Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level

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3/17/24, 2:30 PM Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level

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Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level

Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level

By Manish Kumar Sagarvanshi (Technical Lead), Madhav Shah (Technical

eInfochips - An Arrow Company SEARCH SILICON IP
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Timing closure of a semiconductor chip is the primary Enter Keywords....

concern for any physical design engineer. Interface Synopsys
timing of a block is as critical as the internal timing. ARC-V
Processor IP
In this article, we will address the challenges faced while fixing the interface
timing and the solutions to overcome these challenges. We have used Performance and
Cadence Innovus as our PnR and Synopsys Primetime as our Sign-off timing SEARCH VERIFICATION IP Area Efficiency
for RISC-V SoCs
1,000 Verification IPs from 50 Vendors
Keywords: IO timing (Input & Output timing), WNS(Worst Negative Slack), Learn More
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TNS(Total Negative Slack), FEP(Failing End Point), ns(nano-second), ps(pico-
second), PT(Prime Time).


Internal - Clk2Clk timing is always a priority for block-owners working on

blocks as compared to the interface timing. A chip-level STA person will
always put more margins for interface timing at block-level in the form of I2C Interface Timing Specifications and
higher external delay or higher uncertainties than desired during the timing
budgeting. Hence, block-owners do not have to put much effort to converge Overcoming Timing Closure Issues in Wide
Interface DDR, HBM and ONFI Subsystems
interface timing.
The Challenges and Benefits of
When there is a requirement of fixing IO timing at the block level, and the Analog/Mixed-Signal and RF System
Verification above the Transistor Level
top-level does not want to go on cycles of feedback and fixes, in such cases
the top-level STA person will provide specific requirements to meet IO timing FPGA prototyping of complex SoCs:
Partitioning and Timing Closure Challenges
at early stage of PnR. Following are the general requirement the STA person with Solutions
System-Level Design Tackles Tough Soft
Radio Framework Challenges
The input and output clock insertion delay requirement, for timing-
critical categories of ports in the design
See eInfochips Latest Articles >>
The skew requirements between ports
Different types of boundary buffers for different values of loads &
critical signals
IO Timing Challenges at Block Level
Understanding mmWave RADAR, its
There are many challenges in meeting the timing requirements at block- Principle & Applications
level, let's look at four major challenges: Advanced Topics in FinFET Back-End
Layout, Analog Techniques, and Design
1. IO timing miscorrelation at PnR tool (Innovus in our case) and sign-off Tools

timing tool (Primetime in our case) Maximizing Performance & Reliability for
Flash Applications with Synopsys xSPI
2. IO timing miscorrelation at the block level and the top-level Solution
3. Flops placement inside blocks, such that optimization buffer/inverter Leveraging the RISC-V Efficient Trace (E-
count can be reduced Trace) standard

4. Clock-insertion delay requirements MIPI deployment in ultra-low-power

streaming sensors

1- IO Timing Miscorrelation between PnR Tool and Sign-Off Timing

Tool: See New Articles >>

When we take routed design from PnR to Signoff for timing analysis, due to
different EDA tool vendors the IO timing miscorrelation may occur.

Following are few reasons for tool-miscorrelation:

1. System Verilog Macro: A Powerful
Different uncertainties/margin at PnR and Signoff Feature for Design Verification 1/7
3/17/24, 2:30 PM Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level
Different extraction engine at PnR and Signoff Projects
2. System Verilog Assertions Simplified
Mismatch in source Insertion delay at PnR and signoff
3. Dynamic Memory Allocation and
Fragmentation in C and C++
At PnR, Innovus calculates source insertion delay by taking the mean value 4. Design Rule Checks (DRC) - A
of worst corner’s latencies and then apply the same to all the corners. PT Practical View for 28nm Technology
5. Synthesis Methodology & Netlist
does not take source insertion delay from incoming PnR sdc but calculates it
separately for each corner. Since PT calculates source insertion delay
independently for each corner using StarRC extraction engine, it is more See the Top 20 >>
accurate than PnR tool.

For example:
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As shown in Table 1, Innovus will calculate mean source-insertion delay

value for virtual_clock_1 in the worst corner (FUNC_m40_SETUP_SS_C_WC
in our case), that is 0.379ns and then applies the same to all the setup

While in the case of PT, the source-insertion delay value of each corner is

Innovus Source Source
Clock name Corner name
Insertion delay Insertion
virtual_clock_1 FUNC_125_SETUP_SS_RC_WC 0.379 0.358
FUNC_m40_SETUP_SS_C_WC 0.379 0.388
FUNC_125_HOLD_FF_RC_BC 0.194 0.212
FUNC_m40_HOLD_FF_C_BC 0.194 0.174
virtual_clock_2 FUNC_125_SETUP_SS_RC_WC 0.367 0.377
FUNC_m40_SETUP_SS_C_WC 0.367 0.404
FUNC_125_HOLD_FF_RC_BC 0.185 0.227
FUNC_m40_HOLD_FF_C_BC 0.185 0.188

Table 1: Source-Insertion delay for Innovus and PT

2- IO Timing Miscorrelation between Block Level and Top-Level

There are a couple of reasons, which lead to miscorrelation between block-

level and top level IO timing:

1. Inappropriate modelling of the driver pin and output load for the IO pins
2. Missing constraints

Block constraints like false paths, multicycle paths, external delays, etc. if
not appropriately provided in the top-level run or vice-versa can result in
huge miscorrelation from block to top-level timing. Few of the other reasons
for IO timing miscorrelations are

Different StarRc and signoff tool recipe or version used at the block
level and top-level
Mismatch in de-rating numbers in the block level and top-level runs

3- Flops Placement near IO ports

During timing optimization, tool will place the flops based on its internal and
external timing requirements. Often we have more priority to Internal
(Reg2Reg) timing, so flops would be placed a bit far away from the IO ports.

To meet IO timing requirement, we can pull these flops near to respected IO

ports but it may impact our internal timing too. Thus, this becomes complex
process if such thing happens.

4- Latency requirements

We can have specific latency requirements for IO ports to achieve IO timing

at the block level. There are a few challenges we face while achieving these
latency targets, like

1. If the same skew group flops sit very far from each other (as per figure
1) or
2. If the same skew group flops are placed far away from the block-clock
port (as per figure 2)

The meeting skew between these two flops affects target latency. 2/7
3/17/24, 2:30 PM Interface Timing Challenges and Solutions at Block Level

fig 1

fig 2

It is challenging to target lower latency for output ports in a more extended

block due to more distance between the flop and port. As we can see in the
above figures, clk port to flop distance is around 1000 micron, with this
much distance the lower latency is unlikely to achieve.

IO Timing Solutions

There can be multiple approaches to address IO timing challenges. Let’s

discuss a few of them:

1- IO Flop Bound at Placement Stage

It is a fundamental and common approach to fix IO timing. In this approach,

we need to identify the violated IO ports and make a flop bound nearby to
ports. The distance between the port and the flop bound solely depends on
the value of IO violation. This approach will help in reducing the number of
optimization buffers/inverters in the IO path. Make sure that the bound
should not affect internal timing.

Innovus commands for creating bound of the cells:

CreateInstGroup <grp_name> -<grp_type> <bbox>addInstToInstGroup

<grp_name> <inst>

2- Insertion Delay Settings at Clock Stage

It is one of the sophisticated approaches to solve IO timing. In this

approach, we need to work on the ideal clock insertion delay for violated
input and output ports registers. 3/7
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Let's discuss some essential characteristic of a clock network before digging
more into how the insertion delay can help in timing.

The latency consists of the following components as shown in Image 3:

Latency: It is the amount of time a clock signal takes to propagate

from the original clock source to the sequential elements in the design.
Source latency: It is the delay from the clock source to the clock
definition pin in the design.
Network latency: It is the delay from the clock definition point
to the register clock pin.

fig 3

By default, the tool puts all the clock sinks, driven by the same clock, into a
common skew group and balances this with global latency target. Thus, clock
insertion delay is effectively determined by the longest sink’s insertion delay.

To address the IO fixing, we need to either pull or push the violated sinks
such that it does not affect the subsequent timing path.

We have tried a similar approach in our design with below-mentioned

innovus ccopt specific command. It helped us solve IO timing, and we were
able to achieve the ideal clock network delay as mentioned in table 2.

For pulling clock by 100ps,

set_ccopt_property insertion_delay 0.10 -delay_corner $worst_corner -pin


For pushing clock by 150ps,

Set_ccopt_property insertion_delay -0.15 -delay_corner $worst_corner -pin


While pushing tool try to add and for pulling reduces clock buf/inv in the
clock path.

Ports direction Ports Default Run latency Modified Run latency

iports1_* 0.409 0.549
iports2_* 0.420 0.560
oports1_* 0.471 0.369
oports2_* 0.490 0.385

Table 2: Ideal Clock Insertion Delay Experiment

Reg2Reg Reg2Out
After clock- After clock-
Setup Default Default Default clock-
insertion insertion
mode Reg2Reg In2Reg Reg2Out insertion
delay delay
setting setting
WNS(ns) -0.04 -0.214 -0.155 -0.045 -0.072 -0.061
TSN(ns) -2.255 -55.47 -36.268 -2.381 -3.61 -2.782
FEP 138 3895 1025 145 114 78

Table 3: Timing-Summary

As shown in Table 3, we were able to fix IO timing with this approach, and
also made sure that it’s not affecting the internal timing.

It is not always necessary that we will get the desired network delay value as
per our settings due to various challenges, which we have discussed earlier.
In such cases, we have to try with different insertion delay numbers. 4/7
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There is a chance of new internal timing violations because of IO flops’
latency change. For this type of scenario, we can enable useful-skew with
the following set of commands at the placement stage.

Note- The latency values in these commands will be inverted relative to the
set_ccopt_property specification. Therefore, if you want to pull up a pin, the
value of CTS insertion_delay should be positive (0.10ns in our case) and
set_clock_latency value at placement stage should be negative (-0.10ns in
our case).

For Input ports:

set_clock_latency 0.150 {reg_name}/phi

For Output ports:

set_clock_latency -0.10 {reg_name}/phi

There is one more way to achieve IO latency if direct pull/push does not

1. Create a dedicated skew group for sinks, which have specific latency
2. Specify all these sinks, as exclusive sinks and then specify target
latency. The exclusive skew groups always have an exclusive_sinks_rank
value greater than zero.
3. Once an exclusive skew group is created, CCOpt assigns that exclusive
skew group a rank one greater than the highest existing skew group.

create_ccopt_skew_group -name Skewgroup1 -constrains ccopt -source clk -

shared_sinks [get_ccopt_clock_tree_sinks $reg_name/clk]

create_ccopt_skew_group -name skewgroup2 -constraints ccopt -source clk

-exclusive_sinks {get_ccopt_clock_tree_sinks $reg_name2/clk}

set_ccopt_property target_insertion_delay -skew_group skewgroup2 550

fig 4: Exclusive Skew Group

1. After running the first command, a single skew group Skewgroup1 is

created. This is a shared skew group, has an exclusive_sinks_rank value
of zero. All the "clk" pins in the design are the members as well as the
active sinks of this skew group.
2. The second command defines an exclusive skew group Skewgroup2. It
has given an exclusive_sinks_rank value of 1, which is one higher than
the current highest rank of 0.
3. Sinks that match the pattern reg_name2/phi are now members of both
skewgroup1 and SkewGroup2 but they are only active sinks in
4. If we are checking input and output port latency through report_timing
at block-level then ensure to take care below points.

At top-level, Input port’s register clock pin will be considered in

“Capture” path and Output port’s register clock pin will be considered in 5/7
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“Launch” path

For Input ports:

get_property $timingPath capturing_clock_latency

For Output ports:

get_property $timingPath launching_clock_latency

There are few more approaches that can be used for remaining minor IO
timing violations such as:

Net delay improvement: go to the higher layer or ndr

Swap cells to lowest vt available, increase the drive strength, improve
the crosstalk and useful skew at signoff
Ensure that big-drive strength buffers/inverters are also listed in the
clock specification file. Limited buffer list may also cause a problem
while building clock-tree
Routing layer assignment may impact latency due to different RC
characteristics. Use non-default rule and multi-cut vias for routing or
choose higher routing layers that have smaller RCs


There can be multiple reasons for IO timing violations and therefore you
should select the appropriate approach based on the scenario. The solutions
provided in this article can help designer to understand interface timing
associated challenges and solutions. To simplify IO timing closure not all
solutions are applicable to a particular design, but a mix of these solutions
can helps the design team to achieve desired results.


1. Article (20159220) Title: How to pull up/down the latency to sinks

using CCOpt
2. Cadence Support Home


Madhav Shah has almost 7 years of experience in ASIC Physical Design

domain. He holds an Engineering degress in ECE and has worked on various
technology nodes such as 28nm, 12nm, and 7nm in Networking SoC and has
successfully taped out ASIC chips from RTL netlist to GDS including Sign off

Manish Sagarvanshi has more than 5 years of experience in ASIC Physical

Design domain and has more than 1 year of experience as a Cadence
Innovus Application Engineer.
He has worked on various technology nodes such as 16nm ,14nm, and 7nm
in Networking SoC and Qualcomm processor LPF and has successfully taped
out ASIC chips from RTL netlist to GDS including Sign off process.

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