Lec 1. Intro. & Significance of SM (CT-233)
Lec 1. Intro. & Significance of SM (CT-233)
Lec 1. Intro. & Significance of SM (CT-233)
Transportation causes
It is the science which deals with the physical state of rest or motion
of bodies under the action of the forces.
By analyzing the soil properties and the forces acting on the slope, engineers can
predict the potential for landslides and design measures to prevent them.
Earth retaining structure (e.g., Retaining walls) are constructed to retains (holds
back) any material (usually earth) and prevents it from sliding or eroding away.
By analyzing the soil properties, engineers can design structures that can resist
ground shaking and liquefaction.
By analyzing the soil properties, engineers can determine the thickness and
composition of the pavement layers required to support the anticipated traffic loads.
For Design and construction of roads following must be considered:
i. Compaction Characteristics
ii. Moisture Variation
By adding materials such as lime, cement, or asphalt to the soil, engineers can improve its
strength and stability.
By analyzing the soil properties, engineers can ensure that the landfill is stable
igneous rocks.
Slow cooling of magma yields large crystals while rapid cooling results
in small crystals.
Granite, syenites, diorites and gabbro have large crystals while basalts,
silica content (e.g. granite and rhyolite) mostly decompose into sand or
Metamorphism changes limestone to marble, sandstone to quartzite and
shale to slate.
Gneiss and schist decompose into silt-sand mixtures with mica, slate and
i. Water-transported soils
Transported in the form of suspended particles or by rolling sliding along the bottom
Ranges in size from boulders to clay
Coarser particles are dropped when decrease in water velocity occurs or river
deepens, widens or changes direction
Fine particles get deposited in quitter waters downstream
Soils carried and deposited by rivers are called alluvial deposits
River deltas are formed in this manner
In lake, water deposits all the coarse particles because of decrease in velocity and is
called lake deltas
Fine particles move to center of lake and settles when water becomes quite and
alternate layers are formed with season, such deposits are called lacustrine deposits
which are weak and compressible and pose problems for foundations.
If coarse and fine-grained deposits are formed in sea water, called marine deposits
Marine deposits are made up of terrestrial (eroded from shore as well as mineral
matter) and marine contributions (organic and inorganic remnants of dead marine
ii. Glacial Deposits
Compaction and re-crystallization of snow leads to formation of glaciers which
moves slowly but deforms and scour surface and bedrock over which it passes
Melting of glacier causes deposition of all materials, and such deposit is called
a Till
The land form or topographic surface after glacier has receded is called till
Till deposits contains coarser particles and form good construction material
Soil deposited by surface or sub-surface glacial rivers that remains in form of
long-winding ridges called eskers.
Large boulders picked up by glacier, transported to new location and dropped
are called erratics.
iii. Wind-Transported Soils
loose and stable condition are classified as loess having low density,
drainage by desiccation
In soft clays, desiccation proceeds very slowly and forms a thick crust
Common shapes of clay size particles are plate-like, rods and laths.
Edges of new coarse-grained particle are angular and rough but with time
they become round and smooth
The sharpness of edges and corners of particle is referred to as degree of
Degree of roundness in increasing order may be given as;
i. Angular
ii. Sub-angular
iii. Sub-rounded
iv. Rounded
v. Well-rounded
Surface texture is independent of size, shape or degree of roundness of particle
The surface texture of particle are termed as;
i. Dull
ii. Polished
iii. Smooth
iv. Rough
v. Striated
vi. Frosted
vii. Etched
viii. Pitted