Gluraldehyde Emmanueletal
Gluraldehyde Emmanueletal
Gluraldehyde Emmanueletal
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Glutaraldehyde (GA), an aliphatic dialdehyde disinfectant, and surfactants, one of the major components of detergents, are widely used
in hospitals in order to eliminate pathogenic organisms causing nosocomial infectious diseases. After their use, disinfectants and
surfactants reach the wastewater network together. The discharge of chemical compounds from hospital activities into wastewater is also a
well-known problem, causing pollution of water resources and constituting an ecological risk for aquatic organisms. In this study, the
chemistry and toxicology of GA and surfactant mixtures were reviewed in order to estimate their fate in aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore,
their joint effects on aquatic organisms were experimentally assessed in the laboratory. A simple model of the additive joint action of
toxicants was used to determine combined acute toxicity effects on the bacteria luminescence and Daphnia mobility of three mixtures
containing GA at 1.5EC50 24 h [in mg/L] on Daphnia and anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants at twice their critical micellar
concentration (CMC). The mixture of GA and a cationic surfactant gave an EC50 30 min on Vibrio fischeri of 0.158%, with a
concentration of 0.04 mg GA/L and 1.04 mg CTAB/L, which provided an additive action. The interaction between GA and an anionic
surfactant on V. fischeri produced an antagonistic joint action with an EC50 30 min of 3.95%, containing 1.06 mg GA/L and 33.2 mg
SDS/L. A synergistic action with an EC50 30 min of 8.4% on V. fischeri was observed for the mixture containing GA and a nonionic
surfactant. Antagonistic interactions were observed for the joint action between GA and the surfactants studied on Daphnia. The mixture
of GA and CTAB was more toxic (EC50 24 h=0.02%) than the two other mixtures (EC50 24 h GA+SDS=6%; EC50 24 h GA+TX
100=10%). This study provides new data on the toxicity of certain hospital pollutants entering the aquatic environment and detected in
surface and groundwaters. It is necessary to study the joint effects of GA and surfactant mixtures following chronic and sublethal standard
bioassays in order to estimate the contribution of the additive joint action models in assessing the environmental risk of hospital
wastewater (HW).
D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
(Schwarz and Vaeth, 1987; Talmage, 1994). As a result of joint effects on aquatic organisms experimentally in the
widespread nosocomial infectious diseases, i.e., diseases laboratory.
contracted during hospitalisation, hospitals use large
amounts of disinfectants and detergents, in order to 2. Theory
eliminate pathogenic organisms (Leprat, 1998). Since
patients and medical staff spend most of their time indoors, 2.1. Chemistry and toxicology of GA and surfactant
a healthy indoor environment in hospitals is critical to mixtures
maintaining human health (Berry, 1994). After their use,
disinfectants and surfactants reach the wastewater network 2.1.1. Chemistry and toxicology of GA
together (Kümmerer, 2001). The discharge of chemical Glutaraldehyde (GA) solutions, a cool sterilant, are used
compounds from hospital activities into wastewater is also a in hospitals to disinfect and clean heat-sensitive equipment
well-known problem, causing pollution of water resources such as dialysis instruments, surgical instruments, suction
and ecological risks for aquatic organisms (Richardson and bottles, bronchoscopes, endoscopes, and ear, nose and
Bowron, 1985; Gartisser et al., 1996; Kümmerer et al., throat instruments (HSDB, 1996; NIOSH, 2001). This
1997; Halling-Sbrensen et al., 1998; Sprehe et al., 1999; chemical is also used as a tissue fixative in histology and
Emmanuel et al., 2001; Jolibois et al., 2002). pathology laboratories and as a hardening agent in the
Polluted hospital wastewater generally contains hun- development of X-rays (NIOSH, 2001). Table 1 shows
dreds of chemicals. U.S. EPA (1989) has detected 400 certain physical and chemical properties of GA.
toxic and hazardous pollutants in hospital wastewater. The GA is classified according to Appendix 1 of Council
fate of several chemical substances released by hospital Directive 67/548/EEC as T (toxic) and assigned as RT25
activities has been reported in the literature, such as based on oral LD50 in rats of 100 mg/kg (EC, 1967). GA is
analysis of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine an active biocidal substance effective against aerobic and
(Rodier, 1971; Erlandsson and Matsson, 1978), monitor- anaerobic bacteria, moulds and yeast, and algae (FEI,
ing of antibiotics in the aquatic environment (Hirsch et 2001). The effects of GA on human beings have been
al., 1999), release of disinfecting solutions containing reported in the literature. Cases of proctitis (Burtin et al.,
glutaraldehyde, a volatile, irritant and toxic chemical 1993), colitis (Asselah et al., 1996), and rectitis (Ledinghen
compound (Jolibois et al., 2002), and surfactants (Singer et al., 1996) have been observed in patients who underwent
and Tjeerdema, 1993). However, very few studies have medical examinations with materials disinfected with GA
dealt with the combined effects of pollutants contained in that had been insufficiently rinsed. Due to its volatility and
hospital solutions. Indeed, the release of complex mixtures irritating nature, occupational asthma has also been reported
by hospital departments may represent a real environ- among workers repeatedly exposed to glutaraldehyde
mental problem, thus it is very important to predict the (Cullinan et al., 1992; Chan-Yeung et al., 1993; Stenton
fate of hospital pollutants after their discharge into the et al., 1994; Gannon et al., 1995). Other evidence of the
environment. toxicity of GA to humans is limited to reports of occupa-
Chemical and physicochemical processes have been tional exposure due to its use as a disinfectant and
identified as one of the important steps resulting from the sterilizing agent. Frequently observed effects of exposure
emission of a toxic substance into the aquatic environment, include skin sensitivity resulting in dermatitis, cutaneous
that is to say the interaction of the substance discharged disorders like allergic eczema (Foussereau, 1985), and
with other constituents in water and the process by which irritation of the eyes and nose accompanied by rhinitis
it becomes more or less available to organisms (Calamari (Jordan et al., 1972; Corrado et al., 1986; Hansen, 1983;
and Alabaster, 1980). By-products of chemical and Wiggins et al., 1989).
physicochemical processes are sometimes more toxic than
initial substances. Furthermore, the effect of a mixture of
Table 1
chemicals can be simply additive, more than additive
Physical and chemical properties of glutaraldehyde (HSDB, 1996)
(synergistic) or less than additive (antagonistic) (Calamari
Molecular formula C5H802
and Alabaster, 1980; Hermens et al., 1984). Since
Structural formula (CHO-(CH2)3-CHO)
glutaraldehyde (GA) is a widely used disinfectant, we felt Molecular weight 100.12 g/mol
it necessary to study the type of relation that this chemical Melting point 14 8C
and surfactants may produce when present together in Boiling point 188 8C
hospital wastewater (HW). Three types of surfactants were Vapor pressure 0.6 Torr at 25 8C
Specific gravity 0.7 25 8C/25 8C
chosen for this study: sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS—
Water solubility 100 g/100 g H2O at 25 8C
anionic), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB—cati- Solubility soluble in water, alcohol, benzene
onic) and Triton X-100 (TX-100—nonionic). The aim of Henry’s law constant 1.1e7 atm/m3 mol
this study was: (i) to review the chemistry and toxicology kOH 2.4e11 cm3/molecule s
of GA and surfactant mixtures in order (ii) to estimate their log K ow 0.18
Conversion factor 4.1 Ag/m3 per ppb at 25 8C
fate in an aquatic ecosystem, and (iii) to evaluate their
E. Emmanuel et al. / Environment International 31 (2005) 399–406 401
was carried out to obtain an average value in mg/L for the Table 4
24-h EC50, represented in this study by the symbol bc mg/ Characteristics of the experimental solutions
LQ. The study of toxic effects of the GA and surfactant Mixture Composition of the mixtures
mixtures on aquatic organisms (Vibrio fischeri, D. magna) (1) GA+SDS GA50% at [1.5 c mg/L]+SDS at [0.84 g/L]
was carried out by using a certain number of experimental (anionic surfactant)
(2) GA+TX-100 GA50% at [1.5 c mg/L]+TX-100 at [0.37 g/L]
solutions formulated for this study by following two
(nonionic surfactant)
different steps. Experimental solutions were fabricated on (3) GA+CTAB GA50% at [1.5 c mg/L]+CTAB at [0.66 g/L]
the day of the preliminary assay and used within 72 h. (cationic surfactant)
Distilled water was used for the main solutions and
synthetic ISO medium was applied for the dilutions.
solution or an aqueous mixture capable of immobilizing
3.1. Step 1 50% of daphnia exposed to toxicants within 24 or 48 h. In
conformity with European standard NF EN ISO 6341, the
This step was based on the determination of EC50 24 h different assays were carried out on D. magna maintained
on Daphnia of the different substances at certain concen- in parthenogenetic culture at the POLDEN laboratory
trations, i.e., GA at [1.5 c mg/L] and surfactants at twice (National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon—INSA
their CMC. SDS, CTAB and TX-100 (anionic, cationic and de Lyon). The sensitivity of the laboratory species was
nonionic surfactants) obtained from Sigma Aldrich were controlled by regular tests with potassium dichromate.
used in this study. The physicochemical properties of these Only young female Daphnia aged less than 24 h were
surfactants are shown in Table 3. used. There were 20 daphnia per concentration distributed
in four tubes. The normal medium, without EDTA, was
3.2. Step 2 also used. The assays were carried out at 20F2 8C in the
In this step, three experimental solutions containing GA The three conditions required for assay validity were
and surfactants were produced (Table 4) with the objective observed: (i) the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in
of determining the EC50 of the different mixtures on the the control group was z2 mg/L at the end of each assay; (ii)
aquatic organisms selected (V. fischeri and D. magna). the observed percentage of immobilization in the control
group vessels was V10%; (iii) 24 h EC50 of potassium
3.3. Toxicity test procedures dichromate was from 0.6 to 1.7 mg/L.
The bioassay on bacteria luminescence was carried out 3.4. EC50 calculations and analysis of combined toxicity of
with a LUMIStox system (Dr. Lange, Duesseldorf, mixtures
Germany) in conformity with the procedure of European
standard NF EN ISO 11348-3. The tests were performed The EC50 values for the bioassay on bacteria lumines-
using gram negative marine bioluminescent bacteria of the cence were calculated as reported by Bulich (1979). The
species V. fischeri NRRL-B-11177 of the Vibrionaceae EC50 values for the Daphnia mobility inhibition assays
family. In order to prevent TSS interference on bacteria were determined by using the Litchfield–Wilcoxon statis-
luminescence, the samples were filtered using a 0.45 Am tical method and probit analysis (Finney, 1971).
pore size membrane. The samples were treated with 20 g/L In this study, the combined toxicity of mixtures was
of NaCl solution and brought to 50 mS/cm conductivity evaluated using the simplest model bTIQ Toxicity Index of
before analysis. Eight consecutive dilutions of the con- the additive joint action of toxicants in a mixture (Plackett
centrated sample were tested (dilution factor 1:2); the and Hewlett, 1948; Birky, 1976; Belkadir, 1979): the
inhibition of bioluminescence was measured at a wave- interactions were determined by dividing the concentration
length of 490 nm, with readings after 5 and 15 min of of the compound in the mixture at EC50 (mg/L) by the
incubation at 15 8C. EC50 of the compound and then totalled to obtain TI. If
Determining the inhibition of D. magna Straus mobility TI=1, the interaction is additive; if TIb1, the interaction is
was done by carrying out an acute toxicity assay with the synergistic; and if TIN1, the interaction is antagonistic
aim of identifying the initial concentration of a pollutant in (Belkadir, 1979).
Table 3
A few physicochemical proprieties of surfactants used in this study (Shinoda et al., 1963)
Surfactant Symbol Formula MW (g/mol) CMC (mmol/L)
Cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) CTAB [CH3(CH2)15N(CH3)3]Br 364 0.9
Anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfonate) SDS C12H25SO4Na 288.38 1.45
Nonionic (Triton X-100) TX-100 C8H17C6H4O(CH2CH2O)9.5H 625 0.27
E. Emmanuel et al. / Environment International 31 (2005) 399–406 403
4. Results Table 6
Toxicity of mixtures on V. fischeri
4.1. Toxicity of GA and surfactants Mixtures EC50 30 Concentration of TI
min Vibrio compound in
fischeri mixture at EC50
The results shown in Table 5 summarize the acute (mg/L)
toxicity of single GA and single surfactants on the aquatic
GA Surfactant
organisms selected in this study.
GA+CTAB 0.158% 0.04 1.04 1
[26.85 mg GA/L+660
4.2. V. fischeri mg CTAB/L]
GA+SDS 3.95% 1.06 33.2 120.12
Generally, cationic and anionic surfactants are more toxic [26.85 mg GA/L+840
than nonionic surfactants (Rouse et al., 1994; Park and mg SDS/L]
GA+TX 100 8.4% 2.26 31.08 0.74
Bielefeldt, 2003). This information has been proved in this
[26.85 mg GA/L+370
study (Table 5). The EC50 on V. fischeri obtained for SDS is mg TX 100/L]
lower than the EC 50 determined for the two other
surfactants. Its represents 3% of the acute toxicity of GA
on the same organism. This result indicates that the toxicity The toxicity of surfactants towards invertebrates and
of a mixture containing SDS and GA is influenced only by crustaceans has been studied (Cserháti et al., 2002). The
the action of this surfactant. information in the literature reported that the sensitivity of
The acute and chronic toxicities of SDS towards micro- crustaceans towards SDS shows high variations: blue crab
organisms were compared with the toxicities of nonionic (Callinectes sapidus) 9.8 mg/L; grass shrimp 34 mg/L and
surfactants (Cserháti et al., 2002). The effects of SDS and mysids 48 mg/L (Whiting et al., 1996). The sensitivity of
Tween 80 on the growth of the cyanobacterium, Gloeo- aquatic invertebrates showed high variations according to
capsa, and its capacity to fix nitrogen is reported in the both the species and the type of surfactants. D. magna was
literature (Tozum-Calgan and Atay-Guneyman, 1994). Both found to be the most sensitive (Cserháti et al., 2002). Acute
growth and nitrogen fixing were inhibited at 50 ppm SDS toxicity values of surfactants on aquatic invertebrates varied
and 500 ppm Tween 80. The results clearly show that the from 1.7 to 270 mg/L for linear alkylbenzene sulfonate, 1.0
toxicity of SDS is considerably higher than that of the and 6.8 mg/L for nonionic alkylethoxylate, and 0.1 and 58
nonionic surfactant (Tozum-Calgan and Atay-Guneyman, mg/L for the cationic cetyltrimethylammonium chloride
1994). We also established that anionic surfactants influence (Lewis and Surprenant, 1983; Verge and Moreno, 2000).
the activity of microorganisms. Thus, they stimulate Among the acute toxicity values on Daphnia of the selected
respiration rate at low concentrations and inhibit it at higher surfactants obtained in the study, only the EC50 24 h (0.024
concentrations (Cserháti et al., 2002). Anionic surfactants mg/L) value for CTAB was outside the range of values
influence not only the enzyme’s respiration but also its reported in the literature. Indeed, CTAB appears to be more
activity and the growth of bacteria (Proksová et al., 1998). toxic for Daphnia than CTAC.
In this study, the results showed that SDS toxicity (0.276
mg/L) on V. fischeri, a marine species, was more toxic than 4.4. Toxicity studies of mixtures
the toxicity of both CTAB (1.02 mg/L), a cationic
surfactant, and TX-100 (63.6 mg/L) on the same organism. 4.4.1. V. fischeri
The results obtained for the acute toxicity of mixtures on
4.3. D. magna V. fischeri and the joint effects observed are summarized in
Table 6.
Of the four pollutants selected, CTAB had the highest An additive interaction was obtained for the interaction
acute toxicity on Daphnia. The EC50 24 h on Daphnia of GA and CTAB. This result is probably due to the fact that
obtained (0.024 mg/L) was only 0.1% of the acute toxicity both compounds are antimicrobial agents. However, it has
determined for GA. This result indicates that the toxicity of been demonstrated that solutions of GA can be inactivated
a mixture containing CTAB and GA is influenced only by by ammonium compounds (Gorman and Scott, 1980) or by
the action of this surfactant. reaction with sodium bisulfite (Jordan et al., 1996). The
joint action observed on GA and SDS mixtures indicated
Table 5 antagonistic action between these compounds. This infor-
Acute toxicities of GA and surfactants on V. fischeri and Daphnia mation confirms the prediction made on the nominal or
Parameters Units GA CTAB TX 100 SDS independent EC50 concentration of SDS on V. fischeri. The
EC50 30 min mg/L 9.06 1.02 63.6 0.276 only synergistic TI observed was for the GA and TX 100
Vibrio fischeri mixtures. This result could be attributed to the nominal EC50
EC50 24 h mg/L 19.03 0.024 38.05 29.21 concentration of this surfactant on V. fischeri. Indeed, of the
three surfactants studied, TX 100 revealed itself to be the
404 E. Emmanuel et al. / Environment International 31 (2005) 399–406
chemical with the lowest acute toxicity on bacteria predicting organo toxicant effects not only on marine
luminescence. ecosystems, but also on artificial wastewater ecosystems
(wastewater treatment) and plant and freshwater ecosystems.
4.4.2. D. magna The results obtained from the environmental portioning
The results obtained for the acute toxicity of mixtures on studies (Table 2) indicate that glutaraldehyde tends to
Daphnia and the joint effects observed are presented in remain in the aquatic compartment. Leung (2001b) noted
Table 7. Antagonistic interactions were observed for the that GA has little tendency to bioaccumulate. Indeed,
joint action between GA and the surfactants studied. bioaccumulation is a selective process by which a chemical
is concentrated in an organism in quantities greater than the
surrounding medium. The bioconcentration factor (BCF)
5. Discussion has been defined as the ratio of the concentration of a
chemical in the whole organism under steady-state con-
5.1. Fate and effects of glutaraldehyde ditions, so it can be an indicator of the accumulation of a
chemical in the lipid compartment of an organism.
The results obtained from this study indicate that GA is Bioaccumulation studies can be performed in situ by
acutely toxic to aquatic organisms. The chemical’s inhib- measuring the chemical compound in an organism exposed
ition of bioluminescence was studied using a solution to effluents. Consequently, BCF can be easily determined by
containing 26.85 mg GA/L and in conformity with the a semiempirical first-order relationship between BCF and
MICROTOX bioassay. An EC50 of 9.06 mg/L was obtained. log K ow reported by Neely et al. (1974):
Besides bioluminescence inhibition, GA can also inhibit
BCF ¼ 0:542logKow þ 0:124 ð7Þ
the growth and metabolism of bacteria. Leung (2001a)
studied the aquatic metabolism of GA using a solution of Existing models of bioaccumulation and bioconcentra-
9.45 mg GA/L. The inhibition of bacteria was observed in tion processes correlate well with the physicochemical value
the solution after 4 h of incubation (2.5103 CFU), showing of the partition coefficient of the compound in an octanol/
a decrease in comparison to the presiding measurement water system. Based on Eq. (7), the BCF calculated for GA
(1105 CFU). The metabolism of glutaraldehyde was quite is 0.026. Thus, GA is not a bioaccumulate chemical in the
rapid under aerobic conditions, with a half-time of 10.6 h same way as the hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC).
based on the disappearance of the parent compound from As a biocide, this chemical is selectively toxic to a
the water phase. Glutaraldehyde was ultimately metabolized variety of aquatic organisms. The NOEC for bacterial
to CO2, achieving a yield of 68% after 30 days. Its inhibition has been determined at about 5 mg/L (UCC,
metabolism under anaerobic conditions was also rapid (t 1/2 1994). Discharge of GA in excess of this level into a
of 7.7 h). However, anaerobic metabolism did not ultimately wastewater treatment plant may inhibit the sewage micro-
result in methane but terminated with the production of 1,5- organisms and adversely impact treatment performance
pentanediol (Leung, 2001a). (Leung, 2001b). Concentrations of GA ranging from 0.50
Since these results on the metabolism of GA and its effects to 3.72 mg/L have been detected in hospitals (Jolibois et al.,
on bacteria were achieved by using a solution of 9.45 mg 2002); these concentrations were lower than its EC50 (9.06
GA/L, and since the difference between this GA concen- mg/L) on V. fischeri and its EC50 24-h on D. magna. In the
tration in this solution and the EC50 (9.06 mg GA/L) obtained absence of other toxicants, it appears that GA concentrations
in the present study is insignificant, it seems evident that the in hospital wastewater may not have major effects on the
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