Lab Manual 2019
Lab Manual 2019
Lab Manual 2019
Lab Manual
Mohammad Mufid Sehwail
Candidate Dr. in Civil Engineering
Spring, 2019
Course Syllabus
Catalog description: This course covers the following topics: Tension test, Torsion test, Deflection of
beams, Buckling of Columns, Creep test, Impact Test, Hardness test and Fatigue test.
7. Topics Covered
Tension test
Torsion test
Creep test
Hardness test
Fatigue test
Deflection on beams test
Buckling of columns
Impact Test
Thin Cylinder
Direct 1. 65% of the class students score over 60% in each performance indicator and each
performance supported program outcome
Targets 2. The class average is at least 65% in each performance indicator and each supported
program outcome
Indirect 65% of the class students score over 60% in each performance indicator for each
performance supported program outcome
How to write a laboratory report
1. Title: This should indicate the nature of the test and the specifications number
2. Scope of the test: A brief statement of the purpose and significance of the test
should be indicated.
5. Data and results of the test: All laboratory data shall be submitted in tabular
graphical form.
drawn to the silent facts shown by the tables and diagrams. The test results
should be compared with the standard values and conclusion should be drawn.
Experiment No.1
Tension test
Title: Tension test
Aim: To determine the tensile strength of a specimen (Steel, Brass, and Aluminum)
The tensile test is most applied one, of all mechanical tests. If the applied load is small
enough, the deformation of any solid body is entirely elastic. An elastically deformed
solid will return to its original position as soon as load is removed. However, if the load
is too large, the material can be deformed permanently.
The initial part of the tension curve (figure 3), which is recoverable immediately after
unloading, is termed as elastic and rest of the curve, which represents the manner in
which solid undergoes plastic deformation is termed plastic. The stress below which the
deformation is essentially entirely elastic is known as the yield strength of material.
Usually a tension test is conducted at room temperature and the tensile load is applied
slowly. During this test either round or flat specimens (Figure 2) may be used. The
round specimens may have smooth, shouldered or threaded ends. The load on the
specimen is applied mechanically or hydraulically depending on the type of testing
1. Measure the dimensions of a specimen
• Diameter, d
• Gage length of a specimen, L
• Cross sectional area, Ao ,
2. Mark gage length (Lo) at different portions on the specimen, covering effective length
of a specimen. (This is required so that necked portion will remain between any two
points of gage length on the specimen).
3. Grip the specimen in the fixed head of a machine. (Portion of the specimen has to be
gripped as shown in the fig.1
4. Fix the extensometer (device used to measure the change in length) within the gauge
length marked on the specimen. Adjust the dial of extensometer at zero.
7. Keep speed of machine uniform. Record yield point, maximum load point, and the
point of breaking the specimen.
8. Remove the specimen from machine and study the fracture observes type of fracture.
1. Calculate stress and strain for every interval of applied load.
2. Draw stress-strain curve as shown in the Fig.(3)
3. Compute the following;
a. Modulus of elasticity σ = EƐ
Hook’s law states that stress is always proportional to strain within elastic limit. The ratio
of stress and strain is constant, called modulus of elasticity or young’s modulus (E).
The point, at which strain increases without increase in stress, is known as Yield point.
Stress measured at yield point is called yield stress.
c. Tensile strength:
Maximum carrying capacity of a material in tension is called tensile
d. Modulus of resilience: The ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed
elastically in order to return it to its original shape when unloaded.
Ur = x σy x Ɛy
e. Modulus of Toughness
UT = x σmax x Ɛmax
Experiment No.2
Torsion test
Title: Torsion test
Aim: To find the modulus of rigidity of a specimen (Steel, Brass, and Aluminum)
A torsion test is quite instrumental in determining the value of rigidity (ratio of shear stress
to shear strain) of a metallic specimen. The value of modulus of rigidity can be found out
through observations made during the experiment by using the torsion equation:
G: Modulus of Rigidity
T: Torque
: Polar Moment of Inertia
: Angle of Twist
A twisting force or moment that tends to cause rotation. The point where the object rotates
about is called AXIS OF ROTATION.
1. Prepare the testing machine by fixing the two twist meters at some constant lengths
from fixed support.
2. Measure the diameter of the pulley and the diameter of the rod.
3. Draw a straight line along the specimen’s rod in order to observe the twisting
3. Apply the twisting force on the specimen (in steps) and continue till the specimen is
broken. For each step, record the twisting angle (twist meter) along with the Torque
(load gage).
4. Use the above formula to calculate G
Experiment No.3
Bending test
Title: Bending test
Aim: To find the values of bending stresses and young’s modulus of a material (steel,
Brass, Aluminum) by applying a concentrated load at the center of a simply supported
If a beam is simply supported at the ends and carries a concentrated load at the center,
the beam bends concave upwards. The distance between the original position of the
beam and its position after loading (bending) is different at different points (figure 1)
along the length if the beam, being maximum at the center in this case. This difference
is called ‘deflection’. In this type of loading the maximum amount of deflection is given
by the relation,
Draw a graph between load (W) and deflection (δ). On the graph choose any two
convenient points and between these points find the corresponding values of W and
δ. Putting these values in the relation to calculate E;
Experiment No.4
Title: Column buckling test
Leonhard Euler first derived a series of equations that can successfully determine the
buckling behavior of columns. The following procedure attempts to verify one of these
equations. The maximum load, the highest load a column can support without buckling,
is correlated to the Young's modulus, moment of inertia, length of a beam, and method
of support. The practice of using a column buckling machine can be very accurate with
proper testing materials and procedure. The results within this experiment exhibited up
to 44% error. Euler determined the following expression for determining the
critical load.
Figure 1. Effective length based on different support conditions
Experiment No.5
Creep Test
Title: Creep Test
Aim: To perform a creep test to a lead specimen, and to draw the creep curve with the
obtained results. Creep determines the materials behavior under constant loads and
high temperatures.
Materials are often placed in service at elevated temperatures and exposed to static
mechanical stresses. Deformation under such circumstances is termed creep. Creep
deformation is dependent on time and temperature. A typical creep test consist of
subjecting a specimen to a constant load or stress while maintaining the temperature
constant; deformation or strain is measured and plotted as a function of elapsed time.
Figure 2 below shows a typical creep curve shape divided into three periods of time
Figure 2. Typical Creep Curve
Accurately measure and record the width and thickness of the specimen and
enter your measurements and type of specimen.
Put the weight hanger in position and fit its support pin in its highest hole to hold
the arm up and ready for the test specimen.
Fit the specimen support clips to the specimen.
Fit a suitable weight to the weight hanger. Apply the load to give a stress that
gives the longest test time.
Apply the loading on the specimen and Record the specimen extension every 30
seconds (0.5 minutes), until it fractures or stop extending due to the limits of the
Experiment No.6
Impact Test
Title: Impact Test
Aim: To determine the Impact toughness (strain energy) through Izod & Charpy test.
The difference between potential energies is the fracture energy. Energy used in
fracturing the specimen can be obtained approximately as:
Wh1 - Wh2
= mgh1 - mgh2
Moreover, the initial and final heights (h1 & h2) can be calculated by:
1. Measure the dimensions of the specimen. Also, measure the dimensions of the
2. Raise the hammer and note down initial reading from the dial, which will be energy to
be used to fracture the specimen.
3. Place the specimen for test and see that it is placed center with respect to hammer.
Check the position of notch.
4. Release the hammer and note the final reading. Difference between the initial and
final reading will give the actual energy required to fracture the Specimen.
5. Compute the energy of rupture of each specimen.
Experiment No.7
Fatigue Test
Title: Fatigue Test
Aim: To define the fatigue endurance limit or fatigue life and fatigue strength of the
Most engineering failures are mainly due to fatigue in which the components are
subjected to fluctuating or cyclic loading such as suspended bridges, rails, or airplane
wings. Though the fluctuating load is normally less than the yield strength of the
materials, it results in fracture behavior which is more severe than that achieved from
static loading. Fatigue failures are therefore unpredictable, and provide high-risk
situations, if the operators are not aware of material behavior when subjected to fatigue
1. Measure dimensions of the specimens.
2. The bending stress for a load P (N) can be calculated using the following
3. Conduct the fatigue test at room temperature using the fatigue testing machine.
Fit one end of the specimen to a motor and fit the other end to a bearing hung
with a known weight, indicating the stress applied to the specimen.
4. Start the motor to rotate the specimen at a constant speed. The revolution
counter is used to record the number of cycles to which the specimen fails.
Record the results.
5. Construct the S-N curves of the steel specimens.
6. Calculate Fatigue Ratio using the following equation:
Fatigue Ratio =
Experiment No.8
Hardness Test
Title: Hardness Test
Hardness: A measure of the resistance to localized plastic deformation induced by
either mechanical indentation or abrasion. Some materials (e.g metals) are harder than
others (e.g plastics).
Hardness is dependent on:
Elastic stiffness
1. Place the specimen on the hardness test machine
4. Place the head of the indentation to the surface of the specimen and apply the load.
: Diameter of indentation
Experiment No.9
Title: Thin Cylinder
Open Ends Test:
The show the linearity of the strain gauges in the Open Ends condition
To find the hoop stress and strain relationship (Young’s Modulus) for the
cylinder material
To find the longitudinal and hoop strain relationship (Poisson’s Ratio) for the
cylinder material
To show how to draw and use a Mohr’s Circle
Closed Ends test:
To use the experience gained from the Open Ends experiment to analyze the more ‘real
world’ application of a ‘Closed Ends’ (biaxial stressed) cylinder.
The longitudinal and hoop stresses are directly proportional to the internal pressure and
the diameter-to-thickness ratio of the cylinder. The radial stress is only related to the
internal pressure.
Because of their relationship to the geometry, the Longitudinal and Hoop stresses are
far greater and more significant than the radial stress in a thin cylinder. For this reason,
the radial stress is small enough to ignore in basic calculations
A Hand Wheel at the end of the frame sets the cylinder for the open and Closed Ends
When the user screws in the Hand Wheel, it clamps the free-moving
pistons in the cylinder. The frame then takes the axial (longitudinal)
stress and not the cylinder wall, as if the cylinder has no ends. This
allows ‘Open Ends’ experiments (see Figure 3).
When the user unscrews the Hand Wheel, the pistons push against caps
at the end of the cylinder and become ‘Closed Ends’ of the cylinder. The
cylinder wall then takes the axial (longitudinal) stress (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Closed Ends Condition
In stress analysis, cylinders are divided into two groups: thick and thin.
Three direct stresses can act on a closed cylinder with an internal pressure:
1.Longitudinal (or Axial) stress – the stress along the cylinder length (axis).
2.Hoop (or Circumferential) stress - the stress around the diameter of the
3.Radial stress – the compression of the walls of the cylinder. It is equal to the
pressure on the inside, and zero on the outside.
The longitudinal and hoop stresses are directly proportional to the internal pressure and
the diameter-to-thickness ratio of the cylinder. The radial stress is only related to the
internal pressure.
Because of their relationship to the geometry, the Longitudinal and Hoop stresses
are far greater and more significant than the radial stress in a thin cylinder. For
this reason, the radial stress is small enough to ignore in basic calculations
Stresses in Thin Walled Cylinder
The individual direct stresses in a thin walled cylinder are given by:
2. Switch on the power to the Thin Cylinder and leave it for at least five minutes
before you do the experiment. This allows the strain gauges to reach a stable
temperature and give you accurate readings.
3. Look at the positions of the strain gauges (see Figure 5 or the diagram on the
front of the Thin Cylinder). Which gauges do you think will give direct readings of the
Hoop Strain and Longitudinal Strain in the cylinder?
4. Open (turn anticlockwise) the Pressure Control and screw in the Hand Wheel to
set up the Open Ends condition.
5. Shut (turn clockwise) the Pressure Control and use the ‘Press & hold to zero’
button to zero the strain gauge display readings. All the strain gauge readings
should now read 0 με (+/−5 με), and the pressure meter should read 0 MN.m-2 (+/-
0.05 MN.m-2).
6. Enter your first set of readings (at zero pressure) into your blank results table.
7. Pump the Hand Pump until the pressure is approximately 0.5 MN.m-2. Wait a few
seconds for the readings to stabilize and record the readings into the results table.
Try to get as close as possible to 3 MN.m-2 so that you can compare your
results with theoretical values.
9. Open (turn anticlockwise) the Pressure Control to reduce the indicated pressure
back to 0 MN.m-2.
Experiment Name
Experiment Number
Student Number:
Submission Date: