent increase in the friction factor
were estimated to increase a typical plant’s net output by 3 to 5 percent.
Though the degree to which the condenser size could be reduced
depends on the increase in the pressure drop, it could approach
10 percent.
o NREL worked with industry partners Super Radiator Coils and
McElroy Manufacturing, Inc. to develop methods for integrating the
tab-fin design into the tube-fin configurations used by industry.
• The ADCC developed by NREL has the potential to replace direct-contact
condensers and surface condensers in many of the world’s geothermal flash-
steam and steam plants. ADCC may also be used in any industrial process in
which steam is condensed.
o ADCC technology was employed in a steam plant at The Geysers.
Production efficiency was improved by 5 percent; chemical cost for
hydrogen sulfide abatement was cut in half.
o Owners could recover the cost of installing the ADCC within two years.
o The ADCC earned an R&D Magazine “R&D 100” award for NREL,
the Alstrom Corporation, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company in
1999. In addition, researchers received the “Technology Transfer from
Federal Laboratory to Industry Award” from the Colorado Technology
Transfer Society for work on ADCC technology.
o NREL licensed ADCC technology to the Alstrom Corporation.
• Researchers identified power cycles that improved performance.
o Supercritical cycles using mixed working fluids reduced irreversibilities
in both the heat addition and heat rejection processes.
o These cycles using hydrocarbon mixtures were projected to increase
performance in excess of 20 percent, with corresponding reductions in
power generation costs of up to 13 percent.
o The benefits of recuperation on both performance and cost were shown
when minimum temperature limits were imposed to prevent silica
precipitation in the cooled geothermal fluids.

82 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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o Benefits were shown for both air- and water-cooled plants over the
range of resource temperatures that would likely be used with the binary
power cycle technology.
o Analysis of mixed halocarbons and ammonia and water indicated
that these working fluid mixtures provided similar benefits to
mixed hydrocarbons.
o Cycles were identified that could mitigate the effect of higher ambient
air temperatures on the performance of air-cooled plants.
• The feasibility of achieving projected gains in performance in a water-cooled,
supercritical cycle was validated during testing at the HCRF located at the
o Countercurrent flow paths, necessary for the performance
improvements, were achieved in both the heat addition and heat
rejection processes.
o The integral condensation process critical to reducing irreversibilities
in the heat rejection process was achieved.
o “State-of-the-technology” design tools were confirmed to be adequate
for sizing heat exchangers necessary to achieve desired process
conditions and countercurrent flow paths.
o Available methods for predicting the thermal and transport properties
of the mixed hydrocarbon working fluids were found to be adequate.
o The expansion of a vapor at a supercritical pressure through the
two-phase region supported a supersaturated vapor.
o Testing of an axial flow impulse turbine and a radial inflow reaction
turbine at the HCRF indicated that their performance was not adversely
impacted in the range of interest with the metastable expansions.
o Testing indicated that turbine performance could be predicted with
mixed working fluids using available methods for predicting the
properties of mixtures.
• Subsequent extended testing of the modified turbine inlet conditions at an
existing binary plant confirmed that operation with these expansions over
an extended period did not have any adverse impact on either performance
or turbine integrity. The testing revealed that these expansions could be
used to increase performance at plants that had experienced a decline in
resource productivity.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 83

84 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
P ower Pl ant O perations / 5

Power Plant Operations
Early research efforts to reduce the costs associated with operating geothermal
power plants focused on addressing corrosion and scaling issues inherent in
using geothermal fluids. These efforts are summarized in the previous sections.
As the number of commercial power plants increased, it became apparent that
additional technology improvements could decrease generation costs. For flash
and steam plants, such needs included improving process monitors or instruments
to provide real-time monitoring of conditions affecting plant performance, cost,
or the integrity of plant components (i.e., corrosion and scaling). For binary
plants, research included reducing the effects of high ambient temperatures on
the performance of air-cooled binary plants and in lessening the adverse impact of
NCGs in binary cycle working fluid systems on both plant output and O&M costs.

5.1 Improved Monitors

One component of a geothermal plant’s O&M cost is related to the fluid’s corrosion
and scaling potential. In lieu of using expensive construction materials, the effects
of corrosion and scaling can be mitigated by fluid handling technologies involving
chemical, mechanical, or other processes. Typically, opting for lower capital costs
results in increased O&M costs associated with both fluid handling technologies.

DOE supported research to develop technologies that would lower these O&M
costs in both existing and future plants. Work focused primarily on developing
improved monitors that would enhance the technologies associated with mitigating
corrosion and scaling in various plant processes, systems, and components, and
lower the associated costs.

5.1.1 Plant Process Stream Monitors

In 1997-1998, INL researchers asked steam and flash-steam plant operators to
prioritize where in the plant monitoring different chemical species could have the
greatest impact on O&M costs and plant performance. Plant operators identified
continuous monitoring of hydrogen sulfide in the air leaving an evaporative cooling
tower and in the main steam supply line as the highest priority. Operators further
listed the real-time measurements of hydrogen chloride in the main steam supply
line, hydrogen sulfide in the untreated noncondensable gas stream leaving the
condenser, and the moisture content of steam entering the turbine as secondary
priorities. While methods existed to make these measurements, they were not done
on a continuous, real-time basis.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 85

Hydrogen sulfide monitor

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) comes out of solution when a geothermal fluid flashes or
boils. In steam and flash-steam plants, H2S accumulates in the condenser along with
other NCGs and must eventually be removed. If there are regulatory requirements,
abatement processes are used to minimize the emission of H2S to the environment.
The abatement processes require both chemicals and manpower, which add to
the plant’s O&M costs. Because H2S was not measured continuously, chemicals
were liberally applied to ensure regulatory compliance—further increasing costs.

INL pursued the development of continuous, on-line measurement of H2S

based upon near-infrared, tunable diode, laser spectroscopy.100 The approach
took advantage of diode laser devices developed for telecommunications that are
compact, operate at room temperature, have modest power requirements, and
whose signals can be easily propagated over standard communication-grade optical
fiber. The system INL developed was self-calibrating and could store and display
data on a personal computer.

In laboratory testing, a H2S detection limit on the order of around 25 ppmv per
meter of path length was readily obtainable. Testing indicated that the measurement
was quite sensitive to changes in pressure but less sensitive to temperature changes.
Researchers observed that the device was effective at excluding the contribution of
water vapor to the signal. However, there was a marked decrease in the signal-to-
noise ratio when water droplets formed from the vapor were comparable to the
size of the wavelength of light.

The H2S monitor was field tested at the Northern California Power Agency
(NCPA) Unit 1 plant at The Geysers. In initial testing, the spectroscopy
measurement exhibited a typical precision of approximately 25 ppmv per meter,
comparable to results obtained in laboratory testing under similar conditions.

A longer test was conducted where H2S levels (0-20 ppmv range) were measured
in the treated gas stream leaving the NCPA plant’s Stretford abatement system.
The data collected during an eight-week run is shown in Figure 34. The periodic
spikes in the data occurred during the instrument’s self-calibrations. During this
particular eight-week period, the spectroscopy system operated unattended with
no operator intervention.

The device’s detection sensitivity was found to be adequate for process streams
with H2S levels of more than approximately 1 ppmv. The diode devices that would
provide the sensitivity required for measurements of emissions from the cooling
tower—where the required detection limits could be in the 0.1- to 5-parts per
billion per volume (ppbv) range—were not available during these investigations.

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H2S Concentration (ppm)



15 Nov 22 Nov 28 Nov 5 Dec 13 Dec 20 Dec 27 Dec 3 Jan 10 Jan

Figure 34. Hydrogen sulfide measurements during extended test at the

Northern California Power Agency Unit 1 plant at The Geysers, California

Hydrogen chloride monitor

Steam plant operators were concerned with hydrogen chloride (HCl) because it
goes into solution with the first steam condensate that is formed, and it can cause
significant damage to surfaces it contacts including the plant turbine. To mitigate
the potential for damage, operators may “wash” the production steam before it
enters the plant to minimize HCL’s adverse effects. While effective in reducing
corrosion potential, “washing” de-superheats the steam, lowers its enthalpy content,
and reduces the amount of power that can be generated. In addition, excessive
water use can result in erosion damage from droplets entrained in the steam.

INL investigators developed a way to continually monitor the presence of HCl

in steam, allowing the washing process to be optimized and de-superheating
minimized.101 The monitoring methodology is based on the same near-infrared,
tunable diode, laser spectroscopy used for on-line monitoring of H2S. Because
HCl and H2S have different targeted absorption band wave lengths, they require
different laser diodes. Otherwise the monitor is essentially the same for both gases.

During laboratory testing of HCl in nitrogen, a detection limit of approximately

1 ppmv per meter was observed in measurements made at atmospheric
pressure. Detection sensitivity was primarily limited by etalon effects102
and laser feedback noise at low concentrations. Testing the measurement
response to changes in pressure and temperature indicated higher sensitivity to
pressure, though not as significant as that observed during the H2S testing.

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Testing was then performed in a controlled, high-temperature, steam environment

in collaboration with Thermochem, Inc. at its laboratory in Santa Rosa, California.
The testing determined that the spectroscopic line broadening of nearby water
vapor lines, which occurred at elevated pressures and temperatures, interfered with
the absorption band selected for HCl detection. Researchers resolved this issue
by using diode devices that operate at wavelengths that correspond to stronger
absorption bands and are less susceptible to interference from other species
likely to be present (e.g., water and CO2). The remainder of the monitoring
system operated as expected, indicating that the basic approach was valid.

As the cost of diode devices operating at the desired wavelengths decreases, it

should be feasible to continuously measure both HCl and H2S at costs acceptable
to the geothermal industry.

Steam quality monitor

During the separation of liquid and steam phases in a flash-steam plant, small
droplets become entrained in the saturated steam that enters the turbine. These
droplets can cause scaling and erode turbine surfaces, harming turbine efficiency.
A one-percentage-point decrease in turbine efficiency for a 50-MW plant can cut
annual revenues by approximately $250,000 (at 5¢/kWh). A one-week shutdown
to clean, replace, or repair a turbine cuts revenue by more than $400,000 for a 50-
MW plant.

INL researchers designed a steam quality monitor that would provide a

continuous, sensitive measurement of the amount of moisture (liquid) present in
the steam.103 The monitor was developed based upon the selective absorption of
infrared radiation, which, though not new, had not been used due to its cost and
complexity. Researchers addressed these issues by incorporating semiconductor
emitter and detector techniques that are compact, relatively inexpensive, and
compatible with standard low-loss optical fiber technology.

Laboratory investigations
During steam quality monitor laboratory testing, changes in quality on the order
of 0.05 percent could be detected over the 96 to 100-percent quality range. In these
tests, laser diode devices performed better than broadband light emitting diode
devices, and had the added advantages of being cheaper and easier to obtain.

Initial field tests

The INL steam quality monitor was first field tested at the Bonnett Geothermal
Plant in Utah. Measurements were made using a bypass stream at four different
locations in the flash plant. Results indicated that the optical technique was
quite sensitive to changes in steam quality; changes in quality on the order of

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0.03 percent could be detected. The device responded faster and operated over
a wider range of moisture than the throttling calorimeter. No interferences
from other gas constituents were observed with the diodes tested.

Extended field test

The instrument was subsequently modified for an extended test at the Brady
Geothermal Power Plant near Fallon, Nevada. In this test, optical probes
were installed in the turbine inlet piping, with optical signals transmitted via
fiber optics to and from the probes. Figure 35 is a photo of instrumentation
electronics and the probes installed in a sample section of pipe.

Figure 35. Optical steam quality monitor probes and electronics

Periodic water washing to reduce scale accumulation on the turbine’s internal

surfaces provided a known perturbation of the moisture content of steam
entering the turbine. An example of the data collected during a turbine water
wash is shown in Figure 36. The data show the effect on the measurement when
adding small quantities of water to the nominal 120,000 lb/hr of steam. Over
the 150-day deployment, the device readily tracked small changes (approximately
0.25 percent) in moisture content. The steam quality monitor operated with
minimal impact on plant operation. While there was some fouling of the
window (across which the optical signals are transmitted) during extended
operation, no serious maintenance issues were discovered. The optical probes
were never removed for cleaning or repair over the entire deployment.

The signal amplitude decreased during the test, though it was noted that the signal
recovered following a window washing. The decrease in signal was attributed
to fouling of the window surface, and the recovery to cleaning the window
during turbine wash. This suggested that the instrument signal could be used
to indicate when washing was merited, as well as when internal components
were sufficiently clean that the washing process could be terminated. This
feature is one of the main reasons ThermoChem licensed the technology.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 89

Signal (volts)

Time of Day
Figure 36. Steam quality monitor response to turbine water washing

Particulate monitoring
During development of the steam quality monitor, facility operators and industry
representatives expressed the need for an instrument to detect the presence of
particulates in steam. INL had previously examined the potential use of laser-
induced breakdown detection (LIBD) to identify the precipitation of solids
in geothermal brines used in binary conversion systems. LIBD is based on the
spectroscopic analysis of the plasma produced when a high-power laser pulses onto
a particle in a process stream and monitoring the resulting acoustic signals. While
the LIBD technique provides information on the particle’s elemental composition,
size, and concentration, it is relatively complex and expensive to field and operate.

Researchers subsequently assessed the feasibility of modifying the steam quality

monitor to detect the presence of particulates in steam. Modifications included
1) adding a laser diode that is less sensitive to water and water vapor and more
sensitive to scattering phenomena and 2) using new processing techniques to
recover the signal. Successive laboratory experiments were hindered by excessive
noise from faulty electronics making it difficult to establish a detection limit.
However, results were encouraging because there were several measurement
parameters that could be tuned to increase the measurement sensitivity. Research
efforts were concluded in 2006 before the electronics could be replaced and
testing repeated.

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5.1.2 Monitoring Biological Activity

Microbial activity is an operational issue in geothermal power plants that use
evaporative heat rejection systems. Steam impurities such as hydrogen sulfide,
ammonia, carbon dioxide, and dissolved or entrained solids provide nutrition for
microbial growth that are unique to geothermal plants. These microorganisms
decrease plant performance and increase O&M costs. If left untreated, they form
biofilms that decrease power output and promote corrosion of component and
piping surfaces. The economic impact of microbial activity on the operation of
a 50-MW plant can exceed $500,000 per year. This is the result of lost power
revenue associated with periodic cleaning the condenser and cooling tower, eventual
replacement of failed tubes, and the effects of condenser fouling on turbine exhaust
pressure. Yet few geothermal plants have monitoring programs to detect microbial
growth problems. The timing of chemical treatments is set by either vendors with
an interest in sales or a visual indication of film formation or degradation in
plant performance.104

INL conducted a multi-year research study to characterize and evaluate

microbiological activity in geothermal power plant cooling systems at dry steam
and flash-steam geothermal plants in California, Utah, and Nevada. Principal
field evaluations were performed at The Geysers Geothermal Field in Northern
California and the Bonnett Geothermal Plant in Utah.

Researchers used a variety of techniques to characterize and monitor the microbial

populations in the geothermal facilities.105 Investigations also examined different
methods to increase the frequency and quality of microbial activity monitoring,
enabling plant operators to be more proactive in their application of biocides.
The techniques included:

• Periodic examination of the surfaces of metal coupons after removal from

plant cooling systems (used at The Geysers and the Bonnett plant).
• The most probable number (MPN) method analyzes collected samples that
have been combined with selective growth media to promote the activity of
specific types of microbes. The MPN technique was used in the sampling at
a number of plants, including six different facilities at The Geysers. Seasonal
results for sulfur-reducing and acid-forming bacteria are shown in Figure 37.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 91

Sulfate Reducing Bacteria

Number Density

Acid Forming Bacteria

Number Density

Figure 37. Most probable number results from sampling at The Geysers, California

• Total organic carbon (TOC) was found to have a direct correlation with
microbial density. Water chemistry analysis also suggested an inverse
relationship between sulfate concentrations and biological growth.
• Different electrochemical measurements were evaluated. The BIoGEORGE™
Biofilm Activity Monitoring System was the most promising. Its measurement
is based on the detection of a biofilm that preferentially grows on an electrode
that is polarized daily to a preset direct current (DC) potential. (That is,
the polarization cycle had been shown to encourage biological growth).
BIoGEORGE™ was first tested at the Bonnett plant for 18 months and later
at the Aidlin plant at The Geysers for 8 months. Recorded data from the
Bonnett plant are shown in Figure 38 along with pertinent plant occurrences.

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Applied Current (MicroAmps)

Figure 38. BIoGEORGE™ data collected during testing at the Bonnett plant, Utah
(December 2000 to January 2002)

• Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a high-energy molecule generated by living

cells to perform metabolic functions. Analysis for ATP provides a means
of estimating the concentration of living biomass in a sample. In sampling
at The Geysers, ATP levels mirrored visual observations (cell counts) of
microbial density.
• Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis is a quantitative means of measuring
viable microbial biomass, the composition of that biomass community, and
the nutritional status. When used with a complementary deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) analysis, such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE),
biomass composition can be determined down to the species level. PLFA
analyses of samples at The Geysers compared favorably with MPN analyses.
• The use of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) tags to track specific
organisms and their activities was also investigated. A complementary strand
of nucleic acid is constructed and tagged with a fluorescent compound to
increase the ability to detect the targeted organism’s presence. Research
validated the ability to distinguish targeted bacteria from the general population.
An analysis compared the expected costs associated with each of the above biological
measurement techniques.106 Costs and mode of operation are summarized in Table
4. The estimate assumes that two samples are collected and processed weekly along
with the required calibration standards and any replicate samples (if necessary)
for one year. Facility labor was estimated at $50 per hour. It was assumed that the
DGGE/PLFA analyses are performed via a subcontract to a commercial laboratory
specializing in these measurements; those costs are based on INL’s experiences.

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Table 4. First year cost comparison of biological measurement methods

Operational Equipment Materials Analysis

Method Mode Costs Costs Costs Total Costs
Coupons Sample $2,400 $2,600 $ 5,000
Electrochemical Continuous $ 8,000 $1,300 $ 9,300
ATP Sample $ 2,000 $6,800 $5,200 $14,000
MPN Sample $6,700 $7,800 $14,500
TOC Sample $24,000 $ 350 $6,500 $30,850
DGGE/PLFA Sample $1,000 $55,000 $56,000

Only the electrochemical method, BIoGEORGE™, was found to be capable

of providing a continuous, real-time indication of microbial activity. Coupon
deployment had lower first-year costs but only provided indication of microbial
presence “after-the-fact.” While the other evaluated methods had higher costs
and did not provide continuous monitoring, they did provide more detailed
information regarding the make-up of microbial populatons. A well-designed
monitoring system would likely incorporate a combination of these techiques
to meet the specific needs of a facility.

Bioreactors analysis
Limited investigations were also conducted to identify potential benefits of
microbes in the plant cooling systems and to better understand both their
nutritional needs and life cycles. Not all the microbes adversely affect the
plant; some contribute to the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, thus reducing
abatement costs.107 INL’s microbial research activities ended in 2004.

5.1.3 Non-Destructive Testing of Corrosion/Erosion in Piping Systems

BNL’s Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) program evaluated the feasibility of using
long-range NDT methods to detect corrosion and erosion-corrosion damage to
geothermal piping.108 Industry typically used measurements that only evaluated
the pipe condition at the measurement point; damage in adjacent areas went
undetected. Due to their cost, these tests were impractical for assessing the
condition of extensive lengths of piping. Their use was limited to the specific points
in piping that were susceptible to corrosion and erosion-corrosion. BNL’s research
sought to develop an on-line, real-time NDT method to detect localized corrosion
that could be used to monitor significant lengths of piping from a single location.

Two long-range NDT methods were selected for investigation on the basis of their
potential improved performance, reliability, and economics: dynamic response and
long-range guided wave methods. The former was based on principles of structural
dynamics; the latter was based on elastic wave propagation theory. Initial efforts
focused on the more developed long-range guided wave propagation. Oil and gas,

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chemical, and other industries have successfully used this method to screen piping
systems for corrosion and erosion problems. The commercial system evaluated used
piezoelectric transducers that propagated waves in both directions down the pipe.
Under ideal conditions, the system had a range of up to 175 meters and detection
limits of 5 to 10 percent of the wall thickness.

BNL solicited input from industry on specific needs and priorities for an NDT
system and information on extending the operating life of piping and equipment.
Measurements of insulated piping, operation at elevated temperatures, detection
of pitting corrosion, and accuracy were identified as being important attributes of
an NDT method. Industry also expressed interest in the ability to measure scale
thickness and to develop methods for in situ repair and strengthening of corroded
pipe. As part of this work, assessments were made on alternative methods for
in situ repair that would be more effective than the welded patches commonly
used. Composite wraps were found to have the greatest potential for repair and
strengthening of geothermal piping. Work was suspended in 2003.

5.2 Noncondensable Gas Removal System

for Binary Plants
NCGs are typically not associated with binary power cycle working fluid systems.
Residual air is present, however, following the initial filling of the plant with fluid.
Routine repair or replacement of components can also introduce residual air.
Once present, NCGs’ impact on the binary cycle condenser is similar to that in a
steam plant condenser. The partial pressure of NCGs increases the total condenser
pressure. Additionally, NCGs impede the condensation process, further increasing
condenser pressure and decreasing turbine output. If NCG accumulation becomes
significant, operators will vent the accumulated gas in binary condensers to reduce
the magnitude of the partial pressure. Because a considerable amount of NCGs can
be in solution in the working fluid, venting over a long period may be required to
reduce partial pressure.

Even though most plants have systems that recover a portion of the working
fluid that is vented along with NCGs, the amount of working fluid lost precludes
continuous venting of the condenser. To minimize this loss, operators initiate
venting only after the level of NCGs has reached a maximum threshold—
terminating venting after a “minimum” level is reached. An example of periodic
venting from a plant where NCGs are continually introduced is shown in Figure
39. The gradual buildup of NCGs is clearly illustrated, followed by a sharp decline
during the venting and the subsequent buildup of gases. On average, the plant
was operated with an NCG partial pressure of approximately 4.5 psi. Because
approximately 1 percent of plant output was lost per 1 psi increase in condenser
pressure, maintaining a constant 1 psi partial pressure increased plant output by
approximately 3.5 percent.

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1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov

Figure 39. Accumulation of noncondensable gases in commercial binary plant

INL developed a system that used membrane separation technology to

continuously remove NCGs from the working fluid system.109 The membranes
preferentially allowed one of the vent stream components to permeate while
retaining the remaining components. INL worked with Membrane Technology
and Research, Inc. to identify membranes suitable for separating air from isobutane
and isopentane. The system also contained phase separation vessels, a compressor,
and an air-cooled condenser. Working fluid condensate was collected within
the system and returned to the plant’s working fluid system. All of the system
components were mounted on a 7 x 10 x 7-foot skid with power requirements
less than 10 horsepower (hp). A photo of the system is shown in Figure 40. The
membrane modules are in the horizontal vessels located in the foreground.

The removal system was designed to operate at two different facilities, one using
an isopentane working fluid and the other using isobutane. Initial testing was
performed at the Steamboat I facility south of Reno, Nevada, an air-cooled
plant using isopentane. Figure 41 illustrates the impact that operation of the
NCG removal system had on condenser pressure over five days of continuous
operation, plotting air content in the condenser (mass fraction) as a function of
time. The indicated change in air concentration in the condenser vapor space
corresponded to a change in the NCG partial pressure from approximately
3.7 psi to approximately 0.4 psi. During this operating period, the amount
of hydrocarbons in the NCG gas stream leaving the removal skid and being
vented to the ambient ranged from 1 to 1.5 percent—about one-twentieth of
the loss rate from a conventional vent and working fluid recovery system.110
Continuous operation of the removal system at the Steamboat I facility was
hindered by the unreliable operation of the condensate return pump.

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Figure 40. Gas membrane separation system to continuously remove

noncondensable gases from a binary working fluid system

Percent Air in Condenser

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 41. Reduction in noncondensable gases in Steamboat I, Nevada condenser

The NCG removal system was subsequently moved to Mammoth Pacific

Geothermal, LP’s MPI facility near Mammoth Lakes, California—an air-cooled
binary plant using isobutane. Operation at the Mammoth facility was impacted
by a number of factors, including atypical condenser vent rates (i.e., high air
introduction rates) and higher levels of water in the condenser vent stream.
(The presence of water was attributed to water vapor in the air being introduced.)

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 97

Considerable effort was expended at this location in getting the “system” to operate
without operator intervention. These efforts included facilitating the return of
working fluid to the plant, as well as heat tracing portions of the condensate piping
to prevent freezing of accumulated water. Due to abnormal air introduction rates,
working fluid losses from the system at Mammoth exceeded those at Steamboat, but
they were significantly less than those experienced prior to the system’s installation.

5.3 Off-Design Operation of Air-Cooled Binary Plants

Lower temperature, liquid-dominated resources are frequently located in regions with
insufficient water to provide make-up to evaporative heat rejection systems. These
plants subsequently reject heat sensibly to the ambient in air-cooled condensers.
Typically, these plants are designed to produce their rated capacity (design output)
at the average annual air temperature for their location. Consequently, the ambient
temperature exceeds the design temperature several times a year.

Because geothermal is a relatively low-temperature energy source, outputs from

geothermal power plants are sensitive to the temperature at which heat is rejected.
This is particularly true of air-cooled binary plants. For example, for a 149°C
(300°F) resource, a 0.6°C (1.0°F) increase in air temperature decreases available
energy by approximately 0.8 percent. (Available energy represents the ideal work
that could be done by a conversion system operating between the resource and
ambient temperatures.) Sensitivity to ambient temperature increases as resource
temperature decreases. Each day, geothermal power plants experience changing air
temperatures and the resulting effects on performance. Further, over time plants
typically experience a decline in resource productivity due to declining temperature
and flow rates. Decreases in resource temperature reduce available energy, analogous
to the impact of increasing air temperature. While ambient air temperature
changes are cyclic, a decline in resource productivity is generally irreversible.

5.3.1 Mitigating Effects of Off-Design Operation

INL examined the impact of off-design operation on an air-cooled binary power
plant in order to evaluate different schemes’ ability to minimize those impacts.111
(An “off-design” plant operates at conditions [e.g., geothermal flow, pressure,
temperature, and design ambient temperature] that differ from those for which
it was designed.) Researchers developed a power plant model that simulated
performance of various components in an air-cooled plant. The model simulated
the effect of off-design conditions on the performance of fixed-size turbines and
pumps, as well as the performance of heat exchangers and condensers having
fixed heat transfer areas. Pressure drops in the modeled plant also varied with
flow rates. The model was developed using operating data and equipment
specifications for an existing plant utilizing an isobutane working fluid. Data
from this plant at off-design conditions was used to “calibrate” the model.

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Figure 42 illustrates how ambient conditions affect the performance of an air-cooled

binary plant operating at design conditions. These results show how the available
energy is dissipated in the plant. The “P,net” curve is the second law efficiency for
the plant. The remaining curves reflect the degree to which the effluent stream
of available energy or component irreversibility adversely affects this conversion
efficiency. At a given air temperature, the sum of P,net (the available energy
of the air and geothermal fluid streams leaving the plant) and the component
irreversibilities equals 100 percent. The individual curves for the available energy
of the effluent streams and the component irreversibility show how each impacts
plant performance as a function of the ambient temperature. If a curve increases
with increasing ambient temperature, the parameter associated with that curve
has an adverse impact on conversion efficiency with increasing air temperature.

Figure 42 shows that, in addition to the unavoidable decrease in the available

energy that occurs with increasing air temperature, the efficiency at which the
plant converts this energy to power (“P,net”) also decreases. Strategies to reduce this
adverse impact on conversion efficiency focused on those with the highest impact
and increase with air temperature.

Dissipation of Available Energy at Design Geothermal Conditions

P, net
Fraction of Inlet Brine Available Energy

AE, gf-ex
AE, air-ex
I, hx
I, cond
I, turb
I, gen-gbx
I, dP
I, fan
I, pmp

Air Temperature (°F)

Figure 42. The effect of ambient conditions on the performance of an air-cooled
binary plant operating at its design geothermal conditions
AE: the available energy of the fluid stream exiting the plant; gf: geothermal fluid; I: the component
or system irreversibility; hx: geothermal heat exchangers; cond: air cooled condenser; turb: turbine;
gen-gbx: generator and gearbox; DP: friction losses; fan: condenser fan; and pmp: working fluid pump.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 99

Similar analyses conducted at off-design geothermal conditions found that at the

design ambient temperature, the conversion efficiency increased with a decline in
the resource flow rate. This increase occurs because smaller approach temperatures
are being achieved in the fixed-sized heat exchangers because less heat is being
added and rejected. Because the temperature differences are smaller, the associated
irreversibilities are decreased and the second law efficiency increases. This analysis
assumed the turbine had a variable nozzle geometry that allowed the inlet pressure
to be adjusted (an efficiency penalty was imposed based on the degree to which flow
was throttled). With a decline in the resource temperature, conversion efficiency
decreased even though less heat was added and rejected. This occurs because with
a lower geothermal temperature, the turbine inlet pressure that provides optimal
power output decreases. While this also occurs with a lower geothermal fluid flow
rate, the extent to which the turbine inlet pressure must be decreased is greater with
a decreasing fluid temperature. The lower turbine inlet pressure tends to increase
irreversibility associated with heat addition (because temperature differences are
larger), friction losses (flow throttling with control valves), and pumping. These
factors, combined with lower turbine efficiencies (lower inlet pressure), produce
decreased conversion efficiencies. In all off-design resource scenarios, plant
performance (second law efficiency) declined with increasing air temperature.

To increase plant power production at any given ambient and resource

conditions, dissipation of available energy from one or more of these consumers
must be reduced. Researchers considered several approaches to reduce these
irreversibilities and increase performance. The most promising concepts to
mitigate the impact of higher air temperatures were evaporative pre-cooling the
air and increasing the heat exchanger and condenser surface areas. In the case
of declining resource productivity, options to improve performance included 1)
using variable frequency drives (VFD) on pump and fan motors and 2) removing
the constraint on the turbine inlet superheat. Projected benefits from these
options are shown in Table 5 for two different geothermal resource scenarios.

Table 5. The impact on plant power output projected for two geothermal
resource scenarios
Annual Power May-Sept Annual Summer
(kW-h] [kW-h] Increase Increase
Reference Plant 127,506,584 47,633,536 – –
Increase HX UA 25% 131,913,392 49,436,071 3.5% 3.8%
Increase Cond UA 25% 131,529,156 49,282,495 3.2% 3.5%
Pre-Cooling Air 131,577,608 51,704,561 3.2% 8.5%
Minimize Superheat – – – –
VFDs – Pump and Fans – – – –

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OFF-DESIGN: 20°F decrease IN

Annual Power May-Sept Annual Summer
(kW-h] [kW-h] Increase Increase
Reference Plant 102,640,930 37,782,607 – –
Increase HX UA 25% 109,842,833 40,184,576 5.6% 5.0%
Increase Cond UA 25% 108,533,410 39,643,183 4.6% 3.9%
Pre-Cooling Air 106,866,378 42,008,055 3.3% 8.9%
Minimize Superheat 104,392,687 38,260,626 1.4% 1.0%
VFDs – Pump and Fans 107,729,675 39,706,902 4.0% 4.0%

The power output values shown were derived using model results and hourly
temperature data from Reno, Nevada in 1995. If there is a premium for power
generated during the summer months, evaporative pre-cooling of the air may
significantly increase revenues during that period. The projections shown in the
table assumed that air was pre-cooled continuously from May through September.
If water availability limited air pre-cooling to only the hotter parts of the day, the
benefit declined slightly.

On the basis of annual power output, increasing the size or performance of heat
exchangers will have a slightly larger impact than increasing the size of air-cooled
condensers. Because heat exchangers cost substantially less than air-cooled
condensers, increasing heat exchanger size is preferred. Unless there is a premium
associated with summer power sales, it is probable that increasing the heat exchange
area would be more economically viable than pre-cooling the air—especially if pre-
cooling the air increases operating costs.

Installing VFDs on pump and fan motors is a less-intrusive modification to an

existing power plant, and the potential gain would be significant if a decline in
resource productivity had occurred. The relative benefit from eliminating the
constraint on the superheat entering the turbine is small and only results when
a decline in resource productivity has occurred. There is, however, little cost
associated with incorporating this concept, and the benefit would continue to
increase with further decline in the resource productivity.

5.3.2 Evaporative Cooling Enhancement Methods for Air-Cooled Plants

Because air-cooled, binary plants are commonly designed for an average annual air
temperature, output during periods of elevated temperatures in the summer can be
substantially less than design output. On hot summer days, a plant’s electric output
can drop up to 50 percent from winter levels. The economic effects of reduced
summer performance are exacerbated by the usually higher value of electricity in
the summer.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 101

In response to a solicitation to develop small-scale power plants, DOE made an

award to develop a 1 MW binary power plant at Empire, Nevada. The proposed
plant would employ air-cooling and augment summer heat rejection with
evaporative cooling. NREL developed a spreadsheet model to provide a cost-
and-performance comparison of the alternatives for these systems that would be
immediately useful for the Empire design and also be robust enough for use by
other plant designers.112 The model considered four methods for using supplemental
evaporative cooling to boost summer performance: 1) pre-cooling with spray
nozzles, 2) pre-cooling with Munters media,113 3) a hybrid combination of nozzles
and Munters media, and 4) direct deluge cooling of the air-cooled condenser tubes.

Performance projections were based on weather data from Reno, Nevada, and
pressure drop and evaporative performance data obtained from the manufacturer
of the evaporative media. The cost analysis of each system included the capital
costs of equipment and installations, as well as routine maintenance and ongoing
costs (e.g., water consumed). Performance and cost data for each system were
collected and evaluated using five key economic indicators: 1) total life-cycle cost,
2) net present value, 3) LCOE, 4) simple payback, and 5) internal rate of return.

Projected power output from the plant as a function of air temperature was based
upon modeled results for the Empire plant at a resource temperature of 118°C
(245°F). Output was limited at lower ambient temperatures because the plant’s
condenser pressure was constrained to always be above 1 atmosphere. These
correlations were used to project plant output for each hour of the typical day
selected for each month. It was assumed that the evaporative cooling systems would
only be used from May through October and drained for the other months.

Figure 43 shows a schematic of one of the systems considered—a spray nozzle

cooling system. Water droplets leaving the nozzles are projected to have diameters
on the order of microns, allowing them to evaporate very quickly and effectively.
In the Munters packing system, these nozzles are replaced with a wetted packing
material that cools air passing through the packing. The hybrid system uses a
combination of the spray nozzle and the Munters packing systems, allowing for
a less-sophisticated array of spray nozzles and lower pressure drop in the packing,
which is thinner. Because the quality of the water is unknown (e.g., it could be
cooled geothermal fluid), these three systems minimize the contact of moisture
with the condenser tube bundle. The final system considered used a deluge
cooling method whereby water was pumped onto condenser tube surfaces, using
reverse-osmosis to clean the water or a coating material to protect the tube and
fin surfaces. For this analysis it was assumed that water suitable for cooling cost
$1 per 1,000 gallons. In order to reflect the value of electricity as a function of
weather, the electricity price was varied according to the schedule used for Standard
Offer 4 (SO4). Though the SO4 is no longer in use for electricity purchases, it
was used in order to illustrate the time-of-generation effect with the model.

102 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
P ower Pl ant O perations / 5

Figure 43. Spray nozzle evaporative cooling system

Figure 44, which plots the monthly performance for each system, shows that
without an enhancement, monthly electric energy production drops from 850,000
kWh in the winter to 550,000 kWh in the summer. The three evaporative
pre-cooling systems increase summer output to approximately 750,000 kWh.
Deluge cooling is the only system that boosts summer output to winter levels or
higher. This is not surprising because a deluged air-cooled condenser acts like an
evaporative water-cooled condenser. Table 6 shows the economic results of the
four evaporative cooling enhancement methods.

Total Kilowatt-hours Produced


No Enhancement
700K Spray Cooling
650K Munters Cooling
600K Deluge Cooling
550K Hybrid Cooling

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 44. Monthly electricity production for evaporative cooling

enhancement methods

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 103

Table 6. Economic results for the various evaporative enhancement methods

System 1: System 2: System 3: System 4:

Spray Munters Deluge Hybrid
Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling

Total Capital Cost [$] $155,977 $184,530 $37,139 $134,911

Additional kWh produced per
1,013,085 855,851 1,496,471 947,359
year with system [kWh]
Total Value of Additional
$413,888 $384,856 $622,823 $386,562
Electricity [Present Value $]
TLCC – Total Life-Cycle Cost
$307,084 $331,449 $182,948 $209,469
[Present Value $]
NPV – Net Present Value
$106,804 $17,407 $439,875 $177,093
[Present Value $]
LCOE –Levelized Cost of
Additional Energy [ Additional
$0.0469 $0.0599 $0.0189 $0.0342
Cost per year / kWh gained per
SPB – Simple Payback Years 5 7 1 4
IRR – Internal Rate of Return 23.2% 16.0% 164.8% 32.1%

As shown, simple payback ranged from one year for the deluge system to seven years
for the Munters packing. The deluge system not only performed well but had low
estimated capital costs. The research clearly illustrated the potential benefit of using
evaporative cooling enhancement in the summer. Practical considerations that must
be considered, including the potential corrosion of finned tubes in a deluge system
application, however, are difficult to factor into the cost-performance numbers.

104 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
P ower Pl ant O perations / 5

5.4 Findings and Conclusions

DOE-supported researchers conducted a wide range of projects to reduce the impact
of power plant operations on power generation costs, including the following work:

• Instruments based on near-infrared, tunable diode, laser spectroscopy were

designed to continuously monitor hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen chloride,
a high priority for industry due to abatement costs.
o Laser frequency was matched with the absorption wavelengths of the
targeted species making the technique readily adaptable to many gas species.
o Investigations validated the feasibility of using laser spectroscopy to
perform the desired measurements; during field testing, all of the
engineered attributes of the system were shown to work as expected.
The monitor continuously measured hydrogen sulfide with detection
sensitivities of approximately one ppmv.
o To provide the ppbv sensitivity required in some process streams, it
was found necessary to use higher power lasers operating at longer
wavelengths. In recent years quantum cascade laser technology has been
developed that operates at wavelengths where the absorption bands of
the species of interest are much stronger and there is more isolation
from interfering species. As demand from the telecommunications and
defense industry grows, the cost to produce these lasers will decrease,
and the laser spectroscopy monitor developed will be able to provide the
high sensitivity required.
• An in situ, optical steam quality monitor was developed that produced
a direct, rather than inferred, indication of the presence of water. The
technology was licensed to Thermochem for commercial development.
o The steam monitor used very sensitive spectroscopic techniques
that provided increased sensitivity, accuracy, and range relative to
existing technologies.
o The steam monitor was installed and operated at a commercial
plant for 150 days. During this extended deployment, the device
successfully tracked small changes in moisture content that occurred
during scheduled operations (e.g., turbine water washes) and abnormal
operation occurrences. The monitor operated with minimal impact to
the plant operation and had no serious maintenance issues.
o Testing suggested that the steam monitor’s signal degradation over time
could indicate potential scaling of turbine surfaces and serve as a timely
indicator of both the necessity for and required duration of a turbine
water wash.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 105

• Investigations characterized the level and types of microbial activity in

geothermal plant cooling systems. In addition to characterizing the microbial
communities (i.e., types of microbes including sulfur-reducing, anaerobic,
etc.), seasonal variations in biological activity were identified in a number of
operating plants.
o Various methods of monitoring the biological activity were evaluated.
Of these, the electrochemical monitor, BIoGEORGE™ Biofilm Activity
Monitor, appeared to be the most cost effective. It is the only technique
that allowed for the continuous monitoring of microbial activity, and
as such, can be used to optimize the application of the biocide and
minimize the adverse impact of the biofilm formation on power
plant performance.
• An NCG removal system developed by INL for binary power plants was
shown to be a technically viable means of minimizing the effect of NCGs
on a binary plant. Field testing demonstrated the potential to increase plant
output by as much as 4 percent with working fluid losses one-twentieth
of those incurred using conventional removal practices. Mammoth Pacific
Geothermal, LP uses the system, and the technology has been licensed to
Membrane Technology Research.
o Membrane separation technology improved separation of hydrocarbons
from NCGs, allowing for the continuous venting of NCGs from a plant
with minimal working fluid losses.
o In over two years of field testing, the membranes continued to perform
as predicted, with no operating or maintenance issues.
• Studies of the off-design operation of air-cooled binary plants identified ways
to increase power production when ambient temperatures exceed design
parameters or resource productivity declines. Evaporative pre-cooling of air
was estimated to increase annual power sales from 3 to 18 percent, depending
on the type of cooling system used, plant design, and resource temperature.
Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP originated the concept as a way to offset
the effect of higher ambient temperatures on power output. NREL and INL
provided system and performance evaluation support. Mammoth uses cooled
geothermal fluid as the source of water for this evaporative augmentation.
Concerns regarding water quality have precluded the use of evaporative
cooling at some locations. For these locations, the use of coated tubing and
fins and perhaps deluge cooling, as suggested by NREL, could add power
production benefits.

106 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
P ower Pl ant O perations / 5

o The use of VFDs on pump and fan motors in geothermal plants

would provide operators with flexibility in managing the plant’s house
load when there is a decline in resource productivity. The projected
additional power produced in one scenario was 4 percent. Plant
operators are increasingly adapting VFDs, primarily for geothermal
fluid production pumps and to a lesser extent, injection pumps.
o Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP has adapted the concept of
minimizing superheat in the vapor entering the turbine as a means
of increasing performance with declining resource productivity. The
benefits from this have varied from 1 to 10 percent in Mammoth’s
plants. The cost of incorporating this concept (i.e., instrumentation to
monitor turbine inlet and exhaust conditions) is small—in this instance
less than $10,000.
A significant portion of power plant operations research was accomplished
in partnership with industry, including Calpine Corporation; NCPA; Ormat
Technologies, Inc.; Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP; Utah Municipal Power
Agency; SB Geo Inc.; Thermochem; and MTR. Industry involvement significantly
facilitated technology transfer and commercialization. Thermochem and MTR
licensed the resulting technologies, and Mammoth Pacific Geothermal, LP uses
the modified turbine inlet condition concept and membrane separation technology
in its plants.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 107

108 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D O E T est Facil ities and Demonstration Pl ants / 6

Power Plant
Analytical Studies
DOE sponsored numerous power plant studies; several are listed in the Notes.
These studies frequently showed the benefits of specific technologies or concepts,
providing the basis or justification for further research. The efforts discussed here
are not specific to a particular research area or need. They include earlier efforts
that remain relevant today, as well as more recent work that was done to
characterize the cost and performance of geothermal plants.

6.1 Geothermal Sourcebook

In the late 1970s, a small team at Brown University began to document the
current knowledge on converting geothermal energy into electricity. As work
progressed, the team grew to include members of government, academia, industry,
and national laboratories—each contributing expertise to the final product. The
resulting Sourcebook on the Production of Electricity from Geothermal Energy, (the
Geothermal Sourcebook) a handbook on geothermal energy, was published in
1980.9 A companion publication, Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electricity, an
overview of geothermal power projects worldwide, was published later that year.5

The Geothermal Sourcebook is a definitive reference, covering the diversity of

components, cycles, and technologies needed to produce power from geothermal
energy. Over 25 years later, much of the information provided in the Geothermal
Sourcebook remains relevant and useful to industry and researchers.

6.2 Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants

In the mid-1990s, a consortium of government agencies, including DOE,
and western utilities funded a study to assess different concepts for future
geothermal power plants. EPRI managed the study, CE Holt Company was
the contractor, and Fuji Electric Company and Barber-Nichols Engineering
provided support. The study examined the use of flash-steam and binary power
cycles for 10 resource scenarios that were representative of known geothermal
sites in the western United States with temperatures of 129°C to 299°C (265°F
to 570°F). In addition to detailing the 10 sites’ specific resource conditions

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 109

and ambient conditions, the study applied a consistent set of assumptions to

evaluate the performance and capital costs of a hypothetical 50-MW plant
located at each site. These assumptions were based upon conversion technologies
currently used by industry. Investigators also examined the effect of new
power cycle concepts that might be used to lower power generation costs.

For binary cycles, the study found that the use of mixed working fluids consistently
reduced the cost of power by approximately 7 percent when compared with
commercial binary. A synchronous turbine concept had the potential to lower
cost, but it required developmental work to verify performance and costs.
Metastable expansions provided benefits with a declining resource and for plants
whose performance was not impacted by an outlet temperature constraint on the
geothermal fluid. With the flash cycles, the results showed minimal reduction in
costs using a rotary separator turbine. Other advanced concepts examined for the
flash cycle yielded little cost benefit.

Published in 1995, the final report, “Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants,”10
remains one of the most detailed and relevant cost studies on geothermal power
plants. It is still referenced by researchers.

6.3 Geothermal Electricity Technology

Evaluation Model
Researchers from Princeton Energy Resources International, LLC (PERI), INL,
NREL, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and contractors developed a model
that allowed DOE to evaluate the impact of its research on the cost of generating
electrical power.114 The first Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation
Model (GETEM) was completed and documented in 2006. GETEM predicts
the cost of power based on a set of user-defined parameters (36 for a binary
plant) in order to define plant performance and cost, well field size and costs,
exploration and confirmation costs, and operating costs. Capital and operating
costs are used to predict the cost of power for a reference or baseline condition.

GETEM continues the tradition DOE began in 1974—using computer-based

models to better understand the cost and performance of the main components
of geothermal power systems. GETEM clearly reflects significant technology
improvements and cost reductions that have occurred over the past 35 years.115

GETEM allows the user to vary a number of parameters to reflect technological

improvements that increase performance or lower capital or operating costs, and
it predicts the impact of these improvements on the total cost of power. The model
lets DOE assess where ongoing or proposed research has or would have the greatest
impact on reducing power generation costs. Although development of the model
emphasized air-cooled binary technology, GETEM includes both binary and
flash-steam conversion systems.

110 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
D O E T est Facil ities and Demonstration Pl ants / 6

INL contributed to GETEM by developing power plant cost and performance

correlations that were used to establish plant cost and well field size. These
correlations were based on limited published data including that from EPRI’s “Next
Generation Geothermal Power Plants” study. INL’s correlations predicted plant cost
as a function of resource temperature and plant size. Methods used to derive power
plant costs were modified to include plant performance as a variable in the next
version of GETEM.

In the newer version of GETEM, binary plant performance can be varied until the
reduced well field costs associated with a more efficient plant (fewer wells are required)
are offset by the increased plant costs associated with improved efficiency. In this way,
plant performance can be optimized while minimizing total project capital costs (in $/
kW). Examples of GETEM’s results are shown in the following figures.

In Figure 45(a), costs for a 10-MW plant are predicted for different well cost
and geothermal fluid pumping scenarios. In Figure 45(b), the geothermal fluid
flow is fixed. Results show that as well field cost increases, the minimum total
project capital cost occurs at higher plant performance (brine effectiveness).
While the model’s predicted results are far from definitive, they more accurately
represent how costs vary in actual plants, helping to explain variations in industry-
supplied costs for power plants. Additionally, the model and its results help to
better understand resource conditions for which energy conversion concepts that
improve performance are viable. This model is being integrated into GETEM in
an ongoing process to support geothermal systems analysis for planning purposes.

Impact of Plant Performance on Project Cost (3,000,000 lb/h and 150C)

Cost Minimums
Installed Cost ($/kW)

Plant Cost
$750K Well
Pumped - $750K Well
Pumped - $1,500K Well

Brine Effectiveness (w-h/lb)

Figure 45(a). GETEM showing the impact of different well field cost scenarios
on the total cost of an air-cooled binary project

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 111

Impact of Plant Performance on Project Cost (10MW Plant and 150C Resource)

Cost Minimums
Installed Cost ($/kW)

Plant Cost
$750K Well
Pumped - $750K Well
Pumped - $1,500K Well

Brine Effectiveness (w-h/lb)

Figure 45(b). GETEM showing the impact of different well field cost
scenarios on the total cost of an air-cooled binary project

6.4 Findings and Conclusions

Published in 1978 and 1994 respectively, the DOE-funded reports, the Sourcebook
on the Production of Electricity from Geothermal Energy and EPRI’s Next Generation
Geothermal Power Plants provided industry and researchers pertinent information
about geothermal energy conversion systems which remains relevant today.

GETEM was developed by several of the national laboratories to predict the

cost of electricity and analyze research’s impact on that cost. The first generation
of GETEM is used by DOE management and researchers. Improvements to
the model for purposes of guiding future research continue to this day.

112 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

At the beginning of DOE’s geothermal R&D program, the U.S. geothermal
industry was small and struggling to gain acceptance from utilities and
financial institutions, which had only a rudimentary understanding of the
costs and risks associated with geothermal energy projects. There was little
solid data in the public domain on which reliable analyses of geothermal
reservoirs as viable energy resources could be based. Reluctance to support
geothermal projects financially was causing stagnation in the nascent
geothermal industry. In addition, there was only limited understanding of
the nature of geothermal systems and of how they could be gainfully used.

The DOE-funded research on energy conversion described in this report—along

with the work described in companion reports on Drilling, Exploration, and
Reservoir Engineering—had an immediate and profoundly positive effect by
stimulating development of the modern geothermal industry. This achievement
was realized through performance of collaborative projects in which DOE-
funded scientists and engineers from the national laboratories, academic
institutions, and the private sector worked with colleagues in companies, other
government agencies, and institutions in other countries to address the full range
of problems inhibiting economic geothermal development. Research priorities
were continually assessed and updated in close collaboration with industry
to ensure that project results would be of practical use. The success of DOE’s
program can be seen in today’s vital and progressive geothermal industry.

Over three decades, from 1976 to 2006, the Department’s supported a

wide range of R&D to overcome challenges in energy conversion with the
goal of making geothermal electricity more cost-competitive. Over three
decades, DOE’s support of energy conversion R&D focused on areas such
as test facilities and demonstration plants; materials development; fluid
chemistry; and power plant design, engineering, operations, and analytical
studies. This work contributed to a decrease in the cost of geothermally
generated electricity, and many of the government-supported technologies
were adopted and commercialized by the U.S. geothermal industry.

The Department continues to support research and development activities and

industry partnerships to encourage and help the U.S. geothermal community
to meet these challenges, building on the technical research base of the past
30 years. This technical base provides the information and understanding
necessary to create more efficient, reliable, and economic technologies, enabling
the U.S. geothermal industry to compete for baseload electricity generation.
It is hoped that this summary of prior work in energy conversion R&D will
allow future geothermal developers and researchers to translate past efforts.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 113

114 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Appendix A:
Budget history of the federal
geothermal research program,
1976 – 2006
Notes on Budget Table
The following discussion is provided to clarify the meaning and intent behind the estimates
given in the Geothermal Program budget table (Fiscal Years 1976 – 2006). Despite the precision
of the table, the reader is cautioned not to accept the amounts quoted in any single fiscal year
as a fully accurate representation of the funds spent on a given technical area. The reasons for
this caution will become apparent from the notes. However, over the entire period covered by
this history, the totals are considered reasonably accurate.

1. The funding history covers FY 1976 through FY 2006 inclusive. FY 1976 includes funding
for the “transition quarter” in which the Federal fiscal year was advanced three months
from June 30 to September 30. All funds are in current year dollars in thousands; no
adjustments were made to cover the time value of money.

2. The Program budgets were divided among the four major technical research topics
comprising the focus of the history: Exploration, Drilling, Reservoir Engineering, and
Energy Conversion. For convenience, subsets of Reservoir Engineering---Geopressured-
Geothermal, Hot Dry Rock and Enhanced Geothermal Systems—are listed separately to
identify funds spent on those topics versus Hydrothermal Reservoir Engineering. The
technical areas covered by these research topics are summarized in the Table of Contents
of each history.

3. Additional line items are included for completeness. They lie outside the four research
areas as defined, but they appear in the Program budget for extended periods. Those line
items are mentioned briefly here:

• Capital Equipment – Tools and equipment needed to carry out research, typically
at the national laboratories, are identified as capital equipment. Over time, this line
was either reported independently within each program area (e.g., equipment for
Geopressured Resources) or included as an aggregate total for the entire program.
The aggregate total is used in this budget table. In some instances this may lead to
discrepancies in budget amounts between what is listed here and amounts given
by other sources. The differences are minor, since capital equipment was typically
a small percentage of the total budget for any line item.

• Program Direction – This line covers the personnel expenses of DOE staff used to
plan, implement, and manage the Geothermal Program. After FY 1995, Program
Direction was aggregated at the level of the Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, eliminating this line from the Program budget.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 115

• Baca Demonstration Plant – This major project was planned as the first
commercial-scale (50 MWe) liquid-dominated hydrothermal power plant in the
U.S. The project was located at the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, as a government-
industry partnership. The industry partners were Unocal Geothermal and Public
Service of New Mexico. The project was canceled in 1983 after attempts to find
adequate hydrothermal resources to support the 50 MWe plant were unsuccessful.

• Environmental Control – During the formative years of the Program, research was
sponsored on a number of environmental topics that could have a detrimental
impact on geothermal development. Topics studied to varying degrees included:
hydrogen sulfide emissions, other non-condensible gas emissions, liquid effluents,
land use, noise, induced seismicity, and subsidence. Environmental monitoring
networks were established, notably at The Geysers, Imperial Valley, and the Gulf
Coast, to collect data on subsidence and seismicity. Research was performed on
environmental mitigation technology, especially hydrogen sulfide abatement.

• Geothermal Heat Pumps – While use of heat pumps had been a minor secondary
topic for much of the Program’s history, the topic became a major program
element for a five-year period (FY 1995 – FY1999) when a large education and
outreach effort was conducted to acquaint the public with the environmental
and efficiency benefits of this technology. Research on heat pump technology
was limited but did include advancements in impervious grouts and improved
performance models.

• GeoPowering the West – This was an education, outreach, and technical support
effort, launched in 2000 and patterned after the successful Wind Powering
America initiative.

• Other – A potpourri of activities not covered elsewhere are included here, such as
policy, planning, and analysis done by the Program and short-lived projects such
as non-electric (direct use) demonstrations. These activities are not covered in
this history.

4. The source of the budget amounts reported here is the annual DOE budget request
to Congress, often referred to as the President’s Request or the Congressional Budget
Request (CBR). In most cases, the amounts shown are “Actual” funds budgeted for a
given line item as stated in the CBR. The “Actual” funds are not necessarily the amounts
appropriated by Congress for that fiscal year---differences can arise due to reductions,
rescissions, or other adjustments to the budget subsequent to initial appropriations.

5. The CBR is submitted early in the calendar year, shortly after the President’s State of the
Union message, in order to give Congress the time needed to prepare appropriations bills
before the start of the new fiscal year on October 1. Due to this scheduling of the CBR,
“Actual” expenditures are reported with a two-year lag. For example, if we wished to
know the actual amounts budgeted in FY 1989, they would be found in the FY 1991 CBR.
FY 1989 would have ended on September 30, 1989, four months before the submission
of the FY 1991 CBR to Congress. Sufficient time would have elapsed to allow a final
accounting of FY 1989 expenditures, in most cases to the nearest dollar. This explains why

116 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

the funds are typically reported to 4-5 significant figures, rounded to thousands. Note
that in this example the FY 1990 CBR would not be a source of complete information
about FY 1989 expenditures because the FY 1990 CBR would have been submitted in
early 1989, before the end of FY 1989. Therefore, the “Actual” funds reported in the CBR
are considered the best source of expenditures for the fiscal year in question.

6. A major problem in using “Actual” CBR amounts stems from the fact that neither the
Program nor the CBR were constant over the course of time. The Program’s organization
changed on a number of occasions during its 30-year history, and the format and content
of the CBR changed as well. Probably the greatest impact on recreating the budgets
for the topical research areas was the fact that in many cases the amounts spent on
exploration, drilling, reservoir engineering, and energy conversion were aggregated under
some generic title. For example, during the 1980s the major categories of Geothermal
Program funding were: Hydrothermal Industrialization, Geopressured Resources, and
Geothermal Technology Development. Hydrothermal Industrialization included sub-
topics such as field demonstrations, test facilities, state resource assessments, and
industry-coupled drilling. Technology Development covered many diverse research sub-
topics such as hot dry rock, advanced drilling, geochemical engineering and materials,
energy conversion, and geoscience. In some cases, the expenditures for these topical
areas (e.g., hot dry rock) were reported, and the budgeted amounts could be properly
allocated. However, the CBR did not always report “Actual” expenditures to that level of
detail, and the amounts had to be inferred from the “Request” amount given in the CBR
for the fiscal year in question. These amounts could become problematic when CBR
formats changed or major programmatic reorganizations were instituted between the
year of the “Request” and the “Actual” reporting year.

7. Another complicating factor was the merging of technical areas under a generic topical
area. For example, the line item, “Geoscience Technology,” subsumed the research
topics of exploration and reservoir engineering. The amount of budget devoted to each
element was usually not specified in the CBR. The problem is particularly vexing for
budgets dating from FY 1999 when budget line items such as “University Research”,
“Core Research”, “Technology Deployment”, and “Systems Development” came into
use. Fortunately, Program budget records apart from the CBR for this period are fairly
complete, allowing assignment of funding to the appropriate research areas.

8. Despite the aforementioned caveats, many of the budget estimates are judged to be
accurate. Geopressured-Geothermal was a unique line item in the budget that could
be easily tracked from year to year in the CBR. Funding for Hot Dry Rock was reported
separately for the life of that program. The same can be said for Capital Equipment,
Program Direction, Baca Plant, and Geothermal Heat Pumps. Of the four research topical
areas, Drilling Technology had the best record of budget representation over time,
followed by Energy Conversion. Due to their technological similarities, Exploration and
Reservoir Engineering could be difficult to distinguish. As stated above, the funding for
the topical areas in any given year may reflect some uncertainty, but the aggregate totals
over 30 years do provide a good estimate of relative funding levels.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 117





Annual Budget

rm d-



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1976 $6,280 $4,206 $5,274 $1,182 $21,209
1977 $9,000 $3,500 $5,280 $6,620 $22,350
1978 $17,600 $2,870 $5,400 $17,100 $40,630
1979 $31,270 $9,000 $8,500 $15,000 $26,600 $33,169
1980 $15,506 $8,800 $5,100 $14,000 $35,700 $30,294
1981 $25,224 $12,545 $6,547 $13,500 $35,600 $24,920
1982 $3,450 $3,036 $2,650 $9,700 $16,686 $28,858
1983 $2,360 $1,710 $400 $7,500 $8,400 $29,641
1984 $2,713 $2,640 $10,172 $7,540 $5,000 $1,105
1985 $3,215 $3,585 $5,623 $7,444 $5,226 $2,280
1986 $4,094 $2,415 $5,497 $7,631 $4,426 $1,250
1987 $0 $1,350 $5,595 $8,000 $3,940 $1,065
1988 $455 $1,775 $5,355 $5,770 $4,955 $1,580
1989 $0 $2,250 $4,085 $3,500 $5,930 $1,935
1990 $0 $2,140 $3,761 $3,290 $5,523 $1,601
1991 $6,925 $2,435 $5,543 $3,627 $5,884 $2,155
1992 $1,300 $2,700 $7,100 $3,600 $4,916 $5,300
1993 $2,080 $5,635 $5,517 $3,600 $4,520
1994 $2,597 $3,400 $6,466 $1,300 $6,403
1995 $5,977 $6,267 $4,620 $4,000 $5,090
1996 $8,700 $5,899 $0 $1,900 $5,200
1997 $9,818 $5,030 $0 $400 $5,900
1998 $5,600 $6,900 $4,387 $5,119
1999 $4,084 $4,934 $6,782 $4,150
2000 $1,475 $5,500 $7,025 $3,049 $3,405
2001 $2,700 $5,500 $5,600 $1,700 $4,745
2002 $3,000 $5,084 $5,336 $1,580 $4,111
2003 $4,163 $5,717 $5,915 $8,111
2004 $3,000 $6,000 $6,680 $5,226
2005 $3,534 $4,060 $6,788 $5,180
2006 $3,734 $4,128 $5,928 $3,592
Total $189,854 $141,011 $121,661 $137,256 $31,640 $193,688 $320,094

118 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion




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$704 $1,301 $2,958 $43,114
$1,500 $2,500 $2,300 $53,050
$2,500 $12,000 $3,600 $4,500 $106,200
$3,000 $663 $7,450 $516 $10,500 $145,668
$3,200 $1,100 $20,500 $1,300 $12,200 $147,700
$1,310 $2,376 $12,050 $2,600 $19,959 $156,631
$860 $1,600 $2,124 $500 $69,464
$250 $1,250 $5,963 $57,474
$0 $1,000 $100 $30,270
$400 $1,025 $900 $29,698
$481 $701 $26,495
$0 $780 $20,730
$0 $835 $20,725
$795 $826 $19,321
$426 $782 $17,523
$401 $889 $2,479 $30,338
$821 $1,000 $200 $26,937
$900 $1,000 $23,252
$873 $970 $1,000 $23,009
$886 $1,000 $967 $5,000 $4,000 $37,807
$5,300 $2,400 $29,399
$6,482 $2,000 $29,630
$6,400 $288 $28,694
$6,420 $1,780 $28,150
$2,882 $23,336
$1,600 $4,778 $26,623
$3,200 $4,724 $27,035
$3,521 $963 $28,390
$2,738 $981 $24,625
$3,128 $2,666 $25,356
$2,658 $2,722 $22,762
$19,307 $17,797 $54,124 $14,284 $29,802 $16,845 $92,043 $1,379,406

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 119

120 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Abbreviations & Acronyms

ADCC advanced direct-contact condensor Fe iron

Ag silver FISH fluorescently tagged,

in situ hybridization
APST aminopropylsilane triol
fpi fins per inch
As arsenic
GEA Geothermal Energy Association
ASHRAE American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning GETEM Geothermal Electricity Technology
Engineers Evaluation Model

ATP adenosine triphosphate GLEF Geothermal Loop

Experimental Facility
Au gold
GPTF Geothermal Pump Test Facility
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory
GRC Geothermal Resources Council
CaCl2 calcium chloride
GTF Geothermal Test Facility
CAST Cycle Analysis Simulation Tool
H 2S hydrogen sulfide
Ce cerium
HCl hydrogen chloride
CEC California Energy Commission
HCRF Heat Cycle Research Facility
Co cobalt
HF hydrogen fluoride
CO2 carbon dioxide
Hg mercury
Cr chronium
HNO3 nitric acid
CRC Crystallizer Reactor Clarifier
hp horsepower
DC direct current
HTRI Heat Transfer Research, Inc.
DCHX direct contact heat exchanger
IGT Institute of Gas Technology
DGGE denaturing gradient gel
electrophoresis INEEL Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
INL Idaho National Laboratory
DOE Department of Energy
kWh kilowatt-hour
EDTA iron chelate Dow RT2
lb/h pounds per hour
EGS enhanced geothermal system
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute National Laboratory

ERDA Energy Research and Development LCOE levelized cost of electricity


A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 121

LEC Levelized Energy Cost PEC performance evaluative criteria

Li lithium PEEK polyetheretherketon

LIBD laser-induced breakdown detection PERI Princeton Energy Resources

International, LLC
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory PES polyarylethersulfone

mg/L milligrams per liter PLFA phospholipid fatty acid

MIT Massachusetts Institute of PNNL Pacific Northwest National

Technology Laboratory

mm millimeter ppbv parts per billion by volume

MMT montmorillonite ppm parts per million

Mn maganese ppmv parts per million by volume

MPN most probable number PPS polyphenylene sulfide

MTR Membrane Technology psia per square inch absolute

and Research, Inc.
psig per square inch guage
MW megawatt
R&D research and development
Na2SO4H2O sodium sulphate
RO reverse osmosis
NaCl sodium chloride
SBTF Single-Blow Test Facility
NaOH sodium hydroxide
scf standard cubic foot/feet
NCG noncondensable gas
SDG&E San Diego Gas and Electric
NCPA Northern California Power Agency
SiO2 quartz
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
NREL National Renewable Energy
Laboratory TDS total dissolved solids

O&M operation and maintenance TOC total organic carbon

OMP organometallic polymers U uranium

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory USGS U.S. Geological Survey

PAAMPA poly-acetamide-acetoxyl VFD variable frequency drives

W/m watts per meter
Pb lead
w-hr/lb watt-hours per pound
PbS phosphate buffered saline
Zn zinc

122 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

References Organized by
Major Research Project Area
DOE Test Facilities and Demonstration Plants
Reports and Publications
1980, Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility Final Report. DOE/ET/28443-T1.

Bliem, C. J., 1981, Quick Look Report on the Startup Tests for he Raft River 5 MW(e) Pilot Geothermal
Power Plant. EGG-GTH-5716.

Bliem, C. J. and Walrath, L. F., 1983, Raft River Binary-Cycle Geothermal Pilot Power Plant Final Report.

Campbell, R. G. and Hattar, M. M., 1991, Design and Operation of a Geopressured-Geothermal Hybrid Cycle
Power Plant, Final Report. DOE/ID/12578-2, v. I - III.

Carter, J. P., McCawley, F. X., Cramer, S.D. and Needham, Jr., P. B., 1979, Corrosion Studies in Brines of the
Salton Sea Geothermal Field. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations RI-8350.

Harvey, C., 1983, Sperry Low Temperature Geothermal Conversion System, Final Report – Volume VI
Economic Studies. DOE/ET/27125-T2.

Harvey, C., McBee, W. and Matthews, H. B., 1984, Sperry Low Temperature Geothermal Conversion System,
Final Report – Volume V Component Development. DOE/ET/27125-T2.

Hlinak, A., Lobach, J., Nichols, K., Olander, R. and Werner, D., 1980, Final Design, Installation and Baseline
Testing of 500- kW DCHX Pilot Plant at East Mesa. LBL-11153.

Hlinak, A., Lee, T., Lobach, J., Nichols, K., Olander, R., Oshmyansky, S., Roberts, G. and Werner, D.,1981,
500- kW DCHX Pilot Plant Evaluation Testing. LBL-13339.

Ingvarsson, I. J. and Madsen, W. W., 1976, Determination of the 5 MW Gross Nominal Design Case Binary
Cycle for Power Generation at Raft River, Idaho. TREE-1039.

Kutscher, C. F., 2000, Status and Future of Geothermal Electric Power. NREL-CP-550-28204. p 9.

Matthews, H. B., 1984, Sperry Low Temperature Geothermal Conversion System, Final Report – Volume III
Economic Studies. DOE/ET/27125-T2.

Mines, G. L., 1980, Description of Testing for Evaluation of the ORNL Fluted-Tube Condenser at the Raft
River Geothermal Site, PG-G-80-042.

Mines, G. L., 1981, Prototype Geothermal Power Plant summary of Operation for Automatic-Run Test Phase.

Mines, G. L., Demuth, O. J., and Wiggins, D. J., 1983, Thermal and Hydraulic Performance Tests of a Sieve-
Tray Direct Contact Heat Exchanger Vaporizing Pure and Mixed Hydrocarbon Rankine Cycle Working Fluids.

Olander, R., Oshmyansky, S, Nichols, K. and Werner, D., 1983, Final Phase Testing and Evaluation of the
500 kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant at East Mesa. DOE/SF/11700-T1.

Olander, R. G. and Roberts, G. K., 1984, East Mesa Geothermal Pump Test Facility (EMGPTF) Final Report.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 123

Papers and Presentations

Bliem, C. J., 1983, The Raft River 5-MWe Binary Geothermal-Electric Power Plant – Operation and
Performance: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 7.

Campbell, R. G., 1989, Construction and Planned Operation of a Hybrid Cycle Plant on a Geopressured Well:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 13, p. 565-567.

Campbell, R. G. and Hattar, M. M., 1989, Operating Results from a Hybrid Cycle Plant on a Geopressured
Well: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 14, p. 521-525.

DiPippo, R., 1978, Appendix S: USDOE Geothermal Component Test Facility: Minutes of the Eighth Meeting
of the Centers for the Analysis of Thermal/Mechanical Energy Conversion Concepts, COO/4051-17.

Fishbaugher, J. R., 1989, Heber Binary Project- Operating Lessons Learned: Proceedings of EPRI Eleventh
Annual Geothermal Conference and Workshop, EPRI GS-6380.

Gawlik, K. and Kutscher, C., 2000, Investigation of the Opportunity for Small-Scale Geothermal Power
Plants in the Western United States: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p. 109-112.

Hlinak, A., Lobach, J., and Nichols, K. E., 1981, Operational and Field Test Results from the 500 kW Direct
Contact Pilot Plant at East Mesa: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 5, p. 429-432.

Kutscher, C. F., 2000, Status and Future of Geothermal Electric Power,” Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings
of the Solar 2000 Conference Including Proceedings of ASES Annual Conference and Proceedings of the
25th National Passive Solar Conference.

Lacy, R. G., 1981, Heber Geothermal Binary Demonstration Power Plant – New Developments: Proceedings
of EPRI Fifth Annual Geothermal Conference and Workshop, EPRI AP-2098.

Matthews, H. B. and McBee, W. D., 1979, Gravity-Head Geothermal Conversion System: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 3, p. 413-416.

Mines, G. L. and Wiggins, D. J., 1983, Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of Sieve-Tray Direct-Contact Heat
Exchanger: Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.

Nelson, T. T., 1984, Heber Binary Project: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 8, p. 79-82.

Nelson, T. T., 1985, Heber Binary Project: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 9, Part II, p. 161-165.

Nelson, T. T., 1986, Heber Binary Project: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 10, p. 335-339.

Nichols, K. E., 1979, A 500 kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant for East Mesa: Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 3, p. 495-498.

Nichols, K. E., Olander, R. G. and Loback, J. L.,1980, Test Results From the 500 kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant
at East Mesa: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 4, p. 519-522.

Rasmussen, T. L. and Whitbeck, J. F., 1980, Raft River 5-MWe Geothermal Pilot Plant Project: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 4.

Riess, M. L. and Meiran, P. F., 1983, Design of the Brine-Hydrocarbon Heat Exchangers for the Heber
Geothermal Binary Demonstration Power Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 7, p. 35-40.

Solomon, N. S. and Berning, J. L., 1987, Heber Binary Project – Status of Plant Operations and Testing:
Proceedings of EPRI Tenth Annual Geothermal Conference and Workshop, EPRI AP-5059-SR.

Solomon, N. S., 1989, Heber Binary Project Operations and Testing:” Proceedings of EPRI Eleventh Annual
Geothermal Conference and Workshop, EPRI GS-6380.

Whitbeck, J. F. and Piscitella, R. R., 1978, Raft River 5 MW Geothermal Plant: Proceedings of the Second
Geothermal Conference and Workshop, EPRI, WS-78-98.

124 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Whitbeck, J. F., 1980, Raft River Facility Experience: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Geothermal
Conference and Workshop, EPRI, TC-80-907.

Wiggins, D. J., Mines, G. L. and Wahl, E., 1983, Thermal Performance of a Geofluid Direct-Contact Heat
Exchanger: Proceedings of Joint ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference.

Materials Development
Reports and Publications
1977, Economic Assessment of Polymer Concrete Usage in Geothermal Power Plants. BNL-50777.

1979, Alternative Materials of Construction for Geothermal Applications, Progress Report No. 19. BNL-51096.

DeBerry, D. W., Ellis, P. F. and Thomas, C. C., 1978. Materials Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Power
Systems. ALO-3904-1.

Ellis, P. F. and Conover, M. F., 1981, Material Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Energy Utilization Systems.

Ellis, P. F., 1983, Review of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Fouling and Corrosion in Geothermal Power
Plant Service. DOE/SF/11503-2.

Gawlik, K., Sugama, T., Webster, R. and Reams, W, 1998, Field Testing of Heat Exchanger Tube Coatings.
NREL- CP-550-26210, 12 p.

Miller, R. L., 1976, Corrosion Engineering in the Utilization of the Raft River Geothermal Resource. ANCR-

Miller, R. L., 1977, Results of Short-Term Corrosion Evaluation Tests at Raft River. TREE-1176.

Robertus, R. J., Sullivan, R. G. and Shannon, D. W., 1986, Field Tests to Determine Scaling Tendency of
Some Moderate-Temperature Geothermal Brines. PNL-5991.

Shannon, D. W., 1977, Corrosion of Iron-Base Alloy Versus Alternative Materials in Geothermal Brines,
Interim Report. PNL-2456/UC-66d.

Shannon, D. W., 1978, Geochemical Engineering Program Progress Report, Period Ending December 1977.

Shannon, D. W., Elmore, R. P. and Pierce, D. D., 1981, Monitoring the Chemistry and Materials of the Magma
Binary Cycle Generating Plant. PNL-4123.

Smith, C. S. and Ellis, P. F., 1983, Addendum to Material Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Energy
Utilization Systems. DOE/RA/27026-2.

Suciu, D. F. and Miller, R. L., 1980, Removal of Silica From Raft River Geothermal Water. EGG-FM-5170.

Suciu, D. F. and Wikoff, P. M., 1981, Corrosion Testing of Carbon Steel in Aerated Geothermal Brine. EGG-

Suciu, D. F. and Wikoff, P. M., 1982, An Evaluation of Materials for Systems Using Cooled, Treated
Geothermal or High-Saline Brines. EGG-2213.

Sugama, T., Webster, R., Reams, W. and Gawlik, K., 2000, High-Performance Polymer Coatings for Carbon
Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes in Geothermal Environments: Journal of Materials Science, v. 35, p. 2145-2154.

Sugama, T. and Gawlik, K., 2001, Filler Materials for Polyphenylenesulphide Composite Coatings.
NREL-CP-550-30258, 16 p.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 125

Sugama, T., Kelley, S. S. and Gawlik, K., 2001, Hydrothermal Degradation Study of Phenolic Polymer
Coatings by Advanced Analytical Methods: Journal of Coatings Technology, v. 73(917), p. 65-71.

Sugama, T. and Gawlik, K., 2001, Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Poly(phenylenesulphide) Composite Coatings:
Polymers & Polymer Coatings, v. 9(6), p. 377-384.

Sugama, T.and Gawlik, K., 2001, Poly(tetrafluorethylene)/(hexafluoropropylene) Coatings for Mitigating the
Corrosion of Steel in a Simulated Geothermal Environmen: Progress in Organic Coatings, v. 42, p. 202-208.

Sugama, T.; Gawlik, K., 2002. Anti-silica Fouling Coatings in Geothermal Environments: Materials Letters,
v. 57, p. 666-673.

Sugama, T.; Elling, D.; Gawlik, K., 2002, Poly(phenylenesulfide)-Based Coatings for Carbon Steel Heat
Exchanger Tubes in Geothermal Environments: Journal of Materials Science, v. 37, p. 4871-4880.

Sugama, T. and K. Gawlik, 2003, Self-repairing Poly(phenylenesulfide) Coatings in Hydrothermal

Environments at 200°C: Materials Letters, v. 57, p. 4282-4290.

Sugama, T.; Gawlik, K., 2003, Nanoscale Boehmite Filler for Corrosion- and Wear-Resistant
Polyphenylenesulfide Coatings: Polymers and Polymer Composites, v. 12(3), p. 153-167.

Sugama, T.; Gawlik, K., 2003, Milled Carbon Microfiber-Reinforced Poly(phenylenesulfide) Coatings for
Abating Corrosion of Carbon Steel: Polymers and Polymer Composites, v. 11(3), p. 161-170.

Sugama, T., Gawlik, K. and Jung, D., 2003, Polyaminopropylsiloxane coatings for geothermal air-cooled
condensers: Recent Research Development Material Sciences, v. 4, p. 695.

Sugama, T., 2004, Hydrothermal degradation of polybenzimidazole coating: Materials Letters, v. 58, p. 1307.

Sugama, T. and Gawlik, K., 2004, Nanoscale boehmite filler for corrosion- and wear-resistant
polyphenylenesulfide coatings: Polymers & Polymer Composites, v. 12, p. 153.

Sugama, T., 2005, Self-assembly Nanocomposite Coatings, BNL Docket No. 369-208.

Wikoff, P. M. and Suciu, D. F., 1981, Zeta Potential Study of the Water Treatment of Geothermal Brines.

Papers and Presentations

Downs, W. F., Barnes, H. L. and. Rimstidt, J.D, 1978, Field Scaling Tests on Geothermal Brines: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 165-166.

Ellis, P. F., 1981, A Geothermal Corrosivity Classification System: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions,
v. 5, p. 463-466.

Gawlik, K., Sugama, T., Webster, R. and Reams, W., 1998, Field Testing of Heat Exchanger Tube Coatings:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 22, p. 385-391.

Gawlik, K., Kelley, S., Sugama, T., Webster, R. and Reams, W., 1999, Field Testing of Heat Exchanger Tube
Coatings: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 23, p. 65-69.

Gawlik, K., Sugama, T., Webster, R. and Reams, W., 2000, Development and Field Testing of Polymer Heat
Exchanger Tube Coatings: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p. 659-664.

Gawlik, K., Sugama, T. and Jung, D., 2002, Organometallic Polymer Coatings for Geothermal-Fluid-Sprayed
Air-Cooled Condensers: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26. p. 657-661.

Gawlik, K. and Sugama, T., 2003, Long-Term Field Testing of Polyphenylenesulphide Composite Coatings:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 27, p. 577-581.

Gawlik, K., Sugama, T. and Hirtz, P. 2005, Field Testing and Analysis of Polyphenylenesulphide (PPS)
Composite Coatings Exposed to High Temperature, PH-Modified Brine: Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 29. p. 741-746.

126 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Goldberg, A. and Garrison, R. E., 1977, Materials Evaluation for Geothermal Applications: Turbine Materials:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v 1, p. 107-109.

Kukacka, L. E. and Schroeder, J. E., Polymer Concrete Pipe for High-Temperature Corrosive Environments:
CORROSION/81, PNL-28715.

McCright, R. D., Frey, W. F. and Tardiff, G. E., 1980, Localized Corrosion of Steels in Geothermal Steam/Brine
Mixtures: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v 4, p. 645-648.

Mines, G. L. and Whitbeck, J. F., 1977, Heat Exchanger Fouling Tests at Raft River: Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 1, p. 221-223.

Moore, K. A., Mizia, R. E., and Zatorski, R. A., 2002, Internal Metallic Pipe Coatings for the Geothermal
Industry: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26.

Sugama, T. and Gawlik, K., 2002, Filler Materials for Polyphenylenesulphide Composite Coatings:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 25, p. 41-46.

Sugama, T., Gawlik K. and Hirtz, P., 2004, High Temperature Field Testing of Polyphenylenesulphide
Composite Coatings: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 28.

Geothermal Fluid Chemistry

Reports and Publications
1980, Controlling Scale Formation in Geothermal Brines: Energy and Technology Review, p. 1-7.

Deutscher, S. B., Ross, D. M., Quong, R. and Harrar, J. E., 1980, Studies of the Dissolution of Geothermal
Scale. UCRL-52897.

Harrar, J. E., Otto, C. H, Jr., Hill, J. H., Morris, C. J., Lim, R. and Deutscher, S. B., 1977, Determination of the
Rate of Formation of Solids from Hypersaline Brine as a Function of pH. UCID-17596.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, C. H., Jr., Deutscher, S. B., Lim, R., Frey, W. P., Quong, R. and Lorensen, L. E.,
1979, Preliminary Results of Tests of Proprietary Chemical Additives, Seeding, and Other Approaches for
the Reduction of Scale in Hypersaline Geothermal Systems. UCID-18051.

Harrar, J. E., Otto, C. H., Jr., Deutscher, S. B., Ryon R. W. and Tardiff, G. E., 1979, Studies of Brine Chemistry,
Precipitation of Solids, and Scale Formation at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field. UCRL-52640.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Lorensen, L. E., Otto, Jr., C. H., Deutscher, S. B., Frey, W. P. and Lim, R., 1979, On-line
Tests of Organic Additives for the Inhibition of the Precipitation of Silica from Hypersaline Geothermal
Brine. UCID-18091.

Harrar, J. E.,. Locke, F. E, Otto, Jr., C. H,. Lorensen, L. E. and Frey, W. P., 1979, On-line Tests of Organic
Additives for the Inhibition of the Precipitation of Silica from Hypersaline Geothermal Brine II. Tests of
Nitrogen-Containing Compounds, Silanes, and Additional Ethoxylated Compounds. UCID-18195.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, C. H., Jr., Lorensen, L. E., Frey, W. P. and Snell, E. 0., 1979, On-Line Tests of
Organic Additives for the Inhibition of the Precipitation o f Silica from Hypersaline Geothermal Brine III.
Scaling Measurements and Tests o f Other Methods of Brine Modification. UCIO-18238.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, Jr., C. H., Lorensen, L. E., Frey W. P. and Snell, E. 0., 1979, On-line Tests of
Organic Additives for the Inhibition of the Precipitation of Silica from Hypersaline Geothermal Brine IV.
Final Tests of Candidate Additives. UCID-18536.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, Jr., C. H., Deutscher, S. B., Frey, W. P., Lorensen, L. E., Snell, E. 0., Lim, R., Ryon,
R. W. and Quong, R., 1980, Final Report on Tests of Proprietary Additives as Antiscalants for Hypersaline
Geothermal Brine. UCID-18521.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, Jr., C. H., Lorensen, L. E., Deutscher, S. B. and Frey, W. P., 1980, Field Tests
of Organic Additives for the Control of Scale at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field. UCRL-84227.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 127

Hill, J. H. and Otto, C. H., Jr., 1977 Sampling and Characterization of Suspended Solids in Brine from
Magmamax No. 1 Well. UCRL-79007.

Hill, J. H., Harrar, J. E., Otto, Jr., C. H., Deutscher, S. B., Crampton, H. E., Grogan R. G. and Hendricks, V.
H., 1979, Apparatus and Techniques for the Study of Precipitation of Solids and Silica from Hypersaline
Geothermal Brine. UCRL-52799.

Miller, D. G., Piwinskii, A. J. and Yamauchi, A. J., 1977, The Use of Geochemical-Equilibrium Computer
Calculations to Estimate Precipitation from Geothermal Brines. UCRL-52197.

Premuzic, E. T., Kwiatek, W. M., Lin, M. and Jones, K., 1989, Regional variation in the metal composition
of residual brine sludges derived from geothermal power plants: Geothermal Science Technology, 2(2),

Robertus, R. J., Shannon, D. W., Sullivan, R. G., Mackey, D. B., Koski, O. H., McBarron, F. O., Duce, J. L. and
Pierce, D. D., 1986, Field Tests of Corrosion and Chemical Sensors for Geothermal Power Plants. PNL-5782.

Robertus, R. J., Sullivan, R. G. and Shannon, D. W., 1986, Field Tests to Determine Scaling Tendency of Some
Moderate-Temperature Geothermal Brines. PNL-5991.

Shannon, D. W., Cole, M. W., DeMonia, D. D., Divine, J. R., Jensen, G. A., Kindle, C. H., Koski, O. H., Smith, R. P.
and Woodruff, E. M., 1980, Field Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Pressurized Geothermal Liquids, Gases,
and Suspended Solids. PNL-3412.

Shannon, D. W., Elmore, R. P. and Pierce, D. D., 1981, Monitoring the Chemistry and Materials of the Magma
Binary Cycle Generating Plant. PNL-4123.

Papers and Presentations

Bourcier, W. L., Martin, S. I., Viani, B. E. and Bruton, C. J., 2001, Developing a process for commercial silica
production from geothermal brines: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 25, p. 487-491.

Featherstone, J., Butler, S. and Bonham, E., 1995, Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress,
v. 4, p. 2391.

Grens, J. Z. and Owen, L. B., 1977, Field Evaluation of Scale Control Methods: Acidification: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 1, p. 119-121.

Harrar, J. E., Locke, F. E., Otto, C. H., Jr., Lorensen, L. E., Deutscher, S. B., Frey, W. P. and Lim, R., 1979,
Field Tests of Organic Additives for the Control of Scale at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 3, p. 295-298.

Harrar, J. E., 1980, Progress and Future Directions in Chemical Methods for the Control of Scale at the Salton
Sea Geothermal Field: Workshop on Scale Control and Related Topics, Los Alamos.

Lin, M. S., Bohenek, M., Premuzic, E. T., and Johnson, S., 2000, Silica Production from Low-Salinity
Geothermal Brines: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p 671-674.

Lin, M. S., Premuzic, E. T., Wei M. Zhou, and Johnson, S., 2001, Mineral Recovery: A Promising Geothermal
Power Production Co-Product: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 25, p 497-500.

Miller, D. G., Piwinskii A. J. and Yamauchi A. J., 1977, Geochemical Equilibrium Codes: A Means of Modeling
Precipitation Phenomena in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field: Proceedings of the International Symposium
Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, p. 167-172.

Premuzic, E. T., Lin, M. S., Bohenek, M., Shelenkova, L., Wilke, R. and Joshi-Tope, G., 1999, Processing of
Spent Geothermal Brines: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 23, p 229-234.

Premuzic, E. T., Lin, M. S., Lian, H., and Miltenberger, R. P., 1995, Geothermal Brines and Sludges: A New
Resource: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 19, p 77-80.

Premuzic, E. T., Lin, M. S., Jin, Jing-Zhen, and Hamilton, K., 1995, “Geothermal Waste Treatment
Biotechnology: Proceeding of the World Geothermal Congress, v. 4, 2769-2772.

128 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Quong, R., Harrar, J. E., McCright, R. D., Locke, F. E., Lorensen, L. E. and Tardiff, G. E., 1979, Silica Control
and Materials Tests at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field: Proceedings of the. 3rd Annual EPRI Geothermal
Conference and Workshop, p. 4-21 to 4-27.

Robertus, R. J., Shannon, D. W. and Sullivan, R. G., 1984, Special Function Instruments for Binary Cycle
Geothermal Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 8.

Power Plant Design and Engineering

Reports and Publications
1976, Laboratory Investigation of an Advanced Geothermal Primary Heat Exchanger (APEX) – Final Report.

Addoms, J. F. and Gracey, C. M., 1977, Wellsite Verification Testing of an Advanced Geothermal Primary
Heat Exchanger (APEX) – Final Report. SAN/1125-02.

Alger, T. W.,1975, The Performance of Two-Phase Nozzles for Total Flow Geothermal Impulse Turbines.

Alger, T. W., 1978, Droplet Phase Characteristics in Liquid-Dominated Steam-Water Nozzle Flow.

Alger, T. W., Crowe, C. T. and Giedt, W. H., 1978, A Laser-Doppler Velocimeter for Measuring Droplet
Velocities in Two-Phase Liquid-Dominated Nozzle Flows. UCRL-80790.

Allen, C. A. and Grimmett, E. S., 1978, Liquid-Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchanger Design Parameters., ICP-1153.

Austin, A. L., et al., 1973, The Total Flow Concept for Recovery of Energy from Geothermal Hot Brine
Deposits. UCRL-51366.

Austin, A. L. and House, P. A., 1978, New Concepts for Conversion of Energy Contained in Low to Medium
Temperature Liquids with Emphasis on Geothermal Applications. UCRL-52583.

Beadle, C. W., 1977, Detachable Blade Configurations for a Total Flow Geothermal Turbine. UCRL-17554.

Bharathan, D., Hoo, E. and D’Errico, P., 1992, Assessment of the Use of Direct Contact Condensers with
Wet Cooling Systems for Utility Steam Power Plants. NREL-TP-254-4514, p. 38.

Bharathan, D., Parent, Y. O. and Hassani, A. V., 1996, Direct-Contact Condensers for Geothermal
Applications: Analytical Model Description. NREL-MP-471-21288, p. 75.

Bharathan, D. and Hassani, A. V., 1997, Method and System for Simulating Heat and Mass Transfer in
Cooling Towers. NREL-23554, p 24.

Bharathan, D., Parent, Y. and Hassani, A. V., 1999, Method and Apparatus for High-Efficiency Direct Contact
Condensation. NREL-27075, p 53.

Bharathan, D., Parent, Y., and Hassani, A. V., 2001, Method for Analyzing the Chemical Composition of
Liquid Effluent from a Direct Contact Condenser. NREL-31132, p 50.

Bharathan, D., Parent, Y.O. and Hassani, A. V., Direct-Contact Condensers for Geothermal Applications:
Analytical Model Description. NREL-20576.

Bliem, C. J. and Kochan, R. J., 1981, Power Cycle Studies for a Geothermal Electric Plant for MX Operating
Bases. EGG-GTH-5684.

Bliem, C. J., 1983, Preliminary Performance Estimates and Value Analysis for Binary Geothermal Power
Plants using Ammonia-Water Mixtures for Working Fluids. EGG-GTH-6477.

Bliem, C. J., Demuth, O. J., Mines, G. L. and Swank, W. D., 1985, Supercritical Binary Geothermal Cycle
Experiments with Mixed-Hydrocarbon Working Fluids and a Vertical In-Tube, Counterflow Condenser.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 129

Bliem, C. J., 1986, Preliminary Performance Estimates of Binary Geothermal Cycles Using Mixed-Halocarbon
Working Fluids. EGG-EP-7312.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1989, Supercritical Binary Geothermal Cycle Experiments with Mixed-
Hydrocarbon Working Fluids and a Near-Horizontal In-Tube Condenser. EGG-EP-8800.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1991, Advanced Binary Geothermal Power Plants Limits of Performance.

Cole, L. T. and Allen, C. A., 1979, Liquid-Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchanger Flow Distribution Models. ICP-1151.

Comfort, W. J., Alger, T. W., Giedt, W. H. and Crowe, C. T., 1976, Calculation of Two-Phase Dispersed
Droplet-in-Vapor Flows Including Normal Shock Waves. UCRL-78426.

Comfort, W. J., 1977, The Design and Evaluation of a Two-Phase Turbine for Low-Quality Steam-Water
Mixtures. UCRL-52281.

Comfort, W. J., 1977, Interim Report on Performance Tests of a Total Flow Impulse Turbine for Geothermal
Applications. UCRL-17411.

Comfort, W. J. and Crowe, C. T., 1978, Dependence of Shock Characteristics on Droplet Size in Supersonic
Two-Phase Mixtures. UCRL-80748.

Comfort, W. J., 1978, Modeling the Performance of a Two-Phase Turbine Using Numerical Methods and
the Results of Nozzle, Static Cascade, and Windage Experiments. UCRL-80749.

Comfort, W. J. and Beadle, C. W., 1978, Design Considerations for a Two-Phase Turbine. UCRL-80750.

Comfort, W. J., 1978, Applicability of the Hero Turbine for Energy Conversion from Low-quality, Two-Phase,
Inlet Fluids. UCRL-80751.

Crowe, C. T., 1975, Vapor-Droplet Flow Equations. UCRL-51877.

Crowe, C. T., 1976, Conservation Equations for Vapor-Droplet Flows Including Boundary-Droplet Effects.

Crowe, C. T., 1977, On Soo’s Equations for the One-Dimensional Motion of Single Component Two-Phase
Flows. UCRL-79053.

Demuth, O. J., 1979, Analysis of Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for a Moderate Low-Temperature Geothermal
Resource. TREE-1365.

Demuth, O. J., 1981, Analysis of Mixed Hydrocarbon Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for Moderate
Temperature Geothermal Resources. EGG-GTH-5753.

Demuth, O. J., 1981, Condensing Curves for a Number of Mixed Hydrocarbon Working Fluids.

Demuth, O. J. and Kochan, R. J., 1981, Analysis of Mixed Hydrocarbon Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for
Moderate Temperature Geothermal Resources Using Regenerative Techniques. EGG-GTH-5710.

Demuth, O. J. and Whitbeck, J. F., 1982, Advanced Concept Value Analysis for Geothermal Power Plants.

Demuth, O. J., 1982, Preliminary Assessment of Condensation Behavior for Hydrocarbon Vapor Expansions
Which Cross the Saturation Line Near the Critical Point. EGG-GTH-5960.

Demuth, O. J., 1983, Effects of Vaporizer and Evaporative-Condenser Size on Geofluid Effectiveness and
Cost of Electricity for Geothermal Binary Power Plants. EGG-GTH-6477.

Dittman, G. L., 1977, Calculation of Brine Properties. UCID-17406.

Hassani, V., Dickens, J. and Bell, K. J., 2005, Fin-on-Plate Heat Exchanger: A New Configuration for
Air-Cooled Power Plants: Heat Transfer Engineering, v. 26(6), p. 7-15.

130 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Hassani, V., Dickens, J., Parent, Y. and Netter, J., Ammonia/Water Condensation Tests: Plate-Fin Heat
Exchangers. NREL-TP-550-31233.

Hassani, V., Bell, K. and Dickens, J., Ammonia/Water Condensation Tests: The Fin on Plate Heat Exchanger,
a New Configuration for Air-Cooled Geothermal Power Plants. NREL-32949.

Hassani, Vahab, Air-Cooled Fin-on-Plate Heat Exchanger: A proposal. NREL-33239.

Hassani, V., Dickens, J. and Bell, K., Condensation of ammonia/water vapor mixture inside an air-cooled
fin-on-plate heat exchanger. NREL-35784.

Hassani, V.; Computer Aided Value Analysis for Binary Geothermal Cycles. NREL-21965.

House, P. A., 1976, Helical-Rotor Expander Applications for Geothermal Energy Conversion. UCRL-52043.

House, P. A., 1978, Performance Tests of the Radial-Outflow Reaction Turbine Concept for Geothermal
Applications. UCRL-17902.

House, P. A., 1978, Analysis of a Radial-Outflow Reaction Turbine Concept for Geothermal Applications.

Jacobs, H. R., Boehm, R. F. and Hansen, A. C., 1977, Application of Direct Contact Heat Exchangers to
Geothermal Power Production Cycles, Project Review December 1, 1974 – May 31, 1977. IDO/1549-8.

Jacobs, H. R. and Boehm, R. F., 1985, A Manual for the Thermal and Hydraulic Design of Direct Contact
Spray Columns for Use in Extracting Heat From Geothermal Brines. DOE/ID/01523-T2.

Keller, A., Jacobs, H. R. and Boehm, R. F., 1980, Comparison Between a Spray Column and a Sieve Tray
Column Operating as Liquid-Liquid Heat Exchangers. IDO/1523-5.

Kutscher, C. F.and Gawlik, K., 2002, Heat Exchanger with Transpired, Highly Porous Fins. NREL-32290.

Kutscher, C. and Gawlick, K., Advanced Air-Cooled Condenser Development. NREL-MP-550-29163.

Kutscher, C., Kozubal, E. and Gawlik, K., NREL Heat Transfer Enhancement R&D: Tabbed Fin Heat
Exchangers. NREL-36778.

Kutscher, C., Gawlik, K., Kozubal, E. and Hannemann, C., Enhancement of Air-Side Heat Transfer in
Air-Cooled Condensers for Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Production. NREL-TP-550-40723.

Murphy, R. W., 1983, Field Tests of a Vertical-Fluted-Tube Condenser in the Prototype Power Plant at the
Raft River Geothermal Test Site. ORNL-5940.

O’Brien, J. E., Sohal, M. S. and Wallstedt. P. C., 2004, Local Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Finned-Tube
Heat Exchangers using Oval Tubes and Vortex Generators: Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 126, p. 826-835.

O’Brien, J. E. and Sohal, M. S., 2005, Heat Transfer Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers with
Winglets: Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 127, p. 171-178.

Sims, A. V., 1976, Geothermal Direct-Contact Heat Exchange – Final Report, SAN/1116-1.

Sohal, M. S., 2005, Improving Vortex Generators to Enhance the Performance of Air-Cooled Condensers
in a Geothermal Power Plant. INL/EXT-05-00627.

Steidel, R. and Weiss, H., 1976, Performance Tests of a Bladeless Turbine for Geothermal Applications.

Steidel, R. F., Weiss, H. and Flower, J. E., 1977, Performance Characteristics of the Lysholm Engine as Tested
for Geothermal Power Applications in the Imperial Valley. UCRL-80151.

Suratt, W. B. and Chang-Ou Lee, 1978, Study and Testing of Direct Contact Heat Exchangers for Geothermal
Brines. ORO-4893-2.

Tardiff, G. E., 1977, Summary of Two-Phase Nozzle Tests for Scale Control and Materials Performance.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 131

Thomas, K. D., Jacobs, H. R. and Boehm, R. F., 1978, Direct Contact Condensation of Immiscible Fluids in
Packed Beds. DOE/ID/01523-4.

Urbanek, R. W., 1979, Experimental Testing of a Direct Contact Heat Exchanger for Geothermal Brine –
Final Report. ORNL/Sub-79/13564/1 and ORNL/Sub-79/7457636/1.

Vorum, M. and Fitzler, E. A., 2000, Comparative Analysis of Alternative Means for Removing
Noncondensable Gases from Flashed-Steam Geothermal Power Plants. NREL-SR-550-28329, p 69.

Wahl E, F. and Boucher F. B., 1977, Theory and Practice of Near Critical Pressure Direct Contact Heat
Exchange – Final Report. SAN/1076-1.

Weiss, H., Steidel, R. and Lundberg, A, 1975, Performance Test of a Lysholm Engine.UCRL-51861.

Papers and Presentations

Addoms, J. F., Breindel, B. and Gracey, C. M., 1978, Wellsite Verification Testing of an Advanced Geothermal
Primary Heat Exchanger (APEX): Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 1- 4.

Allen, C. A., Fanous, A. F., Grimmett, E. S. and McAtee R. E., 1976, The Development of Liquid Fluidized Bed
Heat Exchangers for Controlling the Deposition of Scale in Geothermal Applications: Conference on Scale
Management in Geothermal Energy Development.

Allen, C. A., Fanous, A. F., Grimmett, E. S. and McAtee, R. E., 1977, Report on Development of Liquid
Fluidized Bed Heat Exchangers: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 1, p. 1- 4.

Allen, C. A., Lawford, T. W. and Van Haaften, D. H., 1978, Liquid Fluidized Bed Heat Exchangers for a 50 MW
Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 5- 8.

Austin, A. L., 1974, The Total Flow Concept for Geothermal Energy: Proceedings of he Conference on
Research for the Development of Geothermal Energy Resources, NSF-RA-74-159.

Bahning, T and Henderson, J., Geysers Advanced Direct Contact Condenser Results: Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 21, p 507-513.

Bharathan, D., Hoo, E. and D’Errico, P., 1992, Assessment of the Use of Direct Contact Condensers with
Wet Cooling Systems for Utility Steam Power Plants, Maurer, J. R., ed. Practical Aspects and Performance
of Heat Exchanger Components and Materials: Proceedings of the International Joint Power Generation
Conference, PWR-v. 19, p. 47-58.

Bharathan, D., 1994, Direct-Contact Condenser Applications: Proceedings of the Geothermal Program
Review XII, DOE/GO10094-005, p. 127-130.

Bharathan, D., 1994, Development and Testing of Advanced Direct-Contact Condensers: Federal
Geothermal Research Program Update, Fiscal Year 1994, p. 21-23.

Bharathan, D., 1995, Direct-Contact Condenser Applications: Proceedings of Geothermal Program Review
XIII, DOE/EE-0075, p. 6,31 - 6,34.

Bharathan, D., 1996, Development and Testing of Advanced Direct-Contact Condensers: Federal
Geothermal Research Program Update, Fiscal Year 1995, p. 15-18.

Bharathan, D and Nix, G., 2001, Evaluation of an Absorption Heat Pump to Mitigate Plant Capacity
Reduction Due to Ambient Temperature Rise for an Air-Cooled Ammonia and Water Cycle: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 25, p. 563-567.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1984, Initial Results for Supercritical Cycle Experiments Using Pure and Mixed-
Hydrocarbon Working Fluids: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 8, p. 27-32.

Bliem, C. J., Mines, G. L., Kochan, R. J. and Swank, W. D., 1985, Heater-Vaporizer and Counterflow-Condenser
Performance for Supercritical Geothermal Cycles Using Pure and Mixed Hydrocarbon Working Fluids:
Proceedings of the Twentieth IECEC, Society of Automotive Engineers, v. 2, p. 684-689.

132 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Bliem, C. J., Demuth, O. J., Mines, G. L. and Swank, W. D., 1986, Heater-Vaporizer Supercritical Pressures and
Counterflow Condensing of Pure and Mixed-Hydrocarbon Working Fluids for Geothermal Power Plants:
Proceedings of the Twenty-first IECEC, American Chemical Society, v. 1, p. 61-65.

Bliem, C. J., 1987, Zeotropic Mixtures of Halocarbons as Working Fluids in Binary Geothermal Power
Generation Cycles: Proceedings of the Twenty-second IECEC, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, v. 2, p. 930-935.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1988, Performance Improvements in Binary Geothermal Power Plants Using
Advanced Concepts: Proceedings of Geothermal Energy Symposium,American Society of Mechanical
Engineers and Geothermal Resources Council, p. 329-334.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G., 1988, Simple Strategies for Minimization of Cooling Water Usage in Binary Power
Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 13, p 553-559.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1989, Relative Performance of Supercritical Binary Geothermal Power Cycles
With In-Tube Condensers in Different Orientations: Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth IECEC, Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, v. 5, p. 2167-2172.

Bliem, C. J., 1990, Advanced Binary Geothermal Power Plants – Limits of Performance: Proceedings of DOE
Geothermal Program Review VIII, CONF-90004131.

Bliem, C. J. and Mines, G. L., 1990, Advanced Binary Geothermal Power Plants – Limits of Performance:
Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth IECEC, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, v. 5, p. 85-90.

Bliem, C. J., and Mines, G. L., 1990, Second Law Analysis of Advanced Power Generation Systems Using
Variable Temperature Heat Sources: Thermo-Physical Aspects of Energy Conversion – 1990, M.E. Gunn, et
al., Ed., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-v. 16.

Bliem, C. J., 1992, Supersaturated Turbine Expansions for Binary Geothermal Power Plants: Proceedings
of DOE Geothermal Program Review X, CONF/920378.

Bliem, C. Zangrando, F. and Hassani, V., 1996, Value Analysis of Advanced Heat Rejection Systems for
Geothermal Power Plants: Proceedings of Geothermal Program Review XIV, DOE/EE-0106. pp. 123-126.

Bliem, C., Zangrando, F. and Hassani, V., 1996, Value Analysis of Advanced Heat Rejection Systems for
Geothermal Power Plants: Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress, v. 2; p. 1250-1253.

Bliem, C., Zangrando, F. and Hassani, V., 1996, Value Analysis of Advanced Heat Rejection Systems for
Geothermal Power Plants: Proceedings of the Thirty-first Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, v. 3, p. 1616-1621.

Brown, B. W. and Mines, G., 1998, Flowsheet Simulation of the Trilateral Cycle: Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 22, p. 373-377.

Bohem, R., Hellstrom, G., Jacobs, H. and Hansen, C., 1977, Equilibrium Solubility Considerations in Direct
Contact Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 1, p. 23-25.

Bohem, R., Bliss, R. and Jacobs, H., 1977, Relative Turbine Costs for Direct Contact Power Plants: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 1, p. 27-29.

Comfort, W. J., 1977, Performance of a Total-Flow Impulse Turbine for Geothermal Applications: Proceeding
of the Twelfth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.

Comfort W. J., 1977, Performance of a Total Flow Impulse Turbine: Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 1, p. 53-55.

Demuth, O. J., 1980, Analysis of Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for a Moderately Low-Temperature
Geothermal Resource: Proceedings of the Fifteenth IECEC, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, v. 1, p. 798-803.

Demuth, O. J., 1981, Analysis of Mixed Hydrocarbon Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for Moderate
Temperature Geothermal Resources: Proceedings of the Sixteenth IECEC, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, v. 2, p 1316-1321.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 133

Demuth, O. J. and Kochan, R. J., 1982, Analysis of Mixed Hydrocarbon Binary Thermodynamic Cycles
for Moderate Temperature Geothermal Resources using Regenerative Techniques: Proceedings of the
Seventeenth IECEC, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, v. 2, p. 1104-1109.

Demuth, O. J., 1983, Preliminary Assessment of Condensation Behavior for Hydrocarbon Vapor Expansions
Which Cross the Saturation Line Near the Critical Point: Proceedings of the Eighteenth IECEC, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, v. 1, p. 325-330.

Demuth, O. J., 1984, Heat Cycle Research Program: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions,
v. 8, p. 41-46.

Demuth, O. J., 1984, Effects of Vaporizer and Evaporative Condenser Pinch Points on Geofluid Effectiveness
and Cost of Electricity for Geothermal Binary Power Plants: Proceedings of the Nineteenth IECEC,
American Nuclear Society, v. 3, p. 1300-1305.

Demuth, O. J., Bliem, C. J., Mines, G. L. and Swank, W. D., 1986, Overview of Recent Supercritical Binary
Geothermal Cycle Experiments from the Heat Cycle Research Program: Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 10, p. 311-316.

Foust, T. D., O’Brien, J. E. and Sohal, M. S., 2001, Numerical and Experimental Methods for Heat Transfer
Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers with Oval Tubes: Proceedings, ASME National Heat
Transfer Conference, Paper no. NHTC01-12363.

Hassani, V. and Netter, J., 1999, Ammonia/Water Condensation: Horizontal Shell and Tube Tests: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 23, p. 71-74.

Hassani, V. and Netter, J., 2000, Ammonia/Water Condensation Tests: Vertical Tube Results: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p. 479-483.

Hassani, V. and Dickens, J., 2003, Fin-on-Plate Heat Exchanger, A New Configuration for Air-Cooled Power
Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 27, p. 583-586.

Gawlik, K. and Hassani, V., 1997, Advanced Binary Cycles: Optimum Working Fluids: Proceedings of the
Thirty-Second Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, v. 3, p. 1809-1814.

Gawlik, K. and Hassani, V., 1997, Advanced Binary Cycles: Optimum Working Fluids: Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 21, p. 497-502.

Jacobs, H.R., Cook, D. S. and Boehm, R. F., 1978. Comparison of Direct Contact Binary Power Plants for
Geothermal Application Using Multiple Cycles: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 321-323.

Kutscher, C. and Gawlik, K., 2000, Development of a Porous Fin Air-Cooled Condenser: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p. 485-489.

Kutscher, C. and Kozubal, E., 2004, Analytical Model for Evaluating Enhanced Fin Concepts for Air-Cooled
Condensers: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 28, p. 537-541.

Kutscher, C., Kozubal, E. and Gawlik, K., 2005, Research and Development of Enhanced Fin Heat
Exchangers: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 29, p. 751-756.

Kutscher, C., Thomas, N. and Swift, L., 2005, Analysis of Pure Ammonia Working Fluid for a Low-
Temperature Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions,
v. 29, p. 757-761.

Michel, J. W, 1978, Heat Transfer Consideration in Utilizing Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Resources
Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 441-444.

Michel, J. W. and Murphy, R. W., 1980, Condenser Designs for Binary Power Cycles: Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.

Michel J. W. and Murphy, R. W., 1980, Enhanced Condensation Heat Transfer: Proceedings of the Nineteenth
National Heat Transfer Conference.

134 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Mines, G. L., Swank, W. D. and Bliem, C. J., 1987, Geothermal Heat Cycle Research – Supercritical cycle
with Horizontal Counterflow Condenser: Proceedings of the Twenty-second IECEC, American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, v. 2, p. 924-929.

Mines, G. L., 1993, Investigations of the Condensation Behavior of Supersaturated Turbine Expansions:
Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XI, CONF/-930484.

Mines, G. L., 1994, Field Investigations Examining the Impact of Supersaturated Vapor Expansions on
Turbine Performance: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XII, DOE/GO10094-005.

Mines, G. L., 1996, Operation of Mammoth Pacific’s MPI-100 Turbine with Metastable, Supersaturated
Expansions: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XIV, DOE/EE-0106.

Mines, G. L., 1997, One Year of Operation of Mammoth Pacific’s MPI-100 Turbine with Metastable,
Supersaturated Expansions: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XV, DOE/EE-0139.

Mines, G., 2000, Summary of Investigations of the Use of Modified Turbine Inlet Conditions in a Binary
Power Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p 509-512.

Mines, G. L. and Sohal, M. S., 2003, Enhancement of Air-Cooled Condenser Performance: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 27.

Nichols, K. E., Lobach, J. L. and Hun, J. W., 1978, Turbine Testing in Direct Contact Binary Loop: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 2, p. 499-502.

O’Brien, J. E., and Sohal, M. S., 2000, Local Heat Transfer for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers using Oval
Tubes: Proceedings, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. NHTC2000-12093.

O’Brien, J. E., and Sohal, M. S., 2000, Heat Transfer Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers with
Winglets: Proceedings, ASME International Congress and Exposition, HTD-v. 365, p. 137–146.

O’Brien, J. E. and Sohal, M. S., 2000, Local Fin-Surface Heat Transfer for Flow Around a Circular Cylinder
with and without Vortex-Generating Winglets: Proceedings, ASME International Congress and Exposition.

O’Brien, J. E., Sohal, M. S. and Wallstedt. P. C., 2001, Local Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Finned-Tube
Heat Exchangers using Oval Tubes and Vortex Generators: Proceedings, ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Paper no. IMECE 2001/HTD-28530.

O’Brien, J. E., Sohal, M. S. and Foust, T. D., 2002, Heat Transfer Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat
Exchangers with Vortex Generators: Experimental and Numerical Results: Proceeding, International Heat
Transfer Conference.

O’Brien, J. E. and Sohal, M. S., 2002, Testing of Finned-Tube Bundles for Geothermal Air-Cooled
Condensers: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26.

O’Brien, J. E., Sohal, M. S. and Wallstedt, P. C., 2003, Heat Transfer Testing of Enhanced Finned-Tube
Bundles using the Single-Blow Technique: Proceedings, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference.

Sohal, M. S. and O’Brien, J. E., 2001, Improving Air-Cooled Condenser Performance using Winglets and Oval
Tubes in a Geothermal Power Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 25.

Sohal, M. S. and O’Brien, J. E., 2002, Heat Transfer Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers using
Winglets and Oval Tubes: Proceedings, 16th National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 5th ISHMT/
ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference.

Wagner, K. L. and Allen, C. A., 1976, A Preliminary Study of Amorphous Silica Deposition in a Bench Scale
Liquid Fluidized Bed Heat: Conference on Scale Management in Geothermal Energy Development.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 135

Power Plant Operations

Reports and Publications
Berndt, M. L., 2002, Applicability of Remaining Strength and Life Prediction Methodologies to Geothermal
Piping. BNL 68999.

Bharathan, D. and Hassani, A. V., 1997, Method and System for Simulating Heat and Mass Transfer in Cooling
Towers. NREL-23554.

Buys, A., Gladden, C. and Kutscher, C., Annual Simulation Results for a Hybrid-Air-Cooled Flash/Binary
Power Cycle. NREL-CP-550-40042.

Mines, G. L., 2002, Impact of Off- Design Operation on an Air-Cooled Binary Power Plant.

Partin, J. K.,2006, Investigation of Tunable Diode Spectroscopy for Monitoring Gases in Geothermal Plants.

Partin, J. K. and J. R. Davidson, 2006, Development of Optical Technologies for Monitoring Moisture and
Particulate in Geothermal Steam. INL/EXT-06-11705.

Pryfogle, P. A., 2000, Comparison of Selective Culturing and Biochemical Techniques for Measuring
Biological Activity in Geothermal Process Fluids. INL/EXT-2000-01239.

Pryfogle, P. A., 2005, Monitoring Biological Activity at Geothermal Power Plants. INL/EXT-05-00803.

Papers and Presentations

Berndt, M. L. and Philippacopoulos, A. J., 2002, Long Range Non-Destructive Testing for Geothermal Piping:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p 645-649.

Bloomfield, K.K. and Mines, G. L., 2000, Cycling Geothermal Resources to Increase Revenues: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p 105-108.

Kozubal, E. and Kutscher, C., 2003, Analysis of a Water-Cooled Condenser in Series with an Air-Cooled
Condenser for a Proposed 1-MW Geothermal Power Plant: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions,
v. 27, p. 587-591.

Kutscher, C. and Costenaro, D., 2002, Assessment of Evaporative Cooling Enhancement Methods for
Air-Cooled Geothermal Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p. 775-779.

Mines, G., 2002, Evaluation of the Impact of Off- Design Operation on an Air-Cooled Binary Power Plant:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p 701-705.

Mohr, C., Mines, G. and Bloomfield, K., 2001, Continual Removal of Non-Condensable Gases for Binary
Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 25, p 585-587.

Mohr, C., Mines, G. and Bloomfield, K., 2002, Continual Removal of Non-Condensable Gases for Binary
Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p 781-783.

Mohr, C., Mines, G. and Bloomfield, K., 2004, Field Testing of Membrane Separation System for Continual
Removal of Non-Condensable Gases from Binary Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council
Transactions, v. 28, p 549-551.

Partin, J. K. and Jeffrey, C. L., 1998, Investigation of Near-Infrared Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy:
Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XVI, DOE/EE-0188.

Partin, J. K. and Jeffrey, C. L., 1998, On-Line H2S Monitoring Using Near-Infrared Diode Laser Spectroscopy
for H2S Monitoring in Geothermal Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 22, p 435-439.

136 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

Partin, J. K., “Plant Gas Monitor: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XVI, DOE/EE-0199.

Partin, J. K., 2001, New Developments in On-Line H2S and HCl Monitors: Geothermal Resources Council
Workshop - Optimization of Geothermal Field and Power Plant Operations and Maintenance.

Partin, J. K. and J. R. Davidson, 2002. Investigation of Optical Technologies for Measuring Geothermal
Fluid Properties: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p. 739-743.

Partin, J. K., Davidson, J. R., Sponsler, E. N and Mines, G. L., 2004, Deployment of an Optical Steam Quality
Monitor in a Steam Turbine Inlet Line: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 28, p 557-560.

Pryfogle, P. A. and Renner, J. L., 1998, Biocorrosion Studies at Geothermal Plants: Proceedings of DOE
Geothermal Program Review XVI, DOE/EE-0188.

Pryfogle, P. A. and Renner, J. L., 1998, An Investigation of Biofilm Development in Geothermal Facilities:
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 22, p 445-449.

Pryfogle, P. A., 1999, Microbiological Research: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XVI,

Pryfogle, P. A., 2000, Evaluation of Biological Measurement Methods Used at the Geysers: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 24, p 311-315.

Pryfogle, P. A., Mines, G. L., Sperry, T. L. and Allred, R. G., 2002, Investigation of an Electrochemical Monitor
for Tracking Biofilm Development at the Bonnett Geothermal Power Plant, Cove Fort, Utah: Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, v. 26, p 745-748.

Pryfogle, P. A. Moser, D. P and Bloomfield, K. K., 2005, Prospecting for Extremophillic Microbes at
Geothermal Power Plants: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 29, p 299-302.

Power Plant Analytical Studies

Reports and Publications
Brugman, J., Hattar, M., Nichols, K. and Esaki, Y, 1995, Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants.
EPRI/RP 3657-01.

DiPippo, Ronald, 1980, Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electricity. DOE/RA/28320-1.

Kestin, Joseph, et al, 1980, Sourcebook on the Production of Electricity from Geothermal Energy.
DOE/RA/ 4051-1.

Papers and Presentations

Entingh, D. J. and Mines, G. L., 2006, A Framework for Evaluating Research to Improve U.S.
Geothermal Power Systems: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 30, p 741-746.

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 137

Numbered References
1. The U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Program has had many names over the
years. For simplicity’s sake, it will be referred to as “DOE” or the “Program” in this historical survey
of geothermal research and development

2. U.S. Department of Energy geothermal power conversion research at the national laboratories
ended in Fiscal Year 2005.

3. U.S. Geological Survey, “Assessment of Geothermal Resources of the United States.”

L. J. Patrick Muffler, Jr., ed., Circular 790 (1978).

4. U.S. Geological Survey, “Assessment of Geothermal Resources of the United States – 1975.”
D. E.White and D. L. Williams, editors, Circular 726 (1975).

5. Ronald DiPippo, “Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electricity.” DOE/RA/28320-1 (1980).

6. J.W. Lund et al., “The United States of American Country Update – 2005.” GRC Transactions,
vol. 29, Geothermal Energy - the World’s Buried Treasure, 817-830 (September 2005).

7. This estimated savings does not include the effect of reduced fouling.

8. P.F. Ellis and M.F. Conover, “Material Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Energy Utilization Systems.”
DOE/RA/27026-1 (1981).

9. Joseph Kestin. et al., “Sourcebook on the Production of Electricity from Geothermal Energy.”
DOE/RA/ 4051-1 (1980).

10. J. Brugman, M. Hattar, K. Nichols, and Y. Esaki, “Next Generation Geothermal Power Plants.”
EPRI/RP 3657-01 (1995).

11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Future of Geothermal Energy—Impact of Enhanced

Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century.” INL/EXT-06-11746,
ISBN: 0-615-13438-6 (2006).

12. G.L. Mines, “Prototype Geothermal Power Plant Summary of Operation for Automatic-Run Test
Phase.” EGG-2078 (1981).

13. G.L. Mines, O,J, Demuth, and D.J. Wiggins, “Thermal and Hydraulic Performance Tests of a Sieve-Tray
Direct Contact Heat Exchanger Vaporizing Pure and Mixed Hydrocarbon Rankine Cycle Working
Fluids.” EGG-2263 (1983).

14. C.J. Bliem and L.F. Walrath, “Raft River Binary-Cycle Geothermal Pilot Power Plant Final Report.”
EGG-2208 (1983).

15. D.F. Suciu and R.L. Miller, “Removal of Silica from Raft River Geothermal Water.” EGG-FM-5170 (1980).

16. U.S. Geothermal Inc.,

17. In 1977, the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) became the
U.S. Department of Energy.

18. Located in East Mesa field in the Imperial Valley in California, the plant is named for B.C. McCabe,
the geothermal pioneer who, with his Magma Power Company, did field development work at several
sites, including The Geysers.

19. Once noncondensable gases (NCGs) get into the system they are difficult to remove without also
losing working fluid. If not removed, NCGs adversely impact power output.

20. R. Olander et al., “Final Phase Testing and Evaluation of the 500-kW Direct Contact Pilot Plant at
East Mesa.” DOE/SF/11700-T1 (1983).

21. C. Harvey, W. McBee, and H.B. Matthews, “Sperry Low Temperature Geothermal Conversion System,
Final Report – Volume V Component Development.” DOE/ET/27125-T2 (1984).

22. R.G. Olander and G.K. Roberts, “East Mesa Geothermal Pump Test Facility Final Report.”
DOE/SF/11556-T1 (1984).

138 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

23. J.P. Carter et al., “Corrosion Studies in Brines of the Salton Sea Geothermal Field. Bureau of Mines
Report of Investigations.” RI-8350 (1979).

24. Geothermal Loop Experimental Facility Final Report. DOE/ET/28443-T1 (1980).

25. N.S. Solomon, “Heber Binary Project Operations and Testing:” Proceedings of EPRI Eleventh Annual
Geothermal Conference and Workshop.” EPRI GS-6380 (1989).

26. R.G. Campbell and M.M. Hattar, “Design and Operation of a Geopressured-Geothermal Hybrid Cycle
Power Plant, Final Report.” DOE/ID/12578-2, v. I – III (1991).

27. K. Gawlik and C. Kutscher, “Investigation of the Opportunity for Small-Scale Geothermal Power
Plants in the Western United States: GRC Transactions.” v. 24. 109-12 (2000).

28. D.W. DeBerry, P.F. Ellis, and C.C. Thomas, “Materials Selection Guidelines for Geothermal Power
Systems.” ALO-3904-1 (1978).

29. D.W. Shannon, “Corrosion of Iron-Base Alloy versus Alternative Materials in Geothermal Brines,
Interim Report.” PNL-2456/UC-66d (1977).

30. R.L. Miller, “Results of Short-Term Corrosion Evaluation Tests at Raft River.” TREE-1176 (1977).

31. G.L. Mines and J.F. Whitbeck, “Heat Exchanger Fouling Tests at Raft River: GRC Transactions.”
v. 1. 221-3 (1977).

32. D.F. Suciu and P.M. Wikoff, “An Evaluation of Materials for Systems Using Cooled, Treated
Geothermal or High-Saline Brines.” EGG-2213 (1982).

33. L.E. Kukacka and J.E. Schroeder, Polymer Concrete Pipe for High-Temperature Corrosive
Environments: CORROSION/81, PNL-28715 (1981).

34. T. Sugama, and K. Gawlik, “Filler Materials for Polyphenylenesulphide Composite Coatings.”
NREL-CP-550-30258, 16 (2001).

35. K. Gawlik and T. Sugama, “Long-Term Field Testing of Polyphenylenesulphide Composite

Coatings: GRC Transactions.” v. 27. 577-81 (2003).

36. T. Sugama, “Self-assembly Nano-composite Coatings.” BNL Docket No. 369-208 (2005).

37. K. Gawlik, T. Sugama, and D. Jung, “Organometallic Polymer Coatings for Geothermal-Fluid-Sprayed
Air-Cooled Condensers: GRC Transactions.” v. 26. 657-61 (2002).

38. K.A. Moore, R.E. Mizia, and R.A. Zatorski, “Internal Metallic Pipe Coatings for the Geothermal
Industry: GRC Transactions.” v. 26 (2002).

39. A coupon is a sample of a selected metal, usually a strip of flat metal but may be another shape,
which is commonly installed in systems to monitor corrosion and scaling.

40. J.E. Harrar et al., “Determination of the Rate of Formation of Solids from Hyper-saline Brine as a
Function of pH.” UCID-17596 (1977).

41. J.E. Harrar et al., “Final Report on Tests of Proprietary Additives as Antiscalants for Hyper-saline
Geothermal Brine.” UCID-18521 (1980).

42. J. Featherstone, S. Butler, and E. Bonham, “Comparison of Cyrstallizer Reactor Clarifier and pH
Mod Process Technologies Used at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field: Proceedings of the World
Geothermal Congress” v. 4. 2391 (1995).

43. S.B. Deutscher et al., “Studies of the Dissolution of Geothermal Scale.” UCRL-52897 (1980).

44. D.G. Miller, A.J. Piwinskii, and A.J. Yamauchi, “The Use of Geochemical-Equilibrium Computer
Calculations to Estimate Precipitation from Geothermal Brines.” UCRL-52197 (1977).

45. A.B. Miller, “A Brine-Steam Properties Computer Program for Geothermal Energy Calculations.”
UCRL-52495 (1978).

46. T.J. Wolery, “Calculation of Chemical Equilibrium Between Aqueous Solution and Minerals:
The EQ 3/6 Software Package.” UCRL-52658 (1979).

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 139

47. L.B. Owen et al., “An Assessment of the Injectability of Conditioned Brine-Produced by a Reaction
Clarification - Gravity Filtration System in Operation at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Southern
California.”UCID-18488 (1979).

48. E. Raber, L.B. Owen, and J.E. Harrar, “Using Surface Waters for Supplementing Injection at the Salton
Sea Geothermal Field, Southern California: GRC Transactions.” v. 3. 561-4 (1979).

49. R. Quong et al., “An Effective H2S Abatement Process Using Geothermal Brine Effluents: GRC
Transactions.” v. 3. 557-9 (1979).

50. R.J. Robertus et al., “Field Tests of Corrosion and Chemical Sensors for Geothermal Power Plants.”
PNL-5782 (1986).

51. D.W. Shannon et al., “Field Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Pressurized Geothermal Liquids,
Gases, and Suspended Solids.” PNL-3412 (1980).

52. E.T. Premuzic, M. Lin, and L. Kukacka, “Biological solutions to waste management.” BNL-41118 (1988).

53. E.T. Premuzic et al., “Processing of spent geothermal brines. Geothermal Research Council
Transactions.” Vol. 23. 229-34 (1999).

54. M.S. Lin et al., “Silica Production from Low-Salinity Geothermal Brines: GRC Transactions.”
v. 24. 671-4 (2000).

55. M.S. Lin et al., “Recent advances in the development and commercialization of geothermal silica
products,” Geothermal Research Council Transactions, Vol. 27 (2003).

56. W.L. Bourcier et al.,”Developing a Process for Commercial Silica Production from Geothermal Brines:
GRC Transactions.” v. 25 487-91 (2001).

57. Geothermal Energy Association,

58. A.V. Sims, Geothermal Direct-Contact Heat Exchange – Final Report, SAN/1116-1 (1976).

59. E.F. Wahl and F.B. Boucher, “Theory and Practice of Near Critical Pressure Direct Contact Heat
Exchange – Final Report.” SAN/1076-1 (1977).

60. R.W. Urbanek, “Experimental Testing of a Direct Contact Heat Exchanger for Geothermal Brine –
Final Report.” ORNL/Sub-79/13564/1 and ORNL/Sub-79/7457636/1 (1979).

61. H.R. Jacobs and R.F. Boehm, “A Manual for the Thermal and Hydraulic Design of Direct Contact
Spray Columns for Use in Extracting Heat from Geothermal Brines.” DOE/ID/01523-T2 (1985).

62. A. Keller, H.R. Jacobs, and R.F. Boehm, “Comparison Between a Spray Column and a Sieve Tray
Column Operating as Liquid-Liquid Heat Exchangers.” IDO/1523-5 (1980).

63. R. Bohem, R. Bliss, and H. Jacobs, “Relative Turbine Costs for Direct Contact Power Plants:
GRC Transactions.” v. 1. 27-9 (1977).

64. C.A. Allen and E.S. Grimmett, “Liquid-Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchanger Design Parameters.”
ICP-1153 (1978).

65. L.T. Cole and C.A. Allen, “Liquid-Fluidized-Bed Heat Exchanger Flow Distribution Models.”
ICP-1151 (1979).

66. J.F. Addoms and C.M. Gracey, “Wellsite Verification Testing of an Advanced Geothermal Primary
Heat Exchanger (APEX) – Final Report.” SAN/1125-02 (1977).

67. J.W. Michel, “Heat Transfer Consideration in Utilizing Geothermal Energy: GRC Transactions.”
v. 2. 441-4 (1978).

68. R.W. Murphy, “Field Tests of a Vertical-Fluted-Tube Condenser in the Prototype Power Plant at
the Raft River Geothermal Test Site.” ORNL-5940 (1983).

69. H. Weiss, R. Steidel, and A. Lundberg, “Performance Test of a Lysholm Engine.”UCRL-51861 (1975).

70. W.J. Comfort, “Performance of a Total Flow Impulse Turbine: GRC Transactions.” v. 1. 53-5 (1977).

71. W.J. Comfort, “Applicability of the Hero Turbine for Energy Conversion from Low-quality, Two-Phase,
Inlet Fluids.” UCRL-80751 (1978).

140 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion

72. P.A. House, “Performance Tests of the Radial-Outflow Reaction Turbine Concept for Geothermal
Applications.” UCRL-17902 (1978).

73. During the sensible transfer of heat to the air, there is no latent heat transfer in the process; the air
is heated without any of the rejected heat being used to evaporate water.

74. M.S. Sohal, “Improving Vortex Generators to Enhance the Performance of Air-Cooled Condensers in
a Geothermal Power Plant.” INL/EXT-05-00627 (2005).

75. C. Kutscher, E. Kozubal, and K. Gawlik, “NREL Heat Transfer Enhancement R&D: Tabbed Fin Heat
Exchangers.” NREL-36778.

76. C. Kutscher, E. Kozubal, and K. Gawlik, Research and Development of Enhanced Fin Heat Exchangers:
GRC Transactions, v. 29, p. 751-6 (2005).

77. D. Bharathan, “Direct-Contact Condenser Applications: Proceedings of Geothermal Program Review

XIII” DOE/EE-0075. 6, 31 - 6, 34 (1995).

78. T. Bahning and J. Henderson, “Geysers Advanced Direct Contact Condenser Results,” GRC
Transactions” v. 21. 507-13 (1997).

79. V. Hassani and J. Dickens, “Fin-on-Plate Heat Exchanger, A New Configuration for Air-Cooled Power
Plants: GRC Transactions.” v. 27. 583-6 (2003).

80. M. Vorum and E.A. Fitzler, “Comparative Analysis of Alternative Means for Removing Noncondensable
Gases from Flashed-Steam Geothermal Power Plants.” NREL-SR-550-28329. 69 (2000).

81. Stanley L. Milora and Jefferson W. Tester, Geothermal Energy as a Source of Electric Power:
Thermodynamic and Economic Design Criteria (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1976).

82. O.J. Demuth, “Analysis of Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for a Moderate Low-Temperature
Geothermal Resource.” TREE-1365 (1979).

83. O.J. Demuth, “Analysis of Mixed Hydrocarbon Binary Thermodynamic Cycles for Moderate
Temperature Geothermal Resources.” EGG-GTH-5753 (1981).

84. O.J. Demuth, “Preliminary Assessment of Condensation Behavior for Hydrocarbon Vapor Expansions
Which Cross the Saturation Line Near the Critical Point.” EGG-GTH-5960 (1982).

85. C.J. Bliem, “Preliminary Performance Estimates of Binary Geothermal Cycles Using Mixed-Halocarbon
Working Fluids.” EGG-EP-7312 (1986).

86. C.J. Bliem, “Preliminary Performance Estimates and Value Analysis for Binary Geothermal Power
Plants using Ammonia-Water Mixtures for Working Fluids.” EGG-GTH-6477 (1983).

87. C.J. Bliem, “The Kalina Cycle and Similar Cycles for Geothermal Power Production.”
EGG-EP-8132 (1988).

88. C.J. Bliem, “Aspects of Kalina Technology Applied to Geothermal Power Production.”
EGG-EP-8708 (1989).

89. C.J. Bliem and G.L Mines, “Advanced Binary Geothermal Power Plants Limits of Performance.”
EGG-EP-9207 (1991).

90. O.J. Demuth and J.F. Whitbeck, “Advanced Concept Value Analysis for Geothermal Power Plants.”
EGG-GTH-5821 (1982).

91. C.J. Bliem et al., “Supercritical Binary Geothermal Cycle Experiments with Mixed-Hydrocarbon
Working Fluids and a Vertical In-Tube, Counterflow Condenser.” EGG-GTH-7076 (1985).

92. C.J. Bliem and G.L Mines, “Supercritical Binary Geothermal Cycle Experiments with Mixed-
Hydrocarbon Working Fluids and a Near-Horizontal In-Tube Condenser.” EGG-EP-8800 (1989).

93. G.L Mines, “Investigations of the Condensation Behavior of Supersaturated Turbine Expansions:
Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XI.” CONF/-930484 (1993).

94. G.L Mines, “Field Investigations Examining the Impact of Supersaturated Vapor Expansions
on Turbine Performance: Proceedings of DOE Geothermal Program Review XII.”
DOE/GO10094-005 (1994).

A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion 141

95. G. Mines, “Summary of Investigations of the Use of Modified Turbine Inlet Conditions in a Binary
Power Plant: GRC Transactions.” v. 24. 509-12 (2000).

96. K. Gawlik and V. Hassani, “Advanced Binary Cycles: Optimum Working Fluids: GRC Transactions.”
v. 21, p. 497-502 (1997).

97. D. Bharathan and G. Nix, “Evaluation of an Absorption Heat Pump to Mitigate Plant Capacity
Reduction Due to Ambient Temperature Rise for an Air-Cooled Ammonia and Water Cycle: GRC
Transactions” v. 25. 563-67 (2001).

98. C. Kutscher, N. Thomas, and L. Swift, “Analysis of Pure Ammonia Working Fluid for a Low-
Temperature Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Plant: GRC Transactions” v. 29. 757-61 (2005).

99. B.W. Brown and G. Mines, “Flowsheet Simulation of the Trilateral Cycle: GRC Transactions.”
v. 22. 373-7 (1998).

100. J.K. Partin and C.L. Jeffrey, “On-Line H2S Monitoring Using Near-Infrared Diode Laser Spectroscopy
for H2S Monitoring in Geothermal Plants: GRC Transactions.” v. 22. 435-9 (1998).

101. J.K. Partin, “Investigation of Tunable Diode Spectroscopy for Monitoring Gases in Geothermal Plants.”
INL/EXT-06-11811 (2006).

102. Etalon effects occur when light (laser) passes through a window or glass, adversely impacting
light measurements.

103. J.K. Partin and J. R. Davidson, “Development of Optical Technologies for Monitoring Moisture and
Particulate in Geothermal Steam.” INL/EXT-06-11705 (2006).

104. The effect is plant and facility specific. Estimates indicate that it could be as high as 3 percent
of plant output.

105. P.A. Pryfogle, “Monitoring Biological Activity at Geothermal Power Plants.” INL/EXT-05-00803

106. P.A. Pryfogle, “Comparison of Selective Culturing and Biochemical Techniques for Measuring
Biological Activity in Geothermal Process Fluids.” INL/EXT-2000-01239 (2000).

107. This work was terminated before any of the results could be reported.

108. M.L. Berndt and A.J. Philippacopoulos, “Long Range Non-Destructive Testing for Geothermal Piping:
GRC Transactions” v. 26. 645-49 (2002).

109. C. Mohr, G. Mines, and K. Bloomfield, “Continual Removal of NCGs for Binary Power Plants:
GRC Transactions.” v. 25. 585-7 (2001).

110. C. Mohr, G. Mines, and K. Bloomfield, “Field Testing of Membrane Separation System for Continual
Removal of NCGs from Binary Power Plants: GRC Transactions.” v. 28. 549-51 (2004).

111. G.L Mines, “Impact of Off- Design Operation on an Air-Cooled Binary Power Plant.”
INEEL/EXT-02-00815 (2002).

112. C. Kutscher and D. Costenaro, “Assessment of Evaporative Cooling Enhancement Methods

for Air-Cooled Geothermal Power Plants: GRC Transactions.” v. 26. 775-9 (2002).

113. Also called packing, Munters media is the wetted fill or material through which air is drawn
and cooled.

114. D.J. Entingh and G.L. Mines, “A Framework for Evaluating Research to Improve U.S. Geothermal
Power Systems: GRC Transactions.” v. 30, p 741-6 (2006).

115. Daniel Entingh, personal communication, September 2008.

142 A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States | Energy Conversion
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