BMA14 Module 2
BMA14 Module 2
BMA14 Module 2
Diversity in 2
Prepared by: Raymond M. Ramos, DBA
• Describe the forms of
workplace diversity.
• Demonstrate how workforce
discrimination undermines
organizational effectiveness.
• Describe how organizations
management diversity
Diversity in Organization
In this topic, we look at how organizations
should work to maximize the potential contributions
of a diverse workforce. Because each of us is different
from others in myriad ways, we consider diversity in
many different forms. We also show how individual
differences in abilities affect employee behavior and
effectiveness in organizations.
What is
We are, each of us, unique. This is obvious enough, but
managers sometimes forget they need to recognize and
capitalize on individual differences to get the most from
their employees. In this chapter, we'll learn how
individual characteristics like age, gender, race,
ethnicity, and abilities can influence employee
performance. We'll also see how managers can develop
awareness about these characteristics and manage a
diverse workforce effectively.
• Age
• Gender
• Occupation
• Qualification
• Income
• Religion
• Race
Levels of
Surface-level Diversity
Differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as
gender, race, ethnicity, age, or disability, that do not
necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel but
that may activate certain stereotypes.
Deep-level Diversity
Differences in values, personality, and
work preferences that become progressively more
important for determining similarity as people get to
know one another better.
Noting of a difference between things; often we refer
to unfair discrimination, which means making
judgments about individuals based on stereotypes
regarding their demographic group.
Judging someone on the basis of our
perception of the group to which that person
Stereotype Threat
Stereotype Threat describes the degree to
which we internally agree with the generally
negative stereotyped perceptions of our
groups. Along with that comes a fear of being
judged when we are identified with the
negative connotations of that group.
Forms of Discrimination
Biographical Characteristics - Personal
characteristics such as age, gender, race, and length
of tenure that are objective and easily obtained from
personnel records. These characteristics are
representative of surface- level diversity.
• Age
• Sex
• Race and Ethnicity
• Disabilities
• Hidden Disabilities
Other Differentiating
The last set of characteristics we'll look at includes
tenure, religion, sexual orientation and gender
identity, and cultural identity. These characteristics
illustrate deep-level differences that provide
opportunities for workplace diversity, as long as
discrimination can be overcome.
an individual's capacity to perform the
various tasks in a job.
Intellectual Abilities
The capacity to do mental activities thinking,
reasoning, and problem solving.
General Mental Ability
an overall factor of intelligence, as suggested by the
positive correlations among specific intellectual
ability dimensions.
Dimensions of
Intellectual Ability
Physical Abilities
The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina,
dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
9 Basic Physical
Implementing Diversity
Management Strategies
Having discussed a variety of ways in which people
differ, we now look at how a manager can and should
manage these differences. Diversity management
makes everyone more aware of and sensitive to the
needs and differences of others. This definition
highlights the fact that diversity programs include and
are meant for everyone.
Implementing Diversity
Management Strategies
Diversity is much more likely to be successful when
we see it as everyone's business than when we
believe it helps only certain groups of employees.
Implementing Diversity
Management Strategies
• Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining
Diverse Employees
• Diversity in Groups
• Effective Diversity programs
Thank you
very much!
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