F2459 English e Tarjome
F2459 English e Tarjome
F2459 English e Tarjome
Facebook, HP, Intel, and Apple. They She wants a couple of people from the personal commitment of the
visited accelerators and incubators. overseas to participate. team members. Then she leaves.
They talked with venture capitalists What happens next? How does the
and professors. They are convinced What happens next might go team get from the kick-off meeting
that your company has to “get on the something like this. The team gets to a recommendation?
bus.” They want to dip into the Silicon in the same room at the same time
Valley zeitgeist. They know they have (which is a nontrivial exercise). B. Teams Need Coaches An
to do something but they do not know They get a pep talk from the CEO. experienced decision coach knows
what or how. She appoints the VP of Marketing exactly what to do in situations like
to be the team leader. The CEO this. The first step is to frame the
Your CEO has decided to form a team promises she will implement the project and then frame the problem.
to develop a “Silicon Valley Strategy.” team’s recommendations. The CEO Inappropriate framing is the root
She has selected the people from says she wants the cause of most bad decisions. The
marketing, sales, R&D, product recommendation to be based on framing should begin by creating a
development, and manufacturing. valid information and it must have one-page project vision. The vision
answers three questions: What are
Figure 1. A McKinsey survey of over 2,000 executives from the full range of we going to do? Why are we doing it?
industries, regions and functions revealed the following goals of strategic decision And, how will we know if we are
making. (In percentage of total decisions.) successful?
what is compelling about each accepted process for making Decisions Group (SDG) in Palo Alto,
strategy. In the synthesis phase good strategic decisions. Edwards California.
ideas are combined into a hybrid Deming, the father of the quality
strategy that the team understands movement said, “If you can’t explain We need a process that balances
and believes in. what you are doing as a process advocacy and inquiry for decisions
then you don’t know what you are that are complicated technically and
Teams can muddle through and come doing.” organizationally. Advocacy is about
up with good recommendations using standing up for our interests and
whatever process they are familiar The appropriate process depends on beliefs. Advocacy is important.
with. They do it all the time. They will the complexity of the decisions we However, in solving tough problems
do it better and have more fun if they are making and who needs to be we want to balance strong advocacy
are well coached. involved. The decision space is with strong inquiry. We want to have a
defined in Figure 5. The decisions process that allows people to present
In the rest of this article I will define listed in Figure 1 are complex balanced arguments, remain open to
the role of the decision coach. I define technically and organizationally. They
what I mean by decision engineer and require a process that can deal with Figure 4. A decision coach brings four
I will share my career path from technical issues and people issues. I things to a strategic decision project.
engineer to coach. I believe that have found the Collaborative Design
decision engineering is a natural path Process to work best across the
to decision coaching. spectrum of product planning,
corporate strategy, and even public
II. ROLE OF THE DECISION policy decisions. Your organization
may have a different process for
strategic decisions.
As shown in Figure 4 decision a
coach brings four things to a project: The Collaborative Design Process
process, tools, facilitation, and project has four clearly defined phases:
management [3]. I will expand on framing, alternative generation, Figure 5. Our choice of a decision
each of these. analysis, and synthesis. See Figure 6 making process depends on the level of
[4]. This process is simple, common technical and organizational complexity.
A. Process Process is the answer sense engineering practive. It has
to the question, “How do we do been applied extensively to business
things around here?” All decisions by my former colleagues at
organizations should have a widely Stanford University and at Strategic
alternatives, and accept constructive reach clarity of action. In other overcome a team’s tendency to use
criticism. situations it can take months and the tools they are familiar with
hundreds of hours of meetings, rather than the tools they need.
Design has become an important information collection, and computer
competitive advantage. Design is modeling.
about blending good analysis with
synthesis. Steve Jobs called Perhaps the biggest coaching
synthesis, “Connecting the dots.” In TOOLS challenge is moving teams toward
practice we can usually develop The better known strategic decision mutual learning and away from pure
powerful hybrid strategies from sets of making tools are computer-based advocacy and negotiation. People
strategies that are very different models, sensitivity analysis, tend to view decision making as a
analytically. This requires a conscience scenarios, and decision trees. There contest. The objective is to win.
effort to synthesize. In other words, if are other tools that professional
we know what is good about each decision engineers use frequently. In the 1970’s Chris Argyris and David
proposed strategy then we can usually They include framing hierarchies, Scho €ne [5], interviewed many people
combine the “good” and limit the “bad.” decision diagrams, strategy tables, and they observed many groups in
Many truly innovative approaches are and expert assessment. The tools decision making situations. They
hybrid strategies that combine the most commonly used by professional discovered that there is a large
strengths of several very different analysts are listed in Figure 7. disparity between how people say we
approaches. Apple Computer, for should act and how we actually do
example, is a hybrid. The company Selecting the right tools is not act. There seems to be a universal
combines the strengths of a hardware always easy. Choosing the wrong norm, “do what I say, not what I do”
company and the strengths of a tools can waste a team’s valuable when it comes to how we think and
software company. In short, we need a time. I have watched teams struggle act in teams.
decision making process that blends with detailed accounting models that
analysis and synthesis. did not address the real issues; People say we should think and act
issues like technical success, according to a Mutual Learning
A decision coach can help executives market share, or price. Frequently model. They say the goal is to make
choose the process that is the biggest uncertainty is whether informed choices based on valid
appropriate for the situation. In some the organization is capable of information with internal commitment.
cases a well-facilitated meeting with executing the chosen strategy. An They say that the way to do this is to
the right people is all that it takes to experienced coach can help present balanced arguments, remain
open to alternatives, and accept
Figure 7. A decision coach brings a bag full of tools.
constructive criticism. See Figure 8.
universally say yes. When the like any other complex project. How III. DECISION ENGINEERING IS
students are asked how they actually many times have you heard project THE PATH TO DECISION
think and act they point to the evaluations like these? “The project COACHING
Unilateral Control Model. It is a bit cost too much.” “It took too long,” “The
unsettling. You can run the wrong people were involved.” These The term decision engineer has been
experiment yourself. are project management issues. They with us for a long time. Decision
have little to do with the technical engineering books have been written
A well-trained, experienced decision content of the project. There is an old and decision engineering is taught in
coach can help groups move from adage that I use often, “No one cares many universities, usually under the
the Unilateral Control to Mutual how much a project costs if it is a mantel of industrial engineering,
Learning. It takes reflection, success. No one cares how little a systems engineering, management
intervention, and skilled facilitation. project costs if it is a failure.” The goal science and engineering, or decision
I personally had the pleasure of is to get a successful project at the analysis.
working with Chris Argyris and his right price. Price includes time and
colleagues in the 1990’s. I have money, and I might add, personal I believe that most future decision
used what I learned from them in stress. coaches will begin as decision
my coaching work for the last 20 engineers. Why engineers? It takes
years. It has never failed me. A decision coach will understand the a combination of technical and
tradeoffs that need to be made organizational skills to work with
among time, cost, and quality. It is not teams on decisions like those in
PROJECT MANAGEMENT possible to get a high-quality project, Figure 1. Engineers are
People forget that even a high-level for low cost, in a hurry. Tradeoffs have comfortable with the technical
strategy effort needs to be managed to be made. aspects of complex decisions. It
comes naturally. With the right
Figure 8. The Mutual Learning Model. This is how we say we should think and training and experience most
behave in decision making situations. engineers can acquire the
organizational skills.
A decision engineer is able to frame whether a complex decision is good available. Early in my engineering
complex problems, design innovative or bad. A decision engineer can stay career I was told that, “Engineering is
alternatives, do analysis, and present focused on making a good decision. the art of approximation.” Decision
the results. This knowledge comes engineers know how to help other
from training and experience. A decision engineer is guided by people assign probabilities to
norms of logic and behavior. His uncertain events and overcome
An experienced decision engineer, critical thinking skills enable him to cognitive biases. In the terms of
like an experienced lawyer or doctor, understand the distinction between Daniel Kahneman, engineers know
has the skills needed to go into new what is normative and what is how to “slow think” when it is
situations and work with diverse descriptive. Engineering is guided by appropriate [6].
groups of people. He is an agile, fast professional norms of good design:
learner. Big decisions require an efficiency, ease of use, safety, and A decision engineer is forward
understanding of a broad range of durability. looking. Decision making is about the
domains: technology, markets, future. Decision engineers are
supply-chains, economics, finance, A decision engineer is a Bayesian. If comfortable using future-oriented
and project management. They also you have to look up the term tools like expert assessments,
involve working with people from a “Bayesian,” then you are probably not scenarios, and computer-based
broad range of professions. a decision engineer—yet. Bayes’ Rule structural models.
provides a logical, theoretically sound
A decision engineer knows that a framework for updating probabilities A decision engineer is process
good outcome is not the same as a as new information is acquired. oriented. There are two fundamental
good decision. The distinction Bayes’ Rule is a central underpinning processes associated with decision
between a good decision and a good of normative decision making. making: the Decision Analysis
outcome is the essence of decision Process [10] and the Collaborative
theory. It is easy to recognize a bad Good engineers know how to Design Process. The Decision
outcome. It is hard to determine exercise judgment when data is not Analysis process is for problems that
are technically complicated but
Figure 10. People say they want to move toward the Mutual Learning Model. straightforward organizationally. The
A coach can help them get there. Decision Analysis process is
appropriate when there are only a few
stakeholders involved and they are
well aligned. The Collaborative
Design process is appropriate when
the stakes are high and many people
with diverse backgrounds and diverse
objectives are involved.
B. My Personal Odyssey As an
undergraduate I studied mechanical
and electrical engineering at and bringing the voices of marketing allowed me to enjoy my passion for
Northwestern University. My first job and engineering into the decisions. design, technology, and engineering.
was with Honeywell Aeronautical We consulted with teams that worked I’ve had the pleasure of working with
Division in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I on the fifth-generation Corvette, the many smart, dedicated people on
worked on the Apollo Project. From new Cadillac line, the full-sized important projects. I’ve seen the world
Honeywell I went to IBM in Boulder, pickup truck, and several other and I have helped create billions of
Colorado, to work on the IBM360 vehicle lines. All of these products dollars of value. My path is typical of
computer. In 1970 I decided to study involved big, risky decisions. the path I believe many engineers
in the newly formed Engineering- can follow.
Economic Systems Department at Over time I moved from a consulting
Stanford University. role to a coaching role. In the If you want to become a decision
coaching role I helped form teams of coach then my advice is to first
I finished a Ph.D. degree in 1975 and GM professionals. I helped select the become a decision engineer. Find a
joined the Decision Analysis Group at right process; frame the decisions; place where you can learn systems
SRI International. This was the era of develop alternatives; oversee analysis, computer modeling, and
the first energy crisis. After about three modeling efforts; facilitate difficult decision analysis. Learn about
years at SRI some friends and I started meetings; resolve conflicts; help business. Look for mentors. Get
a company to develop decision develop presentations; and supervise involved in tough projects that require
support systems for electric power project management. Some of the collaboration. Read the writings of the
companies and government policy teams were drawn from around the pioneers of modern management:
makers. We developed and sold world. The Director of Corporate Drucker [11], Deming [12], Kahneman
complex models for analyzing energy Strategy and Knowledge [6], Howard [10], Argyris [5], Porter
markets and electric power systems. Development at GM, Vince Barabba, [13], Christiansen [14], and Martin
has written three books about the [15]. Learn how to keep teams
In 1989, I became a director at lessons learned [7]–[9]. focused on decisions. Learn how to
Strategic Decisions Group (SDG) a present results.
management consulting company in GM developed its own cadre of
Palo Alto, California. I was the SDG decision engineers and coaches. Decision engineering and decision
account manager for General Motors These coaches are now embedded coaching are excellent preparation for
(GM). It was a turbulent time in the throughout the company. Many taking up executive roles. As Peter
auto industry. Many important former decision coaches are now Drucker so wisely said, “Decision
strategic decisions had to be made. top-level executives. I retired from making is only one of the tasks of an
The decisions were complex, they consulting in 2000 to write and pursue executive. It usually takes but a small
involved many people, and too often public policy work in natural fraction of his time. But to make
there was a gap between what was resources and energy. decisions is the specific executive
decided and what was actually done. task.” [11].
[1] Massimo Garbulo and Dan Lovallo, How companies make good decisions:
McKinsey Global Survey Results, January 2009, http://www.mckinsey.com/
[2] Alex Kazaks and Michael Uhl, How should you tap into Silicon Valley?,
McKinsey Quarterly, September 2015, http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/
[3] S.M. Barrager, A New Profession is Emerging: Decision Coach, INFORMS
Analytics Conference, Huntington Beach, California, April 2012, Available
[4] S.M. Barrager, The Collaborative Design Process and Decision Engineering,
Presented at INFORMS Meeting, San Francisco, November 2014, Available
[5] Chris Argyris and D.A. Scho €n, Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional
Effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,1974, pp. 63–136.
[6] Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow, New York: Farrar, Straus, and
Giroux, 2011, p. 13
[7] Vincent P. Barabba, Meeting of the Minds: Creating the Market-based
Enterprise, Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1995
[8] Vincent P. Barabba, Surviving Transformation: Lessons from GM’s Surprising
Turnaround, New York: Oxford University Press, 2004
[9] Vincent P. Barabba, The Decision Loom: a Design for Interactive Decision-
making in Organizations, United Kingdom: Triarchy Press, 2011
[10] Ronald A. Howard and Ali E. Abbas, Foundations of Decision Analysis, New
York, Pearson, 2015
[11] Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive. New York: Harper & Row, 1967
[12] W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1986
[13] Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries
and Competitors, New York: The Free Press, 1980
[14] Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies
Cause Great Firms to Fail, Boston, Harvard Business School Press,
Christensen, Clayton M. 1997
[15] Roger Martin, The Design of Business, Boston: Harvard Business School
Press, 2009
Mr. Barrager serves on the Board of Trustees of Shattuck-St. Mary’s School, in Faribault,
ologie et d’Histoire des Alpes,
Minnesota. He is the founder and President of the Institut d’Arche
in Talloires, France.